Department Of Science and Technology Special Projects Division CY 2013 DOST-GIA Projects By Key Result Areas Approved Projects POVERTY REDUCTION AND EMPOWERMENT OF THE POOR AND VULNERABLE Project Code Title Project Description Project Objectives Beneficiaries Total Duration Implementing Agency CY 2013 Fund Program Name: NATIONWIDE DENGUE VECTOR SURVEILLANCE [1] 6997 Project 1. Dengue Vector Surveillance in the National Capital Region and Southern Luzon (Year 1 of 1) To provide an early To develop and maintain a General Public warning system for dengue dengue vector surveillance vector control website. To populate the website with ovilarvicidal index data gathered from participating schools nationwide. To On-time reporting of ovilarvicidal index for appropriate intervention by partner agencies such as rural units • Give basic information on minimum intervention needed for different OLI categories • Facilitate access to OLI information by partner agencies for provision of appropriate intervention 8/28/2013 - 8/27/2014 1yr(s) DOST-NCR Program Total: Group Total: 12,000,000.00 P 12,000,000.00 P 12,000,000.00 RAPID, INCLUSIVE AND SUSTAINED ECONOMIC GROWTH Project Code Title Project Description Project Objectives Beneficiaries Total Duration Implementing Agency CY 2013 Fund Program Name: ADVANCING THE PHILIPPINE MANGO INDUSTRY: PRODUCTION OF EXPORT QUALITY MANGOES [1] 5951 Project 1. Development of Pre- and Postharvest Tools and Facilities for Mango Production in Region XI (Year 2 of 3) Pre-harvest, postharvest handling and processing equipment facilities are equally important aspects that are seemingly overlooked. The lack of knowledge on postharvest handling and processing has limited the farmers’ capacity to reduce To develop a pre and post harvest tools/equipment and facilities for mango production and processing int he Region XI Mango farmers, growers and contractors, mango traders(wholesalers,retailers and exporter), mango consumers, processing plant operators,researchers and extension workers, nursery operators. 5/16/2012 - 12/31/2013 3yr(s) USeP 75,011.00 [2] 5953 Project 2.1. S&T-Based Integrated Crop Management (ICM) and GAP Adoption for Mango in Regions I, II, III, IV, VI, and XII (Year 2 of 4) [3] 5952 Project 2.2. S&T-Based Postharvest Quality Management (PQM) Adoption for Mango in Regions I, II, III, IV, VI, and XII (Year 2 of 4) relatively high and unnecessary losses after harvest. Researchers for the improvement on the pre- and postharvest tools and facilities to support local mango growers and producers have not been fully explored. Pre-harvest, postharvest handling and processing equipment facilities are equally important aspects that are seemingly overlooked. The lack of knowledge on postharvest handling and processing has limited the farmers’ capacity to reduce relatively high and unnecessary losses after harvest. Researchers for the improvement on the pre- and postharvest tools and facilities to support local mango growers and producers have not been fully explored. Pre-harvest, postharvest handling and processing equipment facilities are equally important aspects that are seemingly overlooked. The lack of knowledge on postharvest handling and processing has limited the farmers’ capacity to reduce relatively high and unnecessary losses after harvest. Researchers for the improvement on the pre- and postharvest tools and facilities to support local mango growers and producers have not been fully explored. To organize a viable grower cluster as a production unit of quality and safe mango fruits; To enhance the capability of these grower clusters and project participants to implement ICM/IPM/GAP/QA guidelines and traceability concept; To increase production of quality and safe mango fruits in accordance to GAP criteria; To develop a Mango Care Manual that covers guidelines for the production of quality and safe mango fruits Mango farmers, growers and contractors, mango traders(wholesalers,retailers and exporter), mango consumers, processing plant operators,researchers and extension workers, nursery operators. 5/1/2012 - 4/30/2015 4yr(s) UPLB-CA 2,616,958.00 To organize a viable grower cluster as a production unit of quality mango fruits; To enhance the capability of these grower clusters and project participants to implement QA guidelines and traceability concepts; To increase the production and enhance the marketability of quality mango fruits in accordance to GAP and QA guidelines; To develop a manual that covers guidelines for the production, postharvest handling and distribution of quality mango fruits Mango farmers, growers and contractors, mango traders(wholesalers,retailers and exporter), mango consumers, processing plant operators,researchers and extension workers, nursery operators. 6/1/2012 - 5/31/2015 4yr(s) UPLB-CA 175,733.00 Program Total: P 2,867,702.00 Program Name: ANTIBODY BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY RESEARCH PROGRAM 2 (AMOR 2): PHARMACOKINETICS AND PHARMACODYNAMICS OF hCC49 IMMUNOLIPOSOME IN NUDE MICE [4] 4836 Proj. 3 In Vitro Cytoxicity and Binding Studies of Anti-TAG72 Immunoliposomes Loaded with Doxorubicin (Year 2 of 3) To demonstrate and quantify specific binding in vitro of anti-TAG72 immunoliposomes; To demonstrate and quantify cytotoxicity following specific binding and entry To demonstrate and quantify specific binding in vitro of antiTAG72 immunoliposomes; To demonstrate and quantify cytotoxicity following specific binding and entry of the liposomes into the cells. Cancer Patients; Drug Industry 5/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UPD-IB 1,546,163.61 of the liposomes into the cells. 4836 Proj. 3 In Vitro Cytoxicity and Binding Studies of Anti-TAG72 Immunoliposomes Loaded with Doxorubicin (Year 1 of 3) To demonstrate and quantify specific binding in vitro of anti-TAG72 immunoliposomes; To demonstrate and quantify cytotoxicity following specific binding and entry of the liposomes into the cells. [5] 4837 Proj. 4 To demonstrate that Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics immunoliposomes reduce in Nude Mice (Year 1 of 2) tumor size in vivo more than non-targeted liposomes; To demonstrate that immunoliposomes stay longer in circulation and concentrate more at the tumor site than nontargeted liposomes. 4837 Proj. 4 To demonstrate that Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics immunoliposomes reduce in Nude Mice (Year 2 of 2) tumor size in vivo more than non-targeted liposomes; To demonstrate that immunoliposomes stay longer in circulation and concentrate more at the tumor site than nontargeted liposomes. To demonstrate and quantify specific binding in vitro of antiTAG72 immunoliposomes; To demonstrate and quantify cytotoxicity following specific binding and entry of the liposomes into the cells. Cancer Patients; Drug Industry 5/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UPD-IB 326,676.00 To demonstrate that immunoliposomes reduce tumor size in vivo more than nontargeted liposomes; To demonstrate that immunoliposomes stay longer in circulation and concentrate more at the tumor site than nontargeted liposomes Cancer Patients: breast cancer patients, patients with other solid tumors that express pancarcinoma genes; Health care professionals; Pharmaceutical Industry 5/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 2yr(s) UPD-NIMBB 235,370.00 To demonstrate that immunoliposomes reduce tumor size in vivo more than nontargeted liposomes; To demonstrate that immunoliposomes stay longer in circulation and concentrate more at the tumor site than nontargeted liposomes Cancer Patients: breast cancer patients, patients with other solid tumors that express pancarcinoma genes; Health care professionals; Pharmaceutical Industry 5/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 2yr(s) UPD-NIMBB 1,810,626.26 Program Total: P 3,918,835.87 Program Name: CHEMICAL SENSORS FOR MINE SITE MONITORING [6] 7004 Project 1. Mapping of Heavy Metal Contamination in Philippine Mining Soils Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Field (Year 1 of 3) The project aims to develop chemical environmental sensors for various mining-related situation [7] 7005 Project 2. Optical Sensors for the Heavy metal Determination of Zinc and Copper in contamination in river Ambient Water (Year 1 of 3) water and ground water is an escalating problem due To evaluate a compact commercially available laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system for determining qualitative and quantitative elemental changes in soil quality in surface soils affected by mining activities. To develop a spectral analytical method and protocols for soil analysis using LIBS as a rapid technique for heavy metal contamination requiring minimal use of sample preparation and chemicals To start-up a laboratory for soil chemical profiles or analysis especially in locations affected by active mining operations. Communities near mining sites and government environmental monitoring and related agencies To construct powerful, efficient, versatile, portable and inexpensive optical chemical sensors (optodes) for the Mining communities and surrounding areas 8/1/2013 - 7/31/2015 3yr(s) UPD-IC 9,471,646.00 8/1/2013 - 12/31/2015 3yr(s) UPD-IC 3,925,316.00 [8] 7006 Project 3. Gaseous Elemental Mercury Sensors for Atmospheric Monitoring (Year 1 of 1) [9] 7007 Project 4. Integrated Sensing System using Mobile and Cloud Technologies for Mining and Nearby Communities (Year 1 of 3) to improper implementation of regulations and poor supervision resulting to uncontrolled dumping of wastes and negligent activities by the mining sectors. The monitoring tool to be applicable to such environment must be selective both to Zn and Cu or separately, easily handled, moveable and readily re-activated once moved and yet sufficiently sensitive to yield accurate results. Portable optical chemical sensors sensitive to zinc and copper that answer to the above requirements will be developed. Analysis of the two metals will be performed practically anywhere with results/data being obtained in real time. Monitoring, therefore, of toxic heavy metals is made faster and less expensive. The project aims to develop chemical environmental sensors for various mining-related situation analysis of heavy metals (Zn and Cu). To fabricate the sensing element by the deposition of a gold film on a suitable substrate To assemble an instrumentation system for the measurement of the sensors response; and c) establish the analytical performance characteristics of the fabricated chemiresistor sensor for gaseous elemental mercury Artisans and small-scale gold miners who are not aware of the extent of their exposure to hazardous mercury vapors 10/1/2014 - 3/31/2015 1yr(s) UST 7,524,705.00 The project aims to develop chemical environmental sensors for various mining-related situation To evaluate prevailing conditions in the water compartment within the mining community through an initial on-site monitoring of various water quality parameters (dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, salinity, etc. and arsenic and mercury levels) using standard monitoring devices. Mining companies, health practitioners, environmental researchers or managers, LGUs, academic institutions, etc. in the mining communities 8/1/2013 - 7/31/2015 3yr(s) ADMU 5,265,716.00 Program Total: P 26,187,383.00 Program Name: DETECTION AND MITIGATION TECHNOLOGY AND EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR PHILIPPINE HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS (HABTECH) [10] 5937 Project 1. HAB Detection and Mitigation Technology (Year 2 of 3) Monitoring of harmful algal blooms (HAB) rely heavily on traditional methods (mussel sampling and General: To develop simple, cost-effective, and efficient technology for detection and mitigation of harmful algal LGUs,BFAR, DOH, academe, general public 3/1/2012 - 2/28/2015 3yr(s) UPD-MSI 3,932,759.35 phytoplankton identification). The development and subsequent use of a passive sampling device (SPATT-Solid Phase Adsorption Toxin Tracking) as a monitoring tool in the Philippines could aid in early detection of a bloom by accumulating toxins that are below detection limits for the traditional methods. The potential use of clay application method to mitigate HABs han been explored by China, Japan, South Korea and the USA. In the Philippines, Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum is one of several local HAB species and ball clay was seen to remove Pyrodinium cells in preliminary laboratory experiments. Ball clay has the potential to remove more htan 95% of the algal cells after 2.5 hours in controlled laboratory condition. blooms (Red Tide) occurring in the Philippines. Specific: (a) To optimize clay technology for Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)-causing red tide mitigation; (b) Optimize Solid Phase Absorption Toxin Tracking (SPATT) use for Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PSTs-Saxitoxin and other congeners) and Ciguatera Fish Toxins (Ciguatoxins and congeners); (c) Set up the AOAC-approved receptor binding assay (RBA) technology in the Marine Science Institute (MSI) laboratory and compare results with those obtained by HPLC and cell counts; (d) Improve and upscale the prototype clay dispersal equipment for use in HAB affected LGUs; and (e) Devise a system and network for clay dispersal technology application during bloom events and transfer clay mitigation technology to the LGUs Program Total: P 3,932,759.35 Program Name: DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF NEW AND ENHANCED BIOFERTILIZERS, BIOSTIMULANTS AND BIOPESTICIDES FOR INCREASED CROP PRODUCTIVITY [11] 5957 Project 1. MykoPlus Technology The proposed research Promotion and Demonstration Trials program is in support to (Year 2 of 4) the Republic Act of 10068 aimed at promoting and strengthening the development of organic agriculture in the Philippines through the reduction in the use of chemical based agricultural inputs, but harnessing the use of safe and effective natural microbial resources for increased crop productivity. It also supports the Philippine Genome Center, whereby project objectives are geared towards deeper understanding and judicious application of advanced knowledge and emerging To introduce and promote biofertilizer MykoPlus technology to farmers and DA technicians in addition to the current farmers' practice To quantify the effect of MykoPlus and soil amendments on the growth and yield properties of corn and vegetables crops like eggplant To quantify the effect of Mykoplus and soil amendments on soil properties over several seasons application To determine the economics of using MykoPlus TO prepare a business plan using Mykoplus biofertilizer Farmers, vegetable growers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, researchers and academic institutions, local government units 6/1/2012 - 12/31/2015 4yr(s) UPLB-NIMBB 932,921.18 [12] 5958 Project 2. Development and Field Testing of Endophytic Bacterial Inoculant as New Biofertilizer for Improved Production of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) and Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) (Year 2 of 4) technologies in genomic research for agriculture, biodiversity, health and disease, among others. The proposed research program is in support to the Republic Act of 10068 aimed at promoting and strengthening the development of organic agriculture in the Philippines through the reduction in the use of chemical based agricultural inputs, but harnessing the use of safe and effective natural microbial resources for increased crop productivity. It also supports the Philippine Genome Center, whereby project objectives are geared towards deeper understanding and judicious application of advanced knowledge and emerging technologies in genomic research for agriculture, biodiversity, health and disease, among others. To formulate, determine the mode of action and test the effectiveness of endophytic bacteria as inoculant for egg plant and sugarcane; To conduct bio-efficacy trial of effective inoculant suitable for improved production of eggplant and sugarcane; To conduct farmer's field trial on the effectiveness of endophytic bacterial inoculant for eggplant and sugarcane; To apply for patent on developed product To conduct economic benefit analysis the EB inoculant; Farmers, vegetable growers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, researchers and academic institutions, local government units 6/1/2012 - 12/31/2015 4yr(s) UPLB-NIMBB 590,821.68 [13] 5959 Project 3. Novel Biofertilizers for The proposed program is in Improved Productivity and support to the Republic Act Sustainable Use of Acid Soil (Year 2 of 10068 aimed at of 4) promoting and strengthening the development of organic agriculture in the Philippines through the reduction in the use of chemical based agricultural inputs, but harnessing the use of safe and effective natural microbial resources for increased crop productivity. It also supports the Philippine Genome Center, whereby project objectives are geared towards deeper understanding and judicious application of advanced knowledge and emerging technologies in genomic research for agriculture, biodiversity, health and disease, among others. To assess rhizobacterial community dynamics at different growth stages of corn grown in acid soils and determine relative abundance; To test promising isolates for plant growth promotion in the greenhouse; To formulate consortium of beneficial microorganisms that will promote plant growth and yield in acidic soil environments; To test most effective consortium of beneficial microorganisms in acid field soils using white corn and tomato as target crops; To test appropriate carrier materials for and shelflife of the formulated product; To apply the product for IPR and FPA registration; To compute for benefit cost ratio on the use of new biofertilizer Farmers, vegetable growers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, researchers and academic institutions, local government units 6/1/2012 - 12/31/2015 4yr(s) UPLB-NIMBB 377,962.99 [14] 5960 Project 4. Accessing Microbial Genome Resources and Its Utilization on the production of To define the changes in the community structures of phythohormone-producing Farmers, vegetable growers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, researchers and academic 6/1/2012 - 12/31/2015 4yr(s) UPLB-NIMBB 602,514.33 The proposed research program is in support to the Republic Act of 10068 Microbial Based Stimulants for Improved Crop Productivity (Year 2 of 4) aimed at promoting and strengthening the development of organic agriculture in the Philippines through the reduction in the use of chemical based agricultural inputs, but harnessing the use of safe and effective natural microbial resources for increased crop productivity. It also supports the Philippine Genome Center, whereby project objectives are geared towards deeper understanding and judicious application of advanced knowledge and emerging technologies in genomic research for agriculture, biodiversity, health and disease, among others. microorganism from rhizosphere of bell pepper and bitter gourd at different growth stages; To conduct data mining activities from available microbial functional genome sequences associated in plant-microbe interactions; To construct phytohormone-hyper-producing consortia for potential phytohormone productionl; To evaluate locally available materials as subtrate for phytohormone production; To formulate microbial phytohormone-based stimulants for increased productivity of bell pepper and bitter gourd; To evaluate product effects under laboratory, screen house and field conditions; To prepare cost benefit economic analysis economic on the use of the biostimulants [15] 5961 Project 5. Callus and Microbe CoThe proposed research To screen, isolate and culture as a Novel Source of program is in support to characterize the pesticidal Biopesticides Against Major the Republic Act of 10068 compounds induced in the callus Agricultural Pests and Diseases (Year aimed at promoting and and microbe co-culture; To 2 of 4) strengthening the formulate biopesticide and development of organic evaluate its pesticidal activity in agriculture in the laboratory bioassays; To Philippines through the determine stability of the reduction in the use of formulated biopesticide; To chemical based agricultural determine the effectiveness of inputs, but harnessing the the formulated product as a use of safe and effective product biopesticide in natural microbial resources greenhouse and field conditions; for increased crop To develop molecular markers productivity. It also for the callus and microbe of the supports the Philippine co-culture that produced Genome Center, whereby biopesticides; To do an economic project objectives are analysis on the use of the geared towards deeper product understanding and judicious application of advanced knowledge and emerging technologies in genomic research for agriculture, biodiversity, health and disease, among others. institutions, local government units Farmers, vegetable growers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, researchers and academic institutions, local government units 6/1/2012 - 5/31/2015 4yr(s) UPLB-NIMBB 643,819.33 [16] 5962 Project 6. Yeast Application for Biocontrol of Postharvest Pathogens of Fruits and Vegetables (Year 2 of 4) Farmers, vegetable growers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, researchers and academic institutions, local government units 6/1/2012 - 5/31/2015 4yr(s) UPLB-NIMBB 637,297.96 The proposed research program is in support to the Republic Act of 10068 aimed at promoting and strengthening the development of organic agriculture in the Philippines through the reduction in the use of chemical based agricultural To isolate and identify yeasts with antagonistic activity against the postharvest pathogens Colletotrichum sp, Erwinia sp., Fusarium spp. Aspergillus sp, Penicillium sp, Ralstonia sp.; To determine the ability of the antagonistic yeast isolates to control the identified pathogens using in vitro plate assays; To inputs, but harnessing the use of safe and effective natural microbial resources for increased crop productivity. It also supports the Philippine Genome Center, whereby project objectives are geared towards deeper understanding and judicious application of advanced knowledge and emerging technologies in genomic research for agriculture, biodiversity, health and disease, among others. [17] 5963 Project 7. Development and The proposed research Utilization of Bacteria and program is in support to Endophytic Fungi as Biopesticide and the Republic Act of 10068 Control Agent for Soil Borne aimed at promoting and Pathogens (Year 2 of 4) strengthening the development of organic agriculture in the Philippines through the reduction in the use of chemical based agricultural inputs, but harnessing the use of safe and effective natural microbial resources for increased crop productivity. It also supports the Philippine Genome Center, whereby project objectives are geared towards deeper understanding and judicious application of advanced knowledge and emerging technologies in genomic research for agriculture, biodiversity, health and disease, among others. develop formulations of the biocon agent and evaluate the methods and rate of application; To determine the shelf life of the formulated product under different storage conditions; To assess the biological efficacy of the most effective antagonistic yeast in laboratory; To apply for IPR of the developed product To determine production anti microbial properties from current PNCM microbial collection and new isolates from the field against Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani and Mycosphaerella fijiensis; To evaluate the efficacy of the biocontrol agents in in vitro trials using spiked host plants; To optimize the production of the biocontrol agent and formulate suitable carrier; To evaluate toxicological effects and impact on microbial community upon application of biocontrol agent; To evaluate the effectiveness of the formulated biopesticide in field situation; To apply for patent protection and to register the microbial pesticide with concerned government agency; To conduct economic analysis on the use of the new product Farmers, vegetable growers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, researchers and academic institutions, local government units 6/1/2012 - 5/31/2015 4yr(s) UPLB-NIMBB 428,755.13 [18] 5964 Project 8. Ensuring the Availability of High Quality Microbial Strains for Biofertilizers, Biostimulants and Biopesticides Production Through the Development and Molecular Markers, Polyphasic Identification, Long-Term Preservation and Enhanced BioBanking (Year 2 of 4) To determine the chemotaxonomic, molecular and phenotypic properties of the BSFP strains for polyphasic identification to establish their proper taxonomic position; To develop molecular markers to fingerprint the strains for ease of detection in the presence of closely related strains in the field; To properly preserve the inoculant strains to ensure their continued viability for long-term use; To enhance the BIOTECHPNCM strain bank with valuable accessions of properly identified BSFP-producing microorganisms, for agriculture and various Farmers, vegetable growers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, researchers and academic institutions, local government units 6/1/2012 - 5/31/2015 4yr(s) UPLB-NIMBB 626,112.78 The proposed research program is in support to the Republic Act of 10068 aimed at promoting and strengthening the development of organic agriculture in the Philippines through the reduction in the use of chemical based agricultural inputs, but harnessing the use of safe and effective natural microbial resources for increased crop productivity. It also supports the Philippine Genome Center, whereby project objectives are geared towards deeper industries understanding and judicious application of advanced knowledge and emerging technologies in genomic research for agriculture, biodiversity, health and disease, among others. Program Total: P 4,840,205.38 Program Name: Development of a Point-of-Care (POC) Diagnostic Testing Kit for Detecting Dengue Infections [19] 5162 Project 1: Production of Probe and Antigens (Year 2 of 3) The project will produce probes specific for dengue and dengue antigens specifically to generate anti-dengue monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and single-chain variable fragments (scFvs), and will screen and characterize the properties of the generated MAbs and scFvs and to produce diagnostic antigens using the four serotypes of the dengue virus. To produce probes specific for Health professionals' dengue 11/17/2011 - 11/16/2014 dengue and dengue antigens a. patients, population at risk for 3yr(s) To generate anti-dengue dengue monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) b. To screen and characterize the properties of the generated MAbs and scFvs c. To produce diagnostic antigens using the four serotypes of the dengue virus [20] 5163 Project 2: Design and Development of a Lateral POC System (Year 1 of 3) The project will design and develope a dual system for the detection of dengue antigen and anti-dengue antibodies (IgM and IgG) using a lateral flow strip To design and development a Health professionals and dual system for the detection of dengue patients dengue antigen and anti-dengue antibodies (IgM and IgG) using a lateral flow strip a. To determine the optimal conditions for conjugation of monoclonal antibodies or scFvs with gold particles b. To determine the optimal combination of components (e.g. membranes and conjugates) for the POC test c. To determine the optimum working conditions of the lateral flow platform The project will design and develope a dual system for the detection of dengue antigen and anti-dengue antibodies (IgM and IgG) using a lateral flow strip To design and development a Health professionals and dual system for the detection of dengue patients dengue antigen and anti-dengue antibodies (IgM and IgG) using a lateral flow strip a. To determine the optimal conditions for conjugation of monoclonal antibodies or scFvs with gold particles b. To determine the optimal combination of components (e.g. membranes and conjugates) for the POC test c. To determine the optimum working conditions of the lateral flow platform 5163 Project 2: Design and Development of a Lateral POC System (Year 2 of 3) DOH - NCH SLMC 2,389,911.00 10/1/2012 - 3/15/2015 3yr(s) SLMC 1,714,431.00 10/1/2012 - 3/15/2015 3yr(s) SLMC 811,962.28 Program Total: P 4,916,304.28 Program Name: Discovery and Development of Health Products [21] 6987 Sub-Program: Terrestrial Herbals and Drugs Candidates Project: Standardization and Chemical Profiling of Medicinal Plants (Year 1 of 3) This project aims to establish the standard chemical profile of commercial herbal medicine products. In longterm, this project will work closely with the herbal medicine industry and the Philippine FDA to provide pure standards and to assist with the quality standardization of our commercial herbal medicine products. To identify suitable marker compounds in each of the six medical plants: ampalaya, banana, bawang, bayabas, lagundi and malunggay; to perform NMR, MS, IR and other spectroscopic and physical procedures to identify the major compound and determine their suitability for use as markers compound a. Herbal medicine and pharmaceutical companies and other private investors who will commercialize the products after the technology transfer; b. Philippine FDA, which will use the validated protocols; c. Researchers who wish to study the pharmacologic action of these herbal medicines and require pure compounds for testing d. Farmers who supply the raw herbal plants for processing 7/1/2013 - 6/30/2015 3yr(s) ADMU 14,461,090.00 [22] 6986 Terrestrial and Herbal Drug Candidates: Screening for Immunomodulatory and Anti-Cancer Activities of Herbal Extracts from IB-UPD and External Sources (Year 1 of 1) The program will pursue parallel paths of drug discovery - the production of standardized herbal drugs and the identification and characterization of high-value, purified active compounds form marine terrestrial sources for specific therapeutic indications. Both "Types" of drugs will be subjected to rigorous in vitro ADMETox assays, with a view of making them more acceptable for marketing and/or licensing. Herbal medicines and leadoptimized drug candidates from Tuklas Lunas Centers and other existing drug discovery projects will also