Markert Times Where in the Ward is Molly? Molly Markert, Ward IV

Markert Times
Molly Markert, Ward IV
Monthly Newsletter
November, 2014
Volume 9, Issue 11
Where in the Ward is Molly?
Nov 1 10:00 - 11:00
Set your clocks back an hour and replace your batteries in
your smoke and carbon dioxide detectors!
Various Times Broncos Football!
Mon Nov 3 7:30 PM
City Council Meeting
Countdown: one year from today you will have a new
Ward IV Council member. ELECTION DAY!
Nov 4 All Day
Wed Nov 5 9:00 AM - 1:30 Salute to Veterans at Wings over the Rockies Museum;
Call the Aurora Center for Active Adults for details at 303739-7950.
Wed Nov 5 7:00 PM
Meet with Mortensen construction representatives
regarding Iliff garage. St. Andrews Village in the cafeteria;
13801 E. Yale Ave.
Nov 7 7:30 PM
Vintage Theater to see Harold and Maude; meet at the bar
at 7 for the best drinks this side of somewhere.
Nov 8 All Day
First glimpse tour of the new St. Joseph Hospital at 20th and
Mon Nov
7:30 PM
City Council Meeting
10:00 AM
Traditional Veterans Day Ceremonies honoring veterans
at Ecotech, 1400 S. Abilene St. Call 303-586-5290 to
confirm time.
Wed Nov
11:15 AM
Rotary Clubs' luncheon honoring first responders at the
Radisson Hotel, 3155 S. Vauhn Way
11:00 AM 5:00 PM
Aurora Chamber of Commerce Destination Health exhibit
and program. At the Radisson Hotel, 3155 S. Vaughn Way
11:00 AM 1:00 PM
Film series presented by what the Frack Arapahoe "Dear
Governor, this is my Colorado" at Ecotech Institute, 1400
S. Abilene St.
5:00 PM
Special Study Session in Council Chambers
Mon Nov
Wed Nov
6:00 - 9:00 PM Aurora Fire Department Phoenix Awards ceremony at the
Summit Events Center, 6th and Sable.
6:30 - 8:30 PM Last Ward IV meeting of the year! At Harvard Christian
Center, 14100 E. Jewel Ave.
6:30 - 8:30 PM Also at the Eagles Aerie, 1151 S Galena St., is the 1000
pound potato peel off between two historically rival
motorcycle clubs. Here's a link to a video of last year's
Thanksgiving Dinner for Senior Citizens potato peeling
11:00 AM 3:00 PM
Eagles Thanksgiving dinner free to everyone over age 55, at the
Eagles Aerie, 1151 S. Galena St.
Mon Nov
7:30 PM
City Council Meeting
All Day
My son Joey's 22nd birthday!
All Day
Be thankful and celebrate Thanksgiving!
All Day
Shop, shop, shop and send revenue to the City
Dec 2 TBD
Holiday tree lighting ceremony on the Great Lawn at The
Aurora Municipal Center; Santa is rumored to be joining
Trolley Trailer #610 Moves to the Aurora History
Click here to see the historic move:
Volkswagen's Eyes On The Road
Follow this link for a powerful reminder:
College students access books and resources in the
The Aurora Public Library is partnering with Community College of Aurora (CCA) to provide
students with hands-on access to more than 30 million library books, articles and other
materials from libraries across the state. Students will use Aurora Public Library's (APL) newly
obtained "SmartLocker," located on the CCA campus, to receive materials from the library and
its extensive network of partner libraries.
The SmartLocker, created by Bibliotheca Library Technology Company, is a three-tower unit
with 18 individual lockers that can store a total of up to 90 requested library items at a time.
Access to the 30 million library items is made possible through APL's access to the powerful
database Prospector, which is a consortium of 25 separate library systems in Colorado and
Wyoming, including numerous college library systems. The video screen in the center of the
SmartLocker's three towers is linked to APL's computer system. APL purchased the machine,
provides the courier service and is opening up their holdings for the benefit of the students.
