West Side Christian School PARENT BULLETIN November 11, 2014 Veteran’s Day Psalms 18:31-36 For who is God, but the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God?—the God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless. He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights. He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great. You gave a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip. WSCS COMING EVENTS: November December 12 8th grade picture retakes 14 Magazine Sale prize distribution 19 Miller family – recess bake sale – 25 cents 20,21,22 8th grade play “Peter Pan, Jr.” 25 All-school Thanksgiving chapel at 9 a.m. in the gym 26,27,28 No school – Thanksgiving break 3 Middle school mid-terms 6 Christmas Marketplace / Book Fair / Pancake Breakfast 8-noon 9 Middle School Christmas Music Concert 17 Miller family – recess bake sale – 25 cents 19 All-school Christmas chapel at 9 a.m. in the gym 12/22 – 1/2 No school – Christmas break HOT LUNCH THIS WEEK Wednesday, 11/12, is Spaghetti day. Elementary helpers (11:35): J. Augustyn, C. Evenhouse, D. VanKuiken, M. Reyers Middle School (12:40): J. Augustyn, C. Evenhouse, D. VanKuiken Friday, 11/14, is Pizza day. The following parents are scheduled helpers: Elementary (11:40): S. Staal, H. Weesies, J. Riddering Middle School (12:40): S. Staal, J. Riddering Monday, 11/17, is Hamburger Day. Elementary (11:35): L. VanderMeer, R. Becher, K. Kragt, L. Warren Middle School (12:40): L. VanderMeer, R. Becher PLAYGROUND VOLUNTEERS: Please sign in at the office before heading out on the playground. Wed., 11/12 R. Hollebeek Thur., 11/13 M. Smith Fri., 11/14 C. VanTuinen Mon., 11/17 A. Bruin Tues., 11/18 H. Champion T.R.I.P. - November 4 orders will be available for pickup tomorrow after 10 a.m. Orders that were placed today will be ready for pickup next Wednesday, November 19. TRIP Notes: Reminder: If you use Dr. Young, please include Dr. Young's payment slip when sending in your check. It’s time for the annual Thank-Scrip-ing™ Day event! On November 27, from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, partake in the highest rebate offers on popular ScripNow® products and get your electronic gift cards delivered to your ShopWithScrip® account in minutes. The list of retailers will be released when the clock strikes 12 on Thursday the 27th, so you'll have to wait until then to find out who's participating! PETER PAN! -- Don’t miss our 8th grade play “Peter Pan, Jr.” It will be a great show for the whole family! Performances will be at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, November 20 and 21, and at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 22. Ticket order forms have been sent home with students and are available in the office. Cost is $5 per seat. Seating is reserved so don’t wait to send in your order form to get the best available. Lighted fairy wands and pirate swords will be sold near the gym for $4 each! KIDS HELPING KIDS CAMPAIGN: Our WSCS PTA is once again sponsoring this campaign which gives parents the opportunity to donate new or gently used winter clothing (hats, mittens, gloves, scarves, coats, snow pants, boots). Your donations will be given to needy kids at Stocking Elementary School. Items may be dropped off at the table near the office. We will be collecting until December 3. Thanks for your generosity! WSCS SPELLING BEE: The students in grades 4-8 may sign-up this week in their homerooms to participate in the 2015 WSCS spelling bee. The students will be given a word list to study, and the bee will take place in late January. The deadline for signups is this Friday. You may contact Mrs. Konynenbelt for further questions! hkonynenbelt@wscsgr.org WSCS CHRISTMAS MARKETPLACE / BOOK FAIR / PANCAKE BREAKFAST will be held on Saturday, December 6, from 8am - noon. Highlight this date to come to school for breakfast and shopping! Anyone interested in being a vendor at this event should contact Delia Roberts (droberts@wscsgr.org) for a form. The cost of a table is $20.00. All-school BAKE SALE for the Miller family next week: The next bake sale is scheduled for next week Wednesday, November 19. The following moms are scheduled to bake: Melissa Dombrowski, Andrea Bult, Cheryl VanTuinen, Judy Peterman, Pat Ruys, Brenda VanderHeide, Sue Offringa, Molly VanDerLaan, Laurie Dykstra, Steph Haisma, Sonia Wielhouwer, Shelly Kunst, Shellee DeHaan, Michelle Hofstee, Jacki Buckley, Marla DeKock, and Heidi Weesies. Please bring your peanut-free treat to the kitchen the morning of November 19. Thank you so much! 2014/15 WSCS Profiles Ads: The yearbook committee is pleased to offer businesses the opportunity to place an advertisement in the West Side Christian School Profiles yearbook. Ads will cost from $25 to $125 depending on the size of the ad. Ad templates and signup sheets were sent home last week. The deadline to submit ads is January 16, 2015. 8TH GRADE PARENTS: Your son/daughter has been given information regarding the submission of a favorite Bible verse and a baby picture for this year’s Profiles yearbook. These items need to be submitted by Dec. 19. 