NOMINERINGSINSTANSER TILL 2016 ÅRS PRIS Albanien Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Albania Algeriet Syndicat Nationale des Editeurs des Livres (SNEL) Andorra Biblioteca Nacional d’Andorra Angola Biblioteca Nacional de Angola Argentina Asociación de Ilustradores Argentinos Asociación de Ilustradores Dibujantes Foro de Ilustradores Argentinos IBBY Argentina Isol / 2013 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne Salmeron IFLA Armenien IBBY Armenien National Library of Armenia Australien Centre for Youth Literature Children´s Book Council of Australia IBBY Australien Illustrators Australia National Library of Australia IFLA Shaun Tan / 2011 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens mine Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Australia & New Zealand Sonya Hartnett/ 2008 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne LITTERATURPRISET TILL ASTRID LINDGRENS MINNE Statens kulturrådBox 27215102 53 StockholmBesöksadress Borgvägen 1-5, Stockholm Tel 08-519 264 00Fax 08-519 264 99E-post Belarus Belarus Writers Association National Library of Belarus Belgien IBBY Belgien (Flemish Branch) IBBY Belgien (French Branch) Muntpunt Bibliotheek Kitty Crowther / 2010 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Belgien Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek, Archief & Dokumentatie IFLA (VVBAD) Vlaamse Illustratoren Club Bolivia IBBY Bolivia Bosnien-Hercegovina The National and Univ. Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina Brasilien IBBY Brasilien Lygia Bojunga / 2004 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne Brittiska Jungfruöarna IRA Tortola / British Virgin Islands Reading Council Chile IBBY Chile Colombia IBBY Colombia Costa Rica IBBY Costa Rica Cypern IBBY Cypern Danmark Centre for Children’s Literature / Center for børnelitteratur IBBY Danmark Danish Writers’ Association / Dansk Forfatterforening Danish Writers’ Association / Illustratorgruppen Ecuador IBBY Ecuador Egypten Bibliotheca Alexandrina IFLA IBBY Egypten Eritrea Eritrea Publishers Association (ERIPA) Estland Estonian Writers’ Union / Eesti Kirjanike Liit IBBY Estland Filippinerna Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Philippines Finland Association of Finnish Illustrators / Kuvittajat Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature Lastenkirjainstituutti (LKI) Finnish Library Association IFLA / Suomen Kirjastoseura Finnish Literature Exchange (FILI) Grafia, Association of Professional Graphic Designers in Finland IBBY Finland Society of Swedish Authors in Finland Union of Finnish Writers / Suomen Kirjailijaliitto Frankrike Association des Bibliothécaires Français IFLA / French Librarian Association IBBY Frankrike Société des Gens de Lettres (SGDL) Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, France Färöarna Rithövundafelag Föroya Förenade arabemiraten IBBY Förenade Arabemiraten Sharjah Book Authority Georgien National Parliamentary Library of Georgia Ghana IBBY Ghana / Ghana Library Board Grekland Hellenic Author’s Society IBBY Grekland National Society of Greek Authors Grönland Nunatta Atuagaateqarfia / Grønlandske Landsbibliotek Haiti IBBY Haiti Indien Garai IFLA IBBY Indien Indonesien IBBY Indonesien Iran IBBY Iran / Children’s Book Council of Iran Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults IFLA Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature Irland Children’s Books Ireland IBBY Irland Irish Writer’s Union Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Ireland Island Félag íslenskra teiknara (FIT) IBBY Island Icelandic Library and Information Science Association IFLA Writers’ Union of Iceland / Rithöfundasamband Islands Israel IBBY Israel Israel Association of Illustrators Italien Associazione Illustratori Associazione Italiana Biblioteche IFLA Biblioteca Italiana per Ciechi Regina Margherita IFLA IBBY Italien Japan IBBY Japan International Institute for Children’s Literature in Osaka Japan Library Association IFLA Ryôji Arai / 2005 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne Kanada Bibliotéque et Archives Nationale du Québec IBBY Kanada Library and Archives Canada (National Library of Canada) Toronto Public Library /The Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books Kenya Kenya Literature Bureau National Book Development Council of Kenya Kina IBBY Kina Kroatien Croatian Library Ass. (CLA) IFLA/ Hrvatsko knjiznicarsko drustvo IBBY Kroatien Rijeka City Library IFLA Kuba IBBY Kuba Lettland IBBY Lettland Latvian Literature Centre Libanon IBBY Libanon Qiraat Saghira Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Lebanon Litauen