First Congregational Church of Lebanon United Church of Christ G race Notes NOVEMBER 2014 The Newsletter of First Congregational Church What’s Inside Recuerdos de SJV..........6-7 October Images ..............10 UVIP Micah Awards......10 Sunday Service......................2 Interfaith Thanksgiving.........2 War and Christianity ..............2 November Calendar..............3 Committee Notes..................4 Looking Toward Advent........8 Our Local Mission ................9 Music @ Meetinghouse .......11 The Pastoral Perspective Each November it has been our tradition to gather with the members of other local churches for an ecumenical service of Thanksgiving. Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, and Congregationalists have come together to offer gratitude and praise to God in word and song. This year, though, we’re going to do something a little bit different: we are expanding the circle of worship to include other faith communities in the Upper Valley. As of this writing, we anticipate Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, and Christians coming together to observe our nation’s one truly shared religious holiday. Thanksgiving, though characterized today by parades, football, sales, and feasts, is rooted in the act of thanking a bountiful Creator, the God who faithfully provided for his people. Despite differing, even conflicting theologies, this act is something good and valuable that people of varying faiths can do together. Considering how often religion is used in our contemporary world to divide communities and diminish or even deny the humanity of others, it is indeed vitally important. When people, especially the younger among us, believe that religion is inherently violent, it is incumbent upon us to show that this is not the case. This is especially true for us in the Christian church. The days of winning people over to Christ by trashing the other guy’s belief system are thankfully over. If we are to effectively respond to our call to be evangelists, we need to offer a positive vision of why following the way of Jesus is worth the commitment of time, energy, emotion, and faith. We need to show with grace and joy how the love of God made known to us in the Risen Christ has fed us and transformed us. We need to stand for Someone, and not against something. One way to do this is to show others that we are not threatened by them, that we have enough confidence in what we believe to venture out into God’s big, diverse world. Continued on Page 5 SUNDAY SERVICE STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY IS NOVEMBER 23 In the spirit of God’s gift of Christ to us, we are all invited to prayerfully consider our commitment to the church’s mission and ministry in 2015. On November 23, we will dedicate our pledges and celebrate our community with thanksgiving and fellowship. Thanks to all for your stewardship! Interfaith Thanksgiving Service Sunday, November 23, at 7:00 pm West Lebanon Congregational Church Please join us for this annual community worship service, which this year will be a truly inclusive, interfaith observation of Thanksgiving. Clergy and congregations from our area’s Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, and Congregational churches will participate, along with local Jewish, Muslim, and Buddhist communities. All are welcome! Christmas Decorating Party! Following worship on Sunday, November 30 Yes, CHRISTMAS!! We are indeed approaching Advent, which this year officially begins on the last Sunday in November. Plan to stay after worship that day to help hang wreaths, string lights, and have fun getting the church ready for this festive season. No need to RSVP, but bring some refreshments or treats to share! Queued for Coffee Hour November—Women of the Church December—Board of Governors January—Stewardship February—Christian Education 2 FCC Grace Notes • November 2014 Just War. Holy War. Any War? Adult Education—Nov. 9 and 16, 9:00 am As Christians marking the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, we have an opportunity to reflect not only on that conflict but on the phenomenon of war itself. What do Scripture and our Christian faith teach us about war? What has been the Christian experience of war? How are we called to respond to war? Join us in the Parlor before worship for this two-week adult-education forum, which will run concurrently with a three-week sermon series. THANKSGIVING COMMUNITY DINNER Sunday, November 23, at 5:00 pm