NOVEMBER 2014 DELIVERED MONTHLY TO 8,800 HOUSEHOLDS THORNCLIFFE GREENVIEW HORIZON BRINGING THORNCLIFFE & GREENVIEW RESIDENTS TOGETHER BABYSITTER LIST INSIDE RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Second-guessing your investments? Get an expert second opinion on your portfolio If market volatility is making you secondguess your investments strategy, contact us today for a no obligation, objective evaluation of your portfolio. An unbiased review can help you answer key questions including: > Is your portfolio still on the right track? > Are you taking too much risk in your portfolio? Michael Martin, CFA, MBA Investment Advisor 403-266-9655 > Which investments are likely to recover – and which ones aren’t? Arrange a complimentary second opinion service today – call 403-266-9655 or email us at Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©2011 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved. LOVE DEN TAL Dr. Philip Love — Dr. Michele Spooner Caring Dentistry • Next to Royal Bank D Gentle Cleanings D Fillings, Extractions, Crowns D Beautiful Cosmetic Dentistry D Absolute Attention to Your Comfort We are open to serve your Family & Cosmetic Dental Needs Mon - Tues 7 am - 7 pm Fri - Sat 8 am - 4 pm Thorncliffe Greenview Community Association 5600 Centre St. N Calgary, AB – T2K 0T3 Phone:403.274.6840 | President’s Report 5 November Calendar 6 Community Events 9 My Babysitter List 13 Thorncliffe-Greenview Real Estate Update 15 North Central LRT Project Update 18 NEWSLETTER AD SALES Y E ARS 25 Great News Publishing Ltd. 403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044 | GreAt NeWs PublisHiNG HAs beeN ProuDlY serviNG tHorNcliFFe-GreeNvieW For 12 YeArs! T h e o ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 3 Thorncliffe / Greenview Community Association 5600 Centre Street North, Calgary T2K 0T3 • • TGCA COMMUNITY CENTRE Main Office 403-274-6840 Main Office Fax 403-275-7310 Office Email admin@ Bowling, Racquetball & TG Lounge 403-274-5574 Forbes Innes Arena 403-274-1466 Operations/Office Diana Christie Mgr. 403-274-6840 Building/Arena Manager/ 403-274-1466 Kevin Kromm EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE North Central Basketball Barbara Ambrisko 403-973-6665 Nose Creek Fast Pitch Kelsey Claeys president@ Racquetball Jerry Kwasnitza 403-293-2847 Slopitch Jeremy Cousins 403-888-5901 TG Hockey Jodie Cadman 403-312-4479 TG Ice Skating Registrar Kari Woodman 403-471-9623 TGWL Yvonne Arkley 403-274-4906 Yvonne Armstrong 403-274-6720 Thornview Seniors Sandy Staple 403-274-3257 Volleyball Dianne Stewart 403-295-3469 HORIZON NEWSLETTER President Leslie DeGagne 403-669-6116 Treasurer Brad Giddings 403-540-1533 Secretary Leona McComish 403-275-0410 Distribution, Canada Post Sue Giddings 403-630-9852 Editorial, TGCA Admin Office 403-274-6840 Vice Presidents Derek Livingston 403-226-4021 403-263-3044 Marvin Quashnick 403-274-8452 Publisher & Advertising, Great News Publishing DIRECTORS AT LARGE Jason Bedard 403-910-0957 Vince Fraser 403-540-3360 Mary LaCoste 403-274-8074 Tara Rindfliesch 403-830-6893 Michelle Starzynski 403-401-5031 SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS 4 58th Scouting Jenn Riley 587-350-1364 Bingo Coordinator Evelyn Landry 403-274-6840 Booster Club Trevor Brown 403-236-8050 Guides Jackie Fietz 403-295-2927 NCU Soccer Mark Spink 403-276-9697 Volunteer positions may change as our AGM was held after the November Horizon deadline. tGcA Hours 403-289-0132 HOURS MAY BE SUBJECT TO EARLY CLOSING Carol Bawkowy Closed November 11 for Remembrance Day Administration Office Mon, Wed, Thurs 9:00 am – 9:00 pm Tues & Fri 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Saturday & Sunday Closed Lounge & Rec Centre Monday – Thursday 9:00 am to Midnight Friday 9:00 am – 2:00 am Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 am Sunday 11:00 am – 6:00 pm november 2014 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities By Leslie DeGagne November, trees stripped of their dressings, tall sentinels on the horizon against a gray cloudy sky, never wavering always watching as the final days of autumn play out. November, the month we pay homage to our past brethren, those who have come before us, those who have fallen in battle, and those who defined our country. November, the month we can reflect on what has past and what will be. November, make it a time to remember. Remembrance Day, November 11, is the one important day of the month. I think about how we take the time to gather and pay homage to those who fought in the great wars and wonder if they would like what they see. These men defined Canada as a nation and gained us the reputation we have in the world today. There are not many of these people left and younger fresher faces have taken their place as veterans of war. MArK Your cAleNDArs Thorncliffe Greenview Community Association Special 58th Anniversary Bingo Sunday December 7, 2014 • •One Complimentary Dinner (with card purchase) •Dinner 4:15 pm – 6:00 pm •Door Prizes When World War II ended, the hope was that the world would learn from the battle and never again would we see the hatred and carnage that occurred happen again. The world we live in is moving toward the unthinkable and conversations need to begin. Our veterans gained independence for Canada, it is something we cherish, and we must take the time to turn off our phones, ignore the emails and truly give a moment of our day to pay tribute to the deeds of our fallen veterans. I have spent some time thinking about the month of November and how important it is to our society. The month starts out with All Saints Day, then moves on to Remembrance Day and finishes with the American Thanksgiving. It is a month where football leagues finish in Canada and begin in earnest in the States. Winter sports become a reality and the skies pray for snow in the mountains. Transition is the key word. Look out for the annual TGWL craft fair coming to the community November 14 and 15. This is the best craft fair in the city for its size and it is a great way to kick off your Christmas shopping season and visit with friends at the same time. Thank you goes this month to the Booster club for helping us update our lighting outside the building. Energy saving and safety minded at the same time users of the building will appreciate the upgrade as the darkest days of the year descend upon us. I would also like to thank Doug MacLean for overseeing our election of directors last month and, on behalf of the membership, thank those who stepped up to become directors at large for the upcoming year. The community appreciates your dedication and time and I hope we have a good year moving forward. We see some challenges ahead but having communication and conversation will help to do what is best for the community as a whole. Editorial Content Deadline 5 th of each month for the next month’s issue PRESIDENT'S REPORT T h e o ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 5 NoveMber cAleNDAr Sunday monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Gym night 7:00-8:30pm Saturday 1 Public Skating 3:30-5:00pm Seniors Public Skating 10:30-11:30am members Public Skating 1:30-2:30pm 2 bingo! 6:15 pm Public Skating 11:45 am - 12:45 pm 3 4 bingo! $5000 bonanza 6:15pm Seniors Public Skating 10:30-11:30am 5 6 7 8 Public Skating 3:30 pm-5:00 pm members Public Skating 1:30-2:30pm Gym night 7:00 8:30pm bingo! 