Document 427865

monthly newsletter of
Beulah URC
Growing people
Sharing Life
Together towards life …
am writing from Pietermartizberg
in South Africa at a conference
exploring how the World Council
of Churches’ statement on mission ‘Together Towards Life’ can shape training
for ministry and church life.
It is fascinating to address the title of
the mission affirmation in this context of
South Africa. Many of us were active in
the Anti-Apartheid movement and it is a
wonder to come to the new South Africa,
which has struggled so hard to move
together towards life. Pietermaritzberg
has its particular place in the story. It
was here that Gandhi began his new
movement as a young lawyer in South
Africa that helped form the ANC. It was
also here that Mandela was arrested at
a roadblock before being imprisoned
for 27 years.
This title gives us an understanding both
of the purpose of mission and of unity.
Our work and life as a church should
be about coming together with others to
bring life, celebrate life and envision life.
It is evident in South Africa. But, we are
seeing this in Beulah as we have begun to
respond with others to the environmental crisis unfolding around us. Sam Holt
and Farm Cardiff have helped us begin
to see how we can advocate in Rhiwbina
concern for creation in the midst of climate change. They are inviting us to do
that with others with an ethos that is all
about sharing life. Thus, Liz and Neil
Kidd are working very hard to put this
together to enable us to become an Ecocongregation. All Saints and Bethany
want to be part of this, Peter from All
Saints, plans to take us to visit St Peter’s
in Fairwater, who have already set up a
community garden.
I saw another example of such a garden
in Durban, in a community called Hillcrest. It stands on the ‘ridge of spears’
that surrounds this area and addresses
a most sharp and painful issue: HIV/
Aids. The Hillcrest Aids centre trust has
been working in the area for 24 years,
and was started by the local Methodist
church. At its heart is a garden which
conveys a sense of life and hope, both in
terms of the cycle of life it shows and the
food it produces.
You can imagine I was even more excited
when I discovered they also have an
‘up-cycling’ workshop, an arts project
that turns trash into art. This too gives
an opportunity for self-expression and
employment for HIV sufferers and their
families. Art and gardening seem to be
a powerful element of healing and gathering together towards life all those who
suffer from HIV and those who want to
work in solidarity with them. HIV-Aids
is a major issue in KwaZulu Natal, over
30% of the population are HIV positive. That is terrifying and disturbing.
Nevertheless, what a beautiful hopeful
place Hillcrest is!
Its ethos is life affirming. They deal
warmly and compassionately and practically with those who come. They have
medical care facilities to look after those
infected, and a hospice if medication
cannot manage their condition further.
There is employment training. Also
education and outreach programmes.
Take the wonderful Granny groups!
(They reminded me of the knitters!)
Granny groups become advocates for
healthy lifestyles and health care advice.
They also seek support in caring for
their orphaned grandchildren.
In all of this, medical intervention is but
one of the vital parts of this life giving
centre. People are gathered together
and their humanity is affirmed. They
are believed in. The spirituality of
faith, the earth and the arts meets them
and enfolds them. Obviously, many
of the people who work in this project
are themselves HIV positive. In this
environment the stigma they have experienced becomes the power to set others
free from the shame they feel. Even, if
the infection ultimately becomes fatal,
(and thankfully due to medication this is
becoming less common), there can be no
doubt that people are here in this place
working together towards life.
I like you to feel that the work we do in
Beulah, the work of KIN, the welcome
in the Whittaker, the garden we plant,
the art we do, the inclusive ethos we
have, all points to our call to be life giving and life affirming. Let’s continue to
make Beulah a place that is alive to life
because this is how we praise the Spirit
of life best
Living Waters
t is this time of the year when
many of us are feeling a little
sorry for ourselves, here I am trying
to write these notes surrounded by
Manuka honey, tissues, hot lemon
drink and a box of paracetamol on
stand by, yes the dreaded cold germs
have attacked after weeks of trying
to protect myself. My thoughts
now go to all those who have been
attacked by the Ebola virus, so I
pray for those people and children
who are so very vulnerable: my cold
will fly away in a few days and will
be forgotten for another year but
these people do not know whether
they have a future. God bless all
those who nurse these people and
trust that the research scientists will
soon perfect a serum.
