appraisal CONTiNGENCY aDDENDUM TO aGrEEMENT OF salE aCa This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 1 2 3 4 prOpErTY __________________________________________________________________________________________________ sEllEr _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUYEr ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ DaTE OF aGrEEMENT _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 6 1. The Agreement of Sale is contingent upon the Property being appraised in a manner that is acceptable to underwriter (if Buyer is obtaining financing) and at a value that is equal to or higher than: $____________________________ __________% of the Purchase Price The Purchase Price 2. Contingency Period: __________________ days (21 if not specified) from the Execution Date of the Agreement. Within the Contingency period, Buyer may obtain an appraisal of the Property from a Pennsylvania certified appraiser. If Buyer is obtaining mortgage financing, the appraisal shall be performed by a Pennsylvania certified appraiser selected by the mortgage lender to whom Buyer has made application for financing. If Buyer is not obtaining mortgage financing, the appraisal shall be performed by a Pennsylvania certified appraiser selected by Buyer. (A) If the terms of Paragraph 1 are satisfied,, Buyer accepts the property and agrees to the terms of the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale. (B) If the terms of Paragraph 1 are not satisfied, Buyer will deliver a copy of the appraisal report to Seller, and Buyer will, within the Contingency period: 1. Terminate the agreement of sale by written notice to Seller, with all deposit monies returned to Buyer according to the terms of the Agreement of Sale, OR 2. Enter into a mutually acceptable written agreement with Seller. 3. If Buyer does not terminate the Agreement of Sale or enter into a mutually acceptable written agreement with Seller within the Contingency period, Buyer waives this contingency. 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 all other terms and conditions of the agreement of sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 M PL E 20 WiTNEss WiTNEss WiTNEss WiTNEss WiTNEss WiTNEss _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ BUYEr ______________________________________ BUYEr ______________________________________ BUYEr ______________________________________ sEllEr _____________________________________ sEllEr _____________________________________ sEllEr _____________________________________ SA 12 DaTE DaTE DaTE DaTE DaTE DaTE ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ COpYriGhT pENNsYlvaNia assOCiaTiON OF rEalTOrs® 2008 08/08 addendum/endorsement to agreement of sale asa This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). SA M PL E property_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ date of agreement _________________________________________________________________________________________________ All other terms and conditions of the Agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Buyer ____________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer ____________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer ____________________________________________________________________________________ seller ___________________________________________________________________________________ seller ___________________________________________________________________________________ seller ___________________________________________________________________________________ date date date date date date _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Copyright pennsylvania assoCiation of realtors® 2002 9/02 Broker’S DISCloSure ADDenDum to Agreement of SAle This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® BDA (PAR). ProPerty_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Seller____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 DAte of Agreement _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 1. PurPoSe The Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act requires that brokers disclose specific information in a sales agreement in the manner and method established by the State Real Estate Commission. This Addendum has been prepared to assure Broker’s compliance with the Act and the Rules and Regulations of the Commission. 2. 12 ConSumer notICe AnD BuSIneSS relAtIonShIP (A) Buyer and Seller have received and understand the Consumer Notice adopted by the State Real Estate Commission at 49 Pa. Code §35.336. The definitions of business relationships and the duties required of licensees as set forth in the Notice are incorporated here as though written in their entirety. 13 (B) 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 Transaction Licensee (Broker and Licensee(s) provide real estate services but do not represent Buyer), OR Buyer is represented by a broker Broker is: Licensee(s) is: Buyer Agent (Broker represents Buyer only) Buyer Agent with Designated Agency Dual Agent Buyer Agent without Designated Agency Dual Agent E 15 16 17 M PL 18 19 20 Complete if “Transaction Licensee” or “Buyer is represented by a broker” has been checked above: Broker (Company) ______________________________ Licensee(s) (Name) ________________________________ Company Address ________________________________ ________________________________ Company Phone ________________________________ Direct Phone(s) __________________________________ Company Fax __________________________________ Cell Phone(s) ____________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (C) 29 31 32 33 34 35 Complete if “Transaction Licensee” or “Seller is represented by a broker” has been checked above: Broker (Company) ______________________________ Licensee(s) (Name) ________________________________ ______________________________ Company Address ________________________________ Company Phone ________________________________ Direct Phone(s) __________________________________ Company Fax __________________________________ Cell Phone(s) ____________________________________ Fax __________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 SELLER’S RELATIONSHIP WITH PA LICENSED BROKER No Business Relationship (Seller is not represented by a broker), OR Transaction Licensee (Broker and Licensee(s) provide real estate services but do not represent Buyer), OR Seller is represented by a broker Broker is: Licensee(s) is: Seller Agent (Broker represents Seller only) Seller Agent with Designated Agency Dual Agent Seller Agent without Designated Agency Dual Agent 30 43 Buyer’S relAtIonShIP WIth PA lICenSeD Broker No Business Relationship (Buyer is not represented by a broker), OR SA 5 (D) Seller and Buyer agree that Broker has provided services in a manner consistent with the description of services and duties identified in the Consumer Notice. Buyer Initials: _____________________ BDA Page 1 of 3 Seller Initials: __________________ CoPyrIght PennSylvAnIA ASSoCIAtIon of reAltorS® 2010 7/10 3. ZonIng ClASSIfICAtIon Failure of the Agreement of Sale to contain the zoning classification (except in cases where the property {and each parcel thereof, if subdividable} is zoned solely or primarily to permit single-family dwellings) will render the Agreement voidable at Buyer’s option, and, if voided, any deposits tendered by the Buyer will be returned to the Buyer without any requirement for court action. Zoning Classification: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. hIghWAy oCCuPAnCy PermIt Buyer is advised that access to a public road may require issuance of a highway occupancy permit from the Department of Transportation. 5. releASe Buyer releases, quit claims and forever discharges Seller, All BrokerS, their lICenSeeS, emPloyeeS and any offICer or PArtner of any one of them and any other PerSon, fIrm or CorPorAtIon who may be liable by or through them, from any and all claims, losses or demands, including, but not limited to, personal injury and property damage and all of the consequences thereof, whether known or not, which may arise from the presence of termites or other wood-boring insects, radon, lead-based paint hazards, mold, fungi or indoor air quality, environmental hazards, any defects in the individual on-lot sewage disposal system or deficiencies in the on-site water service system, or any defects or conditions on the Property. Should Seller be in default under the terms of this Agreement, or in violation of any seller disclosure law or regulation, this release does not deprive Buyer of any right to pursue any remedies that may be available under law or equity. this release will survive settlement. 6. rePreSentAtIonS (09-05) (A) All representations, claims, advertising, promotional activities, brochures or plans of any kind made by Seller, Brokers, their licensees, employees, officers or partners are not a part of this Agreement unless expressly incorporated or stated in this Agreement. This Agreement contains the whole agreement between Seller and Buyer, and there are no other terms, obligations, covenants, representations, statements or conditions, oral or otherwise, of any kind whatsoever concerning this sale. This Agreement will not be altered, amended, changed or modified except in writing executed by the parties. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 M PL 67 E 46 68 69 77 (C) Broker(s) have provided or may provide services to assist unrepresented parties in complying with this Agreement. 71 72 73 74 75 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 7. SA 76 (B) unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, Buyer has inspected the Property (including fixtures and any personal property specifically listed herein) before signing this Agreement or has waived the right to do so, and agrees to purchase the Property In ItS PreSent ConDItIon, subject to inspection contingencies elected in the Agreement. Buyer acknowledges that Brokers, their licensees, employees, officers or partners have not made an independent examination or determination of the structural soundness of the Property, the age or condition of the components, environmental conditions, the permitted uses or of conditions existing in the locale where the Property is situated; nor have they made a mechanical inspection of any of the systems contained therein. 70 DePoSItS (9-05) (A) Deposits, regardless of the form of payment and the person designated as payee, will be paid in U.S. Dollars to Broker for Seller (unless otherwise stated here), _________________________________________________________________, who will retain deposits in an escrow account until consummation or termination of this Agreement in conformity with all applicable laws and regulations. Any check tendered as deposit monies may be held uncashed pending the acceptance of this Agreement. (B) Regardless of the apparent entitlement to deposit monies, Pennsylvania law does not allow a Broker holding deposit monies to determine who is entitled to the deposit monies when settlement does not occur. If this Agreement is terminated for any reason, the Broker can only release the deposit monies: 1. If there is no dispute over entitlement to the deposit monies. Buyer and Seller agree that a written agreement signed by both parties is evidence that there is no dispute regarding deposit monies. 2. According to the terms of a written agreement signed by the Buyer and Seller directing Broker how to distribute some or all of the monies. 3. According to the terms of a final order of court. 4. According to the terms of a prior written agreement between Buyer and Seller that directs the Broker how to distribute the deposit monies if there is a dispute between the parties that is not resolved. Buyer Initials: _____________________ BDA Page 2 of 3 Seller Initials: __________________ 98 99 8. 100 101 102 103 104 9. 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 10. 