Save the Dates 2014-2015 Conferences November 6-7 AdvancED Michigan Fall Conference Suburban Collection Showplace, Novi, MI November 17-18 MDE Fall School Improvement Conference Lansing Center, Lansing, MI March 16-17 MDE/AdvancED Michigan S c h o o l I m p r o v e m e n t C o n f e r e n c e Lansing Center, Lansing, MI Please visit the following websites for additional conference details and registration information: KEY DATES TO REMEMBER SCHOOLS Education YES! Report Due March 20, 2015, or 4 weeks prior to AdvancED External Review School Systems Review (SSR) OR Interim Self Assessment or Self Assessment School Improvement Plan (SIP) Due September 1, 2015 Executive Summary, Stakeholder Involvement, School Data Analysis, Additional Requirements (including Title I), and Goals & Plans NOTE: • Districts may request submission of SIP as early as April 1, 2015, for completion of the District Improvement Plan • Schools moving from Title I Targeted Assistance to Title I Schoolwide must submit by June 1, 2015 Program Evaluation Due June 30, 2015 DISTRICTS District Requirements Due April 17, 2015, or 4 weeks prior to AdvancED External Review District Systems Review (DSR) OR District Interim Self Assessment or District Self Assessment District Improvement Plan (DIP) & Single Building District Due June 30, 2015 Improvement Plan (SBDIP)* Executive Summary, Stakeholder Involvement, Additional Requirements (including Title I), and Goals & Plans *For early obligation date of July 1 Program Evaluation Due June 30, 2015 MDE reporting information and guidebooks may be found at: NOTE: School Systems Review (SSR) replaces the School Process Rubrics (SPR) 40 and 90. District Systems Review (DSR) replaces the District Process Rubrics (DPR). AdvancED accredited schools and districts complete the Interim Self Assessment or Self Assessment in place of the SSR or DSR. AGENDA Monday, November 17, 2014 8:00–9:00 a.m. Registration...................................................... Main Concourse Outside of Hall A 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Educator Effectiveness Breakout Sessions 12:00–1:00 p.m. Afternoon Session Registration...................... Main Concourse Outside of Hall A Lunch......................................................................................................Exhibit Hall B 1:00–4:00 p.m. Breakout Sessions Tuesday, November 18, 2014 7:30_8:30 a.m. 8:30_9:00 a.m. Registration/Breakfast......................................................................... Exhibit Hall A Opening & Updates............................................................................ Exhibit Hall A Linda Forward, Director, Office of Education Improvement & Innovation, MDE Teri Johnson Chapman, Director, Office of Special Education, MDE 9:00_10:15 a.m. Keynote Address.................................................................................. Exhibit Hall A Von Washington Jr. 10:15_10:30 a.m. 10:30_11:45 a.m. 11:45 a.m._12:30 p.m. 12:30–1:00 p.m. Transition to Breakouts Breakout Session #1 Lunch..................................................................................................... Exhibit Hall A Special Recognition of Reward Schools........................................... Exhibit Hall A Dr. Mike Radke, Director, Office of Field Services, MDE 1:00–1:15 p.m. 1:15_2:30 p.m. 2:30–2:45 p.m. 2:45_4:00 p.m. Transition to Breakouts Breakout Session #2 Refreshment Break............................................................................... Exhibit Hall A Breakout Session #3 Keynote Speaker: Von Washington Jr., Executive Director, Community Relations The Kalamazoo Promise Von Washington Jr. certainly understands the value of an education. Growing up the son of a college professor and professional actress, Von has been exposed to his parents’ love for and expertise in written and verbal communications for as long as he can remember. As executive director of community relations for The Kalamazoo Promise, Von is tasked with being the spokesperson for The Kalamazoo Promise, which includes responsibilities to key community stakeholders, media relations, and promoting a system of communication and information around a common vision of becoming an education community. The past year Von was an associate-vice president at Southwest Michigan First and concentrated his efforts on business development by partnering with existing regional companies on their job creation efforts. On behalf of the organization, he was also responsible for developing collaborations between educational institutions and businesses in order to best prepare the region’s future workforce. Von holds a bachelor’s degree from Western State College of Colorado and a master’s degree from Western Michigan University. Continuing his family’s tradition, Von and his wife wholeheartedly support their children in their educational pursuits and a variety of youth community initiatives. Michigan State Board of Education We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the following: John C. Austin President Ann Arbor Michigan Institute for Educational Management (MIEM): Dan Pappas • Diane Dick • Danielle Bach Casandra E. Ulbrich Vice President Rochester Hills Michigan Department of Education (MDE): Daniel Varner Secretary Detroit Mike Radke, Director, Office of Field Services Richard Zeile Treasurer Dearborn Jason O’Donnell Michelle Fecteau NASBE Delegate Detroit Lupe Ramos-Montigny Grand Rapids Mike Flanagan, State Superintendent Venessa A. Keesler, Ph.D., Deputy Superintendent, Education Services Linda Forward, Director, Office of Education Improvement & Innovation Michigan Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD): Keynote Speaker: Von Washington Jr. Conference Planning Committee: Reniero Araoz • Bersheril Bailey • Natasha Baker • Stephen Best Polly Brainerd • Diane Dick • Gregg Dionne • Kellie Flaminio Diane Fleming • Mary Head • Amy Henry • Brian Jones Diane Joslin-Gould • Dan LaDue • Eric Lipinski • Christi Lopez Sadie Mahone • Joanne Mahony • Deb Maurer • Mike Radke Kathleen N. Straus Detroit Sam Sinicropi • Shereen Tabrizi • Fred Williams • Joanne Winkelman Eileen Weiser Ann Arbor Lisa Asaro • Stephen Best • Ben Boerkoel • Gregg Dionne Intermediate School District (ISD) Consultive Team: Jonathan Doll • Mark Eitrem • Scott Felkey • Linda Forward Carrie Haubenstricker • Holly Heaviland • Kathy Miller Governor Rick Snyder Ex Officio Lena Nemeth • Mike Radke • Laurie Schmitt • Jennifer Sell Michael P. Flanagan Chairman State Superintendent Ex Officio Office of Education Improvement and Innovation (OEII) Staff Linda Steigenga • Bill Witt Office of Field Services (OFS) Staff ! u o Y k an Office of Special Education (OSE) Staff Presenters Th 9:00 _ 10:15 a.m. Keynote Presentation Exhibit Hall A Looking Inside for the Answers Von Washington Jr. This presentation focuses on creative programming to promote a safe and inclusive school culture and climate. Programs from policy to implementation, working with existing infrastructure, and the importance of school-wide building practices and materials. Participants will hear about effective tools that can take a school team from a traditional school operation into a dynamic, student-centered environment. Other topics include finding the champions in the building to lead, the importance of mentors, student voice, and trusting new ideas and strategies. This is a presentation that will challenge participants to think creatively about the next steps towards solving some pressing issues facing all educators today. 10:30 _ 11:45 a.m. Breakout Session #1 Topics #1 - Sharing a Few Truths: What has Worked for Us and What Could Work for You Michigan Reward School: High Progress We all know there is no one approach to anything that works for all people. The same goes for school improvement: what may work for one school may not be effective for another. Our hope then is to tell our story, to show some of the efforts that have had a positive effect on our students and their learning, on our colleagues and on our whole school community. If we tell our story well, we hope then that others can find one or two elements that might work for them. That's where all good learning happens: where folks can share and reflect, discuss and evaluate. And if that happens, this will be time well spent. #2 - Creating a Culture of Academics Michigan Reward School: High Progress What does a scholar look, act, and sound like? This presentation will highlight the use of school culture to increase student success. The formula is simple. Capture time and create college/career seminar time for all students. We will start with exploring the question, “Why do we exist?” and move into course outlines, as well as specific strategies and initiatives, to help every student in your building grow as a learner. Interest, Impact, Location Interest: Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building Room 101 Interest: Leadership, Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building -1- Eric Alburtus Principal Jon Taylor Science Department Chair & School Improvement Chair Portage Central High School, Portage Public Schools Jennifer Newman Head of School Lisa Maddelana Oakland Early College Room 102 #3 - New Tools for Student Success in the Arts: The MAEIA Project This presentation describes three tools developed by Michigan Arts Education Instruction and Assessment Project (MAEIA) that are available to evaluate arts education programs and student learning in service of continuous improvement and student success. MAEIA’s