benefit from the bioassays and ADME-Tox assays that will be established as a result of this program generate a library of bioactive extracts from different plant parts using ethanol as solvent. b.To assist in the establishment of a centralized medium throughput bioassay facility to determine the various bioactivities of extracts from terrestrial biodiversity as well as microbes, through optimization of cell-based immunoassays and antiproliferative or cytotoxicity assays against selected human cancer cell lines. c.To undertake evaluation of the immunoactivity and antiproliferative or cytotoxicity of the extracts using the optimized cell-based assays, which will later on, feed on to the ADMETOX facility a. Biotechnology, pharmaceutical companies and other private investors who will commercialize the products after the technology transfer; b. Scientists/researchers who will use the validated protocols/assays; c. Herbal industries 9/27/2013 - 9/26/2014 1yr(s) UPD 42,143,208.00 Program Total: P 56,604,298.00 Program Name: DOST's Grants for Outstanding Achievements in Science and Technology [23] 6253 Application of Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) in the Screening of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV) and Molecular Characterization of CAEV Species Present in Philippine Goats (Year 2 of 3) To apply the Loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) technique in the screening of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) targeting the gag region to characterized the CAEV Species present in the To optimize the LAMP designed primers and amplification condition in the detection of CAEV To compare the CAEV species identified in the Philippines with the order CAEV species in the GenBank Veterinary diagnosticians, government and private researchers, academe, livestock industry, policy makers 10/1/2012 - 3/31/2014 3yr(s) DA-PCC 344,660.00 Philippines Program Total: P 344,660.00 Program Name: DOST's OUTSTANDING YOUNG SCIENTIST (OYS) AWARD [24] 6259 Basic Research in Chemical Thermodynamics and Applied Research in Process Simulation Experimental Studies on Thermophysical and Transport Properties Characterization of Industrially Important Solvent Systems and Process Simulation Studies of Post-Combustion Capture of CO2 and H2S Using Aqueous Single and Blended Alkanolamine Solutions (Year 1 of 1) The main aim of this project is to promote basic research in the field of chemical engineering in the Philippines by incorporating chemical engineering thermodynamics research in the undergraduate (BS) and graduate (MS/MEP/PhD) thesis and dissertation. Specifically this project aims, as starter, to characterize the thermophysical and transport properties of some industrially important solvent systems to contribute to the database of information. A Correlation/Equation/Model will also be made to generalize the results of the measurements. Also, the project will also explore the application of simulation to those process and systems where date are already available in the open literature 1.Ternary solutions - An aqueous solution consisting of a biological zwitterionic buffer and a system with a good vapor pressure which is eyed as a potential substitute to the conventional volatile organic compounds for CO2 capture ans sequestration 2.Triazine - An important substance in various chemical and biological processes which got some attention due to its fast CO2 absorption capability -A potential absorbent for CO2 capture and sequestration Target beneficiaries of this project are other academe and research institutions, as well as the industry that utilize these measured data in the design of various processes and equipment, specifically with its simulation studies and correlation that will be developed 4/1/2013 - 12/31/2013 1yr(s) MIT (MAPUA) 500,000.00 [25] 6957 Microbial Inoculants to Enhance Reforestation and Rehabilitation of the Forest Ancestral Land of Aytas (Magbukun Tribe) of Morong, Bataan (Year 1 of 3) This project aims to provide technical assistance to the indigenous people in decreasing mortality caused by pathogens and other stresses suffered by the wildlings that they culture in the nurseries. In addition assistance will also be provided to increase percent successful establishment of the wildlings planted in the open areas. such endeavor will increase the phase of reforestation and will cut short the process of forest regeneration. To determine optimum condition for the improvement of seedling survival rate in nursery and in the field to hasten the process of forest regeneration of Aytas ancestral land Ayta community (Magbukun tribe) from Morong, Bataan. Country as a whole with more data on faster reforestation. 7/1/2013 - 6/30/2015 3yr(s) UPLB 338,334.00 [26] 6258 Molecular Phylogenies of Philippine Birds Based on Historical DNA Sequences to Address Taxonomic Uncertainties and Resolve Phylogeographic Relationships (Year This proposed research echoes the importance of resolving taxonomic uncertainties in Philippine Birds, and robust -To apply molecular genetic tools to extract and sequence DNA from historical samples (Museum skins) from selected Philippine Avian Taxa -to develop specific Taxonomist-application of techniques in addressing taxonomic uncertainties in other taxa. Ornithologists Understanding the taxonomic 9/1/2013 - 8/31/2014 1yr(s) UPLB 500,000.00 1 of 1) [27] 6261 Nanostructure Electrocatalysts Based on Graphene-supported Nanoparticles Towards Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell Application (Year 1 of 1) phylogentic tress can provide the genotypic basis for understanding systematic relationships, that in turn provide support to phenotypic studies in species limits. Delimitation of Taxa has implications to biodiversity conservation, and provides the basis for re-setting priorities for target taxon groups. For example, the non-endemic Greater Flameback (Chrysocolaptes lucidus) has been recently separated into several endemic species (Collar, 2011) based on a quantitive criteria used for species delimitation (Tobias et al., 2010). We need to complement this phenotypic basis with genotypic data - which is currently lacking. We can therefore designate necessary management programs for individual endemic species as opposed to a single nonendemic taxon. Indeed, understanding the taxonomic basis of species lists is crucial to conservation planning (Peterson, 2006). A resolved taxonomy not only benefits ornithologist, evolutionary ecologists and conservationist, but has applications in eco-tourism (expand bird-watching list based from elevated taxa) primers for amplifying and sequencing short fragments of selected gene Selected Philippine Avian Taxa -To construct wellresolved phylogenetic trees based on multiple molecular loci for selected Philippine avian taxa. -To use the constructed molecular phylogenies of selected Philippine avian taxa as a basis to address taxonomic uncertainties -To use the molecular phylogenies of selected Philippines avian taxa to reconstruct time-trees and ancestral ranges, as a basis for resolving Phylogeographic relationships and biogeographic relationships of selected Philippines birds Museum curators/collection managers- reiterating importance of historical samples Evolutionary biologists - application of molecular phylogenies in understanding tempo of diversification within selected taxa of Philippine birds Biogeographers application of reconstructed ancestral areas in understanding colonisations routes taken by selected taxa of Philippine Birds Biodiversity conservation Managers Resolved taxonomic issues of selected taxa of Philippine birds Policy makers involved in environment and natural resources - resolved taxonomic issues of selected taxa or Philippines Birds Bird-watchers and eco-tourism managers results can expand birding list Electrochemical energy conversion is a topic of technological importance, with main developments arising from novel anodic electrocatalysts. For example, a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is considered as one of the important electrochemical energy conservation system suitable for a variety of applications due to its simplicity, low pollution, low operating temperatures, and high efficiency of energy The project generally aims to develop nanomaterials-based electrocatalysts for direct ethanol fuel cell application. Specifically, it will: 1) electrochemically prepare graphene (from graphite) as a support matrix for PdNi binary electrocatalysts; 2) electrochemically deposit PdNi electrocatalysts on the graphene support matrix; 3) evaluate the electrocatalytic activity of the prepared bimetallic electrocatalysts/graphene towards ethanol oxidation using voltammetry (CV) and other electrochemical techniques (e.g. It is envisage that this study 1/1/2013 - 12/31/2013 would have a long-term benefit 1yr(s) not only in the academe, but also in the industry and institute engaged in materials science, electronics, and electrochemical energy research. The use of fuel cell as a potable electrochemical energy device could benefit man and society. It can be used to power telecommunication satellites, replacing or augmenting solar panels or of biological application such as hearing aids and pacemakers. The demand UST 500,000.00 [28] 6311 Test Coverage-based Automated Program Evaluation System (Year 1 of 1) conversion. linear sweep voltammetry, chronoamperometry); 4) characterize the surface properties of the nanoparticles and nanocomposites in terms of the following: particle size and distribution using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), surface morphology using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) or Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), surface crystallinity using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), elemental composition using Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) analysis or X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) (in collaboration with the Department of Energy Systems, DGIST, South Korea); and 5) to test the fuel cell performance of the optimized graphene-based nanocomposite in actual DEFC assembly (in collaboration with the Department of Energy Systems, DGIST, South Korea) is for energy storage devices that will allow these devices to operate for longer time without being plugged into an electrical outlet [50]. furthermore, fuel cell could potentially offer 5-10 times greater energy densities that rechargeable batteries [51]. To solve the problem of handing voluminous number of programs to assess and providing meaningful feedback to users, in this proposal, we would like to produce a web-based automatic program evaluation system with emphasis on test coverage and structure analysis To solve the problem of handing voluminous number of programs to assess and providing meaningful feedback to users, in this proposal, we would like to: 1) produce a web-based automatic program evaluation system with emphasis on test coverage and structure analysis. the system should be well tested and the assessment results validated; 2)deploy and evaluate the performance of the webbased system in a typical training environment; and 3) determine if the use of an automatic program evaluation system with emphasis on test coverage and structure analysis may lead to an increased average number of successfully completed problem sets. 1)The project will benefit the students or programming trainees. Students will get immediate feedback on their submitted program solution to teacher supplied computing programs. 2) the project will benefit the instructors or trainors. the system will automatically record the student submissions (including the submission timeslamp) and evaluation scores. This will allow the teachers to concentrate on the crafting of programming problems instead of devoting most of the time checking of student works. 3) the project will benefit the school or the training center. the system will be able to manage the problem sets prepared for the training program and the solutions of students as they progress in the training. The automatic program evaluation allows the school or training center concentrate on the crafting of curriculum to based on the performance of students of trainees using the system. 6/1/2013 - 5/31/2014 1yr(s) ADMU 500,000.00 Program Total: P 2,338,334.00 Program Name: ERDT: Interdisciplinary Signal Processing for Pinoys (ISIP) Program [29] 5381 Project 6. Philippine Languages Database for Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education and Applications (Year 3 of 4) The project will create of a Philippine languages corpora that will jumpstart the preservation of the many languages of the Philippines through recorded spoken and written texts. To develop a speech data New graduates acquisition tool that will facilitate all future corpora building for the computational Linguistics and academic communities; To design and create a corpora of Philippine Languages to be used in developing speech-based application;To meet the criteria and requirement in building corpora that will be useful in developing the said applications through detailed evaluation and documentation; To evaluate and documents the contents of the corporation; To promote Philippine Languages research by making the resources available for researchers 7/15/2011 - 7/14/2014 4yr(s) UPD-EEEI 1,221,915.00 [30] 5382 Project 7. Development of an English The project is an Language Training Software for Call integration of 100-hour Centers (Year 2 of 2) English proficiency training programs with a speech recognition engine on a stand-alone software program. To improve the intake rate of New graduates hires in call centers by providing a stand-alone software that will train call center applicants in listening, speaking fluency and proficiency in the English language 6/15/2011 - 6/14/2013 2yr(s) UPD-EEEI 160,556.00 Program Total: P 1,382,471.00 Program Name: FURNITURE TESTING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM [31] 6248 Project 1. Upgrading of the FPRDI Furniture Testing Center (FFTC) into "One-Stop-Shop" NAtional Furniture Testing Center (NFTC) and Establishment of Satellite Furniture Testing Center (SFTC) (Year 1 of 3) With FPRDI as the only existing furniture testing laboratory (FFTC) in the Philippines, FFTC has catered to all the furniture testing requirements of the furniture manufacturers in the country. Through this project, the services of FFTC will be expanded to cater to the testing needs of the industry, establish accreditation/affiliation to local and foreign laboratory accrediting bodies and provide relevant trainings to laboratory personnel. To upgrade FPRDI FTC into “One-Stop-Shop” National Furniture Testing Center and to establish a Satellite Furniture Testing Center (SFTC) in Cebu: 1.To expand the testing services of FFTC by acquiring new testing equipment for lead content analysis, corrosion testing, UV testing for garden and outdoor furniture, light and weather fastness testing of surface finishes, and flammability testing; 2. To establish a Satellite Furniture Testing Center (SFTC) in Cebu equipped with testing machines for structural evaluation of furniture (performance testing);3.To train and develop the competencies of the laboratory staff in FFTC and SFTC; 4. To acquire laboratory accreditation and certification The target beneficiaries of the project are the furniture manufacturers, designers, suppliers, retailers, exporters and consumers. 9/1/2012 - 12/31/2012 3yr(s) FPRDI 18,131,420.00 from PAO, ISTA and FIRA; and 5.To conduct promotional activities to disseminate the testing services of FFTC and SFTC Program Total: P 18,131,420.00 Program Name: GENETICS FOR SUSTAINABLE MILKFISH AQUACULTURE [32] 6088 Project 1. Molecular Markers for Milkfish Broodstock Management (Year 2 of 4) Environmental and genetic interventions in aquaculture can be made to improve fish production. Increased fish yield through genetic improvement is a viable option if done mainly through conventional means such as selective breeding, the gains can become evident only after generations upon generations of breeding. This can be hastened with the application of biomolecular markers. Genetic markers such as microsatellite markers can be used to determine potentially good quality broodstock through the estimation of levels of genetic variability and identification of markers taht may be correclated with performance traits. [33] 6089 Project 2. Genetic and Morphological The project will sequence Variations in Hatchery and Wild not only the mitochondrial Populations of Milkfish (Year 2 of 4) cytochrome b gene but also the mitochondrial control region of milkfish for a finer detection of genetic variation of wild as well as hatchery populations. An accurate and clear picture of genetic variation is valuable in the sound management of hatchery and wild populations of milkfish. The information to be generated from this project will be useful to hatchery and fishery managers and fisheries policy makers. A sound management of hatchery and wild stocks based on information from this study will ensure To develop markers, specifically microsatellite and RAPD markers in milkfish, for use in: a) evaluating the impact of domestication on local milkfish hatchery stocks; (b) identifying highly genetically variable stocks in wild milkfish populations for use in stock replenishment of ageing milkfish breeders; and (c) identifying high quality stocks as founder broodstock in future genetic improvement of milkfish local milkfish farmers/milkfish industry, consumers, students, researchers, aquaculturists/aquaculture industry, biologists, glycobiologist, immunologists, hatchery operators, grow-out farmers, general public, and government agencies tasked to manage the fish resources 6/1/2012 - 5/31/2015 4yr(s) UPD-IB 1,585,629.08 To examine genetic variation in wild stocks and hatchery populations of milkfish from the Philippines, Taiwan, and Indonesia and establish genetic connectivity of hatchery populations using mitochondrial cytochrome b and control region sequence; To develop a measurement procedure based on scale microstructure that can be used in: a) quick assessment of the very early growth of milkfish juveniles from genetically characterized populations; b) in broodstock management and culture of milkfish; and c) short-term monitoring of fish growth. local milkfish farmers/milkfish industry, consumers, students, researchers, aquaculturists/aquaculture industry, biologists, glycobiologist, immunologists, hatchery operators, grow-out farmers, general public, and government agencies tasked to manage the fish resources 6/1/2012 - 5/31/2015 4yr(s) UPD-IB 2,483,876.30 stable, if not increased milkfish production for food security and additional economic gains for the country. [34] 6090 Project 3. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Lectin Genes from Chanos chanos F. (Year 2 of 4) The project will clone and sequence lectin genes from the milkfish. The lectin genes will be pulled down from a pooled cDNA library from the liver, kidney, and spleen of the milkfish. Gene specific primers will be designed based on published teleost lectin sequence databases and from peptide sequences that will be obtained from proteomics data. The cloned lectin genes will be sequenced and analyzed using bioinformatics tools. Lectins will also be purified and analyzed based on proteomics tools to characterize the protein and identify mass and sequence fragments. [35] 6091 Project 4. Molecular Identification The project will utilize the and Detection of Microbial Pathogens advanced molecular of Milkfish (Year 2 of 4) technologies to identify and detect pathogenic bacteria species in milkfish from diseased fish samples from hatcheries and fish farms. The ultimate goal is to develop a molecular diagnostic technology for a rapid and reliable detection of pathogenic species from environmental samples. The project will use different molecular approaches such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), denaturing gradient get electrophoresis (DGGE) and rela-time or quantitative PCR (qPCR) for the development of the technology. To clone and sequence lectin genes from the milkfish Specific: To: (a) isolate total RNA from the liver, head kidney, and spleen of C. chanos.; (b) construct a cDNA library from the pooled tissue samples; (c) design gene specific primers based on related teleost lectin sequences, alternatively, from proteomics data; (d) amplify and clone lectin genes from the cDNA libraries; (e) sequence cloned lectin genes; and (f) analyze the sequences using bioinformatics tools local milkfish farmers/milkfish industry, consumers, students, researchers, aquaculturists/aquaculture industry, biologists, glycobiologist, immunologists, hatchery operators, grow-out farmers, general public, and government agencies tasked to manage the fish resources 6/1/2012 - 5/31/2015 4yr(s) UPD-IB 2,615,583.11 To identify pathogenic bacteria species in milkfish in the Philippines; To determine the relationship and structure of pathogenic species; To design probes for molecular detection and pathogenic species; To develop a bioassay technology using highly specific probes and qPCR for comprehensive detection of bacterial pathogens of milkfish local milkfish farmers/milkfish industry, consumers, students, researchers, aquaculturists/aquaculture industry, biologists, glycobiologist, immunologists, hatchery operators, grow-out farmers, general public, and government agencies tasked to manage the fish resources 6/1/2012 - 5/31/2015 4yr(s) UPD-IB 1,282,145.50 Program Total: P 7,967,233.99 Program Name: HITS: High-Impact Technology Solutions & Programs [36] 4903 Development of a Prototype The project aims to Automated Guide-way Transit (AGT) address the severe lack of To build an alternative and National Government, General economical transit system model public 5/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 2yr(s) MIRDC 5,432,550.00 System (Year 2 of 2) environmentally sustainable technology alternatives by demonstrating the use of localized Automated Guide-way Transit (AGT) System. [37] 5396 Development of Vacuum Gas This undertaking will offer Quench Heat Treatment Furnace a competitive price based (Formerly-Development of Vacuum on neighboring Asian Oil Quench Heat Treatment Furnace) countries to make the (Year 2 of 2) vacuum oil quench economically accessible. at the Science Community Complex for technology demonstration. To cater the industry with technology edge heat treatment services for various ferrous metals; To locally fabricate a low-cost vacuum heat treatment facility operational for its purpose; To continuously innovate other process and materials that could possibly process on this facility Local industries with vacuum oil quench heat treatment services to address the rapid, inclusive and sustained economic growth. 7/1/2011 - 12/31/2013 2yr(s) MIRDC Program Total: 2,202,003.00 P 7,634,553.00 Program Name: HITS: Development of Robust Tools for Managing Sardine Fisheries in the Philippines: Zamboanga Upwelling-Bohol Sea System [38] 5615 Project 1. Capturing the Dynamic Linkages Between Small Pelagic Fisheries and Primary Production through Satellite Images and Models for Better Resource Management in the Bohol Sea and Zamboanga Peninsula (Year 3 of 4) This program is composed of three (3) inter-related projects to utilize remote sensing data and environmental modeling to better understand the link between sardine populations and plankton productivity spatially and temporally to reduce uncertainties and improve forecasting tools. To establish the patterns and linkages between primary production and sardine fisheries production along the Bohol Sea and Zamboanga Peninsula; To understand the relationship of primary and sardine production with oceanographic and anthropogenic factors; To automate processing and making processed satellite images available to the Philippine public on a near real time basis; To establish observational program to collect field data for satellite and model data validation/calibration of local images; To develop a monitoring scheme supported by models simulating primary and fisheries productivity to help provide decision support tools toward a spatially-explicit and comprehensive sardine fisheries management plan, and provide for sustainable use of the fishery Commercial and Municipal Fisheries Sector, Coastal Communities, Coastal Managers, Government Line Agencies, Research and Academic Institutions and Policy Makers. [39] 5617 Project 2. Sustaining the Sardine Fisheries Industry Through Understanding Spatio-temporal Dynamics in the Zamboanga Peninsula and Bohol Sea System (SarDyn) (Year 3 of 4) This project will clarify relations between stocks in different grounds and give insights on relative importance of local versus stockwide conditions for the sardine fisheries To develop a spatially explicit Commercial Fisheries Sector, catch and effort monitoring Coastal Communities, technology or system for Researchers fisheries monitoring of sardines and other small pelagic fish; To provide a comprehensive spatial and temporal profile of sardine fisheries production along the Zamboanga Peninsula-Bohol Sea marine corridor; To generate 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) UPD-MSI 7,987,768.00 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) MSU-Naawan 6,865,725.00 [40] 5627 Project 3. Estimating Early Life Stage Mortality and Sources of Recruits (Year 3 of 4) There is a substantial bagnet fishery that exploits fry (late larval to early juvenile) of sardines and anchovies in both fishing grounds. Since natural mortality rates in this early life stage is exceedingly high, catching small amounts is believed to have little effect on subsequent survival to juveniles. In excessive amounts, however, such fisheries may substantially reduce the number of juveniles recruiting into the stock. It is thus imperative to examine recruitment in both fishing grounds to determine the extent of their coupling. Because recruitment generally takes place before peak chlorophyll concentrations and peak landings during the NE monsoon months (Villanoy et al., 2011), it may be possible to develop indicators of “good” or “bad” years for the sardine fishery with enhanced understanding of their early life history. This knowledge can then be used by the industry to build/design flexibility measures (options) for “bad” years and optimization measures for “good” years. maps of fishing effort and production that can be used by the fishing industry for sustainable stock utilization and strategic capital investment; and To collaborate with the fishing industry, academic institutions, NGAs and LGUs in formulating an ecosystem-based, sustainable fisheries management program for the marine corridor To map structural attributes of the water in Butuan Bay and the upwelling area off northern Zamboanga; To characterize the plankton assemblages associated with structural attributes in these fishing grounds; To determine the age distribution of fry and to use this in determining likely sources of recruits of stocks in both fishing grounds; and To use the above together information from the other program components in developing indicators of favorable versus unfavorable conditions for pelagic fisheries production Municipal and commercial fishers and operators; Sardine postharvest industry investors and workers; Government line agencies, MFARMCs, POs, NGOs; Academic/research institutions; Policy makers at the local, provincial and national levels 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) UPV Program Total: 6,447,806.00 P 21,301,299.00 Program Name: HITS: NATIONAL MILKFISH R&D PROGRAM:Subprogram A. Enhancement of Milkfish Broodstock Management and Hatchery Practices for Production of Good Quality Fry [41] 5616 Project 1. Improvement of Fry Quality in Milkfish (Chanos chanos) The program will address To: a) Monitor Quality of fry at the problem of poor quality different times during the The final beneficiaries of the research outputs will be 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) UPV 4,545,580.00 Through Refinement Practices for milkfish egg and fry which Production of Good Quality Fry (Year could result in poor growth rate and will translate to 3 of 4) poor production of performance. In addition, reproductive performance and subsequent larval and fry quality will also be assessed as a function of age of milkfish breeders. The nutritional needs of breeders of different ages will also be examined. Moreover, development of a diagnostic kit for fry quality will be developed. [42] 5618 Project 2. Improvement of Milkfish Hatchery technology Through Food Enrichment and Bioencapsulation (Year 3 of 4) The program will address the problem of poor quality milkfish egg and fry which could result in poor growth rate and will translate to poor production of performance. In addition, reproductive performance and subsequent larval and fry quality will also be assessed as a function of age of milkfish breeders. The nutritional needs of breeders of different ages will also be examined. Moreover, development of a diagnostic kit for fry quality will be developed. spawning season (onset, middle farmers, in particular, and the and towards the end of the milkfish industry in general. "normal: spawning season; during the off-season); b) Monitor growth performance of fry spawned at different times during the spawning season; c) Compare reproductive performance as well as larval and fry quality from young and old breeders; d) Develop broodstock management protocols and start a simple genetic improvement program; e) Develop diagnostic kit for fry quality based on IGF-I mRNA expression; and f) Establish preventive and control measures against parasitic organisms a) To develop improved milkfish hatchery protocols; b) To pilot test the developed hatchery protocol; and c) To transfer the technology to the private sector The final beneficiaries of the research outputs will be farmers, in particular, and the milkfish industry in general. 