Sunday November 9, 2014 Feast of the Dedication of the John Lateran Basilica Weekly Masses for St. Peter’s & St. Ambrose Saturday 4:30pm Birthday remembrance for Maria Brooks by her parents Pat and David Brooks and for Josephine Tardibono by Joe and Rosemarie Provetto 6:30pm at St. Ambrose Sunday 8:00am at St. Ambrose 10:30am Birthday remembrance for Gerry Senesac by the family and for the deceased members of the Folger & Kelleher families by Ann Folger Monday 8:30am at St. Ambrose 6:00pm for our parishioners Tuesday 9:00am for the Men and Women in the Armed Forces 6:30pm at St. Ambrose Wednesday 8:30am at St. Ambrose 6:00pm all those who are unable to attend Mass. Thursday 12:05pm for respect for Life 6:30pm at St. Ambrose Friday No Mass Saturday 4:30pm Annemarie Gebo & Joseph Roberge by David & family and for Joseph Tardibono by Joe & Rosemarie Provetto 6:30pm at St. Ambrose Sunday 8:00am at St. Ambrose 10:30am Eunice Flynn by John and Irene Pierce and for the Senesac Family by Bill & Donna Scott PRAY FOR THE SICK: Charlene Broughton, Jack Spahn, Michael Plankey, Fr. Pierre LaVallee, Ed Kahrs, Fr. Leclerc, Shirley Wrisley, Maggie Quinn, Charles Chapman, Chad Brunet, Kenza Hammach, Alice Reynolds, Gene Fairbrothers, Maeve Keogh, Hermance Viau, Bertha Perron, Jackie Enos, Anita Johnson, Lillian Nuttual, John Conte, Yvette Field, Gabrielle Curtin, Mirav Orzo, F. Ann Sullivan, Gary Sheldon, Connor Baslow, Gerry Senesac, C.S.H. & K.L.H., Adele McGowan, Patricia Smith, Pauline Steady, Shirley Garon, Dorothy Tisbert, Jane Levesque, Shanoah Addis, Lori Wager, Gerry Wager, Eva Thompson, Thomas McKeon, Lillian Lalumiere, Joel Senesac, Lori Schoonmaker, Diane Barrows, and we pray for all who are listed in our Book of Prayers. PRAYERS & SYMPATHY FOR THE FAMILIES OF: James Brinkman, and Mary Sullivan THIS WEEK AT ST. PETER’S: Saturday 8-10am K of C Breakfast Sunday 11:30am 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Monday 7:00pm Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 6:30pm Prayer/Bible Study in the rectory 6:30pm RCIA in the hall Thursday 7:30am Buildings and Grounds Meeting Friday 7:00pm “God is not Dead” movie in the Parish Hall. Sunday 11:30am 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Mass Assignments Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 8 9 15 16 4:30pm 10:30am 4:30pm 10:30am Lector Amy Mailloux Ruth Fearon Tim Buskey Blaine Ferris To those who sold doves he said, "Take these out of here, and stop making my Father's house a marketplace." His disciples recalled the words of Scripture, Zeal for your house will consume me. - Jn 2:16-17 Offertory Collection: November 2, 2014 # of envelopes used 77 4:30pm $ 1,181.37 10:30am $ 899.15 Total..…………...............$ 2,080.52 The Cemetery Collection……….. ……...$ 1,127.77 On-Line-Giving for Oct…………………$ 955.00 The Monthly Collection will be taken up this weekend. The Bishop DeGoesbriand Collection will be taken up next weekend. We thank you for your generosity! St. Peter’s On-Line Giving It’s easy!! Go to St. Peter’s Web-Page Click on the On-Line Giving icon on the bottom of the home page. Then go to create a new account. If you have any questions or concerns please call the rectory @ 877-2367. Thank you, Fr. Yvon Online Giving is an easy way to keep up with your offertory giving. It’s easy and you won’t have to give another thought. We appreciate your ongoing support of your parish. Pope Francis Speaks to Our Hearts Money has to Serve, Not Rule Money has to serve, not rule! The pope loves everyone, rich and poor alike, but the pope has the duty, in Christ’s name, to remind the rich to help the poor, to respect them, to promote them. The pope appeals for disinterested solidarity and for a return to personcentered ethics in the world of finance and economics. Lay Minister: Kathy English, Richard English, David Palmatier Cheryl Herrington, Jane Vincent, Vina Norton Mary Palmatier, Jean Lasher, Jeanne Senesac Linda Panella, Mindy Donnelly, Theresa Phillips Altar Servers: Chloe Mailloux P & J Sutton, M. Delgadillo Nicole Stearns A. Kachmar, T. Cosgrove, J. Delgadillo I was a stranger and you invited me in… Your support of the Bishop deGoesbriand Appeal for Human Development makes a real difference in the daily lives of Vermonters. In 2013, thanks to your generosity, Vermont Catholic Charities awarded grants to 9 shelters that provided help to over 941 families. Please donate to the second collection the weekend of November 22-23. 