LINKS Term 4 Week 5 Wednesday, 5th November 2014 PHONE: 07 46711730 FAX: 07 46711145 ABSENTEE HOTLINE: 07 46712063 EMAIL: WEB: CLC PORTAL: STUDENT PROTECTION OFFICER: Ms Kristie Fleeting BLUE CARD REGISTRAR: Mrs Danielle Edwards St Mary’s Got Talent I thought our inaugural SMGT was impressive but the 2014 cohort took it to a whole new level. Thanks and congratulations for all those nominated to perform-you entertained and impressed. I encourage those who were not selected to perform their pieces-there is always next year and we learn so much from the exercise of trying. From the raw voice of Laura Hunt, the entertainment value of Sam Sargood, the humour of Carolyn Marshall/ Clare Bell to the precociousness of Sean Mudimu, we felt privileged to be there. One parent commented on the confidence of the students. Now, to a degree, the confidence emerged from a supportive and “in-tune” audience that picked up subtleties and encouraged with intelligent interaction. The night would not have happened without: Drew Fox helping set up at 6.00am Zach Smith behind the scenes organising the acts Greg (Boris) Billing for setting up and coordinating sound and music on the night Phil O’Shea for his positive MCing role and electrical structuring Luke Butler for encouraging, motivating, participating and setting up. Funds from the BBQ and the sale of leftover Moonlight Carnival items contributed to the funding of the Optiminds trip to NZ. A worthy cause. My wife Sue has commented on the no-fuss responsible organisation of special events where the work load is distributed broadly. This was another great example of that culture. Congratulations all. God bless Glenn Roff ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Camp Season Year 3 Camp-John Byrne Centre Highfields Year 5 Camp-Emu Gully (outside Toowoomba). These are top class retreat/camp venues. Could I restate how important, myself and the staff believe, such camps are in the development of our students. Camps are vital co-curricula or extra curricula activities. They add cohesion to the cohort, confidence to individuals and they allow students to be seen in different and impressive lights. As well there is a bonding with staff and the genesis of curriculum linkages that can be fully expanded on. We do thank you for your belief in, and support of, the camps program. ST MARY’S P & F EMAIL: 2015 LEADERSHIP SPEECHES This Friday, the 7th of November the students will be presenting their Leadership Speeches to the school community. We will be conducting these speeches in the church, beginning at 9am. You are all more than welcome to attend. Below we have provided an order of the speakers, we will begin the day with the girls. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide times for individual students as we are sure you are aware we do not know how long each speech will take. We suggest if at all possible that in order to avoid missing your own child that you arrive at 9am. ORDER OF SPEAKERS Girls 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Boys 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Clare Bell Mia Billing Amelia Buck Claire Burling Grace Doyle Lucy Long Carolyn Marschall Kate McIntosh Meg Mettam Halle Mudimu Gracie O’Shea Harriett Richards Matilda Robinson Mackenna Shearer Ella Thompson Georgina Winter Tara Woodhouse Hamish Alexander Baxter Allport Zeke Anderson George Black Carter Craig Ben Dight Duncan Ellman-Brown Adam George Alex Hegarty Mac Henwood Ben Hyson Jack Keen Max McClymont Blair Peachey Xavier Smith-Power Lachlan Stewart Ryan Strachan Hamish Stuart James Thompson Michael Toohey James Wilkie NEWS FROM THE APRE PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS Parent Teacher Interviews for this Semester will be held on Monday 24th November. Timetables will be outside classrooms next week. This is a great opportunity to discuss your child’s learning and any concerns you may have. YEAR 3 CAMP Our Year 3 students are heading off to camp at the James Byrne Centre in Highfields this Thursday and Friday. They have two days of fun activities planned all around the theme of friendship! We hope the students have a wonderful time and look forward to hearing their stories when they return. LEADERSHIP SPEECHES Our Year 5 students will be presenting their leadership speeches to the school this Friday in the Church. All are welcome to attend. Just a reminder, that there will be no assembly this Friday. REMEMBRANCE LITURGY Next Tuesday, the school will gather at 8.45am for a Remembrance Day liturgy. All parents and friends are welcome to attend this liturgy in the Hall. There will be no morning gathering on Tuesday. We thanks Mrs Doyle and her students for preparing this liturgy. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Library Corner This week is the last week of borrowing for the term due to the closure of the library for stock take and end of year organisation. Please ensure all student items are returned on Friday. Notes for unreturned books will be sent home next week followed by invoices for items that still remain unreturned. As Reading Eggs is such a great online resource for our prep-3's, we will be holding a demonstration about the programme to ensure parents are aware of the scope of the resources available. This will take place on Friday the 21st of November at 8:35am. It will only take 10 minutes and I'd love to see you there! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. "DADS DAY IN TUCKSHOP" P&F Update Thank you again to all those who contributed to the success of the 2014 Moonlight Carnival including the P&F Committee, parents, teachers, students, friends, local businesses and organisations. In particular we would like to acknowledge the contributions to our Trade Auction: Ian Zimmerman (Painting), Bruce and Kayleen Forrest (Cleaning), K & K Spicer Contracting, Tony McLaughlin Mechanical/T & T Motorcycles Simon and Sarah Gillece (Amalgamated Pest Control), Mark and Robin Eglington (South West Refrigeration and Air-conditioning), Tony and Cam (Makim Carter Builders) and the contributors to our Monster Raffle: Gundy Budget Fruit and Vegies, Twidale Auto & Motorcycles, The Perfect Polish, Toowong Inn & Suites, Donna Dezius, Sharon Sawtell, Proterra Group, Little Tots Treasures, Gary & Jane Blomley, PCJ Beaute, Agtronics, Mr R Stevenson, Physio Extra, O'Sheas Bi rite Electrical, Goondiwindi Cotton, Lowes Petroleum, Sambella Interiors, AR & DA Edwards, B Kindt & Sons, Melissa Moxly, Emma & Ken Gee, B & W Rural, Spicer Welding, Kev & Bec Gore, Steve & Chantal Warburton, CD & GW Yeo Contracting, Dillon Mechanical, WMG AGRISERVICES, Tait Motors and Natalie Loughman Occupational Therapy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Next P & F MEETING AND AGM The next meeting and AGM will be held on the 12th November at 3.15pm. Agenda: Moonlight Carnival Review P&F Committee Positions (all positions will be made open) Looking ahead to 2015 We hope you can join us for the last P&F meeting of 2014! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Family Week is coming up again and we thought we would coincide that week with Dads that may want to come and help at tuckshop. The children break for Morning Tea at 10.45am until 11.15am and then again at 12.45pm until 1.30 pm. If you could spare half an hour or so I'm sure the kids would love to see you in Tuckshop helping out. They will be allowed to buy at both breaks and we will have some extra special treats they can purchase for that week. Hope to see some Dads... FAMILY WEEK IS NEXT WEEK!! IMPORTANT DATES 6th-7th November Year 3 Camp 7th November Leadership Speeches 9am Church 12th November P & F Meeting 3.15pm 12th-14th November Year 5 Camp 18th November St Mary’s School Awards Night 24th November Parent/Teacher Interviews 28th November Year 6 and 7 Mass & Graduation 28th November End of Year Mass 3rd December Last day of school for 2014! TUCKSHOP ROSTER Please contact Janelle on 0429428532 if unable to volunteer. THURSDAY 6th Megan Horrobin FRIDAY 7th Anna Power Mary Auld Anna Dawson MONDAY 10th TA Thompson TUESDAY 11th NEED HELP! WEDNESDAY 12th Julie Chick MISSION CUP MRS WHITE OPTIMINDS LAMINGTON DRIVE! Our St Mary’s Optiminds Team are busy raising money for their trip to New Zealand later this month. The Team are having a Lamington Drive. 1/2 dozen lamingtons for $7. Order Forms sent home with LINKS today. Orders to the office by Thursday 13th of November. COLLECTION DAY-TUESDAY 18TH NOVEMBER 3PM AT THE SCHOOL TUCKSHOP Thank you for your support. St Mary’s Optiminds Team. TERM 4 SWIMMING ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PLEASE ENSURE EVERY ITEM IS CLEARLY NAMED. SUNSCREEN, SWIM CAP, GOGGLES, TOWEL, THONGS, SWIMMERS AND SWIM SHIRT. NO SWIM SHIRT-NO SWIM. PLEASE DO NOT ORDER TUCKSHOP FOR STUDENTS ON THESE DAYS AS IT MAKES IT VERY DIFFICULT TO ENSURE STUDENTS GET THEIR ORDERS ON TIIME. THANKYOU. SWIMMING MONDAY THURSDAY 9:00-9:45 4W 6/7 L 9:45- 10:30 4D 6/7 M 10.30 – 11.15 Year 5 6/7 S 11:15-12:00 1C Prep K 12:00-12:45 1L Prep R 1:00-1:45 3G 2W 1:45- 2:30 3L 2F WANTED SECOND HAND KEYBOARD TO BUY PLEASE PHONE LIBBY FOX 0400 794 498 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… MACINTYRE YOUNG WRITERS AWARDS PRESENTATION. The annual awards ceremony for the Macintyre Young Writers will be held this week at Goondiwindi State School Hall on Thursday 6 November 2014. Please be there for the start of the function at 05:00 pm. We thank all the students who participated and congratulate all the award winners. You all have done a wonderful job! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS-SCIENCE Please find a Timetable for interview times with Mrs White outside the School Office. AND MRS EDWARDS WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU TO ALL THE STUDENTS WHO TRAVELLED TO PALM BEACH TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MISSION CUP NETBALL COMPETITION IN LATE OCTOBER. THE SPORTSMANSHIP, TEAM SPIRIT AND OVERALL IMPROVEMENT THAT THE GIRLS DISPLAYED WAS A CREDIT TO EACH OF THEM. THANKS ALSO TO THE PARENTS AND CARERS THAT ASSISTED WITH TRAINING, TRANSPORT, SCORING, SIDELINE ENCOURAGEMENT AND SUPPORT BOTH BEFORE THE TRIP AND OVER THE WEEKEND. PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL OFFICE IF YOU REQUIRE THE LINK TO VIEW THE MISSION CUP OFFICIAL PHOTO WEBSITE. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. AUSTRALIA DAY AWARDS NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN Do you know someone who has made an outstanding contribution to your local community? Now is the time to nominate them for a 2015 Australia Day Award. Recognise your local hero by completing a 2015 Australia Day Awards nomination form. Award categories: Citizen of the Year Award, Young Citizen of the Year Award, Cultural Achievement Award, Group Award/ Community Event of the Year Award, Senior Sports Achievement Award, Junior Sports Achievement Award, Sports Administrator/Coach Award. Nomination Forms can be downloaded from Councils website Nominations must be lodged with Council by close of business Friday, 16th January 2015. For further information, please contact your local Customer Service Office on 4671 7400.
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