1 TRANMERE TIMES NEWSLETTER Friday 7th November, 2014 General School Information/Dates We would like to welcome student teachers Laura Harrington who will be working with Year 3 & 4 children this half term on maths challenge activities and Paige Culvert who is an American teacher trainee attached to Tranmere Park Primary School for one month. New Morning Routine Next week we will be trialling a new routine for Key Stage One children in the mornings, as discussed with Parent Forum last week. To help alleviate human traffic congestion on Key Stage One playground Year two children (Herons and Skylarks) will be lining up on the Key Stage Two playground. Eagles class will be entering school through Skylarks classroom door where they will be escorted to their classroom by their teacher. The children have already had this new routine explained to them in assembly. Teachers will be on the playground to assist the children during this trial period. Parent Forum Meeting Minutes A copy of the Parent Forum Meeting minutes are attached to tonight’s Tranmere Times along with a report from Marie Stout (Parent Governor) on school lunches. 'Growth Mindsets' Week Next week (WB Monday 10th November) the whole school will be focusing on 'Growth Mindsets' and how to challenge ourselves with our learning. Having a growth mindset means understanding that making mistakes or being 'stuck' is all part of learning and that by challenging ourselves we learn more. As part of the week, all classes are completing activities and displays that we would love for you to come and see on Friday 14th November after school in the hall. We look forward to seeing you there! Poppy Appeal We will be selling poppies in school on Monday and Tuesday morning next week. th st Parent Consultation Evenings Wednesday 19 & Thursday 20 November Appointment slips for parents evening have been sent home tonight. Wherever possible could you please attend the consultation without your child in attendance. Mrs Martin will be available to see parents on both parent consultation evenings without an appointment, but if you wish to make an appointment please ring/send a note to school. Update on Red Kites Class As parents of pupils in Red Kites class are already aware, Mrs Porteous is currently absent from school due to illness and Miss Saunders has taken her place as class teacher. We are extremely grateful to Miss Saunders for agreeing to continue to work i n Red Kites class until Christmas giving the children continuity of teaching. After Christmas we are delighted to announce that Mrs Carmel Holland will taking over Mrs Porteous’ teaching commitment in Red Kites until the end of the school year. Mrs Holland is an exmember of Tranmere Park staff and we are looking forward to her return to Team Tranmere! th Friday 14 November – Children in Need 2014 Next Friday we will be supporting the Children in Need Appeal. The theme this year is ‘Be a Hero’. The children can come to school dressed as a superhero in return for a donation to the Children in Need Appeal. Attached to tonight’s Tranmere Times is a leaflet from the Children in Need website on ideas for making simple costumes if you wish. Parking around school We have received the following e-mail from a concerned resident Parents are again parking on the white Keep Clear lines at the top of Ridge Close. The problem occurs mainly at school closing time, although it is beginning to spread to the mornings. The following cars are regularly parking on the lines at the end of the school day: silver Peugeot registration YK05 UDB, and dark blue Citroen DX52 OVL. Silver Citroen MA08 GCO has begun parking on the line in the mornings. If things do not improve I will ask the police to become involved. Morrison’s Gardening Vouchers Thank you for the fantastic response once again for the Morrison’s Gardening Vouchers appeal. The children are busy counting them all up! Please send in any remaining vouchers a.s.a.p. Important Information Training Days for the next academic year (Sept 2014 – July 2015) th Tuesday 5 May 2015 th Monday 20 July 2015 st Tuesday 21 July 2015 th Dinner Money for next Half Term 4th November – 19 December (34 days) Rec-Yr 2 – As previously notified all school dinners for KS1 are now free Yr 3-Yr 6 £2.10 per meal £10.50 per week £71.40 for the Half Term Weekly dinner money is due on Monday morning. Please make cheques payable to ‘Leeds City Council’. Assemblies 14.11.14 PERFORMANCE ASSEMBLY – To be re-arranged due to Children in Need 21.11.14 HERONS 28.11.14 PUFFINS 05.12.14 RED KITES Parents are most welcome to attend their child’s class assembly at 9.10am. Proposed Dates Calendar for November th Monday Wednesday 10 November th 19 November Thursday 20 November Monday 24 November th th PTA Movie Night KS2 3.15-5.30pm (no change of clothes required) Open Days for Prospective Parents 9.30am Parent/Teacher Consultation Evening (3.30pm – 7.00pm) Open Days for Prospective Parents 1.30pm Parent/Teacher Consultation Evening (3.30pm – 5.30pm) PTA Movie Night EYFS/KS1 3.15pm - 5.15pm (no change of clothes required) Special Mention On Thursday morning we hold a Special Mention Assembly to celebrate achievements within school. If your child has achieved something really special outside of school we would be pleased to announce this on Tranmere Times. Please e-mail Mrs Reeve on victoriareeve@tranmerepark.leeds.sch.uk Congratulations to April Fletcher, Ella Coleman, Lauren Papworth, Grace Wareing and Isabella Charnock who all gained their level 4 British gymnastics proficiency award. All the girls will compete in next year’s Yorkshire competitions and represent their club. Well done to Oscar Hall in Kestrels who became a yellow belt in Jujitsu last week. Below are the children who received a Special Mention this week in Special Mention Assembly CLASS ROBINS BLUEBIRDS EAGLES KESTRELS SKYLARKS HERONS RED KITES WOODPECKERS WRENS PUFFINS KINGFISHERS DOVES ATTAINMENT Nate Reynolds Oliver Cook Isla Worsman Jayden Waddington Amelie Knight Sophia Pattinson Sam Casey Matthew Cardie ATTITUDE Ava Aspell Red Dickinson Amber Midgley Abi Clay Ella Coleman Sam Worley Maisie Hayes Jasmine Moore Dylan Thomas & Lauren Ainsworth Corey Jones Lucy Hartigan Max Smith Luke Silcock Lewis Chippendale Aoife Myatt Attendance Our school target for attendance set by the Leeds City Council Attendance Strategy Team is 97%. The class averages for the week th th from the 4 – 7 November 2014. ROBINS BLUEBIRDS EAGLES KESTRELS SKYLARKS HERONS 96.7% 100% 100% 95.8% 96.3% 96.7% RED KITES WOODPECKERS WRENS PUFFINS KINGFISHERS DOVES 99.2% 95% 96.9% 99.6% 97.3% 93.9% Well done Bluebirds and Eagles! Extended Services A copy of the Tranmere Park Extended Services Programme for this half term is attached to tonight’s Tranmere Times. Stay and Play will start again on Monday 10th November, 2014 at 9.15am in the community room. th Train to Teach Roadshow Event - Saturday November 29 from 10:00am-1:00pm at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel; Leeds City Centre; Granary Wharf; LS1 4BR Train to Teach Roadshows are designed to provide you with information on pursuing a career in teaching and how to apply for training in your region. There will be a 45-minute presentation to provide general guidance on the routes into teaching and information on writing a great application. After attending a presentation, you can find out more by: Speaking to our teaching experts in the advice zone; they can give you one-to-one advice on your training options. Meeting teacher training providers from your region, who can tell you about the courses they offer and their entry requirements. Meeting School Direct schools within your region, who can tell you more about the places they have on the School Direct Training Programme. Talking to current teachers in the 'Meet the Teachers' area Visit the Get into Teaching website www.education.gov.uk/get-into-teaching to find out lots of information about how to get into teaching and the various training options available PTA Events PTA KS2 Movie Night The KS2 movie night is on Monday10th November at 3:15 till 5:30pm. It is £2.50 per child and this includes popcorn or crisps and a drink. We hope to see your children there! th The EYFS/KS1 Movie Night will take place on Monday 24 November 3.15 till 5.15pm. PTA Bonfire Bake Thank you to everyone who supported the Bonfire Bake on Wednesday, we will let you know the total amount raised a.s.a.p. Kirsten Finley Headteacher
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