THE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF STRATFORD 190 Athlone Cres., Stratford, ON N4Z 1H9 519-273-1292 Website: Minister: Pastor Martin Dam PH: 519-508-6193 Email: Clerk: Stan Puklicz PH: 519-662-2795 Email: To listen in to the service from home, simply call 519-271-3534 five minutes prior to the start of a church service (morning and evening) and you will be connected automatically. Sunday, November 16, 2014 “Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.” Ps. 103:1 We extend a warm welcome to all who worship with us today. This morning we celebrate the sacrament of baptism when Josh and LaDonna Boersma present William Joshua, and James and Breanne Olbach present Creedence Nadine for baptism. We extend a special welcome to family and friends who are here celebrating this occasion and invite all visitors to join us downstairs for refreshments and fellowship after the morning service. This evening we celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. May each one experience the love of God through his Son, Jesus Christ, in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. 9:10 – pre-service prayer ORDER OF SERVICE 9:30 a.m. – Pastor Martin Dam Welcome Gathering Song: “I Will Worship” *Call to Worship: Psalm 103 (responsive reading) *Silent Prayer *Greeting *Mutual Greeting *Songs of Praise: “To the River” “Hosanna, Praise is Rising” Explanation of Baptism Baptism Josh and LaDonna Boersma present William Joshua, and James and Breanne Olbach present Creedence Nadine Hymn “Blessed Assurance” PH #490 Children’s Message (Children age 4 to grade 2 leave for Sunday school. Parents, including visiting parents, must accompany their children to obtain their children's registration ID key tags). Song: “Blessed Be Your Name” LUYH #343 Prayer for Illumination Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-3 Sermon: “Blessed To Be A Blessing” Song of Response: “10,000 Reasons” LUYH #559 Congregational Prayer Offerings: 1. General Fund/Ministry Shares 2. Back to God Ministries Offertory: “Beautiful Scandalous Night” Offertory Prayer Doxology: “Mighty to Save” LUYH #611 *Benediction *Threefold Amen (Please allow the Sunday School students and their teachers to leave first.) *means stand if you are able Praise Team Serving Elder: Eric DeBoer Hall Monitor: Anton Van Maar TODAY’S COLLECTION: Back to God Ministries exists to share the Gospel in community’s worldwide using radio, the Internet and other technology. Our goal hasn’t changed for more than 70 years: seeing people’s hearts transformed by God’s grace. In some places media outreach is the only way they will hear the Gospel. Through media missions Back to God Ministries International is able to reach people in at least 189 countries. COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY: Meals on Wheels OUR CHURCH FAMILY Let us remember one another before the Lord as only He can strengthen, comfort and give physical and spiritual healing. - those who are unable to attend church Ella Bebingh, Bonne DeBoer, Tina Meindersma, Ron Schelhaas, Gerrie Vanmeurs and Norma Wright - Mike and Maria Post, Mike Walsh, Ava Stam, Ron Berg and Jeff Geleynse DIRECTORY: Please make the following correction in the latest church directory. Warner and Cathy DeWeerd’s email address PROFESSION OF FAITH CLASS: Pastor Martin hopes to start POF classes sometime early in the new year. We’ll pick a date and time to meet once we know who is interested, so if you’re interested, let Pastor Martin know. ORDER OF SERVICE 6:30 a.m. – Pastor Martin Dam This evening we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. If you are a communicant member in good standing of a church that professes Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, if you love and trust Him alone for your salvation, if you are truly sorry for your sins, and if you sincerely desire to live in obedience to Him, we warmly welcome you to participate with us in the sacrament Welcome Call to Worship Silent Prayer & Hymn of Response “I Love You Lord And I Lift My Voice” *God’s Greeting *Hymns of Praise: “Just As I Am, Without One Plea” #263 “We Believe” Pastoral Prayer Offerings: 1. General Fund/Ministry Shares 2. Back to God Ministries Offertory Song: “You Are My King/Amazing Love” Scripture Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 Sermon: “Why Does A Forgiving God