― Wings Of The North‖ Gold Wing Road Riders Association Chapter Y Michigan Chapter of the Year 2009 NOVEMBER 2014 CHAPTER Y STAFF ________________________ Chapter Directors Duane & Laurel Lee Prince 989-873– 4053 Asst. Chapter Directors TBA Rider Educator David Becker 989-389-1856 Secretary/Treasurer Karen Alexander Member Enhancement Coordinator Kinney Greer 804-920-1838 Ride Coordinator 989-422-7961 Phyllis Hines 989-339-1985 Road Captains Neil Pifer 231-825-0245 Ted Sergent 989-366-0562 Phyllis Hines 989-339-1985 Duane Prince 989-873-4053 Ron Tidball 989-345-1875 Les Gravlin 989-389-0136 Dan Sparks 989-329-2736 Dave Becker 989-942-1928 Bob Millspaugh 989-802-1899 Kinney Greer 989-422-7961 Nick Poole 989-329-4516 Tom Schnautz 989-473-3069 COY/Door Greeters Chapter Newsletter Chapter Photographer Goodies Sales 50/50 & Raffle Tickets Fun Coordinator District & Y Newsletter Public Relations Special Projects Phone Tree coordinator Phone Tree Committee Sunshine Lady Theresa Greer Chapter Historian Audrey Burgess Dave Becker & Karen Alexander Rowena McAfee 989-873-5717 Dan Sparks 989-389-7556 Amanda Hardy 989-329-8806 Ron Tidball & Tom Schnautz Lorraine Sparks 989– 329-2736 Rowena McAfee 989-873-5717 Jackie Tidball 989-3451875 Phyllis & Leo Hines 989-339-1985 Nancy Poole 989-329-4516 Jo Anne Miano-Colleen NaumannRose Sergent– Lorraine Sparks 989-422-7961 989-389-4970 STATE and REGION STAFF Region D Directors Asst. Deputy Directors District Directors Asst. District Directors Couple of the Year Lee & Kay Tieche Jere & Linda Goodman Bob and Kim Scott Frank and Deb King Gary and Carol Williams 989-426-3828 906-632-6644 Duane & Laurel Lee Prince Chapter Directors Chapter Y Wings of the North Hello Everyone, Just an overview of our past happenings in October. We started the month out by going to Chapter V’s Anniversary Party. We enjoyed being there and had a great time. Thanks Chapter V. Then moving on to our Anniversary/Halloween Party we had a great turn out. We had visitors from Q2, F2, J2, and V. At the party we announced the couple of the year, Congratulations to Dan & Loraine Sparks. Hoping that everyone enjoyed dinner and entertainment, speaking of entertainment Chapter V and Chapter Y got into a bidding war during the blind cake auction with proceeds going to local food banks. Chapter Y ended up winning the cake it cost Chapter Y members $100.00. Chapter V contributed $98.00 to our local food banks. We really appreciate all those who donated to the food bank as well. We also had several members dress up in costume for Halloween. Thank you Frank and Deb, our new Assistant District Directors, for being the judges and those who participated, cash prizes were given for best male (Steve), best female (Lindsey), and best couple (Doug & Rowena), and best child (Jonathon). We would also thank Ron & Jackie Tidball for stepping up and taking the position of CD’s. They have their staff in place. We thank their staff for stepping forward as well. We know that they will be treated with welcome arms. We were not able to attend Chapter F2 Anniversary Party, but some members of Chapter Y were able to. It sounds like they all had a great time. There will be an officers meeting on November 8th at Bay Valley Resort from 9:00am to 4:00pm. You don’t have to be an officer to attend. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Duane & Laurel Lee Prince 2 RIDER EDUCATOR David Becker RIDER ED ‘GIMME 5’ TOPIC: THE INVISIBLE MOTORCYCLIST "I never saw him. He came out of nowhere!" That's probably the most common statements heard at a collision between an automobile and a motorcyclist. They're usually made by the operator of the auto because the motorcyclist is unconscious (or worse). As riders we wonder, "How can they NOT see us? Are they just not looking?" A lack of attention on the part of the driver does explain some of the car/bike collisions; the distracted driver, cell 'phones, unruly children, etc. All these can contribute BUT some responsibility belongs to the motorcyclist as well. I know. I know. That's heresy. Let me explain. _ Motorcycles make up about 3% of the "normal" traffic flow. _ People "see" what they expect to see; things like cars and trucks Unless the rider does something to visually stand out, he can be easily overlooked. _ Motorcycles ARE much harder to see than cars/trucks because of their smaller size. A motorcycle can easily be "lost" in the background even with the headlight on. _ Many motorcycles are colors that lend themselves to