HOLY ROSARY SCHOOL, DOUBLEVIEW NEWSLETTER # 33 Week 3 Term 4 27 October 2 November 2014 - www.hrs.wa.edu.au - admin@holyrosarydblv.wa.edu.au - 9203 4500 - 9244 1931 Weekend Mass Times Saturday Evening 6:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am Upcoming Events Merit Assembly Friday 31 October 3G Class Mass Thursday 6 November Merit Assembly Friday 7 November Assembly Kids Who Give WA Presentation Monday 10 November Remembrance Day Tuesday 11 November 3YO Kindy 2015 Parent Meeting Wednesday 12 November 6.30pm 2LF Class Mass Thursday 13 November Interschool Athletics Carnival Year 3 to 6 Thursday 13 November School Disco K to Yr 3 4.30pm – 6.00pm Yr 4 to 6 6 .30pm – 8.00pm. Friday 14 November Swimming Carnival Challenge Stadium Monday 17 November 9.00am to 3.00pm Term 4 Concludes Friday 12 December Dear Parents On the First of November 1914 the first convoy ships set sail from Albany carrying Australian and New Zealand troops to the First World War. For many of these, Albany was the last they saw of Australia. Today we live in one of the safest and most prosperous places on earth and it is largely due to the sacrifices made by these men and the many men and women who followed in subsequent conflicts defending our country and our way of life. Anne-Marie Musca, our Library Technician, has set up a display in the Library to commemorate both this and Remembrance Day which falls on 11 November, which you are most welcome to visit. The words in this poem by John McRae are a pertinent reminder of the awesome challenge for us to continue to protect all that our brave predecessors have provided for us. In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. A MESSAGE FROM THE SCHOOL BOARD Dear Parents You would be aware that our Principal, Mr Darryl Winsor, was reviewed under the Principal Review Process this year. The process involved the School Board, P&F Executive, The Parish Priest, Staff Members, Catholic Education Office personnel and the Principal. Their input was both in written form and verbally through interviews with the Review Panel who visited the school. The review culminated in a meeting between the principal and the Executive Director of the Catholic Education in Western Australia, Dr Tim McDonald. The process has now been completed and Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has endorsed the appointment of Mr Darryl Winsor as Principal of Holy Rosary School, Doubleview for a third contract period of four years. As a result of the review, the Principal has developed a Professional Growth Plan which will ensure continued development of Darryl’s role as Principal and benefit the future of the school. On behalf of the School Board and the Holy Rosary School community, I congratulate Darryl on the achievements over the last contract period and look forward to the future. Uniform Shop Times Monday 2.45 - 3.30pm Thursday 8.30 - 9.30am Not open Public Holidays or Pupil Free Days Yours sincerely MR ARTHUR PSALTIS School Board Chair SIENA Amazingly we are already at the end of Week 3! This term we have combined our usual Siena Sport sessions and our Fine Motor rotation on a Monday morning. The children will rotate between activities to continue to improve their fine motor skills for two weeks, then move onto outside activities to develop gross motor skills. Some of the activities include, threading, construction, play dough, kicking balls at goals, bocce and golf. The children have no doubt begun talking about our annual Siena Concert. We will soon begin practicing and will keep you informed in due course as to what you may need to provide. The concert can be a daunting prospect for some of the younger children so we will all need to remember to keep our expectations realistic and ensure it is all about the enjoyment! Have a lovely weekend. THREE YEAR OLD KINDY NEWS We have been talking about teddy bears this week. We learnt a dance called “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Turn Around”, had fun gluing and sticking materials on a teddy bear collage, made patterns with our teddy bear counters and enjoyed a pretend teddy bears picnic during outside play. The children are very excited about next week’s happenings. It is BRING YOUR TEDDY TO SCHOOL WEEK. Please encourage your child to bring their favourite teddy to school next week. We have lots of activities planned with our teddies. Enjoy this fun time. Love the 3 Year Old Kindy Team xxx CLEVER KINDY It's been a warm week. Unfortunately with the change in weather we have had a few bugs sneak into Kindy. To save other children and families from your child's cough, cold or flu please keep your child home if they are ill. We are working on rhyming sounds and whole and halves. Our friends attending on Thursday afternoons displayed great restraint eating half a decorated biscuit last week. Our letters this week are V and W. We have just had some fantastic new resources delivered to Kindy courtesy of the Holy Rosary P and F. Thank you so much to all the dedicated parents. We are super excited to have some brand new manipulatives. Have a fantastic week x the Kindy Crew