Thanks to JOHN BOURGON for organizing this month’s dinner! Please consider donating food or volunteering to set up, serve, or clean up. Our service is vital to those in our local community who look forward to this meal every month— particularly during the holiday season. Never helped before but interested in trying? Make THIS your month! Save the Date! All-Church Forum and Potluck SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 Reflections from El Salvador and Guatemala Photos and stories from our October mission trip participants! More details on Page 7. NOVEMBER 2014 CALENDAR Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 26 27 28 29 30 10a Worship/ Church School 5:30p Cub Scouts (Bear) 7p Boy Scouts 6p UVPRN 5p Headrest Support Group 11:30a LIGHT Presentation 6:15p Cub Scouts (Wolf) 7p Quicksilver Rehearsal Friday 31 Saturday 1 8a Menʼs Breakfast 9a Bible Study 10:15a Juneberry MS 7p Ensemble Zephyrus 7p Choir 5p Community Dinner 2 3 4 5 6 7 10a Worship and Church School (Communion) 11:15a M&SA 1p Classicopia: Beethovenʼs Cello 3p WCBH After-school 7p Boy Scouts 6p UVPRN 5p Headrest Support Group 6-9p Leb Rec 9a Bible Study Quilters Retreat 10a-5p Leb Rec Quilters Retreat 9 10 11 12 13 10a Worship/ Church School 5:30p Cub Scouts (Bear) 7p Boy Scouts 8a-4p WIC 7p Quicksilver Rehearsal 6p UVPRN 9:30a-4p Grafton-Orange 5:30p Cub Scouts (Bear) 7p Quicksilver Rehearsal 7p Choir 10:15a Juneberry MS 6:15p Cub Scouts (Wolf) 6:15p Cub Scouts (Wolf) 8 7p Christian Ed Committee 7p Diaconate 14 15 9a Bible Study 10:15a Juneberry MS 5p Headrest 7p Choir 7p Oneness VT Meditation 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 10a Worship/ Church School 3p WCBH After-school 7p Church Council 6p UVPRN 5p Headrest Support Group DECEMBER NEWSLETTER CONTENT DUE 9a Bible Study 28 29 7p Boy Scouts 7p Choir 10a Student Piano Recital: Lisa Amundsen 23 24 25 26 27 10a Worship/ Church School 11:15a B of G 5p Community Dinner 7p Interfaith Service (WLCC) 9:30a-5p WIC 7p Boy Scouts 6p UVPRN 5:30p Cub Scouts (Bear) THANKSGIVING (FCC office closed) 6:15p Cub Scouts (Wolf) 5p Headrest Support Group 30 1 2 3 4 ADVENT BEGINS Christmas Decorating Party! 3p WCBH 7p Boy Scouts 6p UVPRN 5:30p (Bear) 5p Headrest Support Group 8a Menʼs Breakfast 6:15p (Wolf) 7p Choir 9a Bible Study 9a Bible Study No Choir 5 6 If your event is missing or incorrect, please notify us at or 603-448-4281. FCC Grace Notes • November 2014 3 COMMITTEE NOTES DIACONATE At the October meeting of the Diaconate, Deb Scott reported on her visit with Ken Steinke, who continues his recovery in a rehabilitation facility following a brain infection and minor stroke. Deacons also have sent cards to the children of Naomia Gibson and Regina Sweet, who recently passed away. (Both had a long connection to FCC.) ordination paper at the next meeting of the Grafton-Orange Association’s Council on Church and Ministry. in Vermont and LIGHT in Lebanon. Representatives of the latter will offer a presentation after worship on October 26. The Deacons also considered planning for a youth ministry program in the future, agreeing that this would require active support from adult members. Relatedly, the congregation would benefit from increased participation by younger adults, perhaps in collaboration with other faith communities. Six adults (and one dog!) enjoyed a beautiful afternoon exploring Farnum Hill on the most recent Spiritual Walk, led as always by Ron Bailey. The Diaconate will collaborate with Mission & Social Action to host an after-worship forum and Steve Silver reported on group potluck on December 7. Those preparations for the El Salvador who participated in recent trips mission trip, including the Our regular caregivers in Church to El Salvador and Guatemala collection of items to be brought School, Emma Petersson and will share their experiences with for donation. Rev. Heidi Hoskin Ashley Oronte, have submitted a the congregation, in stories and will preach in his absence on list of needs that they feel are photos. October 19. Steve also noted that vital to a safe and welcoming Lebanon clergy are planning to child care environment. These NOVEMBER 23 expand the annual Thanksgiving needs include outlet covers, firstis service to include other faith aid items, and fire-safety measures, STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY! communities, making it a truly as well as updated toys, books, interfaith service. and craft supplies. Members of November Meetings