NOVEMBER 2014 M O N T H L Y MERCHANDISING GUIDE Allowances effective from October 26, 2014 – November 29, 2014 Prices are subject to market fluctuations. HAPPY THANKSGIVING Thursday, November 27 Allowances INDEPENDENT POWER PROMOTIO Page 3 Page 3 st o c e tPage 5 s a c ni Page 5 $ Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 0 5u 5 . 22 3.7 u m =$ M No i S 24 m ni Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 17 Page 18 Page 20 DOMESTIC IMPORTED Parmigiano Reggiano Brand Cello Grassi Grassi Grassi Grassi Grassi Zanetti Item Description Parmesan Artisan Wheel Ita Grana Padano Quarter Wheel Ita Parmigino Reggino Wheels Ita Reggianno Parmesan Pc Ita Parmigiano Reggiano Pc Ita Parmigino Reggino Wheels Pc Ita Reggiano Parmesan Wheel Age 3Yr Pk/Sz 1/20 lb 4/18 lb 1/76 lb 1/10 lb 1/8 lb 1/8 lb 1/76 lb UPC Code 8823140626 7221080040 7221017745 7221017745 7221017745 7221017745 7221026556 Item # 208720 33100 135927 30511 67944 220853 30860 Allowance $0.20 lb $0.20 lb $0.25 lb $0.25 lb $0.25 lb $0.25 lb $0.25 lb SAVE NOW ON HUMMUS Brand Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Eat Well Enjoy Item Description Hummus Yellow Lentil With Apricot Hummus Edamame Red Pepper Hummus Edamame Plain Hummus White Bean Roasted Garlic Hummus White Bean Roasted Pine Nuts Hummus Red Lentil Chipotle Rst Corn Hummus Black Bean Chipotle Rst Corn Hummus Greek Yogurt Pine Nut Roastd Hummus Greek Yogurt Classic Gf Hummus With Yogurt Greek Spicy Hummus Greek Yogurt Red Pepper Rstd Hummus With Yogurt Greek Garlc Rstd Pk/Sz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz 8/10 oz UPC Code 89686300141 89686300140 89686300139 89686300142 89686300143 89686300172 89686300173 89686300187 89686300183 89686300186 89686300184 89686300185 Item # 210867 210868 210869 210870 210871 211659 212970 218167 218168 218169 218170 218171 SAVE 4.00 $ off/case $.50ea Eat Well Enjoy Life delivers innovation in hummus Áavors made from a wide range of different beans, including Edamame, White Bean, Black Bean, Red Lentil and Yellow Lentil. SAVE w w w. r u bs chlager 2.40 $ S AV E O N T H E S E B E S T off/case $.20ea SELLERS IN NOVEMBER! Brand Rubschlager Rubschlager Rubschlager Rubschlager Rubschlager Rubschlager Rubschlager Rubschlager Item Description Shipper Bread Rye Ola Mixed Shipper Bread Mixed Square 3 Variet Display Mini Chip Glrc/Rye/Pln Shipper Bread Assorted Shipper Bread Cocktail Rye Pumprnk Shipper Bread Cocktail Shipper Bread Cocktail Mixed Shipper Bread Rye Cocktail Pk/Sz 36/1 lb 1/36 ea 1/36 ea 48/16 oz 1/48 ea 1/48 ea 1/48 ea 1/48 ea UPC Code 7149400385 7149400427 7149404200 7149400423 7149400428 7149402012 49605214300 7149400421 Item # 151021 204781 151022 29282 29283 29284 54444 216637 Allowance $3.60 cs = $3.60 cs = $4.32 cs = $5.76 cs = $5.76 cs = $5.76 cs = $5.76 cs = $5.76 cs = Brand Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe $0.10ea $0.10ea $0.12ea $0.12ea $0.12ea $0.12ea $0.12ea $0.12ea Special Order Save on TOP SELLERS! Vintage White Extra Sharp Cheddar UPC#7283000987 w w w. t i l l a m