Program Review Tool enables districts and buildings to monitor the current status of their arts education program along 7 criteria that are aligned to the SIF and a research-based MAEIA Blueprint for Quality Arts Education. Model assessments for HS are being field-tested this year and K-8 assessments will be available in 2015 for field-testing. Presenter(s) Interest: General Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Room 103 Lori Duncan Middle School Theater Arts Teacher Saginaw Township Community Schools Claudia Burns Team Leader, Arts Education Instruction & Assessment Project Ann Arbor Public Schools 10:30 _ 11:45 a.m. Breakout Session #1 Topics #4 - CAT Scratch Fever: College-Going Culture Gone Viral The Michigan College Access Network works to assist in the delivery of schoolbased college access strategies. MCAN has developed a suite of building and student level interventions to be delivered as a cohesive college access strategy in high schools and led by a school-based College Access Team (CAT). Join this session to learn about CATs and how a dedicated college access strategy within your high school could dramatically move the needle on your community’s imperative economic development metrics. #5 - Continuous Improvement through Accreditation: The AdvancED Protocol The AdvancED Accreditation Protocol for schools, school systems and other educational institutions provides a practical path to continuous improvement. This session introduces you to the accreditation process, from reviewing the AdvancED Standards for Quality and examining required components for a meaningful Internal Review, to managing expectations for your External Review. This session also focuses on ways the Protocol and AdvancED ASSIST™ integrate continuous improvement into your institution’s culture. #6 - Alternate Standards and Assessments in Michigan: Current and Future Direction This session will cover differences in Michigan's Alternate Assessment programs (MI-Access) for the Spring of 2015, as well as an overview of the process of shifting the alternate content standards in English/Language Arts and Mathematics in Michigan to align with the current content standards in Michigan. Interest, Impact, Location Interest: Leadership, Secondary Impact: Building, System/District Room 104 Interest: Leadership, Building, System/ District Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Presenter(s) Christi Taylor Director of Statewide Initiatives & Special Projects Sarah Anthony Director of Finance & Strategic Partnerships Michigan College Access Network Kathy Sergeant Director Fiona Hinds Associate Director AdvancED Michigan Governor's Room Interest: All Impact: All John Jaquith Assessment Consultant for Students with Disabilities Room 202 Office of Standards & Assessments, MDE Interest: All Andrea Guiden Researcher #7 - An Introduction to Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) are an innovative and sometimes controversial measure of teacher effectiveness. In this session, participants will learn the basics around SLOs, acknowledge how SLOs can benefit teacher practice, address implementation challenges, and explore how states and districts are approaching SLOs as a new measure of teacher effectiveness. Impact: All Room 203 Great Lakes Comprehensive Center at American Institutes for Research NOTE: Session repeats from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. #8 - MDE Advice on Parentally-Placed Non-Public Schools The Office of Special Education continues to work on clarifying a variety of concerns regarding special education and parentally-placed non-public school students. The MDE-OSE will share current advice and information covering data, procedures, and funding. #9 - Constructing a State Systemic Improvement Plan - Every Perspective Counts This interactive session will afford you the opportunity to provide input and feedback to MDE regarding the development of the state systemic improvement plan. The goal of this plan is to create a coherent system across all levels of the educational arena in order to improve outcomes for all students. NOTE: Session repeats from 2:45 to 4:00 p.m. -2- Interest: Leadership, ISD/ RESA Sheryl Diamond Supervisor, Program Accountability Impact: ISD/RESA John Andrejack Finance Manager Room 204 Office of Special Education, MDE Teri Johnson Chapman Director Interest: General Office of Special Education, MDE Impact: System/ District Jeff Diedrich Jennifer Huisken Co-Leads Room 205 State Systemic Improvement Plan 10:30 _ 11:45 a.m. Breakout Session #1 Topics #10 - You Can Expect What You Inspect: Continuous Monitoring and Adjustments Michigan Reward School: High Performing, Beating the Odds New Buffalo High School will explain how they create culture by monitoring performance of students, teachers and administrators. Clear, concise and measurable goals along with student and teacher ownership equates to a climate all can understand and embrace. We will address the pillars of school improvement that includes: Policy, Practice, Instruction and Schedule. We will challenge your long established beliefs and customs. Come join us on this exploration and experimentation in education. Interest, Impact, Location Interest: General, Leadership, Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building Banquet 1 Presenter(s) Guy H. Reece Secondary Principal Richard Eberly Science Teacher New Buffalo Area Schools #11 - iCollaborate - The Lansing Project The Lansing iCollaborate Project is an initiative to improve instructional practice in a climate that supports collaboration, trust, shared responsibility and a mindset of continuous improvement. Two classroom observation instruments, Snapshot for PreK- 3rd grade classrooms and CLASS for grades 4 – 12, help educators focus on improving practices linked to positive outcomes for students. Data are provided at classroom, grade, school, and district levels to drive professional learning, school improvement planning, and PLC efforts. Betty Underwood Lansing iCollaborate Project Leader Interest: All Lansing School District Impact: All Dr. Sharon Ritchie Senior Scientist Banquet 2 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NOTE: Session repeats from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. #12 - An Introduction to Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) describe a student’s learning across grade levels compared to other students with similar prior test scores. They help students, parents, and educators to determine if a student’s learning is above, near, or below average. Learn what SGPs are, how they would be calculated for Michigan students, and why they are helpful for parents and educators. NOTE: Session repeats from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. and from 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. -3- Interest: All Impact: All Banquet 3 Jared Robinson Evaluation and Accountability Consultant Dan LaDue Accountability and Accreditation Consultant MDE 10:30 _ 11:45 a.m. Breakout Session #1 Topics Interest, Impact, Location Presenter(s) #13 - Sustaining Social and Emotional Learning Programs and Practices Through the Use of Federal Education Funding Many educators recognize the importance of addressing the social, emotional, and behavioral health needs of students to maximize learning and improve educational outcomes. Sustaining prevention programs promoting these areas of development remains a challenge for districts. Federal education funding sources of support for prevention are often overlooked. Two Centers out of the George Washington University analyzed dozens of federally funded programs administered by the US Department of Education. The result of this research is outlined in A Guide to Federal Education Programs That Can Fund K-12 Universal Prevention and Social and Emotional Learning Activities. Presenters will describe the purpose of the guide, highlight a number of programs, and work with participants to explore opportunities in Michigan for using federal education funding to help implement desired prevention programs. Interest: General, Leadership, Business Officials Impact: System/ District, Finance Banquet 4 Olga Acosta Price Professor & Director, Center for Health and Health Care Schools George Washington University Milliken Institute School of Public Health Dana Carr Executive Director Moringa Policy Consulting NOTE: Session repeats from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. #14 - Connecting Social-Emotional Learning to Professional Teaching Frameworks Learn how to connect teacher and student social-emotional learning (SEL) to Common Core State Standards and to teacher evaluation systems. Explore how teaching practices that support student development of SEL skills connect to professional teaching frameworks used in teacher evaluations. Use tools and resources that will also help teachers reflect on how their own social and emotional competencies influence their ability to implement teaching practices that promote student SEL skills. Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle, Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Nick Yoder TA Consultant and Researcher Meghan Zefran Senior TA Consultant Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at the American Institutes for Research Banquet 5 NOTE: Session repeats from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. #15 - Job Embedded Professional Learning: Getting Results The Michigan School Improvement Framework 2.0 Professional Learning Strand focuses on collaborative professional learning with an emphasis on collective responsibility for improving student achievement. In this session, participants will become familiar with a variety of designs to engage in high quality, collaborative, job-embedded professional learning that leads to increased educators effectiveness and student results. Videos, discussions, reflection activities, and supportive tools will be used to process the information. Interest: General, Leadership, ISD/ RESA Amy Colton Executive Director Impact: Building, System/District, ISD/RESA Nancy Fahner Executive Director Banquet 6 Learning Forward Michigan ASCD #16 - Curious Crew: A Partnership that Promotes Science Exploration and STEM Design East Lansing's PBS station, in coordination with Impression 5 Science Center, MI STEM Partnership, Gerstacker Foundation, and numerous other funders, has produced Curious Crew that airs Mondays at 5:30 pm. In the program, former Michigan Teacher of the Year Rob Stephenson works with nine children and conducts lively and intriguing science and STEM design challenges. The goal of the program is to inspire students to appreciate science through exploration, design, and building, while providing resources to classroom teachers. NOTE: Session repeats from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. and from 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. -4- Interest: General, Elementary, Middle Impact: All Banquet 7 Rob Stephenson STEM Consultant Patti Cantu Board Member MI STEM Partnership, Ingham Intermediate School District 10:30 _ 11:45 a.m. Breakout Session #1 Topics #17 - Continuous Improvement in Mathematical Problem Solving Proficiency This presentation will highlight how one school monitored their student achievement results and adjusted their school improvement plan to dramatically increase students’ mathematical problem solving proficiency while reducing the achievement gap. The presenters will explore the influence of the formative assessment process, including learning targets, success criteria, questioning strategies, and actionable feedback, in positively impacting student achievement while showing how shared leadership has contributed to a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. Interest, Impact, Location Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, ISD/ RESA Impact: All Banquet 8 #18 - A Recipe for Success: National Blue Ribbon School and Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color Interest: General, Elementary, System/District Award winner Jonas E. Salk Elementary will share the key ingredients that have led to a culture of high academic achievement. With over 95% of all students passing the state ISTEP exam, this K-4 minority majority school will share both behavior and academic strategies that have created a culture and climate of high student achievement. Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Room 201 Presenter(s) Phillip Pittman Principal Juliann Snavely Anne Spencer Teachers Keith Elementary School, Walled Lake Consolidated School District Kara Bonin Director of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, and former Principal Michelle Coughlin Literacy Coach Jonas E. Salk Elementary, Fraser Public Schools, Merrillville, IN #19 - Assessment Literacy Standards and Improvement Frameworks 2.0: A Perfect Pairing A Perfect Pairing begins by introducing the Michigan Assessment Consortium's Assessment Literacy Standards (ALS) and explores how these standards can support students, classroom teachers, administrators, and policymakers in promoting and furthering student learning and achievement. The ALS serve to enhance and enrich school and district efforts to implement Frameworks 2.0 and can work in conjunction with school improvement systems to impact curricula, instruction, and assessment, all leading to increased student achievement. #20 - Leading with Purpose, Passion & Positive Results Sustaining Student Success through Commitment to Function, Feel & Focus Michigan Reward School: High Performing In this session, we will share the tools and process faculty, students and the school community have refined and used over the past seven years to guide, sustain and celebrate improved student achievement and improved professional practice, both of which bolster spirit and commitment. #21 - An Introduction to CIMS (and Why It Matters) This presentation will provide introductory information regarding the Continuous Improvement and Monitoring System (CIMS). Resources for becoming more involved in improvement activities will be shared. The CIMS website and web resources will be reviewed. Impact: All Lisa Lockman Deb Asano Board Members River Street Pub Michigan Assessment Consortium Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle, Secondary Dr. Lara Dixon Principal Interest: General Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Athens High School, Troy School District Café Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle, Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Radisson Michigan I -5- Michelle Dodson Science Teacher & Co-Department Chair Kathleen Hoehne Consultant, Monitoring and Technical Assistance Team Shawan Dortch Charles Thomas Consultants Office of Special Education, MDE 10:30 _ 11:45 a.m. Breakout Session #1 Topics Interest, Impact, Location Interest: General #22 - ASSIST: Back to Basics This session will give an overview and basic introduction of the school improvement online reporting process using the AdvancED ASSIST platform. Participants will become familiar with gaining access to ASSIST, and navigating the website to complete the various reports required by the Michigan Department of Education. Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Radisson Regency I Presenter(s) Renie Araoz School Improvement Consultant Christi Lopez Departmental Technician Office of Education Improvement & Innovation, MDE Carol Britton Administrative Assistant and Technical Support Specialist AdvancED Michigan #23 - How the Data Submitted Today Impacts Tomorrow Improved data reporting in MSDS affects multiple areas including graduation rates, assessments, & other federal reports. By improving data you ensure better reporting & tracking to help sustain student success. Interest: General, Leadership, ISD/ RESA, Business Officials Anne Hansknecht Student Data Collection Analyst Impact: System/ District Center for Educational Performance and Information Radisson Regency II Christie Enstrom-West Principal #24 - Maintaining High Academic Standards While Closing the Achievement Gap Michigan Reward School: High Progress For students in 3rd-5th grade, a continuum of instructional practices are used. Assessments and services are designed to address students' unique educational needs - from special education services to extended learning opportunities. This program will address three specific areas: 1) unique special education programming, 2) problem-solving/specific assessment for students at risk of academic difficulty, and 3) extended learning opportunities for student at both ends of the continuum. Carrie Wendell Director of Teaching & Learning Interest: Elementary Chad Conklin Math Specialist Impact: Classroom, Building Jenny Klingel Reading Specialist Radisson Capitol IV Jenn Omo Third Grade Teacher Kathleen Kroll, Ph.D. Special Education Teacher and ICT Coordinator Mattawan Later Elementary, Mattawan Consolidated School #25 - Instructional Partnership Coaching Instructional Partnership Coaching is a best practice-embedded professional learning approach to improving student achievement. Partnership Coaching (Knight, 2007) describes the communication and collaborative processes that teachers engage in when they examine their practice and impact on student learning. As reading and writing across content subjects impacts every academic area, classroom teachers seek to implement best practices with all students to efficiently and effectively engage students to improve their performance. Partnership Coaching is a best practice approach to changing instruction. #26 - One School's Journey to Become a Reward School Michigan Reward School: Beating the Odds Join Central Elementary as we share our journey. See how we created a collaborative culture utilizing a problem-solving approach using student data to take our students from the 20th percentile in the Top-to-Bottom ranking in 2010-11 to the 74th percentile in 2013-14. Shared Leadership is how we took this building from being a Focus School in 2011-12 and 2012-13 to a Reward School for 2013-14! -6- Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle Jill Chochol, Ph.D. Executive Director Elementary Impact: Classroom, Building Dina Nardone Instructional Coach Ross Groover, Ph.D. Principal Exhibit Hall B #1 Snow Elementary, Dearborn City School District Interest: Leadership, Elementary Michelle Carter Principal Impact: Classroom, Building Exhibit Hall B #2 Kate Huizenga Invtervention Specialist Grandville Central Elementary Grandville Public Schools 10:30 _ 11:45 a.m. Breakout Session #1 Topics #27 - One School's Creative Approach to Addressing Achievement Gaps and Showing Significant Gains Michigan Reward School: High Progress, Beating the Odds This session focuses on the implementation of a school-wide testing day for students in grades 6-11. Participants will understand how to use the data collected from the testing day for professional development gap analysis and teacher evaluations. Participants will be introduced to the impact a practice ACT can have one month prior to the