| 888-566-0008 | 877-957-1300 Clinical Coverage Guidelines Hepatitis C BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. Policy Applicability BMC HealthNet Plan MassHealth Commonwealth Care Commercial ConnectorCare/Qualified Health Plan (QHP) Well Sense Health Plan New Hampshire Medicaid Effective Date: 11/12/2014 Policy Number: 9.123 Policy Effective Date: 09/08/2003 Last Review Date: 07/10/2014 Approved by: Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Policy Owner/Title: Pharmacy Services Summary BMC HealthNet Plan may authorize coverage of specific medications used in the treatment of Hepatitis C when appropriate criteria are met. Description of Item or Service Chronic Hepatitis C This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 1 of 17 Treatment is indicated for patients with chronic hepatitis C, circulating HCVRNA who have elevated aminotransferase levels, evidence of moderate to severe hepatitis (e.g. METAVIR score exhibiting bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis), compensated liver disease, and are able to adhere to their treatment regimen. It is also appropriate for patients with milder disease (e.g. milder histologic changes, normal aminotransferase) to be offered therapy when it is determined that there is an urgency for treatment initiation. For patients who choose to defer therapy, periodic laboratory and histologic monitoring should be arranged by their treating physician. The previous standard of care for treatment of chronic hepatitis C consisted of a combination of injectable peginterferon (weekly) and oral ribavirin therapy (daily). This regimen is no longer recommended by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) and the Infectious. Diseases Society of America (IDSA) due to the low sustained virologic response (SVR) compared with newer regimens that include the use of a Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs). The use of a DAA in combination with peginterferon and/or ribavirin is known to be a more effective regimen than peginterferon/ribavirin alone. DAAs target the HCV life cycle directly, and they are FDA-approved for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients with compensated liver disease who are treatment naïve or have failed previous therapy. Victrelis® (boceprevir) and Incivek® (telaprevir) are first generation DAAs and have SVR rates of up to 75% in clinical trials compared to approximately 40% with peginterferon/ribavirin therapy alone. Incivek® carries a Black Box warning regarding serious skin reactions including Stevens Johnson Syndrome, Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. Fatal cases have been reported in patients who continued to receive Incivek® combination treatment after serious skin reaction was identified. If skin reaction is identified, the entire regimen of Incivek ®, peginterferon and ribavirin should be discontinued immediately and the patient promptly referred for urgent medical care. The second generation DAAs include OlysioTM (simeprevir) and Sovaldi® (sofosbuvir). OlysioTM is approved by the FDA for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 in adult patients with compensated liver disease, including cirrhosis. Use of OlysioTM in patients with moderate to severe hepatic impairment is not recommended. OlysioTM is an HCV NS3/4A protease inhibitor and is approved in combination with interferon and ribavirin. Screening patients with genotype 1a at baseline for the presence of the NS3 Q80K polymorphism is strongly recommended when OlysioTM is used in combination with interferon and ribavirin. Alternative regimens should be considered for patients that are Q80K polymorphism positive. OlysioTM has not been studied in patients who have had a null response to regimens with a protease inhibitor (e.g, boceprevir, telaprevir). As a result, OlysioTM is not recommended in patients whose hepatitis C was previously treated with a protease inhibitor. Sovaldi® is a nucleotide polymerase inhibitor that targets HCV NS5B RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. It disrupts the viral replication process and has been shown to have activity against all hepatitis C genotypes, including those resistant to protease inhibitors. Sovaldi® is approved in combination with peginterferon and ribavirin for the treatment of genotypes 1 and 4. It is also approved as a dual regimen with ribavirin for This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 2 of 17 genotypes 2 and 3, and for all chronic hepatitis C genotypes with hepatocellular carcinoma meeting Milan criteria (awaiting liver transplantation). Sovaldi® can also be used in patients with