o o k . c o m Brand Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook Item Description Hummus Classic Og Hummus Savory Variety Pack Hummus Classic Hummus Roasted Eggplant Hummus Garlic Hummus Cracked Chili Pepper Hummus Forty Spices Hummus Red Pepper Hummus Zesty Spice Garlic All Nat Hummus Roasted Vegetable Hummus Mediterranean Style Hummus Spicy Red Pepper Item Description Cheddar Medium Cheddar Sharp Jack Monterey Bar Pepper Jack Cheese Cheddar Extra Sharp Cheddar Medium Kosher Cheddar Smoked Square Cheddar Vintage White Medium Cheddar Sharp Square Cheddar Extra Sharp Square Cheddar Vintag White Xtra Sharp Sqr Cheddar Medium Square Jack Pepper Square Cheddar White Smkd Blk Pepper Deli Cut Cheddar White Extra Sharp Black Wax Pk/Sz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 6/2 lb Pk/Sz 12/8 oz 6/18 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz 12/8 oz UPC Code 7283000551 7283000552 7283000553 7283000554 7283000555 7283000561 7283000906 7283000911 7283000922 7283000985 7283000987 7283000991 7283000993 7283000507 7283006287 UPC Code 7890240012 7890240021 7890267530 7890267535 7890267553 7890267554 7890267556 7890267557 7890241028 7890241029 7890241027 7890241030 Item # 38850 38851 38852 38853 38854 38858 38864 38865 38867 38868 38870 38871 38872 200151 38889 Item # 46710 46714 46729 46730 46733 46734 46735 46736 207817 207999 208000 208001 Allowance $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.90 cs = Pepper Jack Cheese UPC#7283000993 Tillamook has been farmer-owned since 1909. $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.65ea Brand Bubbies Bubbies Bubbies Item Description Pickle Dills Kosher Natural Tomatoes Green Natural Pickle Dills Kosher Natural Castello® Blue Cheese SAVINGS! SAVE 3.00 $ off/case Pk/Sz 12/16 fo 12/19 oz 12/33 fo UPC Code 3826185735 3826185726 3826185736 Brand Apetina Castello Castello Castello Castello Castello Castello Castello Castello Castello Lurpak Item # 13059 13058 13060 Allowance $4.80 cs = $0.40ea $6.36 cs = $0.53ea $6.36 cs = $0.53ea Item Description Den Feta In Oil Den Blue Wheel Den Blue Crumble Cup Den Blue Extra Creamy Den Blue Traditional Den Blue Noble Wedge Den Camembert Cup Den Brie Den Blue Extra Creamy Sliced Den Blue Cheese Pc Den Butter Salted Pk/Sz 6/9.7 oz 1/6 lb 6/5 oz 8/4.4 oz 8/4.4 oz 8/5.3 oz 12/4.4 oz 12/4.4 oz 8/3.5 oz 1/6 lb 20/8 oz UPC Code 9393698797 7221001231 9393640594 9393650339 9393650340 9393698658 9393670000 9393673001 9393674027 7221001231 9393685136 Item # 219646 30380 51562 51566 51567 218904 51580 51581 51586 30472 136326 Allowance $2.40 cs = $0.40ea $0.30 lb $3.00 cs = $0.50ea $3.20 cs = $0.40ea $3.20 cs = $0.40ea $3.20 cs = $0.40ea $3.60 cs = $0.30ea $3.60 cs = $0.30ea $3.84 cs = $0.48ea $0.30 lb $9.00 cs = $0.45ea Castello® Blue Cheeses have earned the distinction as The World's Finest Danish Blue Cheese in multiple competitions over decades. From our Traditional Blue with the classic 'blue bite' to our Noble, Extra Creamy and Crumbled products, we've got a Blue that's just right