Established 1904 1110 Old Spanish Trail P.O. Box 610 ScoƩ, LA 70583 Rectory: (337) 235-2433 Fax: (337) 233-4868 CCD: (337) 232-6167 Catholic School: (337) 504-3400 Fr. Tom's email: Parish email: stspeterandpaulscoƩ Parish Web-Site: www.stspeterandpaulscoƩ.org School Web-site: School email: Diocesan Website: Find us on Facebook November 9, 2014 The Dedication of The Lateran Basilica STAFF: Rev. Fr. Thomas Voorhies Pastor Rev. Fr. Andre Metrejean Associate Pastor Arthur F. Bakeler, Jr. Permanent Deacon Monica D. Laperous Secretary/Bookkeeper Kip & Ashley Faulk Public High School Religion Laurice A. Dubuc Public Elementary Religion Janet S. Hebert Catholic School: Dr. Robert Richard Principal Tiffany Albarado Administrative Assistant Mona Hodge High School Youth Group (SYG) Jeremy & Amie Clostio & Art & Bridget Trevino Jr. High Youth Group (SKOT) Yvette W. Broussard Choir Director Kip Faulk High School Choir Director OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday: 8:30am - 4:00pm Friday: 8:30am - 12:00pm MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday (Anticipated Mass) 4:00pm Sunday 6:30, 8:00, 10:00am & 6:00pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday 6:30am Tuesday, Thursday & 1st Saturday 8:30am Holy Days of Obligation As announced SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: On Saturdays from 3:00-3:45pm; on Sundays from 6:00-6:15am, 7:307:45am, 9:15-9:45am and from 5:15-5:45pm. 30 minutes before all of our weekday Masses and by personal appointment. MARRIAGE: Couples planning marriage need to make an appointment with one of the priests at least SIX months before the intended wedding date to begin the preparation process. A wedding date cannot be scheduled without approval of a priest. BAPTISM: Expectant parents should contact the office four to six (4 - 6) months before the birth of the child. VISITATION OF THE SICK OR SHUT-INS: If any one is ill at home and not on the regular Communion list, please call the parish office at 235-2433. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please complete the form provided at entrances of the church, then place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. BULLETIN NOTICE: Deadline is two weeks before the announcement is to appear. RELIGION CLASSES: Contact the CCD Office for registration of new students. Page Two DearParishioners, Today we celebrate the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. It is the motherchurchofallCatholicchurchesanditisstillthecathedraloftheBishopofRome, thePope.Forthe irst1,000yearsofchurchhistoryitwastheresidenceofthePope.Now hisresidenceisatSt.Peter’sBasilica,butSt.JohnLateranisstillhiscathedral.Thisfeast day allows us to meditate on the unity of the church through the Pope. We all share one faith as Catholics throughouttheworldandwenumber1.2billion.MaytheLordcontinuetoguidePopeFrancisasheguidesthe barqueofSt.Peteroverthewatersoftime. Don’t forget our Parish Thanksgiving Dinner is Saturday, November 15 at 6:00pm in the hall for those whosignedupalready.Welookforwardtoseeingyouthere. ThankstotheCommunityBuildingCommitteewhoputonawildlysuccessfulTrunk-or-Treatwithsome 590peoplepassingthroughthehall.Congratulations! Thanks to Jason Boudreaux at American Windshield and Glass for donating protective glass for our churchwindows.Wehadtoredotheglazingonthenorthsideofthebuilding.ThanksJason! WhileI’mthankingpeople,IwanttothankPeterBriscoewhorecentlyretiredfromservingthechurchso diligentlythroughoutthepastyears.ThanksPeter!Pleasepraythathishealthcontinuestoimprove. SinceheretiredSteveProvosthasbeencleaningthe loorsonFridayssothankyouSteve!Hehaspassed thatontoNeilVera.ThankyouNeil!Threeladieshavebeencleaningthe loorsonMondaysandWednesdays, all voluntary: Manda Harson, Connie Boutin, and Joan Schenidar. Thank you ladies! We also have God’s Housekeeperswhoare:JessPoirrier,EthelKebodeaux,SusanRabalais,LouSavoy,MargaretComeauxandDiane Richard.Thankyouladiesandthankstoallofourvolunteers! Iloveyouall. Joke of the Week: Why Sermons? Ananonymousletterwritersenthis/herlettertothelocalnewspapereditorcomplainingthatchurchattendance madenosense.