March testing date. Strategies for reaching special education students will also be discussed. #28 - Closing the Achievement Gap Michigan Reward School: High Performing, Beating the Odds The highly interactive presentation will address closing the achievement gap for struggling students while addressing the middle and high achievers in every classroom. It details instructional practices that educators and leaders can use daily. Interest, Impact, Location Presenter(s) Interest: Secondary Barry Markwart Principal Impact: Classroom Corrine Harnden Exhibit Hall B #3 Interest: General Impact: Classroom Exhibit Hall B #4 Brown City High School, Brown City Community Schools Majed K. Fadlallah Principal Henry Ford Early College, Dearborn Public Schools Lisa Asaro School Improvement Consultant #29 - School / District Improvement Frameworks 2.0 Sleeker and more streamlined than before, the Frameworks 2.0 help schools and districts move forward with continuous improvement leading to increased student achievement. Join members of the MI-Continuous School Improvement team as they roll out the new frameworks and supporting tools and resources. Collegial dialogue, a deck of cards, and an interactive training module will enhance participant learning. Interest: General Macomb ISD Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Ben Boerkoel School Improvement Consultant Exhibit Hall C #1 Jennifer Sell Instructional Services Coordinator NOTE: Session repeats from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. and from 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. #30 - Accelerating Continuous School Improvement This session will help participants become acquainted with the Building Training Tools assembled by the MI-CSI team. The PowerPoints and resources with facilitator guides are designed to help buildings facilitate their own training to improve student achievement. This session will focus on the Four Stages of School Improvement: Gather, Study, Plan, Do. Whether you are new to school improvement or a veteran looking for new tools, this session is for you! Tech Support Kiosk, located in the Lansing Center Registration Area Personnel from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), as well as representatives from AdvancED Michigan, will be available to provide technical assistance and support for the various online reports required by MDE and AdvancED Michigan. NOTE: Staff are available all day -7- Kent ISD Charlevoix-Emmet ISD Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle, Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Scott Felkey Consultant Oakland Schools Ann LaPointe School Improvement Consultant Wayne RESA Exhibit Hall C #2 Interest: All Impact: All Registration Area AdvancED Michigan, OEII, OFS, and SRO Staff 1:15 _ 2:30 p.m. Breakout Session #2 Topics #31 - Trends and Emerging Compliance Issues in State Complaints and Due Process Hearing Decisions The presentation will review state complaint and due process hearing decisions. Staff from the Program Accountability Unit of the Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education will discuss emerging issues and most frequent areas of noncompliance, and will provide information and guidance on how districts can be proactive in developing programs for students with disabilities and eliminate potential complaints, and strengthen local resolution. NOTE: Session repeats from 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. #32 - Closing the ELA Achievement Gap through RTI Michigan Reward School: High Performing Parke Lane Elementary has developed an English Language Arts intervention program that creates continuous student improvement in the area of reading, word accuracy, comprehension, and fluency. Through ongoing, weekly informal assessment, prescriptive individual lessons and data collection we have developed a climate which sustains student success and closes the achievement gap. #33 - Blended Learning + Common Core = Success! By putting the Common Core standards into my students’ hands in a Blended Learning model, I was able to prove, through much-valued data (including the ACT), that traditional classes can’t compete with ones that use innovation, creativity and technology. I will share specific lesson plans and activities that truly reached my students (and their parents!), and share how I earned the title “Faciliteacher” by moving the class from “teacher-based” to “studentbased”. Interest, Impact, Location Interest: Leadership, Elementary, Middle, Secondary, ISD/ RESA Impact: System/ District Presenter(s) Harvalee Saunto Due Process Coordinator Office of Special Education, MDE Room 101 Interest: Leadership, Elementary Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Room 102 Interest: General, Leadership, Secondary, ISD/ RESA Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Audrie Kalisz Principal Nichole Payne RTI, Title 1, Special Education Parke Lane Elementary, Grosse Ile Township Schools Jeff Blakeslee High School English Teacher Plymouth-Canton Education Park Room 103 #34 - TRIG Now & in the Future - Leadership, Innovation, Collaboration and Commitment to Prepare Students for Next Generation Assessments How do you make sure that your districts, students, and staff are benefiting from the Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) in preparing for online assessment and learning? Join us for interactive presentations that will offer an overview of the vision, benefits, successes, and components of TRIG. Get the latest information on the Michigan Technology Readiness Assessment Tool (MTRAx) that is going to be linking to the Michigan School Improvement Plan through AdvancED. Bring a mobile device. NOTE: Session repeats from 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. -8- Interest: Leadership Impact: System/ District Room 104 Tim Hall TRIG Project Director MAISA 1:15 _ 2:30 p.m. Breakout Session #2 Topics Interest, Impact, Location Presenter(s) #35 - Learning from Stakeholder Feedback Using AdvancED Surveys in ASSIST™ Collecting, analyzing and applying stakeholder perception data is essential for continuous improvement. This session offers ideas and strategies to administer surveys and implement feedback from parents, students and staff. You will examine how the ASSIST Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic supports data analysis that informs the Internal Review and continuous improvement efforts and serves as a component of the accreditation evaluation process. Come learn how to use the Goal Builder, create a School Improvement Plan and discuss how to maximize returns and increase your understanding of the Evaluative Criteria for Stakeholder Feedback. Interest: General, Leadership, System/District Kathy Sergeant Director Impact: Building, System/District Fiona Hinds Associate Director Governor's Room AdvancED Michigan NOTE: Session repeats from 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. #36 - School Improvement Support Structure from Your Local ISD/ESA Jackson County ISD recently went through a restructure of services for school improvement. The way in which support was provided to local districts changed. Through this process a team of consultants worked together, planned two county networks and provided one-on-one services. This session will share the structure for implementation that was used and information on how local superintendents drove the process. Director, Consultant and Participant perceptions of the process will be shared. It will also include information regarding the structure and design of the School Improvement Consortium model and ideas for implementation. Interest: General, ISD/RESAl Impact: System/ District, ISD/RESA Room 202 Jennifer Fox School Improvement Data Consultant Susan Townsend Director of Learning Services Jackson County ISD Deb Powell Elementary Principal Columbia School District #37 - An Introduction to Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Student learning objectives (SLOs) are an innovative and sometimes controversial measure of teacher effectiveness. In this session, participants will learn the basics around SLOs, acknowledge how SLOs can benefit teacher practice, address implementation challenges, and explore how states and districts are approaching SLOs as a new measure of teacher effectiveness. Interest: All Impact: All Andrea Guiden Researcher Room 203 Great Lakes Comprehensive Center at American Institutes for Research Interest: All Nancy Rotarius State Policy Coordinator NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. #38 - The New System of Evaluation: Determination of Eligibility and IEP Development In this session participants will learn about the most current changes to the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education that will impact the system of evaluation, determination of eligibility and IEP development. Participants will: learn about the most recent changes to the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education that will impact the system of evaluation, determination of eligibility and IEP development; and seek answers to questions regarding the new system of evaluation, eligibility, and IEP development. -9- Impact: All Room 204 Beth Cooke Education Consultant Office of Special Education, MDE 1:15 _ 2:30 p.m. Breakout Session #2 Topics Interest, Impact, Location Presenter(s) Patricia Cantu Director Office of Career & Technical Education Paula Daniels Education Consultant Manager Shereen Tabrizi Special Populations Unit Manager #39 - Engaging Families for Student Success Research indicates that one of the most accurate predictors of student success in school is family engagement. The more schools are successful in increasing on-going quality parent involvement, the greater the likelihood that students will experience continuous, sustained academic success. Teams from MDE Program Offices will provide research-based family involvement practices and share ways to consolidate efforts and maximize time and resources to enhance school and district parent engagement. Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle, Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Room 205 Office of Field Services, MDE Natasha Baker Director and School Reform Officer Jill Baynes Department Specialist Kinyel Friday Student Assistant School Reform Office, MDE Teri Johnson Chapman Director Joanne Winkelman Policy Coordinator Office of Special Education Amanda Mezuk Specialist Parent Action for Healthy Kids, Parent Engagement #40 - From Focus to Reward-The Culture Shift Michigan Reward School: High Progress Pennfield Middle School has moved from the 34th percentile to 69th percentile on the Top-to-Bottom List in 3 years with a focus on literacy in all subjects and data informed decision making. Our early identification of struggling students and system of supports for those at risk of failure has transformed the culture in our school, from teachers working in isolation to collaborative teams working to ensure that "all students learn." Interest: General, Leadership, Middle, Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building Banquet 1 Michelle Herzing Principal Melissa DeSimone Teacher/School Improvement Team Pennfield Middle School, Pennfield Schools #41 - iCollaborate - The Lansing Project The Lansing iCollaborate Project is an initiative to improve instructional practice in a climate that supports collaboration, trust, shared responsibility and a mindset of continuous improvement. Two classroom observation instruments, Snapshot for PreK- 3rd grade classrooms and CLASS for grades 4 – 12, help educators focus on improving practices linked to positive outcomes for students. Data are provided at classroom, grade, school, and district levels to drive professional learning, school improvement planning, and PLC efforts. NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. - 10 - Betty Underwood Lansing iCollaborate Project Leader Interest: All Lansing School District Impact: All Dr. Sharon Ritchie Senior Scientist Banquet 2 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 1:15 _ 2:30 p.m. Breakout Session #2 Topics Interest, Impact, Location #42 - An Introduction to Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) describe a student’s learning across grade levels compared to other students with similar prior test scores. They help students, parents, and educators to determine if a student’s learning is above, near, or below average. Learn what SGPs are, how they would be calculated for Michigan students, and why they are helpful for parents and educators. Interest: All Impact: All Banquet 3 NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. and repeats again from 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. Presenter(s) Jared Robinson Evaluation and Accountability Consultant Dan LaDue Accountability and Accreditation Consultant MDE #43 - Sustaining Social and Emotional Learning Programs and Practices Through the Use of Federal Education Funding Many educators recognize the importance of addressing the social, emotional, and behavioral health needs of students to maximize learning and improve educational outcomes. Sustaining prevention programs promoting these areas of development remains a challenge for districts. Federal education funding sources of support for prevention are often overlooked. Two Centers out of the George Washington University analyzed dozens of federally funded programs administered by the US Department of Education. The result of this research is outlined in A Guide to Federal Education Programs That Can Fund K-12 Universal Prevention and Social and Emotional Learning Activities. Presenters will describe the purpose of the guide, highlight a number of programs, and work with participants to explore opportunities in Michigan for using federal education funding to help implement desired prevention programs. Interest: General, Leadership, Business Officials Impact: System/ District, Finance Banquet 4 Olga Acosta Price Professor & Director, Center for Health and Health Care Schools George Washington University Milliken Institute School of Public Health Dana Carr Executive Director Moringa Policy Consulting NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. #44 - Connecting Social-Emotional Learning to Professional Teaching Frameworks Learn how to connect teacher and student social-emotional learning (SEL) to Common Core State Standards and to teacher evaluation systems. Explore how teaching practices that support student development of SEL skills connect to professional teaching frameworks used in teacher evaluations. Use tools and resources that will also help teachers reflect on how their own social and emotional competencies influence their ability to implement teaching practices that promote student SEL skills. Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle, Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. Banquet 5 #45 - Collaborative Study Groups: Taking Learning Labs in a New Direction Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle Explore the idea of Collaborative Study Groups as a new way to do Learning Labs. See how year-long teaching cohort groups work to implement best practice instruction, culminating in learning lab classroom visits. Discover how one district has gotten all teachers, K-5, to participate in year-long learning and multiple classroom visits. Learn the phases to implementing this PD structure. Hear from classroom teachers who describe this as the most meaningful PD of their careers. - 11 - Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Banquet 6 Nick Yoder TA Consultant and Researcher Meghan Zefran Senior TA Consultant Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at the American Institutes for Research Michael Pickard Executive Director of Federal Programs & Elementary Education Nancy Broadwell Tim Hargis Kris Meister Lilian Patrick Michelle Valdez Academic Support Coaches Kentwood Public Schools 1:15 _ 2:30 p.m. Breakout Session #2 Topics Interest, Impact, Location Presenter(s) #46 - Curious Crew: A Partnership that Promotes Science Exploration and STEM Design East Lansing's PBS station, in coordination with Impression 5 Science Center, Mi STEM Partnership, Gerstacker Foundation, and numerous other funders, has produced Curious Crew that airs Mondays at 5:30 pm. In the program, former Michigan Teacher of the Year Rob Stephenson works with nine children and conducts lively and intriguing science and STEM design challenges. The goal of the program is to inspire students to appreciate science through exploration, design, and building, while providing resources to classroom teachers. Interest: General, Elementary, Middle Impact: All Banquet 7 Rob Stephenson STEM Consultant Patti Cantu Board Member Mi STEM Partnership, Ingham Intermediate School District NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. and repeats again from 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. #47 - Building a Creative Culture of Leadership, Learning, and Entrepreneurship in Your School: A Blueprint for Success This engaging and thought-provoking presentation by the DeWitt Creativity Group will inspire educational leaders to think differently about what defines student success and empower them to be the champions for changing school culture, building teacher capacity for innovation, and encouraging student creativity, curiosity, inquiry and entrepreneurship. #48 - Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color Award-Winning High School Merrillville High School Using a “Man in the Mirror” approach, Merrillville High School has continued to search out and implement best academic practices that foster a college and career readiness culture. Serving a 60% free/reduced lunch population, this minority/majority high school continues to meet its students’ needs as well as have a 93.5% graduation rate and an A rating by the state of Indiana for the last four years. Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle, Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District #50 - Standards-Based Assessing for Learning Join us for an interactive session on using a Standards-Based method of assessing students in a High School Math Class. We will share first-hand experiences as to the strengths and challenges of implementing this model of feedback at the secondary level. Current research, interactive protocols, processes and tools will be modeled which can be readily used to deepen the conversation on how to use assessment for learning with your colleagues. - 12 - Jason LaFay Language Arts Teacher DeWitt High School, DeWitt Public Schools Kimberly Mathiot Education Research Consultant Banquet 8 MDE Interest: General, Leadership, Secondary Mike Krutz Principal Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Room 201 #49 - Summer Migrant Education Programs Michigan Migrant Education Programs across the state implement common summer curriculum and assessments. As a member of the Math MATTERS National Migrant Consortium, Michigan participates with other members of the Texas to Michigan migrant stream to create and implement the Math MATTERS curriculum. In this session, we will explore the challenges and successes of statewide implementation. Traverse Bay Area ISD Migrant Consortium will share how they implement the curriculum and assessments across 16 districts at three different locations. Jeff Croley Director of Theater Interest: General, Leadership Impact: Classroom, System/District Lorri Covaciu Director of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Merrillville High School, Merrillville Community School Corporation, Merrillville, IN Michelle Williams Migrant Education Consultant Office of Field Services, MDE Deb Neddo Migrant Education Coordinator River Street Pub Traverse Bay Area ISD Migrant Consortium Interest: General, Leadership, Secondary, ISD/ RESA Stuart Kane Math Teacher Birmingham Public Schools Impact: All Kristine Gullen, Ph.D. Consultant Café Oakland Schools 1:15 _ 2:30 p.m. Breakout Session #2 Topics Interest, Impact, Location Presenter(s) #51 - Expanding Learning: The Value of Out-of-School Time Interest: General Amanda Stoel Department Analyst Essential collaboration between the school day and out-of-school time (OST) is necessary for sustaining student success. This session will provide participants with a baseline of information on how OST can enhance the school day and how the school day can influence OST. #52 - Allowable Costs: Special Education This session will provide resources and federal requirements to assist in determining what costs are allowable to federal grants. In addition, how to determine special education state and federal allowable costs will be specifically addressed. #53 - Implementing Structure for Significant Improvement and Sustaining Continuous Growth Michigan Reward School: High Progress Three years ago the district and building leadership along with the instructional staff of Bowen Elementary set out to improve our approach to student learning and achievement. Through the implementation of unique programming grounded in research based best practices, we were able to achieve significant improvement and build a solid foundation for sustaining continuous improvement. #54 - Focus to Reward Schools: The Role of the Instructional Specialist in Continuous Improvement Michigan Reward School: High Progress In the fall of 2012, the Chelsea School District had three schools designated as Focus Schools. Currently, two of these schools are Reward Schools, and all of our schools are ranked 90% or higher in the Top-To-Bottom rankings, with no Focus School designations. A major contributor to this success is the addition of two Instructional Specialists. We will explain their roles, and share examples of how these positions have led to student success. #55 - Believe It or Not, MTSS IS Possible at the Secondary Level The stages of secondary MTSS implementation—setting the stage, building the infrastructure, and fine tuning—will be outlined. From our five years of experience, we will share specific examples of what works and what does not. Participants will walk away with strategies to make MTSS work in their schools. - 13 - Impact: Building, System/District Radisson Regency I Interest: Leadership, ISD/ RESA, Business Officials Impact: System/ District, ISD/RESA Michelle Ribant Ed Tech Consultant Office of Education Improvement & Innovation, MDE John Andrejack Financial Manager Office of Special Education, MDE Radisson Regency II Interest: General, Elementary Impact: Classroom, Building Radisson Capitol IV R. Blair Feldkamp Elementary Principal Mary Campione 5th Grade Teacher Tracey Barnes 4th Grade Teacher Bowen Elementary, Kentwood Public Schools Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle, Secondary Julie Deppner Assistant Superintendent Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Cathy Kotlarek Elementary Instructional Specialist Heather Conklin Secondary Instructional Specialist Chelsea School District Exhibit Hall B #1 Interest: Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building Exhibit Hall B #2 Bart Wegenke Principal Stephanie Livingston Teacher and School Improvement Chair Diane Newman RtI Coach Haslett High School, Haslett Public Schools 1:15 _ 2:30 p.m. Breakout Session #2 Topics Interest, Impact, Location Presenter(s) Philip Yaccick Principal #56 - The Five Guiding Principles Weston Academy has focused on five guiding principles for continuous improvement: trust, engagement, empowerment, persistence and accountability. These guiding principles provide the framework to positively affect school culture and climate, educator effectiveness, and assessment for learning. This presentation will guide educators on their journey to transforming school improvement goals and initiatives. Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle Impact: Classroom, Building Exhibit Hall B #3 Tracey Parker Parent and Community Coordinator Weston Preparatory Academy Jonathan Doll, Ph.D. Education Consultant & Agency Fellow Office of Education Improvement & Innovation, MDE Harvard University Strategic Data Project #57 - CAP: The Crestwood Accelerated Program Mission Michigan Reward School: High Performing The Crestwood Accelerated Program (CAP) is a program for eligible gifted and talented students in grades 2, 3, & 4 and is located at Hillcrest Elementary School. The mission of the program is to sustain early student success and to accelerate learning. Students move as a group to Riverside Middle School in the 5th grade leading to high school credit courses at the 7th and 8th grade and Advanced Placement courses at Crestwood High School. Student eligibility is defined as those students demonstrating superior intelligence and high academic achievement as demonstrated on the NWEA winter assessment. Students in CAP are provided instruction, which is differentiated from the standard school program through acceleration and enrichment. Mastery of basic skills in all subject areas is still expected; however, such skills are introduced earlier and are taught at a faster pace. Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary Impact: Classroom, Building Exhibit Hall B #4 #58 - School / District Improvement Frameworks 2.0 Sleeker and more streamlined than before, the Frameworks 2.0 help schools and districts move forward with continuous improvement leading to increased student achievement. Join members of the MI-Continuous School Improvement team as they roll out the new frameworks and supporting tools and resources. Collegial dialogue, a deck of cards, and an interactive training module will enhance participant learning. NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. and repeats again from 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. Interest: General Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Exhibit Hall C #1 Richard Klee Director of Curriculum & Instruction Maria Bajorek Stacy Evanoff Teachers Crestwood Accelerated Program, Crestwood School District Deb Asano Associate Superintendent, Teaching, Learning & Technology Services Marquette-Alger RESA Carrie Haubenstricker Pupil Auditor & School Improvement Coordinator Tuscola ISA Lisa Lockman Director of General Education Wexford-Missaukee ISD - 14 - 1:15 _ 2:30 p.m. Breakout Session #2 Topics Interest, Impact, Location Presenter(s) Lisa Asaro School Improvement Consultant #59 - Implement, Monitor and Evaluate School Improvement plans frequently fail to generate the gains identified in their measureable objectives because of the lack of high quality Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation. Participants will leave with tools for making the School Improvement Plan a reality in their classrooms. Interest: All Macomb ISD Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Ben Boerkoel School Improvement Consultant Exhibit Hall C #2 Shelly Patton Team 2 Education Consultant Kent ISD Office of Field Services, MDE Tech Support Kiosk, located in the Lansing Center Registration Area Personnel from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), as well as representatives from AdvancED Michigan, will be available to provide technical assistance and support for the various online reports required by MDE and AdvancED Michigan. Interest: All Impact: All Registration Area AdvancED Michigan, OEII, OFS, and SRO Staff NOTE: Staff are available all day 2:45 _ 4:00 p.m. Breakout Session #3 Topics #60 - Trends and Emerging Compliance Issues in State Complaints and Due Process Hearing Decisions The presentation will review state complaint and due process hearing decisions. Staff from the Program Accountability Unit of the Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education will discuss emerging issues and most frequent areas of noncompliance, and will provide information and guidance on how districts can be proactive in developing programs for students with disabilities and eliminate potential complaints, and strengthen local resolution. NOTE: Session repeated from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. Interest, Impact, Location Interest: Leadership, Elementary, Middle, Secondary, ISD/ RESA Impact: System/ District - 15 - Harvalee Saunto Due Process Coordinator Office of Special Education, MDE Room 101 Mitch Fowler School Data Consultant #61 - Data Sherpa in Action: The True Story of a Data Journey Participants will take a peak (pun intended) into this job-embedded coaching model that seeks to develop authentic and sustainable data conferencing systems. Hear from a previous Data Journey participant on key take-aways and lessons