Welcome to the jungle fall 2014 MASFAP Conference! W elcome to the Fall 2014 MASFAP Conference! As we tread through new regulations and swing from one hot topic to the next, do you ever just think to yourself, “It’s a Jungle Out There”!?! What better phrase to describe our ever changing, sometimes scary world of financial aid. We are glad you have made the journey to voyage through this conference with friends and colleagues. The program committee has worked hard the past few months to bring you a full schedule of great sessions and speakers as well as some evening fun to network and relax. Below are the lyrics to Randy Newman’s It’s a Jungle Out There, and I think they seem quite fitting for the way we feel some days! I, for one, could not make it through my job day-to-day, year-to-year, without the support of my wonderful colleagues from all around the state and nation! These conferences are a time to gather with one another, absorb all the information we can, and share our sorrows and joys of this profession we all so passionately dedicate ourselves to. Thank you for attending and be sure to fill out all of the evaluations throughout the conference. Your feedback is what makes us move forward and continually get better at providing our members with valuable information. There is a full agenda in store, so turn the pages and get excited! On behalf of the entire MASFAP program committee Welcome to the Jungle!!!!!! Crystal Bruntz 2014 Vice President MASFAP Program Chair man y New Rand re by e h T Out ngle there t ngle ou ywhere It's a ju nfusion ever co er and seems to care d r o s i D e No on ell I do W here? charge e n i s ' o h er Hey, w ungle out th reathe j a s w ' r eb drink? It very ai ter that you e h t n i a Poison at's in the w azing h time am w s ' all the know I do, and it y r u r o o y Do too se I w Well zy, 'cau 'd be worried a r c m ' u think I n ion, yo People paid attent pay attentio just kill you u r o e ght tt If y You be so much mi 't think so! I don e love orld w ng now, but ut there. w s i h t o Or be wro jungle I could use there's a out there. 'Ca ngle It's a ju It ’s a Ju 1 Schedule at Wednesday, November 5th 11:30 AM 1:00 PM 2:15 PM Barcelona Collections and Bankruptcies Escollo Online Programs Granada A/B 5:00 PM Dinner/ Charity Speaker/ Community Service Activity General Session: Kim Becking B Registration 12:00 - 5:00 7:30 AM B R E A K Exhibit Area Open 1:00 - 5:00 Granada C Newcomer Tour/Lunch Granada Foyer with the Board Thu 3:45 PM R Breakfast General Session: Federal Update 9:45 AM 10:40AM Gainful Employment Fraud Prevention Plan Standard Verification VA Panel FAO and BO Exhibit Area Open 7:30 - 4:00 B R E A K Registration 7:30 - 11:30 E Lookout A Packaging Counseling Families on Education Financing Tending to Your Default Rate and Default Rate Plan Director Roundtable Program Review BO Needs from FAO Utilizing Work Study and Social Media Cash Management Hand Calcs and PJ's K Madrid Malaga Marbella Sea Chase Valencia 2 Newcomer Session Glance a ursday, November 6th 12:00 PM Non Standard Verification Lunch/ Business Meeting/ MASFAA Update Friday, November 7th 1:45PM 150% Sub Limits 3:00 PM B R E A K 4:00PM FA Director and D.C. 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00AM Community College Associate Dinner/ Service Awards Quickstart Breakfast (Granada B) General Session: NASFAA Update Speed Sessions IRS DRT, Tax Transcripts, and More with Jim Briggs B R A 8:00 AM One Stop Shop Roundtable Business Officers E 7:00 AM Tax Talk with Jim Briggs Exhibit Area Open until 4:00 SAP 6:00 PM Consumer Information Bootcamp Proprietary/ Technical Career Eligibility Documents Eligibility - FA 101 K Brunch/ State Update Director Roundtable Inactive In House Collections Private/ ICUM's/ Theology Service Tracking R2T4 Public 4 year Reconciliation to Perfection 3 Exhibitors Please take time to visit our Exhibit Area as our vendors help offset the cost of our conference. Commerce Bank Navient Financial Aid TV Origami Owl First Marblehead PNC Bank General Revenue Corporation Premier Design Great Lakes Sallie Mae Inceptia Thirty-One Gifts Istamp Studio Wells Fargo MDHE Windham Professionals Missouri Scholarship & Loan Foundation Younique MOHELA G e ne r a l S u p p o r t Missouri Scholarship and Loan Foundation MOHELA 4 Allan Walker Purdy B orn in 1914 on a farm near Macon, Missouri, Purdy was impacted by educational financial aid early on. He repeated 8th grade for a year while one of his older brothers completed the local tuition-based high school. The first in his family to attend a four-year college, Purdy received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri in 1938 and a master’s degree in 1939. His work on a Ph.D. at Ohio State was interrupted by World War II when he served in the Navy. Contributions Allan returned to MU in 1946, where he helped College of Agriculture students find parttime jobs, loans and scholarships. In 1958, the university president selected Purdy to start the Student Financial Aid office, one of the first offices of its kind in the country. Congress began developing national student aid programs during the 1960s and 70s. Purdy helped organize student aid administrators and served as the founding president of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA). Through his work with NASFAA, Purdy was instrumental in the creation and Congress’s authorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965. LegaCy Upon Purdy’s retirement from MU in 1979, the chairman of the House Committee on Education, Carl Perkins of Kentucky, entered a tribute to Purdy in the June 28, 1979 Congressional Record which read: Allan has been most active in legislative matters, testifying on numerous occasions before the Committee on Education and Labor. Time and time again we relied on him for help and guidance in the drafting of such important legislation as the college work-study program, the guaranteed student loan program, and the three grant programs… Allan Purdy’s selfless dedication to the educational needs of our students is truly admirable. DeDiCation Purdy was instrumental in helping create many organizations that we are familiar with today. He served on the board and helped form MOHELA, Sallie Mae, USA Funds, MASFAP, MASFAA and NASFAA. Purdy’s commitment to the financial aid industry is unparalleled. He believed in using one’s voice and knowledge to help students and families obtain higher education. kbd 2/04/14 a a the aLLan PurDy ProfessionaL DeveLoPment funD MASFAP has developed the Allan Purdy Professional Development Fund specifically to promote professional development through deeply discounted and free training and conference opportunities for financial aid professionals. The fund was developed to honor Allan W. Purdy, whose career focused on making financial aid accessible for thousands of students. The Allan Purdy Professional Development Fund is made possible in part by donations of patrons including MASFAP Associate members and exhibitors, MOHELA, The Missouri Scholarship and Loan Foundation, and others interested in continuing to make professional development accessible. 