The Voice of the Maltese G˙awdex: ‘djamant f’nofs il-Mediterran’ (

The Voice of the Maltese
(driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 88
e m
November 11, 2014
G˙awdex: ‘djamant f’nofs
L-ewwel dehra li min imur
G˙awdex jilmah hekk kif
isalpa minn Malta lejn il-Port
tal-iM©arr fil-gΩira G˙awdxija
Il-Bajja pittoreska tax-Xlendi kif tidher
imdawwla bil-lejl (xellug), wie˙ed millirdumijiet li jag˙tu kenn lill-bajja
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Undermining decades
of multicultural peace
iving together in peace must be the
goal of all nations on earth, yet currently, it seems, seismic upheavals
threaten this ideal. From neighbouring
North Africa to the Middle East and beyond, and north to Ukraine, local violence has become a way of life.
While turmoil in the Ukraine seems to
have the greatest potential for
starting a third world war, it is perhaps the atrocities of ISIL, the socalled Islamic State, that have
attracted the greatest attention and
opprobrium. They have managed
to propel themselves to such a
high level of notoriety through
their barbaric actions that civilised
countries have long abhorred.
It is easy to blame this behaviour
on a group of backward demagogues, hell bent on destroying anyone
who doesn’t accept their brand of Islamic
teaching. In so doing, they have preferred
to put the clock back to the Middle ages
when cutting of heads was indulged in by
one combatant against another.
At the very root of this behaviour is an
extreme interpretation of a medieval text
to justify horrendous retribution. Taking
advantage of turbu- By Profs Maurice Cauchi
lent political situation
in Syria and Iraq, they have flourished, a- half biland have, amazingly, attracted several lion Musdisaffected youngsters from developed lims around the world, comprising nearly
countries like the UK and Australia.
a quarter of all religions. The number of
It is very easy for most of us to blame persons involved in atrocities in Syria and
Islam, or even all Arabs for these atroci- Iraq currently is no more than several
thousand. For every single criminal involved in these atrocities
there are 50,000 innocent persons,
some of whom have been persecuted, made homeless, or killed by
Even if the American-led alliance
against ISIL will result in the complete annihilation of this evil force
forever, we would still be left with
several disturbing questions that
need an answer.
ties and the danger they pose to the rest
Firstly, what is it that encourages perof the world. This is particularly tangible fectly normal young people to give up a
in places where there have been consid- comfortable environment in a developed
erable concentrations of persons from country to join an organisation like Isil
various nationalities, who, for most of the that promises nothing except bloodshed
time, lived peacefully together. There is and destruction? What is the future for
a real danger of blaming the lot for the these young persons on returning home
misbehaviour of the few.
empty-handed, threatened as they are by
There are currently more than one-and- the authorities in their respective homeland with certain justice?
Perhaps more fundamentally, we must
ask, what sort of social milieu encourages
the appearance of individuals such as
these within our community? Where have
we gone wrong? Why is it that the social
and educational systems of the whole
country have failed these individuals and
produced misfits?
And thirdly, what is the likely long-term
result of these upheavals? Is it possible
that, in spite of all the efforts of reasonable-minded persons of all nationalities,
there will forever be a groundswell of distrust of the Muslim community wherever
they happen to be? Will the long-cherished goals of multiculturalism be under
renewed strain?
It would be a great mistake to blame the
Members of ISIL...preferring to
for the part, to condemn the tree
put clock back to the Middle ages
because it bore a few rotten apples.
It is very easy for most of us
to blame Islam, or even all
Arabs for these atrocities and
the danger they pose to the
rest of the world.
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The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Il-Borma tan-Nanna wins
2014 Maltese Cook off
The 2014 Maltese Cook
off winning team, IlBorma tan-Nanna, together with family and
friends at the presentation of the award that
crowned their efforts
tuffed eggplants (brun©iel
mimli) and the most scrumptious Kinnie Cake was the winning combination at the 2014
Maltese Cook Off held in Melbourne. The winning team, Il-borma
tan-Nanna (Nanna’s Cook Pot), consisted of father and daughter Emmanuel and Tanya Cilia and niece
Nadia Sammut.
And yet for another year, the Maltese Cook Off, organised by community group Nis©a has been a massive
success with the most incredible
feedback from everyone!
A panel of three judges, made up of
Malta’s Consul General for Malta in
Victoria, Victor Grech, former MasterChef Australia contestant, Tregan
Spiteri and Doris Delia, mother of
renowned chef Shane Delia, had the
most difficult task of choosing the
top three winners!
Only a few points separated everyone and this shows the high standard
of cooking by the teams!
Runners up in this year’s cooking
competition were Family from Senglea, who cooked stuffed artichokes
with broad bean paste for entrée and
rabbit stew with spaghetti for main,
and The Maltesers, with their baked
rice for main and prinjolata for
The afternoon was a mixture of
food and music… the 250 guests
were entertained by musicians
Nicky Bomba and members of Bustamento as well as former The Voice
Australia contestant, Kiyomi Vella.
An impromptu drumming session
on pots & pans by Nicky Bomba had
the crowd in awe of this talented
This was the fourth edition of the
Maltese Cook Off held by community group Nis©a. The event brings
together 10 teams made up of three
people, in some cases three generations from one family, cooking Maltese traditional food.
Pho tos: Mark Av ellin o
All the conteestants
of the 2014 Maltese
Cook off in the Melbourne contest
The Voice is not just a news portal; We comment, we fight for your rights.
We believe in freedom of expression; We are read in the right places.
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Il-kunçerti ta’ Eleanor Cassar fl-Awstralja
Wa˙da mill-aqwa il˙na
Eleanor sa˙˙ritna
an l-a˙˙ar kellna
fl-Awstralja lill-Maltija
Eleanor Cassar li tat prova tal-˙ila
tag˙ha b˙ala kantanta f’g˙add ta’
wirjiet kemm f’Melburne u wkoll
fi NSW u rnexxielha li bil-le˙en
sod u melodjuΩ tag˙ha ssa˙˙ar lil
kull min segwa l-wirjiet tag˙ha.
Il-kantanta, li tul il-karriera
tag˙ha f’Malta kellha g˙add ta’
suççessi, fosthom li fl-2001 ing˙atat l-award tal-Most Promising Artist waqt il-Malta Music
Awards u anke reb˙et L-G˙anja
tal-Poplu, sa˙˙ret lil kull min segwiha fil-kunçerti li tat fostna.
Il-korrispondent tag˙na f’Melbourne, Paul Vella qalilna li hemmhekk, Eleanor tat tlett kunçerti,
l-ewwel wie˙ed fis-17 ta’ Ottubru
fil-Maltese Association Hobsons
Bay f’lejla li bdiet bid-DJ Joe
iferra˙ lill-mi©emg˙a bil-muΩika,
filwaqt li l-kumpanija teatrali Çittadini ippreΩentat farsa qasira.
Wara, g˙al sag˙tejn s˙a˙ u bla
waqfien, Eleanor Cassar bell˙et
lill-udjenza bil-˙ila tag˙ha ta’
kantanta. Óadt ma xtaqha tieqaf.
L-g˙ada Eleanor re©g˙et kienet
il-protagonista, did-darba fil-lejla Eleanor Cassar waqt
tas-St Helena Maltese-Australian il-kunçert f’Errington
Social Club f’Errington Hall, St Hall, St Albans
Din il-lejla ©iet ukoll imΩewqa bil-kon- li ippreΩentaw, “G˙and l-Avukat”.
tribut tad-DJ Tony u anke l-kumpanija ÇitWara wasal il-mument mistenni, il-wirja
tadini li mlew lis-sala bid-da˙k bil-farsaa ta’ Eleanor Cassar, li wara li l-president
Joe Galea jing˙aqad ma’ Eleanor
fil-kant fil-kunçert li l-kantanta
tat fil-Wentworth League Club
tal-g˙aqda, Victor Bartolo qara lbijografija tag˙ha, ippreΩentaha
Min-na˙a tag˙ha Eleanor introduçiet lilha nnifisha bil-kanzunetta “Malta” u kompliet g˙al
sieg˙a s˙i˙a, bl-udjenza tapplawdi bil-kbir kull kanzunetta.
Wara waqfa qasira re©g˙et
telg˙et fuq il-palk biex tesegwixxi aktar kanzunetti, fosthom,
“Kemm hu Sabi˙”, “Tema 79”
minn Gensna, “Il-Festa”, “Ave
Maria”, u “Blue Riviera Blue”.
Fost l-udjenza kien hemm ukoll
il-kantant mag˙ruf Malti Renato,
li Eleanor stednitu fuq il-palk
biex ikanta “The Prayer”. Skont
Paul Vella, l-udjenza g˙al darb’o˙ra nfexxet tapplawdi f’lejla li
tassew kienet suççess.
G˙at-tielet jum wara l-ie˙or,
Eleanor tat kunçert ie˙or, l-g˙ada, din id-darba fil-Melrose Receptions, Tullamarine.
Hawn ukoll, is-sala kienet imballata bin-nies li l-ewwel segwiet lil DJ Tony u wara, g˙al
sieg˙a s˙i˙a lill-kantant popolari
Malti Renato li wera l-versatlita’
tieg˙u b˙ala showman fejn anke
©ab aktar minn tibissima wa˙da
fuq l-uçuh ta’ dawk preΩenti.
F’waqt min-nhom Renato wkoll
stieden lil martu, iΩ-Ωeffiena Allison tiΩfen g˙al kanzunetta minn
F’nofs ir-repertorju tieg˙u Renato introduça wkoll lill-kantanta Ωag˙Ωug˙a
Prashanti Middling, li wkoll Ωiedet issebba˙ is-serata bil-vuçi tag˙ha.
Wara, Renato introduça wkoll lil Eleanor
li min-na˙a tag˙ha irrepetit il-wirja taljum ta’ qabel, bl-udjenza g˙al darb’o˙ra
ssegwi kull kanzunetta b’applawsi kbar.
Hija kantat ukoll xi kanzunetti fi dwett
ma’ Renato.
Wara Melbourne, fis-26 ta’ Ottubru,
Eleanor issoktat it-tour tag˙ha fl-Awstralja
b’kunçert fis-sala “Starlight” ta’ Wentworthville Leagues Club, fi NSW, ukoll
organizzat mill-g˙aqda teatrali Çittadini.
Mhix ˙a©a rari li l-Maltin jiltaqg˙u f’din
is-sala g˙al xi kunçert organizzat miç-Çittadini biex jisimg˙u kantanti minn Malta.
IΩda did-darba, biΩ-Ωjara ta’ Eleanor Cassar wie˙ed seta’ jsegwi wirja altru minn
spettakolari minn kantanta li ˙afna jsostnu
li hi wa˙da mill-aqwa li qatt Ωaruna fl-Awstralja
Ikompli f’pa©na 5
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday November 11, 2014
At age 88, Fr Claude
still serves the people
espite his age, he is now 88, ill and
He carried most of his spiritual duties in
physically disabled Fr Claude Borg Sydney where for the past 50 years he has
(pictured right), now retired and living his cared and spiritually served the Maltese
last days at St Dominic’s Hostel, still manages to perform his duties as a priest.
The priest, born Victor Borg in 1926, was
ordained a priest in 1951 and took the name
of Fr Claude at a time when his society
used to send priests from Malta to take care
of the Maltese Community in other countries.
Since his ordination 53 years ago, Fr
Claude has spent time exercising his duties
in Rome, Peru, Gozo, Melbourne and Sydney.
Community. He is also known for his initiatives and managed to organise choirs in
Malta, Melbourne and in Sydney.
His work in Australia and particularly in
Sydney was recognised by the Maltese Cultural Association of NSW, with an award
for his services at presentation ceremony
during which, the MCA Choir sang tunes
that Fr Claude himself translated from English to Maltese.
Fr Claude will long be remembered by
everybody, young and old for his kindness,
generosity and for giving his time to the
sick, either at home or in hospital.
- John Beale (Blacktown)
Wirjiet eççellenti
minn Eleanor Cassar
Ikompli minn pa©na 4
Waqt pawsa mill-impenni tag˙ha, Eleanor
Cassar tirrilaksja ma’ Ωew©ha Carl
Eleanor Cassar sa˙˙ret li min
attenda. Kantat fuq li kantat u
Ωammet lil kul˙add immeraviljat bil-vuçi, l-interpretazzjoni
u l-personalita’ simpatika tag˙ha.
Il-kantant lokali Joe Galea
wkoll kien fl-aqwa tieg˙u u
kien katalista biex il-lejla tkun
ta’ suççess. Meta t-tnejn kantaw flimkien la˙qu livell g˙oli
Iç-Çittadini ippreΩentaw
ukoll il-farsa “Ma kienx
spirtu” fejn spikkaw is-soliti
Joe Mifsud, Monica Ledger,
Joe Borg, Sam Farrugia u
Doris Caruana. L-MC kienet
Rita Kassas.
Óadna gost naraw il-parteçipazzjoni tal-udjenza meta
m˙e©©in minn Eleanor, biex
jo˙or©u jiΩfnu.
Dawn ta’ Eleanor kienu
lejliet tassew ta’ divertiment
Malti li jkompli jsa˙˙a˙ itti©did tat-tradizzjonijiet Maltin. Intwera çar li l-˙e©©a g˙al
dawn il-kwalitajiet ta’ kunçerti
g˙adha ˙ajja.