HCV/HIV-1 co-infection. The addition of a second generation DAA to peginterferon/ribavirin therapy provides a treatment option with an SVR greater than 90%. It also potentially shortens treatment duration from 48 weeks traditionally down to 12 weeks, depending on the choice of the DAA agent and the patient’s HCV genotype. Currently, AALSD guidelines recommend regimens with a second generation DAA as the first therapy choice for chronic hepatitis C. With the exception of a regimen using Sovaldi®, monitoring of HCVRNA levels during the treatment course should be done to determine whether the patient has experienced an early virologic response (EVR), which serves as a predictor of SVR. It is recommended that peginterferon/ribavirin therapy be discontinued in the absence of an EVR, because the likelihood of an SVR in this circumstance is very low (0 – 3%). In addition, patients on triple drug therapy including Incivek®, OlysioTM, or Victrelis®, require HCV-RNA monitoring to determine treatment futility. It is recommended that a treatment regimen with Incivek® be discontinued in patients with HCV-RNA levels ≥ 1000 IU/mL at treatment week 4 or 12 or if there is confirmed detectable HCVRNA at treatment week 24. The Victrelis® treatment regimen differs slightly in that discontinuation of therapy is recommended in patients who have HCV-RNA levels ≥ 100 IU/mL at treatment week 12 or confirmed detectable HCV-RNA at treatment week 12. For OlysioTM, treatment is to be stopped if HCV RNA > 25IU/ml at week 4,12 or 24; AASLD guidelines recommend week 4 as the turning point to determine the appropriateness of completing 24-week treatment for treatment naïve patients. Data on treatment with the combination of Sovaldi® and OlysioTM used in genotype 1 has shown an encouraging SVR of 90% on average. This dual regimen has not been approved by the FDA but the AASLD guidelines do recommend Sovaldi® and OlysioTM with or without ribavirin in patients with genotype 1 who are considered interferon ineligible (see table 1 for definition) and have not previously failed treatment with a protease inhibitor. Table 1: Definition of “interferon-ineligible” 9 Interferon Ineligible Intolerance to interferon Autoimmune hepatitis and other autoimmune disorders Hypersensitivity to pegylated interferon or any of its components Decompensated hepatic disease Major uncontrolled depressive illness Baseline neutrophil count < 1500/µL, baseline platelet count below 90,000/µL, or baseline hemoglobin < 10 g/dL History of preexisting cardiac disease This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 3 of 17 Similarly, the use of Sovaldi®and ribavirin without peginterferon is approved by the FDA, although the study group is small. In light of safer and more effective interferon-free treatment options being available in the near future, AASLD/IDSA has recommended reserving the above regimen for patients in immediate need for chronic hepatitis C treatment. ® Table 2: Recommended Treatment Duration – Incivek Treatment naïve and prior relapse patients HCV-RNA Triple Therapy Dual Therapy Total Treatment Duration 24 weeks 48 weeks Undetectable at weeks 4 and 12 First 12 weeks Additional 12 weeks Detectable (≤ 1000 IU/mL) at weeks 4 First 12 weeks Additional 36 weeks and/or 12 Prior partial and null responder patients All patients First 12 weeks Additional 36 weeks 48 weeks Note: treatment-naïve patients with cirrhosis who have undetectable HCV-RNA at weeks 4 and 12 may benefit from an additional 36 weeks of peginterferon/ribavirin. ® Table 3: Recommended Treatment Duration - Victrelis Assessment (HCV-RNA Results) At Treatment At Treatment Week 8 Week 24 Previously Undetectable Undetectable Untreated Detectable Undetectable Previous Partial Responders or Relapsers Undetectable Detectable Undetectable Undetectable Previous Null Responders Detectable or Undetectable Undetectable Recommendation Complete triple therapy regimen at week 28 1. Continue triple therapy through week 36; then 2. Continue peginterferon/ribavirin through week 48 Complete triple therapy at week 36 1. Continue triple therapy through week 36; then 2. Continue peginterferon/ribavirin through week 48 Complete triple therapy at week 48 Note: patients with compensated cirrhosis should receive 4 weeks of peginterferon/ribavirn followed by 44 ® weeks of Victrelis in combination with peginterferon/ribavirin Table 4: Recommended Treatment Duration – Sovaldi Recommendation ® Combination with P* and R* Combination with R* Genotype 1, 3, 4 Complete triple therapy through week 12 Complete dual therapy through week 24 Genotype 2 Complete triple therapy through week 12 Complete dual therapy through week 12 This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 4 of 17 All type, hepatocellular carcinoma awaiting liver transplantation n/a Complete dual therapy through week 48 or until liver transplant, whichever occurs first *: P= peginterferon, R= ribavirin Table 5: Recommended Treatment Duration – Olysio Recommendation TM Previously Untreated 1. 