Sacred Heart Church 260 High Street, Mount Holly, NJ 08060-1404 Telephone: 609-267-0209 • FAX: 609-267-9293 • Website: Office Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9:00am - 5:00pm (Closed for Lunch 12:00pm-1:00pm) Evening Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 6:00pm - 9:00pm • Sunday 8:30pm -1:00pm Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30am, 11:30am & 7:00pm Weekday: Mon.-Fri. 7:00am & 8:30am Saturday: 8:30am Confessions Saturday: 3:30pm - 4:00pm (Reconciliation Rooms are to the right of the Eucharistic Chapel) Parish Staff Pastor Deacons Rev. John P. Czahur ext. 308 Deacon Michael Auleta Deacon Jim Casa Deacon John Hoefling Deacon Stan Orkis Deacon William Rowley Sacred Heart School 250High Street, Mount Holly, NJ 08060 Telephone: 609-267-1728 Email: Website: Principal: Ms. Carla Chiarelli Admin. Assist.: Mrs. Colleen Martin ext. 316 Parish Secretary: Mrs. Michele O’Toole ext. 301 Business Manager: Mrs. Deneen Thomas ext. 303 Cemetery Manager: Mrs. Paula Pietrow ext. 304 Pastoral Administrator: Mrs. Marge McGinley ext. 306 Asst. to Pastoral Admin.: Ms. Merry Marcellino ext. 305 Parish Maintenance Mr. Jason D’Entremont ext. 319 Sacred Heart Religious Education Telephone: 609-267-6319 Email: Director of Rel. Ed: Mrs. Eileen Hoefling, D. Min. Coord. of Rel. Ed: Mrs. Jessica Donohue ext. 307 Office Hours: Mon-Thurs. 9am – 2pm Track I Class Times Grades 1st - 4th Tues. & Wed.: 5:00PM to 6:00PM Grades 5th - 6th Wednesday: 7:00PM to 8:00PM Grades 7th - 8th Tuesday: 7:00PM to 8:00PM NOVEMBER 15 – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish Registration The Sacrament of Marriage Our parish family warmly welcomes new members. Please register at your earliest convenience by stopping by the Parish House during the office hours. Couples wishing to celebrate and consecrate their love in the Sacrament of Marriage are asked to call the Parish Secretary, Michele O’Toole at 609-702-1848 ext. 301. Arrangements are to be made with the Pastor a year in advance of the requested date. At least one person should be a registered member of the parish. All couples are required to attend preparation sessions. The Sacrament of Baptism We welcome new life into the Church through the sacramental sign of Baptism which is celebrated every Sunday of the month at 1:00pm with the exception of Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. We encourage parents who wish to have their child baptized to call the Parish Secretary, Michele O’Toole, at 609-7021848 ext. 301 or stop in and pick up a Baptism packet. Once the Baptismal Preparation class is attended, the form completed and the Godparent Eligibility Certificates are turned in then a date for your child’s Baptism will be set. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Any Catholic who is seriously ill, advanced in age, or who feels the need for the comforting presence of the Church’s sacramental prayer life may be anointed. Please contact the Parish Office at 609-702-1848 ext. 301 during office hours. In the case of an emergency, please call and follow the instructions listed on our telephone message. Baptismal Preparation Funerals Catholic Godparents are required to complete an Eligibility Certificate and have the certificates signed by the pastor of the parish where they are currently registered and practicing their faith. We offer a Baptismal Prep Class for parents as a way of preparing them for their child’s journey of faith. Classes are scheduled for the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm. Please contact the Parish Secretary to register. The sick, the homebound and the elderly are valued members of our parish. Please call the parish house at 609-267-0209 ext. 305 for a In all cases, the family of the deceased parishioner should contact the funeral home directly. They will contact the Church to make further arrangements. For information regarding our Parish Cemetery, please call the Cemetery Office at 609-702-1848 ext 304 Care of the Sick, Homebound and Elderly: Bulletin Articles Sacramental Sponsorship Letter This is a form required to be a Godparent or Sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. To receive this form the following requirements must be met: -If married, be in a valid marriage according to the laws of the Catholic Church. -Be at least 16 years of age -Completed the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation -Be a registered, active participant of a Parish Articles for the Bulletin need to be submitted No Later than Friday to appear the next weekend (9 days prior). Articles can be emailed to 512– Page 2 