Ebda tibdil fil-kumitat tal-La Valette SC
ç-Çentru Malti La Valette li jinsab f’Walters Rd Blacktown NSW kellu l-laqg˙a
©enerali 2013/14 li g˙aliha attendew g˙add
sabi˙ ta’ membri, u li fiha ©ew osservati lhti©iet normali u anke ©ew moqrija r-rapporti mill-president, dak finanzjarju u wkoll
soçjali, kif ukoll rapport minn Fr Noel
Bianco b˙ala l-kappillan Malti fid-dioçesi ta’
Gejtu Pace, il-president li re©a’ ©ie elett
ming˙ajr oppoΩizzjoni g˙amel appell dwar ilhtie©a ur©enti ta’ voluntiera u l-bΩonn ta’
aktar interess miΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ jekk tassew iridu
li dan iç-çentru li hu l-ikbar wie˙ed tal-
kwalita` tieg˙u fid-dinja jissokta jaqdi lill-komunita` kif ilu g˙amel f’dawn l-a˙˙ar 50 sena.
Huwa qal li dan iç-çentru hu mibni fuq il-voluntarjat. Fl-istess waqt iΩΩa ˙ajr lil dawk
kollha li jag˙tu qaqqa t’id fit-tmexxija tieg˙u.
L-ebda poΩizzjoni fil-kumitat ma ©iet
ikkontestata, g˙alhekk Frank Zammit li kien
returning officer ˙abbar il-˙atra tal-kumitat
li se jkun mag˙mul minn: President: Gejtu
Pace’ Ass/President: Antoinette Caruana;
Segretarja: Frances Fitzpatrick; Kaxxier:
Antoinette Mangion; A/kaxxier: Angelo
Borg; membri: Jim Zammit, Joyce Micallef,
Joe Abela u Vince Simiana.
Il-president tal-La Valette SC Gejtu Pace
6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
High Commission of Malta in India
celebrates 50th Ann. of Independence
The 50th Anniversary of Independence a
few weeks ago, was also celebrated in
style in India at the Ballroom of the
Shangri-la Hotel at New Delhi, where the
Maltese High Commissioner to India,
John Aquilina U.O.M hosted the Honourable Vijay Kumar Singh, Minister of
State for External Affairs, and around 200
guests comprising prominent Indian business people, diplomats, entertainers, members of the media and senior government
officials to an official reception.
Apart from being an outstanding celebration it was the first occasion on which a
Maltese National Day has been officially
celebrated in India, with High Commissioner John Aquilina telling The Voice of
the Maltese how honoured he was that
such a large crowd accepted his invitation
to attend.
He said that business people from as far
away as Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore and the Punjab made their way to
New Delhi to attend the function.
“All of these business people have had
direct contact with Malta during the past
12 months. Many of these persons have either already committed themselves to establish business in Malta or are firmly
engrossed in negotiations with the Maltese
Government or Malta Enterprise, the High
Commissioner said.
Two men and a woman from one company who attended the night’s festivities
already had their bags packed to go
straight from the reception to board a
plane for Malta, for meetings with Malta
Among the Members of Parliament and
senior government officials who attended
was also the famous Bollywood movie
star Shatrughan Sinha, who was recently
elected as a member of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi’s Government during the
recent National Elections.
Also present was Ms Shivani Wazir Pasrich, actress, TV commentator and a former Miss India, who is currently involved
in producing a documentary film about
Malta to be released in conjunction with
next year’s Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting (CHOGM) was also
Mr Aquilina told The Voice that Ambassadors and High Commissioners representing the European Union, North
African nations and the Commonwealth of
Nations who attended all commented
about the outstanding success of the
Tuesday November 11, 2014
The Voice of the Maltese
Int qatt rajt lil Sarangu jew lil Gadawxu?
ittama li le. Jista’ jkun li mhux talli qatt ma ˙abbat
wiççek ma’ wie˙ed minnhom, imma lanqas biss qatt
smajt bihom. Mela ippermettili nintroduçihomlok:
Gadawxu, fuq il-karta tal-identità tieg˙u aktarx g˙andu mniΩΩel
‘Gadawdu’, dan skont ma jg˙id id-dizzjunarju ta’ GuΩè
Aquilina, imma jien bl-isem ta’ Gadawxu kont nafu, waqt li
Sarangu jista’ jkun imniΩΩel b’esse Ωg˙ira.
Intant, issa g˙all-inqas taf fuq xiex qed nitkellmu, ukoll jekk
g˙adek ma ikkonfermajtlix li g˙andek pjaçir li se nlaqqg˙ek
Mela ftit tal-iljieli ilu waqt li kont b’g˙ajnejja miftu˙a bera˙
fl-eqqel tal-lejl, ma nafx x’fatta ©ew f’mo˙˙i daΩ-Ωew© ismijiet.
Emminni li kont ili ma nisma’ bihom jew na˙seb fuqhom minn
Ωmien tfuliti, li ilu biçça sew li g˙adda. Bdejt nistaqsi lili nnifsi
kif u x’fatta ©ew f’rasi dak il-˙in, qisu xi ˙add ©ie fesfishomli
f’widnejja u dritt qajjimni.
L-g˙ada filg˙odu staqsejt lill-o˙ti Josephine jekk
tiftakarhomx. Dik billi iΩg˙ar minni nippretendi li tiftakar xi ftit
a˙jar milli niftakar jien. Imma bierda kemm tridha we©bitni:
“Biex inti ©ejja dalg˙odu? Dawn min huma? Fejn sibthom?
Dan xi ˙lomt bihom?”
“Le, le. Ma kinetx ˙olma, dan ta’ veru. Insejt li meta konna
Ωg˙ar il-Mummy kellha ˙abta tbeΩΩg˙ana bihom?”
We©bitni ohti: “Óallini minnek! Jien qatt ma smajt bihom!”
Din isba˙ mill-o˙ra! Jien niftakar çar li ommi kienet issemmihom meta trid tbeΩΩg˙ani u tg˙idli li jekk ma noqg˙odx kwieta
ji©i xi wie˙ed minnhom g˙alija
u je˙odni mieg˙u. Issa ja˙asra
jien kont qisni ©absa, u ma
nistax assolutament nimma©ina
fiex kont inqastha lill-ommi
tant li n©ieg˙lha ssemmili dawn
il-˙alja ta’ ismijiet.
Sewwa! U o˙ti, daqs tliet snin
iΩg˙ar minni, ma tafx bihom,
meta hi kienet imqarba u
tivvinta l-inkwiet; biΩΩejjed
tiftakar li sa kellha drawwa,
meta kienet ta’ madwar ˙ames
snin, li ta˙rab mid-dar u tmur
iddur ma’ tifel tamparha li kien
joqg˙od ˙dejna f’Tas-Sliema.
Darba minnhom minn Triq
Isouard il-pulizija sabithom ixXatt i˙arsu lejn il-laneç. Dan
ifisser li g˙al xi ra©uni stramba,
sa ma kibret o˙ti, ommi qatg˙et
id-drawwa li ssemmi lil
Gadawxu u lil Sarangu.
Nimma©ina li xi darba
semag˙ha missieri tbeΩΩg˙ani bihom, u wissieha biex ma
ter©ax issemmihomli. Ommi kellha ˙afna arja mag˙na t-tfal, u
missieri rari kien jinda˙al f’dak id-dipartiment, imma meta xi
darba kien iwiddibha dwar xi ˙a©a hi kienet dritt tbaxxi rasha
Iva, kont nibΩa’ minnhom bis-serjetà u fid-dlam çappa ta’
matul il-lejl dejjem nimma©ina li se jaqbeΩ xi wie˙ed minnhom
fuqi u jkaxkarni mieg˙u. Kont nimma©inahom li huma suwed u
Barra minn dawn iΩ-Ωew© karattri kien hemm ie˙or - il-famuΩ
Tork. Da˙˙luhielna f’rasna li t-Torok huma suwed, u allura kull
darba li kont immur g˙and iz-zijiet t’ommi, dawk ta’ Baldacchino li kienu joqog˙du quddiem il-knisja tal-Vitorja, l-Isla,
(dan qabel il-gwerra), kont nitwerwer. G˙ax f’ras it-tara© u flewwel indana kien hemm statwi kbar tal-©ibs ta’ Ωew© ir©iel
suwed fa˙ma, g˙ajnejhom kbar imqabbΩin ‘l barra, kienu
j©orru bixkilla mimlija frott fuq spallejhom. Ommi, xi kruha
Nifhem g˙aliex insejthom g˙al kollox sa ma kbirt, g˙ax meta
Lina Brockdorff, M.A.
(nee Mahoney)
Twieldet l-Isla fl-1930. Kittieba, producer u preΩentatur
ta’ bosta programmi fuq irRediffusion sas-snin 70. Kitbet u ippreΩentat l-ewwel
verΩjoni dramatizzata ta’
Wenzu u RoΩi ta’ George Zammit fuq ir-Rediffusion, u
g˙add sabi˙ ta’ radjudrammi, bosta minnhom
rebbie˙a ta’ konkorsi.
G˙al snin twal membru talGħaqda Letterarja Maltija,
fejn għal tmien snin kienet
president. Imsie˙ba wkoll fl-Akkademja tal-Malti, u membru onorarju tal-G˙aqda Poeti Maltin.
Kitbet aktar minn 200 novella, sa©©i u poeΩiji, u ippublikat
tmien kotba
kelli disa’ snin ©ie g˙alina wa˙x ferm eqqel minn Gadawxu,
Sarangu u mit-Torok ... dan kien Hitler li malajr nessieni l˙merijiet ta’ qablu.
G˙andek tg˙id ja˙asra, kemm ma kienu jafu xejn bosta mil©enituri dak iΩ-Ωmien! Li kieku kellek tag˙mel xi ˙a©a hekk
illum malajr issib ru˙ek fil-frisk g˙ax jakkuΩawk li qed tabbuΩa
mentalment u emozzjonalment
minn uliedek.
Fuq ix-xellug: Sarangu Imma dak kien Ωmien ie˙or, li
f’çerti aspetti g˙ad g˙andna n(twil twil u rqieq) u
ta˙t Gadawxu (qasir u nostal©ija g˙alih g˙ax ng˙idu li
t-tfal kienu aktar innoçenti milo˙xon) skont llum, waqt li jkollna nammettu li
kien hawn injoranza tal-biΩg˙a.
Ladarba dawn l-ismijiet jeΩistu
fid-dizzjunarju, dan ifisser li
ommi ma vvintathomx hi, aktarx li ommha stess kienet twerwirha bihom. Jekk ma fettillux
©abhox mieg˙u missierha millQala t’G˙awdex, kollox sew!
Naf li jekk ommi, fid-dlam,
kienet tibg˙atni biex innewlilha
xi ˙a©a minn kamra o˙ra kont
nimma©ina li minn wara xi
kolonna jew minn ta˙t xi arkata
se nsib xi g˙afrid minn dawk li
U trid tara kemm mutetti kont
nag˙mel qabel nid˙ol fis-sodda! G˙ax bejn kont nixtieq inkun
Ωgura li m’hemmx xi wie˙ed minnhom misto˙bi ta˙t is-sodda u
bejn kont nistkerrah sa ma nitbaxxa u nittawwal. Imma qatt ma
d˙alt fis-sodda qabel ma serra˙t mo˙˙i, ma tarax!
Ommi dejjem kienet tispjega li Sarangu kien twil twil u irqieq,
waqt li Gadawxu ... dak qatt ma qalet xejn dwar id-deskrizzjoni
tieg˙u, allura jien fassaltu li kien qasir u o˙xon, issib li ma
kienx jemmen bid-dieta. Allura f’mo˙˙i kont insibhom b˙ala lo˙xon u l-irqieq.
Damu hekk g˙alija sa ma wara l-gwerra bdew ˙er©in il-films
ta’ dawk iΩ-Ωew© karattri simpatiçi tal “O˙xon u l-Irqieq” jew
“Laurel and Hardy”.
G˙all-erwie˙ dawk kienu j©eg˙luni nitbissem u nid˙aq, Ωgur
li a˙jar minn Gadawxu u Sarangu!
NOTA: Minn st˙arri© li g˙amilna sibna li Sarangu huwa isem
popolari ta’ ra©el fl-Indja. Dwar Gadawxu ma sibna xejn. Leqreb isem li sibna huwa: Gadau, isem ta’ stat fin-Ni©eria u
anke kunjom li jinstab f’g˙add ta’ n˙awi, anke fl-Amerika.
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Cost of Living up despite Carbon Tax repeal
Joel Gibson from Sydney NSW writes:
The Voice of the Maltese
e m
is is a bi-lingual (in
English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication
specifically targeting all
Maltese living abroad
with emphasis on the
Australian scene.
is online magazine is
sent via email by request.
Subscription is free.
Malta: Joseph Cutajar
Lawrence Dimech: MOM,
email address:
Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be
e-mailed to:
Now you can also join us
on facebook:
It was a bit of an anti-climax, wasn't it?
The repeal of the Carbon Tax has only led
to an average 5% drop in Electricity bills
over the past three months. (After the tax
was introduced, they rose by about 15%.)
We estimate that the carbon tax refunds
on power bills will be a disappointing $30
or soon average. So much for the $550 total
saving the federal government was promising...
According to the ABS, the overall cost of
living still increased slightly since July, despite the Carbon Tax repeal. Fruit prices
rose almost 15%, and now we've learned
that petrol taxes are also set to rise.
The moral of the story? You can't rely on
federal governments to look after the cost
of living, whatever their promises.
