GENERAL MEETING Volume 17 Issue 11 November, 2014 Our Next General Meeting: Monday, November 17, 2014 6:30 pm. Registration; Pre-meetings, 6:55 pm Meet the Vendors 7:10 pm. Announcements from the Board. NOVEMBER 2014 METRO Metropolitan Real Estate & Investor's Association 7:30 pm Featured Speaker Dave Corsi “What every Real Estate Investor needs to know about Foreclosure Investing” Are you looking to invest in Foreclosures? As the number of foreclosures in NJ continues to climb, there will be lots of opportunity for the savvy investor. The NJ Foreclosure market will be heating up. The wise investor will need to know how to navigate the NJ and federal laws that govern the foreclosure process. Topics: NJ Foreclosure Statutes Timeline of the NJ Foreclosure Process The different investing opportunities: Pre-foreclosure Sheriff Sale Redemption Period How to avoid the legal pitfalls of being a “Foreclosure Rescue Specialist” MREIA is a Member of: Inside This Issue 3 President’s Desk: Why is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side by Phyllis Rockower 4 Taxes: The Number One Strategy to Save Thousands of $ on your Business Taxes by Michael Plaks 5 Asset Protection: Seven Reasons to Use Land Trusts by William Bronchick, Esq. 6 Beginner’s: Will You Survive the First 12 Months? by Jason Hanson 7 Beginner’s: Seven Essential Tips for Beginning Investors by William Bronchick, Esq. 8 Appraising: The Average Appraisal and the Flip by David Whisnant, Esq. 10 Commercial R. E.: Tips for Negotiating Your Commercial Property Deal by Dave Lindahl 11 Credit: Ten Most Common Credit Repair Mistakes and How to Avoid Them by Brian Diez 12 Dealmaking: Structuring an Intelligent Offer in a Stupid Economy by Gregory Pinneo 15 Entities: Single-Member LLC and the Importance of January 1, 2009 by Dyches Boddiford 16 Environmental: Lead Hazards in Housing: the Risk of Salvaged Building Components by FHCO Staff 17 Subject To: The Secret to Protecting Yourself when Doing Subject to Transactions by Sean Flanagan 18 Short Sales: Shadow Inventory? by Mike Jacka 19 Rehab: Rehab Scheduling by David Whisnant, Esq. 20 Finding Deals: Distressed Property; is it a Positive Investment? by Richard Bleuze 21 Finding Deals: The Secret to Finding Motivated Sellers by Bill Cook 22 Foreclosures: Finding Foreclosures by Larry Goins 23 Insurance: What’s the Deal with Title Insurance Anyway? by Larry Goins 24 Inspections: A Home Inspection is an Investment, Not an Expense by Stephen Ruback 26 Partnerships: Considering A Partner In Business – Here’s A Few Tips by William Bronchick, Esq. 27 Commercial R.E.: The Most Profitable Investment in Real Estate by Dave Lindahl 28 Commissions: What to Look for with a Flat Fee MLS Broker by Rob Arnold 30 Credit: Credit Bureau Basics by Wendy Polisi 31 Dealmaking: Opportunities are Found; Deals are Structured by Bill Cook 32 Partnerships: Partnering on Real Estate Deals for the Right Reasons by Jay DeCima LANDLORDING 34 The Top Five Reasons Landlords are Afraid to Evict by John Nuzzolese 35 About Co-Signers 36 Why are You a Landlord by 39 It’s Not My Job by Robert L. Cain 41 Appliance Agreement Form by John Nuzzolese Volume 17 Issue 11 2 of 48 November 2014 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK GUEST EDITORIAL Why Is The Grass Always Greener On The Other Side? by Phyllis Rockower Have you ever wondered WHY the grass is always greener on the other side? Why does what the other person has seem to be so much better than what you're stuck with? * A better house. * A faster car. * A prettier wife. * Better behaved kids. * Much more money. * A dream lifestyle. And the list goes on and on... Is it their luck? Genetics? Inheritance? Or something else entirely? Sorry to burst your bubble, but here's the truth: Their grass is greener because it is fertilized, watered, and cared for. They focus on it and make it happen. You don't. Change that, and you'll change everything. Start taking care of your business and life and you'll get better results too. Proper care and feeding is VERY important. So water it! Just because grass can exist without much water doesn't mean that it should. If you want it to look like your neighbor's, then you need to care for it like they do and water it frequently. Then you'll have thick, healthy, greener grass too. Get it? Good. Sometimes things really are that simple. It just needs to be pointed out to you. The author is the President and Founder of REIC of LA. Reprinted by Permission from the R.E.I.C. of L.A. News. March 2013. Published by the Real Estate Investors Club of Los Angeles. Phone: 310-792-6404 Visit Volume 17 Issue 11 3 of 48 November 2014 TAXES The Number One Strategy To Save Thousands Of Dollars On Your Business Taxes by Michael Plaks Posted November 1, 2013 As an investor or business owner, you are always looking for ways to pay less taxes, right? Well, you may be missing on the most important one of all. It’s simple, it’s right in front of you, and it can save you thousands of dollars! It is called keeping good records. What does it have to do with taxes? Everything. Let’s take an easy example. Your beloved non-paying tenant finally moved out, leaving behind some innovative Crayola artwork all over your walls. In fact, you’re lucky he did leave the walls behind. Now you must repaint the whole place. You spent almost two days meeting with painters, but the lowest bid was $1,400. Finally you got a guy asking $1,200. Another half-hour of bargaining later, he came down to $1,000 – but it must be in cash. Deal! You do feel good about the deal. You just saved yourself $400, so it was time well spent. Despite your worries, the guy did show up, and his work turned out decent for the price. You give him an envelope with ten $100 bills, and it’s finally Miller time. Ten months later, you bring your shoebox full of receipts to your CPA. Did you remember about that $1,000 cash job which had no receipt? Oops. Now let’s look at the cost of this oops, shall we? $1,000 worth of labor is missing from your deductions. In other words, your taxable income got $1,000 too high. On a typical tax return, this creates $250 extra tax. In other words, you spent several hours trying to save $400 on labor, and then you flushed $250 of your savings down the toilet. (If you feel that $250 donated to the IRS is money well spent – please accept my apology.) It gets worse. My first example was a make-ready between tenants. What if this painting job was done on a flip house you’re preparing to sell? Well, your extra tax on the forgotten $1,000 labor could easily be $400 instead of $250. Yes, you heard it right: the entire savings of $400 that you so diligently negotiated is out the window. How does it feel now? And that was with “just” one thousand dollars. If you misplace $10,000 worth of receipts (and I have seen records worse than that) – the potential cost of your sloppiness is a whooping $4,000. This is four thousand dollars of your money, folks! So, before you hire a lawyer to set up fancy tax-saving corporations, before you invest in manuals on creative real estate taxation, before you take a QuickBooks class – take care of the number one tax-saving strategy: Keep Good Records! Reprinted courtesy of Michael Plaks. Visit The information and opinions presented in the above article are general in nature, not intended to address specific tax situation and/or to substitute for professional consultation, and shall not be considered legal advice. Email: or call 713721-3321 The author is a Houston-based accountant, working exclusively with real estate investors. He is a federally licensed Enrolled Agent who can represent his clients in their dealings with the IRS. Volume 17 Issue 11 4 of 48 November 2014 ASSET PROTECTION: LAND TRUSTS Seven Reasons to Use Land Trusts by William Bronchick, Esq The land trust is a very powerful tool for the savvy real estate investor. A land trust is a revocable, living trust used specifically for holding title to real estate. Each property is titled in a separate trust, affording maximum privacy and protection. Here are seven reasons to use land trust for titling property to real estate. 1. Privacy. In today's information age, anyone with an internet connection can look up your ownership of real estate. Privacy is extremely important to most people who don't want others knowing what they own. For example, if you own several properties within a city that has strict code enforcement, you could end up being hauled into court for too many violations, even minor ones. Having your real estate titled in land trusts makes it difficult for city code enforcement to find who the owner is, since the trust agreement is not public record for everyone to see. 2. Protection from liens. Real estate titled in a trust name is not subject to liens against the beneficiary of the trust. For example, if you are dealing with a seller in foreclosure, a judgment holder or the IRS can file a claim against the property in the name of the seller. If the property is titled into trust, the personal judgments or liens of the seller will not attach to the property. 3. Protection from title claims. If you sign a warranty deed in your own name, you are subject to potential title claims against you if there is a problem with title to the property. For example, a lien filed without your knowledge could result in liability against you, even if you purchased title insurance. A land trust in your place as seller will protect you personally against many types of title claims because the claim will be limited to the trust. If the trust already sold the property, it has no assets and thus limits your exposure to title claims. 4. Discouraging Litigation. Let's face it, people tend to only sue others who appear to have money. Attorneys who work on contingency are only likely to take cases which they can not only win, but collect, since their fee is based on collection. If your properties are hard to find, you will appear "broke" and less worth suing. Even if a potential plaintiff thinks you have assets, the difficult prospect of finding and attaching these assets will discourage litigtation against you. 5. Protection from HOA Claims When you take title to a property in a homeowner's association (HOA), you become personally liable for all dues and assessments. This means if you buy a condo in your own name and the association asseses an amount due, they can place a lien on the property and/or sue you PERSONALLY for the obligation! Don't take title in your name in an HOA, but instead take title in a land trust so that the trust itself (and thus the property) will be the sole recourse for the homeowner's association's debts. 6. Making contracts assignable. The ownership of a land trust (called the "beneficial interest") is assignable, similar to the way stock in a corporation is assignable. Once property is title in trust, the beneficiary of the trust can be changed without changing title to the property. This can be very advantageous in the case of a real estate contract that is non-assignable, such as in the case of a bank-owned or HUD property. Instead of making your offer in your own name, make the offer in the name of a land trust, then assign your itnerest in the land trust to a third party. 