125 126 127 128 129 All reAl eStAte reCovery funD A Real Estate Recovery Fund exists to reimburse any persons who have obtained a final civil judgment against a Pennsylvania real estate licensee owing to fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit in a real estate transaction and who have been unable to collect the judgment after exhausting all legal and equitable remedies. For complete details about the Fund, call (717) 783-3658 or (800) 822-2113 (within Pennsylvania) and (717) 783-4854 (outside Pennsylvania). reSIDentIAl leAD-BASeD PAInt hAZArD reDuCtIon ACt notICe (required for properties built before 1978) lead-Based Paint hazards Disclosure requirements: The Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act requires any seller of property built before 1978 to provide the buyer with an EPA-approved lead hazards information pamphlet titled Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home and to disclose to the buyer and the broker(s) the known presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in or on the property being sold, along with the basis used for determining that the hazards exist, the location of the hazards, and the condition of painted surfaces. Any seller of a pre-1978 structure must also provide the buyer with any records or reports available to the seller regarding lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in or about the property being sold, the common areas, or other residential dwellings in multi-family housing. Before a buyer is obligated to purchase any housing constructed prior to 1978, the Act requires the seller to give the buyer 10 days (unless buyer and seller agree in writing to another time period) to conduct a risk assessment or inspection for the presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards. The opportunity to conduct a risk assessment or inspection may be waived by the buyer, in writing. Neither testing nor abatement is required of the seller. Housing built in 1978 or later is not subject to the Act. NOT APPLICABLE. Property was built in 1978 or later. APPLICABLE. Property was built before 1978. the residential lead-Based Paint hazard reduction Act requires a Seller of property built prior to 1978 to provide the Buyer with an ePA-approved lead hazards information pamphlet titled Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home, along with a separate form disclosing Seller’s knowledge of leadbased paint hazards and any lead-based paint records regarding the Property. Buyer(s) must initial below that Buyer has received both documents: E 97 M PL 96 (C) Buyer and Seller agree that Broker who holds or distributes deposit monies pursuant to the terms in the Agreement of Sale or Pennsylvania law will not be liable. Buyer and Seller agree that if any Broker or affiliated licensee is named in litigation regarding deposit monies, the attorneys’ fees and costs of the Broker(s) and licensee(s) will be paid by the party naming them in litagation. _____/_____ Lead-Based Paint Hazards Disclosure (attached as part of this Agreement). _____/_____ Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home governIng lAW, venue & PerSonAl JurISDICtIon (A) The validity and construction of this Addendum, and the rights and duties of the parties, will be governed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (B) The parties agree that any dispute, controversy or claim arising under or in connection with this Addendum or its performance by either party shall be decided exclusively by and in the state or federal courts sitting in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. SA 95 other terms and conditions of the Agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full effect. 130 WItneSS ___________________________________ Buyer _______________________________ DAte _______________ 131 WItneSS ___________________________________ Buyer _______________________________ DAte _______________ 132 WItneSS ___________________________________ Buyer _______________________________ DAte _______________ 133 WItneSS ___________________________________ Seller ______________________________ DAte _______________ 133 WItneSS ___________________________________ Seller ______________________________ DAte _______________ 134 WItneSS ___________________________________ Seller ______________________________ DAte _______________ BDA Page 3 of 3 Compensation addendum to agreement of sale Cas This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 3 property_______________________________________________________________________________________ seller__________________________________________________________________________________________ buyer___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Listing Broker (Company Name):________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Selling Broker (Company Name):___________________________________________________________________________is the 1 2 6 Buyer Agent. Transaction Licensee working with Buyer. Subagent for Seller. 8 As stated in the MLS or by a previous agreement between the brokers, the Listing Broker will pay a cash fee of ____________________ of Purchase Price to the Selling Broker when the fee is received by Listing Broker. 9 Seller will pay an additional cash fee of __________________ of Purchase Price to the Selling Broker on behalf of Buyer at settlement. 7 all other terms and conditions of the agreement of sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 11 Witness__________________________________buyer____________________________________date ______________ 12 Witness__________________________________buyer____________________________________date ______________ 13 Witness__________________________________buyer____________________________________date ______________ 14 Witness__________________________________seller __________________________________date ______________ 15 Witness__________________________________seller __________________________________date ______________ 16 Witness__________________________________seller __________________________________date ______________ SA M PL E 10 Copyright pennsylvania assoCiation of realtors® 2004 05/06 Change in terMs aDDenDUM to agreeMent of sale Cta This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 the following terms of the agreement of sale are changed as stated below: 1. pUrChase priCe Purchase price is changed from $ ________________________________ to $ ________________________________________ 2. seller assist Seller Assist is changed to $__________________, or ________% of the Purchase price, maximum, toward Buyer’s costs as permitted by the mortgage lender, if any. Seller is only obligated to pay up to the amount or percentage which is approved by mortgage lender. 3. aCCeptanCe & settleMent (A) Written acceptance of all parties will be on or before: ________________________________________________________ (B) Settlement date is changed from ______________________________ to ________________________________________ 4. fiXtUres anD personal property (A) The following items are incLudEd in this sale: ____________________________________________________________ (B) The following items are LEASEd: ________________________________________________________________________ (c) The following items are ExcLudEd in this sale: ____________________________________________________________ 5. Mortgage terMs (A) Mortgage type is changed from ____________________________ to __________________________________________ (B) Mortgage amount 1. First mortgage amount is changed from $ ____________________________to $ ________________________________ 2. Second mortgage amount is changed from $ __________________________ to $ ________________________________ (c) Mortgage lender 1. First mortgage lender is changed to ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Second mortgage lender is changed to __________________________________________________________________ 3. Buyer will submit a completed, written mortgage application to the identified lender(s), if any, according to the terms of the Mortgage contingency paragraph of the Agreement of Sale on or before: __________________________________ (d) loan-to-value (ltv) ratio (For non-FHA/VA loans) 1. First mortgage LTV ratio not to exceed ___________% 2. Second mortgage LTV ratio not to exceed ___________% (E) Mortgage Commitment Date is changed from ______________________________ to ____________________________ 6. tiMe perioD ContingenCies (A) contingency Periods 1. The contingency period for ______________________, elected in the Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ 2. The contingency period for ______________________, elected in the Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ 3. The contingency period for ______________________, elected in the Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ (B) Additional Time Periods 1. The time period in paragraph ________________, line ________ of Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ 2. The time period in paragraph ________________, line ________ of Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ 3. The time period in paragraph ________________, line ________ of Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ 7. other ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ all other terms and conditions of the agreement, including all other time periods, remain unchanged and in full force and effect. E 3 property ________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller___________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUyer ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of agreeMent ______________________________________________________________________________________ M PL 2 SA 1 Witness Witness Witness Witness Witness Witness ________________________________ BUyer ________________________________ BUyer ________________________________ BUyer ________________________________ seller ________________________________ seller ________________________________ seller __________________________________ Date __________________________________ Date __________________________________ Date __________________________________ Date __________________________________ Date __________________________________ Date ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Copyright pennsylvania assoCiation of realtors® 2010 7/10 OGM OIl, GaS anD MIneral rIGhtS DISClOSUre anD aDDenDUM tO aGreeMent Of Sale This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 the following section is to be completed by Seller to indicate the Seller’s knowledge of and intentions about the oil, gas, and/or mineral rights for the Property. 1. Oil, Gas and Mineral rights excepted (A) Seller is not aware of any oil, gas and/or mineral rights that have been previously transferred by Seller or a previous owner of the Property. Seller is aware that the following oil, gas and/or mineral rights have been previously transferred by Seller or a previous owner of the Property (exceptions) and is not transferring them to Buyer: ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (B) The warranty of title in the Agreement of Sale does not pertain to the oil, gas and/or mineral rights that have been excepted. Seller will not defend title to these rights and does not covenant that Buyer will have quiet enjoyment of these rights. 2. Seller’s reservation of Oil, Gas and Mineral rights (A) Seller is not reserving oil, gas, and/or mineral rights. Seller is reserving an undivided _______% interest in the Seller’s non-excepted oil, gas and mineral rights for the property and is not transferring them to Buyer. This reservation will be executed in its entirety at settlement, unless checked below. Seller will reserve oil, gas, and/or mineral rights according to a schedule, which is attached. (B) Seller’s reservation does not apply to domestic free gas and surface damage rights, which are set forth below. (C) The warranty of title identified in the Agreement of Sale does not pertain to the oil, gas and/or mineral rights that are reserved by Seller. Seller will not defend title to these rights and does not covenant that Buyer will have quiet enjoyment of these rights. 3. Domestic free Gas Seller will convey to Buyer _______% of the domestic free gas rights to the Buyer. 4. Surface Damages Seller will convey to Buyer the exclusive right to receive compensation for any and all surface damages, which include, but are not limited to, pipeline rights of way, well pad sites, compressor sites and standing marketable timber. 5. Documentation Seller has attached to this Addendum copies of all written oil, gas, and/or mineral rights leases and other documents (e.g., royalty agreements) within Seller’s possession having to do with past transfers of these rights, as follows: __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E 3 PrOPerty _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seller ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUyer _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ M PL 2 SA 1 Seller___________________________________________________________________________ Date_______________________ Seller___________________________________________________________________________ Date_______________________ 36 Seller___________________________________________________________________________ Date_______________________ 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 the following section is to be completed by Buyer and signed by Buyer and Seller as an addendum to an agreement of sale. 6. Seller’s Knowledge The exceptions listed above are to the best of Seller’s knowledge and may not reflect all oil, gas and/or mineral rights for the Property that have been previously transferred. Buyer is advised to conduct a full examination of oil, gas and/or mineral rights for the Property. 