“I’vegoneforthirtyyears,”hewrote,“andhaveheardsomethinglikethreethousandsermons. Butforthelifeofme,Ican’trememberasingleoneofthem.SoIthinkI’mwastingmytime,asarethepreachers forevenbotheringtodeliverasermonatall.” Thisletterstartedarealcontroversyontheop-edpage.Itwentonforweeksuntilsomeonewrotethis clincher: “I’vebeenmarriedforthirtyyears.Inthattimemywifehascookedsomethirty-twothousandmeals,but forthelifeofme,Icanrecallthemenuoffewifanyofthosemeals.Idoknow,though,theyallnourishedmeand gavemethestrengthIneedtodomywork.Ifmywifehadnotgivenmethosemeals,I’dbedeadtoday.” Nomorecommentsaboutsermoncontentshaveappearedontheop-edpage. InJesus, Fr.Tom mdl Page Three PRIEST, EXTRAORDINARY LAY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION LECTORS & ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, November 15, 2014 TIME PRIEST ELMOHC READERS ALTAR SERVERS 4:00pm Fr. Tom Michael & Jane Mayeaux Debbie Boudreaux Lee Boudreaux Lebron & Tourean Campbell Grant Duplechin Kaytlyn Reed SUNDAY, November 16, 2014 ELMOHC READERS Warren Sensat, Randy Domingue Stephanie Hendrix Ginger Sensat 8:00am Fr. Andre Carral Menard, Roger Tabb, Art Trevino, Joe & Elsie Smith Jeanne Theriot 10:00am Fr. Tom Shane Thibodeaux, Carl Benoit Tammie Harrington Susan Rabalais 6:00pm Fr. Andre Deacon Art Bakeler Mary Keller, Danielle Babineaux Life Teen TIME PRIEST 6:30am Fr. Tom COLLECTIONREPORT: NOVEMBER2 $15,789.27 MAILED/DROPPEDINOFFICE 1,581.00 TOTALNOVEMBER2 $17,370.27 BLDG/MAINT/SCHOOLDEBT $8,383.72 MAILED/DROPPEDINOFFICE 1,438.00 TOTALBLDG/MAINT/SCHDEBT $9,821.72 ALLSAINTSDAY $1,248.00 *******HOORAY, WE ARE UNDER $900,000 SCHOOL DEBT: NUMBER OF FAMILIES: $892,123.72 3032 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS AND STEWARDSHIP. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT STS. PETER & PAUL CHURCH AND SCHOOL IN YOUR WILL. ALTAR SERVERS Adrenne & Stephen Hendrix Isabelle Sabatier Mary-Ester LeBlanc Colin & Conner Benoit Lauren Menard, Evelyn Granger Matthew Brice Addison & Mallory Harrington Guy Griffin, Ruby Thibodeaux Kevin Schexnayder, Seth Trahan, Gabriel Reed, Cade Thibodeaux PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING SICK:Brooklyn Johnson, Weldon Cashi, Rose Branham, Charles Ward, Edward Bourque Sr, Luke Page, Michelle Rivero, Laurie Miguez, Amie Clostio, Joanna & Fred Gaspard, Hazel Leleux, John I Boudreaux, Angella Labbie Cannon, Wilsey & Velma Vincent,JanelleDupuis,CherylGuillory,VickieDomingue, Roy Matthieu, Noelie Prejean (1) Kathy Cormier, Joyce & Roy Bourque, MonaHebert,JohnRoger,Cody Prejean, Cathy Holloway, John Hebert Jr, Norma Hoffpauir Chiasson, Sue Trahan, Mildred Leger, Harry Leger, Harry Trahan, Earlin Miller, Preston Hebert, Carolyn Denais, Polly Richard, Renelle Welborn, Linda Savoie, Margaret Lavergne, Ashley Harris, Wayne Cormier, Michelle Morgan, MariePrejean,AidenBenoit,HannahSimmons,PatsyMartin, MableDomingue,PatsyRobin,Leroy&SableAlleman,Murphy Hebert, Mac Arnold(2) Marilyn Cormier,LenaWeaver, Carita Credeur, Elia Mouton, Ray Mouton, Kirk Vidrine, Lee Boudreaux,LauraPCredeur,ToddBroussard,AnnetteSonnier, CurtisHebert,CharleneReninger,AdamLaBauve,Stony Sittig, Jerry Darby, Barbara Comeaux, Larry Thibodeaux, Dianne McQuirk, Brenda LaPorte, Dot Gauthe, Faith Kimball, Harry Bertrand, Joe & Irene Sellers, Lois Trahan, Jo Sonnier, Martha Ortiz, Lois Dooley,FrannieRoy(3) Ifyouknowofanypersonwhoissickandneedsprayersor visits,pleasecalltheparishof ice235-2433.Namesonthe abovesicklistweregiventousbyparishioners. Page Four OURCATHOLICSCHOOLNEWS ProspectiveParentTours Pleasecalltheof iceat337-504-3400toscheduleyourenrollmenttour.Newstudentregistrationforthe20152016 school year begins in January. Re-enrollment and sibling registration is taking place now. All current familiesshouldhavereceivedaformforre-enrollmentandsiblingregistration.Pleasecontacttheschoolifyou havenotreceivedtheform. Veterans’DayMass Weinviteallveterans’tojoinusonTuesday,November11that8:30a.m.forourVeterans’DayMass.Special recognitionwillbegiventoallthosewhohaveservedourcountry. SportsNews Theschoolwillhaveour irstbasketballteamsthisyear.The5thgradeboysand6/7thgradeboyswilleachhave teams.Theseasonbeginsinmid-November.MakesuretocomeouttosupportourKnights! ComeHomeforChristmas5KRun