THE ANDHRA PRADESH STATE CO-OPERATIVE BANK LTD., HEAD OFFICE, TROOP BAZAR, HYDERABAD – 500001 NOTIFICATION In pursuance of the decision taken in the State Level Task Force Meeting held on 27.03.2014 and resolutions of the Boards of Management of the Karimnagar, Kadapa, Nalgonda and Warangal DCCBs, dated 25.07.2014, 26.09.2014, 13.09.2014 and 28.09.2014 respectively, applications are invited for filling up of the post of Chief Executive Officer (CEO), for the District Cooperative Central Banks of Karimnagar, Kadapa, Warangal and Nalgonda from suitable candidates who fulfill the following Fit and Proper Criteria prescribed by RBI/NABARD. In-service candidates shall apply through proper channel. I. AGE: The applicant shall preferably be not above 55 years of age as on the date of appointment. Relaxation of not more than 6 months will be given in deserving cases. II. QUALIFICATIONS: The person to be appointed as CEO shall possess either of the following educational qualifications: a) Graduate with CAIIB/DBF/Diploma in Cooperative Business Management, PGDCRS or equivalent qualification; b) Accountancy (Chartered or cost accountant); c) Post Graduate in any discipline; d) Agriculture (Graduate/Post Graduate); e) Law (Graduate/Post Graduate) f) Engineering (BE or equivalent) III. EXPERIENCE: Sl. No. Name of the DCCB Category of the DCCB The applicants must have experience of eight years’ & above in the cadres indicated below APCOB DCCBs Other Banks 1. Karimnagar A DGM & above GM & above AGM (Scale IV) & above 2. Kadapa B AGM & above DGM & above Chief Manager (Scale III) & above 3. Nalgonda B AGM & above DGM & above Chief Manager (Scale III) & above 4. Warangal C Sr. Manager & AGM above above & Senior Manager (Scale II) & above Note: Experience in both officiating and regular capacities will be reckoned. IV. SCALE OF PAY: o In case of officers from APCOB & DCCBs, pay protection will be extended. In addition, deputation allowance to an extent of 15 % of the pay (Basic + DA) will be paid. o Perks and allowances, as decided by the respective Boards of Management of the DCCBs will be extended. o In case of retired officers, who are otherwise eligible as per FPC, the remuneration will be in tune with the grades/cadres, indicated under Experience criteria, listed above. V. ISSUE OF APPLICATIONS: 10.11.2014 from 10.30 AM to 25.11.2014 up to 5.30 PM VI. LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: 01.12.2014 upto 5.30 PM Applications are also made available with the Deputy General Manager (HRD), APCOB HO, Troop Bazar, Hyd., and can be obtained on payment of Rs.500/- by way of D.D drawn in favour of APCOB, Hyderabad or on remittance of cash at Bank HO, during the office hours, i.e., 10.30 AM to 5.30 PM, from 10.11.2014 to 25.11.2014. Interested candidates may submit their application in the prescribed format with all supporting and relevant details along with the requisite testimonials and a recent self-attested passport size photo. Candidates shall submit their applications separately for each DCCB. The Application should be addressed to the Managing Director, APCOB, Head Office, Troop Bazar, Hyderabad – 500001 and should be superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CEO, DCCB, KARIMNAGAR/KADAPA/WARANGAL/NALGONDA (as the case may be)”. Date: 10.11.2014 MD, APCOB APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER IN THE DISTRICT COOPERATIVE CENTRAL BANK LTD., _________________. Recent Passport size photo (selfattested) to be affixed 1. Name in Full (in block letters) 2. Father’s / Husband’s name 3. Date of Birth & Age ( years & months) 4. Place of Birth (Village/Town & District) 5. Nationality 6. Permanent Address 7. Telephone No.s Residence : Mobile 8. E-mail ID 9. Address for Communication : 10. Permanent Account No. issued by Income Tax Dept. 11. Disciplinary Proceedings faced, if any 12. EDUCATIONAL / PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: (Beginning with ‘SSC’ or Equivalent Examinations) Examination passed ACADEMIC : Board / University Year of % of Marks and class passing obtained Subject/ Specialization PROFESSIONAL: 13. JOB EXPERIENCE: (Details of experience, with supporting documents, to be furnished in reverse chronological order starting from the present position) Sl. No. Post Held Period of service From To Name of the Institution/ Organization with full address Scale (Scale I/II/III/IV) Last Pay drawn (Rs.) Nature of Duties, in brief 14. APPRECIATIONS/AWARDS etc. : Sl. Name of the Award No. Period/Date award of Issued by 15. Relevant relationship List of relatives if any who are connected with the a. Bank. List of entities if any in which he/she is b. considered as interested. Find and non-fund facilities, if any, presently availed by him/her and /or by entities listed in ‘b’ c. above from the Bank. Cases, if any, where the candidate or entities listed in ‘b’ above are in default or have been in default in the last five years in respect of credit d. facilities obtained from the Bank or any other Bank. Description / Remarks 16. PROCEEDINGS, IF ANY, AGAINST THE CANDIDATE. a. b. c. d. e. If the candidate is a member of a professional association/body, details of disciplinary action, if any, pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the past against him/her or whether he/she has been banned from entry into any professional occupation at any time. Details of prosecution, if any pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the past against the candidate and/or against any of the entities listed in 15(b) for violation of economic laws and regulations Details of criminal prosecution, if any pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the last five years against the candidate. Has the candidate or any of the entities. At 15 (b) above been subject to any investigation at the instance of Government Department or agency? Has the candidate at any time been found guilty of violation of rules/regulation/legislative requirements by Customs/Excise/Income Tax/ Foreign Exchange/ Other Revenue Authorities, if so, give particulars Any other explanation/information f. relevant for judging fit proper. 17. Sl. No. considered References: Name & Designation Address Contact number 01 02 DECLARATION I, _____________________, S/o ______________declare that, the information given in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and complete. I also fully understand that, if at any stage, it is found that any attempt has been made by me willfully to conceal or misrepresent the facts, my candidature may be rejected and terminated from the employment. I undertake to keep the Bank fully informed, as soon as possible, of all events, which take place subsequent to my appointment, which are relevant to the information provided above. Signature of the applicant Date: Place: RECOMMENDATION OF THE EMPLOYER The application of Sri ________________________, S/o _____________, working as __________, in our organization, who has applied for the post of Chief Executive Officer of ______________ DCCB Ltd., is herewith recommended for consideration. The applicant has not faced any disciplinary proceedings/no disciplinary cases are pending against him. The details furnished by Sri __________________ in his application have been verified with his personal record and found correct. Date: Place: (Signature of the Employer) Designation and seal
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