Il-kefrija tal-emigrazzjoni
li kienet tifred il-familji
Alfred Portelli (eks Ministru), minn ÓaΩÛabbar, Malta jikteb:
abel xejn, prosit tal-online magazine g˙add 87 (28 ta' Ottubru). Laqtitni immens dik l-istampa fil-pa©na numru 3 talvapur HMS Skaubryn - fil-bidu tas-snin
˙amsin ankrat fil-Port il-Kbir, f'Malta.
Óassejt ©ismi jqumli xewk xewk malli rajtha u ftakart fil-kefrija li rajt meta kont tifel
Ωg˙ir f’dak iΩ-Ωmien.
L-ewwel wie˙ed li emigra lejn l-Awstralja
min-na˙a t’ommi u ta’ missieri kien ˙u
missieri Ω-Ωg˙ir - iz-ziju Spiru ( Esperidione) Portelli f’eta' Ωg˙ira ˙afna. Kienu
jed˙duhom bil-banda ddoqq l-istrumenti
tal-muΩika tal-metall u l-qlub u l-g˙ajnejn
tal-©enituri u l-familjari tag˙hom jdoqqu
bin-niket u d-dmug˙.
Kienu xeni tabil˙aqq kommoventi u ma
jintnesew qatt minn ©o mo˙˙na.
G˙al ©imag˙tejn s˙a˙ nannti ma kinetx
tafx x’sar minn binha fuq il-ba˙ar! U tibki
kuljum. Warajh kienu telqu o˙rajn, ˙uh
Frans miΩΩewwe© lil Anna, illum it-tnejn
Kien hemm ukoll ziti, o˙t ommi, Karmena
Ûammit, u Ωew©ha Toni issa mejjet ukoll.
Ulied dawn it-tliet familji qeg˙din l-Awstrajla. U˙ud minna, b˙ala zijiet u ku©ini g˙adna
qatt ma rajna lil xulxin! Il-firda iebsa.
Nixtieqilhom ilkoll - lil min hu mejjet
ser˙an u lill-kumplament ˙ajja sabi˙a.
J’Alla niltaqg˙u. Ghandi anke min-na˙a ta'
marti fl-Awstralja.
Illum id-dinja nbidlet u llum Malta, minflok pajjiΩ tal-emigranti qed issir tal-immigranti, b'eluf ta' immigranti irregolari jfittxu
©ejjieni a˙jar g˙alihom anke fostna.
Stampa o˙ra fl-istess ˙ar©a, iΩda li din iddarba fakkritni f’okkaΩjoni ta’ fer˙ kienet
ta’ “L-G˙arix” tal-eks Prim Ministru Dom
Mintoff f'Delimara.
Kemm kont fra˙t meta kien stedinni
flimkien ma' marti u nies o˙rajn, fosthom
industrijalisti, biex kilna g˙andu!
Dawn okkaΩjonijiet li ma tinsihom qatt kemm ta' niket u kemm ta' fer˙. Kuntrasti
fil-mixja ta' ˙ajjitna.
Inroddilkom ˙ajr.
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The Voice of the Maltese 9
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Have your say/Xi trid tghid? /2
Do we need Community Television?
ommunications Minister Malcolm Turn- O
that forcing Community Television to
n warned
bull has recently announced his decision
an “internet only” option will be the “death
to shut down Australian Community Televiknell of Community Television in Australia”.
sion (ACT) by forcing it off free-to-air teleEach week Australian Community Televivision by the end of 2015. This will shut down independent sion screens over 120 first run locally made programs. Unlike
ideas and local Australian content in the only accessible video the ABC and the SBS, Community Television is not governmedium for the majority of Australians, which has a weekly ment funded, and thus has a wide degree of independence.
viewership of 3.8 million. The need for ACT was made clear
Turnbull’s stated reason for shutting down Community Telein a statement issued by the Citizens Electoral Council of Aus- vision is to use the “scarce public resource” of the wireless spectralia.
trum most efficiently given that there is “more competition”
Under conditions of current technology, the “internet only” than ever before. That’s a transparent fraud. There is no shortvideo option Turnbull claims will fully replace ACT is just not age of VHF/UHF bandwidth for free-to-air television with
practical for the majority of Australians, nor will it be for sev- Channels 6-69 being suitable for digital transmissions. And
eral years. ACT Alliance secretary Richard McLelland has Australians don’t need dozens more infomercial stations.
Wassaltuna niddeçiedu li ner©g˙u nΩuru lil Malta
Manwel Falzon minn Balmoral, Victoria jikteb:
n˙oss li g˙andi nirringrazzja lit-tmexxija
ta’ The Voice of the Maltese u wkoll lillkorrispondenti li jiktbu fih u li minn ˙ar©a
g˙all-o˙ra qed ituna ˙afna tag˙rif li ftit li
xejn hawn minna f’Awstralja li nafu bih,
l-aktar u l-aktar wara l-mewta tal-unika
gazzetta li kellna fl-Awstralja g˙all-Maltin, The Maltese Herald.
Mhux biss qed timlew il-vojt tal-gazzetta
li kellna, imma qed turu çerta professjonalita’ li rari konna naraw fil-kitbiet.
Il-mod mill-aktar attraenti u professjonali
li bih qed ji©i ippreΩentat dan il-magazine
jikkompeti sew ma’ rivisti li ji©u stampati
fl-Awstralja. Nasal ng˙id li hi ˙asra li ma
ji©ix ippubblikat imqar darba fil-©imgha
minflok kull ©imag˙tejn.
Jien mhux xi xi˙ u nkun ˙erqan nistennih
biex naqra dak li tippreΩentaw. Imma aktar
minhekk meta nag˙mel kopja tal-pa©ni u
ntihom lill-ommi, issa anzjana sew, biex
taqrahom, wiççha jixg˙el bil-fer˙.
L-analiΩi li kellna fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©iet minn
Mark Caruana kienu interessanti ferm, filwaqt li l-kitbiet ta’ Ivan Cauchi qed ituna
ç-çans li na˙sbu. Qatt ma kien ikollna kitbiet b˙al dawn allura personalment insib
dil-kitba b˙al manna nieΩla mis-sema.
Fl-a˙˙arnett ng˙id prosit g˙ar-ritratti ta’
xeni Maltin li qed ittuna li hi xhieda çara
li g˙alkemm Ωg˙ira, Malta g˙andha ˙afna
x’toffri. J’Alla nibqg˙u ng˙oΩΩuha.
Issa wassaltu lili u lil marti li niddeçiedu
li wara 20 sena mill-a˙˙ar Ωjara tag˙na
ner©g˙u ninΩlu Malta biex ingawdu minn
dak li taf tipprovdi.
Strong community support for
multiculturalism remains
Jessica Rath, Communications and Media Advisor ECCV writes:
The continued support for multiculturalism in Australia is welcome news, the Ethnic
Communities’ Council of Victoria says.
The seventh Scanlon Foundation Mapping Social Cohesion national survey just released provides evidence that 85 per cent of people (up from 84 per cent last year) have
strong support for multiculturalism, and think that it has been good for Australia.
ECCV chairperson Eddie Micallef said the continued high percentage vindicated the
work that ECCV does to promote the benefits of multiculturalism.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
It-Tibdil tal-Klima
A version of this series in
English may be found in
the author's blog at:
kitba ta’
amilja kienet fuq xtajta ˙dejn
a˙na irridu ngawduhom.
It-tifel iΩ-Ωg˙ir
It-tort ewlieni tas-sitwazzjoni
spiçça jiekol it-Twistees li
preΩenti ntiha, paradossalment, lillkellu u rema l-borΩa vojta fuq irPartit tal-Óodor, l-iktar li jitkellmu
ramel. O˙tu l-kbira gΩatu lil misfavur l-ambjent. Fl-2009, dan il-Parsierha u qalet “Ara x'g˙amel ˙ija.
tit ivvota mal-Koalizzjoni kontra sG˙idlu xi ˙a©a, Pa!” Il-missier
CPRS, g˙ax kellha wisq kumpens
˙ares wa˙da madwaru, u qalilha
lejn min kien l-iktar li jni©©es, u
“Ma jimpurtax binti. Meta l-familji
riedu sistema a˙jar.
l-o˙ra jieqfu jarmu fl-art, nieqfu
Il-Óodor ma fehmux il-mument
a˙na wkoll!”
storiku li konna qeg˙din fih, u li kien
Source IPCC 2014 Synthesis Report
Din hi storja fittizja li dejjem ti©ini
hemm kunsens fil-pajjiΩ favur sisf'rasi meta nisma' l-argument taltema simili. Ma fehmux li ˙afna
gvern ta' Koalizzjoni Awstraljan,
drabi a˙jar ikollok sistema imperilli lesti li jikkunsidraw Skema ta'
fetta li sejra fid-direzzjoni t-tajba,
Kummerç fl-Emissjonijiet (Emismilli xejn. Sistema mg˙aw©a tidsions Trading Scheme - ETS) biss
drittaha bl-g˙aqal u l-esperjenza.
jekk il-pajjiΩi l-kbar l-o˙ra kollha
Meta timmira g˙all-perfezzjoni maljag˙mlu l-istess. Din g˙alija hija
lewwel, tista' tfalli.
poΩizzjoni immorali.
Dan ma jfissirx li l-Laburisti ma
Jidher çar li l-gvern ma jridx
kellhomx tort ukoll. Ma ninsewx li
jing˙add b˙ala wie˙ed mill-mexxel-Prim Ministru ta' dak iΩ-Ωmien
jja globali f'dan il-qasam, u pjuttost be˙siebu jkun minn tal-a˙˙ar. Kevin Rudd, wara l-fjask tas-CPRS, u l-fjask l-ie˙or tan-ne©ozjati
U hemm çans tajjeb li hekk se ji©ri.
f'Kopen˙agen tal-Ìnus Mag˙quda fuq it-tibdil tal-klima, idL-UE ilha li adottat ETS sa mill-2005, u timmira li tnaqqas it- deçieda qabel l-elezzjoni tal-2010 li kien se jipposponi li jille©isla
tni©©is b'20% sal-2020, 40% sal-2030 u mill-inqas 80% sal- dwar dan is-su©©ett. Il-messa©© li ng˙atajna kien li m'g˙adux
2050.1 Malta tifforma parti minn din l-inizjattiva, g˙alkemm ur©enti li tittie˙ed azzjoni fuq it-tibdil tal-klima.
ir-re©jun li qeg˙da fih g˙andu miri daqsxejn iktar laxki sal-2020.2
B˙al ma nafu, wara l-elezzjoni tal-2010, il-Laburisti u l-Óodor
Fiç-Çina, di©a` hemm seba' sistemi pilota tal-ETS ja˙dmu, u suq g˙addew ETS bi prezz fiss g˙all-ewwel snin, li hija ekwivalenti
nazzjonali g˙andu jibda fil-2016.3
g˙al taxxa fuq il-karbonju.
L-Indja g˙andha Ωew© sistemi li g˙alkemm huma bbaΩati fuq
Xi prezzijiet kienu mistennija li jog˙lew, u l-gvern kien ta'
is-suq, mhumiex ETS direttament.4 Sistema wa˙da (Perform kumpens g˙al dan. Imma iΩ-Ωmien kien g˙adda, il-poplu kien
Achieve and Trade - PAT) hija mmirata g˙at-tnaqqis tal-intensita' tilef l-interess, u ftit ©img˙at ilu l-gvern ta' Koalizzjoni ne˙˙a din
tal-emissjonijiet, u o˙ra (Renewable Energy Credit - REC) li tip- l-iskema.
promwovi l-investiment f'sorsi sostenibbli tal-ener©ija, simili
Issa fuq na˙a g˙andna l-Ìnus Mag˙quda twissi li t-tibdil filg˙ar-Renewable Energy Target - RET tal-Awstralja (li l-gvern klima ©ej mill-˙ruq ta' sorsi ffossilizzati tal-ener©ija, u li qed jirqed jipprova jnaqqas).
riΩulta fil-klima li qed issir irriversibbilment iktar estrema.6
Fl-Istati Uniti mhemmx sistema nazzjonali, imma hemm sistema
Fuq in-na˙a l-o˙ra g˙andna lill-Prim Ministru Abbot g˙idilna
re©jonali msej˙a Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - RGGI, li li l-fa˙am huwa tajjeb g˙all-umanità u g˙andu jibqa' jintuΩa filtinkludi disa' stati nkluΩa New York, u hemm sistema o˙ra f'Kali- produzzjoni tal-ener©ija,7 u jg˙addi l-le©islazzjoni flimkien malfornja.5
partit ta' Clive Palmer, li g˙andu interessi kbar fil-produzzjoni
Na˙seb li l-Prim Ministru Tony Abbott jista' jserra˙ rasu li l- tal-fa˙am.8
Awstralja se tkun minn tal-a˙˙arnett mill-pajjiΩi Ωviluppati biex
X'jimporta jekk l-açidifikazzjoni tal-oçejan jag˙mel ˙sara lillikollha sistema effettiva biex jitnaqqas it-tni©©is mil-dijossidu Great Barrier Reef, u jeg˙rqu xi gΩejjer fil-Paçifiku? X'jimporta
li l-industrija tal-ener©ija sostenibbli tal-futur tistabbilixxi ru˙ha
Jidher li l-Ministru tal-Ambjent, Greg Hunt, huwa kuntent li l- kullimkien ˙lief fl-Awstralja? L-aqwa li l-prezz tal-elettriku
Awstralja se jkollha l-mira ta' tnaqqis ta' 5% tat-tni©©is sal-2020, naqas b’5%!
u daqshekk. Is-sistema li adottat l-Awstalja, l-Azzjoni Diretta
(Direct Action) hi li mit-taxxi tieg˙i u tieg˙ek, jit˙allsu l-kumpanniji sabiex inaqqsuh jew jikkumpensaw g˙al dan it-tni©©is. Il- [1] liament/Parliamentary_Departments/Par
liamentary_Library/pubs/BN/2012index_en.htm, retrieved 4/11/2014
fqir i˙allas lis-sinjur.