5 P r o g r a m C o m m i t t ee Crystal Bruntz, Avila University (Chair) Kim Howe, Missouri Department of Higher Education Donna Bodenhamer, University of Central Missouri Angela Karlin, University of Central Missouri Matt Boyd, William Jewell College Matthew Kearney, University of Missouri – Columbia Ginny Burns, MOHELA Verona Lambert, Southeast Missouri State University Jamie Davis, Columbia College Jenny Laughlin, Moberly Area Community College Hal Deuser, Webster University Nicholas Prewett, University of Missouri – Columbia Sara Edwards, Inceptia Will Shaffner, MOHELA Caroline Falkner, Avila University Laura Steinbeck, Sallie Mae Melissa Findley, Missouri Scholarship & Loan Foundation/ MOHELA Cam Thies, Central Methodist University Jennifer Haynes, Moberly Area Community College Karen Walker, Southeast Missouri State University Karen Thompson, Lincoln University Mitch Hess, University of Missouri – St. Louis MAS F AP B o a r d M e m b e r s - C o m m i t t ee C h a i r s Archives Dena Norris, Metropolitan Community College Membership Samantha Matchefts, University of Missouri—St. Louis Awards Kelly Fleming, Barnes Jewish College of Nursing Newcomer Sara Edwards, Inceptia Budget and Finance Co-Chairs Frank Tucci, Saint Louis University Kelly Hallahan, Concordia Seminary Professional Development Co-Chairs Cassandra Hicks, Southeast Missouri State University Chelsey Giles, Missouri State University Communication (Ad Hoc) Melissa Findley, Missouri Scholarship & Loan Foundation/MOHELA Research Jon Gruett, Webster University Corp. Support/Assoc. Member Concerns Ginny Burns, MOHELA Site Kim Howe, Missouri Department of Higher Education Early Awareness / CGS CortneyJo Sandidge, University of Missouri—Columbia Technology Colleen Brown, Columbia College Legislative Del Morley, Northwest Missouri State University Ex-officio Leroy Wade Missouri Dept of Higher Education 6 MASFAP B o a r d m e m b e r s -E l ec t e d O ff i c i a l s President Treasurer-Elect Janice Barnes Saint Louis University Kristen Gibbs Central Methodist University Gena Boling Mo. Univ. of Science & Technology Karen Walker Southeast Missouri State Univ. Association Governance/Legal Issues, Nominations/ Elections, Missouri Award Brice Baumgardner Hannibal-LaGrange University Karen Griffin East Central College President-Elect Past President Vice President Program Chair Crystal Bruntz Avila University Secretary Matthew Kearney University of Missouri—Columbia Delegate Delegate Delegate John Brandt Missouri Baptist University Delegate (Associate) Will Shaffner MOHELA Treasurer Amy Hager Moberly Area Community College 7 Charity/Community Service Information Lake of the Ozarks Idiots Club The Lake of the Ozarks Idiots Club is a 501(c)3 charity formed to help the youth in the lake area. Almost one-half of the kids in the lake area live at or below the poverty level. This charity was started by Denny & Danna Hiner, retirees of Camdenton R-III, who saw firsthand the needs of many students they dealt with on a day-to-day basis. The needs are great and varied. These kids need to be active in community and school activities but often can’t afford participation fees and equipment. Maybe they need a new pair of sneakers; cleats to play soccer; a scout uniform; new clothes for a homeless child; or a new car battery for a high school kid living in their car. You just never know what the need might be. 8 MASFAP Hill DAy At tHe CAPitol Spend the day in Jefferson City! Join Us Mid-February, 2015 Please watch the listserve for date and registration Make a difference for you, the students you serve and your institution! MASFAP members will visit with your state legislators. If anyone has concerns about any legislation either at the State or Federal level, please contact dmorley@nwmissouri.edu. 9 MASFAP welcomes our K e y n o t e S p e a ke r W e dnesday , 2:15PM, G r a na da C Kim Becking Bio Kim is a nationally recognized and sought after author, consultant and motivational speaker. She is a “recovering” attorney. a successful business owner, a community activist, a patient advocate, a published author and speaker and more importantly a “survivor” who provides messages of hope, inspiration and humor and encourages people to find their voice and use life’s stumbling blocks to rebuild their lives. Kim believes life’s inevitable challenges are an opportunity to pause and reinvent ourselves – not only surviving but thriving. Kim understands what it takes to defy the odds, face challenges and create a life that works…on her own terms. As a high school senior she was told, “Forget college. It’s not for you – you aren’t college material.” She went on to graduate not only from college, but from law school as well, at the top of her class – and was the first person in her family to graduate from college. In 2002, at the age of 30, while planning her son’s second birthday Kim was diagnosed with breast cancer. She fought it and with her friends and co-authors, wrote a book, Nordie’s at Noon, about the experience and twelve years later is now cancer free. Kim learned about the importance of breast self exams through her good friend, Patti, who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 24. Unfortunately, Patti lost her battle with breast cancer at the age of 29. Kim is now on a mission to empower others to be proactive with their health, their life and their future. She is a nationally recognized patient advocate and breast cancer survivor and 10 to our Jungle! has been honored by SELF and Lifetime Television for her tireless commitment to breast cancer awareness. Kim’s book, “Nordie’s at Noon- the Personal Stories of Four Women “Too Young” for