Other Cities in Latah County City of Bovill 100 Railroad Ave., Bovill, ID 83806 bovill-id.com City of Deary 401 Line St., Deary, ID 83823 deary-id.com City of Genesee (208) 826-3603 Mail: POB 569 bovillcity@turbonet.com (208) 877-1582 Mail: POB 236 cityofdeary@turbonet.com (208) 285-1621 140 E. Walnut St., Genesee, ID 83832 Mail: POB 38 cityofgenesee.com karyn@cityofgenesee.com City of Juliaetta (208) 276-7791 203 Main St., Juliaetta, ID 83535 Mail: POB 229 cityofjuliaetta.com cityofjuliaetta@tds.net City of Kendrick (208) 289-5157 808 Railroad St., Kendrick, ID 83537 Mail: POB 195 kendrick-juliaetta.org cityofkendrick@tds.net City of Onaway (208) 875-1151 PO Box 125, Potlatch, ID 83855 dlnagle@gmail.com City of Potlatch (208) 875-0708 th 195 6 St., Potlatch, ID 83855 Mail: POB 525 cityofpotlatch.org potlcity@potlatch.com City of Troy (208) 835-2741 519 South Main St., Troy, ID 83871 Mail: POB 595 troyidaho.net troycityhall@tds.net Latah County Library District The Library Board consists of 5 persons elected at large from the entire county by its resident voters for staggered 6-year terms. Elections are held every two years (odd numbered) on rd the 3rd Tuesday in May. The Board meets on the 3 Tuesday of each month, 1:00PM, at the Moscow Public Library or at libraries throughout the county. For further information, call the Clerk of the Latah County Free Library District Board 882-3925, ext. 14. latahlibrary.org/about-us/trustees Home Next Library Board Trustees Phone (208) Election Loreca Stauber, Chair, Moscow 882-1133 2019 Judy LaLonde, Troy 882-3556 2017 Andrew Grant, Treasurer, Moscow 883-3653 2019 Carrie Bitterwolf, Moscow 310-9072 2015 Mary McGregor, V-Chair, Moscow 874-2704 2015 For information about the Latah County Library system, including its outlying branches, see: latahlibrary.org Moscow Public Library 110 S. Jefferson St., 83843 Bovill Public Library 310 1st Ave., 83806 Deary Public Library 304 Second Ave., 83823 Phone (208) 882-3925 moscow@latahlibrary.org 826-3451 bovill@latahlibrary.org 877-1664 deary@latahlibrary.org Genesee Public Library 140 East Walnut St., 83832 285-1398 genesee@latahlibrary.org Juliaetta Comm. Library 205 Main St., 83535 276-7071 juliaetta@latahlibrary.org Potlatch Public Library 1010 Onaway Rd., 83855 875-1036 potlatch@latahlibrary.org Troy Public Library 402 S. Main St., 83871 835-4311 troy@latahlibrary.org Voter Registration For voter registration, see idahovotes.gov/. For specific questions about elections, absentee voting and voting in advance, contact the Latah County Clerk’s Office at (208) 883-2249, or visit the county's web site at latah.id.us/clerk/ Elections Latah County Schools Moscow School District 281 882-1120 650 N. Cleveland St., 83843 msd281.org Superintendent of Schools: Greg Bailey, appointed by the Board of Trustees, 892-1139 gbailey@msd281.org Home Next Board of Trustees Zone Phone (208) Election Jim Frenzel 1 882-3963 2015 Erik Torok 2 892-0595 2017 Kim Campbell 3 882-8252 2015 Dawn Fazio, Chair 4 882-0965 2015 Margaret Dibble 5 882-4749 2017 School board meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM (except December). The agenda (and other information) is available at the web site or from the Clerk of the Board at 892-1139. Trustees are elected for 4-year terms. Elections are held on the 3rd Tuesday in May in odd-numbered years. Bond and special mill levy elections may be called by the trustees. To vote in trustee elections, voters must be registered to vote, be residents of their respective school trustee zones and sign an oath to that effect. Other Latah County School Districts Genesee School District 282 330 W. Ash St., Genesee, ID 83832 sd282.org Voter Qualifications For specific questions about voter