PRE PRIMARY Our amazing artistic skills are displayed in Pre Primary this week. We carefully followed a drawing sequence to draw our own Smarty Pants. Colouring with oil pastels was tricky but the results are superb! Hopping, skipping, bowling, throwing and catching activities all featured in PMP and the obstacle course in the Kindy playground challenged our climbing skills. Time to search for “ch” words as we extend our knowledge of digraphs. Comparing, estimating and measuring which container held the most or least water became really interesting when we changed the colour of the water. We are looking forward to our incursion from the Water Corporation next week to learn more about water conservation. WONDERFUL ONES What a lovely mass 1NG ran this morning. The children all read so beautifully and they should be very proud of themselves. We have continued writing reports this week about robots, computers and different sports and we are learning lots of interesting facts. In Mathematics we have started practicing how to tell the time. As we are all experts at telling time to the o’clock we have moved on to telling the time to the half past and quarter times. You can practice with your child at home by using digital and analogue clocks around your home and asking your child to tell you the time. Thank you to all the families that promptly completed the Religion homework with your child and sent it back to class. Have a great weekend xx TERRIFIC TWOS The Year 2 students have had a super busy Week 3. This week in Mathematics we have continued looking at multiplication, learning the array strategy. In English we wrote a report on a dragonfly; we learnt so many facts! In Religion we looked at the gift of learning. Each student got to write and draw the best thing that they have ever learnt. We had lots of soccer, guitar, dancing and gymnastics! In the next few weeks both classes will be making bug catchers, please bring in any material that may be suitable for this task. Enjoy your weekend! TREMENDOUS THREES We've had another action-packed week in Year 3! In English we've continue writing procedures, and have made more yummy treats to write about. Which witch is which? We’re mastering the difference between the homophones ‘which’ and ‘witch’. It’s a bit tricky… can you test our knowledge? In Mathematics, we're learning about fractions. We've practised dividing shapes into parts and shading different fractions up to tenths. We've even found out that one half is the same as two quarters and four eighths. This means that they are equivalent fractions. We've used our detective skills to find different verses in the Bible in Religion, and have found ways that Jesus taught us how to pray. We're looking forward to starting our Christmas activities in Art, and have read the story of the Nativity for inspiration. Have a super weekend! FRIENDLY FOURS Week 3, Term 4! Can you believe it! We certainly have been busy in Year 4. We have just completed our Limericks. We have had lots of fun sharing them with our classmates! Our focus in Mathematics has been division. This is a tricky concept but we are whizzing through the questions in class! This week in Religion we have been looking at the 7 sacraments. We are very clever in Year 4, make sure you ask us to put the sacraments in order!! Have a wonderful weekend, Year Four Teachers FABULOUS FIVES This week, we have been doing a lot of exciting things. In Mathematics, we are learning how to add and subtract with fractions and decimals. We recently had an assessment on it! With Brother Stephen (for the Leadership programme), we are beginning to write our leadership speeches that will be read to the Year Fives and Sixes later in the term. We have watched videos on young leaders from the United Nations, which was great to see! In English, we have been studying a book in groups and reading about it, as well as writing about it. With Mrs Parsons, we have learnt about personification. This means, an object or an animal that has human qualities, we have made our own personifications, which we are going to hang up in our classroom. We have just finished our Art project. It is a colourful background with a black silhouette of a scene that we like. In Technology and Enterprise with Mr Winton, we have brainstormed ideas for products and then will start designing them next lesson. It can be for a human or an animal, (living thing). THE SNAPPY SIXES We’ve had an absolutely smashing week in the Year 6 classrooms, it’s frightening to believe that we’re at the end of Week 3 in our final term at Holy Rosary. In Religion, we have commenced our new unit on Advent and Christmas, which focuses initially on how we can demonstrate love and care towards our family members. In Literacy, we’re heading towards finishing our ‘Once’ character body book reports. Within these pieces of brilliance, we share about what our chosen character was like and the beginning and the end of the book, as well as what we would do with our character if we were to meet them in person. Be sure to check them out soon, they’re worth a look! We also delivered our ‘pop