5 - 6 November 2014 | Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan, Indonesia Utilizing CNG, LNG and Biomethane (Upgraded Biogas) for transport to reduce fuel cost, operational cost and carbon footprint Photo courtesy of IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ABOUT NATURAL GAS AS TRANSPORT FUEL IN MINING, PLANTATION & LOGISTIC SECTORS Indonesia’s mining sector will be a perfect candidate for natural gas utilization due to its abundance of natural gas resources. With high fuel and operational cost, utilizing LNG and CNG for the mining sector makes perfect sense as mine owners and contractors are looking towards utilizing natural gas as the preferred fuel alternative to ensure that operational cost remains manageable – without compromising performance and efficiency. Logistics via tugs and barges up the river to the mine sites will be one of the most vital distribution channels for the supply of natural gas in remote locations. In areas where natural gas infrastructure is limited, virtual pipelines and small scale LNG could play an important part. A host of mining companies – notably in Sumatra and Kalimantan – have begun trials on utilizing both CNG and LNG options for their mining operations in a serious push to reduce fuel cost which could potentially burden operational efficiency and drive up cost. The recent trial success of utilizing LNG-Diesel Duel Fuel for Dump Trucks in Kalimantan will accelerate the feasible usage of natural gas in the mining sector. Given the high cost of transporting diesel to remote locations, having Biomethane (Upgraded Biogas) as a diesel replacement is the perfect way for plantation owners to save millions annually. The sustainable production of biomethane from plantations waste will be a viable and less costly alternative for both fleets and power generation usage within the plantation. Balikpapan is the Oil & Gas, Mining and Plantation hub in Indonesia, thus ensuring a captive audience attendance coming to this timely, business-critical and focused event. This platform will be the gathering-point for Mine Owners, Contractors, Plantation Owners, Logistics Suppliers and Technology providers wanting to significantly reduce their fuel and operational cost. Gold Sponsor: Endorsed by: Exhibitors: Strategic Partner: Organized by: allevents Supported by: Media Partners: TEL: +65 6506 0965 FAX: +65 6749 7293 EMAIL: info@alleventsgroup.com group IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 5 - 6 November 2014 | Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan, Indonesia Utilizing CNG, LNG and Biomethane (Upgraded Biogas) for transport to reduce fuel cost, operational cost and carbon footprint DRAFT PROGRAM • Day One, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 • 0900 Organizer’s Remark 0905 Welcome Remarks 1215 TC Goh Regional Sales Director HEXAGON LINCOLN Robbi Sukardi Chairman CNG ASSOCIATION OF INDONESIA (APCNGI) 1245 Networking Lunch 1400 UTILIZING CNG HAULING TRUCKS: FROM MINE SITE TO PAPER MILL Lee Giok Seng Executive Director ASIA PACIFIC NATURAL GAS VEHICLES ASSOCIATION (ANGVA) 09:15 Victor Tapilatu Senior Manager Technical Service PT GOLDEN ENERGY MINES (SINAR MAS MINING) Welcome Speech 1430 Eri Purnomohadi Head of Permanent Committee on Distribution and Trading Oil & Gas INDONESIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (KADIN Indonesia) 0930 NATURAL GAS INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT TO SUPPORT INDONESIA’S GAS FOR FUEL PROGRAM Prof. Dr. Ir. IGN Wiratmaja Puja Expert Staff for Institutionalization and Strategic Planning Affairs & Head of Gas Fuel Acceleration Team MINISTRY OF ENERGY & MINERAL RESOURCES 1000 NATURAL GAS SUPPLY AND UTILIZATION – A SUPPLIER’S PERSPECTIVE Networking Coffee Break 1100 SPOTLIGHT SESSION: DUAL FUEL