The Massabielle The Weekly Newsletter of St Bernadette’s Parish Community, Castle Hill, NSW November 8 & 9, 2014 - DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA - Year A Issue Number 612 CASTLE HILL’S NEW ASSISTANT PRIEST some 50 kilometres from the city and we have settled there now. I attended my primary school at Ruku-Ini (Forest) Primary School, the school named because of many trees surrounding it. My secondary school was Mother of Apostle am pleased to have been appointed Seminary, Eldoret. That was between the years Assistant Priest of St Bernadette’s 1973-1986. In the year 1987/1988 I joined St Catholic Church, Castle Hill, Parramatta Mary’s Molo Major Seminary where I stayed Diocese. It is a challenge and a mission I for one year, commonly known as a spiritual would take with the enthusiasm and seriousness year, studying spirituality and introduction to it deserves. It is a challenge in the sense that, priesthood. this is a big task for me, to work in an enormous My journey to priesthood began there. In the parish like St Bernadette’s with its immense years 1988-1990 I was at Apostle of Jesus multi-cultural richness. A mission in the sense Major Seminary based in Nairobi for my that priest-work, our work, is a mission by philosophical and religious studies. nature, a mission to establish Between the years 1990God’s Kingdom and making it 1994 I was at St Thomas realised. Aquinas Seminary for my It is my hope and prayer theological studies. I was based that, with God’s grace and in Nairobi. I graduated in 1994 your co-operation, the abovewith the Pontifical Urbaniana mentioned tasks will be affiliate university. achievable and fulfilling. I I was ordained deacon pray to God that my ministry towards the end of that year will be fruitful and beneficial. (1994) and the following year, To begin with, I would like on 1st July 1995, I was to say something about myself. ordained priest - ordained for I will talk a bit about my the Catholic diocese of Eldoret. background and how my Eldoret is about 340 kilometres journey has led me to west of Nairobi, Kenya. Australia, so that you too will For almost my entire know a thing or two about me. priestly life I have worked in I believe, with time, I will also parishes. I was for three and a know you. I will also say Fr Michael Gitau Gathuku half years an assistant priest something about my family. and fourteen years as a parish I was born in Kenya in a family of nine priest in the Catholic diocese of Eldoret. I have siblings – five brothers and four sisters. My also been involved with education in Catholic parents are Geoffrey Gathuku and Cicilia schools, Youth Ministry in the diocese and Wambui, both of whom are alive; thanks be to pastoral counselling. These are apostolates that God for that. They are in their early and late have given me much joy. seventies respectively. I am the first-born among Last year I came to Australia for a renewal my siblings. Our second-last born, who is a boy, and discernment course at Marymount here at is also a priest, ordained a month ago. Castle Hill. I was there for six months. I later I was born in a small village some 320 worked at St Patrick’s Cathedral for a short kilometres west of Nairobi, our Capital City in period before going back to Kenya. I came back Rift Valley Province. We later relocated to near on August 19th this year, worked again as an Eldoret, where I grew up. We stayed there until assistant priest in the cathedral parish for two 2007 when we again relocated to Naivasha, months before being appointed to St Fr Michael Gitau Gathuku has been appointed an Assistant Priest at St Bernadette’s, Castle Hill. Here in this article he tells us a little about himself. I Bernadette’s, Castle Hill. I would like to thank Archbishop-elect Anthony Fisher for this appointment and the prior appointment to St Patrick’s Cathedral. I would also like to thank his two Vicars-General, Very Rev Fr Peter Williams and Very Rev Fr Chris de Souza for their assistance – assistance with many requirements to be fulfilled to enable me to be eligible to work in the diocese. I would like to thank the Dean and Parish Priest of the Cathedral and other priests of the Cathedral who made me feel at home, away from home. The cathedral staff were enormously helpful although I was