BreastCancer,” has received national acclaim and featured in national publications such as People, SELF, and theNew York Times. She is the recipient of the Natalie Davis Spingarn Writer’s Award by the National Coalition of Cancer Survivorship, the Shining Star of Perseverance by the Will Return Council, and the “You Make a Difference Award” from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Greater Kansas City Affiliate. After breast cancer, Kim realized life was short. So she left a successful law practice to start her own business and follow her passion. She left the practice of law nine years ago and started her own public affairs and strategic communications firm. It went well. Life was humming along. And then, her husband and high school sweetheart walked out on her. One day she was married, the next day he was gone, marrying her very good friend and neighbor, who then took her name, Kim Carlos, thus requiring Kim to not only reinvent herself, and go back to her maiden name, Kim George, but also reinvent her company and personal brand. Kim “gets” challenge. She understands the need to reframe and reclaim herself when life tosses her a curve ball. Her challenges have been faced by many of us. Fortunately, as an author and speaker, Kim has a passion to tell her story and share the tools she used to not only survive, but thrive. It’s a story she can tell through many chapters: her battle with cancer, the demands of owning her own business, community advocacy, the balance of being a working mother, the unexpected challenges of marriage, family and divorce, having a second chance at love, remarrying a widower with two small children, and adjusting to a fabulous new life in a blended household as Kim Becking – mom of three, party of five. Kim embodies the philosophy of doing good for her clients while doing good for the public through her civic and philanthropic activities. She has been an active community leader for over a decade. She is the former chair of the Missouri Women’s Council, past President of 11 the Susan G. Komen for the Cure – Greater Kansas City Affiliate, also serving on Komen’s National Public Policy Advisory Council, as well as serving on countless other boards for worthy community organizations, including the American Cancer Society, the National Patient Advocate Foundation and the Young Survival Coalition. Since 2004, Kim has been selected as a member of the National Cancer Survivor Day Speaker’s Bureau. She is a graduate of the Kauffman Foundation’s Fast Trac Program, an alumnae of the Greater Missouri Leadership Challenge and one of Kansas City’s Ingram’s Magazine 40 Under 40 honorees. Kim graduated with honors from Southwest Missouri State University (now Missouri State University) with a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing and received her Juris Doctorate with honors from the University of MissouriKansas City School of Law. She continues to make every day count – looking forward and living life. Kim currently resides in Columbia, Missouri with her husband, Jason, and her three children, Brandon (14), Adelaide (11) and Jack (9). 12 W elcome S pecial G uests ! James Bergeron T h u r s day , 8:30AM, G ra n ada A/B President National Council of Higher Education Resources James Bergeron currently serves as President of the National Council of Higher Education Resources (NCHER), which represents a nationwide network of lenders, secondary markets, guaranty agencies, loan servicers, private collection agencies, schools, and others that assist students, borrowers, parents, and families who access, manage, and pay for the costs of postsecondary education. The membership includes education finance organizations that administer and service federal education loans and entities that underwrite, administer, and service private education loans. Prior to joining NCHER, James worked as the Director of Education and Human Services Policy for the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. In this capacity, he advised Chairman John Kline, members, and staff, and oversaw policy development on all areas of education and human services programs, including the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA), the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)/No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the Head Start Act, and other federal laws governing elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education. Before joining the Committee in 2006, Bergeron served as Legislative Director in California Rep. Buck McKeon’s personal office where he was responsible for developing and implementing the legislative agenda within the House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness. He authored important legislative initiatives on college affordability and financial aid simplification. Bergeron began his Capitol Hill service almost 20 years ago as a Legislative Assistant to former Louisiana Rep. Bob Livingston, who chaired the House Appropriations Committee. Bergeron also served as Vice President of MARC Associates (now part of Holland & Knight), a government relations firm where he consulted for a number of elementary and secondary education and higher education organizations. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. 13 W elcome S pecial G uests ! Jesse O’Connell F r i d ay , 9:00AM, G ra n ada B Assistant Director, Federal Relations NASFAA Jesse O’Connell is the Assistant Director for Federal Relations at the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators where he works as part of the team that manages the Association’s policy and advocacy efforts. Prior to joining NASFAA in early 2013, he served as an Associate Director in the Office of Student Financial Services at Georgetown University, where he oversaw the compliance and administration of all athletically related aid, in addition to managing a caseload of financial aid applicants. Jesse began his career in higher education as a financial counselor at Georgetown, where he received both a master’s and bachelor’s degree. Leroy Wade F r i d ay , 11:00 AM, M ar bell a Deputy Commissioner Missouri Department of Higher Education If your career path has yet to intersect with Leroy Wade’s, you are in for a treat. With more than 28 years of service at the Missouri Department of Higher Education, Leroy has served as Deputy Commissioner since July 2013, but in the eyes of