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) UPV Program Total: 4,312,849.00 P 8,858,429.00 Program Name: HITS: NATIONAL MILKFISH R&D PROGRAM:Subprogram B. Improved Grow-out Technology for Sustainable Milkfish Industry [43] 5619 Project 1. Improved Culture The long- term Management Practices for Milkfish in sustainability of the Ponds and Cages (Year 3 of 4) milkfish industry will largely depend on the efficiency and profitability of production and post harvest systems. Increase in the milkfish production is attainable through high density culture (Saclauso et. Al., 2005) but has to be matched with appropriate grow- out technologies. This is to avoid environmental problems associated with To develop new or improved cage designs and culture protocols for sustainable farming; To determine optimum stocking densities that yield evenly-sized marketable milkfish; To develop GIS-based site selection for marine cages Fish farmers in general and the milkfish industry in particular 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) UPV 3,740,260.00 [44] 5620 Project 2. Improvement of Feed Formulation for Milkfish Culture in Ponds and Cages (Year 3 of 4) high density culture and to maintain good quality products from production to consumption. Design of appropriate structures, zoning, cheap and less polluting feeds, and feeding management are almost imperative in ensuring efficient and environment- friendly production systems. The long- term sustainability of the milkfish industry will largely depend on the efficiency and profitability of production and post harvest systems. Increase in the milkfish production is attainable through high density culture (Saclauso et. Al., 2005) but has to be matched with appropriate grow- out technologies. This is to avoid environmental problems associated with high density culture and to maintain good quality products from production to consumption. Design of appropriate structures, zoning, cheap and less polluting feeds, and feeding management are almost imperative in ensuring efficient and environment- friendly production systems. [45] 5621 Project 3. Evaluation of Culture The long- term Practices Towards the Control of Off- sustainability of the flavour in Milkfish (Year 3 of 4) milkfish industry will largely depend on the efficiency and profitability of production and post harvest systems. Increase in the milkfish production is attainable through high density culture (Saclauso et. Al., 2005) but has to be matched with appropriate grow- out technologies. This is to avoid environmental problems associated with high density culture and to maintain good quality products from production To evaluate the efficacy of Fish farmers in general and the cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and milkfish industry in particular mungbean (Vigna radiata), and determine their maximum inclusion levels as potential replacements for fish meal in milkfish diet; To determine the bioavailability of nutrients from these protein sources; To identify and characterize the trypsin inhibitors from 3 species of "lumot" and test their antitrypsin activity 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) UPV 2,598,763.00 To analyze geosmin and MIB (2- Fish farmers in general and the mehtylisoborneol) off-flavor and milkfish industry in particular odor in milkfish at various culture systems; To correlate the results of the physico-chemical analysis with sensory tests of odor and flavor; To come up with a rapid diagnostic kit for the early detection of the off-flavor compounds; d) to establish a data base for milkfish with geosmin and MIB 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) UPV 3,617,591.00 [46] 5622 Project 4. Enhancement of Milkfish Culture Operations Through Mechanization (Year 3 of 4) to consumption. Design of appropriate structures, zoning, cheap and less polluting feeds, and feeding management are almost imperative in ensuring efficient and environment- friendly production systems. The long- term sustainability of the milkfish industry will largely depend on the efficiency and profitability of production and post harvest systems. Increase in the milkfish production is attainable through high density culture (Saclauso et. Al., 2005) but has to be matched with appropriate grow- out technologies. This is to avoid environmental problems associated with high density culture and to maintain good quality products from production to consumption. Design of appropriate structures, zoning, cheap and less polluting feeds, and feeding management are almost imperative in ensuring efficient and environment- friendly production systems. To develop a locally produced Fish farmers in general and the mechanical feeder that will allow milkfish industry in particular for more efficient feeding management of milkfish culture; To develop a locally produced automated fry counter 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) UPV Program Total: 3,951,012.00 P 13,907,626.00 Program Name: HITS: NATIONAL TILAPIA R&D PROGRAM:Subprogram A. Genetic Enhancement of the Red Nile Tilapia [47] 5623 Project 1. Broodstock Development of Red Nile Tilapia (Year 3 of 4) The National Tilapia Research and Development Program (NTRDP) is proposed to boost the production capacity of the tilapia industry by at least 200 % increment from its present production status of 258,663 metric tons, and elevate Philippines’ rank from the 5th to higher spot over Egypt and Thailand in global tilapia production. a) to improve the color and tilapia industry; tilapia culture performance of Red Nile farmers; scientific community Tilapia (RNT) developed ata FAC; b) to develop other breed of Red Nile Tilapia by crossbreeding the RNT to other improved breeds of normalcolored Nile Tilapia; c) to develop breed of Red Nile Tilapia by outcrossing the RNT with other available Red Tilapia; and d) to develop an efficient method of producing all-male red tilapia [48] 5624 Project 2. Hatchery and Culture Performance Evaluation of Red Nile The National Tilapia a) to evaluate the growth Research and Development performance of Red Nile Tilapia tilapia industry; tilapia farmers; scientific community 11/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) CLSU (Central Luzon) 2,755,608.00 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) CLSU (Central Luzon) 1,039,860.00 Tilapia (Year 3 of 4) Program (NTRDP) is proposed to boost the production capacity of the tilapia industry by at least 200 % increment from its present production status of 258,663 metric tons, and elevate Philippines’ rank from the 5th to higher spot over Egypt and Thailand in global tilapia production. [49] 5626 Project 3. Natural Carotenoids for The National Tilapia Improved Growth, Body Research and Development Composition, Feed Utilization, Program (NTRDP) is Immune Response, and Fecundity of proposed to boost the RNT (formerly Increasing production capacity of the Commercial Value of Red Nile tilapia industry by at least Tilapia using Natural Carotenoids 200 % increment from its Enriched Diets) (Year 3 of 4) present production status of 258,663 metric tons, and elevate Philippines’ rank from the 5th to higher spot over Egypt and Thailand in global tilapia production. in different culture environment and culture management; b) to compare the growth of Red Nile Tilapia with the normal-colored Nile Tilapia and other locally available red tilapia; c) to determine the culture environment and culture method most appropriate for the Red Nile Yilapia; and d) to evaluate the hatchery performance of Red Nile Tilpia a) to evaluate various natural tilapia industry; tilapia resources of carotenoids that will farmers; scientific community enhance coloration of Red Nile Tilapia; and b) to evaluate the culture performance of Red Nile Tilapia fed with carotenoid enriched diets 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) CLSU (Central Luzon) Program Total: 1,863,032.00 P 5,658,500.00 Program Name: HITS: NATIONAL TILAPIA R&D PROGRAM:Subprogram B. Innovative Approach to Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Culture [50] 5628 Project 1. Phytoandrogen: An Alternative Natural Testosterone on Sex Inversion and its Effectiveness in the Monosex Culture of Nile Tilapia (Year 3 of 4) The National Tilapia Research and Development Program (NTRDP) is proposed to boost the production capacity of the tilapia industry by at least 200 % increment from its present production status of 258,663 metric tons, and elevate Philippines’ rank from the 5th to higher spot over Egypt and Thailand in global tilapia production. a) to test the extract of pine tree tilapia industry; tilapia plants for phytochemical and farmers; scientific community phytoandrogen components; b) to determine the six inversion efficiency of phytoandrogen through immersion and pelleted diet; c) to determine the effects of phytoandrogen on growth and hepatogonadosomayic indices; and d) to mate the pseudomale to normal females, determine the egg production of this cross and evaluate sex ratio survival performance of its progenies 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) CLSU (Central Luzon) 2,846,559.00 [51] 5629 Project 2. Refinements in Grow-out and Hatchery Management of Nile Tilapia (Year 3 of 4) The National Tilapia Research and Development Program (NTRDP) is proposed to boost the production capacity of the tilapia industry by at least 200 % increment from its present production status of 258,663 metric tons, and elevate Philippines’ rank from the 5th to higher spot over Egypt and Thailand in global tilapia production. a)to develop an economically tilapia industry; tilapia feasible nursing system for the farmers; scientific community production of post fingerlings in Nile Tilapia; b) to evaluate the effect of shading on the water temperature, growth and seed production of tilapia in ponds; c) to evaluate the use of behavioral stress response on the selection of broodstock on seed production of tilapia; d) to evaluate the effect of modular system on the production and economic aspect of tilapia aquaculture; and e)to 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) CLSU (Central Luzon) 3,030,730.00 assess the application of biofloc system on the grow-out performance of tilapia and on the economic aspect of the system on the tilapia aquaculture in the Philippines [52] 5630 Project 3. Prebiotics and Probiotics in The National Tilapia a) to produce probiotics and tilapia industry; tilapia Tilapia Culture (Year 3 of 4) Research and Development prebiotics from onions through farmers; scientific community Program (NTRDP) is fermentation technology; b) to proposed to boost the test the effectiveness and production capacity of the efficiency of the probiotics and tilapia industry by at least prebiotics in onions in promoting 200 % increment from its fish health, nutrition, and water present production status quality; c) to determine the of 258,663 metric tons, effects of pre and probiotics on and elevate Philippines’ growth of fish such as body rank from the 5th to higher weight and specific growth rate; spot over Egypt and d) to characterize and identify Thailand in global tilapia the beneficial microbes in the production. probiotics; and e) to characterize the non-digestible oligosaccharides (prebiotics) in onions [53] 5631 Project 4. Development of Comprehensive Geo Referenced Database for Ecological Risk Analyses in Tilapia Pond Culture (formerly Ecological Risk Analyses of Fish Pathogens Causing Fishkill Outbreaks in Tilapia Aquaculture in Pampanga though Establishment of Comprehensive Environmental Georeferenced Database) (Year 3 of 4) The National Tilapia Research and Development Program (NTRDP) is proposed to boost the production capacity of the tilapia industry by at least 200 % increment from its present production status of 258,663 metric tons, and elevate Philippines’ rank from the 5th to higher spot over Egypt and Thailand in global tilapia production. a) to develop a comprehensive Tilapia industry; Tilapia environmental geo-referenced farmers; scientific community database in Pampanga province that will contribute to the application of GIS and spatial data; b) to find out the aquaculture development before and after Mt. Pinatubo eruption; c) to assess the impact of aquaculture development and operation in the environmental and socio-economic poit of view; and d) to assess the contributing factors to rumpant FD-FKO in Pampanga province 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014 4yr(s) CLSU (Central Luzon) 2,642,386.00 11/1/2011 - 10/31/2014 4yr(s) CLSU (Central Luzon) 3,518,499.00 Program Total: P 12,038,174.00 Program Name: HITS: SEAWEEDS R&D PROGRAM: Sub-Program A. Culture Technology Enhancement to Improve Production Capacities of the Philippine Seaweed Farms [54] 5632 Project 1. Use of Branch and Spore Culture Technologies to Enhance Seaweed Production in Farms (Year 2 of 3) For several decades, the farming of eucheumatoid d=seaweed species in the Philippines has brought food security, employment, profit, product quality and empowerment to its people making the country the top producer of the raw materials for carrageenan production. However, due to a decline in seaweed farm productivity and vast expansion of seaweed farming in neighboring To develop quality eucheumatoid seedstocks from spores and branch cultures for efficient distribution to seaweed farmers Seaweed farmers, seaweed traders, policy makers and other people in the seaweed industries, medical industries, other government institutions and the academe 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UPD-MSI 4,098,780.00 countries such as Indonesia there has been an immediate affect in the decrease in the Philippine seaweed farm production. [55] 5633 Project 2. Micropropagation and Cyropreservation of Philippine Eucheumatoids (Year 2 of 3) For several decades, the farming of eucheumatoid seaweed species in the Philippines has brought food security, employment,profit, product quality and empowerment to its people making the country the top producer of the raw materials for carrageenan production. However, due to a decline in seaweed farm productivity and vast expansion of seaweed farming in neighboring countries such as Indonesia there has been an immediate effect in the decrease in the Philippine Seaweed farm production. [56] 5634 Project 3. Mitigating Production For several decades, the Losses Due to Diseases and farming of eucheumatoid Epiphytes in Seaweed Farms (Year 2 seaweed species in the of 3) Philippines has brought food security, employment,profit, product quality and empowerment to its people making the country the top producer of the raw materials for carrageenan production. However, due to a decline in seaweed farm productivity and vast expansion of seaweed farming in neighboring countries such as Indonesia there has been an immediate effect in the decrease in the Philippine Seaweed farm production. 1. To develop/enhance the technology for the efficient propagation of euceumatoid seed stocks generated from branch cultures and spores through micropropagation 2. To develop/enhance the technology for their long-term storage through cryopreservation 3. To ensure the availability of farmed eucheumatoid seedstocks for their future propagation and distribution to seaweed farmers when the need arises Seaweed farmers, seaweed traders, policy makers and other people in the seaweed industries, medical industries, other government institutions and the academe 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UPD-NIMBB 1,501,767.00 1. To determine the carrying capacity of near-shore seaweed so that outbreak of diseases and epiphytes could be avoided. 2. To identify appropriate seaweed strains for planting that are best adapted or suited to seasonal changes in ecological factors in the farms. 3. To develop mitigating measures to prevent occurrences of epiphytes and diseases in farms. Seaweed farmers, seaweed traders, policy makers and other people in the seaweed industries, medical industries, other government institutions and the academe 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UPD-MSI 3,202,254.00 Program Total: P 8,802,801.00 Program Name: HITS: SEAWEEDS R&D PROGRAM: Sub-Program B. New and Improved Kappaphycus Varities/Strains for Farming [57] 5635 Project 1. Strain Development/Hybridization in Kappaphycus Utilizing Spores and Tissues (Year 3 of 4) The Philippines being one of the top producers of Kappaphycus and carrageenan is facing a decline in its production caused by multiple factors, including chronic lack of 1. To undertake tetraspore and carpospore spore coalescence/hybridization to generate novel Kappaphycus strains 2. To monitor growth and development of the hybrids or coalesced sporelings of Seaweed farmers, seaweed traders, policy makers and other people in the seaweed industries, medical industries, other government institutions and the academe 10/1/2011 - 12/31/2014 4yr(s) UPD-MSI 1,581,255.00 seedstocks, compromised carrying capacity of farming sites, diseases and inefficient post-harvest methods. To sustain the local seaweed and carrageenan industry and maintain the country’s competitiveness in the world’s carregeenan market, it is imperative for the Seaweed R&D community to seek ways to assist the industry improve its production. And through this program, the challenge can be addressed through two major approaches, to improve existing farming technologies and to aim at genetic improvement of varieties used by the Filipino farmers. Kappaphycus strains 3. To micropropagate/maintain the hybrids for mass production and farming [58] 5636 Project 2. Generation of Novel The Philippines being one Kappaphycus Varieties or Strains of the top producers of from Fused Protoplasts (Year 2 of 3) Kappaphycus and carrageenan is facing a decline in its production caused by multiple factors, including chronic lack of seedstocks, compromised carrying capacity of farming sites, diseases and inefficient post-harvest methods. To sustain the local seaweed and carrageenan industry and maintain the country’s competitiveness in the world’s carregeenan market, it is imperative for the Seaweed R&D community to seek ways to assist the industry improve its production. And through this program, the challenge can be addressed through two major approaches, to improve existing farming technologies and to aim at genetic improvement of varieties used by the Filipino farmers. 1. To perform protoplast isolation and fusion to produce novel Kappaphycus varities/strains 2. To optimize conditions for regeneration of isolated and fused protoplasts 3. To maintain and micropropagate the fused protoplasts/somatic hybrids for eventual use as seedstocks for farming Seaweed farmers, seaweed traders, policy makers and other people in the seaweed industries, medical industries, other government institutions and the academe 10/1/2011 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UEP 1,610,226.00 [59] 5637 Project 3. Discrimination of Kappaphycus Varieties Using Genome-Wide Highly Polymorphic Markers (Year 2 of 2) 1. determine the genotypes of the different varieties as well as species of Kappaphycus based on a set of genome-wide seaweed farmers, seaweed traders, policy makers and other people in the seaweed industries, medical industries, 10/1/2011 - 12/31/2013 2yr(s) UPD-MSI 1,670,022.00 The Philippines being one of the top producers of Kappaphycus and carrageenan is facing a decline in its production caused by multiple factors, including chronic lack of seedstocks, compromised carrying capacity of farming sites, diseases and inefficient post-harvest methods. To sustain the local seaweed and carrageenan industry and maintain the country’s competitiveness in the world’s carregeenan market, it is imperative for the Seaweed R&D community to seek ways to assist the industry improve its production. And through this program, the challenge can be addressed through two major approaches, to improve existing farming technologies and to aim at genetic improvement of varieties used by the Filipino farmers. polymorphic markers, such as government industries and the microsatellites or singleacademe nucleotide polymorphisms 2. develop new microsatellite or SNP markers for K. alvareii and K. striatum 3. discrimate these varieties (and identify artificial hybrids, if available) based on these genotypes 4. develop a genotyping service for Kappaphycus specimens aimed at identification of unknown or novel specimens Program Total: P 4,861,503.00 Program Name: HITS: SEAWEEDS R&D PROGRAM: Sub-Program C. Novel Red Algal Poly-and Oligo-Sacharrides for Various Applications [60] 5638 Project 1. Improvement of Seaweed For the past decade, the Post-Harvest and Carrageenan Philippine seaweed and Extraction Technology (Year 2 of 3) carrageenan industries maintained its spot among the players in farmed carrageenophyte production and marine phycocolloid extraction and processing. The country was the world’s largest carrageenan producer in 2007. Despite this feat, problems concerning the diminishing raw seaweed material for processing pose challenges to farmers, industry players, local government units and the research realms. 1. To provide scientific data on the effects of locally produced organic seaweed fertilizers on carrageenan yield and quality 2. To improve RDS quality by the utilization of a press and dry method for moisture reduction 3. To evaluate the effects of the current practice of salting to carrageenan yield and quality 4. To improve the quality of semirefined and refine carrageenan by using locally fabricated sensors, enzymes, and chemical treatments during the extraction process 5. monitor the yield and quality of carrageenan and other poly- and oligo-saccharides from improved carragenophyte strains and novel carrageenan derivatives from parallel research programs seaweed farmers, seaweed traders, policy makers and other people in the seaweed industries, medical industries, other government institutions and the academe 10/1/2011 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UPD-MSI 2,954,852.00 [61] 5639 Project 2. Recombinant Production of Carrageenases and Agarases, and Production and Characterization of Oligocarrageenases and Oligoagars (Year 2 of 2) 1. optimize and scale-up the production of recombinant carrageenans and agarases 2. produce and characterize ologicarrageenans and oligoagars seaweed farmers, seaweed traders, policy makers and other people in the seaweed industries, medical industries, government industries and the 10/1/2011 - 12/31/2013 2yr(s) UPD-MSI 1,444,073.00 For the past decade, the Philippine seaweed and carrageenan industries maintained its spot among the players in farmed carrageenophyte production and marine phycocolloid extraction and processing. The country was the world’s largest carrageenan producer in 2007. Despite this feat, problems concerning the diminishing raw seaweed material for processing pose challenges to farmers, industry players, local government units and the research realms. [62] 5640 Project 3. Characterization and For the past decade, the Development of New Red Algal Poly- Philippine seaweed and and Oligo-sacharride (Year 2 of 3) carrageenan industries maintained its spot among the players in farmed carrageenophyte production and marine phycocolloid extraction and processing. The country was the world’s largest carrageenan producer in 2007. Despite this feat, problems concerning the diminishing raw seaweed material for processing pose challenges to farmers, industry players, local government units and the research realms. generated using the recombinant academe enzymes and evaluate their potential bioactivity 3. sequence and analyze the whole genome of carrageenolytic and agarolytic marine bacteria and identify genes that encode for other enzymes with biotechnological importance 1. To examine the feasibility of fortification of food products with carrageenan oligosaccharides and/or to use these oligosaccharides as raw material for new/for the improvement of existing products 2. To assess the possible biomedical applications of oligosaccharide by determining its anitumor, antiviral, hypolipidemic activity and antioxidant activity 3. To evaluate the structural composition of oligosaccharides and its physichemical and rheological characteristics 4. To determine the market value and consumer acceptability of newly developed products seaweed farmers, seaweed traders, policy makers and other people in the seaweed industries, medical industries, other government institutions and the academe 10/1/2011 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UPD-MSI Program Total: 1,740,661.00 P 6,139,586.00 Program Name: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES TECHNOLOGY UPGRADING PROGRAM (SET-UP) [63] 621 Implementation of the Small and Medium Enterprises Technology Upgrading Program (SET-UP) (Year 12) To focus science & technology interventions in small and medium enterprises to 5 industry sectors with specific firms as targets; To consolidate technology transfer programs of DOST Regional Offices, Research and Development Institutes (RDIs) and Sector Councils under the identified industry sectors; and To establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the outcomes and economic impacts of the program To improve the viability of small SMEs, cooperatives, LGUs and medium enterprises and enhance their competitiveness locally and/or abroad through the infusion of technologies, provision of technical assistance, and manpower development. 1/1/2002 - 12/31/2016 Continuing DOST-RO Program Total: 515,000,000.00 P 515,000,000.00 Program Name: INCREASING SEA CUCUMBER CULTURE PRODUCTION AND VALUE OF DRIED SEA CUCUMBER PRODUCTS [64] 5934 Project 1. Development of Sandfish or Holothuria Commercial –Scale Production scabra is the only exploited System for High Tropical Sea tropical sea cucumber Cucumber, Holothuria scabra (Year 2 species with an established of 4) hatchery culture technology. In the Philippines, significant progress has been achieved in refining the culture technology for mass juvenile production and developing hatchery release program (i.e. communal sea ranching) through various research projects (i.e. DA-BARAFMA Project 2001-2002; DA-BAR Project 20052006; DOST-PCAMRD Research Program 20072010; DA-BAR Project 2008-2010; ACIAR Project FIS/2003/059 2007-2011). In Vietnam, farming of cultured sandfish in ponds has been successful and showed potential as an alternative to shrimp farming (ACIAR Project FIS/2003/059 2007-2011). These recent developments and growing interest could provide the momentum for the progress of sandfish culture to commercialscale production which is one way to help ensure sustainability of the local sea cucumber industry. This phase necessitates the involvement of partners from aquaculture industry for further optimization of the culture systems and to obtain comprehensive evaluation in terms of the feasibility and profitability of producing sandfish. Successful commercial adoption of responsible sandfish culture may create livelihood opportunities especially for small fishers which are most often gravely affected of local fishery collapse. This will also provide an environmentfriendly options of General: To pilot the integration of sandfish culture technology in existing marine aquaculture facilities to scale-up sandfish production to commercial level Specific: (a) To refine hatchery technology to scale-up juvenile production; (b) To develop culture systems for commercialscale production of sandfish at first-stage nursery, release size, or harvestable size; and (c) To assess feasibility and adaptability of marine hatchery diversification and integrated sandfish production systems. Traditional sandfish gatherers, NGOs/non-NGOs, LGUs, ancillary industries, other stakeholders in the aquaculture industry with marginal ponds and huge hatchery facilitues, researchers/scientific community 5/15/2012 - 4/14/2015 4yr(s) UPD-MSI 2,447,100.90 mariculture and may further the development of sustainable mariculture technologies in the country [65] 5935 Project 2. Genomic Approached Towards Enhanced Broodstock Quality of the Sandfish, Holothuria scabra (Year 2 of 4) The improvement of sandfish broodstock quality for selected performance traits can further contribute to enhanced sandfish hatchery production. Genomic methods, in particular, are a useful approach to move sandfish culture forward towards enhanced production. Genomic approaches can enable the identification of putative genes controlling desired broodstock characteristics (growth, body wall thickness) and the development of molecular markers associated with these traits. These are fundamental steps towards the identification and eventual selection of broodstock for desired performance traits such as faster growth and body wall thickness. General: To employ genomic approaches towards enhancing sandfish broodstock quality. Specific: (a) To identify putative genes or gene regions associated with performance traits related to growth and body wall thickness; (b) To evaluate the utility of molecular markers for performance traits; and (c) To develop molecular assays for genotyping and broodstock phenotypic selection Aquaculture industry (private sector and government); fishers, traders, and other direct users of natural (wild) sea cucumber stocks; research/scientific community [66] 5936 Project 3. Enhancing Philippine Sea Cucumber Industry Through Appropriate Processing Technology, Holothuria scabra (Year 2 of 4) The Philippines is currently producing low quality low value sea cucumbers. Common postharvest problems include high moisture content, unreliable quality, inappropriate packaging, and poor hygiene and sanitation. A variety of methods are used in processing sea cucumber into trepang; these methods involved multiple handling, smoking or drying over open coals, and sun drying (Bassig et al 2010). The use of proper and timely drying methods can significantly improve quality of trepang. General: To develop postharvest Small to medium-scale fisher technologies to produce high cooperatives quality processed sea cucumber Specific: (a) To evaluate the present system of pre and postharvest handling and processing of sea cucumber; (b) To establish physical characteristics, thermal properties, and moisture absorption characteristics of trepang; (c) To establish optimum processing, drying, and storage conditions for production of high-quality trepang; and (d) To develop appropriate processing equipment and facilities for production of highquality trepang. 