OpEn Day Saturday 15th November 2014 9.00am to 4.00pm

Open Day
Saturday 15th November 2014
9.00am to 4.00pm
Please register before 12 noon
Bus routes
Bus stops
Bus number
Cycle compounds/lockers*
Cycle racks
Disabled parking
Electric vehicle charging points
Entrance to buildings
Main reception
UCLan Sports Arena
- by bus
Medical Centre
Preferred walking routes
UCLan Sports Arena &
Westleigh - by car (2 miles)
Park and Ride
Public car parks
Security Control Centre
The ‘i’
Dental Clinic
*see for access details
& Igni
88A >
Westleigh - by bus
To Portway &
Hartington Road
< 88C
te Centr
BLUE ZONE - Harris Site
GREEN ZONE - Media Factory Site
ORANGE ZONE - Adelphi Site
PURPLE ZONE - Harrington Site
Chandler Building
Darwin Building
Edward Building
Foster Building
JB Firth Building
Harris Building
Leighton Building
Livesey House
Maudland Building
Medical Centre
Pre-School Centre
Stewart Building
Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre
Wharf Building
Boatmans Court
Bowran House
Lawson Hall
Darwin Car Parks
Foster Car Park (reserved spaces for visitors)
Leighton Car Parks
Livesey Car Park
Harris Car Park
Fylde II Car Park
Computing and Technology Building
Hanover Building
Kirkham Building
Media Factory
Moss Building
Pendle Hall
Roeburn Hall
Computing & Technology Car Park
Hanover Car Park
Moss Car Park
Roeburn I Car Park (Pedder Street)
Roeburn II Car Park (Pedder Street)
Adelphi Building
St. Peters Arts Centre
Fylde Building
Library & Learning and Information Services (LIS)
Multi-Faith Centre
University Police House
Students’ Union/53 Degrees
Victoria Building
Derwent Hall
Douglas Hall
53° / Adelphi Car Park
Douglas Car Park
Fylde Car Park
Victoria Car Park
Victoria II Car Park
Allen Building
Brook Building
Greenbank Building
Harrington Building
Sizer House
Vernon Building
Eden Hall
iQ Preston
Ribble Hall
Whitendale Hall
Ribble Car Park
Brook Car Park
Greenbank Car Parks
Harrington Car Park
Vernon Car Park (Berkeley Street)
Whitendale Car Park
Ashmoor Street Car Park (temporary)
Vernon Car Park (Moorbrook Street)
Making a decision on which University to attend is not an easy one
and should not be taken lightly - only you can decide whether a place is
right for you, so take full advantage today of everything on offer.
You’ll be able to talk to lecturers - you may already know which course
you want to do or you may need more advice on which course is best for
you. Why not take a walk round the campus, most of our facilities are
open, or just see what the city of Preston is like?
After chatting to current students and asking lots of questions, hopefully you’ll leave
with a real feel for the kind of place we are.
We hope you enjoy your
UCLan Open Day.
Join the
Open Day
What’s happening
on the day?
Our registration desks will be open from 8.30am onwards on the day and
are based in the Foster Learning Zone. We strongly advise that you register
before 12 noon to optimise your Open Day experience. If you have
pre-registered then please remember to bring a printout of your fast-track
registration email with you as this will speed up the process when you collect
your information pack. Throughout the day there will be a number of
information sessions and subject talks taking place. Tutors are also available
to offer advice between subject talk sessions; see the subject talk pages for
locations or ask a member of staff for details.
Where can I eat?
Complimentary drinks will
be available throughout the day
in Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre
and Harrington Kitchen.
Foster Learning Zone, Brook Shop, Harrington Kitchen,
the Atrium, Foster Shop and the Media Factory Café will
be open throughout the event where you can buy hot and
cold meals, snacks and drinks. Our Students’ Union Shop
‘Essentials’ will also be open.
Foundation Entry Courses
If your qualifications do not meet our degree entry
requirements, or you want to change subjects, you can study
one of our Foundation Entry courses instead of repeating a
year at school or college. The new integrated Foundation
Entry degrees give you the full university experience from the
outset and are available in almost all subject areas. Equally,
if you’ve not studied for a while but have work and life
experience, a Foundation Entry course could open the door to
your dream career. You can find out more at the Admissions
stand in the Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre or at one of our talks
in Mitchell and Kenyon Cinema at 11.15am and 2.15pm. More
details will also be provided in the individual subject sessions.
Self-Guided Tour
If you would like to have a look around the campus at
your own pace then please refer to the ‘Self-Guided Tour’
directions included in this programme.
Free Sports Membership
UCLan prides itself in having a healthy
campus so most of our students are eligible
for a free Sports Membership.
