Central’s CONNECTIONS CENTRAL SCHWENKFELDER CHURCH, 2111 Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 - 610-584-4480 www.cscfamily.org Love Love God. God. Serve Serve Others. Others. Grow Grow Disciples. Disciples. November 9, 2014 Welcome…we are glad you are here! If you are a visitor with young children, we have childcare available during our worship services. For Infants to 3 years of age we have a NURSERY. Youngsters Pre-K through Second Grade can go to the Beginners room when excused from the Worship Service. Both classrooms are in the main hall of the main floor. For exact locations, please ask an usher who can direct you to the proper classroom. Calendar of Events Church News and Notes Sunday, November 9~ Rev. Dr. David McKinley The Flowers on the Altar are given to the Glory of God and in Loving Honor and Memory of: Andrew Coverts Anders David and Mildred Godschall Peggy Y. Rothenberger Timothy Michael Scheib Traditional Morning Worship Service – Infant Dedication Country Auction Preview (FH) 10:10 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 11:15 a.m. Informal Worship Service 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wired and Crave Pumpkin Chunkin’ (Sally House’s House) 4:00 p.m. Dorian Choir (Sally House’s House) 6:45 p.m. Small Group – Ephesians (ACR) 9:00 a.m. Those needing prayer: (*Discharged from medical facility) *Barry Simpson – Lansdale Abington Hospital *Pat McGinnis – Rothman Institute Monday, November 10 Congratulations to H. Newell and Ann Allebach who will celebrate th th their 57 wedding anniversary today, November 9 . Congratulations to John and Carolyn Kelly who will celebrate their nd th 52 wedding anniversary on Monday, November 10 . rd Congratulations to John Fisher who will celebrate his 93 birthday th today, November 9 . Congratulations to Florence Sayre who will celebrate her 106 th birthday on Wednesday, November 12 . th Congratulations to Carolyn Beyer who will celebrate her 90 th birthday on Thursday, November 13 . th Thank you to the congregation and to Jerry and Bev Potter who delivered gorgeous flowers last Sunday afternoon. I am physically not able to get out so I was most appreciative of their visit on a lovely Sunday afternoon. The visit and the flowers really brightened the last several days. Dick Heist 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 11 – Veteran’s Day 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Prayer for Missions Please pray for the ministry of Brad & Lyn Jankowski with Campus Crusade for Christ** & the Jesus Film project. Please pray also for the continued exposure for the new film app that will allow more people to hear JESUS in their own language and the expansion of their work to Africa. Ask God for opportunities for them to meet new individuals who will join their prayer and financial team and that God will continue to use them in helping raise the resources to take JESUS to everyone, everywhere. **supported by our Board of Missions Schwenkfelder Ministerium (ACR) Worship Band Practice (CHAP) Trustees (ACR) Hebrews Christian Fellowship Small Group (POT) North Pennsmen (FH) Wednesday, November 12 9:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Prayer for Church Life Seek God’s will for our church as we consider outreach. Ask God to bless our efforts to engage the community through Happy Days Preschool, AWANA children’s ministry and the Country Auction. Board of Ministries (ACR) United Choir Mtg. (CHAP) United Choir (SANC) Chancel Bells (PRIM) Bethel Bible (BETH) CSC Men’s Basketball League (CCC) 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study – Nehemiah (CCC) LAMPS (FH) Junior Choir (JR) Cub Scout Activity Meeting (BALC/MID) Women’s Bible Study – Nehemiah (ACR) AWANA (CCC) 363 Worship (CHAP) Celebration Brass (FH) Prayer Meeting (PRAY) Brasswind (FH) Chancel Choir (SANC) Thursday, November 13 7:00 p.m. Fair Allocation Meeting (BETH) Friday, November 14 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Tea at Peter Becker Country Auction Set-up (FH/NARX) Saturday, November 15 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Work Project (STEEL) Country Auction Set-up (FH/NARX) NEXUS (AYS) Silent Auction (NARX) Live Auction (FH) Calendar of Events continued on next page…….. Sunday, November 16~ Rev. Daniel Kamaraj Mission Speaker – Bibles for India 9:00 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. Traditional Morning Worship Service Sunday School for all ages Informal Worship Service Meadowood Service Baptismal Service at Hope Fellowship Christmas Musical Rehearsal (SANC) Dorian Choir (SANC/FH) Wired and Crave (AYS/CCC) Small Group – Ephesians (ACR) TODAY IN FELLOWSHIP HALL COUNTRY AUCTION PREVIEW!!! DON’T MISS IT! Over 100 incredible items have been donated for this year’s Country Auction, which will be held next Saturday, November th 15 . The Silent Auction and complimentary Dessert Buffet will start at 6:30 p.m., with the silent bidding concluding at 7:45 p.m. The Live Auction will then begin at 8:00 p.m. Stop by