Nyhetsbrev frå n Nordiskå polisforsknings- nå

Nyhetsbrev från Nordiskå polisforskningsnåtverket: September 2015
Allmänt ............................................................................................................................. 2
Sök medel från Brottsofferfonden hösten 2015 ......................................................... 2
Chief Mac Tristan om ledarskap inom polisen .......................................................... 2
Grønlands politiuddannelse laves om til en bacheloruddannelse? ........................... 2
Podd från BRÅ: Nätkränkningar ................................................................................ 2
Böcker, rapporter, uppsatser ........................................................................................... 3
Doktorsavhandling – Etnifierade polispraktiker ......................................................... 3
Doktorsavhandling om socialisation till polis ............................................................. 4
Brårapport: Hot och våld mot centrala yrkesgrupper. ............................................... 4
Master om svenska polisreformen............................................................................. 5
Finska Polisyrkeshögskolans publikationer ............................................................... 5
Police driver education and training in Finland ......................................................... 5
Evaluation of the Finnish police recruit training program .......................................... 6
Master: Radikaliserte norske konvertitter til islam ..................................................... 7
Master: Investigation of trafficking in human beings in Norway ................................ 7
Master; Patruljetjeneste innenfor rammen av sentralisert politietat .......................... 8
Antologi om avhør ...................................................................................................... 9
Artiklar, tidskrifter ............................................................................................................. 9
CEPOL provides access to 500 000 scientific articles on policing. .......................... 9
Global Policing Database ........................................................................................ 10
Unsolved homicides in Sweden............................................................................... 10
Making of an Expert Detective ................................................................................. 10
Politistrategier mot narkotika ................................................................................... 11
Training child forensic interviewers ......................................................................... 11
Privata aktörers kontroll av ekonomisk brottslighet ................................................. 12
Konferenser, kurser m.m. .............................................................................................. 12
Politihøgskolen tilbyr master i etterforsking ............................................................. 12
Höstens öppna föreläsningar vid Linnéuniversitetet ............................................... 13
Policing Borders in the Baltic Sea Area Lund 22-23 October 2015 ........................ 13
Polisens ledarskap, forskare möter praktiker, Växjö 10-12.5 2016......................... 13
Call for abstracts ISA World Forum of Sociology, July Vienna 2016. ..................... 14
Tjänster, stipendier m.m. ............................................................................................... 15
Tjänster internationellt ............................................................................................. 15
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev ............................................................ 16
Konferens; Forskare möter praktiker – Ledarskap inom polisen
Växjö 10 – 12.5 2016
Sök medel från Brottsofferfonden hösten 2015
Det går nu att söka projektmedel för brottsofferinriktad verksamhet från Brottsofferfonden.
Bidragen kan sökas av forskare, ideella organisationer samt offentliga och privata
Det är möjligt att söka medel för brottsofferinriktade projekt och forskningsprojekt.
Projekten ska ha en tydlig brottsofferinriktning och den övergripande målsättningen ska vara
att uppmärksamma och öka kunskapen om brottsoffer eller att förbättra bemötandet av eller
stödet till brottsoffer.
Ansökan inför höstens utdelning ska ha kommit in till Brottsoffermyndigheten senast den
1 oktober 2015.
Chief Mac Tristan om ledarskap inom polisen
Ann-Christin Andersson-Arntén har i sin forskning om polisen som lärande organisation lyft
fram polischefen Mac Tristan som en framgångsrik polischef. Nedan följer i förkortad version
en föreläsning Tristan höll 2014 på Stockholm Chriminology Symposium.
För Andersson-Arnténs rapport ”Är polisen en lärande organisation” från 2013 se:
Grønlands politiuddannelse laves om til en bacheloruddannelse?
Politimester Bjørn Tegner Bay har udtalt at det kan være at en ny uddannelsesstruktur er på
vej for politiuddannelsen. Det overvejes om optagelseskravene skal være større og at
uddannelsen laves om til en bacheloruddannelse. Det vil måske kunne tiltrække andre
ansøgere. Grunden til overvejelserne er at det grønlandske samfund er blevet mere
kompliceret, og dermed er politiopgaverne også blevet det.
Podd från BRÅ: Nätkränkningar
Vilka är det som utsätts för hot och kränkningar på nätet? Och varför leder så få anmälningar
till åtal?
Medverkande: Kerstin Nelander Hedqvist och Frida Andersson, utredare på Brå samt Ulrika
Sundling, kommissarie vid Polismyndigheten. Programledare: Johannes Rosenberg
Böcker, rapporter, uppsatser
Doktorsavhandling – Etnifierade polispraktiker
Den 29.9 kl. 10.15 disputerar Daniel Görtz i sociologi på sin doktorsavhandling "Etnifierade
polispraktiker. Hur etnicitet görs i polisers vardag." Fakultetsopponent är professor Liv
Finstad, Universitetet i Oslo. Plats: Edens hörsal, Paradisgatan 5H, Lund
This thesis analyzes how ethnicity is accomplished in the work of Swedish police officers. It draws on
ethnographic data from participant observations and field interviews in Malmö and its theoretical framework is
primarily based on ethnomethodology.