This will give you access to the fantastic facilities at
both Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre and UCLan Sports
Arena and is worth £170! Over 75% of students joined
last year. We offer fitness activities (gym and classes),
sport (team games, racket sports, martial arts) and lots
more. You can visit both facilities during the Open Day
either on the UCLan Sports Arena tour or just ask one
of our Student Ambassadors for directions to the Sir
Tom Finney Sports Centre.
Multi-Faith Centre
The University’s Multi-Faith Centre is located at 33-35
St Peter’s Street (opposite the Library). It will be open
throughout the day for individual prayer and support,
as well as information on our services.
Careers offers advice and guidance throughout your
course along with a range of events and work experience
opportunities to help you make a success of your future.
There is a stand located in the Foster Building for you to find
out more information, or you can see where the centre is
located on the self-guided or campus tours.
Join the Open Day conversation #UCLanOpenDay
What’s on in the Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre?
Experience more of what UCLan has to offer by visiting the Open Day Subject Showcase in the Sir Tom Finney
Sports Centre – there’s something for everyone.While you’re there grab yourself a complimentary tea, coffee or
soft drink and immerse yourself in #TheUCLanExperience
Open Day Subject Showcases - 9.00am-4.00pm
Architecture, Construction and Environment
Building your future - your journey starts here
Art, Design and Performance
Fashion your future, design your destiny, compose your career or paint your potential
Computing, Engineering
and Physical Sciences
Everything from fractals to fundamental particles - interact with us and learn
how they interact with you! Plus discover the role of engineering in robotics, UAVs,
and our eco-marathon car
Education and Social Sciences
Growth of the Temperance Movement
Forensic and Investigative Sciences
Test your CSI skills, meet some real investigators and take part
in an anthropological experiment
Health Hidden sugar - hidden health risks
Journalism and Media
Life through a lens - get hands-on and capture your moment at UCLan
Lancashire Business School
LaunchPad - taking your skills and knowledge to the next level - join us to find out whether you have what it takes to become a leader of the future
Lancashire Law School Visit our pop-up courtroom, dress as a lawyer and have a real taste of the exciting activities we have on offer - take a photo and you could win a goodie bag!
Lancashire Science Festival
Find out how we enthuse, engage and excite thousands of visitors every year
at our Science Festival
Language, Literature
and International Studies
Open up a new world of language and culture
Medicine and Dentistry Medical sciences in our daily life
Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
The fight against brain tumours
Social Work The fight for social justice
Sport, Tourism and The Outdoors So you think you can drive? Come and test your spatial awareness in our
wheelchair obstacle course
Campus Tours (walking) - approx 1 hour
Student-led guided campus tours are available every half hour from 9.30am to 3.00pm leaving from the Sir Tom Finney Sports
Centre. There is no booking system, just turn up! Please note that these tours do not include visits to accommodation so if you
do wish to visit one of our show flats, ask a Student Ambassador or a member of staff.
Information Stands
Take a bus
Visit our individual advice stands for everything you
need to know about student life:
Hop on a free bus from the
Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre to:
Talk to a Tutor - Visit the subject information stands
outside of Talk Sessions.
City of Preston - approx 1 hour tour
Take a proper look at Preston. A city bus tour leaves
at 11.15am, 1.15pm and 2.15pm.
Student Support and Wellbeing - Specialist advice and
general guidance in areas such as support for students
with disabilities or learning difficulties, as well as personal
counselling and wellbeing support.
UCLan Sports Arena - approx 1 hour tour
A guided tour of the impressive UCLan Sports Arena
leaves at 12.15pm.
Accommodation - View a range of show flats during the
day: Student Ambassadors will be on-hand at our show flats
to take you around and help with directions.
Harrington and Greenbank buildings
Departs at 9.10 / 9.40 / 10.10 / 10.40 / 11.10 / 11.40 /
12.10 / 12.40 / 1.10 / 1.40. Last bus returns 2.30pm.
Finance - Details of our tuition fees, financial support
and finance queries.
Railway station
Regular shuttle bus service between 8.30am and 4.30pm.
Open Day
General Talks
About UCLan
Venue: Darwin Lecture Theatre
Living at UCLan – your choice of accommodation
Venue: Darwin Lecture Theatre
Financial Support Talk (including Paramedic Practice)
(NHS students should attend the NHS bursary information talk)
Venue: Darwin Lecture Theatre
What the Students’ Union can offer you
10.15-10.35 13.45-14.05 Venue: Mitchell and Kenyon Cinema, Foster Building
Choose me! How to optimise your application
10.45-11.05 12.45-13.05 14.45-15.05 Venue: Mitchell and Kenyon Cinema, Foster Building
NHS Bursary Information
13.00-13.25 (Bus departs from Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre)
Venue: Harrington Lecture Theatre
An Overview of UCLan’s Foundation Entry Courses
Venue: Mitchell and Kenyon Cinema, Foster Building
Portfolio surgeries
We are holding portfolio surgeries
in the following course areas:
• Design • Fashion • Fine Art
• Art and Design (Foundation Entry)
• Architecture
Interested applicants are invited to bring
along their portfolios for advice and
discussion with our specialist tutors. Portfolio
surgeries will be held following the sessions
for each subject - for times/venues, check the
session details in the programme.