NOVEMBER 15 – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES FOR THE WEEK November 17th– November 23rd MONDAY 7:00am Helen Masick-Luyber, OFS Req. By Jeff & Teresa Redder 8:30am Marcia Foresman Req. By Joe & Audrey Yost TUESDAY 7:00am Larry Roth Req. By Sandy Roth 8:30am Jean Lee Moore Req. By Peggy Karsten WEDNESDAY 7:00am Maximo Llido Req. By Renee Villareal 8:30am Philip Voorhees Req. By Mom, Dad & Family THURSDAY 7:00am Walter J. Kwoka Req. By The Redder Family 8:30am Caroline M. Spirito Req. By Dolores Sanchez & Family FRIDAY 7:00am V. Clayton Lafferty Req. By Secular Franciscans of Holy Assumption 8:30am Caroline Amber Cauley Req. By The Garrett Family SATURDAY 8:30AM Marie Protano Req. By Jean Dow Joseph Slinski Req. By Elizabeth Atkinson & Family Angie Sucameli Req. By Marie Caruso 4:30PM The People of the Parish and the Deceased Priests & Deacons of the Parish SUNDAY 7:30am Erna Hofmann Req. By Elaine & Phil Ryan 9:30am George & Theresa Kanyuck Req. By their Family 11:30am Sandra Fowler Req. By Barbara & Tom Fox 7:00pm Chester Sadowski Req. By Karen & Ed Besko The Devotional Candle in the Chapel of the Two Hearts Will Burn in Loving Memory of: Cory Austin Liebold Eucharistic Adoration – Come and spend time in the quiet with Our Lord in the Chapel of the Two Hearts located in the Parish House. Our Chapel is open for you and Jesus to spend some time during the following hours: Monday through Friday 9AM to 8:30PM Saturday 9AM to noon. SUNDAY OFFERING Weekly 11/8 – 11/9 $ 14,281.25 Thank you for the faithful and generous support that you continue to give to our Church. Our Book of Remembrance OUR BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE Remembering our loved ones who have joined our loving God in eternal rest is truly a gift of our faith. Beginning October 31st there will be a Book of Remembrance located in the Eucharistic Chapel in the Church (to the left of the Altar). Please write the names of your deceased loved ones in this book so we can remember them in our prayers and at all of our liturgies throughout the month of November. The gift of remembering and praying for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith is a wonderful part of our Catholic tradition. 512– Page 3 NOVEMBER 15 – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Please remember in your prayers: Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish, Frances Ogozalek, Barbara McCabe-Parker, Fred Zimmer, Toribia Cadavez, Patricia Parker, I am pleased to inform you that several Norman Goldstein, Morgan Ackerman, new names have been added to our Sacred Charles Juliana, Bertha Harris, Sabrina Kaiser, Heart Memorial Association. Wilma Peterson, Raymond Bishop, Walter Klarmann, Tom Polinski, A special plaque has been placed in the Baby Joseph William Eades, Celeste Bunn, Eucharistic Chapel of our Church to Patricia O’Connor, George Schneider, commemorate our deceased parishioners who, Catherine Byham, Marie Donahue, at the time of their passing, bequeathed a Jenny Hand, Margaret Brock, Christine, monetary gift in their Will to Sacred Heart Mary Ellen Flynn, Peggy Stewart, Church, or whose families requested that their Dylan Crespo, Sharon Carroll, Jane Ciletti, Annette Gullo, Frances Sinopoli, Teddy Smith departed loved ones be remembered by William A. Andrews, Carmine Laraia, donations given to Sacred Heart. Such a special Arthur Netti, Doris Gallo, Rhiannon Schneider, request would be made known in the obituary of Dick McCarron, Don Hartman, Mary Hartman, their loved one. Clara Hynes, Daniel DeMaio, Liam Stellwag, Mark Cirillo, Frank Anton, Annmarie Laraia These generous gifts will be used Bette, Michelle Schafle Reed, primarily for the needs of the Church and, at William Lawrence, Deacon John O’Donnell times, important parish expenses. In this way, the deceased members of Sacred Heart will continue to be remembered in our prayers and through the generosity of those who knew and loved them. The following names have been recently added to our plaque: Marion Campbell, James Mancini, Katherine Thornton, Phyllis Purdie and Theresa Nasuti. If we have omitted the name of any parishioner who was to be remembered in this way, please notify Mrs. Deneen Thomas at 609702-1848 ext. 303. May eternal rest, through the mercy of God, be granted to all of our departed loved ones. God bless you all, Father John As a parish family we remember all who are struggling or suffering in mind, body, or spirit, especially those who have requested our prayers. Please pray for the men and women now serving in the military, especially the loved ones of our parishioners who