for you. Brand Item Description Les Trois Pre Pate Duck Orange Pk/Sz UPC Code Item # Allowance 6/8 oz 4588518603 19872 $3.00 cs = $0.50ea SAVE 1.00 $ off/pound Brand Emmi Emmi Emmi Grand Cru Landhaus Ostenborg Ostenborg Roth Kase Roth Kase Roth Kase Roth Kase Roth Kase Roth Kase Sole Item Description Sui Gruyere Shredded Natural Sui Emmentaler Sui Gruyere Gruyere Grand Cru Butterkase Havarti Dill Havarti Caraway Loaf Nat Havarti Plain Buttermilk Blue Rofumo Wheel Smoked Fontina Gruyere Surchoix Grand Cru Gruyere Surchoix Pc Rofumo Smoked Fontina Pc Granqueso Pk/Sz 4/5 lb 12/5.3 oz 12/5.3 oz 1/18 lb 2/5 lb 1/9 lb 1/9 lb 1/9 lb 1/6 lb 1/10 lb 1/18 lb 1/10 lb 1/10 lb 2/6 lb UPC Code 7301500131 7301500027 7301500030 73654702402 7221042340 73654703220 73654703125 73654703204 3654701910 73654702127 73654702410 73654702410 73654702127 73654703166 Item # 208776 223166 223167 84729 208670 64789 208671 64788 12155 64784 64785 34661 36829 64787 Allowance $0.75 lb $6.36 cs = $0.53ea $6.36 cs = $0.53ea $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb SAVE 6.36 $ SAVE 1.00 SAVE off/case 1.00 $ $ off/pound off/pound Brand Item Description Pk/Sz UPC Code Item # Allowance Great Ocean Rd Aus Cheddar 2 Year 12/8 oz 67258311228 212061 $2.04 cs = $0.17ea Dairy Vale Aus Cheddar Vintage Aged 1 Yr Pc 1/10 lb 7221077935 33889 $0.25 lb NOVEMBER LOAF SAVINGS Brand Jarlsberg Jarlsberg Jarlsberg Jarlsberg Tine Tine Tine Tine Tine Tine Tine Tine Item Description Hickory Smoked Nat Loaf Rw 5Lb Loaf Lite Rw 5Lb Jarlsberg Hickory Smoked Wedge Ew Nor Jarlsberg Wheel Nor Jarlsberg Wedge Pc Nor Jarlsberg Loaf Nor Jarlsberg Loaf 1/2 Nor Jarlsberg Lite Nor Jarlsberg Lt Pc Jarlsberg Wedge Ew Jarlsberg Chunk Lite Ew Pk/Sz 20/8 oz 2/5.5 lb 2/5.5 lb 12/8 oz 1/22 lb 1/10 lb 2/12 lb 1/6 lb 1/11 lb 1/10 lb 12/10 oz 12/10 oz UPC Code 7550196003 7550196510 7550196410 7550196006 7550167310 7550167310 7550167320 7550167320 7550167750 7550167750 7550196035 7550196045 Item # 217238 225850 225851 221582 42976 30474 119773 136707 206030 33823 205774 207380 Allowance $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $6.00 cs = $0.50ea $0.85 lb $0.85 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $1.00 lb $7.44 cs = $0.62ea $7.44 cs = $0.62ea Brand Bobs Red Mill Bobs Red Mill Bobs Red Mill Bobs Red Mill Bobs Red Mill Item Description Flour WW Flour White Unbleached Flour Ww Pastry Flour Coconut Og Flour Meal Almond Pk/Sz 4/5 lb 4/5 lb 4/5 lb 4/16 oz 4/16 oz UPC Code 3997853300 3997853301 3997853302 3997800815 3997801381 Item # 14508 14509 14510 216397 14431 Allowance $1.28 cs = $1.28 cs = $1.28 cs = $2.52 cs = $3.76 cs = $0.32ea $0.32ea $0.32ea $0.63ea $0.94ea MADE IN IRELAND 18 Slice Pack Brand Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Kerrygold Item Description Irl Cheddar Reserve Block Irl Cheddar Vintage Black Wax Wheel Irl Cashel Blue Natural Dubliner/Irish Stout Truckles Cheddar Aged Irish Whiskey Truckle Irl Dubliner Cracker Cut Nat Irl Blarney Exact Weight Piece Irl Swiss Pc Irl Cheddar Reserve Wedge Irl Red Leicester