7. Making Loans "Assumable". A non-assumable loan can become effectively assumed by using a land trust. The seller transfers title into a land trust, with himself as beneficiary. This transfer does not trigger the due-on-sale clause of the mortgage. After the fact, he transfers his beneficial interest to you. This latter transaction does trigger the due-on-sale, but such transfer does not come to the attention of the lender because it is not recorded anywhere in public records. This effectively makes a non-assumable loan "assumable". As you can see there are many creative and effective uses for the land trust, limited only by your imagination! Reprinted by Permission. Visit or call 1-888-587-3253. The author, CEO of Legalwiz Publications, is a nationally known attorney, author, entrepreneur and speaker. He has been practicing law since 1990, having been involved in over 700 transactions. Volume 17 Issue 11 5 of 48 November 2014 BEGINNER’S CORNER Will You Survive The First 12 Months? by Jason Hanson August 12, 2008 In theory, this business is easy. Just do some marketing, buy some houses, and make millions before you know it. Of course, we all know theory is a bunch of B.S. This business is tough and there is plenty of evidence to prove it. Few people achieve millionaire status or even survive the first 12 months. So how do you survive the first 12 months? Well, I am going to give you the "magic" pill (that's not really magic at all). The "magic" pill is to just keep plugging along with the end goal in mind. I remember when I first started in this business, I would attend all of the real estate investor meetings and ask all of the successful folks how they did it. What was their secret? Their secret was that they worked hard, never gave up and were consistently marketing. That is my secret too. This business certainly does not take any genius or above average intelligence. It takes someone who can look themselves in the mirror and tell themselves that they will never quit, despite all obstacles. A while back I was out to lunch with an investor friend of mine who was having some tough times with his business. I asked him what he was going to do and he told me "I am going to keep moving, I looked at the alternative. The alternative is spending the next 30 years in a cubicle, so right now things really aren't that bad." I thought that was such a profound statement. Even if you want to quit this business (which we all do at times, especially in the beginning-I wanted to quit at least once a month) look at the alternative if you do quit. You will be doing the same job, getting the same results, and you will not be creating a strong financial future for yourself. Even if you don't want to build a real estate empire, simply buying a few houses will make you a millionaire and give you a very comfortable retirement. So when self-doubt creeps in (and it will) and the devil is on your shoulder trying to get you to quit, do the following: 1. Read the classics "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz. 2. Look at the big picture and see yourself 10 years from now with all of your houses and a huge confident smile on your face. 3. Call your mentor, your friend, or whomever and let them give you some words of encouragement. 4. Remember "Quitters never win, and winners never quit" If I could reach through my computer and shake some sense into you when you were trying to quit, I would. I hate to see people quit, especially when I know anyone can do this business. On the flip side, as I always tell my students, because most people will quit this business, there never really is any competition at the top. So keep plugging along, read positive books and believe in yourself, because I do. Reprinted by Permission. Jason R. Hanson is the founder of National Real Estate Investor Month, author of "How to Build a Real Estate Empire" and mentor to students all across America. Call 800-865-1702 or visit . Copyright © 2004-2014 BiggerPockets Inc. All Rights Reserved. Volume 17 Issue 11 6 of 48 November 2014 BEGINNER’S CORNER: TIPS TO GET STARTED Seven Essential Tips for Beginning Investors by William Bronchick, Esq. Whether you are new to real estate, or have reached a "plateau", the following will help "jump-start" your career. 1) Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People "Creative" real estate is non-traditional, which means that most people don't do it this way. Thus, most people you speak with will tell you it won't work. If you tell them you heard it in a seminar or a course you bought from a late-night television "guru," they will laugh and call you "gullible." Attorneys and other professionals will denounce it, because it sounds unusual. Keep in mind that these people are either threatened by their own lack of success or are looking to protect their own butts. The first thing you should do its join a local real estate association. A complete list can be found at These associations will help you keep your thoughts in the right place and prove to your subconscious that it really does work, despite the opinions of the 20/20's, Dateline, 60 Minutes and other self- proclaimed "consumer watchdogs." 2) Have a Team. Don't wait until you have a deal brewing to find the players. You need to find the following players on your team: • • • • • Attorney - preferably one that does real estate deals for himself as well as others Title or Escrow Co - stay away from the big name companies; find one that caters to investors. Make sure they understand double closings, land contracts etc. Insurance Agent - find one that understands land contracts, landlords, etc CPA - find one that is aggressive and owns real estate Mortgage Broker - one that is savvy, creative and experienced with investors 3) Don't Talk to Unmotivated Sellers. This is the biggest mistake I see beginning investors make. They waste time talking to sellers who are marginally motivated. Even worse, they drive by the house and look for comps without even talking to the seller first! Never visit a house before speaking with the seller over the phone. 4) Be Persistent. Anyone who has ever been in sales will tell you that few deals are ever made on the first try. In fact, most deals are made after contacting a prospect for the fourth or fifth time. Let me give you an example. I contacted a person in who had a junker house he was thinking of selling. I met with him once and made him an offer. He didn't like it. Did I stop there? No way! I called him twice a month for the last year. I mailed him two more offers he rejected. We finally came to an accord and closed. Have a follow up system like a salesman. I use Symantec ACT!. I allows me to schedule follow ups and keep a running history of calls and conversations. 6) Keep Educated. "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." I am not sure who first said it, but I give him credit. You can lose more money with a mistake than you can learning how to avoid one. Even if you have been at this business for years, you need to keep up with current trends and laws. As an attorney, I have to go to seminars every year. Some are boring, but I always learn something that either makes me more income or prevents a lawsuit. 7) Have a Plan. Don't just wander around looking for deals. Have a plan. Make X number of phone calls a week. Spend $X a month on advertising. Make X number of offers per week. Pass out X number of business cards each day. Eventually, you start to get "lucky." I mean that facetiously, because luck always happens to those who are at the right place at the right time. If you plan and persist, you get very "lucky." Reprinted by Permission. Visit or call 1-888-587-3253. The author, CEO of Legalwiz Publications, is a nationally known attorney, author, entrepreneur and speaker. He has been practicing law since 1990, having been involved in over 700 transactions. Volume 17 Issue 11 7 of 48 November 2014 APPRAISING A PROPERTY The Average Appraisal And The Flip by David Whisnant, Esq. One of the strategies that is in almost every real estate course involves finding a torn-up and ugly property at a cheap price, pay someone $300 to clean out the personal belongings of the prior owners (if you even do that much), and then resell it to a homeowner as a "fixer-upper" with little or no work. This type of deal seems to benefit everyone. You get a nice quick profit, and your buyer gets the house for a good price. We love flips and we've done many. However, you should be aware of a potential hurdle that you have to get over on this type of deal. With the information in this article, you can sell your ugly properties for more money, and to the correct buyer. If you are selling the home to homeowners, you generally will need the appraisal by their lender to say that the house is in "average" condition. This means that the home doesn't have to be cosmetically perfect, but it also can't be a total wreck. Nor can it have significant repairs that need to be made. Basically, it must be habitable, as a reasonable person would view habitable. The "average appraisal" requirement almost sunk a deal for us when we decided to flip a foreclosure that we bought and sell it "as is." It needed $25,000 in work. With that work, it could be sold for $160,000. We paid in the 80's for the home, and priced the house for $120,000 "as is," receiving a contract the same day. The house was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. Problems with the house included broken windows, rotten exterior wood, no light fixtures (all removed). Some interior doors were torn off their hinges, significant holes in interior walls, and there was no carpet (only plywood floors) in the den. We typically would market a home like this to another investor, but decided to try to retail it (selling to an owner occupant). The house was in a really sought-after neighborhood, and we knew we could get top price for the property from someone who was looking for a fixer-upper to live in. The loan process was smooth, and the buyer qualified with no problem. The only condition left for getting the loan was a satisfactory appraisal, which meant that the house had to be in "average condition" according to the lender. The appraiser came out to the house and almost killed the deal. The appraiser graded the property as being in "poor condition." His report stated that all broken glass had to be fixed, that the plywood floor had to be covered with vinyl or carpet, that the exterior rotten wood had to be repaired and replaced, and the holes in the wall needed to be patched and painted to match the surrounding walls. He also took issue with the dishwasher, which had been kicked in, and the central air conditioning, which did not work. His opinion, and thus that of the lender, was that all of these items had to be fixed before the loan could be made. I thought this might have been a problem with this particular lender, that their requirements were more rigorous than most. I called my personal mortgage broker and he confirmed that residential lenders required average condition as a rule regardless of whether or not the house appraised for the loan value in its current condition. Of course, I did not want to have to make all of these repairs, and sell if for only $120,000. If I was going to do all of that, I might as well rehab the house and get the higher money that it would bring fixed up. The buyer whined and complained, and stated that he couldn't see fixing these items at his expense prior to closing. He didn't want to invest his time and effort in case the house couldn't close for some reason, which was reasonable. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 8 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) To make a long story short, I decided that the other appraiser was too picky, and persuaded the lender to call a different appraiser. Basically we reached the same result, but the a/c and dishwasher did not have to be fixed. We did have to fix the windows, cover the plywood floors, and perform some of the other repairs. I offered to fix the windows, and do half of the repairs if the buyer would install the carpet and handle some of the repairs. He agreed to do so, and we closed. You can make these deals work out, but do whatever needs to be done to get the average appraisal before putting it on the market to flip. I know that I could have gotten more money for the property if I had done these repairs before selling. If I had known this information at the time, it would have put an extra $10,000 in my pocket. It was a good deal for me at the price it sold for, but doing the repairs would have made the process go quicker, and probably persuaded some more timid "fixer uppers" to bite at a higher price. Sometimes It's Better To Sell To an Investor, or Educate Your Buyer on the Right Type of Financing When we have flip properties that really need a significant investment to get into acceptable condition for a lender's appraiser, these generally need to go to investors. If you're going to take the time to fix a long list of items, you might as well finish the job and sell it as a rehabbed property. Investor loans usually do not require the house to be in "move-in" condition. The downside of this is that most investors will not pay as much for the house as an owner-occupant might, but if you really don't want to do much work to the property, this is the way to go. The total wreck property can be sold to an owner occupant "as is" if that owner occupant gets a property rehab loan. Under such a loan, the property would be appraised for the value that it would have fixed up, and the loan would be based on that value with the repair money left in an escrow