8TH GRADE PICTURE RETAKES are scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday) morning for those that need them. WSC SCHOOL BOARD NOMINATIONS: The present WSCS board members are looking for willing parents to serve on the 2015-16 school board. Please submit your name, or nominate another WSCS parent who you feel would be a great addition to the WSC School Board. Nominations are being accepted now. You may email board@wscsgr.org or call the school office to submit a name. Please email Matt Kooyer (mattkooyer@hotmail.com) or Jim Becher (jbecher@gmail.com) if you would like to ask questions about the process and activities. TERRACYCLE COLLECTIONS -- WE NEED… Scotch tape dispensers: Please save all plastic tape dispensers and cores that you may have at home. We need 100 before the end of December!! Ask your relatives, friends and neighbors to help save. Also, please continue to save your Box Tops, Spartan UPC’s, Labels for Education along with your Tyson chicken coupon. Tyson chicken coupons are located on the back of package surrounded with a dotted line with a little scissors. MUSIC NOTES: Concert uniforms are being sent home today with all middle school students. Instructions for wear and care are included. Please take good care of them as they are school’s property and will need to be returned at the end of the year. Our Middle School Christmas Music Concert is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 9. This will involve ALL 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Please mark your calendars. ************* WELCOME NEW STAFF MEMBERS! Our Little Sprouts lead teacher, Mrs. Emily Horstman, has made the decision to pursue a classroom teaching career. We are sorry to see her go, but pray for her as she searches and transitions into the next phase of her career. West Side Christian School is blessed to announce the addition of three new people coming on board with our school staff. We thank the Lord for the gifts He has sent to our school to help us make His name known! Amalia Mulder is looking forward to joining our Little Sprouts team as a lead teacher -- teaching, interacting, playing, and learning with your children! Amalia graduated from from Kuyper College and has worked at Milestones Child Development Center in Belmont as a Kindergarten Enrichment teacher, as a facilitator of the before and after school program, and also as a Pre-kindergarten teacher. She lives on the northwest side of Grand Rapids with her husband, Josh. The Mulders are members of Westend Christian Reformed Church. Amalia says “I feel so honored to be able to accept this position. I truly feel that God has brought me here for a reason, and I look forward to serving Him as I teach your children.” Jessica (Jess) Van Oostenbrugge is excited to be joining the team at West Side Christian as a Little Sprouts lead teacher! She graduated from Covenant Christian High School and attended GRCC. Jess is an active member of Grace Protestant Reformed Church in Standale along with her husband, Joel. Joel and Jess have 3 dogs which they adore, and Jess also enjoys crafting, reading, biking, hiking, teaching Sunday School at church, and spending time with friends and family. Jess has told us “I am so thankful for this amazing opportunity to serve the Lord in such a concrete and rewarding way! I am looking forward to getting to know everyone in the months to come!” Heidi Weesies - We have been hard at work on our school’s strategic plan. Our first priority in the strategic plan is to stabilize enrollment and grow the school. A key part of realizing that goal is to identify ways to communicate and promote West Side Christian School to our broader faith community. To that end, we have secured the services of Heidi Weesies in a communications and marketing management role. Heidi is married to Brian and they have two children here at West Side and one who has recently graduated. Heidi’s background is as a college instructor teaching IMC (Integrated Marketing & Communications) at the graduate level and serving area organizations as a consultant. Heidi will be working 10-15 hours/week here at West Side Christian helping us promote our school by creating a “digital storefront” where young families can find information about West Side Christian through the various modes of social media. Requested Announcements 8th grade parents: NorthPointe Christian High School is hosting a "Student Preview Day" this Thursday, Nov. 13. We invite any students interested in NorthPointe to spend the day at school with a current student. Refreshments and tour begin at 7:35 a.m. followed by chapel at 9:20. Parents are also invited. Anyone interested, or anyone with questions, should contact Brittany Johnson, johnsonb@npchristian.org or 616.942.0350 x276. 2nd and 5th Grade Girls Basketball – Grandville Christian Elementary is putting together a 2nd and 5th grade girls basketball team. We have about 5 signed up for each grade and wanted to add another 4 -5 girls in both our 2nd grade team and our 5th grade team. I am not sure when we will be practicing or what league we are going to be in yet as all of these decisions will be made once we have enough girls. Please call or e-mail me if you have a 2nd grade or 5th grade girl who is interested. Troy Austin (616) 914-0141 or troymaustin@gmail.com THEY’RE BACK! The Harlem Wizards are coming back to Calvin Christian! A few years ago the Wizards entertained us and helped the CCHS Athletic Boosters raise funds for Bleacher Bash – our gym bleacher replacement project. Now they are back for Bleacher Bash 2 – baseball and softball bleacher renovation project. Mark your calendar for 7pm Saturday, November 29, for a great night of fun for all ages featuring the Harlem Wizards and their highflying entertainment style basketball. Advance tickets are on sale now at CCHS and are $15 each or purchase a 4-pack for $50. This event sold out last time – so, please mark your calendars now! You won’t want to miss this fantastic event. Call 538-0990 for more information or to buy tickets. Unity Christian will be offering a Saturday basketball camp for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade boys on December 6, 13, 20, and January 3 and 10. Registration forms can be found on Unity's website at: http://www.unitychristian.org/Portals/0/PDF/athletics/SADRSAT%20BOYS%204th-6th.pdf. Deadline to enroll is Wednesday, November 26.
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