Yaghnobi Orthography Yaghnobi is written using the same modified Cyrillic alphabet that is used for Tajik. The sounds associated with each letter are show using the International Phonetic Alphabet, and the Latin phonetic transcription system used by Russian linguists. (I had some trouble interpreting the equivalencies between some of the vowels in IPA and in the Latin system. In particular, ī , y, ʏ, ū. These need to be checked by someone familiar with this system of transcription). Tajik Cyrillic IPA Latin Tajik Cyrillic IPA Latin Аа a Phonetic a Нн n n Бб b b Оо o o Вв v v Пп p p Вв w w Рр r r Гг g g Сс s s Ғғ ɣ ɣ Тт t t Дд d d Уу u u Ее e e Ӯӯ u: ū Ёё jo yo Ӯӯ y: ʏ Жж ʒ ž Фф f f Зз z z Хх x x Ии i i Ҳҳ h h Ӣӣ iː ī Чч tʃ č Йй ɪ y Ҷҷ dʒ Кк k k Шш ʃ j š Ққ q q Юю ju yu Лл l l Яя ja Мм m m ya ’ Phonetic ъ ? References Nematov, G. 2004. Alphabet of the Yaghnobi Language (Tajik and Yaghnobi). Dushanbe: Davashtich. Wikipedia contributors. 2007. Yaghnobi language. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Online: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/yaghnobi_language (accessed 18 March 2007)
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