About us Registration Contact

About us
Medical Mission Institute
Salvatorstr. 7
97074 Würzburg
Tel. +49 (0)931 791-2803
Fax +49 (0)931 791-2801
Executive Committee
Chairman Prof. Dr. August Stich
Department of Tropical Medicine
Medical Mission Hospital
Tel. +49 (0)931 791-2821
Chief Executive Officer
Please submit your candidature to:
For course registration we need:
Michael Kuhnert
First name, family name, residence, email
address and certificate of payment
Press and Public Relations
The course fee of 250 € is to be transferred to:
Tel. +49 (0)931 791-2893
Missionsärztliches Institut Würzburg
LIGA Bank eG
IBAN: DE58750903000003006565
Purpose: Ebola e-learning course 17.11.2014
The Medical Mission Institute is the Catholic
Advisory Organisation for International Health,
based in Würzburg, Germany. We offer advice
and training to medical professionals and health
organisations working in developing countries.
Tel. +49 (0)931 791-2900
Elke Blüml
The Institute gives worldwide support primarily
to church-run health services and project partners
as well as church-affiliated relief organisations,
among them Misereor or Caritas. We also collaborate with international bilateral development
Documentation Centre
Sieglinde Mauder
Hermann-Schell-Str. 7
Tel. +49 (0)931 804 85-27
Hermann-Schell-Str. 7
97074 Würzburg
Tel. +49 (0)931 804 85-18
Fax +49 (0)931 804 85-30
eLearning Course:
Ebola Benchmarks
Founded in 1922, staff members and volunteers
are working together in the Institute to promote
Health for All. Our engagement is consistent with
the worldwide healing ministry of the Catholic
Church. Many of the Institute’s individual members
are active in long term health projects around
the globe.
Promoting health is central to overcoming
poverty and a key area where the Medical Mission
Institute wants to make a contribution. Together
with our international partners we are working
towards sustainable solutions, with special consideration to cultural traditions and values.
Learning objectives
Gaining an understanding of the
epidemiology of the current Ebola outbreak
and reflecting upon factors that provoke the
ongoing epidemic
Understanding the life cycle of Ebola virus
and ways of animal-to-human and human-tohuman transmission
Learning the case definition of a probable
case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) and
becoming aware of difficulties that might
arise with it in practice
The ongoing Ebola epidemic in West Africa
demands quick training of medical and nonmedical professional staff. This course conveys
basic knowledge about status and epidemiology
of the current outbreak, prevention and control
measures, medical aspects of Ebola virus disease
and effective tools for community mobilisation.
The didactic concept is based on lectures, forum
discussions, an electronic library and glossary. We
are asking for a brief assignment at the end.
The course duration is two weeks. The course is
divided into five modules. Every second day we
activate a new module. The participants need
about three hours per module.
An intensive interaction with other participants
and the expert tutor Dr. Klemens Ochel (medical
doctor and master of public health) has a decisive
influence on the learning outcome of the course.
It is possible to look at the course as a guest on
our homepage.
Comprehending fundamental public health
concepts of outbreak control and identifying
problems with their implementation in lowresource settings
Recognising the causes for Ebola transmission
in health facilities and acquiring skills to
implement effective screening and protection
Course dates
Obtaining theoretical basic know-how about
the use of personal protective equipment
Learning the basics about clinical symptoms,
diagnostics and treatment of EVD as well as
the most important differential diagnosis
Gaining knowledge about essential features of
Ebola treatment units and community-based
Getting to know effective hygiene and disinfection measures to prevent the spread of EVD
and transferring this knowledge to different
Analysing social, cultural and anthropological
issues that play a role in control efforts
Working out the key points of successful
health promotion campaigns in the
November 17th until November 28th, 2014
More courses will be organised according
to interest
Target group
Humanitarian workers
Medical professionals
Non-medical professionals
Medical students
Participants from industrialised and low-resource
countries are welcome.
Number of participants
Maximum of 25
Regular internet access (e.g. 3G cards, smartphones), computer, laptop or tablet with internet
Course fee
250 €