Welcome to Solna’s schools 2015 Schools in Solna The information about schools in Solna is divided up into geographical areas. This directory presents each unit – municipal and independent schools – individually. Contents General information 4 Welcome to Solna, Academic year details 4 Preschool class 5 Applying for preschool class and compulsory school 5 Leisure-time centres 5 Compulsory school 6 After-school clubs 6 Upper secondary school 6 Special school 7 Accident insurance 7 Questions, opinions and complaints 7 Northern area 8 Bergshamraskolan, Ingridskolan, Svedenskolan, Ulriksdalsskolan Central area 12 16 18 Alfaskolan, Vittra grundskola i Frösunda, Skytteholmsskolan, Råsunda skola, Råsunda RH-enhet, Ekensbergsskolan, Spanska skolan, Barnens MontessoriAkademis skola Southern area Granbackaskolan, Tallbackaskolan, Särskolan Tallbacka, Heldagsskolan Rullen, Ängkärrsskolan Secondary schools in Solna Solna Gymnasium, Andreasgymnasiet, Rullen, Ingridskolan, Järva VIP’s gymnasiesärskola, Psykologigymnasiet, Peabskolan 3 Welcome to Solna! Academic year details Spring term 2015 Solna has a wide range of schools. As a parent in Solna, you can choose a municipal school or a school operated by a private provider, known as an independent school. You can also choose schools outside Solna. This directory presents the alternatives available in Solna in 2015 and how to apply for a place. More detailed information about all schools and how to apply for a place can be found at solna.se/forskolaskola If you have any questions about schools: Contact centre 08-746 10 00 The City of Solna’s contact centre is open at the following times: Monday-Wednesday 08:00-17:00 Thursday 08:00-18:00 Friday 08:0015:00 First school day of term: Friday 9 January Spring holiday: Compulsory school flexible spring holiday 23 February-6 March (weeks 9-10) Upper secondary school 23-27 February (week 9) Easter holiday: 7-10 April (week 15) Holiday: 1 May Holiday: 14-15 May (Ascension Day) Last school day of the academic year: Thursday 11 June Autumn term 2015 First school day of the academic year: Wednesday 19 August Autumn holiday: Monday 26-Friday 30 October (26-28 October are study days for teachers) Last school day of term: Friday 18 December Schools have five study days during holidays for planning and staff training. Steering document The Swedish Government and the Riksdag set targets and guidelines for preschool class, compulsory school, upper secondary school, special compulsory school, special upper secondary school and leisure-time centres. The municipalities are responsible for implementation. In Solna, this responsibility lies with the Board for Children and Education. Preschool class for 6-year-olds Preschool class is an optional part of compulsory school. The municipality is obliged to organise preschool class for all children from the autumn term when they reach the age of 6. Preschool classes in Solna are held at the same premises as compulsory school. Your child will be able to continue his or her compulsory schooling at the school where he or she starts preschool class. The aim is to encourage each child’s development and learning and to prepare him or her for continued schooling. In Solna, preschool class cooperates with the lower school years. 4 solna.se/forskola-skola Attendance times and fees Preschool class is three hours per day during term time, and pupils are on holiday at the same time as compulsory school pupils. Preschool class is free of charge. Lunch is not served. However, if your child attends both preschool class and a leisure-time centre, lunch and snacks will be served. Fees are charged for attending a leisure-time centre. The cost can be found on our website and in the “Regler och avgifter” (“Rules and fees”) brochure. We apply maximum charges. Preschool class works closely alongside leisure-time centre operations. In Solna, your child can