6:15pm Public Skating 11:45 pm – 12:45 pm 9 10 11 Administration Office, Rec. Center and Lounge Closed for remembrance Day bingo! 6:15 pm 12 Seniors Public Skating 10:30-11:30 am 13 members Public Skating 1:30-2:30 pm 14 Public Skating 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm TGWL Craft Sale 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm 15 TGWL Craft Sale 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Last Gym night until new Year 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 16 17 23 24 bingo! 6:15 pm Public Skating 11:45pm – 12:45pm bingo! 6:15pm Public Skating 11:45am-12:45pm 30 Grey Cup Party in the TG Lounge 6 18 bingo! 6:15pm 25 bingo! 6:15pm 19 20 26 27 Seniors Public Skating 10:30 am 11:30 am members Public Skating 1:30 pm 2:30 pm Public Skating 10:30 am - 11:30 am members Public Skating 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm 21 22 28 29 Public Skating 3:30-5:00pm Public Skating 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Friday Dance – now playing Jana & Danny 7:30 pm november 2014 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities When winter hits, we’re ready. You can count on city employees to keep our neighbourhoods safe and clear — in any weather. Big storms often don’t give you much warning. A city like Calgary needs a team in place that can hit the streets with a few hours notice. Fortunately, that’s just what we have. When the snow flew early this year, Calgary’s city employees were prepared: plowing streets and sidewalks, clearing downed branches, trees and other debris, salting and sanding. We’re your reliable, dedicated team. So when some politicians talk about replacing experienced public employees with for-profit contractors, know that it comes at a price. When your family’s safety is on the line, cutting corners isn’t worth it. T h e o ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 7 TG Lounge & Rec. Centre News Did you know? TG has 4 racquetball courts and four 5-pin bowling lanes CALL (403) 274-5574 TO BOOK! Racquetball Multi-Passes Available (Gift Certificates) Happy Hour Pricing 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm daily Friday & Saturday until 8:00 pm & all day Sunday! Free Shuffleboard, Darts Satellite TV Watch CFL, NFL Games, NHL Centre Ice Package 8 TVs, 2 Pool Tables Effective September 8 Mon – Thursday 9:00 am – midnight Friday 9:00 am – 2:00 am Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 am Sunday 11:00 am – 6:00 pm Hours may be subject to early closing. Bowling, Pool, Dart & Racquetball Leagues Book your Tournaments with the T.G. Lounge & Recreation Centre 403-274-5574 Consider Going Bowling for Your Next Family Get Together Children’s Birthday Party Packages Are Also Available Forbes iNNes AreNA Public sKAtiNG scHeDule 5600 Centre Street N. • 403-274-1466 check out our website for changes or additions. Wednesday Seniors Only 10:30 am – 11:30 am Wednesday Members only 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Fridays 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sundays 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. The cost for the public skate is free to TG Community members, and for non-members the cost is $5 per adult, $3 per child or $10 per family. Members are still free. FORBES INNES ARENA SKATE SHOP HOURS Monday 5:00 – 9:00 pm Tuesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm Wednesday 6:00 – 9:00 pm Thursday 5:00 pm – 8:45 pm Fridays 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Saturday 11:30 am – 7:00 pm Sundays 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Did you know that we sharpen, repair and rent skates? tions. Our Grade Six students will be hosting their annual toy sale in December with all funds raised going to a local charity. corpus christi elementary Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have given their lives for Peace as well as those who continue to work towards peace. We will be celebrating Remembrance Day in our school liturgy on November 7. October was a busy month with our students participating in the Student Learner Assessment for grade three and grade six. Our grade three and grade four students completed their swimming lessons in late September. The Grade One students and Kindergarten students also enjoyed their fieldtrip to Fish Creek Park. Our academic focus continues to be Success for all Students with our spiritual focus this year Love Kindness. With this in mind we are working as a school community to build resiliency and to demonstrate Love Kindness by our ac- 8 We would also like to thank Breakfast Club Canada for their support for both our Breakfast Club and Fans. We serve breakfast to over 150 students a month and it provides snacks and extra food for lunches for students in need. Our Cookie Dough Fundraiser is on for this fall. Please visit our website or call the office for more information. STUP books are available from the office; please call Jeanine at 403-500-2023 for more information. Our ongoing fundraisers include Lovable Labels (www. and M&M Meat Shops, Beddington. Please consider helping our school out by participating in these fundraisers. For more information about our school, school council or our parish please visit our school website and read our newsletters at You can also follow us on Twitter: @CorpusC_CCSD. november 2014 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities coMMuNitY eveNts Children’s Christmas Party Thorncliffe Greenview Community Association Main Hall Friday December 5, 2014 6:30 – 8:30 PM Members Free $2.00 per person non member More information to follow on our website, Facebook and Twitter. Wine & Cheese Night For all ladies of the community Wednesday December 3 at 7 PM Admission $5 - $10 wrapped gift. (No Name) Held in the Thorncliffe Room. Enjoy a night out with the Thorncliffe Greenview Ladies. T h e o ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 9 Public service report Drop In Centre: At the time of writing, the application for assisted living for the hotel at Mcknight and Edmonton Trail is still in the city permit application process. The provincial government has continued to be firm that they want grant money for the project returned due to contract noncompliance by the Drop In Centre (CDIC). Conditions not meant include but are not limited to the number, and configuration of housing units and lack of community consultation. The CDIC has maintained that they are in compliance and/or that they will proceed regardless of the provincial grant money. It’s important to understand that city development permit process and the provincial grant are two different issues/processes. TGCA will continue to work with the CDIC if possible and take the matter to the Subdivision Development Appeal Board if necessary. Please see our Facebook page for more detailed TGCA position statements and for more up to date information. Skateboard Park: The long awaited and hard fought for Skate Park which was to be constructed in August has been delayed until next year. City Parks were to construct four parks this fall including the one by the Thornhill Library but tenders submitted were all above budget. The intention is to wait until 2015 with the approval of several more parks and attempt to use a single contractor with a better overall price tag. LRT on Centre: The North