Record The West Douglas County Postal Patron Douglas County’s only locally owned and FREE newspaper PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BRANDON, MN PERMIT No. 4 Over 1,800 delivered free each week in Brandon, Evansville, Garfield, Millerville and Alexandria • WINTER ARRIVES In case you haven’t noticed, winter arrived with several inches of snow the morning of Nov. 10. The snow clogged roads across the state causing many accidents. The storm also prompted the closing of many area schools including the Brandon-Evansville School District. Crews were out taking care of the roads on Nov. 10 and through the night into the next day. The weather also caused a 2-hour delay of the start of school for BrandonEvansville and many other area schools. With the cold temperatures ice is now forming on area lakes. Free! Take One FREE Volume 31, No. 46 • For advertising rates and information call (320)834-4924 • P.O. Box 86, Brandon, MN 56315 • Thursday, November 13, 2014 WHAT’S INSIDE LETTER A letter to the editor expresses gratitude for wonderful community support...Page 2. CIGARETTE USE B-E facilities informational, listening session is Nov. 18 The B-E School District invites the public to a listening/ informational session regarding the school facilities at both the Brandon and Evansville campuses. The session will be held at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 18, in the Evansville Senior Center. R.A. Morton & Associates, Inc. & Wendel Architects have been commissioned by the school district to facilitate this session and the meetings to follow. From this first session it is hoped to develop a task force The Evansville City Council received an update on a new lease with the BrandonEvansville School District for the portion of the Evansville Campus building owned by the city. Councilmembers Missy Englund and Richard Novotny met with the BrandonEvansville School Board at its October meeting. The two said the district is open to a long-term agreement of 20-years or more. Issues that need to be worked out is exactly who will pay for what. The agreement in the past has been the district pays for maintenance inside the building and the district and the city split outside costs 50-50. Once a lease is finalized, it will be sent to the League of Minnesota Cities for its opinion. It is hoped the lease can be seen by the League before the council’s Dec. 8 meeting for possible approval. The lease will need to be approved by the BrandonEvansville School Board also, which could happen at the board’s Dec. 15 meeting. The council also at the meeting approved hiring CarlsonHighland for its 2014 audit. The firm’s estimated cost for the audit is $8,750 which includes $2,100 for a single audit. A single audit includes audits of federal assistance received and spent. The single audit takes care of the audit requirements for all federal departments and agencies and is designed to save the city from having to have a series of audits. An update on the 2014 Utility Improvement Project informed the council tar was scheduled to arrive Nov. 4. Evansville City Clerk Diana Olson said she has been receiv- that will go forward with the results and, among other things, review previous facility studies, develop conceptual schemes for analysis, discuss the multiple impacts of these schemes, and present recommendations to the ISD 2908 School Board. The board would greatly appreciate any input anyone may have concerning the facilities at both campuses. The board also welcomes your ideas and encourages you to join your neighbors in giving important feedback. Evansville Council gets update on lease with Brandon-Evansville School District ing requests for estimates on what the assessments will be and that she is trying to meet the requests. A Coffee Day for the city will be held again with the date yet to be determined. The council also passed a motion to move the delinquent water and sewer bills to property taxes on the affected properties. The council approved liquor and tobacco licenses for those business in the city which sell those products. The council’s usual meeting day is the first Monday of the month but because that would mean meeting on Dec. 1 when there is very little available, such as bills, for the council to consider, the council moved the meeting to Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. in the council chambers. The 2014 Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey found that the percent of high school students who smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days dropped from 18.1 percent in 2011 to 10.6 percent in 2014...Page 3. VOLLEYBALL The Brandon-Evansville volleyball squad had four members who earned Little Eight Conference honors...Page 6. DEER People interested in helping the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources establish deer population goals for large portions of the state have until Monday, Nov. 17 to apply... Page 6. SALE There will be a crafters, bake and lunch sale on Saturday, Nov. 15 from 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Senior Center in Evansville...Page 6. CAMPUS NEWS Find out what’s been happening at the Evansville Care Campus...Page 8. VETERANS DAY The nation celebrated Veterans Day Tuesday, Nov. 11 and all area veterans were invited to enjoy coffee, cookies and fellowship at Faith Lutheran Church in Evansville. The event was sponsored by the West Douglas County Unit 199 American Legion Auxiliary. Free Take One The Record, Thursday, November 13, 2014, Page 2 Growing Green with Extension Educator Robin Trott Garden Apps and Garden Questions With the ubiquitous nature of smart phone technology, iPads and tablets, I have often been asked about my favorite gardening apps. There are so many out there that it may be hard to choose. However, I do have one favorite: Armitage’s Greatest Perennials and Annuals for IOS and Android. Dr. Allan Armitage is a wellknown writer, speaker and researcher who has 2008, Page 7 worked in landscape plants and greenhouse crops from coast to coast. He has written 13 books (my dog-eared copy of “Specialty Cut Flowers: The Production of Annuals, Perennials, Bulbs and Woody Plants for Fresh and Dried Cut Flowers”, is a favorite), countless academic papers, and an industry magacoach. zine column; and has his own The Chargers are now 15-6 YouTube channel. The app features widewill vaon the season. Theateam riety of content, including the play Underwood in Evanscultural information of countville annuals at 7:30 p.m. 21. less and Feb. perennials, Hawley 63, B-E 41 lists of great1 garden 2 T centers B-E 18 to 41 videos, nationwide,23links Hawley 35 28 63 managing wildlife B-E Stats in the gar- to Hawley Jessi Vosen Jenna Meissner Megan Boesl Brandi Engstrom Elise Mounsdon Nicki Olson Michelle Bruns Heather Strese Megan Strese Pts. 6 15 5 2 0 2 0 3 8 Monday, Nov. 17 B - Biscuits and gravy. L - Corndogs, baked beans, fruit, apple sauce bars. Tuesday, Nov. 18 B -Goal Long Field % johns. Free % burgers, corn, fruit, L -Throw Pizza Rebounds lettuce salad. Fouls Turnovers Wednesday, Nov. 19 B - Waffle sticks, sausage. L - Super beef nachos, peanut ginning 11/9/2014 will be held Saturday, Feb. 23 at Grace Lutheran Church in Brandon from 1-4Central p.m. Pit Stop CAR WASH & LAUNDROMAT DNR Question of the Week Q: Which tree species are most abundant in Minnesota? A: Our most abundant tree species in Minnesota is the quaking aspen with an estimated population of more than 3.5 billion. The next most abundant butter sandwich, fresh veggies, species (in order) are balsam fir, black spruce, black ash, paper fruit. birch, tamarack, red maple, Thursday, Nov. 20 northern white cedar, sugar B - Muffins. L - Turkey, potato gravy, maple and balsam poplar. Curtis Vanderschaaf, biomestuffing, squash, dinner roll, trician, DNR Forestry Division, cranberries, dessert. resource assessment Friday, Nov. 21 B - Cinnamon rolls. L - Mac and cheese, shrimp poppers, broccoli, fruit. An Open House Baby Shower for Angela Ayres School Menus & Derek Johnson FT RB Stls. Asts. 0 3 0 5 4 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 3 0 B-E Hawley 34, 17-50 55, 29-53 75. 