2. Continue triple therapy through week 12; then Continue peginterferon/ribavirin through week 24 Previous nonresponders 1. 2. Continue triple therapy through week 12; then Continue peginterferon/ribavirin through week 48 Due to the side effects and contraindications associated with peginterferon and ribavirin therapy, candidates for therapy must be carefully screened and monitored throughout their course of therapy. Contraindications to therapy include decompensated cirrhosis, pregnancy, uncontrolled depression or severe mental illness, active substance abuse in the absence of concurrent participation in a drug treatment program, advanced cardiac or pulmonary disease, severe cytopenias, poorly controlled diabetes, retinopathy, seizure disorders, immunosuppressive treatment, autoimmune diseases, or other inadequately controlled comorbid conditions. The table below lists common side effects associated with interferon and ribavirin. Table 6: Common side effects associated with interferon and ribavirin therapy Interferon Ribavirin Flu like symptoms, bone marrow suppression, Hemolytic anemia, chest congestion, dry cough, emotional effects, autoimmune disorders, hair dyspnea, pruritis, sinus disorders, rash, gout, loss, rash, diarrhea, sleep disorders, visual nausea, diarrhea, teratogenicity disorders, weight loss, seizures, hearing loss, pancreatitis, interstitial pneumonitis, injection site reactions HIV Co-Infection Special consideration does need to be given to those members who are co-infected with HIV, as a number of antitretroviral agents do interact with Sovaldi® and OlysioTM. Please refer to table 6 for allowable antiretroviral therapies for patients with HIV who are being treated with Sovaldi® and/or Olysio TM for hepatitis C. This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 5 of 17 Table 7: Allowed Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients with Hepatitis C Taking Sovaldi® and Olysio Hepatitis C Agent Allowable Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients with HIV Sovaldi® All antiretroviral agents can be used EXCEPT Olysio TM Didanosine Zidovudine Tipranavir TM LIMIT antiretroviral therapy to the following agents: Raltegravir Rilpivirine Maraviroc Enfuvirtide Tenofovir Emtricitabine Lamiviudine Abacavir Acute Hepatitis C Patients with acute Hepatitis C have a high risk of developing chronic Hepatitis C. For this reason, it is recommended that patients diagnosed with acute Hepatitis C be considered for treatment with interferon based therapy. Response rates are higher in treatment of acute hepatitis C (83% to 100%) than in chronic hepatitis C and the rate of spontaneous viral resolution in these patients is less than 50%. Since some patients will spontaneously clear the virus, treatment may be delayed for 8-12 weeks to allow for spontaneous resolution. Current recommendations for interferon therapy are for at least 12 weeks with consideration of 24 weeks. There are no recommendations at this time for either addition or omission of ribavirin. Clinical Guideline Statement The Plan may authorize coverage of specific hepatitis C products for members meeting the following criteria: Policy Applicability by Product Medication ® Incivek Infergen TM Olysio Pegasys MassHealth X BMC Health Plan CWC COMM X X QHP X X X X X X X X X X X X X This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 6 of 17 Medication Peg-Intron ® Rebetol sol Brand name* ribavirin convenience pack ® Sovaldi BMC Health Plan CWC COMM X X X X MassHealth X X X X X X X X ® X X X Victrelis NF=non-formulary *= brand name with interchangeable generic available will be reviewed under mandatory generic policy QHP X X NF X X Prior Authorization- (Duration of approval- see Appendix A) Chronic Hepatitis C Approval Criteria- Chronic Hep C All requests for chronic hepatitis C regimen require the documentation of all the following: Medication is prescribed by or in collaboration with a gastroenterologist, hepatologist, or infectious disease specialist A diagnosis of hepatitis C with detectable hepatitis C viral load Absence of decompensated liver disease Member has not abused illicit substances, narcotics, or alcohol for at least 6 months Absence of untreated depression Absence of drug-drug interactions with or