learned. Leave with the tools to replicate this PD for administrators in your district or ISD! Presenter(s) Interest: All Impact: All Room 102 Calhoun Intermediate School District Don Schills Principal Northeastern Elementary, Hastings Area School System 2:45 _ 4:00 p.m. Breakout Session #3 Topics #62 - 2 C's = 1B!, How Climate and Culture equals a Better overall experience for students! Michigan Reward School: High Progress Creating a school that belongs to students and staff is not always easy, but this session will take you through some of the strategies that Lakeview High School used to eliminate the "Persistently Low Acheiving" label to being named a Reward School in 2013 and 2014! Come and see if you can institute any of the strategies next week at your school! Interest, Impact, Location Interest: General, Leadership, Secondary Impact: Classroom, Building Presenter(s) Gary Jensen, Jr. Principal Lakeview High School, Lakeview Community Schools Room 103 #63 - TRIG Now & in the Future - Leadership, Innovation, Collaboration and Commitment to Prepare Students for Next Generation Assessments How do you make sure that your districts, students, and staff are benefiting from the Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) in preparing for online assessment and learning? Join us for interactive presentations that will offer an overview of the vision, benefits, successes, and components of TRIG. Get the latest information on the Michigan Technology Readiness Assessment Tool (MTRAx) that is going to be linking to the Michigan School Improvement Plan through AdvancED. Bring a mobile device. Interest: Leadership Impact: System/ District Tim Hall TRIG Project Director MAISA Room 104 NOTE: Session repeated from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. #64 - Learning from Stakeholder Feedback Using AdvancED Surveys in ASSIST™ Collecting, analyzing and applying stakeholder perception data is essential for continuous improvement. This session offers ideas and strategies to administer surveys and implement feedback from parents, students and staff. You will examine how the ASSIST Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic supports data analysis that informs the Internal Review and continuous improvement efforts and serves as a component of the accreditation evaluation process. Come learn how to use the Goal Builder, create a School Improvement Plan and discuss how to maximize returns and increase your understanding of the Evaluative Criteria for Stakeholder Feedback. Interest: General, Leadership, System/District Kathy Sergeant Director Impact: Building, System/District Fiona Hinds Associate Director Governor's Room AdvancED Michigan NOTE: Session repeated from 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. #65 - Effective Coordination Across State/Federal Programs to Improve Teaching and Learning Studies have shown that when programs are well-coordinated among stakeholders, implementation of the proposed plans is most likely to be done with fidelity and yield the desired outcomes for students. Presenters will deliver an interactive session to illustrate ways to coordinate state and federal programs in a cohesive manner to ensure a systematic and systemic support to students. Presenters and district teams will share practical examples of well-coordinated programs and initiatives that may result in completing one evaluation. #66 - CANCELED - 16 - Interest: All Impact: All Room 202 Shereen Tabrizi Paula Daniels Fred Williams Education Consultant Managers Office of Field Services, MDE 2:45 _ 4:00 p.m. Breakout Session #3 Topics #67 - The Power of Notice Interest, Impact, Location Interest: All A proper Notice is useful for establishing communication and building a strong relationship between parent and district. Learn specifics about the how, what, when, and why of notice. #68 - Constructing a State Systemic Improvement Plan - Every Perspective Counts This interactive session will afford you the opportunity to provide input and feedback to MDE regarding the development of the state systemic improvement plan. The goal of this plan is to create a coherent system across all levels of the educational arena in order to improve outcomes for all students. Impact: All Room 204 Presenter(s) Sheryl Diamond Supervisor, Program Accountability Rob Grenier Consultant/Case Manager Office of Special Education, MDE Teri Johnson Chapman Director Interest: General Office of Special Education, MDE Impact: System/ District Jeff Diedrich Co-Lead Room 205 Jennifer Huisken Co-Lead NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. State Systemic Improvement Plan #69 - Becker Beats the Odds, Again! Michigan Reward School: High Progress, Beating the Odds Iris Becker Elementary in Dearborn was once again identified as a Reward School for Beating the Odds - third year in a row. Although Becker's demographics are that of over 85% ELL and over 90% ED, the Becker staff in partnership with the parents and the community continues to show academic growth with all students. At Becker, our approach of early intervention, providing daily intervention in small strategy groups, individual learning plans and goal setting, as well as working with, and educating parents has been the secret of our success. Interest: Elementary Impact: Classroom, Building Iris Becker Elementary School, Dearborn Public Schools Banquet 1 #70 - An Introduction to Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) describe a student’s learning across grade levels compared to other students with similar prior test scores. They help students, parents, and educators to determine if a student’s learning is above, near, or below average. Learn what SGPs are, how they would be calculated for Michigan students, and why they are helpful for parents and educators. David Higgins Principal Interest: All Impact: All Banquet 3 Jared Robinson Evaluation and Accountability Consultant Dan LaDue Accountability and Accreditation Consultant MDE NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. and 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. Stephanie Miller Principal #71 - Whatever It Takes- Everyone is Successful, Top to Bottom "Whatever it Takes"' has been the motto of this school team, determined to innovate for the sake of its students, everyday, and in every way possible. Join the team from Morse Elementary in Troy to learn about how they have woven best practice and teamwork together for student success in all domains. Take away a renewed passion for learning and ideas ready to use for building and district level teams! - 17 - Interest: General, Leadership, Elementary, Middle Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Banquet 4 Christin Silagy ELL Coordinator Kristin Piotrowski Reading Specialist Lauryn Mills Title I Intervention Specialist Amanda Fisher IB PYP Coordinator Morse Elementary School, Troy School District 2:45 _ 4:00 p.m. Breakout Session #3 Topics #72 - Dearborn's 8 Step Plan to Improve Graduation Rates The district identified the need for a comprehensive plan to improve graduation rates. The 8-step plan is intended to improve both short and long term graduation rates and ensure Dearborn students' continuing success. The plan addresses both the early predictors for on-time graduation as well as the issues encountered in the high school years. #73 - Student Advisory: Engaging Students in Meaningful Roles to Support Positive Climate Student Advisory gives students meaningful input to share responsibility for school improvement by engaging them on issues that are critical to student success including school climate, curriculum, programs and policy. The Neutral Zone’s Advisory model is being implemented across nearly 20 Michigan high schools that are part of the Safe and Supportive Schools project. This session will outline the conceptual framework for Student Advisory and present the steps for beginning implementation. Interest, Impact, Location Interest: All Impact: Building, System/District, ISD/RESA Gail Shenkman Associate Superintendent Dearborn Public Schools Banquet 5 Interest: Leadership, Secondary Impact: Building Banquet 6 #74 - Curious Crew: A Partnership that Promotes Science Exploration and STEM Design East Lansing's PBS station, in coordination with Impression 5 Science Center, Mi STEM Partnership, Gerstacker Foundation, and numerous other funders, has produced Curious Crew that airs Mondays at 5:30 pm. In the program, former Michigan Teacher of the Year Rob Stephenson works with nine children and conducts lively and intriguing science and STEM design challenges. The goal of the program is to inspire students to appreciate science through exploration, design, and building, while providing resources to classroom teachers. Presenter(s) Interest: General, Elementary, Middle Impact: All John Weiss Executive Director Lori Roddy Associate Executive Director Neutral Zone, Ann Arbor's Teen Center Rob Stephenson STEM Consultant Patti Cantu Board Member Banquet 7 Mi STEM Partnership, Ingham Intermediate School District Interest: Leadership Elementary, Middle, Secondary, ISD/ RESA Amy Henry Rashell Bowerman Education Consultants NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. and 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. #75 - Using a Multi-tiered System of Support to Promote Sustainable Implementation MTSS models are comprised of many practices, programs, and assessments to support academic achievement and behavioral health. To sustain those things, infrastructures need to be in place at the district and school