Police officers – and others in their environment – are found to employ ethnicity and invoke it into
interactions in a variety of ways: 1) redefining police-citizen interactions in friendly directions, 2) ethnic
profiling, 3) strengthening police control over citizens, 4) questioning police legitimacy, 5) offering accounts for
deviant behavior, 6) creating in-group solidarity among police officers by way of distancing oneself from norms
of “anti-racist political correctness”. These and other uses of ethnicity vary between the ‘frontstage’, where
police officers encounter other people, and the ‘backstage’, where police officers interact with their peers. Police
officers treat ethnicity with a great deal of sensitivity in the frontstage region, but they speak more freely about
it, and adopt an ironic attitude towards “political correctness”, in the back stage region. Ethnicity is found to hold
a certain form of social tension that requires the participants of a police interaction to manage and respond to it,
sometimes in a postponed fashion where events are discussed at a later time.
The study also highlights ethnicity’s place within police culture and police organization in a more general
sense. The police adopt a social code that the study calls “ironic knighthood”, where they maintain various
heraldic, authoritative and militaristic aspects of their culture and organization but add a humorous and ironic
Actively using ethnicity is integral to the interests and incentives of this code. It is argued that ethnicity
cannot be removed from the everyday practices of the police, and that a more viable goal of a critical sociology
is to seek to carefully describe ethnified police practices so that they can be reflected upon, problematized and
För nedladdning:
Doktorsavhandling om socialisation till polis
Otto Petersson vid institutionen för statsvetenskap Linnéuniversitetet Växjö disputerar den 9.
10 kl. 13:15-17:00 på sin avhandling ”Att bli polis. Från utbildningens förväntningar till
gatans norm”. Lokal: Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö, Wiksell
As the principal user of legitimate force, the police play an important role in any society. The most obvious and
important task is to guarantee that rules and laws will be respected, thereby preventing society from falling into
chaos. Yet another task is to safeguard the democratic rights assigned to each and every member of society by
the constitution. In order to carry out its task, special powers are vested in the police. However, precisely
because of the far-reaching authority given to the police, any democratic society must restrict the use of police
powers in order to prevent the police from becoming too independent. In this dissertation, the discussion of
legitimate authority revolves around potential areas of conflict. For example, the need to act within the law
implies the weighing of the rule of law against quick and concrete results. Second, the authority of hierarchies is
challenged when an officer breaks the law. The autonomous officer typically chooses not to report the bad
behavior of colleagues, while transgressions should be reported to supervisors according to the legalistic
perspective. The process and factors that come to shape the recruits’ perceptions of the police role – i.e. the idea
of the purpose of police work and how those tasks are best carried out in practice – are examined by utilizing
both longitudinal survey data and qualitative panel data. The first study covers two cohorts of Swedish police
recruits, while the interview-study follows 24 recruits during their academy years and their initial years as sworn
officers. Both studies show stable support for the legalistic perspective during academy training. However,
during on-the-job training, the recruits become more positive towards nonlegalistic practices. There is, for
example, some effect of age and gender: young male recruits are somewhat more prone to adopt Dirty Harryinspired measures – that is, achieving essential ends by tarnished means.
Avhandlingen publiceras av Norstedts Juridik
Se även:
Brårapport: Hot och våld mot centrala yrkesgrupper.
Patel, Emma & Holmberg, Stina (2015). Hot och våld: om utsatthet i yrkesgrupper som är
viktiga i det demokratiska samhället. Stockholm: Brottförebyggande rådet (Brå)
Ur Brå:s presentation
Brå har haft regeringens uppdrag att göra en kunskapsöversikt om hot, våld, trakasserier och
försök till korruption mot personer med uppdrag eller anställningar av särskild betydelse för
det demokratiska samhället. Det handlar om politiker, journalister, opinionsbildare, anställda i
rättskedjan samt vissa anställda i övriga statliga myndigheter och i kommuner och landsting.
I tidigare studier om några av dessa yrkesgrupper har utsattheten för hot och våld visat sig
vara hög – vilket kan få negativa konsekvenser för demokratin. Regeringen vill därför få en
samlad bild: vilka grupper har studerats, vilka av dessa grupper är mest utsatta för hot och
våld, och var är behovet av ny kunskap som störst?
I uppdraget från regeringen har även ingått att titta på utsattheten för hot och våld i de olika
grupperna var för sig, undersöka vilka som uppges vara förövare, vilka konsekvenserna blir
för de utsatta och vilka erfarenheter som finns av skydd och stöd.
I rapporten har vi utgått från befintliga undersökningar för att sammanställa en
kunskapsöversikt om hot och våld mot de aktuella yrkesgrupperna. Undersökningarna mäter
dock olika saker, har olika mätperioder, olika definitioner av hot och våld och har utförts på
olika sätt. Det har därför inte varit möjligt att göra några exakta jämförelser mellan dem. Det
går dock att ge en övergripande bild av grova mönster och skillnader mellan yrkesgrupperna.
För nedladdning:
Master om svenska polisreformen
Kihlberg Robert (2015). Vägen mot en ny Polismyndighet - Strategers betydelse vid
organisationsförändring. (Masteruppsats) Umeå: Umeå universitet, Samhällsvetenskapliga
fakulteten, Sociologiska institutionen.
Today, the largest public organization in Sweden goes through a major reform. This study highlights the
Swedish Police change from several independent organizations towards one common authority, and a group of
strategists working intensely with the change during 2014. The study uses a qualitative method and the empirical
material consists of interviews. The survey begins with a qualitative content analysis and is followed by analysis
with focus on strategy.
