Premium Advertising – Sweden | UK | France | Germany ► On behalf of Widespace 05.11.2015 Content ► Study design ► Management Summary ► Sample ► Results ► Total ► Sweden ► UK ► France ► Germany ► Contact 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 2 Study design Study characteristics ► ► 18.03. – 23.03.2015 ► Panel study in a high quality online panel 4 countries (Sweden, UK, France & Germany) Only Smartphone-users were invited to the study ► Sample ► Survey period Method ► Sweden UK France Germany ► ► 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising n = 200 n = 200 n = 200 n = 200 4 Management Summary Management Summary ► Users across all countries have very high expectations of mobile websites and apps. Good site performance and low load-times are very important to more than 80% of all users. Good usability and design also have to go hand in hand with relevant and up-to-date content. ► Big international sites like Facebook, Google and Amazon are seen as premium for exactly these reasons. Users see these sites / apps as easy to navigate while supplying the right content at the right time. ► When it comes to advertising on premium sites it is important to protect users from inappropriate content. More than 50% of all users agree that poor website- / app-content negatively impacts advertised brands. General ► Publishers should also keep a close eye on their ad delivery systems: Overdelivery of ads and a premium image don’t mix well. ► Personalised advertising is generally well received but options to opt out from receiving them should be in place. ► While the above is true for all countries in this study (Sweden, UK, France & Germany) there are fine nuances between these markets that have to be taken into consideration when serving ads on premium sites in these regions. 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 6 Management Summary ► In Sweden mobile web usage is not only for the young and tech savvy. There is an increasing audience of older mobile users who bring a more sceptical view to the mobile landscape. ► Premium publishers should focus on their infrastructure first: That means fast loading and easy to access sites (80% of users say this is important for premium sites). Information should be believable and easy to understand. ► As 54% of all users say that poor website / app quality negatively impacts advertised brands, choosing publishers that rate highly on technical and content quality is strongly advised. Sweden ► Mobile ads are currently rated very poorly by Swedish customers (more than 80% rating them as average or below). ► To address this issue ads for Swedish woman should be relevant to their interests and easily understood. Swedish men prefer ads that have links to additional information. ► Especially for the younger demographic targeting technologies can be used to achieve the desired relevance of mobile ads. Keep in mind that users 30 and older don’t have a positive attitude towards these technologies. 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 7 Management Summary ► In Britain content quality is the driving factor behind premium sites. Information should be believable and easy to understand with just the right amount of detail. This high quality content has not to be written by professional journalists. ► Placing ads on premium mobile sites is very important in the UK as almost 70% of all users think that poor website / app quality has a negative impact on advertised brands. Advertisers should especially stay away from sites with sexual content. ► Ads in mobile apps are the most highly rated digital ad formats. Ads on mobile websites are however the least well regarded. UK ► To achieve high ad ratings the focus should be on the delivery of relevant and easy to understand information, not on emotional appeal. Two thirds of Brits also express a strong favourability of well designed (visually pleasing) ads. ► 05.11.2015 Targeted ads are popular with British smartphone users. 50% prefer them above non targeted ads. Widespace – Premium Advertising 8 Management Summary ► French smartphone users place very high expectations on premium sites / apps across the board. Above all else sites should be easy to navigate and access while also presenting the content in an easy to read format. ► While the premium market in France is very demanding on publishers the investment can pay off. More than 60% of all users think that poor websites or apps have a negative impact on advertised brands. ► Mobile ad quality has still a long way to go in France. Especially ads on mobile websites receive poor ratings. France ► Ads should be easy to understand and provide relevant information but one unique possibility for designers can be the proper use of fonts and colours which is seen as very important by French customers. ► 05.11.2015 French mobile users mostly like targeted ads to learn more about interesting products. Widespace – Premium Advertising 9 Management Summary ► In Germany publishers should focus on technical quality (load time and easy access) first. German smartphone users also prefer believable and detailed information over easy to understand information. ► Site content is generally less important to German customers. 51% think that poor website or app content doesn’t negatively influence advertised brands. ► Digital ads are generally less well regarded in Germany with mobile ads being the least favoured. ► Especially higher educated Germans have high expectations of mobile ads. Design factors are very relevant here. To score with German customers ads should be visually pleasing and make proper use of fonts and colours while providing easy to understand information. Germany ► Targeting technologies are generally accepted but German smartphone users strongly prefer to have the ability to choose for themselves if they want to receive personalised ads. 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 10 Sample Sample 50% of Panelists are female, 47% are between 30-49 years old with a medium to high education and a medium income. Gender Age 16 – 29 years 50+ years 23,8 female 29,3 49,6 50,4 male 47,0 30 – 49 years Education Income low other 1,3 no answer 10,5 high low 10,6 8,4 37,8 36,0 high 50,5 medium 45,0 medium Base: All respondents (n=800); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 12 Sample Smartphone penetration in Sweden is higher compared to the other countries. This shows in a higher percentage of older users. Gender Age 16 – 29 years 50+ years SWE 32,5 35,0 female 50,0 50,0 male 32,5 30 – 49 years Education Income low other 2,0 no answer 9,0 14,0 high 35,0 low 22,5 12,5 high 54,0 medium 51,0 medium Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 13 Sample British smartphone users tend to be younger than the average Panelist. The level of educations is also slightly lower. Gender Age 50+ years female 16 – 29 years 13,0 31,5 49,5 50,5 male 55,5 UK 30 – 49 years Education Income low other no answer 1,0 30,0 14,0 41,1 low 10,5 high 19,5 high 38,0 medium 45,5 medium Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 14 Sample French smartphone users are highly educated but have a slightly lower income compared to the whole sample. Gender Age female 16 – 29 years 50+ years 25,5 27,5 48,0 52,0 male 47,0 30 – 49 years Education FR Income other low 1,0 4,0 no answer 1,5 low 7,0 high 48,5 37,5 46,5 54,0 high medium medium Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 15 Sample German smartphone users are slightly less educated compared to the total sample. Gender Age 50+ years female 21,5 16 – 29 years 25,5 49,0 51,0 male 53,0 30 – 49 years DE Education Income low other 1,0 no answer 9,5 high 5,5 low 11,0 26,0 37,5 high 63,5 46,0 medium medium Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 16 Results Results Total Part 1 – Digital Device Usage Tablets are most popular in the UK. Android is the dominant Operating System across all markets, even more so in Germany. owned devices operating system of smartphone 100 59 55 43 39 5 4 1 0 4 1 2 1 2 2 100 80 48 48 37 14 11 100 63 56 31 28 12 10 100 68 65 45 16 10 Smartphone Tablet Smart-TV Smartwatch Android iOS (iPhone) 13 Windows Phone BlackBerry other Questions: “Which of the following devices do you own?”, “What is the operating system of your current smartphone?” Base: All respondents (n=800); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 19 Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage Communication and Social Media are the most popular activities across all countries. Online shopping with a Smartphone is most popular in the UK. smartphone usage Communication (WhatsApp, E-Mail, SMS etc.) 70,5 73,5 Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 70,0 74,5 Watching short video clips (e.g. YouTube) 54,5 Navigation and routing 53,5 Online shopping 27,5 Reading blogs or tweets 26,5 42,5 46,0 58,0 32,5 33,5 27,5 20,0 28,0 21,5 Video phone calls (e.g. Skype) 15,0 Reading or editing documents 17,0 26,0 25,0 Watching movies or series 15,0 28,0 25,0 Reading e-books or magazines 14,5 22,0 52,5 55,0 45,0 36,0 54,5 49,0 52,0 39,5 54,5 63,5 67,0 31,5 Editing or sharing photos or videos 57,5 64,5 63,5 65,0 Reading the News 60,0 67,0 67,5 58,5 Listening to music 83,0 73,0 17,5 32,0 15,5 18,5 Question: “Thinking about your general smartphone usage. For which of the following activities do you regularly use your smartphone (at least once a week)?” Base: All respondents (n=800); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 20 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Technical quality and fast load times are the most important aspects of premium sites across all countries. Swedish smartphone users generally have lower expectations of premium sites compared to the other countries. The website should be easy to access. The website / app should load fast. The website / app has to provide believable information. The website / app needs