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YOU CAN DO THAT Emerson introduces the new 370XA – the smarter, easier to operate, and simpler to maintain natural gas chromatograph designed to meet your gas analysis needs. When your analyzer is offline and in need of maintenance, waiting days or even weeks for an experienced technician to get to a remote location may result in inaccurate measurement and poor energy balance across your network. The 370XA uses a unique Maintainable Module™ that allows the complex analytical hardware to be removed and replaced more easily in the field by even an untrained operator, significantly reducing the time the analyzer is offline. Additionally, the removed module can be easily refurbished at a central location for later use, further reducing the total cost of ownership. Learn how the 370XA can simplify your gas analysis needs, visit www.RosemountAnalytical.com Emerson Process Management Korea Ltd. +82-2-3438-4600 www.emersonprocess.co.kr The Emerson logo is a trademark and a service mark of Emerson Electric Co. © 2014 Emerson Electric Co. Youdon't have a problem Integrated Control & Safety Solutions We Provide the solutions and services to keep you up and running Visit OFFSHORE KOREA 2014, Booth # 1309 th 12-14 November, BEXCO, KOREA oilandgas.rockwellautomation.com Rockwell Automation Korea 16, 17F Golden Tower, 511 Samsung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (135-280) Tel. +82-(0)2 2188 4434/ Busan Office +82-(0)51-606-1500 Copyright © 2014 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Over 50 years of global gas leadership In 2014, shipping celebrates over 50 years of commercial LNG carrier operations. 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This small but impactful Monthly Korship which is published in Korea, the world’s largest Offshore & Shipbuilding country, will help keep your pulse on the Offshore & Shipbuilding industry around the globe. TEL : +82-2-2168-8898 FAX : +82-2-2168-8895 www.korship.co.kr Offshore & Shipbuilding Magazine Make fresh water from sea water Enwa Water Maker • From sea water to fresh water through reverse osmosis (RO) • Scandinavian quality • Standard models ranging from 1,5 m3/d to 200 m3/d Enwa Water Maker 50 m3 / day Keep your system clean without chemicals For engine cooling water and your HVAC systems EnwaMatic® Maritime • Filtration to 5µ • Fully automatic • No scaling • No corrosion • No bacteria Approval from +82 32 851 0056 sales@ottomotor.kr | +46 31 742 9250 info@enwa.se | enwa.com Photo courtesy of Attica Group clean power and greater speed control onboard ro-pax vessels Ro-Pax passenger vessels typically sail short distances from port to port, allowing cars and passengers to easily access islands and neighbouring land. Meanwhile, operating profiles for the vessels are constantly changing, which sets challenges for energy efficiency and optimized fuel consumption. 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This reduces fuel consumption and minimizes exhaust emissions. • Reduces fuel consumption by 10 – 20% • Paralleling several GTCs with other generation points • Active and reactive power control according to demand Vacon Korea Busan Branch Tel. +82 51 784 6668 Fax. +82 51 745 8363 #2403 Centum Leaders Mark, 1514 Woo-Dong, Haeundae-Gu, Busan 612-020, Korea 1992 ͐ࢲࠤڜࠑߩؓ܄Υࣁ (HK C서울사무소) 서울사무소 : 서울시 구로구 구로중앙로 229 월드프라자 301호 공장 : 경기도 안산시 단원구 별망로 155 ·T EL : 02) 2678-6264 ·F A X : 02-2678-6396 ·e-mail : sales@kwvalve.co.kr, kwvalve@hanmail.net ·URL : www.kwvalve.co.kr ٪ؕܤȷΕ (밸브자동화사업부) 서울시 구로구 구로중앙로 229 월드프라자 302호 ·T EL : 02) 2678-6190 ·F A X : 02-2678-6396 ·e-mail : kwvalve@hanmail.net , sales@kwvalve.co.kr ·URL : www.kwvalve.co.kr Shipbuilding Offshore Oil & Gas Offshore wind Contents 20 Business News 30 Feature Story 36 40 41 42 43 44 46 48 50 (국문) SapuraKencana, 모듈러 공법에 SMARTPLANT® Deepwater sector lifts the gloom over offshore plant - A blue-chip sector for shipbuilding industry, growing at an annual average rate of 6% Special Focus Construction 적용 - 인터그래프 코퍼레이션 52 Moving Oil and Gas Production to the Seabed - Rockwell Automation 56 Metering Stations Monitor Product Flows at World’s Largest Refinery - Emerson Process Management 60 Issue DSME successfully installed the first topside module on the world’s first FLNG HHI presses ahead with intensive reorganization in the wake of the largest-ever deficit Shale gas production in full swing with a surge in shipbuilding contracts looming Leaner orderbook for offshore plants, shrinking 78% year-on-year to USD 3.4 billion Technology A turbo boost for LNG - ABB Volstad makes them green - Enwa Group SapuraKencana Leverages SMARTPLANT Construction for Modular Construction - Intergraph Corporation 데이터 교환 서비스 개발 66 New Order 75 The Shipbuilding Marketshare 76 Offshore Plant Orders 78 Major Performance Gallery ® 85 31 86 87 88 21 HBC-radio Controls for Maritime applications - HBC-radiomatic® Korea Siemens NX 10 delivers enhanced design flexibility and up to 3X higher productivity - Siemens PLM Software Guest Article 62 (국문) 지역을 넘어 세계로! 클라우드 기반 하역작업 계획수립 및 84 Application Product Review Leader of offshore plant market New Product Direct Acting Solenoid Valve 70 series - MIDLAND-ACS / YTEC Co., Ltd. On Land and at sea with high-performance plastics - igus® Inc. Smaller and Tougher 802.11n WLAN Solution - MOXA New filter option gives Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.0 unrivalled performance - Alfa Laval Member List BMEA (Busan Marine Equipment Association) Advertisers Index ABB ……………………………………… cover1 Beijer Electronics ………………………………… 5 HKCONTROMATIC …………………………… 14 Parker Hannifin Connectors ………………cover2 INMEX China 2015 ……………………………… 6 HKCONTROMATIC …………………………… 15 NORD-LOCK KOREA CO.,LTD. …………cover3 Intergrah korea ………………………………… 7 Aerogel Korea Co., Ltd. ……………………… 17 EMERSON …………………………………cover4 ENWA WATER TREATMENT …………………… 9 Honeywell Analytics ………………………… 19 Rockwell Automation Korea …………………… 1 Hyundai Heavy Industries ………………………10 OHAUS KOREA ……………………………… 54 KORMARINE2015 ……………………………… 2 Vacon Korea ………………………………… 11 HITROL CO., LTD ……………………………… 55 SAMGONG VOS Co., Ltd. Rainho …………………………………………12 ITMA …………………………………………… 65 …………………… 3 Lloyds Register ………………………………… 4 SUNGDONG Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering …13 BUSINESS NEWS ABB Korea named Choi Min-Kyu as President ABB announced on September 29 that it named Choi Min-Kyu as President. Choi Min-Kyu, who came aboard as President of ABB, is a former engineer and an expert with more than 3-decade experience in power and automation industry. He obtained bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Seoul National University and worked at Hankook Heavy Industry (currently, Doosan Heavy Industries). He joined ABB in 1989, and since then, has supervised various divisions, including the drive, instrumentation, process automation, industrial robots, etc., spearheading the growth of ABB Korea. In 2010, he helped fuel the breakneck growth of ABB Korea while serving as Senior Vice-President supervising the Industrial Automation Division. Particularly, he played a pivotal role in attaining 45% year-on-year growth in new orders in the first year after he took office as President of ABB Philippines in January, 2013. Choi Min-Kyu, President of ABB Korea, said, “ABB Group recently announced the Next Level strategy and objectives for 2015-2020 in an endeavor to take another giant leap forward and better cope with the energy paradigm change for sustainable future. We will put primary focus on the growth of mainstay business and at the same time maintain stronger cooperative relationship with domestic customers to amplify the momentum of new growth for ABB.” He added, “Human resources are at the heart of corporations. We take human resources development as top priority and create a businessoriented organization rooted in mutual respect and communication.” The incoming President Choi Min-Kyu was sworn into office on October 1, 2014, succeeding the outgoing President Han Yoonseok who retired under the age limit. ABB코리아 신임대표로 최민규 사장 선임 아 ABB코리아의 성장을 주도해왔다. 2010년 산업 자동화 사업본부 수석부사장을 역임하면서 ABB코 리아의 폭발적인 성장을 이끌어 냈다. 특히 2013년 1월 ABB 필리핀 사장으로 부임해 첫 해에 전년 대 비 45% 수주 성장이라는 놀라운 실적을 남겼다. 최민규 신임사장은 지속 가능한 미래를 위한 에너 지 패러다임이 변화함에 따라, ABB 그룹은 최근 새 로운 도약을 위한 Next Level 전략과 2015-2020 목표를 발표했다. 새로운 성장 모멘텀에 있는 ABB 의 도약을 위해 국내 고객과의 긴밀한 협력관계를 강화하는 동시에, 주력 사업 성장에 집중할 것이라 며 기업핵심은 인재다. 인재 육성을 최우선 과제로 존중과 소통을 기반으로 비즈니스가 중심되는 조직 을 만들겠다고 포부를 밝혔다. 한편 최민규 신임사장은 정년퇴임을 맞는 한윤석 대표 후임으로 2014년 10월 1일부로 취임했다. ABB는 ABB코리아 대표로 최민규 사장을 선임했다고 지난 9월 29일 밝혔다. 최민규 신임사장은 엔지니어 출신이면서 전력 및 자동화 업계에서 30년 이상 경험 을 쌓아온 베테랑으로 알려져 있다. 서울대 전기공학과를 졸업하고 한국중공업(현 두산 중공업)을 거쳐 1989년 ABB에 입사해 드라이브, 계 장, 공정자동화, 산업용 로봇 등 다양한 사업부를 맡 Korea-Greece Shipbuilding Cooperation Council was held The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy held the 2nd session of ‘Korea-Greece Shipbuilding Cooperation Council’ jointly with Greek government at Changwon on September 29 and discussed the measures to promote cooperation between both countries in shipbuilding, shipping, and equipment industries. The session was attended by officials of major shipyards, including Park Cheongwon, industrial policy chief, Yoo Byeong-se, Managing Director of Korea offshore & Shipbuilding Association (KOSHIPA), 20 Panagiotis Michalos, Assistant secretary of the Greek Foreign Ministry, Dionisios Sourvanos, Greek Ambassador to Korea, and about 30 representatives from Greek Marine Equipment Association, etc. Greece is the world’s largest shipping country, taking the top spot worldwide in terms of major shipping indicators such as the number of vessels owned, deadweight tonnage, total transport volumes, value of fleet, etc. New orders placed by Greece at domestic shipyards last year stand at a combined 3.8 million CGT which accounts for 20% of the nation’s aggregate new order intake. The Korea-Greece Shipbuilding Cooperation Council was organized as a follow-up measure of the summit held at the end of last year between the two countries, and has been held regularly under the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) on shipbuilding technical cooperation which was signed during the visit of Yoon Sang-jik, Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, to Greece in June this year. 한국-그리스 조선협력회의 개최 산업통상자원부는 그리스 정부와 공동으로 지난 9월 29일 창원에서 제2회 한국-그리스 조선협력회의를 개최하고 양국의 조선, 해운, 기자재 산업간 협력방 안을 논의했다. 이번 회의에는 박청원 산업정책실장, 유병세 조선해 양플랜트협회 전무 등 주요 조선사 대표들과 미할 로스(Panagiotis Michalos) 그리스 외교부 차관보, 수 르바노스(Dionisios Sourvanos) 주한 그리스대사, 그 리스 조선기자재협회 대표 등 30여명의 대표들이 참석했다. 그리스는 선박보유량, 재화중량톤수, 총 수송량, 선 단가치 등 주요 해운지표에서 모두 세계 1위를 기 록한 해운강국이며, 지난해 그리스가 우리나라에 발 주한 선박량은 380만 CGT로 총수주량의 20%에 달 하는 주요 발주국이다. 한-그리스 조선협력회의는 작년 말 개최된 양국 정 상회담 후속조치로 금년 6월 윤상직 산업부 장관의 그리스 방문 계기에 체결한 조선기술협력 양해각서 에 따라 정례적으로 개최되었다. Dassault Systems Korea unveiled the ‘business experience platform’ strategy Dassault Systems Korea held ‘2014 Press Conference on 3D Experience with invited CEOs’ at Millennium Seoul Hilton hotel on October 14 and announce even more rigorous ‘business experience platform’ strategy. Bernard Charlès, CEO of Dassault Systems, stressed in his keynote speech that the ‘3D Experience Platform’, the business experience platform of Dassault Systems, continued to growth fast both qualitatively and quantitatively. Dassault Systems completed the 3D Experience Platform evolving from 3D design, digital mock-up, and product lifecycle management, which is the integrated business experience platform with 12 applications usable for all industries. Based on this achievement, Dassault Systems has secured more than 19,000 new customers and is providing its 3D Experience Platform to customers worldwide. Bernard Charlès, CEO of Dassault Systems, said that Dassault Systems actively adopted the cloud, standing at the forefront of effort to introduce the cloud to the traditional onpremise enterprise product lifecycle management market. The 3D Experience Platform applicable to both on-premise and cloud environments can be reasonably introduced, regardless of the scale of enterprise. Cho Young-bin, President of Dassault Systems Korea, said, “Dassault Systems’ 3D Experience Platform has been instrumental very much for enterprises to create user experience and spearhead the economy of experience. For that, we are pushing forward customized strategies in 3 areas such as Social, Industry, and Experience.” 다쏘시스템코리아, 비즈니스 경험 플랫폼 전략 발표 플랫폼으로 모든 산업에서 사용 가능한 12개의 애플 리케이션을 갖춘 통합적인 비즈니스 경험 플랫폼을 완성했다. 이런 성과를 바탕으로 다쏘시스템은 19,000개 이상의 신규 고객을 확보하며, 현재 전세계 고객에게 3D익스피리언스 플랫폼을 제공하고 있다. 버나드 샬레 CEO는 다쏘시스템이 클라우드를 적극 도입하며 기존 온-프레미스 중심이던 기업용 제품 수명주기관리 솔루션 시장에 클라우드 도입을 선도 해 나가고 있다고 말했다. 온-프레미스와 클라우드 환경에서 모두 이용 가능한 3D익스피리언스 플랫 폼은 기업 규모에 상관없이 합리적으로 도입이 가 능하다. 다쏘시스템코리아는 지난 10월 14일 밀레니엄 서 울힐튼호텔에서 2014 3D익스피리언스 CEO 초청 기자간담회를 개최하고, 더욱 강화된 비즈니스 경 험 플랫폼 전략을 발표했다. 버나드 샬레(Bernard Charlès) 다쏘시스템 CEO는 기 조 연설을 통해 다쏘시스템의 비즈니스 경험 플랫 폼인 3D익스피리언스 플랫폼이 질적 및 양적 모두 빠른 속도로 성장해 나가고 있음을 강조했다. 다쏘시스템은 기존의 3D설계, 디지털 목업, 제품수명 관리주기관리에서 한 단계 진화한 3D익스피리언스 Along with that, Dassault Systems unveiled the ‘industry strategy’ which converts industrial value to user value through ISE(Industry Solution Experiences), the optimal business solutions tailored to the needs of 12 industries such as automotive, shipbuilding, life science, high-tech, consumer goods, and energy industries. 조영빈 다쏘시스템코리아 대표이사는 다쏘시스템은 3D익스피리언스 플랫폼을 통해 기업들이 새로운 사 용자 경험을 창출하고 경험의 경제를 선도해 갈 수 있도록 돕고 있다며, 이를 위해 각각 소셜, 인더스트 리, 익스피리언스 등 3가지 영역에서 맞춤형 전략을 선보이고 있다고 말했다. 이와 함께 자동차, 조선, 생명과학, 하이테크, 소비 재, 에너지 등 12개의 산업 분야에 맞는 최적의 비 즈니스 솔루션인 ISE(Industry Solution Experiences) 를 통해 산업의 가치를 사용자의 가치로 이끌어내 는 인더스트리 전략을 발표했다. 21 BUSINESS NEWS Emerson enhances SCADA system to streamline oil and gas operations Emerson Process Management has released the OpenEnterprise v3 SCADA platform for the upstream production and distribution market. The new OpenEnterprise release offers ease-of-use and expanded device connectivity for communication protocols. User-friendly tools in OpenEnterprise v3 alleviate the pain of operating and managing large installations of RTUs and flow computers. The latest OpenEnterprise v3 release introduces a new paradigm to the SCADA automation market with its “Action Engine” technology. OpenEnterprise v3 offers an intelligent automation engine that does not require programming or scripting to manage complex sequential control. This enables users to gain competitive advantage and increases operator productivity. The Action Engine’s rapid application development and change management tools enable users to get their new system commissioned quickly and empowers them to make automation changes required to meet changing business needs. OpenEnterprise v3 is a source for real-time data for both operational and business users and as such is an integral part of business processes, providing a unified platform for better decision-making across the enterprise. OpenEnterprise v3 ease-of-use also applies to the deployment of flexible system architectures needed for geographically remote locations. It supports a distributed communication middleware that allows clustering of remote radio towers into a single consolidated centralized server. Unlike traditional SCADA software, 에머슨, 오일 및 가스 작업의 운영 간소화 를 위해 SCADA 시스템 강화 다. OpenEnterprise v3는 복잡한 순차 제어를 관리 하기 위한 프로그래밍이나 스크립팅을 필요로 하지 않는 지능형 자동화 엔진을 제공하는데, 사용자는 이를 기반으로 경쟁 우위 확보와 운영자 생산성 증 가가 가능할 수 있다. 더불어, Action Engine의 신속한 애플리케이션 개발 및 변화 관리 도구는, 사용자가 신규 시스템의 빠른 시운전을 할 수 있고 변화하는 비즈니스 요구 충족하 기 위한 자동화 변경 역시 가능하다. OpenEnterprise v3는 운영 및 비즈니스 사용자 모두에게 실시간 데이 터의 소스가 되며, 기업 전반에서 향상된 의사 결정 을 이끄는 통합 플랫폼을 제공하여 비즈니스 프로세 에머슨 프로세스 매니지먼트가 업스트림 생산 및 유통 시장을 대상으로 OpenEnterprise v3 SCADA 플랫폼을 출시했다. 이번에 선보인 새로운 OpenEnterprise는 사용 편이성이 강화되고, 통신 프 로토콜에 대한 장치 연결성이 확장됐다. 특히 OpenEnterprise v3의 사용자 친화적인 툴로 RTU 및 플로우 컴퓨터의 대규모 설치 및 운영 관리의 어려 움을 해소할 수 있게 됐다. OpenEnterprise v3는 Action Engine 기술을 통해 SCADA 자동화 시장에 새로운 패러다임을 제시했 OpenEnterprise v3 is not licensed by tag count and consists of scalable software tiers that are fit for applications from local metering to mega intelligent oilfield automation projects that require automation of thousands of wells 스에 중요한 부분을 담당할 수 있다. OpenEnterprise v3의 사용 편이성은 지리적으로 먼 거리에 떨어진 원격 현장에 요구되는 시스템 아키 텍처의 배치 유연성에도 적용된다. 이는 군집되어 있는 여러 원격 무전탑을 단일한 중앙 서버로 통합 될 수 있도록 허용하는 분산 통신 미들웨어를 지원 하기 때문이다. 기존의 SCADA 소프트웨어와는 달리, OpenEnterprise v3의 라이선스는 태그 수를 근거로 하지 않으며, 국 지적 측정에서 수 천 개의 유정 자동화가 필요한 메 가 지능형 유전 자동화 프로젝트까지 다양한 분야에 적합한 확장형 소프트웨어 계층으로 구성되어 있다. Marin Financial Center was officially launched Export-Import Bank of Korea (Korea Eximbank), Korea Trade Insurance Corporation, and Korea Development Bank launched the ‘Marin Financial Center’ at Busan International Finance Center (BIFC) on September 29 and embarked upon full-fledged marine financial services. 22 Marin Financial Center was officially launched through a series of consultations with National Assembly, Busan Metropolitan City and related industries after the government unveiled the plan to establish the Center on August 27. This Center brings together marine financial organizations and experts of Korea Eximbank, Korea Trade Insurance Corporation, Korea Development Bank and will handle overall marine financial services for domestic/overseas shipyards, offshore plants, shipping, marine equipment sectors. Marin Financial Center will set up ‘Marin Financial Council’, a consultative body for the troika organizations, to promote effective cooperation measures such as joint financial support. Particularly, Marin Financial Center will operate counseling center to improve convenience of customers, maximizing synergistic effects. In addition, Marin Financial Center will pursue co- growth with related organizations through domestic/overseas offshore seminar, business agreement, social contribution activities, etc., while making effort to add vitality to local economy. Korea Eximbank Vice-President Choi Song-yeong, who serves as the first Chairman of the Marin Financial Center, said, “We will drastically expand marine financial services by tapping into the extensive offshore financial service experience and creative challenging spirit of the troika organizations, and serve as a stepping stone for Busan Metropolitan city to take a leap forward to become the hub of marine finance.” 해양금융종합센터 공식 출범 금융 조직과 전문 인력이 총 집결해 출범하는 만큼 향후 국내 조선 및 해양플랜트, 해운, 해양기자재 등 종합적인 해양금융을 담당할 예정이다. 해양금융종합센터는 해양금융협의회라는 3개 참여 기관간 협의기구를 설치해 공동금융지원 등 실효성 있는 협력 방안을 추진한다. 특히 상담센터 운영을 통해 고객에 대한 편의성을 제고하는 등 시너지 효 과를 극대화할 계획이다. 또한, 해양금융 지원과 함 께 국내외 해양 세미나 개최, 업무협약 체결, 사회공 헌 활동 등을 통해 관련 기관들과 동반성장을 꾀하 고 지역사회 발전에도 기여할 방침이다. 초대 센터장을 맡게 된 한국수출입은행 최성영 부 행장은 3개 기관의 풍부한 해양금융 경험과 창의적 인 도전정신을 바탕으로 해양금융을 대폭 확대하는 것은 물론, 부산이 해양금융 허브로 도약해 나가는 데 디딤돌 역할을 하겠다고 말했다. 한국수출입은행, 한국무역보험공사, 한국산업은행 은 지난 9월 29일 부산국제금융센터(BIFC)에서 해 양금융종합센터를 출범하고 본격적인 해양금융 업 무를 시작했다고 밝혔다. 해양금융종합센터는 지난해 8월 27일 정부가 설립 계획을 발표한 후 국회, 부산시, 업계 등과 수차례 협의를 거쳐 이날 공식 발족됐다. 이 센터는 한국수 출입은행, 한국무역보험공사, 한국산업은행의 해양 HSHI obtained ‘ISO 50001 certification’, the international standard energy management system Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI) was awarded ‘ISO 50001 certification’, the international standard energy management system, from DNV GL on October 6. ‘ISO 50001’ was launched by International Standardization Organization (ISO) in June 2011 and specifies the procedures for corporate energy savings and management efficiency improvement, etc. HSHI has actively proceeded with activities to obtain certifications, including the preparation of energy management standards, management policy establishment, energy review/target management, etc., since it set up the task force last January to effectively slash energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions. HSHI has annual construction capacity of about 50 vessels, including the ships and offshore facilities, at its yard covering an area of 3.3 million square meters and is operating ultra-large facilities such as onshore dry field, 2 docks, 6 goliath cranes, etc. Shipbuilding task consists of cutting, connecting, welding, mounting, and commis- sioning processes which involve extensive use of gas, electricity, and oil. Currently, the annual energy costs of HSHI stand at KRW 100 billion. Savings worth more than KRW 5 billion can be achieved if energy consumption is reduced by only 5%. An official from HSH said, “Having obtained this certification, we will effectively cope with environmental regulations that have become more rigorous ever, while moving ahead with enterprise-wide energy efficiency plans to sharpen company’s competitive edge.” 현대삼호중공업, 국제 표준 에너지경영시 스템 ISO 50001 인증 취득 스 배출량을 효과적으로 개선하기 위한 추진조직을 구성한 이래, 에너지 경영 표준서 제정, 경영방침 확 정, 에너지 검토 및 목표 관리 등 인증서 취득을 위 한 적극적인 활동을 벌여왔다. 현대삼호중공업은 330만 평방미터의 야드에서 선 박과 해양설비 등 연간 50여 척의 건조 능력을 갖추 고 있으며, 6기의 골리앗 크레인을 비롯해 도크 2기 와 육상건조장 등 초대형 설비를 운영하고 있다. 선박건조와 관련된 대부분의 작업들도 가스와 전 기, 유류 사용이 많은 절단, 취부, 용접, 탑재, 시운 전 등으로 구성되어 있다. 현대삼호중공업이 사용 하는 전기와 가스, 유류 등 에너지비용은 연간 1000억 원으로 이중 5%만 줄여도 50억원 이상을 절감할 수 있다. 현대삼호중공업 관계자는 이번 인증 취득을 계기로 날로 강화되고 있는 환경규제에 효과적으로 대응하 고 전 사업장의 에너지 효율을 높여 회사의 경쟁력 을 강화해 나가겠다고 밝혔다. 현대삼호중공업은 지난 10월 6일 DNV GL로부터 국제 표준 에너지경영시스템인 ISO 50001 인증서 를 수여 받았다. ISO 50001은 국제표준화기구(ISO) 에 의해 2011년 6월 발효됐으며, 기업의 에너지 사 용 절감 및 관리 효율성 향상 절차 등을 규정하고 있다. 현대삼호중공업은 지난 1월 에너지 비용과 온실가 23 BUSINESS NEWS Daehan Shipbuilding held a naming ceremony for a product carrier Daehan Shipbuilding held a naming ceremony for a product carrier on September 25 for the first time since its establishment. This product carrier, ordered from Scorpio in April last year, measures 256 m in length and 42 m in width with a weight of 115,000 tons. After completing the 10-month long construction, this product carrier was delivered to the ship owner following the naming ceremony. This vessel, christened ‘STI ORCHARD’, is the first product carrier built by Daehan Shipbuilding. Daehan Shipbuilding which previously focused on bulk carriers successfully built this product carrier and gained recognition for its technological prowess. Immediately after the naming ceremony, Scorpio expressed gratitude to Daehan Shipbuilding for building high quality vessel and donated KRW 2.5 million to each of 3 children’s centers in the vicinity of Daehan Shipbuilding’s headquarters to promote even stronger partnership and regional cooperation. Meanwhile, Daehan Shipbuilding currently under court receivership has streamlined corporate reorganization process based on fast track system and is exerting the best effort to obtain approval of its reorganization plan and put an early end to the reorganization process within this year. Particularly, Daehan Shipbuilding plans to move ahead with the specialization of product carriers and bulk carriers in tandem with financial structure improvement through corporate reorganization process with an aim to maximize productivity and build stable production base. 대한조선, 석유제품운반선 명명식 거행 립이래 처음으로 건조한 석유제품운반선으로 그 의 미하는 바가 크다. 대한조선은 그 동안 벌크선에 주 력해왔지만, 이번 석유제품운반선의 성공적인 건조 를 통해 높은 기술력을 인정받게 됐다. 명명식 직후 스코프리오사는 고품질의 선박을 건조 한 대한조선에 감사의 뜻을 전하며, 더욱 긴밀한 파 트너십과 지역협력을 위해 대한조선 인근의 아동센 터 3곳에 각 250만원의 후원금을 전달했니다. 한편, 법정관리를 진행중인 대한조선은 법원의 패스 트트랙(Fast track) 제도를 적용해 기업회생절차를 간소화하고, 올해 안에 회생계획을 인가 받아 조기 에 종결할 수 있도록 최선을 다하고 있다. 특히 기 업회생절차를 통해 재무구조를 개선하는 동시에 석 유제품운반선과 벌크선 건조를 특화해 생산성 극대 화를 도모하고 안정적인 생산기반을 구축한다는 계 획이다. 대한조선은 지난 9월 25일 창립이래 처음으로 석유 제품운반선(Product Carrier)의 명명식을 가졌다. 이 선박은 지난해 4월 스콜피오(Scorpio)사로부터 수주 한 길이 256m, 폭 42m의 115,000톤급 석유제품운 반선으로 10개월만에 건조를 완료하고, 이날 명명 식을 거쳐 선주사에 인도했다. STI ORCHARD라는 선명의 이 선박은 대한조선 창 Intergraph® Ranked No. 1 Worldwide Provider of Process, Power and Marine Engineering Solutions ARC Advisory Group (ARC), the leading research and advisory firm for industry and infrastructure, ranks Intergraph® as the No. 1 overall engineering design solution provider for plant design based on revenues. This marks the eighth consecutive year Intergraph has been named the global leader in ARC’s global market research study “Engineering Design Tools for Plants and Infrastructure Worldwide Outlook,” which was first released in 2006. The study finds Intergraph has a clear lead 24 over its competitors in terms of overall global market share. Within the plant design category (which encompasses technology used in the design, construction and operation of process, power and marine facilities), Intergraph also leads the rankings in primary industries including: chemical, oil and gas, and mining and metals. “Intergraph continues to be the market leader in the plant design industry,” said Dick Slansky, ARC Advisory Group senior analyst and co-author of the study. “In addition to having a broad product portfolio that provides users with an excellent value proposition, Intergraph continues its market-leading R&D investment to develop new and innovative products.” Gerhard Sallinger, Intergraph Process, Power & Marine president, said “The ARC Advisory Group’s research and analysis validates that Intergraph provides the best and broadest solution portfolio for the process, power and marine industries. We strive to offer best-in-class solutions and exceptional customer service, and these results reflect that. We have had another year of hard work, and continuous growth, and we are very proud to again be recognised as the market leader in this important study.” ARC’s Engineering Design Tools study is a comprehensive forecast that offers an analysis of the worldwide engineering design tools market. The scope of the study encompasses two design solution market domains: engineering design for projects in the process, power and marine industries, and engineering design for projects for infrastructure. SHI developed the underwater hull cleaning robot Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) announced on October 21 that it developed the underwater hull cleaning robot capable of cleaning the immersed bottom part of hull submerged in water. This robot can replace the re-docking operation performed to wash the hull before the delivery of vessels, thus bringing the benefits of cost-savings and productivity improvement. Re-docking refers to process of re-attaching the vessel again to the dock for repair and hull cleaning, etc. During the construction of LNG carrier, the hull is launched from dock, followed by the process of manufacturing cargo holds while the vessel is moored alongside quay wall. Including the manufacture of cargo holds, it usually takes about 7 to 8 months from the launch to final delivery. Meanwhile, organisms are attached to the hull of LNG carrier submerged in seawater, resulting in slower speed of vessel. For that reason, shipyards performed re-docking to remove organisms from the hull bottom prior to the delivery of LNG carriers. The underwater hull cleaning robot, developed by SHI, can remove organisms from the vessel anchored at the dock, thus obviating the need for redocking process. As the re-docking of each LNG carrier usually takes about 1 week, the saved time can be diverted to other processes in the construction of vessels. An official from SHI said, “The cost-savings and productivity improvement brought by this underwater hull cleaning robot are expected to place us better positioned in winning new orders for LNG carriers.” Meanwhile, this underwater hull cleaning robot was designed to maintain constant depth and direction in water and elude 삼성중공업, 수중 선체 청소로봇 개발 인도까지는 통상 7~8개월이 소요된다. 