The study results yielded following conclusions:
 Strategy specialists and middle managers are important, and perhaps necessary, sense makers of
strategic change, but also the Achilles heel in cases where they are absent
 Project methodology, project governance and communication strategies can generate favorable
conditions for implementing strategic change. Use of the methods should be preceded by the analysis of
organizational culture and habit of leading and working in temporary project organizations
 The Swedish Police deliberate strategy development process 2013-2014 promoted the implementation
of strategic change within and across organizational levels
 Public Organizations with complex organizational environment requires effective communication
planning because the issues otherwise tend stuck on an organizational level and hinder the change
Uppsatsen finns ej för nedladdning. Se f.ö.:
Finska Polisyrkeshögskolans publikationer
Polisyrkeshögskolan publicerar fyra olika publikationsserier med litteratur som rör
polisväsendet, medborgarnas säkerhet och allmänna, samhälleliga kriminologiska kunskaper.
Publikationer är huvudsakligen på finska men med abstract på engelska.
Rapporterna kan laddas ner här:
Police driver education and training in Finland
Mansikkamäki Suvi-Tuuli (2015) Poliisin ajokoulutuksen jatkuva kehittäminen ja tieto
poliisiajoneuvovaurioista (From surveying police vehicle damage towards improving the
driver education and training. Evaluating the effectiveness of police driver education and
training based on the police vehicle damages in 2013 and developing an electronic form for
reporting the damages.). Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun raportteja 116.
One way of reviewing the effectiveness of police driver education and training is through the vehicle damage
data. When we are aware of the kind of incidents and chains of events in which the damages occur, we can direct
this information into the planning of education and also get to see the resulting effects of these plans. This report
reviews the effectiveness of police driver education and training in Finland through the police vehicle damage
forms that were filed in 2013. On one side in this research there is the major part the Police University College
plays as the organizer of the police driver education, and on the other side there is the plan to deploy a national
driver’s permit system in the police organization. The police driver education and training is currently facing
changes. As the learning institution transformed from college to university in 2014, some lessons from the driver
education and training had to be cut. Only classes that fit under the Vehicle Technics and Tactics are included in
the curriculum. The old version included 80 hours of teaching. In the new classes there are 54 hours of actual
teaching, plus two hours of online classes. It is now a challenge to use the current amount of time as specifically
as possible to prepare the students for driving in profession as well as develop the means to review the
effectiveness of the driver education and training. The National Police Board requested all Finland’s police
departments to send the police vehicle damage forms from 2013 to the Police University College. All in all 693
forms were received from a total of 11 police departments. In this research the term ’vehicle’ refers to police
cars, motorcycles and scooters. The most common type of an accident happened while reversing the vehicle (25
% of all incidents), while the vehicle was in a carpark (27 % of all places of incident) or a garage (19 % of all
places of incident). Parking and leaving seemed to play a big part when it came to places of incident. The time of
the year however did not seem to make a difference. The time when an accident was most likely to occur was
between 11 am and 2 pm. Only 15 percent of all accidents occurred during demanding situations such as driving
while using blue lights, following a suspect or while tracking. The incidents varied a lot depending on the police
department in question. As it was not always the driver who filed the vehicle damage form, no connections could
be made between the damages and driver experience. Therefore this research only depicts the general picture of
all damages involving vehicles belonging to the police organization in 2013. A key factor in determining the
effectiveness of the education would be to integrate the driver information into the system so that it could be
easily detected to whom the damages occur and what is their background when it comes to the driving education
and training as well as work experience. This way it would be easier to see the effectiveness of the education as
well as modeling the education more specifically when it comes to individuals. The way driver education and
training affects the police driving culture that empathizes responsibility and safety could not be deduced from the
vehicle damage data alone. Evaluating the effectiveness of the driver education becomes more important when
the resources allocated to the education decrease. The vehicle damage data is a key factor here. However, the
deductions in this project should not be read to mean that the police driver education and training should focus
more on parking and moving the vehicle. The awareness of certain risks alone helps avoid the damages. The
effectiveness of the driver education should be long lasting and immune to changes in the working environment,
so that the system could become more homogeneous on a national level.
För nedladdning:
Evaluation of the Finnish police recruit training program
Vuorensyrjä Matti (2015). Poliisin perustutkintokoulutuksen vaikuttavuusarviointi 2015
(Evaluation of the effectiveness of police recruit training program 2015. Employment and
occupational validity of the program as assessed by police officers who graduated during
2012–2013). Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun raportteja 114.
The current study consisted of an evaluation of the effectiveness of police recruit training program.
It addressed the questions of the employment situation as well as the occupational validity of the
training program as assessed by police officers who had graduated during 2012–2013. The research
project was based on a sample-based survey conducted in October 2014. The number of respondents
was 144/261 and the response rate was 55.2 %.
The employment situation of recently graduated police officers has been weakening from the
evaluation study conducted in 2011 to the study conducted in 2013 and further still to the current
study conducted in 2015. Individual employment histories are more fragmentary than before.
Often, the employment contracts are temporary and periods of employment combine with episodes
of unemployment. Poor employment situation is known to have a negative effect on career
commitment. The regularity was encountered also here in the current study. However, career
commitment and commitment to the occupation of a police officer among the recently graduated
police officers continues to be at a high level. What the young police officers hope for the most is
that they can get a job that corresponds to their education.