5/15/2012 - 4/14/2015 4yr(s) UPD-MSI 3/1/2012 - 4/14/2015 4yr(s) UPLB Program Total: Program Name: INTEGRATED AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR THE SHRIMP INDUSTRY 2,458,239.00 293,097.49 P 5,198,437.39 [67] 5427 Project 1. Development of Techniques for the Production of Good Quality Captive Penaeus monodon Broodstock and Spawners (Year 3 of 4) Contribute the revitalization of the shrimp industry by addressing and focusing on two areas of concern: 1) low production efficiency, and 2) weakened market competitiveness 1.To identify additional sources shrimp growers, feed millers, of populations genetically hatchery operators, processors, suitable for domestication; 2. To exporters and researchers develop and improve techniques for domestication of P. monodon; 3. To develop technology for sustainable production of good quality high health P. monodon broodstock and spawners to lessen dependence on wild stock; and 4. Produce high health fry 6/1/2011 - 5/31/2014 4yr(s) UPV 1,576,901.00 [68] 5429 Project 2.Development of Contribute the Sustainable and Environmentrevitalization of the shrimp friendly Production Techniques for P. industry by addressing and monodon (Year 3 of 4) focusing on two areas of concern: 1) low production efficiency, and 2) weakened market competitiveness1. identify additional sources of populations genetically suitable for domestication; 2. Develop and improve techniques for domestication of P. monodon; 3. Develop technology for sustainable production of good quality high health P. monodon broodstock and spawners to lessen dependence on wild stock; and 4. Produce high health fry To Contribute the revitalization shrimp growers, feed millers, of the shrimp industry by hatchery operators, processors, addressing and focusing on two exporters and researchers areas of concern: 1) To low production efficiency, and 2) weakened market competitiveness1. identify additional sources of populations genetically suitable for domestication; 2. To develop and improve techniques for domestication of P. monodon; 3. To develop technology for sustainable production of good quality high health P. monodon broodstock and spawners to lessen dependence on wild stock; and 4. To produce high health fry 6/1/2011 - 5/31/2014 4yr(s) UPV 5,656,492.00 Program Total: P 7,233,393.00 Program Name: INTEGRATED COCONUT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (ICREDEP) [69] 4886 Proj. 4. Development of an Integrated Pest Management Strategies Against Brontispa longissima (Gestro), an Invasive Pest of Coconut and Other Palm Species (Year 3 of 3) Economic threshold, protocols of mass production of biological control agents and IPM for Brontispa To develop and promote Coconut farmers and application of cost-effective, stakeholders environmentally sound integrated pest management (IPM) strategies against Brontispa longissima Gestro that is socioeconomically acceptable at farm level 3/16/2011 - 3/15/2014 3yr(s) DA-PCA Program Total: 1,884,306.73 P 1,884,306.73 Program Name: Intelligent Transport System [70] 6998 Advanced Traffic & Pollution Monitoring and Analysis System Based on GPS Trajectory Data, Air Quality Data and Engine Status Data Collected from Taxis in Metro Manila (Year 1 of 1) The smart traffic monitoring is greatly facilitated by the systematic development of baseline traffic monitoring systems and building on To induce efficient traffic flow General Public and Taxi Drivers and to improve traffic mobility in Metro Manila through a provision of public information regarding current and predicted traffic flow on major route 11/1/2013 - 7/31/2015 1yr(s) ADMU 13,105,952.00 this platform new technologies and computer modelling systems and building on this paltform newer system technologies and computer modelling Program Total: P 13,105,952.00 Program Name: MANAGEMENT OF TUNA FISHERIES IN THE PHILIPPINES [71] 4500 Proj. 2. Genetic Stock Structures of Yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and Big eye (Thunnus obesus) Tunas in Philippines and Adjacent Waters (Year 3 of 3) The project is expected to provide the genetic structures of yellowfin and big eye tunas in the Philippines, CTI and in greater WCPO 1) Produce an accurate reference estimate of landed yellowfin and bigeye tunas in the Philippines using genetic markers; 2) Determine the genetic structure of yellowfin and bigeye tunas in the Philippines, in the Coral Triangle Region and in the greater Western and Central Pacific Ocean;and 3)Correlate genetic structure of yellowfin tuna from bigeye tuna with other data generated by the program including stock assessment and biological data. Tuna Industry, Fisheries Managers/Planners/Policy Makers, Global Research and Philippine Research 6/1/2010 - 5/31/2013 3yr(s) NFRDI 102,827.00 [72] 4146 Project 4. Technical Assessment of the Effects of Modifying Mesh Size and Net Depth on the Catch Composition and Size Structure of Tuna in Surrounding Nets (Year 3 of 3) The program aims to assess the size structure and maturity stages of tuna and small pelagic fish captured in FADS or “payao” by surrounding nets; conduct a hydroacoustic assessment of the temporal change in the biomass and size of aggregated fish around payao; determine depth distribution of aggregated fish during capture with ringnet and evaluate the effect of technical modifications of ringnet on the catch composition. Project 4 is expected to provide selectivity curves of different fish species, gonadosomatic index of tuna and other small pelagic species, minimum mesh size for ring net/baby purse seine, seasonal dynamics of associated fish in payaos and mesh size and depth setting of ringnet to minimize capture of juvenile tunas. will assess the catching efficiency BFAR, LGUs and Regional of ring net, baby purse seine and Fisheries Management purse seine with respect to mesh Organization, and fishermen size and net depth setting through conduct of actual exploratory fishing operations in collaboration with the commercial fishing boats using payaos will also make use of hydroacoustics and recent advances in fishing gear selectivity studies. 6/1/2010 - 5/31/2013 3yr(s) UPV 206,032.00 Program Total: P 308,859.00 Program Name: MECO - TECO [73] 5573 Biotechnology-Assisted Development of Virus-Resistant Varieties and Populations of Squash for Climate Change Adaptation (Year 2 of 3) A major constraint in squash production is the virus disease complex. The disease is caused by different groups of viruses such as the whitefulytrasmitted squash leaf curl virus (SLCV), the aphidtransmitted zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV), and the papaya ringspot virus type W (PRSV-W). These diseases are likely to become more severe with the abnormal changes in temperature 'climate change' which also alters insect pest population resulting for new strains of diseases including viruses. The screening for resistance to major squash viruses will be done through the use of Agrobacterium to deliver cloned viral DNA. For virus screening, infectious DNA vector to make it infectious and will be agroinoculated to squash germplasm with the resistance to other viruses To develop DNA clones of local Resistant germplasm for other strains of the major squash virus, plant breeders, Improved the squash leaf curl virus (SLCV) squash variety for farmers in collaboration with AVRDC To identify source of genetic resistance to the major squash viruses, specifically the SLCV, the zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV), and the papaya ringspot virus type W (PRSV-W) in collaboration with AVRDC 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UPLB-IPB 722,232.00 [74] 6242 Synthesis and Application of Novel Nano-scale Photocatalysts with Different Dopants for the Treatment of a) Dimethyl Sulfoxide, b) Chlorophenols in Aqueous, and c) Gaseous Formaldehyde (Year 2 of 3) The project will focus on extending the applicability of photocatalysis to visible light and to accelerate target compound degradation by catalyst modification. To assess the effect of catalyst General Public calcination temperature on the photocatalytic performance of the modified catalyst; to quantify the effect of catalystto-dopant molar ratio on the photocatalytic performance of the modified catalyst and to investigate the effect of PH, temperature, initial DMSO concentration, catalyst percent weight and treatment time on the extent and rate of DMSO degradation and to establish an order of reaction, and a Half-life prediction model of the generated data. 9/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UPD-CHE 1,525,441.00 [75] 5575 Targeting Induced Lessions in Genome (Tilling) of Tomato for Multiple Virus Resistance (Year 3 of 3) In the country, tomato contributes to the diet and livelihood of the people, as an everyday ingredient of many dishes consumed To screen for loss-ofsusceptibility mutants of tomato against TYLCV/TolCV, CMV and other predominant virus disease that may be identified layer To 9/16/2011 - 3/15/2015 3yr(s) UPLB 1,799,312.00 Molecular biologists and molecular breeders professional and student researchers Ultimate beneficiaries - tomato farmers either fresh or processed. Tomato is a high cash value crop that can provide farmers with much needed income. Virus disease complex is a major constraint to the tomato industry making it depended largely on chemical control. Through the TILLING technology usage of chemicals would be avoided because it is a reverse genetics approach through induced allelic series of the genes that will be used to screen the tomatoes. molecular characterization of and other industry stakeholders induced resistance gene sequences To develop DNA markers tagging the viral resistance gene sequences in tomato mutants To develop improve populations of tomatoes with resistance to TolCV To initiate research cooperation between the University of the Philippines and AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center Program Total: P 4,046,985.00 Program Name: MICROARRAY-BASED RESEARCHES ON GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISEASES, GENE EXPRESSION PROFILING AND POPULATION VARIATIONS AMONG FILIPINOS [76] 3748 Proj. 3 Pan-Asian Single Nucleotide To set up a microarray Polymorphism (SNP) Initiative (Year facility which will be part 3 of 3) of the shared technology facilities of the NIH and can provide rapid and economical access to microarray technology to area researchers, clinicians and private sector groups to enable them to conduct researches which will help: (a) improve diagnosis of diseases in the country; (b) gain insights into the pathological processes underlying common disorders among Filipinos; (c) identify new therapeutic agents through target identification, target validation and drug toxicity experiments; (d) identify candidate genes for complex clinical traits such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer; (e) identify single nucleotide polymorphisms as they relate to disease susceptibility and genetic variation present among Filipinos; (f) be a part of the development of a national and global public To characterize the genetic Researcher/Clinicians;health diversity amongst all Asian Economics; Filipino People. populations. To develop a database of Asian SNP diversity, useful and open to all. To establish systems and infrastructure that will enable future Asian-centric collaborative scientific network to train individuals in population genetic research. 6/1/2010 - 7/20/2014 3yr(s) UPM-NIH 5,050,000.00 databases that will help understand genetic diversity and the functioning of complex biological systems Program Total: P 5,050,000.00 Program Name: MINERAL EXTRACTION WITH RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY (MINERS) [77] 6319 Project A. Non-Hazardous Methods of Gold Extraction for Philippine SmallScale Mining Applications (Year 1 of 4) The rationale of the study is well in step with the impetus of all stakeholders in the country, from the government and its agencies, the NGO, the commercial sector, and the general public to advance the ecomonic status of the Philippines while utilizing all means of preventing the destruction of our natural resources. All in all, the directive of the project is to maximize, with the judicious and welltime application of GREENER Technologies a.To determine the viability of using other lixiviants for gold leaching. for its subsequent recovery to electrowinning b.To identify the requirements of a fully-integrated cyanide-and mercury-less gold recovery and extraction process for the smallscale mining industry c.To establish a simple, easily implemented method of characterization of gold from process stream products for operational control and d.To construct a full-functional and economically-viable pilot-scale operation of gold recovery and extraction as alternative methods for small-scale Small-scale mining and milling 10/1/2013 - 12/31/2016 operators, concerned local 4yr(s) government agencies and units, mine-site developers and operators, local communities adjacent to mining areas, university undergraduate and graduate researchers UPD 1,241,134.00 [78] 6321 Project C. Optimizing the Effectivity of Coco-peat Filter Bed in Field Applications (Year 1 of 3) Coco peat is a by product material from the fiber extraction or decortication of coco husk and is produced as a powdery, dusty material. It is currently an underutilized agricultural waste material and is mainly used as a soil conditioner. Previous researches and initial studies conduced by the proponent showed that coco-peat has good sorption qualitiesand can be used as filer material in a filtration bed to remove heavy metals from a wastewater stream. It is abundant and locally available, and thus is a cheap alternative to other materials such as activated carbon To evaluate the pollutant preference of the developed coco peat filter bed reactor in removing heavy metals, like mercury, from gold and copper mine process wastewater Small-scale mining and milling 10/1/2013 - 12/31/2016 operators, concerned local 3yr(s) government agencies and units, mine-site developers and operators, local communities adjacent to mining areas, university undergraduate and graduate researchers UPD 579,452.00 [79] 6323 Project E: Nanofiber Membrane Adsorption as Third Level Waste Water Treatment Method for Small Scale Mining Operations (Year 1 of 4) The use of PCL-clay nanofiber mat with ironmodified montmorillonite as adsorbent of arsenic in aqueous solution has been To improve the removal capability of PCL-Clay nanofiber mat with organomontmorillonite, Fe3+montmorillonite, and zero- Small-scale mining and milling 10/1/2013 - 12/31/2016 operators, concerned local 4yr(s) government agencies and units, mine-site developers and operators, local communities UPD 1,412,696.00 [80] 6324 Project G. The Gold and Copper Chase: Life Cycle Analysis of Sustainable Small-Scale Production System (Year 1 of 4) proven effective in Better Mine Project A in batch and column set-up. However, the actual projected application of PCL-clay nanofiber mat includes system where different heavy metals are present in the solution with the use of column setup. Also, to increase production of the PCL-Clay mat, the electrospinning setup must be improve. therefore, this research will evaluate the treatment capacity of the CPL-clay nanofiber mat in remediating heavy metal ions while increasing the production while increasing the production capacity of the electrospinning setup. moreover, the degradability and reusability properties of the nanofiber mat will be investigated. valent iron montromorillonite as adjacent to mining areas, adsorbent of heavy metal multi- university undergraduate and ion contaminated solution in a graduate researchers column set To increase the production capacity of the PCLClay nanofiber mat and to investigate the degradability and reusability of the nanofiber membrane To investigate the degradability and reusability of the nanofiber membrane The current approaches in integrating economic, environmental and other requirements in production system has been challenging for small scale industries, particularly for minerals production systems in developing nations like the Philippines. At present, many of the issues facing these industries are related to their level of production output and minimizing their process wastes and their appropriate disposals. A paradigm shift is neededs. Research effort for these industries is geared towards developing a systems or technologies that can address this prevalent concern at the early stages of production while maintaining their competitiveness and promoting their growth. To help the industry through the development of feasible and simplified tools, systems or technology that address economic, environmental and social concerns while maintaining their competitiveness and promoting their growth; To investigate the possibility of developing practical systems, solutions and tools to effectively address the triple bottom line sustainability aspects in the production of gold and copper minerals Small scale mining and 10/1/2013 - 12/31/2016 extraction operators, concerned 4yr(s) local government agencies and units, local communities adjacent to mining areas, Academe, University undergraduate and graduate researchers UPD Program Total: Program Name: MOLECULAR STUDIES ON HAB CAUSATIVE ORGANISMS AND ASSOCIATED BACTERIA (HAB GENOMICS) 1,124,404.00 P 4,357,686.00 [81] 5939 Project 1. Toxins and Other Natural Products from HAB Causative Organisms and Bacteria for Standards and Tools (Year 2 of 3) The primary and essential steps in the development of management schemes for harmful algae are the successful isolation and culturing of the target organisms. Mass or scaledup production of toxic microalgal species has been utilized for toxin extraction. In the PHILHABs research program with data and information from previous researches, four (4) strains of Pyrodinium bahamense var compressum, two (2) strains of Alexandrium minutum, one strain of Alexandrium affine and one (1) strain Gymnodinium catenatum dinoflagellate species, which produce Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PSTs) have been successfully isolated and cultured. (a)To scale-up Alexandrium LGUs, local communities, minutum, Gymnodinium BFAR, DOH, academe, general catenatum, Ostreopsis ovata, public prerocentrum rathymum, Chattonella antique and Pseudonitzchia seriata and isolate new strains causing other toxicities for toxins extraction and tool development; (b)To produce different reference materials, reference materials (RMs) from scaled up laboratory cultures; (c) To assess/screen neo-standard for saxitoxins (STX) and other RMs for potential pharmaceutical drug development (anesthetic/neuropharmacological drugs); (d) To determine potential biomarkers of toxicity from protein and peptide markers; (e) To generate and compare protein profiles of HABforming species; and (f) To maintain, test and characterize bacterial cultures and the algicidal/antimicrobial substances they produce 3/1/2012 - 2/28/2015 3yr(s) UPD-MSI 3,978,900.01 [82] 5940 Project 2. Biosynthetic Genes and Genetic Molecular Tools for HAB Detection and Monitoring (Year 2 of 3) Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can be caused by a number of phytoplankton species. In the Philippines, a number of toxinproducing species such as Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum, Alexandrium spp and Gymnodinium catenatum have been reported. Although some species of dinoflagellates are identifiable based on morphology, molecular methods have proven to be more advantageous for their speed, higher accuracy, and reliability. With this project, the develop protocols and primers/probes generated will be further integrated and standardized to develop ready-to-use kits and/or (a) To develop and/or pilot-test molecular techniques for the detection and identification of dinoflagellate species from environmental and biological samples; (b) To develop microsatellite markers useful for differentiating populations of toxic dinoflagellates and hence for identifying sites that serve as origin or source of inocula that initiate harmful algal blooms in a region; (c)To determine the genetic structure or for genetic connectivity among Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum populations and cyst beds in the country; and (d) To generate partial genome sequences of selected dinoflagellate and bacterial species with interesting bioactivity for the possible discovery of toxins biosynthesis and other bioactive genes 3/1/2012 - 2/28/2015 3yr(s) UPD-MSI 2,447,621.38 LGUs, local communities, academic institutions, fishing and mariculture industries, BFAR, DOH and the general public Program Total: Program Name: Nanostructured Solar Energy Devices P 6,426,521.39 [83] 4846 Project 1. Nanostructures for Solar Cell Applications (Year 3 of 3) This is being proposed as part of the COMSTE energy program and the NANOTECHNOLOGY ROADMAP OF THE PHILIPPINES, and the immediate beneficiaries are the energy sector, for finding alternative methods for harnessing the sun through newer generation of solar cell-type device and newer generation of energy storage device. To demonstrate a solar cell with III-V based nanopracticles with comparable efficiencies to those commercially available To develop a technique in fabricating solar cell with nanopracticles and integrate the same technique by using dyesensitized cells and transparent graphene electrodes energy sector 1/1/2011 - 3/30/2014 3yr(s) UPD-NIP 5,682,669.00 [84] 4847 Project 2. Transparent Electrodes for This is being proposed as Solar Cell Applications (Year 3 of 3) part of the COMSTE energy program and the NANOTECHNOLOGY ROADMAP OF THE PHILIPPINES, and the immediate beneficiaries are the energy sector, for finding alternative methods for harnessing the sun through newer generation of solar cell-type device and newer generation of energy storage device. To investigate the use of Energy sector graphene as a transparent contact in semiconductor devices To develop a technique for graphene transparent electrodes and integrate the same technique in the fabrication of dye sensitized solar cell devices, GaAs based solar cell devices and nanostructured solar cells 1/1/2011 - 3/30/2014 3yr(s) UPD-NIP 3,484,335.00 [85] 4849 Project 3. GaAs-based Solar Cell Devices (Year 3 of 3) This is being proposed as part of the COMSTE energy program and the NANOTECHNOLOGY ROADMAP OF THE PHILIPPINES, and the immediate beneficiaries are the energy sector, for finding alternative methods for harnessing the sun through newer generation of solar cell-type device and newer generation of energy storage device. To develop GaAs based solar cell Energy Sector devices To integrae nanostructured materials into GaAs based solar cell devices 1/1/2011 - 3/30/2014 3yr(s) UPD-NIP 4,180,155.00 [86] 4852 Project 4. Modification of Graphene for Nanostructured Photovoltaic (Year 3 of 3) This is being proposed as part of the COMSTE energy program and the NANOTECHNOLOGY ROADMAP OF THE PHILIPPINES, and the immediate beneficiaries are the energy sector, for finding alternative methods for harnessing the sun through newer generation of solar cell-type device and newer generation of energy storage device. To investigate and develop methodologies for physical and chemical modification of graphene To investigate the electronic and physical-chemical properties of the modified grapheme and identify potential uses in novel nanostructured photovoltaic technologies To investigate, develop and fabricate photovoltaic cells initially using the Gratzel type which incorporates the modified graphene as components 1/1/2011 - 3/30/2014 3yr(s) ADMU 2,496,392.00 Energy sector, for finding alternative methods for harnessing the sun through newer generation of solar celltype device and newer generation of energy storage device. Program Total: P 15,843,551.00 Program Name: NATIONAL AQUAFEEDS R&D PROGRAM [87] 5965 Program A. Development of Algal Paste from Microalgae: Project 3. Improved Microalgal Production Systems through Carbon Dioxide Supplementation (Year 2 of 3) Microalgal have been an integral part of the aquaculture industry and serve as natural food for larval stages of finfish, crustaceans and mollusks. It also gained several applications in the field of biotechnology particularly for waste water remediation, carbon capture systems, and the production of bioactive compounds as food supplements and pharmaceuticals. Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food production industries and some see it as one of the best solutions in order to achieve food security while at the same time reducing pressure on the exploitation of wild fish population. The result of this project will contribute to the wealth of scientific information and technologies that will enhance and strengthen the role of algal biotechnology in aquaculture, carbon sequestration, and environmental management. To enhance the productivity of Environmental managers, algal production systems through factory/plant operators, coupling with carbon-producing aquaculture industry industrial facilities. Specifically, it seeks to: 1) develop algal production systems that will provide higher cell densities for use in aquaculture; and (2) integrate algal production systems with carbon-producing facilities to increase algal yields per unit area 3/1/2012 - 12/31/2013 3yr(s) UPV Program Total: 1,025,072.00 P 1,025,072.00 Program Name: NATIONAL MUD CRAB SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM [88] 6142 Program A. Refinement of Mud Crab Hatchery Technology: Project 1. Development of Techniques for Sustainable Production of Marine Annelids as Feed for Mud Crab Broodstock 1 of 3Yrs) (Year 2 of 3) Mud crabs (Scylla spp.) represent a valuable component of coastal fisheries in the Philippines. Mud crabs are in demand in both local and export market. However, the major bottleneck in the expansion of mud crab is the lack of seed stock for farming. Philippines has pioneered the development of hatchery and nursery technology of mud crab 1. To develop breeding and culture techniques for pathogenfree mangrove polychaete Marpysa mossambica by investigating morphology and metamorphosis, settlement substrates, feeds and feeding schemes, water management schemes, and stocking densities on larval/juvenile survival growth, biomass production, reproductive performance, and biochemical composition. 2. To evaluate various feed Private sector mud crab hatchery, nursery and grow-out operators, BFAR, LGUs, Feedmillers 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2015 3yr(s) SEAFDEC 615,291.71 However, adoption of the hatchery technology is slow due to high cost of production (additional facilities and manpower), inconsistent survival at megalopa stage caused by molt Death Syndrome (MDS) and suitable broodstock diet. These major challenges in mud crab industry will be addressed in this program to improve the existing technology.Enhancement in the adoption of the improved hatchery technolgy will be done. combinations of live annelid and annelid meal as food for mud crab broodstock Scylla serrata to improve reproductive performance. 3. To determine the cost and return analysis of the formulated feed for broodstock. [89] 6143 Program A. Refinement of Mud Crab Technology: Project 2. Improvement of Larval Rearing Protocol ( Y1 of 3Yrs) (Year 2 of 3) Mud crabs (Scylla spp.) represent a valuable component of coastal fisheries in the Philippines. Mud crabs are in demand in both local and export market. However, the major bottleneck in the expansion of mud crab is the lack of seed stock for farming. Philippines has pioneered the development of hatchery and nursery technology of mud crab However, adoption of the hatchery technology is slow due to high cost of production (additional facilities and manpower), inconsistent survival at megalopa stage caused by molt Death Syndrome (MDS) and suitable broodstock diet. These major challenges in mud crab industry will be addressed in this program to improve the existing technology.Enhancement in the adoption of the improved hatchery technolgy will be done. 1. To identify commercially available shrimp formulated diets for feeding the mud crab larvae. 2. To reduce the use of antibiotics and/or find alternative to antibiotics for mud crab seed production. 3. To determine the volume of wild caught seed stock that can still be obtained in major collection sites and pond area used for crab farming. 4. To accelerate the dissemination of science-based mud crab hatchery technology to industry stakeholders. Private sector mud crab hatchery, nursery and grow-out operators, BFAR, LGUs, Feedmillers 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2015 3yr(s) SEAFDEC 1,144,077.26 [90] 6144 Program B. Refinement of the Mud Crab Nursery Culture: Project 1. Refinement of Efficient Diets for Nursery Culture (Y1 of 2Yrs) (Year 2 of 3) Mud crabs (Scylla spp.) represent a valuable component of coastal fisheries in the Philippines. Mud crabs are in demand in both local and export market. However, the major bottleneck in the expansion of mud crab is the lack of seed stock for (1)To develop a more economically viable sciencebased nursery technology achieved through increased survival resulting from reduced cannibalism; and (2)To hasten the adoption of the technology by various stakeholders Private sector mud crab hatchery, nursery and grow-out operators, LGUs, 6/18/2012 - 6/30/2014 3yr(s) SEAFDEC 1,261,443.36 farming. Philippines has pioneered the development of hatchery and nursery technology of mud crab However, adoption of the hatchery technology is slow due to high cost of production (additional facilities and manpower), inconsistent survival at megalopa stage caused by molt Death Syndrome (MDS) and suitable broodstock diet. These major challenges in mud crab industry will be addressed in this program to improve the existing technology.Enhancement in the adoption of the improved hatchery technolgy will be done. [91] 6146 Program B. Refinement of the Mud Crab Nursery Culture: Project 2. Application of Strategies for Reduction of Cannibalism in Mud Crab Nursery (Y1 of 3Yrs) (Year 2 of 3) Mud crabs (Scylla spp.) represent a valuable component of coastal fisheries in the Philippines. Mud crabs are in demand in both local and export market. However, the major bottleneck in the expansion of mud crab is the lack of seed stock for farming. Philippines has pioneered the development of hatchery and nursery technology of mud crab However, adoption of the hatchery technology is slow due to high cost of production (additional facilities and manpower), inconsistent survival at megalopa stage caused by molt Death Syndrome (MDS) and suitable broodstock diet. These major challenges in mud crab industry will be addressed in this program to improve the existing technology.Enhancement in the adoption of the improved hatchery technolgy will be done. 1. To determine the shelter design and material that will result in best performance of mud crab in the nursery. 2. To verify and evaluate the technique on trimming claws as a means to reduce cannibalism in the second nursery phase. 