Motorsport Club
Take a look at our Race car, Eco-marathon
car and Hovercraft on display in the
marquee behind Foster Learning Zone.
Join the Open Day conversation #UCLanOpenDay
Join the Open Day conversation #UCLanOpenDay
Information on Foundation Entry courses will be included in individual subject talks.
Talk to a tutor Visit the subject information stands in Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre (unless specified).
Accounting and Finance
Includes a taster lecture.
10.30 - 11.30 13.30 - 14.30
Greenbank 276
Stand: Business
Media Factory 007
Stand: Art, Design and Performance
Help and advice with auditions and tour of studios.
11.00 - 12.30 13.00 - 14.30
Talks followed by tour of facilities. Uncovering Archaeology - a behind the scenes experience 12.00-13.00 - Maudland 320.
11.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 14.00
Leighton 110
Stand: Forensic and Investigative Sciences
Architecture / Architectural Technology
Talks followed by tour of facilities. Optional portfolio advice session 13.30 - 14.30. Interested applicants are invited to bring along their
portfolios for advice and discussion with our specialist tutors.
12.00 - 14.30
Harris 116
Stand: Architecture, Construction and Environment
Art and Design (Foundation Entry only)
We are holding portfolio advice sessions for our courses; interested applicants are invited to bring along their portfolios
for advice and discussion with our specialist tutors. Talks followed by tour of facilities.
10.00 - 11.00 12.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 15.00
Adelphi TVi
Stand: Art, Design and Performance
Asia Pacific Studies (Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Russian)
Includes a tour of facilities and a taster session on ”The Asia Pacific unlocked!” Henna, cupcakes and lots of goodies to be had!
11.30 - 12.45 13.30 - 14.45
Adelphi 226
Stand: Language, Literature and International Studies
Astrophysics, Physics
An introduction to physics and astronomy: includes information on our research and an interactive tour of our labs.
Additional interactive tour only is available 13.00-14.00 - departing from Leighton 204.
11.30 - 13.00
Leighton 109
Stand: Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences
Biosciences - Biomedical Science, Physiology and Pharmacology, Biological Sciences, Healthcare Science
Includes interactive lab tours.
10.30 - 12.00 13.30 - 15.00
Maudland 051
Stand: Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
British Sign Language and Deaf Studies, Deaf Studies and Education
Includes a taster seminar on “An Introduction to BSL and the Deaf World”.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Harris 305
Stand: Education and Social Sciences
Business and Management, Business Administration, International Business
Includes an interactive session with a LaunchPad student.
11.00 - 12.30 14.00 - 15.30
Greenbank 202
Stand: Business
Business Management and Chinese
Includes a tour of facilities and a taster session on “It’s all foreign to me!” Henna, cupcakes and lots of goodies to be had!
11.30 - 12.45 13.30 - 14.45
Adelphi 226
Stand: Language, Literature and International Studies
Includes interactive lab demos and tour of labs.
10.00 - 12.30 13.00 - 15.30
Foster Lecture Theatre 3 Stand: Forensic and Investigative Sciences
Children, Schools and Families
Includes a taster seminar on ”Stop & Think: Dealing with Stereotypes”.
11.00 - 12.00 14.00 - 15.00
Harris 207
Stand: Education and Social Sciences
Community and Social Care: Policy and Practice and Social Work
Includes a taster session.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Harris 155
Stand: Social Work
Computing - Computer Games Development, Computer Network Technology, Forensic Computing,
Information Systems, Software Engineering
Includes interactive lab tour and a taster session.
11.00 - 12.30 13.00 - 14.30
Computing & Technology 101
Stand: Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences
Construction and Surveying - Quantity Surveying, Building Surveying, Facilities Management,
Construction Project Management
Includes a facilities tour and taster workshop on “Why buildings stand up”.
11.00 - 12.30
Harris 123
Stand: Architecture, Construction and Environment
Media Factory 007
Stand: Art, Design and Performance
Harrington 223
Stand: Health
Harris 304
Stand: Education and Social Sciences
Media Factory 007
Stand: Art, Design and Performance
Contemporary Theatre and Performance
Help and advice with auditions and tour of studios.
11.00 - 12.30 13.00 - 14.30
Counselling and Psychotherapy Studies
Opportunity to speak to staff and current students.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Includes a taster seminar on ”Youth Justice”.
11.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 14.00
Dance, Performance and Teaching
Help and advice with auditions and tour of studios.