[2] jitkellem dwar it-tibdil tal-klima, fil-Ministru Hunt aktar
58272221, retrieved 4/11/2014
1103/local news/Maltacles/2014
tispikka d-determinazzjoni tieg˙u li ma jog˙liex il-prezz tal-eletproposesclimatechangelawbillsettobe-di [6] milli ma ssirx ˙sara lill-ambjent.
report/ar5/syr/SYR_AR5_SPM.pdf, rescussedbeforeChristmasrecessBiex ng˙id kollox, jien ma nag˙tix tort lill-gvern attwali li jie˙u 6736124838, retrieved 4/11/2014
trieved 4/11/2014
din il-poΩizzjoni. Kien mag˙ruf minn qabel l-elezzjoni li g˙ad- [3] [7] li ma jaqbilx ma' ETS. Tony Abbott qasam il-partit Liberali hinaplans65bncarbonmarketataround- politics/politicalnews/coalisgoodforlejliet li kien se jivvota favur din is-sistema fl-2009, dakinhar im- 18tonne48911, retrieved 4/11/2014
sejha l-Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme - CPRS. Illum jg˙id [4] 20141013115bgs.html, retrieved
li l-bniedem g˙andu sehem fit-tibdil tal-klima, imma qatt ma missionsTradingAroundTheWorld/edf_i 4/11/2014
jg˙id li g˙andu s-sehem prinçipali f'dan ˙lief meta jkun barra eta_india_case_study_may_2013.pdf, [8]
retrieved 4/11/2014
A˙na ivvutajna lill-Koalizzjoni biex ikunu fil-gvern, u g˙alhekk [5] project1, retrieved 4/11/2014
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Girraween mum Therese Xuereb a
finalist in Carers' Awards
hallenges have not hindered Girraween mother Therese Xuereb,
whose family has Maltese heritage from
becoming a finalist in this year’s NSW Carers Awards.
The feat of this 41-year-old carer, who throughout her motherhood has always encouraged her daughter Katrina to participate
in community life, including in Holroyd Council’s disability support services, was also featured in a recent edition of The Parramatta Holroyd Sun.
In an interview, she told the Sun: “It can be a struggle for carers
but I’m very lucky with Katrina, she makes it easy for me, and
I’ve encouraged her to get out and enjoy life.
‘‘She has a busier social life than me, she’s off to art classes and
the Speedway this weekend, and she always want to know where
her next outing is.’’
Mrs Xuereb said the council’s disability support services, including the peer support programme, had given her daughter an
abundance of confidence.
The 2011 Census results showed that more than five per cent of
Holroyd residents were in need of assistance due to a disability,
0.6 per cent more than the Greater Western Sydney population.
Holroyd mayor Greg Cummings said it was important to recognise the ‘‘wonderful contributions and sacrifices’’ carers make,
as well as to acknowledge the issues they face.
Girraween is a suburb of Sydney, in the state of New South
Wales, Australia. It is located 30 km west of the Sydney central
business district, in the local government area of the City of Holroyd and is part of the Greater Western Sydney region.
Therese and her family are part of the 3.6% of the Maltese population making up the 4,693 residents (according to the 2011 census) in the suburb.
Just under half (44.6%) of people were born in Australia, with the
top other countries of birth being India 15.8% and Sri Lanka 9.8%.
Therese Xuereb (left)
with her daughter
In Girraween, 59.4% of people spoke a language other than English at home. The most common other languages spoken were
Tamil 16.2%, Hindi 4.2% and Maltese 3.5%.
The Holroyd Mayor with the MCC executive. Back (from left): Frances Montesin, Mary Pace Feraud,
Christine Sapienza, Michelle Dowling, the Mayor, Lawrence Dimech, Merv Ismay, Doris Caruana, Tony
Pace Feraud, Marlene Dimech, Josephine Bigeni. Front: Joseph Caruana and Emanuel Camilleri.
Mayor of City of Holroyd visits
the Maltese Centre
The Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre
is increasingly becoming the focus of attention. Many people are recognising the work
this Centre is providing to the Maltese and
the community in general.
The Centre, now the head office of the Maltese Community Council of NSW welcomed
an official visit from the newly appointed
Mayor of the City of Holroyd, Councillor
Greg Cummings.
The Mayor who was accompanied by Merv
Ismay, General Manager, and Michelle
Dowling, Director Library & Community
Services was pleased to observe that what
was known as the Pitt Row Headmasters
Cottage cnr Franklin & Railway Streets Parramatta West (a heritage listed building) is
receiving such good care and providing an
excellent service to the community.
The president of the MCC, Lawrence
Dimech and members of the executive committee showed the delegation from the City
of Holroyd around the premises. The guests
were also given details of the possible extension being proposed for the Centre.
In the past, Clr Cummings has assisted the
MCC to finally establish a Centre in the Hol-
royd municipality, regarded, because of its
history as the cradle of the Maltese community in the Western Sydney.
At present, the MCC is providing computer
classes for the elderly, Malta lace classes,
servicing seven seniors day groups in NSW,
employing welfare information and referral
services personnel include a recently-appointed welfare worker at the Central Coast,
a weekly radio program and the jewel in the
crown, the Maltese Language School at three
12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Roundup of News About Malta
Malta, Singapore
leaders discuss
energy, health
uring his visit to Singapore, the
Maltese Prime Minister met his
counterpart Lee Hsein Loong with
Malta wants to
be the ‘Dubai,
Singapore of
alta can be a ‘Dubai
in the Mediterranean’ Prime Minister Joseph Muscat told the
Global Residence and Citizenship in Singapore, even
though it has not yet reached
its full economic potential.
“We firmly believe that economically, Malta can be to the
Mediterranean what Dubai is
to the Gulf, what Singapore is
to Asia,” Dr Muscat said.
He also repeated what he
has been saying all along in
meetings aimed at attracting
takers in the “The Citizenship
by Investment Programme,
IIP, that is, that Malta wants
to attract best talent, which is
one of the ways in which this
potential can be achieved
He pointed out that Malta’s
economy was out-performing
the European average, while
creating jobs and attracting
record-breaking tourist numbers, with fledgling education and health sectors.
Citing Eurostat statistics he
said that over the last twelve
months, Malta’s real growth
rate averaged 3%, six times
as much that of the Euro area,
that employment growth has
outstripped by far that in the
rest of Europe, and that while
the unemployment
rate is at an all-time low, in
the second quarter of 2014,
employment has grown by
2.6% over the same period in
the previous year.
He boasted about Malta’s
strong manufacturing base, a
world class financial services
centre, and Europe’s top remote gaming base. He added:
“Not only does Malta not
charge its tertiary students for
education but it pays them to
encourage further specialisation, offering free childcare
services, and consistently
cutting direct taxation.”
He said that credit-rating
agency Moody’s latest financial assessment of Malta
helped confirm the resilience
of the country’s economy in
that it described Malta’s
economy, as ‘diversified’ and
He added that Malta has
great ambitions and wants the
very best candidates to undergo a world class due diligence process and join it.
The PM said: “The people
we want to attract have
worked hard for their reputation, as much as our country
did, and we both want to be
associated only with those
Dr Joseph Muscat at the
Singapore conference
people who have a similarly
good reputation.”
He concluded by telling the
conference: If you are after
the best, share our vision, and
want to join the highest end
talent programme in the
world, then Malta and our
premium Citizenship for Investment programme are for
whom he discussed matters related to
energy, health and the Commonwealth.
He explained how the government is
working to make Malta an energy hub,
and that Europe is looking at different
sources to generate energy to reduce its
dependency on gas from a few countries.
They also discussed the possibility of
collaboration between the two governments in the health sector, and Dr Muscat invited Mr Loong to attend the
Commonwealth summit to be held in
Malta next year.
On his part, Mr Loong said there were
similarities between the two countries,
and added that while Malta celebrated
50 years of Independence this year, Singapore will be doing likewise in 2015.
“Smooth sailing
in choppy waters”
alta has received a most positive apM
praisal of its economy from the European Commission in its 2014 Autumn Forecast
that recognises that the island’s robust performance to date, and for the coming two
years. It said that Malta’s deficit is under control, its Economic growth higher than anticipated and that it is expected to remain strong.
The Commission remarked that “the Maltese economy continued
expanding at a robust rate in the first half of 2014”and that “annual
real GDP growth surprised positively and reached 3.2%, up from
2.5% for 2013 as a whole.”
The Commission also expects that “real GDP growth is projected
to reach 3% in 2014 and to moderate gradually to 2.9% in 2015 and
2.7% in 2016.
Malta’s Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna (pictured above)
welcomes the appraisal and said that what he liked most was the reference to Malta’s ‘smooth sailing’. He said it made him “proud to be
part of the team under an able skipper,”
Malta geared up to host Jnr European Song Contest Saturday
verything is ready for Malta to host the first Elton Zarb, Matthew (Muxu) Mercieca, Gillian AtE
Junior Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday tard and Federica.
November 15 in what is being described as the
The event is to be held at the former Malta Ship-
Malta’s representative, Federica Falzon
greatest television show ever held on the island
with the participation of singers from 16 countries.
Malta earned the right to organise the event following the victory by our Gaia last year. It is only
the third time in the history of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest that the event will be hosted by
the previous year’s winning country, and that 16
countries have confirmed their participation.
This year, Malta will be represented by Federica
Falzon with her song, “Diamonds”, co-authored by
yards at Marsa that has been turned with a big investment into a 5,000 seater spectacular venue. No
stone has been left unturned by the organisers,
PBS, Malta to make it a great show.
The slogan this year is “#together“, inspired by
the Maltese eight-pointed cross. Each different
coloured segment represents a feature of Malta:
Sand, Sea, Stone, Grass, Sky, Dusk and Sunset.
A week later, the same venue wold be used for the
contest to choose Malta-s next song for Europe.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Roundup of News About Malta
Strengthening financial sector
one of Malta’s key priorities
At the inaugural Swiss-Malta Financial
Roundtable in the Zurich, Switzerland,
Malta’s Foreign Affairs Minister Dr
George Vella told the professionals working in financial services gathered at the
meeting, that strengthening the financial
sector one of Malta’s key priorities.
In his address in the first of two similar
events organised by the Finance Malta in
collaboration with the Swiss-Maltese
Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry
for Foreign Affairs of Malta, he said that
he considered such to be an important link
in a chain of activities that would engage
Malta and Switzerland and communities
in translating the political relations that
exist between the two countries into tangible and practical areas of cooperation
and collaboration.
The minister outlined the aim behind
such events (the second one was due to be
held in Geneva a day later), that is, to improve the working relationships between
the professionals working in financial
services, and to highlight the opportunities
for cross border work available in the current regulatory climate.
He pointed out that one needed to face up
to the current economic challenges without becoming complacent, and that to do
this it was crucial that one does not lose
sight of one’s respective strengths.
He said that the Government of Malta has
fully committed itself to implementing the
necessary structural reforms to make
Malta’s economy contribute in a more
Dr George Vella addressing a Roundtable in Zurich
flexible and sustained manner to the everevolving development efforts.
He added that diversity and stability have
become the hallmarks of Malta’s financial
services sector, and that the island’s ascent
to become an international centre of repute
has been one of the fastest and most remarkable growth stories in recent times.
He said: “Not long ago, the island was
only known as a popular holiday destination. While continuing to attract a recordbreaking number of tourists to our Islands,
Malta is also proud to register the fact that
in just a decade financial services have become one of Malta’s world-class export industries, serving markets around the globe
Increase of 9.3% in tourism in Sept.
ourist arrivals to Malta during SepT
tember registered a 9.3% increase
compared to the corresponding month
last year. The number of inbound visits
recorded by the National Statistics Office, NSO, was 193,138, with 164,579
visiting Malta for their holiday and a
further 12,739 for business purposes.
Most of the visitors, 158,545, or 7.5%
were visitors from EU countries, with
those between 25 and 44 making the
largest age group, followed by those
within the 45-64 age bracket.
Inbound tourism in the first nine
months of this year - January to September - amounted to 1,363,859, an increase of 9.0%over the same period in
2013. Total nights spent by inbound
tourists went up by 5.0 per cent, reaching 10.8 million nights.
During the period under review, total
tourism expenditure was estimated at
€1.2 billion, 6.8 per cent higher than
that recorded for the same period in
Meanwhile, Malta’s International Airport has also registered a 2.9% increase
in traffic in October, welcoming a total
of 421,726 passengers, after the the total
number of landings and take-offs at the
airport increased by 0.5 per cent to
2,997. MIA said that these figures were
stimulated by an overall seat load factor
reaching 83.9 per cent for the month,
compared to 81.6 per cent last year.
Between January and October this
year, Malta International Airport
hosted a total of 3,807,534 passengers
which is a 6.7% increase of 6.7% compared to 2013.
and registering impressive year-on-year
“While these results have not only propelled Malta into the ranks of leading European finance centres, they have also
made the Island an exception to the financial crisis that hit global economies.”