to have an easy navigation structure. The website / app must provide easy to understand information. The website / app has to present the information in an easy to read format. The website / app has to provide information at the right level of detail. The website / app must have adequate search facilities. A website should always be optimized for mobile phone usage. The website / app has to look attractive. The website / app has to look visually pleasing. I like to know who is behind the content of a website / app. I think of websites / apps that are popular as more trustworthy. It is important to me that professional journalists generate the news. content quality technical quality If available, I’ll always choose the app over the mobile website. design Websites / apps must have an active community (e.g. comments or facebook integration). usability It is important to me that the website / app be recommended by someone I know. other 0 20 40 Sweden UK 60 France 80 100 Germany Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=800); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 21 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Overall technical quality and usability are more important than content quality and design. Germans are more focused on technical quality and design, French are more concerned with usability. overall content quality technical quality design usability other 0 20 40 Sweden UK 60 France 80 100 Germany Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=800); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 22 Part 2 – Premium mobile content The big international sites (Google, Facebook) and national sites (, Aftonbladet etc.) are considered „premium“ by most users. Ease of use and content quality is the defining factor for all these sites. examples for premium sites attributes of premium sites n=195 n=193 Its easy to navigate / find what I need n=191 85,1 83,9 The quality of the content 79,0 80,8 The information is always relevant and up-to-date 79,0 81,3 69,7 Design and layout of the site The site / app is very popular with my friends / family / colleagues Reputation of content contributors / journalists 54,9 44,6 n=187 78,8 65,8 69,9 85,3 77,5 84,8 75,9 80,6 77,5 73,8 64,4 61,8 65,2 56,7 49,2 Question: “Please name up to three premium sites or apps you visit / use regularly (at least once a week).“ (open question) / “What makes [these sites / apps] / [this site / app] you just named premium?” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All Respondents / Respondents, who named at least one premium site / app (n=766); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 23 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Overall premium sites should focus on high quality, low frequency advertising. British smartphone users are more willing to accept advertising based business models, especially if the ads are well targeted. advertising on premium mobile websites / apps It is important that premium sites / apps protect their visitors from inappropriate advertising. Premium sites / apps should have a lesser number of ads than other sites / apps. I’m willing to accept advertising if the content remains free. The ad that is shown should fit the content of the website / app. Premium sites / apps should only have well designed ads. Well-known advertisers are an indication of the sites / apps quality. I expect ads to be personalised / relevant to me and my interests. Brands that advertise in premium sites / apps are more trustworthy. Advertising on premium sites / apps has a lot more credibility. I find advertising on premium sites / apps annoying. (revers coded) 0 20 40 Sweden UK 60 France 80 100 Germany Question: “What is your attitude towards advertising on premium mobile websites or apps? For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=800); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 24 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Most participants are willing to accept advertising if the content is available for free. One third of all smartphone users are willing to pay for premium content without advertising. paying for premium content Advertising is acceptable if the content is available for free. I think it is justified that premium sites / apps require a payment or subscription. I am willing to pay to view premium content without advertising. 0 20 40 Sweden UK 60 France 80 100 Germany Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to paying for premium content. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=800); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 25 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General High quality ads are easy to understand and provide relevant information. They should also not impact the load time of the site. High quality ads… provide information that is easy to understand. provide relevant information. do not impact the sites load time. have links to more information. are visually pleasing. provide believable information. use fonts / colors properly. encourage me to get more information about the product. are innovative. have a strong emotional message. 0 20 40 Sweden UK 60 France 80 100 Germany Question: “We would like to learn more about what is important to you when it comes to mobile ads. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. High quality ads…“ - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=800); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 26 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Advertising in mobile media (web and app) receives the lowest acceptance. rating of different media Print TV Radio Desktop Web (e.g. via Desktop PC, Netbook etc.) Mobile Web (e.g. via Smartphone, Tablet etc.) Mobile apps 0 20 40 Sweden UK 60 France 80 100 Germany Question: “How would you rate your general opinion on advertising in the following media?” - Scale: very good, good, average, poor, very poor, I don’t use this media Base: All respondents (n=800); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 27 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Almost 60% of all participants think that poor website / app content has a negative impact on the perception of an advertised brand. Extremely religious or political content does not go well with well known brands. 68 63 54 negative impact of poor websites / apps 22 17 yes / rather yes no / rather no 21 9 neither nor I don't know 49 7 yes / rather yes no / rather no neither nor I don't know 27 17 5 12 yes / rather yes no / rather no 14 9 neither nor I don't know yes / rather yes no / rather no 11 neither nor I don't know inappropriate environments for well-known-brands Extremely religious 76,5 Sexual content 67,0 Extremely political 67,5 Betting / gambling 50,0 Alcohol related 48,0 Child related 34,5 Gossip tabloids 27,5 9,5 49,5 58,0 47,5 33,5 35,0 30,0 28,0 44,5 41,0 29,0 56,0 52,0 40,5 41,5 Games News 46,5 47,0 42,5 38,5 23,0 35,0 17,0 23,0 19,0 17,0 22,5 18,0 16,0 21,0 Tools and health apps 13,5 13,5 12,0 18,0 Blogs 14,0 13,5 12,5 16,0 Questions: “Do you think poor website or app content negatively impacts your perception of an advertised brand?”, “What do you generally think is an inappropriate environment for a well-known brand?” Base: All respondents (n=800); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 28 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General 40% of all participants prefer personalised advertising, in Sweden only 29% agree with this statement. Under 20% of all participants have strong negative associations with personalised ads. personalised advertising I only accept personalised advertising if I can actively choose to receive it Personalised advertising allows me to learn more about interesting products I appreciate personalised advertising as an alternative to ads that are not tailored to my personal interests Personalised advertising makes me feel uncomfortable (revers coded) I feel that personalised advertising is infringing on my personal rights (revers coded) 0 20 40 Sweden UK 60 France 80 100 Germany Question: “We would like to ask you some questions about personalised advertising. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=800); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 29 Results Sweden Part 1 – Digital Device Usage Almost 60% of Swedish smartphone users also own a Tablet. Android is the most popular operating system (55%). owned devices operating system of smartphone 100 59 55 43 39 5 Smartphone Tablet Smart-TV Smartwatch 4 Android iOS (iPhone) 1 Windows Phone 3 BlackBerry other Questions: “Which of the following devices do you own?”, “What is the operating system of your current smartphone?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 31 Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage Swedish users use their smartphones predominantly for communication and social media or reading news. smartphone usage Communication (WhatsApp, E-Mail, SMS etc.) 70,5 Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 70,0 65,0 Reading the News 58,5 Listening to music 54,5 Watching short video clips (e.g. YouTube) 53,5 Navigation and routing 31,5 Editing or sharing photos or videos 27,5 Online shopping 26,5 Reading blogs or tweets Reading or editing documents 17,0 Video phone calls (e.g. Skype) 15,0 Watching movies or series 15,0 Reading e-books or magazines 14,5 Question: “Thinking about your general smartphone usage. For which of the following activities do you regularly use your smartphone (at least once a week)?