Missouri’s seasoned financial aid professionals, Leroy is so much more: he is an authority on state financial aid, the educational pipeline, and Missouri legislative issues as well as being a talented auctioneer, drummer, cattle farmer, and all around great guy. Additionally, Leroy served on the New Bloomfield public school board for about a decade. Like Missouri’s financial aid community, Leroy is deeply committed to educating our citizenry and he always puts students first. Jim Briggs Tax Detective Reducing College Costs T h u r s day , 3:00PM, B arcelon a F r i d ay , 10:00AM, L ookout Jim Briggs is a nationally known expert on federal taxes and financial aid. Over the past 29 years he has consulted with hundreds of schools and trained tens-of-thousands of financial aid professionals at community colleges, public universities, private schools, loan guarantors and state financial aid agencies. Jim is now making his financial aid expertise available to families who want to reduce the costs of sending their children to college. Jim speaks frequently at federal, state and regional financial aid conferences and writes an occasional column on taxes for the Student Aid Transcript, published by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. Jim has been quoted on financial aid issues in the Wall Street Journal, Smart Money Magazine and the Education Life section of the New York Times. Jim was previously an IRS agent and a practicing CPA. He co-founded Chesapeake Bagels and Brueggers Bagel Bakery and served as a board member of numerous not-for-profit organizations. Jim was an adjunct professor of taxation at both the University of Vermont and Champlain College. Jim’s family includes three children, four grandchildren, and two yellow labs. He lives in VT and TX. 14 s l a e M e c n e Confer Wednesday Dinner (Granada A/B) 5:00PM Pre-Made Sandwich Buffet: Fruit Salad/Macaroni Salad/Potato Salad; Sandwiches on Assorted Brea/Rolls: Smoked Turkey Breast, Avocado and Monterey Jack with Fresh Herb Mayonnaise, Sliced Ham with Gruyere Cheese Humus, English Cucumbers, Roasted Red Pepper, Onion and Leaf Lettuce on Wheat Roll Condiments: Lettuce, Tomato, Herb Mayonnaise, Regular Mayonnaise, Mustard/ Assorted Cookies/ Assorted Sodas and Bottled Water Thursday Breakfast (Granada A/B) 7:30AM The Sunshine Buffet: Orange Juice, Tomato Juice/Assorted of Sliced Fruits/Scrambled Eggs/Apple-wood Smoked Bacon/Grilled Ham/Breakfast Potatoes/ Sausage Gravy/Country Biscuits/Basket of Fresh Baked Muffins, Danish, Flaky Croissants and Bagels/Sweet Butter, Preserves/Cream Cheese/Freshly Brewed Coffee/Herbal Teas Thursday Break I (Granada Foyer) 9:30AM Assorted Sodas/Bottled Water/Coffee/Ice Tea Thursday Lunch (Granada A/B) 12:00PM Dijon Chicken-Field Greens with Spiced Pecans, Sundried Cranberries, Goat Cheese and Grape Tomato with Ranch and French Dressings/Lightly Seasoned Sautéed Chicken with a Dijon Veloute Sauce/Chef ’s choice of Starch/Fresh Seasonal Vegetables/Fresh Baked Rolls with Butter/New York Style Cheesecake with Strawberries/Coffee/Ice Tea Thursday Break II (Granada A/B) 2:30PM Assorted Cookies/Miniature Candy Bars/Assorted Dry Snacks: Popcorn, Bar Mix, Pretzels/Assorted Soda and Bottled Water Thursday Dinner (Granada A/B) 6:00PM Roasted Pork Tenderloin: Field Greens with Spiced Pecans, Sundried Cranberries, Goat Cheese and Grape Tomatoes with Italian and Ranch Dressing/ Roasted Pork Tenderloin Teriyaki Flavored with Ginger and Water Chestnut Sauce/Chef ’s choice of Starch/Fresh Seasonal Vegetables/Fresh Baked Rolls with Butter/Apple Strudel/Coffee, Ice Tea Friday Quick Start (Granada B) 7:00AM Variety of Juices/Assortment of Fresh Melons and Berries/Fruit Flavored Yogurts/Assorted Cold Cereals served with Milk/Assortment of Breakfast Pastries/ Coffee/Ice Tea Friday Brunch (Marbella) 11:00AM Horseshoe Bend Brunch-Orange Juice, Tomato Juice/Sliced Melons and Fruits and Berries/Mixed Greens with Aged Balsamic Vinaigrette and Buttermilk Dressings/Belgian Waffles with Warm Vermont Maple Syrup/Apple-wood Smoked Bacon/Griddle Sausage/Home Fried Breakfast Potatoes/Garlic and Rosemary Grilled Chicken with Artichokes, Kalamata Olives and Portabella Mushrooms/Salmon Tapenade/Wild Rice Pilaf/Fresh Seasonal Vegetables/ Basket of Fresh Baked Muffins, Danish, Flaky Croissants and Bagels, Sweet Butter, Preserves, Cream Cheese/Freshly Brewed Coffee, Herbal Teas *Cash Bar and DJ will be at both evening events (Wednesday night in Granada C and Thursday night Marbella) 15 MASFAP C onference A genda 2014 Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9:00AM – 2:00PM MASFAP Board Meeting Lookout 11:30AM – 1:00PM Newcomer Tour followed by Lunch with the 2014 and 2015 Board Members Granada Foyer/Meet at the Registration Table 12:00PM – 5:00PM Registration Open Granada Foyer 1:00PM – 5:00PM Exhibit Area Open Granada A/B 1:00PM – 2:00PM Newcomer Session Valencia 2:15PM – 3:30PM Keynote Speaker – Kim Becking Granada C Resign as General Manager of the Universe: Finding Balance in the Jungle of Financial Aid For many of us, life is anything but balanced. It’s more like a colossal collision between the thousands of things pulling at our time…the demands of work, home and everything in between…not to mention arms and legs if you have kids. It's a jungle out there in the financial aid world too - a world full of change, uncertainty and at times, chaos. In this session, Kim shares her own lessons learned about balancing the chaos of life through the demands of being a wife, mom, friend, cancer survivor, passionate volunteer, entrepreneur, as well as dozens of other hats she wears. Learn the five steps to “resigning as general manager of the universe”: saying no, setting priorities, delegating more, eliminating things that drain us, and taking “me” time. You will leave “resigning as general manager of the universe” and with a renewed sense of empowerment by taking back your own life, one in which you are thriving instead of simply surviving. 