Central routing has favoured Centre Street over Edmonton Trail. Recommendations are expected to go to committee in December. TGCA hopes to submit our position at that time. This is still a very long way away and many, many details need to be worked out yet. Playground: I had an email from a resident last month about the tired and aged state of the playground near the community hall. I’d like to hear from any and all who have an interest in seeing this revitalized. Highland Park Golf Course Redevelopment: 10 The developer is still at the exploration stage within the city departments. One of the major stumbling blocks is storm water management in the valley. Now over a year into this and really we are only beginning the process. Marvin Quashnick THORNCLIFFE GREENVIEW COMMUNITY GYM NIGHT IN THE MAIN HALL Gym Night is held on Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The cost of the program is a loonie for members and a twoonie for non members. Children 6 years old and younger are to be with an adult at all times during the program. There are lots of fun activities such as: basketball, floor hockey, tumbling on floor mats, volleyball and much more. Things to remember: •Bring your water bottle as pop (and chips) are not available to purchase. No outside food allowed. •Wear only non marking shoes. •Have your parents pick you up promptly at 8:30 pm. No loitering in lobby or parking lot. If you have any questions call the community at (403) 274-6840. Thank you and hope to see you there. Last Gym Night November 12. Resumes January 7. Follow Thorncliffe Greenview Community Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @tgcacalgary Keep up with what’s happening at your community centre november 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities .720.6915 scent 7 ked my: ber dress al To: SUCH. ROVAL: ages will earing in Dr. Dale Rapske B.Sc. D.D.S.* Deerfoot Dental Centre layout, design, ad copy and images are the property of Murray Media Group and cannot be reproduced without written copyright release from the publisher. Failure to return proof by deadline will result in your ad printclose date, no proof is required. If ad is customer supplied camera ready artwork, no proof is required. There is no charge for the first change (includes color, art & text. Additional changes will be billed the following to 35.00, 3 or more changes will be billed at $100 for each proof. Additional proofs after changes have been made will not be required if past sales close. In General Family Practice for over 30 years New patients always welcome! • Oral Surgery • Crowns & Bridgework • Teeth Whitening • Denturist on Site Insurance Direct Billing 403-275-9255 Monday Tues-Thurs Fri & Sat 9-8 9-9 By Appt Only w w w. d e e r f o o t d e n t a l c e n t r e . c a #87, 901 – 64 Ave. NE, Deerfoot Mall *Denotes Prof. Corp. T h e O ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 11 COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP Benefits Successful, healthy communities are generally those with active and sustained membership and involvement of the community residents. Often a strong membership representation is an indication that our association is serving the needs of the community and is therefore, valued and supported by its residents. Your support today is important and ensures new energy to continually address community issues. Your membership fee goes towards community events, programs & operating costs. Guidelines All new members must provide I.D. with current address. Members agree to abide by the bylaws, policies and procedures governing the Thorncliffe Greenview Community Association. Residence must be WITHIN BOUNDARIES of Thorncliffe, Greenview, West Thorncliffe to obtain a voting membership. Membership cards will be mailed. Children of Voting members, 7 yrs or older, will also receive their own cards. It is your responsibility to notify the office of any address changes. If you wish to retain your membership after moving out of community boundaries, you must pay for it each year before expiry date. Failure to do so will result in the loss of your membership, no exceptions. Memberships will not be renewed if membership is not in good standing. Anyone over the age of 18 must hold their own membership. Waiver I understand that the Thorncliffe Greenview Community Association has collected, or may collect, use and disclose my personal information to administer and maintain accurate and complete community association membership lists, program registrations, including, when required, the sharing of information with affiliated organizations, such as community sports associations. I understand that my personal information, collected for the purposes outlined above, will be kept confidential by the Association. I also acknowledge that my information may be used and disclosed to third parties in certain circumstances, but only to fulfill the above purposes. I hereby consent to such use and disclosure, for these limited purposes, until such time as I may revoke my consent in writing. Thorncliffe Greenview Community Association 5600 Centre Street N. T2K 0T3 Membership Application Family Name: _______________________________________________________ Residence Phone #: _________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Applicant Name: ___________________________ Bus/Cell Phone #: _________________________________ Spouse Name: _____________________________ Bus/Cell Phone #: _________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Postal Code: _____________________________________ Verification I.D: _____________________________ Current Membership#: _____________________________ ie: (Voting: driver’s license, bill or Non-voting: resident community membership/expiry) Voting 1 Yr $15.00 Voting 3 Yr $30.00 Please Circle One Non-Voting (with resident membership) 1 year $15.00 Non-Voting (w/o resident membership) 1 year $30.00 I am interested in volunteering ______________________ Children: Eldest listed first to the youngest last Name Mon/Day/Yr M/F Name Mon/Day/Yr M/F ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________ 12 ____I consent to receive emails from TGCA november 2014 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Thorncliffe/Greenview Name Age Contact Course Angeline 12 403-275-0344 Yes Ashley 13 403-282-7423 Yes Bella 13 403-969-2072 Yes Emily 13 587-581-3684 Yes Jonahley 50 403-837-6348 Yes Katelyn 20 403-282-1162 Yes Lauren 17 403-970-1961 Yes Lauren 18 403-651-1859 Yes Madison 12 403-850-6001 Yes Martina 13 403-208-4698 Yes Maya 13 403-276-1015 Yes Mercedes 52 403-831-6429 Yes Ruth 12 403-289-8737 Yes Samantha 13 587-349-1138 Yes Trina 38 403-475-4571 Yes Ty 13 403-295-6065 Yes Calling All BABYSITTERS Enroll free at and choose the Calgary communities you would like to babysit in. Thorncliffe Greenview 5600 Centre Street North craft Fair Friday, November 14 5:00 – 9:00 pm Saturday, November 15 10:00 am – 3:00 pm More than 170 tables, innovative and creative crafts, fabulous gift ideas. Crafts sale operated by TGWL. Concession will be open. sorry All tables sold out Calling All PARENTS Visit and find available babysitters in and around your community. Disclaimer: We recommend for your own peace of mind that references be checked when choosing your babysitter. This babysitter list is provided as a service to the community and is governed by the terms & conditions outlined at T h e o ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 1 3 $1,053,797.00+ BINGO Sundays & Tuesdays $1,056,797.00+ 1,080,731.00+ Sundays & Tuesdays BINGO $1,056,797.00+ BINGO BINGO Sundays & Tuesdays Seniors 60 plus $3.00 OFF Triangles & Double Action played on the 1st Sunday & Tuesday of the month Wheel Chair Accessible. Come Join Us on Sundays & Tuesdays Sundays & Tuesdays Triangles & Double Action played on the 1st Sunday & Tuesday of the month Wheel Chair Accessible. Come Join Us on Sundays & Tuesdays Good Food box Program Triangles & Double Action played on the 1st Sunday & Tuesday of the month DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF Jana & Danny Wheel Chair Accessible. Come Join Us on Sundays & Tuesdays Triangles & Double Action What is the Good Food Box? It’s a monthly program played on the 1st Sunday where community members can buy fresh fruit and& Tuesday of the month vegetables for a very low cost. Thorncliffe Greenview Wheel Chair Accessible. Come Join Us on Box Sundays & Tuesdays Community Association now has a Good Food Friday November 28, 2014 Depot. You receive top quality produce at wholesale prices. There are three sizes of boxes to choose from. The large box ($30.00) contains 40 plus pounds of Thorncliffe Greenview Community Association produce. The medium box ($25.00) contains 30 plus 5600 Centre Street N. pounds of produce. The small box ($20.00) contains 20 plus pounds of produce. You only order the size Calgary, Alberta you want, when you want. How do you get a food Tickets: $12.00/person (at the door) box? Bring your exact cash to the Horizon Room at Members & Guests Thorncliffe Greenview Community Centre between Doors Open: 7:00pm 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. on the scheduled pick up day. This will secure your order for the next month. If you have any questions feel free to call, M.J., at 403-275-6752. Pick up days for 2014 is November 6. 14 november 2014 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities tG’s cAsiNo Volunteers needed to operate our casino on Friday, November 7 and Saturday, November 8 at Cowboy’s Casino. THORNCLIFFE/GREENVIEW REAL ESTATE UPDATE Last 12 Months THORNCLIFFE MLS Real Estate Sale Price Update Average Asking Price Average Sold Price September 2014 $456,578 $450,650 August 2014 $465,733 $464,751 July 2014 $436,554 $430,659 June 2014 $433,228 $432,785 May 2014 $470,190 $460,809 April 2014 $473,845 $469,418 March 2014 $491,588 $491,822 February 2014 $407,925 $415,450 January 2014 $437,430 $429,050 December 2013 $455,325 $445,250 November 2013 $397,085 $383,757 October 2013 $398,228 $390,489 Last 12 Months GREENVIEW MLS Real Estate Sale Price Update Average Asking Price Average Sold Price September 2014 $434,900 $420,000 August 2014 $378,500 $370,000 July 2014 $429,900 $402,500 June 2014 $0 $0 May 2014 $0 $0 April 2014 $429,900 $419,000 March 2014 $0 $0 February 2014 $499,900 $490,000 January 2014 $0 $0 December 2013 $0 $0 November 2013 $302,000 $292,500 $0 $0 October 2013 To view the specific SOLD Listings that comprise the above MLS averages please visit or Day or night shifts available. This is a major fund raiser for the community association and all proceeds will be directed back into the centre. If you are able to help out please call the office at 403274-6840. tG louNGe & recreAtioN ceNtre Bowling, Pool, Dart & Racquetball Leagues Book your Tournaments with the T.G. Lounge & Recreation Centre 403-274-5574 Consider Going Bowling For your Next Family Get Together Children’s Birthday Party Packages Are Also Available tGcA community CAMPSITE Available to any TG Member Get back to nature….Leave the plug-ins behind Site has Outhouse – no electricity or running water Near Winchell Lake by Water Valley. Approx. 45 minutes NW of Calgary. Costs - $35.00 per site OR $100.00 for all three sites for the weekend ! Cost covers site only – no wood or amenities supplied. Book through the TG Admin Office. 403-274-6840 Please note Scout Groups and Youth Groups take precedence. A deposit is required to obtain the keys. Map available. T h e o ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 1 5 Thorncliffe Greenview Community Association 5600 Centre Street N 403-274-6840 New Year’s Eve Gala December 31, 2014 Cocktails: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM Dance: 9:00 PM $55.00/person Members & Guests Live Music Provided by: Tequila Rain (Sound clips: Tickets Available In Administration Office 16 november 2014 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities HUMANA MEDICAL CLINIC the family clinic with the human touch WHERE NEW PATIENTS AND WALK-INS ARE WELCOME HOURS OF OPERATION 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Open 7 Days a Week Humana’s clinics are CLOSED on Statutory & Civic Holidays ========================================================== DALHOUSIE STATION PH: (403) 202-8888 #183, 5005 Dalhousie Drive NW Calgary, Alberta T3A 5R8 These Family Physicians ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS WOMEN’S IUD CLINIC NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY SHORT WAITING IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT CALL 403-202-8888 Dr Sanjeeve Sockanathan MRCGP Dr Umaru Ahmadu-Alli MD Dr Jane Flynn MD Dr Oluwaseun Oyeniran MD, MRCGP Female Family Physician Dr Rosario Guevara MD GLENBROOK PLAZA PH: (403) 686-6967 #136, 3715 - 51 Street SW Calgary, Alberta T3E 6V2 These Family Physicians ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Dr. A.A. (Tayo) Alawiye Dr. Victor Fadayomi Female Family Physician Dr Rosario Guevara MD T h e O ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 1 7 North Central LRT Project Update nel, with two driving lanes in each direction on the surface (requires 20 metre width). What we heard There was a preference for the Centre Street alignment with a tunnel in the southernmost segment connecting to downtown and the wide road layout throughout the route. The North Central LRT is the north leg of the Greenline, the next new LRT line in Calgary’s rapid transit network. As outlined in RouteAhead, a 30-year strategic plan for transit in Calgary, the Greenline will eventually run from North Pointe in north central Calgary to Seton in the southeast, with future extensions to the north possible in the longer term. Public Engagement Three public engagement events were held in April, to identify the public’s preferences relating to the two remaining route options (Centre Street North and Edmonton Trail Northeast). During the three events, over 575 people actively participated in group discussions about route preferences, pedestrian access, traffic impacts, community/land acquisitions impacts and relative costs of the various options. Information was also provided for the road layout after construction of the LRT. Three options were provided: 1.Wide: LRT and two driving lanes in each direction (requires 30 metre width). 2.Wide with parking: LRT, one driving lane, and one parking lane in each direction (requires 28 metre width). 