there for just a short space of time. They truly made an impact on me because of their warmth. The parishioners at the St Patrick’s Cathedral were good to me. I was warming up to really know them, but then God has other plans – preparing my way to St Bernadette’s. Since I arrived at St Bernadette’s last Friday week, I have received another warm welcome by almost everyone I have met. I would like to single out Father John Boyle, the Parish Priest and the Dean of the Hills. In his own words he told me, when I first came to see him right after my appointment, “Michael, you are welcome to St Bernadette’s to work with us, but more so, to be happy”. I like that. The rest is history. So far I am happy, if not very happy. I want to thank Father Eugene for his warm welcome too. The staff at both the parish and parish primary school have been fantastic. They have made me feel that this is where I belong. I thank them. The few parishioners I have met are just wonderful. I would not have imagined that so far, within such a short time, some of them have invited me to their homes. What a blessing. On my part, I look forward to meeting you all and working with you and for you. I look forward to be a friend with you and a priest for you. Fr Michael Gitau Gathuku LITURGY CORNER The Church of St John Lateran in Rome is honoured because it is the “Mother and Head of all Churches of the City and of the World”. It is accorded this honour because it was the first Christian Church built in Rome under the Emperor Constantine. The land on which it was built had been the site of the palace of the Laterani family and came to Constantine through his wife. It was donated to the Church and the Basilica was built as early as 311 and was dedicated by Pope Sylvester in 324. This church remains the Papal Cathedral and the Palace was the papal residence for many centuries. The original building has been destroyed by earthquake and fire and rebuilt many times. The Summit Today’s Readings First Reading: Ezekiel 47:8-9,12. A vision of the Temple, God’s house, where a stream of living water makes all things grow. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:9-11,16-17. St Paul likens us to a building, founded on Christ, where everyone has his or her part to play. Gospel: John 2:13-22. Jesus drives the traders from the Temple and speaks of the new ‘holy place’, the sanctuary of his risen body. Next Week: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - A Prov 31:10-13,19-20,30-31; 1 Thess 5:1-6; Matt 25:14-30 Feast Days this Week Monday 10 November - St Leo the Great Tuesday 11 November - St Martin of Tours Wednesday 12 November - St Josaphat HOLY HOUR this Thursday from 8.00 to 9.00pm including Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, prayers, hymns and scripture reading. All welcome. REPARATION PRAYER GROUP meets Tuesdays in the Parish Office Basement from 8.00 to 9.00pm including Rosary and a cuppa. All welcome. ASYLUM SEEKERS often come here with only what they can carry. If Refugee Status is granted, they will settle into life in Australia but they need help with understanding English, accessing public transport, shopping, and understanding Australian laws, values and culture. You can make them feel welcome and assist them in a practical way by becoming a Volunteer Mentor. Full training and support will be provided through Marist Youth Care, 36 – 38 First Avenue (Corner Boys Ave) Blacktown on Tuesday, 18 November from 7pm to 9pm. Contact: Janice Williams on 9672 9210 or Can you find Kenya? It is to the right surrounded by Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia. TUESDAY PRAYER GROUP meets in the Marian Centre every Tuesday morning at 10.00am. All welcome. For information phone Pauline Camilleri on 0407 417 039. Have you considered leaving a gift to the parish in your will? If you would like further information please phone 9634 2622 for a confidential discussion. MONSIGNOR JOHN BOYLE During the farewell Mass for Archbishop-elect Anthony Fisher last Wednesday, Fr John Boyle was conferred with the title of Monsignor with the following proclamation: His Holiness Pope Francis has chosen Reverend John Boyle from the Diocese of Parramatta to be numbered among his chaplains which office indeed has been appropriately assigned. To celebrate this great