7. examination of Oil, Gas and Mineral rights WAIVED. Buyer has the option to conduct an unlimited title examination and/or any other investigation to determine the status of oil, gas and/or mineral rights pertaining to the Property. Buyer WAIVES THIS OPTION and agrees to the terms of the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale. ELECTED. Contingency Period: ____ days (30 if not specified) from the Execution Date of the Agreement of Sale. (A) Within the Contingency Period, Buyer, at Buyer’s expense, may undertake a title examination of unlimited years and/or take whatever action(s) Buyer deems necessary to determine whether oil, gas and/or mineral rights will pass with transfer of title from Seller to Buyer, and if not, to determine the extent and manner by which these rights are affected. (B) If the title examination performed by or on behalf of Buyer reveals Seller’s inability to convey full and marketable title to oil, gas and/or mineral rights (except for the exceptions stated above) to Buyer, Buyer will, within the Contingency Period: 1. Accept the Property with such title as Seller can give and agree to the terms in the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale, OR 2. Terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller, with all deposit monies returned to Buyer according to the terms of the Agreement of Sale. Buyer Initials:___________/___________ OGM Page 1 of 2 Seller Initials:___________/___________ COPyrIGht PennSylvanIa aSSOCIatIOn Of realtOrS® 2012 1/12 68 8. Delivery of reservation language Seller will, within ____ days (15 if not specified) furnish to Buyer the reservation language that will appear in the deed that conveys title to the Property to Buyer. If this reservation language does not reflect the terms in paragraphs 2 through 4 above, Seller may be in default of the Agreement of Sale. 9. Buyer’s review of reservation language Upon receiving the reservation language, or if Seller fails to provide reservation language within the time stated, Buyer will, within _____ days (15 if not specified): (A) Accept the Property and agree to the terms of the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale, OR (B) Terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller, with all deposit monies returned to Buyer according to the terms of the Agreement of Sale, OR (C) Enter into a mutually acceptable written agreement with Seller. If Buyer and Seller do not reach a written agreement during the time stated in this paragraph, and Buyer does not terminate the agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller within that time, Buyer accepts the Property and agrees to the terms in the releaSe paragraph of the agreement of Sale. 69 all other terms and conditions of the agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 BUyer ___________________________________________________________________________ BUyer ___________________________________________________________________________ BUyer ___________________________________________________________________________ Seller___________________________________________________________________________ Seller___________________________________________________________________________ Seller___________________________________________________________________________ Date__________________ Date__________________ Date__________________ Date__________________ Date__________________ Date__________________ E 57 M PL 56 SA 55 Buyer Initials:___________/___________ OGM Page 2 of 2 Seller Initials:___________/___________ nOtICeS reGarDInG OIl, GaS anD MIneral rIGhtS The owner of a property has a variety of rights that go along with that property, including surface rights (such as the right to use the land for building or to grow crops) and certain subsurface rights (including the right to extract materials from below the ground). Among the various subsurface rights are the rights to explore for, and remove, oil, gas and various minerals such as coal. Surface and subsurface rights are often transferred together, but sometimes are transferred separately. Despite the best intentions of sellers, property owners are often not aware of the precise extent of the oil, gas and/or mineral rights that they may or may not own. Some owners have all the rights associated with their property, some may be subject to a lease allowing others to access those resources, and still others may have had some or all of the subsurface rights to their land split off and sold. Determining who owns the various oil, gas and mineral rights to a property can be a difficult and complex exercise, and should only be done by an attorney or title company with expertise in this area. If there is any question about the ownership of rights associated with a particular property, buyers are strongly encouraged to perform an extensive title search before moving forward with the transaction. M PL E Aside from the questions about ownership, some properties are subject to the terms of existing leases that give outside parties (such as exploration, drilling or mining companies) the ability to exercise certain subsurface rights in exchange for payments or royalties to the owner(s) of these rights, who may or may not be the surface owners. These leases can be very legally complex and could drastically impact the surface rights of the landowner. For example, some leases give exploration companies a broad ability to drill, mine and/or transport materials over the land with minimal input from the landowner. Leases may also restrict the ability of the surface owner to use the property if it would conflict in any way with the subsurface rights. Before purchasing any land subject to an existing lease, buyers should have the lease reviewed by an attorney with expertise in this area of law in order to be sure that the extent of the lease is fully understood. exception and reservation of rights SA A typical Agreement of Sale conveys all rights to a property to the buyer as part of the sale. If certain rights have been transferred to someone else by the current landowner or a prior owner, those rights cannot be transferred to the current buyer. These rights are considered to be excepted from the transaction. Sellers with knowledge of prior exceptions are asked to list those exceptions in Paragraph 1. Buyers are still strongly encouraged to conduct a thorough title search in order to be sure that the listed exceptions are the only existing exceptions. In some transactions a seller may wish to retain certain rights while transferring less than the complete bundle of rights to the buyer. For example, a seller may elect to sell the surface rights and mineral rights, but keep rights to subsurface oil and gas exploration. In this case, the retained rights are considered to be reserved by the seller. This practice requires that a deed be drawn up that specifies which parties will be obtaining which rights. Paragraph 8 requires that the seller provide the buyer with the specific reservation language that the seller expects to include in the new deed so the buyer can determine if he/she is willing to proceed subject to such restrictions and limitations. The reservation language and any review of that language should be done by an attorney with expertise in this area of law. additional Information For additional information regarding oil, gas and mineral ownership, leasing and transfer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, you can visit, among other sites, the Pennsylvania Bureau of Oil and Gas Management (, Pennsylvania Department of Natural Resources’ Oil and Gas Resources ( or the Penn State Dickinson School of Law’s Natural Gas Exploration page ( Buyer Initials:___________/___________ OGM notices Page 1 of 1 Seller Initials:___________/___________ 1476 08/08 BUSINESS SERVICES FOR REAL ESTATE (800) 555-3390 PRICE ESCALATION ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT OF SALE PEA This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 1. This Addendum is presented to Seller as part of Buyer’s offer to purchase Seller’s Property. Should Seller accept Buyer’s offer, Buyer and Seller will have entered into a binding agreement under the terms of the Agreement and/or other addenda, with the exception of any terms addressed in this Addendum. 2. If, prior to Seller’s acceptance of Buyer’s offer to purchase, Seller receives from another prospective purchaser a bona fide offer to purchase the Property (“Competing Offer”), with terms acceptable to Seller and a Net Purchase Price (the Purchase Price minus any identified Seller assist or Seller financial concessions) higher than the Net Purchase Price offered by Buyer, Buyer agrees that the Purchase Price of Buyer’s offer is increased so that the Net Purchase Price is $________________ higher than the Net Purchase Price in the Competing Offer(s), up to a maximum Purchase Price of $__________________. If one or more Competing Offers include similar price escalation terms, this automatic increase will be applied to the maximum escalated sales price of the highest competing escalation term, not to exceed the maximum Purchase Price stated above. 3. If the Purchase Price is increased based on the terms of Paragraph 2 above, the terms of the Mortgage Contingency Paragraph in the Agreement of Sale are changed as follows (check all that apply): The Mortgage Contingency is waived. This sale is NOT contingent on mortgage financing, although Buyer may still obtain mortgage financing. The Loan Amount stated in the Mortgage Contingency is increased by the amount necessary to keep the Loan-to-Value Ratio (a percentage derived by dividing the total value of loans for the property by the Purchase Price) the same as that set forth in the Mortgage Contingency Paragraph of the Agreement of Sale, with the remainder paid in cash at settlement. The first $___________________ _ of the difference between the original Purchase Price and the new Purchase Price will be paid in cash at settlement; the remaining difference will be added to the loan amount. Within _____ days of the Execution Date of the Agreement, Buyer will deliver to Seller a written pre-approval letter from the lender identified in the Mortgage Contingency Paragraph (or, if none is stated, from a reputable lender) for an amount equal to or greater than the increased loan amount. If Buyer fails to provide written pre-approval within the stated time period, Seller may terminate the Agreement in writing. 4. An Appraisal Contingency Addendum is attached. 5. Seller will provide a copy of the Competing Offer to Buyer no later than the time Seller returns a copy of the executed Agreement to Buyer. Seller may remove the name of the other prospective purchaser, but may not remove any financial terms, including the Purchase Price or any Seller assist or other Seller financial concessions. 6. Seller will fill in the new Purchase Price, as calculated based on the terms of Paragraph 2, between Buyer’s and Seller’s signatures below. Buyer understands and acknowledges that no further signature or initials are required on this form to have an executed Addendum. At the request of Seller, Buyer’s lender, or any of the real estate licensees involved in the transaction, Buyer agrees to sign or initial, and date the Agreement of Sale to reflect any increase in the Purchase Price and/or any other changes in terms made in accordance with this Addendum. Buyer’s refusal to sign or intial any changes made in accordance with this addendum will result in Buyer being in default under the terms of the Agreement of Sale. Changing the Purchase Price or other terms in the already executed Agreement of Sale to reflect any changes made by this Addendum does not change the Execution Date of the Agreement of Sale. E 3 PROPERTY ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SELLER _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUYER ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF AGREEMENT _________________________________________________________________________________________ M PL 2 SA 1 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 WITNESS ____________________________________ BUYER____________________________________ DATE ______________ WITNESS ____________________________________ BUYER____________________________________ DATE ______________ WITNESS ____________________________________ BUYER____________________________________ DATE ______________ (A) The Purchase Price of the Agreement of Sale is increased from $_______________________ to $_______________________ pursuant to the terms set forth in paragraph 2 above. A copy of the Competing Offer is attached. (B) The Mortgage Contingency paragraph of the Agreement of Sale is modified to reflect the changes made in paragraph 3 above. (C) Seller has accepted Buyer’s offer and has executed the Agreement. 