Steve will attend a meeting at the the Diaconate will discuss these Mission/Social Action 11/2, 11:15 NHC-UCC offices in Pembroke items with Marcia Corkins. and Stewardship to discuss a pending “Resolution Ron Bailey and Steve Teeter of Witness Regarding the Israeli- reported that there are two Diaconate 11/10, 7:00 Palestinian Conflict.” Mark functioning programs addressing Christian Education 11/12, 7:00 Rowell will be discussing his aging in the community—SASH Church Council 11/18, 7:00 4 FCC Seeks Assistant Treasurer Board of Governors 11/23, 11:15 Lee Ann Marsh and her husband will soon be moving from the area, and we will miss her for many reasons. In practical terms, though, we are looking for someone to succeed her as Assistant Treasurer. This important position is responsible for collecting the weekly offering, recording and depositing all receipts in the bank. Some computer experience is helpful. If you’re willing to serve the church in this way, please contact Todd Heatherton (603-448-4646/ December Meetings FCC Grace Notes • November 2014 Diaconate 12/8, 7:00 Christian Education 12/10, 7:00 Mission/Social Action 12/14, 11:15 and Stewardship Church Council 12/16, 7:00 Board of Governors 12/28, 11:15 COMMITTEE NOTES New Water Heaters Installed If you’ve visited a church restroom recently, you might have noticed a mysterious mechanical unit spliced into the plumbing under the sink. You might also have noticed that the faucet produces hot water more easily and quickly than before. After months in the conceptual stage, two new instant-hot-water units were installed in midOctober. These efficient, effective, electrical units heat a minimal volume of water on the spot. They also remove the bathrooms from long, boiler-fed water lines—thus, we will no longer use heating oil every time someone washes their hands! While formally implemented by the Board of Governors, this improvement evolved from discussions over breakfast at Men’s Fellowship. Participate in Worship! Serve as a Liturgist or Greeter/Usher Have you dreamed of handing out bulletins on Sunday? Or delivering the call to worship and reading scripture from the lectern? Or walking gracefully from pew to pew collecting the offering? We can make that dream a reality! No experience or training is required. If you’d like to serve as either a liturgist or a greeter/ usher, please contact the church office. Inspired by a desire to cut heating expenses and improve our environmental stewardship, the men’s group generously pitched in to cover the cost of installing the new heating units. Thanks to all those who contributed! New Members Welcome! Have you worshiped with us regularly? Have you found a welcoming, spiritually nourishing church home here? Would you like to become more involved in our programs and events? We warmly invite you to formally join our community of faith as a covenant member. If you would like to learn more about this invitation, please contact Rev. Steve Silver or the church office. The Pastoral Perspective, continued from Page 1 When we gather with our neighbors in West Lebanon on Sunday, November 23, we will come not just from different communities but with a variety of understandings of God. By coming together in worship, we will not dilute or deny our own belief systems but instead recognize the wondrous, bewildering, amazing complexity of God’s Creation as made known in humanity. Talk about a reason to give thanks! Yours faithfully, FCC Grace Notes • November 2014 5 EL SALVADOR MISSION Recuerdos de San Jose Villanueva 6 FCC Grace Notes • November 2014 EL SALVADOR MISSION A few thoughts and significant moments... from Ron Bailey “We first gathered with the Lopez family when we arrived on the site, before construction began. We gathered with them again at the end of our week, after the walls, roof, and most of the cement floors were in place. A celebration table was set up inside their nearly completed home—a very moving time for both the Lopez family and the volunteers.... “We treasured the camaraderie that our group developed throughout our stay. We were grateful also for the beautiful hilltop site and wonderful people at the Catholic retreat where we stayed.... “In San Salvador we stood in the exact spot where Bishop Oscar Romero was standing when he was assassinated in 1980. From that spot, behind the altar, we looked toward the door where the gunman had appeared.... “We prayed together over the body of a recently deceased woman at the local