account to be disbursed as the repairs are made. In real life, the example would work as follows: the buyer finds a property for $70,000. Fixed up, it would be worth $100,000. There are $30,000 worth of repairs that need to be done. The loan would be made for up to 95% of the improved value, or $95,000. The loan would thus be made to buy the property for $70,000, with $25,000 left in escrow to be disbursed by the lender after their appraiser verifies that work has been done on the house. As you are probably starting to guess, these loans are not obtained by many homeowners. These loans are complicated to apply for, and to underwrite. Most homeowners don't really know about them, much less how to get them. If you are trying to flip a property like this, getting some information from your mortgage broker on this type of loan to give to prospects is a must if the house is torn up. Conclusion The quick flip is one of the most fun transactions in real estate. You can make almost as much on some of these then if you rehabbed and resold the property. Generally, a fast nickel is better than a slow dime. If the property needs repairs, you may want to do a few of them before putting it on the market so that you can get an average appraisal. In speaking to different appraisers, these requirements are: absolutely no broken out or boarded out windows, coverings of some kind on plywood floors, and light fixtures in all rooms, or blank plates over where light fixtures are wired. Exterior rot must also be repaired if particularly bad, as on our home. If the property is totally destroyed, you might do better to sell to an investor, rehab it yourself, or educate your owner-occupant on how to get a rehab loan so that the condition of the property doesn't kill your deal. Reprinted by Permission. The author is an Atlanta investor/attorney . Visit Also see his articles by visiting Volume 17 Issue 11 9 of 48 November 2014 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Tips for Negotiating Your Commercial Property Deal by Dave Lindahl Successful negotiation skills are an art form and must be mastered for you to achieve your investment goals. People who put negotiations on the back burner thinking that they'll get by or they'll let someone else handle the deal will often find that they end up with a whole load of work without the pay off. Here are a few tips for negotiating your commercial property deal. Tip #1: Do Your Homework You'll need to know everything you possible can about the property, the sellers, and any related pieces of information that forms the big picture in your mind of what you're dealing with. You'll want to be familiar with facts and figures as much, if not more than, the owners themselves. Tip #2: Learn to Handle the Negotiations No one is more motivated than you in getting this deal done. For that very reason, make it a point to brush up on your people skills and learn to handle the negotiations yourself. The negotiation process is the deal breaker and leaving it in the hands of someone else who isn't as motivated as you is risky. With that in mind, there is one exception to that rule: if you have a person on your team (i.e. a real estate agent or lawyer) who is able to successfully handle the deal. This means you know how they operate and what their competence level is because you've seen it first hand; not because they told you they're good at it. They also know you; what your goals are and how you would handle any situations that arise during the negotiation process. Tip #3: Determine Outcomes before You Even Get to the Table Before you begin negotiating your first commercial property deal, have a game plan. Determine what key points you want to target during the discussion and the outcomes you want. What price do you want; what terms will you settle for? Are there any changes you want to make in what you originally offered? Be specific. Be up front about everything you're asking for. Tip #4: Be Easy to Work With Be accommodating, encouraging, and motivating at every opportunity. Help the sellers get settled in before your meeting and make small talk with them. Convey an attitude of sincerity and empathy. No matter how heated the discussions get, remain pleasant throughout. People want to work with people who make it easy to work with. Tip #5: Listen for Clues Pertaining to the Seller's Motivation Everyone wants the best deal they can possible get. Although it's a dream to have all the terms of your offer approved by the sellers, it's probably more likely, that you'll have to navigate your way through one or two obstacles. At this point, it's necessary to listen for clues that will help to bridge the gap between you and the sellers. If you find that they aren't telling you anything, don't be afraid to politely ask. Tip #6: Always Create a Will-Win Situation Both parties need to walk out of the deal feeling that they were the winners. You help to solve their problems and they help to solve yours. This is where your people skills will come into play more significantly than at any other point in the deal. Be a person that closes the gap of differences by building bridges. Study personalities and know how much you can push them without adding so much pressure as to push them right out your door. Tip #7: Go Above and Beyond As a successful negotiator, you'll also want to under-promise and over-deliver. You want to be a "deal magnet" and set yourself up for future deals. This means going above and beyond what others are willing to do. For example, doing the small stuff like being on time, delivering paperwork earlier than you said you would, and being extremely courteous causes you to be remembered. Successfully negotiating a commercial property deal is more than just facts and figures. The art of the deal involves people skills, bridging gaps, and going above and beyond what you're required to do. Using these tips will not only land you a successful deal, but it'll also jump start your deal attraction machine. Reprinted by Permission. David Lindahl, also known as the “Apartment King” has been successfully investing in single family homes and apartments for the last ten years. He is the author of four popular, money-making home study courses “Apartment House Riches,” “How To Estimate And Renovate House For Huge Profits,” “Managing For Maximum Profits” and “The Real Estate Investors Marketing Tool Kit”. David was a featured MREIA speaker in January 2008. He can be reached at and Volume 17 Issue 11 10 of 48 November 2014 CREDIT Ten Most Common Credit Repair Mistakes And How To Avoid Them by Brian Diez December 15 2008 Here are some of the most common mistakes consumers make when trying to repair their own credit and some tips on how to avoid them. 1. Closing old accounts The age of your accounts, types of accounts, and amount of debt used make up a total of 55% of your credit score. When you close an account you remove that account from the equation. That's usually not a good thing. Instead it's much wiser to use your old cards once every six months to keep them active. Just be sure to pay off the balance within 2 -3 months. 2. Using template credit repair letters The credit bureaus aren't stupid. They keep records of every dispute you make. In fact, they keep records of all disputes. When they see a dispute often enough (like a template dispute you may find on the internet along with thousands of other net surfers) they are much more likely to mark that dispute as frivolous; because the odds are the person using it is either a fly-by-night credit repair service or an amateur. Once your account has been flagged it will be much more difficult to make any further progress on your credit report. Use the template to give you an idea of what you need to say, and then put it in your own words. 3. Reviving the statute of limitations The statute of limitations is the period of time a creditor can sue for a balance owed. The time varies state by state, but begins on the date of your last payment. Making ANY payment, even 20 years later, will cause the debt to reactivate and become legally enforceable. Before making any payments be sure to research whether or not the debt is within the statute of limitations. 4. Not using certified mail Believe it or not, credit repair is a legal process. Any lawyer will tell you it's not what you know, but what you can prove that counts. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) the credit bureaus, creditors, and collection agencies have 30 days to investigate and respond to your disputes. This is a major weapon in your arsenal because lenders maintain millions of records. It may be very difficult for them to produce the requested documents. 5. Not disputing in the proper order When disputing you are requesting the bureaus and your creditors to prove they are following the law to the letter. If they are not your ultimate recourse is a lawsuit. Your case won't hold water if you don't follow the proper procedures. If you're going to ask for leniency from a creditor, do that before disputing with the bureaus. If you plan to fight a remark on your report, you must dispute with the bureaus first. 6. Giving up too soon While you may get immediate results if you have evidence of wrong doing, you can still get good results if you're persistent enough. For instance, most collection agencies will reply to a request for validation with a template letter. The letter violates the Fair Debt collections Practices Act (FDCPA). By following up you can leverage their violation into a deletion or a lawsuit. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 11 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) 7. Not validating with the creditor or collection agent first Many consumers are too quick to pay off creditors and collection agents just to stop the harassing calls or in an effort to clean up their credit history. Before paying any past due debt, you have the right to request validation that the debt is yours. You'd be surprised how often they fail to comply. 8. Not keeping copies of all correspondence Every letter you send and receive from a creditor or collection agent can be used to build your case. Never negotiate or accept offers unless they're in writing. Document EVERYTHING. 9. Validating negative information Another common credit repair rookie mistake is to validate negative information while trying to dispute the information being reported. The rule of thumb is the less you say the better. Make them prove themselves to you. The law is on your side. 10. Not hiring a professional Credit repair may seem simple. As you can plainly see, it's not. To get fast results far above anything you could ever do on your own without years of experience, trial and error, and maybe an ulcer, you'd do well to invest a few hundred dollars hiring a reputable credit repair service. Get your FREE cd, FREE ebook, and FREE coaching call with Brian and learn how to boost your credit score as much as 249 points in as little as 45 days at Reprinted by Permission. Copyright © 2004-2013 BiggerPockets Inc. All Rights Reserved. DEALMAKING Structuring An Intelligent Offer In A Stupid Economy by Gregory Pinneo What do I mean by a “stupid” economy? A “stupid” economy is one where by the momentum is moving so fast it is really tough to know where things are at any particular point of time. Where are values at with single family homes? Can you tell me with any degree of certainty? I can’t. A stupid economy is one where REO properties are coming back into the market and re-setting the “value” comparable baseline. The more foreclosures, the more “stupid” the market gets. When loans are available for every heart beat, or when they are not available at 60% LTV for an 800 credit score client……this also makes for a “stupid” market. In the lending world, illogical motivations also come into play. Loss share agreements between the FDIC and banks taking over a failed institution also make the market hard to read. The lender who has taken over the failed institution has incentive to not touch or modify a defaulting loan because of the terms of the loss share agreement they have with the Feds. When common sense does not apply, the market gets crazy until some form of predictability and order returns. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 12 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) Let me give you an example. If a bank takes over a failed institution’s loans with a 95% loss share agreement with the FDIC, the general guidelines of this agreement work like this: let’s say that the loan was for $100,000 and when the new bank took over the loan it was in a default status. The first thing they know is this: the loss share agreement will be nullified if they attempt to modify the loan and it ultimately goes still into default. The new bank has incentive not to touch the defaulting loan in any way, because if they do, the 95% loss share agreement will not apply to the deficiency. Now that the new bank will not modify, the loan is foreclosed on and the new bank owns the property. Now they can sell the property. Let’s say they sell it for $70,000. There would be a $30,000 deficiency of which 95% would be reimbursed by the FDIC. The bank gets back 70K from the sale, and 28.5K from the FDIC recovering a total of 98.5K out of the 100K loan. They still have the right to sue the borrower for the deficient balance. What if the lender sells the property not for 70K, but rather for 30K. The deficiency would be 70K and the 95% loss share would cover $66,500. They would recover 96.5 K out of the 100K, but at a sale price of 30K, this property would be off their books immediately. Most lenders take this route so that carrying costs and liability are minimized. Now the sold comp in the neighborhood is 30K, de-valuing all of the surrounding properties. This is a long way of saying that when banks are going under, and aggressive loss share agreements are being drafted by the FDIC, the result of this craziness is a “stupid” unpredictable market. The property owner across the street says to himself, “ that house just sold for 30K, and I am currently paying on a 140K mortgage on a similar house! Am I stupid! I think I will give this house back to the bank and go buy one for 30K!” This starts round two of the stupidity! So when everything is going crazy and nothing is making sense, how do you structure an offer to buy real estate that will be profitable amidst the stupidity? The following is a list of guidelines and suggestions that will help you come out of the craziness a winner. Some are practical and tangible and some are subjective, but all are important when managing a storm of moving parts and confusion. Storm Tip Number One: Know rent comps cold. Rent comps are easier to get a handle on than values. When we know rent comps well, we can calculate what we are able to pay in the way of principal and interest. A very simple tool is to take 60% of the gross rent and tell yourself that this is your negotiation target in terms of your principal and interest payment. If a building has a gross rent of $10,000 per month, in your head shoot for a monthly payment of principal and interest not to exceed $6000 per month. Working an offer backwards from the rents gives you a way to hold the line indefinitely, which is the key to survival in “stupid” economic conditions. Storm Tip Number Two: No short term financing. All negotiations need to put financing in place for a period that allows the storm to pass. For me, ten years is a minimum time frame for a cash out when you are setting up a purchase in “stupid” economic times. Storm Tip Number Three: Factor return on a down payment as if you were borrowing the down payment with hard money. With enough down, everything cash flows, but does that mean we should be putting huge amounts of money down in these crazy economic times? No is the resounding answer! Set your limit at 10 – 15% down, and pay a return to yourself of at least three times the going CD rate for your own use of your own money. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 13 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) For example, if you used $10,000.00 of your own money as a down payment on a rental house, be sure to pay yourself three times the going CD rate for the use of your own money. In a 3% CD market, you would pay yourself $75 a month. Make sure that the cash flow of the acquisition is sufficient to not only pay on the promissory note or notes, but pay a return on you down payment as well. Hoping for appreciation to pay an eventual return in a “stupid” market is bad business. Make sure that the offer is structured so that a return on down payment is calculated into the overall Performa. Storm Tip Number Four: Look for properties that are not utilizing all avenues of potential cash flow that the building and location have to offer. A classic example would be to buy an infill urban multiplex whereby the parking is included in the rent. Separating the rent from parking usually creates additional overall cash flow. Be on the look out for additional income producing opportunities that the previous owner had not employed. Storm Tip Number Five: In low interest climates great opportunity exists to set up long term, low interest, cost of funds. A frequent objection to a low interest rate over a long period is peoples thought that interest rates will go up. How do we acknowledge this, and yet negotiate the best overall rate for our note? One tool is to set up the interest rate as one that will adjust as time goes on in an upward direction. On its face, this does not seem like a good idea, however, structured carefully it can be a great negotiation tool. For example, let’s say that the note amount is $500,000. I might negotiate the first 7 years at 3%, the next 7 years at 4%, and the remaining 16 years at 7%. My payments will always be interest only or more. What I might do would be to self-amortize the note and pay it off over 14 years, thus never seeing the higher step up in interest rate. My average rate over 14 years would be 3.5%. Come prepared with long term CD rates and any supporting comparables to help negotiate interest rate. Storm Tip Number Six: Lease/options are a tremendous tool when values are unknown, especially if they come as a “free” addition if you execute the lease. Be sure to have sub-lease provisions in your lease contract, and be sure to record the option portion to put a cloud on title. It is also possible to have the lease payment become a credit to the eventual purchase price, or down payment if the ultimate deal was pre-structured with seller financing. Having an option to buy the building does not mean you have to buy the building….but you can if you want to. The key here is this….longer is better. Give the property time to grow in value and with equity over and above your option price, you have several choices…..all good…..when it comes to your option exercise window. I like to structure options for 7 to 10 years when ever possible. Storm Tip Number Seven: Stay calm. In any storm, staying calm is the first rule. It is easy to get caught up in the overall public uncertainty and panic. Stay calm. Work the situation. There is great opportunity when you use the power of the storm in your favor. Allow the strength of public opinion to work for you as you structure your deals. Don’t assume that what would work for you no seller would do….simply ask the question of proposition. You will be shocked at the results you will get during these “stupid” economic times. Reprinted by Permission. The author’s personal portfolio has included the purchase of over 500 units in over 200 different buildings. In addition, he has conducted more than 500 brokerage negotiations. Visit, call (206) 550-4242 or email Volume 17 Issue 11 14 of 48 November 2014 ENTITIES: LLC AND TAXES Single-Member LLC and the Importance of January 1, 2009 by Dyches Boddiford January 23, 2009 If you are confused regarding the single-member LLC (SMLLC) and the Employer Identification Number (EIN), you are not alone. Plus, the rules changed for 2009, so let’s go over this. A single-member LLC doesn’t normally file a tax return, unless it has elected to be taxed as a corporation. The single member shows all income and expenses on the member’s tax return. So, the entity is disregarded for income tax purposes, but provides a liability shield for the member. This is really the best of both worlds. Because the SMLLC is disregarded for income tax purposes, no separate bank account and no EIN is required. However, if the LLC has any employees, it now must have its own EIN separate from its owner for reporting and paying employment taxes. Under the old rules, the SMLLC classified as a “disregarded entity” two options for reporting and paying employment taxes: - Using the name and EIN of the single member owner, or - Using the name and EIN assigned to the LLC The new Treasury Regulation Sec.301.7701-2 states that the LLC, not its single owner, will be responsible for filing and paying all employment taxes on wages paid on or after January 1, 2009. Even if the employment tax obligations are reported using the SMLLC’s name and EIN, the single member owner retains ultimate responsibility for collecting, reporting and paying over the employment taxes. An LLC applies for an EIN by filing Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number, and completing lines 8a, b, and c. An SMLLC that is a disregarded entity and does not have or will not have employees does not need an EIN. It should use the name and TIN of the single member owner for federal tax purposes. However, if a SMLLC, whose taxable income and loss will be reported by the single member owner, nevertheless needs an EIN to open a bank account or if state tax law requires the SMLLC to have a federal EIN, then the SMLLC can apply for and obtain an EIN. If the SMLLC has no employees, it will not use this EIN for any federal tax reporting purpose. If an SMLLC has or intends to have employees, the EIN rules are different. If there is or will be employment tax reporting, both the single member owner and the SMLLC will need an EIN (two EIN’s). If the SMLLC has already received an EIN for reasons discussed above, then only the owner will need to file the SS-4 and be assigned an EIN. These numbers should not be used interchangeably. Doing so can result in complicated problems which could require the taxpayer's, accountant's, and IRS's resources to correct. Reprinted by Permission. Copyright 2007 Dyches Boddiford. All Rights Reserved. The Oaks Group, PO Box 505, Marietta, GA 30061. Dyches is a National Speaker has been a MREIA featured speaker at past meetings. Visit for more information. Volume 17 Issue 11 15 of 48 November 2014 ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS Lead Hazards In Housing: The Risk Of Salvaged Building Components by FHCO Staff and Bob Zatzke Although the following article is written for housing providers, this is important information you need to know whether you’re a landlord, Realtor®, renter, homeowner, or resident. Much of the article is compliments of Bob Zatzke of Vermont Housing & Conservation Board’s Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Program. Mary and Jacob had been searching for a door with some character to highlight the entrance to their new home. They eventually found a raised panel door with a picture window at a salvage yard that seemed perfect. They especially liked the fact that they would be doing right by the environment by giving new life to piece of an old 1800’s farm house. The door still had the original paint on it, but the paint was in pretty bad shape. “We thought it was the diamond in the rough…” explained Mary. The salvage yard offered to chemically strip the paint for a small, added fee, which they agreed to. Unfortunately, Mary says in hindsight, “We didn’t think to ask about whether the paint might have contained lead. There were no warning signs or information regarding the possibility the door might contain lead paint.” The chemical stripping process raised the grain of the wood, leaving splinters and wood fibers that Jacob needed to sand down in order to refinish the door. What he didn’t realize was that, although the chemical stripping methods remove visible paint, a significant amount of lead from the original paint can leach into the wood itself. Jacob chose an upstairs room in their house that was still under construction to do the work and spent several hours power sanding to get the door smooth. Unaware of the hazards, he took no precautions such as wearing a respirator or taking steps to prevent the spread of dust in the home. As he worked, a fine layer of dust settled throughout the upstairs and the contamination level grew to very dangerous levels. A routine mailing to area households from the Health Department made its way to Mary and Jacob’s home. Mary admits, “I actually sat on the mailing for over a month because I didn’t think you needed to worry about testing if you lived in a new home…” When she did follow up and had their children, Naomi and Elijah, tested, the level of lead in Naomi’s blood was extremely high, indicating toxic levels of lead poisoning. A greater surprise was that Jacob also had a high blood level but Mary and their son, Elijah, did not. Mary started making calls and eventually got to the bottom of the problem thanks to a great deal of sleuthing on the part of the Housing & Conservation Board. “Jacob’s elevated lead level had come from the dust he inhaled while he was sanding, and Naomi had ingested the settled dust while crawling around on the floors,” according to Bob Zatzke with the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board. Bob says the likely reason that Mary and Elijah had not been poisoned was that Mary had not been in the work area to breathe in the airborne paint dust and Elijah, at age six, spent much less time putting things in his mouth as compared to his one year old sister, Naomi. Bob explained to Mary that hand-to-mouth behavior is commonly recognized as the primary means by which small children ingest lead dust, although intake through the mucus membranes is also possible. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 16 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) Mary said, “We were so surprised to learn that even though there was no paint visible, that so much contamination could happen.” Mary and Jacob threw themselves into the task of cleaning and wet wiping all of the surfaces in the affected rooms. Luckily, dust samples indicated that the contamination had been limited to the home’s upstairs. I have to admit,” says Mary, “I was getting pretty grumpy after ten hours of vacuuming with a special HEPA vacuum from the Housing & Conservation Board in one day.” All their hard work paid off; subsequent tests indicated the contamination was gone and their home was safe once again. However, the long-term health effects for Jacob and little Naomi are uncertain. Studies have linked chronic exposure to even low levels of lead exposure to developmental and neurological problems in humans, especially the developing bodies of small children. The possible health effects are wide reaching from lowered IQ levels to reproductive problems and many, many more conditions. The only way to know if one has been poisoned by lead exposure is to do a blood level test. Mary’s advice? “People should think twice and ask about lead paint when they buy old building components.” Anyone who works with older building components or antique furniture, even when the original paint is not visible, should be aware that lead can cause serious and incurable physiological damage. Although the sale of lead based paint was banned in 1978, it remains in about 24 million homes according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to Rebecca Morley, executive director of the National Center for Healthy Housing, “We estimate that each year, renovation and painting work exposes 1.1 million children to the risk of lead poisoning.” Epilogue: Several months later, Bob Zatzke checked in on Mary and Jacob and at last report Naomi’s language and speech skills seemed to be developing normally. As a result of this and other similar incidences, Bob was involved in moving a proposal for point-of sale warnings regarding lead and salvaged building components into law in his state. In addition to lead-based paint on the walls or salvaged pieces brought into the home, it has been determined that about 75% of pre-1978 bathtubs have lead in their glaze and that about 40% of these tubs will have measurable levels of lead dust when dust samples are collected from the surface of the glaze. Older claw foot tubs, like well-appointed front doors, are another popular retro salvage yard item. A fair housingspecific note… Although lead poisoning is especially serious for young children (including unborn infants), the fear of possible lead poisoning or liability does not give housing providers the right to deny or discourage families with children from pre-1978 homes or apartments. Familial status is a protected class under federal fair housing law and doing anything to deny or discourage otherwise qualified families with children away from a home you’re selling or renting is patently illegal. If you have specific lead questions, would like copies of lead materials currently available, or want to know more about blood lead level testing, contact the National Lead Information Clearinghouse at 800/424-LEAD or the Leadline in Oregon at 503/988-4000 or As a housing provider, you also need to be sure you’re current on all of the government’s federally mandated lead disclosure requirements! Read the section on “Legal Requirements” at For a medical journal article by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on lead exposure and furniture refinishing visit: Reprinted courtesy of the Fair Housing Council of Oregon. Email: or call| (503)223-8197 or Hotline (800) 424-3247 Ext. 2 Volume 17 Issue 11 17 of 48 November 2014 FINANCING Due Diligence And Underwriting Guidelines by Scott Britton Due Diligence is a term used to refer to researching and verifying the accuracy of information. This is nothing more than checking things out to your own satisfaction. I love that word diligence, but you won't hear this term bantered about by the get-rich-quick crowd or slick salesmen. The truth of the matter is this: due diligence requires work! This is not a matter of trust as much as it is a matter of doing business the right way. If you were playing cards, you should want the deck to be shuffled and cut. This keeps everyone honest. Due diligence is the same thing. Many investors are extremely lazy when it conies to this issue. Maybe it's the work aspect, or maybe it's the trust aspect— or both. Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in the “Go Zone.” There are several tremendous tax benefits associated with investing in this post-Katrina zone. This has attracted investors from all around the country who want to take advantage of these benefits. Money has been pouring in. Several offer buying trips in the “Go Zone.” They load up a bunch of out-of-state investors and ride them around and sell properties to them. Many have invested their hard earned money. Many have been disappointed in the results they have received. All of their disappointment could have been avoided if they had done their due diligence. These people, I would assume, trusted the information provided to them by these sales teams. Properties represented as renting for $1,500 a month were not questioned. No rental market survey was ever done. Information was accepted as being accurate without verification. Purchase prices were based on these rental figures. Sure, there were appraisals involved, but we all know you can buy an appraisal for just about any number you want. Many of these properties are sitting vacant because the rents being asked are too high. Some have bitten the bullet and put tenants in their properties at market rents. And when the investors try to sell these properties they will discover what the properties are really worth. All this could have been avoided by performing a rental market survey (easy enough to do) and checking and verifying comparable market sales from an independent source. And yes, this requires some work. But better to find out before you invest your money. This applies to all aspects of business as well as buying property. You could also look at this as a qualification process. If someone you are doing business with puffs the numbers, you may want to take a hard look at why you are doing business with him or her. If the numbers check out, you may have found someone you can establish a long-term mutually beneficial relationship with. I learned a lot about conducting due diligence from the paper business. When you sell notes and mortgages into the institutional market, these buyers perform their due diligence on every deal. It's part of the program. They verify everything. It's not just a matter of banging numbers into a calculator. It's not just a matter of yield. And it's certainly not a matter of trust. It's simply part of the process of conducting business. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 18 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) ( Due diligence is akin to buying insurance on your transactions. It requires a little work but you will be surprised at the interesting things you can learn in the process. Underwriting Guidelines I doubt there is a real estate investor in existence who hasn't become frustrated with a lender's underwriting guidelines. Sometimes they seem arbitrary, if not capricious. It's easy to make comments like, "They just don't understand this business." Or "Stay out of the banks, they are bad for your financial health." Yet, these underwriting guidelines exist for a purpose. The purpose is to keep the lender from making bad financial decisions. Look at what has happened in the last ten years with some of these underwriting guidelines from mortgage lenders. They have been manipulated from the aspect of what do we need to do to make more loans, not from the aspect of sound financial decisions. Over the next few years, you will see underwriting guidelines from lenders tightening up. [Editor’s Note: keep in mind that this article was written about four years ago!] This is akin to closing the barn door after the cows are out, but nevertheless, you can expect it to become harder and harder to obtain financing through conventional means. There are two other areas concerning underwriting guidelines you should pay attention to. The first involves owner carry-back notes and mortgages. As financing becomes harder to obtain for our buyers, owner financing will become more prevalent. There are factors you should take into consideration when selling with owner-financing to give your paper the highest value. You don't have to start from scratch here to develop your underwriting guidelines. If you plan on selling all or part of these financial obligations, it becomes important to know from the person or organization who will be buying this note—what gives it value. Each of these note buyers has his own underwriting guidelines. There's very little variation from one to the other. The rules of the road are pretty much consistent from one buyer to the next. You will see a lot of overlapping of what they will and won't do. Remember, all notes are not created equal. Just because the note says $100,000 at the top, doesn't mean it's worth $100,000. Secondly if you are originating loans or investing in notes and mortgages, it pays to have our own set of underwriting guidelines to keep yourself from making bad decisions. Otherwise, you run the risk of being sold on doing something that may not be in your best interests. Down payments, credit scores, loan-to-value ratios, alternate sources of repayment, job stability, personal stability and type of security all play a big role when your money is at risk. The above underwriting guidelines put us back in the due diligence mode, don't they? We have to do some work in checking out each and every deal to make sure it is as represented, and then value it according to your own underwriting guidelines (these should be based on the resale market). Few of us have enough historical or statistical information to develop our own independent underwriting guidelines, but conventional lenders and institutional note buyers do. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Consider adopting some or all of the underwriting guidelines from these markets. It will help you get up to speed quickly, while giving you confidence in your due diligence. This is also true of the new loan products that will be coming on the market to replace the various toxic loans of the last ten years. Qualification and underwriting guidelines will change. You will want to stay abreast of these things. We all have a lot to learn as we move forward. Qualifying, Due Diligence and Underwriting Guidelines can help us make more money, become more efficient and avoid costly mistakes! Reprinted by Permission. Visit or email Volume 17 Issue 11 19 of 48 November 2014 FINDING DEALS Distressed Property; Is It A Positive Investment? by Richard Bleuze May 8 2009 Distressed Property is defined as property that is either in a dilapidated state or is owned by someone who is facing financial hardships. With the housing market down and many people facing foreclosures, many investors are turning their attention to investing in Distressed Property. It should be noted that not all distressed sales are a good value, and those who are hunting for bargains should keep some very important points in mind. When a house goes on the market advertised as distressed property, it will draw a lot of attention. Most people who are looking to buy this type of property usually buy it then sell it for a profit. The more people looking for distressed property for sale, the harder it is to actually purchase one. A serious buyer must be diligent about seeking out distressed property by scanning the Internet and newspapers to find out the circumstances behind the sale. If you are lucky and are able to purchase a distressed property, you need to know or have an idea about where the housing market is headed and what the property values are in the area. When you own a distressed property, you will probably spend some money fixing it up. You want to be sure that the housing market is on the rise so that when you are ready to sell the property, you will recognize a profit. You must recognize that if the housing market is in a weak state, you may not make the money back that you invested. You must also make sure that the home that you are purchasing doesn't have liens placed on it that will become your burden. If the owner had problems paying the mortgage, he or she may have left other bills unpaid, so make sure you clarify this before you sign a contract. It is always wise to use a Realtor® to help you identify deals for you. Searching the Internet is a good option, but some Internet information might be out-of-date or incorrect. A Realtor will have an updated MLS listing that will give you the most current information available. Work closely with your Realtor because with distressed properties; time is very important. A buyer must close on a date that is specified by an agency and can't close after this date without facing stiff penalties. Make sure that your finances are in order so that your Realtor can submit an offer as quickly as possible. Once the offer is submitted and accepted by the seller and you, the Realtor will submit a ratified contract to the lender and closing agent to begin the process of the real estate transaction. If you do plan on renovating and reselling the home immediately, make sure you keep detailed records of any expenses having to do with the purchase and repair of the property so that you can use them as tax deductions. And because the property is distressed or foreclosed, consider hiring a lawyer as your closing agent. A good real estate attorney will take care of any problems that may arise at the closing and handle any special addendums or contracts that are issued by the bank. Richard Beuze sells real estate in the San Gabriel Valley (about 12 miles South of Los Angeles). Visit Reprinted by Permission. Copyright © 2004-2014 BiggerPockets Inc. All Rights Reserved. Volume 17 Issue 11 20 of 48 November 2014 FINDING DEALS The Secret To Finding Motivated Sellers by Bill Cook January 14, 2010 There ain’t no secret; it just takes a lot of hard work! Think of it this way: What is the secret to finding gold? There’s no secret to that either. You get a pan, go to a riverbed and start panning for gold. When you first start panning, it’s kind of fun. But six or seven hours later, when you’re hot, wet, your back hurts, and you’d rather be anywhere else than bent over in a streambed, trying to find gold is no fun at all! I know, I know! What about all those guys on TV who tell you how easy real estate investing is? What about all the millions they claim you can make in a snap? Think about it for a second. Exactly what business are those gurus in? Is it real estate investing…or are they selling real estate investing courses? Back in the California gold rush days, who made the big, easy money? The miners out panning for gold or the scallywags who sold worthless claims to those poor suckers? Don’t get me wrong. There are GREAT real estate investing teachers out there: Pete Fortunato, Dyches Boddiford, John Schaub and John Adams, to name but a few. At the same time, for every great teacher, there must be about 100 scallywags who wouldn’t know a real estate investing deal if it bit them on the bottom! Here’s how to find motivated sellers: 1. Make sure everyone around knows that you buy houses. 2. Print some cheap business cards that say what you do and continually pass them out around town. 3. Get a cheap set of magnetic signs that say what you do and put them on both sides of your car. 4. This is the technique that scares most folks to death: stop at every house you see with a For Sale sign in the yard, pull in, knock on the door and ask Pete Fortunato’s famous question: Why are you selling a nice place like this? You probably think most homeowners will get angry, hurl insults at you and finish off by slamming the door in your face! This couldn’t be further from the truth. Most sellers LOVE having someone…anyone show an interest in buying their house. Fact is, I’ve been knocking on seller’s doors for more than 15 years. In all that time, I can’t remember anyone slamming a door in my face! 5. Call the folks who have a House For Rent or House For Sale ad in your local paper. 6. Link up with a top-notch Realtor® who understands how to work with real estate investors. Realtors, because of their FMLS system, are able to help you find motivated sellers. Hope these six hints help to make you a better, more successful real estate investor. Bill and Kim Cook live in Adairsville, Georgia and have been successfully investing in real estate since 1995. They’ve been writing their weekly real estate investing newspaper column since 2003. Reprinted by Permission. Copyright © 2004-2014 BiggerPockets Inc. All Rights Reserved. Volume 17 Issue 11 21 of 48 November 2014 FORECLOSURES Finding Foreclosures by Larry Goins The real estate investment market is ever growing as a place where investors are trying to cash in on great deals and investment opportunities that will eventually pay off as lucrative investments. Although many investors turn to rental properties, still others have become involved in the world of wholesaling and flipping houses. With the right advice and a little help from other investors and real estate agents, flipping houses can be an extremely lucrative business. Even if an investor only starts off small spending a few minutes or few hours a day searching for homes and then putting time into repairing that home, this can pay off with a large output of cash. Although there are many excellent opportunities for homes for sale to flip on the market, these homes may be flooded by offers from real estate investors and may be difficult to compete with when first getting into the flipping business. An unsuspecting place to begin the investment search is in foreclosures. Basically, foreclosures are homes that have been seized by lenders or government agencies, such as Housing and Urban Development (HUD), because a homeowner was unable to make loan payments, tax payments or insurance payments on the home. From here the lender or government agencies will hold a special auction or a special bidding session where potential buyers and investors can try to purchase that property. The best bet when becoming involved in foreclosures is to find a real estate agent or broker who you enjoy working with. Although some foreclosure processes will allow for an individual investor to go in and purchase the property, others will require an agent who is knowledgeable about the business to be present at an auction or bid closing. Most real estate agents will also be able to tell you the best places to begin searching for foreclosures, as they are not always available on the main realtor websites in the area. When deciding to search for foreclosures, it is also important to find a home inspector who you trust to tell you the honest truth. Many investors who regularly purchase foreclosed homes will tell you that the best option for foreclosures is to have an investor inspect the house before placing a bid on the home. Note that foreclosures are sold “as is” meaning no repairs will be made by the lender or government agency selling the home and a homeowner is no longer in the house to make repairs to that home before closing. Once you have already placed a bid on the home, it may be too late, as you may be stuck with a real money pit that could take more than your budget allows to fix it up. So be sure to have the home inspected before beginning the bidding contract part of business. Although it is helpful to have a real estate agent help with finding foreclosures and seized properties, this should not stop an investor from searching on their own. If you work a full-time job elsewhere and do not have the time or energy to invest in searching for foreclosed homes, you may want to consider making friends with real estate investment scouts. Often, scouts are investors who will search for houses, put an initial contract down on the house and then sell the contract to an investor who want to spend the time and money fixing up the house. The investing scout will simply make a few thousand dollars with the difference in contract prices, but the real money is left up to the flipping investor, who can make thousands of dollars on a home that was way below market value, simply by shaping up the house. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 22 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) Other great places to independently look for foreclosures are in county court records for divorce hearings, family estate hearings, and bankruptcy hearings. Often a notice of a foreclosed house will be made available with that legal information. From here you can contact the county to find out where the house is located or when an auction will be held to sell the foreclosed property. You may also want to do your own personal searches with places like the Fannie Mae Foundation, the IRS who often lists foreclosed real estate for sale, as well as the Veteran’s Administration who lists VA homes that have been seized. Once you have determined that you will invest in foreclosures and have begun looking for foreclosed houses, before placing a bid on a home or even asking for an inspection, it is best to know exactly what your budget. If you are willing to spend $100,000 total on a home, including repairs, then you will need to look for homes that are selling for $70,000 but will need no more than $25,000-$30,000 worth of repairs. When considering how much you will spend on the home overall, you will also want to consider how much of a profit you will make, once the home sells. This will require getting together with your real estate agent to do a market analysis of the area and determine exactly what well-maintained homes sell for in the area. Reprinted by Permission. For more articles on real estate investing, to sign up for a free newsletter and listen to free weekly training teleconferences. Visit to find free forms, documents, EBooks, Downloads and more. Also visit for investor financing. You will also find wholesale properties for investors and can sign up for notification of new available properties at INSURANCE What’s The Deal With Title Insurance Anyway? by Larry Goins I get asked this question a lot. Title insurance is purchased through your attorney and insures that if there are any title defects found at a later date such as a long lost heir that shows up telling you to “get out of his house” then the title insurance company would handle the problem and not you. It is important to tell you that just because the lender that loans you the money to buy the property has title insurance doesn’t mean that you have title insurance. To cover yourself you must also purchase an owners title insurance policy. Your attorney will usually offer an owners policy to you at the time of closing. If you elect not to get an owners policy, then the title insurance would only cover the lender for the loan amount and not you or any equity you have in the property. I have done it both ways but if I have a deal with a lot of equity in it or a property that I will be keeping for a while I definitely get an owners policy. With an owners policy, the title insurance company will defend your