51 52 53 54 WITNESS ____________________________________ SELLER ___________________________________ DATE ______________ WITNESS ____________________________________ SELLER ___________________________________ DATE ______________ WITNESS ____________________________________ SELLER ___________________________________ DATE ______________ 55 COPYRIGHT PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® 2008 09/08 POSt-SettleMent POSSeSSiOn aDDenDUM tO agreeMent Of Sale POS This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORSfi (PAR). 1 2 3 PrOPerty ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seller _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUyer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 51 all other terms and conditions of the agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 52 BUyer _______________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ 53 BUyer _______________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ 54 BUyer _______________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ 55 Seller ______________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ 56 Seller ______________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 M PL 6 SA 5 E 50 1. PUrPOSe this form is not a lease agreement. It is an Addendum to the Agreement of Sale between Buyer and Seller in which Buyer gives Seller the right to continue to occupy the Property after settlement. Buyer and Seller acknowledge that this Addendum does not create a landlord-tenant relationship. this form is not recommended to be used for periods that exceed 30 days. 2. vaCating Date Seller will vacate the Property on or before: ________________________________________________________. 3. OCCUPanCy fee Seller will pay Buyer an Occupancy Fee of $________________ per day from settlement to the date Seller vacates the Property. Seller shall pay the fee at or before settlement. The fees shall be paid directly to Buyer, unless Buyer directs otherwise. If Seller vacates before the Vacating Date, Buyer will refund any pre-paid fee. 4. DePOSitS In addition to the Occupancy Fee, Seller will pay Buyer a security/damage deposit in the amount of $_____________, which will be held by Buyer until the Vacating Date. Within thirty (30) days of the Vacating Date, Buyer will refund the deposit, providing Seller is not in default of this Agreement of Sale. 5. PrOPerty inSPeCtiOn Buyer will inspect the Property within two days after Seller vacates the Property. 6. UtilitieS Seller shall pay from settlement and through the Vacating Date operating and utility charges connected with the use of the Property as follows: Electricity Garbage and trash collection Snow removal Water Sewage ____________________________________ Gas Lawn and shrubbery care ____________________________________ 7. PetS Pets allowed on the Property after settlement as follows: __________________________________________________________ 8. MaintenanCe Seller agrees to maintain the Property in its same condition as of the time of settlement, normal wear and tear excepted, and to abide by Buyer’s rules of occupancy, if any, as attached to this Addendum. 9. ChangeS tO PrOPerty Seller will not make any alterations or improvements to the Property, unless required by the terms of this Agreement of Sale or as otherwise agreed to by Buyer in writing. 10. PrOPerty inSUranCe Buyer and Seller are advised to contact their insurer prior to signing this Addendum. (A) Seller understands that Buyer’s insurance does not cover Seller, Seller’s property, or Seller’s guests. Seller is advised to obtain property and liability insurance to protect Seller, Seller’s property, or Seller’s guests who may be injured while on the Property. (B) Seller must have insurance policies providing at least $________________ property insurance and $ ______________________ liability insurance to protect Seller, Seller’s property and Seller’s guests who may be injured while on the Property. Seller must maintain this insurance during Seller’s Possession of the Property. Seller will provide proof of insurance upon request. (C) Buyer is not legally responsible for any injury or damage to Seller or Seller’s guests that occurs on the Property. (D) Seller is responsible for any loss to Buyer caused by Seller, Seller’s family or Seller’s guests, including attorney’s fees. 11. entry Buyer or Agent for Buyer may enter the Property at any time in the event of an emergency, otherwise on a weekly basis, with 24 hours’ prior notice to Seller. 12. Seller’S DefaUlt The dates and times for the performance of any of the obligations of this Addendum are hereby agreed to be of the essence. Should Seller violate or fail to fulfill and perform under any other terms or conditions of this Addendum or the Agreement of Sale: (A) Seller will immediately vacate the Property, removing all of Seller’s personal property, and Buyer will be entitled to immediate Possession. Seller agrees Seller is NOT a tenant and thatBuyer may institute proceedings to recover possession without first giving Seller notice. (B) Buyer has the option of retaining the security/damage deposit to apply to unpaid fees, damages, or other sums owed by Seller to Buyer. (C) In the event that Buyer institutes legal proceedings to recover sums due and owing under the terms of this Addendum or to have Seller removed from the Property, Seller shall pay to Buyer all costs that Buyer incurs as a result, including court costs and attorney’s fees. 13. aSSignMent Seller may not assign Seller’s rights under this Addendum or lease the Property to any person(s) or entity. 14. inDeMnifiCatiOn Seller will indemnify and hold harmless BUyer, all agentS, their SUBagentS, eMPlOyeeS, and any OffiCer or Partner of any one of them, and any other PerSOn, firM, or COrPOratiOn who may be liable by or through them, from all claims, lawsuits, and actions that arise from, or occur during Seller’s occupancy or use of the Property following settlement. Seller will defend Buyer from all such suits and claims, and pay Buyer’s costs, including attorney’s fees and damages awarded. 15. SUrvivalThis Addendum and related terms in the Agreement of Sale shall survive settlement. 4 COPyright PennSylvania aSSOCiatiOn Of realtOrSfi 2010 7/10 PRE PRE-SEttlEMEnt PoSSESSIon aDDEnDUM to agREEMEnt of SalE This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 4 1. PURPoSE this form is not a lease agreement. It is an Addendum to the Agreement of Sale between Seller and Buyer which modifies the date when Buyer is given access to and/or possession of the Property (“Possession”). Seller and Buyer acknowledge that this Addendum does not create a landlord-tenant relationship. this form is not recommended to be used for periods that exceed 14 days. Seller gives Buyer Possession of the Property before the date of settlement under the following terms and conditions and for the limited purposes checked below: Move in personal property (for example, furnishings) and physically occupy the Property. Store personal property without physically occupying the Property. Store personal property in the following areas, without physically occupying the Property: ____________________________ Make repairs and/or improvements to the Property, in a workmanlike manner, as follows: ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. PoSSESSIon DatE Buyer will have access to the Property, as agreed to above, from ______________________________. In the event settlement does not take place, Buyer’s right of Possession ends and Buyer will remove all personal property and will vacate the Property no later than 5:00 PM on the second day after the Settlement Date in the Agreement of Sale or any extension thereof. 3. oCCUPanCy fEE Buyer will pay Seller a Pre-Settlement Possession Fee of $_____________ for each day from Possession until settlement. Buyer agrees to pay Seller the entire Fee on or before Possession. If Seller has collected any Pre-Settlement Possession Fee for days falling after settlement, Seller will reimburse those fees to Buyer at settlement. If settlement is extended, Buyer will pay Seller an additional Pre-Settlement Possession Fee for each day of Possession paid at settlement. If settlement does not take place, Buyer will pay Seller an additional fee equal to the Pre-Settlement Possession Fee for each day after the Settlement Date that Buyer occupies the Property. 4. DEPoSItS In addition to the Pre-Settlement Possession Fee, Buyer will pay an Additional Deposit credited to Purchase Price in the amount of $_____________. If settlement does not take place, the return or release of deposit monies will be controlled by the Default, Termination and Return of Deposits paragraph of the Agreement of Sale. 5. PRoPERty InSPECtIon Before Possession, Buyer will make the pre-settlement inspection specified in the Agreement of Sale, unless checked below. Buyer will not make the pre-settlement inspection before Possession. 6. UtIlItIES Beginning on Possession, Buyer will pay operating and utility charges connected with the use of the Property as follows: Electricity Gas Sewage Snow removal Water Garbage and trash collection Lawn and shrubbery care ___________________________ ___________________________ 7. PEtS Pets allowed on the Property before settlement only as follows: _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. MaIntEnanCE Buyer agrees to maintain the Property in its present condition, normal wear and tear excepted, and to abide by Seller’s rules of occupancy, if any, as attached to this Addendum. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 M PL 5 SA 2 E 3 PRoPERty __________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEllER _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUyER______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Buyer Initials: ________ PRE Page 1 of 2 Seller Initials: ________ CoPyRIght PEnnSylvanIa aSSoCIatIon of REaltoRS® 2010 7/10 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 ChangES to thE PRoPERty Buyer will not make any alterations or improvements to the Property unless agreed to in writing by Seller. 10. PRoPERty InSURanCE Buyer and Seller are advised to contact their insurer prior to signing this Addendum. (A) Buyer understands that Seller’s insurance does not cover Buyer, Buyer’s property, or Buyer’s guests. Buyer is advised to obtain property and liability insurance to protect Buyer, Buyer’s property and Buyer’s guests who may be injured while on the Property. (B) Buyer must have insurance policies providing at least $________________ property insurance and $ ____________________ liability insurance to protect Buyer, Buyer’s property and Buyer’s guests who may be injured while on the Property. Buyer must maintain this insurance during Buyer’s Possession of the Property. Buyer will provide proof of insurance upon request. (C) Seller is not legally responsible for any injury or damage to Buyer or Buyer’s guests that occurs on the Property. (D) Buyer is responsible for any loss to Seller caused by Buyer, Buyer’s family or Buyer’s guests, including attorney’s fees. 11. EntRy Seller or Listing Broker may enter the Property at any time in the event of an emergency, otherwise on a weekly basis, with 24 hours’ prior notice to Buyer. 12. BUyER’S DEfaUlt The time for the performance of any of the obligations of this Addendum are hereby agreed to be of the essence. Should Buyer violate or fail to perform under the terms of this Addendum or of the Agreement of Sale: (A) Buyer will immediately vacate the Property, removing all of Buyer’s personal property, and Seller will be entitled to immediate Possession. Buyer agrees Buyer is NOT a tenant and that Seller may institute proceedings to recover possession without first giving Buyer notice. (B) Seller has the option of retaining all deposit monies paid on account of purchase price as provided in the Agreement of Sale and any other monies as required by this Addendum. (C) If Seller institutes legal proceedings to recover sums due and owing under the terms of this Addendum or to have Buyer removed from the Property, Buyer will pay to Seller all costs that Seller incurs as a result, including court costs and attorneys’ fees. E 49 9. M PL 48 13. aSSIgnMEnt Buyer may not assign Buyer’s rights under this Addendum or lease the Property to any person(s) or entity. 14. InDEMnIfICatIon Buyer will indemnify and hold harmless SEllER, all BRoKERS, their lICEnSEES, EMPloyEES, and any offICER or PaRtnER of any one of them, and any other PERSon, fIRM, or CoRPoRatIon who may be liable by or through them, from all claims, lawsuits, and actions that arise from, or occur during Buyer’s occupancy or use of the Property. Buyer will defend Seller from all such suits and claims, and pay Seller’s costs, including attorneys’ fees and damages awarded. SA 47 80 15. SURvIval This Addendum and related terms in the Agreement of Sale will survive settlement. 