11.00 - 12.30 13.00 - 14.30
Includes hands-on session in the labs, supported by 2nd year BDS students.
The short presentation will be followed by a tour of the Dental School and an opportunity to discuss queries with staff.
10.00 - 13.00
Allen Building
Lecture Theatre
Stand: Medicine and Dentistry
Design - Advertising, Animation, Games, Graphics, Illustration, Interiors, Products
We are holding portfolio advice sessions for our courses; interested applicants are invited to bring along their
portfolios for advice and discussion with our specialist tutors. Talks followed by tour of facilities.
10.00 - 11.00 12.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 15.00
Adelphi TVi
Stand: Art, Design and Performance
Greenbank 278
Stand: Business
Includes an interactive talk with a student.
11.30 - 12.30 14.15 - 15.15
Education and History, Education and Psychology, Education and Sociology
Includes a taster seminar on ”Keys Issues & Challenges around Education”.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Harris 303
Stand: Education and Social Sciences
Engineering - Aerospace, Architectural, Building Services and Sustainable, Civil, Computer-Aided, Electronic, Energy,
Fire, Fire Safety, Mechanical, Motorsports, Oil and Gas Safety, Robotics
Includes interactive tour of facilities including labs and workshops.
11.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 16.00
Foster Lecture Theatre 4 Stand: Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences English Language and Linguistics, English Language and Creative Writing, English Language and Literature
Includes a taster session on ”Hidden meanings!” Henna, cupcakes and lots of goodies to be had!
11.30 - 12.45 13.30 - 14.45
Adelphi 226
Stand: Language, Literature and International Studies
English Literature, English Literature and Creative Writing, English and History
Includes a taster session on ”You can write! Am I right?” Henna, cupcakes and lots of goodies to be had!
11.30 - 12.45 13.30 - 14.45
Adelphi 226
Stand: Language, Literature and International Studies
Event Management
Includes an interactive session giving you an insight into the role of tourism, hospitality and events from an academic and industry perspective.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Greenbank 274
Stand: Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Join the Open Day conversation #UCLanOpenDay
Information on Foundation Entry courses will be included in individual subject talks.
Talk to a tutor Visit the subject information stands in Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre (unless specified).
Fashion - Fashion Design, Fashion Promotion, Fashion Promotion with Styling, Fashion Brand Management,
Fashion & Brand Promotion and Journalism, Fashion & Brand Promotion and Photography, Textiles
We are holding portfolio advice sessions for our courses; interested applicants are invited to bring along
their portfolios for advice and discussion with our specialist tutors. Talks followed by tour of facilities.
10.00 - 11.00 12.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 15.00
Adelphi TVi
Stand: Art, Design and Performance
Media Factory Foyer
Stand: Journalism and Media
Media Factory Foyer
Stand: Journalism and Media
Film and Media Studies
Includes interactive demonstration.
11.00 - 12.30 14.00 - 15.30
Film Production
Includes interactive tour of studios.
10.00 - 11.30
13.00 - 14.30
Fine Art
We are holding portfolio advice sessions for our courses; interested applicants are invited to bring along their portfolios for advice
and discussion with our specialist tutors. Talks followed by tour of facilities.
10.00 - 11.00 12.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 15.00
Adelphi TVi
Stand: Art, Design and Performance
Maudland 049
Stand: Forensic and Investigative Sciences
Fire and Leadership Studies
Includes an interactive tour of labs.
10.00 - 12.00 14.00 - 16.00
Forensic Science
Includes mini crime scene interaction session. Talks followed by tour of facilities.
10.00 - 13.00 13.00 - 16.00
Foster Lecture Theatre 4 Stand: Forensic and Investigative Sciences
Geography, Environmental Management
Includes session ‘The Student View’ followed by an interactive tour of facilities.
10.00 - 12.30 13.30 - 16.00
Harris 130
Stand: Architecture, Construction and Environment
Health and Social Care
Includes the opportunity to speak to staff and current students.
11.30 - 12.30 13.30 - 14.30
Harrington 320
Stand: Health
Includes an interactive seminar on “History: questions & answers”.
11.00 - 12.00 14.00 - 15.00
Harris 307
Stand: Education and Social Sciences
International Hospitality Management
Includes an interactive session giving you an insight into the role of tourism, hospitality and events from an academic and industry perspective.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Greenbank 275
Stand: Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Journalism, Sports Journalism, International Journalism
Includes interactive session “Have a go at making the news”. Talks followed by tour of facilities.
11.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 16.00
Lecture Theatre
Stand: Journalism and Media
Languages, Languages for International Business
Includes a tour of facilities and a taster session on “It’s all foreign to me!” Henna, cupcakes and lots of goodies to be had!