IBBY Litauen Lithuanian Writers’ Union / Lietuvos Rasytoju Sajunca Malaysia IBBY Malaysia Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Malaysia Maldiverna National Library Malta Ministry of Education and Employment Mexiko Consejo nacional para la cultura y las artes / CONACULT El Ilustradero Ilustración Mexico IBBY Mexiko Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Mexico Moldavien IBBY Moldavien Mongoliet IBBY Mongoliet Montenegro Central National Library of the Republic of Montenegro Namibia Namibia Children’s Book Forum (NCBF) Nederländerna Dutch Foundation for Literature (Nederlands Letterenfonds) Guus Kuijer / 2012 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne IBBY Nederländerna Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Netherlands Vereniging van Schrijvers en Vertalers (VSen V) Nepal IBBY Nepal Nicaragua Nicaraguan IRA Council Nordkorea Grand People’s Study House (DPRK) Norge IBBY Norge Norwegian Library Association IFLA / Norsk Bibliotekforening Norsk barnebokinstitutt Norwegian Writers for Children & Juveniles/Norske Barne og Ungdomsbok Forfattare (NBU) Sámi Girječálliid Searvi (SGS) / Samisk forfatterforening Nya Zeeland IBBY Nya Zeeland Pakistan IBBY Pakistan Palestina IBBY Palestina Tamer Institute for Community Education / 2009 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne Peru IBBY Peru Polen Association of Polish Writers / Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich (SPP) IBBY Polen Polish Writers’ Union / Zwiazek Lieteratów Polskich (ZLP) Portugal General Directorate for Books and Libraries / DirecçãoGeral do Livro e das Bibliotecas (DGLB) IBBY Portugal Rwanda IBBY Rwanda Ryssland Library for Foreign Literature / M.I.Rudomino (VGBIL) IBBY Ryssland IBBY Ryssland (St. Petersburg Branch) Russian State Children’s Library Salomonöarna National Library Service San Marino Secretariat of State for Education, Universities and Culture Schweiz Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Switzerland IBBY Schweiz (French-Swiss Branch) IBBY Schweiz / Schweizerisches Institut für Kinderund Jugendmedien (SIKJM) Serbien Belgrade City Library / Biblioteka grada Beograd IBBY Serbien Serbian Writers Union / Udruzenje knjizevnika Srbije (UKS) Zmajeve Decje Igre Slovakien IBBY Slovakien Slovenien Drustvo slovenskih pisateljev / The Slovene Writers’ Association IBBY Slovenien Spanien Centro de Estudios de Promoción de la Lectura y Literatura Infantil (CEPLI) Centro Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil IBBY Spanien (Basque Branch) IBBY Spanien (Catalan Branch) IBBY Spanien (Galician Branch) IBBY Spanien (OEPLI) Storbritannien Cambridge/Homerton Research and Teaching Centre for Children’s Literature Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling / Canolfan Adrodd Storïau George Ewart Evans IBBY Storbritannien National Centre for Research in Children’s Literature (NCRCL) Philip Pullman / 2005 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne School Library Association IFLA Seven Stories, National Centre for Children’s Books Society of Authors Sverige Barbro Lindgren / 2014 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne Föreningen Svenska Tecknare IBBY Sverige Seriefrämjandet Serieteket Svensk Biblioteksförening IFLA Svenska barnboksakademin Svenska barnboksinstitutet Sveriges Författarförbund Världsbiblioteket Sydafrika Children’s Literature Research Unit (UNISA) Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, South Africa IBBY Sydafrika Sydkorea IBBY Sydkorea Thailand IBBY Thailand Tjeckien IBBY Tjeckien Turkiet IBBY Turkiet Istanbul Tanpinar Literature Festival (ITEF) Tyskland Arbeitsstelle für Leseforschung und Kinder- und Jugendmedien (ALEKI) IBBY Tyskland Illustratoren Organisation e.V Internationale Jugendbibliothek Stiftung Illustration / Museum Burg Wissem Uganda IBBY Uganda Ukraina IBBY Ukraina Ungern IBBY Ungern Institute of Hungarian Children’s Literature Ltd Uruguay IBBY Uruguay USA Children’s Literature Association (ChLA) Katherine Paterson / 2006 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature (NCCIL) IBBY United States Venezuela Banco del Libro / 2007 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne Zambia IBBY Zambia Österrike Büchereiverband Österreichs (BVÖ) IFLA Christine Nöstlinger / 2003 års mottagare av Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne IBBY Österrike Internationella organisationer Executive Committee of IBBY International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) IFLA Kurdish Writers, UK Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section, IFLA
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