The occupational validity of the police recruit training program is good. The program provides the
police cadets with good personal qualifications and also good police skills that correspond to the
requirements of the occupation. Training of the information systems used by the police, use of force
training and training of policing in general, criminal justice education, and the basics of criminal
investigation and of traffic enforcement are all of high quality. There is still room for improvement
on the most demanding parts of the program, such as conceiving of the criminal investigation
process as a coherent whole (the assembly of a pre-trial investigation record, managing the
totality of the criminal investigation process, and closing the case of investigation). It also appears
that, to some extent, the program would benefit from increased amount of practical training and
opportunities to practical exercises, according to the recently graduated police officers. Reference
is made to demanding driving situations (driving in emergency situations, driving under slippery
conditions) and to use of force training (the development of robust routines). What the police officer
graduates particularly appreciate within the totality of the program is the opportunity to practical
training, whether on the Police University College campus or during the practical training periods
and periods of field work.
För nedladdning:
Master: Radikaliserte norske konvertitter til islam
Antony, R. (2015). Ekstreme konvertitter: En dybdestudie av ti radikaliserte norske
konvertitter til islam. (Masteravhandling). Oslo: Politihøgskolen.
I denne studien undersøkes hvordan konvertitter radikaliseres i Norge ved at forfatteren belyser to
underspørsmål: (1) I hvilken grad følger radikaliseringsprosessen rådende teori? (2) I hvilken grad skiller norske
ekstremistkonvertitter seg fra samme fenomen i andre land? Gjennom sin undersøkelse finner forfatteren
betydelig samsvar mellom radikaliseringen av de norske konvertittene og mønstre som er identifisert gjennom
forskningslitteraturen: (1) Flere av konvertittene kommer fra ustabile hjem, preget av skilsmisser, steforeldre,
bortgang av en eller begge foreldre og hyppig flytting. (2) For flere av konvertittene har en trøblete oppvekst ofte
gått hånd i hånd med vinnings- og narkotikaforbrytelser og annen alvorlig kriminalitet. (3) Ingen av
konvertittene har prestert godt på skolen, og tilknytningen til arbeidslivet har generelt vært preget av ulike
strøjobber av kortere varighet. (4) «Nettverksteorien», hvor radikaliseringen foregår i vennekretser, har hatt
størst påvirkning på konvertittene. For noen har radikaliseringen skjedd raskt. Oppsummert kan det sies at
individuelle forhold som nevnt i punkt 1-3 trolig legger til rette og fungerer som bakenforliggende årsaker til at
konvertittene oppsøker ekstrem islamisme. Men individuelle forhold alene ser ikke ut til å være avgjørende. Det
er heller slik at individuelle faktorer i kombinasjon med sosiale nettverk synes å ha størst effekt. (Se fullstendig
sammendrag i oppgaven).
Oppgaven kan leses I fulltekst i PIA: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/300710
Master: Investigation of trafficking in human beings in Norway
Pettersen, L. C. (2015). Tracking the trafficker?: A qualitative study of the investigation of
trafficking in human beings in Norway. (Masteravhandling). Oslo: Politihøgskolen.
Trafficking in human beings (THB) is a vast global problem where the cynic exploitation of fellow human
beings is limited only by the exploiter’s creativity and cruelty. This paper looks upon the phenomena of THB
from a law enforcement perspective, thus defining and problematizing it as a crime against humanity and a crime
against international and national laws. Consequently, understanding the complexity of the crime enables the
investigator and prosecutor to better conduct criminal investigations to uncover, prevent and prosecute the crime
of THB. Norway is a recipient country, and to some extent also a transit country, which means that the victims of
THB in Norway are mostly from foreign countries. However, the numbers on THB are not reliable when it
comes to describing the reality of victims that have yet to be identified by Norwegian authorities. Thus, the
majority of THB-cases reported, investigated and receiving convictions, are THB for sexual exploitation.
Trafficking for other types of exploitation is widely underreported. At the same time, research on the field of
trafficking in Norway has focused mainly on sexual exploitation. However, this paper does not distinguish
between the different types of exploitation. Rather, it focuses on how the police investigate the phenomena in
order to be able to prosecute the traffickers. As such, this paper is based on a qualitative study where police
investigators and police prosecutors from 8 different police districts in Norway have been interviewed about
their knowledge and experience in investigating cases of THB. The study aims to answer the following approach
to the research topic: Tracking the Trafficker? A qualitative study of the investigation of trafficking in human
beings in Norway. The research findings suggest that there is a severe lack of competency in THB in general in
the Norwegian police and that this affects the outcome of THB-‐cases in several ways. The police does not
initiate THB-cases themselves, rather they are to a large extent recipients of information from others – especially
the victim. This leads to a highly victim-‐oriented approach to the investigation, placing much responsibility on
the victim to provide the investigation with sufficient information to identify the trafficker or other important
part of the exploitation they have been exposed to. Furthermore, the victim itself is considered a great challenge
in the investigation of THB‐cases. The findings also indicate that the organisational structure of the police
districts, combined with how THB is prioritized with regard to resources and personnel, may have some affect as
to how the investigation is conducted in the different police districts.