Wedge Irl Dubliner Wedges Pc Irl Vintage Cheddar Wedge Pc Dubliner Reduced Fat Irl Skellig Nat Irl Dubliner Irish Stout Pc Irl Cheddar Aged Irish Whiskey Pc Irl Reserve Cheddar Pc Irl Dubliner Wedges Pc Irl Skellig Nat Pk/Sz 1/44 lb 1/10 lb 2/3.3 lb 6/7 oz 6/7 oz 12/6 oz 24/7 oz 24/7 oz 24/7 oz 24/7 oz 24/7 oz 24/7 oz 24/7 oz 24/7 oz 1/10 lb 1/10 lb 1/10 lb 12/7 oz 12/7 oz UPC Code 7221083343 76770700103 76770792740 76770700163 76770700164 76770700200 76770700127 76770700132 76770700138 76770700139 76770700118 76770700124 76770700185 76770700174 76770701137 76770701138 7221083343 76770700118 76770700174 Item # 34793 68619 208458 204025 204026 221113 68628 68632 68634 68635 134572 134573 218261 219152 36074 36075 90138 148324 219431 Allowance $0.30 lb $0.30 lb $0.50 lb $1.50 cs = $1.50 cs = $3.96 cs = $6.00 cs = $6.00 cs = $6.00 cs = $6.00 cs = $6.00 cs = $6.00 cs = $6.00 cs = $6.00 cs = $0.30 lb $0.30 lb $0.30 lb $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.33ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea Aged Cheddar with Irish Whiskey Cheese SAVE ON PIRATE'S BOOTY PRODUCTS! Aged White Cheddar Pirates like their cheddar like they do their rum, aged to perfection. Aged White Cheddar is made from puffed rice and corn, blended with real aged white cheddar cheese and baked perfectly to pirate standards. Brand Pirates Booty Pirates Booty Pirates Booty Pirates Booty Item Description Tings American Gourmet Smart Puffs Pirates Booty Cheddar White Aged Pallet Shipper Smart Puffs Pk/Sz 12/6 oz 12/4.5 oz 12/4 oz 1/312 ea UPC Code 1566510350 1566522030 1566560100 1566505564 Item # 3037 3040 3060 219702 Allowance $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $78.00sh = $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea Special Order LOOK FOR NEW PACKAGE DESIGNS! SAVE 2.52 $ off/case SAVE 2.76 $ off/case Brand Old London Old London Old London Old London Old London Old London Old London Devonsheer Devonsheer Devonsheer Devonsheer Devonsheer Item Description Snacks Melba Sea Salt Snacks Melba Garlic Herb Rounds Melba Sesame Toast Melba Classic Toast Melba Wheat Rounds Melba Whole Grain Bagel Snack Garlic Toast Plain Og Toast Ww Rounds Melba Plain Og Rounds Melba Sesame Og Rounds Melba Garlic Og Pk/Sz 12/5.25 oz 12/5.25 oz 12/5.25 oz 12/5 oz 12/5 oz 12/5.25 oz 12/5 oz 12/5 oz 12/5 oz 12/5.25 oz 12/5.25 oz 12/5.25 oz UPC Code 7012929061 7012929062 7012929064 7012929170 7012929172 7012929181 7012929501 7012930021 7012932021 7012941023 7012943023 7012944023 Item # 24575 24576 24578 24583 24584 24589 24602 24607 24608 24616 24619 24622 Allowance $2.52 cs = $2.52 cs = $2.52 cs = $2.52 cs = $2.52 cs = $2.52 cs = $3.00 cs = $2.76 cs = $2.76 cs = $2.76 cs = $2.76 cs = $2.76 cs = $0.21ea $0.21ea $0.21ea $0.21ea $0.21ea $0.21ea $0.25ea $0.23ea $0.23ea $0.23ea $0.23ea $0.23ea Delicious fat free flavors will give you tons of flavor without the guilt! SAVE ON SALAD DRESSINGS IN NOVEMBER! Brand Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Item Description Dressing Poppyseed Fat Free