The irstSts.PeterandPaulCatholicSchool5K/1milerunwilltakeplaceonSaturday,December13th.Therace willbeginatchurch,looparoundScott,and inishbackatchurch.Lookforregistrationformssoonontheschool website. NovemberCoreEssentialValue ThenewvalueforNovemberisGratitude.Studentswillstrivethismonthtohaveafeelingofappreciationand thanks. SCHOOLCONTACTINFORMATION School's address: E-mail address: Web Site: Phone Number: Fax Number: 1301 Old Spanish Trail Scott, LA 70583 337-504-3400 337-504-4995 Community Building Committee WewouldliketosayaHUGE"ThankYou"tooursponsorsforour2ndAnnualTrunk-or-Treat.Theyare: ScottKnightsofColumbus Early'sGrocery SuperTaters CoffeeDepot Cajan'sEatery FirstSouthFarmCredit Gautreaux'sDonuts BabyandMeBoutique DJEricHoffpauir ThankyousomuchforcontributingtoourHalloweenevent.Wecouldnotdoitwithoutthesupportofbusinesseslike you! Page Five HAPPENINGS AROUND STS. PETER & PAUL - Our Lady of the Oaks Retreats for Women Our Lady of the Oaks is hosting mid-week retreats and weekend retreats . For more information call 337-662-5410. - Our Lady of the Oaks Married Couples Retreat Our Lady of the Oaks is hosting married couples retreats. For more information call 337-662-5410 or - Marriage Encounter weekends are being planned. For more information call 800-586-5469 or 225-752-5084 or go on-line at - Circle of Friends Single adults in Acadiana, ages 30 and up can find a venue of fellowship and speakers. For meeting dates and calendar please visit http:// -Community of Jesus Crucified Retreats - Married Couple's Retreats to be announced. To register call Cheryl Moss at 254-8158. --Retrouvaille - A Lifeline for Marriage - helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. For more information please call 1-800-470-2230. Christ in the City-A monthly opportunity for young adults in their 20’s & 30’s to worship through Eucharistic Adoration. It is held the 1st Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm at St. Mary Catholic Church, 419 Doucet Road. Cry room available. For more information please email or visit the website at 2014 Natural Family Planning Classes – To register for any go to Attention: Extraordinary Lay Ministers & Readers CynthiaBroussardwillbepreparingtheschedulesfor January-June,2015.Ifyoucannotcontinueorhavea specialneed,pleasecallherat873-8600.ASAP.Also, if you are willing to serve on Holy Days of Obligation pleaseletherknow. ADORATION CHAPEL ANSWERED PRAYERS/FAVORS GRANTED “ A plenary indulgence is granted to one of the faithful who visits the Blessed Sacrament to adore the same for at least half an hour.” Imprimatur: New Regulations on Indulgence Adoration Substitutes Your service to the Lord, in the ministry of being a replacement for Holy Hours, is greatly appreciated. Thank you! THIS WEEK AT STS. PETER & PAUL AA Meetings: Sun, Wed & Fri 8:00pm (Room 11) Tue, Thu & Sat 7:00pm (Room 11) Sunday, November 9 -SYG-3:00pm-SYGRoom -LifeTeen-4:30-6:00pmMass -SensatComeLordJesusBibleStudy&so muchmore-6:00pm-CCDBuilding Monday, November 10 -Matthew,TheKing&HisKingdomSeries 6:30-8:30-pm-Hall Tuesday, November 11 -“ThatManIsYou!”-5:00am-Hall -SchoolMass-8:30am -9:30amWirtzComeLordJesus-CCDBuilding -1-4thgradeCCD-5:30-6:30pm -5-8thgradeCCD-7:00-8:00pm -PatrioticRosary-6:30pm-AdorationChapel -KCMeeting-7:00pm-KCHall Wednesday, November 12 -MaeBoudreaux’sPrayerGroup-10:00amin CryRoom-EveryoneInvited -6:00pm-ChoirPractice-Church -Fr.Metrejean’sFundamentalTheology- 6:30-8:45pm-Hall Thursday, November 13 -RosaryprayedinCryRoom-9am-EveryoneInvited -DivineMercyChapletthenSeniorsComeLord JesusBibleStudy-3:00pm-AcadianHeritage -7:00pmRCIA-Hall -HabetzComeLordJesusBibleStudy&so muchmore-6:30pm-CCDBuilding -GriefSupport-6:30-8:30pm-CCDBuilding Saturday, November 15 -ThanksgivingFeast-6:00pm-Hall Sunday, November 16 -CDAMass-8:00am -SYG-3:00pm-SYGRoom -LifeTeen-4:30-6:00pmMass -SensatComeLordJesusBibleStudy&so muchmore-6:00pm-CCDBuilding Father Glenn Meaux – Golf Classic Father Glenn Meaux’s 1st Annual Golf Classic will be heldonMonday, November 17,atOakbourneCountry Club to bene it Father Glenn’s Mission in Kobonal, Haiti.FundsraisedwillsupportthepoorinKobonal, Haiti. For