levels to support staff who are implementing. Sometimes that is easier said than done. This session will unpack the district infrastructures: executive leadership, administrative teams, and implementation teams and their unique roles in this process. Impact: All Office of Education Improvement & Innovation, MDE Banquet 8 #76 - Intentionally Planning and Instructing: Critical Thinking and Learning for All Students Students must be engaged in learning opportunities that require critical thinking if they are to leave high school career-and college-ready. Too often there are barriers to students accessing opportunities to collaborate, reason, and problem solve. In this session, MDE consultants will share work from a pilot project aimed at closing the achievement gap for students’ priority and focus schools by attending to standards, instruction and culture. Discussion of barriers and ways to overcome these barriers will be infused throughout the session. #77 - Special Education and Danielson's Framework for Teaching Participants will explore how to apply Danielson's Framework for Teaching to those providing programs and services for students with disabilities. - 18 - Interest: All Impact: All Room 201 Interest: General Impact: Classroom River Street Pub Brandy Archer Jill Griffin Consultants Office of Education Improvement & Innovation, MDE Kris Deni Administration The Danielson Group 2:45 _ 4:00 p.m. Breakout Session #3 Topics Interest, Impact, Location Presenter(s) #78 - Reflective Writing: Making Students Matter Elizabeth Lulis Nicholas Provenzano Erick Henk English Teachers As more and more assessments become standardized and instruction targets such skill sets, what role does reflective writing play in enhancing student growth? In its very nature, reflective writing allows for students to evaluate and identify their own progression patterns. Our presentation highlights the relevancy of reflection in contemporary student assessment and the manner in which it can be utilized in daily assignments, group activities, essays and portfolios to enhance self-efficacy, metacognitive capabilities and writing fluency. Interest: Middle, Secondary #79 - A Common Language-A Common Goal: Using DOK Theories to Communicate Between Special and General Educators Interest: General, Elementary, Middle, Secondary This session will present how districts in the Calhoun Area Schools are being trained to deconstruct and reconstruct performance tasks to allow students with IEPs to demonstrate curricular proficiency alongside their classroom peers. Impact: Classroom, System/District #80 - Eyes on Math Data Michigan Reward School: High Performing Interest: General, Elementary Joyce Brasington Principal Impact: Classroom, Building Kimberly Phillips Teacher We will share our assessment practices that have impacted student learning of mathematics. Through collaborative analysis of student work and data, we have grown from a Focus School in 2011-2012 to a Reward School. #81 - Two "What’s" and a "How" Michigan Reward School: High Progress What does changing the school culture and climate mean for a school? What does this look like? How making this change positively impacted the overall success at Quest Charter Academy. From newsletters to student recognitions, take the journey to see how Quest chose its attitude to make the necessary changes for success. Impact: Classroom Café Grosse Pointe South High School, Grosse Pointe Public Schools Jerry L. Mueller Curriculum Director Pennfield Schools Exhibit Hall B #1 Exhibit Hall B #2 Interest: Leadership Impact: Building Exhibit Hall B #3 Wattles Elementary Troy School District Ralph Garza Principal Linda Cain-Smith Director of School Quality Quest Charter Academy Laura Colligan School Improvement and Leadership Consultant #82 - School / District Improvement Frameworks 2.0 Sleeker and more streamlined than before, the Frameworks 2.0 help schools and districts move forward with continuous improvement leading to increased student achievement. Join members of the MI-Continuous School Improvement team as they roll out the new frameworks and supporting tools and resources. Collegial dialogue, a deck of cards, and an interactive training module will enhance participant learning. NOTE: Session repeated from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. and 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. Interest: General Ingham ISD Impact: Classroom, Building, System/ District Kathy Miller Director of Instructional Services Exhibit Hall C #1 Deb Snyder Assistant Superintendent for General Education Shiawassee RESA Clare-Gladwin RESD - 19 - 2:45 _ 4:00 p.m. Breakout Session #3 Topics Interest, Impact, Location Presenter(s) Beth Brophy School Improvement Facilitator #83 - Evaluation: It's NOT a One Time Event Calhoun ISD Have you ever received a year-end evaluation and your supervisor was only in your classroom once? Did you think this was an accurate picture of your performance? Well, the same often happens when evaluating school initiatives. Come join the Calendar Brigade’s presentation demonstrating a year-long process which helps assess the impact of initiatives on student achievement. Participants will receive a calendar which encourages monthly activities for continuous school improvement. Impact: All Carrie Haubenstricker Pupil Auditor & School Improvement Coordinator Exhibit Hall C #2 Tuscola ISD Interest: All Jennifer Sell Instructional Services Coordinator Charlevoix-Emmet ISD Tech Support Kiosk, located in the Lansing Center Registration Area Personnel from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), as well as representatives from AdvancED Michigan, will be available to provide technical assistance and support for the various online reports required by MDE and AdvancED Michigan. Interest: All Impact: All Registration Area AdvancED Michigan, OEII, OFS, and SRO Staff NOTE: Staff are available all day Save the Date! Spring 2015 AdvancED Michigan/MDE School Improvement Conference March 16-17, Lansing Center "Making Sense of Continuous Improvement: Collaborating, Coordinating and Connecting for Student Success" - 20 - Lansing Center Floor Plan - 21 - Radisson Floor Plan Second Floor Stay up-to-date on Office of Education Improvement & Innovation news and events. SCECH VALIDATION FORM Fall 2014 School Improvement Conference November 17-18, 2014 • Lansing Center • Lansing, MI Session Clinic In Out Contact Hours November 17, 2014, 9:00 am-12:00 pm 2.75 AM Breakout Session 1:00-4:00 pm 2.75 PM Breakout Session 1:00-2:15 pm 1.25 Special Education Breakout #1 2:30-3:45 pm 1.25 Special Education Breakout #2 November 18, 2014, 8:30-10:15 am 1.75 Keynote Address 10:30-11:45 am 1.25 Breakout Session #1 1:15-2:30 pm 1.25 Breakout Session #2 2:45-4:00 pm 1.25 Breakout Session #3 Total Contact Hours: (leave blank) Office of Education Improvement and Innovation 608 West Allegan Street P.O. Box 30008 Lansing, Michigan 48909 PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION Name: (Please Print) First Name M.I. Last Name Position District Address City State Phone Number - Zip - E-Mail (Required) READ AND SIGN THE QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS BELOW YOU MUST TURN THIS FORM IN BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE CONFERENCE To qualify you must accumulate a minimum of three contact hours. Increments between contact hours will be rounded down to the nearest hour. Thus, at this conference you can qualify for up to 11 SCECHs. Take this form with you to all sessions. It is your official record and must be signed and turned in to the registration desk at the end of the conference. Forms will not be accepted after the last day of the conference. In order to receive your SCECHs for this program, you must complete the following: • Complete and return the registration form below at the end of the program. • 100% attendance (required by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) for SCECH programs). Note: Make-ups are not available. • Please complete the MDE online evaluation in the Secure Central Registry (SCR) within 30 days of the email notification. Steps in the process: • The coordinator uploads eligible attendees’ registration information into the SCR when the program is complete. • Attendees are notified by email that the required online evaluation is available. • After completing the online evaluation, and paying for it if applicable, the SCECHs are awarded to your SCR account. (You must have an SCR account and complete the evaluation to be awarded SCECHs). Note: If you do not receive an email within 20 days after the program ends, check your SCR account the evaluation link at: If out-of-class assignments are given, they must be completed and submitted by the due date. Evaluation notices are system-generated and do not come directly from the sponsor of the program. The evaluations are sent from Note: If you have problems receiving these emails, please white list this email address and/or notify your internet service provider to allow these emails. It may also be necessary to check spam, junk mail, or black listed emails. I have read and understand all conditions: Participant’s Signature Advisory: It is a criminal offense to use or attempt to use a State Continuing Education Contact Hour (SCECH) transcript or certificate of completion that is fraudulently obtained, altered, or forged to obtain a teacher, school administrator, or school psychologist certificate, or other State Board approval.
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