qualifications, see the web site for the State of Idaho (Secretary of State) idahovotes.gov/VoterReg/REG_FAQ.HTM. Phone/FAX (208) 285-1161/285-1495 board: sd282.org/board Kendrick Joint School District 283 289-4211/289-4201 POB 283, Kendrick, ID 83537 (Kendrick and Juliaetta) dist283.org board: dist283.org/board_members Potlatch School District 285 875-0327/875-1028 th 130 6 St., Potlatch, ID 83855-8757 potlatchschools.org/ board: potlatchschools.org/website2/sb/members.php Troy School District 287 835-3791/835-3790 102 W. 5th St., Troy ID 83871 sd287.k12.id.us board: sd287.k12.id.us/DrawOnePage.aspx?PageID=5 Whitepine Joint School District 288 877-1408/877-1570 502 1st Ave., Deary, ID 83823 sd288.k12.id.us board: wjsd2.mybigcampus.net/school-board (Bovill Elementary—Pre-3rd Grades) 826-3314/826-3614 (Deary Elementary & High Schools—4-12) 877-1151/877-1366 In even-numbered years, the Primary Election is held on the 3rd Tuesday in May, 8:00AM to 8:00PM and the General Election on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 8:00AM-8:00PM. In odd-numbered years, school districts and other taxing districts such as library, cemetery, highway, recreation, fire and water and sewer may hold candidate/bond/levy elections in March, May, August, and November. See the county clerk's website: latah.id.us/elections, or call the Latah County Clerk's office at (208) 883-2249. Election Calendar 2014 Directory of Elected Officials and Resource Guide for Voters of Latah County Compiled by The League of Women Voters PO Box 9535, Moscow, Idaho 83843 community.palouse.net/lwvm EMAIL: lwvmoscow@moscow.com LWVID: lwvid.org LWVUS: lwv.org Schools and Taxing Districts March 11 and/or May 20, August 26, November 4, 2014 Primary Election May 20, 2014 General Election November 4, 2014 About the League Services such as voter registration, production of a Voter’s Guide, this directory, sponsorship of candidate forums, nonpartisan political forums and a weekly speakers’ series open to the public are major activities of the Moscow LWV. The League also educates the area school children by organizing Mock Elections during national election years, for which it has received a national award community.palouse.net/lwvm/mockelectionawardlwvus.pdf. The Directory of Elected Officials and Resource Guide for Voters of Latah County is distributed throughout Latah County and is updated every January. As information can change, access the various agency web sites for updates. Political Party Chairpersons, Latah County Republican Party Walter Steed Democratic Party David Nelson Chamber of Commerce: moscowchamber.com (208) 883-0123 wmsteed@aol.com latahgop.org (208) 301-2266 latah.county.democrats@gmail.com latahdemocrats.org 411 S. Main St., Moscow, 882-1800 staff@moscowchamber.com The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Any citizen of voting age, male or female, may become a member. In addition, associate memberships are available for those under 18 years of age and for non-citizens. Student memberships are offered at a reduced rate. We thank the following businesses and individuals in Moscow, Idaho for underwriting the printing costs of this directory. Fork Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning Hodgins Drug and Hobby Andrea Beckett Certified Public Accountant The White House State of Idaho The President and Vice President are elected on a partisan ballot in the General Election for 4-year terms. Next Election: 2016. Executive Branch idaho.gov/government/executive.html President: Barack H. Obama (D) Phone: (202) 456-1414 The White House FAX: (202) 456-2461 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW TDD: (202) 456-6213 Washington, DC 20500 Tours: (202) 456-7041 whitehouse.gov/ whitehouse.gov/contact/ Salary $400,000 Vice President: Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D) whitehouse.gov/administration/vice_president_biden/ vice.president@whitehouse.gov (mailing address is the same as for the President) Salary: $230,700 The Governor and 6 other officers are elected on a partisan ballot in the General Election for 4-year terms. FAX for the Governor only (208) 334-3454. Governor’s Address: 999 Main St., Ste. 910 (PO Box 83720), Boise, ID 83720. State Capitol Address: 700 West Jefferson St. (PO Box 83720) Boise, ID 83720. U.S. Congress Two Senators are elected on a partisan ballot in the General Election for staggered 6-year terms. Salary: $174,000 plus expenses, no honoraria. Mike Crapo (R) Next Election 2016 U.S. Senate Lewiston office: 239 Dirksen Senate Bldg. 313 D St., Ste. 105 Washington, DC 20510 Lewiston, ID 83501 Phone: (202) 224-6142 Phone: (208) 743-1492 FAX: (202) 228-1375 FAX: (208) 743-6484 crapo.senate.gov/EMAIL: crapo.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm Jim Risch (R) Next Election 2014 U.S. Senate Lewiston office: 483 Russell Senate Bldg. 313 D St., Ste. 106 Washington, DC 20510 Lewiston, ID 8350l Phone: (202) 224-2752 Phone: (208) 743-0792 FAX: (202) 224-2573 FAX: (208) 746-7275 risch.senate.gov/EMAIL: risch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/email One Representative per district is elected on a partisan ballot in the General Election in even-numbered years for a 2-year term. Salary: $174,000, plus expenses, no honoraria. Idaho First Congressional District Raul Labrador (R) Next Election 2014 U.S. House of Representatives Lewiston office: 1523 Longworth HOB 313 Main St., Ste. 107 Washington, DC 20515 Lewiston, ID 83501 Phone: (202) 225-6611 Phone: (208) 743-1388 FAX: (202) 225-3029 FAX: (208) 888-0894 labrador.house.gov/EMAIL: labradorforms.house.gov/email-me Idaho Second Congressional District Mike Simpson (R) Next Election 2014 U.S. House of Representatives Boise office: 2312 Rayburn House Bldg. 802 W. Bannock, Ste. 600 Washington, DC 20515 Boise, ID 83702 Phone: (202) 225-5531 Phone: (208) 334-1953 FAX: (202) 225-8216 FAX: (208) 334-9533 simpson.house.gov/EMAIL: simpson.house.gov/Contact/ Phone (208) Salary Next Election Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter (R) 334-2100 $119,000 2014 Lt. Governor Brad Little (R) 334-2200 35,700 2014 Secretary of State Ben Ysursa (R) 334-2300 101,150 2014 State Controller Brandon Woolf (R) 334-3100 101,150 State Treasurer Ron Crane (R) 334-3200 101,150 2014 1 2014 Attorney General Lawrence Wasden (R) 334-2400 107,100 2014 Supt. of Public Instr. 332-6800 Tom Luna (R) or (800) 432-4601 101,150 2014 Len Jordan Building, 650 W. State St., Boise, ID 83720-0027 Judicial Branch isc.idaho.gov/ State Supreme Court. Five Justices are elected on a nonpartisan ballot in the Primary Election for staggered 6-year terms. Salaries: $121,900 (Chief Justice: $123,400). Court Clerk: (208) 334-2210. Phone (208) Roger Burdick, Ch. Justice Daniel Eismann Warren Jones Joel Horton Jim Jones 334-3464 334-2149 334-3324 334-2207 334-3186 Term Expires 1/2017 1/2019 1/2015 1/2015 1/2017 Court of Appeals. Four Appeals Judges are elected at large on a non-partisan ballot for staggered six-year terms. Salaries: $120,900. Court Clerk: (208) 334-2210. Sergio Gutierrez, Ch. Judge David Gratton Karen Lansing John Melanson Phone (208) 334-5166 334-5167 334-5168 334-5170 Term Expires 1/2015 1/2019 1/2017 1/2019 Second Judicial District. Four District Judges are elected at large on a non-partisan ballot in the Primary Election for 4-year terms. Salaries: $114,300 (Admin. Judge $115,800). Phone (208) Next Election John Stegner, Admin. Judge, 883-2255 2014 Latah Co. Jeff Brudie, Nez Perce Co. 