11.30 - 12.45 13.30 - 14.45
Adelphi 226
Stand: Language, Literature and International Studies
Law (LLB), MLaw, LLB Senior Status, LLB Law with Criminology / International Studies / Business / Psychology / Mediation
Includes a mock trial in our Moot Court Room, where you have the opportunity to be a witness, legal counsel or even the Judge!
10.00 - 11.30 13.00 - 14.30
Moot Court Room, Harris 001
Stand: Law
Marketing, Advertising and Marketing Communications
Includes an interactive session showcasing students’ work.
10.30 - 11.30 13.00 - 14.00
Greenbank 355
Stand: Business
Leighton 003
Stand: Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences
Includes a taster talk on a mathematical topic.
13.00 - 14.30
Media Production
Includes a Media Technology hands-on session. Talk followed by tour of facilities.
10.00 - 11.30 13.00 - 14.30
Media Factory Foyer
Stand: Journalism and Media
Medical Sciences
Includes a tour of facilities and an interactive session followed by Q&A.
11.00 - 12.00 13.30 - 14.30 Harrington 113
Stand: Medicine and Dentistry
Midwifery Studies
Includes the opportunity to speak to staff and current students plus an interactive tour of our skills labs.
11.30 - 12.15 13.30 - 14.15
Brook 009/014
Stand: Health
Music Practice
Includes a portfolio and audition workshop; students can bring along their instrument to get feedback on an audition piece or bring recordings of
their music for feedback and advice on songwriting, arranging, performing and recording. Talks followed by tour of facilities.
11.00 - 12.30 13.00 - 14.30
Media Factory 007
Stand: Art, Design and Performance
Media Factory 007
Stand: Art, Design and Performance
Media Factory 007
Stand: Art, Design and Performance
Music Production
Includes studio based activity and tour of studios.
11.00 - 12.30 13.00 - 14.30
Music Theatre
Help and advice with auditions and a tour of our studios.
11.00 - 12.30 13.00 - 14.30
Includes an interactive tour of the labs as well as tasters on: ”Psychology of disgust” and ”Life stress”.
10.45 - 13.00
Darwin 254
Stand: Psychology, in Darwin Foyer
Includes the opportunity to speak to staff and current students plus an interactive tour of our skills labs.
Optional discussions regarding each of the fields of Nursing will take place after talks.
09.30 - 10.15 11.15 - 12.00 13.30 - 14.15
Harrington Lecture Theatre
Stand: Health
Nutrition and Exercise Science - including Personal Fitness Training, Human Nutrition*
The session will start with an overview of the sports provision at UCLan - including the facilities and Students’ Union Clubs, followed by practical
sessions in the laboratories, based on performance analysis using advanced scientific techniques and assessing diet using biochemical analysis.
Finally, there will be the opportunity to visit UCLan Sports Arena.
09.30 - 12.00 12.30 - 15.00
Lecture Theatre
Stand: Sport
Operating Department Practice
Includes the opportunity to speak to staff and current students plus an interactive tour of our skills labs.
10.00 - 10.45 12.00 - 12.45
Greenbank 102A
Stand: Health
Includes the opportunity to speak to staff and current students plus an interactive tour of our skills labs.
11.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 14.00
Brook 008
Stand: Health
Includes an interactive lab tour.
11.30 - 12.30 14.30 - 15.30
Foster Lecture Theatre 3 Stand: Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
Includes a taster seminar on ”The rights and wrongs of cloning human beings”.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Harris 219
Stand: Education and Social Sciences
* If you miss the beginning of the session at 09.30 or 12.30 please go to the Sport stand in Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre
for information on where to join your subject session.
Join the Open Day conversation #UCLanOpenDay
Information on Foundation Entry courses will be included in individual subject talks.
Talk to a tutor Visit the subject information stands in Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre (unless specified).
Includes interactive studio sessions. Talks followed by tour of facilities.
10.30 - 12.30 13.30 - 15.30
Media Factory Foyer
Stand: Journalism and Media
Physics, Astrophysics
An introduction to physics and astronomy: includes information on our research and an interactive tour of our labs.
Additional interactive tour only is available 13.00-14.00 - departing from Leighton 204.
11.30 - 13.00
Leighton 109
Stand: Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences
The session will start with an overview of the sports provision at UCLan - including the facilities and Students’ Union Clubs. Following this you will
take part in an interactive session which will open your eyes to the varied role of a physiotherapist.
09.30 - 12.00 12.30 - 15.00
Lecture Theatre
Stand: Sport
Policing and Criminal Investigation
Talks followed by tour of facilities. Policing - interactive demonstrations (09.00 - 10.00 or 13.00 - 14.00) in Maudland 043.
