1 Rio Grande Jazz Society Newsletter November 2014 " 2014 Officers President Casey Den Hollander 266-3148 caseydenhollander @gmail.com V. President / Newsletter Anne Brady 294-3719 annebilms@gmail.com Treasurer Roger Hailstone 796-0688 hailstr@comcast.net Secretary Rose Day 293-2326 rebday@live.com Directors Website Chuck Campbell 881-2861 chuck@brassturtle.com Music Liaison Dick Peres 345-2320 dperes@q.com Membership Dalva Hailstone 796-0688 hailstr@comcast.net Publicity Larry Kemp 292-5447 klk221b@gmail.com Front Desk Janice Peres 345-2320 dperes@q.com Hospitality Min McKenna 266-3650 minimouse913 @aol.com May Ovington 610-5922 mayovington@hotmail.com Margaret Athas 554-7764 maggiedozie@msn.com Equipment Orion Brady 550-7865 obrady@unm.edu " " Follow the RGJS twi.er page at R GJSABQ MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT "Those of us who danced and tapped toes at our October jam sure had a good time doing it! And James Whiton (on bass), Ken Whiton (drums), Scott Hooker (piano), Kent Erickson (trumpet), Doc Rock (trombone), Pete Pankush (reeds) and Janna Nelson (vocals) made sure we did! Thanks to this group that James put together for the great sounds to tunes old and new. We'd like you to do it again. And the jammers that followed did a great job on the Dixie and swing sets too; as witnessed by the dancers who took the floor every time another tune started. The musicians get inspired by the audience and the audience gets inspired by the talents of the musicians. One doesn't really work well without the other. So both of you - musicians and audience - come again for our next jam at the German-American Club on Sunday afternoon, November 16. "We'll start that afternoon off at 2:00 with the big band sound of Die Polka Schlingels. This group of fifteen - or so - musicians has a whole repertoire of swing music that they promise to do for us. So bring your dancing shoes and enjoy both the dancers and the music. And bring some food too! We decided to have a potluck to share as well. We'll be having board elections at this jam but the business shouldn't dampen the fun. "Just so you know, the people who have put their names in as board candidates for 2015 are myself (Casey Den Hollander), for president, Bill Cochral, vice-pres., Betty Whiton, secretary, Roger Hailstone, treasurer, Rose Day, newsletter editor, Bob Armstrong, musician's liaison, Dick Peres, assistant musician's liaison and door greeter, Janice Peres, front gate coordinator, Dalva Hailstone, membership coordinator, Larry Kemp, radio/on-air coordinator and Orion Brady, equipment and website manager. We can also take nominations from the floor (as long as the nominee is present) or we can take nominations in writing (if the nominee isn't present.) If you're interested in helping out on the board, contact any board member. "So here you have a great way to spend your Sunday November 16. Die Polkaschlingels, our jammers, the board election and a potluck will make for a great afternoon. Come at 2:00 so you don't miss a minute! " Casey Den Hollander " " Please like or share our RGJS Facebook page! h.ps:// www.facebook.com/RGJSABQ 2014 RGJS Meeting Dates " Nov. 16 DIE POLKA SCHLINGELS Dec. 21 SWING SHIFT " " 2015 DATES Jan. 18 Feb. 15 March 22 4th Sun. April 19 May 17 June 21 July 19 Aug.16 Sept. 20 Oct.11 nd 2 Sun. Nov.15 Dec. 20 2 RIO GRANDE JAZZ SOCIETY NEWSLETTER November 2014 page 2 " Sunday November 16 POT LUCK & ELECTION for Board " Bring something to share and let’s have a good time! Let’s try the following if it works all right for you. All Members whose last name begin with letters..... A thru I - please bring a "main dish" - anything you want, enough for 10 people. " J thru Q - please bring a "salad" - anything you want, enough for 10 people " R thru Z - please bring a "dessert" - anything you want, enough for 10 people " Min will need assistance so please volunteer to help. " Everyone will please BUSS your tables. Also, please take your dish(s) with you when you leave. Min McKenna, Hostess " MIN, CongratulaFons on your birthday present from your Post Office friends. " " Candidates for 2015 Casey Den Hollander), for president, Bill Cochral, vice-pres., Betty Whiton, secretary, Roger Hailstone, treasurer, Rose Day, newsletter editor, Bob Armstrong, musician's liaison, Dick Peres, assistant musician's liaison and door greeter, Janice Peres, front gate coordinator, Dalva Hailstone, membership coordinator, Larry Kemp, radio/on-air coordinator and Orion Brady, equipment and website manager. We can also take nominations from the floor (as long as the nominee is present) or we can take nominations in writing (if the nominee isn't present.) If you're interested in helping out on the board, contact any board member. " 3 " Renew your RGJS membership – Send your check (made out to Rio Grande Jazz Society) to: Dalva Hailstone, 122 Juniper Hill Rd. NE, Albuquerque 87122. New members please include your name, mailing address, home, work or cell phone numbers and e-mail address. Also please indicate if are interested in volunteering. "RGJS Annual Dues: Single, $25; Couple, $40.00; Participating Musician, $15; Musician Couple, $35. DUES ARE PRORATED 50% BEGINNING IN JULY. Membership year runs from January through December; newsletter is included. A participating musician played at least three times during the previous calendar year as a jammer or in a guest band. " Woodshed Group meets the 2nd & 4th Mondays at the GAC from 5-7 PM a dedicated group meets to work on tunes from Dixieland Fakebook. Experienced players and beginning jammers welcome. Contact Chris Williams at 323-0331 or tradjazzguy@earthlink.net. Beginners pay $5.! " " " " 4 " P.O. Box 30171 Albuquerque, NM 87190-0171 " " " Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Albuquerque, NM Permit #1376 " " Please deliver to addressee or CURRENT OCCUPANT " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 2014 RGJS Meeting Dates " Nov. 16 Dec. 21 Meetings of the Rio Grande Jazz Society are usually held on the third Sunday of each month from 2:00-5:00 PM at the German American Club, 4821 Menaul Blvd. NE. Meeting admission is $5 per member, $10 for a one day membership, $2 for students with a valid ID and FREE for performing musicians. Most meetings include one or two featured special group and jam sets. MEMBERS, PLEASE HAVE YOUR RGJS MEMBERSHIP CARD WITH YOU AT JAMS OR ANYTIME YOU VISIT THE GAC.
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