Upcoming Events Mount Maunganui Primary School REMINDERS Orkney Road

Mount Maunganui Primary School
Orkney Road
Mount Maunganui 3116
Phone: (07) 575 3960
Email: admin@mtprimary.school.nz
Website: www.mtprimary.school.nz
Edition # 19 - 14th November 2014
Team Orkney
Art Gallery Trip
Year 3 and 4
Athletics Day
Upcoming Events
Fri 14th Nov
Sun 16th Nov
Wed 19th Nov
Fri 21st Nov
Thu 27th Nov
Wed 3rd Dec
Year 1 & 2 Athletics
PTA Golf Day
Cluster Athletics Y5/6
Kapa Haka Ra Whakangahau
Grandparents Day
WBOP Athletics
Thu 4th Dec
Tue 9th Dec
Fri 12th Dec
Tue 16th Dec
Christmas on the Field
Tay TeamTrip - Chipmunks
Year 6 Leavers Assembly - 1:30 to 3:00pm
School Finishes at 1pm
Last day for Year Book orders
is tomorrow. Books cost $20
You will find an order slip on Page 3.
Lucky Book Orders close on Wednesday
26th November. Please make cheques
payable to Scholastic Books.
A note from Damien
Welcome to this week’s edition of The Pipeline. I hope you take some time to sit and read through the many
notices, photos and announcements. It’s the place to come to keep up on the happenings here at Mount Primary.
I would like to begin my note to you with a thank you to all those who were able to come and share in our school
vision as we presented it last week. I understand there were some people who weren’t able to make our
meeting. I am preparing a summary document that shares 2.5 hours worth of discussion in 2 pages without
losing the key messages—not an easy task! I will ensure those who made contact with me get a copy and will
leave copies at the office next week as well.
One piece of sad news that was shared at our Community meeting was that Les Howat has decided to retire at
the end of this year after many at our school. Les is a wealth of knowledge, a keeper of many stories and has
been the guardian of our school’s journey through many decades. As you can tell Les will leave a big gap in our
school next year. This decision has been a difficult one for Les, one that we respect immensely. I have begun a
process to find a suitable replacement for Les and will share updates on staffing once I am able.
As our year draws ever closer to an end it is really important to let the office know if you’re planning on leaving
our school over the Christmas break to allow us to plan classes with the best possible numbers for learning.
Also if you are aware of anyone planning on coming to our school (and in zone) please ask them to make contact
with us via the office so we can include them in our planning.
Please know that as our year gets busier with finishing off this year’s assessments,
reports and continuing with planning and teaching, our staff are working extremely
hard to make the best for our kids. Take a moment to tell them how much you
appreciate their hard work, it goes a long way to making their day.
I’m unable to make our golf day this year due to an important family commitment but
I’d like to thank everyone who has spent many hours ensuring this day will be as much
fun as it always has been and will raise much needed funds for our library upgrade!
Good Luck to all golfers. I’ll look forward to hearing the stories next week.
From the School Office
Sports Fees - There are still some outstanding sports
registration fees. Notices will be sent home next week.
Thank you to those who have paid.
Sunsmartness” at Mount Primary
Thank you to all who have supplied children with bucket
style sunhats. For those new to our school, we have
guidelines stating that when outside children need to be
wearing a bucket style hat - no hat means stay in the
shade which limits play. While heads and faces are now
protected, we are aware that necks and shoulders are
still rather exposed in many cases. Please ensure that
your children wear T-shirts as opposed to singlets and
camisoles to school. We do all we can to prevent sunburn
and encourage you to help by providing sensible clothing
and perhaps a roll-on (preventing spillage and waste)
sunblock as well. Thank you for your co-operation.
Thanks to Jane of Paper
Plus for her support for
our Creative Curriculum
“Homegrown” quiz.
Look at our kids enjoying
the prizes donated by
Paper Plus Mount
Wood Offcuts
Tay team are keen to find a source of wood offcuts
suitable for the children to use when
“woodworking”. If you are able to supply a banana
box full on a weekly basis (we can’t store too much)
it would be greatly appreciated. A contribution of
nails would also be great. As a result some of you
are assured of receiving wonderful handiwork!