According to Patti Bateman, director of Aurora Library and Cultural Services, CCA was the
obvious partner for this service. "We support education as a core library mission. These
students were needing to come to us, and we wanted to reach out to them," said Bateman.
"This seemed like the best and most efficient way to provide access."
To further enable students and faculty to easily utilize this new library access, CCA students
now can receive Aurora Public Library cards directly on campus and access the locker's
touchscreen technology. Students can also access the APL catalog and services via any
computer connected to the Internet.
In addition to APL's holdings, CCA students now have access to JSTOR and EBSCOhots
databases for scholarly journals, AspenCat and Prospector for printed materials, eBrary for ebooks, and APL's own DVD and printed collections.
Nine Mile RFQ/RFP Update
At the end of August, the Aurora Urban Renewal Authority issued a Request for Qualifications
(RFQ) for the redevelopment of Regatta Plaza. We received six, qualified proposals by the
September 30th RFQ submittal deadline. The purpose of the RFQ was to identify up to three
of the top ranked applicants to participate in the Request for Proposals phase of this
project. Due to the quality and competiveness of the proposals submitted, we required more
time to review, discuss and rate the applicants' proposals. The top ranked applicants (along
with each's development partners) that will be invited to participate in the RFQ are:
Catalyst Urban Development (Texas): Cambridge Holdings, Inc., Black Label Real
Estate, WDG Architecture, Richard Farley Urban Design, LLC, Civitas (landscape/urban
design), and Calibre (civil engineers)
McWhinney (Colorado/California): RNL Design, Evergreen (retail developer)
Mile High Development and Koelbel and Company (Colorado): The Picerne Group
(residential developer), JG Architects
We will notify the applicants on the results of the RFQ and the next phase of the process. At
this time, we a proposing to receive Request for Proposal (RFP) responses before Christmas
Day with an additional few week to review the proposals and interview the candidates.
Update on Proposed Developments along I-225 West side
Staff commented briefly on the proposed I-225 and Mississippi self-storage:
* Currently, the prospects for retail in the former Toys R Us building are not good.
* It is a prominent location and has potential for mixed use development, which of course takes
a great deal of expertise.
* We suggested to the owner that he look at the self-storage market and competition.
* We will continue to work with the owner.
On the self-storage in the old parking garage at I-225 and Iliff:
* We are committed to helping with the project.
* Someone representing the owner needs to meet with us to talk about the sign.
* We should probably talk with our attorneys about this, but the city is not in the business of
enforcing private agreements.
* It does not seem this all had to be resolved today. He is going to do some more
investigating on these issues.
* We need to figure out who the owner is and work with him or a representative needs to work
with us
I-225 Widening Project & Light Rail - Update
To Molly from city staff: The full 3 southbound I-225 lanes began carrying traffic this past
Monday, October 13th between Mississippi Ave. and Parker Road. This brings all lanes of I225 into their ultimate configuration, three thru lanes in each direction and auxiliary lanes
between interchanges. There will however still be construction activity through the area, with
potential accompanying lane closures, to complete final project items over the weeks ahead.
The project hotline is 720-334-3992.
Iliff LRT Station - RTD has stated that the entire Aurora Rail Line will be completed and open
for service in the latter part of 2016. The line and all stations will open as an entire rail line
Marijuana Shops in the News
In late September, the Denver Post and TV news outlets reported that licensed marijuana
shops were having a difficult time opening their businesses because of delays in getting
through the city's planning process.
City staff to Molly:
At the time the Post article was written, there were only four of 21 licensees that had submitted
plans and were in either the permitting or construction process. We are backlogged on plans
review due to the increase in building activity overall but we have now asked that these plans
be given priority in Building. Since the story was written, we have received plans for three
additional locations ... At this point, we believe that 3 locations should open over the next
couple of weeks.