6-8 100, 2-2 18 31 5 7 10 8 ’s r e gn a W den, veggies, ornamentals…it contains most of the information any gardener would need to successfully select and grow plants. Let me know if you have a favorite app you use regularly. This week’s questions come from Bernie in Evansville. Is it too late to give a good soaking to my shrubs and newer trees for the winter or is it too much of a risk to them now? It is important to adequately water trees and shrubs in the fall to help eliminate winter injury. (Conifers are particularly susceptible to desiccation from winter winds.) The basic rule is 10 gallons of water per inch diameter of trunk (measured at about 4 feet above the ground) per week until the ground freezes. Of course, this amount can vary and is dependent on soil type, tree species and rainfall. If I leave the flowering shrubs and tall decorative grasses uncut thru winter and cut them in the spring - will that be a problem? I kind of like the look of the stems holding out over the winter? Many gardeners leave shrubs and grasses untouched to add winter interest to their garden, and provide shelter and food for the birds and other wildlife. Ornamental grasses add color, texture, and movement to the winter garden, and create interesting contrast when they are planted near evergreen plants. Prune out dead wood and leaves in the spring to encourage healthy new growth. If you have a nagging gardening question you would like me to answer, (or have a favorite gardening resource you would like to share) please email me at Until next time, happy gardening! ********** If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.~Marcus Tullius Cicero ********** Robin Trott is a Horticulture Educator with University of Minnesota Extension. Source: Robin Trott, University of Minnesota Extension, (320)762-3890, trot0053@ Full laundry facilities •••••••••• Wand & Brush vehicle washing On Front Street in Brandon SUMMER HOURS: 7 a.m.-9 p.m. WINTER HOURS : 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Letters to the editor To the editor: The past four years have been nothing less than amazing. The Charger Football Team has won the Pheasant South Conference for the first time ever in the school’s history, and we seniors, would especially like to thank the Brandon/Evansville community, the coaches, and the parents for all of the support and encouragement given to us and the rest of the team throughout the season. We appreciate all of the motivation and support throughout not only the 2014 season, but also our whole careers as Charger Football Athletes. We want to thank everybody who showed up to our last game on Saturday in Verndale. We all saw that our fans outnumbered Verndale’s fans. Again, from all of the Seniors of the Charger Football Team, we owe a big thank you to the communities, parents and coaches. We could 2x4what & 2x8 not2x2, have done we didads this season without each and every fan and coach. So thank you for making our last season one to remember, and the best season of our lives! Sincerely, Anthony Blom 31 Tom Bosek 7 Brandon Christianson 93 James Huisman 9 Patrick McGaffey 88 Christian McGaffey 52 Will Schroeder 18 Jon Thoennes 20 To the Editor: Now that the 2014 election has come and gone, I wanted to extend thanks to those who helped make the day successful. City and county staff and election judges work extremely long hours to ensure our democracy runs smoothly. They deserve our gratitude. And thank you to those who took time to exercise their right to vote. I am honored to have been elected, and will work hard to make our to run ONE the communities andTIME, state strong. Sincerely, Jeff Backer DEED’s Business and Community Development Office provides the expertise and financial resources to help new businesses start out strong and helps existing businesses expand and relocate. When companies flourish and communities thrive, every Minnesotan benefits. And that suits us just fine. Call us at 651-259-7432 or email Stay up to date with the Brandon-Evansville Chargers in The Record Farmers Union Oil, Alexandria Serving you since 1955 Tire Service Center Featuring Made in the USA Tires B.F. Goodrich, Uniroyal, Michelan CENEX CONVENIENCE STORE Two Great Locaitons! We Offer: Bait • Tackle • Ice• Pop Snacks • Groceries • Gas • Oil • All at One Stop! 1705 S. Broadway Garfield 1-320-763-6557 1-320-834-2224 Summer Hours: 6:00 a.m. -11 p.m. - 7 Days a Week Wealso alsohave have We a an Auto and Full Service Idas, Tire Shop Auto & Tire Shop and Propane & Propane Filing Filling Station! Station! Your Company YourPropane Propane Company Your Propane •••Safety=Value •••Keep-Fill Safety=Value Keep-Fill–––Summer-Fill Summer-Filland andContracting ContractingPrograms Programs Safety=Value Keep-Fill Summer-Fill and Contracting Programs •••24-Hour •••Pressure 24-HourEmergency EmergencyService Service PressureTest TestSystems Systems 24-Hour Emergency Service Pressure Test Systems CompetitivePricing Pricing •••Competitive Competitive Pricing Residential, Residential,Commercial, Commercial,Industrial, Industrial,Agricultural Agricultural Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural • Payment Plans BudgetPlans Plans PaymentPlans Plans---Budget Budget Plans •• Payment Call today! Ask for “Lane” or “Dewey” Call today! Ask for “Lane” or “Dewey” Call today! Ask forto “Lane” or “Dewey” Over50 50Years Yearsinin inBusiness Business Your newspaper Over 50 Years Business has agreed participate in the Minn •••Over (320)763-6557 or (800)862-8936 (320)763-6557 or (800)862-8936 (320)763-6557 or (800)862-8936 FourDelivery DeliveryTrucks Trucks Four Delivery Trucks •••Four these ads in the main news section of your newspaper The Record, Thursday, November 13, 2014, Page 3 Cigarette use drops among high school students The 2014 Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey found that the percent of high school students who smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days dropped from 18.1 percent in 2011 to 10.6 percent in 2014. This decline in cigarette smoking, the steepest ever recorded by the Minnesota youth survey, follows extensive efforts to curb cigarette smoking including a 2013 tobacco tax, bans on indoor smoking, and tighter restrictions on youth access to tobacco products. Minnesota also saw declines between 2011 and 2014 in the use of chewing tobacco and cigars, according to the survey. However, for the first time, the survey also asked about e-cigarette use and found that 12.9 percent of high school students used or tried an electronic cigarette in the past 30 days. The survey found that 28 percent of high school