Applied Acoustics Urban Sound Planning – Focus on road traffic noise Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik, Chalmers Presentation: Miljöbalksdagarna 2015 Jens Forssén Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Applied Acoustics • Tänk vid stadsplanering – SONORUS-projektet (Wolfgang Kropp & Jens Forssén) • Åtgärder – HOSANNA-projektet • Planeringsverktyg – Auralisering och interaktiva kartor (SONORUS) Jens Forssén Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Applied Acoustics SONORUS Exempel Berlin : 245000 invånare har LDEN > 65 dB 27% av de större vägarna är inkluderade i en “noise action plan”. Befolkningen antas växa med 7 % t o m 2030 Verktyg: Maxhastighet 30km/h under natten Vägbeläggningar / trafikåtgärder / skärmar Slutsats: Det tar mer än 60 år för att åtgärda problem för de 245000 Jens Forssén Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Applied Acoustics SONORUS Vad gör en Urban Sound Planner? Planering av den akustiska kvaliteten in en urban miljö Helhetssyn (holistic) och långsiktig • Masterplan för en stad som definierar den akustiska kvaliteten som man ska behålla och den kvalitet som ska åstadkommas • Del av planeringsprocessen från början Jens Forssén Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Applied Acoustics I dag: • Vi pratar buller och inte akustiska kvaliteten • Vi löser problem i ett mycket begränsat område • Vi löser de med ett korttidsperspektiv (lösningen behövs nu) • Huvudsakligen fokus på kostnader men inte på kvaliteten • Vi kommer sent in i planeringsprocessen Jens Forssén Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Applied Acoustics Urban Sound Planning • • • Training network for young researcher Sweden, United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands Test sites: Rome, Berlin, Antwerp and Brighton, Göteborg 14 young researchers - ITN financed by the EC €3.7M Jens Forssén Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Applied Acoustics SONORUS • Planering • Verktyg/åtgärder • Acceptans för att ljudmiljön är en mycket viktig faktor för ett urbant områdes funktioner: o Upplevelse av ett urbant område o Människors välbefinnande och hälsa Jens Forssén Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Applied Acoustics Upplevelse/funktion? Jens Forssén Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Chalmers University of Technology Verktygslåda för minskat trafikbuller i stadsmiljö Toolbox for reduced traffic noise in urban environments Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Verktygslåda för minskat trafikbuller i stadsmiljö Toolbox for reduced traffic noise in urban environments • Noise sources in the urban area • Distribution of road traffic, calming of road traffic, etc. • Compact or sprawled cities • Planning of buildings • Ground treatments • Materials (soil and recycled) • Barriers and berms • Trees • Greening buildings Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Vägtrafikbullerkällor – åtgärder Motorljud – förbränningsmotor (under 30 km/h, lätta fordon) (under 60-70 km/h, tunga fordon) • Ljuddämpare • Inkapsling • Körning Däck-vägljud • Däck: konstruktion (styvhet, mönster,…) • Däck: bredd • Vägbeläggning (absorption/stenstorlek, etc.) Ø Lokala inköp: el- och hybridbussar till lokaltrafik, tystare personbilar, etc. Ø Buller från motorfordon kommer inte ändras nämnvärt under närmaste 15-20 åren Ø Finns dock teknisk potential om 5-10 dB* (se även Quieter cities...-rapporten**) Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Reduction Potential of Road Traffic Noise A PILOT STUDY – 1 – Jens Forssén and Lars Ivarsson Wolfgang Kropp, Tor Kihlman, *Kropp, W., Kihlman, T., Forssén, J., Ivarsson, L. (2007). Reduction potential of road traffic noise – A Pilot Study. Applied Acoustics, Chalmers University of Technology, February, 2007. Teknisk akustik **Kihlman et al. (2014) publikationer.php? kapitel=ovrigt&rubrik=quieter_cities Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Distribution of road traffic, calming of road traffic, etc. • Spatial redistribution • Temporal redistribution • Removal (and tunnels) • Calming: Driving speed, Acceleration Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Distribution of road traffic, calming of road traffic, etc. • Spatial redistribution • Temporal redistribution • Removal (and tunnels) • Calming: Driving speed, Acceleration Urban morphology • Compact or sprawled cities • Planning of buildings (quiet side) Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Reduction methods during sound propagation HOSANNA project • Edition of summary brochure • European workshops (Dec 2012–Jan 2013) • Making available engineering prediction tools • Publishing of Handbook: Environmental Methods for Transport Noise Reduction (Taylor & Francis) Chalmers University of Technology Verktygslåda för minskat trafikbuller i stadsmiljö Toolbox for reduced traffic noise in urban environments • Noise sources in the urban area • Distribution of road traffic, calming of road traffic, etc. • Compact or sprawled cities • Planning of buildings • Ground treatments • Materials (soil and recycled) • Barriers and berms • Trees • Greening buildings Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Bättre mark? Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén The Open University, UK: A$enborough, K., University Taherzadeh, S., et al. Chalmers of Technology Soft strips and patches (gravel or soft grass land) A−weighted sound pressure level, dB 90 80 70 grass, 50 m range 60 50 40 30 SPL reference: SPL abatement: Insertion Loss: 20 10 Teknisk akustik SPL reference SPL abatement 63 125 250 61.0 dB(A) 55.7 dB(A) 5.3 dB(A) 500 1000 Frequency, Hz 2000 4000 Jens Forssén The Open University, UK: A$enborough, K., University Taherzadeh, S., et al. Chalmers of Technology Soft strips and patches (gravel or soft grass land) A−weighted sound pressure level, dB 90 80 70 grass, 50 m range 60 50 40 30 SPL reference: SPL abatement: Insertion Loss: 20 10 Teknisk akustik SPL reference SPL abatement 63 125 250 61.0 dB(A) 53.0 dB(A) 8.0 dB(A) 500 1000 Frequency, Hz 2000 4000 Jens Forssén The Open University, UK: A$enborough, K., University Taherzadeh, S., et al. Chalmers of Technology Ground roughness [Attenborough et al., Euronoise 2012] ca. 3 dB ! Teknisk akustik ! Jens Forssén The Open University, UK: A$enborough, K., University Taherzadeh, S., et al. Chalmers of Technology Low, parallel walls (0.3 m high) ! Soft strips and patches (gravel or soft grass land) + ground resonators… Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Input data and models from Bradford University (Kirill Horoshenkov, Amir Khan, Hadj Benkreira) (b) Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Low maintenance high performance low density soil – acousAc models Low density soil High porosity and low flow resisAvity increases sound absorpAon performance of low density soil. Summary of soil properAes Soil type Substratum Clay based Teknisk akustik Normal garden soil – Clay based Flow resistivity (exp.) (Pa.s/m2) Flow resistivity (theor.) (Pa.s/m2) Porosity (exp.) Porosity (theo.) Tortuosity (exp.) Tortuosity (theo.) Thickness (exp.) (m) Thickness (theo.) (m) 7,600 566,350 7,218 620,650 0.76 0.39 0.76 0.39 - 1.36 2.05 0.07 0.10 0.08 0.04 Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology ApplicaAons of recycled materials in noise barriers Sound absorbing and soil reten?on applica?ons Sound transmission applica?ons A vegeta(ve wall: composi(on (le4); installa(on (right). Could also be used indoors to improve air quality. Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Bättre skärmar?Chalmers University of Technology CSTB, France: Defrance, J., Jean, P., Baulac, M., et al. Gabions Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Example: low, absorptive/green barriers EURONOISE 2012 10–13 June, Prague Van Renterghem et al.: Low vegetated barriers in streets ! Teknisk akustik Figure 1. Geometrical setup of the street canyon configuration under study with indication of dimensions, location of receiver lines and screens, and different materials considered. Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Skog/träd/buskar • Mark • Motverkar negativ vindeffekt • Absorption genom ljudspridning (scattering), ovan ca 1 kHz Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Trees Ghent University/iMinds (formerly IBBT), Belgium: Van Renterghem, T., Botteldooren, D., et al. Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Tree belts How to increase shielding ? Teknisk akustik How to decrease stem cover fraction without affecting shielding (too much)? Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Tree belts Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén University of Technology [HOSANNA, FP7Chalmers project,] Greening buildings Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Greening buildings Yuliya Smyrnova, Jian Kang (USFD), Timothy Van Renterghem (IBBT), Maarten Hornikx (CTH/TUE) Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Case: single street Vegetation in street canyon Ref. case: no vegetation: that consist of plants, growing medium packed into geotextiles or pots and a supporting structure may be applied. The noise reduction potential of vegetation including substrate placed on street canyon facades is affected by canyon width, vegetation and substrate placement, and receiver position. The noise absorption effect is more efficient in narrower canyons and the extra attenuation provided by placing vegetation with substrate or other absorbing surfaces on facades increases with greater source–receiver distance. Adding vegetation to facades in traffic-bearing streets is more effective for higher receiver positions. Vegetation absorbs and scatters sound mainly at mid and high frequencies, so the acoustic effectiveness of greening facades will be lower at low frequencies. To illustrate the effect of facade vegetation, noise reduction was calculated for a single street with 19-m-high facades on both sides, assuming nonvegetated facades with very low noise