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 32 Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage Reading news on the smartphone is more popular among older users. Younger users listen to music or watch short clips more often. smartphone usage 16-29 years (n=65) Total 30-49 years (n=65) Communication (WhatsApp, E-Mail, SMS etc.) 70,5 76,9 Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 70,0 78,5 Watching short video clips (e.g. YouTube) 54,5 Navigation and routing 53,5 32,3 Reading blogs or tweets 26,5 33,8 Reading or editing documents 17,0 21,5 Video phone calls (e.g. Skype) 15,0 21,5 Watching movies or series 15,0 Reading e-books or magazines 14,5 26,2 16,9 41,4 55,4 51,4 55,4 35,4 27,5 40,0 61,5 53,8 Online shopping 71,4 63,1 67,7 31,5 Editing or sharing photos or videos 65,7 66,2 75,4 58,5 Listening to music 64,3 70,8 60,0 65,0 Reading the News 50+ years (n=70) 15,7 44,6 18,6 32,3 18,6 27,7 16,9 12,3 16,9 15,4 12,9 11,4 2,9 11,4 Question: “Thinking about your general smartphone usage. For which of the following activities do you regularly use your smartphone (at least once a week)?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 33 Part 2 – Premium mobile content For Swedish sites or apps it is most important to have fast loading and easy to access content. The website / app should load fast. The website should be easy to access. The website / app has to provide believable information. The website / app needs to have an easy navigation structure. The website / app must provide easy to understand information. The website / app has to present the information in an easy to read format. The website / app has to provide information at the right level of detail. A website should always be optimized for mobile phone usage. The website / app must have adequate search facilities. The website / app has to look visually pleasing. The website / app has to look attractive. I like to know who is behind the content of a website / app. I think of websites / apps that are popular as more trustworthy. It is important to me that professional journalists generate the news. content quality If available, I’ll always choose the app over the mobile website. technical quality design Websites / apps must have an active community (e.g. comments or facebook integration). usability It is important to me that the website / app be recommended by someone I know. other 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 34 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Especially participants with medium or high education prefer content generated by professional journalists. Users with a lower education are more likely to prefer attractive looking mobile sites or apps. The website / app should load fast. The website should be easy to access. The website / app has to provide believable information. The website / app needs to have an easy navigation structure. The website / app must provide easy to understand information. The website / app has to present the information in an easy to read format. The website / app has to provide information at the right level of detail. A website should always be optimized for mobile phone usage. The website / app must have adequate search facilities. The website / app has to look visually pleasing. The website / app has to look attractive. I like to know who is behind the content of a website / app. I think of websites / apps that are popular as more trustworthy. It is important to me that professional journalists generate the news. content quality If available, I’ll always choose the app over the mobile website. technical quality design Websites / apps must have an active community (e.g. comments or facebook integration). usability It is important to me that the website / app be recommended by someone I know. other 0 20 Education: 40 Total low 60 medium 80 100 high Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 35 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Technical quality and usability of a site are the most important aspects of premium sites for Swedish mobile users. overall content quality technical quality design usability other 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 36 Part 2 – Premium mobile content The most frequently named premium do to excel on easy navigation and high content quality. Attributes of premium sites Its easy to navigate / find what I need 85,1 The quality of the content 79,0 The information is always relevant and up-to-date 79,0 Design and layout of the site 69,7 The site / app is very popular with my friends / family / colleagues Reputation of content contributors / journalists 54,9 44,6 Question: “What makes [these sites / apps] / [this site / app] you just named premium?” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All Respondents / Respondents, how named at least one premium site / app (n=195); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 37 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Swedish mobile users are generally acceptant of mobile ads, as long as they are appropriate and not too frequent. advertising on premium mobile websites / apps It is important that premium sites / apps protect their visitors from inappropriate advertising. Premium sites / apps should have a lesser number of ads than other sites / apps. I’m willing to accept advertising if the content remains free. The ad that is shown should fit the content of the website / app. Premium sites / apps should only have well designed ads. Brands that advertise in premium sites / apps are more trustworthy. Well-known advertisers are an indication of the sites / apps quality. Advertising on premium sites / apps has a lot more credibility. I expect ads to be personalised / relevant to me and my interests. I find advertising on premium sites / apps annoying. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “What is your attitude towards advertising on premium mobile websites or apps? For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 38 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Especially younger users are sensitive to the frequency of ads that are delivered on mobile sites. Older users are less acceptant of advertising based business models. advertising on premium mobile websites / apps It is important that premium sites / apps protect their visitors from inappropriate advertising. Premium sites / apps should have a lesser number of ads than other sites / apps. I’m willing to accept advertising if the content remains free. The ad that is shown should fit the content of the website / app. Premium sites / apps should only have well designed ads. Brands that advertise in premium sites / apps are more trustworthy. Well-known advertisers are an indication of the sites / apps quality. Advertising on premium sites / apps has a lot more credibility. I expect ads to be personalised / relevant to me and my interests. I find advertising on premium sites / apps annoying. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “What is your attitude towards advertising on premium mobile websites or apps? For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 39 Part 2 – Premium mobile content In Sweden the advertising model for mobile website is much preferred to paying for content. paying for premium content Advertising is acceptable if the content is available for free. I am willing to pay to view premium content without advertising. I think it is justified that premium sites / apps require a payment or subscription. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to paying for premium content. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 40 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General It is important to make sure mobile ads don‘t impact the load time of a page. Information should be easy to understand supplying the users with relevant information and offer an opportunity to learn more about the product. High quality ads… do not impact the sites load time. provide information that is easy to understand. provide relevant information. have links to more information. provide believable information. use fonts / colors properly. are visually pleasing. are innovative. encourage me to get more information about the product. have a strong emotional message. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “We would like to learn more about what is important to you when it comes to mobile ads. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. High quality ads…“ - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 41 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Younger users have higher expectations of mobile advertising. Their focus is more on easy to understand and relevant ads. High quality ads… do not impact the sites load time. provide information that is easy to understand. provide relevant information. have links to more information. provide believable information. use fonts / colors properly. are visually pleasing. are innovative. encourage me to get more information about the product. have a strong emotional message. 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “We would like to learn more about what is important to you when it comes to mobile ads. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. High quality ads…“ - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 42 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Mobile ad preferences differ between male and female Swedes. Women value easy to understand and relevant information more while ads targeted to a male audience should always include links to more information. High quality ads… do not impact the sites load time. provide information that is easy to understand. provide relevant information. have links to more information. provide believable information. use fonts / colors properly. are visually pleasing. are innovative. encourage me to get more information about the product. have a strong emotional message. 0 20 40 Total male 60 80 100 female Question: “We would like to learn more about what is important to you when it comes to mobile ads. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. High quality ads…“ - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 43 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Swedish users don‘t have a high opinion of ads on mobile devices. Print ads are the most highly regarded ads. rating of different media Print TV Radio Desktop Web (e.g. via Desktop PC, Netbook etc.) Mobile Web (e.g. via Smartphone, Tablet etc.) Mobile apps 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “How would you rate your general opinion on advertising in the following media?” - Scale: very good, good, average, poor, very poor, I don’t use this media Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 44 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Younger users have a higher opinion of mobile ads, especially in apps. The ratings in this group are on par with online ads. rating of different media Print TV Radio Desktop Web (e.g. via Desktop PC, Netbook etc.) Mobile Web (e.g. via Smartphone, Tablet etc.) Mobile apps 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “How would you rate your general opinion on advertising in the following media?” - Scale: very good, good, average, poor, very poor, I don’t use this media Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 45 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General High quality is of high importance for advertisers. 54% of Swedish smartphone users think that poor content has a negative impact on advertised brands. Extremely religious, political or sexual content should be avoided. 54 negative impact of poor websites / apps 22 17 yes / rather yes neither nor 9 no / rather no I don't know inappropriate environments for well-known-brands Extremely religious 76,5 Extremely political 67,5 Sexual content 67,0 Betting / gambling 50,0 Alcohol related 48,0 Gossip tabloids 41,5 Child related 34,5 Games 27,5 Blogs 14,0 Tools and health apps 13,5 News 9,5 Questions: “Do you think poor website or app content negatively impacts your perception of an advertised brand?”, “What do you generally think is an inappropriate environment for a well-known brand?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 46 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Sexual content is seen as inappropriate by 80% of Swedish female smartphones users. Male users are mostly sceptical of extremely religious content. male (n=100) Total 57 54 negative impact of poor websites / apps female (n=100) 22 17 yes / rather yes no / rather no 50 neither nor I don't know 23 13 9 20 7 yes / rather yes no / rather no neither nor I don't know 20 yes / rather yes no / rather no 10 neither nor I don't know inappropriate environments for well-known-brands Extremely religious 76,5 Extremely political 67,5 Sexual content 67,0 79,0 64,0 50,0 44,0 Alcohol related 48,0 43,0 41,5 Child related 14,0 Tools and health apps 13,5 News 09,5 56,0 53,0 37,0 29,0 27,5 Blogs 80,0 46,0 34,5 Games 71,0 54,0 Betting / gambling Gossip tabloids 74,0 40,0 22,0 18,0 11,0 7,0 33,0 10,0 16,0 12,0 Questions: “Do you think poor website or app content negatively impacts your perception of an advertised brand?”, “What do you generally think is an inappropriate environment for a well-known brand?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 47 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Swedish mobile users want to choose if they want to receive targeted ads or not (55%). The negative aspects of targeted ads are not strongly regarded in the Swedish mobile population. personalised advertising I only accept personalised advertising if I can actively choose to receive it. I appreciate personalised advertising as an alternative to ads that are not tailored to my personal interests. Personalised advertising allows me to learn more about interesting products. I feel that personalised advertising is infringing on my personal rights. (reverse coded) Personalised advertising makes me feel uncomfortable. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “We would like to ask you some questions about personalised advertising. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 48 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Users below 30 are very aware of the upside of personalised advertising: They like to learn more about interesting new products. personalised advertising I only accept personalised advertising if I can actively choose to receive it. I appreciate personalised advertising as an alternative to ads that are not tailored to my personal interests. Personalised advertising allows me to learn more about interesting products. I feel that personalised advertising is infringing on my personal rights. (reverse coded) Personalised advertising makes me feel uncomfortable. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “We would like to ask you some questions about personalised advertising. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 49 Results UK Part 1 – Digital Device Usage Tablets are very popular among Swedish smartphone users. Almost 50% of panelists also own a Smart-TV. owned devices operating system of smartphone 100 80 48 48 37 14 11 4 Smartphone Tablet Smart-TV Smartwatch Android iOS (iPhone) Windows Phone 1 BlackBerry other Questions: “Which of the following devices do you own?”, “What is the operating system of your current smartphone?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 51 Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage Communication and social media are the most prominent activities among British smartphone users. Almost 60% of all users do also regularly shop online with their mobile phone at least once a week. smartphone usage 74,5 Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 73,5 Communication (WhatsApp, E-Mail, SMS etc.) Listening to music 67,5 Watching short video clips (e.g. YouTube) 67,0 63,5 Reading the News 58,0 Online shopping 52,0 Navigation and routing 45,0 Editing or sharing photos or videos 39,5 Reading blogs or tweets 36,0 Video phone calls (e.g. Skype) 28,0 Watching movies or series 26,0 Reading or editing documents Reading e-books or magazines 22,0 Question: “Thinking about your general smartphone usage. For which of the following activities do you regularly use your smartphone (at least once a week)?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 52 Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage 92% of all Smartphone users below 30 use Social Media at least once a week. Communication via WhatsApp, E-Mail and SMS is most prominent among 30-49 year-olds. smartphone usage 16-29 years (n=63) Total Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 74,5 Communication (WhatsApp, E-Mail, SMS etc.) 73,5 30-49 years (n=111) 92,1 67,5 81,0 Watching short video clips (e.g. YouTube) 67,0 81,0 Video phone calls (e.g. Skype) Watching movies or series 28,0 Reading or editing documents 26,0 Reading e-books or magazines 22,0 36,5 31,7 25,4 46,2 46,8 26,9 45,0 34,2 49,2 36,0 50,0 54,1 58,7 39,5 Reading blogs or tweets 57,7 66,7 52,4 45,0 Editing or sharing photos or videos 42,3 64,9 63,5 52,0 Navigation and routing 57,7 62,2 68,3 58,0 Online shopping 65,4 73,0 60,3 63,5 Reading the News 46,2 71,2 77,8 Listening to music 50+ years (n=26) 35,1 26,1 26,1 23,4 15,4 7,7 15,4 11,5 7,7 Question: “Thinking about your general smartphone usage. For which of the following activities do you regularly use your smartphone (at least once a week)?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 53 Part 2 – Premium mobile content For mobile websites and apps in Britain it is very important to supply the users with believable and easy to understand Information that is presented with just the right depth. The website should be easy to access. The website / app has to provide believable information. The website / app must provide easy to understand information. The website / app has to provide information at the right level of detail. The website / app should load fast. The website / app has to present the information in an easy to read format. The website / app needs to have an easy navigation structure. The website / app must have adequate search facilities. A website should always be optimized for mobile phone usage. The website / app has to look visually pleasing. The website / app has to look attractive. I think of websites / apps that are popular as more trustworthy. It is important to me that professional journalists generate the news. I like to know who is behind the content of a website / app. content quality If available, Ill always choose the app over the mobile website. technical quality design Websites / apps must have an active community (e.g. comments or facebook integration). usability It is important to me that the website / app be recommended by someone I know. other 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 54 Part 2 – Premium mobile content The higher the education level the higher the demands for high quality content. Users with a high level of education also value content that is written by professional journalists more. The website should be easy to access. The website / app has to provide believable information. The website / app must provide easy to understand information. The website / app has to provide information at the right level of detail. The website / app should load fast. The website / app has to present the information in an easy to read format. The website / app needs to have an easy navigation structure. The website / app must have adequate search facilities. A website should always be optimized for mobile phone usage. The website / app has to look visually pleasing. The website / app has to look attractive. I think of websites / apps that are popular as more trustworthy. It is important to me that professional journalists generate the news. I like to know who is behind the content of a website / app. content quality If available, Ill always choose the app over the mobile website. technical quality design Websites / apps must have an active community (e.g. comments or facebook integration). usability It is important to me that the website / app be recommended by someone I know. other 0 20 Education: 40 Total low 60 medium 80 100 high Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 55 Part 2 – Premium mobile content 80% of British smartphone users value a high technical quality and usability of mobile sites and apps. overall content quality technical quality design usability other 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 56 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Sites are generally seen as „premium“ when they are easy to navigate and provide relevant and up-to-date information. attributes of premium sites Its easy to navigate / find what I need 83,9 The information is always relevant and up-to-date 81,3 The quality of the content 80,8 Design and layout of the site 78,8 Reputation of content contributors / journalists The site / app is very popular with my friends / family / colleagues 69,9 65,8 Question: “What makes [these sites / apps] / [this site / app] you just named premium?” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All Respondents / Respondents, how named at least one premium site / app (n=193); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 57 Part 2 – Premium mobile content The right level of advertising is very important to British smartphone users. Almost 50% of all users agree that brands that advertise on premium sites are more trustworthy. advertising on premium mobile websites / apps It is important that premium sites / apps protect their visitors from inappropriate advertising. Premium sites / apps should have a lesser number of ads than other sites / apps. I’m willing to accept advertising if the content remains free. Premium sites / apps should only have well designed ads. The ad that is shown should fit the content of the website / app. I expect ads to be personalised / relevant to me and my interests. Well-known advertisers are an indication of the sites / apps quality. Brands that advertise in premium sites / apps are more trustworthy. Advertising on premium sites / apps has a lot more credibility. I find advertising on premium sites / apps annoying. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “What is your attitude towards advertising on premium mobile websites or apps? For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 58 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Especially Brits with a medium level of education prefer personalised ads. Highly educated users are more concerned with well designed ads. advertising on premium mobile websites / apps It is important that premium sites / apps protect their visitors from inappropriate advertising. Premium sites / apps should have a lesser number of ads than other sites / apps. I’m willing to accept advertising if the content remains free. Premium sites / apps should only have well designed ads. The ad that is shown should fit the content of the website / app. I expect ads to be personalised / relevant to me and my interests. Well-known advertisers are an indication of the sites / apps quality. Brands that advertise in premium sites / apps are more trustworthy. Advertising on premium sites / apps has a lot more credibility. I find advertising on premium sites / apps annoying. (reverse coded) 0 20 Education: 40 Total low 60 medium 80 100 high Question: “What is your attitude towards advertising on premium mobile websites or apps? For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 59 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Ads are accepted if the content is free, but 40% of users are also fine with being charged for premium sites or apps. paying for premium content Advertising is acceptable if the content is available for free. I think it is justified that premium sites / apps require a payment or subscription. I am willing to pay to view premium content without advertising. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to paying for premium content. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 60 Part 2 – Premium mobile content British smartphone users are far more willing to pay for premium content without advertising. paying for premium content Advertising is acceptable if the content is available for free. I think it is justified that premium sites / apps require a payment or subscription. I am willing to pay to view premium content without advertising. 0 20 Income: 40 Total low 60 medium 80 100 high Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to paying for premium content. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 61 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Mobile ads in the UK should provide relevant and easy to understand information. Visually appealing ads are also very important to the majority of users. High quality ads… provide relevant information. provide information that is easy to understand. are visually pleasing. provide believable information. do not impact the sites load time. have links to more information. use fonts / colors properly. encourage me to get more information about the product. are innovative. have a strong emotional message. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “We would like to learn more about what is important to you when it comes to mobile ads. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. High quality ads…“ - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 62 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Older smartphone users have no strong opinion towards mobile ads. Especially users between 30 an 49 years want to be able to receive more information via links on an ad. High quality ads… provide relevant information. provide information that is easy to understand. are visually pleasing. provide believable information. do not impact the sites load time. have links to more information. use fonts / colors properly. encourage me to get more information about the product. are innovative. have a strong emotional message. 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “We would like to learn more about what is important to you when it comes to mobile ads. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. High quality ads…“ - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 63 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Ads in mobile apps are the most highly rated form of digital advertising. Mobile web ads still have room for improvement. rating of different media TV Print Mobile apps Desktop Web (e.g. via Desktop PC, Netbook etc.) Radio Mobile Web (e.g. via Smartphone, Tablet etc.) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “How would you rate your general opinion on advertising in the following media?” - Scale: very good, good, average, poor, very poor, I don’t use this media Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 64 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Older users generally don‘t appreciate advertising. However mobile web ads are the most highly rated after TV ads among users 50 years and older. rating of different media TV Print Mobile apps Desktop Web (e.g. via Desktop PC, Netbook etc.) Radio Mobile Web (e.g. via Smartphone, Tablet etc.) 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “How would you rate your general opinion on advertising in the following media?” - Scale: very good, good, average, poor, very poor, I don’t use this media Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 65 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Poor website content is a very strong negative impact on advertised brands in Britain. Britains mostly think of sexual content as inappropriate for brands. 68 negative impact of poor websites / apps 21 7 yes / rather yes neither nor no / rather no 5 I don't know inappropriate environments for well-known-brands Sexual content 58,0 Extremely religious 46,5 Betting / gambling 41,0 Extremely political 40,5 Alcohol related 35,0 Gossip tabloids 30,0 Child related 29,0 Games 19,0 18,0 News Tools and health apps 13,5 Blogs 13,5 Questions: “Do you think poor website or app content negatively impacts your perception of an advertised brand?”, “What do you generally think is an inappropriate environment for a well-known brand?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 66 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Religious, sexual and political content is seen as most inappropriate among older users. 16-29 years (n=63) 30-49 years (n=111) 68 68 negative impact of poor websites / apps yes / rather yes no / rather no 23 22 19 5 neither nor I don't know 73 66 21 7 50+ years (n=26) 5 yes / rather yes no / rather no 9 8 neither nor I don't know yes / rather yes no / rather no 4 neither nor I don't know 4 0 yes / rather yes no / rather no neither nor I don't know inappropriate environments for well-known-brands Sexual content 58,0 Extremely religious 47,6 46,5 30,2 Betting / gambling 41,0 38,1 Extremely political 40,5 38,1 Alcohol related 35,0 Gossip tabloids 30,0 Child related 29,0 Games 19,0 News 18,0 60,4 53,2 38,5 39,6 50,0 36,9 25,4 38,5 32,4 22,2 17,5 57,7 43,2 30,2 20,6 73,1 30,8 31,5 19,8 18,9 Tools and health apps 13,5 11,1 15,3 Blogs 13,5 12,7 15,3 34,6 11,5 15,4 11,5 7,7 Questions: “Do you think poor website or app content negatively impacts your perception of an advertised brand?”, “What do you generally think is an inappropriate environment for a well-known brand?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 67 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Almost 50% of British smartphone users appreciate personalised ads and like to learn more about interesting products through these ads. However most users want to actively decide if they are being targeted to not. personalised advertising I only accept personalised advertising if I can actively choose to receive it. I appreciate personalised advertising as an alternative to ads that are not tailored to my personal interests. Personalised advertising allows me to learn more about interesting products. I feel that personalised advertising is infringing on my personal rights. (reverse coded) Personalised advertising makes me feel uncomfortable. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “We would like to ask you some questions about personalised advertising. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 68 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Higher eduacted smartphone users prefer to be able to choose if they want to receive personalised ads. Lower educated users like targeted ads as an alternative to non specific ads. personalised advertising I only accept personalised advertising if I can actively choose to receive it. I appreciate personalised advertising as an alternative to ads that are not tailored to my personal interests. Personalised advertising allows me to learn more about interesting products. I feel that personalised advertising is infringing on my personal rights. (reverse coded) Personalised advertising makes me feel uncomfortable. (reverse coded) 0 20 Education: 40 Total low 60 medium 80 100 high Question: “We would like to ask you some questions about personalised advertising. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 69 Results France Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage While Tablets are very popular among French smartphone users only 1/3 own a Smart-TV. owned devices operating system of smartphone 100 63 56 31 28 12 10 2 Smartphone Tablet Smart-TV Smartwatch Android iOS (iPhone) Windows Phone 1 BlackBerry other Questions: “Which of the following devices do you own?”, “What is the operating system of your current smartphone?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 71 Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage French participants mostly use their smartphone for communication and social media. Shopping on mobile devices is not as popular as in other countries (34%). smartphone usage 73,0 Communication (WhatsApp, E-Mail, SMS etc.) Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 67,0 Listening to music 64,5 Reading the News 63,5 Navigation and routing 55,0 Watching short video clips (e.g. YouTube) 49,0 Editing or sharing photos or videos 46,0 Online shopping 33,5 Video phone calls (e.g. Skype) 28,0 Reading blogs or tweets 27,5 Watching movies or series 25,0 Reading or editing documents 25,0 Reading e-books or magazines 17,5 Question: “Thinking about your general smartphone usage. For which of the following activities do you regularly use your smartphone (at least once a week)?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 72 Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage Social media is most prominent among younger users. Older users lean towards other means of communication and frequently use their smartphone to read the news. smartphone usage 16-29 years (n=55) Total 78,2 73,0 Communication (WhatsApp, E-Mail, SMS etc.) Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 30-49 years (n=94) Listening to music 64,5 Reading the News 63,5 Navigation and routing 74,5 60,0 Watching short video clips (e.g. YouTube) Editing or sharing photos or videos Online shopping 41,2 64,7 47,1 37,3 33,3 48,9 45,5 33,5 71,3 48,9 52,7 46,0 43,1 53,2 60,0 49,0 69,1 64,9 65,5 55,0 70,6 71,3 85,5 67,0 50+ years (n=51) 19,6 34,0 Video phone calls (e.g. Skype) 28,0 41,8 28,7 Reading blogs or tweets 27,5 41,8 29,8 11,8 7,8 Watching movies or series 25,0 36,4 23,4 15,7 Reading or editing documents 25,0 38,2 21,3 17,6 Reading e-books or magazines 17,5 27,3 16,0 9,8 Question: “Thinking about your general smartphone usage. For which of the following activities do you regularly use your smartphone (at least once a week)?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 73 Part 2 – Premium mobile content French smartphone users value easy to navigate websites and apps. Design factors and easy access rank before content considerations. The website / app needs to have an easy navigation structure. The website / app has to present the information in an easy to read format. The website should be easy to access. The website / app has to provide believable information. The website / app must have adequate search facilities. The website / app must provide easy to understand information. The website / app should load fast. The website / app has to provide information at the right level of detail. The website / app has to look attractive. A website should always be optimized for mobile phone usage. The website / app has to look visually pleasing. I think of websites / apps that are popular as more trustworthy. It is important to me that professional journalists generate the news. I like to know who is behind the content of a website / app. content quality If available, I’ll always choose the app over the mobile website. technical quality design Websites / apps must have an active community (e.g. comments or facebook integration). usability It is important to me that the website / app be recommended by someone I know. other 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 74 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Older users prefer easy to access sites with believable information. A visually appealing website / app is of less importance in that age group. The website / app needs to have an easy navigation structure. The website / app has to present the information in an easy to read format. The website should be easy to access. The website / app has to provide believable information. The website / app must have adequate search facilities. The website / app must provide easy to understand information. The website / app should load fast. The website / app has to provide information at the right level of detail. The website / app has to look attractive. A website should always be optimized for mobile phone usage. The website / app has to look visually pleasing. I think of websites / apps that are popular as more trustworthy. It is important to me that professional journalists generate the news. I like to know who is behind the content of a website / app. content quality If available, Ill always choose the app over the mobile website. technical quality design Websites / apps must have an active community (e.g. comments or facebook integration). usability It is important to me that the website / app be recommended by someone I know. other 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 75 Part 2 – Premium mobile content French users have high expectations of premium websites or apps across all categories. overall content quality technical quality design usability other 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 76 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Sites / apps that are chosen as examples of „premium“ are easy to navigate and provide high quality content. attributes of premium sites Its easy to navigate / find what I need 85,3 The quality of the content 84,8 The information is always relevant and up-to-date 80,6 Design and layout of the site The site / app is very popular with my friends / family / colleagues Reputation of content contributors / journalists 73,8 64,4 61,8 Question: “What makes [these sites / apps] / [this site / app] you just named premium?” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All Respondents / Respondents, how named at least one premium site / app (n=191); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 77 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Premium sites in France should protect users from inappropriate advertising and only show a low number of higher quality ads. A good fit of brand and site / app content is also very important to French users. advertising on premium mobile websites / apps It is important that premium sites / apps protect their visitors from inappropriate advertising. Premium sites / apps should have a lesser number of ads than other sites / apps. The ad that is shown should fit the content of the website / app. Premium sites / apps should only have well designed ads. I’m willing to accept advertising if the content remains free. Well-known advertisers are an indication of the sites / apps quality. I expect ads to be personalised / relevant to me and my interests. Advertising on premium sites / apps has a lot more credibility. Brands that advertise in premium sites / apps are more trustworthy. I find advertising on premium sites / apps annoying. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “What is your attitude towards advertising on premium mobile websites or apps? For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 78 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Users in the age group from 30 to 49 have the highest expectations of ads on premium sites. Personalised ads are most valued by users below 50. advertising on premium mobile websites / apps It is important that premium sites / apps protect their visitors from inappropriate advertising. Premium sites / apps should have a lesser number of ads than other sites / apps. The ad that is shown should fit the content of the website / app. Premium sites / apps should only have well designed ads. I’m willing to accept advertising if the content remains free. Well-known advertisers are an indication of the sites / apps quality. I expect ads to be personalised / relevant to me and my interests. Advertising on premium sites / apps has a lot more credibility. Brands that advertise in premium sites / apps are more trustworthy. I find advertising on premium sites / apps annoying. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “What is your attitude towards advertising on premium mobile websites or apps? For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 79 Part 2 – Premium mobile content The advertisement based business model is well accepted in France. One third of all users would be willing to pay for premium content. paying for premium content Advertising is acceptable if the content is available for free. I am willing to pay to view premium content without advertising. I think it is justified that premium sites / apps require a payment or subscription. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to paying for premium content. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 80 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General When it comes to mobile ads French users value easy to understand and relevant information. The proper use of fonts and colours is also of high importance to them, especially compared to other countries. High quality ads… provide information that is easy to understand. provide relevant information. use fonts / colors properly. do not impact the sites load time. have links to more information. are visually pleasing. provide believable information. are innovative. encourage me to get more information about the product. have a strong emotional message. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “We would like to learn more about what is important to you when it comes to mobile ads. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. High quality ads…“ - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 81 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Younger French smartphone users are by far the most concerned with easy to understand ads. Thy also prefer ads with a strong emotional message compared to the older age groups. High quality ads… provide information that is easy to understand. provide relevant information. use fonts / colors properly. do not impact the sites load time. have links to more information. are visually pleasing. provide believable information. are innovative. encourage me to get more information about the product. have a strong emotional message. 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “We would like to learn more about what is important to you when it comes to mobile ads. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. High quality ads…“ - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 82 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Mobile advertising in France is not yet highly regarded. The gap from established media to digital media is less apparent in France than it is in the other countries. rating of different media TV Print Radio Desktop Web (e.g. via Desktop PC, Netbook etc.) Mobile Web (e.g. via Smartphone, Tablet etc.) Mobile apps 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “How would you rate your general opinion on advertising in the following media?” - Scale: very good, good, average, poor, very poor, I don’t use this media Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 83 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Users below 30 have a better opinion of TV and Print ads. Users in the age group of 30-49 have the highest opinion of mobile advertising. rating of different media TV Print Radio Desktop Web (e.g. via Desktop PC, Netbook etc.) Mobile Web (e.g. via Smartphone, Tablet etc.) Mobile apps 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “How would you rate your general opinion on advertising in the following media?” - Scale: very good, good, average, poor, very poor, I don’t use this media Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 84 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General 63% of French smartphone users agree that poor website content negatively affects their perception of an advertised brand. Sexual, extremely religious and extremely political content are mostly seen as inappropriate environments. 63 negative impact of poor websites / apps 17 yes / rather yes 12 neither nor no / rather no 9 I don't know inappropriate environments for well-known-brands Sexual content 52,0 Extremely religious 49,5 Extremely political 44,5 Alcohol related 42,5 Betting / gambling 33,5 Child related 23,0 Games 17,0 Gossip tabloids 17,0 16,0 News Blogs 12,5 Tools and health apps 12,0 Questions: “Do you think poor website or app content negatively impacts your perception of an advertised brand?”, “What do you generally think is an inappropriate environment for a well-known brand?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 85 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General French users appreciate targeted ads as a way to learn about new products. Actively choosing to receive personalised ads is important to 55% of the smartphone users. personalised advertising I only accept personalised advertising if I can actively choose to receive it. Personalised advertising allows me to learn more about interesting products. I appreciate personalised advertising as an alternative to ads that are not tailored to my personal interests. Personalised advertising makes me feel uncomfortable. (reverse coded) I feel that personalised advertising is infringing on my personal rights. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “We would like to ask you some questions about personalised advertising. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 86 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Users beyond 50 have a more negative attitude towards personalised advertising. The mid-aged group (30-49) is most accepting of this new advertising format. personalised advertising I only accept personalised advertising if I can actively choose to receive it. Personalised advertising allows me to learn more about interesting products. I appreciate personalised advertising as an alternative to ads that are not tailored to my personal interests. Personalised advertising makes me feel uncomfortable. (reverse coded) I feel that personalised advertising is infringing on my personal rights. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “We would like to ask you some questions about personalised advertising. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 87 Results Germany Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage 2/3 of German smartphone users also own a Tablet. Android is by far the most prominent operating system in Germany. owned devices operating system of smartphone 100 68 65 45 16 10 13 2 Smartphone Tablet Smart-TV Smartwatch Android iOS (iPhone) Windows Phone 2 BlackBerry other Questions: “Which of the following devices do you own?”, “What is the operating system of your current smartphone?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 89 Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage Communication via WhatsApp, E-Mail and SMS is more prominent than social media in Germany. smartphone usage 83,0 Communication (WhatsApp, E-Mail, SMS etc.) 60,0 Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 57,5 Listening to music Reading the News 54,5 Watching short video clips (e.g. YouTube) 54,5 52,5 Navigation and routing 42,5 Editing or sharing photos or videos Online shopping 32,5 Reading or editing documents 32,0 21,5 Video phone calls (e.g. Skype) 20,0 Reading blogs or tweets Reading e-books or magazines Watching movies or series 18,5 15,5 Question: “Thinking about your general smartphone usage. For which of the following activities do you regularly use your smartphone (at least once a week)?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 90 Part 1 – General Smartphone Usage The young generation has the highest average smartphone usage across all categories. They use it mainly for communication, social media and watching short clips. The 50+ generation uses it primarily for communication, for navigation or to display documents. smartphone usage 16-29 years (n=51) Total 90,2 83,0 Communication (WhatsApp, E-Mail, SMS etc.) Reading the News 54,5 Watching short video clips (e.g. YouTube) 54,5 Navigation and routing 52,5 Online shopping 32,5 Reading or editing documents 32,0 21,5 39,2 Reading blogs or tweets 20,0 37,3 Reading e-books or magazines 18,5 15,5 25,5 27,5 37,2 51,2 50,0 51,0 Video phone calls (e.g. Skype) 48,8 52,8 58,8 43,1 39,5 53,8 72,5 51,0 48,8 59,4 60,8 42,5 Editing or sharing photos or videos 86,0 55,7 68,6 57,5 Listening to music 50+ years (n=43) 78,3 78,4 60,0 Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) Watching movies or series 30-49 years (n=106) 37,2 40,6 27,9 25,5 44,2 21,7 19,8 16,0 18,9 14,2 4,7 9,3 9,3 4,7 Question: “Thinking about your general smartphone usage. For which of the following activities do you regularly use your smartphone (at least once a week)?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 91 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Technical aspects are most important to German smartphone users. Information has to be believable and should be presented at the right level of detail. The website / app should load fast. The website / app has to provide believable information. The website should be easy to access. The website / app has to provide information at the right level of detail. The website / app has to present the information in an easy to read format. The website / app needs to have an easy navigation structure. The website / app must have adequate search facilities. The website / app must provide easy to understand information. The website / app has to look attractive. The website / app has to look visually pleasing. A website should always be optimized for mobile phone usage. I like to know who is behind the content of a website / app. I think of websites / apps that are popular as more trustworthy. If available, Ill always choose the app over the mobile website. content quality It is important to me that professional journalists generate the news. technical quality design Websites / apps must have an active community (e.g. comments or facebook integration). usability It is important to me that the website / app be recommended by someone I know. other 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 92 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Factors such as technical quality, design and usability are all more important to German smartphone users than content quality. overall content quality technical quality design usability other 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to premium mobile websites or apps. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 93 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Sites / apps are picked as example of „premium“ if they are easy to navigate and provide up-to-date-information. attributes of premium sites Its easy to navigate / find what I need 77,5 The information is always relevant and up-to-date 77,5 The quality of the content 75,9 Design and layout of the site 65,2 The site / app is very popular with my friends / family / colleagues Reputation of content contributors / journalists 56,7 49,2 Question: “What makes [these sites / apps] / [this site / app] you just named premium?” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All Respondents / Respondents, how named at least one premium site / app (n=187); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 94 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Protection from inappropriate advertising and the right amount of ads are most important to German users. A good fit of content and ad is also of high importance. advertising on premium mobile websites / apps It is important that premium sites / apps protect their visitors from inappropriate advertising. Premium sites / apps should have a lesser number of ads than other sites / apps. The ad that is shown should fit the content of the website / app. I’m willing to accept advertising if the content remains free. Well-known advertisers are an indication of the sites / apps quality. Premium sites / apps should only have well designed ads. Brands that advertise in premium sites / apps are more trustworthy. I expect ads to be personalised / relevant to me and my interests. Advertising on premium sites / apps has a lot more credibility. I find advertising on premium sites / apps annoying. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “What is your attitude towards advertising on premium mobile websites or apps? For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 95 Part 2 – Premium mobile content Younger users agree that brands that advertise on premium content are more trustworthy and have more credibility. advertising on premium mobile websites / apps It is important that premium sites / apps protect their visitors from inappropriate advertising. Premium sites / apps should have a lesser number of ads than other sites / apps. The ad that is shown should fit the content of the website / app. I’m willing to accept advertising if the content remains free. Well-known advertisers are an indication of the sites / apps quality. Premium sites / apps should only have well designed ads. Brands that advertise in premium sites / apps are more trustworthy. I expect ads to be personalised / relevant to me and my interests. Advertising on premium sites / apps has a lot more credibility. I find advertising on premium sites / apps annoying. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 Total 16-29 years 60 30-49 years 80 100 50+ years Question: “What is your attitude towards advertising on premium mobile websites or apps? For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 96 Part 2 – Premium mobile content 42% of German users think that it is justified if premium sites charge for their content. Almost 70% agree that advertising is acceptable if content is free. paying for premium content Advertising is acceptable if the content is available for free. I think it is justified that premium sites / apps require a payment or subscription. I am willing to pay to view premium content without advertising. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “In the following questions we would like to better understand what is important to you when it comes to paying for premium content. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 97 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Apart from being easy to understand, German smartphone users say that it is very important for ads to make proper use of fonts and colour and to be visually pleasing. High quality ads… provide information that is easy to understand. use fonts / colors properly. are visually pleasing. provide relevant information. provide believable information. do not impact the sites load time. have links to more information. are innovative. encourage me to get more information about the product. have a strong emotional message. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “We would like to learn more about what is important to you when it comes to mobile ads. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. High quality ads…“ - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 98 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Especially sites and apps that are targeted at users with a high education level should invest in well designed ads with relevant information. High quality ads… provide information that is easy to understand. use fonts / colors properly. are visually pleasing. provide relevant information. provide believable information. do not impact the sites load time. have links to more information. are innovative. encourage me to get more information about the product. have a strong emotional message. 0 20 Education: 40 Total low 60 medium 80 100 high Question: “We would like to learn more about what is important to you when it comes to mobile ads. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. High quality ads…“ - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 99 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Ads in mobile apps or on mobile websites are not (yet) highly regarded among German smartphone users. rating of different media Print TV Radio Desktop Web (e.g. via Desktop PC, Netbook etc.) Mobile Web (e.g. via Smartphone, Tablet etc.) Mobile apps 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “How would you rate your general opinion on advertising in the following media?” - Scale: very good, good, average, poor, very poor, I don’t use this media Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 100 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Male smartphone users have a higher opinion of advertising in general. rating of different media Print TV Radio Desktop Web (e.g. via Desktop PC, Netbook etc.) Mobile Web (e.g. via Smartphone, Tablet etc.) Mobile apps 0 20 40 Total male 60 80 100 female Question: “How would you rate your general opinion on advertising in the following media?” - Scale: very good, good, average, poor, very poor, I don’t use this media Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 101 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General 49% of German participants think that poor website content negatively influences advertised brands. Extremely religious and political or gambling sites are seen as highly inappropriate. 49 negative impact of poor websites / apps 27 yes / rather yes 14 neither nor no / rather no 11 I don't know inappropriate environments for well-known-brands Extremely religious 56,0 Extremely political 47,5 Betting / gambling 47,0 Alcohol related 38,5 Child related 35,0 Sexual content 28,0 Gossip tabloids 23,0 Games 22,5 21,0 News Tools and health apps Blogs 18,0 16,0 Questions: “Do you think poor website or app content negatively impacts your perception of an advertised brand?”, “What do you generally think is an inappropriate environment for a well-known brand?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 102 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General Younger users are more likely to perceive poor content as a negative influence on an advertised brand. 16-29 years (n=51) Total 55 49 negative impact of poor websites / apps 30-49 years (n=106) 53 31 27 14 yes / rather yes no / rather no 33 24 11 neither nor I don't know 50+ years (n=43) 8 yes / rather yes no / rather no 10 6 neither nor I don't know yes / rather yes no / rather no 30 28 13 neither nor I don't know 9 yes / rather yes no / rather no neither nor I don't know inappropriate environments for well-known-brands Extremely religious 56,0 Extremely political 47,5 Betting / gambling 47,0 Alcohol related 38,5 Child related Sexual content 35,0 49,0 60,4 41,2 52,8 35,3 48,8 41,5 25,5 37,3 41,9 51,9 29,4 28,0 53,5 41,9 34,9 46,5 23,6 27,9 Gossip tabloids 23,0 Games 22,5 21,6 20,8 27,9 News 21,0 19,6 19,8 25,6 31,4 Tools and health apps 18,0 19,6 Blogs 16,0 21,6 17,9 15,1 12,3 25,6 23,3 18,6 Questions: “Do you think poor website or app content negatively impacts your perception of an advertised brand?”, “What do you generally think is an inappropriate environment for a well-known brand?” Base: All respondents (n=200); Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 103 Part 3 – Mobile Advertising in General German users are slightly more sceptical of personalised ads (18% feel uncomfortable). An option to opt out of this form of advertising is valued by the participants. personalised advertising I only accept personalised advertising if I can actively choose to receive it. Personalised advertising allows me to learn more about interesting products. I appreciate personalised advertising as an alternative to ads that are not tailored to my personal interests. Personalised advertising makes me feel uncomfortable. (reverse coded) I feel that personalised advertising is infringing on my personal rights. (reverse coded) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Question: “We would like to ask you some questions about personalised advertising. For the following statements please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.” - Scale: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree Base: All respondents (n=200); Top Two Values in percent 05.11.2015 Widespace – Premium Advertising 104
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