In general, staff is working to keep up with these projects and, as you would expect, each one
has its own set of issues. Two are new construction, a couple need approvals from others
within the center, and a number of buildings/sites have some real challenges. Overall, there
are only a handful of requirements that are unique to marijuana retailers. Those are the odor
control (hvac) requirement, the security requirements and requirement for the dumpster to be
secured. The other requirements are the same as those required of any business in Aurora.
Traffic Calming Pilot Program Neighborhood
Last month I told you about how Mary Walsh talked to me about the need to slow down our
neighbors from speeding in our neighborhoods and the research Lydia Taft did to find a
program that works toward that goal. Mary's Village East neighborhood, in Ward IV, will
participate as one of the three pilot programs that City Council approved. If your neighborhood
would like to participate as one of the other two pilot programs, here is information and a link to
the application form for the traffic calming pilot program.
The traffic calming campaign is designed as a support tool to encourage communication
among neighbors about traffic safety and awareness. It is a bottoms-up, grassroots effort to
ask drivers to voluntarily slow down. The program is intended for residents as an outreach tool
to invite their neighbors to participate in lowering the speed of traffic in the neighborhood.
Temporary yard signs can be picked up at the Neighborhood Support Division at the time the
Campaign Permit is issued. This is not a campaign that is meant to have the police issue more
tickets or have the city install speed bumps. It's simply about getting people to participate in an
effort to lower the speed that they drive through the neighborhood. It begins with the residents.
It begins with you, me, our family, neighbors and friends.
Who are the speeders?
Although the speed limit in most neighborhoods is 25 MPH, there are drivers that exceed the
limit as they travel. They are often racing to their next activity without even thinking about the
speed they are traveling. Often speeders are your next door neighbor or the neighbor down the
street. Of course "outsiders" do drive through and may speed, but the majority of traffic in the
neighborhood is generated by the families that live in, or near the area.
How the campaign works:
If you perceive there is a traffic problem in your neighborhood, please fill out the application.
Neighborhood Support staff will review your application to determine if Traffic Officers or Police
Area Representatives (PAR) are needed. If it is determined that the area of your concern is
located on a residential street, a PAR Officer will be contacted. The PAR Officer may make
arrangements to install a mobile speed unit in your neighborhood. This will help people
become more aware of their actual driving speed. This will also help the city determine if a
speeding problem exists, so that appropriate police action will take place.
The next step in the campaign will require resident involvement. Two campaign managers
must be identified to communicate with the neighborhood about traffic safety and collect
permission to place a temporary yard sign in front yards. For further details, please review the
attached application. You may also call 303-739-7280 if you have questions.
If you are interested in signing up as a campaign manager and leading a traffic calming
campaign please fill out the application. A Campaign Permit will be issued on approval of this
Must provide two weeks advance notice for approval
Peoria Problems
From KD to Molly: Always enjoy your newsletters and wish I could attend more Ward
meetings. The biggest "problem" you are hopefully aware of is the everlasting/continuous
construction rerouting/blocking/impeding of traffic on South Peoria between Exposition and
Yale for several days every week for at least the last six weeks! I really don't know WHAT is
going on, but it never seems to stop. Someone needs to solve whatever problem is occurring
and then open the street back up. It seems like I am always having to go several blocks out of
my way just to enter my complex and get home. Since there are only two entrances, the
construction blocks half of them on Peoria. Just tell us when they folks from Q3 (that's on their
orange cones) will be done and they return the road to the same smooth condition it was in
before they starting tearing it up. Thanks.
From Molly to City Staff:
It's been 6 weeks and this vendor closes all but one lane on Peoria for a mile and a half in front
of the high school during school rush hour, putting kids and parents in danger. Please quit
telling me they are doing something of benefit. They should be fined a hefty sum every day
they are inconveniencing us. If that doesn't hurry them up, then give them a deadline to cease.
