/ 2014 october

october/november/december 2014
We are proud to offer such a diverse
schedule of quality programs and look
forward to your involvement!
The Springfield Art Museum continues to grow, with new classes and
new exhibitions. We are very excited
about the recent addition of Four by
Four: Midwest Invitational. One artist
from Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas,
and Kansas was invited to exhibit their
work, providing an in-depth look at
the talent that surrounds us. We hope
to travel this exhibition to institutions
of note in each participating state to
further awareness and appreciation of
Midwestern artists. We are also excited
about the launch of new workshops,
classes, and film screenings in the coming year. We have a terrific line-up of
programs which can be found on our
Page 3 Events Calendar, or on our new
website: www.sgfmuseum.org. We are
proud to offer such a diverse schedule
of quality programs and look forward
to your involvement!
Maquette: The Sculptor’s Tool
Four by Four: Midwest Invitational
November 22, 2014 - March 15, 2015
Reception: Friday, November 21,
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Weisel and Kelly Galleries
Ongoing – November 9, 2014
Weisel and Kelly Galleries, Museum
our new home on the web
The Springfield Art Museum has a new
home on the web, www.sgfmuseum.
org! It includes information about the
Museum, its collections and exhibitions,
educational programs, and upcoming
events. It is a stand-alone site with its
own independent URL or web address, which allows for easy access. The
Museum’s old site was contained within
the City of Springfield’s website, www.
springfieldmo.gov, which was not as
easy to find with a longer, more difficult to remember URL. Our website
is easy to remember, just remember
your favorite SGF Museum! The website
can still be accessed through the City’s
website, under the Government tab,
then look for us under City Departments. This new website was designed
to be a temporary site as the Museum
continues its rebranding efforts. The
Museum will launch a permanent home
on the web, soon, with even more
To get more information about the
Museum, sign up for email alerts regarding programs and events. Click the
“Subscribe Now!” button at the top
of the page to join our email list. Also,
follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,
and YouTube!
On the cover: Sage Dawson, Summerville: Natural Disasters During the Winter of 2011, 2013, lithography, collagraphy and acrylic; Denny Schmickle, That Dream Where all Your Teeth Fall Out, 2014, printed
on cotton duvet cover and sheets; Emily Wood, Joshua, 2013-2014, acrylic and graphite on oak panel;
Mark Cowardin, On the Bright Side, 2013, ebonized walnut, silver leaf, paint, blocks, foam.
Maquette: The Sculptor’s Tool
Ongoing – November 9, 2014
Weisel and Kelly Galleries, Museum
About Face: Portraits
Ongoing – August 2015
Armstrong Gallery
This exhibit is the second in a series,
focusing on various artists, styles and
trends, pulled exclusively from the
Springfield Art Museum’s outstanding
collection of contemporary American
Film Screening at the Moxie
Saturday, October 11, Noon – 3 PM
Free Admission
Moxie Cinema, 305 S Campbell Ave
In collaboration with the Moxie Cinema, the Museum will screen “The
Searchers” (1956) a Western starring
John Wayne and directed by John Ford.
The screening is inspired by the Museum’s exhibit Into the West.
Q & A with Artist Larry Young and
Inertia Dance Company Performance
Thursday, October 16, 5:30 – 7 PM
Free Admission
Larry Young, one of the artists featured
in Maquette: The Sculptor’s Tool will
answer questions about his work and
process. MSU’s Inertia Dance Company
will perform briefly in the galleries, responding to artworks in the show with
a series of structured improvisations.
Friday, October 31, 10 AM - Noon
Free Admission
Celebrate Halloween at SAM! Kids of
all ages can come in costume and enjoy
art activities, stories and treats.
Family Day & Family Art Workshops
Saturday, November 8, 10 AM – Noon
Free Admission, Registration Required
for Workshop
Larry Young, Tango, 1990, bronze. Courtesy of
the artist.
Four by Four: Midwest Invitational
November 22, 2014 - March 15, 2015
Reception: Friday, November 21, 5:30 –
7 PM
Weisel and Kelly Galleries
The biennial Four by Four 2014: Midwest
Invitational Exhibition is intended to recognize and encourage artists working
in all media who reside in the four-state
region of Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas,
and Kansas.
Pottery Giftmaking Open Studio with
Kendle Durden
Saturday, November 29, 1 - 4 PM
Cost: $20, individual; $40, family of up
to 4 people
Fun for the whole family! Make original
bowls, ornaments and/or other art objects just in time for the holidays. We’ll
fire your creations and have them ready
for you to give to the special people
on your list. All ages. Children must be
accompanied by an adult.
Holiday Giftmaking for Kids with Hadley
Saturday, December 13, 1 - 4 PM
Cost: $25
Kids will enjoy the season of giving
even more when they make their own
amazing, outlandish, totally one-of-akind gifts! At the end of the afternoon,
kids will have several gifts ready to give
to the special people on their lists. Ages
new classes and
The Museum has some exciting workshops and programs in the works and
others underway! We are pleased to
announce a series of one-day workshops for all ages called Saturdays at
SAM! The series began in September
with a Family Day and a Plein Air
Drawing workshop led by artist, Allen
St-Onge. We will continue the series
in October with a Screen Printing
workshop with artist, Lynley Farris
and Holiday Giftmaking workshops in
November and December with artists
Kendle Durden and Hadley O’Brien.