contraindications to requested hepatitis C regimen Presence of cirrhosis or bridging/moderate to severe fibrosis stage >3 defined by histologic scoring system* (e.g. METAVIR), fibrosis markers* (e.g. FibroTest), or radiologic tests*; OR HIV co-infection with nonsuppressable HIV viral load or with elevated MELD scores; This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 7 of 17 Approval Criteria- Chronic Hep C OR There is urgency for treatment such as: need for hepatotoxic treatment or immunosuppression**, and extra-hepatic complications associated with HCV** An assessment has been conducted demonstrating the member’s readiness and likelihood of success with treatment. At a minimum, the assessment must indicate the following: o No history of medication and appointment non-adherence; AND o No history of treatment failure with prior hepatitis C treatment due to nonadherence; AND o Member has been or will be enrolled in a compliance monitoring program offered by the prescriber or Plan’s preferred specialty pharmacy hepatitis care management program; AND o Other barriers to treatment completion have been addressed Documentation of the following is also required for continuation after an initial authorization: Medication adherence, as evidenced by pharmacy claims and/or office notes; AND Documentation of office visit and lab work adherence * Copy of scores or images required ** specific treatment and complication description required In addition to the above, requests for each regimen below may be approvable when the following criteria are met. Limitations apply (see section on Limitations). Triple Therapy – Sovaldi/pegylated interferon/ribavirin 1. A diagnosis of HCV with genotype 1 or 4; OR A diagnosis of HCV with genotype 2 or 3; AND Documented treatment history of null/partial responders; AND This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 8 of 17 Approval Criteria- Chronic Hep C Documentation that the addition of peginterferon outweighs the potential benefit associated with the dual therapy of Sovaldi® in combination with ribavirin; AND 2. If member has HIV: antiretroviral regimen does not include didanosine, zidovudine, or tipranavir Dual Therapy – Sovaldi/Olysio 1. A diagnosis of HCV with genotype 1; AND 2. No previous exposure to a HCV protease inhibitor (boceprevir, telaprevir, or Olysio); AND 3. Documentation that the member is interferon ineligible (refer to table 1 for definition of “interferon ineligible”); AND 4. The risk of deferring treatment outweighs the benefit; AND 5. If member has HIV: antiretroviral regimen is LIMITED to raltegravir, rilpivirine, maraviroc, enfuvirtide, tenofovir, emtricitabine, lamivudine, and abacavir Dual Therapy – Sovaldi/ribavirin 1. A diagnosis of HCV with genotype 1; AND Documentation that the member is interferon ineligible (refer to table 1 for definition of “interferon ineligible”); AND Documentation of clinical rationale why dual therapy with Sovaldi/ribavirin outweighs the potential benefit of Sovaldi/Olysio combination (e.g., member has drug-drug interactions with Olysio, had a null response to a hepatitis C protease inhibitor); AND If member has HIV: antiretroviral regimen does not include didanosine, zidovudine, or tipranavir; OR 2. A diagnosis of HCV with genotype 4; AND Documentation that member is interferon ineligible (refer to table 1 for definition This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 9 of 17 Approval Criteria- Chronic Hep C of “interferon ineligible”); AND If member has HIV: antiretroviral regimen does not include didanosine, zidovudine, or tipranavir; OR 3. A diagnosis of HCV with genotype 2 or 3; AND If member has HIV: antiretroviral regimen does not include didanosine, zidovudine, or tipranavir; OR 4. A diagnosis of HCV with any genotype with hepatocellular carcinoma awaiting liver transplantation; AND If member has HIV: antiretroviral regimen does not include didanosine, zidovudine, or tipranavir Triple Therapy – Olysio/pegylated interferon/ribavirin Initial Therapy 1. A diagnosis of HCV with genotype 1 monoinfection; AND 2. Absence of NS3 Q80K polymorphism; AND 3. No previous history of using a regimen inclusive of HCV protease inhibitors (i.e., Incivek®, Olysio™, Victrelis®); AND 4. Documented treatment history of treatment naïve, null/partial responders, or relapsers; AND 5. If member has HIV: antiretroviral regimen is LIMITED to raltegravir, rilpivirine, maraviroc, enfuvirtide, tenofovir, emtricitabine, lamivudine, and abacavir. Continued Therapy 1. A HCV-RNA level of <25 IU/ML at treatment week 4 This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 10 of 17 Approval Criteria- Chronic