After his long fight with ill health, I
have to announce the death of Tony
Welpton. Tony was a Lay Leader at
Bethel URC in North Llanishen and
also a Synod Elder. Our thoughts
go to Sue and family and all the
members of Bethel. His funeral will
be held in Beulah on Monday 27th
Sadly, Kathleen Williams died
suddenly and her funeral takes place
on 28th October in Wenallt Chapel,
Thornhill. Kathleen was a quiet
lady who attended Beulah regularly,
her faith helped her through many
tragic events In her life and we trust
that she is now reunited with her
We were sorry to hear that Sally
Jones has had a heart attack and
was taken to hospital where she was
quickly given stents in her arm. We
trust that she will have a speedy
Betty Hulston was taken to
Llandough Hospital for observation
and has had her medication changed,
we hope that now she will feel more
like her cheerful self.
Our thoughts and prayers are also
with Stephen Best, whose mother
remains ill in hospital
Birthday congratulations go to
Lesley Richards as she celebrated
her 50th birthday with a vibrant
party in Churchill’s Hotel
surrounded by friends and family.
On Sunday 12th October we shared
our morning service with the
many friends and family of Henry
Ashdown who was baptised in
I am very pleased to announce that
Richard Edwards has put himself
forward to be a Synod Elder and
also is taking the URC’s Lay
Preaching Course. We thank him
for taking up these important and
demanding posts and trust that with
the help of his wife Sarah, they will
find it a rewarding and enlightened
This edition of Crossroads has many
activities advertised, building up
to our Christmas Celebrations. As
Christmas is a time of giving, many
of our events are to raise money for
CHRISTIAN AID and also other
charities. Please support and enjoy
the companionship and friendship
we share.
God Bless
Beulah Social in
Celebrating in the
Wine in the Whittaker
Saturday Nov 15th
We are going to create a pop
up wine bar, ‘The Carpenters
Arms’ in the Whittaker
Lounge. Places will be limited
as the lounge is fairly small.
Our plan is to offer 5 different
types of wine at £12 per
bottle. Two Red, one White,
one Rose, and one Sparkling.
We will also have wine by the
glass and have non-alcoholic
options. Please sign up if you
would like to come.
Advent Café Church
Nov 23rd 4 – 6pm
We will offer the café church
experience again in November
with activities that focus on
advent. More information will
be shared nearer the time.
Hopefully we will produce
some materials we can use in
advent as well as experience
elements of advent and
how it helps us prepare for
Follow us on Facebook…..
Join “Beulah Friends” and see
up-to-date news and activities
from around the Church.
Church Secretary:
Mrs Lorraine Webb
Revd. Dr. Peter Cruchley-Jones
Church Treasurer:
Mrs Barbara Rhys,
Visit us at.......
Musings of a
Ministerial Ordinand
I discovered on my first teaching
weekend that this year’s course
at Manchester reunites me with
students I knew in 2012. It
is interesting to see how far
we have come and how we
have changed. Back then we
studied four modules together:
Themes in Christian theology,
especially the first 500 years of
the Christian Church, Making
Moral Decisions, Learning
Together Theologically and
An Introduction to Mission
Studies. This time around we
are following three: Interpreting
the Scriptures Thematically,
Pastoral & Practical Theology
and one with a curious title;
Community Engagement
through Public Theology. So
you might summarise my
current study year as What’s
in the Bible, how to put it
into practice and getting it
noticed “out there”. One of
my assignments asks me to
explore what the Bible says
about poverty. It is a very
broad subject. I’m minded to
organise a one-off Beulah gettogether early in the New Year
for anyone interested, where
we might share some ideas and
thoughts on what it means to be
poor in 2014 and if the Bible
has a clear message for how we
should respond. Initial thoughts
chipped in by the tutor suggest
this is a far from clear cut issue.
Preparing to lead worship on
19 October I was struck by
how rich in community Beulah
is and how many elements
come together to make Sunday
morning work. Not least was
the discovery that eight elders
are needed to serve communion;
the number of communion
glasses which need to be filled
and then washed up afterwards
is unprecedented in my
experience. It was wonderful
to have, unbidden, the offer
of a young person to read,
which inspired me to search
around for a more relevant
and appealing version of the
lectionary text. I was able to
draw on the music group, whose
skills broadened the choice of
what we might include. And
the knowledge that there were
to be significant numbers of
children and young people
present fed my predilection for
including a creative and artistic
element. Many people think
that worship happens because
God prompts the worship leader
and the congregation is the
audience. The theologian Soren
Kierkegaard turns this on its
head by insisting that worship
is in fact the action of the whole
congregation, with the worship
leader as the prompter and so
the audience is none other than
God. My word of the month
is interaction. Community is
what it is all about.