blending into the environment. Particularly dark colored machines (black is the color of pavement after all). Many motorcyclist wear dark colored helmets (or no helmet at all, but we won't discuss those here) AND dark colored clothing. A number of studies in the US and abroad have shown that a light colored (white, silver, yellow) helmet is more noticeable (during daylight hours) than a dark colored (black, dark red, dark blue) helmet. Why? The driver sees this bright colored "orb" floating above the traffic (most riders heads are higher than the hoods/windshields of cars). It's DIFFERENT. Lastly (and sadly), most motorcyclists are not skilled in emergency maneuvers. Over 13% of the motorcyclists involved in fatal crashes made NO effort to avoid the collision. They didn't brake, they didn't swerve, they just rode right into the collision. That's because, after they've gotten their license, they don't practice those kinds of maneuvers regularly (or ever). Motorcycling is a SKILL. It takes practice. 3 Or you could take the advice I got once from a very experienced rider. He told me not to "ride like I was invisibile." He told me to ride like they can see me and are actively planning to do something to take me out." Submitted By Dave Becker Rider Educator For all of our members who are traveling south for the winter. May each and everyone have a safe trip and a enjoyable winter. We had a touch of what is ahead of us today (Halloween Eve), that flaky white stuff was visible and reminded us of why all of you go south for the winter. Enjoy the good riding, friends,and most of all the warmth of the sunny days. See all of you in the spring when we begin our new riding season. 4 CLASSIFIEDS That piece of metal lying around in the garage taking up space could be sold. Just contact Row and give her the details. Can’t beat the cost of the ad, so start rummaging around and put your ad in our newsletter. Contact Row 989– 873–5717 **** 2009 Yamaha Zuma 125 Scooter 900 miles , with windshield. New condition , asking $2,200. Contact Jake 231 826 4204 **** 1978 Hnda CB 400T Hawk, Real Classic—Mint Condition, Asking $1,500. Contact Jake 2318264204. **** 1985 Honda Odyssey FL 350, new shocks and u joints $3500.00 Firm, Call Dan 989-3297528 **** 1989 Honda Pilot FL 400, liquid cooled $5500.00 OBO Call Dan 989-329-7528 **** New Show Chrome driver back rest for GL1500, 1 Vega helmet XXL, 1 Vega helmet small, 2 Frogg Toggs Rain Suits 1-2XL 1-Med. Call Dave-989-942-1928 ***** 2006 Week-end Warrior Toy Hauler—call Dave 0989-942-1928 If you have a restaurant you want to try, let us know and we will try to schedule it ASAP. We need your input in order to make our dinners enjoyable for all. If you have a suggestion please let Duane know 989-873-4053 Just a reminder-We have our gathering at Fred’s in Roscommon. It’s still on the second Sunday of the month. We eat at 9:00am and have the meeting at 10:00am. Hope to see you all there. 5 November 2014 Meet- Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5Peach Pit 6J-2 Gath- 7 St. Helen 5:30 PM ering VFW—Clare 8 Fall Of- ficer’s Meeting Bay City 9 Y’s Meet Freds Roscommon 10AM 10 11 12Rose 13 14 15 16 17 18 19V’s Free- 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 No din- 27 28 29 City Café Rose City land 7PM Bucilli’s Houghton Lk ner Pre– Thanksgiving 30 Z’s Cheybygan Sr, Cntr. 1:30 PM 2 Lorraine Sparks 3 John Farkas 7 Tom Rose 25 Julie Risse 8 Les & Ruth Gravlin 11 Cliff & Edna Martinson 25 Dick & Julie Risse 28 Bob & Ginny Millspaugh 6 Ted and Rose tell how they met as they celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary. CONGRATULATIONS Announcing the newest Couple of the Year, Dan and Loraine Sparks along with the present Couple of the year, Dave Becker and Karen Alexander. Congratulations to both. F-2 as they gathered at Chapter Y’s Halloween/Anniversary Party. 7 CHAPTER Y’S HALLOWEEN /ANNIVERSARY PARTY’S COSTUME CONTESTANTS AND WINNERS FROM CHAPTERS Y, V, J-2, Q, AND F-2 AND OUR GUEST 8 SPONSOR’S ADS Our sponsors support our newsletter. Please support their businesses whenever possible. Houghton Lake, Mi, 989-366-1444 TO ALL OUR SPONSORS Chapter Y of the Gold Wing Rad Riders Association in Houghton Lake would like to say a special ―Thank You‖ in appreciation of your continued support. It is people like you who help make this newsletter possible. 10 Chapter Directors Duane & Laurel Lee Prince 1514 Silver Creek Dr. Alger, Michigan 48610 11
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