Dressing Vingrete Balsamc Crnbry Ff Dressing Wasabi Dijon Ff Dressing Honey Dijon Fat Free Dressing Vinaigrette Raspberry Ff Dressing Vidalia Onion Ff Dressing Vinaigrette Balsamic Ff Gf Dressing Vinaigrette Raspberry Sf Dressing Vinaigrette Balsamic Sf Dressing Tomato Basil Sugar Free Dressing Asian Sesame Sugar Free Vidalia Onion: Wonderful vidalia onion flavor without the guilt is what you'll find in a bottle of our Fat Free Vidalia Onion dressing. Poppyseed FF: Bright and delicious flavor without the fat is what you can expect to find with out Fat Free Poppyseed dressing. Balsamic Vinaigrette: Don't let the need to lower your sugar intake get you down, because now there is no need to compromise when you can have it all. Raspberry FF: You'll experience a multitude of flavors with our Fat Free Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing and the last thing on your mind will be missing the fat. Raspberry Vinaigrette: Nothing can be sweeter than a delicious Raspberry Vinaigrette, well except when that Raspberry Vinaigrette is one our Sugar Free dressings. Wasabi Dijon FF: Looking for a little extra spice in your life? Well here you can find it with our Fat Free Wasabi Dijon dressing. Pk/Sz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz UPC Code 7468300445 7468300452 7468300457 7468300468 7468300485 7468300806 7468300426 7468300852 7468300851 7468301546 7468301422 Item # 41631 41632 41634 41635 41640 41658 136151 148907 150927 224361 224363 SAVE 1.20 $ off/case $.20 ea Brand Emerils Emerils Emerils Emerils Emerils Emerils Item Description Stock Chicken All Natural Stock Beef All Natural Stock Vegetable Og All Nat Sauce Pasta Marinara Homestyle Sauce Pasta Roasted Gaaahlic Sauce Pasta Tomato Kicked Up SAVE 1.62 $ off/case $.27 ea SAVE 1.92 $ off/case $.32 ea Pk/Sz 6/32 oz 6/32 oz 6/32 oz 6/25 oz 6/25 oz 6/25 oz UPC Code 7468309630 7468309631 7468309632 7468309946 7468309949 7468309950 Item # 41709 41710 41711 41746 41749 41750 NEW LOOK. SAME GREAT TASTE! Zesty. Crunchy. Flavorful. Unique. But most of all, delicious. New York Style gourmet snacks are The Thing to Bring to your next gathering – and the perfect snack food to bring home. With five unique styles, and flavors ranging from sweet to savory, the snacking possibilities are endless. SAVE 3.00 $ off/case $.25 ea Brand Ny Style Ny Style Ny Style Ny Style Ny Style Ny Style Ny Style Ny Style Ny Style Ny Style Item Description Crisps Bagel Garlic Crisps Bagel Sea Salt Crisps Bagel Plain Crisps Bagel Everything Crisps Bagel Cinnamon Raisin Crisps Bagel Sesame Chips Pita Red Hot Chili Peppr Chips Pita Sea Salt Chips Pita Parm/Garlic/Herb Crisps Bagel Sea Salt/Crackd Pepper Pk/Sz 12/7.2 oz 12/7.2 oz 12/7.2 oz 12/7.2 oz 12/7.2 oz 12/6 oz 12/9 oz 12/9 oz 12/9 oz 12/7.2 oz UPC Code 8136300100 8136300200 8136300300 8136300750 8136300800 8136300900 8136320600 8136320200 8136320400 8136300250 Item # 47967 47972 47973 47976 47977 47980 204425 204426 204427 209714 SAVE ON MIXES IN NOVEMBER! THINK HOLIDAYS! SAVE 3.24 $ off/case $.54 ea