attend a municipal leisure-time centre on weekdays between 06:30 and 18:00. During school holidays and on public holidays, children can attend leisure-time centres all day. Children of jobseekers, stay-at-home parents or parents on parental leave are entitled to a leisure-time centre place for 30 hours per week during the academic year, and for 15 hours per week during school holidays. For jobseekers, the limit of 15 hours may be temporarily changed if necessary in agreement with the school. Applying for preschool class and compulsory school Guardians of children who reach the age of six during the year make their school choices via the preschool/ school e-service. If there are sufficient spaces, you can choose another school for your child. If you require a leisure-time centre place, you should apply for this at the same time. You will need an e-ID or a mobile banking ID to log on to the e-service. Guardians of children who reach the age of seven during the year and who do not already attend preschool class should not use the e-service. A form for school choices will be sent to them instead. No new application is needed for children who attend preschool class and who wish to continue at the same school. If you want to choose a compulsory school in another municipality or an independent compulsory school/ preschool class, you must apply for a place yourself by contacting the school direct. You should also state your choice of preschool class via the e-service. If you move to Solna when your child is older than six or seven, or mid-way through an academic year, you should call the school you want your child to attend direct. If you have any other questions, call the contact centre on 08-746 10 00. Leisure-time centres Children in preschool class or years 1-3 at compulsory school can attend a leisure-time centre before or after the school day. Leisure-time centres offer children meaningful, stimulating leisure time. Activities aim to support children’s intellectual, social, emotional and physical development. Leisure-time centres provide children with a good level of care featuring respect for the individual child and giving the child an experience of trust, security, belonging and continuity. In Solna, all leisure-time centres are based at schools. You should apply when choosing a school. Attendance times and fees In Solna, your child can attend a municipal leisuretime centre on weekdays between 06:30 and 18:00. Fees are charged for attending a leisure-time centre. We apply maximum charges. The cost can be found on our website and in the “Regler och avgifter” (“Rules and fees”) brochure. If you have a place in another municipality, you will pay leisure-time centre fees to Solna regardless of whether your child attends a municipal and independent establishment. Compulsory school Compulsory school attendance begins at the age of seven. All children should start compulsory school in the autumn term of the year when they reach the age of seven. If there are special reasons, a child may postpone starting school until a later date. solna.se/forskola-skola 5 The role of school is to promote learning in which the individual is encouraged to acquire and develop knowledge and values. In its cooperation with home life, school shall promote pupils’ all-round personal development into active, creative, competent and responsible individuals and citizens. Psychologists and specialist educationalists support activities where necessary. If you have any questions, please contact the contact centre on 08-746 10 00. You child will always be given a place at a municipal school in Solna. If you choose another school, your child will be able to start this school if there are sufficient places. There is no cost other than transport to and from school, which you pay for yourself. After-school clubs for children in years 4 and 5 and leisure-time activities for year 