Oppgaven kan leses I fulltekst i PIA: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/297965
Master; Patruljetjeneste innenfor rammen av sentralisert politietat
Glamsland Loe, Erik (2015) Politiets patruljetjeneste: Opprettholdelse og styrking av politiets
lokale forankring og forebyggende kapasiteter innenfor rammen av en ny, sentralisert
politietat. Masteroppgave i politivitenskap. Oslo: PHS
Masteroppgaven retter søkelyset mot politiets patruljetjeneste og hvordan denne kan organiseres hvis
ivaretakelse og styrking av politiets lokale forankring og forebyggende kapasiteter vurderes som viktig.
Hensikten med oppgaven er å se på ulike patruljestrategier som kan kompensere for den fysiske distanseringen
fra lokalsamfunnene som kan følge av en sentraliseringsprosess. Patruljestrategiene som presenteres i oppgaven
kan bidra til å opprettholde politiets lokale forankring, og til en videreutvikling og styrking av politiets
forebyggende kapasitet. På denne måten kan politietaten bli bedre rustet til å løse sitt samfunnsoppdrag.
Oppgaven er et resultat av et casestudie av Follo politidistrikt som i en treårsperiode frem mot 2010
gjennomførte en omorganiseringsprosess i form av nedleggelse av 13 lensmannskontorer/politistasjoner og
opprettelsen av to større driftsenheter. Oppgavens empiri er hentet fra kvalitative intervjuer av ansatte i Follo
politidistrikt, samt fra gjennomlesing av dokumenter produsert av Follo politidistrikt i forbindelse med det
aktuelle endringsarbeidet. Empirien er analysert ved bruk av ulike teoretiske perspektiver på årsaker til
kriminalitet, samt teorier som omhandler hvordan politiet kan styrke sin relasjon til befolkningen gjennom
adferd og væremåte. Videre er det foretatt en analyse av hva ansatte legger til grunn når de vurderer
omorganiseringsprosesser på egen arbeidsplass. I oppgaven presenteres tre ulike patruljestrategier: (1)
community policing, (2) hot spots policing og (3) problemorientert politiarbeid. Forskjellige sider ved
patruljestrategiene blir drøftet opp mot utvalgte teoretiske perspektiver, samt opp mot tidligere forskning og
undersøkelser av patruljestrategier og sentraliseringsprosesser i norsk og utenlandsk politi. I oppgaven diskuteres
også i hvilken grad distriktet hadde et bevisst forhold til eventuelle endringer i den lokale forankring og de
forebyggende kapasiteter som følge av omorganiseringen, samt hvilke kompenserende tiltak som ble iverksatt,
det redegjøres for prosessrettferdighet og medvirkningsmuligheter for de ansatte underveis i omorganisering,
samt for de ansattes engasjement og endringsvilje. Masteroppgaven gir ingen entydige konklusjoner hva gjelder
hvordan fremtidens norske patruljetjeneste bør se ut. Den patruljestrategien som til slutt fremheves kan likevel
være et godt utgangspunkt for videre diskusjon av fremtidens patruljetjeneste i politiet, spesielt hvis ivaretakelse
og styrking av politiets lokale forankring og forebyggende kapasiteter er en viktig målsetting. Masteroppgaven
gir heller ingen entydige konklusjoner hva gjelder viktige faktorer for ansattes vurderinger av prosess og utfall i
omorganiseringsprosesser. Likevel fremstår spesielt rettferdighet og medvirkningsmuligheter som viktig når
omorganiseringer på arbeidsplassen evalueres.
Oppgaven kan leses I fulltekst i PIA:
Antologi om avhør
David Walsh (red), Gavin E. Oxburgh (red), Allison D. Redlich (red), Trond Myklebust (red).
(2016). International developments and practices in investigative interviewing and
interrogation. Volume 1: Victims and witnesses. Routledge.
Dave Walsh (red), Gavin E. Oxburgh (red), Allison D. Redlich (red), Trond Myklebust (red).
(2016). International developments and practices in investigative interviewing and
interrogation. Volume 2: Suspects. Routledge.
Her følger omtale av volume 1 som er inndelt etter regionene: Asia, Australia, Europa, NordAmerika og Sør-Amerika:
Techniques in the investigative interviewing and interrogation of victims, witnesses and
suspects of crime vary around the world, according to a country’s individual legal system,
religion and culture. Whereas some countries have developed certain interview protocols for
witnesses (such as the ABE Guidelines and the NICHD protocol when interviewing children)
and the PEACE model of interviewing suspects, other countries continue to use physical
coercion and other questionable tactics to elicit information.
Until now, there has been very little empirical information about the overall interview and
interrogation practices in non-western countries, especially the Middle and Far East. This
book addresses this gap, bringing together international experts from over 25 countries and
providing in-depth coverage of the various interview and interrogation techniques used across
the globe. Volume 1 focuses on the interviewing of victims and witnesses, aiming to provide
the necessary information for an understanding of how law enforcement agencies around the
world gain valuable information from victims and witnesses in criminal cases. Together, the
chapters that make up this volume and the accompanying volume on interviewing suspects,
draw on specific national case studies and practices, examine contemporary challenges and
identify best practice to enable readers to develop an international, as well as a comparative,
perspective of developments worldwide in this important area of criminal investigation.
Artiklar, tidskrifter
CEPOL provides access to 500 000 scientific articles on policing.
European Police College. CEPOL provides users of the CEPOL eNet access to articles from
scientific journals considered relevant for policing and law enforcement in the context of the
European Police College. The selection of periodicals covers complete current and back
catalogue issues of 16 titles (a 17th will be added soon) in the field of police science, police
education, forensics and special law enforcement, as well as wider European and international
criminal justice issues. This means several hundred, up-to-date, peer-reviewed articles, which
the user can read, download or print.