3.Narrow: LRT and one driving lane in each direction (requires 20 metre width). •Tunnel: – provided as an option only for the southern segment into downtown: LRT is underground in a tun18 The project’s Community Advisory Group comprised of residents and business owners preferred the narrow option south of McKnight Boulevard to minimize disruption to land owners, tenants, and businesses. The project Steering Committee (directors and managers with The City) also endorsed the narrow option south of McKnight Boulevard to support The City’s long-term land use and transportation goals. The narrow option maintains one traffic lane in each direction with the LRT running in the middle. The addition of the LRT will mostly occur within the existing width of Centre Street. This approach will still require some property purchases, but not to the extent that would be needed if the road was widened, reducing disruption to Calgarians who live and make a living along Centre Street. The wide option can be implemented north of McKnight Boulevard, where the road is wide enough to carry the LRT and two lanes of traffic. Next Steps We will be taking a closer look at the route on Centre Street and determining how the LRT will be incorporated into the urban fabric of existing communities, defining how it will connect with downtown and refining the construction cost estimates for the project. We will be meeting with surrounding communities and stakeholders this fall to discuss the Centre Street route. We will also have open houses in mid-October to share our findings with Calgarians before presenting recommendations to the committee on Transportation and Transit in December, and City Council in January. Visit for updates. november 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities tG’s louNGe tG MeMbers corNer TG Lounge is rocking on Thursday nights from 8 pm – 12 am with a full-back-line OPEN Jam. Kelly T is back hosting so bring your instrument, your vocals, or your dance shoes and come join in the fun. Shooter specials weekly and our daily beer special is $3.00 Congratulations To: Terry and Nancy Douglas on their Wedding Anniversary Jason and Leslie Bedard on their Wedding Anniversary No entry fee EVER and we have 5-pin lanes that are licensed, pool tables, dart boards and shuffleboard. Thorncliffe Greenview Scholarships were presented to the following first year recipients: Hayley McComish and Rylee Harlos. Second year recipient: Cameron Eloschuk. The TG Board and members wish them success in their future endeavours. Forget to book your Christmas Party? Have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Our caterer is on-site and we may be able to squeeze you in. Email Birthday Wishes Go Out To: November – Lorna Albert, Claire Bentley, Edith Clay, Jack Dombeski, Lois Fabro, Donald Johnson, Jenny Nau, SanFei Quon, Lousie Seller, Sue Yee, James Zakrewski If you’re not on the TG Lounge Calgary Facebook page, you’re missing out. It’s where you can keep current about all we’ve got going on. Any TG Member that would like to submit a tidbit for this section may do so by email to admin@tgcacalgary. com or by phone to the office at 403-274-6840. NOVEMBER 30TH GREY CUP PARTY AT TG LOUNGE! Party starts at Kick-off, come on down for some free munchies, some classic Football Chili, and daily specials that are THROUGH THE UPRIGHTS. ALBERTA RACQUETBALL ASSOCIATION TOURNAMENT November 14, 15, 16 GIRLS AND GUYS WELCOME Entry fee includes breakfast, lunch, and a roast beef dinner Saturday night. Contact www.albertaracquetball. com for more information and to register. Cocoa butter is the natural fat of the cocoa bean. It has a delicate chocolate aroma, but is very bitter tasting. It is used to give body, smoothness, and flavour to eating chocolate. T h e o ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 1 9 at a free meeting of the Friends of Nose Hill, on Wednesday, November 12, at Triwood Community Centre, 7 p.m. Coyotes were once called song dogs in First Nations myth. The urban coyote now lives in nature surrounded by urban development. Citizens report seeing coyotes and a few have negative interactions with them. But does that mean you need to be afraid of coyotes? She will explore how coyotes live in the city, what challenges they face, and how we can co-exist without fear. the Friends of Nose Hill by Anne Burke Shelley Alexander at the U. of C. Geography department handraised coyote pups while researching pack behaviour and non-lethal deterrents. She will be the guest speaker (and answer questions from the public) Alexander led a guided walk around Nose Hill, which supports a small group of coyotes in an urban green space. She describes what type of habitat (in parks like Nose Hill) is important to coyotes and answers whether coyotes were living in these places before the city was built. Or, are coyotes “invading” cities, like you hear in the media? Next to spring denning, another critical conflict time is fall for the “dispersal season”, when coyotes reaching maturity leave the pack to fend for themselves. This is a period of stress for coyotes, and when hungry, they will sometimes roam residential areas looking for food. This summer there were concerns over wild animal trapping in the city, as well as how we manage the encroachment of bears and cougars. Or are we in their space? Urban wildlife is a reality, and experts from the Calgary Zoo as well as Alberta Fish and Wildlife will bring forward an Urban Wildlife Strategy. The city can be a better custodian of good animal welfare practice. Animal and Bylaw Services already plans to meet with other agencies. Be pro-active to avoid conflict with animals like beavers, by planting trees along the river, placing wire around tree trunks, and providing under-dam drains to control water levels. A cougar found prowling at the South Calgary Health Campus delayed many police officers who waited for the Alberta Fish and Wildlife officials to arrive. Of course we need to respect the potential for harm to the public. The Minister of Justice & Solicitor General announced a review of the Provincial Government’s response in this situation. iN & ArouND Your coMMuNitY 20 november 2014 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities THORNHILL LIBRARY 6617 Centre Street N • 403-260-2600 • Mon -Thur 10:00 am – 9:00 pm • Fri & Sat 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Sun 12:00 noon - 5:00 pm Closed Sundays between mid-May and mid-September Stitch and Chat Drop by with your needlecraft projects, enjoy great conversation and share tips and techniques with other crafters. Fridays, until December 19, 1:30-3:00 PM No registration required. Embroidery in Reverse Create your own Alberta Rose artwork piece in reverse embroidery made with one simple stitch. Kit provided. Presented by The Fibre Optics Group. Wednesday, November 19, 7 - 8:30 pm Citizenship and Civic Participation Class Learn about Canada with the purpose of preparing yourself for the Citizenship Exam. In partnership with Immigrant Services Calgary. Saturday, November 22, 1-4 pm Programs for Kids Reading Buddies Teen volunteers and Library staff provide one-on-one reading support and fun literacy activities for readers who are in Grades 1 through 3. Ages 5 to 9. Wednesdays, until November 26 4:30 - 5:45 pm Computer Buddies Teen volunteers help students in Grades 1 to 6 learn how to search topics safely on the Internet and create documents in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Ages 5 to 9. Wednesdays, until November 26 6:30 - 7:30 pm Lynn’s Beauty Spa Acrylic Nails Gel Nails Colour Gel Tips Tinting (eyebrow/eyelash) Facials Eyebrow, Eyeliner and Lip Permanent Make-Up Manicures Therapies