750-2057 2014 Carl Kerrick, Nez Perce Co. 799-3141 2014 Michael Griffin, Clearwater Co. 983-2776 2014 Second District Magistrate Division. Magistrates are appointed by the District Magistrate Commission for 2-year terms. At the end of the term, each magistrate stands for election on an unopposed retention ballot in the General Election in the county of her/his assignment for a 4-year term. If defeated, she/he is replaced by another appointee. Salaries: $109,300. Administrative Office in Boise: (208) 334-2246. Phone (208) Next Election Latah County—John Judge 883-2255 2014 Idaho Legislative Branch legislature.idaho.gov idleginfo@lso.idaho.gov Capitol Contact Information during sessions: ID State Senate or House of Representatives Toll Free Phone/FAX Mail: POB Box 83720 (800) 626-0471 700 W. Jefferson St. FAX (208) 334-5397 Boise, ID 83720-0081 (Senate) Boise, ID 83720-0038 (House) Senators—One Senator is elected from each legislative district on a partisan ballot in the General Election for a 2-year term. Next Election 2014. Salary: $16,438. Representatives—Two Representatives are elected from each legislative district on a partisan ballot in the General Election for a 2-year term. Next Election 2014. Salary: $16,438. District 5 Senate (509) 336-1436 (cell) Senator Dan Schmidt (D) 267 Circle Dr. 882-6328 Moscow, ID 83843 (home, office, & FAX) dschmidt@senate.idaho.gov 332-1405 Boise danschmidtforsenate.com District 5 House Seat A Rep. Cindy Agidius (R) 1155 Crumarine Loop Rd. Moscow, ID 83843 301-0246 (Boise/cell) 866-509-3249 (FAX) 883-9700 (work) cagidius@house.idaho.gov District 5 House Seat B Rep. Shirley Ringo (D) 1021 Herrington Rd. Moscow, ID 83843 883-1005 (home, FAX) 301-2272 (cell) 332-1035 (Boise) sringo@house.idaho.gov ringoshirl@moscow.com shirleyringo.com Latah County County Courthouse, 522 S. Adams, Moscow (208) 882-8580 or (for Juliaetta, Kendrick, and Troy only) 800-691-2012. Hours are 8:00AM to 5:00PM, weekdays. latah.id.us Board of County Commissioners—Three commissioners are elected on a partisan ballot in the General Election for rotating staggered terms: two for 4-year terms, one for a 2year term. Salary: $41,268. latah.id.us/commissioners Office Home Office Next Office Phone (208) Phone (208) Election District 1 Richard Walser (R) 883-2272 892-4005 2014 District 2 Tom Stroschein (D) 883-2275 (509) 330-1137 2014 District 3 David McGraw (R) Ch. 883-2271 (509) 499-9944 2016 Meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 9:00AM-5:00PM at the Courthouse. Call (208) 883-7208 for more information. County Officers—6 county officers are elected on a partisan ballot in the General Election for four-year terms. Office Salary Next Phone (208) Election Assessor Pat Vaughan (D) 883-5710 $57,732 2016 Clerk Susan Petersen (R) 883-2249 59,856 2014 Treasurer Lois Reed (R) 883-2296 55,572 2014 Sheriff Wayne Rausch (R) 882-2216 66,852 2016 Prosecuting Attorney William Thompson (D) 883-2246 85,512 2016 Coroner Catherine Mabbutt (D) 883-2248 15,840 2014 City of Moscow A mayor & six council members are elected at-large on a nonpartisan ballot for staggered 4-year terms. City Hall: 206 East 3rd St., Moscow (208) 883-7000, Voice/TDD (208) 883-7019. ci.moscow.id.us. City Supervisor: Gary Riedner—appointed: st 883-7006. City Council: council@ci.moscow.id.us. Meetings 1 rd and 3 Mondays, 7:00PM in the Council Chambers. Preferred Monthly Next Contact Salary Election Next (208) William Lambert, Mayor 882-9138 $1,813.99 2017 Monthly Next Walter Steed 883-0123 628.85 2017 Dan Carscallen 882-7490 628.85 2015 John Weber 882-6794 628.85 2017 Wayne Krauss 882-8626 628.85 2015 Tom Lamar 882-1444 628.85 2015 Art Bettge 883-7080 628.85 2017
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