He pointed out that Malta’s finance sector
has expanded by around 25 per cent annually in recent years, now accounts for
some 13 per cent of the island’s GDP and
provides close to 10,000 jobs.
He said that while bigger economies have
been rocked by the global financial crisis,
Malta’s finance sector has been given a
clean bill of health by rating agencies, including the EU Commission and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The Government of Malta believes there
is still scope for growth and has made
strengthening the financial sector one of
its key priorities. However, it is concerned
that financial services should not grow too
large and dominate the economy. But
rather than restricting the growth of the financial services sector, the country continues on a programme to diversify its
economy and thus avoid reliance on any
one sector.
He explained how Malta, an island with
421,000 people, managed to build up a remarkably diverse financial services portfolio, that 25 banks have established
operations in Malta, and that it now hosts
over 600 funds which had a combined net
asset value of €9 billion. He added that
corporate formation has long been one of
the most important areas of business, and
today Malta’s register lists around 60,000
He said Malta’s commitment to the development of a transparent, well-regulated
financial sector is clear from the work it
has recently done to introduce new legislation, establish international partnerships
and nurture an appropriate infrastructure.
“In spite of our size Malta is transforming
natural disadvantages into competitive advantages. It is truly a case in which it is
right to say that small is beautiful. Our size
enables us to adapt and change easily. Embracing emerging economic niches and
technology has enhanced our flexibility
and adaptability, Minister Vella said.
He concluded his address by saying that
Malta offers a multitude of opportunities
that can truly make it a regional centre of
excellence and that the government is
committed “to assist the investors through
the dedicated work of FinanceMalta and
its team, as we believe that Malta is your
strategic partner in the Mediterranean”
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
AbbuΩ minn Patri!!
˙al darb’o˙ra l-media
lokali fl-a˙˙ar jiem
kienet iddominata minn
allegazzjoni ta’ abbuΩ sesswali
minn membru tal-kleru... biex
inkun eΩatt membru ta’ Ordni
Reli©juΩa. Il-Patri nvolut huwa
persuna prominenti min˙abba
l-fatt li mexxa diversi g˙aqdiet,
kif ukoll billi huwa l-mexxej
ta’ Radju Marija... radju
reli©juΩ li jg˙ix mill-kontribuzzjonijiet tan-nies billi ma
jaççettax reklami.
Qed ji©i alleggat li dan il-Patri
Dumnikan – Patri Charles
Fenech - abbuΩa minn xebba
waqt li kienet qed tirçevi kura
g˙all-problemi mentali. Ing˙ad
li din ix-xebba qabel kienet
soru. Hemm rapporti li jg˙idu
li Fenech abbuΩa wkoll minn
... jew a˙jar kif
jg˙idu bl-IngliΩ
“Gozitans on paper”
G˙al min qed nirreferi?
Qed ng˙id g˙al dawk il5,196 resident li bejn 2002 u
l-2013 bidlu l-indirizz tal-ID
tag˙hom minn xi belt jew
ra˙al f’Malta, g˙al xi lokalita’ f’G˙awdex.
G˙ax qed nistaqsi din ilmistqosija? G˙ax huwa sigriet mag˙ruf li ˙afna minn
dawn ir-resident attwalment
g˙andhom ir-residenza permanenti tag˙hom f’Malta,
iΩda g˙aΩlu li jirre©istraw
b˙ala residenti xi post li
g˙andhom jew jikru f’G˙awdex.
U x’˙adu b’daqshekk?
Dak li jie˙du l-G˙awdxin –
fosthom nollijiet bi prezz
imnaqqas sewwa fuq il-vapuri li jaqsmu l-fliegu bejn
Malta u G˙awdex.
Ta’ min jg˙id ukoll li dawn
ir-residenti qed ikollhom effett konsiderevoli fl-elezzjoni fit-Tlettax-il Distrett,
billi ilkoll jivvutaw f’dan iddistrett.... li sar l-akbar distrett fil-GΩejjer Maltin.
nisa o˙ra.
L-aktar gazzetta li tat spazju
lil dan il-kaΩ kienet l-Malta Independent li sa˙ansitra ©abet
parti minn stqarrija ©uramentata ta’ mara li qed tallega li Fr
Fenech abbuΩa minnha. Meta
taqra din l-istqarrija ta˙seb li
qed issegwi xi film minn dawk
li ma jg˙addix g˙al kul˙add.
L-istess ©urnal Ωvela wkoll li
kienet qed issir petizzjoni lillGvern biex “Ìie˙ ir-repubblika” li kien ing˙ata lil dan
il-patri fl-2001 ji©i rtirat.
Il-kaΩ ta’ Fenech ilu jkaxxkar
quddiem ir-Response Team
tal-Kurja (dan huwa grupp ta’
nies ma˙tur mill-Kurja biex
jindaga kaΩi ta’ abbuΩi li ji©u
rrapportati lill-Kurja) g˙al xi
tmien snin.... u sfortunatament
wara daqshekk snin dan il-kaΩ
g˙adu ma ©iex deçiΩ.
Meta l-pulizija nda˙let fil-kaΩ
u ippruvat ittella’ lil Fenech ilQorti takkuΩah f’dan l-abbuΩ,
il-Patri ma
billi kull
darba jippreΩenta
ta’ Tabib.
Patri Charles Fenech
hekk kien
propju lejn l-a˙˙ar ta’ Ottubru. thom li ma jistax iqaddes u
Biss din id-darba l-istorja tal- jqarar. Tne˙˙a wkoll minn Dipatri ˙ar©et fil-media, u fejn rettur tal-Moviment Kerygma.
qabel kien sar aççenn g˙all-kaΩ
Tajjeb li ng˙id, g˙al dawk li
f’xi ©urnal ming˙ajr ma ma jafux, li f’kaΩ ta’ membri
ssemma’ l-ebda isem, din id- tal-Ordinijiet Reli©juΩi (patridarba l-media kollha ˙ar©et jiet u sorijiet) huma s-superjuri
b’ritratti mdaqqsa ta’ dan il- tal-Ordni u mhux l-Isqfijiet li
jistg˙u jissospendu l-patrijiet
Dan wassal biex din id-darba mill-funzjoni tag˙hom. Ilanke l-istess Ordni Dumnikana Provinçja Dumnikana Maltija
to˙ro© tg˙id li issa dan il-Patri anke ordnat lill-patri jag˙ti rtwaqqaf milli jeΩerçita l-minis- riΩenja tieg˙u lid-diri©enti interu saçerdotali tieg˙u, fos- ternazzjonali ta' Radju Marija.
Il-kobba tit˙abbel
l-kaΩ ta’ tmien snin. Dan wassal g˙al kjarifikazzjoni talIspiçça
dan il-Patri Kurja li qalet li Mons Scicluna kien qed jirreferi
biex g˙all-fatt li Patri Fenech ma deherx quddiem ilinvolva lil
diversi nies
fosthom lillistess Arçisqof Emeritus
Mons Pawlu
Cremona, li
ukoll huwa
Dumnikan. Dan min˙abba li kien hemm minn
allega li l-kwestjoni kienet wa˙da mir-ra©unijiet
li wasslet g˙ar-riΩenja tieg˙u.
Ag˙ar minn hekk ©ie wkoll allegat li l-istess
Mons Cremona kien offra somma ta’ eluf kbar
ta’ Ewro lill-vittma tal-abbuΩ biex din tag˙laq
˙alqa. Hi allegazzjoni tassew serja li Mons Cremona ça˙ad bil-qawwa bil-qawwa kollha.
Ça˙ad ukoll li din il-kwestjoni kellha x’taqsam
mar-riΩenja tieg˙u.
U Ωifen ukoll fin-nofs l-Isqof AwΩiljarju Mons
Charles Scicluna li b˙alissa qed imexxi ddjoçesi Maltija. Dan deher fuq programm televiΩiv, fejn qal li huwa kien ixxukjat u irrabjat
meta sar jaf mill-medja bil-kaΩ ta’ Patri Fenech.
Huwa sostna li ma kienx se jipprote©i lil min
jag˙mel ˙sara lill-mer˙la ta’ Alla, u stqarr li kien
urtat ferm li g˙al tlett darbiet, l-akkuΩat ma deherx quddiem il-qorti.
Dan ©ab reazzjoni minn diversi kumentaturi li
staqsew kif jista’ Mons Scicluna jg˙id li sar jaf
b’dan il-kaΩ issa, meta l-kaΩ kien quddiem irResponse Team tal-Kurja g˙al dawn l-a˙˙ar
Qorti g˙al tliet darbiet..
U mill-©did qabeΩ ukoll Fr Joe Borg (ritratt
xellug), li kien ikkummenta dwar it-tmexxija talArçisqof Cermona. Huwa ikkritika l-mod kif
dan i-kaΩ ©ie trattat mill-Kurja u mill-Ordni
Dumnikana, u sostna li ma kienx aççettabli li
kaΩ b˙al dan idum tmien snin quddiem ir-Response Team ming˙ajr ma ji©i konkluΩ.
Issokta jg˙id li wie˙ed ma jistax jifhem kif lOrdni Dumnikana waqqfet biss lil Patri Fenech
mill-funzjonijiet tieg˙u propju meta l-kaΩ
ing˙ata prominenza fil-media, meta din ilha taf
bil-kaΩ is-snin.
Din id-darba, na˙seb li Fr Borg g˙andu ra©un.
Na˙seb li minkejja li f’kaΩi b˙al dawn, il-Knisja
Maltija bidlet l-attitudni tag˙ha ... fosthom billi
tibda tg˙addi kaΩi ta’ abbuΩi minn membri talkleru lill-pulizija, xorta g˙ad mhix tag˙mel
biΩΩejjed biex il-poplu jkun sodisfatt li l-Kurja
qed tie˙u l-passi li jixraq f’kaΩijiet b˙al dawn.
Attwalment issa sirt naf li anke l-Isqof ta’
G˙awdex, Mons Mario Grech, stqarr li ma
setax jifhem kif kaΩ b˙al dan kellu jie˙u
daqshekk Ωmien ming˙ajr ma ji©i deçiz.
Hu sostna li r-Response Team kellu jiddeçiedi
˙wejje© b˙al dawn fl-iqsar Ωmien g˙ax iddewmien mhu tajjeb g˙al ˙add, inkluΩ g˙al min
ji©i akkuΩat. Sa˙aq li kull kaΩ ta’ abbuΩ sesswali
minn membri tal-kleru irrapurtat lill-Kurja kellu
minnufih jitressaq lill-pulizija g˙all-investigazzjoni.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2
Malta tieqaf quddiem maltempata b’riefnu
i tmiem il-©img˙a, l-aktar u laktar f’jum il-Ìimg˙a wara
nofsinhar, Malta ntlaqtet minn
maltempata qawwija li tulha ri˙
qawwi forza ta’ riefnu - 64 knot fissieg˙a, ikka©una biΩa’ u ˙afna
˙sarat fit-toroq Maltin. G˙al tlieta
min-nies kienet ukoll esperjenza li
mhux se jinsew malajr. Fi ftit kliem,
kienet maltempata li waqqfet lil
Il-membri tal-Protezzjoni Çivili
(CPD, kellhom biçça xog˙ol millaktar iebsa biex iwie©bu g˙assej˙iet tan-nies g˙all-g˙ajnuna,
fosthom tlieta li jistg˙u jg˙odduha
b’wa˙da wara li nqabdu fil-vetturi
tag˙hom fl-ilmijiet. Ma setg˙ux
jo˙or©u mill-karozzi jekk mhux blg˙ajnuna tal-˙addiema tas-CPD.
Fil-fatt, il-Protezzjoni Çivili qalu li
©ew imsej˙a fuq il-post biex jag˙tu
l-g˙ajnuna fi 33 inçident u . G˙add
ta’ djar tilfu anke s-servizz tad-dawl
elettriku, u t-tekniçi u l-in©iniera talEnemalta kienu wkoll impenjati biss˙i˙ biex jer©g˙u j©ibu lura
g˙an-normal il-provvista tal-elettriku f’g˙add ta’ n˙awi
milquta li sfaw min-g˙ajr
is-servizz ka©u-nat minn
Il-maltempata, li ng˙ad
li kienet l-ag˙ar wa˙da
f’Novembru g˙al 67 sena,
taffiet matul il-lejl bejn ilÌimg˙a u s-Sibt u g˙alkemm ix-xita baqg˙et
thedded, u anke niΩlet isSibt u l-Óadd, deher li lag˙ar kien g˙adda, u
l-membri tas-salvata©©
˙admu biex jiΩgumbraw
it-toroq u jne˙˙u s-si©ar
Il-maltempata. ir-raba’
l-ag˙ar kemm ilhom jinΩammu r-rekords, se˙˙et bejn l-4.00 p.m. u s-6.00 p.m.,
imma r-ri˙ qawwi anke baqa’ sasDehra tal-iM©arr G˙awdex fejn il-vapur waqaf jopera ka©un tal-maltemp
Wa˙da mis-46 si©ra
li tqaççtu bir-ri˙
Tlieta salvati wara
li naqbdu fil-vetturi
7.00 p.m.