11.00 - 12.00 15.00 - 16.00
Foster Lecture Theatre 2 Stand: Forensic and Investigative Sciences
Policing Foundation Degree
Talks followed by tour of facilities. Policing - interactive demonstrations (09.00 - 10.00 or 13.00 - 14.00) in Maudland 043.
10.00 - 11.00 14.00 - 15.00
Foster Lecture Theatre 2 Stand: Forensic and Investigative Sciences
Politics - History and Politics, Philosophy and Politics, Politics and Social Policy
Includes a taster seminar on ”Who is a Terrorist?”.
11.00 - 12.00 14.00 - 15.00
Harris 158
Stand: Education and Social Sciences
Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Health Psychology, Sport & Exercise Psychology, Neuropsychology, Psychology and
Criminology, Psychology with Psychotherapy and Counselling, Social Psychology
Includes a student experience talk, “The life of a Psychology Student” followed by an interactive tour of the labs and tasters on: ”Psychology of
disgust”, ”Life stress” and ”The cognition of sport & exercise”.
10.30 - 12.30 13.30 - 15.30
Darwin Lecture Theatre Stand: Psychology, in Darwin Foyer
Public Relations and Marketing
Includes an interactive session showcasing students’ work.
11.30 - 12.30 14.15 - 15.15
Greenbank 347
Stand: Business
Public Services (Top-up)
Includes a taster seminar on ”Just Ageing? Fairness Equality and the Life Course”.
12.00 - 13.00
Harris 206
Stand: Education and Social Sciences
Religion, Culture and Society
Includes a taster seminar on “Technology and End of life: Spirituality and Death”.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Harris 158
Stand: Education and Social Sciences
Greenbank 278
Stand: Business
Retail Management
Includes taster sessions showcasing students’ work.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Includes an opportunity to try your hand at screenwriting. Talk followed by tour of facilities.
10.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 15.00
Media Factory Foyer
Stand: Journalism and Media
* If you miss the beginning of the session at 09.30 or 12.30 please go to the Sport stand in Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre
for information on where to join your subject session.
Sexual Health Studies
Includes the opportunity to speak to staff and current students.
10.30 - 11.30 12.30 - 13.30
Harrington 140A
Stand: Health
Harris 155
Stand: Social Work
Social Policy and Sociology
Includes a lecture taster session.
12.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 15.00
Social Work and Community and Social Care: Policy and Practice
Includes a lecture taster session.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Harris 155
Stand: Social Work
Sociology, Criminology and Sociology, Sociology and Psychology
Includes a taster seminar on “Sociological Imagination”.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Harris 206
Stand: Education and Social Sciences
Sport: Sports Coaching and Sports Development*
An overview of the sports provision at UCLan - including facilities and Students’ Union Clubs, followed by an interactive session giving you an
insight into the role of a sports coach in the community, development, practice and performance environments of sport. Finally there is the
opportunity to visit UCLan Sports Arena.
09.30 - 13.00 12.30 - 16.00
Lecture Theatre
Stand: Sport
Sport: Sports Science and Strength and Conditioning, Nutrition and Exercise Science*
An overview of the sports provision at UCLan - including facilities and Students’ Union Clubs, followed by practical sessions in the laboratories,
based on performance analysis using advanced scientific techniques and assessing diet using biochemical analysis. Finally there is the opportunity to
visit UCLan Sports Arena.
09.30 - 12.00 12.30 - 15.00
Lecture Theatre
Stand: Sport
Sport: Sports Studies, Sports Business Management, Outdoor Leadership, Adventure Sports Coaching*
An overview of the sports provision at UCLan - including facilities and Students’ Union Clubs. After this lecturers will talk through the course content,
followed by a Q&A session led by current students. Finally, there is the opportunity to visit UCLan Sports Arena.
09.30 - 12.00 12.30 - 15.00
Lecture Theatre
Stand: Sport
Sport: Sports Therapy*
An overview of the sports provision at UCLan - including facilities and Students’ Union Clubs, followed by an interactive session giving you an
insight into the role of a sports therapist in the recreational, training and competitive environment of sport. Finally there is the opportunity to visit
UCLan Sports Arena.
09.30 - 12.00 12.30 - 15.00
Lecture Theatre
Stand: Sport
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) with a Modern Language
Includes a tour of facilities and a taster session on “Those who can teach!” Henna, cupcakes and lots of goodies to be had!
11.30 - 12.45 13.30 - 14.45
Adelphi 226
Stand: Language, Literature and International Studies
Television Production
Includes a Media Technology hands-on session. Talks followed by tour of facilities.
10.00 - 11.30 13.00 - 14.30
Media Factory Foyer
Stand: Journalism and Media
International Tourism Management
Includes an interactive session giving you an insight into the role of tourism, hospitality and events from an academic
and industry perspective.
10.00 - 11.00 13.00 - 14.00
Greenbank 357
Stand: Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Web Design and Development
Includes Media Technology hands-on session. Talks followed by tour of facilities.