6. For school year 4 and school year 5, Solna offers enrolment at leisure-time activities, after-school clubs. Open leisure-time activities are offered for year 6. These activities are run by the Department of Culture and Leisure (08-746 10 00). Native language teaching at compulsory school The City of Solna offers native language teaching to pupils with a native language other than Swedish who use this language for everyday communication. You can find out more about native language teaching at www.solna.se If you require native language teaching for your child, you should speak with the staff at your child’s school. Travelling to and from school Pupils can obtain an SL card to travel to and from school if the distance to school is: - at least 2 km for pupils in preschool class up to and including year 3 - at least 3 km for pupils in years 4-9 - at least 5 km for upper secondary school pupils Guardians should apply for school transport for their children. A form can be found at solna.se/skolaforskola 6 All upper secondary school pupils with a journey to school of at least 6 km can obtain an SL card. Traffic conditions, disability and other specific circumstances may also bring entitlement to school transport. For pupils who have recently arrived in Sweden Guardians of pupils who have recently arrived in Sweden should contact the contact centre on 08-746 10 00. The school will offer pupils who have recently arrived in Sweden and who do not speak Swedish extra teaching in Swedish as a second language. The aim is that pupils should acquire good knowledge of Swedish as soon as possible. Upper secondary school Upper secondary school is optional and free of charge. This provides basic knowledge for professional and social life, and for further studies. You can apply for upper secondary school up to and including the year when you reach the age of 19. There are 18 national programmes, twelve of which are vocational programmes and six of which are preparatory programmes for university. There are also five introductory programmes for students who do not meet the requirements for a national programme. There are different requirements depending on the programme applied for. When making your upper secondary school choices, you choose a programme, a specialisation and a school. Admission is based on grade credits. It is important to apply for more than one alternative. If you live in Stockholm County you can apply online via Stockholm County’s website for upper secondary school admission, www.gyantagningen.se Here, you will also find more information about admission to upper secondary school. Letters containing log-in details will be sent by post. Native language teaching at upper secondary school You can apply for native language teaching at upper secondary school if one of your parents speaks a language other than Swedish and you use this language for everyday communication. Speak with your upper secondary school if you would like native language teaching. solna.se/forskola-skola Youth guidance centres Youth guidance centres are for young people aged 12 to 22. You can contact these centres for help with issues relating to sex, relationships and body matters, social advice, counselling and therapy, on a short-term or long-term basis. Visits are free of charge, and everyone has a duty of confidentiality. Address: Nybodagatan 10-12 Tel. 08-734 21 59 E-mail: ungdomsmottagningen@solna.se Special school Special school is a specialist form of school aimed at children and young people who have difficulties following teaching at compulsory school due to learning difficulties. Training school is available as a specialisation within compulsory special school. Special compulsory school lasts for nine years. Both special compulsory school and training school are available in Solna. Activities take place as a specialist form of school at Tallbackaskolan, but there