art’ presentations which were quite interesting and insightful. We covered all the techniques and history of this magnificent form of art, as well as examining some of the pioneer artists who made outstanding contributions to this artistic style. In Mathematics, we have looked at symmetry in all its forms and participated in numerous activities involving drawing objects and using miras. That’s all from us in Year 6, we hope you have a wonderful weekend with your families . God bless The Year 6s We have a Helen O’Grady Drama School voucher valued at $180.00, this was bought at the recent quiz night as a silent auction. The winner is unable to use it. Please email holyrosaryhelpers.com.au if you are interested in purchasing this, it is available for $135.00 SCIENCE NEWS Science Sessions Years PP, 1, 3 and 5 Pre-Primary are learning about the weather. We took our ‘weather watchers’ and went for a walk outside to see what the weather was like. We found that the sky was blue. We also noticed that there can be clouds on a really warm day. We have made some lovely snowflakes and stormy day pictures. Year 1 is learning about light and sound. Mrs Skinner played us some instruments and we tried to guess what was making the sound. We listened to a story with many sounds in it and we discovered that we use sounds for many different things. There is a sound that tells us it is time to get up and another to tell us it’s time start school. Year 3 is learning about heating up. We talked about different ways of getting warm and saw how the penguins keep warm in the Antarctica by huddling together. Mrs Skinner taught us how to do a mind map of our ideas. We learned about different heat sources and found some in our classroom. We conducted an investigation to see how spoons made of different materials heat up. Year 5 learned about the different bonding between the atoms of solids, liquids and gases and the properties associated with each state of matter. They used thermometers to discover room temperature and the freezing point and boiling point of water. They also observed that water can change state if it is heated or if it is cooled. Year 2 have science homework on finding mixtures in the home. Mrs Tanya Skinner Science Specialist ****************************************************************** LIBRARY NEWS November is Picture Book Month http://picturebookmonth.com/ The library has so many beautiful picture books for children of all ages. If you have time before or after school, please feel free to come in and browse through our picture books. Parents are more than welcome to borrow from the collection. While you are here come and look at our Remembrance Day display, as well as showcasing some of our collection this year we have some very special objects, including trench art, photographs and soldiers pay books. Miss Anne-Marie Musca Library Technician. ****************************************************************** SPORT NEWS Triathlon Selected Year 5 and 6 students competed in a mini triathlon at Hale School on Tuesday October 28. Our students performed fantastically well on the day achieving some great results. That was the final training session in their preparation for the Primary Schools Triathlon Championships which will be held on November 7 at Champion Lakes in Armadale. Interschool Athletics Interschool track and field athletics training kicked off this week with track training Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Teakwood reserve and field events training on Wednesday at lunchtime. Training will continue next week for all squad members. Swimming The Holy Rosary Swimming Carnival is fast approaching on November 17. Notes have gone home to all students in Year 3 – 6 this week. If you are able to help out please fill in the section of the permission slip and return it to your child’s classroom teacher next week. As always your help with all events is very much appreciated Mr Rob Flexman P E Teacher ****************************************************************** P & F NEWS Disco - Our final school disco will be held on Friday November 14. Kindy to Year 3 4.30pm – 6.00pm Years 4 to 6 6.30pm – 8.00pm. A flyer with information about the disco and permission slip will appear next week in the newsletter and a copy will be sent home with each child Monday November 10. We are looking for parent volunteers to help out on the night. This will include help with set up, collecting money & permission slips, selling lollies, general supervision and cleaning up. (A quick clean up will also be required between the lower and upper school event). To register your interest in volunteering, or if you have any questions, please email holyrosaryhelpers@gmail.com P & F Meeting - The next P&F Meeting will be held Monday November 10. All are welcome to attend. Quiz Night - A few items were left in the gym and have been placed in the old staff room to be picked up - a container with crackers/lollies, white platter and matching bowl. Bunnings Sausage Sizzle - Have you lost your sunglasses? We have a pair in the office. SNACK-E-TERIA Monday 3 November Wednesday 5 November Friday 7 November A Taggart, T Brearley D Chesson, C Tarquinio, L De Maria K/J Thomas, Y Psaltis, L Karabin Included in this newsletter is a canteen roster nomination form. This year I’m losing a number of my regulars as their children graduate. Are you able to help fill these gaps? Please note that the canteen menu is available for download at the school website http://www.hrs.wa.edu.au/images/pdf/ Holy_Rosary_Canteen_Summer_Menu2014.pdf If you are unable to do your roster please organise a swap Leanna 0414 953 958 ****************************************************************** PARISH NEWS The Parish office has a new contact number - 0466 127 033. Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30am to 12.30pm ****************************************************************** UNIFORM SHOP Open Hours Monday 2:30pm ‐ 3:30 pm Thursday 8:30am ‐ 9:30am There is a new uniform shop price list attached to this newsletter. PLEASE NOTE PRICE CHANGES. Please utilise one of the order forms available on the website or from the office and leave it with the front desk. I will endeavour to process your order (if time permits), as promptly as possible and have it delivered to your child's classroom when payment is successful. Have a great week. Nicole Drinkwater- Uniform Shop Coordinator ****************************************************************** SCHOOL BANKING Congratulations to the following bankers for achieving Gold Certificates for depositing thirty times this year - Mia Toutountzis, Chloe Toutountzis, Grace Fitzgerald, Montgomery Fitzgerald, Ruby McAdam and Damien Lockyer. Congratulations also to everyone else who received certificates this week. There are some great new rewards this term - swimming bag, Dollarmites moneybox, projector cup and sea streamers. The next redemption date will be Tuesday 4 November. There is a new competition this term, "Clam of Fortune" and some great prizes to be won - GoProl Cameras and Slip'n'Slides. The more deposits you make the more times you are entered (up to maximum of six entries per school banker). The bank recently measured the Savings IQ of the nation and found that Australians who learn about money management at school grow up to become smarter savers in their adult life. So they know that their School Banking program pays off. To celebrate the next generation of skilful savers, the bank has launched a Search for Australia’s Smart School Savers. Parents can visit www.commbank.com.au/smartschoolsavers and have their child tell the bank in 50 words or less what they are saving for and how they plan to achieve it. The competition is open to children aged between 5 to 12 years of age. There are some great prizes – including a national prize of $1,000 and iPads for six regional winners. The competition ends 5pm Friday 31 October 2014. We require a new volunteer next year to help with the School Banking on Tuesday mornings. If you are able to help please let us know. School Banking is every Tuesday 8:15 - 8:45am in the Siena Room opposite the canteen. Hope to see you next week. Sonja, Lisa and Belinda CANTEEN ROSTER – 2015 NOMINATION I am able to help in the canteen from 9.00am – 2.00pm (Please circle days) MONDAY WEEKLY WEDNESDAY FORTNIGHTLY MONTHLY FRIDAY ONCE A TERM NAME: ELDEST CHILD’S ROOM NO: PHONE: MOBILE: SIGNED: REQUESTS: * OTHER (Specify below*) Please return slip as soon as possible so we can put the rosters together. Thank you COMMUNITY NOTICES BEHAVIOUR TONICS - Are running courses in practical parenting. Private Consultations Available. To enquire/register go to www.behaviourtonics.com.au or call 9382 1182 ************************************************************************************************************************************ DR PETER DINGLE WELLNESS Presents - The Secret to Happier, Healthier and Smarter Kids. 24 November 2014. Doors open 6.00pm. Church of Christ, 19 Schaphella Avenue, Mullaloo. Tickets $12.00ea or $20.00 for 2. Buy tickets ahead online http://tix.yt/drdingle Web address: www.drdingle.com ************************************************************************************************************************************* RELATIONSHIPS AUSTRALIA offer courses for families. The see what courses are currently available have a look at the website www.wa.relationships.com.au ************************************************************************************************************************************* SCHOENSTATT SPRING AFFAIR - Sunday 2 November 2014, from 10 am till 2 pm. At the Schoenstatt Shrine, 9 Talus Drive, Mt. Richon. 9399 2349. Be in it to win it. ************************************************************************************************************************************* Business Directory All material printed in this newsletter is done so in good faith, for the provision of information only. We take no responsibility for the content of, or material available from texts, websites or other sources suggested. We suggest at all times that you investigate further before making any commitment.
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