APPLICATIONS FOR MINING 1500 1530 Networking Coffee Break 1545 LNG AS TRANSPORT FUEL Tony Regan Principal Consultant TRI-ZEN INTERNATIONAL 1615 PANEL DISCUSSION: UTILIZING CNG, LNG AND BIOMETHANE (UPGRADED BIOGAS) FOR TRANSPORT TO REDUCE FUEL COST, OPERATIONAL COST AND CARBON FOOTPRINT Panelists include: • Lee Giok Seng, Executive Director, ANGVA • Robbi Sukardi, Chairman, APCNGI • Tony Regan, Principal Consultant, TRI-ZEN INTERNATIONAL • Eri Purnomohadi, Head of Committee on Distribution and Trading Oil & Gas, KADIN • Lukas Novak, Bifuel Business Development Director, ComAP A.S Mitondho Management Improvement Manager - Mining Division PT UNITED TRACTORS Tbk (UT) TEL: +65 6506 0965 SMALL LNG INFRASTRUCTURES TO SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT FOR MINING AND LOGISTICS SECTOR Dag Lilletvedt Managing Director FUELGARDEN LNG Lukas Novak Bifuel Business Development Director ComAP A.S Alexandre Hintz Director PT. POWER SERVICE INDONESIA LNG FOR MINING OPERATIONS – MINE OWNERS PERSPECTIVE Nattadate F. Senior Specialist for Technology Development PT INDO TAMBANGRAYA MEGAH (BANPU GROUP) Jugi Prajugio President Director PT PERTAMINA GAS NIAGA 1030 UTILIZING VIRTUAL PIPELINES FOR EFFECTIVE GAS TRANSPORTATION INTO REMOTE AREAS 1700 FAX: +65 6749 7293 End of Conference Day One EMAIL: info@alleventsgroup.com IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 5 - 6 November 2014 | Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan, Indonesia Utilizing CNG, LNG and Biomethane (Upgraded Biogas) for transport to reduce fuel cost, operational cost and carbon footprint • Day Two, Thursday, 6 November 2014 • 0900 1400 REDUCING FUEL AND OPERATIONAL COST AND CARBON FOOTPRINT OF HEAVY DUTY VEHICLES BY USING NATURAL GAS The mining, plantation and logistics industry are seriously looking and shifting into the utilization of natural gas for their operations in the wake of higher diesel costs. Natural gas will be the most viable alternative option to reduce fuel cost without compromising efficiency, power and performance. This 3-hour training workshop will cover important areas such as performance comparison, safety, economy and aspects of conversion. Relevant case studies will be discussed and shared to give participants practical solutions to eventually use natural gas for their HDV operations. Lee Giok Seng Executive Director ANGVA 0930 CONVERSION AND EXPERIENCE OF CONVERTING HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS IN THAILAND AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE MINING INDUSTRY Rachen Sillapavitsawakul Director TIGER AUTOMOTIVE CO. LTD 1000 HEAVY DUTY VEHICLE (HDV) CONVERSION WORKSHOP – EFFECTIVE DUAL FUEL APPLICATIONS TO HELP REDUCE COSTS IN THE MINING, PLANTATION AND LOGISTICS SECTORS RIVER REFUELLING LNG INFRASTRUCTURE TO SUPPORT REMOTE MINING LOCATIONS Facilitated by: Dr. Pipon Boonchanta Associate Professor KAESETSART UNIVERSITY William Aw Managing Director BUKIT SEDAP PTE LTD Consultant PTT PLC 1700 1030 Networking Coffee Break 1100 COMPRESSED BIOGAS (CBG) OPPORTUNITY IN PALM OIL INDUSTRY End of Workshop Pung Andita Head of Biogas & Engineering PT. REA KALTIM PLANTATIONS 1130 BIOGAS FOR VEHICLES: HOW MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGIES ARE CRITICAL TO THE BIOGAS UPGRADING PROCESS Micheal Yeong Business Development Manager-Sepuran EVONIK INDUSTRIES 1200 INTEGRATED BIOMETHANE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR FLEET MANAGEMENT IN PLANTATIONS: FROM DIGESTOR TO VEHICLES Invited Speaker: GREEN ENERGY RESOURCES SDN BHD 1230 Networking Lunch & End of Main Conference TEL: +65 6506 0965 FAX: +65 6749 7293 EMAIL: info@alleventsgroup.com IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 5 - 6 November 2014 | Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan, Indonesia