이 때 바닷 물과 접하는 LNG선 선체에 유기물이 달라 붙는데, 이는 선박 속도를 떨어뜨리는 원인이 된다. 이 때문 에 조선소에서는 LNG선을 고객에게 인도하기 전에 리도킹 작업을 통해 선체 하부에 붙은 유기물을 제 거해 왔다. 삼성중공업이 개발한 수중 선체청소로봇은 선박이 정박한 상태에서 유기물을 제거할 수 있기 때문에 리도킹이 불필요하다. LNG선 1척의 리도킹에 소요 되는 시간은 대략 1주일 안팎이다. 앞으로는 이 기 간을 다른 선박 건조에 활용할 수 있게 된 것이다. 삼성중공업 관계자는 로봇 개발을 통한 원가절감과 삼성중공업은 물에 잠기는 선박의 선체 하부를 청 소할 수 있는 수중 선체청소로봇을 개발했다고 지 난 10월 21일 밝혔다. 이 로봇은 선박을 고객에게 인도하기 전에 선체를 청소하기 위해 실시하던 리 도킹(Re-docking) 작업을 대체할 수 있어 원가절감 과 생산성 향상이 기대된다. 리도킹은 선박의 수리 와 선체 청소 등을 위해 선박을 도크에 다시 거치하 는 작업을 말한다. LNG선은 도크에서 선체를 진수한 뒤, 안벽에 계류 한 상태에서 화물창을 제작하는 순서로 건조공정이 진행된다. 화물창 제작을 포함해 진수로부터 최종 obstacles such as external hull attachments. Organic matters peeled off with a brush are perfectly recovered through the filter, ensuring minimal impact on aquatic environment. SHI already completed performance test of this underwater hull cleaning robot and plans to put the robot into hull cleaning operation for LNG carriers slated for imminent delivery from November. 생산성 향상효과가 LNG선 시장에서의 수주 경쟁력 을 높이는 데 기여할 수 있을 것이라고 말했다. 한편 이 로봇은 수중 센서를 통해 수중에서 일정한 깊이와 방향을 유지할 수 있으며, 선체 외판 부착물 과 같은 장애물도 피해갈 수 있도록 개발됐다. 브러 쉬로 떼어 낸 유기물은 필터를 통해 완벽하게 회수 함으로써 수중 환경에 미치는 영향을 최소화한 것 도 중요한 특징이다. 삼성중공업은 수중 선체청소로봇의 성능 테스트를 이미 마쳤으며, 오는 11월부터는 인도를 앞 둔 LNG 선의 선체 청소작업에 실제로 투입한다는 계획이다. 25 BUSINESS NEWS DSME became the first shipyard to obtain the global CTS Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) obtained the CTS (Carbon Trust Standard) for the first time in shipbuilding industry during the CTS (Carbon Trust Standard) award ceremony held in Ara Art Center, Insa-dong, Seoul on October 15. CTS is the global certification awarded by the Carbon Trust under the umbrella of the U.K. government and Korea Productivity Center to companies that stands at the forefront of efforts to cope with climate change, like building energy management systems and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This CTS certification has the world’s best authority and reliability in the field related to international carbon reduction. DSME has endeavored in multiple ways, including the development of compressed air reduction technology, trial operation oilsaving technology, energy management system, etc., to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, DSME slashed greenhouse gas emissions by more than 5% compared to 2011-2012, thus meeting the requirements of Carbon Trust Standards (CTS). Ahn Byeong-gyu, General Manger, Ahn Byeong-gyu (left), General Manger, Environmental Environmental ManaManagement Group of DSME, and Morgan Jones (right), gement Group of Director of Carbon Trust, are posing for photo in the global DSME, said, “This Carbon Trust Standard (CTS) award ceremony. Carbon Trust Stanglobal green management and environdard certification heralds transformation of ment-friendly competitiveness since its DSME into the world’s unrivalled shipbuilding and offshore company and attests to announcement of ‘Environment-friendly our leading role in reducing greenhouse Global Leader DSME’ envisioned for gas emissions and making effective HSE(Health, Safety and Environment) management in 2012. response to climate change.” DSME has been steadfastly committed to promoting contamination-free workplace, 대우조선해양, 조선업계 최초 글로벌 탄소 경영 인증 취득 는 글로벌 인증제다. 이 CTS는 국제 탄소 감축 관련 분야에서 세계 최고 권위와 신뢰도를 갖고 있다. 온실가스 발생량을 줄이기 위해 대우조선해양은 압 축공기 저감기술 개발, 시운전유 저감기술 개발, 에 너지관리시스템 구축 등 다양한 노력을 해왔다. 그 결과 지난 2011년~2012년 대비 2013년 온실가스 배출량을 5% 이상 개선해 카본 트러스트 인증 기준 인 탄소경영 평가를 통과했다. 대우조선해양 환경관리그룹 안병규 부장은 이번 인 대우조선해양이 지난 10월 15일 서울 인사동 아라 아트센터에서 열린 글로벌 탄소경영 인증 CTS(Carbon Trust Standard)식에서 조선 업계 최초 로 인증서를 취득했다. CTS는 영국 정부 산하 카본 크러스트사와 한국생산 성본부가 에너지경영시스템 구축과 온실가스 감축 활동 등 기후변화 대응에 힘쓰는 기업에게 수여하 증을 계기로 세계 최고 조선해양 기업으로 도약함 은 물론, 온실가스 감축 및 기후변화 대응분야에서 도 선구적인 역할을 수행하고 있음이 증명됐다고 말했다. 한편, 대우조선해양은 2012년 친환경 글로벌 리더 DSME를 HSE경영 비전으로 선포해 무오염 사업장, 글로벌 녹색경영, 친환경 경쟁력 확보 실현을 위해 지속적인 노력을 기울이고 있다. The 4th Houston Shipping and Offshore Conference was held The Korean Consulate-General in Houston held the ‘Houston Shipping and Offshore Conference’ on October 10 jointly with Consulate-General of Norway and Brazil in Houston. The event was attended by experts and corporate delegations from Korea, Europe, South America, in the United States. This conference is an annual international 26 event that marks the 4th anniversary this year after it was launched by Korean Consulate-General in collaboration with the Consulate-General of Norway in 2011. Since 2012, the Consulate-General of Brazil participated in this conference as coorganizer. In addition, other ConsulateGenerals of Denmark and Russia, etc., have also actively joined. The Houston Shipping and Offshore Conference touched on in-depth issues related to the development of shipbuilding and shipping industries, such as Filling the Funding Gap in the Shipping & Offshore Industry; Cases of Success in Different Business Cultures; Challenges of the Labor Market; and New Technologies and Designs in the Shipping and Offshore Business. Presentations were also delivered by the experts in related fields from the United States and 3 countries organizing the event. Particularly, Mississippi governor Phil Bryant delivered keynote speech at lun- cheon. In addition, Dilek Ayhan, Norwegian Deputy Minister of Trade, Fisheries and Industry, and Paul Hobby, Chairman of GHP (Greater Houston Partnership), delivered keynote address. Among the Korean speakers making presentations at the conference were included Cho Gyu-yeol, Director of General Director, Ship Finance Department, Korea Eximbank, Ahn Yeong-gyu, General Manager of Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI), and Moon Hae-am, Director of Sales Design, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME). 제4회 휴스턴 해운 해양산업 컨퍼런스 개최 러시아 등 여타 공관에서도 적극 참여하고 있다. 휴스턴 해운 해양산업 컨퍼런스에서는 해운 및 해 양산업의 새로운 재원조달 방안 강구(Filling the Funding Gap in the Shipping & Offshore Industry), 해 운 및 해양산업의 국가별 성공사례(Cases of Success in Different Business Cultures), 젊고 유능한 인력의 확보문제(The Challenges of the Labor Market) 및 해 운 및 해양산업의 새로운 기술과 디자인(New Technologies and Designs in the Shipping and Offshore Business) 등을 주제로 발전방안에 대해 심 층적인 논의가 이뤄졌다. 동 행사를 주관하는 3개 국가 및 미국의 각 분야 전 문가들이 발제자(speaker)로 참여했으며, 특히, 필 브라이언트(Phil Bryant) 미시시피 주지사가 오찬기 조연설자로, 딜렉 아이한(Dilek Ayhan) 노르웨이 통 상산업수산부 차관과 폴 하비(Paul Hobby) GHP (Greater Houston Partnership, 휴스턴상공회의소) 회 장이 각각 기조연설자로 참여했다. 국내에서는 한국수출입은행의 조규열 조선해양금융 부 부장, 삼성중공업의 안영규 부장, 대우조선해양의 문해암 영업설계이사가 주제별로 각각 발표했다. 주 휴스턴 총영사관은 노르웨이 및 브라질 휴스턴 총영사관과 공동으로 국내를 비롯한 유럽 및 남미, 미국의 기업 및 전문가들이 참여한 가운데, 향후 세 계 해운 및 해양 산업의 도전과 기회에 관한 국제 컨퍼런스(Houston Shipping and Offshore Conference)를 10월 10일 휴스턴에서 개최했다. 이번 컨퍼런스는 우리 총영사관이 2011년 노르웨 이 총영사관과 공동으로 처음 개최한 이래 네 번째 를 맞이하는 연례 국제행사로 2012년도부터는 브 라질도 공동주관기관으로 참여하고 있다. 덴마크 및 China Merchant boosts efficiency of new VLCCs with Jotun Hull Performance Solutions China Merchant Energy Shipping (CMES) has decided to upgrade the antifouling solution on their VLCCs New Builds at Dalian Shipbuilding Industry (DSIC) and new subsequent contracts to Jotun Hull Performance Solution (HPS) including SeaQuantum X200. “We actively respond to the call of energysaving and emission reduction. According to the characteristics of our fleet, we closely track and adopt international advanced new energy saving and emission reduction technology, continue to promote the technological transformation of energy-saving and emission reduction,” said CMES Assistant President Tan Youquan. “It is known that Hull Performance Solution (HPS) is a strategic and innovative antifouling solution towards our increasing demand on bunker savings and environmental performance, in addition to a clean hull against marine growth.” “Our company always aims for conserving resources, improving energy efficiency, emission control and protecting environment. This target is also what management team led by managing director Captain Xie Chunlin is supporting and pursuing,” CMES’s Deputy General Manager Huang Yongquan added. “Advanced antifouling technology is central to optimizing hull performance and our fleet’s energy consumption. HPS demonstrates its effectiveness, helping us to quantify efficiency gains and contributing to something we all want - a more sustainable, environmentallyfriendly, and profitable shipping environment.” According to Jotun COSCO Marine Coatings’ President and General Manager, Dong Zhaoming, “Jotun’s Hull Performance Solutions is consistent with requirement of sustainable development, part of which involves taking active steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are quite convinced that HPS can play a very significant role in further reducing fuel cost and greenhouse gas emissions for customers and shipping industry.” 27 BUSINESS NEWS SHI joined forces with domestic manufacturer, successfully developing core equipment of LNG-FSRU Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) successfully developed the re-gasification vaporizer for LNG-FSRU (Floating Storage Re- gasification Unit) jointly with domestic equipment manufacturer, breaking the long-standing heavy reliance on import. The re-gasification vaporizer fitted to LNG-FSRU is a core device converting the LNG to natural gas, and the nation has been dependent on imported re-gasification vaporizers. SHI has developed the re-gasification vaporizer for LNG-FSRU in collaboration with domestic equipment manufacturer since 2012. SHI was responsible for system technology development and design while Sewon Cellontech undertook prototype production and product supply. Upon completion of prototype production last May, SHI successfully completed performance test of the prototype in the presence of invited officials of major ship owners in LNG-FSRU sector in July this year. This re-gasification vaporizer, developed jointly, is 20-30% cheaper than imported products. In addition, this re-gasification vaporizer resolved the problem of nose that occurred in equipment and drastically improved the design and size of equipment. Particularly, this re-gasification vaporizer to be produced domestically has the advantage in terms of transport, delivery, and quality control. Having successfully demonstrated the performance of the prototype in the presence of major ship owners, SHI plans to apply domestic equipments to LNG-FSRU that it will build in the period ahead. An official from SHI said, “With independent development of this re-gasification vaporizer, we can secure more stable supply of equipment and price competitiveness. We will do more to team up with domestic partners to develop technologies and replace the imported devices with indigenous ones.” 삼성중공업, 국내 기자재업체와 LNGFSRU 핵심장비 공동개발 발해왔다. 삼성중공업이 시스템 기술개발과 설계를 맡고, 세원셀론텍이 시제품 제작과 향후 제품을 공 급하게 된다. 삼성중공업은 지난 5월 시제품 제작을 성공적인 마 치고, 지난 7월에 LNG-FSRU 분야 주요 선주사 관 계자들을 초청한 가운데 시제품 성능 테스트도 마 쳤다. 이번에 공동 개발에 성공한 재기화기는 기존 수입산 장비보다 제작비가 20~30% 저렴하다. 또 한, 기존 장비에서 발생하던 소음 문제도 해결했으 며, 디자인과 장비의 크기도 개선했다. 국내에서 직 접 생산하기 때문에 장비 운송과 납기일 준수, 품질 관리 측면에서도 유리하다는 평가다. 삼성중공업은 주요 선주사 앞에서 시제품의 성능을 입증한 만큼 앞으로 수주하는 LNG-FSRU에 국산 장비를 적용해 나갈 계획이다. 삼성중공업 관계자는 재기화기 자체 개발을 통해 안정적인 장비 공급이 가능해 졌으며, 가격 경쟁력 도 확보할 수 있게 됐다면서 수입 장치를 대체할 수 있는 국내 기자재 발굴과 공동 기술개발에 더욱 힘쓰겠다고 말했다. 삼성중공업이 그 동안 수입에 의존해 오던 LNGFSRU의 재기화기(Re-gasification vaporizer)를 국내 기자재업체와 공동으로 개발하는데 성공했다. LNG-FSRU에 장착하는 재기화기는 LNG를 천연가 스로 변환시켜주는 핵심장치로 지금까지는 수입에 의존해왔다. 삼성중공업은 지난 2012년부터 국내 기자재업체인 세원셀론텍과 공동으로 LNG-FSRU 재기화기를 개 Schneider Electric Sets the Standard for Asia Pacific with Innovative UPS and Data Centre Offerings Schneider Electric was awarded the 2014 Southeast Asia ‘UPS Vendor of the Year’ and ‘UPS Service Provider of the Year’ awards for the third consecutive year at last night’s annual Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards ceremony. The energy specialist was also presented with the prestigious ‘Data Centre Integrated Power Infrastructure Company of the Year’ award for 2014. Philippe Arsonneau, Senior Vice President of ITB Global Sales; Paul Tyrer, Vice President for Channels, Alliances, Strategy 28 and Strategic Marketing, ITB Global Sales; and Keith Murray, Vice President for IT in Singapore and Brunei, accepted the awards and shared their insights on the Asia Pacific market and current trends affecting the UPS and data centre markets. “With the dynamic IT industry facing challenges including the ever growing variety, volume and velocity of digital data, power tensions, and resource shortages, there is a drive in demand for more meaningful, holistic IT solutions that attend to every stage of a data centre’s lifecycle,” said Philippe Arsonneau. He added, “Schneider Electric understands and anticipates these challenges, consequently delivering innovative answers for customers from an SMB to enterprise level. Among these include our services bureau, involving a team of experts that closely monitor critical systems using Data Centre Infrastructure Management software; products such as our prefabricated data centre ‘building blocks’ and services like our end-to-end Data Centre Lifecycle Services monitoring solution.” 슈나이더 일렉트릭, 프로스트&설리번 베스 트 프랙티스 어워드 3년 연속 수상 슈나이더 일렉트릭이 세계적인 시장조사기관 프로스 트&설리번(Frost & Sullivan)의 베스트 프랙티스 어워 드(Best Practice Awards)에서 3년 연속으로 동남아시 아 지역 올해의 UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply) 벤 더상, 올해의 UPS 서비스 업체상을 수상했다. 특히 이번에는 올해의 데이터센터 통합 전력 인프라스트 럭처 기업상을 함께 수상해 데이터센터 제품과 서비 스의 우수성 및 전문성을 함께 인정 받았다. 프로스트&설리번이 매년 선정해 발표하는 베스트 프랙티스 어워드는 관련 산업에서 세계 정상급의 탁월한 성과를 거둔 기업에게 수여하는 상이다. 수 상자는 제품과 서비스 혁신뿐 아니라 시장 진입 능 력, 고객 가치 부분 리더십, 성장 전략 및 실행을 평 가해 결정된다. 슈나이더 일렉트릭은 아시아 태평양 지역에서 고객의 요구 사항을 잘 이해하고, 고객 맞 춤 지원과 혁신적인 제품 및 서비스를 제공해 온 성 과를 인정받아 수상자로 선정되었다. 프로스트&설리번의 아시아 태평양 지역 에너지 및 환경 업무 부문 연구원인 아밋 쿠마르 싱(Amit Kumar Singh)은 슈나이더 일렉트릭은 동남아시아 지역의 UPS 서비스 시장에서 뛰어난 제품 및 서비스를 제공 하여 업계 전반에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있으며, 고객에 다양한 혜택을 제공하고 있다며, 슈나이더 일렉트릭은 끊김 없는 DCIM(datacenter infrastructure management) 서비스와 원격 및 현장 자산 관리 솔루 션을 통해, 고객의 요구에 부응하고 치열한 시장 경 쟁에서 선두를 지키고 있다고 말했다. 슈나이더 일렉트릭 필립 아르소노(Philippe Arsonneau) IT 사업부 글로벌 세일즈 부문 수석 부사 장은 수상소감을 통해 급변하고 있는 IT 업계는 빠르 게 늘어나고 있는 디지털 데이터, 전력 및 자원 부족 등으로 인해 다양한 어려움을 겪고 있으며, 데이터센 터 라이프사이클 전체를 관리할 수 있는 더 의미있고 총체적인 IT 솔루션에 대한 수요가 높아지고 있다며, 슈나이더 일렉트릭은 이러한 당면과제를 잘 이해하 고 중소기업부터 대기업까지의 다양한 고객들에게 혁신적인 해답을 제공할 준비가 되어 있다고 밝혔다. Intellian FB500 approved for Inmarsat XpressLink Inmarsat announced that Intellian, a leading global provider of stabilised satellite antenna systems on 30 September, has been selected to deliver XpressLink services across its FB500 antenna. XpressLink is the world’s leading, fullyintegrated Ku-band and L-band solution used with VSAT and FleetBroadband terminals. It is proving highly popular with ship owners across the world with its offer of unlimited data for a fixed monthly fee, while also delivering a fully-redundant and resilient service. XpressLink also offers an easy upgrade path to Global Xpress. Previously approved to deliver XpressLink services over its V100GX VSAT antennas, the inclusion of FB500 within the XpressLink terminal offerings further strengthens Intellian’s position as an important partner supporting Inmarsat’s future Maritime portfolio. An Inmarsat partner since 2011, Intellian provides services primarily to the maritime sector, as well as to luxury yachting, offshore energy, and defense and intelligence. Inmarsat Maritime President, Frank Coles said; “Intellian is an innovative and reliable manufacturing partner for Inmarsat and their technology is featured across all three of our major maritime platforms with antennas type-approved for Ka, Ku and L-band services. As we continue to innovate our services, it’s imperative that our partners are able to help us realise our vision of the future of maritime communications.” The FB500 antenna has demonstrated its effectiveness in supporting XpressLink services, having been deployed on ves- sels of a number of Inmarsat’s commercial maritime customers. “We are proud to continue to develop our relationship with Inmarsat and to extend the number of antennas deployed across their service portfolio. Delivering reliable and robust services is our priority. The future of Inmarsat’s portfolio is exciting and we are looking forward to working with them on new innovations in the future,” said Eric Sung, CEO, Intellian. 29 Feature Story Deepwater sector lifts the gloom over offshore - A blue-chip sector for shipbuilding industry, growing at an annual average rate of 6% Offshore energy development industry is digging deeper for oil & gas and minerals under the seabed. Scores of offshore development projects are underway worldwide and related market research organizations publish very high growth forecasts. However, the reality is harsh, contrary to rosy prospects. The 3 domestic shipbuilding heavyweights, the leaders in offshore plant sector, have seen their new order intake sliding to 40% of the previous year’s level. For the remaining 2 month until the end of current year, there is no largescale project looming. With new order placement for offshore plants diminishing, competition has become even fiercer as China, Singapore, Brazil, etc., are jumping into the cutthroat competition to snatch new orders for offshore plants. Deepwater sector, a future growth engine, combines various technologies and extensive experience that domestic shipyards have accumulated, including the technologies for offshore oil & gas plant mining equipment, cable, production and transportation, etc. Thus, the 3 domestic shipbuilding heavyweights with extensive experience in offshore facility sector have significant advantage in deepwater sector which requires even more advanced technologies than those of domestic shipbuilding industry. 30 The world has entered the era of offshore industry. Deepwater plant industry has emerged as new growth engine industry amid vigorous deep seabed resource explorations worldwide. Currently, more than 100 countries are producing oil and natural gas. However, 65% of current oil producing countries have reached production peak, and the remaining oil producing countries are expected to hit a peak within the next 2 decades. In addition, 65% of world oil production occurs in onshore oil fields while the remaining 35% have been made in offshore oilfields. There has been a gradual decline in production from onshore oil fields. Particularly, the production from offshore oil and gas fields with a water depth of less than 300 m has also reached a peak since showing an upward trend since early 2000s. Meanwhile, deepwater production has been steadily increasing and its proportion has climbed to 8% of world’s production volume. Current technological advancement has turned exploration and development to a water depth of over 3000 m into a reality. In offshore oil fields, there has been a steady rise in new oil field development and deepwater oil field developments particularly in West Africa, Latin America, and Gulf of Mexico region. In offshore gas fields, multiple projects have been underway mainly in Australia, Russia, and Southeast Asia. Especially, deepwater development has been gathering speed, spurred by technological innovation of production equipment. In fact, deepwater development has been obscured by oil production from onshore and shallow water oil fields in the era of ‘easy oil’ which spanned between 1980s and 1990s. Since the dawn of new millennium, deepwater development has emerged as new market which international major oil companies has been actively tapping into and has witnessed rapid expansion. About 60 floating facilities to be ordered over the next 5 years In global offshore plant market, ordinary commercial vessel segment has stagnated this year amid excessive cargo traffic due to persistent vessel oversupply and world economic slowdown, although new orders seemed to have increased since the second half of last year. The offshore plant sector has seen even more difficulty as international major oil companies are reducing investment in offshore sector. The industry pundits explain that the difficulty in offshore sector is deepened by the delay in investment cost recovery from exploration and drilling activities and the rising costs of investment in offshore oil and gas fields. According to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), 31 Feature Story cumulative value of overseas plant orders decreased 7% year-on-year to USD 43 billion up to the third quarter of this year, out of which new orders for offshore plants fell 78% compared to the previous year. New orders for offshore facilities are expected to recover fast from the second half of this year, although the weak energy demand is putting a downward pressure on new orders for offshore facilities. Particularly, the shift towards the floating production system is unavoidable in deepwater facility sector, considering the existing fixed platform or jacket does not have competitive edge in terms of technology and production. Deepwater development will be thrust into even brighter limelight amid gradual depletion of shallow water resources such as oil, gas, minerals on land. Deepwater seabed resources comprise approximately 73% of natural resources buried in ocean. The investment in deepwater production is also expected to expand every year as the deepwater oil production doubled the volume recorded in the period between 2006 and 2015. The global offshore plant is expected to be worth about USD 500 billion by 2030, growing at an annual average rate of more than 6%. Specifically, shipbuilding industry predicts that about 60 floating offshore facilities will be ordered for deepwater development over the next 5 years. Crisis overshadowing Korean shipbuilding industry There has been unending dark outlook for domestic shipbuilding industry. The rate of increase in new orders has slowed down due to diminishing new order placement for vessels in the aftermath of economic downturn since the outbreak of global financial crisis. According to Clarkson, global new orders for vessels have decreased continuously worldwide. This year, 234 units of vessel were ordered in January around the globe, but the number fell to 205 units in February. New orders slid to 145 units in March, 121 units in Aril, and took a nosedive to 95 units in May. It is the first time that the newbuilding orders recorded double-digit figure since November, 2011 when newbuilding order plummeted to 73 units. In addition, domestic shipbuilding industry was dethroned by Chinese rivals that are already armed with price competitiveness and have drastically expanded technological capabilities. Even worse, domestic shipbuilding industry is having a tough time in fending off challenge from Japanese shipyards 32 Oil FPSO LNG FPSO Subsea (Unit: USD 100 million) 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 Figure 1. Subsea and FPSO market size outlook (Source: Clarkson) that have significantly reduced the ship price on the back of weak yen. The 3 domestic shipbuilding heavyweights are concentrating their capabilities in winning new orders for offshore plants, shifting their focus from commercial vessels that have shown weaker demand over the last 3 to 4 years. However, the result was dismal. The reckless low-price order-taking has eroded profitability, and tremendous loss has resulted from inadequate experience and technology. Offshore plants often require design alternation during construction process, unlike commercial vessels that have standardized design and construction processes. Nevertheless, consideration was not given to such aspects. Rather, they unavoidably resorted to low-price order-taking to secure the works for shipyards. Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) recorded a deficit of more than KRW 1 trillion due to poor performance in offshore plant sector. The best example is the world's largest FPSO ordered by Norway. HHI projected the construction cost to be USD 1.2 billion when the contract was entered into in 2010. However, the estimated cost is likely to exceed USD 2 billion, according to foreign media. Following the design alteration that occurred twice, the delivery time was rescheduled from July to the second half of this year. Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) also recorded huge operating loss in offshore plant sector in the second quarter. The floating central processing facility (CPF) for Ichthys Field in Australia is the first project that SHI builds. However, the project was delayed from initial design process and the specification revision led to the cost overrun and more works in the follow-up process. Deepwater holds the key to the future 25 Expenditure ($ billions) 20 15 Africa Asia Australasia Eastern Europe & FSU Latin America Middle East North America Western Europe 10 5 0 handle entire value chain that encompasses engineering and installation technology, etc, compared to the offshore facilities associated closely with vessels. That is clear in light of the 3 domestic shipbuilding heavyweights’ track records in offshore plant construction and market share. Moreover, deepwater sector is an untapped market to be unlocked and has witnessed that a handful of overseas companies have oligopolistic share in the market. Additionally, the link with major oil & gas companies plays a significant part. Therefore, deepwater sector can be a relatively lucrative market if the high technology entry barrier is overcome based on the leading technology accumulated through many years of work and extensive track records. Domestic equipment manufacturers can also make successful entry into this sector. 