are serving overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan: PFC Jimmy Graham, U.S.M.C. Capt. Travis Aiello, U.S.M.C. Keith A. Best, U.S.M.C. LCpl. Nigel Martin, U.S.M.C. Capt. Robert J. Boccio, U.S.A.F Michael Bakker, Isaac Paredez Major Scott J. Sill, Michael Tranchitella Douglas Schwenck, Army Reserve Richard DeLorge U.S.M.C Peter Liedman, Dorinia Dibuono Capt. James Rankin U.S.M.C LTC John Gourley, U.S. Army Nate Wiegnar, SSgt Daniel E. Naro, Sgt. Alison Lyport 2nd LT Lee Brent, U.S. Army Sgt. Stephanie Robertson, U.S. Army Sgt. Michael Rowley, U.S. Army 512– Page 4 NOVEMBER 15 – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Religious Education News Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart, I am very happy to inform you that, beginning January 1, 2015, Mrs. Amy Raimondi will be the administrative assistant for the Office of Religious Education here at Sacred Heart! Amy and her husband John are parishioners of our church, having moved to the area fairly recently. Mrs. Raimondi comes to us with rich experience and background in working with families and children in youth ministry, in both her former parish and with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. She also has additional background in volunteer coordination and in education, having taught in and directed early childhood programs as well. Amy is also an 8th grade catechist in our program, and will continue in this capacity as she also joins the parish staff. Our program will certainly be enriched by Mrs. Raimondi's presence, and we are blessed that she has brought her gifts, experience and enthusiasm for working with our families and most of all for forming our children in our Catholic faith to Sacred Heart. I am very much looking forward to working with Amy in January as we welcome her to her new position in our program! Mrs. Jessica Donohue Coordinator of Religious Education I am also truly happy to welcome John and Amy Raimondi to Sacred Heart Parish and am so pleased that Mrs. Raimondi has accepted the position of Administrative Assistant in the Office of Religious Education, effective January 1, 2015. Amy comes to us well qualified for the responsibilities she will assume in this Office and is looking forward to beginning her important work for the families in our Religious Education Program with much enthusiasm. I am very pleased to welcome her to the Parish Staff and look forward to working together with Mrs. Donohue, Mrs. Raimondi and all the members of our catechetical ministry to foster and enrich the faith life of the wonderful families of our Program. Father John Baptisms We extend a warm welcome to our newly baptized. Daniella Juanita Brauchle Thomas Francis Brauchle Erin Clare Faul May the Lord give His angels charge over you, to guide you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11 SERRA VOCATION PRAYER CHALICE Prayer for Vocations O God, in the past you called men and women to dedicate their lives to you through priesthood and religious life. Today stir up the grace of a religious vocation in the hearts of many within our parish community. Grant them the willingness and generosity to place their lives completely in your hands as priests, brothers and sisters. Help me to support them by my own fidelity to your call to holiness through prayer & Christian service. If you desire that one of my family or friends follow you in this way, grant me the wisdom and insight to support and encourage that person to listen to your voice and follow you without delay. Thank you for praying for vocations. To learn more about the Vocation Prayer Chalice, please call Ann (609)-267-5836 or sign up by writing your name & phone number on the signup sheet located to the left of the Tabernacle in the Church Chapel. 512– Page 5 NOVEMBER 15 – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Judging Good Done - Or Undone All that we have belongs to God; we are God’s stewards. In the Parable of the Talents”… the standard, the yardstick, by which a person’s life is judged, is the amount of good done- or not done. The master who returns to judge his servants does so on the basis of their creativity, their fruitful use of what he has given them, their ability to leave a situation better than it was when they entered it.” Living Faith “God wills that each receives what he needs from others, and that those endowed with particular “talents” share the benefits with those who need them. These differences encourage and often oblige persons to practice generosity, kindness and sharing goods…” The Pantry is in NEED of the following. Meals in a can, Macaroni & Cheese, Canned Vegetables, Can or Boxed Potatoes, Cereal, Tuna, Soups, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Canned Fruit & Jelly If you would like to make a monetary donation please make checks payable to: SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BLOOD DRIVE On Sunday, November 23rd the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will distribute Thanksgiving baskets to the families we assist throughout the year. To help us in our preparation of providing enough food to fill the nearly 250 baskets for our families in need, we would greatly appreciate your food or monetary donations by mid-November. We would like to fill our baskets with a turkey, cans of cranberry sauce, yams, vegetables (corn and green beans) and gravy as well as boxes of potatoes, stuffing mix, muffin mix, and brownie mix plus hot chocolate and tea bags. Also, please keep us in mind for the local grocery stores that are offering a free turkey promotion. We are requesting teenage and adult volunteers to help prepare, pack and distribute the baskets. Please contact Pat Budd (609610-5486, to sign up for any portion of the below time slots to take part in this most humbling and gratifying experience. Thursday, 11/20 10:00am to 1:00pm Bag fresh vegetables Friday, 11/21 10:00am to 3:00pm Begin to pack baskets Saturday, 11/22 9:30 am to Noon Finish packing baskets We are once again calling all life savers for our annual holiday blood drive to be held on, Friday, November 28, 2014 in the Sacred Heart Auditorium from 10:00am - 3:00 pm. Our goal is to sign 75 lifesavers this drive. Please come out and support your community. A special call is sent out to all "Type O" donors. Sign up tables will be available before and after all masses. Please bring a friend along. Saturday, 11/22 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Set up tables in Auditorium Sunday, 11/23 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm Distribute baskets from Auditorium From the Vincentian family to your family, we sincerely thank you and wish you God’s blessings. 512– Page 6 NOVEMBER 15 – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Sacred Heart Altar Rosary Society is sponsoring a Wonderful Trip to AMERICAN MUSIC THEATER IN BEAUTIFUL LANCASTER COUNTY PA ON December 12, 2014 THE CHRISTMAS SHOW Cost: $95.00 includes Show, Lunch, Transportation, Light snacks on coach and Gratuities. Leaves and Returns to Lumberton Plaza Please Contact Terry Rensman of the Sacred Heart Altar Rosary Society at 609-284-2517 for more details. Could you volunteer to minister in the nursing home one Sunday morning a month? If you love the elderly this is the ministry for you. We have a small group of Eucharistic Ministers that minister to the elderly and the ill at our local nursing home and rehabilitation center. We would love to have your talent along with this dedicated team. If you would like to hear more details please contact Marge McGinley at 609-267-0209, ext. 306 or email at Please pray about this invitation to serve God’s people. Mary Undoer of Knots Adult Group 11-17-2014 (Monday) – Bowling Night at Pinsetter’s, Merchantville, NJ We will meet on the benches across from the bowling alley counter at 7:30 PM. The fee for bowling is $2.00 per game & $2.00 for shoe rental. In addition, drink & food specials are available. Come join us for a cheap night out! Please e-mail Rosanne at to be included in the head-count. 11-23-2014 (Sunday) – “God Is” Presentation @ Francis House of Prayer, Rancocas, NJ This is a presentation by Jill Snyder. Come discover God’s presence in your everyday life. Her talk is from 2PM to 4PM. The fee is $10.00. Please e-mail Rosanne at to be included in our reservation. December 2014 12-6-2014 (Saturday) - Gift Wrapping for the Ronald McDonald House at Deptford Mall We will meet at 9:45 AM in the lower court at JC Penny’s. Our shift is from 10 AM to Noon. Immediately following our day of service, we’ll have lunch at Seven Star Diner in Sewell. Please e-mail Rosanne at to be included. 12-9-2014 (Tuesday) – Theology On Tap @ Lazy Lanigan’s, Sewell, NJ Come listen to a dynamic speaker and mingle with area Catholics. The presentation starts at 7 PM. If you plan to join us please e-mail Rosanne at . 