Now CEPOL has significantly enlarged this knowledge provision service by adding access
to “Criminal Justice Abstract with Full Text” by EBSCO. This database contains nearly
500,000 records selected from the most important sources within the discipline and holds full
text for over 320 magazines and journals from criminology, criminal justice, criminal
investigations, forensic sciences and law enforcement (look here for a comprehensive
coverage list).
This huge pool of international practical and scientific knowledge is accessible for
registered users of CEPOL eNet, by simply clicking on the e-Journals tab on the top of the
The condition is to grant a CEPOL eNet user account – the access is available even on the
restricted “Academic user” level, which would enable police students to take full advantage.
Global Policing Database
New database brings together 65 years of policing research from around the world
The University of Queensland, in collaboration with the Mayor's Office for Policing And
Crime (MOPAC) and the College of Policing have launched the world's first Global Policing
Database is a searchable online bank of information for practitioners and academics. The
available research covers the entire spectrum of policing and community safety analysis. The
database will eventually hold up to 5,000 case studies dating back to 1950. Source:
Unsolved homicides in Sweden
Sturup Joakim, Karlberg Daniel & Kristiansson Marianne (2015). Unsolved homicides in
Sweden: A population-based study of 264 homicides. Forensic Science International. 2015
Aug 5;257:106-113.
The clearance rates for homicides have decreased internationally. This retrospective population-based study of
all Swedish homicide incidents between 2007 and 2009 (n = 264) aims to investigate factors associated with
solvability in homicides. Victims were identified in an autopsy registry and offenders in a criminal-conviction
registry. Autopsy reports, police files, court verdicts and criminal records were systematically collected and
linked. The clearance rate was 86.4% (n = 228), and almost three quarters of cases (71.9%) were solved within
the first week. Nine factors were significantly associated with the case status; however, only four factors
remained significant in the multivariate logistic-regression model. Cases were more likely to be solved if there
was an eyewitness and if the victim was intoxicated with alcohol. Moreover, cases were less likely to be solved
if the victim had a criminal record in the past five years and was killed by a firearm. In the final model, a Cox
proportional-hazards model, where time to arrest was taken into account, only alcohol intoxication were
positively and firearms negatively significantly associated with clearance status. The study concludes that cases
involving these factors should be granted extra, intensive and lasting resources.
För nedladdning (access krävs)
Making of an Expert Detective
Fahsing, Ivar & Ask Karl (2015) The Making of an Expert Detective: The Role of Experience
in English and Norwegian Police Officers' Investigative Decision Making. Psychology, Crime
& Law.
Biased decision making in criminal investigations can impede or arrest the progress of justice. Previous research
has not systematically addressed the effects of professional experience on the quality of detectives’ decision
making.Using a quasi-experimental design, this study compared the quality of investigative decisions made by
experienced detectives and novice police officers in two countries with markedly different models for the
development of investigative expertise (England and Norway). Participants (N = 124) were presented with two
semi-fictitious cases and were asked to report all relevant investigative hypotheses and necessary investigative
actions in each case. The quality of participants’ responses was gauged against a gold standard established by a
panel of senior homicide experts. In the English sample, experienced detectives vastly outperformed novice
police officers in the number of reported gold-standard investigative hypotheses and actions. In the Norwegian
sample, however, experienced detectives did not perform any better than novices. We argue that English (vs.
Norwegian) detectives may benefit more from professional experience due to their Professionalising
Investigation Programme and a nationwide accreditation program, requiring them to engage in extensive
standardized training, systematic evaluation and synchronized development. In contrast, Norway lacks such
requirements. Methodological limitations and implications for police training and accreditation policies are
För nedladdning (access krävs):
Politistrategier mot narkotika
Larsson, Paul (2015). Politistrategier mot narkotika. I Drugs: What is the problem and how do
we perceive it? Policies on drugs in the Nordic countries. (Nsfk rapport).
Denne artikkelen vil med utgangspunkt i handlingsplanen «Politiets bekjempelse av narkotikakriminalitet i
perioden 2011 til 2015» (POD 2010) drøfte politiets oppgaver og rolle slik de kommer til uttrykk der. Hensikten
med dette er å forsøke å si noe om ulike polisiære tilnærminger på feltet, hvordan de begrunnes, hva man
forventer vil komme ut av dem og forhåpentligvis noe om forskning på feltet.
Artikkelen kan leses I fulltekst I PIA:
Training child forensic interviewers
La Rooy, David J.; Brubacher, Sonja P.; Aromäki-Stratos, Anu; Cyr, Mireille; Hershkowitz,
Irit; Korkman, Julia; Myklebust, Trond; Naka, Makiko; Peixoto, Carlos E.; Roberts, Kim P.;
Stewart, Heather; Lamb, Michael E. (2015). The NICHD protocol: A review of an
internationally-used evidence-based tool for training child forensic interviewers. Journal of
criminological research, policy and practice, 1(2), 76-89.
– The purpose of this paper is to review an evidence-based tool for training child forensic interviewers called the
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Protocol (NICHD Protocol), with a specific focus on
how the Protocol is being adapted in various countries.