3. To transfer the nursery technology to the private sector and other stakeholders. Private sector mud crab hatchery, nursery, and grow out farmers, BFAR, LGUs, Feedmillers 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2015 3yr(s) SEAFDEC 1,409,674.30 [92] 6147 Program C. Improvement of Feeds and Management Practices for Mud Crab Grow-Out Culture: Project 1. Evaluation of Existing Feed Formulations for Mud Crab Grow-Out (Y1 of 2Yrs) (Year 2 of 3) Mud crabs (Scylla spp.) represent a valuable component of coastal fisheries in the Philippines. Mud crabs are in demand in both local and export 1. To identify potential formulated diet for mud crab to partially replace (at least 50%) the use of natural feeds. 2. To recommend an effective binder to make mud crab feed stable in Private sector mud crab hatchery, nursery and grow-out operators, BFAR, LGUs, Feedmillers 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2014 3yr(s) SEAFDEC 1,538,707.11 market. However, the the water for about 5 hours. major bottleneck in the expansion of mud crab is the lack of seed stock for farming. Philippines has pioneered the development of hatchery and nursery technology of mud crab However, adoption of the hatchery technology is slow due to high cost of production (additional facilities and manpower), inconsistent survival at megalopa stage caused by molt Death Syndrome (MDS) and suitable broodstock diet. These major challenges in mud crab industry will be addressed in this program to improve the existing technology.Enhancement in the adoption of the improved hatchery technolgy will be done. [93] 6148 Program C. Improvement of Feeds and Management Practices for Mud Crab Grow-Out Culture: Project 2. Development of Feeding Strategies for Grow-Out Culture of Mud Crabs in Ponds, Pens and Cages (Y1 of 3Yrs) (Year 2 of 3) Mud crabs (Scylla spp.) represent a valuable component of coastal fisheries in the Philippines. Mud crabs are in demand in both local and export market. However, the major bottleneck in the expansion of mud crab is the lack of seed stock for farming. Philippines has pioneered the development of hatchery and nursery technology of mud crab However, adoption of the hatchery technology is slow due to high cost of production (additional facilities and manpower), inconsistent survival at megalopa stage caused by molt Death Syndrome (MDS) and suitable broodstock diet. These major challenges in mud crab industry will be addressed in this program to improve the existing technology.Enhancement in the adoption of the improved hatchery technolgy will be done. In order to develop strategies for maximizing feed utilization and minimizing feed loss when using formulated diets in mud crab grow-out pens and ponds, fattening cages, the project aims to: 1) determine the optimal ration and feeding frequency; 2) determine efficient ways of introducing feeds in ponds and pens; and 3)pilot test the best feeds and feeding protocols with the private cooperators. Private sector mud crab hatchery, nursery and grow-out operators, BFAR, LGUs, Feedmillers 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2015 3yr(s) UPV 1,358,075.67 [94] 6149 Program C. Improvement of Feeds Mud crabs (Scylla spp.) 1. Develop local dietary Private sector mud crab 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2014 UPV 2,332,572.08 and Management Practices for Mud Crab Grow-Out Culture: Project 3. Development of an Immunostimulant for Mud Crab Scylla serrata (Y1 of 2yrs) (Year 2 of 2) represent a valuable component of coastal fisheries in the Philippines. Mud crabs are in demand in both local and export market. However, the major bottleneck in the expansion of mud crab is the lack of seed stock for farming. Philippines has pioneered the development of hatchery and nursery technology of mud crab However, adoption of the hatchery technology is slow due to high cost of production (additional facilities and manpower), inconsistent survival at megalopa stage caused by molt Death Syndrome (MDS) and suitable broodstock diet. These major challenges in mud crab industry will be addressed in this program to improve the existing technology.Enhancement in the adoption of the improved hatchery technolgy will be done. immunostimulants and hatchery, nursery and grow-out commercially available operators, BFAR, LGUs, and immunostimulant taht can Feedmillers improve growth performance and disease resistance of mud crab. 2. Determine the optimum dose and frequency of the immunostimulants 3. Evaluate the effects of the immunostimulant on the survival, growth, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and resistance to WSSV. 2yr(s) Program Total: P 9,659,841.49 Program Name: NATIONAL R&D PROGRAM FOR NATURAL RUBBER PROCESSING AND RUBBER MANUFACTURING [95] 7001 Project 1. Upgrading and Accreditation of Laboratories to Include Rubber Analyses in Strategic Areas in Mindanao. Phase 1. Integration of Rubber Testing Services in RSTL Region 9 (Year 1 of 3) The DOST National R&D Agenda identified quality of natural rubber as one of the top issues that affect competitiveness of the industry. Presence of filth, wood fragments, adulteration and use of battery acid instead of formic acid are some of the prevailing practices that affect natural rubber products manufacturers for further processing. The Philippine Rubber Industry Association identified the establishment of rubber testing facilities near the source in order to foster quality consciousness among producers and in turn, provide a means for buyers such as rubber manufacturers to verify To validate the feasibility and sustainability of integrating rubber testing services for rubber processors in Region 9 To establish an operational study testing facility for natural rubber in Zamboanga City To initiate accreditation of rubber testing services to ISO17025. Processors/traders of natural rubber in Region 9; Exporters of natural rubber in Region 9; Buyers of natural rubber from Region 9 7/1/2013 - 12/31/2015 3yr(s) DOST-9 2,680,124.00 quality if the product. [96] 7002 Project 2. Optimization and Improvement of Processes in the Production of Technically Specified Rubber (TSR) and Demonstration of Improved Facilities in Zamboanga Peninsula (Year 1 of 3) The project will enhance the environment for quality consciousness and innovativeness of the industry through awareness and capability upgrading for both the private and public sectors and provision of critical technologies and support systems for natural rubber and rubber products. To validate best practices in NR tapping, handling, preservation, latex coagulation and processing into technically specified rubber through benchmarking To analyze and compare existing practices from the benchmarked practices and implement practices that are found appropriate To optimize the production and improve the facilities for TSR production; d) produce TSR according to international standards To publish and disseminate the best practices to regions where high concentration of rubber producers are operating. Natural rubber (NR)latex tappers; NR processors and technically specified rubber (TSR) users/producers 7/1/2013 - 12/31/2015 3yr(s) FPRDI 3,051,276.00 [97] 7003 Project 3. Enhancing and Increasing Local Content in Rubber for Motorcycle Tire Application (Year 1 of 3) The project will utilize locally available rubber material and additives in the laboratory-scale production of compounded rubber material for the motorcycle tire manufacturing industry To obtain technically specified rubber (TSR) from local producers of natural rubber and subject to standard tests to characterize and classify them according to the International Standard Organization’s scheme; To prepare rubber fillers from local resources, i.e., carbon from charcoal and mineral coal and clay minerals for rubber compounding for rubber tire manufacturing; To prepare and characterize rubber compounds from locally produced TSR and fillers and assess its applicability for tire manufacturing Rubber tire manufacturing industry; Clay industry; University; Coal industry; Nonmetallic mineral industry 8/1/2013 - 12/31/2015 3yr(s) UPD-DMMME 2,221,026.00 Program Total: P 7,952,426.00 Program Name: NSTW & RELATED ACTIVITIES [98] 85 Institutional Support for Trade and Exhibitions of DOST Technologies and Services Program (formerly DOST Technology Exposition and Fairs Program) (Year 12) The project serves as an effective marketing/promotion strategy to showcase not only the DOST generated technologies and services but also the latest advances in S&T in the country. It facilitates exchange of information on the investment potential and requirements of promising technologies, and provides a venue for highlighting the accomplishments of scientists, inventors and researchers. It also serves as an excellent ground for To showcase DOST generated Scientist, technologies including services Researchers,inventors and and programs available both in DOST Promotions local and international setting; To feature and promote the latest technologies by DOST clients, academe and private and public research institutions; To highlight the investment potential of various technologies; To develop linkages with other international organizations; To support the programs of various sectors related to DOST's thrusts; and To recognize outstanding Filipino scientists, innovators and technology generators. 1/1/2000 - 12/31/2015 Continuing TAPI 2,000,000.00 exchanging S&T ideas and facilitating technology commercialization/adoption [99] 6118 NSTW Celebration and Related Activities (Year 14) Celebrated annually, the To showcase the technologies Students, SMEs, general public, NSTW is celebrated and services developed by DOST. science community annually as a premiere means of showcasing the technologies and services developed by DOST. NSTW is instrumental in laying down the foundation for reaching out to the Department's target audiences. 1/1/2000 - 12/31/2015 Continuing Various Agencies Program Total: 9,460,019.35 P 11,460,019.35 Program Name: PHILIPPINE COMPETITIVENESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (PCDP) [100] 7179 Project 1. Critical Thinking and Several skills workforce Problem Solving (CTAPS) (Year 1 of analyses conducted in the 3) Philippines have consistently ranked criticalthinking and problemsolving skills as one of key core skills required that cuts across all job sectors, particularly for manufacturing and services. Critical-thinking and problem-solving have also consistently been identified as an area wherein skill gaps are most predominant in the labor pool in the Philippines. This concern cuts across sectors and is most significantly pronounced in the service and manufacturing industries. To design computer-based program with learning modules addressing critical thinking and problem solving skills To design assessment tests that will assess student's critical thinking and real-world problem solving skills Students/fresh graduates (new 4/15/2014 - 11/30/2015 entrants to workforce) will use 3yr(s) the software program to benchmark their critical thinking and problem solving skills and to improve this skills; Employers may find a larger pool of better qualified applicants, with respect to core critical thinking and problem solving skills. UPD-DP UPD-DP 566,563.00 [101] 7175 Project 2. Service Orientation Skills (SOS) (Year 1 of 3) To develop a standalone , computer-based learning program that will help improve the core service orientation skills of Filipino workers and graduates To develop tests (assessment that could be applied to determine the current levels of Filipino workers with respect to the core service orientation skills Standalone computer based 4/15/2014 - 11/30/2015 programs with learning 3yr(s) modules addressing service orientation skills; Computerbased assessment tests for this core competency. UPD-DP UPD-DP 494,065.00 Service orientation encompasses competencies linked to personality traits that generally refer to predispositions of agreeableness and this is considered as desirable across most industry sectors. As competencies, it is the set of attitudes and behaviors that affects how an organization's staff relates to its customers. In employing organizations, strategic human resource management recognizes the value of determining the suitability of a job applicant to a serviceoriented position even before he/she is hired. To some degree, service orientation is personalitybased, but additional training can focus on the learning of values, attitudes and behaviors, such as kindness and respect for others, to enhance social interactions. Filipinos, in general, are viewed as naturally pleasant people because of their core value for kapwa; focused service orientation training could capitalize and build on this. [102] 7180 Project 3. Computer Literacy (Comlit) (Year 1 of 3) In today's knowledge economy, core computer literacy is a skill that has increasingly become a basic requirement for students and workers. Computer literacy is increasingly becoming more important as more services become computerized. Computers are now more commonly found in the workplace and the ability to use these computers has now become an essential skill for entrants to the workforce. [103] 7181 Project 4. Focused Competencies This current proposal is a Assessment Program (FCAP) (Year 1 focused study that aims to of 2) provide research-based recommendations for such interventions, from the design to evaluation of capability building programs. More particularly, this study will examine the hiring needs of the Semiconductor industry, represented by the Semiconductor and Electronics industries in the Philippines Inc. (SEIPI), and assess the skills and competencies of new graduates that are potential applicants to the industry. Data from this study will identify the worker requirements of the 1.To develop a standalone, computer-based learning program that will help improve the core computer literacy of Filipino Workers 2.To develop tests (assessment) that could be applied to determine the current levels of Filipino Workers with respect to the core computer literacy Students/fresh graduates (new 4/15/2014 - 12/30/2015 entrants to workforce) will use 3yr(s) the software program to benchmark their core computer literacy skills; Employers may find a larger pool of better qualified applicants, with respect to core computer literacy skills. UPD-DCS 1.To examine recruitment and selection criteria for workers in the Semiconductor industry in the Philippine. 2.To identify job requirements for newly hired workers in the Semiconductor industry 3.To examine the qualifications (eg educational degree, knowledge, skills competencies, career/ Job preference) of new graduates with plans to apply to the Semiconductor industry 4.To develop standalone computerbased learning modules to address the most significant gaps in the skill test as determined by the focused skills assessment Students/fresh graduates (new 4/15/2014 - 12/30/2014 entrants to workforce) will use 2yr(s) the software program to benchmark their competencies in focused areas for the semiconductor and electronic industries; Employers may find a larger pool of better qualified applicants, with respect to the identified focused competencies. UPD-DP UPD-DP 1,021,229.00 421,608.00 industry that are not adequately matched with the CKSAs of new graduates. The succeeding phases will be based on outputs of this study to allot for increased validity in the design the interventions such as training modules for new graduates, the implementation of training, and an evaluation of the effectiveness and utility of the training Program Total: P 2,503,465.00 Program Name: QUICK RESPONSE PROGRAM [104] 7260 Improving the Existing Facilities of PSHS-Central Visays Campus (Year 1 of 1) The project will rehabilitate/repair the existing facilities of PSHS Central Visayas Campus damaged by Typhoon Yolanda. To bring back the architectural PSHS Visayas campus affected 12/1/2013 - 11/30/2014 shape of the buildings so that all by Typhoon Yolanda 1yr(s) services start working and the functionality of the buildings resume quickly. To improve the structural strength of the building that can be very deceptive for meeting the strength requirements of the next earthquake. PSHS 11,873,074.00 [105] 7186 Production and Field Testing of FNRI-Developed Complementary/Supplementary Foods (Year 1 of 1) The project is an initiatives to help lessen the effect caused by a disaster thought of producing the different food products the Institute has developed for disaster/emergency feeding. These products have been particularly developed to provide nutrient - rich foods to vulnerable groups and can be used for feeding during disaster. They are deemed appropriate to serve in all the three emergency periods (early emergency, intermediate emergency or extended emergency), bearing in mind the nutritional objectives during these times of disaster. Different products suitable for emergency feeding will be produced and field tested in disaster areas, namely; complementary foods (BIGMO instant baby food To produce adequate volume of Typhoon Yolanda victims food products to augment food supplies needed to cater 2,000 beneficiaries. To turn over to DOST Regional office or to the appropriate agency the food products to be used for emergency relief operations. To conduct field testing on the acceptability of the food products during the extended emergency feeding on the 2nd to 6 month. FNRI 2,000,000.00 7/6/2014 - 12/5/2014 1yr(s) and Nutri-MAM) for 6 months to 2 years old, snack food for 1 year to 5 years old, rice power bar and compressed food (nutri-bites) BIGMO curls for all age groups Program Total: P 13,873,074.00 Program Name: RESTORING CROP DIVERSITY AT THE NATIONAL GERMPLASM REPOSITORY [106] 5941 Project 1. Collecting, Regeneration and Conservation, Characterization, Evaluation and Assessment of Diversity and Sustainable Utilization of Vegetables Genetic Resources (Year 2 of 5) The program will provide plant genetic resources to produce sufficient food for the country and to achieve this, the different projects will identify important traits for incorporation in varietal improvement programs. Promising accessions to be channeled in the formal and informal seed supply system. Results of the project will be disseminated through various IEC materials. To collect new vegetable germplasm to add to the national collection To recollect and/or repatriate accessions missing from the original national collection To generate and multiply accessions of vegetables To characterize, evaluate and identify the accessions being regenerated with special traits and nutraceutical properties for utilization To assess the diversity of the vegetable germplasm collection To conserve the regenerated germplasm using suitable storage containers in the cold storage facility of the NPGRL Institutions holding germplasm collections, genebank curators/managers, local communities and custodians of PGR, farmers, scientist/researchers, academe 3/15/2012 - 3/14/2017 5yr(s) UPLB-IPB 1,081,841.70 [107] 5942 Project 2. Collecting, Regeneration and Conservation, Characterization, Evaluation and Assessment of Diversity and Sustainable Utilization of Food Legumes Genetic Resources (Year 2 of 5) The program will provide plant genetic resources to produce sufficient food for the country and to achieve this, the different projects will identify important traits for incorporation in varietal improvement programs. Promising accessions to be channeled in the formal and informal seed supply system. Results of the project will be disseminated through various IEC materials. To collect germplasm of food legumes and recollect/repatriate missing accessions of food legume species from the original national collection accessions from other collections To regenerate and multiply threatened accessions of food legumes To characterize, evaluate and identify germplasm accessions of food legumes with special traits and nutraceutical properties To assess diversity in the collection of food legumes at NPGRL To identify, multiply, and distribute promising accessions of food legumes Institutions holding germplasm collections, genebank curators/managers, local communities and custodians of PGR, farmers, scientist/researchers, academe 3/15/2012 - 3/14/2017 5yr(s) UPLB-IPB 1,096,492.45 [108] 5943 Project 3. Collecting, Regeneration and Conservation, Characterization, Evaluation and Assessment of Diversity and Sustainable Utilization of Cereals Genetic Resources (Year 2 of 5) The program will provide plant genetic resources to produce sufficient food for the country and to achieve this, the different projects will identify important traits for incorporation in varietal improvement programs. Promising accessions to be channeled in the formal and informal seed supply system. To collect new and/or recollect missing germplasm accession of corn, sorghum, adlai and millet germplasm to add to the national collection To regenerate and multiply new collections and critically low stock/viability existing accessions of corn, sorghum, adlai and millet To characterize corn, sorghum, adlai and millet through morphometric traits and evaluate for agronomic Institutions holding germplasm collections, genebank curators/managers, local communities and custodians of PGR, farmers, scientist/researchers, academe 3/15/2012 - 3/14/2017 5yr(s) UPLB-IPB 1,065,251.89 Results of the project will be disseminated through various IEC materials. traits and biotic stresses To conserve the regenerated germpalsm using suitable storage containers in the cold storage facility of the NPGRL To identify cereals germplasm material with potential for direct or indirect utilization [109] 5944 Project 4. Collecting, Regeneration and Conservation, Characterization, Evaluation and Assessment of Diversity and Sustainable Utilization of Feeds and Industrial Crops Genetic Resources (Year 2 of 5) The program will provide plant genetic resources to produce sufficient food for the country and to achieve this, the different projects will identify important traits for incorporation in varietal improvement programs. Promising accessions to be channeled in the formal and informal seed supply system. Results of the project will be disseminated through various IEC materials. To collect or recollect the germplasm of yam, taro, cassava, medicinal plants, herbal, spice, condiments and essential oil crops To generate and conserve the gerplasm of yam, taro, cassava, medicinal plants, herbal, spice, condiments and essential oil crops To morphologically characterize the germplasm collection of cassava, yam and taro, medicinal and herbal plants conserved at the NPRGRL To conduct preliminary evaluation of the collection against selected diseases To identify promising genotypes with useful traits and utilize them as sources of genes for crop improvement To identify, select and screen accessions of selected medicinal plants with phytoactive compounds Institutions holding germplasm collections, genebank curators/managers, local communities and custodians of PGR, farmers, scientist/researchers, academe 3/15/2012 - 3/14/2017 5yr(s) UPLB-IPB 1,227,657.48 [110] 5945 Project 5. Collecting, Regeneration and Conservation, Characterization, Evaluation and Assessment of Diversity and Sustainable Utilization of Fruits and Nuts Genetic Resources (Year 2 of 5) The program will provide plant genetic resources to produce sufficient food for the country and to achieve this, the different projects will identify important traits for incorporation in varietal improvement programs. Promising accessions to be channeled in the formal and informal seed supply system. Results of the project will be disseminated through various IEC materials. To collect germplasm of fruits and tree nuts species To characterize germplasm of fruits and tree nuts species To maintain genetic resources of fruits and nuts species To identify promising fruits in the existing collection as sources of direct and processed food To propagate and distribute selected germplasm accessions with potential use as direct and processed food Institutions holding germplasm collections, genebank curators/managers, local communities and custodians of PGR, farmers, scientist/researchers, academe 3/15/2012 - 3/14/2017 5yr(s) UPLB-NIMBB 1,041,230.41 [111] 5946 Project 6. Utilization of in-vitro Technologies for Asexually Propagated Species Genetic Resources Conservation (Year 2 of 5) The program will provide plant genetic resources to produce sufficient food for the country and to achieve this, the different projects will identify important traits for incorporation in varietal improvement programs. Promising accessions to be channeled in the formal and informal seed supply system. To conduct virus indexing of the in vitro conserved crops To optimize minimal growth medium term conservation methodologies based on culture media modification, use of appropriate culture vessels and closures and improvement of culture growth conditions To develop cryopreservation protocols for long term conservation To strengthen the Institutions holding germplasm collections, genebank curators/managers, local communities and custodians of PGR, farmers, scientist/researchers, academe 3/15/2012 - 3/14/2017 5yr(s) UPLB-IPB 587,029.13 [112] 5948 Project 7. Documentation and Data Management and Production of Extension and Communication Materials for NPGR Repository (Year 2 of 5) Results of the project will be disseminated through various IEC materials. capability of the in vitro genebank of NPGRL To develop and early in vitro screening protocol for drought tolerances using PEG To evaluate root crops germplasm for drought tolerance To validate the drought tolerance response under greenhouse conditions The program will provide plant genetic resources to produce sufficient food for the country and to achieve this, the different projects will identify important traits for incorporation in varietal improvement programs. Promising accessions to be channeled in the formal and informal seed supply system. Results of the project will be disseminated through various IEC materials. To create a working relational database and information management system that handles different crops with stand-alone capability, and a readily available and less expensive bundled software application To evaluate the feasibility of adapting GRINGlobal as a platform for the documentation system of NPGRL To process data and perform genetic diversity and cluster analysis To develop, produce,and disseminate multi-media information, education and communication materials about PGR conservation and management and its related researches To enhance capacity of project staff and collaborators through training on basic PGR management and conservation activities Institutions holding germplasm collections, genebank curators/managers, local communities and custodians of PGR, farmers, scientist/researchers, academe 3/15/2012 - 3/14/2017 5yr(s) UPLB-IPB Program Total: 831,550.81 P 6,931,053.87 Program Name: REVITALIZATION OF THE PHILIPPINE TEXTILE AND GARMENT INDUSTRIES THROUGH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [113] 7035 Project 1. Establishment of Innovation Center for Yarns and Textiles (Year 1 of 3) The project shall catalyze production of innovative yarns and textiles from indigenous fibers thru standardized processing methods and state-of-theart textile machines and equipment. The project shall implement its strategy thru five activities: upgrading of facilities, yard and fabric innovation and development, human resource enhancement, textile performance specifications and marketing and promotion strategies. Upgrading of PTRI's processing facilities to produce innovative yarns and fabrics to add value to the existing local textile products MSME's involved on weaving (handloom or powerloom), knitting, trading industries and other garment manufacturers who are engaged into the utilization of indigenous materials that are available in the Philippine. [114] 7034 Project 2. Establishment of The project will enhance Setting-up of weaving centers in MSME's involved on weaving 10/1/2013 - 9/30/2015 3yr(s) PTRI 2,758,634.00 10/1/2013 - 9/30/2015 PTRI 157,420.00 Handloom Weaving Livelihood at the the handloom productivity 10 regions with training DOST Innovation Centers (Year 1 of in the countryside and component for beneficiaries and 3) targeting textile MSME's to continuous R&D support develop products not only for local but also for international markets. The Institute's intervention through this project include technical assistance on the start-up operations in every handloom weaving center, acquisition of handloom equipment including proper use and maintenance, training of weavers, weave design development and loom execution. [115] 7037 Project 3. Upscaling and Expanding The project will propagate the Production and Application of the production and Philippine Natural Dyes (Year 1 of 3) application of natural dyes through upscaling of production technologies, validation of the technology's adaptability through establishment of production hubs and satellite center and promotion of natural dyes through the creation of a Philippine Textiles and Dyes ePortal. Project to address the need for volume produciton of Philippine natural dyes for the food and non-food sectors through the setting-up of satellite dye production facilities in regions (handloom or powerloom), knitting, trading industries and other garment manufacturers who are engaged into the utilization of indigenous materials that are available in the Philippine. 