Note from Molly: As you noticed, they cleaned up and got out of the way
Outstanding City Service
From WT to Molly:
I need to share with you a wonderful experience I had at the Municipal Building Monday,
September 22nd. I hope you will share this note with the appropriate supervisors of this
gentleman since I don't know to whom to send it. He truly was dedicated and outstanding in
the service he completed for me.
Locust trees growing on the west side of my home have grown large enough that they were
brushing the trim and shingles of the house. I requested in writing twice that the trees be
pruned by the ABC HOA because the previous owner said they were on their property. The
plats he left me weren't that clear so I visited the city's engineering department after the HOA
denied this.
The Development Review Coordinator offered his help. His professional knowledge and
manner took us through engineering documents and finally to the Planning Department. He
found written confirmation that a section to the west was indeed ABC HOA property. Then he
tracked down a plat showing my property line, the HOA section and the trees on HOA
property. He also found an aerial photo that confirmed this. When our HOA President
questioned if my plat was old, I offered to give him the name of the Development Review
Coordinator so he could view the aerial photo.
What a blessing this was for me to have his experience and help in pursuing this matter. He
was so patient, thorough and caring. I think Aurora should know what a super employee they
From Molly to WT: Thanks so much for taking your time to acknowledge the work of the city
staff who just do their job every day, not out in public but just doing the detail that it takes to
keep things running properly. I'll make sure the relevant supervisors know of your
Thank You for Side Walk Repairs in Steeple Run HOA
From SW to the City Manager and me:
Mr. Noe, Thank you so very much for being true to your word, that you would arrange to have
the sidewalks repaired in the Steeple Run HOA neighborhood. You said that the work would
be done sometime in the spring of 2015; however it was completed this past week, about 6
month early! The work site extended from Sable Blvd (in the private homes area), through the
Steeple Run HOA area on Baltic Place to Blackhawk. Work was done on bad curbs on Baltic
Circle and Warren streets as well. Baltic Place between Sable and Blackhawk become an
alternate route whenever Sable is blocked to Iliff for any reason. Traffic is heavy at other times
as well. The HOA work hard to keep Steeple Run a beautiful neighborhood, so the city streets
should reflect that effort.
Many thanks also to Molly Markert, our City Councilperson. She worked very hard to assist
everyone in this effort as well. Kudos to you Molly! I know city officials get many complaints,
but hardly any thanks, so once again, thank you both!
From me to SW and the City Manager: I love it when it all works out according to the sparkles
in my magic wand!!!! And Skip-Please accept my sincere appreciations, and share with
responsible staff!
Water Waste Violations
From JJ to city staff and council: I first contacted the city of Aurora regarding water waste on
06/28/14. I was referred to MW and wrote her on 06/30/14. I had noticed water waste around
the city and asked what could be done about it. MW told me she needed specific locations to
get the waste corrected. I replied that would take hours if not days and could someone from
the city staff look into it? She said that they would do their best with the information provided. I
took it upon myself to take photos of the waste and provided the photos, with addresses, to
MW. It has been over 2 months and we are almost into winter, I have been into the Water
Conservation office twice, and have written numerous emails and wonder what else I have to
do or who I have to speak with to get these issues corrected?
Response from city staff: JJ reached out to Aurora Water Conservation several times between
June 30 and September 4 of this year. Water Conservation has investigated every issue they
were able to identify with a specific location. Several of these reports were verified as violating
the Water Wasting ordinance and the customers were contacted. These instances were
resolved and now comply with the ordinance. JJ also reported several median locations that he
felt were wasting water, but conservation staff were unable to substantiate these as violations.
Information on the water wasting ordinance has been provided to JJ, and the Manager of
Aurora Water Public Relations has been discussing his concerns with him. Aurora Water will
continue to investigate any reports of violations.
Aurora Homeless Resource Guide Updated
The City of Aurora has an updated version of the "Aurora Homeless Resource Guide". The
City's website will always have the newest version of the guide:
ancePrograms/005692 The guide is meant to be a quick resource guide.