Fellowship Hall this morning and preview some of the unique donations, including handcrafted items such as soft and cozy flannel throw blanket; a hand-blown glass pumpkin; and a hand-knit child’s sweater and cap (for ages 9-12 months); to name a few. Those who don’t have room for one more home accessory can treat themselves instead to a therapeutic massage; a season’s worth of fresh organic fruits and vegetables via a CSA share at Living Hope Farm in Harleysville, or a “bee-utiful” basket filled with fresh local honey and other treats. Sports fans will want the chance to bid on Flyers tickets or a round of golf. And don’t miss the opportunity to bid on an overnight get-away to Ocean City, NJ, tickets to see “Mary Poppins” at the Walnut Street Theatre, or fly-casting lessons to improve your fishing prowess! If your schedule won’t allow you to attend this year’s Country Auction, you can still support the event by completing an absentee bid form on any item that interests you. Forms will be available and can be submitted to Jeannie McDonald either today in Fellowship Hall, or later this week via her church mailbox or email at jtmcd@comcast.net. The auction’s program, featuring a full list of items with descriptions, will be posted on the church website later this week (cscfamily.org). Also available in Fellowship Hall this morning are tickets for “Stitches for Missions,” a raffle for a beautiful quilt handstitched by our Quilters group. Tickets cost $2 each, or three for $5. A new addition to this year’s auction activities will be door prizes provided by several local businesses, and anyone in attendance will be eligible to win! YOUTH NEWS WIRED & CRAVE SYLO - PUMPKIN CHUNKIN th TODAY - November 9 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Sally House’s house! Come out for lunch, singing and flinging pumpkins into an open field with a giant contraption. This is going to be our Wired and Crave meeting for the day; there will not be Wired & Crave tonight. If you have any small pumpkins you want chucked, bring them along! Cost is $0. Bring friends! AWANA Awana will have a regularly scheduled meeting this week on Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Central th Community Center. Awana is open to all Kindergarten – 5 Graders. WORK CAMP FUNDRAISER All work campers should plan to take part in the Country th Auction on November 15 which serves as a fundraiser for work camp! Stop by the sign-up table today to indicate how you can help or contact Jeanne McDonald. ============================= TODAY’S GUEST VIOLINIST Thank you to Stephanie Bonk for her beautiful music this morning. She is a junior at Exeter Township Senior High School and has been studying violin for eight years, currently with Sylvia Ahramjian. In addition to her school orchestra, Stephanie is concertmaster of the Philadelphia Sinfonia Chamber, co-concertmaster of the full orchestras, and is first violin in the Sinfonia string quartet and Octet. In addition to winning the Reading Symphony Orchestra League competition, she soloed with the Millersville University Orchestra, placed second in the Atonement Bach Competition, and has received numerous scholarships and awards from the Reading Musical Foundation including the Fegley Summer Camp Scholarship. This past summer she attended the Castleman Quartet Program where she played in two string quartets and worked on solo repertoire. Stephanie hopes to attend a conservatory in the future. We are blessed to have Stephanie participate in our service this morning. GUEST SPEAKER SUNDAY, NOV. 16th th The Country Auction Committee is still seeking volunteers to assist with the auction and donations of desserts to be served at the event. If you can help, please sign up today. Remember, all proceeds from the Country Auction will benefit Central’s missions and the Life Builders Christian Endeavor Work Camp. Next Sunday, November 16 , we will welcome Rev. Daniel Kamaraj, a pastor from northern India, as our special speaker. Daniel comes to us as a friend of Dr. Drake Williams. Daniel’s ministry will be the recipient of the “Bibles for India” offering we have been accumulating. Daniel has suffered extensive persecution for his faith in Christ. Come and hear him speak about his mission work STITCHES FOR MISSIONS TICKETS AVAILABLE TODAY 2nd ANNUAL MEN’S RETREAT: Jan. 15 – 16, 2015 Stop by Fellowship Hall today and get a look at the beautiful Stitches for Missions quilt, “Country Love,” a queen/king size quilt (100”W x 111”H) which will be raffled at the conclusion th of the Country Auction on November 15 . Hand-stitched by Central’s Quilters, the design features appliquéd flowers and vines forming a heart shape in the center, and was crafted with an off-white background, with accents of green, blue and burgundy. Tickets will be on sale in Fellowship Hall today and next Sunday, at the cost of $2 each, or three for $5. The Men of Central and Board of Christian Education are excited to announce our second annual Men’s Retreat. It th th will take place from