25 TLP Spar 20 Expenditure ($ billions) Industry pundits agree that investment needs to be constantly made for offshore and deepwater facilities despite sluggish performance of the 3 domestic shipbuilding heavyweights. Chinese shipyards are trailing very closely behind domestic shipyards that have the leading technology and dominated the market for high value-added vessels, such as environment-friendly eco-ship, LNG carriers, ultra-large containerships, etc., among ordinary commercial vessels. Chinese shipyards are expected to have the capability to build these value-added vessels within the next few years. The offshore plant sector is the same case. Chinese shipyards, Singaporean shipyard, etc., swept new orders for offshore facilities this year, excluding the 2 drillships ordered to Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) Therefore, domestic shipbuilding industry needs to establish an unrivalled leading position in deepwater sector that has emerged as new growth locomotive. The deepwater represents a high value-added sector and has far-reaching ripple effect. Furthermore, offshore energy development to dig oil & gas and minerals from the seabed has gained momentum. The investment in deepwater development is very likely to bounce back anytime, although international major oil companies have curtailed investment. This outlook would compel domestic shipbuilding industry to increase the investment in the deepwater sector. According to the related industry, deepwater market is two to three times larger than the market for offshore facilities such as FPSO. Deepwater facility sector requires Total Solution capability to FPSS FPSO 15 10 5 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Figure 2. FPS market outlook (Source: Douglas-Westwood, Korea Maritime Institute) 33 Feature Story Investment for the future The 3 domestic shipbuilding heavyweights have extensive know-how in the construction and installation of floating offshore production facilities such as FPSO, drillship, etc. Thus, they would need to focus more on deepwater production facility segment, rather than the subsea processing segment that requires extensive experience, track record, and engineering technology. Unrivalled leadership position in deepwater offshore plant sector requires development of technologies for localizing the equipment used in offshore plants. Technological prowess and capability to satisfy quality standards even in extreme conditions will make domestic shipbuilding shipyards set apart from overseas companies. In addition, infrastructure needs to be built up for securing core equipment/ installation technology and developing talented human resources in FEED (Front End Engineering Design) field, thus strengthening the capability in existing offshore plant sector. Deepwater offshore plant requires enormous initial investment and therefore poses significant challenge for privatesector companies carrying out the project single-handedly. In that regard, it is very important to team up with overseas leading companies through consortium when making entry into the market. Currently, Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) has made foray into deepwater market most aggressively. SHI is moving to make inroads into the market by leveraging the M&A with overseas 34 companies specializing in deepwater sector. According to foreign media and industry, SHI is looking for European and Asian companies specializing in deepwater sector. Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) has been actively showing interest in deepwater sector for several years to date, but has yet to make certain move. Meanwhile, DSME is concentrating the research workforce in the field of production-related equipment such as submarine pipe, production riser for undersea oil transportation, etc. Meanwhile, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) is installing the 3 offshore platforms for Barzan offshore natural gas project awarded from Qatar-based Ras Gas, along with submarine pipeline for the transportation of gas, using its experience with submarine pipeline works. HHI is the only domestic shipyard that has the submarine pipeline fleet. HHI plans to carve out large share of the subsea market based on indigenous technology and equipment while spearheading the localization of subsea technology. Currently, HHI is proceeding with development of offshore plant used in the production of deepwater resources production in a government-initiated project and focusing on the localization of core equipment/installation technologies, seabed/offshore integrated engineering technology for eco-friendly deepwater offshore plants capable of operating at depths of up to 3000 m. According to Douglas-Westwood, the market for maintenance/repair, remodeling, and operation of about 9,000 offshore plants worldwide is projected to be worth about USD 5 to 7 years and increasing Exploration Seismic Sampling Drilling xploration E Drilling Field Development Engineering Fabrication/ Construction Production Drilling Offshore Installation ub-sea S Construction Production Production Operation Maintenance Modification Abandonment Decommission Figure 3. Offshore oil exploration/development value chain (Source: Energy Maritime Associates, Korea Maritime Institute) 100 billion. This robust growth of the market has been spurred by the combination of various factors, such as sustained high oil prices, broader development of offshore oil fields, rising demand for remodeling based on the service life of offshore plant, equipment and service price hikes, etc. By region, Asian market is expected to comprise 30% over the next 5 years, surpassing the North American market that will account for 27%. The growth of demand in Asia is expected to be further fuelled by large-scale infrastructure installation/ operation and increase in offshore oil development. Deepwater development enthusiasm still not waned According to the research data of Korea Maritime Institute (KMI), there will be a heightened interest in deepwater sector although global new orders for offshore plants have dried up. The U.S.-based Lockheed Martin Corporation has secured new exploration rights on the basin of the central Pacific Ocean that has deposits of metal minerals worth multibillion dollars on its seafloor. Moreover, ISA has approved all the deepwater mineral exploration rights which were filed in 7 countries this world. Among the countries which received approval this time are included the United States, Russia, India, Brazil, Singapore, etc. Besides, deepwater development projects are being carried out by Ireland and Russia in the Pacific Ocean, by Singapore in the Indian Ocean, and Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean. The enthusiasm for deepwater development is not likely to start cooling down quickly as the deepwater sector is witnessing constant evolution of mining, transportation and processing technologies which have been considered technology bottlenecks thus far. The International Seabed Authority (ISA), an international organization that manages deepwater resources in international waters, has 166 member states. Korea gained membership to ISA as one of Group E states (regional arrangements associated with geographical distribution) in January 1996 and was elevated to the Group B in 2009. Korea has been actively involved in ISA Council and legal technical committee as a leader of deepwater mining industry since 1996. Specifically, Korea secured the exclusive exploration block (112,000 km2) in the open waters of Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Pacific Ocean island countries. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries recently secured the right to independently probe the hydrothermal deposit exploration block covering an area of 10,000 km2 which is 3,000 times larger than Yeouido, and entered into the related exploration contract with International Seabed Authority (ISA) supervising the deepwater resource management activities in international waters of Jamaica. The government has signed an agreement with ISA for exclusive exploration of Mid-Indian Ridge. Under this agreement, Korea has the right to independently probe the hydrothermal deposit exploration block occupying 10,000 km2 which is about 3,000 times larger than Yeouido. Besides, Korea is exploring 3 deepwater blocks in the Pacific Ocean region. Sea is still a place of fierce competition among many countries. The enthusiasm for deepwater sector will be heated up to secure new marine and coastal biological resources, as well as the offshore resources such as oil, gas, minerals, etc., which are gradually being depleted. Many countries will compete fiercely to carve out bigger slice of this market. 35 Special Focus Metering Stations Monitor Product Flows at World’s Largest Refinery The Reliance refinery in Jamnagar, India employs 76 flow metering stations from Daniel Measurement and Control to monitor oil and gas products valued at US $ 20 billion annually. Emerson Process Management Figure 1. Reliance Industries, India's largest private company, built the world's largest oil refinery in Jamnagar. Jamnagar has consequently been nicknamed the “Oil City of India.” Reliance Industries Ltd., ranked 99th on the Fortune 500 list of the world’s biggest corporations, operates the world’s largest refinery and petrochemical complex. Located in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India (Figure 1), the refinery processes 1.24 million barrels per day (MBPD) of crude oil. Largely due to this facility, Jamnagar has emerged as one of the world’s refining hubs. The refinery (Figure 2) also contains the world’s largest crude distillation unit, fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU), delayed coker unit and paraxylene unit. Its more than 50 processing units produce paraxylene, ethylene, polyethylene, polypropylene, and many other products, including diesel, gasoline and aviation fuel. 36 Moving and Measuring Crude Oil Crude oil arrives at the refinery’s all-weather deep sea port, which is capable of receiving all types of oil tankers and vessels. Two 48-inch sub-sea pipelines carry the crude to the refinery. Because of various taxes and economic incentives, and the placement of the new refinery in a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), the flow of crude oil and refined products must be closely measured at various points (Figure 3), both in the new SEZ refinery, and in the old refinery. The value of the products produced at the refinery is about US $ 20 billion annually, so fiscal (custody) transfer and allocation measurements are critical. Fiscal transfer flow mea- surement errors of only 0.2% could cost the refinery US $ 50 million per year. For this and other reasons, 76 flow metering systems from Daniel Measurement and Control, a business unit of Emerson Process Management, are installed in various locations around the refinery to monitor the flow of incoming crude, oil and products within the refinery, and of outgoing products. Building Measurement Skids in advance The refinery complex consists of an existing refinery and a new, connected refinery. Construction of the new US $ 6 billion refinery began in 2005, with 75,000 construction workers on the site and 7,500 engineers working at eight global locations. Engineers at Daniel Measurement and Control’s offices in Singapore and Houston, Texas, designed metering systems for the facility. Construction took only three years, a new benchmark for building a grass-roots refinery of this size and complexity. As details of the refinery processes were being finalized, Daniel was contracted to deliver 76 metering systems in 12 months. Daniel employed an integrated engineering system process, designing the metering systems in an automated 3-D scale model based on the approved P&IDs (Figure 4). The 3-D models helped Reliance review the desired mea- Figure 2. The Reliance refinery in Jamnagar, India, takes up 1,700 acres and processes 1.24 MBPD of crude oil. The economic value of the crude and products being measured at this site is more than US $ 20 billion annually. surement solution ahead of time at various stages of the project, and thus allowed them to implement changes to the system design with ease. The models also helped Reliance and Bechtel engineers review the complete bill of materials for manufacturing, and perform engineering reviews on the general arrangement, stress analysis, center-of-gravity calculations and compliance to the API MPMS standards. Daniel Model 3804 liquid ultrasonic flow meters are used on Figure 3. Because of tax regulations, flow of crude oil and refined products must be monitored at several places in the refinery complex. 37 Special Focus the custody transfer skids that determine the fiscal transfers of all petroleum products, ranging from heavy crude to light hydrocarbons processed for the export market. Each skid has a Daniel S600 flow computer, Fisher control valves with FIELDVUE digital valve controllers, Micro Motion Vibrating type density meters, ASCO solenoid valves, and Rosemount pressure and temperature transmitters. The flow computers allow for fully automated systems. All the flow computer measurement data is accessible over the Ethernet network, which provides uplinked system redundancy at multiple levels. Multiple meter runs provide flow measurement hardware redundancy. Daniel also supplied systems to measure allocation transfers between the export refining complex and the existing plant for taxation purposes. These allocation skids measure refinery intermediates, ranging from low lubricity hydrocarbons to heavy intermediates. The allocation skids have the same basic equipment as the fiscal transfer skids. Both the custody transfer and allocation metering systems were assembled at Daniel’s triple ISO-certified skid-building facility in Singapore (Figure 5) and shipped to the refinery jetty at Jamnagar by bulk marine cargo ship. Figure 5. This fiscal metering skid was assembled in Daniel’s skid-building facility in Singapore and shipped to the refinery by boat. The complexity of any refinery is defined by its Nelson Complexity Index. The index is a measure of secondary conversion capacity in comparison to the primary distillation capacity. It is also an indicator of not only the investment intensity or cost index of the refinery, but also the value-added potential of a refinery. Adding up the complexity values assigned to each piece of equipment, including crude distillation, determines a refinery’s complexity on the Nelson Complexity Index. The Nelson Complexity Index averages 9.5 for U.S. refiners, and 6.5 for European refineries. The Jamnagar facility has an index of 14, one of the highest in the world. One of the reasons for the high index is the refinery’s ability to process 20 different crudes, plus intermediates and end products. Reliance’s Jamnagar refinery uses 76 flowmetering stations to monitor oil and gas products that are valued at $ 20 billion Figure 4. Daniel used its 3D modeling system to concurrently design and build 76 flow metering skids. Proving Ultrasonic Meters Ultrasonic flow meters were chosen as the accounting meters because they can handle a wide variety of process fluids including white oil, black oil, 20 types of crude oil, refinery intermediates, and end products. These fluids vary in viscosity from 1 to 360 cP, and they vary in temperature. 38 Because of the wide variety of incoming crude and outgoing products, ultrasonic flowmeters were chosen for the metering stations. To ensure transaction repeatability of 0.05%, master meters and provers were installed on each metering skid, and were provided with mobile or fixed Compact Provers (Figure 6). Currently, there are a total of five Compact Provers at the facility. Proving is done in accordance with API MPMS 4.2, 4.5, 4.8 and 5.8 recommendations. Field proving of master meters is done “in-situ,” meaning the prover is placed in series with the accounting metering system. Because the master meter is used to prove the fiscal metering or allocation metering flow meters, the master meter has to be proved itself prior to, during or after a transfer, under similar operating conditions. This is called “proving the prover,” and it is done with a Compact Prover. According to API MPMS, the master meter factor shall be based on at least two consecutive proof runs that agree within ±0.01%. When used to prove the accounting flow meters, repeatability must be ±0.05% over five consecutive proving runs. The primary advantages of the Compact Prover are its small size and wide flow rate rangeability of 1000:1. The small size helps with faster temperature stabilization before proving, and helps reduce the time required for the prover displacer to traverse the smaller prover volume during proving operations. The old refinery uses ball provers, but Compact Provers were chosen for the new SEZ refinery. The Compact Prover is essentially the same as a ball prover except it has a smaller volume - about 20 to 30 times smaller - so its pre-run times can be as short at 0.1 seconds. Because the prover volume is small, a series of consecutive prover passes are typically performed to constitute a proving run that is equivalent to a ball prover. Another benefit of a Compact Prover is the smaller test measure used for water draw than required for a conventional ball prover. This creates significant savings in operating expenses and time because water draw witness is required during a routine or regulatory test. The Compact Provers are portable, which means they can be moved easily from skid to skid, reducing the number of provers needed, and lowering the cost. The Compact Prover can also be used to prove the old ball provers. In some custody transfer or allocation measurement skids where mass measurements are needed, a double-walled vacuum-sphere pycnometer is used for density proving of the vibrating type density meters. For example, in a propane or butane measurement skid, volume is measured by an ultrasonic flowmeter and density is measured by a densitom- Figure 6. This fiscal metering skid was assembled in Daniel’s skid-building facility in Singapore and shipped to the refinery by boat. eter. The pycnometer obtains the density meter factor for the densitometer in situ, and serves as the density prover. Density proving is done in accordance with API MPMS, and is particularly critical because it is one half of the mass proving equation. Results Today, all key processing units are operating close to or at their respective design capacities. All the support units and utilities are fully operational, and the refinery has been operating at near 100% capacity with minimal downtime since it began operation in December 2008. Given the refinery’s unprecedented size and scope, high level of complexity as evidenced by the Nelson Complexity Index of 14, the various system design permutations and combinations, and the requirement to equate each option according to cost and value - this was a particularly difficult application for flow metering. More than a hundred ultrasonic flowmeters have proven their ability to measure a wide range of fluids across the refinery, and the fiscal and allocation measuring skids have met all regulatory requirements. 39 Issue DSME successfully installed the first topside module on the world’s first FLNG Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) successfully installed the first topside module for the full-fledged FLNG quay wall works after it launched the world’s first FLNG on April 5 which can produce, store, and unload the liquefied natural gas at sea. The quay wall work began with the installation of topside modules for Malaysia Petronas FLNG, the world's first FLNG. DSME held a ceremony to mark the installation of the first topside on FLNG (Floating LNG) ordered in March 2012 at the G-Quay of Okpo shipyard on September 22. This ceremony was attended by officials of both companies, including Dr. Colin Wong Hee Huing of Petronas. The modules named Electric & Instrument Building were successfully installed on the same day and will supply power to topside modules and control the electrical system to refine natural gas produced from the seabed. The module with a weight of about 2000 tons was mounted safely on the hull using the 3,600-ton offshore crane of DSME. Petronas FLNG completed the launching ceremony in April this year. The topside modules weigh approximately 40,000 tons. About 20 topsides will be mounted in a timely manner as scheduled, followed by the commissioning and naming ceremony. The newbuild FLNG will depart from the port for local installation around in September 2015. After delivery, this FLNG will be put into operation at Kanowit gas field 40 The first topside module is being mounted on FLNG under construction at Okpo shipyard of DSME, using the offshore crane located off the northwest coast of Sarawak, Malaysia from the first quarter of 2016 for full-fledged production of natural gas. If it successfully produces the first gas, it will be the world’s first operational FLNG. This FLNG currently being built by DSME is an ultra-large gas production offshore facility which measures 365 m in length, 60 m in width, and 33 m in height (164 m high up to the flare tower) with a weight of about 120,000 tons. Specifically, this FLNG has an annual production capacity of up to 1.2 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and can store up to 180,000 m3 of LNG and 20,000 m3 of condensate (volatile liquid hydrocarbon) in the tank inside the hull. An official from DSME said, “DSME successfully installed the topsides in just 13 months after the start of production based on the leading technology and thorough preparation. The ceremony today is meaningful very much as it signifies that we are close to completing the construction and delivery of the world’s first FLNG.” The subsea natural gas development using the FLNG has been in full swing, drawing the attention of major international oil companies, amid the rising demand for LNG worldwide. HHI presses ahead with intensive reorganization in the wake of the largest-ever deficit Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) is pushing ahead with rigorous reorganization, such as resignation of all officers, drastic reduction of managerial positions, process innovation, system reform, etc., to tide over management crisis. HHI, which recorded the largest-ever deficit in the second quarter, is pressing ahead with intensive reorganization in which all officers tendered resignation to take responsibility for current crisis and make room for new blood. In an executive meeting held on October 12, HHI called for reorganization to normalize the company. Under the reorganization, executives who are deemed vital for new organization would be retained through reappointment. The reshuffle will be conducted early to infuse new blood to rejuvenate the organization. Specifically, competent general managers will be selected to lead the organization. This reshuffle is also effective in Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD) and Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI), the affiliates of HHI. Kwon Oh-gap, President of HHI, said, “We need to face up to our reality and have no choice but to push forward intensive reform and transform ourselves. I urge all of you to work responsibly with clear blueprint for reform and meet the expectations of the public, domestic and overseas customers towards our company.” HHI has directed all its energy to finalize collective wage agreement since Kwon Oh-gap, President of HHI, came aboard. However, labor union indefinitely postponed the vote on the strike and did not come into collective bargaining. Under those circumstances, the management of HHI has pushed ahead with reorganization to preempt potentially serious disruption to operations of company which may arise from the delay. HHI is on track to drastically reduce the support organization and place the primary focus of reorganization on production and sales. Moreover, HHI plans to assign talented personnel to production and sales positions, thus concentrating the capabilities in the normalization of company. In addition, HHI will review and adjust operations of its overseas representative offices and business that has reached limit. Particularly, HHI will move ahead with deep cost-cutting plan that will slash even the essential costs. Meanwhile, HHI is also striving to promote earnest communication to infuse life into organization and boost confidence of young employees. To convey the message of hope to employees who envision bright future, the President of HHI will be seated with them for serious discussion. In particular, employees leaving for the rest of the day will be greeted at the company entryway by officers saying thanks to their hard work at the end of month. This aims to come closer to employees and set an example, thus adding vitality to the organization. The effort to reshape the way of thinking will also be made at the production site. HHI will organize the process innovation team to review the process efficiency of entire divisions and reduce costs through automation of processes. To create safer and more comfortable workplace, the environmental improvement will begin with the production site where union members and employees of subcontractors are working. 41 Issue Shale gas production in full swing with a surge in shipbuilding contracts looming The U.S. shale gas development is gathering speed, raising the prospects for surge in new orders for LNG carriers needed to transport the shale gas. This will help bring much-needed respite to the 3 major domestic shipbuilding heavyweights which have seen new orders dried up. The U.S. shale gas revolution has led to a burgeoning demand for LNG carriers. The U.S. government has traditionally taken sensitive approach to energy exports. However, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) gave the green light to the 4 shale gas projects such as Sabine Pass, Freeport, Cove Point, and Cameron as the shale gas boom has resulted in oversupply and weak prices. The annual production of LNG at these 4 locations is estimated at 60 million tons. To accommodate the transport, about 90 LNG carriers are expected to be required. So far, only about 30 LNG carriers have been ordered. Therefore, newbuilding orders for the remaining 60 LNG carriers are expected to be placed before 2019, the year when those projects will start LNG exports. The greatest beneficiaries of those LNG carrier orders will be the 3 domestic shipbuilding heavyweights, such as Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI), and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), which dominate the global market for LNG carriers. Particularly, Japanese shipyards, the only rival of Korean shipyards in LNG carrier market, do not have sufficient docks even for building the LNG carriers 42 needed to transport the shale gas for domestic use. Shale gas development still remains in inchoate stage. About 10 shale gas development projects are underway in Canada, as well as the United States, for shale gas exports. Europe has also Eco-friendly LNG carrier built by DSME shown heightened the first half of next year at the earliest. interest in shale gas, including China Although the contract amount is still which holds the world’s largest shale unknown, the U.S.-based Excelerate gas reserves. In this regard, the shale which carries out this project is mulling gas market has very bright outlook. over the idea of awarding the contracts Meanwhile, the full-fledged shale gas for 2 FLSOs in phase, raising the exports has led to a growing interest in prospects for additional order for FLSO (Floating Liquefaction, Storage second vessel subsequent to initial and Offloading unit). FLSO liquefies contract. and stores the gas produced onshore and exports the gas via sea, unlike the This FLSO will be deployed into Lavaca Bay LNG project. Excelerate plans 2 FSO which stores and unloads the oil at FLSOs stepwise. This facility which the sea or LNG-FRSU that supplies measures 340 m in length will be fitted LNG from sea to land-based locations. According to the Upstream, a magawith 10 membrane cargo holds with the storage capacity of 250,000 m3 of liqzine specializing in offshore sector, uefied natural gas and will have an Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) is curannual production capacity of 4.4 rently negotiating with the U.S. energy million tons of liquefied natural gas. company Excelerate to win the contract for the world’s first FLSO and the contract is expected to be entered into in Leaner orderbook for offshore plants, shrinking 78% year-on-year to USD 3.4 billion Domestic shipyards showed robust performance in the beginning of the year winning overseas orders for large-scale plants, but has witnessed a 7% year-on-year decrease in cumulative overseas plant orders to USD 43 billion up to the third quarter of this year. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced that cumulative overseas orders for plants decreased 7.0% year-on-year to USD 43 billion up to September this year. Based on the type of facilities, new orders for onshore plants such as power generation and gas plants, etc., increased 30.4% year-on-year to USD 39.5 billion. Particularly, new orders for oil & gas facilities accounted for 60%, an all-time high level, as major domestic construction companies, such as Hyundai, GS, etc., won new orders for large-scale refinery plant projects in a row. New orders for other facilities, including the offshore plants, remain below the level seen in the same period of previous year, leading to downward slide in overall new order intake. Meanwhile, new orders for offshore plants decreased by 78% to USD 3.45 billion as international major oil companies reduced investment in offshore sector. In particular, no new orders for offshore plants were placed at domestic shipyards this year, excluding 1 unit of LNG FPSO ordered to Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) and 2 drillships ordered to Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME). The cumulative order intake in the third quarter this year increased by USD 2 bil- Category Total Power generation/ desalination Offshore Oil&Gas (Onshore) Petrochemical Industrial facility Equipment/materials 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014.9 44,903 64,480 64,984 64,759 63,676 42,956 7,557 35,914 18,876 19,367 17,504 8,824 5,242 26,568 2,615 2,234 687 8,860 11,964 6,066 1,498 178 17,597 9,362 8,741 9,923 485 21,785 10,196 8,161 4,932 318 18,166 18,263 5,191 4,184 368 3,448 25,607 1,995 2,942 140 Table 1. Order intake by facility (Unit: USD 1 million) lion (5%) compared to the average order intake over the last 5 year, and represents the second all-time high level except for 2010 which witnessed many contracts for ultra-large-scale projects such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) nuclear power plants. This robust performance reflects the hard work of shipyards to reverse the downwards trend in new orders from Middle East or Europe for offshore plants. Noticeably, new orders from Africa recorded the all time high, totaling USD 6.92 billion, as a result of the efforts to advance into emerging markets. Based on region, new orders from Middle East, Africa, and Americas increased sharply compared to the same period of previous year, spurred by the strong growth in new orders from large-scale oil & gas and power generation projects. By contrast, new orders from Europe and Asia fell as new orders for offshore plants, petrochemical plant, and industrial facilities continued to decline in the third quarter. This year, annual new order intake is expected to remain at the previous year’s level amid unclear prospects for the recovery in new orders for major facilities, such as offshore plants, due to global economic slowdown and weak oil prices despite the increase in plant orders into the first half of this year. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is directing all its energy towards the offshore plant projects in emerging markets in the fourth quarter this year to help domestic shipyards increase new order intake for overseas plants. Particularly, the Ministry will strengthen industrial cooperative relationship with emerging countries such as Africa and central/Latin America, etc., to spur diversification into various regional markets. 43 Technology A turbo boost for LNG 1,700 TPL and TPS turbochargers run on over 1,100 engines powered with LNG Demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) is on the increase – in the power generation industry as well as, more recently, the marine sector. ABB Turbocharging is strongly committed to continuously developing technologies and maintenance solutions that support this market. ABB Natural gas, cooled to –162°C and, liquefied, is arguably the most discussed fossil fuel today, and it is likely to remain so in the com ing years. Industry in general continues to favor it as an environ mentally attractive alternative to other hydrocarbon fuels. In fact, ABB Turbocharging has delivered over 1,700 TPL and TPS turbo chargers on over 1,100 engines powered with LNG so far. Natural gas is the preferred choice for electric power genera tion and industrial sectors because of its low greenhouse emissions – a result of its lower carbon intensity in compari son with coal and oil. And for new power generation plants it is especially attractive because of the relatively low capital investment needed. Also, abundant natural gas resources and stable production contribute to the strong competitive 44 position of natural gas among all the available energy sourc es. This trend is clearly visible in the medium and large bore power generation market, where the volume of newly pro duced diesel fueled engines has dropped significantly since the introduction of the new spark ignited lean burn gas engines and multi-fuel engines. Another clear trend in the global energy market, and especial ly in electricity generation, is the need for high flexibility, reliabili ty and fuel efficiency to be available over a wide load range. These requirements can no longer be met by traditional “inflex ible” gas turbines, and it is here that the highly efficient gas engines have a key advantage. A multiple engine setup easily outperforms the traditional gas turbines by enabling an exist ing power system to operate at maximum efficiency. It does this by effectively absorbing system load variations, allowing a significant saving at the system level, and therefore for con sumers. A 2012 study of the California power system by the energy consultancy DNV KEMA showed that adding highly efficient gas engines, instead of traditional, high-start-cost, inflexible gas turbines, enables up to twelve percent of the annual system costs to be saved. ABB Turbocharging actively supports the gas and dual-fuel engine development trends through the introduction of high pressure, high efficiency two-stage turbo charging Power2® and Valve Control Management (VCM®). Environmentally relevant This increasing importance of natural gas is not only evident in the power generation industry; the marine sector, too, has taken note of its environmentally and commercially attractive benefits compared with other fossil fuel solutions. With natu ral gas as fuel, NOx emissions are reduced by 85% and SOx and particulates are practically non-existent compared with traditional diesel engines. The key commercial benefit is that no additional expensive aftertreatment systems are required to meet the new regulations coming into force. Looking at the total cost of ownership, natural gas is poten tially a more attractive solution for meeting new emission reg ulations than any kind of diesel configuration. While dual-fuel engines are already widely used in the LNG carrier market, pure spark ignited gas engines still tend to be rare in the marine sector. Although operators of ferries, cruise vessels, offshore support vessels and others are showing a growing interest in this technology, the LNG boom in the marine sector for non-LNG carriers is progressing more slowly than was anticipated. This is mainly due to the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee’s decision to enforce new regulations for ships’ NOx emissions in 2016 for already designated NOx Emission Control Areas (NECA) only. Another reason is the lack of a global LNG infrastruc ture, which is currently limited to specific regions. Increased engine output ABB Turbocharging actively supports the gas and dual-fuel engine development trends through the introduction of tech nologies that include high pressure, high efficiency twostage turbocharging (Power2) as well as Valve Control Management (VCM) – see page 16. These technologies offer the possibility of increasing engine output and opera tional flexibility, enable fixed pitch propeller (FPP) operation and allow an increase in engine efficiency. ABB turbochargers are used right across the medium-speed gas and dual-fuel engine market, and cover a broad range of marine and power plant appli-cations. ABB Turbocharging also has well-established maintenance management agree ment packages, such as the Operation Performance Package (OPAC), that fully support these markets. OPAC enables cus tomers to maintain highest plant efficiency, flexibility and uptime, through monitoring, planning and completion of turbo charger maintenance at a fixed price per running hour – a key factor in today’s market environment. About the author Marco Burgwal graduated in 1995 in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in Haarlem, The Netherlands. He worked as a technical superintendent at a Dutch shipping company before joining ABB Turbocharging in 2002. After a 6 year spell in Japan, which included heading the West Japan turbocharger service business, he returned in 2008 to join the global medium-speed sales and application engineering department, which he has headed since 2011. LNG promises a greener marine environment (Source: Viking Line) 45 Technology Volstad Maritime’s “Grand Canyon” is already using the EnwaMatic® technology. Volstad makes them green Volstad has selected chemical free water treatment for all its engines and will save large volumes of chemical waste. It has always been on our mind to look after the environment. That we save money at the same time is of course a bonus to us, says Volstad Maritime. Enwa Group Volstad Maritime, one of the majors in offshore shipping, is a real front runner in using new environmentally proven tech nology and they have recently decided to change their engine and HVAC water treatment regime. In order to have functional systems, it is very important to treat the water cool ing in the engines and in the HVAC systems. The old fashion way to do this is to use a chemical mixture to avoid corrosion, scaling and biofilm (bacteria). Volstad has 46 “When we ordered our two new vessels at Bergen Group Fosen the central requirement to reduce emission to air and sea as much as possible was quite clear to us,” says Volstad Maritime. discovered the Norwegian patented EnwaMatic ® Technology when ordering the first ships in their latest series of new ships. The protection of HVAC and engine cooling systems is a proactive step towards safeguarding the environment. As an alternative to chemical dosing, continuous treatment and fil tration will prolong the system and component lifespan with out risking the environment. The instant that water enters the system it causes flash corro sion, and during operation it will form scaling, bacterial con tamination and fouling. This has a significant impact on ener gy consumption, motor components and overall Life Cycle Cost (LCC). No more than 2 mm of rust can reduce heat transfer by 5% across component surfaces. Scale has an even more significant effect on the transfer efficiency with a small 0.5 mm layer generating as much as 4% in increased fuel consumption. When specifying a water treatment regime consideration must be given to its efficiency, its whole life cycle cost, how Enwa Matic Maritme easily it can be implemented and managed, and what potential risk it presents to personnel and the environment. A major worry for ship owners has been the fact that whenever an engine cooling system or an HVAC system is drained, the water has to be treated as special waste since chemicals are being used to avoid corrosion, scaling and bacteria. Traditionally, water treatment for HVAC and engine water is done by adding different types of chemicals to balance the water quality and in order to avoid corrosion damages. Doing so, however, can cause localised pitting and acceler ate corrosion. Contrary to this the EnwaMatic® technology is based on filtering and treating the water with minerals bal ancing, removing oxygen and neutralizing the water. The unit is fully automatic while it protects the engine or the HVAC system internals. The EnwaMatic® Maritime water treatment unit combines reproducible principles of water chemistry with standard water treatment technologies. The unit provides effective dirt and air separation with environmentally sound water condi tioning. It creates changes in key water parameters, such as pH, alkalinity and hardness, to elicit corrosion inhibition, con trol of scale formation and a biocidal effect. Volstad tells us that they are also using the EnwaMatic® tech nology on board their newly delivered offshore construction vessel; Grand Canyon. They are so far very satisfied and have great faith in the technology. Therefore they have now decided to install 11 EnwaMatic® Maritime water treatment units in each of the two new buildings at Bergen Group Fosen. Svenn Lorentzen, Sales Manager at Enwa, says “The EnwaMatic® technology, treating heating and cooling water in closed loops, is already in use in more than 5000 build ings in Europe alone. The recent move in to the maritime segment has already resulted in the delivery to more than 50 ships.” He add “We see that the market demand for our EnwaMatic® and EnwaMatic® Maritime units is quite strong and promis ing, as more and more of both our existing and new cus tomers order these environmentally friendly and energy effective water treatment systems. This technology is com pletely in line with the market trends and the future of both maritime and offshore related business, in addition to the land based market. We are very optimistic about the further development.” 47 Application SapuraKencana Leverages SMARTPLANT® Construction for Modular Construction Malaysian fabrication yard integrates innovative construction solution with other Intergraph ® enterprise tools to achieve maximum construction readiness Intergraph Corporation FACTS AT A GLANCE Company: SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad Website: www.sapurakencana.com Description: SapuraKencana is one of the world’s largest integrated oil and gas services and solutions provider. The Group's principal business include providing end-to-end solutions and services to the upstream petroleum industry, and covers activities such as installation of offshore pipelines and structures, fabrication of offshore structures, hook-up and commissioning, topside maintenance services, project management, offshore support services, specialised steel fabrication works, and many others. The Group’s global presence can be seen in over 20 countries, ranging from Malaysia and China to Australia, Middle East, America, Brazil, and beyond. Employees: Over 10,000 Industry: Oil & Gas Country: Malaysia PRODUCTS USED SmartPlant® Construction Smart 3D SmartPlant Review SmartPlant Foundation SmartPlant Materials KEY BENEFITS Enhanced integration between disciplines for improved collaboration More efficient resources planning for increased labor productivity Accurate and high-quality data to prevent planning errors Significant time and cost savings 48 Identifying Goals SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad (Sapura Kencana) is Malaysia's premier integrated oil and gas services and solutions provider, and is one of the largest in the world. Its global footprint allows the company to deploy assets and execute projects successfully anywhere, serving as a one-stop, strategic partner for oil and gas project needs worldwide. To support its continued expansion into the international market, SapuraKencana was keen to increase its capability to manage mega-projects and enhance global competitiveness in the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) industry. This meant that the company needed to revamp its systems and processes so that it is better equipped to adapt to frequent engineering design changes, while still ensuring on-time project delivery and seamless document turnover. SapuraKencana also sought to establish an integrated engineering environment so that different departments can work cohesively and collaborate more effectively using a single platform. As part of this technology upgrade, the company wanted to implement a solution that would enable modular construction for increased efficiency and productivity. Overcoming Challenges inimise human error from manual data handling and duplication of M efforts Improve flow of data and information within SapuraKencana and project teams Reduce idle time of resources during construction and enhance labor efficiency Realizing Results After a comprehensive evaluation, SapuraKencana selected Intergraph® SmartPlant® Construction and other SmartPlant Enterprise applications, including Intergraph Smart™ 3D, SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant Foundation, and SmartPlant Materials. The company decided to implement Intergraph technology because the suite of SmartPlant Enterprise solutions allows for full integration across the EPC processes, ensuring accurate production information for maximum construction readiness. “Intergraph is a reputable vendor with the quality and integrity of its solutions proven in the industry, and implemented by several major oil and gas companies,” said Rachel Yee, assistant manager for process control at SapuraKencana. “We were also very impressed by the commitment of the Intergraph team, and we have full confidence in the provided support and services for a successful implementation.” Interoperability was another key factor in SapuraKencana’s decision to adopt Intergraph technology. SmartPlant Construction and the SmartPlant Enterprise tools support interoperability, allowing the company to easily integrate with third-party tools and systems (such as Tekla, SAP’s timesheet management system, Primavera, and many others) for effective change management and reduced rework. SmartPlant Construction is the integrated Intergraph solution that offers dynamic work package planning, construction sequencing, and reporting to streamline and integrate engineering for improved CAPEX efficiency and maximum construction readiness. This is critical as construction readiness can make the difference between a 60 percent loss or a 10 percent profit. SmartPlant Construction ensures that even the most complex construction budgets stay on budget and schedule. This technology upgrade project was launched as part of SapuraKencana’s Yard Modernization Project, and the Intergraph solutions were implemented at the company’s Lumut yard. SmartPlant Construction has open interfaces with the SmartPlant Enterprise applications: with SmartPlant Materials, it checks materials availability and locations based on drawings attached to a work package; with SmartPlant Foundation, the latest documents and drawings are auto- matically attached to work packages; with Smart 3D, it enables 4D visualization based on the 3D model to visualize complex schedule information; and with SmartPlant Review, 3D models from PDS®, CADWorx® or third-party tools like PDMS and MicroStation can be imported for detailed engineering work. SmartPlant Construction can also be integrated with SapuraKencana’s existing applications, such as Primavera for the integration of the schedule with the work packages, and SAP’s time management system that captures actual man-hours spent on a work package basis. Using SmartPlant Construction, SapuraKencana can automate progress tracking and updates based on pre-set rules of progress. It also delivers various types of reports, both before and after the work packages have been issued. An integrated engineering environment has improved data collaboration at SapuraKencana because it enables multi-discipline engineers to work in a single common platform. This is across the project life cycle, from the design concept and basic engineering, through to detailed design, fabrication, EPC activities, and pre-commissioning. SmartPlant Construction and the suite of SmartPlant Enterprise solutions have helped to automate engineering, improving the transparency of process workflows and preventing planning errors. By promoting lean principles, SmartPlant Construction has enabled SapuraKencana to visualize constructability and improve productivity. Moving Forward SapuraKencana will continue to refine the SmartPlant Enterprise system and enhance integration for multi-discipline projects, so as to further reduce errors and inefficiencies during construction. Yee said, “The implementation of an integrated system has been very beneficial, enabling incremental discipline integration as a start, but also scalable for us to grow in harmony as we expand the use of Intergraph solutions.” 49 Application (국문) SapuraKencana, 모듈러 공법에 SMARTPLANT® Construction 적용 SapuraKencana는 제조 현장(yard)의 완벽한 시공 준비를 위해서 인터그래프 엔터프라이즈 툴들과 혁신적인 건조 솔루션을 통합했다. 인터그래프 코퍼레이션 FACTS AT A GLANCE 목표 설정 Company: SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad Website: www.sapurakencana.com Description: SapuraKencana는 세계 최대의 석유 및 가스 서비스 및 솔루션 기업이다. 주요 사업은 석유 업스트림 산업의 E2E(End-to-End) 솔루션과 서 비스, 그리고 해양 구조물 및 파이프 라인 설치/제조, 연결, 시운전, 해양 구 조물의 탑-사이드 유지보수 서비스, 프로젝트 관리, 해양 서비스 지원, 전문 철강 제조 산업 등을 포함하고 있다. SapuraKencana는 말레이시아와 중국 을 포함해 호주, 중동, 미국, 브라질 등 20개 이상의 국가에서 다양한 프로젝 트를 수행하고 있다. Employees: 10,000명 이상 Industry: 석유 및 가스 Country: 말레이시아 KapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad는 말레이시아에서 PRODUCTS USED 에 잦은 엔지니어링 설계 변화에 적절히 대처할 수 있 SmartPlant® Construction Smart 3D SmartPlant Review SmartPlant Foundation SmartPlant Materials KEY BENEFITS 향상된 협업을 위한 부서 간의 통합 기능 강화 노동 생산성 증대를 위한 보다 효율적인 자원 일정 일정 오류를 방지하는 정확한 고품질의 데이터 상당한 시간과 비용 절감 50 석유 및 가스 서비스와 솔루션을 제공하는 세계 최대 규모의 기업이다. 이 회사는 전세계 석유 및 가스 프로 젝트에 있어 최고의 전략 파트너로써 세계 곳곳에서 성공적으로 프로젝트를 수행해왔으며, 기업이 자산을 축적할 수 있도록 돕고 있다. SapuraKencana는 글로벌 시장에서 지속적인 확장을 위해 초대형 프로젝트 관리 능력을 증대화하고 EPC(Engineering, Procurement, Construction) 산업의 글 로벌 경쟁력을 강화하고 있다. 따라서 기한 내 프로젝 트 납품과 동시에 원활한 작업 흐름을 보장하고, 동시 도록 자사의 시스템 및 프로세스 보완이 필요했다. 또한 SapuraKencana는 타 부서간의 작업이 효율적으 로 이뤄지도록 단일 플랫폼을 사용하여 협업이 가능한 통합 엔지니어링 환경을 구축하기 위해 노력했다. 이러 한 기술 업그레이드의 일환으로, 효율성과 생산성에 대 한 모듈러 공법이 가능한 솔루션을 구현하려고 했다. 난제 극복 매뉴얼 데이터 처리와 중복되는 일에 대한 인적 오 류 최소화 SapuraKencana와 프로젝트팀 내 데이터 및 정보 흐름 개선 시공 중 자재 유휴 시간(idle time)을 줄이고 노동 효율성 향상 었다. SmartPlant Construction은 다음의 SmartPlant Enterprise 응용 프로그램과 연결되어 있다. SmartPlant Materials은 자재 사용 가능여부와 워크 패키지에 첨 성공적인 결과물 종합적인 평가를 거쳐 SapuraKencana는 인터그래프의 SmartPlant ® Construction과 Smart 3D, SmartPlant Review, SmartPlant Foundation, 그리고 SmartPlant Materials을 포함한 기타 SmartPlant Enterprise 어플리케이션을 선택 했다. SmartPlant Enterprise 솔루션을 통해 정확한 생산 정보를 확보하면서도, EPC 프로세스 전반에 걸친 전체 통합이 가능했기 때문에 인터그래프의 기술을 적용시키기로 결정한 것이다. 인터그래프는 주요 석유 및 가스 기업에서 사용중인 품질과 무결성이 보장된 업계에서 평판이 좋은 솔루션 업체이다 라고 SapuraKencana의 프로세스 컨트 롤 부 매니저인 레이첼 리(Rachel Yee)는 설명했다. 우리 또한 인터그래프의 공 헌에 깊은 감명을 받았다. 그리고 성공적인 구현을 위해 제공되는 서비스 및 지 원에도 확신을 갖게 됐다. SapuraKencana가 인터그래프를 채택한 또 다른 이유는 상호 운용성이다. SmartPlant Construction 및 SmartPlant Enterprise는 사용자가 효과적으로 작업 할 수 있도록 타사 제품 및 시스템 - Tekla, SAP의 Timesheet 관리 시스템, Primavera 등 - 과 손쉬운 통합이 가능한 상호 운용성을 지원한다. SmartPlant Construction은 다이나믹 워크 패키지 일정, 시공 시퀀스와 개선된 CAPEX 효율성을 포함한 완벽한 시공 준비를 위한 엔지니어링을 간소화하고 통 합하는 리포팅을 제공한다. 시공 준비 상황에 따라, 60% 손실부터 10% 이익까 지 차이가 크기 때문에 매우 중요하다. SmartPlant Construction은 아무리 복잡 한 시공 예산에 대해서도 예산과 일정 안에 유지될 수 있도록 한다. 이러한 기술 업그레이드는 SapuraKencana의 Yard Modernization Project의 일 환으로 시작되었으며, 인터그래프 솔루션은 이 기업의 Lumut yard에서 시행되 부된 도면에 따라 위치를 확인하고, SmartPlant Foundation은 최신 문서 및 도면이 자동으로 워크 패 키지에 첨부한다. Smart 3D는 복잡한 일정 정보를 시 각화하는 3D 모델에 기반한 4D 시각화(Visualization) 하며, SmartPlant Review는 정밀한 엔지니어링 작업 을 위해 PDS®나 CADWorx® 뿐 아니라 PDMS나 MicroStation 같은 타사 제품으로부터 3D 모델을 불 러올 수 있도록 한다. 또한 SmartPlant Construction은 워크 패키지 단위의 실제 소요 시간을 파악하는 SAP의 시간 관리 시스 템이나 워크 패키지와의 일정 통합을 위한 Primavera 같은 SapuraKencana의 기존 응용 프로그램과도 통합 이 가능하다. SapuraKencana는 SmartPlant Construction 을 사용함으로써 사전에 설정된 규칙에 따라 진행 사 항 추적 및 업데이트를 자동화할 수 있게 됐다. 또한, 워크 패키지가 발행된 전이나 후에도 다양한 방식의 보고서를 전달할 수 있다. 통합된 엔지니어링 환경을 통해 다양한 분야의 엔지 니어가 하나의 공통된 플랫폼에서 작업할 수 있기 때 문에 SapuraKencana에서의 데이터 협업을 향상시킬 수 있었다. 이것은 설계 개념과 기본 설계에서부터 상세 설계, 제조, EPC 작업 및 시운전에 이르기까지 프로젝 트 라이프 사이클 전반에 걸쳐 해당된다. SmartPlant Construction과 SmartPlant Enterprise 솔루션 제품군 Waiting For Reader’s Article Korship wait for newest articles to introduce globalized shipbuilding industry to domestic or overseas market. To enhance shipbuilding & marine related industries competitiveness and development, please send technical article, new products article, application cases, company introduction and seminar, exhibition informations, etc by e-mail or fax. The valuable articles from readers will be checked compatibility by editor and will be printed monthly Korship on free of charge. Many readers interest and participate will be appreciated. Articles about : Shipbuilding Equipments, Shipbuilding Engineering, Shipbuilding & Marine Plants, Vessel & Marine Automation, Related articles of Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Contact for advertisement or subscription TEL: +82-2-2168-8894/8898 / E-mail: korshipeditor@gmail.com 은 공정 과정의 투명성과 일정 오류 방지를 개선하면 서 설계 자동화를 가능하게 했다. 앞으로 나아가기 SapuraKencana는 시공 중 오류나 효율성을 높이기 위해 지속적으로 SmartPlant Enterprise 시스템을 조 정하고, 여러 분야의 프로젝트 통합을 강화하고 있다. 리 매니저는 통합 시스템 구현은 지속적으로 증가하 는 다양한 분야 간의 통합을 가능하게 했을 뿐 아니 라, 인터그래프 솔루션의 사용을 확대함으로써 우리 가 조화를 이루며 성장할 수 있게 만든다는 점에서 매우 유익했다 라고 말했다. 51 Application Moving Oil and Gas Production to the Seabed Despite challenges, subsea production has the potential to help increase oil and gas exploration and production as well as reduce the need for a topside production platform. Rockwell Automation World demand for oil and gas shows no signs of diminishing. In fact, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that world-marketed energy consumption is projected to increase by 49 percent from 2007 to 2035. Production of crude oil, however, may have a difficult time keeping up with the pace of demand. According to the International Energy Agency’s 2009 World Energy Outlook, crude oil production from existing fields will drop by almost two-thirds by the year 2030. In addition, it is anticipated that oil and gas companies will need an additional 2,700 billion cubic metres (BCM) of natural gas capacity just to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for this type of energy resource. The exhaustion of onshore and shallow water reserves has pushed exploration and production further and further out to sea. However, production platforms in deep water are vulnerable to potentially catastrophic events ranging from explosions to ship collisions - and are capital-intensive. What’s more, there are environmental and safety risks associated with operating rigs in deep sea. Subsea production could provide a solution. 