Stephen Best
WEDNESDAY 17 DECEMBER 2014 at 1.00 pm
will be presenting a programme of Christmas music and poetry
Conductor: Dick Jenkins
Accompanist: John Cheer
Retiring collection for KIN Afghan project & Macular Degeneration Charity
Further details from Peter Ferdinando
I don’t think I can every
remember a time in my life
when I have been rendered
completely speechless, but
I found myself in exactly
that position in church this
morning .I was attending a
family Christening- my GreatGreat Nephew in fact- so I
was very surprised to hear my
name mentioned at the start
of the service. I wondered
whether Peter might be going
to mention the fact that
I am far too young to be a
great-great aunt but when
he called me up to the front
to thank me for my work
with the Beulah Workshop I
was even more taken – aback.
The three lovely Wilkes girls
(all past Workshop children)
then came forward to present
me with flowers and a gift
of theatre tokens from the
church .Peter asked if I would
like to say something and, for
the first time ever, I had to
say no .Not because I didn’t
have something to say but
because I was so emotional
that I could feel tears welling
up and I knew I would not be
able to speak. So- I would now
like to say what I should have
said this morning.
Firstly, thank you for the
lovely flowers and gift, I will
look forward to making use of
the tokens in the near future.
Secondly, I want to say that
it has been a privilege to
work with so many young
people and help to encourage
their interest in drama over
the past twenty plus years.
Some of the first Workshop
members were guests at the
christening and it was lovely
that I was able to share the
moment with them and other
members of my family .I am
very proud that a number of
Workshop kids have gone on
to study drama and music in
college and university and
some have even made it their
careers. Even though the
Workshop has closed I know
that the spirit of drama will
live on in the work of the
Junior Church and The Beulah
Love and thanks, Carol xx
have never realised quite how difficult it can be to say, “Thank You”. The sequence chosen does not reflect
differing degrees of importance. Every person, every act of kindness and compassion, every expression of
sympathy, friendship and love; is unique, and therefore equally valued. In a very difficult time, I can tell
you that both Jean and I felt that there were loving arms around us.
The truly wonderful service which Peter led for us on Friday 10th October, brought it all together. Thank you all
for being there. For some, I know that it was a struggle. Thank you also to those who wanted to be there but
simply couldn’t. I know that you were there in spirit. Then, of course, there was Barbara and her team, working their magic in the Canolfan. It was special.
I am all too fallible, and I ask your forgiveness if I do not mention everybody. There have been many difficult
months, and friends like Peter C.J., Peter and Ann S., and Marg and Alun, have given support: But they have
also shown great sensitivity, in knowing not only when to be there; but when to go.
When Jean was in “Holm Tower” (which I cannot praise or thank sufficiently), we not only had the support of
Peter C.J.; but Jean had great pleasure from unexpected visits by Peter and Ann and others. She really “Lit up”
one day when I went in, and she told me that Brenda (who is one of the busiest ladies I know) had been in. It
was like the sun shining through a gap in the clouds.
Later, there were so many acts of kindness to me and my family. Kind ladies like Elinor, Brenda, and Barbara,
feared we might be hungry, and brought sponge cakes, flap jacks (and flowers): Whilst lovely, gentle Rhiannon,
came very quietly, and brought not one but two quiches.
I must mention comforting, sensible, reliable Ruth. Herself a graduate of the school of hard knocks, she has
looked over the edge and understands as few are able. A very busy lady indeed: But always ready, with a
smile, to launch her lifeboat yet again. Thank you for your shoulder.
There has been a bright spot in a rather gloomy scene. I have wonderful new neighbours in Betty and Derek. I
try to be as independent as I am able: But I am so glad to have them next door. Number 23 Ty Gwyn Road has
about it an aura of warmth and happiness that it never had before.
Sadly, I can only put one name at the end of this letter. However, I know that Jean thanks you too; and she still
loves you.
Bereft, but otherwise as ever,
Tony Vinall
Reform magazine
I visited Eileen MacKenzie this morning (23rd Oct) to finally relieve her of her
duties as the Reform Magazine distributor. Eileen took over the reins as a distributor 12 years ago and has thoroughly
enjoyed it. Over a cup of tea and biscuits this morning, it was lovely to catch up
with Eileen and find out all about travels with her family. On behalf of the Church members, we would like to say a very big ‘thanks’ for
all those mornings standing in the porch handing out the magazines.
So, as the new ‘kid on the block’ if anyone would like to subscribe to the Reform
Magazine please let me know on Sunday mornings.
(Mrs) Laura Davies
George Thomas Hospice Care
special Festive Gardeners’ Question Time will be held at Ty
George Thomas, in Whitchurch at 6;00p.m. on Thursday 20th
November. You are invited to meet the panel of gardening experts,
including special guest Terry Walton, and learn how to cope with
winter and prepare for the joys of spring.