title to the property in addition to the lenders interest in the property. I have also been asked that if an individual can purchase title insurance and the answer (at least in NC and SC) is no. In order for a title insurance company to issue a policy the attorney must first conduct a title search. This is where the attorney or an abstractor physically goes to the county courthouse and conducts a search of the subject property and the current owner. They will find every lien, judgment, mortgage, notice of interest, etc. that is on the property or against the owner. When the abstractor completes the search the attorney will then prepare a title opinion. This is a multi-page document of the attorney’s opinion of the legal owner of the property, the current mortgagee or lender of the property, any liens, etc. This is what the title insurance company uses as their information to issue the title policy. This is why an individual cannot buy title insurance without an attorney. Reprinted by Permission. For more articles on real estate investing, to sign up for a free newsletter and listen to free weekly training teleconferences, visit where you will also find free forms, documents, EBooks, Downloads and more. Also visit for investor financing. Volume 17 Issue 11 23 of 48 November 2014 HOME INSPECTIONS A Home Inspection Is An Investment, Not An Expense by Stephen Ruback Squeezing dimes to blow dollars seems to be a popular game these days. Negotiate the price of a house in $500 and $1,000 increments, or more, then turn around and spend hours looking for a $25-$100 cheaper inspection. If you are looking for a cheap drive-by inspection to meet some paper work requirement, or just to make someone else happy, don’t even bother. That way you can save the whole amount. When you spend a hundred thousand dollars, likely much more, for a house, wouldn’t it be sensible to verify the condition of your purchase? Will you pony up a percent or two for special financing considerations without much thought or calculation, but choke at less than one third of one percent to insure you are buying what you think you are buying? People do it all the time. What’s in a good inspection? A fresh, unbiased perspective – just the facts without emotional attachment. An experienced eye for red flags and signs of present challenges and/or trouble to come – by a seasoned professional intimately familiar with all of the systems in a house. A good communicator – the ability to help you understand what the conditions are and their potential impact on your finances. A forensics practitioner – putting the details together for a more holistic overall picture, otherwise known as a “systems” approach. Additional insight for protecting your investment – providing information about important findings along with reasons why they are important and how they can affect your future. Alerts to present and potential safety hazards – this can be lifesaving information you otherwise might have missed until it was too late. An inspector is your point person, looking for potential problems. For those with significant financial implications you will need to consult with specific specialists to secure real number costs and more detailed analysis of conditions. For example, the inspector may observe the AC system is not working properly, then you will need to consult with a licensed AC person to determine the precise problems and costs of repair/replacement. Keep in mind most systems have a finite design life. Systems do wear out. With a bit of neglect, this can happen sooner rather than later. In a thorough inspection, you will also learn a few things to help you prolong the life of your investment. Expense or Investment? So, how does this make a thorough inspection an investment? Any item that has virtually no chance of improving your bottom line is an expense. Anything that has a real chance of positive return is an investment. The vast majority of inspections reveal one or more ugly surprises that, undiscovered, would have cost the buyer many times the inspection cost. It’s that simple. The AC blows cool, but is at the end of its life, and needs work, uh-oh. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 24 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) The heater does not work and the repairman says it is dead and beyond recovery, do you have an extra two or three grand lying around? The roof covering happens to be three layers deep with wood shingles at the bottom and the insurance company says they won’t cover the roof, oops. The plumbing is badly corroded in several areas and about to demonstrate a new concept in water damage, then the insurance company says “normal wear and tear” or “lack of maintenance,” sorry. Inadequate attic ventilation and insulation can cost you hundreds of dollars a year in excess utilities, oh well. Unsafe/improper/inadequate wiring can cost thousands to repair – at best, easy come easy go. The bomb in your house, disguised as a water heater, could actually go off, tsk tsk. The kitchen vent hood does not vent cooking fumes outside, just blows them back in your face, surprise. The furnace/water heater flue vents happen to be set up to generate generous amounts of carbon monoxide whenever they are operated, do you enjoy headaches, nausea and near death experiences? Most of the conditions above have the potential for serious, expensive auxiliary damage if left to their own devices long enough. A good inspection can only be described as an expense when the house has no ugly surprises. I saw one once. The rest of the time it is an investment that pays serious dividends. Sometimes it will be one or more big ticket items, other times it may be a host of little items that add up to significant money. Most of the time it will be a combination. Getting best value A thorough inspection takes time, at least an hour per 1,000 square feet. The report should be clear, simple and to the point. Always plan to be present for the inspection. A written report is a poor substitute for a detailed hands-on explanation in real time. A modern house is an expensive combination of complex systems utilizing a wide variety of technologies – never hesitate to ask questions if you don’t understand something, especially “why.” A good inspector is also a good teacher, willing to take the time to explain the hows and whys behind the observations. This may take a little more time, but it pays dividends in your ability to protect your investment. A savvy seller will arrange for an inspection before listing the house. That leads to avoiding more ugly surprises that blow deals. One blown deal costs more than several inspections in time and money lost – then the seller still gets to pay for the needed repairs. When selecting an inspector, the thoroughness and quality of work far outweigh the price. Too low a price may well mean a higher cost – after you move in. You never really get more than what you pay for – sometimes less, but never more. By the way, new homes also need a thorough inspection. Reprinted by Permision. Stephen Ruback is a licensed Professional Inspector; member of TAREI, and HAR; approved by TREC as a Professional Home Inspection Instructor. In addition, he has earned a BS in engineering from Trinity University, is an author of several books and teaches a variety of self-empowerment courses. For more information, call 832-489-1071, visit or email Volume 17 Issue 11 25 of 48 November 2014 PARTNERSHIPS Considering A Partner In Business – Here’s A Few Tips William Bronchick, Esq. There are many advantages to partnerships. Smart use of a partnership may allow you to do more deals from a financial and time standpoint. It also spreads out risk and liability. It’s part of the “Two heads are better than one” or ‘There is safety in numbers” theories. However, approach a partnership with caution and due diligence, especially if you’re new at any type of business venture! If you pick the right partner it can feel like it was “heaven-sent” but if you pick the wrong partner or partners it can make the business venture a tough road to travel. Some if the disadvantages can be dissimilar work ethics and styles, honesty and trust issues, time consuming power struggles and poor communication styles. When picking potential partners it is important to ask yourself a few questions and have some specific parameters in mind for the partnership: • Why do I need a partner? You may want a partner for their credit or funding a project, their skills and expertise, their business contacts or many other reasons. Before you become partners you should check one another out to make sure you have complimentary work styles and a thorough understanding of the project or business including return on investment, duties, communications, and other pertinent items. You should pick a partner or partners that can bring something to the table such as skills you don’t have or contacts you don’t have but need for the project or business. If funding will be an issue then the funding partner(s) needs to bring proof of funds to the table from the start. What will I give up in return? With every upside there is a downside. You will dilute your profits with a partner but on the other hand you may be able to leverage your money and time better because it allows you to complete more projects. In addition, if you are a control freak and insist on micromanaging every aspect of a project or business then a partnership may not be a good fit for you. Do I have other options? Can I rely on a mentor or advisor? Can I hire the missing components by using the services of an attorney, accountant, contractor, lender, consultant or another? In most cases you will find that in single projects such as joint ventures that possibly hiring the right professional or borrowing money yourself (if you can) might be a cheaper alternative than some sort of split with a partner. In a long term business obviously there are many other factors that come into play. • Is this business short term or long term? There are a lot of differences between selecting a partner for a short term joint venture or a business that you plan to run for many years. For long term businesses, you really need to select the right partners because it is a lot like being married to someone! Many folks will start out and work with a person(s) in a joint venture or two, find that they are a good match and want to build on their previous successes, so they become partners in a long term business. Having the right paperwork is important and in addition to all the initial set-up paperwork, for a long term business you will want a Buy/Sell Agreement in case things don’t work out down the road and possibly “Key Man” life insurance policies in case something happens to one of the partners along the way. • Reprinted by Permission. Copyright 2014. Visit or call 1-888-587-3253. The author, CEO of Legalwiz Publications, is a nationally known attorney, author, entrepreneur and speaker. He has been practicing law since 1990, having been involved in over 700 transactions. Volume 17 Issue 11 26 of 48 November 2014 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE The Most Profitable Investment In Real Estate by David Lindahl Having rehabbed over 520 properties and owning over 1100 multi-family units in my real estate career, I have and continue to do it all! When I first started in the real estate business and got my marketing going, I knew that every potential seller meant a possible $20,000 profit for me. I also quickly realized that there were many different ways to do a deal, and some deals could only be done a certain way. If I hadn't learned the technique needed to do a particular deal, then I would wholesale it. I've never liked wholesaling (even when I could make a quick $10,000 — 20,000 doing it!) because I always knew that there was a much bigger payday waiting down the road and I wanted it. Why give up the cow only to go searching for more milk? So I became a "Transaction Engineer." I learned how to rehab, how to do "subject to," lease/options, short sales, pre-foreclosures, buy, flip and hold multi-families, master lease/options, equity sharing, tax credits and more. I wanted the big paydays and I was willing to learn what it took to get them. The more deals I did, the more I realized that I was getting much bigger paydays from doing a particular transaction that was far more profitable than anything else I was doing. All of us want to