Friends of Valley Stream Dogs (516) 350-8737 So you have a dog and want to join the Dog Park? Here’s what you do: What you need A certificate of rabies vaccination for each dog A license for each dog. As a Valley Stream resident How do I get this? As a resident of the Town of Hempstead (but not VS) From a vet You can now get this from Village Hall. Bring your rabies certificate and certificate of speying if you have it. Annual cost is $10 per dog if fixed and $18 if not. From Hempstead Town Hall. Bring your rabies certificate and certificate of speying if you have it. Annual cost is $10 per dog if fixed and $18 if not. A membership pass to the dog park At Village Hall Take your dog license, certificate of rabies vaccination (again) and proof of residency. Cost is $18 per annum for residents of the Incorporated Village and $55 if not (i.e. High School District) Take your dog license, certificate of rabies vaccination (again) and proof of residency. Cost is $110 per annum for ToH residents. If you want to join Friends of Valley Stream Dogs – a volunteer organization that runs events and whose mission is to raise funds to improve the dog park – either: - Log on to and click Join and then fill out the application. You can also pay your FoVSD membership online, for which you get a dog bone in the park, a Friends T-shirt and the love and thanks of all of us who use the park or - Email us at the email address at the top and we will mail you a paper application.
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