Please see Paulette Dohnt if you can help.
Many thanks from the Tay Team Teachers
Searching for a Pianist
Tay Team are looking for a person able to play the
piano to accompany their singing. If you can play
the piano and have a spare couple of hours a week
Paulette and her team would love to hear from you.
We have moved…..
The clothing bin has moved
from Orkney Road to the
Lee Street side of the
You’ll find it just outside
the fence next to the Cove.
Congratulations to the following students
who were caught being a Mountie recently:
Georgia-Rose Ellis, Isaac Christophers, Dayna
Pomana, Joshua Fletcher, Pheonix Sheffield-Cook,
Stella McKenzie, Tyce Schumacher
Team Player:
Gabriel Murphy, Ella Tattersall, Steven Khoun, Mabel
George, Guy Hardy, Naoise Higgins-McCormick, Bree
Straker, Moby George, Ryan Gormlie, Grayson Calland,
Max Cranfield, Cybele Chapman
Kieran Boase, Jett-Rose Ramos, Ayan Ansari, Joshua
Adkins, Rinka Netzler, Lucy Boorman, Jack PatonTapsell, Razia Cotton, Niela-Jorge Pine, Dusty Roper,
Mischa Boorman, Reece Cobb, Ethan Lunjevich, Milla
Spillane, Leo Shin, Olivia Cochrane, Luke McConnell,
Marcus McKelvey, Alani McKenzie, Tia Macintosh,
Tommy Power, Jess Tillet, Ryan Bell, Loughie Keaney,
Mia Fletcher, Noah Hargreaves, Finn Spillane, Mitchell
Dalley, Phoebe Gibson-Carr, Carlos Hansen, Kyle Moore,
Roy Shin
Brooke Griffin, Isaac Johnstone, Cooper Roberts, Ezra
Burman, Imogen Coffey, Michael Hagger, Quinn Farley
Thursday 4th December
School Christmas Picnic & Family
fun night
From 4:30pm on the school field.
(Postponement date is
Thursday 11th December)
Mt Primary Family looking for a 3 or 4 bedroom house
to rent. Please contact the office if you know of any
available now or in the next couple of weeks.
I hope you enjoy
your school house
Make sure to wear
them during the
whole school sports
PTA GOLF DAY - This Sunday
If you are not a golfer you can still support our school
library upgrade. Come along to Omanu Golf Club for
Sunday evening refreshments and bid on one of these
fantastic auctions:
Chiefs Rugby Gear (Training Jacket and shirt and
supports shirt) kindly donated by Shorty
Raleigh Retroglide NX3 Cruiser bike kindly
donated by Avantiplus Mt Maunganui
Six week training programme including initial
assessment with Brad Dixon kindly donated by
Everfit Coaching
A limited edition Magnum of Mills Reef Syrah
(2012) vintage) kindly donated by Mills Reef
‘Brew a beer with Stu’ kindly donated by Rocky
One day Champions Trophy Cricket Shirt signed
& kindly donated by Kane Williamson
Injury Prevention Package (12 x EFX classes, 2 x
45 minute massages, muscle balance assessment
from Physio and Foam Roller) kindly donated by
Foundation Clinic
$1,000 Radio Advertising kindly donated by
‘Big Bean’ Bean Bag kindly donated by Beanz
5 x Junior Hotshot Mt Maunganui Tennis Club
memberships kindly donated by Mt
Maunganui Tennis Club
The auction begins promptly at 5:00pm.
Hope to see you there.
For further information: mtprimarygolfday@gmail.com
A big well done to all the Mounties who trialled last
weekend for the WBOP Cricket Rep Team.
Congratulations to Charlie Beale and Ben Vyver who
have been selected for the team.
2014 Mt Primary Year Book Order Return Slip
Student’s Name: …………………………………………………………...
Room: …….
$20 per copy
I would like to order ….. Year Books at $20 each
Total enclosed $...........
Please put this order slip with
payment in an envelope and
place it in the slot in the