students reported ever having tried an e-cigarette. “These new findings indicate that our statewide efforts to reduce and prevent conventional tobacco use among Minnesota children are working,” said Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Ed Ehlinger. “At the same time, we are seeing a wild-west approach toward e-cigarettes, which allows tobacco companies unlimited marketing access to young men and women. This has led to increasing numbers of Minnesota high school and middle school students using e-cigarettes.” Many young people are being exposed to nicotine, which is highly addictive, through ecigarettes. An estimated 85,900 Minnesota public school students in grades 6-12 have tried e-cigarettes, and 38,400 reported using them in the past 30 days. Nicotine is known to harm adolescent brain development. Nearly one-fourth of high school students who have tried an e-cigarette have never tried another tobacco product. Minnesota high school students are exposed to a wide range of e-cigarette marketing tactics previously used to sell cigarettes. More than half of high school students, 57 percent, saw e-cigarette ads on TV in the past 30 days. About half, 48 percent, saw ads in convenience stores. Students also saw e-cigarettes in ads on the Internet, magazines and billboards, and in the hands of actors in movies or on TV. Retailers have also started selling candy flavored e-cigarette products. “I have a sense of déjà vu about e-cigarettes,” Ehlinger said. “Tobacco companies are using old and well-tested marketing techniques to introduce children to a new product that delivers nicotine and potentially leads to the burden of addiction. We need to take a hard look at what actions we can take at local and state levels to stop this trend,” Ehlinger said. E-cigarettes are having such an impact in high schools that though the percent of high school students using any of the conventional tobacco products in the past 30 days fell from 25.8 percent in 2011 to 19.3 percent in 2014, the overall rate of tobacco use including e-cigarettes stayed about the same at 24.2 percent. E-cigarettes are often cheap to buy, can be purchased on the Internet, and are available in an array of fruit and candy flavors. E-cigarettes are not regulated by the FDA and the overall health risks are unknown. The 2014 Minnesota Youth Tobacco Sur- vey included many questions about new products, especially electronic cigarettes, as well as traditional conventional tobacco products. Public schools and classrooms across the state were selected at random and invited to participate. Overall, 4,243 students in grades 6 through 12 took the survey. Minnesota youth also continued to use menthol cigarettes. Menthol masks the harshness and irritation that new smokers may feel. Nearly half of high school smokers (44.3 percent) usually smoke menthols. In contrast, only 22.0 percent of Minnesota adult smokers usually smoke menthols. For more information on ecigarettes, visit Carol Juul joins Thrivent Financial Carol Juul of Evansville, MN, has joined Thrivent Financial as a financial representative with the organization’s Northwestern MN and Eastern ND Regional Financial Office. Juul offers comprehensive financial strategies, personal customer service and a wide range of financial products. Her office is located at 119 Friberg Avenue, Suite B in Fergus Falls. Before joining Thrivent Financial, Juul worked at Bremer Bank for over 25 years. Juul graduated from St. Cloud State University, in St Cloud, MN, with a double major in Economics and Marketing. Juul attends St. Lukes Lutheran Church in Garfield, MN. “We see Carol as a valuable addition to our office’s field staff,” said Sheri Cooper, managing partner of the Northwestern MN and Eastern ND Regional Financial Office in Fargo, ND. “We look forward to the energy and dedication Carol will bring to the team. She will play a key role in serving our members’ financial needs.” Thrivent Financial is a fi- Attention Antique Dealers! Check out this Vintage Model 1949 Classic!! The only one produced on Nov. 17, 65 years ago. On the original block, little nutty, a few wrinkles on the body, springs a little weak, rear end okay, upholstery retaining its shape but slightly sun damaged due to over exposure. Able to blow gasket if overheated. Engine in good running condition but temperamental in cold weather. Needs a new muffler as is becoming louder with age. If you see Gary around Evansville, wish him a happy birthday. Happy 65th birthday from your sister and brother Millerville Municipal Liquor Store Tapper Tuesdays - $1.50 for all tap beer Happy Hour - Mon.-Sat. 4-6 p.m. Jackpine and Moose Live Music second Wednesday of the Month All Roads Lead to Millerville Mon.-Thur. - Noon-1 a.m. • Fri. & Sat. - 10 a.m.-1 a.m. Trinity Lutheran’s 4th Annual Holiday Boutique in Holmes City Nov. 22 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Huge Bake sale, crafts, 40+ area vendors crafters, silent auction, live music Carol Juul nancial services organization that helps Christians be wise with money and live generously. The organization offers a broad range of products and services along with guidance from financial representatives nationwide. For more than a century it has helped its nearly 2.4 million member-owners make wise money choices that reflect their values. Thrivent also provides opportunities for members to be even more generous where they live, work and worship. For more information, visit www. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. The West Douglas County Record P.O. Box 86 Brandon, MN 56315-0086 (320)834-4924 Advertising Deadline: Tuesday, 10 a.m. News Deadline: Tuesday, 11 a.m. OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Closed Friday Publishers: Dave and Catherine Bedore Delivered by standard mail free to all post office boxes in Brandon, Evansville and Garfield Free pickup available at businesses in Brandon, Evansville, Garfield, selected Alexandria businesses Yearly Subscription: $40 for outside free delivery area. Published every Thursday Member MNA Serving coffee & rolls, $3 Chicken wild rice soup and sandwich, $5. All proceeds will go toward Trinity’s handicap-accessible addition. Low Plains Drifters Snowmobile Club 15th Annual Banquet Nov. 22 • Ashby Legion Social Hour 6-7 p.m. • Dinner 7 p.m. Menu: Prime Rib & Baked Potato Entertainment: Bingo & Games Only 100 tickets sold! $30/single • $50/Couple Contact Sarah Larson for Tickets 320-284-2269 Evansville Senior Citizens Annual Craft Lunch & Bake Sale Saturday, Nov. 15, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Evansville Senior Center White Elephant Table The Record, Thursday, November 13, 2014, Page 4 MOE-URNESS-LUND MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. "Protecting Since 1883" Community Calendar FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION IS DEC. 5 AT St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Brandon We support our local families from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Brandon, MN THE TRINITY LUTHERAN Holiday Boutique will be held Saturday, Nov. 22, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church of Todd Bright • Josh Andreasen • Marvin Andreasen • Holmes City. Over 40 crafters and vendors, 26 Central Ave., P.O. Box 186, Kensington, MN 56343 lunch, rolls, coffee. (320)965-6254 • Fax: (320)965-6253 SEVEN DOLORS CATHOLIC