Body Massage Pedicures & Spa Microdermabrasion Treatment Skin Tag Removal Waxing Birth Mark Removal Hot Stone Age Spot Removal Gift Certificates and Insurance Claims Available By appointment only Thornton Road NW Cell: 403 909-3936 Home: 403 275-4293 EYECARE CENTRE $100 OFF A Complete pair of glasses Valid November 1-30, 2014 New Patients Welcome See instore for details Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other promotion. Dr. W. E. Leung Dr. C. W. Ho Dr. K. W. Siry Hours: Mon, Tues & Thurs 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Wed 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm Saturday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Sundays & Stat Holidays 403-275-3322 Beddington Co-op Centre Register online at or by calling 403-260-2620. No species of wild plant produces a flower or blossom that is absolutely black, and so far, none has been developed artificially. T h e o ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 2 1 pain, stress issues, weight management and relationship issues. Offers daily and early evening appointments. thorncliffe Medical centre Thorncliffe Community Y our Friendly Neighbourhood Family Practice and Walk-In Clinic. 5618-4 St. NW. Call 403-295-7666 to book your appointment today. Thorncliffe Medical Centre opened its doors in the early 1980s when a prominent neighbourhood family physician saw the need to offer quality medical aide to his community members in close proximity. Thorncliffe Medical Centre’s physicians have had pleasure of serving the community for over 30 years. The clinic is a combination of “Walk-in” and Family Practice Clinic. The hours of operation are: Monday to Friday - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Saturday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Sunday: Closed. Daily booked appointment is available to non-family practice patients. It is our pleasure to introduce you to the Thorncliffe Medical Centre’s Physicians and Staff. DOCTORS Dr. Richa Love: MD, CCFP: Family Practice Physician. Is a top graduate of the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta. She is currently on the Board of Directors for the Calgary Foothills PCN. Dr. Love had been serving the community members full time for 15 years. OUR OFFICE SUPPORT STAFF: Erica: Health Management Nurse, Member of Calgary Foothills PCN. Graduate of University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Nursing and holds a certificate in Diabetes Education. Erica has a keen interest in helping patients adopt a healthy lifestyle. Mike: Clinical Pharmacist, Member of Calgary Foothills PCN. Graduate of the University of Alberta and is a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist. Mike’s areas of interests include Diabetes, Anticoagulation and Chronic Disease Management. Andrea: Registered Dietician, Member of Calgary Foothills PCN. Offers free appointments to family practice patients who would like to evaluate their nutrition needs. Sue: Office Manager, joined our office in 2011. Annette: Medical Office Assistant, graduate of Bow Valley College Cassandra: Medical Office Assistant, graduate of A plus office assistance. 5618-4 St NW | 403.295.7666 Dr. Richard Yuen: MD CCFP: Family Practice and Walk-In Physician. Is a graduate of the Johannesburg University of South Africa and is a member of the Calgary Foothills PCN. Fluent in English and Mandarin. Dr. Lalji Gohill; MD, CCFP, Walk-In Physician. Is a Graduate of the University of England. Fluent in English and Hindi. Dr. Melanie Morgan: MD, CCFP. Offers booked appointments on alternating Saturdays. Is a graduate of the University of Calgary who specializes in women’s health. Dr. Alexander Dhand: Doctor of Psychology. Private psychologist who specializes in depression, anxiety, chronic 22 BOOKED APPOINTMENT AVAILABLE FOR NON -FAMILY PRACTICE PATIENTS HOURS OF OPERATION Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sat: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sun: Closed SAFEWAY 4 ST NW ROYAL BANK THORNCLIFFE MEDICAL SUBWAY SHOPPERS november 2014 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities NORTHMOUNT DR Dr. Patricia Dutton; MD, CCFP. Offers booked appointments on alternating Saturdays. Is a graduate of the University of Calgary who specializes in women’s health issues. Eg: IUD inserts/removal, minor surgical mole biopsy and removal. RVING YOUR RE HAS BEEN SE MEDICAL CENT YEARS 30 ST MO THORNCLIFFE MBERS FOR AL COMMUNITY ME tG community Hall & Meeting room rental information dpas watch with knowledge and our heart watches oy. Main (maximum capacity 800) tiful sounds fillHall the snow blanketed streets, polite 250-500 $975 ds, musical soundspeople and sounds of laughter and joy. people o, ho, can501-800 be heard on every$1250 street corner and in Damage Deposit mall. Then the bells ring out$750 and the world stops. Plus $3.75 corkage day the children andmandatory Grandpas have beencharge wait- per person, onour a minimum of 250 people. or is here,based the day heart becomes three times r is here. Thorncliffe Room (maximum capacity 125) main Hall (maximum capacity 800) Rent gather $375 y and friends together bringing with them 250-500 people $915 Damage Deposit $375 ols of love, sharing their time, their food and their 501-800 people $1190 Plus $3.75 mandatory corkage per person, based and laughter. TheDeposit children$750 play and charge grandpas’ Damage on a minimum offill 75the people. h and laughter and love soul of the cities Plus $3.50 mandatory corkage charge per person, owns world wide. brings about such a speGreenview Room $30/hour based on Who a minimum of 250 people. ay? Where does it comeClasses from? Why Fitness/Sports onlyis it so special? thorncliffe room (maximum capacity 125) TG Room Rent $350 he children they know, ask$25/hour the Grandpas they Parties Damage Deposit(adjacent $350 to lanes) ask yourBowling heart it knows. Plus $3.50 mandatory corkage charge Board Room (maximum capacity 30) per person, based holiday season is specialoffor75uspeople. all, but not everyon a minimum Meetings only $60 ooks forward to the day the world stops and not greenview room $25/hour Room (maximum capacity one has5600 a family and friends to share 30) it with. Fitness/Sports Classes only to gather $60only e as we Meetings take the time with family and Parties tg room $25/hour ds this season that $125 we remember those who have Bowling Parties (adjacent tocapacity lanes)as well. ng and make room in our hearts for them Horizon Room (maximum 15) gesturesMeetings of love are ones appreciated onlythe $40 most Board room (maximum capacity 30) he easiestMeetings to give, aonly smile, a hug on a $60or a hot drink Tweedview Room (maximum capacity 15) day. On behalf of the Thorncliffe Greenview board Meetings only $40 5600out room 30) ectors I send best(maximum wishes to capacity all our members Meetings onlyseason. ADD$60 GST TO ALL PRICES happy and safe holiday Parties $125 Classes, Meetings, Conferences, Programs, Children’s HorizonAdult roomCelebrations, (maximum capacity 15) Parties, Silent Auctions, Weddings, Meetings only Receptions, Parties, $40 Family Reunions tweedview room (maximum capacity 15) LET THORNCLIFFE GREENVIEW COMMUNITY Meetings only $40 ASSOCIATION HOST YOUR NEXT EVENT! NG OVER 190,000 HOUSEHOLDS Add gst to ALL prices TISE YOUR BUSINESS NOW! Looking to rent space to run an S 65+Exercise