10.00 - 11.30 13.00 - 14.30
Media Factory Foyer
Stand: Journalism and Media
* If you miss the beginning of the session at 09.30 or 12.30 please go to the Sport stand in Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre
for information on where to join your subject session.
Please note that there is no booking system for any
of our campus tours - just turn up!
4.00 ‘All my questions answered. Time for home!’
We are running a Twitter #tag for
the Open Days #UCLanOpenDay
Please use this to send us your thoughts and ask any
questions before, during and after the event.
Tweets from our previous Open Days include:
Had a fab day at #UCLanOpenDay such a lovely uni!
Tutors, courses and accommodation are spot on.
Can’t wait to start in 2015 (hopefully)
Great time at #UCLanOpenDay Great advice and
seems like a fantastic place to study. Now for fun at
StudyAtUCLan very impressed with the availability
& quality of staff who spoke at length with my daughter
UCLan is definitely my first choice university
Send us your Tweets
tour directions
Start your self-guided tour in the Foster Learning Zone,
which includes three food service points for sandwiches and
salads, theatre cooking and traditional hot food, in addition
to a shop. Foster Building also includes the Admissions Unit,
International Office and Medical Centre.
Also based here is Careers, which offers all students and
graduates a range of support including advice and guidance,
work placements, workshops and seminars, along with
business startup and self-employment advice. Foster also
houses the Student Support and Wellbeing team.
Continue through Foster Building to Maudland Building,
which is home to many of our science courses and also our
Pharmacy Suite. Leave Maudland Foyer through the sliding
doors on the left to go outside and the building in front of
you is the Wharf Building which houses our motor sports
workshops and is the base for UCLan Racing. The building
behind is the Darwin Building which provides state-ofthe-art facilities for psychology and sports science and also
includes the largest 3D lecture theatre screen in Europe.
Our Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre is located on the
left as you leave Darwin. It caters for a wide variety of sports
including a double sports hall, modern gym and squash
court. This building also houses the UCLan Pre-School Centre.
Call in for complimentary drink and visit
#TheUCLanExperience showfloor.
Leave the Sports Centre and, keeping it on your left with
the car park on your right, continue up the road passing
Leighton Halls on your left. JB Firth Building is on your
right, home to our forensic science courses.
Turn right into Maudland Road and cross over with JB Firth
Building on your right and a green, white and grey building
called the Media Factory on your left. The terraced houses
on your left in front of you are the Crime Scene Houses;
immediately before these turn left up the path to the Media
Factory which includes theatre spaces, digital television
studios, video editing rooms and other facilities for theatre,
film and dance.
Exit the Media Factory and walk straight down the small
road in front of you, where on the right hand side you will
see the Computing and Technology Building.
At the end of the building cross the road to the Students’
Union, where you can find Team UCLan for sports clubs
and the Opportunities Centre for student employment, clubs
and societies and general SU information. It is also home
to the Essentials shop, Source Bar, the Print Shop and the
Atrium, as well as Pluto (student newspaper) and Frequency
1350, UCLan’s own radio station.
When inside the Students’ Union, walk straight through
and up the steps turning left at the top. You pass Adelphi
Building, which is an administration centre at UCLan, on
your right. Ahead of you is Victoria Building which is
home to our design studios and workshops, as well as
facilities for our range of fashion courses. Enter the Gallery
to see our latest exhibition.
As you leave Victoria Building, turn left towards the road
and cross at the zebra crossing. In front of you is Harrington
Building which houses our courses in social work and health.
Also situated in Harrington Building are our 24-hour campus
security office, Harrington Kitchen and one of the University’s
biggest lecture theatres which seats over 400 people. Next to
this is Allen Building, which houses the School of Medicine
and Dentistry.
Turn right out of the front of Harrington Building and then
right again down Victoria Street. Across the road on the left
is Brook Building. This five storey building incorporates IT
suites, lecture theatres, a gait analysis laboratory for studying
biomechanics and sports science plus a sports injury clinic
with two plinth rooms.
Turn left out of Brook Building and diagonally cross Victoria
Street to go down the access road between Harrington
and Greenbank Buildings. Greenbank Building houses
the Lancashire Business School, journalism and also the
clinical skills labs for nursing and midwifery. There is also a
cyber café where students can access the internet in relaxing
surroundings. As you turn left out of Greenbank, on the right
you will notice our UCLan Dental Clinic.
Walk diagonally across the car park in front of you and
along Adelphi Street to the next junction. Turn right down
St Peter’s Street/Square and on your right is the Library. The
main entrance is on this side of the building and there will be
student ambassadors on hand to show you around this newly
refurbished facility which houses The ‘i’, UCLan’s central
information point, providing a range of information, support
and guidance related to study or student life and offering
help with financial issues.