information, please visit Page Six Wantedtosharewithyouthe inalSynodofBishopsdocumentonthefamilywhichturnedoutreallybeautifulas opposedtotheonethatwassocontroversial.ThenextsynodwillbeevenbiggerinOctober2015sowehaveto keeppraying!Thisisjustthe inalpublicstatement.Youwouldhavetogoogleitgogetthe inaldocumentwhich isratherlengthy. Message of the Synod Assembly on the pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelisation “We, Synod Fathers, gathered in Rome together with Pope Francis in the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, greet all families of the different continents and in particular all who follow Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We admire and are grateful for the daily witness which you offer us and the world with your fidelity, faith, hope, and love. Each of us, pastors of the Church, grew up in a family, and we come from a great variety of backgrounds and experiences. As priests and bishops we have lived alongside families who have spoken to us and shown us the saga of their joys and their difficulties. The preparation for this synod assembly, beginning with the questionnaire sent to the Churches around the world, has given us the opportunity to listen to the experience of many families. Our dialogue during the Synod has been mutually enriching, helping us to look at the complex situations which face families today. We offer you the words of Christ: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me”. On his journeys along the roads of the Holy Land, Jesus would enter village houses. He continues to pass even today along the streets of our cities. In your homes there are light and shadow. Challenges often present themselves and at times even great trials. The darkness can grow deep to the point of becoming a dense shadow when evil and sin work into the heart of the family. We recognise the great challenge to remain faithful in conjugal love. Enfeebled faith and indifference to true values, individualism, impoverishment of relationships, and stress that excludes reflection leave their mark on family life. There are often crises in marriage, often confronted in haste and without the courage to have patience and reflect, to make sacrifices and to forgive one another. Failures give rise to new relationships, new couples, new civil unions, and new marriages, creating family situations which are complex and problematic, where the Christian choice is not obvious. We think also of the burden imposed by life in the suffering that can arise with a child with special needs, with grave illness, in deterioration of old age, or in the death of a loved one. We admire the fidelity of so many families who endure these trials with courage, faith, and love. They see them not as a burden inflicted on them, but as something in which they themselves give, seeing the suffering Christ in the weakness of the flesh. We recall the difficulties caused by economic systems, by the “the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose” which weakens the dignity of people. We remember unemployed parents who are powerless to provide basic needs for their families, and youth who see before them days of empty expectation, who are prey to drugs and crime. We think of so many poor families, of those who cling to boats in order to reach a shore of survival, of refugees wandering without hope in the desert, of those persecuted because of their faith and the human and spiritual values which they hold. These are stricken by the brutality of war and oppression. We remember the women who suffer violence and exploitation, victims of human trafficking, children abused by those who ought to have protected them and fostered their development, and the members of so many families who have been degraded and burdened with difficulties. “The culture of prosperity deadens us…. all those lives stunted for lack of opportunity seem a mere spectacle; they fail to move us”. We call on governments and international organizations to promote the rights of the family for the common good. Christ wanted his Church to be a house with doors always open to welcome everyone. We warmly