Ìew irrappurtati ˙afna ˙sarat, fosthom li madwar 46 si©ra jew inqalg˙u minn posthom inkella
F’Óal-Qormi, mara sabet
il-karozza meqrubda u
midfuna ta˙t bor© ©ebel
waqg˙u fuq wajers tal-elettriku u
mblukkaw toroq f’Ó’Attard, il-
Ba˙rija, Bormla, Burmarrad, il-Furjana, G˙ajn Dwieli, Óal-G˙axaq,
Óal-Luqa, Óal-Kirkop, il-Marsa, liMsida, il-Mistra, il-Mosta, l-iMrie˙el, Pembroke, Ra˙al Ìdid, is-Swieqi, Ta’ Qali, il-Wardija u Ω-Ûejtun.
Mara f’Óal-Qormi kellha l-karozza
meqruda meta waqa’ fuqha ©ebel
minn ˙ajt fil-qrib li
x’aktarx in©ibed birri˙ qawwi minn wajers jimwa˙˙la mieg˙u.
Xi djar sfaw ukoll
mg˙arrqa fl-ilma li
da˙lilhom ©ewwa,
filwaqt li sinjal kbir
(billboard) waqa’ u imblokka triq. Kien
hemm ukoll arbli
tad-dawl li tg˙aww©u, filwaqt li stabbiliment anke ©arrab ˙sarat minn nar
li ˙akmu ka©un talmaltempata.
Min˙abba l-periklu
tar-ri˙ qawwi is-si©ar
imwaqqa’ u ©ebel ta’ xi ˙itan finnofs in˙olqot kon©estjoni tat-traffiku
f’g˙add ta’ toroq, fil-waqt li l-Ajruport Internazzjoni g˙amel ˙in mag˙luq u l-ebda ajruplan ma’ seta’
jinΩel jew jitla’. Sa filg˙axija kienu
©ew affettwati madwar 10 titjiriet.
Min˙abba l-ba˙ar qawwi anke lvapur t’G˙awdex waqaf ja˙dem bla˙˙ar vja©© isir fl-4.30 p.m.
Ìie spjegat li dan ir-riefnu, jew kif
mag˙ruf ukoll, çiklun tropikali Mediterranju (Medican), huwa rari. Ìeneralment hu r-riΩultat tan-nixfa firre©jun tal-Mediterran li jifforma
f’çikluni tropikali. Bejn l-1948 u l2011, l-in˙awi esperjenzaw biss 99
16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 3
Mill-Kamp Politiku Puntini ....
torja li b˙alissa qed tiΩvillupa hija dwar il-finanzi tal-Partiti Politiçi. Is- • Skont il-Ministru Evarist Bartolo nofs l-impjiegi li
Segretarju ©enerali tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, Chris Said qal fil-Parlament li qed jin˙olqu f’Malta u G˙awdex qed je˙duhom ˙adl-partit tieg˙u kien lest jie˙u passi bil-li©i kemm-il darba l-Gvern ma jindiriz- diema barranin. Dan qed ise˙˙, jew g˙ax il-Maltin ma
zax id-“diskriminazzjoni” li teΩisti bejn iΩ-Ωew© partiti l-kbar wara li skont
hu, il-PL seraq art pubblika u dik privata biex juΩaha b˙ala kaΩini tieg˙u.
Said qal li l-PN irid li jsir eΩerçizzju biex ji©i stabbilit kemm iΩ-Ωew© partiti iggwadanjaw art fl-a˙˙ar 30 sena u wara li jsir paragun, min ˙a l-inqas ji©i
ikkumpensat. Se jipproponu wkoll li kull sena l-partiti politiçi jag˙tu deskrizzjoni
tal-proprjetajiet tal-Istat li jkunu okkupaw fis-sena ta’ qabel u x’da˙˙lu minnhom.
Il-PN ilu Ωmien jakkuΩa lill-Partit Laburista li meta kien fil-Gvern fisSebg˙inijiet u t-Tmininijiet akkwista kemm art kif ukoll djar permezz ta’ reqwiΩizzjoni u kiri ming˙and il-Gvern, biex fihom waqqaf il-kaΩini tieg˙u.
Skont il-mexxej tal-PN, il-PL g˙andu 28 binja f’Malta u G˙awdex, u diversi
artijiet u propjetajiet o˙ra li qed juΩa b˙ala kaΩini li huma misruqa.
G˙alkemm issa jidher li Chris Said, indirettament qed jammetti li l-Partit
Nazzjonalista g˙amel l-istess, fl-istess ˙in isostni li l-PL ˙ataf aktar artijiet u
djar ta˙t idejh mill-PN. G˙alhekk qed jitlob li ji©u valutati (jitqies kemm
jiswew) il-propjetajiet li kisbu Ω-Ωew© partiti u min ˙a l-inqas jing˙ata d-differenza.
Malajr waslet ir-reazzjoni tal-PL bil-Prim Ministru jistqarr li l-Partit Nazzjonalista jrid li j˙allas id-dejn kbir tieg˙u billi l-poplu j˙allas id-differenza li
semma’ Dr Said lill-PN. “Simon Busuttil irid lill-poplu Malti u G˙awdxi
jsolvilu l-problemi finanzjari li g˙andu l-Partit tieg˙u," qal l-Prim Ministru.
Min-na˙a tieg˙u l-mexxej Nazzjonalista, sostna li l-Prim Ministru ma kienx
qed jg˙id il-verita, g˙ax li ried il-PN kien li l-PL jag˙ti lura l-proprjetajiet
kollha li “seraq” matul is-snin.
Propju l-g˙ada li sar dan id-diskors, permezz tal-avukat u deputat parlamentari Nazzjonalista Jason Azzopardi, familja ressqet ittra uffiçjali fil-Prim Awla
tal-Qorti Çivili titlob lill-PL biex jo˙ro© mill-kaΩin Laburista ta' Óal Qormi.
Skont l-ittra dan il-post qed jintuΩa b˙ala kaΩin b'mod illegali u abbuΩiv. Flittra ntqal li dan qed jikser id-drittijiet ta’ din il-familja li tgawdi l-propjetà.
Ûiedu li jekk il-PL jonqos li jag˙mel dan fi Ωmien stipulat jirriservaw id-dritt
li jie˙du passi o˙ra legali skont il-li©i.
Min˙abba li l-ittra tressqet mill-avukat Jason Azzopardi, deputat u eks-Ministru
tal-PN, malajr bdew il-kummenti li l-ittra uffiçjali ©iet instigata mill-PN.
Fir-reazzjoni tieg˙u l- PL qal li l-kirja tal-kaΩin kienet wa˙da regolata milli©ijiet ta’ Malta b˙al kull kirja o˙ra li tippermetti l-li©i. B’danakollu Ωied li
kien lest jaççetta kull deçiΩjoni li tie˙u l-Qorti.
Il-lukanda InterContinental tal-Eden Leisure Group
-Eden Leisure Group g˙adu kif
nieda pro©ett ©did li se jiswa madwar €31 miljun u se jo˙loq aktar minn
300 impjieg full-time. Il-pro©ett jinkludi l-estensjoni tal-lukanda InterContinental, il-bini ta' lukanda ©dida, il-ftu˙
ta' casino u dehra ©dida g˙al kollox
g˙all-Bay Arena.
Il-lukanda se jkun jisimha Holiday Inn
Express u se jkun fiha mitt kamra. Se
tkun tinfed mal-lukanda InterContinental u mistennija titlesta sa Diçembru
Minbarra din il-lukanda, dejjem jekk
ikun hemm l-approvazzjoni tal-MEPA,
propju ftit passi ‘l bog˙od, se jinbena
kumpless turistiku enormi ie˙or fl-istess
bajja fejn hemm din il-lukanda –
ji©ifieri l-Bajja ta’ San Ìor© (San Ìiljan). Dan il-pro©ett huwa ma˙sub li jinbena flok il-Lukanda Villa Rosa.
kellhomx il-˙iliet me˙tie©a g˙all-impjieg ipprovdut
jew g˙ax ma jridux jag˙mlu dak l-impjieg partikolari.
U tassew qed ji©ri hekk tafux, g˙ax ma tmurx f’risotrant li ma ssibx iservuk tfajliet u ©uvintur minn diversi pajjiΩi u rari li ji©i fuqek wejter Malti... u
sintendi trid u ma tridx jkollok tornda bl-IngliΩ... u
kultant anke b’dan l-ilsien bilkemm jifhmuk.
• Malta hi t-tieni l-iktar pajjiΩ fid-dinja li jattira Investiment Dirett Barrani (FDI) ta’ kwalità. Dan
xehdu r-rapport IBM Global Location Trends
g˙all-2014 li po©©a lill-Malta fit-tieni post g˙allkwalità ta’ FDI attirat. Ir-rapport kien jinkludi
pro©etti approvati fl-2013.
Fl-ewwel post fir-rapport kien hemm l-Irlanda,
segwit minn Malta, id-Danimarka, il-Korea t’Isfel,
il-Ìappun u l-Isvezja.
• Is-Segretarjat Parlamentari g˙all-Fondi Ewropej Dr
Ian Borg ˙abbar li ©ew allokati €270,000 mill-Fond
Ewropew g˙all-IΩvilupp Re©jonali biex issir kampanja promozzjonali dwar G˙awdex permezz ta’
mezzi di©itali
• Fl-ewwel disa’ xhur ta' din is-sena, in-nefqa filbenefiççji soçjali la˙˙qet is-€638.6 miljun. Din hi
Ωieda ta’ €14.9 miljun fuq is-sena ta’ qabel, u tirrifleti
eΩatt x’qed ji©ri mill-popolazzjoni Maltija g˙ax lakbar Ωieda kienet fuq il-pensjonijiet - li juri li lg˙add ta’ anzjani fil-GΩejjer Maltin qed dejjem
jikber; imbag˙ad naqset in-nefqa fuq ic-children's allowance - g˙ax qed jitwieldu anqas tfal.
• Skont st˙arri© ippubblikat fil-gazzetta Malta
Today, il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat g˙adu
jgawdi differenza ta' 14% tal-fiduçja tal-elettorat
fuq il-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni Simon Busuttil. Minna˙a l-o˙ra l-Ministri kollha, barra Helena Dalli,
kellhom tnaqqis ta’ fiduçja meta mxebba˙ ma’ la˙˙ar st˙arri© li kien sar mill-istess gazetta
• F'Settembru li g˙adda, Malta kellha l-akbar Ωieda
fil-bejg˙ minn fost il-pajjiΩi fiΩ-Ωona Ewro meta
mqabbel max-xahar ta' qabel. IΩ-Ωieda re©istrata f'Malta kienet ta' 1%, segwita mil-Lussemburgu
b'0.9%, u l-Ungerija u s-Slovakkja, it-tnejn b'Ωieda
ta' 0.7%. Il-pajjiΩi bl-akbar tnaqqis fil-bejg˙ kienu lÌermanja, il-Portugall u l-Polonja.
Filwaqt li f’Malta kien hemm Ωieda, il-volum talbejg˙ fiΩ-Ωona Ewro naqas b'1.3% .
Pro©ett ©did
While visiting Malta Stay at:
The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday November 11, 2014
A quick glimpse at Australia
State of Victoria
goes to the polls
he State of Victoria with 3.8 million
voters will go to the polls on November 29. The election is set to shape the
state for decades to come with voters facing a stark choice.
The Coalition Government is led by former vet Denis Napthine, who took over
from Ted Baillieu as Premier more than
halfway through this term and, on the
Labor side we have Daniel Andrews hoping to win back power just four years after
John Brumby’s government was removed
from office.
Both parties are hoping that the November 29th election will deliver a clear majority. Rouge Frankson MP Geoff Shaw’s
decision to quit the parliamentary Liberal
party and sit as an independent, left the
Coalition (Liberal/National) with a fragile
minority Government.
When Ted Baillieu narrowly defeated
John Brumby, Labor had been in office for
11 years. Jeff Kennett (Liberal) was in
power for seven years before voters tired
of him.
If the Coalition loses the November 29
election, it will be the first time government has changed hands in Victoria at successive elections since 1955. The Victorians will select their preferred candidates in 88 Legislative Assembly electorates, with the party that will win a
majority of those seats able to form government.
In the Legislative Council, also known as
the Upper House, 40 MPs will be selected
from across eight Victorian regions.
There will be 1784 voting centres where
The Parliament building in Victoria
voters can cast
their ballot.
Voting is compulsory and
you can be
whacked with
a fine of $74 if
you do not
vote. In the
2010 election
92.96% of the
electorate cast
its vote. The
smallest voting district is
Prahran (12
square km), and the largest is, Lowan,
with 39,182 The cost of the 2010
election was $36.64 million.
The State of Victoria has the largest
Malta-born community in Australia, with
19,730 people, according to the 2011 census
The leader of the Coalition Government,
and Premier Denis Napthine (left) and
Daniel Andrews the leader of the ALP
The burqa not
a security treat
New Taxes in waiting A
t’s that Good and Services Tax (GST) again! The PM wants a mature debate
on state/federal relations but no doubt this will include the GST.
When John Howard introduced the GST at 10% on July 1, 2000 as a compromise he was forced to exempt items such as food, health, childcare and school
fees. All of the federally collected GST revenue goes to state governments.
With the exemptions, it is estimated that as much as $13 billion a year could
be recovered just by extending these areas as was originally intended by the
Howard Government.
The present Government is looking at federal reform and as part of the tax reform process. It is estimated that even if GST
is increased to a modest 12.5% along with the
removal of the exempted items such as food,
health etc, could hit a two income, two-child
family as much as $205 per fortnight.