Have To Send People To Hell?” *Hymn of Response “I Know Not Why God's Wondrous Grace” #495 Celebration of Lord’s Supper *Doxology “Be Unto Your Name” *Benediction *Threefold Amen *means stand if you are able Praise Team: “For Him” Serving Elder: Eric DeBoer Hall Monitor: Anton Van Maar LARGE PRINT BIBLES are available on top of the credenza at the back of the sanctuary for use during the worship service. Please return them after the service. If they are not there, please speak to an usher. Also, there are extra regular print bibles on the bottom shelf of that same credenza. DEACON’S DINNER: The deacons will be having another deacon’s dinner this year on December 5, 2014 in the fellowship hall in this church. Social will be at 5:30 with dinner at 6:00 p.m. Please contact a deacon if you would like to attend. SENIOR BIBLE STUDY: Our next meeting is scheduled for this coming Thursday, November 20 at 10:00 a.m. We will start at Proverbs 8 and see if we can do chapters 8 and 9. Hope to see you then. DISCIPLE YOUR CHILD THROUGH FAITH FORMATION: Four interactive discussion sessions will lead parents through the key aspects of intentionally raising children to live as disciples of Jesus. Growing in God’s Word, Growing in Prayer, Growing in Faith and Growing in Community will be linked to the Sunday morning sermons for four weeks. Through Biblical knowledge, educational theory and personal experience, parents will learn, share, be encouraged and inspired to live their own faith in a way that nurtures the faith of their family. The last session is Wednesday evening November 19, 7-8:30 pm. For more information or to confirm your attendance please contact Jane Sinden or Michelle Vander Wal ( YOUTH GROUP is cancelled for next Wednesday November 19, 2014. We will have a regular meeting again on Wednesday November 26, 2014. If you still have a Christmas Box, you can contact Wynne Mosterd to make other arrangements. LADIES CHRISTMAS DINNER!! There are many new faces in the congregation we need to get to know! Please join us for a festive evening of fine dining and fellowship in downtown Stratford. Tuesday, November 25 at 7:00, at the Annex Room (38 Albert Street). Let Jessie Campbell know if you are attending by November 23: or through Facebook. Thanks! TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE CONGREGATION: The Cadets are again this year selling Poinsettia's and also Christmas Planters and Christmas Centrepieces. This fundraiser will enable us to buy crafts and also badge material for our cadets and cover camping cost for our yearly camping weekend. It also helps keep our yearly due's low, enables us to buy new tools and other supplies for the club. Downstairs in the fellowship hall there are 2 papers with pictures of the poinsettia's and Christmas Planters and Christmas Centrepieces. Please check them out so you can see what is available this year. In the next two weeks a Cadet will call and ask if you would like to support the Cadet club by buying a Poinsettia or Christmas Planter or Christmas Centre piece. Thank you in advance, The Cadets and Counsellors OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: The Youth Group would like to invite the congregation once again this year to participate in the following: Operation Christmas Child provides an opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in a simple, hands-on project of Samaritan's Purse that focuses on the true meaning of Christmas - Jesus Christ - God's greatest gift. How it works: Each shoebox is filled by Canadians with hygiene items, school supplies, toys, and candy, and is given to children regardless of gender, race, or religion. When culturally appropriate, copies of a book entitled The Greatest Gift, which has been translated into 130 different languages, are offered to children after the shoeboxes have already been distributed. There are boxes available just outside the deacon’s office along with pamphlets and instructions. Please have the boxes filled and returned to the church by Wednesday November 19, 2014 and we will make sure they are delivered to the drop off center in Stratford. They can also be dropped off at the Gospel Lighthouse before November 23, 2014. Feel free to contact the deacons or Wynne Mosterd if you have any questions. TALENT NIGHT: The Blyth CRC Youth Group is hosting a Talent Night (admission by donation) on