81 all other terms and conditions of the agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full effect. 79 82 83 84 85 86 87 BUyER ________________________________________________________________ DatE ______________________________ BUyER ________________________________________________________________ DatE ______________________________ BUyER ________________________________________________________________ DatE ______________________________ SEllER________________________________________________________________ DatE ______________________________ SEllER________________________________________________________________ DatE ______________________________ SEllER________________________________________________________________ DatE ______________________________ PRE Page 2 of 2 PrivaTe TransFer Fee addendum To agreemenT oF sale PTF This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® (PAR). 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ProPerTy _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer(s) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ seller(s)______________________________________________________________________________________________ This property is subject to a Private Transfer Fee Obligation as follows: ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In Pennsylvania, Private Transfer Fees are defined and regulated in the Private Transfer Fee Obligation Act (Act 1 of 2011; 68 Pa.C.S. §§ 8101, et. seq.), which defines a Private Transfer Fee as “a fee that is payable upon the transfer of an interest in real property, or payable for the right to make or accept the transfer, if the obligation to pay the fee or charge runs with title to the property or otherwise binds subsequent owners of property, regardless of whether the fee or charge is a fixed amount or is determined as a percentage of the value of the property, the purchase price or other consideration given for the transfer.” A Private Transfer Fee must be properly recorded to be binding, and sellers must disclose the existence of the fees to prospective buyers. Where a Private Transfer Fee is not properly recorded or disclosed, the Act gives certain rights and protections to buyers. E 1 Buyers are advised to consult a Pennsylvania real estate attorney before signing an agreement of sale if they desire legal advice. 16 Buyer ________________________________________________________ daTe ____________________________________ 17 Buyer ________________________________________________________ daTe ____________________________________ 18 Buyer ________________________________________________________ daTe ____________________________________ 19 seller _______________________________________________________ daTe ____________________________________ 20 seller _______________________________________________________ daTe ____________________________________ 21 seller _______________________________________________________ daTe ____________________________________ SA M PL 15 14 CoPyrighT Pennsylvania assoCiaTion oF realTors® 2011 7/11 Agreement of sAle releAse And distribution of deposit money rel This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORSfi (PAR). 1 2 3 4 5 property ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ buyer ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ dAte of Agreement _________________________________________________________________________________________ deposit money Held by_____________________________________________________________________________________ 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. buyer and seller entered into an Agreement of sale to purchase the property identified above. buyer and seller release, quit claim and forever discharge eACH otHer, All broKers, their liCensees, employees and any offiCer or pArtner of any one of them and any other person, firm or CorporAtion who may be liable by or through them, from any and all claims, losses or demands set forth in the Agreement of sale as well as those arising from or relating to the Agreement of sale. the deposit money paid on account of the purchase price will be distributed as set forth below. 12 13 14 15 2. deposit money pAid on ACCount of purCHAse priCe $ __________________________________________ distribution of deposit money: to seller $ ___________________________________ to buyer $ ___________________________________ 16 buyer and seller intend to be legally bound by this Agreement of sale release and distribution of deposit money. 18 21 22 23 24 Witness ___________________________________ Witness ___________________________________ Witness ___________________________________ Witness ___________________________________ Witness ___________________________________ Witness ___________________________________ buyer _______________________________ buyer _______________________________ buyer _______________________________ seller ______________________________ seller ______________________________ seller ______________________________ M PL 20 dAte dAte dAte dAte dAte dAte ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ SA 19 E 17 CopyrigHt pennsylvAniA AssoCiAtion of reAltorsfi 2006 10/06 1441 6/10 REPLY TO INSPECTIONS/REPORTS ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT OF SALE RR This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS¤ (PAR). 4 PROPERTY ________________________________________________________________________________________________ SELLER __________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUYER ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF AGREEMENT ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 In reply to the following inspections/reports only: 1 2 3 6 Home/Property Inspections and Environmental Hazards (mold, etc): __________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Appraisal/Mortgage Lender Inspection 7 8 9 10 Property Boundaries Deeds, Restrictions and Zoning Lead-Based Paint Hazards Municipal Requirements Other: ____________________________ Wood Infestation Radon Water Service On-Lot Sewage Property Insurance 44 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 45 WITNESS WITNESS WITNESS WITNESS WITNESS WITNESS 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 46 47 48 49 50 M PL 14 SA 13 1. 2. E 43 Accept: Buyer accepts the Property in the condition reflected in the above Report(s)/Results. Written Corrective Proposal: In response to the attached Report(s), Buyer accepts the Property and Seller agrees to satisfy the terms of the following Written Corrective Proposal(s): (A) Corrections/Repairs and/or credits: Seller, at Seller s expense, will make the following corrections/repairs to the Property in a workmanlike manner, with permits if required, or provide the following credits prior to settlement: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ See attached Proposal(s) (B) Seller Assist: Seller Assist is changed to $ ________________, or _________% of the Purchase Price, maximum, toward Buyer s costs as permitted by the mortgage lender(s), if any. Seller is only obligated to pay up to the amount or percentage which is approved by mortgage lender. (C) Settlement Date: Settlement date is changed from _________________________ to ________________________ (D) Purchase Price: Purchase price is changed from $ _________________________ to $________________________ (E) Mortgage Terms: __________________________________ is changed from _______________________ to ____________________ __________________________________ is changed from _______________________ to ____________________ (F) Other: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Change of Time Period(s) (changing of any time period in the Agreement of Sale does not constitute acceptance of the Property unless otherwise stated): Time periods stated in the Agreement of Sale are changed as follows: (A) Contingency Periods 1. The contingency period for ______________________, elected in the Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ 2. The contingency period for ______________________, elected in the Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ 3. The contingency period for ______________________, elected in the Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ (B) Additional Time Periods 1. The time period in paragraph ________________, line ________ of Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ 2. The time period in paragraph ________________, line ________ of Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ 3. The time period in paragraph ________________, line ________ of Agreement of Sale is changed to ______________ 11 12 ________________________________ BUYER ________________________________ BUYER ________________________________ BUYER ________________________________ SELLER ________________________________ SELLER ________________________________ SELLER __________________________________ DATE __________________________________ DATE __________________________________ DATE __________________________________ DATE __________________________________ DATE __________________________________ DATE ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ COPYRIGHT PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS¤ 2010 7/10 SHS:1436 POS .qxd 9/3/2008 4:24 PM Page 1 XXX XXX BUSINESS SERVICES FOR REAL ESTATE (800) 555-3390 SHORT SALE ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT OF SALE This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 1 2 3 4 SHS PROPERTY_________________________________________________________________________________________________ SELLER ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUYER_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF AGREEMENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 6 1. This transaction is a potential Short Sale. 2. A Short Sale is a transaction in which Seller’s proceeds are less than the amount necessary to pay off liens secured by the property. Examples of such liens include, but are not limited to, mortgages, home equity lines of credit, tax claims, homeowners’ association/condominium fees, and legal judgments. 3. The Agreement of Sale is contingent upon Seller obtaining approval of the terms and conditions of the Agreement of Sale by each lender or other lien holder being asked to accept a payoff less than the full amount due (“Creditor(s)”). Buyer and Seller acknowledge that it may take an extended period of time to obtain Creditor approval of a Short Sale. Seller makes no representations about the response time of Creditors. 4. Seller will submit the executed Agreement of Sale and all required documentation (See Notice Regarding Seller Documentation) to Creditors within 5 DAYS of execution of the Agreement of Sale. 5. If Creditors require a change in the terms or conditions relating to the transaction as a condition of approving the Agreement of Sale, Seller will communicate these requirements to Buyer in writing within 5 DAYS of receiving the requirements from Creditors. Buyer and Seller are not bound by any changes proposed by Creditors unless Buyer and Seller agree in writing to make those changes. If either Buyer or Seller refuse to accept any changes required by Creditors as a condition of approving the Agreement of Sale, Buyer or Seller may terminate the Agreement by written notice to the other party, with all deposit monies returned to the Buyer according to the terms of the Agreement of Sale. 6. If Creditor approval of the Agreement of Sale has not been received by ________________, Buyer or Seller may terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to the other party, with all deposit monies returned to the Buyer according to the terms of the Agreement of Sale. 7. All other terms set forth in the Agreement of Sale, including inspection and contingency periods and all other time periods, are as stated in the Agreement of Sale. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 E 19 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 Buyer and Seller are advised to seek professional legal and financial advice before making a Short Sale offer. M 31 PL 26 WITNESS _____________________________________ BUYER_____________________________________ DATE ___________ 37 WITNESS _____________________________________ BUYER_____________________________________ DATE ___________ 38 WITNESS _____________________________________ BUYER_____________________________________ DATE ___________ 39 WITNESS _____________________________________ SELLER____________________________________ DATE ___________ 40 WITNESS _____________________________________ SELLER____________________________________ DATE ___________ 41 WITNESS _____________________________________ SELLER____________________________________ DATE ___________ SA 36 COPYRIGHT PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® 2008 08/08 SHS:1436 POS .qxd 9/3/2008 4:24 PM Page 2 NOTICE REGARDING SELLER DOCUMENTATION Seller may be required to provide documentation to Creditors during the Short Sale process. Listed below are some items that may be requested during a Short Sale: Hardship Letter: A letter composed by the Seller to explain the circumstances that led to the current financial situation. Hardship Proof: Documents supporting the circumstances laid out in the hardship letter, which may include layoff notification, medical bills, death certificate, or divorce or bankruptcy papers. S E Financial Statements: Documents stating monthly income and expenses. Bank Statements: Last two months’ statements to show balances and verify that deposits and withdraws are consistent with the financial statements. Pay Stubs: The last 3 pay stubs to prove your current income or, if unemployed, a letter stating as much. C I T O N Tax Returns: The first two pages of Seller’s last two tax returns or, if returns were not filed, a letter stating as much. List of Repairs: Outline the costs required to bring the property to market value. Listing Agreement: Includes the fee that is expected to be paid to Seller’s agent. Agreement of Sale: Complete offer for the property, accepted by Buyer and Seller. Net Sheet: Itemizes all closing costs and provides the amount the Creditors will receive at closing. A HUD-1 form may also be required at closing, which is normally provided by the title company or real estate attorney. E MLS Printout: Copy of the MLS listing as proof that the property is on the market. PL NOTICE REGARDING MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SA M Buyer is advised that in a Short Sale, Creditors will often retain the right to approve all financial aspects of the transaction, including expenses for repairs or ongoing maintenance of the Property. Creditors may not approve seller expenditures for these purposes, and Seller’s financial situation may not allow for these costs to be covered directly by Seller. settlement of other property ContingenCy sop addendum to agreement of sale This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 property __________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. This sale is contingent upon the settlement of Buyer’s property at: ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer’s property is under an Agreement of Sale, with settlement to take place on or before _________________________________ A copy of the Agreement of Sale for Buyer’s property is attached. 2. If settlement of Buyer’s property does not occur by the settlement date specified above or if Buyer’s Agreement of Sale is terminated, Seller may terminate the Agreement by written notice to Buyer and all deposit monies paid on account of purchase price will be returned to Buyer according to the terms of this Agreement of Sale and this Agreement of Sale will be vOId. Buyer and Seller agree to extend the date by which settlement must occur until Seller terminates this Agreement by written notice to Buyer. 3. The terms of this Addendum change and prevail over the provision of the Mortgage Contingency Clause giving Seller the right to terminate the Agreement of Sale if Buyer’s mortgage commitment is conditioned upon the sale and settlement of Buyer’s property. 14 all other terms and conditions of the agreement of sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 15 Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 16 Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 17 Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 18 seller ______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 19 seller ______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 20 seller ______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ SA M PL E 13 12 Copyright pennsylvania assoCiation of realtors® 2011 3/11 SRA SelleR’S Reply to pRopoSed AgReement of SAle foR buyeR’S pRopeRty oR buyeR’S finAnCiAl Ability to pRoCeed to be used as a reply to any pAR Sale and Settlement of other property Contingency Addendum This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1. buyeR’S AgReement of SAle Seller has received and reviewed a proposed or accepted Agreement of Sale for Buyer’s Property at _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________, a copy of which is attached. Seller, as set forth in the Sale and Settlement of Other Property Contingency Addendum: Accepts the attached Agreement of Sale Rejects the attached Agreement of Sale 2. buyeR’S finAnCiAl Ability to pRoCeed Seller has received and reviewed the written proof of Buyer’s financial ability to proceed without the sale and settlement of Buyer’s property at ________________________________________________________________________________________________, a copy of which is attached. Seller, as set forth in the Sale and Settlement of Other Property Contingency Addendum: Accepts the written proof of Buyer’s financial ability to proceed without the sale and settlement of Buyer’s property Rejects the written proof of Buyer’s financial ability to proceed without the sale and settlement of Buyer’s property E 3 pRopeRty _________________________________________________________________________________________________ SelleR ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ buyeR _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SelleR __________________________________________________________ dAte___________________________________ SelleR __________________________________________________________ dAte___________________________________ SelleR __________________________________________________________ dAte___________________________________ M PL 2 SA 1 CopyRight pennSylvAniA ASSoCiAtion of ReAltoRS® 2011 3/11 SelleR’S RePly to PuRChaSe offeR This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). SRP 1 PRoPeRty ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 PuRChaSe offeR infoRMation: 3 BuyER(S) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PRicE OffEREd _______________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSEd SETTLEMENT dATE _________________________________________________________________________ MORTgAgE AMOuNT & TyPE___________________________________________________________________________ OThER TERMS: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ BROkER SuBMiTTiNg OffER (company) _________________________________________________________________ LicENSEE _______________________________________________________ dATE SuBMiTTEd _________________ 12 13 14 15 The Seller(s) of the Property have reviewed the purchase offer listed above on (date)________________________ and the offer is hereby: 16 REjEcTEd AccEPTEd E 17 18 21 22 23 24 SelleR _______________________________________________________________________ Date __________________ SelleR _______________________________________________________________________ Date __________________ SelleR _______________________________________________________________________ Date __________________ M PL 20 BRoKeR foR SelleR (Company name) __________________________________________________________________ liCenSee __________________________________________________________________ Date __________________ SA 19 CoPyRight PennSylvania aSSoCiation of RealtoRS® 2005 10/05 sale & settlement of other property ContingenCy addendum to agreement of sale ssp This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORSfi (PAR). 1 2 3 4 5 property __________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. This Agreement of Sale is contingent upon the sale and settlement of Buyer’s Property at: ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 2. Within days of Seller’s acceptance of this Agreement of Sale, Buyer will list Buyer’s Property for sale under an exclusive right to sell agreement with a broker of Buyer’s choosing who is a member of the multiple listing service most directly serving the area in which the Buyer’s Property is located. Buyer will do what is reasonably necessary to sell and settle Buyer’s Property, including, but not limited to, authorizing broker to list Buyer’s Property with the multiple listing service, posting “for sale” signs, permitting open houses, maintaining Buyer’s Property in presentable condition, and cooperating fully with broker and other licensees showing or marketing Buyer’s Property to prospective buyers. 12 3. Buyer will list Buyer’s Property at or below $ , for a term ending on or after ______________. 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 4. If Buyer’s Property is not under an Agreement of Sale with terms acceptable to Seller, on or before , or if Buyer’s Agreement of Sale is terminated, Seller may terminate the Agreement by written notice to Buyer and all deposit monies paid on account of purchase price will be returned to Buyer according to the terms of this Agreement of Sale and this Agreement of Sale will be vOId. Seller’s right to terminate continues until Buyer’s Property is under an Agreement of Sale with terms acceptable to Seller. E 7 M PL 6 22 Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 23 Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 24 Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 25 seller ______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 26 seller ______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 27 seller ______________________________________________________________________ date ___________________________________ 19 20 SA 21 5. The terms of this Addendum change and prevail over the provision of the Mortgage Contingency Clause which gives Seller the right to terminate the Agreement of Sale if the Buyer’s mortgage commitment is conditioned upon the sale and settlement of Buyer’s Property. all other terms and conditions of the agreement of sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 18 Copyright pennsylvania assoCiation of realtorsfi 2011 3/11 sale & settlement of other property ContingenCy ssp-Cm (With right to Continue marketing) addendum to agreement of sale This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). property_________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Buyer ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 1. This Agreement of Sale is contingent upon the sale and settlement of Buyer’s Property at: ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ . 6 2. Buyer acknowledges that Seller has the right to continue to offer Seller’s Property for sale to other prospective buyers. 4 5 3. In the event Seller accepts an Agreement of Sale for Seller’s Property from another buyer, this agreement is terminated. Seller will immediately notify Buyer in writing of the termination, and deposit monies paid on account of purchase price will be returned 9 to Buyer. 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 4. Seller’s right to market the Property and accept another Agreement of Sale will cease upon Seller’s written approval of the terms and conditions of an Agreement of Sale for Buyer’s Property. Seller’s right to continue marketing Property is renewed if Buyer’s Agreement of Sale is terminated. E 11 5. If Buyer’s Property is not under an Agreement of Sale with terms acceptable to Seller, on or before , or if Buyer’s Agreement of Sale is terminated, Seller may terminate the Agreement by written notice to Buyer and all deposit monies paid on account of purchase price will be returned to Buyer according to the terms of this Agreement of Sale and this Agreement of Sale will be vOId. Seller’s right to terminate continues until Buyer’s Property is under an Agreement of Sale with terms acceptable to Seller. M PL 10 21 all other terms and conditions of the agreement of sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 22 Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ date_________________________________ 23 Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ date_________________________________ 24 Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ date_________________________________ 25 seller ______________________________________________________________________ date_________________________________ 26 seller ______________________________________________________________________ date_________________________________ 27 seller ______________________________________________________________________ date_________________________________ 19 SA 20 6. The terms of this Addendum change and prevail over the provision of the Mortgage Contingency Clause giving Seller the right to terminate the Agreement of Sale if the Buyer’s mortgage commitment is conditioned upon the sale and settlement of Buyer’s Property. 