hospice, providing some comfort to her daughter....” Save the Date—All-Church Forum and Potluck on DECEMBER 7! Reflections from El Salvador and Guatemala Following worship on Sunday, December 7, please plan to join us for an engaging, enriching presentation by those who participated in the recent mission trips that our congregation so generously supported. Deb Scott will share her experience providing medical care in Guatemala, and members of the Epilogos team will reflect on their week with the Lopez family in SJV. Photos, souvenirs, and stories will bring these faraway places to life in the Parish Hall—don’t miss this opportunity to share in FCC’s wider mission! Please bring a potluck dish to share. If you’d like to help with this event, contact the church office. FCC Grace Notes • November 2014 7 LOOKING AHEAD TO ADVENT 2014 Sunday, November 30, 11:30 am (Following Worship)—Christmas Decorating Party Come help hang wreaths, string lights, and have fun getting the church ready for this festive season. Saturday, December 13, 7:30 pm—Christmas with Counterpoint Vermont’s premier professional chorus brings its superb ensemble sound to Lebanon to celebrate the season. Sunday, December 14, 11:30 am (Following Worship)—FCC Community Caroling Bring some Christmas fellowship to homebound church members and nearby friends and neighbors. Sunday, December 14, 4:00 pm—Will Ögmundson’s The Night of Las Posadas Local favorite Will Ögmundson revives this Christmas musical, based on Tomie de Paola’s book. Tuesday, December 16, 7:00 pm—Lebanon High School Choral Concert Support the various ensembles of our local high school’s fine music program, directed by Dan Signor. Sunday, December 21, 4:00-6:00 pm—Christmas Party and Carol Sing at the Parsonage All the congregation is invited to enjoy fellowship, delicious food, and Christmas cheer on Kimball Street. Sunday, December 21, 6:00 pm—Messiah Sing! Join the chorus (or just the audience!) for a complete run of Handel’s beloved oratorio, with local soloists. Wednesday, December 24—CHRISTMAS EVE Family Service at 5:00, Lessons and Carols at 8:00, and Candlelight Communion at 11:00. Sunday, December 28, 5:00 pm—Christmas Community Dinner Help serve a festive, home-cooked meal to our neighbors who rely on this monthly dinner. Christmas Gifts to Our Community This year FCC will once again sponsor families for Christmas through Listen Community Services, with a Giving Tree collection of clothing and grocery vouchers. Look for collection information in the Parish Hall in mid-November, or contact Barb Teeter (603-448-4529 or The 2014 Christmas Market with a Difference... Thursday-Friday, November 6-7, 10a-6p / Saturday, November 8, 10a-1p Church of Christ at Dartmouth College, 40 College Street, Hanover Each November the Church of Christ at Dartmouth College hosts the Christmas Market with a Difference, a venue for artisans from around the world sponsored by non-profit, self-help groups. This alternative gift source offers crafts, jewelry, ornaments, creches, clothing, toys, and other items. The market is NOT a fundraiser—all proceeds return to the artisans who create the items. For more, call 603-643-3150 or visit 8 FCC Grace Notes • November 2014 OUR CHURCH’S LOCAL MISSION Local Interdisciplinary Geriatric Homecare Team LIGHT PROVIDES PARTICIPANTS WITH THE FOLLOWING: Person- and family-centered care Health assessment and education Individualized care plans developed by interdisciplinary team Resource information and referral Coordination with primary-care teams and community agencies Service provided without insurance or other payments LIGHT MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to provide respectful, proactive, person-centered care to older adults in our region. We will accomplish this by partnering with our clients’ medical team and with other agencies that serve them. LIGHT will seek to provide a community-focused, best-practice safety net to assist older adults who wish to remain in their homes. The LIGHT team consists of a team coordinator, an outreach worker, and a wellness nurse. For more information, please contact Jane Conklin at 603-448-1835 or 5th Annual Service of Remembrance Saturday, November 8 DHMC Auditoria A-D 10:30 Registration / Welcome 11:00 Service 12:00 Refreshments / Reflection Room Organized by DHMC’s Chaplaincy Department and Perinatal Bereavement Committee All are invited to join in this collective memorial for perinatal and infant losses, whether in the