12-14-2014 (Sunday) – “Living Nativity” at Fellowship Community Church, Mount Laurel, NJ We’ll meet at 6:30 PM in front of the church. If you plan to attend, please e-mail Rosanne at (SNOW DATE – 12-21- 2014 at 6:30 PM) 12-17-2014 (Wednesday) – Religion Night @ Mother Mary Joseph Center, 1215 Kresson Road, Cherry Hill, NJ We’ll gather at 7 PM until 9 PM to hear a dynamic speaker discuss the “Immaculate Conception of Mary.” If you plan to attend, please e-mail Rosanne at 12- 29-2014 (Monday) - Bowling Night at Pinsetter’s, Merchantville, NJ We will meet on the benches across from the bowling alley counter at 7:30 PM. The fee for bowling is $2.00 per game & $2.00 for shoe rental. In addition, drink & food specials are available. Come join us for a cheap night out! Please e-mail Rosanne at to be included in the head-count. 512– Page 7 NOVEMBER 15 – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Offerings at Francis House of Prayer Trenton Diocesan Spiritual Center Box 392 • Rancocas, NJ 08073 609-877-0509 or Please check for our other A MYSTIC SAMPLER Wednesday, November 19 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM We will take a little of Julian of Norwich, Thomas Merton, Teresa of Avila and Francis de Sales. We’ll mix them together, add a little prayer and humor and mix. Let’s see what we come up with that will inspire our ordinary daily lives and uncover the extraordinary reality of God’s presence within it. Donation: $20, lunch included. THE “GIFT” OF STRESS Friday, November 21 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM As the holidays approach, we will take a long, loving look at the causes and solutions of stress so we can enjoy these upcoming Holydays and Holidays with serenity, peace and enthusiasm as God desires. How about you? Donation: $20, includes lunch. SILENT DIRECTED RETREAT WEEKEND 7:00 PM Friday – 1:00 PM Sunday November 21 – 23 Due to the frantic pace of contemporary life, it is essential for our spiritual and physical health to take time to pray. The Weekend Directed Retreat offers you the opportunity to experience the graced rhythm of life in which silence and rest restore your body and God revives your soul. Liturgy, Spiritual Direction and optional Contemplative Prayer periods are included. Please register early. These fill quickly. Donation: $130/$50 non-refundable deposit with registration GOD IS… From “Your Best Life” Programs for People in Their 20s and 30s Sunday, November 23, 2:00 – 4:00 PM Thursday, December 4, 7:00 – 9:00 PM (Program is repeated. Choose one date!) ...was and always will be. God is everywhere. God is in you, in every person, in each created thing, in each moment. He wants you to discover Him and His great love for you. Come and check out a valuable prayer called The Examen that can be used to discover God’s presence and grace in your daily life. Presenter: Jill Snyder. Donation: $10 “Keep Christ in Christmas” The Knights of Columbus are selling “Keep Christ in Christmas” car magnets, lawn signs and “Keep Christ in Christmas” red and green wrist bands, which make great stocking stuffers for the kids. The sale will take place after all masses on November 22/23. The price is $5.00 for the car magnet and $6.00 for the lawn sign or you can purchase both for $10.00. Wrist bands are $3.00 each. All proceeds from this sale go to support the Knight’s church and community activities throughout the year. Have you ever thought about joining the Knights of Columbus? If you are a practicing Catholic gentleman who may have an interest in the Knights of Columbus please contact Grand Knight Bruce Sirak at or feel free to stop any Knight to learn about who we are and what we do! Visit us on Facebook as we capture our activities and news. Go to, type: Knights-of-Columbus1179-Santa-Maria-Council Holy Land & Rome Tour Escorted by Msgr Sirianni * Msgr Gervasio and Rev. Juan Peirano Feb 24 - March 10, 2015 for Complete Details Graycar Travel 800-214-6723 To register, call 609-877-0509. Please check for our other offerings! 512– Page 8 NOVEMBER 15 – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ISN’T KNOWLEDGE A WONDERFUL THING!! What exactly is a “worthy wife?” He was afraid to take any risk at all. We, like Well, now I know that all the married people that third servant, can live in fear of the Lord as of the parish are reading this! Judge and as a result focus on all the “Shall As we come close to the end of the liturgical and Shall not” statements and forget about year, which is during this month of November, Jesus’ command to love one another. our readings repeatedly beckon us to realize Fear of the Lord – looking to God with great that life on earth is temporary. We, as people love and basking in His love for us leads us to of faith, are challenged to keep our relationship live the commandments and the beatitudes with God as a number one priority every day. while fear of the Lord as only the Judge Our first reading is taken from the beautifully, perhaps will minimize