3:45PM – 4:30PM INTEREST SESSIONS 3:45PM – 4:30PM Packaging: Lions, Tigers, Pumas, and Cheetahs. ………..Similar but so different. Madrid We call cats-cats and we call packaging-packaging, but what does that really mean? Are we similar or are we different? This session discusses different packaging philosophies used at a large public and a tiny private four-year college. Presenters: Nicholas Prewett, Director of Financial Aid, University of Missouri-Columbia 16 Crystal Bruntz, Director of Financial Aid, Avila University Moderator: Regina Morris, Assistant Director, Three Rivers Community College 3:45PM – 4:30PM You’re Gonna Hear Me Roar: Utilizing Work-Study Students and Social Media to Champion Customer Valencia Service in your FA Office Student-focused customer service tips for inside the office and out on safari! How to make learning about financial aid awarding policies fun and motivate your work-study students to find the Eye of the Tiger, become a fighter and dance through difficult customer service situations, and get your message out louder than a lion to students through social media. Presenters: Nina Wilson-Keenan, Senior Advisor/Peer Advisor Coordinator, University of Missouri-Columbia Mariah Hibbard, Advisor/Social Media Specialist, University of Missouri-Columbia Moderator: Bridgette Betz, Director of Student Financial Assistance, Missouri University of Science and Technology 3:45PM – 4:30PM What Keeps You Up At Night - Directors Roundtable Sea Chase You are in the jungle and something suddenly hits you in the head…was that a rock, a falling tree branch or is the sky really falling? Directors have a great deal to worry about, so come find out what keeps directors up at night and the things that should be keeping directors up at night. This is a facilitated round-table type of presentation. Presenters: Scott Young, Director of Financial Aid, University of Missouri-Kansas City Becca Diskin, Director of Financial Aid, Missouri Southern State University Moderator: Dave Rice, Associate Director, Saint Louis University 3:45PM – 4:30PM The “Blonde” Version of Bankruptcy Barcelona I am not an attorney nor do I play one on TV. This is a light-hearted jungle expedition on bankruptcy and best practices from a Higher Ed perspective. Presenter: Verona Lambert, Director of Student Accounts, Southwest Missouri State University Moderator: Melissa Findley, Foundation Manager and Outreach Strategies, Missouri Scholarship & Loan Foundation 3:45PM – 4:30PM Online Program Issues and Concerns Escollo This session is designed to discuss the On-Line Learning format from the viewpoint of the Financial Aid Office. Come to discover the adventures of compliance obligations, some of the challenges and solutions that are used to manage this exotic format. Presenter: Carla Boren, Director of Financial Aid, Park University Moderator: Jamie Davis, Senior Manager, Columbia College 4:30PM – 5:00PM 2015 New Board Mingle Granada Foyer Come meet the 2015 MASFAP Board before dinner. 5:00PM – 5:45PM Dinner & Conference Charity Guest Speakers Granada A/B Denny and Danna Hiner from the Lake of the Ozarks Idiots Club; Anne Wall, Director at Horizons (Alternative High School at Camdenton R-III School District); and a few students will join us for dinner to clarify what their club name means and how this club is making an impact to kids in the lake area who live at or below poverty level. During tonight’s community service YOU will have the opportunity to ROAR by making an impact to local students. 6:15PM Community Service Activity and Teambuilding Osage Beach Premium Outlets Answer the call of the wild! You will go bananas over this exotic adventure to the outlet mall. Make sure to sign up for the event at the registration table, then you will be placed on a team, given a mission and cash to shop. Get ready for bunches of fun with the end result of helping students! President Barnes Suite is open for socializing until 11:00pm, Room 6234! 17 Thursday, November 6, 2014 7:30AM – 11:30AM Registration Open Granada Foyer 7:30AM – 4:00PM Exhibit Area Open Granada Foyer 7:30AM - 8:30AM Breakfast 8:30AM - 9:30AM General Session: Federal Update-What’s up at Congress and the Administration? Granada A/B Now that we know the election results and the make-up of the 114th Congress, what will next year look like? Be adventurous, swing by Granada for breakfast and a very timely update with mid-term elections this week and a new Congress getting ready to look at Reauthorization. Discover first-hand from a Washington, D.C. expert how the election results may impact schools, families and students. Presenter: James Bergeron, President, National Council of Higher Education Resources (NCHER) Moderator: Will Shaffner, Business Development and Government Relations, MOHELA 9:30AM – 9:45AM BREAK Granada Foyer 9:45AM – 10:30AM INTEREST SESSIONS 9:45AM – 10:30AM Verification: A Stroll through the Jungle Escollo Are you new to the financial aid jungle? Jump on this tour all about what verification is…Who gets verified… How to verify…This basic verification expedition will focus on the documents needed to complete verification, forms, workflow process, and the difference between regular and QA verification. Presenters: Megan DeWitt, Director of Financial Aid, North Central Community College April Mason, Verification Coordinator, University of Missouri-Columbia Moderator: Keely Knackstedt, Financial Aid Advisor, University of Missouri-Columbia 9:45AM – 10:30AM All You Wanted to Know About DOE Program Reviews Sea Chase Go roaming through the jungle of a program review. A panel of schools that have had Department of Education Program Reviews will be your tour guide by getting you ready for everything you need to know in case the Department comes knocking. Presenters: Amy Hager, Director of Financial Aid, Moberly Area Community College Sharon Abernathy, Director of Financial Aid, Columbia College Sarah Bright, Director of Financial Aid, Jefferson College 18 Moderator: Sara Edwards, Strategic Business Director, Inceptia 9:45AM – 10:30AM Cash Management Regulations Valencia Federal Regulations require that Business Officers ensure Federal Financial Aid Regulatory Compliance when Federal Aid is posted and refunded, if appropriate, to their students’ Bursar Student Accounts. This session will succinctly summarize these regulations and we will discuss common practices that ensure Federal Financial Aid - Business Officer regulatory compliance. Presenter:Hal Deuser, Assistant Bursar, Webster University Moderator: Jody Paterson, University Bursar, Webster University 9:45AM – 10:30AM Grappling with Gainful Employment: Breaking Down and Understanding the New Gainful Employment Rule Barcelona As many in higher education are aware, on March 25 of this year, the U.S. Department of Education released