SAVE 3.24 $ off/case $.54 ea Brand Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Bear Creek Item Description Soup Minestrone Soup Vegetable Beef Soup Creamy Potato Soup Cheddar Broccoli Soup Cheddar Potato Chili Mix Darn Good Soup Chicken Noodle Soup Split Pea Soup Hot Sour Soup Tortilla Pk/Sz 6/9.3 oz 6/9 oz 6/11 oz 6/11.2 oz 6/12.1 oz 6/9.8 oz 6/9.3 oz 6/8.4 oz 6/7 oz 6/9 oz UPC Code 76026300010 76026300012 76026300016 76026300026 76026300027 76026300029 76026300032 76026300053 76026300064 76026300090 Item # 67604 67605 67606 67607 67608 67610 67611 67612 67615 67617 Brand Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Montchevre Item Description Chevre In Blue Cabrie Mini Chevre Mini Log Nat Chevre 4 Pepper Log Chevre Garlic Herb Mini Log Nat Chevre Lemon Zest Log Chevre Sundried Tomato Basil Log Goat Crumb Cheese Plain Goat Crumb Onion Basil Chevre Peppadew Log Chevre Cranberry Log Chevre Fig And Olive Log Chevre Honey Mini Log Nat Chevre Bluebry Vanilla Mini Log Nat Feta Goat Medallions Goat 1oz 5 Pack Chevre Blueberry Vanilla Log Nat Chevre Oh La La Pk/Sz 1/5 lb 6/4.4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/4 oz 12/7 oz 12/5 oz 12/8 oz 12/5 oz UPC Code 7221019377 76165790144 76165790411 76165790413 76165790416 76165790417 76165790419 76165790421 76165790428 76165792413 76165790414 76165792415 76165792417 76165790412 76165790711 76165795501 76165790812 76165796511 Item # 30749 67880 67887 67888 67890 67891 67892 67893 67896 67902 136687 136690 136691 221463 67900 207599 219723 224262 Allowance $0.50 lb $1.50 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $2.40 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.00 cs = $3.60 cs = $0.25ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.20ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.30ea PROUDLY MADE IN THE NORTHWEST Gluten-free Hormone free Naturally Áavorful 100% NATURAL AND rBGH FREE A delicious assortment of savory and sweet creation for any occasion. Brand Rising Sun Rising Sun Rising Sun Rising Sun Rising Sun Rising Sun Rising Sun Rising Sun WWW.RISINGSUNFARMS.COM Item Description Dip N Spread Artichoke Parmesan Nat Dip N Spread Curry Indian Torta Cheese Marionberry Nat Torta Cheese Gorgonzola Nat Torta Cheese Pesto Tomato Nat Torta Cheese Key Lime Nat Torta Cheese Cranberry Orange Nat Tortas Cheese Pumpkin Spice Nat Pk/Sz 6/6 oz 6/6 oz 6/9.5 oz 6/9.5 oz 6/9.5 oz 6/9.5 oz 6/9.5 oz 6/9.5 oz UPC Code 1864600270 1864600273 1864600215 1864600217 1864600220 1864600229 1864600230 1864600237 Item # 200132 226519 4132 4134 4136 4141 4142 221944 Allowance $1.50 cs = $1.50 cs = $3.60 cs = $3.60 cs = $3.60 cs = $3.60 cs = $3.60 cs = $3.60 cs = $0.25ea $0.25ea $0.60ea $0.60ea $0.60ea $0.60ea $0.60ea $0.60ea Special Order AWARD WINNING PRODUCTS SINCE 1985 Brand Item Description Pk/Sz UPC Code Item # Allowance Gonnella Roll Dinner Pretzel 96/1.5 oz 7829657912 132047 $0.96cs = $0.01ea Gonnella Bread Dough Irish Soda 20/19 oz 7829621539 46023 $2.00cs = $0.10ea Brand Better Than Better Than Better Than Better