Currently updates are being collected for the next print edition. Please contact Sharon Duwaik
at 303 739-7916 or sduwaik@auroragov.orgif you know of any changes that need to be made.
Proposed Legislation Regulating Construction Defect
Legislation is being drafted that would require disclosure of pending construction defects
litigation to all condo owners, and a majority vote before proceeding with legal action. Stay
tuned, loyal Ward activists; there are EIGHT attorneys working on the language for the
proposed bill which is expected to be introduced this coming session. Here is my request to
our city Legislative Team:
"Following along on the PIR minutes re the proposed legislation---will you keep me posted
specifically as to what point citizens can have a say in the process? I have a Ward full of
activists who want to get something passed so that Regatta redevelopment can proceed to its
fullest potential. We want to write letters, etc. so let me know when there is action we can take,
please and thanks!"
Helping Others
Don Wollenzien is surpassing his own record as the Ward IV Super Shopper. Last winter, he
proved me wrong by finding pairs of mittens and gloves when the stores told me the winter
season was over (In March). Now this month, Don answered the cry for new warm socks and
called me to report that he had amassed 110 pairs of the requested items for the homeless
people served at Comitis. What a guy---I am so proud of all of you who take the time to do that
one extra thing that makes a huge difference in someone else's life.
Stacia is always at the ready to come, gather, fetch, and deliver your donations, so if you have
items, please contact her at Service with a smile and a hug; that's what
Ward IV is all about!!!
Another Wonderful Ward IV friend is Mike Rosser. Mike has a long pedigree in open space,
foreclosure prevention, and good neighborliness. One of our Ward IV constituents came up
with a quandary that stumped me, so I was conferring with County Commissioner Nancy
Jackson who brought Mike into the situation. Catch this act of kindness, caring and
compassion---Mike left me a message later that same morning, telling me he had reached out
to the person, called her (mind you, he was travelling in LA at the time), and offered the
guidance we were needing. As I was listening to his voice message I literally had tears in my
eyes. This man had no reason to have to do anything, especially not something so significant
at such a crucial time. Yet he did, because it was the right thing to do. The world really is full of
compassionate, caring wonderful people and most of the best of them live in Ward IV! Mike,
thanks for making me speechless!
Facts About Ebola
It's likely that you have seen the extensive media coverage on Ebola and the three recent
cases in Texas. It is easy to understand this might create questions, concerns and even some
anxiety. Because of that, we want to provide you with some relevant information and facts that
might help clear up misinformation and reassure our team about the current situation here. We
will be sure to let you know if anything changes.
* Currently, there is no elevated risk for Ebola in Colorado or Aurora. At this time, there is
very little risk for the general US population. According to health officials.
* Our key emergency medical service and emergency management staff are in touch with
national and state health officials and local hospitals to actively monitor the issue.
* Ebola does not spread through the air or by water.
* According to the CDC, the likelihood of contracting Ebola is extremely low unless a person
has direct unprotected contact with the blood or body fluids of a person who is sick with Ebola.
* It is always smart to practice good hand hygiene.
* Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an
alcohol based hand sanitizer.
* Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
For the most up-to-date information about the medical/public health aspects of Ebola, see the
CDC website at and the Tri-County Health Department site
If you have questions, please contact Emergency Medical Services Battalion Chief Kevin
Waters, at<>.
Information provided by the Center for Disease Control and Tri-County Health Department October 16, 2014
Follow Connect Aurora's Social Media
Connect Aurora recently launched a social media campaign and invites you to follow them on
Twitter I Facebook I Google+ !
Meeting Scheduled for Iliff Station Parking Garage Overview November 5 at 7PM
An important community meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 5 at 7:00 PM at Saint
Andrews Village, located at 13801 E. Yale Avenue. At this meeting, Kristine Wille-Matney, of
Mortenson Construction, will provide an overview of the construction plans of the Iliff Station
Parking Garage located at approximately the Wesley Avenue/Anaheim Street/Blackhawk
Street/Harvard Avenue vicinity.