Thursday, December 4 at 7PM. All youth are invited to let your talent shine, whether in singing, dancing, stand-up comedy, a skit, a special poem or reading, musical instrument or anything else at all! Youth can search the event "Trillium's Got Talent" on Facebook. There will be food and socializing as well afterwards. Come on out and show us your stuff! Any questions? Message Laurina VanDorp on Facebook or email Becky Bosma at FREE PIANO: The piano downstairs in the fellowship hall is looking for a new home. If you are interested in having it, please talk to Tanya Duiker or a member of Music and Worship. BROKEN GLASS: Please remember not to throw broken glass in the garbage. There is a container in the kitchen beside the compost pails marked “Broken Glass”. 10TH ANNUAL OPTIMISM PLACE CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION Date: Saturday, December 13, 2014 Time: Brunch Place: Fellowship Hall Please see the sign-up sheets on the table below the community bulletin board. We need quite a bit of help to make this run smoothly. This is a very practical outreach for our neighbours next door. Thanks! Lykke Van Drunen STRATFORD BASKETEERS: Once again, our church facilitated the collection of gift baskets for women starting over in new homes; sometimes with children, sometimes not after much personal and family turmoil. We also contributed two gift baskets from our church. In these baskets were both practical and personal items. The baskets were collected yesterday and will be distributed over the coming year when residents move out of Optimism Place or the Emily Murphy Centre. Thank you. Lykke Van Drunen SATURDAY MORNING BOOK CLUB: Two copies of "Malala" are in Lykke's mailslot. Please help yourself if you need a copy. Our next meeting is Saturday, December 6, at 7:30 A.M. at Lykke's. STUDENTS NEEDED – HOUSE OF BLESSING CHRISTMAS FOOD DRIVE The House of Blessing will be holding their Christmas Food Drive on Friday December 5th and would appreciate your help! If you are a high school student in need of community service hours you can volunteer at either Zehrs or No Frills for two-three hours between 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Please contact Rita, Volunteer Coordinator, at 519-273-3433 ext 204 or email: Thank you! “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…”Matthew 25:35 Thank you so much to the many back yard gardeners who kept us supplied with fresh produce this summer. We were so blessed by your generous donations of produce. This month our top needs are: Canned Soup, Canned Fruit & Crackers Did you know: We can use your plastic shopping bags. No need to send them to recycling, we’ll use them in our Food Bank! Please send them to the House of Blessing with your food donations DUTCH SERVICE will be held in Ancaster Christian Reformed Church on November 30, 2014 at 3:00 P.M. Rev. John Klomps will be preaching. FROM THE KITCHEN: Please check the trolley in the fellowship hall for kitchen items that have been left behind Several groups have totes on the shelves in the kitchen where they store their weekly supplies. Please respect this and use only the supplies that belong to your program. COME AND ENJOY A CHRISTMAS BENEFIT CONCERT: Crescendo, Men of Note and Men of Praise are performing together and hosting a Christmas Concert at Maranatha Christian Reformed Church 735 Frontenac Crescent, Woodstock on December 6, 2014 at 7:30 pm. Come and enjoy an evening of Christmas music with us. There will be a free will offering to support the work of The Lighthouse. For more information contact Rob Datema at 416-535-6262 or CHURCH CALENDAR AND COMING EVENTS: Mon., Nov. 17 – 7:00 p.m. – Friendship Group Tues., Nov. 18 – Community Meals – Team 2 Tues., Nov. 18 – 6:30 p.m. – GriefShare Tues., Nov. 18 – 7:00 p.m. – Choir Practise Tues., Nov. 18 – 7:00 p.m. – Deaconess Meeting Tues., Nov. 18 – 7:30 p.m. – Consistory Meeting Wed., Nov. 19 – 7:00 p.m. – No Youth Group Thurs., Nov. 20 – 10:00 a.m. – Senior Bible Study Thurs., Nov. 20 – 2:00 p.m. – Shuffleboard Thurs., Nov. 20 – 7:00 p.m. – Cadets / GEMS Fri., Nov. 21 – Double Room Reserved Sat., Nov. 22 – Church Reserved Family Christmas Celebration Sun., Nov. 23 – Church reserved between services ********************************************************** Tues., Nov. 25 – Community Blood Donor Clinic Christmas Schedule: Dec. 21 – 9:30 a.m. Service – 6:30 p.m. Candlelight Service Dec. 25 – 10:00 a.m. – Christmas Day Service Dec. 28 – regular service times Dec. 31 – 6:30 pm – New Years Eve Jan. 4 – regular service times Bulletin Announcements are due Thursday’s 7:00 p.m. CAROLFEST: Come sing carols of the season and enjoy the music of the Stratford Concert Band, Kinnaris Chamber Choir and mass community choir at this annual community event. All proceeds go to the House of Blessing’s Children’s Christmas Program. Saturday, November 29th, 2:00 p.m., Central United Church 194 Avondale Ave., Stratford. FREEZER NEEDED: We are now out of freezer space. The big freezer is filled with Community Meals food and Friendship baking as well as some larger meals for sharing. If you have a new or nearly new 1/2 size freezer that you can donate please do so! We have a place arranged already! Natasha De Vries, Angela Oosterom, Lykke Van Drunen DEAR SUPPORTERS AND FRIENDS OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION! A new school year has begun in the life of Stratford and District Christian School! We eagerly anticipate God’s continued faithfulness at the school in this upcoming year. During the month of October, we will be holding our annual Membership Drive and we invite you to support our school community by becoming a member. Our annual Fall Membership Meeting is scheduled for November 26th . For more information on membership please contact: Jeff VanderHeide 519-393-5520, Danielle Streutker 519-462-2443, Lydia de Freese 519-655 2485 for the Membership Committee Stratford & District Christian School GROUNDWORK - God's Glory in the Tough Places: We often let circumstances determine behavior: we’re happy when times are good but unhappy in tough times. Unhappiness can prevent us from seeing blessings. In Exodus, the Israelites grumble and complain against God. God’s initial reactions are surprising. Join the Groundwork conversation each week: subscribe for free weekly emails at or visit to find a local radio station or listen now. KIDS CORNER - Facing Giants: Liz and Lucille are drawn into a super adventure story with two caped crime fighters. Giant challenges abound as Liz and Lucille work to accomplish their own mission. Can the story of a little boy and five stones help everyone get the job done? Follow the Kids Corner adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at Find more great resources for kids and parents at TEACH OVERSEAS - Students in Kyrgyzstan would love to learn how to speak English and World Missions is now giving them an opportunity to do so. Love working with students? Looking for international travel? Want to make a difference in the lives of young people? Then check out this teaching opportunity! For further details see or contact ********************************************************************* 3 YEAR OLD SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Nov. 16: Jessica Ward, Ella Visscher – “A Little Jar Of Oil” Nov. 23: Emily Puklicz, Jake Oosterom – “1,2,3,4,5,6,7” 4 YEAR OLD SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Nov. 16: Janna DeWeerd, AJ Visscher – Lesson 11 Nov. 23: Janna DeWeerd, Alexis, Dayna Mulder – Lesson 12 5 YEAR OLD SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Nov. 16: Natasha DeVries, Neeka DeVries – Lesson 11 Nov. 23: Natasha DeVries, Neeka DeVries – Lesson 12 6 YEAR OLD SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Nov. 16: Breanna Algra, Owen Duiker – Lesson 11 Nov. 23: Breanna Algra, Lyric Huygen – Lesson 12 7 YEAR OLD SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Nov. 16: Jessie Campbell, Evan Goforth – Paul’s Race, God’s Grace – Lesson 1 Nov. 23: Jessie Campbell, Joel Algra – Paul’s Race, God’s Grace – Lesson 2 COMMUNITY MEALS: Tues., Nov. 18 – Team 2 LIBRARY: Nov. 16: Betty DeWeerd Nov. 23: Wynne Mosterd PROJECTION: Nov. 16: Jason DeWitt, Kate DeWeerd Nov. 23: Justan Van Maar, Jason DeWitt SOUND: Nov. 16: Rennie Duiker, Luke Puklicz Nov. 23: Matt DeWeerd, John DeWeerd USHERS: Nov. 16: Herb & Jane Sinden Nov. 23: Bert Tiemens, Gerald or Amanda VanderPloeg GREETERS: Nov. 16: Upper – Wilma de Young Downstairs – Charlie & Wilma VanderHeide Nov. 23: Upper – Bert & Nellie Tiemens Downstairs – Jouke & Wiepkje Zylstra SERVERS: Nov. 16: Ken & Michelle VanderWal, Joel & Cara Puklicz, Theresa Talsma Nov. 23: Hans & Jantje Scheele, Gary & Tamara Van Zandwijk, Mark & Michelle Puklicz Nov. 30: Mike VanderPloeg, Peter & Sandra Visscher, Greg & Yvonne Meinema Happy Birthday! Mon., Nov. 17 – Esther de Young Wed., Nov. 19 – Jasmijn DeBruin Fri., Nov. 21 – Hart Boersma, Mikel Molenhuis, Fran Timmermans Sat., Nov. 22 – Rachel Olbach *seniors NOV. 2014 – MOMS OF THE MONTH: AMANDA OLBACH & JOLENE DEBOER I – Infants C – Crawlers NC – Nursery Class * Means you are to greet the parents in the nursery. Please show up 20 minutes before the service begins 16 AM PM 23 AM PM 30 AM PM I - *Kari Puklicz, Dave Brouwer, Kirsten De Jong C - Julie Huls, Cathy DeWeerd, Jasmijn De Bruin NC1 - *Amanda Mulder, Dave Grieves NC2- *Sandy Hiemstra, Wilma VanderHeide Ed Talsma, Alexis Algra I - *Cara Puklicz, Fran Timmermans, Tyler Meinen C - Ada DeJong, Angela Oosterom, Nick De Jong NC1 - *Ashley DeWitt, Lori Tiemens NC2 - *Nancy DeBoer, Bryan Flikkema Betty Van de Kemp, Melissa Schreuders I - *Jenn Hummel, Joanne Horensma, Elora VanderWal C - Gary VanZandwijk, Teresa Peachey, NC1 - *Alix Boersma, Bonnie DeWeerd NC2 - *Laura-Lynn DeWeerd, Rachael, Hiemstra Corry Veening, A.J. Visscher DEC. 2014 – MOMS OF THE MONTH: ASHLEY DEWITT & JENN HUMMEL I – Infants C – Crawlers NC – Nursery Class * Means you are to greet the parents in the nursery. Please show up 20 minutes before the service begins 7 AM I - *Amy Van de Kemp, Hilko VanTil, Alex Vanmeurs C - Heather DeWitt, Pamela Bartlett, Marcel Scheele PM 14 AM PM 21 AM 28 AM NC1- *Christa Dennis, Macy Seigner NC2 - *Erin Hill, Mark DeJong Karen Goforth, Ella Visscher I - *Emily Puklicz, Tamara VanZandwijk, Anna Tiemens C - Janna DeWeerd, Rita Weima, Samuel Meinema NC1 - *Monica DeBoer, Megan Mohr NC2 - *Rebecca Damen, Justin Otten Heidi Baarda, Rachael Hiemstra I - *Amanda Olbach, Jessie Campbell, Tyler Dennis C - Linda Mosterd, Joanne Boersma, Meighan VanMaar NC1 - Emily Grieves, Lydia DeWeerd NC2 - Marjorie Vanmeurs, Shawn Hummel, PM Val Algra, Jordan Van de Kemp Christmas Day 25 AM I - *Jessica Ward, Jackie DeBoer, Makayla Meinen C - Bonnie DeWeerd, Jean Centen, Lyric Huygen NC1 - *Rose Heida, Scott Campbell NC2 - *Ida DeBruin, Dayna Mulder I - *Karen Brouwer, Nick Huls, Tanner Meinen C - Betty DeWeerd, Hilda Olbach, Seth Huygen NC1 - *Marg Olbach, Angela Mohr NC2 - *Lykke VanDrunen, Andrew Hill PM Joanne Schreuders, Amy Baarda, New Years Eve 31 PM Amanda DeWeerd, Sandy Hiemstra, A.J. Visscher __________________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: London District Christian Secondary School has several employment opportunities: Part-time Bookkeeper/Data Entry Clerk Part-time Math Teacher- Semester 2 International Student Program Assistant For details please see the LDCSS website at ____________________________________________________________________ WORLD RENEW ONTARIO YOUTH TEAM - World Renew is sending a 2015 March Break team of youth to help alleviate hunger in Nicaragua. Team members will work alongside Nicaraguan community leaders building relationships, bridging culture, helping with different projects, and growing in their faith and leadership skills. Does this sound like the challenge you're looking for? If so, please contact for additional details. FREE WEBINAR - Join us on Nov. 19 for "Listening Prayer" presented by Mary Sterenberg. In this webinar you'll learn how to recognize the voice of God and what comprises "listening prayer" while we explore some of the many ways God speaks in scripture and still speaks today. For more details and registration for this free, one-hour event visit POSITION OPENING - The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) has a position opening for an Interim Editor in Chief of The Banner. This position is parttime and anticipated to be a 1 year appointment, summer of 2015 - summer 2016. For additional information or to indicate your interest in being considered for this position please send an email to Rev. Joel Boot at by December 1, 2014. PARLEZ VOUS FRANCAIS? - Are you also interested in food security, agriculture, health and nutrition? Here's an awesome opportunity to come alongside WORLD RENEW staff in Niger for 18 months! See your BA degree come alive with hands-on experience as you bless others. A grant to support the volunteer's expenses is available! Further details can be found at or contact
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