January 15 – 16 , 2015. We will be traveling to Spruce Lake retreat center in the Poconos (about 30 minutes north of Stroudsburg). This retreat is an annual event organized by Spruce Lake, bringing together 200+ men from a number of churches. The event will start with a steak dinner at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday and will end around 4:00 p.m. on Friday. Our time may be relatively short, but we believe that it will still be an impactful and uplifting event. Our teacher will be local pastor Greg Lafferty. Greg previously pastored at Saddleback Church in California, where Rick Warren is the senior pastor. There will also be time for worship, recreation (tomahawk throwing?), and personal renewal. Worship will be led by Mitch McVicker, who regularly toured with Rich Mullins. MANNA ON MAIN STREET Let's impact our community by filling the pantry shelves of Manna on Main Street in Lansdale. All non-perishable foods are welcomed, especially canned fruits, soups and canned tuna. They are also happy to receive cereals and pastas. Donations can be put in the “Harvest Box” in Fellowship Hall. WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP The WCF Nominating Committee’s slate of officers is as follows: Barbara Bucher, President; Amelia Stetler, VicePresident; Wendy Kaminsky, Recording Secretary; Marilyn Seipt, Corresponding Secretary; Carol Fryling, Treasurer. These current officers have agreed to run for office for another 2-year term. The cost will be $109, which should cover all costs at the retreat (food, lodging, speaker, etc.). A deposit of $25 is due at the time of registration. Good News: We have 50% off discount coupons for the first 25 “first timers” who register! To ensure your spot, please register by Sunday, November th 30 . There is a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall. You can also register directly with Peter Colvin (267-664-5923, peter_colvin@verizon.net). Please make checks payable to Central Schwenkfelder Church, with “Men’s Retreat” written on the memo line. Checks can be placed in Peter’s mailbox. The slate is now OPEN to all women in the congregation to make other nominations. Anyone making a nomination must first get the permission of the nominee before submitting your name and that of the nominee. PLACE NOMINATIONS in an ENVELOPE in Beverly O’Brien’s church mailbox by th November 16 . Please note that this retreat is open to non-members (same price). This is a PERFECT opportunity to connect your family or friends with our church! Nominating Committee: Wendy Kaminsky, Bev O’Brien, Doris Plager, Pat Zambella http://www.sprucelake.org/events/calendar/mens-retreat/ BAPTISM BY IMMERSION Please contact Peter for more information, and you can also go online to: We are praying that you will attend this retreat, which is sure to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus. ORGAN RECITAL CANCELLATION th Next Sunday afternoon, November 16 , we will be baptizing at least two individuals by immersion at the Hope Fellowship Church at 3:00 p.m. Hope Fellowship is located just one mile north of Central, near the Towamencin Schwenkfelder Cemetery. The address is 1900 S. Valley Forge Road. A brief lesson is required for preparation. If you have never been baptized, and would like to know more about this meaningful service, please contact Pastor David before th November 14 . Youth who are interested would still need to experience the catechetical class, which begins each January. Romans 6:4: “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Don’t worry about tomorrow, God is already there. The Organ Recital which had been scheduled for November th 16 here at Central has been cancelled. HEALTH and BEAUTY AID UPDATE There was no trick, only the treat of 120 items during October to the Fellowship Hall box. Once again, a treat for me to deliver to the always grateful folks at Fortenights of Norristown Hospital and Dock Village. COLD and FLU SEASON IS HERE As we enter into the peak season for the cold and flu germs, we encourage you to refrain from shaking hands during the worship service to prevent the spread of these and other illnesses CHRISTMAS MEMORIALS Forms to submit a Poinsettia Christmas Memorial in honor of a loved one can be found on the bulletin tables, as well as in the November newsletter and in the Narthex office. Completed forms with payment can be placed in the designated box in the Narthex office or brought to the Church Office at your convenience. The deadline for submissions to be included in the Christmas Eve bulletin is Monday, th December 8 . CHRISTMAS CHURCH DECORATING HELP NEEDED! The decorating of our church Sanctuary for the Christmas th holiday season is scheduled for Saturday, December 6 beginning at 8:00 a.m. It is big task and as the saying goes “many hands make light work” and we’re in desperate need of some extra HANDS! In addition to the decorating with garland, candle tapers and bows, there is also some heavy lifting (of the large wreaths) and tasks requiring the climbing