This project is part of the development for the RTD's light rail service at Iliff and I225. The
parking structure will provide for at least 600 cars. The proposed parking structure will be built
as an on grade parking level with one parking deck above. There will be two vehicle entrances
- one at Wesley Avenue and one at Anaheim Street. A round-a-about will also be constructed
in relation to this parking structure.
At this important meeting, Ms. Wille-Matney will review a general site plan sketch and the
construction phases. She is very interested in all of your questions and concerns related to this
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Mike Smyth in the Planning Department at
303-739-7184 or Mary Avgerinos at 303-739-7441.
The Long Road to Target (or not to Target)
To Molly from Gayle Jetchick, Executive Director, Havana Business Improvement District:
The Gardens on Havana ownership and the Havana Business Improvement District have tried
to work with Target corporate in Minnesota on numerous occasions since about 2009 to get an
entrance ("curb cut") through their parking lot from S. Joliet St. Target's answer is always a big
"NO." Target is very protective of their all of their parking spots, even in the case where no
one ever parks in the spots most of the year. It does not make sense to me, but they are a big
corporation paying good money for those parking spots. I remember that we got former City
Attorney, Charlie Richardson, involved in this battle and Target still said "NO" and had the
legal authority to say no. That is why we moved on to Option B.
Option B: Since Target said "NO" to a "curb cut" into their parking lot from S. Joliet St., we
worked out the arrangement between the owners of 1450 S Havana and 1470 S Havana and
The Gardens on Havana to get the South Ironton Extension popped through from in front of
Target over to Florida Ave. Havana Tower, 1450 S Havana, ownership agreed to give up
parking spaces for the South Ironton Extension. The cost of extending S. Ironton from Target
to Florida is being financed through an extension of the Buckingham Urban Renewal Authority
that was created to help redevelop the former city offices at 1470 S Havana (that had sat
vacant for over 10 years) into Bella Vita, the new active senior living apartments. The Gardens
on Havana ownership has agreed to "maintain" the S. Ironton Extension once it is
finished. "Maintain" means snow removal and repairs. Nothing is easy when you have
several owners involved.
A little past history: When the City of Aurora moved out of the old 1470 S. Havana office
building and sold the building to Omni, the current owner, in the early 1990's, the "road" was
included in the deal. This "road" was the access from S. Joliet that you used to cut through
from S. Joliet into Target. That "road" became a "private access" owned by 1450 S Havana
and 1470 S Havana and was no longer a public city street when the city sold the property. I
have never heard who was responsible for this transaction, but simply have been told it was a
former city employee, so we don't know who to "blame" and "curse" about the sale of the
"road" and for it becoming a private access drive. Since the 1470 S Havana (Bella Vita)
property owned the "former road" which is now their own private access, they had the legal
authority to close it off and create a park-like area for their residents and keep their senior
residents safer by not having to cross a road. That is past history and we just had to move on.
Vintage Theatre's 2015 Season
We have recently announced our exciting 2015
Season of plays and musicals, and we'd love to
invite you to join us as a season ticket holder for
this exciting upcoming season. Highlights
include delightful comedies like Six Dance
Lessons in Six Weeks, Always a Bridesmaid, and
Funny Girl - the story of funny lady - Fanny
Brice. Additionally we have powerful dramas
with Other Desert Cities, Night Mother, and some
suspense and mystery work with A Spitfire Grill, Double Indemnity and Any Given Monday.
We are offering two great ways for you to subscribe at this time.
The full season of 11 titles for $220 or half season of 6 titles for $120.
Rates will be changing so be sure to subscribe quickly.
Benefits of subscribing include flexibility of tickets - as you can bring guests under your pass
and use your subscription for a large group for one title or see multiple events for one or two
people. Unlimited exchanges are nice for the busy work schedule and last minute
changes. The best ticket rates - subscribers save 30% off the full price ticket.