Hep C Extended Therapy (for null and partial responder only) 1. A HCV-RNA level of <25 IU/ML at treatment week 12 Additional Therapy (for null and partial responder only) 1. A HCV-RNA level of <25 IU/ML at treatment week 24 Triple Therapy – Incivek/pegylated interferon/ribavirin Initial Therapy 1. A diagnosis of HCV with genotype 1 monoinfection; AND 2. Documented treatment history of treatment naïve, null/partial responders, or relapsers. Continued Therapy 1. A HCV-RNA level of ≤ 1000 IU/ML at treatment week 4 Extended Therapy 1. A HCV-RNA level of ≤ 1000 IU/ML at treatment week 4 and/or 12, or is a prior partial or null responder; AND 2. An undetectable HCV-RNA level at treatment week 24 Triple Therapy – Victrelis/pegylated interferon/ribavirin Initial Therapy 1. A diagnosis of HCV with genotype 1 monoinfection; AND This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 11 of 17 Approval Criteria- Chronic Hep C 2. Documented treatment history of treatment naïve, null/partial responders, or relapsers. Continued Therapy 1. A HCV-RNA level of <100 IU/ML at treatment week 12 Extended Therapy (for null and partial responder only) 1. A detectable or undetectable HVC-RNA level at treatment week 8, or is a nullresponder (< 2 log drop at treatment week 12 from baseline), or a poor responder (< 1 log drop at treatment week 4 from baseline) with previous peginterferon/ribavirin therapy; AND 2. An undetectable HCV-RNA level at treatment week 24 Acute Hepatitis C Approval Criteria- Acute Hep C Pegylated Interferon with or without ribavirin 1. A diagnosis of acute HCV with any genotype Brand name ribavirin convenience pack Approval Criteria- brand name ribavirin Documentation of the following: 1. The above criteria for dual or triple therapy have been met; AND 2. A failed trial of individually prescribed generic ribavirin due to poor compliance Note: brand name with interchangeable generic available will be reviewed under mandatory generic policy Rebetol® Solution Approval Criteria- Rebetol® Solution* This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 12 of 17 Approval Criteria- Rebetol® Solution* Documentation of the following: 1. The above criteria for dual or triple therapy have been met; AND 2. Swallowing difficulties due to a clinical condition Note: Rebetol® Solution does not require PA for members less than or equal to 12 years of age. Appendix A Chronic Hepatitis C tm Sovaldi / Ribavirin Initial Therapy Continuation Therapy Approval Duration (Note: total treatment duration in parentheses) Ribavirin Sovaldi® Diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C genotype 1, 3, 4 up to 8 weeks up to 16 weeks (24 weeks) Diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C genotype 2 up to 8 weeks up to 4 weeks (12 weeks) up to 4 weeks (16 weeks) up to 8 weeks up to 16 weeks (24 weeks) Initial Therapy up to 8 weeks Continuation Therapy up to 4 weeks (12 weeks) Continuation Therapy (beyond 12 up to 4 weeks (16 weeks) weeks)—Member is cirrhotic and treatment experienced(Documentation demonstrating cirrhosis and previous treatment is required) All Diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C genotype, hepatocellular carcinoma awaiting liver transplantation Initial Therapy up to 8 weeks up to 8 weeks Continuation Therapy up to 40 weeks or transplant date, up to 40 weeks or transplant date, whichever is shorter; continuation whichever is shorter; continuation therapy will be approved in 8 week therapy will be approved in 8 week increments (up to 48 weeks total) increments (up to 48 weeks total) TM TM Sovaldi®/Olysio Olysio Sovaldi® Diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 Initial Therapy up to 8 weeks up to 8 weeks Continuation Therapy up to 4 weeks (12 weeks) up to 4 weeks (12 weeks) Sovaldi®/Peginterferon/Ribavirin Peginterferon/Ribavirin Sovaldi® Initial Therapy up to 8 weeks up to 8 weeks Continuation Therapy up to 4 weeks (12 weeks) up to 4 weeks (12 weeks) TM TM Olysio /Peginterferon/Ribavirin Peginterferon/Ribavirin Olysio Initial Therapy up to 6 weeks up to 6 weeks Continued Therapy Treatment naïve or relapser up to 18 weeks (24 weeks) up to 6 weeks (12 weeks) Null or partial responders up to 8 weeks (14 weeks) up to 6 weeks (12 weeks) This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 13 of 17 Chronic Hepatitis C Approval Duration (Note: total treatment duration in parentheses) Extended Therapy (null or partial responders only) up to 12 weeks (26 weeks) Additional Therapy (null or partial responders only) Up to 22 weeks (48 weeks) Incivek®/Peginterferon/Ribavirin Peginterferon/Ribavirin Initial Therapy up to 8 weeks Continued Therapy up