A WO R L D L E A D E R I N S eparators Seital Separators - General Food P R O D U CT H I G H L I G H T S Features • Fast and accurate discharge • Stand alone or packaged system • High acceleration speeds • Direct Gear or V-Belt drive models • Specific design for application • Skidded systems Benefits W H Y S PX ? • Reduced installation required Seital provides expertise, performance and efficiencies not avail- • Product savings and increased profit able from other manufacturers. Expanded model offerings provide • Compact footprint a duty specific design and not a “one size fits all” Separator. • Faster installations Manual, automatic and standardizing units provide simple installa- • Increase separation efficiency tion and process integration. AS K U S AB O UT O U R OTH E R I N N OVATI V E P R O C E S S TE C H N O LO G I E S: P P D P U M P S P P LATE H E AT E XC H AN G E R S P S E PARATO R S P HOMOGENIZERS P VA LV E S P M IXE R S S PX F low T echnology • P: +39 0445 540 232 • E: ft.seital.sales@spx.com • www.spx.com SPX reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation. Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for product availability in your region. For more information visit www.spx.com.. The green “>” is a trademark of SPX Corporation, Inc. ISSUED 07/2014 FB-0022 COPYRIGHT © 2014 SPX Corporation seital separators general food Cont ac t yo u r l o ca l D is t r ib u to r f o r f u r th e r in f or m at io n: (AFFIX DISTRIBUTOR LABEL HERE OR FILL IN CONTACT DETAILS)
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