52 Moving Production to the Seabed As operations move further offshore, not only do the potential risks compound but also the potential gain. Due to the loss of pressure caused by the extraction process, some hydrocarbons are simply non-recoverable – there is not enough natural pressure to push oil and gas to the surface. It is estimated that by moving production to the seabed and thus decreasing the amount of pressure needed to extract resources from the earth, oil and gas companies could recover up to 20 percent more resources from producing fields. In addition, subsea production facilities can cost up to 50 percent less to operate than surface platforms due to the decrease in topside staff and supplies. The implications for the boost in recovery, combined with the reduction in capital investment, are huge. Companies could explore smaller, deeper fields that might not have been economically viable previously and mine reserves located in arctic environments not conducive to a topside production platform. Technology Challenges While companies have long anticipated the potential benefits of subsea production, reality has prevented it from happening. While many could see the opportunity, the technology was not available to produce in an unmanned, complex environment 3,000 metres below the surface. However, over the last 10 years, oil and gas producers around the globe have started developing pilot subsea compression stations. If these pilot projects prove successful, the reality of subsea compression has the potential to change the landscape of future offshore production, increase exploration and production efforts, and eliminate the need for - and risks associated with - a topside production platform. In order to communicate with a variety of devices, it is critical that the control system leverage a standard programming environment. Companies participating in various pilot projects understand the potentially vast economic, safety and environmental benefits that subsea production represents. At the same time, cutting-edge compression technology has matured to the point that it is ready to be “marinised,” miniaturised and ruggedised for the pressure constraints, corrosive environment and frigid temperatures that exist subsea. The complexities of the system also require some of the most technologically advanced equipment available. Equipment on the systems include multiple compressor trains, variable speed motors, separate vessels and coolers, pump and level controls, transformers, electronics, and liquid slug and MEG handling - each tested and designed specifically for the harsh subsea environment. Underwater Control To help control giant subsea platforms, oil and gas companies need closed-loop controllers to help protect against dangerous pressure surges that could cause failures in the expensive compressors. This type of system also requires a controller that matches the Eurocard circuit board format that fits in existing subsea-qualified enclosures (to save the time and expense associated with designing and testing an To help control subsea platforms, oil and gas companies need closed-loop controllers to help protect against dangerous pressure surges that could cause failures. entirely new enclosure usable at extreme depths). These platforms typically use machinery and components from a number of vendors in order to test as many potential components as possible. This helps the company using the platform to produce oil to identify best-in-class solutions most likely to hold up in intense conditions prior to installing the system subsea. In order to communicate with a variety of devices, it is critical that the control system leverage a standard programming environment. The end user also requires that the control solution feature simplex, redundant or triple modular redundancy levels to meet each supplier’s needs. As companies look toward executing this cutting-edge approach, it’s important to look for a control architecture that offers dual, closed-loop, independent subsea electronics modules (SEMs), each with a redundant central processing unit (CPU) for improved availability to help boost throughput. This also provides physical separation to mini- 53 Application mise loss of contact during safety events, along with multiple Ethernet channels to onshore operations. The control system should support online reconfiguration, such as adjustment of input thresholds, without necessitating a process shutdown. In addition, it should be built for IEC-61131 compliance with integral support for all five programming languages. The AADvance™ controller from Rockwell Automation has been implemented in several subsea compressor control applications to provide the multiple redundancy levels required. Its scalable design allows oil and gas producers to add up to 48 I/O modules, if necessary, and is based on commercially available, off-the-shelf technology. This allows the end user - and the many companies involved in a project - the ability to focus on cutting-edge design rather than timeconsuming customized programming and engineering. Subsea Success Oil and gas companies involved in the development of subsea technology estimate that in addition to increasing over- all field recovery by up to 20 percent, subsea production solutions like the pilot compressor platforms offer the potential to reduce capital expenditures by up to 40 percent and overall operating costs by up to 50 percent. Because subsea platforms are designed to pump gas directly to onshore production facilities, oil and gas producers will not require a topside structure. As a result, they will improve safety by reducing the number of personnel needed to operate the platform production facilities and reduce any negative impact from weather. They also will be able to expand exploration and production into even less hospitable arctic regions. While the pilot projects currently under way focus primarily on compressor control, many leading oil and gas companies see potential for similar control systems to be used for a range of future subsea applications. These include gas separation, high integrity pressure protection system (HIPPS) control and water disposal. This new breed of bestin-class technology is allowing companies to explore and produce in areas never thought possible. High Performance Scale Defender 31XW/51XW Valor 22XW & VFS Floor Scale Defender 51XW/31XW Washdown Bench Scale Designed with affordability in mind, but with no compromise on quality! Capacity/Readability : 10kg(25lb)/0.001kg(0.002lb) ~ 300kg(66lb)/0.05kg(0.1lb) 304 stainless steel pan with stainless steel frame and stainless steel IP67 load cell Indicator features a stainless steel housing with NEMA 4X / IP66/65 protection High Resolution LCD display VFS Floor and Pit Mount Platforms Dependability, German-engineered Quality, OHAUS Brand Value. Four popular capacities: 300kg, 600kg, 1,500kg and 3,000kg Four IP68 electro-polished stainless steel load cells, laser-weld hermetically sealed (OIML) – standardized on all models Top access IP67 dust and water immersion protected stainless steel junction box with heavy duty 5m long cable V22XW VFS Floor Scale A Trusted Supplier of Weighing Instruments Since 1907 Valor 22XW Compact Bench Scale Improved Safety, Efficiency and Productivity of Wet Food Weighing! Capacity/Readability : 1.5kg(3lb)/0.0002kg(0.0005lb) ~ 15kg(30lb)/0.002kg(0.005lb) Proof Overlay Prevent and Flow Thru Design Protects from Water Damage(IPX8) Rechargeable lead-acid battery with 50 hours continuous use D51XW 54 OHAUS KOREA 1824 Hyundai Ventureville 10.1 Gil. Bamgogaero, Kangnam-ku, Seoul, Korea Tel. 82-2-2040-6388 Fax. 82-2-2040-6392 http://www.ohaus.com D31XW (주)하이트롤과 함께하는 Oil & Gas Companies Low Pressure Tap Hi Pressure Tap Hi Pressure Tap Low Pressure Tap Fixed Bolts Meter Body Centering Ring Flow ⇒ Interchangeable Cone Cone HFV-WM (Wafer type Cone Meter) Manifold Valve IVCM (Integral Valve Cone Meter) DP HiCone Meter DP HiCone Meter는 일반적인 차압유량계의 일종이며 차압유량계와 같은 물리적 원리에 따라 유량을 측정합니다. 조임부 역할을 하는 Cone은 Meter body 중앙에 위치하여 유체의 흐름에 따라 유속을 증가시키고 차압을 발생시킵니다. 두 개의 검출 Tap은 High 와 Low pressure를 DP 전송기로 보내 유량을 지시합니다. 70 % 전단 3D 후단 1D의 짧은 직관부를 가짐에 따라 플랜트 건설에 최대 70 %까지 원가 를 절감하는 효과를 가집니다. (미국 CEESI에서 API 22.2 TESTING) ±8 % Cone Meter는 제조공정상의 사소하게 보이는 차이에도 교정하지 않으면 최대 ±8 % 의 오차가 발생할 수 있습니다. 정확도 ±0.5~1 % 수준의 정밀한 유량측 정을 위해서는 반드시 교정을 해야 합니다. (미국 CEESI에서 발표한 내용중) 하이트롤에서 생산되는 Cone Meter는 ISO 17025 국제공인 교정시스템에 의해 교정하며 ±0.5 % 의 정확도를 가집니다. HFV-WM IVCM IVCM은 차압식 유량계의 필연적 구성품인Manifold Valve를 Meter body와 일체형으로 제작하여 공정 시 발생할수 있는 연결부의Leak를 최소화 하고, 설 치시 공사 비용 및 시간을 줄이는 장점을 가진다. HFV-WM은 Meter body의 교체 없이 Cone을 교 체하여 유량 범위를 변경할 수 있으며, 과도한 유속 또는 슬러그 뭉치의 충격으로 인한 Cone의 변형에 쉽게 교체 사용할 수 있는 특징을 가지고 있다. 또 한, Wafer형태로 설치가 용이하고 모든 구성품이 정 밀 기계가공되어 측정정확도가 우수하며, 용접부가 없어 압력부의 건전성이 확보 되었다. (특 허 : 제 10-0915088호) (특 허 : 제 10-0915089호) (주)하이트롤 본사·공장·연구소 경기도 파주시 조리읍 봉일천 5리 62-182번지 TEL : (031) 950-9700 FAX : (031) 943-0878/5600 http:// www.hitrol.com E-mail : hitrol@hitrol.com Product Review HBC-radio Controls for Maritime applications HBC-radiomatic Korea has 30 years of experience with HBC-radiomatic and Reliable Clients in Korea and worldwide. We provide qualified industrial radio controlled-applications and after-service. As in Industrial, Constructions Cranes, Mobile hydraulics, Maritime, Forestry applications and more, we can meet your expectation of need. HBC-radiomatic® Korea HBC-radiomatic, the Experts in Maritime applications For many years, HBC-radiomatic has been one of the worldwide leading specialized suppliers of wireless controls for Maritime equipment. Our products are proven time and time again and are used in a great variety of applications. The scope ranges from jip cranes at yacht harbors to straddle carriers at container ports, from rope winches on research ships to industrial cranes on oil platforms. 56 Ideal Application fields - Deck cranes - Mobile harbor cranes - Reach stackers - Rope winches - Industrial cranes - Firefighting equipment - Straddle carriers - and much more. with a good overview of the situation. At the same time, the STOP switch is always at hand allowing for a quick stop of machine functions in emergencies without any loss of time. Furthermore, accident risks are prevented since there is no cable that could pose a tripping hazard. Efficient and Time-saving HBC radio controls are carried directly by the operator and are always at hand, but never in the way. From their location, the operators can activate all machine functions and perform other duties when they are not operating the radio control. Figure 1. HBC-radiomatic’s product wide-range Crucial Advantages in the field From mobile harbor cranes to reach stackers, from deck cranes to water guns on firefighting boats: state-of-the-art equipment is used by virtually all areas of Maritime technology today. The efficient coordination of this equipment as well as the safe, fast and easy operations of the respective machinery is of maximum importance. The working environment is often extreme: permanent contact with salt water and the daily operation under the harshest weather conditions present personnel and machinery with enormous challenges. It is exactly in situations like these that HBC radio controls offer crucial advantages. Mobility and safety without distracting cables Thanks to our wireless control devices, operators are completely mobile at all times. They can freely move within the working area and operate the equipment from a safe location Figure 2. Guarantee of Mobility and Safety All functions from a single source Thanks to high-performance transmission technology and sophisticated electronics, most machine functions can now be controlled from a single, convenient control device. The operator always has access to critical controls and data at their fingertips. This facilitates coordination and can save valuable seconds in the event of an emergency. COMPETENCE Safety comes First In many Maritime applications, technical equipment has to meet stringent legal requirements. In addition, numerous machines in harbors or used offshore are temporarily or permanently being operated in hazardous areas. For this reason, it is key to work with reliable and competent partners. HBC-radiomatic offers Figure 3. Approval Logos a wide range of radio controls with GL DNV approval. This proven independent seal attests that our products meet extremely strict test requirements. As a result, our customers can rely on maximum transparency and safety. This also applies to Explosion-proof radio controls by HBCradiomatic. For more than 40 years, we have developed and produced wireless controls for hazardous areas and are, therefore, real EX-perts. Today, we offer a wide choice of radio 57 Product Review controls with approvals of EX-zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX, IECEx and also with KOSHA. In addition, HBC products are available with NEC 500 / 505 approvals. Therefore, we perfectly meet the global needs of our customers. VERSATILITY Unlimited possibilities While HBC-radiomatic does also provide off-shelf solutions, they specialize in the design of customized, engineered wireless control solutions that are tailored to the customer’s needs. A wide range of base models, operating elements and additional features offer additional safety and efficiency in Maritime applications. Figure 5. radiomatic® iLOG for the quick activation of a spare their backup transmitter in a matter of seconds. Once again, the radio system is immediately ready for use and work resumes without any downtime. In addition, a wide range of helpful features such as the front panel lighting for safe work in bad light conditions, or the orthogonal drive for precise machine movements in confined areas, are part of our product range. HBC radio systems are also available with many common interfaces such as CANopen Safety and as special versions for potentially explosive environments. Last but not the least, the transmitter spectrum E, one of our radio transmitters, is highly recommended as the Maritime application. Highlights of spectrum E as follows; Figure 4. Camera assistance with radiomatic® photon A good example is the Live Camera assistance with radiomatic photon. This valuable feature enables the clear display of live camera images on the radio control. The operator always has a good view of the machine and the working environment and can control the machine with optimum safety. Another clever feature is radiomatic report. This innovative concept allows for the easy and efficient management of access rights to your machinery, as well as for the collection of valuable operational data of your radio control systems. As as standard, virtually all HBC radio transmitters come with radiomatic iLOG. With this feature, an operator can re-activate 58 Figure 6. spectrum E - Extra-large equipment The new housing design is comfortable to carry and offers space for numerous operation elements and features. The transmitter thus offers almost unlimited possibilities. Figure 7. The 3.5” color TFT offers an overview of operational data. - Live video transmission (optional) With the Live video transmission via video camera, the operator can work safely and precisely in demanding situations. Up to 8 video cameras can be installed in the working area. - User identification (optional) The HBC Smart Card (Merlin) protects the control from unauthorized use. It enables the blocking of safety-relevant functions for non-authorized users as well as the collecting of valuable operational data. - Li-ion exchange battery Spectrum E comes with an extremely powerful rechargeable Li-ion exchange battery, providing an excellent continuous operating time of approx. 18 hours. - radiomatic CPS(optional) With radiomatic CPS (Continuous Power Supply), the operator can change the battery without interrupting power. This makes this transmitter and ideal choice for long, uninterrupted operations. QUALITY First-class quality “made by HBC” Since the company’s foundation in 1947, the name HBCradiomatic has been synonymous with the term “Quality”. While German engineered, the radio control specialists from Crailsheim also produce over 90% of their components at the own facilities. As a result, the customer can always completely rely on their HBC radio control system. The exceptional robustness of our housings, reliable electronics, and operating elements proven for decades ensure a long lifecycle, even in the harshest of environments. The high standards for our premium products allow for the most rugged, reliable controls on the market. For Maritime applications, our products can be equipped with additional features ensuring optimum protection against salt water and harsh out- Figure 8. HBC joystic: proven for decades & Reliable electronics side conditions. Good examples are salt-water resistant bellows and roll-over bars constructed from stainless steel. SERVICE / AFTER SERVICE Customer service - FAST and PERSONAL Choosing a radio system by HBC-radiomatic is a decision for longevity and quality. If one of our products should not work perfectly, you can rely on HBC-radiomatic. After all, our customer service from all over the world does not end with the delivery of the radio system. Our own service centers and around 40 global service partners ensure that potential downtime is reduced to a minimum. And if necessary, we can send our technicians directly to site. But our definition of customer service does not end there: in our own training center, we explain the technical basics and functions of our radio systems, and instruct on the appropriate installation and maintenance of our systems. All of this means customer service at an exceptionally high level. About HBC-radiomatic Korea Address: #1707, Centum-IS-Tower, Jaesongdong, Haeundaegu, Busan, Republic of Korea Tel: +82-51-461-0062 / +82-51-780-8330~2, www.hbc-korea.co.kr HBC-radiomatic Germany (www.hbc-radiomatic.com) For further information or to provide feedback on this article, please contact to us. 59 Product Review Siemens NX 10 delivers enhanced design flexibility and up to 3X higher productivity 2D conceptual design solution helps speed up design time and touch-enabled interface provides anytime, anywhere access to NX Siemens PLM Software The latest version of Siemens’ NX™ software (NX 10) includes new capabilities that deliver enhanced product development flexibility and up to three times higher productivity. New tools like the 2D concept development solution make it easier and faster to create designs, while enhancements to NX Realize Shape™ software, a fully integrated sub-division modelling environment, give designers more flexibility to produce unique shapes. A new optional touch-enabled interface provides expanded access to the full design capabilities of NX. And tighter integration to product lifecycle management (PLM) software, through Siemens’ Active Workspace environment, reduces the amount of time spent searching for product information. NX 10 also includes multiple enhancements throughout the integrated computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) solution. “NX 10 continues to improve on the robust functionality and user-friendly features that customers need to manage the ever-increasing complexity of product designs,” said Jim Rusk, senior vice president, Product Engineering Software, 60 Siemens PLM Software. “The new and enhanced capabilities make the early concept phase - which is one of the most important phases of the design - easier and faster. The new touch-enabled interface and tighter integration with Active Workspace gives NX 10 unprecedented versatility, providing anytime, anywhere access to product data. This enhanced access helps our customers make smarter decisions that result in better products.” Speed up design time Increasing product complexity makes 3D modeling the preferred method of product design throughout the world. However, in some industries including machinery and complex electronics it is easier and faster to create initial design layouts in 2D. The new 2D concept development solution enables designers to explore concepts in 2D making it up to three times faster to create new designs. Once the design is finalized it can easily be migrated to 3D to complete the model. Enhancements to the NX Realize Shape solution give designers even more control over geometry modelling to produce products with highly stylized shapes or complex surfaces. NX Realize Shape is based on sub-division modelling, a mathematical approach to creating 3D geometry with smooth flowing shapes, pioneered by the entertainment industry. The tool is seamlessly integrated with NX which helps shorten product development time by eliminating the multiple steps associated with using separate tools for freeform design and engineering development. The new optional touch-enabled interface in NX 10 adds the flexibility of accessing NX on tablets running Microsoft’s Windows® operating systems. This makes it easier to use NX when and where needed to enhance collaboration and productivity. Combining improved access to NX with tighter PLM integration through Active Workspace, the innovative interface to Siemens’ Teamcenter® software, enables users to quickly find relevant information, even from multiple external data sources. Active Workspace can be accessed via the web on any device from any location. Multiphysics environment NX 10 has a number of additional CAD/CAM/CAE enhancements, including the new NX CAE multiphysics environment which significantly enhances simulation integration by connecting two or more solvers to streamline the process of performing complex simulations. The multiphysics environment delivers a consistent look and feel for performing multiphysics simulations so engineers can easily build coupled solutions on the same mesh using common element types, properties, boundary conditions, and solver controls and options. The new industry-specific capabilities in NX CAM help engineers program faster and machine higher quality parts. New dynamically-adjusted roughing strategies automatically adapt to part geometry to enable better mold and die machining. New automated inspection programming capabilities in NX CMM (coordinate-measuring machines) enable the use of PMI (Product Manufacturing Information) to create inspection scanning paths. This helps significantly speed up the inspection process compared to the currently available touch point method. NX 10 also includes new production line design capabilities for automotive assembly manufacturing. The new line designer application enables engineers to design and visualize layouts of production lines in NX, and use Teamcenter and Siemens’ Tecnomatix® software to manage the designs, and validate and optimize manufacturing processes. NX 10 will be available in December. 61 Guest Article (국문) 지역을 넘어 세계로! 클라우드 기반 하역작업 계획수립 및 데이터 교환 서비스 개발 부산IT융합부품연구소는 미래창조과학부와 정보통신산업진흥원에 업으로 성장할 수 있는 가능성이 높다. 서 추진하고, 부산광역시가 지원하는 2014년 지역 SW 융합제품 상 또한 부산은 세계 5위의 물동량 처리 및 국제적 항만시설을 보유하 용화 지원사업을 통해 클라우드 기반 하역작업 계획수립 및 데이터 고 있으며 2012~17년 간 전 세계 컨테이너 물동량이 연 평균 6.1% 교환 서비스 개발 및 구축사업을 수행하고 있다. 이 사업은 부산의 증가하는 추세를 보이고 있다. ㈜토탈소프트뱅크가 주관하고, ㈜유엔진클라우드와 부산의 아이티 엠에이(ITMA)가 참여해 추진하고 있다. 이 사업은 하역작업 계획수립과 데이터 교환 서비스를 포함하는 클 라우드 서비스의 제공함으로써, 현재 서비스되고 있는 시스템을 합 법적이지 못한 방법으로 이용하는 사용자들을 유료로 전환시켜 수 익을 창출하고, 해외 해운 항만 물류 고객사들을 대상으로 매출을 확대한다는 것이 목표다. 이를 통해 고급 인력들을 재활용함으로써 부산 해운 항만 물류 산업의 경쟁력의 확보와 세계 1위의 해운 항 만 물류 소프트웨어 공급기업의 탄생이라는 비전을 제시하고 있다. 부산은 지능형 물류와 더불어 IT 및 SW 산업 발전 가능성이 높은 지역으로써, 글로벌 클라우드 지원센터 사업을 통한 새로운 동력산 62 매출액 규모 인력 규모 총 종사자 수: 20,168명 총 매출액: 3조 9,960 (업체평균: 16.5명) 억 9,600만원 총 R&D 인력: 2,348명 (업체평균: 6.1명) 지적재산권 현황 국내 특허: 1,002 해외 특허: 69 국내 인증: 58 프로그램 건 수: 513 자본금 및 R&D 투자 규모 수출액 규모 총 수출액: 2,627억 7,600만원 사업 현황 IT/SW 분야 전업기업: 84.4% 총 자본금: 4,274억 7,100만 주력사업 원 (평균: 4억 710만원) 정보통신 서비스: 총 R&D 투자액: 1,246억 39.8% 2100만원 (평균: 4억 9,260만원) 소프트웨어: 31.3% 정보통신기기: 29.0% Table 1. 부산지역 IT 및 SW 사업 현황 (자료: 2012년 부산 IT/SW 산업 통계 조사 보고서) 미래창조과학부 부산광역시 정보통신산업진흥원 클라우드 기반 하역작업 계획 수립 및 데이터 교환 서비스 개발 및 구축 상용화 적용기관 B TS 사 고객 동남권 품질역량 센터 SW 품질 테스트 GS 인증 연계 지원 업총괄운영 사 SW 품질 관리 클라우드 서비스 플랫폼 기술 개발 상용화 서비스 대상기관 P3 네트워크 SW 관리 전문가 (Mission Provider) 전략사업 전문가 (Mission Provider) 라우드 기반 데이터 교환(EDI) 서비 클 스 개발 및 구측 클라우드 기반 하역작업 계획 수립 서비스 개발 및 구축 공개 SW 기반 클라우드 해운 항만 물류 서비스 플랫폼 개발 오픈스택(오픈소스) 기반의 클라우드 인프라스트럭쳐 기술 개발 라우드 기반 중소형 선사/대리점/ 클 검수 회사용 ERP 서비스 개발 Figure 1. 사업 추진 체계 연도 2009 구분 계 2010 2011 2012 전국대비 (%) 전년대비 (%) 합하며, 현 정부 140대 국정과제 중 IT 및 SW 융합을 통한 주력산 업 구조의 고도화와 해운 선진화의 해외진출 지원에 부합하는 사업 16,341 19,369 21,551 22,497 100 104 부산항 11,980 14,194 16,175 17,023 75.6 105 광양항 1,810 2,037 2,064 2,148 9.5 104 이 사업은 총 5개 세부 기술개발로 분류되며 주관기관 및 주관기업 인천항 1,578 1,903 1,986 1,972 8.3 99 과 참여기업이 각자 역할에 따라 기술 개발을 수행하고 있다. 주관 기업인 ㈜토탈소프트뱅크는 클라우드 기반 하역작업 계획수립 서 울산항 319 336 323 372 1.7 115 평택/당진항 377 446 522 509 2.3 98 기타 항 277 412 481 471 2.1 98 Table 2. 국내 주요 항만 컨테이너 처리 현황 (자료: 부산항의 현황 및 장단점에 대한 논의) 이다. 비스 개발과 데이터 교환(EDI) 서비스 기술을 개발하고 있으며 참여 기업인 아이티엠에이(ITMA)는 중/소형 선사 및 대리점과 검수 회사 (단위: 1,000 TEU) 연도 지역 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 극동 210,788 229,882 243,374 259,600 279,456 301,242 324,120 348,696 전세계 549,102 591,738 616,234 646,789 686,596 730,817 778,431 829,377 Table 3. 연도별 컨테이너 물동량 전망 (자료: 부산항의 현황 및 장단점에 대한 논의) 전문적인 수익창출을 위한 해외 해운 항만 물류 현재 부산은 해양, 융합부품소재, 창조문화, 바이오 헬스, 지식인프 클라우드(Cloud) 유료 사용자로의 고객대상 라 서비스의 5대 전략 산업을 발표하고 산업 성장에 대한 지속적인 서비스의 제공 전환 매출의 확대 지원을 계획하고 있다. 현재 수행중인 클라우드 기반 하역작업 계획 수립 및 데이터 교환 서비스 개발사업은 21세기 첨단 해양 거점 도 시라는 비전을 가지는 부산시의 부산발전 2020 비전과 전략에 부 Figure 2. 사업의 비전과 목표 63 Guest Article 클라우드 기반 하역작업 계획 수립 및 데이터 교환 서비스 개발 및 구축 선사 및 터미널 운영사 PaaS Shipping Agent. Shipping Line 데이터(EDI) 교환 서비스 하역작업계획 수립 서비스 SaaS 중소형 ERP 서비스 정부 관계 부처 공개 SW 기반 클라우드 해운항만물류 서비스 플랫폼 Port Authority 오픈스택(오픈소스) 기반의 클라우드 인프 라스트럭쳐 개발 IaaS 자체 서버, 스토리지, 네트워크 환경 구축 Terminal Operator 구분 Public Cloud 하역 작업계획 수립 서비스 Immigration Private Cloud 데이터 교환(EDI) 서비스 컨테이너 터미널 내부 암벽 크레인 Quaranting officer 야드 트럭 운송 회사 컨테이너 트럭 컨테이너 터미널 외부 게이트 보세창고 Figure 3. 기술 개발 사업 내용 용 ERP 서비스를 개발하고 있다. 또한 참여기업 ㈜유엔진클라우드 이 사업을 통해 새로운 비즈니스 모델 발굴과 일자리 창출 및 매출 는 해운 항만 물류 운영 서비스 플랫폼 기술을 개발하며, 이 과제 증대, 해운 항만 물류 기업과 기업간 글로벌 서비스 연결을 통한 는 부산IT융합부품연구소가 관리기관의 역할을 수행하고 있다. 신규 비즈니스 모델 창출, 그리고 글로벌 경쟁력을 확보할 수 있다. 또한 클라우드 공개 SW 발전에 기여할 수 있을 거라 판단되며 부산 내 클라우드 SW 커뮤니티를 통한 클라우드 서비스 산업 활성화에 해양산업 큰 몫을 할 것으로 기대된다. 현재 이 사업은 1차년도 개발을 2개월 정도 남겨두고 있으며, 활발 자식 인프라 서비스 융합부품 소재 산업 히 개발이 진행 중에 있다. 총 2년 동안 진행되며 2015년 하반기부 터 시범 서비스를 시작으로 상용화할 계획이다. 기술개발과 함께 수 요처 확보에도 많은 노력을 기울이고 있으며, 이 사업을 통한 기술 5대 전략 사업 및 서비스가 지역을 넘어 세계로 도약할 수 있길 기대하고 있다. 부산IT융합부품연구소는 IT/SW 융합지역 거점 연구기관으로서 수송 바이오 헬스 산업 창조문화 산업 기계 분야(자동차, 조선 등)의 기업과 공동연구를 통해 다수의 상용화 기술 개발을 수행했다. 더불어 연구소에서는 동남권 SW품질역량센터 를 통해 SW 테스트 및 컨설팅, 인증연계지원, SW 품질 관련 전문가 Figure 4. 부산시 5대 전략산업(자료: 부산시 선도기업 홈페이지) 64 양성 등을 통한 지역 기업의 SW 품질 향상을 위해 애쓰고 있다. Ship repair professional information management solution Poseidon 3.0 Poseidon 3.0 Introduce Poseidon 3.0 and avoid high purchase cost and complex development process. Poseidon 3.0 makes your company more competitive. Poseidon 3.0 does not cost a lot.