to 16 weeks (24 weeks) Extended Therapy up to 24 weeks (48 weeks) Victrelis®/Peginterferon/Ribavirin Peginterferon/Ribavirin Initial Therapy up to 14 weeks Continued Therapy up to 12 weeks (26 weeks) Extended Therapy Treatment Naïve Undetectable at TW 8 up to 2 weeks (28 weeks) Detectable at TW 8 up to 22 weeks (48 weeks) Extended Therapy Partial/Relapsers Undetectable at TW 8 up to 10 weeks (36 weeks) Detectable at TW 8 up to 22 weeks (48 weeks) Extended Therapy Null Responder/Poor Responder up to 22 weeks (48 weeks) Acute Hepatitis C Not approvable Not approvable ® Incivek up to 8 weeks up to 4 weeks (12 weeks) Not approvable ® Victrelis up to 14 weeks up to 12 weeks (26 weeks) up to 2 weeks (28 weeks) up to 10 weeks (36 weeks) up to 10 weeks (36 weeks) up to 10 weeks (36 weeks) up to 22 weeks (48 weeks) Approval Duration Peginterferon w/ or w/o Ribavirin Diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 up to 24 Weeks Diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C genotype 2, 3, 4 Up to 12 weeks Initial Therapy Initial Therapy Appendix B Fibroscan 2.5-7 kPa Mild or absence of fibrosis 7-12 kPa F2 >12.5 kPa F3-F4 METAVIR F0 No fibrosis F1 Portal fibrosis without septa F2 Portal fibrosis with few septa This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 14 of 17 F3 numerous septa w/o cirrhosis F4 Cirrhosis Fibrotest METAVIR proposed conversion Fibrotest METAVIR 0.00-0.21 F0 0.22-0.27 F0-F1 0.28-0.31 F1 0.32-0.48 F1-F2 0.49-0.58 F2 0.59-0.72 F3 0.73-0.74 F3-F4 0.75-1 F4 Limitations The Plan will not approve coverage of the above treatment of Hepatitis C in the following instances: Diagnoses not listed in the policy When the above criteria have not been met. Members < 3 years of age for peginterferon Members < 18 years of age for Victrelis®, Incivek®, Sovaldi® and OlysioTM Infergen® or any regimen combination (or monotherapy) not addressed with specific approval criteria in the policy Member is pregnant Request for the same regimen that has been failed previously Clinical Background Information and References 1. Chopra S. Overview of the management of chronic hepatitis C virus. Up to Date®. Last updated Dec 3, 2013, accessed Feb 09, 2014. Available from: 2. Chopra S. Treatment regimens for chronic hepatitis C virus Diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C genotype 1. Up to Date®. Last updated Dec 19, 2013, accessed Feb 09, 2014. Available from: This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 15 of 17 3. Chopra S. Treatment regimens for chronic hepatitis C virus Diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C genotypes 2, 3, and 4. Up to Date®. Last updated Feb 12, 2014, accessed Feb 26, 2014. Available from: 4. American gastroenterological association medical position statement on the management of hepatitis C. Gastroenterology 2006;130:225-230. 5. Incivek® [package insert]. Cambridge (MA): Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated; Apr 2013. 6. Victrelis® [package insert]. Whitehouse Station (NJ): Schering Corporation, a subsidiary of Merck & Co. Inc.; Feb 2013. 7. Sovaldi® [package insert]. Foster City (CA): Gilead Science, Inc.; Dec 2013. 8. OlysioTM [package insert]. Titusville (NJ): Janssen Therapeutics, LP; Nov 2013. 9. Recommendations for Testing, Managing, and Treating Hepatitis C. American Association for the Study of liver Disease (AASLD) practice guidelines. Accessed June 10, 2014. Available from 10. Doris N., Jayant T. noninvasive assessment of Liver Fibrosis. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances in Hepatology. Accessed Mar 13, 2014. Available from 11. Xin Sun, PhD, Carrie D Patnode, PhD, MPH, et al. Interventions to Improve Patient Adherence to Hepatitis C Treatment Comparative Effectiveness. Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, No 91. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(US); Dec 2012. Accessed Mar 10, 2014. Available from: 12. Michael P C., MD et al. Tests used for the noninvasive assessment of hepatic fibrosis. Up to Date®. Last updated Dec 3, 2013, accessed Mar 11, 2014. Available from: Policy History Effective Date: 09/08/2003 Review Dates Dates of Review/Revision: 7/14/2005 - Added additional criteria to the “Clinical Coverage Criteria”, and approvable Hepatitis B criteria for treatment. 9/12/2005 - Added approvable criteria for non-Hepatitis indications. 9/27/2007 - P&T Annual review, -Specialty requirements for prescribers removed, -Lower age limit added for interferon/ribavirin therapy, -Title changed from, “Hepatitis” to Hepatitis C”, -Criteria for non-Hepatitis C indications removed, 07/10/2008 - P&T Annual Review, no changes required. 