The Coalition Government has already announced a twice-yearly adjustment to petrol
tax that will add half a cent a litre at the
ustralian Security Intelligence Organisations (ASIO) has found there is no
valid security reason to ban the burqa. In
a confidential report, the agency says the
only security consequences of banning Islamic face coverings would likely be “predominately, if not wholly, negative”.
According to a report in Fairfax Media
dated February 2011, ASIO concluded
“any move in the direction would likely
have negative implications, including increased tensions and distrust between
communities, and providing further fuel
for extremist propaganda, recruitment, and
radicalization efforts”.
The idea to ban the burqa has found support from several members of the state and
federal parliaments. The PM said he found
the burqa a fairly confronting form of attire and he wished it weren’t worn, but
Australia was a free country.
18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
A quick glimpse at Australia
Get over it!
Data retention
ulie Bishop, Australia’s first
female foreign Minister and
the only female in Abbott’s
cabinet said people should not
be offended. “I’m a female
politician, I’m a female foreign
minister…. get over it.”
Ms Bishop stressed that while
she recognised the women’s
movement, “feminist” was not
a term that she finds particularly useful these days. Others
say it’s about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes.
he Abbott government intro- information, download and upduced legislation for a load volumes, and the duration
retention of locations of phone calls and
scheme now being called an- internet sessions.
other “internet tax” but the
The bill does not cover the contelecommunication companies tent of calls or emails, web
responded with general relieve browsing history, or real-time
to the bill, saying the laws location information – a move
would not be as costly or intru- likely to dampen fears of mass
sive as they had feared.
public surveillance. Unless govCompanies will be required to ernment funds the scheme cusstore data including names and tomers will have to pay more.
addresses, the IP address allocated to internet account, billing The winning horse,
Julie Bishop
The Melbourne Cup: the
race that shocked the nation
he Melbourne Cup is not just another horse race; it’s the race
that stops the nation. It’s an annual event that puts the city of
Melbourne on the international scene. The $6.2 million contest attracts horses from around the world to this best two-mile handicap.
It is also a fashion show with 100,704 people filling Flemington
Racecourse for the Melbourne Cup.
The State of Victoria declares the Melbourne Cup Day as a public
holiday and the rest of Australia goes into shutdown after lunch.
This year’s event
brought with it a very sad end as the favourite, the Japanese stayer
Admire Rakti died at the hosing bay after the race having finishing
The race and so the Cup, was won by German horse Protectionist,
while another horse, Aroldo was operated after having broken a leg
when he reared in freight coming back from the mounting yard. It
eventually died. This year it was, the race that shocked the nation.
Let’s have
he Celtic-American tradition of Halloween celebrated on October 31 is
taking hold in Australia as well but the
Church in Italy has called for Halloween
to be scrapped and replaced with “Holyween,” a night in which children would
attend prayer vigils and Masses, reports
The Tablet.
The Vatican’s first official conference of
exorcists, which met in Rome recently,
has warned of a danger to young people
at Halloween, when it said there is an increase in occult activity.
Participating in Halloween is “like an
initiation into the Occult”, he said. “For
the sects it is the best time of year to recruit new members. From here the door
to the devil can be opened. For this reason its necessary for us to speak out and
not play down the danger.”
The Church in Italy has now launched
the initiative “Holyween”, he said.
“While most people are steeped in zombies and horror we put on our door or
windows a light or an image evocative of
the saints. And then there will be Masses,
prayer vigils and worship to celebrate the
saints and victory of good over evil.”
Halloween ... like an initiation into the Occult?
Proudly serving the areas of:
Acacia Gardens, Blacktown*, Girraween,
Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley,
Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Pendle
Hill, Prospect*, Quakers Hill*, Riverstone,
Rouse Hill*, Schofields, Seven Hills,
Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds,
Toongabbie*, Vineyard
*Parts of
230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147
Ph: 9671 4780
Twitter: @mrowlandmp
Just a gesture
hile Tony Abbott insists that there will be no carbon price on consumers under a Coalition government, none whatsoever, the Government has
promised not to abolish the Climate Change Authority
and requested they undertake an 18-month inquiry into
the effectiveness of emissions trading programs around
the world.
Abbott’s controversial Direct Action Climate policy is a
key plank of which is a $2.55 billion fund that pays
major polluters to reduce emissions. The Government
acknowledges it was just a gesture that was unlikely to
result in any policy change
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Community News
G˙al min i˙obb
l-ilsien Malti
ost il-korrispondenza li nirçevu ta’ kull
©img˙a, dan l-a˙˙ar kien hemm dik
ferm interessanti mibg˙uta lilna mid-dipartiment tal-Malti tal-Kulle©© San Injazju
fi ˙dan l-iskola Sekondarja f’Tal-Óandaq,
Óal-Qormi, Malta.
Dawn g˙arrfuna dwar pubblikazzjoni
elettronika tag˙hom bl-isem ta’ Le˙˙ ilMalti li jo˙or©u kull tmiem il-©img˙a
matul is-sena skolastika.
Fil-fatt dan hu folja elettronika b’tag˙rif
lingwistiku, ortografiku, grammatikali u
kulturali dwar l-ilsien Malti.
Min tassew jinteressah l-ilsien Malti u
jixtieq li jkun jaf jiktbu sew, huwa
m˙eg©eg biex jid˙ol fis-sit:
The Xaghra Association
of NSW Inc.
Date: Saturday January 24 2015
Time: Doors open 6.30 pm for 7.00pm start
Place: Mandavilla Function Centre
1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park
Entertainer: Joe Apap
Dinner: 3 Course Meal, Beer, Wine, Soft
Drinks, tea, coffee & pastizzi
Also antipasto plus fruit platters
For more information contact:
Ray & Josephine Bigeni: 9627
4182, Mob: 0439 974 182
M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641
F’din is-sit issib il-˙ar©iet kollha tal“Le˙˙ijiet” li ˙ar©u s-sena li g˙addiet.
Wie˙ed jista’ wkoll jid˙ol fis-sit taliskola:
u jikklikkja fuq il-˙olqa:
B˙ala eΩempju ta’ x’wie˙ed isib f’dan issit, qed hawnhekk nirriproduçu tag˙rif u ttifsir tal-kelma DIMINUTTIV. Din fil-fatt
The Maltese Cultural
Association of NSW
Commerates a Mass of
Remembrance in November
For deceased members and
friends at Our Lady Queen
of Peace Catholic Church
198 Old Prospect Road,
Tuesday November 11 at
Tea & Coffee will be
served after Mass
For information contact
Mary Ramundi 9688 1432
La Valette Social Centre Programme 2014
November 23: Sunday (Rabtin and their friends) - cost $45 for a 3course meal. Entertainment by Rocking Mustangs. Compare: Charlie
Camilleri. From 12.30 pm till 5pm.
December 9 - Tuesday - A trip for Cherry-picking at Orange. Lunch at
Orange RSL at one’s own expense (or bring your own) - cost $55 per person; children $30. That includes coach and morning tea. Coach leaves
from Greystanes at 6. am, and from La Valette at 6.15 am
New years eve Dinner Dance at la Valette Social Centre. Entertainment to be provided by Charlie Camilleri and the Rocking Mustangs.
More information later.
For bookings and information phone: The Centre: 96225847; Charlie Camilleri : 0410523476;
Frances 04123204320; Antoinette 96712992
tfisser xi ˙a©a çkejkna jew ˙elwa. Biex
aktar wie˙ed jitg˙allem dwar din il-kelma,
jing˙ataw g˙add g˙add ta’ eΩempji prattiçi.
Fost dawn wie˙ed isib dan il-kliem. (Ilkitba italics hija d-diminuttiv): xi˙ - xwejja˙; tifel - tfajjel; ©nien - ©nejna.
Imbag˙ad iΩid jing˙ad li d-Diminuttiv
MASKIL isir billi tnaqqas xi ittri u ΩΩid
wa˙da minn - ejja, ajje, ajja, ejju - f’nofs
il- kelma. In-Nomi Diminuttivi Maskili
m’g˙andhomx plural:
sabi˙ – sbejja˙; tifel – tfajjel; dghif –
dg˙ajjef; qasir – qsajjar; fqir – fqajjar;
˙elu - ˙lejju.
Id-Dimunittiv Femminil isir billi tnaqqas xi ittri u ΩΩid aj jew ej f’nofs il-kelma
jew a f’tar il-kelma. In-Nomi Diminuttivi
Femminili joqog˙du wkoll g˙all-plural:
Tifla - tfajla; ras – rwejsa: sieq - swejqa;
˙obΩa - ˙bejΩa; triq – trejqa; id – wejda;
tieqa – twejqa; ˙abel - ˙abla; satal - satla.
Il-kumitat jg˙arraf li
nhar il-Óadd 14 ta’ Novembru
fil-5.30 p.m. se jkollhom
fil-klabb li jinsab f’100,
Jackson St. Marsden Park
G˙al iktar tag˙rif çemplu lil
George Zahra: 0407 434 651, jew
lil Mary Said: 0421 285 698
St Nicholas Festa
Committee (NSW)
2015 Calendar of events
March 22: Autumn Fiera
July 5: Lejla fil-Buskett
October 25: Spring Fiera
November 28: Night of
December 6: Festa ta’
San Nikola
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 28, 2014
Community News
Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc
Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre
59b Franklin Street (cr with Young Street)
Mays Hill NSW. Phone: 02 98220228
Avviz komunitarju
Tune In to Radio
and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes
MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays
5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday
each month at 1pm.
MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM,
each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat.
MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930):
97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merhba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi
In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM 89.3, or
on demand:
In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am;
Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm
UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in
to link:
Maltese Programmes on TV and Web
on TVS is broadcast in Sydney
Every Saturday at 2pm;
Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am
Watch direct via HYPERLINK:;
Servizz ©did g˙all-komunita` Maltija tas-Central Coast
Il-Maltese Community Council ta’ NSW
i˙abbar li g˙adu kemm ˙atar lil Censina Cefai biex tg˙in lill-komunita` Maltija fin-na˙at tas-Central Coast.
B˙ala Maltese Welfare Co-Ordinator, Censina Cefai tista’ taqdikom
fejn jid˙ol tag˙rif u referral meta jkun hemm il-˙tie©a.
G˙al appuntament çemplu: 02 439 00012 jew 0414 267 652.
On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital
Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3
Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3
Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
To tune into digital radio you need receiver
or device with a DAB+ chip.
Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard
on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS.
Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is
the present FMwavelength. Digital radio
can also be accessed by a smart phone
and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:,
VIVA MALTA on Central Coast
Radio: November 20th; December 4, 18
from 6 pm -7 pm on COAST FM 96.3
Community Radio in Gosford NSW.
Presenter: Nathalie Gatt.
Web streaming on:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at
8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2
Meetings of Day Care
Maltese Groups in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month
from10:00am to 12 noon.
The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr
of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the
month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3
General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips
Come and join us and make new friends..
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors
Meets every second Friday of the
month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue
Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandillo Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Wednesday of the
month at the Llandilo Community Hall,
Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.
Greystanes Maltese Seniors
Meets on the second Monday of the
month n the George Preca Centre of
The Maltese Language
School of NSW
The Maltese Language School
of NSW invites applications for
Maltese language classes at
the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre located at
59b Franklin Street (corner
with Young Street) Mays Hill
(next to Parramatta West
Public School).
Both young and adult
students may apply.
For more information contact
Mary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189
or email:
You can have full access The Voice
of the Maltese online anytime by
logging to:
and click on The Voice sign
OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road,
Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George
Maltese Group
Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday
of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm
Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining.
Come Join us and make new Friends
For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02)
9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices
are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday November 11, 2014
y N
Maltese Cultural Centre 6, Jeanes Street
Beverley S A 5009
Phone Tuesday’s only: 8243 0868.
AH: 8254 6988/0421 791 327
Socials, Meals, Multicultural Events, Bus Trip Excursions
For the Aged are partly supported by
Functions Calendar for the year of 2015.
Computer Class for the Elderly
The Maltese Community Council of NSW
is conducting a computer class at the
Maltese Resource Centre
59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW
every Friday between 10.00 a.m. and 12.00
For more information contact
Emanuel Camilleri: 0409 744 376
Notice to Former members of ...
Malta Society of New Zealand
We now have a Facebook page that we invite you to
join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland.
We can be found online at: 396193070527203?ref=hl.
It is open to all have an interest in the Maltese culture.
St John Sydney Xewkija
Christmas Get-Together
held on Saturday
December 6 at 6.30 p.m. at
Mandavilla Function
Centre Downstairs,
1788 The Horsely Drive,
Horsley Park
Food: buffet and dessert.
Price $35 each
(Everybody to get his own
drinks, or they can be bought
from the centre)
For information contact:
Sam: 46841617; Rose:
96285424; Elija: 96226047;
John: 96766992; or
Martin: 0417237524
Supported by
Day Luncheon
Day Luncheon
Trip AWAY”
Bus Trip
at Maltese
at Maltese
38th 38th
Dinner Dance
March 9th
Cup Cup
April 6st
June 8th
July 19th
Bus Bus
Trip Trip
St. Mary
August 11th
St. Mary
of Mary
St. Mary
August 16th
of St.
September 12th
Day Day
September 15th
Tuesday FestaFesta
September 27th
Day Luncheon
October 5th
Monday Labour
Day Luncheon
Cup Luncheon
November 3rd
Tuesday Melbourne
Cup Luncheon
November 13, 14, 15 &16th Fri,
Mon 4 4Days
November 17th
December 19th
December 31st
January 26th
February 8th
February 17th
February 28th
Please Note! The Maltese Cultural Centre will open every Tuesday From
10am till 3pm of every week, starting on January 13 to December 19, 2015
Date of Events are subject to be altered if needed to be changed.