3yr(s) Textile and garment industry of the Philippines particularly the countryside weaving and knitting industries that rely on specialty and niche eco-friendly yarns 10/1/2013 - 9/30/2015 3yr(s) PTRI 6,966,539.00 Program Total: P 9,882,593.00 Program Name: S&T MANAGEMENT APPROACHES AGAINST FUSARIUM WILT [FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. SP. CUBENSE (FOC)] ON CAVENDISH IN MINDANAO [116] 5947 Project 1. Adaptability Trial of Seven (7) Promising GCTCV Somaclones Against Fusarium Wilt (Foc) (formerly Project 1. Adaptability Trial of Four Promising GCTCV Somaclones against Fusarium Wilt (Foc)) (Year 2 of 3) The program will assess the adaptability of four promising Giant Cavendish Tissue Culture Variant (GCTCV) somaclones against fusarium wilt, apply commercially available biological control agents and develop strategies to effectively deliver these agents to the soil. The distribution of fusarium wilt incidence in Mindanao and identification of races will eventually become the basis for strict To mass produce GCTCV 106, 119, 218, and 219, and other Cavendish for field testing, evaluation and characterization To distribute GCTCV 106, 119, 218, and 219 and other Cavendish varieties to selected private growers and farmercooperators with heavily infected farms for field testing, evaluation and selection To establish and evaluate performance of four somaclonal variants in Foc TR4 infested soils To train farmers on disease management and appropriate Banana farmer/growers, banana tissue culture laboratories, banana traders/exporters, Plant Quarantine Services - Bureau of Plant Industry, consumers and policy makers 4/1/2012 - 3/31/2015 3yr(s) BPI-DNCRDC USeP 904,628.89 quarantine implementation eradication techniques To in the future. produce IEC materials on fusarium wilt management [117] 5949 Project 2. Development of Biological The program will assess To evaluate and determine the Control Strategies Against Foc the adaptability of four efficacy of commercially Tropical Race 4 (TR4) (Year 2 of 3) promising Giant Cavendish available trichoderma, vesicularTissue Culture Variant arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM), (GCTCV) somaclones plant growth-promoting bacteria against fusarium wilt, (PGPR) effective microorganisms apply commercially (EM) bacillus subtilis against Foc available biological control TR4 applied singly and in agents and develop combination under greenhouse strategies to effectively and field conditions To deliver these agents to the demonstrate the efficacy of soil. The distribution of Ca(NO3)2 as soil amendment fusarium wilt incidence in alone and in combination with Mindanao and identification the biocon agents To develop of races will eventually protocol for the application of the become the basis for strict biological control agents and the quarantine implementation soil amendment and integrate in the future. with other disease management approaches against Foc TR4 [118] 5950 Project 3. Assessment and Distribution of Fusarium Wilt Incidence in Mindanao (Year 2 of 3) The program will assess the adaptability of four promising Giant Cavendish Tissue Culture Variant (GCTCV) somaclones against fusarium wilt, apply commercially available biological control agents and develop strategies to effectively deliver these agents to the soil. The distribution of fusarium wilt incidence in Mindanao and identification of races will eventually become the basis for strict quarantine implementation in the future. To determine the geographic distribution of Foc race 4 in different banana growing areas in Mindanao To collect, isolate, and characterize infected samples from the major banana growing areas in Mindanao To determine the specific Foc race (race 4) using PCR-based diagnostic tool Banana farmer/growers, banana tissue culture laboratories, banana traders/exporters, Plant Quarantine Services - Bureau of Plant Industry, consumers and policy makers 4/1/2012 - 3/31/2015 3yr(s) BPI-DNCRDC USeP 241,320.99 Banana farmer/growers, banana tissue culture laboratories, banana traders/exporters, Plant Quarantine Services - Bureau of Plant Industry, consumers and policy makers 4/1/2012 - 3/31/2015 3yr(s) BPI-DNCRDC USeP SPAMAST 76,890.00 Program Total: P 1,222,839.88 Program Name: SMART FARMING-BASED NUTRIENT AND WATER MANAGEMENT FOR RICE AND CORN PRODUCTION [119] 6041 Project 1. Application of Nuclear Analytical Techniques for Efficient Nutrient and Water Management in Rice Production (Year 2 of 5) The program will focus on developing precision and efficient technologies such as the use of nuclear isotopic techniques known to be an effective tool for nutrient, soil and water resource determination and management, the development and application of high efficiency and precise fertigation systems, use of automated and controlled To provide baseline data for precise and science-based fertilizer recommendations through nuclear analytical techniques To precisely assess water-use efficiency of watersaving technologies on rice under irrigated lowland conditions using radioisotopes and stable isotope techniques To demonstrate best practices on soil nutrient- and water-use efficient technologies in rice production systems Rice farmers, SUCs/seed growers, LGUs; b) Other potential rice farmers/growers in other areas 9/1/2012 - 12/31/2016 5yr(s) PhilRice 1,243,500.00 crop production systems, and the development and formulation of agricultural production technology standards for precision and smart farming systems, specifically for soil and water resources management [120] 6042 Project 2. Application of Nuclear Analytical Techniques for Efficient Nutrient and Irrigation Management in Corn Production (Year 2 of 5) The program will focus on developing precision and efficient technologies such as the use of nuclear isotopic techniques known to be an effective tool for nutrient, soil and water resource determination and management, the development and application of high efficiency and precise fertigation systems, use of automated and controlled crop production systems, and the development and formulation of agricultural production technology standards for precision and smart farming systems, specifically for soil and water resources management To determine nutrient-use efficiency of corn under different fertilization schemes through the use of stable isotope technique To establish the correlation between the soil test value and the response of crop to fertilizers in terms of growth performance and yield using nuclear analytical techniques To identify management practices that can be feasibly and effectively implemented to improve the irrigation efficiency To formulate best fertilization schemes and irrigation technology management for corn To demonstrate the effectiveness of the best fertilization schemes and irrigation technology management for corn under farmer's field condition Backyard Farmers; Commercial Corn Growers; Water amnagers; Water Users Associations; Researchers and Scientists; Government agencies; Research and Academic Institutions; LGUs; Non-government Organizations [121] 6043 Project 3. Water Balance and Loss Assessment of the Upper Pampanga River Integrated Irrigation System (UPRIIS) and Magat River Integrated Irrigation System (MARIIS) (Year 2 of 3) The program will focus on developing precision and efficient technologies such as the use of nuclear isotopic techniques known to be an effective tool for nutrient, soil and water resource determination and management, the development and application of high efficiency and precise fertigation systems, use of automated and controlled crop production systems, and the development and formulation of agricultural production technology standards for precision and smart farming systems, specifically for soil and water resources management To determine and assess the conveyance losses in UPRIIS and MARIIS using conventional method To determine and assess the application losses in lowland areas irrigated by UPRIIS and MARIIS using isotopic techniques in parallel with conventional method To establish/validate the crop coefficients of commonly used varieties of rice in the UPRIIS and MARIIS using lysimeters To recommend measures to increase water use efficiency [122] 6044 Project 4. Enhancement of Nutrient and Water Use Efficiency through Standardization of Engineering Support Systems for Precision The program will focus on developing precision and efficient technologies such as the use of nuclear To increase efficiency of soil nutrient (25% for nitrogen, 10% for phosphorus and potassium) and water resources uptake in 9/1/2012 - 8/14/2016 5yr(s) PNRI CLSU (Central Luzon) 1,451,733.33 Government Agencies (NIA, 9/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 DA-RFUs, LGUs); Policy 3yr(s) Makers; Researchers; engineers; scientists; Academic Institutions; Non-government Organizations (irrigator's associations, farmers association); Private Sector. UPLB-CEAT 1,055,630.00 DA-RFUs; National Irrigation Administration; Professional Agricultural Engineers; Farmers; Other Government UPLB-CEAT 870,833.33 9/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) Farming (Year 2 of 3) isotopic techniques known to be an effective tool for nutrient, soil and water resource determination and management, the development and application of high efficiency and precise fertigation systems, use of automated and controlled crop production systems, and the development and formulation of agricultural production technology standards for precision and smart farming systems, specifically for soil and water resources management rice and corn production systems Agencies; State Colleges; by 25% using smart-farming Universities; Private Sector. technologies with high soil nutrient- and water-use efficiency through nuclear analytical techniques To assess the status of irrigation systems in terms of its efficiency, farm losses and other water balance parameters and recommend measures to reduce water losses To develop standards for selected nutrient and water management systems and technologies needed for policy advocacy and technology commercialization Program Total: P 4,621,696.66 Program Name: SUGARCANE GENOMICS FOR INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY, SUSTAINABILITY AND GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS OF THE PHILIPPINES SUGAR INDUSTRY [123] 6964 Project 1. Genomics-Assisted Discovery of Genes and Molecular Markers for Important Targeted Traits in Sugarcane (Year 1 of 3) To address the problems that beset the Philippine sugar industry in terms of raw sugar production through the utilization of genomics in sugarcane To: a) select different sugarcane genotypes for important targeted traits; b) extract total RNA from sugarcane tissues of different sugarcane genotypes with the important targeted traits; c) generate transcriptomics sequence data using an appropriate NGS platform of sugarcane genotypes with the important targeted traits; d) identify SSRs and SNPs markers from the transcriptomics sequence data using bioinformatics analyses; e) construct a database of SSRs and SNPs markers associated with the important targeted traits in sugarcane; and f) test/validate some of these markers in sugarcane breeding population/lines. Indirect beneficiaries on a long-term basis will be sugarcane farmers, millers, exporters and the various stakeholders of the sugarcane industry. 8/16/2013 - 12/31/2015 3yr(s) UPLB-IPB 14,600,328.00 [124] 6965 Project 2. Application of Molecular Breeding Techniques in Sugarcane Improvement (Year 1 of 3) The project will increase efficiency in the development of new varieties of sugarcane through the use of molecular markers in prebreeding, hybridization and selection in sugarcane To increase efficiency in the development of new varieties of sugarcane through the use of molecular markers in prebreeding, hybridization and selection in sugarcane Direct target clientele are the 8/16/2013 - 12/31/2015 sugarcane, sugarcane 3yr(s) researchers and breeders. Indirect target would be the sugarcane planters, millers and other researchers. Long-term beneficiary would be the sugar industry of the Philippines. SRA UPLB 2,838,846.00 [125] 6966 Project 3. Development of New Sugarcane Varieties Using MarkerAssisted Selection (MAS) (Year 1 of 3) To address the problems that beset the Philippine sugar industry in terms of raw sugar production through the utilization of a. To identify promising sugarcane clones with high sucrose content through the use of MAS; b. To identify through MAS promising sugarcane Direct target clientele are the 8/16/2013 - 12/31/2015 sugarcane, sugarcane 3yr(s) researchers and breeders. Indirect target would be the sugarcane planters, millers and UPLB PHILSURIN 4,773,916.00 genomics in sugarcane varieties that are resistant to at other researchers. Long-term least smut and downy mildew; beneficiary would be the sugar and c. To shorten the time frame industry of the Philippines. from hybridization to dissemination of new high yielding varieties of sugarcane that are sweet and resistant to diseases Program Total: P 22,213,090.00 Program Name: TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION FOR COMMERCIALIZATION (TECHNICOM) PROGRAM [126] 5994 Enhancing the Commercialization of Biogroe Technology (Year 2 of 2) Biogroe is a solid-based microbial plant-growth promoter that contains plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) that is effective in boosting the growth of a number of crops. The BioGroe technology has great potential to increase yields with lower cost of production. A reduction in cost of production will result in increased net benefit per area planted to the crop and give higher income of farmers. This technology if commercialized is expected to alleviate poverty among small farmers. To Promote and commercialize Farmer entrepreneurs BioGroe technology specifically to: a)Conduct demonstration trials to showcase Biogore b)Promote the use of BioGroe and develop marketing strategies and promotional kits c)Conduct trainings and seminars for increased awareness of biogroe technology d)Obtain product registration for Biogroe on the test crops e)Develop production and distribution modalities for Biogroe commercialization [127] 6971 Establishment of Microbial Succession of Starter Culture for Rice Wine (Tapuy) Processing - Y2 (Year 2 of 2) The project involves identification of novel microorganisms and development of starter culture specific for efficient rice wine processing. To establish microbial succession Tapuy producers in northern of starter culture for rice wine Luzon and other interested processing under bench-scale SMEs operation. Specifically, to: (a) revalidate the functional properties of selected microbial strains;(b) establish microbial succession of starter cultures under bench- scale operation; (c) adopt the developed starter culture for bench-scale processing of rice wine; and evaluate the physicochemical, functional and sensory properties of the final product. 3/1/2012 - 2/28/2013 2yr(s) UPLB-NIMBB 884,031.29 UPLB-CA FSC 114,669.53 [128] 6968 Management Support Program (MSP) Facilitate the monitoring for TECHNICOM Implementation and evaluation of the (Year 1 of 1) projects and to develop a database that will enable to identify exactly the status of projects at any point in time. To facilitate the monitoring and RDIs; Academe; Private Sector evaluation of the projects and to develop a database that will enable to identify exactly the status of projects at any point in time. 7/1/2013 - 12/31/2014 1yr(s) TAPI [129] 5995 Management Support Program for Facilitate the monitoring TECHNICOM Implementation (Year 1 and evaluation of the To facilitate the monitoring and Research institutes, Academe, evaluation of the projects and to Industry 1/2/2012 - 12/31/2012 1yr(s) DOST-OUsec for R&D 1,586,206.00 563,700.05 of 1) projects and to develop a database that will enable to identify exactly the status of projects at any point in time. develop a database that will enable to identify exactly the status of projects at any point in time. The proposal aims to produce dome type ceramic type filters and conduct field testing in Vigan, Ilocos Sur. The Technology Which was developed by ITDI in the previous Projects: Prototyping of Ceramic Pot Filter with Colloidal Silver (DOST-GIA) and water purification System: Production and Field/ Performance testing of Ceramic Pot-type filter (PCIEERD-GIA) will be further developed on a pilot scale using red clays in Vigan, Ilocos Sur. To produce the dome type ceramic water filter and conduct field performance testing in Vigan, Ilocus Sur. Local Pottery Industry, LGU [131] 6973 Regional Roll-Out of BIOTEK-Mtm To develop a commercial Aqua-Kit (Liquid Format) (Year 1 of prototype in liquid format 1) and will determine its clinical utility in case scenario on dengue diagnosis (regional roll out) and also determine the appropriate product packaging, stability, and marketability of the liquid format. To determine the performance of BIOTEK-M Dengue -aquatic as a diagnostic tool to detect dengue infections in confirmed cases of dengue in actual case scenario; To determine the health-seeking patterns of patients consulting for acute febrile for illness market analysis; To determine the inter-assay variations of the Biotek-M Dengue -aquatic as they relate to the site of where the Biotek-M test performed; To design the packaging and determine the storage and stability parameters of the commercial prototype Primary Users: Patients at risk of dengue hemorrhagic fever, field epidemiologist; Secondary Users: DOSH and local hospitals, private health institutions [132] 6969 Showcasing Rice Fortification Program in Region XI Through Techno-Transfer Strategy Towards Nutrition Security (formerly ScalingUp Rice Fortification Program through Technology Transfer) Project 1. Technology Transfer to Private Mills (Year 1 of 2) To create positive behavior of millers/investors towards the production of IPR and IFR to make the product available for consumption of Filipinos and to conduct training and technology transfer on the production of IPR and IFR to prospective Rice Millers To build experience and enable Rice millers (transfer of private mills to develop a clear technology; rice retailers; national expansion and financing Filipino consumers (for IFR) policy in the production of IPR and IFR, making IFR available, affordable, and accessible for consumption of all Filipinos to achieve food and nutrition security for higher productivity [133] 6970 Showcasing Rice Fortification Program in Region XI Through Techno-Transfer Strategy Towards Nutrition Security (formerly ScalingUp Rice Fortification Program through Technology Transfer) Project 2. Monitoring and Evaluation of To evaluate program implementation and assess the effects of consuming IFR on the prevalence of anemia among targeted population groups 1.To conduct coordination activities with local Government Units (LGUs) in Region 11 2.To Establish partnership with the National Food Authority (NFA) and other GOs in the Implementation of the Project [130] 6988 Production of Dome Type Ceramic Water Filter (Year 1 of 1) NFA, Rice Millers in Nueva Ecija (J.D Aguilar Mill) and Region XI, Filipino Consumers 7/1/2013 - 12/31/2014 1yr(s) ITDI 2,126,459.00 6/1/2013 - 5/31/2014 1yr(s) UP (System) 8,172,504.00 4/1/2013 - 12/31/2014 2yr(s) FNRI 2,127,936.00 4/1/2013 - 9/30/2014 1yr(s) FNRI 4,018,558.00 Impact of Iron Fortified Rice and Program Sustainability (Year 1 of 1) [134] 6972 Systems Enhancement and Market The project offers Testing of Automated Broadcast automated monitoring of Monitoring (ORCHESTRACK) (Year 1 content being aired 24/7 of 1) from vatious sources such as radio and TV. 3.To document the process, enhancing and hindering factors in the implementation of the project 4.To evaluate the KAP of parents of targeted children regarding program implementation 5.To evaluate the impact of consuming IFR among targeted schoolchildren through the determination of hemoglobin levels, weight and height measures organize local inter-agency management team ot sustain the implementation of the project and continuously recruit adopters of technology To enhance the features/functionalities of ORCHESTRACK. To validate market-fit of ORCHESTRACK and create a wider market. Performance Rights Organizations (PRO) to have accurate basis for their royalty collection and distribution; Broadcasters; Advertisers and media planners; Market researchers; Content owners. 5/26/2013 - 5/25/2014 ORCHESTRONIX 1yr(s) Corp -- Program Total: 1,831,893.00 P 21,425,956.87 Program Name: -None[135] 7030 Bridging the Human Resource Competency Gaps in Support of the National R&D Agenda (Year 1 of 1) To address the gaps in the human resource requirements needed to realize the National R&D Agenda, the DOST tasked the Councils to implement projects that will be funded from the proceeds of the bases conversion, as provided in RA 7917. The project "Bridging the Human Resource Competency Gaps in Support of the National R&D Agenda" was thus conceptualized and proposed by PCIEERD to implement Section 1(d)(8) of RA 7917. The project involves attendance of researchers and faculty and the conduct of specialized non-degree trainings locally in discipline/areas where there is inadequacy of local expertise with respect to the National R&D Agenda. To provide the management NSC and ERDT structure for the Basic institutions/faculty/researchers, Conversion and Development DOST RDIs Authority (BCDA) funded project in accordance with the DOST approved guidelines for its implementation, in line with the provisions of R.A. 7917. [136] 5892 Capacity Building for Competitiveness of the Metals and The project will be composed of process Raise the competency level of Metals and Engineering CAR MSMEs to produce industrial Industry Cluster (CAIMTEC) of 9/20/2013 - 8/31/2014 1yr(s) PCIEERD 4/1/2012 - 2/3/2015 3yr(s) MIRDC 1,500,000.00 0.00 Engineering Industry Cluster (CAIMTEC) of CAR for the Localization of Industrial and HighPrecision Technology Parts (Year 2 of 3) [137] 76 DOST Human Resource Program (formerly DOST Staff Development Program) (Year 13) research and adaptation to and high-precision technology CAR for the Localization of advanced manufacturing parts conforming to international Industrial and High-Precision technology, training and standards Technology Parts capacity building programs that will increase the cluster member's expertise and bring them to a higher level of manufacturing, including but not limited to the production of simpler to more complex industrial and high-precision technology parts. The activities will be conducted at the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) in coordination with the DOST-CAR. The TESDA-CAR will provide the venue and machining equipment for the technical training and training - cum - production activities. Whenever necessary, a suitable venue will be sourced for the other training that need not be conducted at TESDA-CAR. CAR-RDC will provide funding assistance for Study Missions The project covers scholarship and training grants in the fields related to the functional activities of DOST and its agencies, including the re-entry program grants to be based on pre-identified areas of specializatio0n which is needed for the effective and efficient delivery of service both in the technical and administrative functions of DOST. To address the requirements for DOST community and its the for the human resource Attached agencies capacity building of DOST and its agencies and accelerate the production of high level S&T human resources needed to undertake S&T activities especially in R&D. 1/1/2001 - 12/31/2015 Continuing SEI DOST-OAsec for ALFA [138] 5155 DOST Information Technology (IT) Enhance and upgrade Enhancement Program (Year 2 of 2) DOST Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources, implement and sustain application systems developed and provide technical support to the ICT demands and requirements of the Department To enhance and upgrade DOST ICT resources, implement and sustain application systems developed and provide technical support to the ICT demands and requirements of the Department DOST agencies 2/16/2011 - 2/14/2013 2yr(s) DOST-CO [139] 1172 Evaluation of S&T Personnel of Non- To provide incentives for To formulate the necessary DOST and non-DOST Agencies 7/1/2003 - 12/31/2016 DOST-OAsec 24,000,000.00 828,602.89 88,562.25 DOST Agencies Under R.A. 8439 (Year 11) DOST and non-DOST personnel involved in S&T for the grant of hazard allowance; and formalize guidelines and procedures in aid of evaluation requests for the grant of hazard allowance guidelines and procedures, as under R.A. NO. 8439 well as to determine the required supporting documents and other requirements in aid of evaluation requests for the grant of hazard allowance and evaluate requests for the grant of hazard allowance to DOST and non-DOST S&T personnel. [140] 7185 Global Competitiveness Award for Science and Technology: Philippine Science High School Participation in the World Robot Olympiad (Year 1 of 1) Philippine Science High school-bicol region campus is one of the PSHS campuses that has been a consistent Grand winner in the annual Robotics National competition. This national event, participated in by a number of elementary and high schools in the country, also selects team/s that will represent the country in the World Robot Olympiad (WRO). This international competition aims to "bring together young people all over the world and to develop their creativity, design and problem solving skills through challenging and educational robot competitions and activities". Since 2006, then PSHS-BRC has consistently represented the Philippines in different categories of World Robot Olympiad (see attachment A). In fact, the recent winning is the campus' 8th year feat int he international level. 1.To bring honor to PSHS, DOST NSC and ERDT 11/12/2013 - 4/11/2014 and our country in the area of institutions/faculty/researchers, 1yr(s) Science and Technology DOST RDIs Education by representing the Philippine in the World Robot Olympiad 2.To contribute to the realization of Philippine Science High-School System's goal of being the ASEAN Leader in secondary S&T education by winning in international competitions 3.To provide International-level exposure for Philippine Science Hgihg-SchoolBicol Region Campus teachers and students in order to practice their honed skills and gain practical insights for strengthening the school's and PSHS System's Robotics Programs 4.To establish linkages with other schools abroad in the areas of science and technology education [141] 6239 Human Resource Intervention for Sustainable Growth and Competitiveness of the Metals and Engineering Sector: Development and Implementation of Appropriate Training Curriculum Design for CNC Programming for CNC Machine Tool Programming and Operations (formerly Development of Appropriate Training Curriculum Design for CNC Machine Tool programming and Operation for sustainable Growth, productivity and Competitiveness of the metals and Engineering Sectors) (Year 2 of 3) This project will adequately address the concern for manpower training on CNC programming and operation to enable M&E sector to attain a level of competence that is critical to improving its productivity and competitiveness. To develop an effective training Metals and Engineering curriculum design ensuring that Industry competent CNC programmers and operators are made available to meet the manpower requirements of the domestic metalworking firms [142] 5956 Increasing Farmers’ Access to High- One of the main strategies To enhance the capabilities of Quality Rice Seeds through Efficient to address food security is SeedNet members form SUCs Seed Production Systems (Year 2 of the improvement in the and the Department of Accredited rice seed growers, SUC-SeedNet members, and rice farmers Continuing for Internal Audit PSHS 974,637.00 9/1/2012 - 8/31/2014 3yr(s) MIRDC 47,174,388.00 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2016 5yr(s) PhilRice 1,012,786.65 5) seed supply sector. Farmers’ access to quality seeds can only be guaranteed if there is a viable seed supply system to produce and distribute quality seeds. Agricultural policies must give emphasis on strategies that will ensure the adequate supply of quality seeds of locally-adapted varieties for farmers at affordable prices at the right time to obtain the best crop yields. A continuous and reliable supply of quality seeds can have positive long-term impacts on farms’ seed security and farm productivity, and hence, food security. Agriculture (DA), and accredited seed growers in sustaining a viable seed supply system; To enhance farmers’ capability to produce and use high-quality seeds; To increase farmers’ yield by at least 10%; To contribute in increasing rice production; To contribute in reducing rice importation [143] 5501 Integrating Medical Devices in the The project will redesign National Telehealth Service Program the telemedicine device to (RxBox2) (Year 2 of 3) improve the size, usability and portability of the device and allow additional medical modules up to eight ports to be accommodate on a single device, install a back-up battery supply on the telemedicine device, Conduct an overall evaluation of telehealth service that focuses on cost-effectiveness, process and impact, manufacture and certify the accuracy of the components installed on the one hundred (100) portable biomedical device and translate training manuals to Filipino language for easy use of medical specialists on RHUs. To redesign the telemedicine Underserved communities that device to improve the size, lack access to medical usability and portability of the services. device and allow additional medical modules up to eight ports to be accommodate on a single device, install a back-up battery supply on the telemedicine device, Conduct an overall evaluation of telehealth service that focuses on costeffectiveness, process and impact, manufacture and certify the accuracy of the components installed on the one hundred (100) portable biomedical device and translate training manuals to Filipino language for easy use of medical specialists on RHUs [144] 6307 Joint Research Program: Dual Planar Magnetron for TiO2 -based Photocatalytic Wastewater Treatment System (formerly New Innovation Development of Plasma Devices for Functional Materials) (Year 1 of 3) General: To develop, characterize and optimize the performance of a plasma device for the synthesis of functional materials like TiO2 for waste water treatment and other applications. Spefic: 1.Development of new Plasma devices 2.Development of functional materials 3.Research outputs in the form of patents and international publications The plan is to develop under the auspices of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the Department of Science and Technology an advanced configuration machine, the "Spherical Dual Magnetron" in Japan, while designing and building a compact table top versatile machine in Manpower training specifically graduate students at the M.S. and Ph.D levels; Rural folks near rivers and streams for potable water from rivers and streams; local water utilities; Flood victims requiring safe water 10/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) UPM-NIH 18,821,626.00 2/1/2013 - 1/31/2016 3yr(s) UPD-NIP 1,639,256.00 the Philippines to of Graduate students accelerate related research and development efforts towards optimization and industrial applications of more efficient Planar Dual Magnetron Devices [145] 5105 Mainstreaming DOST Gender and Development (GAD) Program for Gender Responsive S&T Planning and Technology Diffusion Services Phase 2. (Year 3 of 3) To pursue the adoption of gender mainstreaming as a strategy to promote and fulfill women's human rights and eliminate gender discrimination in their systems, structures, policies, programs, processes and procedures. 