proposed “gainful employment” regulations, requiring, among other things, that non-degree programs satisfy certain performance metrics to be eligible for federal financial aid participation. The comment period for the proposed regulations ended May 27, and the strong expectation is that the final regulations will be issued before November 1, 2014, to ensure that they can take effect by July 1, 2015. This session will examine the new rule and its key requirements, and offer practical suggestions for managing such requirements going forward. Presenter:Aaron Lacey, Partner, Thompson Coburn LLP. Moderator: Kathy Dixon, Manager, Business Development and Account Executive, MOHELA 9:45AM – 10:30AM Counseling Families on Education Financing Madrid With the rising concern over student borrowing and debt levels, now is the time to join our panel discussion which will detail what schools are doing to counsel families on their education financing options. The topics to be discussed include college cost trends, importance of cohort default rates, recent recommendations on counseling and best practices from the field. Presenters: Mariah Hibbard, Financial Aid Advisor, University of Missouri-Columbia Rachel Smith, Registration & Financial Services Manager, Columbia College Laura Steinbeck, Director, Business Development, Sallie Mae Moderator: Kim Stonecipher-Fisher, Director of Financial Aid, Stephens College 10:40PM – 11:50 PM INTEREST SESSIONS 10:40AM – 11:50AM Federal Methodology – Where the Jungle Adventure Begins Valencia Designed for beginning financial aid officers, this session will provide an overview of the Federal Methodology and the data elements used to calculate the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC). Time permitting, we will walk through an actual manual calculation. Please bring your calculators to this session. Presenter:Will Shaffner, Director of Business Development and Government Relations, MOHELA Moderator: Laura Milligan, Director of Financial Aid, Three Rivers Community College 19 10:40AM – 11:50AM Designing a Proactive Financial Aid Fraud Prevention Plan Barcelona The U.S. government has admitted that there are serious vulnerabilities in the federal student loan system, which provided more than $101 billion in aid to college students in academic year 2012-13. Weaknesses in the loan program could allow thousands of criminals to defraud the system. What steps can and should colleges and universities take to defend against Direct Lending fraud? Hear about lessons learned and the steps one university took to develop a proactive financial aid fraud prevention plan. Presenter:Vickie Fredrick, Associate Vice President & Assistant Treasurer, Webster University Moderator: Sharon Abernathy, Director of Financial Aid, Columbia College 10:40AM – 11:50AM What does a Business Office need from the Financial Aid Office? Sea Chase A former Financial Aid Director, who is now an Assistant Bursar, discusses the needs and wants of a Business Office from a Financial Aid Office. Don’t get caught in thick brush of the jungle, join in a group discussion and share your experiences and perspectives as we take this safari across departments within our institutions. Presenter: Hal Deuser, Assistant Bursar, Webster University Moderator: Jody Paterson, University Bursar, Webster University 10:45AM – 11:50AM Veterans Affairs: Discussion Panel Escollo Bring Veterans Affairs questions and have them answered by the Panel of VA School Officials and VA Office Directors. This panel will lead the audience through a jungle of topics and possibly introduce you to a few new ways to handle the “animal” that is the VA. Presenters: Carol Fleisher, Director of Veterans Services, University of Missouri-Columbia John Matthews, Director of Financial Aid and Veteran Services, State Fair Community College Donna Bodenhamer, Director of Student Accounts, University of Central Missouri Moderator: Matthew Boyd, Financial Aid Specialist, William Jewell College 10:40AM – 11:50AM One Thing 100% of Schools Should Care About: Tending to Your Default Rate and Crafting an Madrid Effective Default Prevention Plan Tending to your default rate: Student loan default isn’t strictly a student issue or a financial aid issue. Rather it affects everything from enrollment to graduation rates. With nearly every campus in poor standing, schools are scrambling to figure out how to minimize the risk associated with high loan default rates. Take this expedition to learn how you can reverse the default outcome early by harnessing big data to shape effective financial education and communication strategies that put students, and your campus, on the right track for financial success. Default Prevention Plan: This session will go over the benefits of having a default prevention for your school as well as discuss the '3-A' approach to executing an effective default prevention plan. Presenters: Sara Edwards, Strategic Business Director, Inceptia Becky Davis, Senior Marketing Associate, Great Lakes Moderator: Jeff Ford, College Director of Financial Aid, Ozarks Technical Community College 12:00PM – 1:30PM Lunch/MASFAA Update/Business Meeting/MASFAP Website Overview Granada A/B 1:45PM – 2:30PM 20 INTEREST SESSIONS 1:45 PM – 2:30PM SAP – A Wonderful Guided Safari Madrid This presentation will cover how SAP policy and procedures are created and communicated to your students and across campus. Join us on this safari through the monkey habitat as we guide you through best practices and prevent you from dealing with any monkey business from your students and any game wardens from the DOE. Presenters: Angela Karlin, Director of Student Financial Assistance, University of Central Missouri Marilyn Baker, Director of Financial Aid, Missouri Western State Moderator: Andrea Bluhm, Financial Aid Office Manager/VA Certifying Official, Avila University 1:45PM – 2:30PM Personnel Issues – Directors Roundtable Sea Chase The jungle is made up of many types of creatures, and some get along while others eat each other. A financial aid office can often resemble a jungle. Join this roundtable adventure to discuss a variety of personnel issues and the lengths directors must go to in order to maintain a working environment. Presenters: Kathy Elsa, Director of Financial Aid, Truman State Nick Prewett, Director of Financial Aid, University of Missouri-Columbia Moderator: John Brandt, Director