achievement with Monsignor Boyle, we invite you to a special morning tea which will take place this Sunday (9th November) in the parish hall after the 10.30am Mass. To help with catering a plate of finger food would be appreciated if you are able to assist. Into LIFE Friday for years 6-8: Bilocation, levitation, prophecy, miracles. Padre Pio did it all! Come find out about this amazing man! In the parish hall 7-8.30pm. Don't forget your $2 donation! NOVEMBER Have ideas for new works and ministries? Please contact James Hay. MASSES: Parishioners are invited to write the names of deceased relatives and friends on an envelope which is handed to the priest or placed on the collection plate or given in to the parish office. From there the names are typed up and placed in the “Book of Life”. Parishioners are welcome to browse through the Book, placed on a temporary altar (to the right of the main altar), looking at the names, and remembering to say a prayer for those whose names are in the Book. Masses will be offered for these people who have gone before us during the month of November. CHRISTMAS HAMPERS: The Annual Christmas Hamper Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 7th December at 6.00pm. Once again we are asking for your assistance to bring the true spirit of Christmas into the homes of needy families. Firstly, we need your donation of hampers, so kindly take a label and bring your hamper to the church hall on the weekend of 6/7 December. Please read the information on the notice board regarding the assembly of the Hampers. We ask for consistent sizing both for ease of handling and also to ensure equitable distribution to the receiving families. Secondly, we need your support in helping us manage the logistics of this appeal; in sorting the hampers and then distributing them to the families on Tuesday 9th December. A worksheet has been posted on the noticeboard to indicate the times you are available or contact Maureen on 9634 6925. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION PROGRAMME 2014-2015: A Reminder to parish families who would like their child to commence preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, that you need to contact the parish office to book an appointment to meet with Fr John Boyle. Enrolments will be finalised following our ‘Presentation to the Parish’ at all masses next weekend, 16th November. Please ensure you have met with Fr John before then. For more information contact Alice Bradshaw, Sacramental Co-ordinator, on 9634 2622 (Mon & Tue) or A LIFE-CHANGING OPPORTUNITY What: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Where: The Marian Centre When: Wednesday evenings from 7.30 - 9pm. For Whom: Anyone who is considering what it means to be a Catholic Christian and may want to join the Catholic faith community. Please contact Sr Judy - Parish Office on 9634 2622. Leading Teens Closer To Christ Youth & Young Adults Ministry Life NIGHT tonight: Mission Possible! Find out our mission; and its worth working for! Don't forget your $2 donation! More information? Please contact James Hay on 0403 933 732, Twitter: @StBernadettesYM, Instagram: StBernadetteYouth or ADVENT FESTIVAL OF READINGS & SONGS at Mount St Benedict Centre Chapel, 449D Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills on Sunday 30th November. 3.30pm afternoon tea, 4.30-5.30pm Advent Festival. Bookings essential: or 9484 6208. RECOLLECTION AND PRAYER DAY for Nurses, Doctors, Allied Health Workers, Carers and all who care for the sick, at Sacred Heart Parish Westmead on Saturday 22 November from 10.00am. – 3.00pm (parish Mass at 9.00am). Suggested donation $10. BYO Lunch. Tea & coffee provided. The day will consist of a keynote address, discussions, prayer times, quiet time, group sharing and a closing liturgy. Reconciliation available. The aim is for those in the caring professions to have a time of prayer and recollection and be renewed in their professional calling. For enquiries please contact Michelle 47343150 b/h or St. Bernadette’s CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP meets on Thursday evenings 7.30pm in the Lourdes Centre (Out of School Hours Care Centre), 31b Brisbane Road, Castle Hill. (Follow the lighted pathway). Newcomers very welcome. Contact Lesley Maker 8677 8845, Mobile 0433 051 969: Email PROPOSED CATHOLIC CEMETERY AT KENTHURST: St Madeleines Parish is undergoing research to test the viability of a proposed Catholic Cemetery to be developed alongside their new church and are seeking the feedback from Catholic parishioners in surrounding areas. Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey online and have your say. If you can please complete the survey as soon as possible at (this website differs from that in previous bulletins). COLUMBAN CALENDARS ARE NOW ON SALE FROM THE BOOKSHOP FOR $10 EACH. VINNIES CHRISTMAS CARDS ON SALE FOR $7 PER PACKET The sale of these products support the works of the St Vincent de Paul Society. St Bernadette’s Parish Community Parish House, 367 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill, NSW 2154 Telephone 9634 2622 Fax 9899 3511 Email: Web page: Parish Staff Mass Times for this Week Monsignor John Boyle, Parish Priest Sunday Sat 6.00pm Fr Eugene Szondi, Assistant Priest Sun 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.30am & Fr Michael Gathuku, Assistant Priest 6.00pm Parish LIFE TEEN Youth Mass Sr Judy McLeod, rsm, Pastoral Associate Weekdays Mon 6.45am Mrs Alice Bradshaw, Sacramental Co-ordinator Tue 6.45am Mr James Hay, Youth Minister Wed 6.45am, 9.15am Mrs Frances Gallagher, Office Manager Thurs 6.45am, 9.15am Mrs Monica Rubic, Parish Secretary (Finance: Mon-Thu) Fri 6.45am, 9.15 am Mr Darren Edwards, Maintenance Sat 8.00 am Reconciliation Sat 8.30am - 9.00am, 4.30pm - 5.30pm Mass on Public Holidays at 8.00am Baptisms and Marriages: By appointment only. Contact the Parish Office. Please note the Church law: Parents are obliged to take care that infants are baptised in the first few weeks. As soon as possible after the birth or even before it, they are to go to the pastor to request the sacrament for their child and to be prepared properly for it. [Can. 867 §1] St Bernadette’s Parish School: Mrs Leanne Nettleton (Principal) 9634 2898 Acting Parish Council Administrator: Peter Grace 9659 5350 Sacramental Programme 2016 Information Nights - 12th & 13th October, 2015 Please pray for Winifred Connor, Ivan Mikulich, Ken Taylor, Terese Ng, Jean Atkinson and Jonathan Blacklock who have died recently and for the anniversary of James Griffin. Prayers for the Sick: Patrick Bowie, John Mulholland, Robert Ison, Elaine Rowe, Sr Bridie O’Connell, Sandra Watson, Greta Meier, Robert Teoh, Victoria Gatt, Peter Yao, Archer Kemmis, Joe Rego, Sophie Maher, Dorothy Barbour, Evelin Lockley, Dorothy Edhouse, Jan Heyworth and Avelina Ecarma. ROSTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND - 15 & 16 November, 2014 ACOLYTES/ SERVERS LECTORS MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Dominic Parsons Ray Scully Cheryl Braisby Sue McDonald, Iciar Quintana, Marjorie Orioles, Harry Reyden, Monica & Matthew Fitzalan, Kathleen & John Abernethy, John Geoghegan 7.30AM Philip Myers, Reg Sinha S5 Vince Connelly Jo Wickens Joe Menezes Paul Hennessey, Francesca Menezes, Remy Sie, Bernard Rogers, Geoff Roney, Catherine Seddon 9.00AM Melvyn Myers, James Tchang S6 Karin Abrams Tim Abrams Marianne Fidel Minna Koo, Catherine Chan, John Hogan, Vesna Rakuljic, Lisa Hurst, Joan Claxton, Gi Zenere, Mike Reidy, Yvette Braganza Sylvia Rego Gemma Saccasan Peter Saccasan Mary & Jeyaraj Winslow, Crystal & Bernie Good, Mark Street, Gaye Crammond, Lydia Flores, Teresa Somasundram, Tim Long VIGIL Stephen MacMahon, Michael Lopez S4 10.30AM Terry O’Mara, David Tye S7 6.00PM PARISH LIFE TEEN YOUTH MASS MINISTRY ROSTER - 16 November Adult Server Cassie Holden Lectors Janina Cejka Mystique Nelis Patricia Wibisono Bass Dominic Jones Erich Gracias Flor Guitar Drums Justin Abeleda Martin Abeleda Altar Servers S8 Singers Musos Piano Projectionist Josh Becker Horns Cassie Knezevic Jacqui Holden Natalie Jones Nicholas Holden Jamison Bonifacio Kristen Mathias Lauren Fernandez CHILDREN’S LITURGY CHURCH HOUSEKEEPING Jana Fizely Joanna Delvecchio Karen D’Souza, Christine Garcia Leader, Jana Fizely, Elena Neira FLOWER ROSTER COUNTING (1st Collection) Lorraine O’Mara Bert & Helga Hofstaetter COUNTING (2nd Collection) Matthew Troy, Michael & Julie Puckeridge BOOKSHOP Maureen Gain / Heather Woods / Bernadette Logue / Nancy Eberhaut / Bernadette Boulos
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