The ticket price of £5 includes tea or coffee, and more information is
available from 029 2052 4150 or
Concerts at the
Lunchtime Recital
Wednesday 26th November at 1.05pm
Rhodri Taylor – Clarinet
Jocelyn Freeman – Piano
These two outstanding young Welsh musicians are both
from West Wales. Jocelyn – who has played in Beulah
before – comes from Pembrokeshire and Rhodri from
They both studied at the RAM and are now freelance in
I like to include as many Welsh musicians as possible in
the programmes because Wales still punches above its
weight in producing great musicians!
Their programme will include Ravel and Weber.
There will be mince pies and coffee/tea afterwards in
the Canolfan.
Tickets for all lunchtime recitals £5 on the door.
All are
Croeso i Bawb!
Thursday 6th November, 7.30 pm
at City United Reformed Church, Windsor Place, Cardiff, CF0 3BZ
£5 on the door
Conscientious Objectors –
World War One in Wales
with Aled Eirug, Chair of the British Council in Wales.
Aled Eirug has formerly served as BBC Wales’s Head of News and Current
Affairs (1992-2004), as well as constitutional adviser to the National
Assembly for Wales (2006-2011). The Great War was not met with universal enthusiasm in Wales. Those who opposed most strongly were the conscientious
objectors who objected on religious and political grounds, Aled
Eirug now tells their story.
Soup & Sandwich
15th November
As most people know this time
of the year is shoebox time with
Operation Christmas Child! We
have all probably been collecting
items to put in the shoeboxes. I also have my boxes almost
ready to deliver. For the last 4
years I have also volunteered
at the warehouse. Here each
box is individually checked to
ensure that no banned item is
inside. They are then packaged
ready for their journey to their
This year however is going to
be slightly different for me as
I have been lucky enough to
be chosen to participate in a
distribution trip. Yes! I will be
going to Romania on Monday
the 15th December to actually
distribute boxes to children all
over the country. There is an
orientation meeting in Stockport
on the 8th November where I
will meet the rest of my team. As
yet I don’t know more than the
flight times but am getting quite
excited although nervous as I
realise it will be a very emotional
As I have to raise the money for
the trip a few Beulah friends have
encouraged me-well really given
me a push-and have arranged
a Soup & Sandwich lunch
which I hope you will be able to
support. It should be a relaxed
and social event and a time when
you can drop off your shoebox
with Elaine as the closing date is
the following Monday.
Look forward to seeing you
Denise Dickman and friends
Saturday 1st.
7.30p.m. Community Messiah
10.30a.m. 6.00p.m. 7.15p.m. Wednesday 5th.
10.00a.m. Church Office
10.30a.m. Mid Week Meeting Point
7.30p.m. Beulah Alive
KIN coffee morning in M.W.L.
Saturday 8th.
Wednesday 12th.
Saturday 15th.
SUNDAY 16th.
Monday 17th.
Wednesday 19th.
Saturday 22nd.
SUNDAY 23rd.
Wednesday 26th.
Revd. Dr. Peter Cruchley-Jones
Baptism of Thomas Newton
Joint Service @ All Saints
Youth Fellowship
10.30a.m. Revd.Dr. Peter Cruchley-Jones
7.15p.m. Youth Fellowship
10.00a.m. Church Office
10.30a.m. Mid Week Meeting Point
7.30a.m. Beulah Alive
Social Evening ...Wine in the Whittaker Lounge
10.30a.m. Revd.Dr. Peter Cruchley-Jones
Fairtrade Christmas Cards on sale in Canolfan
6.00p.m. Evening Service led by Mr.John Rhys
7.30p.m. Church Meeting
10.00a.m. Church Office
10.30a.m. Mid Week Meeting Point
7.30p.m. Beulah Alive
Beulah Bazaar in Canolfan
10.30a.m. Revd.Dr. Peter Cruchley-Jones
Rehearsals for ‘Blessing of the Crib’ service.
Fairtrade Christmas Cards for sale in Canolfan
4.00p.m. Café Church
7.15p.m. Youth Fellowship
10.00a.m. Church Office
10.30a.m. Mid Week Meeting Point
1.05p.m. Lunchtime Concert.”Two Welsh Musicians”
7.30p.m. Beulah Alive
SUNDAY 30th.
10.30a.m. Revd.Dr. Peter Cruchley-Jones
Paradise Run collection
6.00p.m. Advent Service in Bethany
7.30p.m. Youth Fellowship
10.30a.m. Revd.Dr. Peter Cruchley-Jones
Monday 8th.
7:00p.m. Merched y Wawr Carol Service .