We will also launch a film series based
on the Museum’s exhibition schedule
with the Moxie Cinema. This series will
launch this October with a screening of
John Ford’s 1956 classic, The Searchers,
which will coincide with the Museum’s
recent exhibition Into the West. Another
exciting program new to the Museum’s
line-up is a new lecture series “Museum
101.” This program will give participants
a behind-the-scenes look at the Museum and its role in the community.
For more information about these programs and others, contact Kate Baird,
Museum Educator (417) 837-5700 or
email kbaird@springfieldmo.gov or visit
Four by Four 2014
Midwest Invitational
Mark Cowardin
Sage Dawson
Denny Schmickle
Emily Wood
Sage Dawson, Summerville: Natural Disasters During the Winter of 2011, 2013, lithography, collagraphy and
acrylic; Denny Schmickle, That Dream Where all Your Teeth Fall Out, 2014, printed on cotton duvet cover
and sheets; Emily Wood, Joshua, 2013-2014, acrylic and graphite on oak panel; Mark Cowardin, On the
Bright Side, 2013, ebonized walnut, silver leaf, paint, blocks, foam.
The biennial Four by Four 2014: Midwest
Invitational Exhibition is intended to recognize and encourage artists working
in all media who reside in the four-state
region of Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kansas. The exhibit will feature
artwork by four artists—one from each
state—who will each exhibit a selection
or series of their current work. A juror
of awards for the exhibition is selected
on a rotating basis from one of the four
states - this year’s juror of awards is Jodi
Throckmorton, Curator of Modern and
Contemporary Art at the Ulrich Museum of Art at Wichita State University
in Wichita, Kansas. Throckmorton will
be tasked with awarding one artist a
cash prize of $3,000. A catalogue of the
exhibition will be available and each of
the artists will speak about their work
at various times during the exhibition.
About the Artists
Mark Cowardin
Mark Cowardin lives in Lawrence, Kansas. He has a BFA from the University
of Kansas and an MFA from the University of Arizona. His work addresses
environmental impact and our own
reckless self-interested consumption of
Sage Dawson
Sage Dawson currently lives in St. Louis,
Missouri. She has a BFA from Missouri
State University and an MFA from the
University of New Mexico. Her work
examines identities of space, and in
particular the theme of displacement.
Denny Schmickle
Denny Schmickle lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has a BA from the College of
the Ozarks and an MFA from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Working
primarily in serigraphy, Schmickle straddles the border between fine art and
graphic design incorporating personal
history and narrative into unexpected
formats including hand-printed wallpaper, upholstery, and textile design.
Above: Denny Schmickle, Eyes, 2014,
hand-screenprinted wallpaper.
Below: Emily Wood, Gunnar’s Catch, 2014, acrylic
and graphite on oak panel.
Emily Wood
Emily Wood lives and works in Little
Rock, Arkansas. She has a BA from
Ouachita Baptist University and an MA
from the University of Arkansas. She
works primarily in acrylic, painting
directly on wood panels which she
builds herself.
Above: Sage Dawson, Summerville: Natural Disasters During the Winter of 2011, 2013, lithography,
acrylic and pencil.
Below: Mark Cowardin, That Way, 2014, eastern
red cedar, paint, wood, silver leaf and ladder.
News from the SMMA Board
Our delicious pecans will be coming in
soon. They are a wonderful fundraiser
for SMMA. We thank Bev Steelman for
heading up this effort again this year.
They can be used every day, in holiday
recipes, or, eaten as a snack. The packaging is so attractive they can be given
as gifts. They will again be available in
large halves, small pieces, dark or milk
chocolate covered, cinnamon glazed,
and pecan caramel clusters.
Fall is with us with all the
beautiful colors of the Ozarks
and our SMMA committees
and Art Groups are all busy
working on interesting projects.
Sonya Wise and her committee have
planned an exciting Fall Fashion Show
and Luncheon with many new things.
The theme is “A Taste of Argentina”
with raffles, a live auction and tango
dancing. One of the raffle items is a
painting by Joe Ray Kelley called La
Boca Street #36, and another is the
Perdido Key Condo. The Petra Ballet will be performing to Argentinian
music in their beautiful red and black
costumes. It will be at the White River
Convention Center, Tuesday, November
4. The doors will open at 10:30 a.m. Be
sure to put it on your calendar and plan
to join us.
The Museum Shop is the perfect place
to do your Christmas shopping! It really
is the perfect place to shop for gifts,
or for yourself, at any time! They have
beautiful silk scarves with designs from
Degas, Monet, Van Gogh, and others.