– The authors include international contributions from experienced trainers, practitioners, and scientists, who are
already using the Protocol or whose national or regional procedures have been directly influenced by the NICHD
Protocol research (Canada, Finland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, and USA). Throughout
the review, these experts comment on: how and when the Protocol was adopted in their country; who uses it;
training procedures; challenges to implementation and translation; and other pertinent aspects. The authors aim
to further promote good interviewing practice by sharing the experiences of these international experts.
– The NICHD Protocol can be easily incorporated into existing training programs worldwide and is available for
free. It was originally developed in English and Hebrew and is available in several other languages.
– This paper reviews an evidence-based tool for training child forensic interviewers called the NICHD Protocol.
It has been extensively studied and reviewed over the past 20 years. This paper is unique in that it brings together
practitioners who are actually responsible for training forensic interviewers and conducting forensic interviews
from all around the world.
Omtale: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JCRPP-01-2015-0001
Privata aktörers kontroll av ekonomisk brottslighet
Engdahl, Oskar & Larsson, Bengt (2015) ”Duties to Distrust: the Decentring of Economic and
White-Collar Crime Policing in Sweden”, British Journal of Criminology (published online
ahead of print).
This article examines a general trend towards the ‘decentring’ of the policing of economic and White-collar
crime in Sweden in recent decades. As a theoretical point of departure, we discuss how the ‘decentred policing’
concept can link the theoretical approaches of regulation and policing studies. We then analyse five empirical
cases in which private actors have been given duties and incentives to report others’ crimes, in order to give a
detailed account of the expansion and effects of the decentring of business and finance policing. The five cases
concern the policing of bankruptcy crimes, money laundering, company management crimes, market abuse and
insider dealings, and illegal cartels. The article ends by discussing some possible causes and consequences of
this tendency
Konferenser, kurser m.m.
Politihøgskolen tilbyr master i etterforsking
Från PHS No:s hemsida:
Politiet si evne til å løyse etterforskingsoppgåvene er av stor tyding for befolkninga si
oppleving av tryggleik og ivaretaking av retttryggleik. Det er derfor viktig at politiet har høg
etterforskarkompetanse, og at denne er forankra i dokumentert kunnskap.
Studiet har oppstart allereie i januar 2016.Søknadsfrist blir avklart i desse dagar.
Masteren gir 90 studiepoeng, og skal gjennomførast som eit deltidsstudium over tre år.
Studiet er organisert som eit studium med samlingar og studiearbeid utanom samlingane, og
har då ei normert studietid på 3 år. Det er obligatorisk nærvær på delar av studiet. Det blir lagt
stor vekt på å kombinere erfaring og praksis med teori.
Studiet er organisert i 7 emne som er integrerte og byggjar på kvarandre. Til saman utgjer
emna ein erfaringsbasert mastgrad i etterforsking med eit omfang på 90 studiepoeng. Den
primære målgruppa er tilsett i politi- og påtalemakt som på ulike fagområde har sentrale rollar
og oppgåver innan etterforsking.
Søkjarar må ha fullført eitt av følgjande løp for utdanning:
 Bachelorgrad eller 3-årig politiutdanning
 2-årig utdanning frå Politiskule med minimum 60 studiepoeng eller tilsvarande frå
studiar med relevant fagkrins på universitets- eller høgkolenivå (inkludert
 2-årig utdanning frå Politiskule med minimum 1680 timar etterutdanningskurs
 2-årig utdanning frå Politiskule og minimum 5 års relevant yrkespraksis ut over det
formelle kravet om 2 års relevant yrkespraksis
 Bachelorgrad i juridiske fag eller annan relevant bachelorgrad frå universitet eller
Utlysing og fleire opplysingar om korleis du søkjer kjem - følg med på phs.no.
Höstens öppna föreläsningar vid Linnéuniversitetet
Höstens öppna föreläsningar vid Polisutbildningen vid Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö erbjuder
presentation av tre aktuella avhandlingar i polisvetenskap. Samtliga föreläsningar sker vid
Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö kl. 13.15 -1430 Lokal:Myrdal. Föreläsningarna är gratis och alla är
28.9 Malin Wieslander: Ordningsmakter inom ordningsmakten, om blivande polisers samtal
om mångfald. Avhandlingen presenterades i nyhetsbrevet augusti 2014.
26.10 Stefan Annell: Hållbar polisrekrytering - Teoretiska, metodologiska och praktiska
perspektiv på rekrytering och urval. Avhandlingen presenterades i augustis nyhetsbrev.
30.11 Otto Pettersson: Att bli polis. Från utbildningens förväntningar till gatans norm. Av
handlingen presenteras i detta nyhetsbrev.
Policing Borders in the Baltic Sea Area Lund 22-23 October 2015
International scientific conference: Policing Borders and Freedom of Movement: in the Baltic
Sea Area. Lund, Sweden, 22-23 October 2015
Lund University, Faculty of Social Sciences co-funded by the Prevention of and Fight
Against Crime Program of the European Union
From the program:
 Crimmigration: Prof. dr J.P. (Joanne) van der Leun Professor of Criminology
Hoogleraar Criminologie, Leiden Law School
 Challenges of Crimmigration: when Crime Policies and Migration Policies meet. Prof.
dr J.P. (Joanne) van der Leun | Professor of Criminology Leiden Law School, the
 Project Turnstone: Kjell-Åke Karlsson, Project leader of Project Turnstone, The
Swedish Police Authority
 Successful Collaboration and Collaboration Obstacles in Police, Border, and Coast
Guard Cooperation: Sophia Yakhlef, Goran Basic, Malin Åkerström Department of
Sociology, Lund University
 “Plural Policing at the Borders” Professor Abby Peterson, University of Gothenburg,
 The Freedom of Movement: Passengers’ Experiences of Safety and Border Control in
the Baltic Sea Area: Sophia Yakhlef, Goran Basic, Malin Åkerström Department of
Sociology, Lund University
Inga kostnader. För anmälan och ytterligare information kontakta:
Polisens ledarskap, forskare möter praktiker, Växjö 10-12.5 2016
Den 10-12 maj 2016 anordnar Polisutbildningen vid Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö sin tredje
konferens: ”Forskare möter praktiker”. Denna gång är temat ”Ledarskap inom polisen”.