CHURCH M&D’S COLLISION SPECIALISTS Fall Raffle and Bingo will be Nov. 23 at Professional Collision Repair • Expert Refinishing 1:30 p.m. in the Millerville Parish Hall. Uni-Body Repair • Frame Alignment PPG Paint mixing system • Glass Replacement CHRISTINA LAKE LUTHERAN Mike Sanstead • (218)948-2890 or (320)834-4565 CHURCH worship is at 9 a.m. with Pastor Evansville, MN 56326 “Quality You Can Trusts” Tim Baglien with Sunday School at 10:30 HIWAY AMOCO BULK SERVICE a.m. Petroleum Products , LP& Delivery MIDWEEK WORSHIP Service every (218) 948-2968 Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM at Faith Lutheran Church, Evansville THE EVANSVILLE ARTS COALITION will hold an Open Mic the Third Thursday of every month from 6:30-9 p.m. ST. PETRI CHURCH Worship hour is at 10:30 a.m. with Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. If interested in Confirmation classes, call Pastor Tim at (816)806-3884. THIS SPACE AVAILABLE THE BRANDON FIN & FEATHER Call The Record SPORTSMAN’S CLUB will be meeting (320)834-4924 monthly at 7 PM on the third Wednesday on the month at the Brandon Community Center. New members welcome! THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Reminder from the City of Evansville: All Call The Record sump pumps and foundation drains cannot (320)834-4924 be discharged into the sanitary sewer. Please route them to the street or on your yard. THE GARFIELD LIONS CLUB MEETINGS are the second Monday of the month Dean Ellis, Agent • Health Insurance • Crop Insurance at the Ida Town Hall, 7 p.m. New Members are welcome. THE MILLERVILLE SPORTSMEN Club BITZAN/OHREN Masonry, LLC meets at the Millerville Fire Hall the third Residential • Commercial For quality Concrete & Masonry Construction Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Office: (320)834-5488 • (218)948-2094 There shall be no burning of any sorts in 5096 Co. Rd. 82, Alexandria, MN 56308 • the City limits of Evansville except a recreational fire as defined in the definitions. Reminder to all Evansville City residents THIS SPACE AVAILABLE to NOT blow your grass clippings into the Call The Record streets. They will plug the storm sewer. (320)834-4924 Reminder to all Evansville City residents PRO-AG FARMERS CO-OP that dogs cannot be running at large and must be on a leash. Alexandria, Garfield, THE RECORD has a drop box at Hiway Brandon, Urbank, Amoco in Evansville. It is located next to Parkers Prairie & Henning the free Records. If you leave something in the box please try to call us to let us know at (320)834-4924 or e-mail to: wdrecord@ THE EVANSVILLE SENIOR CITIZENS 623 Hawthorne St., Alexandria 401 Kron St., Evansville CLUB meets the third Wednesday at the Kristy Simonson - Agent • Shane Henrichs - Agent Evansville: (218)948-2258 or (320)834-5150 • Alexandria: (320)763-9231 Senior Center with a pot luck at noon and a meeting at 1 p.m. THE EVANSVILLE LIONS CLUB MEETINGS are the third Monday of the month at the Soderholm Insurance, 7 p.m. New memWalberg Builders bers welcome. New Homes • Remodeling • Decks • Garages • More The Evansville Area Sportsmen Club meets Merle Walberg • Dustin Walberg • Lic. #6038 (320)760-6434 • (320)766-0036 • Fax: (218)948-2384 at the Backroads Steakhouse in Evansville the first Thursday of the month at 8 p.m. Bob’s Backhoe Service Licensed and Bonded #1215 Percolation tests and septic systems Basements • Gravel • Footing • Landscaping Tiling • Black Dirt • Rip Rap • Free Estimates (320)834-4487• Cell: 760-2616 • Quality Service since 1984 AUSTIN’S AUTO REPAIR (320)834-4649 • Brandon, MN Professional Auto Repair • Latest Equipment • Tires Oil Change • Tune Ups • Brakes Quality work - Reasonable Prices BITZAN BACKHOE SERVICE Septic Systems • Basements • Black dirt Gravel • Site Demo • Footings • Tiling owner Ben (Blackie) Bitzan Lic. #456 (218)267-2781 • Cell: (320)815-3832 Snowmobiles • ATVs• Lawn Mowers • Chainsaws FOR OUR SALES OR REPAIR NEEDS Call (218)948-2268 or (320)834-4626 See Community Calendar, page 5. Brandon Liquor Store Open Monday-Saturday 10 a.m.-1 a.m. Be a pal, take the keys, give a ride Plumbing/InFloor Heating License, bonded, insured, Owner Ron Wagner New Homes • Remodel • Complete Service & Installation water heaters Specializing in InFloor Heating Excellence in all your plumbing projects Cell: (320)-760-5818 THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Call The Record (320)834-4924 New Homes • Remodel Residential & Commercial Furnace and AC Service & Installation Mitsubishi ductless AC & Heat Pumps Tom Kelly • (320)834-3411 The Record Thursday, November 13, 2014, Page 5 ALEX POWER (320)763-6634 • Fax: (320)763-6635 117 7th Ave. E., Alexandria, MN 56308 (320)763-3426 • Fax: (320)762-2455 • THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Call The Record (320)834-4924 Watch, Clock & Ring Repair For all your jewelry needs Downtown Alex Call 1-800-568-5336 Your Total Service Store “Let Kyle Serve You” Glende-Nilson Funeral Home (218) 948-2239 Evansville, Fergus Falls, Ashby & Battle Lake THE EVANSVILLE TOWNSHIP BOARD meets the third Tuesday of each month at Jeanine Henneman’s at 8 p.m. THE MILLERVILLE TOWNSHIP regular 111 50th Ave. W., Alexandria, MN 56308 meetings are held the second Thursday of (320)763-4994 each month at 8:30 p.m. in the Millerville Fire Hall. BRANDON TOWNSHIP holds its monthly meetings on the 3rd Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Brandon Community Center. • Sales • New and Used The exceptions are that in January and Feb2x2, 2x4 & 2x8 ads to run ONE TIME, the • Service • All brands repaired ruary, the monthly meetings are held on the • Printers 3rd Tuesday due to legal holidays. • Custom computers DEED’s Business and Community The Urness Townboard meets the second 700 Cedar St., Suite 161, Alexandria • (320)762-1212 Development Office provides the Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. March expertise and financial resources to through October meeting is at the Townhelp Hall Leaf Mercantile new businesses start out strongValley and and November through February meeting is businesses expandDaily Lunch Specials helps existing and Nightly Specials: relocate. When companies flourish and at the Treasurer’s home. Mon. - Buck & 1/2 burgers starting 6 p.m. (eat in only, must have beverage) communitiesTues. thrive, everyorMinnesotan - Hard soft tacos, $1.00 • $2 Miller Lite bottles AREA MEETINGS: Evansville City CounBucket of Miller benefits. AndWed. that -suits us just fine. Lite & 1 Topping Pizza, $15.00 Dark chicken, 1/4 $4.50; 1/2 $6.00 cil, first Monday, 7 p.m.; Brandon City Thurs. - Chicken Alfredo & Spaghetti Council, first Monday, 6:30 p.m.; BrandonBeef or Chicken Philly, choice potato, $5.85 Call us at 651-259-7432 Fri. Fish Special, $7.00 or email Evansville School Board, third Monday at Sat. - Prime rib, baked potato and cole slaw or salad, 6-9 p.m., $14.95 Sun. Ayce Jumbo Shrimp, choice of potato, and salad or coleslaw, $12.95 Evansville Senior Center, 7 p.m. EQUIPMENT Specials start at 6 p.m. Take out available • (218)267-2726 or (320)834-2532 Shakeup on national level will not slow MFU resolve NFU President. The 113th Congress will return to Washington next week. Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) works to protect and enhance the economic interests and quality of life of family farmers and ranchers and rural communities. AD & RO D 2N Evansville, Minn. NT R RAILROAD STREET & 2ND AVENUE E E Graduations Weddings Fundraisers Private Parties RAI L tant to farmers and ranchers continue to enjoy strong bipartisan support in both chambers. We are looking forward to working with the new Congress to continue to advance those issues and make continued progress for family farmers, rural American and the nation as a whole,” Roger Johnson, EV Following the Nov. 4 midterm elections, Republicans took control of both chambers of Congress leaving many constituents to doubt the ability of the United States Government to get anything accomplished during this lame-duck session. However, locally, Minnesota continues to be a state rooted firmly in agriculture, with the reelection of strong agricultural supporters, and Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) President Doug Peterson is adamant that the shake up at the national level, “will not slow MFU’s resolve to work with our local members in both chambers on solving local issues most important our family farmers and ranchers -property tax, state budget and natural resource issues.” “Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) has always enjoyed great working relationships with our representatives who have been key supporters and advocates for rural Minnesota. We will continue to work on support to protect and enhance the economic interests and quality of life for our family farmers and ranchers in rural communities,” said Doug Peterson, MFU President. Nationally, MFU will continue to work with the National Farmers Union (NFU) and the new Congress to advance issues vital to farmers- the 2014 Farm Bill implementation, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and tax extenders. National Farmers Union President Roger Johnson addressed the need to pass the tax extenders package during the upcoming lame-duck session of Congress, “Family farmers and ranchers rely on these provisions that are crucial to managing their business.” “Many of the issues impor- CEN T Indoor Bags Dances Live Music Class Reunions kelly bukkila benefit Saturday, november 15th Week of November 9, 2014 STATEWIDE Central South North Metro EMPLOYMENT Schedule of Events 12:00-2:00 p.m. Friends Talkin’ About Bingo Pre-Party (Complete with Bloody Mary Bar) 2:00-5:00 p.m. (Estimated) American Legion Super Bar Bingo 5:00-7:00 p.m. Chili Feed There will be a Silent Auction and Raffle all day. 201 Railroad Street, Evansville, MN HELP WANTED - DRIVERS MISCELLANEOUS ARE YOU IN CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS NOW HIRING and Arrest records expunged or sealed. company OTR drivers. $2,000 sign on big trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank Free one hour Consultation to discuss bonus, flexible home time, extensive bene- levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, recent changes to the Expungement fits. Call now! Hibb’s & Co. 763/389-0610 payroll issues, & resolve tax debt fast. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 800/402-0732 Laws and how they may affect your Your newspaper has agreed to participate in the Minn MISCELLANEOUS future. Duggins Law Firm 651/490-0222 these ads in the main news section of your newspape REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! DONATE YOUR CAR At times, advertisers may request a specific section. Get a whole-home Satellite system in- truck or boat to Heritage For The Blind. Free CHS DAKOTA PRAIRIE newspaper. Ads may need to be decreased/increased is accepting applications for FT stalled at no cost and programming 3 day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, do not Personnel bill for questions, starting atads. $19.99/mo.IfFreeyou HD/DVRhave all paperwork taken care of 800/439-1735ple Grain Elevator for loca-these tions in Edgeley and Kulm ND. Excel- Upgrades, so call now 877/342-0356 CANADA DRUG CENTER lent wages and benefits. 800/726-3582 DISH TV RETAILER is your choice for safe and affordable medor Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 ications. Our licensed Canadian mail order mos.) & High Speed Internet start- pharmacy will provide you with savings JOIN OUR TEAM! ServiceMaster Professional Services ing at $14.95/month (where avail- of up to 75% on all your medication needs. is now hiring for Restoration Tech- able.) Save! Ask About same day In- Call today 800/259-1096 for $10.00 off nicians and PT Janitorial Staff. Ap- stallation! Call now! 800/297-8706 your first prescription and free shipping. ply at or e-mail your resume to ONLY $279 to reach a statewide audienceof 3 million readers!!! 1-800-279-2979 The Record Thursday, November 13, 2014, Page 6 Four Brandon-Evansville volleyball players earn LEC honors The Brandon-Evansville volleyball team had four players earn Little Eight Conference honors this year. B-E senior middle hitter Emma Friedrich was named the LEC Most Valuable Player. Others on the all-conference squad include senior middle hitter Mariah Hansen and sophomore setter Kylee Hansen. Junior libero Katie Kokett was named to the Honorable Mention squad. Diane Ross of Underwood was named as the LEC Coach of the Year. 2014 LEC All-Conference Brandon-Evansville Emily Friedrich, sr. middle hitter; Mariah Hansen, sr. middle hitter; Kylee Hansen, so., setter Underwood Jacey Ross, so. setter; Brenna Tinjum, fr. outside hitter; McKenzie Woodman, sr. libero/ outside hitter; Karlea Thorson, sr. middle hitter. Battle Lake Katie Rilla, jr. outside hitter; Emily Marso, jr. middle hitter; Tori Hull, jr. setter. Parkers Prairie Sierra Nori, jr. outside hitter; Anna Guenther, sr. libero Hillcrest Laura Tungseth, sr. setter Ashby Casandra Jordan, sr. libero Rothsay Chelsie Lankow, sr. outside hitter Honorable Mention Brandon-Evansville Katie Kokett, jr. libero Battle Lake Maddie Merickel, sr. middle hitter Parkers Prairie Taylor Shaw, jr. right side hitter Hillcrest Abby Taylor, sr. setter Ashby Madison VanSanten, sr. right side hitter Brandon-Evansville volleybal players earning LEC honors include, left to right: Emma Friedrich. Mariah Hansen, Kylee Hansen and Katie Kokett. Deer advisory members sought People interested in helping of northern Minnesota were set the Minnesota Department of in 2012. Goals for southeastern Natural Resources establish Minnesota were set last year. deer population goals for large Goals for the deer permit areas portions of the state have until not part of the 2015 process will Monday, Nov. 17, to apply on- be set in 2016. Individuals can serve on one line at Volunteers are being sought team. They nominate themto join five advisory teams selves by completing an online that will develop deer popula- application. For the application, tion goals for large portions descriptions of the goal setting of northeastern, north-central blocks and information on the and east-central Minnesota. selection process, go to www. Each team will focus on deer 2x2, 2x4 & 2x8 ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 11/9/2014 goals for a specific region, or goal-setting block, of the state. Goal-setting blocks consist of DEED’s Business and Community multiple deer permit areas that Development Office provides the be a crafters, bake There will have been grouped by habitat expertise and financial resources to on Saturday, Nov. and lunch sale type. help new businesses start out strong and Once selected, each team 15 from 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the