Than Better Than Better Than Better Than Better Than Better Than Better Than Better Than Better Than Superior Superior Superior Superior Superior Superior Item Description Gravy Mix Beef Og Gravy Mix Turkey Og Base Chicken Base Vegetable Bouillon Mushroom Base Au Jus Base Fish Bouillion Chicken Reduc Sodium Nat Base Chicken Kosher Pd Base Vegetable Kosher Pd Shipper Gravy Mix Turkey Chicken Shipper Better Than Bouillon Bouillon Base Beef Soup Base Clam Soup Base Vegan No Chicken Soup Base Vegan No Beef Soup Base Chicken Og Shipper Base Chicken Beef Veget 8Z Pk/Sz 12/1.25 oz 12/1.25 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 1/48 ea 1/48 ea 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 6/8 oz 1/48 ea UPC Code 9830822843 9830822844 9830800202 9830800205 9830800208 9830821721 9830821722 9830822771 9830821720 9830821724 9830801305 9830801301 9830800203 9830800207 9830822581 9830822582 9830800280 9830801302 Item # 202032 202033 52319 52322 52325 52346 52347 52351 78409 78410 52342 130889 52320 52324 52348 52349 52328 52341 Allowance $1.92cs = $1.92cs = $2.40cs = $2.40cs = $2.40cs = $2.40cs = $2.40cs = $2.58cs = $3.18cs = $3.18cs = $19.20cs = $19.20cs = $2.40cs = $2.40cs = $2.40cs = $2.40cs = $3.06cs = $19.20cs = $0.16ea $0.16ea $0.40ea $0.40ea $0.40ea $0.40ea $0.40ea $0.43ea $0.53ea $0.53ea $0.40ea $0.40ea $0.40ea $0.40ea $0.40ea $0.40ea $0.51ea $0.40ea Special Order Special Order Special Order Special Order Round up of S av i n g s Thursday May 7, 2015 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. DPI Specialty Foods Annual Food Show Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, CA 45000 Pechanga Parkway Temecula, CA 92592 Make plans now t o at t e n d 601 Rockefeller Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 Office (909)975-1019 Phone Orders (909)666-6802 ost c e as nit c 0 u 2.5 3.75 2 $ =$ No M in im SR 24 um Copyright 2014, Distribution Plus, Inc. % Allowances effective from October 26 - November 29, 2014 Copyright 2014, Distribution Plus, Inc. Greek Gods Yogurt- Mix and Match n giBrand r a e % M C aThes Greek Gods 32 W The Greek Gods 2 m i t h i m u The Greek Gods n The Greek Gods Mi The Greek Gods The Greek Gods The Greek Gods The Greek Gods The Greek Gods Item Description Yogurt Greek Pomegrnate Traditional Yogurt Greek Fig Traditional Yogurt Greek Honey Traditional Og Yogurt Greek Plain Nonfat 0 Percent Yogurt Greek Vnla Cin Org Nat Gf Yogurt Greek Plain Traditional Yogurt Greek Honey Traditional Yogurt Greek Plain Nf 0 Pcnt Nat Gf Yogurt Greek Honey Strawberry Trad Pk/Sz 12/6 oz 12/6 oz 12/6 oz 12/6 oz 12/6 oz 6/24 oz 6/24 oz 6/24 oz 6/24 oz UPC Code 7835550050 7835551050 7835553000 7835554000 7835554100 7835555000 7835557000 7835558000 7835557005 Item # 46219 46220 46221 46222 46223 46224 46225 46226 201472 Allowance $1.56 cs = $1.56 cs = $1.56 cs = $1.56 cs = $1.56 cs = $2.34 cs = $2.34 cs = $2.34 cs = $2.34 cs = $0.13ea $0.13ea $0.13ea $0.13ea $0.13ea $0.39ea $0.39ea $0.39ea $0.39ea P$ Ma
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