thank our pastors, lay faithful, and communities who accompany couples and families and care for their wounds. *** There is also the evening light behind the windowpanes in the houses of the cities, in modest residences of suburbs and villages, and even in mere shacks, which shines out brightly, warming bodies and souls. This light—the light of a wedding story—shines from the encounter between spouses: it is a gift, a grace expressed, as the Book of Genesis says, when the two are “face to face” as equal and mutual helpers. The love of man and woman teaches us that each needs the other in order to be truly self. Each remains different from the other that opens self and is revealed in the reciprocal gift. It is this that the bride of the Song of Songs sings in her canticle: “My beloved is mine and I am his… I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine”. Page Seven This authentic encounter begins with courtship, a time of waiting and preparation. It is realized in the sacrament where God sets his seal, his presence, and grace. This path also includes sexual relationship, tenderness, intimacy, and beauty capable of lasting longer than the vigour and freshness of youth. Such love, of its nature, strives to be forever to the point of laying down one’s life for the beloved. In this light conjugal love, which is unique and indissoluble, endures despite many difficulties. It is one of the most beautiful of all miracles and the most common. This love spreads through fertility and generativity, which involves not only the procreation of children but also the gift of divine life in baptism, their catechesis, and their education. It includes the capacity to offer life, affection, and values—an experience possible even for those who have not been able to bear children. Families who live this light-filled adventure become a sign for all, especially for young people. This journey is sometimes a mountainous trek with hardships and falls. God is always there to accompany us. The family experiences his presence in affection and dialogue between husband and wife, parents and children, sisters and brothers. They embrace him in family prayer and listening to the Word of God—a small, daily oasis of the spirit. They discover him every day as they educate their children in the faith and in the beauty of a life lived according to the Gospel, a life of holiness. Grandparents also share in this task with great affection and dedication. The family is thus an authentic domestic Church that expands to become the family of families which is the ecclesial community. Christian spouses are called to become teachers of faith and of love for young couples as well. Another expression of fraternal communion is charity, giving, nearness to those who are last, marginalized, poor, lonely, sick, strangers, and families in crisis, aware of the Lord’s word, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. It is a gift of goods, of fellowship, of love and mercy, and also a witness to the truth, to light, and to the meaning of life. The high point which sums up all the threads of communion with God and neighbor is the Sunday Eucharist when the family and the whole Church sits at table with the Lord. He gives himself to all of us, pilgrims through history towards the goal of the final encounter when “Christ is all and in all”. In the first stage of our Synod itinerary, therefore, we have reflected on how to accompany those who have been divorced and remarried and on their participation in the sacraments. We Synod Fathers ask you walk with us towards the next Synod. The presence of the family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in their modest home hovers over you. United to the Family of Nazareth, we raise to the Father of all our petition for the families of the world: Father, grant to all families the presence of strong and wise spouses who may be the source of a free and united family. Father, grant that parents may have a home in which to live in peace with their families. Father, grant that children may be a sign of trust and hope and that young people may have the courage to forge life-long, faithful commitments. Father, grant to all that they may be able to earn bread with their hands, that they may enjoy serenity of spirit and that they may keep aflame the torch of faith even in periods of darkness. Father, grant that we may all see flourish a Church that is ever more faithful and credible, a just and humane city, a world that loves truth, justice and mercy”. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Monday: Tuesday: Please pray for a priest each day: EternalFather,weliftuptoYoutheseandallthepriestsof theworld.Sanctifythem.Healandguidethem.Moldthem intothelikenessofyourSon,Jesus,theEternalHighPriest. MaytheirlivesbepleasingtoYou.InJesus'namewepray. Amen. November8 PopeFrancis November9 PopeEmerituBenedictXVI November10 BishopMichaelJarrell November11 Rev.GeorgeSimon November12 Rev.JodySimoneaux November13 Rev.CedricSonnier November14 Rev.JosephStemmann Page Eight The rosary is prayed 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. Saturday, November 8 4:00pm Adley&BeverlyScrantz EloiComeauxJr SuzannePChatelain Joe&HildaPeschier DavidL“Boo”Prejean ChadLacy(L)(HB) EmetileD&Edward(L) BourqueSr MonaMireMartin Martin&MireFamilies Paul&DellaHernandez Pierre“Pete”Roger DupreHebert VivianADavidson EmoryHebert RobertCredeur&dfm Andrew“Woogie”Bowie M/MDucreBearbdfm Elvie,Marc&Catherine Hernandez(L) AllenHernandezdfm SybilDuhon Evan&LouiseDomingue Earvis,LeeJane,Elta, Joseph,Anna&Harry Jagneaux Nick&NoelieProvost& dfm Russell&HildaHebert, WoodleyJCredeur&dfm Viola&ForestBlanchard& dfm StephenHigginbotham EliteSMeyers CourtneyBowers(Anniv) LiverdaMDomingue LeonardLRichard KimDMartin StephanieCormier WillieJoeLormand Marie&JeromeRogerSr Mathilde,Bernard,Allen Domingue Sunday, November 9 6:30am ClayMouton RiversQuibodeaux(L) Evan&LouiseDomingue AudreyDVillien BerniceHebert MollieDomingue ArmondGuilbeau MariaNguyen Sunday, November 9 10:00am MichaelO’NeilMouton DiGiGianfala Amithilde&LibbonGuidry RayfordDomingue HassieSpellman Hebert&DomingueLFM& DFM MichaelJLeBlanc Carl,Waver&Sosthene Guidry Charlie,Gene&Louis Provost BrooklynJohnson(L) RoseBranham(L) Sunday, November 9 6:00pm ForthePeople LloydOGuidry WilbertJRoger GwendolynWilliams WillieJoeLormand Wednesday, November 12 (St Josaphat) GirdyCMenard(Anniv) HughBWinstonJr LindaMatthieu(L)(HB) LouisSProvost Thursday, November 13 (St Frances Xavier Cabrini) LillyM(Anniv)&Isaac NavarreSr LerleneNSimon PalmaGLeBlanc Mr&Mrs(Anniv)Davy Monday, November 10 Hollier MichaelJLeBlanc (St Leo the Great) Sunday, November 9 DougRoberts(Anniv) Elus&OdetteLabit 8:00am Viola&ForestBlanchard& Brenda&CharlieLaPorte(L) Friday, November 14 (HappyAnniv41Years) dfm WilbertJRoger(Anniv) EllenCResweber Tuesday, November 11 RonHollier Lloyd&NolaChaisson JulienComeaux (St Martin of Tours) MaryDBroussard& LillyM&IsaacNavarreSr MollieDomingue MaryEve&LeeA LoraineBabineaux(Anniv) LerleneNSimon Broussard Jim&ChanneKaraba(L) SpiritualHealing WilliamLorino(Anniv)& LetaMaeBroussard (Anniv) GwenetteAubert(L) FeltonJWhittingtonSr VIGIL LIGHTS:JohnBSonnierFamily,EricPaulFabre,Francis“Pop-Pop”&Ellen“Grandma”Resweber,Health-D Community Building Committee Companions Along the Journey TheCBCwillnowbehostinggriefsupportmeetingseverymonth.Thesemeetingsarebasedontheprogram"Companions AlongtheJourney,"whichthedioceseuses.Meetingswillbeonthe2ndThursdayofeachmonth,from6:30-8:30pminthe CCDHall(AlfredSt.entrance).Ifyouorsomeoneyouknowhassufferedalossandwouldbene itfromgriefsupport,pleasejoinus. ContactCarlaOliverat989-0232ifyouhavequestions. "Catholic Daughter of the Year" Our parish offers "Congratulations" to Priscilla Royer who was selected by her peers as the "Catholic Daughter of the Year" award!!! Our parish is enriched by her and her many good works. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Sts. Peter and Paul Church #525201 1110 Old Spanish Trail Scott, LA 70583 TELEPHONE 337 235-2433 CONTACT PERSON Monica Laperous EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP Laserjet 6P TRANSMISSION TIME Monday: 4:00 pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION November 9, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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