Choir from Ysgol-y-Wern
Tuesday 2nd.
to Friday 5th
Beulah Players Christmas Show. “Made in Wales”
Wednesday 17th.
1:00p.m. Lunchtime Concert in Beulah....
Sine Nomine Singers led by Richard Jenkins
This year the Beulah Players
are “Made In Wales”. We will
be performing a selection
of Welsh drama and music –
including a dramatized play
reading of Dylan Thomas
’”Under Milk Wood” – from
Tuesday December 2nd to
Friday December5th in the
Canolfan. Tickets will be
available in November –look
out for posters and flyers
for details .
Friday 14th November at
Junior Church Lantern
Painting in The Studio at
Canolfan Come along and paint your
lantern ready for the Rhiwbina
Lantern Parade on 29th
November and the Caerphilly
River of Light Lantern Parade on
18th December
All materials supplied
On Sunday 16th November Junior Church will be raising
money for Children in Need.
We will have a cake stall, fun
and games, and a chance to
soak the Pastor, Children’s
Worker and anyone else we can
Please come along and support
them by buying cakes, joining in
fun activities and donating your
cash to take part (or NOT to)!
Together we care and together we share
A big thank you to all those who supported the Barn Dance and Line Dance Evening, and special thanks to Marg and
Sarah who organised the dancing. We raised £182 for Christian Aid.
Thank you also to everyone who gave so generously to the retiring collections on Sundays 12th and 19th October. £372.90
was raised for Save the Children’s work with Ebola sufferers in West Africa.
A Community Messiah for Beulah
Directed by John Cheer
Saturday 1st November
7.30 pm in the Church
Singers and Audience are all warmly invited.
Retiring collection for our Christian Aid project in Afghanistan.
There will be a rehearsal in the church at 4.00 pm for anyone who is able to come along, followed by tea in the
Canolfan before the concert. Please see Messiah leaflet for all the details.
Beulah Bazaar
Saturday 22nd November
10 am – 1pm in the Canolfan
As always, we will be very grateful for all the help you can give to make the Bazaar a success.
Hopefully there will be something for everyone! ….
Charity Christmas cards and gifts KIN Cake Stall, also selling pies, chutneys, jams etc
Toys and Games Bathroom gifts
Books and DVDs Jewellery and Scarves
Refreshments served upstairs
We would very much welcome your gifts of good children’s toys, bathroom gifts, DVD’s, books, jewellery and scarves.
Please bring them to the Studio (upstairs in the Canolfan) on any Sunday during November, or on Friday 21st November
from 6.30 pm.
Cakes etc can be brought to the Canolfan on the morning. Thank you.
Please look out for the list in the church porch to sign, if you can help on the day.
Money raised will go to local charities
Dates for your diary ….
KIN Christmas Coffee Morning
Saturday 20th December
10.30 am -12 noon in the Canolfan
Carol Singing around Rhiwbina
21st – 24th December in aid of Amnesty International
Who’s Doing What and When
Mini-Bus DriverDuty ElderStewardsPulpit Reader
Huw Morgan
Helen Harries
Christine & Duncan Pugh
Mair Haywood
Joint Evening Service at All Saints
Keith Jones
Nesta Thomas
Marion Williams & Glenys Scott
Heather Bishop
Tony Webb
Trix Pryce
Megan Hughes & John Rhys
Mary Edwards
Worship in Whittaker Lounge
Colin Grimes
Tony Webb
Mary Edwards & Geoff Griffiths
Brenda Cheer
Chris Phelps & Ron Leech
Andy Wales
Phillip Edwards Ruth Williams
Advent Music at Bethany
Ian Budding
Richard Edwards
Bev Hampson & Barbara Collins
Anne Escott
Mike Warsop
Peter Stevenson
Anne Morgan & Ian McDowell
Betty Evans
Huw Morgan
Liz Kidd
Mary & John Prosser
Anne Thomas
Colin Grimes
Helen Harries
Ann Brown
Diane Burton & Ann Grimes
Jenny McDowell
Mary Bidnell
Mary & Mike Warsop
Colin Grimes
Christmas Eve 11:30 pm
Christmas Day
Editors’ Note
The deadline for articles for the
December edition of
Crossroads is
Sunday, 23rd November and
Colin will be editing.
Flower Rota
Lynne Davies
Bronwen James
Alan Wilson
Nesta & Alan Thomas
Trix Pryce &
Barbara Clargo
Alan Wilson
Tanya & Nick Hampson
Mary & Lesley Richards
Gill Grivas &
Angela Holliday
Colin Grimes,
Huw Morgan,