07/09/2009 - P&T Annual Review, criteria added for extended therapy for “slow responders”, criteria added for acute hepatitis C 07/08/2010 - P&T Annual Review, no changes required 07/14/2011 - P&T Annual Review, criteria added for Victrelis®, Incivek®, Ribapak® Pak, and Rebetol®, policy applied to Commercial 07/12/2012 - P&T Annual Review, modified criteria language for Ribapak® Pak, and Rebetol® This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 16 of 17 7/11/2013 – P&T Annual Review, increased initial treatment duration for all components of Incivek® triple therapy to 8 weeks, included black box warning for Incivek® into background information, modified criteria and treatment duration for Victrelis® triple therapy for patients with compensated cirrhosis, minor formatting changes throughout. 12/13/2013 – Policy applied to ConnectorCare/Qualified Health Plan (QHP) 03/13/2014- P&T Annual Review, added criteria for Sovaldi and Olysio, removed section for dual therapy of peginterferon in combination with ribavirin, and section for monotherapy of interferon alfacon (case by case review since these are no longer recommended by AASLD; added general coverage requirements and limitations applicable to all hepatitis C regimen request Last Review/Revision Date: 07/10/2014 – P&T Annual Review. Defined interferon ineligibility, added criteria for Sovaldi and Olysio combination, added continuation criteria and adjusted approval durations for initial and continuation criteria, added criteria regarding antiretroviral drug-drug interactions for Sovaldi and Olysio, added extended approval criteria for Sovaldi and ribavirin in genotype 2 with cirrhotic treatment experienced patients, added a time frame of 6 months for absence of substance/alcohol abuse, added requirement of no history of medication and appointment nonadherence for initial approval criteria, added pregnancy as a limitation Next Review Date: 07/09/2015 Approval Dates Regulatory Approval: N/A Internal Approval: Initial approval by Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee – September 08, 2003 Authorizing Entity: P&T Committee Important Notes: Not all services are covered for all products or employer groups. This medical policy expresses the Plan's determination of whether certain services or supplies are medically necessary, experimental or investigational or cosmetic. The Plan has reached these conclusions based upon the regulatory status of the technology and a review of clinical studies published in peer-reviewed medical literature. Even though this policy may indicate that a particular service or supply is considered covered or not covered, this conclusion is not based upon the terms of a member’s particular benefit plan. Each benefit plan contains its own specific provisions for coverage and exclusions. Not all services that are determined to be medically necessary will necessarily be covered services under the terms of a member’s benefit plan. Members and their providers need to consult the applicable benefit plan document (e.g., Evidence of Coverage) to determine if there are any exclusions or other benefit limitations applicable to this service or supply. If there is a discrepancy between this medical policy and the benefit plan document, the provisions of the benefit plan document will govern. In addition, this policy and the benefit plan document are subject to applicable state and federal laws that may mandate coverage for certain services and supplies. This guideline provides information on BMC HealthNet Plan clinical criteria and claims adjudication processing guidelines. The use of this guideline is not a guarantee of payment and will not determine how a specific claim(s) will be paid. Reimbursement is based on member benefits and eligibility, medical necessity review, where applicable, coordination of benefits, adherence to Plan policies, clinical coding criteria, and the BMC HealthNet Plan agreement with the rendering or dispensing provider. Reimbursement policies may be amended at BMC HealthNet Plan’s discretion. BMC HealthNet Plan will always use the most recent CPT and HCPCS coding guidelines. All Plan policies are developed in accordance with state, federal and accrediting organization guidelines and requirements, including NCQA. BMCHP refers to Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan in Massachusetts and Well Sense Health Plan in New Hampshire. Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan and Well Sense Health Plan are trade names used by Boston Medical Center Health Plan, Inc. BMC HealthNet Plan – Hepatitis C 17 of 17
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