(Formed in November 2011)
Founder /Coordinator: Jim Borg
Structure: Secretary: Marisa Previtera;
Treasurer: Rita Kassas
Official Bank Account: Commonwealth Bank of Australia:
BSB: 062 416 A/C 10199448
Aim of Association: Raising funds for Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta
Money raised so far: 2012/2013 - $ 2,500 and 2013/2014 $35,000.
Method of fund raising: Functions, tours, donations, raffles, sponsors.
Percentage of funds raised donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta – 100%
Future fund raising: Donations direct to the official bank account,
sponsorships, tours, functions and raffles.
The Friends of Providence House NSW is the official
Ambassador of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta in Australia
Contact details: Jim Borg, Co-ordinatorPhone: (02) 9636 7767 (Mb) 0418 825 591
Proudly supported by:
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday October 28, 2014
Community News
L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta)
Friends of Birzebbuga
G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS flAwstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, il-qarrejja
huma m˙e©©a biex meta u x’˙in iridu
jid˙lu fil-website minn
fejn ikunu jistg˙u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’
Malta. Din il-website tkun a©©ornata l-˙in
kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u.
Mhux hekk biss, imma dawk li j˙obbu
jsegwu dak li jkun g˙ad-dej, kull filg˙odu
˙in ta' Malta fuq il-website jittellg˙u la˙barijiet tal-jum ta' qabel.
You are invited to attend
an information night.
will be organising a get-together on
November 15, at 6.30 p.m.
at Merrylands RSL
Military Road Merrylands NSW
with buffet and entertainment
For tickets contact: Emanuel Camilleri:
029822 0228. Mob: 0409 744 376
Come along. It will be a fun night
Kunçert ta’ Talent Malti mill-G˙aqda Kulturali Maltija ta’ NSW
Changes to Centrelink, Tax, Pension and Aged Care
Kunçert f’Wentworthville Leagues Club nhar il-Óadd 23 ta Novembru
bejn is-2.00 pm u l-5.30pm li fih se jie˙du sehem mhux inqas minn disa’
kantanti u Ωeffiena, kollha ta’ talent
Il-kantanti ewlenin se jkunu Natasha Vella (xellug) u
James Cassar (lemin) li sar wie˙ed mill-favoriti fost ilkumunita` ta Sydney. Bhala support se jie˙du sehem
Emmanuel Friggieri, Diane Camilleri,Martin Vella,
Alee, Cassie u t-tfajliet, Laura, Natasha u Isabella.
Dan il-Kuncert ˙aqqu jkun appo©©jat sew.
Wednesday 26th November 2014 at 7.30 pm
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Dun George Preca Hall, 198 Old Prospect Rd, Greystanes 2145
Mrs. Marie-Louise
Muscat, Certified
Financial Planner
Presentation and Question time will be bi-lingual.
ALL WELCOME. Free Entry. Light refreshments provided.
For more information please phone Lawrence Dimech 9631 9295
G˙all-biljetti çemplu lil Jim Borg: 96367767 jew
Doris Caruana: 96362295.
Tixtieq tkun taf iktar fuq tibdiliet tas-Centrelink,
Taxxa, Pensjoni u Aged Care?
Appell liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ Awstraljani/Maltin biex jattendu!
X’hemm ©did li jista’ jaffetwa l-finanzi tieg˙ek?
Lejla ta’ Tag˙rif
L-Erbgħa, 26 ta’ Novembru 2014, fis-7.30 pm
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Dun George Preca Hall, 198 Old Prospect Rd, Greystanes 2145
Mrs Muscat, li hija esperta f’dan il-qasam tal-ippjanar finanzjarju,
tispjega b’mod sempliċi u tkun tista’ twieġeb ukoll gћall-mistoqsijiet taghkom bl-Ingliż jew bil-Malti.
Għal aktar tag˙rif çemplu lil Lawrence Dimech 9631 9295
(25-27 Lake Ave Cringila NSW 2502, (02) 4273 0906
Dinner Dance on November 22
including a 2-course meal plus tea and coffee
Sponsored by:
Marie Louise Muscat is a Representative ofFiducian Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765
134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103 Phone: 9231 2133
Music provided by the Band ALVARO & MUNDO (By request)
CLUB OPEN 6.30PM till late. Price: $25.00 ONLY
Contact president louis on 0420857363 or leave message on 02 42 746121
Remaining activities for 2014
NOVEMBER: Saturday 15
BYP Get-together at Errington Hall, St Albans
DJ : starlight Johnny; 2 DOOR prizes of $50 each
DECEMBER: Saturday 20
Christmas function at Melrose Tullamarine with DJ Dominic in attendance
We also do weekend trips to Tocumwal & Barham 2014
For more information one should phone Victor Bartolo:
93798387 - Mobile: 0412 991 325; Joe Borg: 93044414
& Joe Busuttil: 93118968; Mary Abdilla: 93705164 &
Mary Bartolo, Mobile: 0417 549 724
The Voice of the Maltese online can be
accessed anytime by logging to:
and clicking on: The Voice sign.
Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc. PO Box
5332, Greystanes LPO, NSW 2145
Learn Maltese!
Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine,
traditions and about the amazing history of this magnificent
Mediterranean island.
Our trained and experienced teachers are qualified in
language teaching and have Maltese study credentials.
Classes available for students from 6 yrs to adults at all levels
of ability in the Maltese language.
Classes are held at:
The Meadows Public Sch.
Horsley Park Public School
Fuller Street, Seven Hills
1759 The Horsley Drive, Horsely Park
SCHOFIELDS - Terra Sancta College. Hambeldon Rd, Schofields
For more information and all enquiries
call Mary Pace Feroud on (02)9601 2189
Tuesday October 28, 2014
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Sports 1
Sydney Wanderers become first ever Australian AFC Champions
wonder if this
could ever hapSydney
pen in Australian
Wanderers of
football. It's just a
Australia decredit to the
feated Al-Hilgame; it's the best
al of Saudi
feeling a football
Arabia 1–0
player in Auson aggregate
tralia could have
in the final to
right now. This
become the
first Austranow, is brilliant."
lian team to
Nobody gave the
win the AFC
Wanderers a hope
of wining the
League title
title, but having
in the 33rd
achie- ved it gives
edition of the
Australian foottop-level Asiball a great boost.
an club footCovic’s perball tournaformance was sutment organised by the Western Sydney Wanderers players celebrate after becoming Asian Champions in Riyadh perb and one of
his saves was deAsian FootTomi Juric strike clinched a 1-0 lead for the
scribed by Australian goalkeeping icon
ball Confederation (AFC). It was also the Wanderers in the first leg in Parramatta.
12th under the current AFC Champions
On their way to the final the Wanderers Mark Bosnich as the "greatest save by an
League title.
also defeated last year’s champions Australian goalkeeper".
The club's new majority owner and chairIn so doing, the Australians also qualified Guangzhou Evergrande in the quarterfiman, Paul Lederer, was unable to gain a
for the 2014 FIFA Club World Cup.
nals stage.
No wonder the newly crowned champiWhen the Australian representatives even- visa to get into Saudi Arabia but looked as
ons were greeted by a thunderous recep- tually emerged from the airport, the crowd delighted as any of the 14 fans who travtion from their most passionate fans, more went crazy, singing, dancing and applaud- elled to the Saudi, and the thousands who
greeted the team.
than 2,000 of them who crammed into the ing to the sound of the supporters' band.
He told Fairfax Media, "It really is a phearrivals hall of the international terminal
Ante Covic, the Wanderers’ goalkeeper
when they touched down at Sydney Air- gave the performance of his life in the end nomenal, once-in-a-lifetime achievement.
port on their return home.
was deservedly named as the tournament’s It's fantastic and I'm euphoric. The people
The Wanderers who had won the first leg Most Valuable Player (MVP). He de- of western Sydney have waited a long
in Sydney by 1-0, desperately hung on for scribed the airport scene as one of the time for a team and this is what they dea 0-0 draw in the return Sunday week in the most extraordinary scenes he had wit- serve. I'm just so proud of the club and the
supporters - and for absolutely everyone
Saudi capital, Riyadh. They managed it de- nessed in his 20-year career.
spite being completely dominated by their
Speaking to journalists on arrival, the 39- who is inopponents. The final score was good year-old keeper said: "You think back and volved in this
club. “
enough for them to grab victory after a
Western Sydney Wanderers supporters giving their favourites a heroes’ welcome. Right: Ante Covic
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Sports 2
Maltese cueist wins
World Blackball title
Football: Malta
Premier League
Hibs must wait
Valletta back in contention
ibernians must wait until Tuesday
morning (Australia time) to try and
stretch their lead at the top of the standing
as their 11th round match against Balzan
was postponed twice, from Saturday, then
Sunday and on to Monday (Malta time) because their venue, the Hibs ground was unplayable due to the Friday storms. The same
happened for the tie between Birkirkara and
Meanwhile, defending champions Valletta
seem to be back in contention after registering their third successive 2-0 win. In the last
two rounds since the last issue of The Voice
of the Maltese, they defeated Balzan and
repeated the feat at the weekend against a
ten-man Zebbug Rangers.
The victory enabled them to leapfrog over
Balzan into third place and close in on
Birkirkara, who both have a game in hand.
It was Zebbug’s seventh defeat in eleven
matches, thus remain anchored at the bottom of the table.
After suffering five consecutive defeats,
Mosta, now under new coach Peter Smith
who replaced Enrico Piccioni, got back to
winning ways by defeating Tarxien 2-1.
Claudio Cassar arrives to a tumultuous
welcome by family and friends at the
Malta International Airport. Right: a
happy Claudio holds his son as he talks
to the media at Malta airport
Malta can boast of
another sports title
alta has another champion in the cue
sport after Claudio Cassar managed
to win the WPA World Blackball Pool
Championship title in Scotland by beating
Paul Vincent Bennett of South Africa 8-7
in a tight game in the final of the men’s
event. Claudio will keep the title for the
next two years, until he defends it in the
next championship.
It was the Maltese cueist’s first ever title
outside of Malta. It is a special occasion for
him. He never envisaged he could manage
it in the October 25-31 competition that is
sanctioned by the World Pool-Billiard Association, PPPO and EBA.
However, Claudio said that when he
reached the quarterfinal stage after beating
his English opponent and 2006 World
Champion Andy Lucas, he started believing more in himself and that he stood a
chance of winning the title.
The Malta Eight Ball Federation that governs the sport in Malta, participated with
both the Men’s and Under 23s National
The final, best-of-15 frames was a nerveracking affair for both contenders, particularly for the Maltese player with Bennett
putting leading a number of occasions only
for Claudio to retain his composure and call
upon his never-say-die attitude Cassar and
eventually win. He had one red ball remaining on the table in the decisive frame
but he kept his cool to emerge the winner.
Valletta v Ûebbu© R
Hamza Barry, Abdelkarim Nafti
Naxxar L. v Sliema W
Some 700 competitors took part in the
event that was held in Scotland after winning the bid to host the bi-annual championships by seeing off rival bids from Malta
and France.
This world-standardised eight-ball variant
blackball, and its older competing-standards versions (usually referred to as
"eight-ball pool") are played at the amateur
and semi-professional levels in Commonwealth countries and a few European nations. They are played on a 7-foot pool
table with either the "spots and stripes"
numbered balls, or coloured balls - typically yellow and blue, or yellow and red,
with a black ball.
John Mintoff (own goal)
Mosta v Tarxien R
Manolito Micallef, Bojan Kaljevic (M); Cleber Barbosa Viana (T)
Pieta H. v Qormi
Hibernians v Balzan
Birkirkara v Floriana
Round 10
Birkirkara v Sliema W.
Hibernians v Mosta
Valletta v Balzan
Ellinton Antonio Costa Morai
Clayton Failla (H); Wesley Lima Silva (T)
Roderick Briffa, Ryan Fenech
Floriana v Tarxien R.
Amadou Samb (F); Jorge Santos Silva (T)
Ûebbu© R. v Qormi
Carlo Monti (Z); Ryan Micallef (Q)
Naxxar L. v Pieta H.
Daren Falzon, Uchenna Em. Mbachu (2), Terence Vella
AFC Champions Wanderers, A-Lge Champions Brisbane pointless
efending champions Brisbane Roar
could not have had a worst start to the
current A-League championship. They are
still in search of their first point after four
rounds, and their home loss againt Melbourne City was their fourth in a row.
Round 5 also brought Western Sydney
Wanderers down from their pedestal as AFC
champions when they lost to Wellington and
now share bottom place with Brisbane. Both
are stillpointless, with the Wanderers hving
two games in hand.. However they have two
games in hand
Perth Glory top the standing with 12 points
followed by three teams, Melbourne Victory,
Sydney FC and Adelaide U. a point behind.
Round 5
Brisbane Roar v Melbourne C
Adelaide U v Sydney FC
Newcastle Jets v Melbourne V.
Wellington Ph. v Western Syd W
Central Coast v Perth Glory
Round 4
Melbourne City v Adelaide U
Perth Glory v Newcastle Jets
Sydney FC v Central Coast M
Melbourne V. v Wellington Ph
Western Sydney W. v Brisbane R (Dec 3)