CALGARY COMMUNITIES Classes, Meetings, Conferences, Programs, Program? Children’s Parties, Adult Celebrations, Silent Auctions, Weddings, We have a hall available weekdays, daytime only at Receptions, Parties, Family Reunions 30.00 per hour. The Greenview Room located in the Let tHorncLiffe is where itgreenVieW all began. community The Community 1st day basement of the month AssociAtion Host your Complex that you see today wasnext builteVent! around this l Businesses Since 1989 .com main Hall (maximum capacity 800) 250-500 people $915 501-800 people $1190 Damage Deposit $750 Plus $3.50 mandatory corkage charge per person, based on a minimum of 250 people. thorncliffe room (maximum capacity 125) Rent $350 Damage Deposit $350 Plus $3.50 mandatory corkage charge per person, based on a minimum of 75 people. greenview room $25/hour Fitness/Sports Classes only tg room $25/hour Bowling Parties (adjacent to lanes) Looking rent space to30) run an Board roomto (maximum capacity hall. It is self-contained with washrooms and is a Meetings only $60 exercise program? great space for classes such as Tae Kwon Do, Karate We have a hall weekdays, daytime only at 5600 room (maximum capacity 30) are and Fitness. The available hall measurements 70’ x 38’ . Call 25.00 per hour. The Greenview Room located in the Meetings only $60 403-274-6840 for further information or to book. basement is where it all began. The Community Parties $125 Complex that you see today was built around this We Accommodate Seminars! Horizon room (maximum capacity 15) hall. It is self-contained with washrooms and is a Thorncliff Greenview Meetingseonly $40 Community Association has great space for classes such as Tae Kwon Do, Karate four meeting rooms and two halls accommodating tweedview room (maximum capacity 15) and Fitness. The hall measurements are 70’ x 38’. Call anywhere from 10 to 800 people! Meetings only for further $40 information or to book. 403-274-6840 To break up your day we have recreation facilities. Add gst ALL prices You can go bowling, playto racquetball, darts or billiards We Accommodate seminars! Classes, Meetings, Conferences, Programs, Children’s in our lounge/recreation Thorncliffe Greenview centre. Community Association has Parties, Adult Celebrations, Silent Auctions,next Weddings, Call 403-274-6840 and let us make event four meeting rooms and two halls your accommodating Receptions, Parties, Family Reunions an overwhelming anywhere from 10success! to 800 people! tHorncLiffe community To Let break up your daygreenVieW we have recreation facilities. AssociAtion Host your next eVent! You can go bowling, play racquetball, darts or billiards in our lounge/recreation centre. Call 403-274-6840 and let us make your next event an overwhelming success! CALGARy inTeR-fAiTH fOOD BAnk Look exer We ha 25.00 basem Comp hall. I great and F 403-27 We A Thorn four m anywh To bre You ca in our Call 4 an ove CA fO The Ca thousan of the g receive Help co hours, f and all all 403-720-0762 for advertising s l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t yT hnee wOsffl ei ct it ae lr TIH Onovember R N C L I F F E / G2014 R E E N2V3I E W C o m m T h e o ff i copportun i a l t h o irt ine c The Calgary Food Bank is able to feed thousands of people each year because BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS For Business Classified Ad Rates Call Great News Publishing at 403 263-3044 or NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Thorncliffe and Greenview. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24 hour emergency service call 403-255-7938. “Showering you with great service.” CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS & DOORS & FLOORS: New openings or enlargements cut into foundation for basement windows and doors. Enlarge your existing basement windows to meet fire code for bedrooms, from cutting basement windows, doorways to supply and install quality windows, window-well, weeping-tile, core drilling, excavation and anything concrete cutting. Call 403-570-0555. Email: NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and conflict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again! www., 403-269-2707. LOCAL THORNCLIFFE MAN WILL DO DUMP HAULING AND GARAGE CLEANING: Very reasonable rates. Call or text Dale at 403-828-5772. THE HANDYMAN YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR: Get your projects underway! 819 Contracting is your solution. Knowledgeable and reliable team of professionals. Licensed electrician, plumber and carpenter available. Talk to Carl 403-671-4714. MONEY’S WORTH HOME SERVICES: Contact Jerome Feist at 403-242-4307 for home repairs, carpentry, fences, decks, siding and handyman services. Your neighborhood plumbing company Service | Renovations | Gasfitting 100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, GUARANTEED OR We Will Redo the Repair for Free! Plumbing Ltd taking care of the drips in your life! T: 403-274-1166 F: 403-275-0865 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS snow removal 403-265-4769 YARDBUSTERSLANDSCAPING.COM 403-265-4769 YARDBUSTERSLANDSCAPING.COM The federal department of Veterans Affairs Canada states that November 11 is a day of “remembrance for the men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace”; specifically, the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, and all conflicts since then in which members of the Canadian Forces have participated. The department runs a program called Canada Remembers with the mission of helping young and new Canadians, most of whom have never known war, “come to understand and appreciate what those who have served Canada in times of war, armed conflict and peace stand for and what they have sacrificed for their country”. 24 november 2014 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities COUNCILLOR, WARD 4 SEAN CHU Huntington Hills school Huntington Hills School is located in the northwest community of Huntington Hills. We are a small school with an enrollment of approximately 225 students from Kindergarten through Grade 6. Our opening this year was exciting and energizing and we were pleased to make connections with our supportive and friendly community. Our students were excited to see the new naturalization area in both our front and back areas. This project has been a three-year endeavour for our school and we want to thank our devoted parents for the many hours to make our vision a reality, including watering and maintaining our new trees, bushes, and grass the entire summer. From 64th Avenue, you should be able to view our handmade concrete mounds with a dry creek bed, amphitheatre, learning pods, and a willow-tunnel feature. It is an exceptional learning space for our students to develop stewardship, relaxing and private places for our students, and to develop ecological understanding. Our next step in this legacy will be to connect with the Calgary Zoo program Grounds for Change through staff, parent and student activities to deepen our understanding of how to utilize a naturalization area. As well, we would like to recognize Kris Mann and his company Artisan Scapes for all of their creative work as this project is truly an image of nature. As a Calgary Board of Education school, we always want our community to feel welcome and connected to us. We are a Calgary Reads school which brings together reading tutors for