1. To provide support in gender DOST Personnel and Science responsive policies in S&T Community planning and diffusion services 2. To enhance capability of DOST GAD Focal Point System of agencies in gender analysis and increase the numbers of DOST GAD Technical Advisers on Gender Analysis 3. To provide relevant and accessible genderrelated information on time and on-line 4. To actively support the Philippine Commission on Women’s programs and projects 5. To network and collaborate with other national agencies and international institutions, nongovernmental organizations and private associations in project development, advocacy and promotions of gender concerns [146] 6422 ON3 Technology Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program (Year 1 of 1) The project is an acceleration program for Philippine companies to help accelerate the commercialization of the ideas into the worldwide marketplace. To conduct ON3 regional Entrepreneurs programs across the country in April/MA each year To conduct ON3 regional workshops three times ayear (april/July/October) To host an ON3 National Pitch Competition in July each year during the NAtional Science & Technology week To narrow the participants to three (3) companies per year during the NAtional pitch event To invite to the regional workshops across the country To invite to the National competitions in July To use To enabl participants to avail of the three month immersion program generously donated by Plug and Play TEch Center In Sunnyvale, California [147] 6308 OYSI Training Workshops for Writing Proposals and Logical Frameworks Towards Developing Science Culture in the Regions - formerly(S&T Growth and Development in the Countryside) (Year 1 of 1) the project will implement two-day regional training workshops on writing proposals. logical and logical frameworks towards developing the science culture. the workshop is aimed at developing capacity of young and budding researchers in To serve as a pool of experts and consultants in addressing current scientific and technical issues and concerns To promote the awareness and appreciation of science towards developing a science culture through innovation To provide a forum for the exchange of scientific ideas which can serve as researchers from state universities and colleges, faculty members and young staff members from the regional R&D consortium. selection of participants will be the responsibility of host institution in the region and OYSI. 1/1/2011 - 12/31/2013 3yr(s) DOST-OAsec for TechTrans 6/1/2013 - 5/31/2014 1yr(s) DTI 1/1/2013 - 12/31/2013 1yr(s) NAST 585,475.68 4,055,968.00 972,719.83 preparing quality and highly competitive research proposals. the trainingworkshops will be conducted in three (3)regions preferably in ilocos norte (mariano marcos state university), legaspi city (bicol university) and davao city (university of southern philippines/UP mindanao) [148] 5737 Physical Vapor Deposition of One of the main driving Advanced MAX Phase Materials (Year forces in plasma physics 2 of 2) and materials science research is the synthesis of advanced materials for household, industrial, and commercial uses. In the past, plasma physics and materials science applications have been limited to research laboratories because of the complexity and requirements of plasma production and materials synthesis. The marketability of sources for the materials industry lies in the simplicity and flexibility of the device. Among the devices that have emerged over the last few decades for materials synthesis are physical vapor deposition (PVD) facilities. Operated in either arc evaporation, ion plating or magnetron sputtering mode, PVD machines have proven to be versatile in the synthesis of decorative and functional materials. In this project component, an off-the-shelf commercial PVD machine is used for the synthesis of MAX phase materials for advanced decorative and functional applications. valuable input in the formulation of national plans and policies and the identification of research and development programs with specific disciplines To support the OYSI office with a permanent secretariat st the headquarters of the Society located at NAST [149] 6070 Promotion and Commercialization of Selected Technologies to Improve Banana (Lakatan and Saba) Production in Aurora Province (Year 2 of 2) To expand the existing ASCOT tissue culture laboratory and nursery. To produce meriplants of Lakatan and Saba for Aurora and nearby provinces; To train staff and technicians on the improved protocol for mass propagation of banana planting To expand the existing ASCOT tissue culture laboratory and nursery. To produce meriplants of Lakatan and Saba for Aurora and nearby provinces; To train staff and technicians on the To exploit the potential of MAX Various stakeholders in the phases using PVD process for local industry, government and decorative coatings like TiAN, academic institutions TiZrN To exploit the potential of MAX phases using PVD process for hard coatings like CrAIN, TiAIN, TiSiN To exploit the potential of MAX phases using PVD process for other functional composite films to enhance hardness, Young's modulus, thermal conductivity, decomposition temperature, oxidation resistance and machinability and other surface properties of industrial materials like metals, plastics, polymers and glass. Banana Industry 4/1/2012 - 3/31/2014 2yr(s) UPD-NIP 6/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 ASCOT (Aurora) 2yr(s) 1,237,934.00 1,660,000.00 [150] 6050 Rehabilitation of Abaca Plantation through Adoption of High-Yielding and Virus-resistant Abaca Hybrids (Year 2 of 3) improved protocol for mass propagation of banana planting materials. To capacitate laboratory technicians/ potential entrepreneurs/ LGU members on nurserymanagement of banana through hands-on training. materials. To capacitate laboratory technicians/ potential entrepreneurs/ LGU members on nursery-management of banana through hands-on training. The project targets to mass produce the hybrid abaca planting stocks using tissue culture technique for dissemination to interested abaca farmers to meet the potential demand for planting stocks, further test the performance/stability and commercialize the hybrids. The project will also conduct economic analysis on the mass propagation using tissue culture technique to determine the commercial viability of the technology To improve income by at least Farmers, nursery operators and 20% and quality of life of small selected tissue culture abaca farmers by reducing losses laboratories due to viruses, particularly abaca bunchy top virus (ABTV) through adoption of new BTV-resistant abaca hybrids. Specifically, it aims to: 1) assess agronomic and economic performance of new BTV-resistant abaca hybrids through multi-location trials in farmers’ field; 2) multiply nationwide and propagate about 2.5 million seedlings of the new BTV-resistant abaca hybrids; 3) further characterize and evaluate reaction of new BTV-resistant abaca hybrids to the other abaca virus diseases – mosaic and bract mosaic; and 4) conduct economic analysis on the mass propagation using tissue culture technique to determine the commercial viability of the technology 10/1/2012 - 9/30/2014 3yr(s) UPLB-IPB 4,759,872.00 12/28/2012 - 12/31/2015 5yr(s) NAST 5,514,198.00 [152] 154 Secretariat to the Scientific Career To acknowledge and give To support the implementation of 1. DOST agencies and other Council Pursuant to Section 8 of E.O. due recognition and reward E.O. 901. govt. agencies 2. State 901 (Year 16 of 20) to scientists under the Universities and Colleges Scientific Career System (SUCs) 3. Scientists through web-based scientists' profiles 1/1/1997 - 12/31/2016 20yr(s) NAST 2,647,102.00 [153] 586 Strengthening and Maximizing To undertake S&T Benefits for Bilateral and Multilateral collaborative Scientific Linkages (Year 11) efforts/activities through the S&T Ageement(s) or through the international regional and multilateral 1/24/2003 - 12/31/2016 Continuing DOST-ITCU [151] 6139 Salinlahi in Transition: Transforming The lack of assured annual the PSHC into a Worlds Class budget for the operation of Science Center (Year 1 of 5) the Center is taking its toll. In order to compete with emerging science centers which are privately funded, the PSHC have to be transformed into a world class science center equipped with state-of-the art facilities, competent personnel and engaging, educational interactive galleries and exhibits. To transforming the Philippine Elementary and High School Science Heritage Center into a students and general public world class sustainable science center thereby strengthen its role as an alternative venue for learning the science To operationalize existing DOST Agencies bilateral agreements to maximize limited available resources for S&T development; To undertake S&T collaborative efforts/activities through the S&T 10,131,033.00 fora; and operationalize existing bilateral agreements to maximize limited available resources for S&T development Agreement(s) or through the international regional and multilateral fora; and To support Philippine participation in all the above-mentioned efforts to strengthen S&T international relations. [154] 6069 Strengthening of DOST Regional The project will upgrade Metrology Laboratory Services (Year the facilities and expand 2 of 5) the scope of services of the DOST Regional Metrology Laboratories thereby sustaining the delivery of relevant, timely and quality services to priority industries in the regions To expand and upgrade DOST DOST Regional offices and Regional Metrology Laboratories industries in the regions services To enhance manpower capability and competency To provide accurate and reliable services to customers, using updated and harmonized procedures that conform to international standards To updrade facilites of DOST RMLs To forge strong linkages with the stakeholders of the industry To increase revenue generation and support and complement the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation activities of the RSTL project 8/1/2012 - 12/31/2016 5yr(s) DOST-RO 46,455,888.28 [155] 6975 Strengthening the Project The project provides Management and Engineering Design project management and Service Office at DOST (Year 1 of 5) engineering design assistance to GIA projects funded by the DOST Sectoral Councils and implemented by the Research and Development Institute. It also serves as a technical support entity and liaison for the HIPs Provide project management, engineering design, and IT assistance to priority projects of the Department and ensure that plans are coordinated and executed, and that resource are property allocated 7/1/2013 - 12/31/2017 5yr(s) DOST-OAsec for SPP 10,144,016.00 [156] 142 Support for the Implementation of the Balik Scientist Program (BSP) Pursuant to Executive Order No. 130 dated 10-25-93 (Year 14) To support the return to the Filipino Scientist not residing in Philippines of foreign-based the Philippines Filipino scientists to enable them to practice their profession and share their expertise in the Philippine; To supplement/complement local expertise for a successful implementation of the DOST R&D Agenda 4/1/2000 - 12/31/2016 Continuing PCHRD PCIEERD PCAARRD 19,934,515.57 8/1/2013 - 7/31/2018 6yr(s) DOST-OAsec for TechTrans 1,192,950.00 3/1/2000 - 12/31/2016 Continuing DOST-SPD 4,934,556.00 To strengthen the scientific and technological human resource of the academe, industry, public and private institutions to encourage science and technology expert contracted by the government to return and work in the Philippines General Public [157] 6989 Support to the Establishment of the This five year program is Technology Licensing Office (TLO) at envisioned to serve as the DOST (Year 1 of 6) initial and crucial transitory step to finally institutionalize the implementation of the law in the Department and provide those involved/concerned with the appropriate skills and competencies on IP Management and commercialization. The program generally aims to establish a TLO at the DOST Central Office and manage its operation and implementation. Future technology licensing offices in concerned DOST agencies [158] 127 Support to the Management of the DOST-GIA Program (Year 14) To create a back staff -support to the regular staff to assist in government and academe institutions, different industries To: (1) institutionalize a systematic procedure for all DOST-GIA related activities; (2) create a back staff support to the regular staff to assist in handling the increasing workload; and (3) set-up a monitoring mechanism to coordinate all monitoring activities on completed and terminal projects handling the growing workload and serve as an alternate of the regular staff; To create a separate monitoring team to coordinate all monitoring activities on completed and terminated projects, and To setup a systematic procedure for all DOST-GIA related activities. [159] 3377 Support to the Presidential Committee Implementing PD 997 (Year 6 of 10) To confer civil service eligibility on scientific and technological specialists on the bases of their qualifications and the requirements of the public service. To evaluate the qualifications of civil service eligibility on scientific and technological scientific and technological specialists applying for civil specialists service eligibility pursuant to PD 997 and submit to the Civil Service Commission (CSC) a list of applicants found qualified for purposes of granting the appropriate eligibilities. 1/1/2008 - 12/31/2016 10yr(s) SEI [160] 6003 Sustainable Biotechnology Information, Education and Communication for DOST and LGU Key Personnel (Year 1 of 1) This study aims to identify qualified lecturers among OYS awardees, graduates of MS or PhD major in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MBB) or minor in MBB or other degrees who are involved in teaching and/or research in biotechnology related areas in luzon and mindanao, conduct training of identified lectures and to involve trained lectures in giving lectures to DOST regional and LGU key officials and personnel To develop a network of lectures LGUs officials in disseminating information on biotechnology; To identify and develop information, education, communication (IEC) materials appropriate for intended audience To conduct biotech IEC for key personnel of DOST regional offices involving trained lectures; and To conduct biotech IEC for LGU officials and other personnel involving trained lecturers. 1/1/2013 - 12/31/2014 1yr(s) NAST 2,801,364.00 [161] 6313 The 2013 Automated Election System (AES) Board of Election Inspectors' Certification Program (Year 1 of 1) this proposal aims to revise and improve the system for implementing the requirement of the law that the BEIs are certified by the DOST. Crucial to the success of this system is the design and administration of the certification procedure. To be able to do this, team members from different DOST agencies shall be tasked to develop sets of questionnaires to enhance and implement certification guidelines a.To enhance and implement the Government Offices concerned develop certification process including the written and practical/hands-on component b.To certify members of the Board of Election Inspectors (BEIs) 7/1/2013 - 12/31/2013 1yr(s) DOST-OUsec for S&T 6,500,000.00 General: To use immobilized Heavy metal contaminated microorganisms as biofilms to water areas clean up wastewater discharge from semiconductor manufacturing company Specific: 1. To cultivate microorganisms in 2/15/2012 - 5/14/2014 2yr(s) UPLB-IBS [162] 5762 Use of Microbial Biofilms for the This project is proposing Rehabilitation of Heavy Metal the use of microbial Contaminated Wastewater (Year 2 of biofilms to clean up 2) wastewater discharge from a semiconductor industry firm. Heavy metal tolerant 458,400.00 172,500.00 [163] 6244 Versatile Instrument System for Science Education and Research (VISSER) (Year 2 of 3) microorganisms will be cultivated in mass which will be isolated from identified heavy metal polluted sites. The isolated microorganisms will be grown in medium that will be immobilized into effective carriers using biofilm bioreactor. The effectiveness of the bioreactor with immobilized microbial biofilms will be applied in the rehabilitation of the HM polluted areas and/or use for bioreactors to remove heavy metals from polluted sites. mass obtained from heavy metal contaminated waste water; 2. To grow the microorganisms as biofilms; 3. To construct a biofilm bioreactor using the cultivated microorganisms; and 4. To assess the efficiency of the biofilm bioreactor in removing heavy metals from wastewater discharge from semiconductor industry Program addresses the critical need for science laboratories in the Philippines and proposed activities are singularly focused towards achieving an end: "Put Modern Science labs at Every School & College". To design and develop homegrown experimental modules based on a handheld microcontrollerbased universal platform that are modern analog that can replace existing experiment as well as new sophisticated laboratories that have become doable from latest developments and technology. To develop instrumentation Secondary and Tertiary systems to enhance scientific Education pedagogy and research that can deployed in all secondary and tertiary schools in the Philippines 10/1/2012 - 9/30/2014 3yr(s) UPD-NIP Program Total: Group Total: 4,424,800.00 P 224,623,151.15 P 1,138,484,048.65 INTEGRITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION Project Code Title Project Description Project Objectives Beneficiaries Total Duration Implementing Agency CY 2013 Fund Program Name: DETECTION AND MITIGATION TECHNOLOGY AND EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR PHILIPPINE HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS (HABTECH) [1] 5938 Project 2. Operational Predictive System for Philippine Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB-OPS) (Year 2 of 3) Harmful algal blooms are a recurrent, expensive and at times fatal problems plaguing various parts of the Philippines. These impacts translate to major General: To set-up of an LGUs, local communities, operational early warning system BFAR, DOH, academe, general for algal blooms that makes use public of remote sensing, models, and monitoring system Specific: (a) To develop an automated 3/1/2012 - 2/28/2015 3yr(s) UPD-MSI 5,528,618.35 socio-economic losses and dislocation of fisherfolk and people dependent on aquaculture. The state of information and tools still need to be enhanced and expanded to fill in the many gaps that remain (e.g., details on nutrient effects, bloom succession, other HAB species, relationship of cells present and toxicity), and provide a more robust, less uncertain and operational forecasting system. processing and analyses of satellite images and make these available to the public on a realtime basis providing indications on conditions favorable for blooms; (b) Enhance and expand integrated biophysical models to provide potential forecasting capabilities for HAB areas; (c) Establish a monitoring and response system utilizing in situ instrument/analyses packs, remote sensing and modeling methods for robust forecasting Program Total: P 5,528,618.35 Program Name: DISASTER AND MITIGATION PROGRAM [2] 6231 Earthquake Hazards Assessment: In this project, earthquake Active Fault Mapping and Ground hazard assessment will Shaking Hazard Assessment (Year 1 focus on the research on of 1) active fault mapping (onland and offshore fault) and the study of local site amplification during a large magnitude earthquake. conduct detailed mapping of General public; NDRRMC active fault trace in highly ubanized areas (Valley Fault System) using geomorphic interpretation coupled with groudn penetrating RADAR to improve location accuracy 2.To map offshore faults using echo sounding instrument to locate and characterize submarine extension of onland active fault for improved appreciation of possible earthquake scenarios (Magnitude of Earthquake) 3.To make a detailed site amplification map of major cities using miqolremor instrument 7/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 1yr(s) PHIVOLCS 10,000,000.00 [3] 6232 Enhancing the Ground Deformation Monitoring Capability of PHIVOLCS in Bulusan and Taal Volcano through the Development of Real-Time Geodetic Systems (Year 1 of 1) To commission fully operational Researchers, academe, LGU real-time geodetic networks consisting of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and electronic tilt in Taal and Bulusan Volcanoes in order to acquire high-quality volcanic ground deformation data; To generate high-resolution ground deformation data that can authoritatively support decision making during volcanic unrest, help constrain parameters precursory to an eruption, and support research into the underlying magmatic and related source processes that produce observed patterns of volcano deformation 10/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 1yr(s) PHIVOLCS 23,464,644.00 The primary goal of this project is to improve the eruption prediclion capability of PHIVOLCS in Bulusan and Taal Volcano by improving ground deformation system with real-time Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and tiltmeter networks. Corollary to this goal would be the evaluation of mos likely hazard scenario appropriate for the volcano's manifested activity, which will be used by LGUs and decision makers for evacuation and emergency response as streaming of continuous geodetic data would provide information on the volume of the magma that would likely be erupted and the possible location of the pressure source. At present there is no existing real-time geodetic network in Bulusan. [4] 6233 Specific Earthquake Ground Motion Levels That Would Affect Medium to High-Rise Structures in Metro Manila (Year 1 of 2) This project will deploy sets of low-cost intensity meters in the Greater metro Manila Area (GMMA); each device will provide an estimate of the ground shaking intensity at the site during and immediately after an earthquake. this sitespecific numerical rating of the earthquake intensity encapsulates the overall effects of a significant event to people, objects, building and environment found around the site. To enhance the capacity of General Public PHIVOLCS personnel in conducting microtremor array surveys, analysis and interpretation; To identify the shear-wave velocity of deep sedimentary layers reaching the seismic basement; To map longperiod site effects in Metro Manila; To provide realistic ground motion levels that could affect the structure; To specify site amplification that is needed by structural designers/engineers 6/15/2013 - 12/31/2014 2yr(s) PHIVOLCS Program Total: 8,719,637.00 P 42,184,281.00 Program Name: DISASTER MITIGATION PROGRAM: RESCUED: RESILIENT COMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR USE IN EMERGENCIES AND DISASTERS [5] 6228 LADDERS: Local Capability Development for Radar System (formerly Doppler Radar Research, Development and Capability Development) (Year 1 of 3) The project is an attempt to achieve self-reliance and self-sufficiency in building and maintaining Doppler radars for our community To design and develop local General Public; National blocks and sub-systems; To Disaster Risk Reduction and evaluate radar systems in the Management Council country for possible re-tasking and/or reconfiguration of the same for other purpose To develop and train human resource for operations and maintenance of Doppler radars in the country The blocks and subsystems that may be designed and developed locally include a.Intermediate frequency radar signal processor b.radar algorithms implemented in host processors frequency front end The human resource development will focus on understanding the design and implementation of radars to be able to undertake sustainable maintenance, effective operation and troubleshooting. the output of this program include 1.Manpower development at two levels a.High-value-add design and development of radars systems b.operation, troubleshooting and maintenance 8/1/2014 - 4/30/2016 3yr(s) UPD-EEEI 10,203,462.00 of radars systems 2.evaluation of Re-tasking of existing radars in the country and 3.Prototyping activities that aim to replace blocks in the radar that will promote the development of local electronics industry [6] 6947 ROGER: Robust and Rapidly Deplorable GSM Base Station and Backhaul for Emergency Responses (Year 1 of 3) The ROGER project conducts research towards the development and deployment of robust, rapidly deployable infrastracture for providing faster restoration of communications capability in the event that a typhoon or other calamity disables the regular facilities. To develop and deploy an LGU, public safety and enhanced OpenBTS-based COW emergency response that incorporates appropriate institutions software to support a prioritization scheme for selected users (emergency responders, health workers, deputized personnel) To develop and integrate additional softwareradio implementations of traditional voice communications technologies such as land mobile radio repeaters (LMR), FM and AM broadcast to provide multiple communication channels during disasters To develop a system for extending OpenBTS to multiple frequency channels(ARFCN)for higher capacity and integrate selfcontained electric power supply system and back up sources To develop robust front end bidirectional RF amplifiers and novel antennas To integrated and characterize the use of long range point-to point wireless technolologies such as IEEE802.11 for backhaul of ROGER, including the feasibility of using radios that operate in the so-called TV white space (TWS) band for such backhaul links 8/1/2013 - 7/31/2015 3yr(s) UPD-EEEI Program Total: 13,231,757.00 P 23,435,219.00 Program Name: DOST's Grants for Outstanding Achievements in Science and Technology [7] 6999 Biodiversity, Taxonomy, Ecological Pattern and Conservation of Myxomycetes (Slime Molds) in the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan (Year 1 of 1) Biodiversity research on myxomycetes has remained stagnant since the efforts of Reynolds, Uyenco, and Dogma in the late 70s and early 80's. Research studies in different forests and island ecosystems from 8 provinces of Luzon island, Philippines resulted in the addition of 25 new records for the country including 1 (1) collect field specimens of myxomycetes from varied forest types in Palawan; (2) collect samples of leaf litter, twigs, dead bark, and soil from selected forest types within the island of Palawan; (3) prepare sets of moist chamber cultures and agar plate culture with samples from each type of forest; (4) characterize and identify the myxomycetes recovered from these samples, based on their National and local institutional herbaria; education institutions; conservation and environmental groups; Biology and microbiology laboratories 9/5/2013 - 9/4/2014 1yr(s) UST 500,000.00 species new to science which suggest that unique or new species of myxomycetes probably await discovery in the Philippines. However, no extensive account has ever published on slime molds, particularly those found int he island of Palawan. gross and ultrastructure morphology; (5) determine the species composition, species richness and taxonomic diversity of the assemblages of myxomycetes and macrofungi associated with the microhabitats being examined; (6) assess and compare myxomycete biodiversity in the different forest types; (7) develop a photoguide and an interactive, online database and virtual herbarium for specimens collected in the study; and (8) conduct a seminar-workshop Program Total: P 500,000.00 Program Name: DOST's OUTSTANDING YOUNG SCIENTIST (OYS) AWARD [8] 6260 NAST Hugh Greenwood Environmental Science: Phenology and Seedling Dynamics of the Palanan Forest Dynamic Plot (PFDF) (Year 1 of 1) Philippine forests have been under much threat from habitat degradation, such that it features very highly on the list of the worlds biodiversity hotspots (Myers at al 2000). Fortunately, there has been worldwide response to address report of high forest loss, that it has even incited several studies on seed dispersal as this mechanism is expected to influence the rehabilitation of Degraded areas. To determine phenological pattern in trees and assess the effects, if any, of changing environmental variable on the flowering and fruiting. In addition, recruitment of seedlings from seed rain will be evaluated to understand the demography of forest trees Local residents of Palanan will be hired to implement the project. A local Researcher will be mentioned to learn all skills and capabilities deemed necessary to execute the project. Student volunteers from UPD-IB (and, potentially Isabela State University) will also be mentored during a site visit to the Palanan plot. Results from the study will be published, making the information available to the municipality of Palanan, ISU, forester, DENR, anyone involved with the National Greening Program, and other biologist. 