of Student Financial Services, Missouri Baptist University 1:45PM – 2:30PM Tracking Service on a Shoestring Valencia Shrinking university budgets can put a strain on funding technology. We’ll use our binoculars in this session to highlight two "home grown" technologies that track student service requests. Presenters: Verona Lambert, Director of Student Accounts, Southwest Missouri State University Donna Bodenhamer, Director of Student Accounts, University of Central Missouri Moderator: Mitch Hess, Manager of Cashiering, University of Missouri-St. Louis 1:45PM – 2:30PM Lost in the Jungle – Unusual Verification Scenarios Barcelona Have you ever been lost in the jungle at night? With eerie sounds from the depths sneaking up on you……… And you have no idea what they are!? Sometimes we encounter unique and unusual verification scenarios that make us feel lost and confused and sometimes afraid of what might be lurking in the shadows. This is an inter-advanced verification session that focuses on those unique situations that leave you scared, cold, and alone…scratching your head in the dark. Don’t be alone. Come with an open mind and the most unusual scenario you have encountered for our panelists. Enjoy a game of What Would You Do? As we discuss decision-making and rationale for these unusual situations. Presenters: Justin Chase Brown, Associate Director of Financial Aid, University of Missouri-Columbia Dan Holt, Director of Financial Aid, William Jewell College Lisa McDow, Financial Aid Assistant, Truman State University Moderator: Kristen Gibbs, Director of Financial Aid, Central Methodist University 1:45PM – 2:30PM 150% Subsidized Limits Panel Escolla 150% Subsidized Loan Eligibility is an adventurous topic and one that many of us are feeling a bit lost in the jungle on. Attend this session for an open discussion on this new regulation and bring your questions to ask the panelists and audience members as well. Presenters: Chelsey Giles, Associate Director of Financial Aid, Missouri State University Scott Young, Director of Financial Aid, University of Missouri-Kansas City Dena Norris, Director of Student Financial Services, Metropolitan Community College Moderator: Tracy Wilson, Financial Aid Manager, Missouri S&T 21 2:30PM – 3:00PM Break 3:00PM – 3:45PM INTEREST SESSIONS 3:00PM – 3:45PM Rawr….or R2T4!!! Valencia What do you find scarier? Lions and Tigers and Bears or R2T4!?!? Come to this session to learn or review the basics of R2T4. If Financial Aid is the jungle then R2T4 is the creepy noises of the night that pop up and surprise you when you least expect it! Presenter:Crystal Bruntz, Director of Financial Aid, Avila University Moderator: Dan Dick, Quality Assurance Specialist, Saint Louis University 3:00PM – 3:45PM Financial Aid Director and D.C. – What should you know? Escollo Come listen to a true insider from the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. Serving as the Director of Education and Human Services Policy and other roles, James has over nine years of Committee work experience in addition to his experience working for Representative Buck McKeon’s and Bob Livingston’s personal office. James will share with you how the staff you meet with react to your meetings and how things really move through the legislative process to become law. Just in time for Reauthorization, this session will help us all advocate more successfully and effectively for our students, our institutions and financial aid in general. Presenter:James Bergeron, President, National Council of Higher Education Resources (NCHER) Moderator: Will Shaffner, Director of Business Development and Government Relations, MOHELA 3:00PM – 3:45PM Empowering Students to make Sound Financial Decisions Sea Chase This session will discuss giving students the tools and encouragement to take ownership of their college finances. Provide tips for navigating the financial aid process, debt management, managing school related expenses and communicating with their Financial Services department. Presenter:Linda Williams, Sr. Financial Counselor, Southeast Missouri State University Moderator: Egbar Ozenkoski, Financial Counselor, Southeast Missouri State University 3:00PM – 3:45PM Tax Talk - Filing Thresholds and Filing Status Barcelona Known in higher education circles as the “tax detective” Jim Briggs is a CPA, trainer, consultant and coach. He has spent over 30 years providing sophisticated training to thousands of financial aid officers at hundreds of different colleges. In this session Jim will address the dos and don’ts of tax filing status, tax filing thresholds and what we as financial aid administrators need to know. If you process Verification in your office you won’t want to miss this session! Presenters: Jim Briggs, Tax Detective, Reducing College Costs Moderator: Angela Karlin, Director of Student Financial Assistance, University of Central Missouri 22 3:00PM – 3:45PM Consumer Information Boot Camp Madrid In recent years, the U.S. Department of Education, state authorizing agencies, and accreditors all have introduced additional consumer information disclosure requirements for institutions of higher education. This session explores strategies for managing this expanding universe of annual disclosure and reporting obligations. The presentation will cover the best format and design for disclosures, which key disclosures may be paired together and when and how during the year various key disclosures might be made. The goal of the presentation is to provide attendees with a framework for managing burgeoning consumer information requirements in as effective and cost-efficient manner as possible. Presenter:Aaron Lacey, Partner, Thompson Coburn LLP. Moderator: Julie Finn, Relationship Manager, First Marblehead 4:00PM – 4:45PM Peer GroupsRoomModerator Public 4-year ValenciaKaren Walker Private/ICUM’s/TheologySea ChaseJohn Brandt Community CollegeEscolloKaren Griffin Proprietary/Technical CareerMadridLindsay Bridgeman Business Officers Associate Granada A/BWill Shaffner 5:15PM – 5:45PM Vendor/Associate Member Reception (invitation only) Granada C Donna Bodenhamer President Barnes Room, Room 6234 6:00PM – 7:30PM Bob Berger Newcomer Award Dinner Granada A/B Celebrating the late Mr. Bob Berger and past award recipients. The Committee of the Year, President’s Award and Missouri Award recipients will be announced. 