When you come out of the Library front entrance, turn right
and go down the road. On the left are various UCLan owned
properties including the Multi-Faith Centre, and on the
right is St Peter’s Arts Centre, which was once a church.
Turn left at the bottom of the road and use the crossing
next to the roundabout. Once across the road, turn left and
continue down the hill to the road entrance of Foster Car
Park. The red brick building on your left next to the car park
is Harris Building, the original University building, and
home of the Lancashire Law School and its Moot Courtroom.
You will see Foster Building in front of you
where you started your tour.
Join the Open Day conversation #UCLanOpenDay
Preston map and
travel directions
There are many different ways
of travelling to UCLan.
To help reduce the congestion, pollution and carbon
emissions associated with car travel, please consider using
public transport. As a city centre campus, we are within easy
reach of both the bus and railway stations.
We have a Travel Plan in place which aims to make the
University and Preston a more sustainable city in which to
work, study and visit. See or email
All car parks have
been reserved for
the Open Day
Please go to Foster,
Harrington, Fylde or
Roeburn car parks in the first
instance. Parking is free and
restrictions will be lifted.
You do not need to
book in advance.
Preston Campus is
located within a short
walk of the city centre.
For SatNav users, our
postcode is PR1 2HE
For a journey planner by car and public transport,
please see
The Tourist Office
More detailed directions are also available on the website
Need help on the day?
Call 07796338041
How to get here
A place to stay
A free shuttle bus will be running between Preston train
station and the campus throughout the day from 8.30am
until 4.30pm. Please find a Student Ambassador in a
red t-shirt at the station.
Preston International Hotel
(2 mins walk to UCLan)
Marsh Lane, Preston
Tel: (0870) 832 9928
Tickled Trout
(2 miles from UCLan)
Samlesbury, Preston
Tel: (01772) 877671
Premier Inn
(5 mins walk to UCLan)
Fox Street, Preston
Tel: 0871 527 8908
Ibis Hotel
(3 miles from UCLan)
Garstang Road,
Broughton, Preston
Tel: (01772) 861800
On foot:
From the Railway Station (1/2 mile)
Exit from the station’s side entrance, turn left and cross over
the main road. Turn right and then turn immediately left
down Corporation Street. Cross Ringway, turn right, then take
first left down Corporation Street. Follow signs to the University.
Please note extensive roadworks in the city centre are taking
place, please take care when making your way to the university.
From the Bus Station (1/2 mile)
Take the subway at the south end of the bus station to the
Guild Hall Arcade. Walk straight through the Arcade and
across Lancaster Road until you arrive at an open square. Walk
across the square and turn right down the hill on to Friargate.
Walk through a pedestrianised area down to traffic lights at
Ringway. At the lights, turn left to next lights, cross the road
and walk up Corporation Street. Follow signs to the University.
Holiday Inn
(10 mins walk to UCLan)
Ringway, Preston
Tel: 0870 4009066
Premier Inn
(4 miles from UCLan)
Bluebell Way, Preston
Tel: (01772) 651580
(1 mile from UCLan)
New Hall Lane, Preston
By car:
The University is signposted from Junctions 29, 31 and
32 of the M6 which are the easiest approach routes.
From Preston City Centre, follow the yellow
AA signs to the University.
From the North or West Coast
Leave the M6 at junction 32 (M55) and take Exit 1 (A6) to
Preston/Garstang. Follow the A6 to Preston and proceed
through five major sets of traffic lights.
Immediately after the fifth set, take the right hand lane and
bear right at the next set into Moor Lane, following the signs
to Liverpool. The University is signposted along this route.
From the South or East
Motorways M6, M61 or M65. Leave the M6 at Junction 29
or M61 at Junction 9 and join the M65 towards Preston,
then leave the M65 at its end (Junction 1). At the motorway
terminal roundabout take second exit (All Traffic). Follow the
A6 to Preston through three roundabouts. The University is
signposted along this route. You will come to a set of traffic
lights with a large retail centre to the left. Go straight on at this
set of traffic lights, and also at the next set you come to. You
will need to move into the middle lane for the next set of traffic
lights to go straight on, signposted Liverpool and Southport.
Continue straight through the next set of traffic lights. Move
over to the right hand lane to be ready to turn right at the next
traffic lights, signposted for Blackpool and the University.
Join the Open Day conversation #UCLanOpenDay
We hope you enjoyed your visit
For details on the next Open Days see
University of Central Lancashire - Preston PR1 2HE
All Course Enquiries 01772 892400 Email
If you would like more information about the University and the courses we offer visit
The information published in this brochure is correct at the time of printing (November 2014) but may be subject to change.
Please inform us if you do not wish to appear in any promotional photography which may be taken at this event.