helps existing businesses expand and will review biological and Senior Center in Evansville. relocate. When companies flourish and social data as well as public Come and check our the many communities thrive, every Minnesotan input collected at meetings items for sale. benefits. And that suits us just fine. This would be a good time to and through online and written questionnaires. After con- start your Christmas shopping! Call us this at 651-259-7432 Items include, lefse, jellies, jams sidering and discussing or email various crafts and vendor NE TIME, the beginning 11/9/2014 information, eachweek team will recommend a deer population for Avon, and Perfectly Posh. There are always many good goal for each of the permit areas buys on the white elephant within its goal-setting block. DNR staff will review the table. Buy chances on a beautidata for each goal block as ful quilt and a two story martin well as advisory team goal house. Need not be present to recommendations and final win. There will also be a bakes public comments on team recommendations before making sale table. Come, have coffee and stay for lunch. Barbeques, final goal decisions. This is the third year the DNR chips, homemade donuts and Read all about it each week in The Record has worked with citizens to re- bars will be served. News • Columns • Classifieds Everyone is welcome. Come assess and revise deer populagov/deed/business (320)834-4924 tion goals in Minnesota. Goals and support the Evansville Sefor southwestern and a portion nior Citizens Club. Senior Citizens sale is Nov. 15 Central B-E Schedule Nov. 14 Jr. Hi GBB vs WCA in Brandon, 4 p.m. Nov. 17 GBB practice begins. Nov. 20 Jr. Hi GBB vs Underwood in Evansville Small Gym, 4:15 p.m. Central Car wash It’s that time again! Clean your vehicle at the Evansville Car Wash! Open 7 days a week form 9-9. Storage units Storage Units available, 10x10 and 10x20. Individual units, completely enclosed. Locks provided. 320-760-0783 Help The Record, Thursday, November 13, 2014, Page 7 Record Classified Order Form wanted Evansville Care Campus Evansville Care Campus is looking for individuals who are interested in working as a CNA on our night and evening shift. We have a full- time and part time position to fill. We also have a part time housekeeping position open on the day shift. Contact Brandon Borgstrom for inquires @ 218948-2219 or apply online @www. EOE Brandons Assisted Living (320)762-8811 PAY DAY LOANS We Buy Gold - broken, chains, rings, dental gold and silver Meissner Construction New construction, remodels, additions, garages, decks, roofing, siding, windows. Glenn Meissner (218)267-2872 Jim Meissner (320)834-4657 B C License No. 0003199 Child Care Assistant Little Peeps Gardonville Family Daycare has an immediate opening for a parttime child care assistant. Hours are 2:00-5:30 PM Monday-Friday. If interested, please call (320) 5244181 or email your resume Maple Leaf 4-Plex Brandon, MN 1 large efficiency apartment for rent. Van Binsbergen & Associates, Inc. 320.269.6640 Ext. 23 • TFC Poultry in Ashby is hiring for line production. This is a full-time position with opportunities for overtime if available. Duties include deboning, trimming and packaging while working in a fast-paced environment. Please call (218)7472749 with inquires. Tower Apartments 110 1st Street North Evansville, MN 1 Bedroom available Water, sewer, & garbage included Subsidized Housing One level • Off-street parking Van Binsbergen & Associates, Inc. 320-269-6640 ext. #23 Have something you need to sell? 001152001r1 • Water, Sewer, Garbage included • FREE Laundry On-Site • Pet Friendly •Maintenance Free Living • Smoke-Free Brandons Assisted Living is looking for individuals to work in our small caring environment for the night and Evening shift positions. Duties include: cooking, cleaning, activities, medication administration. Please call Amber if interested at 320-524-2207.Come and see why the employee’s and residents are saying that were small enough to care about you. EOE “Equal Housing Opportunity” NEW MANAGEMENT Millerville Manor 16993 Pine St. NW, Brandon • Smoke Free • 1 Bedroom available • Water, sewer, garbage, electricity and heat included in rent. • AC in every unit. • On-site laundry, storage unit, and garage available. • Community room. For information contact: Van Binsbergen & Associates, Inc. 320-269-6640 ext 23 County Road 82 in Evansville FOR ALL YOUR BULK & PROPANE NEEDS, CALL US!! Gas • Pop • Bait • Videos (218)948-2968 (320)834-5032 The Record can help you find a buyer in the Classifieds. For more information call (320)8344924. Check out the Record classifieds. You never know what you’ll find. Use this form to place a classified ad in the Record Minimum price is $8 per week for up to 25 words. Additional words 10¢ each. Ads must be pre-paid. Adds accepted by e-mail but payment must reach us by 11 a.m. Tuesday for that Thursday’s edition. Payments and this form can be sent to: The Record, P.O. Box 86, Brandon, MN 56315. E-mail: Category for classified _________________ (For example: For Sale, For Rent, Help wanted, Needed, Give away, etc.) 1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________ 5. ____________6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________ 9. ____________10. ____________11. ____________12. ____________ 13. ____________14. ____________15. ____________16. ____________ 17. ____________18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________ 21. ____________22. ____________23. ____________24. ____________ 25. __________ Additional Words: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Number of times to run:______________ (Payment must be for total number of times to run) Legal notice SUMMONS STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DOUGLAS IN DISTRICT COURT SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TYPE OF CASE: QUT COURT FILE NO. 21-CV-14-1486 Lauren J. McConnell Davis, as Trustee of the Lauren Jessica McConnell Davis Revocable Trust, Plaintiff, vs. Carl F. Paulsen, Godfred Burkey aka Godred Burkey aka Godfrid Burkey, Ida Burkey, Louis W. Voigt aka Louis W. Voight, Nannie Voight, William W. Eisentrager, Sheila C. Stanton, Trustee of the Sheila C. Stanton Trust dated March 25, 1997; Ritchie J. Burkey, Donald N. Bukkila, Barbara Bukkila, also the unknown heirs of the above-named individuals, and all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, interest or lien in the real estate described in the Complaint herein, Defendants. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS: 1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. The Plaintiff’s Complaint against you is on file in the office of the court administrator of the above-named court. Do not throw these papers away. They are official papers that affect your rights. You must respond to this lawsuit even though it may not yet be filed with the Court and there may be no court file number on this Summons. 2. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN 20 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail to the person who signed this Summons a written response called an Answer within 20 days of the date on which you received this Summons. You must send a copy of your Answer to the person who signed this Summons located at: JOHNSTON LAW OFFICE, P.A. Scott T. Johnston Easton Place, 510 22nd Avenue East #101 P.O. Box 1218 Alexandria, MN 56308 3. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plaintiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your Answer. 4. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT SEND A WRITTEN RESPONSE TO THE COMPLAINT TO THE PERSON WHO SIGNED THIS SUMMONS. If you do not an- swer within 20 days, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the Complaint. If you do not want to contest the claims stated in the Complaint, you do not need to respond. A default judgment can then be entered against you for the relief requested in the Complaint. 5. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you do not have a lawyer, the Court Administrator may have information about places where you can get legal assistance. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still provide a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case. 6. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The parties may agree to or be ordered to participate in an alternative dispute resolution process under Rule 114 of the Minnesota General Rules of Practice. You must still send your written response to the Complaint even if you expect to use alternative means of resolving this dispute. 7. THIS LAWSUIT MAY AFFECT OR BRING INTO QUESTION TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY located in Douglas County, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: See attached Exhibit A. The object of this action is to obtain Judgment declaring that Plaintiff is the owner in fee simple absolute of Tracts I and II, and that the Defendants, and each of them, have no interest or estate in said Tracts I or II, nor lien thereon. 8. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that no personal claim is made by Plaintiff against any of the Defendants. Dated this 5th day of November, 2014. JOHNSTON LAW OFFICE, P.A. By /s/ Scott T. Johnston Scott T. Johnston Attorney Reg. No. 52334 Attorney for Plaintiff Easton Place, 510 22nd Ave. E. #101 PO Box 1218 Alexandria MN 56308-1218 320.762.8814 EXHIBIT A TRACT I: Lot 2, Burkey’s Lake Shore, according to the duly recorded plat thereof; AND TRACT II: That part of Government Lot 4, Section 26, Township 129 North, Range 38 West, Douglas County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the south quarter corner of said Section 26; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 08 seconds East, assumed bearing along the west line of said Government Lot 4, a distance of 1129.58 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing North 00 degrees 03 minutes 08 seconds East, along said west line of Government Lot 4, a distance of 160.99 feet to the northwesterly extension of the southwesterly line of Sahara Lane NW, formerly known as Burkey’s Drive as dedicated in the recorded plat of BURKEY’S LAKE SHORE; thence South 70 degrees 13 minutes 28 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension and along the southwesterly line of Sahara Lane NW, 248.82 feet to the southerly line of said Sahara Lane NW; thence South 86 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds East, along said southerly line of Sahara Lane NW, 611.11 feet; thence South 00 degrees 31 minutes 14 seconds West 106.67 feet to a line bearing South 86 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds East from the point of beginning; thence North 86 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds West 845.08 feet to the point of beginning. The tract contains 1.92 acres more or less. EXCEPT That part of Government Lot 4, Section 26, Township 129 North, Range 38 West, Douglas County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at an iron monument at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 26; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 08 seconds East, assumed bearing along the North-South Quarter line of said Section 26 a distance of 3.46 feet to the northwest corner of Burkey’s Drive, Plat of BURKEY’S LAKE SHORE, according to the recorded plat thereof, being on the North-South Quarter line of said Section; thence South 70 degrees 13 minutes 28 seconds East, (South 69 degrees 25 minutes East plat bearing) along the northeasterly line of said Burkey’s Drive 44.67 feet; thence South 09 degrees 27 minutes 23 seconds West 33.54 feet to the southwesterly line of said Burkey’s Drive; thence South 70 degrees 13 minutes 28 seconds East along said southwesterly line 33.54 feet to the intersection with the easterly right-ofway line of an existing township road also known as Bedman Drive and the point of beginning; thence South 09 degrees 27 minutes 23 seconds West along said easterly right of way line of said existing Township Road 50.82 feet; thence South 70 degrees 13 minutes 28 seconds East 40.90 feet; thence North 19 degrees 46 minutes 32 seconds East, 50.00 feet to the intersection with said southwesterly line of said Burkey’s Drive; thence North 70 degrees 13 minutes 28 seconds West along said southwesterly line 50.00 feet to the point of beginning. Said excepted tract of land contains 0.052 acres, more or less. Publish Nov. 13, 20, 27, 2015 The Record, Thursday, November 13, 2014, Page 8 The Road To Hope By Mick Murphy Pastor, Calvary Covenant Church, Evansville By now most of the crops have been stripped off the land and gathered into barns or cribs or wherever you put crops in the first place (I’m a town kid). For me, harvest time reminds me of summers when I walked bean fields hacking at weeds and corn stalks growing where they weren’t supposed to be. They had to be removed. Cutting them out was the right thing to do. In Genesis 18, God has told Abraham that it is God’s intention to go to the sinful city of Sodom and destroy it because of its wickedness. Abraham pleads with God for the righteous people who live there, knowing that his nephew Lot and his small family are the only righteous ones, and then just barely. And in a moment of true desperation, Abraham When e-mailing a photo to The Record send it at a high resolution of 300-500 dpi. Photos can be sent to: If questions call (320)834-4924. asks, “Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” Judgment. Harvest in, weeds out. Heaven. Hades. Hell. The gray skies of November set the tone for such thoughts and we wonder how God, the Judge of all the earth, will do right if we think hell is so wrong. In answer to that, I will not get into semantics. Hades, Gehenna and Hell are all words that come from places like Greek mythology, Jewish mysticism and Dante’s inferno. We have a lot of images from man that do not always say what they Bible says. Having said that, if you take all the things Jesus has to say about judgment out of the New Testament you have, as Karl Olsson once wrote, a badly gutted gospel. The Bible tells us enough to know that there is the way of God and the way of man and the latter is the way to death. If we say we believe in Trumm Drug ELBOW LAKE PHONE TOLL FREE 1-800-421-2999 FARMERS AGENCY IN ELBOW LAKE CAN MEET YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS! Call Insurance Agents Tom Estrem or Dennis Stock (218)685-6880 FAX: (218)685-6882 105 1st. Ave. NE P.O. Box 1060 Elbow Lake, MN 56531 “Insurance Of All Kinds” PROFESSIONAL Deere Run Estates DIRECTORY Townhomes New to the city of Brandon MEDICAL For Sale: One level 1417 sq ft, 2 bdrm with WIC, 2 ELEAH MEDICAL CENTER Elbow Lake Campus or 888.818.4467 - 930 1st Street NE bath &218.685.4461 den, finished DBL garage, association living EVANSVILLE MEDICAL CLINIC • 218-948-2040 24-Hour Emergency Room with lawn1:30-5 care,p.m. snow removal andp.m. garbage. Starting Reeve, Physician Asst. Monday ........... Monday - Friday - 8:00 a.m.Heather to 5:00 Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at $189,900 with assesments paid, contact Brian at Wednesdays 8 a.m.