100% of the collection stays in Vermont. Penny Fair Report: Our thanks to the parishioners that supported this year’s Penny Fair by donating items, buying the cash raffle tickets given out at church or by attending and playing on the day of the Penny fair. Thank you to Patty Kellogg for all the advertising …and we give a great thanks to all who worked on Friday and on Saturday. We are also very grateful for the businesses in the Vergennes area and beyond and to Knights of Columbus and St. Anne’s Society who were so generous. The Penny Fair would not be successful without all of you. Our profit this year is $7,077.92. Please keep in mind that anytime during the year that you have something you would like to donate you are able to leave it at the rectory or give it to one of the committee members. Co-Chairpersons: Missy Campono and Jeanne Senesac 1st Communion Community Service Project for November & December 2014 The second grade CCD class has chosen a Community Service Project for the month of November and the first week in December. The project is to assist the “Right to Life” group with a drive to collect Baby items. There is a box & poster set up in the back of the church for donations. Please consider helping us by placing donations in the box at the back of the church. We would like to thank you for your help and generosity with our project. Mrs. Brown, Therese Messinger, and the entire 1st Communion Class. Bus Trip: Sponsored by the Fellowship Committee. Enjoy a restful ride to Albany, have lunch and dinner and watch a great show “Jersey Boys” at the Proctor Theater in Albany, New York on January 17, 2015. Cost is $220.00 which includes the bus ride, tip, lunch, show and dinner. This would make a great Christmas Gift for that person on your list that has everything. We are making a deposit so we hope that many will consider this great opportunity to see an outstanding show. RSVP Cathy Desjadon at 877-2534 Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need, Amen. This is the last week to order Pies!!! St. Ambrose is once again selling Holiday Pies which will be made on Nov. 22nd. Five kinds of pies will be prepared: Apple & pumpkin are $12.00 and raspberry, pecan and cherry are $14.00. Orders need to be placed by Nov. 9th. Please see Fr. Yvon to place your order. Save the date this Friday, Nov. 14th. We will be showing the movie “God’s NOT Dead”. This is about a college student who is being challenged by his philosophy professor who believes God doesn’t exist. Show time is at 7:00pm in the parish hall. The K of C will provide popcorn and drinks: feel free to bring other snacks. Please come and support this event. We are hoping for a good turn out and are looking forward to bringing other movies to the hall this winter. ON Saturday, November 15th the Sisters of Mercy will be holding a Canned Goods Sale at Mater Christi School, 50 Mansfield Avenue, Burlington, VT from 9AM until 2PM. Included are several types of pickles, jams and jellies as well as horseradish. Come early to make sure you can buy what you want. For more information call 658-5494 Sr. Ruth Ravey St. Peter’s Religious Store: Christmas Cards have arrived. We have Advent Candles and battery- operated ones. Ladies of St. Anne’s will be meeting in the Chapel on Monday, November 17th at 6pm for a Mass for our deceased members. We will then go to hall for a meeting, refreshments and to try our hand at making a craft. Hope to see you there. A note of Thanks: The family of Mary D. Sullivan would like to thank Fr. Royer, the Ladies of St. Anne’s, the singers and all the many friends who helped make our mother’s/grandmother’s/aunt’s celebration of life a joyful one. We are so appreciative of the food, cards, facilitating the meal after the Mass and the many signs of love! Thank You. From HOPE: To the Congregation of St. Peter’s, Thank you so much for your four generous contributions during 2014. Please know that these funds are making a great impact in our community. All the Best, Emmet Moseley Ambassador of Gratitude
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