There are hand-blown glass pumpkins
for fall, and faceted glass ornaments
for Christmas, many articles from local
artists, jewelry, pottery, note cards and
more. Mary Lee Marsh and her committee will be having a Christmas open
house the first weekend of November.
We continue to need volunteers to
keep the shop open, so please, we
need you!
It is with great pleasure we welcome
new SMMA Sustaining Life Members,
Annie and Ernie Pierce. We are delighted to have them with us.
It is with regret we announce that two
of our art groups disbanded this year.
Medallion which formed in 1961 and
Beau Vivant which formed in 1963. We
are very grateful for all the time, talent,
and resources they shared with SMMA
for over 50 years. We will miss them
and hope they will continue as at-large
members so they can keep in touch
with what is going on in SMMA and at
the Art Museum.
Joan Menchetti
President, SMMA
SMMA officers, Mary Hamilton,
Brenda Stiles, and Joan Menchetti, present Museum Director,
Nick Nelson with a check for
$40,000, raised during the 85th
Anniversary Gala.
SMMA Announcements
4th Quarter 2014
Fall Fashion Show/Silent Auction
A Taste of Argentina
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
White River Conference Center
Contact the SMMA office for tickets!
SMMA’s Fresh Pecan Fundraiser
Is underway in the Museum Shop
and the SMMA office
Visual Artists
In memory of Dot Holden
SMMA Board meetings
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
9:30 Social, 10:00 Meeting
Friends of the Springfield
Art Museum
Greetings all. It was a lovely summer
and I hope you took advantage of the
many chances to experience outdoor
art around Springfield. I always enjoy
stopping, even for just a quick look,
at our downtown murals celebrating
Route 66 or local favorite Robert E.
Smith. And it’s great to see the sculpture at Jordan Valley Park, Close Memorial Park and the Museum. Even small
or unexpected touches, painted tiles
or designs in walls, never fail to perk
up my day and remind me that art and
artists are all around us.
The crisp air and brilliant colors of
autumn will have arrived by the time
this newsletter hits your mailbox. The
natural beauty of the Ozarks is especially vivid this time of year, highlighting
our unique and compelling landscape.
If you enjoy spectacular natural scenes,
I know you too will be impressed by
the Museum’s current exhibition, Into
the West. These selections from the
permanent collection transport us
right into the sweeps and peaks of the
country. FOSAM hosted special free
guided tours of Into the West in August and September, and we’ll offer at
least one more before the exhibition
closes in May. Every month we offer a
free, guided tour of the Museum and
a selected exhibition. We alternate
between Thursday evenings and Sunday
afternoons. In October, we’ll be touring
Maquette: The Sculptor’s Tool on Thursday
News from the President
10/9 at 6:00 pm. Bring family, a friend, a
neighbor – young or old – and join us.
Just RSVP to fosam_spfd@yahoo.com.
Free guided tours are just one of the
benefits we offer FOSAM members.
We want Friends to have fun while
supporting the Museum. To that end,
we have been busy with educational
and social events. Our ArtTalk series
continues, featuring a local artist speaking about their work, sometimes even
offering a hands-on creative experience.
ArtTalk is exclusively for members, who
can each bring one guest, and is free.
Keep an eye on our website for details
on the next event.
In addition to tours of the Springfield
Art Museum, a group of Friends made
a trip to Oklahoma City to see the
annual Prix de West invitational exhibit
of contemporary Western art. A good
time was had by all, and we’d love to
make this a yearly outing. Thanks go to
Betty Shook for her great idea and for
organizing the trip. On the social front,
Friends continued to enjoy our casual
gatherings at Galloway Grill. We hope
you’ll bring a friend and join us for an
evening with art-minded folks. Drop in
on the fourth Tuesday of each month,
starting at 6:00 pm for a cash bar.
On the business end, by the time you
read this we will have finalized FOSAM’s financial commitments for the
Eric Sloane, Sky City and Skyscape, n.d., oil on panel
fiscal year, which runs through June 30,
2015. We’re targeting our donations
and support for the Museum in three
major areas: Collection, Education and
Events. We’re excited to help bring our
community and the Museum closer
together through a variety of programs,
including the Four by Four: Midwest
Invitational. It will be exciting to experience this new twist on the established
idea of featuring artists from Missouri,
Oklahoma, Arkansas and Kansas. I hope
to see you at the opening reception.
We’re always looking for ideas from
members, and want to know what you
enjoy. To that end, we’ve added a survey
to our renewal letters. Thanks to all of
you who have responded. Your input is
already helping shape the slate of activi-
ties, special events and fundraising we’re
putting together for this year and next.
If you have ideas for experiences you’d
like to see us offer, please just send us
an email, either directly at fosam_spfd@
yahoo.com or by clicking the link on
our website.
Please visit our website www.artmuseumfriends-spfd.org and LIKE us on
Facebook for the newest information
on our expanding list of activities and
events. We’d also love to hear from you
with your ideas for fun and fundraising.
I thank you again for your support as
the Museum continues to evolve and
FOSAM works to help bring the Museum and our whole community closer