the risks we will take in poetically written book of Proverbs. We hear a reaching out with great love to God’s people. mother advising her son about the virtues to Our worthy wife in the first reading “reaches look for when choosing a wife. So often this her hands to the poor, and extends her arms to reading is proclaimed at weddings. It does the needy.” She not only assists those in need bring a smile when it talks about “obtaining with her hands, she extends her arms in love. wool and flax….and her fingers plying the St. Paul tells us we are “children of the day, spindle.” Most brides wouldn’t begin to know and children of the light.” The only fear that where to find the wool never mind working a enters our lives should be the Fear of the Lord spindle. This reading is truly about a woman and with that Fear let us always be prepared to bringing joy to her husband by virtuous living. meet Jesus face to face, and in that moment Women today care for a home and family may we be greeted by St. Paul’s words, “Well differently than when this Old Testament done my good and faithful servant.” reading was authored but let’s see what we Marge McGinley, Pastoral Administrator can learn from this reading’s spirit vs. the letter of the law. “When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls. Her husband entrusting his heart to her finds an unfailing prize.” Wow! If you are married, can you picture your mother in law sharing that advice to your husband about you? The description continues to speak of this virtuous women’s service to the poor and her commitment to Our Lord. “The woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” When we hear “fear of the Lord” in scripture it is a word that reminds us to honor God with great awe, wonder, high respect, and never wanting to disappoint God. However, in the Gospel we encounter a different fear. We meet three servants, all given responsibility by their master. The first two servants take the responsibility, manage it and have good news to share upon their master’s return. The third one was frozen by fear! He focused on the master’s judgment to the point that he was non-productive. 512– Page 9 NOVEMBER 15 – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEKLY PLANNER UPCOMING EVENTS SUNDAY November 16th Knights of Columbus Blood Drive Sign-ups RCIA Adults 10:00am LIB Music Practice 6:30pm Church SUNDAY November 23rd KOC Keep Christ in Christmas Sale RCIA Adults 10:00am LIB Music Practice 6:30pm Church MONDAY November 17th Cub Scouts 5:00pm PHMR Basketball 6:30pm Gym MONDAY November 24th Cub Scouts 5:00pm PHMR Basketball 6:30pm Gym TUESDAY November 18th Religious Education Classes Children’s Choir 6:00pm Church Basketball 6:30pm Gym SVDP Meeting 7:00pm SVDP Center Legion of Mary 7:00pm PHCR TUESDAY November 25th No Religious Education Classes Children’s Choir 6:00pm Church Knights Basketball 7:30pm Gym SVDP Meeting 7:00pm SVDP Center Legion of Mary 7:00pm PHCR WEDNESDAY November 19th Religious Education Classes Basketball 6:30pm Gym OLPH Prayer Group 7:15pm Chapel WEDNESDAY November 26th OLPH Prayer Group 7:15pm Chapel THURSDAY November 20th Track II Mass Music Practice 6:00pm Church Basketball 6:30pm Gym Boy Scouts 7:00pm PHMR Adult Choir 7:30pm Church Bible Study 7:30pm LIB FRIDAY November 21st School Liturgy 8:30am Basketball 6:30pm Gym SATURDAY November 22nd KOC Keep Christ in Christmas Sale Mass Music Practice 3:30pm OUR PROMISE TO PROTECT The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors. If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know of someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via e-mail at The Diocese of Trenton reports any allegations of sexual abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Anyone with an allegation is also encouraged to provide that information to local law enforcement authorities. THURSDAY November 27th Thanksgiving Day Mass 9:00am Parish Office and Chapel Closed FRIDAY November 28th Parish Office and Chapel Closed Knights of Columbus Blood Drive 10:00am to 3:00pm Aud SATURDAY November 29th Basketball 8:30am Gym Mass Music Practice 3:30pm Basketball Teams attending 4:30pm Mass then gathering in the Auditorium 512– Page 10 Miller Ford Lincoln Mercury Miller Subaru Miller Truck Leasing Miller Auto Leasing Wholesale Dealers in Key Blanks, Locks, Padlocks, Door Checks, Safes, & Alarm-Burglar & Fire Byer Lock Shop REGISTERED LOCKSMITHS • SAFE EXPERTS 92-96 Washington Street Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 609-267-6022 • 609-267-6002 Fax 609-267-3550 Route 38, Mt. 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