7:30PM Evening Activity Marbella MASFAP’s gone WILD with a PAINTING PARTY and you’re invited to join us in some colorful fun as we sweep our brushes across a blank canvas and end with a work of art. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. President Barnes Suite is open for socializing until 11:00pm, Room 6234! 23 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2014 7:00AM – 8:00AM Quick Start Breakfast Granada B 8:00AM – 9:00AM Speed Sessions Granada C 9:00AM – 9:50AM General Session: Federal Update-What’s up at NASFAA? Granada B This session will provide updates on progress toward reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, including recent bills introduced and passed by the House and Senate. An overview will also be provided on NASFAA's reauthorization recommendations stemming from the work of various task forces. Presenter: Jesse O’Connell, Assistant Director, Federal Relations, NASFAA Moderator: Crystal Bruntz, Director of Financial Aid, Avila University 10:00AM – 10:45AM INTEREST SESSIONS 10:00AM – 10:45AM Jungle Tour for Beginners Malaga Learn the basics of financial aid and gain an understanding of how different programs work and how financial need is determined. This session will review how students apply for financial aid and how the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) fits into the application process to help you better respond to the needs of your students and help them see that a college education is possible. Soon you will be the King of the Jungle! Presenter:Becky Davis, Senior Marketing Associate, Great Lakes Moderator: Karen Thompson, Technical Services Coordinator, Lincoln University 10:00AM – 10:45AM Eligibility Documents/Reports Madrid PPA, ECAR, FISAP..…..and the list goes on and on. Do you need to know when/how/why these reports should be completed, and what should be included? Do you have a new program that needs to be approved? This session is designed to provide helpful information needed to guide you through the jungle of reporting requirements and eligibility documents that must be completed for federal aid participation. Presenters:: Amy Hager, Director of Financial Aid, Moberly Area Community College Nicholas Prewett, Director of Financial Aid, University of Missouri-Columbia Moderator: April Young, Financial Aid Specialist, Moberly Area Community College 10:00AM – 10:45AM Developing the One Stop Barcelona How can we serve our students and still navigate the jungle of accountability standards of the institution? This interactive panel discussion will discuss the need for change at both public and private institutions. Presenters: Donna Bodenhamer, Director of Student Accounts, University of Central Missouri Rachel Smith, Financial Aid Manager, Columbia College Verona Lambert, Director of Student Accounts, Southeast Missouri State University Matthew Boyd, Financial Aid Specialist, William Jewell College 24 Moderator: Donna Bondenhamer, Director of Student Accounts, University of Central Missouri 10:00AM – 10:45AM Guide through the Direct Loan Reconciliation Jungle Sea Chase Does monthly Direct Loan Reconciliation make you feel like you are lost in the jungle? In this session you will learn tips and tricks to make your reconciliation process a walk in the park. You'll even learn how you can balance your Direct Loan program every day!! Presenter:Ashley Binggeli, Coordinator of Student Loan Program, University of Central Missouri Moderator: Karen Walker, Director of Financial Aid, Southeast Missouri State University 10:00AM – 10:45AM The IRS Data Retrieval Tool, Tax Transcripts and More! Lookout “Tax Detective” Jim Briggs will walk us through the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, Tax Transcripts and some of the special circumstances that arise for each. Bring your unusual verification scenarios and questions to this session as there will be a lot of room for open discussion! Presenter:Jim Briggs, Tax Detective, Reducing College Costs Moderator: Caroline Falkner, Sr. Financial Aid Coordinator, Avila University 11:00AMBrunch Marbella General Session: State Update Swinging from branch to branch as you follow MDHE and the higher education news of Missouri. The Missouri Department of Higher Education is undertaking a variety of important initiatives to help Missouri increase the percentage of its citizens with a postsecondary credential. Additionally, higher education continues to garner considerable attention from state policy makers. Conclude the Fall Conference with us and hear about projects such as reverse transfer, issues that may be considered during the 2015 legislative session, hot topics in state aid, and more. Presenter:Leroy Wade, Deputy Commissioner, Missouri Department of Higher Education Moderator: Crystal Bruntz, Director of Financial Aid, Avila University 11:45AM Attendance Prizes, Scholarship Drawing and Passing of the Gavel Marbella 12:00PM Malaga Leadership Symposium Safe tra IT’S A vels hom e! OUT THERE MASFAP FALL CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 5 - 7, 2014 25 Upcoming Events 3 FSA Training Conference | Atlanta, GA | December 1-5, 2014 3 NASFAA Conference | New Orleans, LA, | July 19-22, 2015 3 MASFAA Conference | Coralville, IA | October 4-7, 2015 3 MASFAP Conference | November 9-11, 2015 Keep an eye on MASFAP communications for more upcoming events! Hang in there till next time! 26 FAFSA Frenzy is a program of College Goal SundaySM. Help the Missouri Department of Higher Education in building Missouri’s future by degrees by volunteering at a 2015 FAFSA Frenzy site. These important events will assist Missouri students and families in submitting their 2015–16 FAFSA, helping them achieve their education dreams. Visit the MDHE booth to complete your volunteer registration form and see a list of sites. Financial aid officers volunteering at the conference will receive a thank-you gift bag. Note: You may also visit dhe.mo.gov/ppc/collegegoalsundayFAO.php after the conference to volunteer for FAFSA Frenzy. The College Goal SundaySM program was created by the Indiana Student Financial Aid Association with funding from Lilly Endowment, Inc. and with supplemental support from Lumina Foundation for Education. The program is managed by USA Funds. 27 NOTES 28 29 We thank all our sponsors for your continued support! YONE ER V E We hope to see again next year!! 10/29/14 kbd d
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