-Noon .... Heather Reeve, Physician Asst. (320) 491-1592 for information. Heaven because it is mentioned in the Bible, we had better be prepared to say the same thing about Hell. The fact remains that it is possible to deny God in life or hold God off to such an extent that we push ourselves backwards, away from God’s presence. Do we push ourselves into darkness or fire or a flaming lake or where worms have their way with us for all eternity? It should be enough to say we push ourselves away from grace. Wherever it is the unsaved end up, they are there by their own choice. In that place, which N.T. Wright calls “beyond pity and beyond hope”, God will not be found, so don’t go looking for any kind of godly residue. Hell is like the bump in the night we often hear about. We can’t see it and we can’t fully measure, but something made that noise and we would be wise to stay in the place of faith. If that idea scares the Hell out of you, well, OK. Evansville Care Campus News The Evansville Care Center had some spooky visitors on Halloween. Residents handed out treats to the goblins. We had toe tapping music by our own Louise and the Schjei gals, who were dressed up as witches. It was fun day for all ages. The weather was cool but enjoyable for the trick or treaters. We have a lot of fun activities planned for November. Mark your calendar for the Country Couple, they will be here the first Wednesday of the month untill spring to play music for us. They start playing at 1:30 pm. On Thursday November 13th the Holmquists will be here at 2 p.m., Friday the 14th Neal Nelson will entertain us at 2 p.m. On Friday the 21st it is our annual pie social from 2-4 pm with music by Steve Samek starting at 2 pm. Come & join us for the afternoon. On Monday the 24th we will have music by Terry Nelson, and Wednesday the 26th at 4 p.m. Schjei Country will entertain us. On Saturday the 29th at 2 p.m. Country Rose Band will be here to play music. Its a month of great music, all are welcome to join us for music & coffee too. Celebrating birthdays in November are Lorry Olson the 7th, Helen Brandvold the 14th, Ron Koski the 16th Harlan Johnson the 24th and Hermina Wahlin will be 110 years young on the 26th.! Kay Hanson will celebrate her birthday on the 25th. Happy Birthday to each of them. We honored our Veterans on Tuesday the 11th, they are Edward Bitzen, Richard Howe, Dayton Haagenson and Ernie Schaffran. We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! Minnesotans enrolled in year. To date, more than 310,000 Medical Assistance and Min- people have signed up for public nesotaCare will not need to take programs through MNsure. “We want to assure Minneany action to renew their coverage during the MNsure open sotans in Medical Assistance enrollment period unless they and MinnesotaCare that we will are contacted by the Depart- contact them before the end of ment of Human Services (DHS) the year if we need more information to renew their coverwith specific instructions. Current enrollees in these age,” said DHS Commissioner publicly subsidized programs Lucinda Jesson. Current Medical Assistance will not have to visit MNsure. org and fill out a new applica- and MinnesotaCare enrollees tion for coverage during open with questions can call the DHS enrollment, which begins Member Help Desk at 651-431November 15, 2014 for 2015 2670 or 800-657-3739, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. coverage. Minnesotans enrolled in “We want to avoid confusion and unnecessary work for those Medical Assistance and Minenrolled Medical Assistance nesotaCare will not need to take and MinnesotaCare,” said any action to renew their covMNsure CEO Scott Leitz. ““It’s erage during the MNsure open important that current Medical enrollment period unless they Assistance and MinnesotaCare are contacted by the Department enrollees wait to receive renew- of Human Services (DHS) with al instructions before coming specific instructions. Current enrollees in these back to MNsure.” Medical Assistance and Min- publicly subsidized programs nesotaCare enrollees make up will not have to visit MNsure. the majority of current MNsure org and fill out a new application consumers. About 100,000 for coverage during open enrollMedical Assistance and Min- ment, which begins November FARMERS AGENCY IN2014 ELBOW LAKE for 2015 coverage. nesotaCare households are due 15, “We want to avoid confusion forCAN renewal by the end of this INSURANCE MEET YOUR NEEDS! and unnecessary work for those enrolled Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare,” said MNsure CEO Scott Leitz. ““It’s important that current Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollees wait to receive renewal instructions before coming back to MNsure.” Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollees make up the majority of current MNsure consumers. About 100,000 Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare households are due for renewal by the end of this year. To date, more than 310,000 people have signed up for public programs through MNsure. “We want to assure Minnesotans in Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare that we will contact them before the end of the year if we need more information to renew their coverage,” said DHS Commissioner Lucinda Jesson. Current Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollees with questions can call the DHS Member Help Desk at 651-4312670 or 800-657-3739, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. MA, MNCare enrollees need not take action Call Insurance Agents Tom Estrem or Dennis Stock (218)685-6880 FAX: (218)685-6882 (Some evening times available) Evansville Campus 218.948.4008 - 649 1/2 State Street Heather Reeve, Physican Asst. Fridays 8 a.m.-Noon ............ Monday: 9:00 - 5:00 p.m. Elbow Lake Clinicand Friday: 9:00 a.m. Ashby Clinic Tuesday, Wednesday to 12:00 p.m. ALEXANDRIA 218-685-4461 218-747-2293 APPLIANCE Mondays 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Mornings Ashby Campus Sales & Service Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Thursday Mornings - 110 Cty Road 82E * APPLIANCES • SINCE 1898* & Fridays 8:00218.747.2293 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Wednesday After & Thursday: • Jenn-AirTuesday • Maytag • Magic Chef • G.E. • - 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - Noon Hotpoint • Amana • New & Used Evansville Clinic is located in Crestview walk-out basement area. After Clinic hours call 218-685-4461 or 1-888-818-4461 105 1st. Ave. NE P.O. Box 1060 Elbow Lake, MN 56531 “Insurance Of All Kinds” Deere Run Estates Townhomes New to the city of Brandon For Sale: One level 1417 sq ft, 2 bdrm with WIC, 2 bath & den, finished DBL garage, association living with lawn care, snow removal FUNERAL HOME & and garbage. Starting at $189,900 with assesments CREMATION SERVICES paid, contact Brian at (320) 491-1592 for information. GLEN DE-NILSON
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