students Kindergarten through Grade 2 learning to read and build a life-long love of literacy. If you are interested in the possibility of becoming a tutor, please contact Calgary Reads at Our students are always experiencing new places and spaces! Our Grade 5 and 6 students explored the Bennett Science Centre and visited the Alberta Legislature in Edmonton during a three-day field trip. As well, our entire school has been taking part in a tennis residency with First Serve Tennis which included a few visits to the Huntington Hills Tennis Courts. We also want to thank the Alberta Foundation for the Arts for accepting our grant proposal to work with artists Carole Bondaroff and Stan Phelps from Heart Studies. Our entire school population will be learning about print-making as well as how to develop graphic novel skills to develop our ability to express ourselves through art. Respectfully Submitted by Christine McCrory, Assistant Principal 403-268-3727 • 1/2V Councillor The future of your main streets Main streets are active areas that attract Calgarians to socialize, work, shop, dine, celebrate local events and are often important transportation The future ofroutes. your main streets Thriving main streets are ideal locations to live, work Main streets are active areas thatand attract Calgaria play. The City’s Planning & Development wants to events and are oftenteam important transportation rou explore how growth could happen in a meaningful way Thriving main streets are ideal locations to live, for residents, businesses and developers. Development team wants to explore how growth Starting in late fall of 2014, thebusinesses city’s main iniresidents, andstreets developers. tiative will analyze Calgary’s 24 main street neighbourStarting in late fall 2014, the city’s main stree hoods to inform future planning andofdevelopment neighbourhoods inform future planning activities. The first stepstreet in this process is to to gather local process is to issues, gather local perspectives about mai perspectives about main street opportunities and outcomes. We want to hear from you! Visit www.calgary.c and share about the success of Calgar We want to hear from you! your Visitideas mainstreets to learn how you can get involved and share your ideas about the success of Calgary’s main streets. If you like your espresso coffee sweet, you should use granulated sugar, which dissolves more quickly, rather than sugar cubes; white sugar rather than brown sugar or candy; and real sugar rather than sweeteners which alter the taste of the coffee. T h e o ff i c i a l t h o r n c l i f f e / g r e e n v i e w C o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 2 5 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Deadline – 1st of each month for the next month’s publication Contact Free announcements: lost/found, household items for sale, wanted, garage sale, student/senior services, etc. Forty word limit THE ROCKYVIEW HOSPITAL GIFT SHOP requires energetic volunteers interested in providing compassionate retail service to patients, visitors and staff in a busy, beautifully merchandised, retail environment. Daytime and evening opportunities available. Contact Amazon ants (red ants found in the western U.S.) steal the larvae of other ants to keep as slaves. The slave ants build homes for and feed the Amazon ants, who can not do anything but fight. They depend completely on their slaves for survival. Published by: Proudly serving Thorncliffe-Greenview for 12 years! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS NOW! REACHING OVER 360,000 HOUSEHOLDS ACROSS 130 CALGARY COMMUNITIES DELIVERED BY Canada Post Phone: 403-263-3044 26 I IMPORTANT NUMBERS ALL EMERGENCY CALLS 911 Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre 403.253.5250 Alberta Health Care 403.310.0000 AHS Addictions Hotline 1.866.332.2322 ATCO Gas – 24 Hour Emergency 403.245.7222 Calgary HEALTH LINK 24/7 403.943.5465 Calgary Police – Non Emergency 403.266.1234 Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter 403.234.7233 Child Abuse Hotline 1.800.387.5437 Child Find – Alberta 403.270.3463 Distress/Crisis Line 403.266.4357 ENMAX – Power Trouble 403.514.6100 Poison Centre – Alberta 1.800.332.1414 1.800.784.2433 Suicide Crisis Line HOSPITALS/URGENT CARE Alberta Children’s Hospital 403.955.7211 Foothills Hospital 403.944.1110 Peter Lougheed Centre 403.943.4555 Rockyview General Hospital 403.943.3000 Sheldon M. Chumir Health Care 403.955.6200 South Calgary Urgent Care 403.943.9300 South Health Campus 403.956.1111 OTHER Calgary Humane Society 403.205.4455 Calgary Parking Authority (Towed/Abandoned Vehicles etc.) 403.537.7100 Calgary Senior’s Resource (SeniorConnect) 403.266.6200 Call Before You Dig (Buried Utilities) 1.800.242.3447 City of Calgary 211 and 311 Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) 403.705.3250 Kerby Centre for the 55 plus 403.705.3246 Neighbour Mediation Hotline 403.269.2707 Road Conditions – Calgary 1.877.262.4997 Weather Information 403.299.7878 Need-a-Doctor DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of the Thorncliffe / Greenview Community Association and Great News Publishing. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. The Thorncliffe / Greenview Community Association and Great News Publishing do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services. november 2014 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 4728 Nipawin Cres. NW - $549,900 Nestled in family friendly North Haven, this extensively renovated bungalow has everything you’ve been looking for! Minutes to the Winter Club, Nose Hill Park and schools... give me a call, this one is sure to please. Dale Green Honest. Grounded. Experienced 403.608.1410 Simons Valley is proud to be your local neighborhood pharmacy of choice. Formerly known as Simons Valley Drug Mart we have recently undergone a rebranding, but we are still the same friendly neighborhood pharmacy that you have known for years! Our commitment as a company is to exceed your expectations by providing value added support services which go far beyond dispensing drugs. Whatever your needs, you can depend on our knowledgeable health care staff to provide the highest quality of service and advice. DID YOU KNOW that our injection certified pharmacists are trained to administer the flu vaccine to the public and are authorized by the Alberta College of Pharmacists and Alberta Health Services to access and administer the provincially provided vaccines?* Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommends that everyone 6 months old or older should get a flu vaccine. Getting the flu vaccine, either as a shot or as a spray that you breathe through the nose, every fall just before the start of the flu season can help prevent you from getting the flu. YOU CANNOT GET THE FLU FROM THE FLU VACCINE! Protect yourself against the flu, get immunized every year. Make it part of your fall routine!. Stop by and see Anamaria or Hubert, YOUR Sandstone Pharmacists, TODAY to book your appointment to get your flu vaccine! *FREE FOR ALL ALBERTA RESIDENTS (with a valid Alberta Health Care Number) BUSINESS HOURS Pharmacy Hours: Store Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Sunday and Stat Holidays: Sunday and Stat Holidays: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Phone: 403-274-2444
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