are also pupils enrolled for special compulsory school at other schools in Solna. Accident insurance Collective accident insurance applies around the clock for all children and young people aged 0-19 who are registered as residents in Solna. This insurance also covers children from other municipalities who attend preschool or school in Solna, but only during school hours. For more detailed information, please see “Försäkringsbesked om kollektiv olycksfallsförsäkring för elever, barn, ungdomar och andra grupper inom Solna stads verksamhetsområde” (“Collective accident insurance for pupils, children, young people and other groups within the City of Solna’s operations”). Details of this accident insurance are available from your child’s school or from www.solna.se/forskola-skola/trygg-saker-/forsakring. Food and health We follow the Swedish National Food Agency’s recommendations when it comes to school food. Pupils who require a special diet due to allergies or for other medical reasons should submit a doctor’s certificate confirming this. Special diets for religious reasons should be confirmed in writing by the pupil’s guardian. Do you have any questions about school, leisure-time centres and after-school clubs? Contact centre Monday-Wednesday 08:00-17:00 Thursday 08:00-18:00 Friday 08:00-15:00 08-746 10 00 Every school has its own e-mail address. See the contact details in this directory for each school. Questions about after-school clubs and open leisure-time activities Contact centre: 08-746 10 00 Any opinions or complaints about education? Chapter 4, § 8 of the Swedish Education Act “The responsible authority shall have written routines in place for receiving and investigating complaints about education. Information about these routines shall be provided in a suitable manner.” The following routines apply when pupils or guardians are dissatisfied with education. These should be seen as a rising series of actions. Complaints may be made orally or in writing. • Contact the teacher in question. • Contact the head teacher/head of preschool responsible. • Contact the manager for schools/preschools at the Board for Children and Education. • Contact the administrative manager at the Board for Children and Education. If you are not satisfied with these actions, a report can be made to the Swedish Schools Inspectorate or the Child and School Student Representative. You can do this in writing at www.skolinspektionen.se or by letter. solna.se/forskola-skola 7 Norra området Norra området KOMMUNAL VERKSAMHET Grundskolor Bergshamraskolan Hjortstigen 1, 170 71 Solna Tfn 08-746 10 00 Myndighetsbrevlåda: bergshamraskolan@solna.se Hemsida: www.solna.se/bergshamraskolan Rektor t.f. Eva-Lotta Aste (Kurt Olsson fr.o.m. april) Biträdande rektor Carl Johan Westman Förskoleklass Skolår 1-9 Fritidshem C:a 400 elever (jan 2015) 8 Norra området Norra området FRISTÅENDE VERKSAMHET Grundskolor Ingridskolan Hjortstigen 1, 170 71 Solna Expedition Tfn 08-27 26 23 Kansli Tfn 08-26 88 20 E-post: info@ingridskolan.se Hemsida: www.ingridskolan.se Rektor Ingrid Svedin Mob 070-950 62 23 Studierektor Andreas Hellqvist Tfn 08-27 26 23 Studietektor Anton Gustavsson Tfn 08-27 26 23 Skolår 1-9, gymnasium Fristående grund- och gymnasieskola för elever med Asperger syndrom/autism. Skolan erbjuder fritidsverksamhet och after school för äldre ungdomar. Svedenskolan Bergshamra UTVECKLINGSPEDAGOGIK Sverige AB Hjortstigen 3, Box 7005 170 07 Solna Tfn 08-517 072 00 Fax 08-517 072 29 E-post: svedenskolan.bergshamra@up.se Hemsida: www.svedenskolanbergshamra.se Rektor Nicklas Johansson Tfn 08-517 07 201 Mob. 076-130 01 72 nicklas.johansson@up.se Biträdande rektor Anna Treskog Tfn 08-517 07 231 Mob 073-372 03 56 anna.treskog@up.se Biträdande rektor Aniki Wallerå Tfn 08-517 07 244 Mob 076-130 22 03 anki.wallera@up.se Verksamhetschef: Ida Gustafsson Tfn: 08-517 07 240 Mob: 076-770 96 44 ida.gustafsson@up.se Fristående grundskola för elever med autism / Asperger syndrom skolår f-9. Fristående grundsärskola för elever inom autismspektrat skolår f-9. Skolan erbjuder även fritidsverksamhet – fritidshem och korttidstillsyn. 