(lease agreement) Poseidon 3.0 does not have to be complicated. Poseidon 3.0 is a fast, accurate and convenient. Poseidon 3.0 will enhance the competitiveness of your company. Economics Rationality Reliability Stability ■Function 1. Quote written shortening of the time 2. Complete cost management and process management 3. Subcontractor related comprehensive management system 4. Business Statistics module (at a glance) 5. Thorough accounting management 6. Its accumulated technology Know-How 7. Ship repair, spare parts supply, pattern analysis based on ship owner 8. Excel Data In & Out 9. Direct Report Printing 10. Android App interlocking Busan Multimedia Support Center Office No.403, 236-4, Namhang-dong 2ga, Yeongdo-gu, Busan Tel : 051-418-4474 / Fax : 051-244-8505 / H.P : 010-9454-5181 New Orders Nexans boosts fire safety for Fincantieri’s new cruise ships Four new Viking Ocean Cruises ships being constructed by Fincantieri, one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups, will benefit from the enhanced fire safety offered by Nexans’ Safe Return to Port (SRtP) cable technology. The contract is worth around 12 million Euro. Nexans and Fincantieri enters into Agrement for the supply of Halogen Free shipboard cables through enhanced logistics and Engineering services Nexans has worked in close cooperation with Fincantieri to develop a new generation of high-tech, fire resistant, SRtP cables based on its state-of-the-art nanotechnology. Some 4,000 km of the power and data cables will be installed in the cruise ships under construction at Fincantieri’s shipyards. Each 473-cabin ship has a gross tonnage of 48,000 tons. In 2010, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) introduced the concept of Safe Return to Port (SRtP) for passenger ships in a directive known as the MSC.1.Circ. 1368. The directive encourages safe engineering design and advises that critical systems and services must remain operational on passenger ships for at least three hours long enough for them to make a safe return to port and evacuate the ship if a serious incident occurs. Ship cables play a vital role in ensuring SRtP by carrying vital power, control and data services. This is a very demanding requirement as the cables not only need to be fire resistant, they must also withstand both physical shock loads and the thermal shocks caused by water jets spraying on to hot cables. The new SRtP cable design is based on Nexans’ nanotechnology that, when exposed to a fire, transforms the insulation from a flexible, plastic covering to a tough insulating ceramic layer to assure circuit integrity under voltages up to 1 kV. “Fincantieri is a major player in the cruise ship market. So the successful development of the SRtP cables and securing this order for the Viking Ocean Cruises ships is a very significant achievement for Nexans. It demonstrates our strong technical expertise in the shipping industry as well as our capability to collaborate with ship builders to design and engineer innovative cable solutions,” said Yannick Goutille, Nexans Ship Cable Product Manager. The cables are manufactured at Nexans’ German facilities for delivery to Fincantieri over the next two years. Fincantieri’s new Viking Ocean Cruises ships 하는 차세대 케이블 개발을 위해 핀칸티에리사와 긴밀한 협 력관계를 유지해왔다. 4,000km의 전력 및 데이터 케이블은 현재 핀칸티에리사 조선소에서 건조중인 크루즈선에 설치 될 예정이다. 각각 473개의 캐빈이 있는 크루즈선의 총 무게 는 48,000톤이다. 지난 2010년 국제해양기구(IMO)는 MSC.1.Circ. 1368으로 알려 진 강령에 따라 여객수송선을 위한 국제안전협약(SRtP) 개 념을 도입했다. 강령에서는 안전 엔지니어링 설계를 권장하 고, 여객수송선에서는 핵심 시스템과 서비스가 최소 3시간( 승객들이 안전하게 항구로 돌아오고, 심각한 사고 발생 시 탈출할 수 있는 충분한 시간) 동안 작동될 수 있도록 권고하 고 있다. 선박용 케이블은 송전, 제어 및 데이터 서비스를 제공하는 국제안전협약을 준수하는데 핵심적인 역할을 한다. 매우 까 다롭게 요구되는 내화성뿐 아니라 뜨거운 케이블에 뿌려지 는 물 스프레이로 인한 물리적 충격 부하와 열 충격을 반드 시 견딜 수 있어야 한다. 새로운 국제안전협약(SRtP) 케이블 설계는 넥상스의 나노기술을 기반으로 한다. 이 기술은 불에 노출되었을 때 유연하고 플라스틱 커버에서 거친 절연 세라 믹 층으로 절연체가 변하면서 1kV이하 전압의 회로 완전성 을 보장한다. 넥상스 선박 케이블 제품 매니저인 야닉 고틸(Yannick Goutille)은 핀칸티에리사는 크루즈선 시장의 주요 업체이다. 그렇기 때문에 국제안전협약(SRtP) 조건을 만족하는 케이블 의 성공적인 개발과 바이킹 오션 크루즈선의 수주 확보는 넥상스에게 매우 중대한 성과이다. 이는 우리의 중요한 기술 넥상스, 핀칸티에리사의 새로운 크루즈선 화재 안전 케이블 공급 적 전문지식뿐만 아니라 혁신적인 케이블 솔루션을 설계하 넥상스는 세계 최대 선박 그룹인 핀칸티에리사가 건조하는 4척의 새로운 바이킹 고, 제작하기 위해 조선소들과 협력할 수 있는 우리의 능력 오션 크루즈 선에 자사의 국제안전협약 케이블 기술로 강화된 화재 안전 케이블을 을 증명하는 것 이라고 말했다. 공급한다고 발표했다. 이번 계약 규모는 약 1200만 유로이다. 이 케이블은 넥상스 독일 공장에서 제조되며, 2년간 핀칸티 넥상스는 최첨단 나노 기반의 첨단기술로 내화성을 띈 국제안전협약(SEtP)을 준수 에리사에 납품될 예정이다. 66 SSME signed contract to build 4 eco-friendly tankers Sungdong Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (SSME) announced on October 6 that it signed a contract with a Greek ship owner to build 4 units of 115,000-ton tankers (including 2 optional vessels). These vessels are the Aframax tankers which have the most ideal and economical size in terms of freight rates, ship price, etc. This contract is valued at KRW 240 billion. SSME has vigorously proceeded with R&D for eco-ship, including the design of ship model and propeller optimized for greater fuel efficiency and development of energy-saving devices with a focus on medium and large-sized tankers and bulkers. These vessels will adopt the design optimized for operations and ecofriendly G-type (Green Ultra long stroke) engine that can reduce fuel consumption by more than 10%. SSME has won orders worth USD 1.6 billion for 32 vessels so far this year, establishing a leading position in the market for medium and large-sized commercial vessels. (AFRAMAX) 탱커라고도 불리는 선종이며, 총 수주 규모는 한화로 약 2,400억원이다. 성동조선해양은 중대형 탱커와 벌커를 중심으로 연료효율 을 높이기 위한 선형 및 추진기 최적화 설계와 에너지 절감 장치를 개발하는 등 에코십의 개발을 지속적으로 연구개발 하고 있다. 이 선박 또한 운항 목적에 최적화된 선형 설계와 성동조선해양, 친환경 탱커 4척 수주 친환경 G타입(Green Ultra long stroke) 엔진을 적용하여 10% 성동조선해양이 그리스의 선사로부터 115,000톤급 유조선 4척(옵션 2척 포함)의 건 이상의 연비 절감 효과를 갖추고 있다. 조계약을 체결했다고 지난 10월 6일 밝혔다. 이번에 수주한 선박은 운임, 선가 등 성동조선해양은 현재까지 32척, 16억 달러에 달하는 수주 계약 을 고려했을 때 가장 이상적이고 경제적인 사이즈라는 의미에서 아프라막스 을 체결하며 중대형 상선 시장에서 경쟁 우위를 확보하고 있다. Rolls-Royce secures offshore service vessel design and integrated systems package Rolls-Royce has won a £ 7 million order to provide design, integrated power and propulsion systems and equipment for an offshore service vessel for Norwegian ship owner Island Offshore. The offshore service vessel will be built at VARD shipyard in Brevik, Norway and is due for delivery in January 2016. In March this year Island Offshore placed an order for two Rolls-Royce designed vessels, due for delivery in 2015 from the same shipyard. The latest Rolls-Royce designed offshore support vessel will encompass an integrated power and propulsion system incorporating main engines, reduction gears, controllable pitch propellers, bow and stern thrusters, steering gears, deck machinery, dry bulk system and an automation and control system. “We are honoured and delighted to announce this contract, the fifth this year with Island Offshore, and look forward to the continuation of a long lasting relationship with both Island Offshore and the VARD Group.” said, Jørn Heltne, Rolls-Royce, Senior Vice President - Sales, Ship Design & Systems. 67 New Orders SHI clinched orders for 3 units of 42,000 DWT icebreaking oil tankers clears the path for the oil tanker to follow in. The icebreaking oil tanker, a new-concept vessel, combines the functions of oil tanker and icebreaking vessel, drastically improving transportation efficiency. An official from SHI said, “We are close to finalizing negotiation on the contract for LNG carriers, ultralarge containership, offshore platforms, and anticipate additional order in October.” The latest contract brings total value of order placed at SHI to approximately USD 5.9 billion. 삼성중공업, 42,000 DWT급 쇄빙유조선 3 척 수주 삼성중공업은 유럽 선주사로부터 쇄빙유조선 3척을 4억 4000만 달러에 수주했다고 지난 10월 7일 밝혔다. 삼성중공 업은 지난 7월에도 다른 유럽 선사로부터 쇄빙유조선 3척을 VASILY DINKOV, the world’s first bi-directional icebreaking oil tanker built by SHI in 2007 수주한 바 있다. 이번에 수주한 선박은 길이 249m, 폭 34m의 42,000 DWT급 쇄빙유조선으로, 러시아 야말 반도 인근의 노비포트(Novy Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) announced on October 7 that it won an order worth USD 440 million from European ship owner for 3 icebreaking oil tankers. This is the second order which comes after SHI booked 3 icebreaking oil tankers from different European ship owner in July. These vessels are the 42,000 DWT icebreaking oil tankers that measure 249m in length and 34m in width. After delivery, they will be deployed on the route transporting the crude oil produced from Novy Port oil field, adjacent to Yamal Peninsular in Russia, to Murmansk. These icebreaking oil tankers are designed to navigate their ways through the Arctic ice which is up to 1.4m thick at a speed of 3.5 knots and withstand exposure to freezing temperatures of 45 degrees below zero. In addition, these vessels are the Arc-7, highest specification of ice class among the icebreaking commercial vessels ever ordered to domestic shipyards to date. SHI won orders for 3 units of the world’s first bi-directional icebreaking oil tankers from Sovcomflot of Russia in 2005 and delivered all those 3 vessels in 2009, thus becoming the first domestic shipyard that successfully carved out a spot in the icebreaking commercial vessel market. Usually, icebreaking vessel breaks its way through Arctic ice and 68 Port) 유전에서 생산된 원유를 무르만스크(Murmansk)까지 운송하는 항로에 투입될 예정이다. 이 쇄빙유조선은 최대 두께 1.4m의 얼음을 깨고 시속 3.5노 트(knot)의 속도로 항해할 수 있으며, 영하 45도의 혹한에서 도 견딜 수 있도록 설계됐다. 또한 현재까지 국내 조선소가 수주한 쇄빙상선 가운데 최고 사양인 빙등급 'Arc(아크)-7'이 적용된다. 삼성중공업은 지난 2005년 러시아 소브콤플로트사로부터 세계 최초의 양방향 쇄빙유조선 3척을 수주해 2009년 3척 모두를 성공적으로 인도하며, 국내 조선업계 최초로 쇄빙상 선 시장을 개척했다. 통상, 극지방에서의 원유 운송은 쇄빙선이 앞에서 얼음을 깨 고 뱃길을 만들면 유조선이 뒤따라 가는 방식으로 이뤄져 왔는데, 쇄빙유조선은 두 종류의 선박을 하나로 결합함으로 써 운송 효율을 획기적으로 향상시킨 신개념 선박이다. 삼성중공업 관계자는 현재 LNG선과 초대형 컨테이너선, 해 양플랫폼 등의 수주 협상이 마무리 단계에 있다 면서 10월 중 추가 선박 수주가 기대된다 고 말했다. 한편 삼성중공업은 이번 수주를 포함해 현재까지 약 59억 달러의 수주실적을 기록하고 있다. Wärtsilä’s industry leading gas handling systems chosen for world’s largest ethane carriers Six new 87,000 cubic metres capacity very large ethane carriers (VLECs), being built at the Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) in South Korea, will feature Wärtsilä gas handling systems. Wärtsilä is the market leader in cargo handling technology for gas carriers and has an extensive reference base. The contract was signed in September. There is an option for additional vessels within this series. Deliveries of the Wärtsilä solutions will commence in 2016. These vessels will be the biggest ethane carriers ever built, and represent a new generation of such vessels mainly transporting ethane as feed stock to the petrochemical industry. The transportation of ethane is a rapidly growing segment of the marine gas carrying business and it is anticipated that the global VLEC fleet will increase significantly during the coming years. Wärtsilä’s leading position in gas handling systems is notably enhanced by this trend. The VLECs are being built for the Reliance Group, India’s largest private sector enterprise. The group has businesses in the energy and materials value chain, including petrochemicals. The new vessels will carry ethane from American shale gas to India to be processed for making plastic. Delivery of the ships will commence at the end of 2016 and is scheduled to be completed in early 2017. Wärtsilä’s scope of supply represents a complete cargo handling package for each ship. This includes the process and arrangement engineering; the deck tank; all equipment related to the cargo handling; and a purpose-built reliquefaction plant to handle the C-ethane from the American shale gas. “This is a valuable order and one that again emphasises Wärtsilä’s competences and experience in gas handling systems. These state-of-theart ethane carriers require state-of-the-art gas handling systems. Our technology and know-how in this field uniquely positions us to offer the most appropriate solutions for VLEC’s, which is an application that is rapidly expanding,” said Timo Koponen, Vice President, Flow and Gas Solutions, Wärtsilä Ship Power. Doosan Engine received an order for low-speed marine engines fitted with SCR Doosan Engine announced on October 6 that it inked a contract to supply 8 low-speed engines fitted with low-temperature selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems for the 8 very large ethane carriers. These engines were ordered by the India-based energy company Reliance and will be installed in vessels to be built by Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI). Thus, Doosan Engine has become the first company to commercialize the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system. The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system that comes with main engine is the world’s first eco-friendly facility developed by Doosan Engine last year, eliminating more than 90% of nitrogen oxides from 69 New Orders the exhaust gas discharged from engine. SCR is an eco-friendly system that decomposes nitrogen oxides (NOx) back to harmless water (H2O) and nitrogen (N2) through chemical reaction with the reducing agent in catalyst layer. The industry expects that there will be a soaring demand – projected to be worth billions of KRW – for nitrogen oxide reduction system retrofitted to marine engine as the ‘Tier III (Air Pollution Control)’ of the International Maritime Organization IMO) will take effect in 2016. An official from Doosan Engine said, “It is encouraging that we became the first company that has developed and commercialized the world’s first selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system. Having secured this order, we will be in an advantageous position in the market for eco-friendly marine engines.” 다. 이번에 수주한 엔진은 인도 에너지 기업인 릴라이언스가 발주하고 삼성중공업이 건조하는 선박으로, 두산엔진은 저 온 탈질설비의 첫 상용화라는 쾌거를 거뒀다. 메인 엔진과 함께 공급하는 저온 탈질설비는 지난 해 두산 엔진이 세계 최초로 개발한 친환경 설비로, 엔진에서 배출하 는 배기가스 내 질소산화물을 90% 이상 제거한다. SCR은 배기가스 내 질소산화물(NOx)을 촉매층에서 환원제와의 화 학적 반응을 통해 인체에 무해한 물(H2O)과 질소(N2)로 분해 한 후 배출시키는 친환경 장치이다. 2016년으로 예정된 국제해사기구(IMO)의 Tier III(대기오염방지 3차 규제) 발효에 따라 선박 엔진의 질소산화물 저감설비 수 요는 수조 원대로 성장할 것으로 업계는 예상하고 있다. 두산엔진 관계자는 우리가 세계 최초로 저온 탈질설비를 개 발한 데 이어 상용화에서도 최초로 결실을 봤다는 사실이 두산엔진, 저온 탈질 설비(SCR) 장착 선박용 저속엔진 수주 고무적이다. 이번 수주 실적을 통해 향후 친환경 선박엔진 두산엔진은 저온 탈질설비(SCR, Selective Catalytic Reduction)를 장착한 저속엔진 8 시장에서 유리한 고지를 선점하게 됐다 고 말했다. 기를 초대형 에탄운반선 8척에 공급하는 계약을 체결했다고 지난 10월 6일 밝혔 MAN Diesel & Turbo wins four two-stroke ME-GI engines for two LNGCs MAN Diesel & Turbo has received an order for four MAN B&W 5G70ME-GI engines in connection with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) agreeing a deal with the BW Group to build two LNG carriers. The technical engine specification complies with IMO Tier II, with options to include remedies for Tier III compliance at a later stage. The 173,400 m3 vessels are scheduled for delivery in late 2017/early 2018 and will be built at DSME’s Okpo shipyard in Geoje, Korea. The deal represents the second LNG ME-GI contract for DSME after a previous order signed in 2012. MAN Diesel & Turbo has successfully developed two main approaches to comply with these challenges: Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), which involves the catalytically accelerated reaction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia to form water and nitrogen, and Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), which works by recirculating a portion of an engine's exhaust gas back to the engine cylinders. The ME-GI engine represents the culmination of many years’ work and gives shipowners and operators the option of utilising fuel or gas depending on relative price and availability, as well as environmental considerations. The ME-GI uses high-pressure gas injection that 70 allows it to maintain the numerous positive attributes of MAN B&W low-speed engines that have made them the default choice of the maritime community. MAN Diesel & Turbo sees significant opportunities arising for gasfuelled tonnage as fuel prices rise and modern exhaust-emission limits tighten. Indeed, research indicates that the ME-GI engine delivers significant reductions in CO2, NOx and SOx emissions. Furthermore, the ME-GI engine’s negligible fuel slip makes it the most environmentally friendly technology available. As such, the ME-GI engine represents a highly efficient, flexible, propulsion-plant solution. Kobel signed contract with Excelerate Energy to supply cryogenic valves Kobel recently received an order from the U.S.-based Excelerate Energy for 170 sets of cryogenic control valves and cryogenic safety valves necessary for regasfication vessel project. These valves will be applied to the facility that Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) is using to upgrade the 5 LNG carriers into LNG RVs. Kobel has supplied cryogenic control valves to Greece-based Maran Gas, cryogenic safety valves to U.S.-based Teekay, and high pressure cryogenic safety valve (135 bar) for FSRU to Excelerate Energy. Kobel has been acclaimed for its excellent manufacturing technology and experiment using its cryogenic testing equipment. As a result, Kobel was awarded a contract from Excelerate Energy to supply cryogenic valve package: 900LBS 16” Double Ball Valve, Cryogenic Ball Valve, Butterfly Valve, Safety Valve, Control Valve, etc. Particularly, Kobel successfully localized 16 sets of cryogenic safety valve (pilot type) for cargo tank of LNG carrier among the products covered by this contract. These valves are an important product for ensuring safety for cargo tanks of LNG carriers, and the market for these valves has been dominated by overseas equipment manufacturers. Kobel specializes in the production of control valves and safety valves and has focused on localizing the equipment through relentless R&D on high-priced special valves. Specifically, Kobel has successfully localized the valves essential for marine and large-scale engines, thus helping mitigate the cost burden of domestic engine manufacturers. In addition, Kobel is speeding up development of valves necessary for nuclear industry and oil field development through certifications such as KEPIC, API 6D/6A, and CE. 티케이(Teekay)사에 초저온 안전밸브, 엑셀레이트 에너지사 에 FSRU에 필요한 고압용 초저온 안전밸브(135 bar)를 각각 공급했으며, 여기서 자체 보유한 초저온 테스트 장비를 통한 실험 및 제조기술에 대해 우수한 평가를 받아왔다. 그 결과로 코밸은 이번에 엑셀러레이트 에너지사로부터 초 저온 밸브 패키지 - 900LBS 16 Double Ball Valve, Cryogenic Ball Valve, Butterfly Valve, Safety Valve, Control Valve 등 - 공 급계약을 체결하게 됐다. 특히 코밸은 이번 계약에 포함된 제품 중 LNG선 카고 탱크 용 초저온 안전밸브(pilot 타입) 16세트를 국산화하는 데 성 공했다. 이 밸브는 LNG선 카고 탱크의 최종 안전을 책임지 는 중요 제품으로 그 동안 해외기자재업체가 독점해왔던 분야이다. 코밸은 컨트롤 밸브 및 안전밸브를 전문 생산하는 업체로 코밸, 엑셀러레이트 에너지사와 초저온 밸브 수주 계약 서 고가의 특수 밸브 연구개발을 통해 기자재 국산화에 앞 코밸이 최근 미국에 본사를 둔 엑셀러레이트 에너지(Excelerate Energy)사로부터 장서고 있다. 현재 선박용 및 대형 엔진에 필요한 밸브들의 재기화 선박(Regasfication Vessel) 프로젝트에 필요한 초저온 컨트롤 밸브 및 초저 국산화에 성공함으로써 국내 엔진업체의 원가절감에 기여 온 안전밸브 170 세트를 수주하는데 성공했다. 이들 밸브는 대우조선해양에서 건 하고 있다. 또한 KEPIC, API 6D/6A, CE 등 인증을 통하여 조 중인 LNG선 5척을 LNG RV로 업그레이드하는 설비에 적용된다. 원자력 산업 및 유전개발에 필요한 밸브 개발에도 박차를 코밸은 그 동안 그리스의 마란 가스(Maran Gas)사에 초저온 컨트롤 밸브, 미국의 가하고 있다. 71 New Orders Daesun Shipbuilding & Engineering received orders for 3 units of eco-friendly 1,800 TEU containerships Daesun Shipbuilding & Engineering announced on October 10 that it won an order from DONG-A Tanker for 2 units of eco-friendly 1,800 TEU containerships and another order from HEUNG-A Shipping for 1 vessel of the same kind. Importantly, Daesun Shipbuilding & Engineering clinched this order in collaboration with Export-Import Bank of Korea (Korea Eximbank) in the sluggish newbuilding market. Korea Eximbank plans to provide ship financing to the 3 vessels that were contracted this time. These vessels, dubbed ‘Bangkok Max’, has a shape optimized for maneuvering into Bangkok Port and excellent fuel efficiency, which can maximize efficiency of ship owners’ operations on the Far East Asian and South East Asian shipping routes. Daesun Shipbuilding & Engineering has accumulated the experience and technological capabilities while building 100 feeder containerships thus far. Using the recent contracts as springboard, Daesun Shipbuilding & Engineering plans to advance into the markets for vessel with a capacity of 1,000 TEU or higher. Once the vessels recently added to its orderbook are successfully delivered and prove high quality and efficiency, Daesun Shipbuilding & Engineering will have even greater chance to obtain more newbuilding orders. Meanwhile, Daesun Shipbuilding & Engineering has won orders for 17 vessels so far this year. 대선조선의 이번 수주는 침체된 신조선 시장에서 수출입은 행과의 협업을 통해 이뤄낸 성과라는 점에서 의미가 크다. 수출입은행은 계약된 선박 3척에 대해 선박금융을 제공할 예정이다. 방콕막스로도 불리고 있는 이들 선박은 방콕항 입항을 위해 최적화된 선형으로 뛰어난 연료효율을 바탕으로 극동 및 동 남아시아 지역을 운항하는 선주사의 효율 극대화에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 전망된다. 대선조선은 그 동안 100척이 넘는 피더컨테이너선을 인도하 며 경험과 기술력을 축적해왔다. 이번 수주를 계기로 기존 주력 선종인 1,000 TEU급 뿐 아니라 이보다 더 큰 선형의 시 장 진출에 박차를 가할 계획이다. 대선조선, 친환경 1,800 TEU급 컨테이너선 3척 수주 대선조선은 이번에 수주한 선박의 성공적인 인도로 품질과 대선조선은 동아탱커로부터 1,800 TEU급 친환경 컨테이너선 2척과 흥아해운으로 효율성이 입증되면 더 많은 수주기회를 확보할 수 있을 것 부터 1척을 각각 수주했다고 지난 10월 10일 밝혔다. 이들 선박의 인도 시기는 2016 으로 기대하고 있다. 년이다. 한편 대선조선은 올해 들어 총 17척의 선박을 수주했다. SHI secured an order for 3 LNG carriers transporting the shale gas Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) announced on October 13 that it secured an order worth approximately USD 620 million from an Asian ship owner for 3 LNG carriers. These vessels, the high-performance and high-efficiency eco-ship model featuring dual fuel engine, increased operating efficiency and 72 reduced exhaust gas emissions compared to existing LNG carriers. These LNG carriers are 174,000 m3 class and scheduled for delivery by 2018. After delivery, these vessels will be deployed on the route transporting the U.S. shale gas to Asia. Currently, the U.S. shale gas export projects, such as Sabine Pass, Cameron, Freeport, and Cove Point projects, were given the green light by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). About 90 vessels will be needed to accommodate transportation of LNG from those projects, out of which 60 vessels have yet to be ordered, thus making room for additional orders for LNG carriers for the time being. In addition to the 4 projects that received the approval of exports, 14 shale gas projects are awaiting the green light from FERC. The LNG development projects are also underway in Australia and East African countries such as Mozambique and Tanzania. An official from SHI said, “More than 30 LNG carriers are expected to be ordered each year, given the steady increase in LNG exports from the United States, Australia, and East African countries. As we have captured the world’s largest share in LNG carrier market, we will be better positioned to win new orders.” The latest contract brings the value of orders placed at SHI to approximately USD 6.5 billion. 프리포트(Freeport), 코브 포인트(Cove Point) 프로젝트 등이 미국연방에너지규제위원회(FERC)의 수출 승인을 얻은 상태 이다. 이 프로젝트들의 LNG 운송에 필요한 선박은 90여척. 이 중 60여척은 아직 발주가 이뤄지지 않았다. 따라서 당분 간 LNG선 발주가 이어질 전망이다. 또한, 수출 승인을 받은 4개의 프로젝트 외에도 14개 셰일가 스 프로젝트가 FERC의 인가를 기다리고 있는 상황이다. 호 주와 모잠비크, 탄자니아 등 동아프리가 지역의 LNG 개발도 삼성중공업, 셰일가스 운반용 LNG선 3척 수주 진행되고 있다. 삼성중공업은 아시아 지역 선주로부터 LNG선 3척을 약 6억 2000만 달러에 수주 삼성중공업 관계자는 미국과 호주, 동아프리카 등지의 LNG 했다고 지난 10월 13일 밝혔다. 이 LNG선은 이중연료(Dual Fuel) 엔진을 탑재한 최 수출이 확대되면서 연간 30척 이상의 LNG선이 꾸준히 발주 신 에코(Eco) 사양으로 기존의 LNG선 보다 운항 효율이 높고, 배기가스 배출량 저 될 것으로 전망된다 면서 LNG선 시장에서 세계 1위의 점유 감도 가능한 고성능/고효율 친환경 LNG선이다. 율을 기록하고 있는 만큼 앞으로 전개될 수주전에서 앞서 이번에 수주한 LNG선은 17만 4000㎥급으로 2018년에 인도되어, 미국의 셰일가스 나갈 수 있을 것 이라고 말했다. 수출 물량을 아시아로 운송하는 노선에 투입될 예정이다. 한편, 삼성중공업은 이번 수주를 포함해 현재까지 약 65억 현재 미국의 셰일가스 수출 프로젝트는 사빈패스(Sabine Pass), 카메론(Cameron), 달러의 수주 실적을 기록하고 있다. Waiting For Readers Article Korship wait for newest articles to introduce globalized shipbuilding industry to domestic or overseas market. To enhance shipbuilding & marine related industries competitiveness and development, please send technical article, new products article, application cases, company introduction and seminar, exhibition informations, etc by e-mail or fax. The valuable articles from readers will be checked compatibility by editor and will be printed monthly Korship on free of charge. Many readers interest and participate will be appreciated. Articles about - Shipbuilding Equipments, Shipbuilding Engineering, Shipbuilding & Marine Plants, Vessel & Marine Automation, Related articles of Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Address - 708 Acetechno Tower, 55-7 Moonrae dong 3-Ga, Yeoungdeungpo-Gu, Seoul, Korea TEL : 82-2-2168-8898 / FAX : 82-2-2168-8895 E-mail : korshipeditor@gmail.com Until : Send to head office by 15nd every month. 73 www.korship.co.kr 조선 & 해양 총람 Korea’s first Shipbuilding &Offshore Guide Catalogue promoting domestic shipbuilding and offshore companies worldwide (English-Korean) We are pleased to announce the long-awaited publication of “Offshore & Shipbuilding Guide Catalogue” containing the information about the companies in domestic and overseas shipbuilding & offshore industries. The Offshore & Shipbuilding Guide Catalogue contains the information such as major products, location, contact details of companies including the shipyards, marine equipment manufacturers. This catalogue consists of several sections based on sector(shipbuilding, offshore) and area(shipyards, equipment, shipping/port, etc) in Korean alphabetical order, providing the information of domestic/overseas shipbuilding and offshore companies at a glance. 한국 조선, 해양 업체들을 국내외로 널리 알리는 국내 최초 조선 & 해양 기업총람 발간 (국문/영문 혼용) 국내외 조선 & 해양 기업들의 정보를 수록한 Offshore & Shipbuilding Guide 총람 이 발간되었습니다. 본 총람은 조선소 및 조선 & 해양 기자재 업체 등을 비롯한 관련 업체들의 주요 제품, 소재지, 연락처 등 각종 정보가 담겨 있습니다. 특히 국내외 조선해양 기업들의 정보를 한눈에 파악할 수 있도록 (조선, 해양) 분야 및 (조선소, 기자재, 해운/항만 등) 영역별로 구성되어 있으며, 가나다 순서로 일목요연하게 정리되어 있습니다. 총람 발행기념 할인행사 권당 정가 80,000원, 30% D.C / 할인가 56.000원 (VAT 별도) Discount to mark the publication of the Catalogue 총람 구매에 관한 자세한 내용은 홈페이지(www.korship.co.kr)를 KRW 80,000 per issue, 30% D.C / discounted price: KRW 56.000(excluding VAT) For more information about the purchase of the Catalogue, visit our website(www.korship.co.kr). 참조바랍니다. Publisher: Procon / MONTHLY KORSHIP Tel: (02) 2168-8898 Fax: (02) 2168-8895 The Shipbuilding Marketshare Domestic shipyards outperformed Chinese rivals in terms of new orders for two consecutive months of July and August. It comes about one year after Korea surpassed China for two months in a row in March and April in terms of monthly new orders. According to the data published by Clarkson, new orders at domestic shipyards stood at 509,051 CGT with 20 vessels in August alone while new orders at Chinese shipyards and Japanese shipyards stood at 314,059 CGT and 90,599 CGT, respectively, in the same period. Meanwhile, domestic shipyards carved out 44.5% share in global shipbuilding market last month, a 1.5% point increase from the previous month. By contrast, Chinese shipyards’ share in world new orders slid to 20% in 16 months CGT (1,000) OCT.2014 standards, (furnish data : Clarkson) and Japanese shipyards garnered only single-digit share for two consecutive months. New orders at domestic shipyards fell sharply compared to the corresponding period of the previous year (2,106,857 CGT with 50 vessels) and last month (1,399,378 CGT, 33 vessels), although domestic shipyards surpassed Chinese and Japanese rivals in terms of new orders. The sharp decline in new orders at domestic shipyards is attributed to the fact that new order placement worldwide has plummeted last month to an all-time low in 5 years after September 2009 when new order placement took a nosedive in the aftermath of global financial crisis. Here, we take a close look at the performance of major domestic shipyards, the world's leading players with strong growth in new orders as shown currently in the Clarkson data, such as Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) and others based on the order backlog data. Photo: Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. 