As always we value our subscribers very much - and welcome any subscriber to attend our
opening night performances to have talk backs and to mingle with cast and crew.
Consider subscribing today with this link or order by phone at 303.856.7830.
Aurora's Planning and Zoning Commission seeks to fill current
Ward IV is losing some seasoned advocates and neighbors with this round of term limits on
the Planning Commission. Please seriously consider rolling up your sleeves to do this detailed,
thankless and totally essential task!
The City of Aurora Planning and Zoning Commission is seeking new volunteer members to
make recommendations to city council on zoning matters.
Interested individuals should reside within city limits and have been a registered voter for at
least one year. In addition, candidates cannot have a paid position with the city.
Applications can be found on the city's Boards and Commissions web page
( and must be received
by Nov. 14. Successful applicants will be interviewed by city council.
The planning and zoning commission is comprised of seven members and meets twice
monthly, on the second and fourth Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in the city council chamber.
For more information, contact Karen Goldman at or 303-739-7637.
Give Back @ Your Library event for November
Help say thank you to our military members who sacrifice so much this Veterans Day.
Join the Aurora Public Library in making "thank you," "thinking of you," and Veterans Day cards
for our veterans as part of the Give Back @ Your Library program, starting at 6 p.m., Nov. 5, in
the large community room at Central Library.
The cards will be donated to the nonprofit Colorado State Veterans Home in Aurora and
distributed to residents this Veterans Day. The Colorado State Veterans Home provides
superior nursing care in an environment that enhances the quality of life of each resident.
All ages are welcome. Children 12 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
Supplies and light refreshments will be provided.
Register online at or contact Sara Van Cleve at 303-739-6589.
Volunteers Still Needed
Project Homeless Connect 14 is a free resource fair open to people of all ages who are
homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless that provides services in one place. Community
partners will provide free services ranging from medical care, legal help, benefit assistance,
clothing, haircuts, hygiene bags and additional services. Denver's Road Home, Mile High
United Way and the City & County of Denver are seeking more than 1,000 volunteers to help
before, during and after the event. To sign up, please see volunteer descriptions.
Longtime sisters-in-service, pictured left to right, Terry Campbell Caron, Annie Ayers, Sharon
Powers, Molly Markert, and Chanell Reed joined forces at Verna's (Molly's mother) bench to
celebrate her arrival in Colorado 25 years ago this month, October 13 th in fact. Just as Verna
would have intended, a student was sitting on the bench to unwind between classes, and was
pleased to oblige us with his photography skill.
Viva Verna!
Updates from the Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS)
Caution: Prices are Falling!!!
In 2015 residents of Aurora will receive new, low admission prices at the following centers.
Aurora Center for Active Adults
Beck Recreation Center
Utah Pool
The new fees will be announced in December and will take effect January 1 st in time for your
New Year's Resolutions.
In addition to lower fees, you'll be able to use your membership pass at any of the three
centers. Details and prices coming soon!
Del Mar Update
Drive past Del Mar park and pool and you'll see that there is a lot happening. Construction at
the outdoor pool is moving forward with a large waterslide in addition to the pool, bathhouse,
pump house and other infrastructure. The Del Mar Park renovation is moving forward and
there are currently impacts to the parking lot shared by the Aurora Center for Active Adults
(ACAA) and the park so use caution and follow signage the next time you visit the ACAA. Mark
your calendar for Memorial Day 2015 when the Del Mar outdoor pool will open to the public!
Friday's Uncorked
Each month the Expo Recreation Center hosts Friday's Uncorked, and it's a great opportunity
to take your friends for an activity and glass of wine. On Friday, Nov. 7 the event features
Canvas & Cabernet where you'll create a work of art to take home with you!
Call to learn more or to register at 303-326-8650.
Lifeguards Needed
Get the skills to save a life and a great job with the city of Aurora! Lifeguard training is offered
at Utah Pool in the coming months; you'll learn great job skills and will have the opportunity to
work at one of our many city pools. Ask about how you can receive free lifeguard training
through our professional training program! Call Utah Pool staff at 303-739-1530 to learn more
or sign up for an upcoming training.
