Media Kit Mexico International Furniture Market Winter, Summer and Tecno edition The Furniture Manufacturers Association of Jalisco (AFAMJAL for its acronomy in spanish) is the organizer of the 3 most important furniture exhibitions in Mexico and Latin America. There are no others exhibitions in Mexico where you will find the results that you will get with us. Who we are AFAMJAL? We are consider the leader furniture manufacturers association, with the most solid structure and the most representative companies in the country. Main events organized by afamjal: MEXICO INTERNATIONAL FURNITURE MARKET TECNO MUEBLE INTERNATIONAL MEXICAN FURNITURE INDUSTRY NATIONAL CONVENTION DIMUEBLE CONTEST MOBLAJE MAGAZINE We publish the industry's leading magazine, reaching retailers, manufacturers, importers, department stores, etc. Providing our readers with the latest information in the industry, trends, design, suppliers, among others. Moblaje is the best way to reach professionals in the furniture industry in Mexico. Afamjal is the organizer of the Furniture Design National Contest dimueble, which is held annually and has positioned itself as the most important of its kind nationwide. Aimed at students and professionals in industrial design, architecture and interior design, dimueble is the opportunity to link manufacturers with design professionals and students in our country. Currently we are promoting the 8th edition 2015. More information More information Event held annually where all members of the chain industry meet to train and exchange professional experiences that enhance their company. More information Internationals EXHIBITIONS Mexico International Furniture Market, Winter Edition 2015 Mexico International Furniture Market, Summer Edition 2015 Date: February 18 to 21. Date: August 19 to 22. Place: Expo Guadalajara. Place: Expo Guadalajara. Address of the venue: Mariano Otero Ave. 1499. Address of the venue: Mariano Otero Ave. 1499. Phone: +52(33) 3343 3000. Phone: +52(33) 3343 3000. Products: Furniture and home accessories. Products: Furniture and home accessories. Exposition for wholesale buyers. Exposition for wholesale buyers. Register at: web page or place of the event. Must be accredited as a wholesale buyer of furniture (Visiting like a buyer). Register at: web page or place of the event. Must be accredited as a wholesale buyer of furniture (Visiting like a buyer). Schedule for buyers: from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. Schedule for buyers: from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. Schedule for exhibitors: from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Schedule for exhibitors: from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Exhibition zone: more than 52,000 square meters (559,000 Square Feet). Exhibition zone: more than 30,000 square meters (322,000 Square Feet). Number of exhibitors: More than 500. Number of exhibitors: More than 300. Country’s that visit us: Mexico, United States, Brazil, Italy, Spain, Canada, Turkey, Sweden, Ecuador and more. Country’s that visit us: Mexico, United States, Brazil, Italy, Spain, Canada, Turkey, Sweden, Ecuador and more. Average Buyers: more than 12,000 nationals and internationals buyers. Average Buyers: more than 8,000 nationals and internationals buyers. Marketing Plan: Ads in national and international press Ads in specialized magazines of national circulation. Radio E-mail Marketing E-Marketing Campaign Social Networks Telemarketing Ads in directories national and international exhibitions Booths in national and international exhibitions Tecno Mueble International 2015 Date: August 19 to 22. Place: Expo Guadalajara. Address of the venue: Mariano Otero Ave. 1499. Phone: +52(33) 3343 3000. Products: Technology and suppliers materials for the furniture and wood industry. Register at: web page or place of the event. Schedule for buyers: from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. Schedule for exhibitors: from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Exhibition zone: more than 10,000 square meters (108,000 Square Feet). Number of exhibitors: More than 200. Country’s that visit us: Mexico, United States, Brazil, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Center America and more. Average Buyers: more than 6,000 nationals and internationals buyers. Mexico International Furniture Market Winter and Summer Edition EXHIBITION AREAS 2015 The venue of our events is "Expo Guadalajara" best exhibition center in Latin America. This year we will have the following areas: ICO MEXOON L A S CO JALISOON SAL Hall with 26,500 m2 of exhibition. WINTER MAP JARA DALA GUAO N O SAL ICO MEXSIGN DE ILION PAV CO JALISOON SAL EXPOICE OFF SUMMER MAP TECN INTE O MUEB RNAT L IONAE L Hall with 13,200 m2 of exhibition. Hall with 3,000 m2 of exhibition. JARA DALA GUAO N O SAL ICO MEXSIGN DE ILION PAV SPECIALIZED PAVILIONS: Pavilion where companies present high contemporary design that manufacture and design their furniture and accessories in Mexico. The largest office in Mexico. The best manufacturers of the country will be in the context of Latin America's most important exhibition. A specialized section located at Guadalajara Hall. Why to participate in OUR EXHIBITIONS? IN OUR FAIR YOU WIN MONEY AND TIME! There is no other show in Mexico o Latin America with a higher number of exhibitors or exhibition space. You have to visit our show, you will find all product segments, and save more than 30% in the time visiting small exhibitions. All buyers in one place! Afamjal exhibitions are a must for the best national and international buyers. The numbers SPEAK! Our exhibitions are directed at all levels of business: popular, medium and high. The most important buyers visit our shows: Palacio de Hierro, Elektra, Coppel, Viana, Hermanos Vázquez, Mueblerías Standard, Muebles Placencia, Muebles Dico, Tiendas Chapur, FAMSA, Liverpool, Sears and many other nationals and internationals buyers. WHAT KINDS OF BUYERS VISIT US? BUYERS DID YOU BOUGHT IN OUR EVENT? The purchases that our buyers make in six months, the 36% is held during the show. re itu rn Fu 100% e or St n sig De Yes th Bo t ec oj Pr 45% Other: Profesional buyers of hotels and construction. No 35% O er th 17% 3% 57% 24% Quotes only 19% BUYERS WILL YOU MAKE A PURCHASE IN THE NEXT SIX MONTHS? Yes 97% No 3% MARKET SERVED SIZE OF COMPANIES THAT VISIT US 50% 38.9% Mix of two segments 27.5% Medium WHICH OF OUR SHOWS VISIT OF BUYERS? 25% 31 25 .6% .3 % Middle high 8.6% 21 High Both: Winter and Summer Edition .4 % Mix of three segments 62 .5 Large Medium Small Micro % 9.2 % 7.5 5% % Economic Just Winter 5% . 37 EXHIBITORS SIZE OF THE COMPANY 50% 100% Mix of two activities 36.6% 27.6% 39.2% 12.2% 2.3% Import 12.3% Marketer 5.8% Large Medium 52% Small Manufacturer Micro BUSINESS ACTIVITY Representant 32.3% MIX OF TYPES OF SALES Wholesale, Medium Wholesale, Retail and per Project Medium Wholesale, Retail and per Project MARKET SERVED Wholesale, Retail and per Project TYPE OF SALE Focus on a single type of sale e dl id M or o ets tw rk or a ix e m M or m Wholesale, Medium Wholesale and Retail Retail and per Project 45.6% handles one type of volume sales transactions gh hi 40% m iu ed M H Medium Wholesale and per Project Medium Wholesale and Retail 50% 32% 39.2% 15% ig h ic om n o Ec Wholesale, Medium Wholesale, and per Project Wholesale and per Project Wholesale and Retail Wholesale and Medium Wholesale 12% 1% 1% . 90 10% 2.3% 1.8% 2.3% DID YOU CLOSE SALES DURING THE EVENT? 1.2% Retail Per project The sale average for those who claimed to have sold over 1 Million is 2.85m Medium Wholesale No 4% 6% 1% 2% 3% 2% 2% 58% Wholesale Yes 1% Pro Mueble 11% Jalisco Furniture Manufacturers Association Av. Mariano Otero 1313, Col. Rinconada del Bosque, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, C.P. 44540 +52 (33) 3343 3400 Restrictions:
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