absorption. The acoustic treatment consisted of a supporting system, soil, and vegetation. The calculated predictions suggested that a noise reduction of 2–3 dB(A) may be obtained at a height of 1.5–4 m if all facades are covered with vegetation, compared with non- Receivers at1.5 m and 4 m height on Teknisk akustik the façade Noise reduction for cases with green wall substrate: Vegetated facades in urban squares VEGETATED FACADES IN URBAN SQUARES As in the case of urban streets, the noise reduction potential of vegetated facades is greater for narrower squares and for receivers situated further from traffic sources. Note that if traffic runs through the square itself, the vegetation will reduce the noise by less than if the traffic runs on a side street. The effect of green wall treatments on facades was predicted for a square with a street on one side, assuming non-vegetated facades with very low noise absorp-Jens tion. Averaged over 1.5-m-high receivers, a reduction of Reduction: 2-3 dBA Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Case: street canyon and courtyard Vegetated courtyard facades Teknisk akustik VEGETATED COURT YARD FACADES VEGETATED OPENINGS TO COURT YARDS Having a quiet side bordering a dwelling would be useful to reduce the adverse effects of noise, such as annoyance and sleep disturbance. Methods that reduce noise in courtyards can therefore be valuable as a complement to noise reduction on the most noise-exposed facades of buildings. Noise levels in courtyards are lower with higher facade absorption coefficients. Vegetated facades in courtyards reduce noise from all sources situated outside the courtyard, and vegetated facades are also beneficial for noises originating from inside the courtyard. The effect of vegetated courtyard facades is greatest at the highest frequencies and for lower receiver positions, with an average reduction of 4 dB(A), Openings to courtyards can transmit noise, reducing the relative quietness of the non-exposed sides of dwellings. Compared with an enclosed courtyard, an opening facing a busy street can increase the average noise level in the courtyard by up to 15 dB(A) for a 3-m-high opening and 18 dB(A) for a building-height opening of 19 m. In the case of an opening facing a non-trafficked street crossing a busy street, the noise level increases by approximately 6 dB(A) and 10 dB(A) for opening heights of 3 and 19 m, respectively. The noise level differences are relative to road traffic noise originating from the main street only, considering that no noise is coming from side roads. Vegetating openings leading to courtyards can Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology vegetated façades of the courtyard Noise reduction with vegetated walls on facades in the courtyard: 3.5 dBA Noise reduction for vehicle speed averaged over: 30–70 km/h. Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Absorbing entrance to the courtyard ! Teknisk akustik Opening height 3m Reduction 4.5 dBA 9.2m 4.1 dBA Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology vegetated roofs Green roofs with short vegetated roof-edge barriers ROOF BARRIERS Teknisk akustik A vegetated roof barrier positively affects the sound field in the courtyard by the presence of absorption at the diffraction edges. For example, a vegetated lowheight barrier can be installed along the edges of flat roofs nearest the courtyard, nearest the street canyon, or along both edges. When a barrier is placed along the roof edge nearest the canyon or the courtyard, the average noise reduction is approximately 1 dB(A) for a 0.6-m-high barrier. Placing low barriers along both sides of the central building reduces the noise by an average of 3 dB(A). For a narrow configuration with a street width of 10 m, the noise is reduced slightly more, by an additional approximately 1 dB(A). Note that low-height barriers without vegetation have an insignificant effect in terms of noise reduction. Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology Example ! Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Chalmers University of Technology vegetated roofs Noise reduction: 3 dBA 7.4 dBA 7 dBA 8 dBA Flat roof performs better without vegetation Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén Nyttokostnadsanalyser (Ronny Klæboe et al., TOI) För att skatta nyttan av åtgärden vs kostnaden Exempel: Enkelt grönt tak, nyttokostnadskvot ca 2 Chalmers University of Technology Upplevd förbättring Example: field studies including perception [Nilsson, M. et al., Stockholm University] Perceived annoyance (magnitude estimation scale,) 60 No barrier Barrier 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 A-‐weighted sound pressure level (dBA, LAeq,4s) Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén HOSANNA – combining abatements Illustration, ! T. Hennix, HOSANNA! Chalmers University of Technology Sammanfattning • Var med tidigt i processen • Använd alla verktyg Teknisk akustik Jens Forssén
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