Konferensen är uppbyggd kring ett antal områden med föreläsningar från forskare och/eller
praktiker inom polisär verksamhet: Föreläsningarna kommenteras med en panel med insikt i
polisverksamhet. Preliminär uppläggning:
Att leda en organisation i förändring: polischef Mac Tristan, USA (se presentation
under Allmänt). Därtill representant från/ verksam i polisorganisationen.
Utmaningar för det polisiära ledarskapet: polisforskaren Maurice Punch (London
School of Economics) och organisationsforskaren Mats Alvesson (Lunds universitet)
Ledarskap och kön: polis och genusforskarna Marisa Silvestri (Kingston University UK)
och Ulrika Haake (Umeå universitet)
Polisen som lärande organisation: Ann-Christin Andersson Arntén, forskare vid
Polismyndigheten samt Max Lutteman Chef kompetensförsörjning Polismyndigheten.
Mellanchefers villkor: Tatanya Valland polisforskare (No) och Lena Matthijs polischef,
Västra Götaland.
Polisreformen så här långt: Johan Sörenson m.fl. (Statskontoret) Lena Landström samt
Marcus Hellgren och Oscar Rantatalo Umeå universitet. Därtill föreläsare verksam inom
Utöver detta ingå seminarier med aktuella teman och forskningsrön inom polisforskning.
Seminariebidrag med anknytning till polisens organisation och ledarskap är speciellt
För uppgifter om konferensavgift, anmälningar etc. se senare nyhetsbrev.
För övrig information kontakta rolf.graner@lnu.se.
Call for abstracts ISA World Forum of Sociology, July Vienna 2016.
The Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty thematic group is pleased to announce a call for
papers for its Crime, Deviance and Risk session for the 3rd ISA World Forum of Sociology,
entitled "THE FUTURES WE WANT: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better
World" (Deadline: 30 September 2015 24:00 GMT)
The study of risk-taking and risk-management strategies in the domain of crime and
criminal justice provides an invaluable opportunity to explore trends internationally in crime
control and the comparative organization and operation of criminal justice systems.
We particularly invite submissions of papers that critically explore risk and crime in relation
to: media representations and crime; human rights violations and state-sponsored crime;
surveillance technologies and crime prevention; developments in offender profiling and
management; the role of genetics and biotechnologies in crime detection and control; as well
as how key sociological constructs such as age, class, gender and race and ethnicity interact
with definitions of criminality and the contemporary management of crime.
Further information, including Chair contact information and submission guidelines, can be
found at:
Further information on the SORU group can be found at:
http://www.isa-sociology.org/tg04.html & http://www.riskanduncertainty.net/
Tjänster, stipendier m.m.
Tjänster internationellt
Senior Lecturer in Criminology & Sociology Teesside University - School of Social Sciences,
Business & Law. Closes: 30th September 2015
Professor of Criminology, Loughborough University - School of Social, Political and
Geographical Sciences. Closes 16th October 2015
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverket utgår från polisutbildningarna i Norden. Nätverkets syfte
är att stimulera polisforskning i Norden. Utöver nyhetsbrevet anordnas vartannat år nordiska
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev har funnits sedan 2008 och erbjuder en
översikt över vad som händer inom polisforskning i Norden.1 I uppläggningen eftersträvas att
ge snabblästa, kortfattade och överskådliga presentationer med kompletterande webbadresser
alt. bilagor för ytterligare information. Bl.a. presenteras nyheter, publicerade texter och
evenemang med anknytning till polisforskning.
Bidrag till nyhetsbrevet mottages tacksamt.
Rolf Granér, rolf.graner@lnu.se
Tatanya Valland, tatanya.valland@gmail.com
Redaktion/ kontaktpersoner:
Danmark: Anne-Stina Sørensen ASS003@politi.dk.
Lars Nørr Mikkelsen LNM004@politi.dk
Vesa Huotari, Vesa.Huotari@poliisi.fi
Jarmo Houtsonen, Jarmo.Houtsonen@poliisi.fi
Mette Berg, Mette.Berg@phs.no
Jonas Hansson: jonas.hansson@polis.umu.se
Oscar Rantatalo: oscar.rantatalo@umu.se
Alla intresserade kan anmäla sig till nyhetsbrevet. Anmälan kan göras här:
Tidigare nyhetsbrev kan ses här:
Vid problem med att anmäla sig till nyhetsbrevet kan detta ske direkt till rolf.graner@lnu.se
1 För generell information om vad som händer inom det kriminologiska området i Norden rekommenderas det
månatliga nyhetsbrevet Nordisk Kriminologi. Prenumeration kan ske här: http://www.nsfk.org