75 2012 2011 Drillship offshore platform (Top side) Dec 1 unit 1 vessel 1 vessel 4 vessels Drillship LNG-FSRU 1 vessel Drillship 1 vessel 1 vessel Drillship 8 vessels Drillship 1 unit 1 vessel LNG-FSRU Gas Compression Platform Drillship 1 unit LNG-FPSO Drillship 1 unit 1 vessel Drillship Semi-submersible drilling rig 2 units 1 vessel Semi-submersible Drilling Rig 1 vessel Drillship 1 unit 1 unit Offshore Platform - 1 unit FPSO LNG-FSRU Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Semi-submersible rig - Jan - CPF (Central Processing Facility) Dec 2 units 4 units Platform Supply Vessel Offshore facilities (Gas platform and various facilities) 2 units Offshore Plant Module Pipe Laying Support Vessel 1 unit Platform Supply Vessel 1 unit Nov Oct Drillship - 1 vessel Fixed Offshore Platform 2 vessels Well Intervention Vessel Drillship 2 units Semi-submersible Rig Sep 1 vessel LNG-FSRU 2 vessels Drillship Number of vessel Jul Type Aug Data USD 1.77 billion USD 700 million USD 270 million USD 560 million USD 2.06 billion USD 623 million USD 620 million - USD 420 million USD 645 million - USD 700 million USD 655 million USD 600 million USD 1.1 billion USD 645 million USD 2.0 billion USD 560 million - USD 620 million KRW 2.6 trillion USD 900 million USD 500 million KRW 2 trillion - - USD 550 million USD 1.4 billion KRW 600 billion USD 420 million USD 1.1 billion USD 280 million USD 1.1225 billion Amount - Statoil, Norway - Hoegh LNG, Norway Atwood Oceanics, U.S.A Transocean, U.S.A Rowan, U.S.A Excelerate, U.S.A (Letter of Award) Ensco plc Petroliam Nasional Berhad, Malaysia Fred Olsen Energy, Norway Diamond Offshore Drilling Limited., U.S.A Seadrill, Norway Songa Offshore, Norway Ensco plc INPEX, Australia DONG E&P A/S, Danish Hoegh, Norway Odfjell, Norway INPEX, Australia Major multinational oil companies Odebrecht, Brazil Island Offshore, Norway - Troms Offshore Supply AS, Norway Offshore drilling company, Americas Chevron, U.S.A Noble Drilling, U.S.A Eide Marine Services AS, Norway Songa Offshore, Norway Excelerate Energy, U.S.A Maersk, Denmark Ship owner Offshore plant orders awarded to domestic shipyards in 2011-2014 - - - The end of 2016 2nd half of 2015 First half of 2015 - One-by-one from mid 2015 First half of 2015 Between early 2015~2017 Second half of 2015 June 2015 March 2015 4th quarter of 2014 Second half of 2014 Mid 2015 Third quarter 2014 April 2016 April 2015 by mid 2014 4th quarter of 2015 2nd half of 2014 August of 2014 Consecutively from the 3rd quarter From 2013 to 2014 First half of 2013 - Second half of 2014 Second half of 2014 2013 Second hallf of 2014 First quarter of 2014 July 2014 Delivery Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Hyundai Heavy Industries Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Samsung Heavy Industries Hyundai Heavy Industries Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Hyundai Heavy Industries Samsung Heavy Industries Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Hyundai Heavy Industries Hyundai Heavy Industries Samsung Heavy Industries Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Samsung Heavy Industries Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Hyundai Heavy Industries Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Samsung Heavy Industries Hyundai Heavy Industries Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering of 2013 to the 1st quarter of 2014 STX OSV STX OSV Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Hyundai Heavy Industries STX Finland Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Samsung Heavy Industries Shipyard Offshore Plant Orders 1 unit 1 unit July 1 unit 2 units 4 units Fixed offshore platform 2 vessels Central Processing Platform LNG-FPSO 1 unit LNG-FSRU Drillship 1 unit Apr 1 unit LNG-FSRU 1 vessel LNG-FSRU Drillship 2 vessels Jack-up Rig Drillship 1 unit 1 unit Drillship Ultra-deepwater Drillship 1 unit Ultra-deepwater Drillship 1 vessel 2 units Ultra-deepwater Drillship Semi-Submersible Rig 2 units Jack-up Rig Feb Dec Oct Sep Jul 1 unit FPSO 1 unit Ultra-deepwater Drillship Jun 1 unit Semi-Submersible Drilling Rig May 1 unit FPSO 1 unit 1 unit Floating Production Unit (FPU) Tension Leg Platform (TLP) 1 vessel USD 1.94 billion USD 700 million USD 1.29 billion USD 1.45 billion - - - USD 520 million USD 1.24 billion USD 530 million USD 600 million USD 550 million USD 570 million USD 718 million USD 600 million USD 1.3 billion USD 3.0 billion USD 515 million USD 750 million USD 1.9 billion USD 700 million USD 1.3 billion - USD 1.1 billion ADMA-OPCO, UAE Hess E&P Malaysia, Malaysia Oceania Petroliam Nasional Berhad, Malaysia Mitsui OSK Line, Japan BW Maritime, Singapore Gas Sayago (Joint venture) Transocean, U.S.A - Maersk Drilling, Denmark Ocean Rig, Greece - Atwood Oceanics, U.S.A Stena, Sweden Seadrill, Norway Statoil, Norway Nigeria Ensco, United Kingdom Diamond Offshore, U.S.A Chevron, U.S.A Total, France Total, France BW Maritime, Singapore Statoil, Norway - The end of 2019 The end of 2016 First half of 2017 2018 The middle of 2016 Early 2016 Sep of 2016 The middle of 2016 Second half of 2015 The middle of 2016 Dec of 2015 Dec of 2015 The end of 2015 First half of 2016 Second half of 2015 - Second half of 2017 Third quarter of 2015 Nov of 2015 First half of 2015 First half of 2016 2015 Mar 2016 *Note : Based on the press release and public announcements of each shipyards, internal estimation of Monthly KORSHIP (estimation until Oct 15, 2014) 2014 2013 Gas Production Platform (topside) LNG-FSRU Apr Mar Jan Hyundai Heavy Industries Hyundai Heavy Industries Samsung Heavy Industries Samsung Heavy Industries Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Samsung Heavy Industries Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Samsung Heavy Industries Samsung Heavy Industries Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Samsung Heavy Industries Samsung Heavy Industries Samsung Heavy Industries Samsung Heavy Industries Samsung Heavy Industries Hyundai Heavy Industries Hyundai Heavy Industries Hyundai Heavy Industries Hyundai Heavy Industries Samsung Heavy Industries Hyundai Heavy Industries GGaalllelerryy e c n e a c m n rrPPeerrffoorrma o j a o j M a M Leader of offshore plant market - The offshore development showing flickers of life As the world is showing a heightened interest in offshore energy development, the offshore plant sector has been recognized as the ‘goose laying golden eggs’. For several years, the offshore (deepwater) drilling activities have been actively carried out to an unprecedented degree worldwide. Global major oil & gas companies are shifting the focus of development projects from onshore to offshore (floating) based on productivity and drilling technology advancement. At the time, Korean shipbuilding industry became synonymous with the world’s first technology and world’ largest scale, opening up a bright future. However, the global off- The Discoverer Enterprise of Transocean is the world first Ultra deepwater drillship, bult by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME). 78 shore plant market has seen sharp reduction in investment amid the decline in oil prices this year. In addition, the global offshore plant market faces worse situation with the influx of new competitors attempting to snatch new orders. That is sometimes likened to bubbles, but there is still a live coal in the ash from the perspective of potential value of marine resources. The offshore plant sector is still showing flickers of life as numerous offshore plant facilities which incorporate the excellent technology and cohesive force of Korean shipbuilding industry are producing oil and gas in all 5 great Oceans. ‘USAN FPSO’, built by Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) in November, 2010. Offshore Supply Vessel (OSV) and wind park (Source: GL Group). 79 GGaalllelerryy e c n e a c m n rrPPeerrffoorrma o j a o j M a M STX Offshore & Shipbuilding (STXOS)’s OSV vessel OSCV 11 design. G-FSRU built and delivered by DSME is supplying the natural gas from the sea off the coast of Brazil. Bird’s eye view of the Goliath FPSO of HHI. 80 Ultra-deepwater drillship by DSME. ‘Pazflor FPSO’, built by DSME. 81 GGaalllelerryy e c n e a c m n rrPPeerrffoorrma o j a o j M a M Maersk Drilling has four ultra-deepwater drillships under construction. The Deepwater Advanced I and II will enter the Gulf in 2014 under contracts with ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips/Marathon. 82 New LNG powered Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) for the Norwegian operator Rem Offshore. The vessel will be built at the Kleven Verft yard in Norway. Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) by STXOS. 83 Direct Acting Solenoid Valve 70 series Midland-ACS / YTEC Co., Ltd. New Product Midland-ACS has been known internationally as one of the oil & gas industries premier designers and manufacturers of 316L Stainless Steel control equipment. Midland-ACS’s 70 series is a new generation 316 Stainless Steel direct-acting 3/2 solenoid valve primarily designed for actuator control. The valve offers maximum internal and external protection from liquid and gases, for use in hazardous environments. The valve has a wide pressure range and no minimum operating pressure differential, along with a variety of functionnormally closed, normally open and universal positions. The standard ambient temperature of valve from -20 C to 60 C and customer can choose lower temperature which is from -50 C to 60 C for optional. Valve Features - ATEX 94/9/EC - SIL 3 Certified - Easy Installation, Repair and Replacement - High flow - 1.4 Cv - Low Power Consumption - 3.5 Watts - Ambient Temperature Range -20°C to +60°C (T4) / -4°F to +140°F / T6- +80°C; Optional -50°C to 60°C (T6) / -58°F to 140°F / T6-+80°C - Function - 3/2, 2/2 and universal - 316 Stainless Steel Construction - Protection Class (Std) - Exd IIC T6 - 20 Bar Max Operating Pressure - Coil Insulation - Class H - Ingress Protection IP67 - Available as part of a manifold solution -TEL: +82-31-777-8200 -http://www.ytec.net 84 On Land and at sea with highperformance plastics igus® Inc. igus presented their comprehensive offerings for the shipbuilding industry: light and stable energy chains, Germanischer Lloyd-certified cables, and corrosion-resistant sliding, spherical, and slewing ring bearings on a multitude of moving applications – on ship, crane or shipyard, above and below the water surface. Certified Safety: chainflex wires with GL-Seal Ships and offshore sites are based on their areas of operation on fail-safe design and depend on low maintenance energy cables and integrated supply cables. The classification society Germanischer Lloyd (GL), therefore, has developed special audit standards for maritime applications, guaranteed dependability and unnecessary, expensive special approval. Altogether 348 cables from the chainflex program for energy chains already carry the GL-Quality Seal. They are thereby the first worldwide cables in e-chains that comply with this audit standard and assure an especially high life expectancy for dynamic applications. All of the certified cables are in accordance with the requirements of the ship-approval authorities and are delivered from stock, and available parts are deliverable within 48 hours. e-chain E4.350 and Rotary Modules: field-tested on the high seas In practice, E4.350 has already been proven and tested. On the ship “Seven Waves,” the placement arm of the “Pipe-LayTower” is performed by the output of the pipeline’s severe services. In the application, the additional load lifts from 120 kg/m. Generally the additional load of the E4.350 is covered from 600 kg/m and is therefore significantly lighter than steel. Also workboats with deep-sea cranes are already successfully equipped with it. Likewise the space-saving installations of the multi-rotary modules are reliably tested. In the North Sea, on the “Innovation,” an installation ship is arranged for wind farms, a two-tier rotary module for the rotation angle from a maximum of 900 degrees. - TEL : +82-32-821-2911 - http://www.igus.kr 85 Smaller and Tougher 802.11n WLAN Solution New Product MOXA MOXA is pleased to announce the release of the AWK-1131A, a new 802.11n wireless AP/client that features a smaller housing with advanced protection technology, making continuous wireless connections a reality for your industrial applications. The new AWK-1131A is designed with galvanic isolation technology to protect devices from the electrical disturbances commonly found in industrial environments. In addition, it supports 802.11n MIMO technology to reduce multipath effects and increase data rates up to 300 Mbps for bandwidth-hungry applications, and features millisecond-level roaming to minimize packet loss for seamless connections with mobile applications. The new AWK-1131A series features 802.11n technology, which is perfect for video surveillance applications that require up to a 300 Mbps data rate and Gigabit wired transmissions. With the release of the AWK-1131A, MOXA now offers a comprehensive portfolio with both single-radio and dual-radio IEEE 802.11n industrial wireless solutions for the bandwidth-hungry systems found in industrial applications. Features - Advanced EMS protection against electromagnetic interference - Galvanic isolation technology on all interfaces for device reliability and longevity - 802.11n MIMO technology reduces multipath effects and increases data rates up to 300 - MOXA client-based Turbo Roaming with millisecond level roaming capability -TEL: +886-2-8919-1230 -http://www.moxa.com 86 New filter option gives Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.0 unrivalled performance Alfa Laval Alfa Laval has released an alternative filter option for PureBallast 3.0. The compact new Filtrex filter lets the system operate in fresh, brackish and marine waters with a UV transmittance as low as 42%. With the launch of Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.0 in 2013, Alfa Laval set new standards for the energy efficiency, compactness and flexibility of its chemical-free ballast water treatment system. Earlier this year, installation flexibility was further enhanced by a third reactor size of 600 m3/h. Now the addition of a Filtrex filter option has increased operating flexibility as well. “Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.0, equipped with the Filtrex premium filter, has been tested and approved for use in very challenging water,” said Alfa Laval’s Peter Sahlén, R&D Manager, PureBallast. “It can operate at full flow down to a UV transmittance of 42%, which provides a high margin of security for vessels that operate globally.” Confident operation worldwide With the new Filtrex filter option, PureBallast 3.0 offers customers high performance under almost any conditions, anywhere in the world. The system can operate in fresh, brackish or marine waters of any temperature, and even in areas with very poor water quality. Equally compact installation The choice of a Filtrex filter gives PureBallast 3.0 customers additional operating benefits, yet it has no physical trade-offs. The filter design is compact, requiring only a very small footprint. Regardless whether a Filtrex filter or a standard Hydac filter is selected, PureBallast 3.0 is easy to install where space is constrained. -TEL: +82-2-3406-0600 -http://www.alfalaval.com/marine 87 BMEA (Busan Marine Equipment Association) Member List ANSWER CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.answerclear.com Main Products : CO2 Extinguishing Sys. External Fire Fighting Sys. TEL : +82-51-831-3691 BANDO MARINE. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.bando.info Main Products : Life Boat TEL : +82-51-831-1950 BERM YOUNG VALVE. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.byvalve.com Main Products : Quick Closing Valve, Ball Valve, Bellows, Beal Valve TEL : +82-51-311-2511 B-I INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu, Busan Homepage Add : www.b-i.co.kr Main Products : Fire & gas detection system, smoke, heat & flame detector. TEL : +82-51-441-5670 BMT CO., LTD. Head Office : Yangsan Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.superlok.com/ Main Products : Fitting & Valve, Vacuum Clamp TEL : +82-55-783-1000 BO KYOUNG IND., CO. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : O-ring, Sealing, Gasket TEL : +82-51-831-4615 BOKYUNGTL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Rudder Body, Winch, Crane TEL : +82-51-832-0801 BO MYUNG METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Copper Tube & Pipe, Cupro-Nikel Pipe, Copper Fitting TEL : +82-51-266-4101 BOYANG HARDWARE CO., LTD. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.byhd.co.kr Main Products : Stairway Body, Ladder, Hardware TEL : +82-55-345-1951 BUSAN INDUSTRY CO. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Powder Coating TEL : +82-51-831-4810 BUSUNG PLANT CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Cargo Reducer Piece TEL : +82-51-831-1784 CEPHAS PIPELINES CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Butterfly Valve TEL : +82-51-263-3661 CHK CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan 88 Homepage Add. : www.chkj.co.kr Main Products : Telephone Booth, Work Shop, Cable Box, Spare Box TEL : +82-51-831-9500 CHWANG HYEOP INSTRUMENTS. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.chkj.co.kr Main Products : Telephone Booth, Work Shop, Cable Box, Spare Box TEL : +82-51-831-3607 CHANG WON ENVIRONMENT IND CO., LTD. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.seaclean.kr Main Products : Sewage Tredtment Plant TEL : +82-55-342-5545 CMR KOREA CO., LTD. Head Office : Kumjung-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.cmkkorea.com Main Products : Temperature & Press Sensor, Alarm Monitoring Sys. TEL : +82-51-521-2883 DAECHANG METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Main Bearing support, Chain Wheel, Gear Wheel TEL : +82-51-264-0831 DAE-DONG ENTEC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.ddentec.com/ Main Products : Air Cooler, Oil Cooler, Oil Tank, Air Tank, Oil Heater TEL : +82-51-832-1123 DAE HAN HEAT ELECTRIC MACHINERY IND.,CO. Head Office : Kijang-kun Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : CO2 Welder, DC Tig, Welder, AC ARC Welder TEL : +82-51-724-6777 DAEHEUNG IND. CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.daeheungind.kr/kr/ Main Products : Forged Flanges, Nozzel & Forged Neck, Forged Items for ship TEL : +82-51-831-6635 AQ TECK CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Flower Meter, Viscometer, Control Valve TEL : +82-51-831-3720 DAEHWA TECHNICAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : Main Products : Shot & Blast, Painting, Painting’s Manufacture TEL : +82-55-329-5705 DAEJUNG SPECIAL STEEL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Winch, Shaft, Gear Cluch TEL : +82-51-831-1133 DAEKYUNG CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dkhoist.com Main Products : Chain Block, Lever Block Trelley TEL : +82-51-264-6611 DAERIM MACHINERY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dae-rim.kr Main Products : Head, Air Receiver Tank, Pressure Vessel, Reactor TEL : +82-51-831-1456 DAESAN ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.daesan-eng.com Main Products : E/R Package unit, Pipe Group Unit TEL : +82-51-831-0090 DAE SEONG MARINE TEC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.ds-frp.com/ Main Products : Pipe Insulation System, FRP Weather Door TEL : +82-51-832-2071 DAESUNG IND CO. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : VENT SYS, OIL TANK, Out Fitting TEL : +82-51-831-7427 DAE WON HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.daewonindustry.co.kr/ Main Products : Deck Machinery, Deck Equipments, OffShore TEL : +82-51-831-5215 DAEWON METAL IND. CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.galvanizing.co.kr/ Main Products : Hot Dip Galvanizing, Pipe for Shipbuilding TEL : +82-51-831-2541 DAEYANG ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.daeyang.co.kr Main Products : Precision Instrument TEL : +82-51-200-5331 DAEYANG INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.daeyang.co.kr Main Products : Precision Instrument TEL : +82-51-200-5331 DAEYANG SP CO., LTD. Head Office : Yangsan Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : Main Products : Welding machine TEL : +82-55-388-3800 DA HEUNG ENG. CO., LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Marine valves TEL : +82-51-311-1882 DAOM METAL. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Sus plate, Flange, Pipe sleeve TEL : +82-51-315-1347 DEAIL MACHINERY. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Piston Rod, Cross headpin, Propeller Shaft TEL : +82-51-832-1119 DECKWIN CO., LTD. Head Office : Youngdo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.deckwin.com Main Products : Winch TEL : +82-51-413-1193 DH-M CO., LTD. Head Office : Seo-gu Incheon Homepage Add. : www.dhm.co.kr Main Products : High Pressure Blower, High Pressure Washer TEL : +82-32-527-5782 DHP ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Dongnae-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dhpeng.com Main Products : Plate Type heat Exchanger, Disk & Shell type heat Exchanger TEL : +82-51-556-4200 DINES CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Provision Crane, Tilting Radar Post TEL : +82-51-971-0972 DK INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dk-ind.com/ Main Products : Silencer, Fire Damper, Lashing Bridge, Rudder TEL : +82-51-832-1436 DK TECH CORPORATION CO., LTD. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.dklok.com Main Products : Instrument TuBe Fitting, Instrument Valve TEL : +82-55-338-0114 DNP CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dnpco.kr Main Products : Fire & Gas Damper, Galley Equipment, AL, Steel Furniture TEL : +82-51-831-4551 DOLIM PRECISION. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Cross Head Pin, Main Journal, Crank Shaft TEL : +82-51-831-8861 DONG-A VALVE IND. Main Products : Rescue Boat Davit & Winch, Assembly, Line Hauler TEL : +82-51-200-1211 DONGKYUNG INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dki21.co.kr Main Products : Reducer, Gear TEL : +82-51-832-1602 DONG NAM ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dongnam-eng.com Main Products : Electric Control Panel TEL : +82-51-204-3984 DONGNAM PRECISION IND. CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Multi Core Tube, Sus Cable Tray & Cover, LNG Line Out Fitting TEL : +82-51-831-3500 DONG SUNG HIGHTECH. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Ball Valve TEL : +82-51-314-2610 DONGHWA ENTEC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dh.co.kr Main Products : E/R Heater & Cooler, Copt, Condenser, Plate Heat Exchanger TEL : +82-51-970-1000 DONGHWA M&E CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu, Busan Homepage Add. : www.donghwame.com Main Products : Heat Exchanger TEL : +82-51-971-3455 DONGHWA PNEUTEC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Air Comfressor, Cylinder, Cylinder, Head, Piston TEL : +82-51-974-4800 DONGIL SHIPYARD CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. :www.dongilshipyard.co.kr GEORIM ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.kangrim.com Main Products : Marine Indutrial Boiler, Exhaust Gas Boiler TEL : +82-51-831-2929 GISUNG ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Air Reserovir, Heat Exchanger TEL : +82-51-831-4475 G.S HIGH-TECHER CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Compresed Centellen Board, Metal Inserting Gasket TEL : +82-51-831-6505 DONGYANG HYDTEC CO., LTD. DONGYANG METAL CO., LTD. DONG HUN ENTERPRISE CO. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Deck Machinery Part, Hose Handling Crane TEL : +82-51-264-3315 DONGYANG G.T.S. DONGBANG SHIP MACHINERY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dhintec.co.kr Main Products : Sleeve, Scupper, Suction Bell Mouth TEL : +82-51-831-2565 GEO MAEK SHOT&PAINT CO.,LTD. G. M. TEC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Marine Offshore valve, Strainer TEL : _+82-51-831-1500 DONGHAE INTEC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.thefriend.co.kr Main Products : Marine Cable Tray, Mud Box, Strainer TEL : +82-51-831-9456 Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dshitech.com Main Products : Shutter Grill, P-Chamber, Diffuser, Frie Damper, Volume Damper TEL : +82-51-831-9561 Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dongyang-hyd.com Main Products : Rudder & propeller Truck, Block lifter, Gripper Jack System TEL : +82-51-831-6185 Head Office : Jinhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.dongbangsm.co.kr Main Products : General Steel Poping, Framo & Hydro Piping, Module Unit TEL : +82-55-545-0882 FRIEND CO., LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dy-metal.co.kr Main Products : Swing bolt a’ ssy, Fittings TEL : +82-51-814-5157 DONGYOUNG ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dyelectric.com Main Products : Main Switchboard, Emergency Switchboard TEL : +82-51-261-9800 DSB ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Youngdo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dseng.com Main Products : Totally Enclosed, Lifeboat, Herged Qrarity Davit TEL : +82-51-412-5937 DSE BEARING CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dsebearing.com Main Products : Metal Bearing TEL : +82-51-831-2046 DSK CO., LTD. Head Office : Youngdo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dskworld.com Main Products : Piston Crown TEL : +82-51-417-7800 DUYOUNG INDUSTRIAL MACHINES CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Plate-Baffle TEL : +82-51-831-2477 EM SYSTEC CO., LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.emsystec.com Main Products : Marine Switch Board, Control Console TEL : +82-51-302-8761 Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.igmtec.com Main Products : Duct Equip’t Seat Support TEL : +82-51-831-5851 Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.gshightecher.koreasme.com Main Products : Air Vent Head, Pipe Coupling TEL : +82-51-832-0456 G&S PRECISION IND CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Cable Tray, Vent, Hull Outffittings TEL : +82-51-831-0849 HAE DONG METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hdanode.com Main Products : Zinc Anode, Al Anode TEL : +82-51-831-3751 HAE DUK RUDDER & R.STOCK CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.rudders.co.kr Main Products : Rudder & R.Stock, Rudder Horn, Rudder Carrier TEL : +82-51-831-0101 HAE SUNG INDUSTRIAL. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hsjs.co.kr/ Main Products : Cable Tray, Cable Way Fitting, Cable Coaming TEL : +82-51-264-8103 HAEWON INDUSTRIES CO. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : P/Crown, P/Skirt TEL : +82-51-831-4600 HAEWON IND. CO., LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.heawon.net Main Products : Copper, Copper-Nickel, Monel Fitting & Flanges TEL : +82-51-312-2161 HAEYANG FAMILY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : F.P Propeller, C.P Propeller, Propeller Shaft TEL : +82-51-831-3550 HAEYANG METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : F.P Propeller, C.P Propeller, Propeller Shaft TEL : +82-51-831-4591 89 HAEYANG PROPELLER CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Marine Propeller TEL : +82-51-831-4599 HANCHANG TRANS CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hctr.co.kr Main Products : Pole Mounted Transformer, Pad Mounted Transformer TEL : +82-51-831-3470 HANJULEVEL. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hanjulevel.co.kr Main Products : Level instrument Etc, Vapour Emision Control Sys. TEL : +82-51-303-0537 HANLA IMS CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hanlalevel.co.kr Main Products : Cargo Tank Monitoring Sys. Tank Remote Sounding Sys. TEL : +82-51-601-3019 HANLA IND CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Oil Filter unit, Gas Blower TEL : +82-51-264-2201 HANMAUM KI-GONG CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hankg.co.kr Main Products : Air Cooler Housing, Oil Cooler Housing TEL : +82-51-831-5211 HEARTMAN CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.heartman.co.kr Main Products : Nozzle Tip, Plunger Ass’y, Fuel Injection V/V TEL : +82-51-262-8869 H.M.E. Head Office : Kijang-kun Busan Homepage Add. : www.hyomyungeng.com Main Products : Battery Charger, Light Signal Column TEL : +82-51-709-9000 HOSEUNG ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hoseung.koreasme.com Main Products : Tand Package Unit, Pump Package Unit, Cooler Package Unit TEL : +82-51-831-2233 HWAJIN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hwa-jin.com Main Products : Control Box, Gauge Board System TEL : +82-512-831-9447 HWAJIN PF CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hwajinpf.com Main Products : Butt-Welding Pipe, Fittings Carbon Steel TEL : +82-51-204-3001 HWA SHIN PRECISION CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Life Boat Winch TEL : +82-51-831-9839 HYOSUNG STEEL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Steel plute cutting, Hy Auto or Manual TEL : +82-51-831-5093 HYUNDAI HYCRAULIC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hhmc.co.kr 90 Main Products : TURNING ROLLER, BLOCK LIFT TEL : +82-51-831-8611 HYUNDAI ZINC METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hdz.co.kr Main Products : Sacrificial Anode, Hot Dip Galvanizing, Ship Manufacture TEL : +82-51-266-4788 HYUNJIN MATERIALS CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.hjmco.co.kr Main Products : Cross Head, Connecting Rod, Piston Rod TEL : +82-51-602-7700 ILDO MACHINE ELECT CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Heavy Electric Parts TEL : +82-51-266-6066 IL - SUNG INDUSTRY CO. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Silencer, Water Air Filter, Air Intet Trunk TEL : +82-51-312-4056 IN SUNG INDUSTRY CO. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Profile, Steel Coalming Insulation TEL : +82-51-293-7550 JAESEUNG ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Steel Pipe Spool, Sus Pipe Spool, CuNi Pipe Spool TEL : +82-51-831-8838 JEILSANKI CO. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : TEL : +82-51-831-5398 JEONG-AM SAFETY GLASS CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.jeong-am.co.kr Main Products : Tempered Glass, Laminated Glass TEL : +82-51-831-6161 JEONG HWA ACCOMMODATION SYSTEM CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.jeonghwa21.com Main Products : Wooden Furniture TEL : +82-51-974-8000 JEONG WOO COUPLING CO., LTD. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.jwcjoint.co.kr Main Products : Pipe Coupling, Pipe Repair Clamp TEL : +82-55-339-7666 JIN GU ENGINEERING. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : Main Products : Rudder Stock, Stern Tube, Stern Roller, Winch TEL : +82-55-343-3414 JIN IL BEND CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : TEL : +82-51-832-1919 JINKWANG ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Pull Card Switch, Belt Sway Switch, Belt Speed Switch TEL : +82-51-831-2571 JINYOUNG METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.jymct.co.kr Main Products : Multi Core Tube, Welded Stainless, Steel Tube TEL : +82-51-313-4001 JMC HYDRAULICS. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Hydraulic Motor For Marine, Hydraulic Control Valve TEL : +82-51-204-4046 JNC HI-TECHNOLOGIES. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.jnchitec.com Main Products : Junction Box, Elect panel bard, Tel Booth TEL : +82-51-974-9500 JOKWANG I.L.I CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : TEL : +82-51-602-0200 JONGHAP POLESTAR ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Youngdo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Diesel Engine Piston, Cylinder, Valve TEL : +82-51-403-5514 JUNG GONG IND. CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.jung-gong.com Main Products : Ordinary Window Side, Scuttle, Heated Window TEL : +82-51-261-2911 JUNG - WOO MACHINERY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Carrier Housing, Split Bearing,Stock, Up.Lower Sleeve TEL : +82-51-831-5394 KANG BACK INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Electric Control Box, Valve & Similar , Equipment TEL : +82-51-831-9025 KANGIL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Pressure Vessel, Deaerator, Heat Exchanger TEL : +82-51-972-5672 KANGRIM HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. Head Office : Changwon Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.kangrim.com/ Main Products : Marine Indutrial Boiler, Exhaust Gas Boiler TEL : +82-55-269-7701 K.C. LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.iccp-mgps.com Main Products : M.G.P.S, I,C,C,P, System Fe Ion, Generator TEL : +82-51-831-7720 KEO HUNG MACHINERY. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Deck Crane, Provision Crane, Hose Handling Crane TEL : +82-51-831-6296 KEYSUNG METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.keysungmetal.com Main Products : Valve(Cryogenic, Ball), Strainer TEL : +82-51-831-3391 KOC ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Cast Resin Transformer, Dry Resin Transformer TEL : +82-51-832-0550 KOREA HYDRAULIC CO. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.enpos21.com Main Products : Electtric Motor Pump, Hand Pump, Single/ Double Acting Ram TEL : +82-51-832-1100 KOREA PHE CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.kphe.co.kr Main Products : Plate Heat Exchanger, Tank Cleaning Heater TEL : +82-51-261-2664 KOREA STEEL SHAPES CO., LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.ekosco.com Main Products : Flat Bars, Equal Angles, Unequal Angles TEL : +82-51-323-2611 KOREA TRADING & INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.kticopper.co.kr Main Products : Copper alloy coil, Plate TEL : +82-51-293-4423 KORINOX CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.korinox21.com Main Products : Cold Mill Stainless, Steel Coil TEL : +82-51-832-0031 KORVAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.korval.co.kr Main Products : Crank Case Relief Valve, Main Starting Valve, Rotary Valve TEL : +82-51-790-9700 KSP CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Ship Engine Valve Spindle, Flange, Ring Gear TEL : +82-51-831-6274 KSV Head Office : Youngdo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.ksv-valve.co.kr Main Products : Valve Spindle, Seat-Ring for marine Engine TEL : +82-51-415-4466 KTE CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.kte.co.kr Main Products : Electrical Equipment (Switchboard & Console) TEL : +82-51-265-0255 KUKDONG ELECOM CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.kukdongelecom.com Main Products : Naviagtion/Signal LT, EX-Plosion Proof LT, Fluorescent LT TEL : +82-51-266-0050 KUKDONG INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.kdie.co.kr Main Products : Exhaust Gas Pipe With Insulation, Fuel Injection Pipe and Bloc TEL : +82-51-303-6900 KUKJE METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.kjmetal.co.kr Main Products : Manhole Cover, Portable Tank, EXH. Gas Pipe TEL : +82-51-831-1541 KUM HAW PRECISION CO. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Coupling Flange, Bellows Flange TEL : +82-51-831-5685 KUMKANG ENGINEERING. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Hand Rail, Storm Rail, Platform, Inc. Ladder TEL : +82-51-831-0091 KUMKANG PRECISION. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.kkmarine.co.kr Main Products : Engine Parts, (Air Reservoir) & Valve TEL : +82-51-262-4893 KWANGIL CORP., Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.k-i.co.kr Main Products : Stainless Steel, HR Coil TEL : +82-51-324-0006 KWANG JIN E.N.G CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Pipe Piece, Pipe Spool TEL : +82-51-831-1435 KWANG JIN IND. CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Part of Heat Exchanger TEL : +82-51-831-4131 KWANG JIN TECH. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Non Asbestos, Teflon, Rubber TEL : +82-51-973-5566 KWANG LIM MARINE TECH. CO.,LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Window Box, (STEEL, AL, SUS) Vent Hole TEL : +82-51-313-0055 KWANG SAN CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.kwangsan.com Main Products : Heating Coil unit, Expansion joint TEL : +82-51-974-6301 KWANGWOON CO.,LTD. Head Office : Youngdo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.kwang-woon.com Main Products : Square Window, Side Scuttle, Door, Hatch, Window Wiper TEL : +82-51-414-9494 KYEONG SIN FIBER CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.ksfiber.co.kr Main Products : Rudder Bearing Bush, Insulation TEL : +82-51-831-0268 KYOUNGWON BENDING CO. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.bending4u.com Main Products : Hwase Pipe, Chain, Locker TEL : +82-55-313-1277 KYUNGIL METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Marine Equipment Plating, Head Rest Pipe Plating TEL : +82-51-831-1677 KYUNGSUNG INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.e-clamp.com Main Products : Svs Corner & Anchor, Strip, Clamp TEL : +82-51-831-4960 LHE CO., LTD. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.lhe.co.kr Main Products : Heat Exchanger TEL : +82-55-340-0624 MANZU INDUSTRY. CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Phosphate Coat, Pipe & Structure Painting, Special Painting TEL : +82-51-832-0944 MARINE RADIO CO., LTD. Head Office : Youngdo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.mrckorea.co.kr Main Products : Public Addressor Sys, Common Aerial Sys. TEL : +82-51-414-7891 MARINE TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Oily Water Seperator, Bilge Alarm, Air Dryer TEL : +82-51-831-1118 MARSEN CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.marsen.com/ Main Products : Cargo Tank Monitoring System, Tank High/ Overfill Alarm System TEL : +82-51-831-2108 MAX TECH. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.maxtech21c.com Main Products : Engine, Shock Absorper, Gasket TEL : +82-55-327-9652 MCM CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.mcm21.co.kr Main Products : Valve, Junction Box, Switch Cover TEL : +82-51-832-0505 MI JIN PRECISION. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Valve, Tube, Vend, Pipe for ship TEL : +82-51-315-3143 MIJOO INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : TEL : +82-51-831-1588 MIRAE ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.miraeship.co.kr Main Products : Hull Block, Steel Outfitting, Pipe Spool/Unit TEL : +82-51-790-5800 MJ TSR CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.mjtsr.com Main Products : Rubber Sheets & Hats, All Types of Parts for Shipbuilding & Industries TEL : +82-51-832-0002 MODERN INTECH CO., LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Curtain, Carpet, Upholstery, Mattress for Marine TEL : +82-51-325-0260 MT.H CONTROL VALVES CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : TEL : 82-51-974-8831 MYTEC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.imytec.com Main Products : Heat Exchanger, Pressure Vassel TEL : +82-51-831-7474 NAMSUNG SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Rescue Boat Davit & Winch, Assembly, Line Hauler TEL : +82-51-200-1277 91 NAMYANG METAL. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Stair Way Body, Bulk Head Hnlon, Galley Hood TEL : +82-51-832-1721 NARA CORPORATION CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : TEL : +82-51-790-7505 NAVUTEC. Head Office : Kijang-kun Busan Homepage Add. : www.navutec.com Main Products : Fire fighting & Safety, equipment for marine & Offshore TEL : +82-51-728-5055 NEW-OHSEUNG CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Manifold, Spool piece, Chain compressor TEL : +82-51-266-5724 NK CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Ballast Water Treatment System, Co2 System TEL : +82-51-204-2211 NOKSAN FLANGE CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Flange for ship TEL : +82-51-831-7956 OBOK ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Transformer TEL : +82-51-832-1751 OK KWANG ENG CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.okv.co.kr Main Products : Marine valves, Strainers TEL : +82-51-326-7741 OK KWANG METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.okkwang.com Main Products : Std Flange, Tube Sheet, Forging Material TEL : +82-51-831-9885 ORIENTAL PRECISION & ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.opco.co.kr Main Products : Deck house, Engine room Casing, Life Boat TEL : +82-51-202-0101 ORIENTAL PRECISION MACHINERY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.opco.co.kr Main Products : Crane Component TEL : +82-51-831-0202 O.S.C.G CO., LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.oscg.net Main Products : Cable grand, Junction box TEL : +82-51-305-3910 PACO HITEC CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.pacohitec.com Main Products : Hydraulic hose, Fitting TEL : +82-51-266-6994 PAL MI METAL IND CO., LTD. Head Office : Jinhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : Main Products : Valve, Yoke, Fork, Knuckle, Carrier TEL : +82-55-552-3840 92 PANASIA CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.worldpanasia.com Main Products : Hi-level Alarm Sys. Tank level Gauge TEL : +82-51-831-1010 PI PLUS CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.pharmaidsolutions.com Main Products : Rudder stock, Pintle, Intermediate Shaft TEL : +82-51-831-9338 POONG JIN METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Emergency Shut-Off Valve, Veneral Bronze Casting Valve TEL : +82-51-831-8510 PSM CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.psminc.co.kr Main Products : Ring Flange, Shaft, Nozzle TEL : +82-51-970-3000 SAEJIN INTECH CO., LTD. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.saejinintech.com Main Products : Emergency Towing, Arrangement, Universal Swivel Fairlead TEL : +82-55-328-1458 SAMBOO METAL CO,, LTD. Main Products : Winch, Hatch TEL : +82-51-832-1882 SEAPLUS CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.sea-plus.co.kr Main Products : Low Pressure CO2, Fire Extinguishing Sys TEL : +82-51-831-0119 SEBO METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.sebometal.co.kr Main Products : Pump Tower for LNG, Vent Mast TEL : +82-51-970-0200 SEBO TECH CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Windwall, Heat Shield, Manual Hatch TEL : +82-51-831-4171 SEIL SERES CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.seilseres.com Main Products : VRC system, ODME TEL : +82-51-831-1858 SEJIN BOLT CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Bolt, Nut & Be, Double Nut, Chard Nut, Hinge Bog TEL : +82-51-831-9832 Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.samboometal.com Main Products : Wheel, Shaft, Hyd-Net, Hyd Coupling Bolt, Flange TEL : +82-51-831-1478 SEUNG JIN E.N.G. SAMGONG CO., LTD. SEUN STEEL CO., LTD. SAMJOO ENG. CO., LTD. SEWOONG PRECISION MACHINERY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.sam-gong.co.kr Main Products : Oil Purifiers, Ship’ Accommodation, Ladders TEL : +82-51-200-3040 Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.sam-joo.co.kr Main Products : Catering Furniture, Galley Hood, Laundry Equipment TEL : +82-51-264-6677 SAMJUNG MACHINERY. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Pipe Spool (Steel) TEL : +82-51-831-9050 Head Office : Jin-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.seunsteel.co.kr Main Products : CR, HGL, CGL, EGL TEL : +82-51-639-3200 Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : TEL : +82-51-831-0595 SEYANG HIGH-TECH Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Piston Rod, Cross Head, Inter Shaft TEL : +82-51-832-0190 Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Water & Oil Strainer, Condensate Chlorination Tank TEL : +82-51-831-9125 SAM KWANG HI-TEC CO., LTD. SHILLA E&T CO., LTD. SAMSUNG NONFERROUS METAL CO., LTD. SHINDONG DIGITECH CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Rectangle Windows TEL : +82-51-832-0177 Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.metalsamsung.co.kr Main Products : Bushing, Liner, Sleeve, Pintle Bush TEL : +82-55-329-1067 SAMYANG METAL IND. CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.cuniship.com Main Products : W-NT 90/10 Flange, Elbow, Tee TEL : +82-51-266-6655 SAMYOUNG FITTING. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Elbow, Tee, Coupling TEL : +82-51-832-0211 SDK CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Spot Cooler, Heat Exchanger, Pressure Yeses TEL : +82-51-831-7705 Head Office : Dong-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.shindong.com Main Products : Navigation Communication, Satellite Communication TEL : +82-51-461-5000 SHINHWA INTERIOR & TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Marine Furniture TEL : +82-51-441-1294 SHINKWANG ACE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.skace.com Main Products : Cable Tray, Accessories TEL : +82-55-332-3315 SHINMYUNG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Cable Tray Joint, Hanger TEL : +82-51-831-5061 SHIN SHIN HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Deck Machinery, Hydraulic system, Serface Treatment TEL : +82-51-832-0734 SHIN SHIN MACHINERY CO., LTD. Head Office : Kijang-kun Busan Homepage Add. : www.sspump.com Main Products : Centrifugal Pumps, Gear Pumps, Screw Pumps TEL : +82-51-727-5300 SHINWOO METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.shinwoometal.net Main Products : Flange, Forging TEL : +82-51-831-2830 SHIN YOUNG AIR CLUTCH. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.airclutch.co.kr Main Products : SY-CB Type, SY-VC Type, SY-E Type TEL : +82-51-831-7072 SILLA METAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.sillametal.com Main Products : PROPELLER(F.P.P), C.PPROPELLER Blade & Hub TEL : +82-51-831-5991 SIN HUENG FLANGE CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Flange for ship TEL : +82-51-831-6167 SINWEOL GRATING CO., LTD. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.steelgrating.net Main Products : Steel Grating for Ship TEL : +82-51-323-7000 SMS CO., LTD. head office : Saha Gu Busan homepage add : www.sms-marinesystem.com main products : hatch-pontoon type, folding type, side rolling type, etc. lashing equipment-2/3tier TEL : +82 51-290-1000 SM POWER TEC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.smpt.co.kr Main Products : Vacuum Pump for Shipping Bldc, AC,DC Motor & Generator TEL : +82-51-973-0267 SNP CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Galley Equipment, Cold Chamber, Catering Furniture TEL : +82-51-261-7711 STACO CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.staco.co.kr Main Products : Wall Panel, Celing Panel, Unit Toilet, Marin Door TEL : +82-51-831-7000 STA-JH CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Welding Fittings (Butt Welding) TEL : +82-51-831-1274 STASB CO., LTD. Head Office : Jinhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : Main Products : Marine Furniture, Door TEL : +82-55-544-8070 STAUFF KOREA LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.stauff.co.kr Main Products : Hyd’ System & Engineering, Hyd’ Clamp & Test TEL : +82-51-266-6666 STBEND CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.stbend.co.kr Main Products : SUS Pipe Fitting, SUS Bend TEL : +82-51-831-5131 STEEL KOREA CO., LTD. Head Office : Jinhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : Main Products : TEL : +82-55-541-2212 SUHHEUNG ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.shge.co.kr Main Products : Steel Grating TEL : +82-51-831-1811 SUNBO IND CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.sunboind.co.kr Main Products : Tank Top Unit, Engine Room unit, Sater Strainer Silenser TEL : +82-51-261-3454 SUNG CHANG CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Non-Asbestos Gasket, Spiral Wound Gasket, P.T.F.E Gasket TEL : +82-51-316-6300 SEOUNG HYUP MACHINERY. Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : White Metal, Piston Lo TEL : +82-51-303-4112 SUNG IL CO., LTD.(SIM) Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.sungilsim.com Main Products : Pipe Spool Pre-Fabrication, Induction Pipe Bending TEL : 82-51-831-8800 SUNG KWANG M/C. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Oil Press, Pipe Vending, Pipe Fitting Unit TEL : +82-51-831-0620 SUNGWON ELECTRIC CO. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Cable Tray, Starter, Panel, Cable Way TEL : +82-51-831-9230 SUNG WON ENTERPRISE. CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.sungwonent.co.kr Main Products : V-Flow Swing Check, Valves, Manifold Unit TEL : +82-51-831-2140 SUNIL INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. S&W CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.snwcorp.com Main Products : Com Shaft, Valve, Seat, Piston Pin, Bolt, Nut TEL : +82-51-205-7411 TAE HWA INDUSTRY CO.,LTD (THI) Head Office : Seocho-gu Seoul Homepage Add. : www.thi.co.kr Main Products : Reciprocating & Screw, Compressor Unit, Brine/ Water Chiller Unit TEL : +82-2-598-1126 TAEHWA KALPA SEAL. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.taehwa1.com Main Products : TH3000, TH3000W TEL : +82-51-831-9944 TAE KWANG INDUSTRIES. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.tkic.co.kr Main Products : Boiler, Oil Cooler / Heater, Shell & Tube Heat, Exchanger TEL : +82-51-831-1801 TAESHIN G & W CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.taeshin.co.kr Main Products : Co2 / Mag, Mig Arc Welding, Machine, Air Gouging TEL : +82-51-831-1100 TAESUNG MACHINERY CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.taesungmc.co.kr Main Products : Manufacture of Structures, for Shipbuilding(LNG,LPG) and plant TEL : +82-51-971-4006 TAEWON CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.twubc.kr Main Products : Flange, Strainer, Pressure TEL : +82-51-831-0310 TAEWOONG CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.taewoong.com Main Products : Piston Rod/ Crown/ Head, Cross Head Pin TEL : +82-51-329-5000 TAEWOONG TECH CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Main Shaft, Connecting Rod, Inter Shaft, Propeller Shaft TEL : +82-51-831-6685 TANKTECH CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.tanktech.co.kr Main Products : High velocity valve TEL : +82-51-979-1600 TK CORPORATION CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.tkbend.co.kr Main Products : Fittings (Elbow, Tee, Reducer, Cap) TEL : +82-51-970-6600 TMC CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.suniltech.co.kr Main Products : Tank Level System, Viscosity System TEL : +82-51-831-1994 Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.besttmc.com Main Products : Membrane Sheets, Heavy Steel Corner, Anchor Strip TEL : +82-55-340-3000 SUN KWANG P.S.P INC. CO., LTD. TYCO MARINE SERVICES KOREA CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Cargo Line, Ballasst Line, Engine Room, I.G Line TEL : +82-51-831-3777 Head Office : Sasang-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.dbefire.com Main Products : Fire Fighting System & Equipment TEL : +82-51-633-9100 93 U-YOUNG PRECISION IND. CO., LTD. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : u-nex.com/ Main Products : Elec/Hyd. Windless, Elec/Hyd, Winch, Steering Gear TEL : +82-55-326-9691 U-YOUNG & TECH. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : u-nex.com/ Main Products : Elec/Hyd. Windless, Elec/Hyd, Winch, Steering Gear TEL : +82-55-326-9691 WON KWANG VALVE CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.wonkwangvalve.com Main Products : Marine Globe Valve, Marine Angle Valve, Marine Gate Valve TEL : +82-51-831-9932 WOONG CHEON OUTFITTING CO., LTD. Head Office : Jinhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : Main Products : Ship Component Parts, Painting, Deck Machinery TEL : +82-55-545-2432 WOOSUNG FLOWTEC CO. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Simplex Oil Strainer, Can Water Filter TEL : +82-51-831-1531 WOOYANG B&P IND CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.wooyangshot.com Main Products : Deck Outside Monting Item, Engine Room Mounting Item TEL : +82-51-831-5000 Y.C.P CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Carbon Steel Precision, Tybe for Hydraulic Line Service TEL : +82-51-264-9300 YESUNG IND. CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Rudder Carrier Housing, Complete Stern Tube, Rudder Horn TEL : +82-51-831-5246 YOOWON INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.yoowonind.com Main Products : Steering Gear, Deck Machinery, Auto Filter TEL : +82-51-205-8541 YOOWON M-TECH CO., LTD. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.yoowonmtech.com Main Products : Steering Gear, Windlass, Mooring winch TEL : +82-51-265-1746 YOUNGIL CNC. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : TEL : +82-51-831-9547 YOUNG - IN ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.younginele.com Main Products : Electric Auto Control Panel, Welding Panel TEL : +82-51-831-7910 YOUNG NAM IND. Head Office : Saha-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Wire lope drum, BASE PLATE ASS’Y TEL : +82-51-264-7983 YOUNGSHIN BEND CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Welding Fittings (Butt Welding) TEL : +82-51-831-0316 YOUNGSUNG AIR SYSTEM. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.ys-airsystem.co.kr Main Products : Heat exchanger, Plant TEL : +82-51-832-0510 YOUNHAP FASTENERS CO., LTD. Head Office : Kimhae Gyeongsangnam-do Homepage Add. : www.younhap.co.kr Main Products : Carbon Steel Precision, Tybe for Hydraulic Line Service TEL : +82-51-264-9300 YOUSUNG GALVANIZING CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.iyousung.co.kr Main Products : Hot Dip Galvanizing of Marine. TEL : +82-51-831-5482 YUJINCOMETAL CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : www.yujincometal.com Main Products : Bolt, Nut, Screw, Anchor, Washer TEL : +82-51-314-0757 YU KYUNG CO., LTD. Head Office : Gangseo-gu Busan Homepage Add. : Main Products : Pipe Spool, Portable Tank Unit, Heating Coil Unit TEL : +82-51-831-2674 Waiting For Reader s Article Korship wait for newest articles to introduce globalized shipbuilding industry to domestic or overseas market. 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