18 Copyright pennsylvania assoCiation of realtors® 2011 3/11 sale & settlement of other property ContingenCy ssp-tKo (With right to Continue marKeting and timed KiCKout Clause) addendum to agreement of sale This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 1 2 3 4 5 property ________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. This Agreement of Sale is contingent upon the sale and settlement of Buyer’s Property at:________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 2. Within _____ days of Seller’s acceptance of this Agreement of Sale, Buyer will list Buyers’s Property for sale under an exclusive right to sell agreement with a broker of Buyer’s choosing who is a member of the multiple listing service most directly serving the area in which Buyer’s Property is located. Buyer will do what is reasonably necessary to sell and settle Buyer’s Property, including, but not limited to, authorizing broker to list Buyer’s Property with the multiple listing service, posting “for sale” signs, permitting open houses, maintaining Buyer’s Property in presentable condition, and cooperating fully with broker and other licensees showing or marketing Buyer’s Property to prospective buyers. 12 3. Buyer will list Buyer’s Property at or below $____________________, for a term ending on or after ______________________. 13 4. Buyer acknowledges that Seller has the right to continue to offer Seller’s Property for sale to other prospective buyers. 14 5 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 If Buyer’s Property is not under an Agreement of Sale with terms acceptable to Seller, on or before , or if Buyer’s Agreement of Sale is terminated, Seller may terminate the Agreement by written notice to Buyer and all deposit monies paid on account of purchase price will be returned to Buyer according to the terms of this Agreement of Sale and this Agreement of Sale will be vOId. Seller’s right to terminate continues until Buyer’s Property is under an Agreement of Sale with terms acceptable to Seller. E 8 M PL 7 6. If Seller receives a bona fide offer from a different prospective buyer, with terms acceptable to Seller, Seller will promptly notify Buyer in writing of Seller’s receipt of that acceptable offer and Seller’s intent to terminate this Agreement of Sale. (See Communication With Buyer And/Or Seller in the Agreement of Sale) 7. (A) Within _____ hours of receiving written notification that Seller has received a bona fide offer with terms acceptable to Seller, Buyer will provide: 1. Written proof of Buyer’s financial ability to proceed without the sale and settlement of Buyer’s property, OR 2. A copy of an agreement of sale for Buyer’s property. If Buyer fails to respond within the time stated in this paragraph, this Agreement of Sale is terminated, all deposit monies will be returned to Buyer according to the terms of this Agreement of Sale and this Agreement of Sale will be vOId. (B) Within 2 days of receiving written proof of Buyer’s financial ability to proceed without the sale and settlement of Buyer’s property OR receiving a copy of an agreement of sale for Buyer’s property, Seller will inform Buyer that Seller, at Seller’s sole discretion: 1. Accepts the written proof of Buyer’s financial ability to proceed without the sale and settlement of Buyer’s Property and this Agreement of Sale is no longer contingent upon the sale and settlement of Buyer’s Property , OR 2. Accepts the agreement of sale for Buyer’s Property, OR 3. Terminates this Agreement of Sale. (C) If Seller has not, within the time stated in Paragraph 7(B) of this Addendum, terminated this Agreement of Sale, Seller accepts the Agreement of Sale for Buyer’s property. SA 6 8. Seller’s right to market the Property will cease upon Seller’s acceptance of the written proof of Buyer’s financial ability to proceed without the sale and settlement of Buyer’s Property or Seller’s written acceptance of the agreement of sale for Buyer’s Property. 39 9. If there is a conflict between the terms of the Mortgage Contingency paragraph of this Agreement of Sale and the terms of this Addendum, the terms of this Addendum prevail. 40 all other terms and conditions of the agreement of sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 38 45 Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ Buyer _______________________________________________________________________ seller ______________________________________________________________________ seller ______________________________________________________________________ 46 seller ______________________________________________________________________ date_________________________________ 41 42 43 44 date_________________________________ date_________________________________ date_________________________________ date_________________________________ date_________________________________ Copyright pennsylvania assoCiation of realtors® 2011 3/11 notiCe of terMination of agreeMent of sale This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). ter 3 property ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Date of agreeMent ________________________________________________________________________________________ Buyer terMinates the agreeMent of sale based on, but not limited to, the terms of the Agreement of Sale at Paragraph(s) _________________________________ and/or the terms of the _____________________________________________ ______________________________ Addendum to the Agreement of Sale at Paragraph(s) ____________________________________. Seller may market the Property and accept offers from other buyers. seller terMinates the agreeMent of sale based on, but not limited to, the terms of the Agreement of Sale at Paragraph(s) ________________________________ and/or the terms of the _____________________________________________ _______________________________ Addendum to the Agreement of Sale at Paragraph(s) ___________________________________. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. The terminating party (Buyer or Seller) is advised to consult legal counsel before terminating the Agreement to determine whether they have the right to terminate and the possible consequences of terminating, including whether the Seller has the right to market the Property and accept offers from other buyers. The party (Buyer or Seller) receiving this Notice of Termination is also advised to consult legal counsel to determine the other party’s right to terminate, the consequences of termination and any rights to prevent termination. 2. Regardless of the apparent entitlement to deposit monies, Pennsylvania law does not allow a Broker holding deposit monies to determine who is entitled to the deposit monies when settlement does not occur. Upon termination of an agreement of sale, the Broker can only release the deposit monies: (A) If there is no dispute over entitlement to the deposit monies. Buyer and Seller agree that a written agreement signed by both parties is evidence that there is no dispute regarding deposit monies. (B) According to the terms of a written agreement signed by the Buyer and Seller directing Broker how to distribute some or all of the monies. (C) According to the terms of a final order of court. (D) According to the terms of a prior written agreement between Buyer and Seller that directs the Broker how to distribute the deposit monies if there is a dispute between the parties that is not resolved. Buyer and Seller agree that if any broker or affiliated licensee is joined in litigation regarding deposit monies, the attorneys’ fees and costs of the broker(s) and licensee(s) will be paid by the party joining them. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 E 12 M PL 2 this terMination is not Contingent on the parties signing an agreeMent of sale release or an agreeMent regarDing the DistriBution of Deposit Monies. SA 1 terMinating party ____________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ terMinating party ____________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ 31 terMinating party ____________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ 29 30 Copyright pennsylvania assoCiation of realtors® 2011 12/11 notiCe of terminAtion of Agreement of sAle ter This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 1 2 3 property ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ buyer _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 5 dAte of Agreement ________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 E 9 10 buyer terminAtes the Agreement of sAle based on, but not limited to, the terms of the Agreement of Sale at Paragraph(s) _________________________________ and/or the terms of the _____________________________________________ ______________________________ Addendum to the Agreement of Sale at Paragraph(s) ____________________________________. Seller may market the Property and accept offers from other buyers. seller terminAtes the Agreement of sAle based on, but not limited to, the terms of the Agreement of Sale at Paragraph(s) ________________________________ and/or the terms of the _____________________________________________ _______________________________ Addendum to the Agreement of Sale at Paragraph(s) ___________________________________. 1. The terminating party (Buyer or Seller) is advised to consult legal counsel before terminating the Agreement to determine whether they have the right to terminate and the possible consequences of terminating, including whether the Seller has the right to market the Property and accept offers from other buyers. The party (Buyer or Seller) receiving this Notice of Termination is also advised to consult legal counsel to determine the other party’s right to terminate, the consequences of termination and any rights to prevent termination. 2. Regardless of the apparent entitlement to deposit monies, Pennsylvania law does not allow a Broker holding deposit monies to determine who is entitled to the deposit monies when settlement does not occur. Upon termination of an agreement of sale, the Broker can only release the deposit monies: (A) If there is no dispute over entitlement to the deposit monies. Buyer and Seller agree that a written agreement signed by both parties is evidence that there is no dispute regarding deposit monies. (B) According to the terms of a written agreement signed by the Buyer and Seller directing Broker how to distribute some or all of the monies. (C) According to the terms of a final order of court. (D) According to the terms of a prior written agreement between Buyer and Seller that directs the Broker how to distribute the deposit monies if there is a dispute between the parties that is not resolved. Buyer and Seller agree that if any broker or affiliated licensee is joined in litigation regarding deposit monies, the attorneys’ fees and costs of the broker(s) and licensee(s) will be paid by the party joining them. this terminAtion is not Contingent on the pArties signing An Agreement of sAle releAse or An Agreement regArding the distribution of deposit monies. M PL 8 terminAting Witness __________________________ pArty____________________________________________ dAte__________________ terminAting Witness __________________________ pArty____________________________________________ dAte__________________ SA 7 Agreement of sAle releAse And distribution of deposit money This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 property ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ buyer________________________________________________________________________________________________________ dAte of Agreement ________________________________________________________________________________________ deposit money held by ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. buyer and seller entered into an Agreement of sale to purchase the property identified above. buyer and seller release, quit claim and forever discharge eACh other, All broKers, their liCensees, employees and any offiCer or pArtner of any one of them and any other person, firm or CorporAtion who may be liable by or through them, from any and all claims, losses or demands set forth in the Agreement of sale as well as those arising from or relating to the Agreement of sale. the deposit money paid on account of the purchase price will be distributed as set forth below. 13 2. deposit money pAid on ACCount of purChAse priCe $ __________________________________________ distribution of deposit money: to seller $ ___________________________________ to buyer $ ___________________________________ 14 buyer and seller intend to be legally bound by this Agreement of sale release and distribution of deposit money. 