9 Norra området Foto: Håkan Jersenius, Överjärva gård Norra området KOMMUNAL VERKSAMHET Grundskolor Ulriksdalsskolan Banmästargatan 3, 170 67 Solna Tfn 08 –746 10 00 Rektor Lena Lundström Biträdande rektor F-klass Katarina Hagman Biträdande rektor åk 1-3 och fritidshem Catharina Nordgren Biträdande rektor åk 4-9 Jan Källström E-post: ulriksdalsskolan@solna.se Hemsida: www.solna.se/ulriksdalsskolan Förskoleklass Skolår 1-9 Fritidshem c:a 750 elever (jan 2015) 10 Norra området Norra området KOMMUNAL VERKSAMHET Grundskolor Den första nya grundskolan i Solna på 40 år Ulriksdalsskolan är den första nya kommunala skolan i Solna på 40 år. Skolan har kapacitet för 900 elever och en personalstyrka på cirka 130 personer. Fastigheten är 10 000 kvadratmeter stor och innehåller lokaler för undervisning, laboratorium, bibliotek och skolmatsal med tillagningskök. Intill skolan ligger en fullstor sporthall på 2000 kvadratmeter som kommer att samutnyttjas av skolan och kommunens föreningsverksamhet. Detta för att möta det ökade behovet av moderna idrottshallar i Solna och Stockholmsområdet. 11 Centrala området Centrala området KOMMUNAL VERKSAMHET Grundskolor Skytteholmsskolan Ankdammsgatan 14-16, 171 43 Solna Tfn 08-746 10 00 Fax 08-734 20 07 E-post: skytteholmsskolan@solna.se Hemsida: www.solna.se/skytteholmsskolan Rektor F-3 Susanne Jonsson Rektor 4-9 Katarina Koto Förskoleklass Skolår 1-9 Grundsärskola inkluderad Fritidshem C:a 700 elever (jan 2015) 12 Centrala området Centrala området KOMMUNAL VERKSAMHET Grundskolor Ekensbergsskolan Ekensbergsvägen 89, 169 31 Solna Tfn 08-746 10 00 Fax 08-83 10 32 E-post: ekensbergsskolan@solna.se Hemsida: www.solna.se/ekensbergsskolan Rektor Annette Enbuske Förskoleklass Skolår 1-5 Fritidshem C:a 350 elever (jan 2015) 13 Centrala området Centrala området KOMMUNAL VERKSAMHET Grundskolor Råsunda skola Stråkvägen 11 169 35 Solna Tfn 08-746 10 00 Fax 08-83 80 28 E-post: rasundaskolan@solna.se Hemsida: www.solna.se/rasundaskolan Rektor åk F-5 Gabriella Dahlberg Rektor åk 6-9 Peter Björk Bitr rektor Anita Unger Terzakis Förskoleklass Skolår 1-9 Fritidshem C:a 800 elever (jan 2015) 14 Centrala området Centrala området FRISTÅENDE VERKSAMHET Grundskolor Vittra i Frösunda Alfaskolan Anders Lundströms gata 5 169 73 Solna Tfn 08-444 94 70, 08 444 94 71 E-post: frosunda@vittra.se Hemsida: www.vittra.se PYSSLINGEN FÖRSKOLOR OCH SKOLOR AB Gustav III:s Boulevard 15 169 72 Solna Tfn 08-655 00 87 Fax 08-655 08 74 E-post: alfaskolan@pysslingen.se Hemsida: www.pysslingen.se/alfaskolan Rektor Ann-Sofi Rydholm Tfn 070-556 26 24 Bitr.rektor Ulrika Rydsheim Tfn 070 274 24 45 Förskoleklass Skolår 1-9 Fritidshem C:a 350 elever Spanska skolan Rektor Mi Åberg Anell Bitr rektor Joakim Lindberg Skoladministratör: Ida Alsborger Förskoleklass Skolår 1-9 Fritidshem C:a 400 elever Västra vägen 7c 169 61 Solna Tfn 010-157 63 15 E-post: spanskaskolan@medborgarskolan.se Hemsida: www.spanskaskolan.se Rektor: Selene Higuita Tfn.010-157 63 16 Skolår F-3 Fritidshem C:a 100 elever Barnens MontessoriAkademi Vasavägen 33 169 57 Solna E-post skola@bma.nu Hemsida: www.bma.nu Intresseanmälan: skola@bma.nu Barnens Montessoriakademi AB Box 24175 10451 Stockholm Rektor: Lotta Mörner och Dianah Kane Förskoleklass C:a 14 elever 15 Södra området Södra området KOMMUNAL VERKSAMHET Grundskolor Granbackaskolan Emmylundsvägen 10-12, 171 72 Solna Tfn 08-746 10 00 Fax 08-83 46 85 E-post: granbackaskolan@solna.se Hemsida: www.solna.se/granbackaskolan Rektor Sofia Biträdande rektor: Linda Seman Förskoleklass Skolår 1-5 Fritidshem C:a 330 elever (jan 2015) Tallbackaskolan Kristinelundsvägen 1, 171 50 Solna Tfn 08-746 10 00 Fax 08-734 29 20 E-post: tallbackaskolan@solna.se Hemsida: www.solna.se/tallbackaskolan Rektor Mette Sandh (1 mars) Biträdande rektor Ann Trossö Förskoleklass Skolår 1-9 Fritidshem C:a 430 elever (jan 2015) Grundsärskola vid Tallbackaskolan Skolår 1-9 Yngre gruppen Tfn 08-746 10 00 Äldre gruppen Tfn 08-746 10 00 Totalt c:a 15 elever (jan 2015) 16 Soc Södra området Södra området FRISTÅENDE VERKSAMHET Grundskolor Heldagsskolan Rullen Göran Perssons väg 45 171 55 Solna exp.rullen@telia.com Tfn 08-735 21 80 Fax 08-27 09 84 Rektor Anne Christine Svahn Förskoleklass Skolår 1-10 Totalt 15 elever ”Särskola i heldagsform Heldagsskolan Rullen är en träningsskola för flerfunktionshindrade elever. Ängkärrskolan Ängkärrsgatan 9 Tfn 08-120 21 670 171 70 Solna Fax 08-730 35 66 carin.segerstrom@angkarrskolan.se Rektor Carin Segerström Skolår 4-9 Totalt 125 elever Fristående grundskola med specialinriktning mot barn med dyslexi och neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar 17 Gymnasium Foton: Henrik Larsson, Marianne Söderström, Solna Gymnasium Gymnasieskolor i Solna KOMMUNAL VERKSAMHET Solna Gymnasium Råsundavägen 80, 169 57 Solna Tfn 08-746 10 00 Fax 08-734 26 38 E-post: solnagymnasium@solna.se Hemsida: www.solna.se/solnagymnasium Rektor Dan Sundblad Biträdande rektor Johan Sigstedt Biträdande rektor Ulrika Forsberg c:a 750 elever Ansökan till gymnasiet gör du på www.gyantagningen.se 18 Gymnasium Gymnasieskolor i Solna FRISTÅENDE VERKSAMHET Andreasgymnasiet Psykologigymnasiet Anderstorpsvägen 10 171 54 Solna Rektor Therése Wallén info@andreasgymnasiet.com rektor@andreasgymnasiet.com Industrivägen 19 171 48 Solna Rektor Sidiri Ekenryd Totalt 165 elever kontakt@psykologigymnasiet.se www.psykologigymnasiet.se Tfn 08-618 05 03 Mob.070-2735830 www.andreasgymnasiet.se 50 elever Heldagsskolan Rullen Gymnasiesärskola år 1-4 Göran Perssons väg 45 171 55 Solna Rektor Anne Christine Svahn exp.rullen@telia.com www.heldagsrullen.com Tfn 08-27 27 30 Peabskolan Tfn 08-735 21 80 Fax 08-27 09 84 Södra Långgatan 20 169 59 Solna Rektor Jan Röjestål Mob 0733-37 58 71 jan.rojestal@peab.se www.peab.se/om-peab/peabskolan/vara-skolor/solna/ Ingridskolans gymnasium Hjortstigen 2 Exp tfn 08-27 26 23 170 71 Solna Kansli tfn 08-26 88 20 Rektor Ingrid Svedin Mob 070-950 62 23 Studierektor Andreas Hellqvist Tfn 08-27 26 23 Studietektor Anton Gustavsson Tfn 08-27 26 23 info@ingridskolan.se www.ingridskolan.se Fristående grund- och gymnasieskola för elever med Asperger syndrom/autism. Skolan erbjuder fritidsverksamhet och after school för äldre ungdoma VIP gymnasiesärskola Hagalundsgatan 16B 169 63 Solna Rektor Marina Smeds marina.smeds@nytida.se Tfn 073-377 53 11 www.nytida.se 19 Schools in Solna This directory provides information about schools in Solna. More information is available from the website: www.solna.se/forskola-skola Applying for preschool class and compulsory school Guardians of children who reach the age of six during the year make their school choices via the preschool/school e-service. Additional information is available at www.solna. se/skolval. If your child reaches the age of seven during the year and has not attended preschool class, you will receive information and a registration form to complete and send directly to the relevant school. If you require a leisure-time centre place, you should apply for this at the same time. Applying for upper secondary school If you live in Stockholm County you can apply online via Stockholm County’s website for upper secondary school admission. www.gyantagningen.se Any questions about schools? The City of Solna’s contact centre 08-746 10 00 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 08:00-17:00 Wednesday 08:00-18:00 Friday 08:00-15:00 CITY OF SOLNA Board for Children and Education • 171 86 Solna Tel. 08-746 10 00 • Contact: solna.se/kontaktcenter www.solna.se/forskola-skola
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