Holiday Tree Lighting at Aurora Municipal Center
Workers from the Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department have begun their annual effort
to spread holiday cheer! Lights are being strung on the trees around campus and staff are
preparing for the annual Holiday Tree Lighting event in December.
Plan to visit the Aurora Municipal Center on Tuesday, Dec. 2 nd for holiday festivities and
Discover handcrafted pottery at Aurora Potters' Guild sale
Looking for that special holiday gift? Drop by the Aurora Potters' Guild Holiday Pottery Sale
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 8 at the Aurora Center for Active Adults, 30 Del Mar Circle. There is
a large selection to choose from and new pieces are added throughout the day. More than 30
artists have created beautiful and unique pieces of pottery. Discover distinctive gifts for family
and friends at this sale featuring hand-thrown pottery and one-of-a-kind sculptures created by
local potters within the Aurora Potters' Guild. For more information, call 303-344-1776 or visit
Pit Bull Ban
I received some vicious emails and posts to my public Facebook page from some rude people
in favor of repealing the pit bull ban. Rather than astonishing you with how nasty people can
be, I decided to publish the following letter I received.
(Note: My Facebook page is now deleted, so the folks who have legitimate issues to relay are
inconvenienced by the actions of a few anonymous bullies.)
Dear Councilwoman Molly Markert,
I felt compelled to write to thank you for your support of the ban against pit bull breeds in the
city limits of Aurora. As a father of 2 little girls who love to take walks, I can tell you that I
completely support it, because these breeds (by statistics alone) attack much more frequently
than other breeds. And when they do, because of their physical constitution, they are simply
much more powerful-and thus much more dangerous and deadly-than other breeds.
Story after story we read from all across the nation of attacks by these dogs
and many say they were just "family pets" that all of a sudden attacked. And again, because
of how powerful they are, when they snap, humans (and often children) are severely mauled or
My only concern is that it's been put to the people to vote. I fear people will feel compelled to
be "politically correct" and support dogs and be pressured to vote for repealing the ban, even if
deep down they fear these types of breeds the same way I do. Sadly, if that happens, for the
first time in my life I'll seriously consider getting a permit to carry a concealed weapon. I don't
really fear people when I take my kids on walks, but I definitely am always watching for dogs
that might attack. And the first thing I look for? Square jaw, thick chest.
Whatever happens, thank you for enacting this ban in the first place. It is one of the laws that
has made me feel safer in this city. People like NT of ColoRADogs seem to think people like
me are basing our opinions on myth and emotion. I counter that and say that I think SHE is
basing her opinion on her OWN emotions for dogs. I like dogs, I really do (I made my parents
promise to buy me a dog when we moved from San Diego to Fresno when I was 10), but the
lives of people (especially children) are so much more important than the life and comfort of a
In any case, thank you for your service to our community.
Kind Regards,
Aurora Seeks Volunteer for Liquor Authority
The city of Aurora is seeking a volunteer to serve as a member of the Local Licensing Authority
for 2015. Members of the authority perform in a quasi-judicial capacity and grant and revoke
licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages.
A successful candidate must be registered to vote in the city of Aurora and cannot have a
financial interest in the operation of a liquor establishment or in one serving fermented malt
beverages. In addition, the successful candidate cannot have a family member (relative by
blood or marriage) with any such interest within the Denver metropolitan area.
Members of the authority usually meet the first Tuesday of the month at 9 a.m. in Council
Chambers at the Aurora Municipal Center.
Those interested should submit an on-line
Successful candidates will be interviewed by sitting authority members and receive support for
City Council's appointment. Interviews and an appointment schedule are to be determined. For
more information, call 303-739-7284.
Molly Markert
"Never mess up an apology with an excuse."
If I'm tardy in replying to your message, I apologize.
If you really need me, contact Nick at
Thank you again!