Utilizing CNG, LNG and Biomethane (Upgraded Biogas) for transport to reduce fuel cost, operational cost and carbon footprint FLOORPLAN EXHIBITION PRICE 09 SQM BOOTH USD 6,800 12 SQM BOOTH USD 8,500 Includes 2 Conference Passes BORNEO B: EXHIBITION PREMIUM BOOTH 4m x 3m Consists of: Wall Panels; 1 x Reception Table; 2 x Chairs; 1 x Powerpoint; 1 x Spotlight; 1 x Waste Basket; Carpet Underlay; Fascia Sticker with Booth No. STANDARD BOOTH 3m x 3m 02 RESERVED 04 LUXFER CYLINDER 01 HEXAGON LINCOLN 03 MATESU Consists of: Wall Panels; 1 x Reception Table; 2 x Chairs; 1 x Powerpoint; 1 x Spotlight; 1 x Waste Basket; Carpet Underlay; Fascia Sticker with Booth No. TEL: +65 6506 0965 FAX: +65 6749 7293 EMAIL: info@alleventsgroup.com IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 5 - 6 November 2014 | Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan, Indonesia Utilizing CNG, LNG and Biomethane (Upgraded Biogas) for transport to reduce fuel cost, operational cost and carbon footprint REGISTRATION: 4 WAYS TO REGISTER 2 DAYS CONFERENCE USD 700 KADIN MEMBER USD 600 ANGVA MEMBER USD 500 HEAVY DUTY VEHICLE (HDV) CONVERSION WORKSHOP USD 100 Delegate 1 Mr ( ) Mrs ( ) Ms ( ) Dr ( ) Last Name: Job Title: Department: ) Fax ( ) Email: Delegate 2 Mr ( ) Mrs ( ) Ms ( ) Dr ( ) Other ( ) First Name: Last Name: Job Title: Department: Telephone ( ) Fax ( ) Fax: +65 6749 7293 Post: All Events Group Pte Ltd 52 Foch Road, #02-02 Singapore 209274 EASY PAYMENT METHODS By Cheque: Made payable to All Events Group Pte Ltd and mailed with your registration form to All Events Group Pte Ltd (postal address above) By Telegraphic Transfer: to All Events Group Pte Ltd, United Overseas Bank Account Number: 421-300-086-6 Branch Code: 7375-494 By Credit Card: Please debit my credit card for: USD Email: Card No: Approving Manager Mr ( ) Mrs ( ) Ms ( ) Dr ( ) Other ( ) First Name: Last Name: Job Title: Department: Telephone ( Phone: +65 6506 0965 Other ( ) First Name: Telephone ( Email: info@alleventsgroup.com ) Fax ( ) Visa Expiry Date: Mastercard (mm/yy) Name on Card: CVV/Security Code: Email: Company: Signature: Address: Payment Policy: Payment is due in full at the time of registration. Full payment is mandatory for event attendance. Cancellations & Substitutions: Substitutions will be accepted at any time prior to the event. AEG will not provide refunds for cancellations. For cancellations received in writing more than seven (7) days prior to the conference, you will receive a full credit to be used at another AEG event for up to one year from the date of issuance. For cancellations received seven (7) days or less prior to an event (including day 7), no credits will be issued. In the event that AEG cancels an event, a full credit will be credited to the delegate for use at another AEG event. This credit is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. We reserve the right to change the venue and date of the event if required. AEG is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration or cancellation / postponement of an event. AEG will assume no liability whatsoever in the event this event is cancelled, rescheduled or postponed due to a fortuitous event, Act of God, unforeseen occurrence or any other event that renders performance of this event impracticable or impossible. For purpose of this clause, a fortuitous event shall include, but not be limited to: war, fire, labor strike, extreme weather or other emergencies. Program Change Policy: Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing; however circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such, AEG reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible. TEL: +65 6506 0965 FAX: +65 6749 7293 EMAIL: info@alleventsgroup.com
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