5/1/2013 - 12/31/2013 1yr(s) UPD Program Total: 999,998.00 P 999,998.00 Program Name: EXPLORATION, MAPPING AND ASSESSMENT OF BENHAM RISE, AND OTHER DEEP WATER AREAS [9] 7256 Project 1. Benham Rise Potential Productivity Research (Year 1 of 2) the fundamental reason for conducting this study is to jumpstart the resource valuation of a poorly explored territory of the Philippines. Initially, focus will be given to the eastern seas of the Coutnry which include the Benham Rise. The Benham Rise has recently been affirmed to be part of the Phillippines' territory. along with searchable archive and Gis dabase for the research community 2.Initiation of links with local agencies and international organizations through the deep sea resources working group to be established 3.Research on deep sea mining potential and its accompanying ecological risks 4.Organizational of a deep sea resources conference that will bring together local and international 1) scientific community in general, Philippine Marine science community in particular; 2) government line agencies (e.g. BFAR, DENR), especially those that are tasked to explore and manage our natural resources; and 3) fishing industry 3/1/2014 - 9/30/2015 2yr(s) UPD-MSI 13,227,143.00 [10] 7257 Project 2. Establishment of a Deep Sea Resources Data Center (Year 1 of 2) potential economic gains, the country stands to gain valuable scientific information of our deep sea areas that will eventually be useful for its long term utilization and management researches that can concretely map out the next steps including expeditions and mineral exploration The Benham Rise is an important geological feature on the eastern side of Luzon. This area also forms the origin of the western boundary currents of the Northern Pacific and is thus very dynamically active. The interaction of the strong western boundary current system with geologic/topographic features such as the Benham Rise can lead to enhanced biological productivity through mechanisms such as the Island mass effect. although most of the rise is in deep water, the Benham Bank rises to up to 20m from the surface. No studies have been made to assess the biological resources found in this area, which is frequented by fishermen from the region 1.conduct an exploratory research cruise to assess benthic habitats and water column biological productivity in the vicinity of the Benham Bank 2.Investigate the interaction between the ocean currents and topography in the Benham Bank as a potential mechanism influencing biological productivity using satellite data and numerical models Scientific Communities in general, Philippine marine science community in particular Government Line agencies (e.g. BFAR, DENR) 5/1/2014 - 9/30/2015 2yr(s) UPD-NIGS Program Total: 1,666,379.00 P 14,893,522.00 Program Name: Integrated Waste Management Program in the DOST Bicutan Compound [11] 6423 Setting-up of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in the DOST Bicutan Compound (Year 1 of 1) To address the possible impacts that untreated sewage specifically its nitrogen and phosphorous content have on the environment and human health, the technologies namely SBR and RBC must be constructed and pilot tested. There is a need to characterize the sewage/wastewater to be used in the project to be able to develop appropriate design of the said technologies for sewage treatment system. The appropriate design that has To design, construct and evaluate DOST community and the treatment efficiency of stakeholders of Laguna Lake, biological treatment technologies Pasig River and Manila Bay namely sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and rotating biological contactors (RBC) in the removal of nitrogen and phosphorous of sewage effluents from the septic tacks of DOST building in support to the implementation and compliance of RA 9275 and serve as demonstration facility 4/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 1yr(s) ITDI 7,180,000.00 been developed for each technology will be used as basis for the construction/fabrication and pilot test Program Total: P 7,180,000.00 Program Name: INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION ON STRATEGIC R&D [12] 6116 Coral-inferred Contemporary Tsunami History in Verde Island Passage (Year 2 of 4) To re-examine the lateral of inundation by the tsunami generated by the November 15, 1994, magnitude 7.1 Mindoro earthquake. To re-examine the lateral of inundation by the tsunami generated by the November 15, 1994, magnitude 7.1 Mindoro earthquake. Local Government units, coastal communities, coastal managers, researches, PHIVOLCS 12/31/2012 - 9/30/2015 4yr(s) UPD-MSI Program Total: 1,578,644.00 P 1,578,644.00 Program Name: MECO - TECO [13] 6131 Dengue: Climate, Evolution and Transmission (Year 1 of 3) The project will determine the clinical utility and diagnosis simultaneously serotyping of dengue virus in the Philippines statistically measured using the following parameters, sensitivity and specificity and other measures of accuracy testing To determine the clinical utility General public and diagnosis simultaneously serotyping of dengue virus in the Philippines statistically measured using the following parameters, sensitivity and specificity and other measures of accuracy testing 10/1/2012 - 12/31/2015 3yr(s) UPM-NIH [14] 5744 Morphology, Reassessment and Conservation of Threatened and Economic Philippine Pteridophytes (Year 2 of 3) This research will produce a book and other IEC materials showcasing the diagnostic characters, chromosome number, distribution, ecology and the updated conservation status to disseminate information regarding TEREP. This will likewise generate some protocols on the ex-situ sonservation of the species and eventually downgrade some species from threatened categories. To investigate the morphocytology, re-assess the conservation status of the species and to conserve the threatened, endemic, rare and economically important species of pteridophytes (TEREP) in the Philippines. academe, researchers, LGUs, local communities 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 3yr(s) CMU (Central Mindanao) To build and strengthen human resource, institutional capacity, tools and approaches towards a sound flood forecasting, early warning system aspect in major river basins. General public, government agencies (PAGASA, LGUs, PHIVOLCS, NDCC), and nongovernment organizations 11/15/2011 - 7/14/2014 2yr(s) UPD-NIGS [15] 5570 Philippine-Taiwan Integrated This project will provide Predictive Studies of Geoenhancement of the Meteorological Hazards (Year 2 of 2) previously developed Climate X software to provide accurate and timely rainfall estimates which can feed into early warning systems in order to reduce hydrological disasters. 5,809,422.00 424,393.75 1,270,940.31 Program Total: P 7,504,756.06 Program Name: NATIONWIDE OPERATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF HAZARDS (NOAH) FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION AND DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (CCAM-DRR) [16] 6235 Disaster Management Using WebGIS (Year 1 of 1) The project shall consolidate geospatial data relevant to the development of a near real-time disaster management system for the Philippines using web and GIS technologies. The project aims to gather all Government agencies, local disaster-related data into a government units, academic central unit and provide access to institutions, non-government end-users using Web-GIS organizations and private technologies groups and individuals for an effective hazards and disaster decision support system 5/16/2014 - 11/15/2014 1yr(s) UPD-NIGS 56,739,372.00 [17] 6230 Enhancing Philippine Landslide hazard Maps with Lidar and Highresolution imageries (Year 1 of 1) This project seeks to enhance currently available landslide susceptibility maps using one (1) meter resolution LiDAR and six (6) meters resolution SARderived Digital Elevation Model data. This nationwide landslide LGU, MGB, DPWH, DILG, mapping project seeks to NDRRMC, OCD and local DRR enhance existing landslide hazard councils maps provided by civil authorities. The aim is to be able to use state-of-the-art technique to construct landslide hazard maps that can assist in emergency preparedness, planning and formulation or rational decisions regarding development in areas susceptible to slope failure 5/16/2014 - 12/31/2014 1yr(s) UPD 57,390,634.00 [18] 6140 Strategic Communication Intervention for the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH) Program (Year 2 of 3) The project involves flood mitigation, specifically targeting a six-hour flood early warning system for communities along 18 major river systems, enhancement of geohazard maps, and enhancement of storm surge vulnerability maps. To process and package relevant LGUs, General Public and up-to-date information from NOAH project for public use To conduct information, education and communication activities on the NOAH projects among its target users and beneficiaries To learn about benchmark other existing initiatives/technologies relating to disaster risk reduction and management 6/16/2012 - 6/15/2014 3yr(s) STII 4,375,902.00 [19] 6234 System to Identify, Quantity and Map the Storm Surge Threat to Philippine Coasts (Year 1 of 1) storm surges along the coast is one of the biggest threat to life and property from tropical storms and typhoons. When typhoon pedring hit the Philippines in 2011, damage due to inundation of coastal areas of Manila Bay was severe. More recently, when typhoon butchoy was about to make landfall in the country, flooding spawned by storm surges was a major concern. Visited on a yearly basis by more than 200 typhoons, high winds generate large waves that pose a grave threat to coastal areas of the Philippines. Climate change effects include the to mitigate the adverse impacts General public of storm surges to populated areas near the seashore, it is vital that detailed storm surge inundation hazard maps be generated. this can serve as a tool to rovide basis for wellinformed development planning strategies and response to the impacts of ocean wave generated hazards 9/1/2013 - 8/31/2014 1yr(s) PAGASA 80,000,000.00 prediction in the coming years of more intense typhoons. Thus, we expect that coastal inundation from storm surges will become a worsening problem. [20] 6330 Weather Information-Integration for System Enhancement (WISE) [formerly Improving Weather Forecasting Through Project NOAH] (Year 1 of 2) The project will use smarter analytics and high performance computing (HPC) to improve the capabilities of the FloodNet and Climate X components of Project NOAH. The improvements will be focused on the area of providing more timely information and more accurate models for predicting rainfall. To extend the temporal range of General public NOA's current weather forecast from 6 hours (now-cast) to 7 days and integrate the extended forecast into the Climate X and project NOAH system; To improve the accuracy of the weather forecast by assimilating data from ground measurements Automatic Weather Stations (AWS), Doppler measurements and satellite retrievals into numerical weather prediction models; To provide the forecast accuracy validation protocol for the model outputs; To demonstrate proof of concept infrastructure and automation with focus on HPC, visualization system and user integration 3/1/2013 - 2/28/2015 2yr(s) UPD-IESM PAGASA ASTI Program Total: 10,460,196.00 P 208,966,104.00 Program Name: NOAH: DISASTER MITIGATION PROGRAM: DEVELOPMENT AND DEPLOYMENT OF EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR DEEP-SEATED CATASTROPHIC LANDSLIDES AND SLOPE FAILURES [21] 6952 Project 1. SENSLOPE: Deployment of Landslide Sensors and Data Communication System (Year 1 of 2) The project will enhance and further test existing system for forecasting deep-seated landslides by deploying the system in 50 sites across the Philippines. To refine the previous design of landslide sensor system; To establish a critical back end to store and manage all the data from sensors; To deploy of landslide sensors; To monitor and maintain the landslide sensors; and transfer transfer Local Government Units, Mines and Geosicences Bureau (MGB), Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology) 6/1/2013 - 12/31/2015 2yr(s) UPD-EEEI 46,486,764.00 [22] 6953 Project 2. DYNASLOPE:Development of Site-Specific Threshold for Deepseated Landslides and Slope Failures (Year 1 of 2) The project will reduce socioeconomic losses associated with relocation of communities by developing the capacity of a community to monitor potential landslides, wherever landslide monitoring is deemed a viable alternative risk mitigation measure. It will also provides an alternative to engineering interventions, and thus contributes to the reduction of landslide hazard mitigation costs. To identify the deployment sites; To involve the community in the project implementation; To deploy the sensors in the identified sites; To gather and analyze the data; Technology transfer Local Government Units, MInes and Geosicences Bureau (MGB, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology) 5/1/2013 - 4/30/2015 2yr(s) PHIVOLCS 47,117,448.00 Program Total: P 93,604,212.00 Program Name: QUICK RESPONSE PROGRAM [23] 7261 Development of Tent Systems for Emergency Applications (Year 1 of 1) The project will develop To develop cost effective and tent system that can be easily manufacturable tent used in case of systems for emergency use emergencies to provide immediate shelter to people displaced by the calamity or disaster. A multipurpose tent will also be developed to serve various functions such as temporary warehouse, field hospitals and command centers. General Public whose homes are devastated by natural or man-made disasters 11/22/2013 - 11/21/2014 1yr(s) MIRDC Program Total: 1,500,000.00 P 1,500,000.00 Program Name: THE SECOND PHASE OF THE TAIWAN-PHILIPPINES GEODYNAMIC INTEGRATED PROJECT [24] 4848 Project 1. The Geology of an Overriding Plate: Constraints from field Geology, Sediment, Geochemistry and paleontology (Year 3 of 3) The project will look into the general geology of the region, the lithologies that makeup the different provinces and their stratigraphic histories. It generally aims to set the regional geologic background and constitute the baseline information with which the other researchers will work with. Paleontologic information from foraminiferal and radiolarian tests will be used to constrain the ages of sedimentary formations. Sandstone petrochemistry will also be employed to shed light on the exhumation histories of surrounding regions. Results from this study will also comprise the primary framework for geohazard evaluation. The project will look into the National and local disaster general geology of the region, coordinating councils, Academic the lithologies that makeup the Institutions and General Public different provinces and their stratigraphic histories. It generally aims to set the regional geologic background and constitute the baseline information with which the other researchers will work with. Paleontologic information from foraminiferal and radiolarian tests will be used to constrain the ages of sedimentary formations. Sandstone petrochemistry will also be employed to shed light on the exhumation histories of surrounding regions. Results from this study will also comprise the primary framework for geohazard evaluation. 3/1/2011 - 2/28/2015 3yr(s) UPD-NIGS 1,171,147.00 [25] 4850 Project 2. Linking Active Margin Tectonics and Overriding Plate Dynamics: A Look at the Geochemical Nature of the Central Philippines (Year 3 of 3) The project will study the distribution and characteristics of the basement units, different igneous provinces and decipher their source attributes, magmatic histories and deduce implications for the The project will study the National and local disaster distribution and characteristics of coordinating councils, Academic the basement units, different Institutions and General Public igneous provinces and decipher their source attributes, magmatic histories and deduce implications for the mineralization potential of the different areas. In order to accomplish these, petrographic, 3/1/2011 - 2/28/2015 3yr(s) UPD-NIGS 501,672.00 mineralization potential of the different areas. In order to accomplish these, petrographic, geochemical and mineralogical studies will be done on igneous rocks. Results from major, minor and trace element geochemical investigations will be able to provide a thorough picture of the magmatic processes that operated to produce the different rocks. Mineralization potentials can also be evaluated using these sets of information, in tandem with the geologic and geophysical information. geochemical and mineralogical studies will be done on igneous rocks. Results from major, minor and trace element geochemical investigations will be able to provide a thorough picture of the magmatic processes that operated to produce the different rocks. Mineralization potentials can also be evaluated using these sets of information, in tandem with the geologic and geophysical information. [26] 4851 Project 3. Retracing the Central Philippine Overriding Plate Motion (Year 3 of 3) The study on this component combines the use of rock magnetic properties and absolute age dating techniquest to interpret the motion histories of the different crustal blocks that comprise the region. Absolute dating be carried out using whole-rock and mineral separates, as may be dictated by the sample type and conditions. Paleomagnetic techniques will be used to isolate the characteristic magnetization of the different formations. Results from this study can provide information on the rotation and migration histories of the rocks and can constrain existing and prospective tectonic models which are useful supplementary information for geohazards assessment and prediction. The study on this component National and local disaster combines the use of rock coordinating councils, Academic magnetic properties and absolute Institutions and General Public age dating techniquest to interpret the motion histories of the different crustal blocks that comprise the region. Absolute dating be carried out using whole-rock and mineral separates, as may be dictated by the sample type and conditions. Paleomagnetic techniques will be used to isolate the characteristic magnetization of the different formations. Results from this study can provide information on the rotation and migration histories of the rocks and can constrain existing and prospective tectonic models which are useful supplementary information for geohazards assessment and prediction. 3/1/2011 - 2/28/2015 3yr(s) UPD-NIGS 1,123,481.00 [27] 4854 Project 4. Geophysical Characterization of an overriding Plate: Arc-Continent Convergence and Its Implications for Natural Hazards and Resource Distribution in the Central Philippines (Year 3 of 3) This project will employ gravity, magnetic, electrical resistivity and induced polarization techniques to characterize the geophysical variations in the region. The gravity and magnetic methods can delineate large scale tectonic boundaries. The This project will employ gravity, National and local disaster magnetic, electrical resistivity coordinating councils, Academic and induced polarization Institutions and General Public techniques to characterize the geophysical variations in the region. The gravity and magnetic methods can delineate large scale tectonic boundaries. The electrical resistivity and induced polarization metods will be used 3/1/2011 - 2/28/2015 3yr(s) UPD-NIGS 1,430,017.00 electrical resistivity and induced polarization metods will be used to resolve localized geologic features such as probable slip surface in landslide susceptible slopes and mineralized areas. to resolve localized geologic features such as probable slip surface in landslide susceptible slopes and mineralized areas. Program Total: P 4,226,317.00 Program Name: -None[28] 5677 Acquisition of Detailed Bathymetry for Coastal Erosion Management (Year 2 of 3) Detailed bathymetry and shoreline morphology are necessary for developing realistic and useful wave and circulation models for better understanding of coastal hazards such as coastal erosion and storm surge. Risk reduction and mitigation strategies addressing coastal hazards are best prepared with a good understanding of coastal dynamics and the continuum of shallow water and coastal plain environments. To generate nearshore near-shore communities, LGUs, bathymetric charts from coastal managers, researchers combined LiDAR, single and multi-beam data for seven sites To develop hydronamic, wave and storm surge models To establish decadal, seasonal and event generated shorelines in the seven selected coastal areas To determine land use and habitat cover changes and their influence on sedimentation patterns To Identify for beach protection appropriate to Philippine setting To develop a guidebook for coastal erosion management strategies appropriate to Philippine setting 3/1/2012 - 2/28/2015 3yr(s) UPD-MSI 4,665,351.00 [29] 5641 Developing PNRI Capability for Electron Beam Technology Applications (Year 2 of 2) The project will develop capability in utilizing EB technology for the development of functional materials for different industry, health and environmental applications To synthesize and characterize polymeric hydrogels, matrices and nanomaterials for the preparation of hemostat, antidengue patches, metal adsorbents, controlled release nanomaterials and shelf-stable food A.1. Hemostat A.2. Antidengue (insect repellant) A.3. Metal/radionuclide adsorbent A.4. Controllled release nanogels A.5. Shelf-stable food To set-up an EB facility To provide training of PNRI staff and other users of the EB accelerator (under IAEA TC project) To offer EB facility service to relevant industries Researchers, academe, regulatory bodies, industries, environmental sector, agricultural sector, medical sector, general public, philippine army 1/1/2012 - 5/31/2014 2yr(s) PNRI 0.00 [30] 6974 Drought and Crop Assessment and Forecasting (DCAF) (Formerly Drought and Crop Monitoring and Assessment - DACMA) (Year 1 of 3) The significance of this project is that through satellite observations, we gain insights into the sensitivity of Vegetation to various environmental and climate parameters and identify primary factors that drought conditions To develop new drought indices/indicators, based on those currently used in other countries that are suitable for Philippines conditions and therefore more reliable (than global data) for phenological and modeling studies. The long-term goal is to establish a reporting system, based on these indices, that will enable the monitoring Government agencies, policy makers, research institutions and global research communities, agricultural sector, NGOs and general public 11/16/2013 - 12/31/2015 3yr(s) UPD 5,846,594.00 and dissemination of drought conditions in agricultural regions at different temporal and spatial scale [31] 5556 Enhancing the Competitive Identity of Unique Philippine Products Through the Development of Packaging Design and Appropriate Packaging Technology (Year 3 of 3) The project involves the development of packaging design and appropriate packaging technology to enhance the competitive identity of 8 unique Philippine products. To enhance the competitive Industries and Regions identity of eight (8) unique Philippine products through the development of packaging design and appropriate packaging technology for a period of 2.5 years 8/1/2011 - 1/31/2014 3yr(s) ITDI 454,246.70 [32] 6310 Formulation of the DOST Intellectual This proposal aims to Property (IP) Policy (Year 1 of 1) institutionalize the IP Management System in the DOST Consistent with the provision of the RA 10055 and its IRR as well as the enabling mechanisms towards successful technology transfer activities for the whole S&T Community a.Review existing internal IPDOST R&D Institutes Related policies and identify and recommend areas for improvement b.Formulate and recommend the DOST IP policy that is consistent with the provision of R.A no. 10055 c.Conduct at least two 2 stakeholders' consultation d.present the proposed DOST IP Policy to the DOST Management Committee 2/6/2013 - 6/30/2013 1yr(s) DOST-OAsec for TechTrans 241,024.20 [33] 7272 Implementing a Satellite-based Monitoring of Rehabilitation in Typhoon-effected Regions (SMARTER Visayas) (Year 1 of 1) The project aims to acquire highresolution satellite multispectral satellite imagery through a dedicated tasking services (DTS) for rapid assessment of the damages, use time-series satellite imagery to continuously monitor the progress of the recovery and rehabilitation efforts in the typhoon hit areas and process and analyze the acquired satellite images. ASTI shall be responsible for the procurement/acquisition of the high resolution multispectral satellite images and satellite task scheduling. While UPD specifically the Department of Geodetic Engineering shall provide technical support in the image processing and analysis of acquired satellite images. To expedite processing, existing algorithms shall be determined by UP-DGE to optimize and automate feature extraction. The images shall be downloaded within 24 hours after the acquisition from the providers FTP site. A group of twenty personnel shall be assigned to co-register and georeference the pretyphoon and post-typhoon areas. The pre and post disaster image pairs shall then be processed in order to detect and identify the type of damage sustained by buildings that are based on building outline, roofing condition and other visual a) National Economic 7/13/2014 - 10/12/2014 Development Authority (NEDA) 1yr(s) b) OCD-NDRRMC c) Local Government Units d) Government Agencies ASTI 31,450,897.04 [34] 6249 Joint Research Program: Seagrass Ecosystems: Bioshield Against Biodiversity Loss and Impacts of Local and Global Changes Along Philippine Coasts (Year 1 of 3) cues that indicate degree and extent of damages incurred. These damage assessment results shall be converted to a GIS compatible format which will be linked with the population data and the administrative boundaries of barangay, municipalities and cities to derive basic datasets. Within the first month of operation, all 171 municipalities shall have been covered. The project shall likewise conduct inventory of available data from international and local source as supplementary data. It is well documented that in Southeast Asia and among the coastal ecosystems, coral reef are the most popular, mangroves the most disturbed, and seagrass beds, the least studied. this is primary reason why we are focusing our proposal on seagrasses. In the Philippines, while seagrass science has developed steadily since the mid-80's, these studies centered mostly on understanding which seagrass species we have potentials to restore degraded coasts. on the other hand, their roles in reversing biodiversity loss and mitigating adverse impacts of local environmental stressors, and global climate change, are virtually unstudied, much less the impacts of these stressor and disturbances on ecosystem structure and dynamics, the basis of the system's goods and services. [35] 4840 Satellite and Field Detection and The project will address the Analysis of Ground Subsidence in problem of ground Kamanava and Metro Manila (Year 3 subsidence in Metro Manila of 3) particularly in the KAMANAVA area. It is now in its alarmingly rates and linked with the growing To investigate, quantify data Academe; Barangay and modeling and inform obtained Municipal Officials; NGOs and from seagrass phylogeny and POs; Community productivity, environmental quality, tropic dynamics, cum biodiversity responses To monitor the movement and behavior of species, tissues sample analysis for trace metals and chemicals from accidentally caught animals, and interviews of coastal dwellers complemented by focused group discussions on site. 6/1/2013 - 12/31/2015 3yr(s) UPD-MSI 1,249,156.00 To determine the extent and rates of ground subsidence in Metro Manila in particular the KAMANAVA are where lowering of the ground surface levels are at alarming rates 12/1/2010 - 11/30/2013 3yr(s) UPD-NIGS 3,458,625.00 Government agencies (DPWH, NWRB, MWSS, MWCI, Maynilad, Metro Manila LGUs), Lawmakers, Private entities problem of flooding in lowlying areas of the metropolis. A multidisciplinary approach using geodetic (dGPS and leveling), geological (drilling and stratigraphic analysis) and advanced remote sensing techniques (PSInSAR) will be proposed to quantify subsidence rates and distribution in Metro Manila. [36] 7000 Science Content Transformation and Visualization of hydroVisualization For Disaster Risk meteorological phenomena Reduction (Year 1 of 1) provides two purposes: (1) it is a tool that technical personnel can use for data compression and interpretation; and (2) it is an effective means of communicating abstract relationships(statistical data and mathematical equations)and complex natural processes (wind and precipitation patterns, typhoon forecast) into a digestible form for the appreciation of the general public. The project will start with the incorporation of modeling/equipment output of PAGASA and Project NOAH including the 5-day WRF forecasts, Doppler Radar imagery, automatic rain gauges, flood and storm surge maps, etc. Whenever applicable, these datasets will also be made into animations to be distributed for TV broadcast. The visual products from modeling and equipment output will be automated as much as possible. [37] 77 Support to the National Committee on Biosafety of the Phils. (NCBP) (Year 13) Created by Executive Order No. 430 on October 15, 1990, the NCBP is primarily tasked to identify and evaluate potential hazards involved in the use of genetically engineered organisms and introduction of new species, To accurately translate scientific information in the vernacular with the aid of the Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino (KWF) To produce written and graphical media content for TV broadcast during significant weather disturbances; and To produce education materials (videos and animations) that will explain difficult weather and hyrdrological processes. scientific community; broadcast media and general public To review and evaluate the 1. farmer groups, industry, and potential risks associated with science community 2. the conduct of contained international community experiments in genetic engineering for the purpose of issuing recommendations for the issuance by appropriate regulatory agencies, the necessary permit to import 9/1/2013 - 8/31/2014 1yr(s) STII 1,982,572.00 1/1/2001 - 12/31/2016 Continuing DOST-NCBP DOST-OUsec for R&D 5,789,416.00 recommend measures to minimize risks, formulate and review national policies and guidelines on biosafety and risk assessment of work on genetic engineering and supervise its implementation. regulated/transgenic materials to be used in researches; To review the current policies on biosafety policies, measures and guidelines and coordinate all activities and programs on research and development of GMOs and provide technical expertise to the lead regulatory agencies concerned that will implement the guidelines on commercialization of the products of biotechnology; and To visit/inspect the facilities prior to the approval of the proposeda activity to ensure that the level of containment is adequate for the type of activitiy to be carried out as well as recommend, if necessary, various combinations of laboratory practices, containment equipment and laboratory design to make sure that there is no accidental release of organisms outside the laboratory or to the environment. Program Total: Group Total: P 55,137,881.94 P 467,239,553.35 Grand Total: P 1,617,723,602.00 Date:11/6/2014 4:20:16 PM Special Projects Division /yass_beta/reports/pms_wstatfilter.asp wcnt=1&yn=2013&group=paps11&pmsstatus=approved&gfilter=&qtr=&prg=&proj=&nwog=&impl=&mon=&addcol=BH2012_2&prjfilter=&view=View
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