Acknowledgment of Invited Editors

Arturo Casadevall
2014. Acknowledgment of Invited Editors. mBio 5(6): .
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Acknowledgment of Invited Editors
Acknowledgment of Invited Editors
Arturo Casadevall, Editor-in-Chief, mBio
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, Bronx, New York, USA
n behalf of the Editors of mBio, I gratefully acknowledge the following individuals, who served as Invited Editors for the journal
from 2010 to 2013. While not members of the Board of Editors, Invited Editors serve an important role in the review process.
Invited Editors are experts in their fields of research who add an additional level of quality to the review process. An Editor may assign
a paper to an Invited Editor when he/she would like to have an additional expert opinion of the reviews or when the subject area falls
outside the Editor’s primary area of expertise.
The time and effort of the following experts in handling articles have been essential to ensuring the high quality of our publications,
and their help is greatly appreciated.
Judith Armitage
Fabio Bagnoli
James Bardwell
Stephen Beverley
William Bishai
Brendan Bohannan
Jon Boyle
Alistair Brown
Gordon Brown
Sam Brown
Andreas Brune
Lynn Bry
Lee Ann Campbell
Jane Carlton
Dee Carter
Byron Caughey
Matthew Chapman
Douglas Clark
Garry Cole
Peggy Cotter
Carolyn Coyne
Bryan Cullen
Richard Darveau
George Deepe
Victor DiRita
Roberto Docampo
Tamara Doering
Paul Dunman
Bruno Dupuy
David Dyer
Elizabeth Edwards
Robert Edwards
Lynn Enquist
Edward Feil
Heinz Feldmann
Paul Fey
Alain Filloux
Matthew Fisher
Kevin Foster
Jack Gilbert
Joanna Goldberg
David Goldman
Bruno Gonzalez-Zorn
Myron Goodman
Richard Gourse
Dan Granoff
Warner Greene
Michael Guarnieri
John Gunn
David Guttman
Maria Hadjifrangiskou
Yiping Han
Emanuel Hanski
Ute Hentschel
Dagmar Heuer
Barbara Howlett
Lindsey Hutt-Fletcher
C. Ison
William Jacobs
Urs Jenal
Sheryl Justice
Ganjam Kalpana
Amit Kapoor
Dennis Kasper
Roy Kishony
Laura Knoll
James Konopka
Richard Koup
Joseph Krzycki
Meta Kuehn
Robert Lamb
Michael Laub
Michel Le Henaff
Katherine Lemon
Wayne Lencer
Bruce Levin
Jose Lopez-Ribot
Michael Lorenz
Joseph Lutkenhaus
Richard Malley
Luciano Marraffini
Jose Martinez
Duncan Maskell
Anthony Maurelli
Sarkis Mazmanian
Noel McElvaney
Katherine McMahon
Matthew Mikoleit
Harry Mobley
Denise Monack
Guido Mora
Kevin Morano
J. Morris
Andrés Moya
James Musser
Indira Mysorekar
Kenneth Nealson
Mihai Netea
André Nicola
Kirsten Nielsen
Victor Nizet
Anna Norrby-Teglund
Dennis O’Callahan
Akira Ono
Ronald Oremland
Carlos Orihuela
Victoria Orphan
George O’Toole
Eleftherios Papoutsakis
Matthew Parsek
John Patton
John Paul
Joseph Sriyal Peiris
Stanley Perlman
Julie Pfeiffer
Stephan Pleschka
Glenn Rall
Sean Reid
Andrew Rice
Amariliz Rivera
Monica Roth
Craig Roy
Larry Schlesinger
Patrick Schlievert
Soren Schubert
Herbert Schweizer
Thomas Silhavy
Meinhard Simon
Upinder Singh
Evgeni Sokourenko
David Soll
Nahum Sonenberg
Christopher Sullivan
Joel Swanson
Gerald Tannock
Justin Thornton
Derya Unutmaz
Jos van Strijp
Anna Vecchiarelli
Jordi Vila
Joerg Vogel
Ching Wang
Matthew Weitzmann
Rodney Welch
Lee Wetzler
Marvin Whiteley
Peter Williamson
Malcolm Winkler
Louisa Wu
Timothy Yahr
Jonathan Yewdell
Jonathan Zehr
Published 4 November 2014
Citation Casadevall A. 2014. Acknowledgment of invited editors. mBio 5(6):e02061-14.
Copyright © 2014 Casadevall. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license,
which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
November/December 2014 Volume 5 Issue 6 e02061-14
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