of ladders …so if you’re willing, able and available and can th help on the 6 , please contact Linda Moritz at bouquets@aol.com or 215-836-9386. Or you can sign up on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. HOLIDAY SHOPPING FOR A CAUSE Want to get a head start on your Christmas Shopping? Looking for a unique gift? Want to treat yourself? Men, do you need a special something for the woman in your life? We have the answer! Come to a “Holiday Shopping for a Cause” event, sponsored by the Women’s Christian Fellowship of Central Schwenkfelder Church. The event is being held at the Central Community Center on Friday, th December 5 , from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, th December 6 , from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be many items to purchase including jewelry, cards, scarves, purses, bookmarks, toys & clothing in all price ranges. Purchases can be taken home that day. All of the proceeds will go to Women At Risk, International, which is an organization that rescues women and children from human traffickers here and around the world, providing them with safe shelter. They are trained to work with dignity, while being presented with the hope of Christ. All the items at the fundraiser are made by these women and support the work of Women At Risk, International (WAR). If you would like to support WAR but are unable to attend the event, cash or check donation will be accepted at the display table in rd th Fellowship Hall on November 23 or 30 . ANGEL TREE Angel Tree is here! Once again, our congregation has the opportunity to provide gifts to children on behalf of their incarcerated parent and to show them God’s love in a very real way. Angel tags will be available before and after both worship services beginning in November. This year we will be purchasing gifts (2 each) for 68 Angel Tree children. We will also be getting gifts for needy children in the area of our missionary church in Philadelphia and for residents of New Life and Family Services. More specific directions will be with each child’s tag when you pick it (or them) up in Fellowship Hall. The Mere Christianity Class ADVENT SEASON th November 30 is the first Sunday of Advent. Please consider helping with the Advent Wreath lighting with your family or a small group of people on any of the four Sundays of Advent, as well as Christmas Eve. If interested in participating at the Traditional Service please contact Sally House (shouse3838@aol.com or 610-476-4146). For the Informal Worship Service please contact Wayne Wurtz (waynecwurtz@gmail.com or 215-715-6864). COUNTRY FAIR CHRISTMAS WISH LIST Remember looking through the Sears Wish Book for that special item that you wanted for Christmas? Well we have been looking through catalogs as well. We would like to start replacing the tables that we use on fair day with ones that are lighter and easier to manage. You can make our wish come true by making a donation for these tables. Each table costs approximately $150. Any amount is appreciated and is also tax deductible. Make checks payable to Central Schwenkfelder Church with “Fair Tables” written in the memo line. Nancy Kreider, Dianne Cestrone, Pat Gramm Please be reminded that meetings will not be scheduled in the Plaid Pad, Blue Lounge or Middlers Room during the month of November due to our Interfaith guests’ stay this month! Announcements and Connections information can be emailed to BulletinInfo@cscfamily.org. Please note that information is due Wednesdays by 10:00 a.m. CD’s of the 9:00 a.m. worship service are available for a $1 donation and can be ordered through the church office. Sermons are also posted on the church’s website under “Central to Life”. Christmas Memorials Anyone desiring to place a poinsettia memorial in the Sanctuary for the Christmas Holiday season is requested to complete the form below and place it in the box located in the Narthex office or mail to the church office by Monday, December 8, 2014. The cost of each memorial will be $10.00. Please use the form below to list your memorial(s) as you desire to have them appear in the special insert of our Christmas bulletin. Poinsettias will be distributed after the 9:30 p.m. service on Christmas Eve. If you are unable to pick up your plant, please make arrangements for someone else to collect it for you. Thank you. Any plants that are not picked up, by Thursday, December 26 th will be delivered to area shut-ins. (List as you wish the memorial to appear in the bulletin.) PLEASE NOTE CHANGE: Please use a separate form for each memorial. In Loving Memory of: Given by: _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Signed _______________________________________ I wish to take my plant(s). YES NO Phone _______________________________________ Check enclosed (amount): _________________ Make payable to “Central Schwenkfelder Church” (Please be sure to include $10.00 per listing/memorial.) Cash enclosed (amount): _____________________
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