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 rel Witness ___________________________________ Witness ___________________________________ Witness ___________________________________ Witness ___________________________________ Witness ___________________________________ Witness ___________________________________ buyer _______________________________ buyer _______________________________ buyer _______________________________ seller ______________________________ seller ______________________________ seller ______________________________ dAte ___________________ dAte ___________________ dAte ___________________ dAte ___________________ dAte ___________________ dAte ___________________ Copyright pennsylvAniA AssoCiAtion of reAltors® 2010 7/10 TENANT OCCUPIED PROPERTY ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT OF SALE TOP This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 1 2 3 4 PROPERTY_________________________________________________________________________________________________ SELLER____________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUYER ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF AGREEMENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 6 1. Within days (5 days if not specified) of the Execution Date of the Agreement, Seller will furnish to Buyer, by return-receipt mail or by other form of receipted delivery, copies of all written lease agreements currently in effect and memoranda of the terms of all oral leases for the Property. Where the full amount of security deposits paid by tenants will not be transferred at settlement, Seller will furnish to Buyer in writing the tenants’ names, the amount of the security deposits, the amounts deducted, the dates and reasons for deduction and the tenants’ written notification or acknowledgment of the deduction. 2. Upon receipt of all leases, and/or memoranda, or if Seller fails to provide the leases and/or memoranda within the time stated, whichever is first, Buyer will, within days (5 days if not specified): (A) Accept the Property and agree to the terms of the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale, OR (B) Terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller, with all deposit monies returned to Buyer according to the terms of the Agreement of Sale, OR (C) Enter into a mutually acceptable written agreement with Seller. If Buyer and Seller do not reach a written agreement during the time stated in this paragraph, and Buyer does not terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller within that time, Buyer will accept the Property and agree to the terms of the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale. 3. Seller will assign all leases and security deposits together with the interest, if any, to Buyer at settlement. 4. Other than obligations set forth in any written lease agreement(s), Seller represents that there are no unsatisfied commitments or agreements, whether oral or written, requiring Seller to fulfill any financial or other obligation to any tenant. 5. Seller will notify all Tenants in writing of the change in ownership at time of settlement. 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 M PL E 17 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. SA 12 WITNESS ________________________________ WITNESS ________________________________ WITNESS ________________________________ WITNESS ________________________________ WITNESS ________________________________ WITNESS ________________________________ BUYER ___________________________________ BUYER ___________________________________ BUYER ___________________________________ SELLER __________________________________ SELLER __________________________________ SELLER __________________________________ DATE________________ DATE________________ DATE________________ DATE________________ DATE________________ DATE________________ COPYRIGHT PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® 2005 12/05 1460 02/07 BUSINESS SERVICES FOR REAL ESTATE (800) 555-3390 ZONING APPROVAL CONTINGENCY ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT OF SALE This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® (PAR). 1 2 3 4 ZA PROPERTY ________________________________________________________________________________________________ SELLER___________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUYER ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF AGREEMENT ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. 12 13 14 15 2. 16 17 18 19 Contingency Period: ______ days (15 days if not specified) from the Execution Date of the Agreement of Sale. Within the Contingency Period, Buyer, at Buyer’s expense, may verify that Buyer’s proposed use of the Property as ________________________________________________________________ is permitted under the current zoning classification for the Property and is not prohibited by any other governmental land use restrictions. If Buyer’s proposed use of the Property is not permitted, Buyer will, within the Contingency Period, notify Seller in writing that the proposed use of the Property is not permitted, and Buyer will: (A) Accept the Property and agree to the terms of the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale, OR (B) Terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller, with all deposit monies returned to Buyer according to the terms of the Agreement of Sale. (C) Enter into a mutually acceptable written agreement with Seller. If Buyer and Seller do not reach a written agreement during the Contingency Period and Buyer does not terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller within that time, Buyer will accept the Property and agree to the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale. E 20 VERIFICATION OF ZONING FOR PROPOSED USE CONTINGENCY 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 1. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2. 3. CHANGE OF ZONING/MUNICIPAL APPROVAL FOR PROPOSED USE CONTINGENCY Within _____ DAYS of the Execution Date of the Agreement of Sale (15 days if not specified), Buyer will make a formal written application for zoning approval, variance, non-conforming use, or special exception from _____________________________ ______________________________ (municipality) to use the Property as ____________________________________________ _________________________________ (proposed use). Buyer will pay for applications, legal representation, and any other costs associated with the application and approval process. If the municipality requires the application to be signed by the current owner, Seller agrees to do so. SA 24 M PL 23 If final, unappealable approval is not obtained by _____________________________, Buyer will: (A) Accept the Property with the current zoning and agree to the terms of the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale, OR (B) Terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller, with all deposit monies returned to Buyer according to the terms of the Agreement of Sale, OR (C) Enter into a mutually acceptable written agreement with Seller. If Buyer and Seller do not reach a written agreement before the time specified in paragraph 3, and Buyer does not terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller within that time, Buyer will accept the Property and agree to the terms of the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. WITNESS__________________________________ WITNESS__________________________________ WITNESS__________________________________ WITNESS__________________________________ WITNESS__________________________________ WITNESS__________________________________ BUYER____________________________________ BUYER____________________________________ BUYER____________________________________ SELLER ___________________________________ SELLER ___________________________________ SELLER ___________________________________ DATE _____________ DATE _____________ DATE _____________ DATE _____________ DATE _____________ DATE _____________ COPYRIGHT PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® 2005 09/05 Change of Zoning /MUniCipal approval for proposeD Use ContingenCy aDDenDUM to agreeMent of sale ZCa This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® (PAR). 4 property ________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller___________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUyer ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of agreeMent ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 1. Within _____ DAYS of the Execution Date of the Agreement of Sale (15 days if not specified), Buyer will make a formal written application for zoning approval, variance, non-conforming use, or special exception from _____________________________ ______________________________ (municipality) to use the Property as ____________________________________________ _________________________________ (proposed use). Buyer will pay for applications, legal representation, and any other costs associated with the application and approval process. 10 2. If the municipality requires the application to be signed by the current owner, Seller agrees to do so. 11 3. If final, unappealable approval is not obtained by _____________________________, Buyer will: (A) Accept the Property with the current zoning and agree to the terms of the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale, OR (B) Terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller, with all deposit monies returned to Buyer according to the terms of the Agreement of Sale, OR (C) Enter into a mutually acceptable written agreement with Seller. if Buyer and seller do not reach a written agreement before the time specified in paragraph 3, and Buyer does not terminate the agreement of sale by written notice to seller within that time, Buyer will accept the property and agree to the terms of the release paragraph of the agreement of sale. 3 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 E 9 M PL 2 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. BUyer _________________________________________________________________ BUyer _________________________________________________________________ BUyer _________________________________________________________________ seller ________________________________________________________________ seller ________________________________________________________________ seller ________________________________________________________________ SA 1 Date Date Date Date Date Date ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Copyright pennsylvania assoCiation of realtors® 2011 12/11 verifiCation of Zoning for proposeD Use ContingenCy aDDenDUM to agreeMent of sale Zva This form recommended and approved for, but not restricted to use by, the members of the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® (PAR). 4 property_________________________________________________________________________________________________ seller___________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUyer ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of agreeMent ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 1. 3 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2. E 9 10 Contingency period: ______ days (15 days if not specified) from the Execution Date of the Agreement of Sale. Within the Contingency period, Buyer, at Buyer’s expense, may verify that Buyer’s proposed use of the Property as ________________________________________________________________ is permitted under the current zoning classification for the Property and is not prohibited by any other governmental land use restrictions. If Buyer’s proposed use of the Property is not permitted, Buyer will, within the Contingency Period, notify Seller in writing that the proposed use of the Property is not permitted, and Buyer will: (A) Accept the Property and agree to the terms of the RELEASE paragraph of the Agreement of Sale, OR (B) Terminate the Agreement of Sale by written notice to Seller, with all deposit monies returned to Buyer according to the terms of the Agreement of Sale. (C) Enter into a mutually acceptable written agreement with Seller. if Buyer and seller do not reach a written agreement during the Contingency period and Buyer does not terminate the agreement of sale by written notice to seller within that time, Buyer will accept the property and agree to the release paragraph of the agreement of sale. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement of Sale remain unchanged and in full force and effect. M PL 2 BUyer _________________________________________________________________ BUyer _________________________________________________________________ BUyer _________________________________________________________________ seller ________________________________________________________________ seller ________________________________________________________________ seller ________________________________________________________________ Date Date Date Date Date Date ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ SA 1 Copyright pennsylvania assoCiation of realtors® 2011 12/11
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