recent or distant past. The service will include music, readings, and reflections. A time for refreshments and conversation will follow, and a “reflection room” will offer the chance to engage in writing, crafts, and memory-making activities. Children are invited to attend and participate; childcare available. Called to Care offers special assistance to those in our congregation who need it, for whatever reason—illness, loss of a loved one, loneliness, CALLED TO CARE depression, aging issues, and divorce, to name a few. We offer support in the form of cards, phone calls, visits, meals, and transportation. Now with just eight caregivers, Called to Care needs help! If the Spirit moves you to join this rewarding group, please contact Linda Jacobs ( / 802-296-8251) or Steve Silver. C2C FCC Grace Notes • November 2014 9 THE LIFE OF OUR CONGREGATION Right: Jim Oronte presides over the stove at the CROP Walk lunch on October 5. Jim’s renowned sausage soup was once again a hit, as community members filled the Parish Hall (below) to share fellowship, conversation, and great food. Many thanks to Jim for this annual act of service, and to many others who made this day a success! Below right: Marcia Corkins, Shelley Shipley, Amy Driscoll, Kailyn Rappaport, Grace Clancy, and Chip Silver serve up Community Dinner on October 26. Below left: Henry Danaher, Jennifer Grant, Ron Bailey, and Jon Scott enjoy a perfect fall day on Farnum Hill, the FCC Outing Club’s latest venture on October 12. 3rd Annual UVIP Micah Awards On October 26 at the Listen Community Center in White River Junction, over 170 people joined to celebrate “Micah Heroes” from ten local faith communities and service organizations. Among this year’s honorees were our own Ron Bailey, introduced by Rev. Steve Silver—both of whom had just returned the previous night from El Salvador. Organized by the United Valley Interfaith Project, this festive event celebrated what Meriden’s Rev. John Gregory-Davis called a subversive and “dangerous” determination not to accept society’s status quo— personified not only by the Micah Heroes themselves but also by the many congregations and institutions they represent. 10 FCC Grace Notes • November 2014 MUSIC AT THE MEETINGHOUSE Music at the FALL CONCERTS Meetinghouse All in the Sanctuary, First Congregational Church Saturday, November 1, 7:00 pm—Ensemble Zephyrus: Madrigals of the Nightingale Directed by Lindsey Warren, this sixteen-voice choral group offers a selection of madrigals from the 16th-18th centuries, all inspired by the nightingale. Poet and author Jim Schley will add discussion and readings to complement the bird’s musical portrayal. Free-will donation. Sunday, November 2, 1:00 pm—Classicopia: Beethoven’s Cello Pianist Dan Weiser and cellist Lawrence Stomberg share with us an all-Beethoven program, part of a weekend-long survey of all nine of the composer’s works for piano and cello, in which the latter enjoyed new prominence as a solo instrument. Suggested donation $20, church members $10, children free. And coming during Advent... Saturday, December 13, 7:30 pm—Christmas with Counterpoint Vermont’s premier professional chorus brings its superb ensemble sound to Lebanon to celebrate the season. Sunday, December 14, 4:00 pm—Will Ögmundson’s The Night of Las Posadas Local favorite Will Ögmundson revives this Christmas musical, based on Tomie de Paola’s book. Tuesday, December 16, 7:00 pm—Lebanon High School Choral Concert Support the various ensembles of our local high school’s fine music program (Dan Signor, director). Sunday, December 21, 6:00 pm—Messiah Sing! Join the chorus (or just the audience!) for a complete run of Handel’s beloved oratorio, with local soloists. Quicksilver Comedy Players Benefit for Windsor County Partners Saturday, November 8—Damon Hall, Hartland, VT The Quicksilver Comedy Players—featuring FCC’s own Biff Simpson!—bring their unique brand of improv to Hartland. Pasta dinner at 6:00, performance at 7:00. Dinner $10 for teens and adults, $5 for children 5 and up, under 5 free. Admission to show only by donation. Questions? Call 802-674-5101 or e-mail First Congregational Church of Lebanon Weekly Worship and Church School: Sunday, 10:00 am • Office Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 9-12 10 South Park St., P.O. Box 230, Lebanon, NH 03766 • 603-448-4281 • • Rev. Stephen R. Silver — • Newsletter Submissions — FCC Grace Notes • November 2014 11
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