get wealthy quickly and easily, and if it could be done by doing less deals, that's the way I wanted to do it. That's when I came to the realization that there were certain deals that brought me in ten times the amount of profit as the other deals, even though I was doing the same amount of work and taking the same amount of time. From the fattening of my bank account I realized that there is one investment that is far more profitable than anything else in real estate investing. The most profitable investment in real estate today, is buying, selling and holding multi-family properties. Did you know that you could buy a multi-family building using the same no-money-down techniques that you use buying single family properties? I'll bet you didn't know that there were even more creative ways to purchase multifamily properties than there are for single families! Think about it. When you are dealing with single-family properties, you're usually dealing with the homeowner, someone who is emotionally attached to the property. When you are dealing with a multifamily property, you are usually dealing with an investor. Just like you, investors care about the numbers. Would you now agree that investors are more apt to do creative deals? Successful people profit from the mistakes of others. I learned that doing a multi-family deal took just as much effort as doing a single-family deal, but there is one big difference: There is an extra "0" at the end of the profit check when I closed the deal! That means that the single-family property that I flipped made $20,000 with the same amount of effort I was flipping multi-family properties and making $200,000! As soon as I realized this phenomenon, I focused more of my marketing on multi-family properties! When you start getting those big paychecks you'll realize that you don't have to work so hard; you'll have more time (a lot more time) to do what you want, where you want, when you want and with whom you want! Most people have a goal of making $1,000,000. If you were flipping single-family houses with an average profit of $20,000, you would have to flip 50 houses ($1,000,000 x $20,000) to reach your goal. How long do you think that would take? A year? Two years? Five years? (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 27 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) If you were flipping multi-family properties, you would need to flip only five properties ($1,000,000 x $200,000)! How long do you think that would take?, Certainly a lot less time! And remember, it takes just as much work to flip a single-family house as it does to flip a multifamily, but as you can see by the numbers, it really is going to take you ten times the amount of work and time if you want to earn a million dollars flipping single-family houses! Here's another bonus. Sometimes when you flip a single-family property you hit a home run and make anywhere from $40,000 - $100,000 and more. When you hit a home-run with a multi-family property your profits are in the $400,000 - $1,000,000 and more range! That's one deal, same amount of work! How many of those do you have to do before you stop worrying about your retirement? A student of mine, Rose Morris from Columbus, Ohio, is going to profit over $2,000,000 on her first large multifamily deal! One deal! Justin Anderson from Augusta, Georgia will profit close to $900,000 when the sale is complete on the multi-family that he's flipping! Does this mean if you're flipping single families that you stop immediately and go after only multi-family properties? Heck, no! You can if you want, but I still flip singles, but not as many as in my early years, though. Why do I continue to do it? Because I can! I’m not one to pass up any good deal, and I like getting those small chunks of cash coming in for $20,000 - $30,000 a pop, but I focus most of my time on multifamily properties because I learned the more multifamily deals I do, the more and better choices I have as to how I can spend my time! Heed these words: the faster you start flipping multi-family properties, the faster you're going to become wealthy. I will already say "You're Welcome" in advance for those of you who take the advice of someone who has been there and done that! Reprinted by Permission. David Lindahl, also known as the “Apartment King” has been successfully investing in single family homes and apartments for the last ten years. He is the author of four popular, money-making home study courses “Apartment House Riches,” “How To Estimate And Renovate House For Huge Profits,” “Managing For Maximum Profits” and “The Real Estate Investors Marketing Tool Kit”. David was a featured MREIA speaker in January 2008. He can be reached at and REAL ESTATE COMMISSIONS What To Look For With A Flat Fee MLS Broker by Rob Arnold, ABR, CPL, CRB, GRI What is Flat fee MLS, discount MLS, MLS-only listing? Whatever you want to call it, it is the process for consumers to list their property into the local MLS and the related internet sites like for a few hundred dollars with the consumer doing the bulk of the work. This sort of listing also offers the buyer's agent a commission of 2-3% or more if they procure a buyer for the property. I want to describe things to look for in a flat fee MLS broker. If you do a Google internet search, you will find out there are many of types of services available out there. Some will charge you nearly $1000 and some charge as low as $100. I have even seen some that will advertise for free in the hopes of getting the seller to eventually become a future buyer. If you pay a high amount, you deserve to get many additional perks and lots of customer service. If you pay next to nothing for this service, expect to get next to nothing in perks or customer service. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 28 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) Obviously price is a big factor to be shopping for. Beyond price there are basically three main things that you should be looking for in a flat fee MLS broker. 1. Does the firm have a local office where I can meet someone? Or, in the alternative, can they send someone out to meet with me? Most of these type of firms only do business with you via a 1-800 phone number or the internet. You should at least have the ability to get them to sit down with you in person for an hour or so either at thier office or at your house. They should also be able to provide you with a basic idea on pricing your property and on a marketing plan to get your property sold. If they are totally hands off and will not give you any advice on proper pricing and marketing, it would be a good idea to steer clear of them. Your goal is to sell your house, not to let it sit in the MLS indefinitely. 2. Does this firm allow me to upgrade my listing to a full service listing? Will they help me with paperwork, negotiations, or the closing, if later on I do not feel comfortable with the situation? If the answer is no or that they will refer that work out to some other company, then you are probably getting short-changed. If the firm does not allow you to upgrade your services, the reason may be that they either do not want to bother with giving you these services or that they are not competent enough to even provide them. Watch out. 3. What sort of perks are provided for the money you are paying? (a) A real basic thing is a For Sale sign. Other Realtors often steer away from MLS listings that have a For Sale By Owner sign in the yard. (b) Initial pricing and marketing advice. I already discussed this above. (c) Phone calls and emails from Realtors® and customers regarding your listing. Listings get lots of these contacts. The MLS typically says for any Realtor® to call the owner for all negotiations, but often they still call the listing broker. Is the firm servicing these phone calls and emails or are they ignoring/deleting them? Guess what happens when you hire someone to service your listing for $75?Odds are, they are not going to service it. You definitely need some sort of balance here. Shop around for your Realtor® like you would for anything else. No Realtor®, whether it be full service or flat fee MLS, can guarantee to sell your property at a reasonable price. So make sure they are giving you choices on what they can do. If the firm you are talking with tells you "6% is it, take it or leave it." Or even better "My commission is non-negotiable." Well guess what, there are hundreds of firms in most cities that you can call. And they all are aggressively competing for your business. What you charge for services matters. In fact it is typically the #1 consideration to most consumers. Not everyone needs to be baby-handled by a full-service Realtor®. Just like not everyone needs to go to the emergency room for every medical problem they have - some people can buy over the counter medicines, so people can go to a walk in clinic, and some people have a family doctor. One quick story: I was in a GRI real estate class in Orlando a few years ago with about 100 other Realtors. We all got to go around the room and say our name and firm. One Realtor® said she was with Assist-2-Sell (a franchised full service discounter). About half the class "booed" this person. The instructor actually had to tell the class to be quiet because there are federal anti-trust laws that protect these alternative models. A sad day! I do fully believe the current real estate recession is going to usher in a new age of flat fee MLS and alternative real estate models. You would not believe how many Realtors® (and mortgage brokers and title companies) I talk to that are doing all sorts of creative things to bring in a few dollars right now. The market is changing and the six percenters are a dying breed. Copyright © 2007. Sand Dollar Realty Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by Permission. Rob Arnold is a Florida managing real estate broker and licensed mortgage broker. Call 407-389-7318, 877-3897318, visit or Volume 17 Issue 11 29 of 48 November 2014 CREDIT Credit Bureau Basics by Wendy Polisi June 9, 2009 In today's real estate market, it is more difficult than ever to qualify for a mortgage. With delinquencies on the rise, your credit score needs to be good, if not stellar, for lenders to approve your loan. Still, most people don't understand even the basics of a credit report or what exactly a credit bureau is. Even seasoned investors are confused on many of the details of how credit works. This brings us to the most basic credit question of all. What exactly is a credit bureau? Basically, a credit bureau is a giant record keeper that stores information on almost every adult in the United States. Information includes addresses, employer and most importantly, payment history. Some people think that when something on their credit report is incorrect, the credit bureau is to blame. Many times, a lender will hear the statement "Experian isn't reporting my car correctly." This isn't true! Your lender is the one reporting incorrectly. The credit bureaus collect information, but they do not confirm anything. What they report is simply the data that creditors supply them with. This means that a creditor can report anything to the credit bureau and it will appear on your report, regardless of whether it is accurate. It is estimated that between 40 and 70% of credit reports contain errors. These errors can lead to increased interest rates, credit denial and even job denial. Because without your involvement, your credit report is simply a large compilation of unverified data, the federal government has numerous consumer protection laws in place. The most important of these to understand is that the only time the data in your credit bureau is confirmed is if you file a dispute with each of the three credit bureaus. When this happens, the creditor has 30 days to prove to the credit bureau that the item is accurate. If they fail to verify the item as accurate within this time frame, the item is required by law to be removed from your credit report. One of the most important keys to keeping your credit score up is consistent monitoring of your report. There are many great services to help make this easy, but the most important key is consumer knowledge and involvement. Wendy Polisi is Vice President and co-founder of Finance the Dream. Finance the Dream helps American's realize the dream of homeownership by offering Lease Purchase, Lease Option, Rent to Own and Owner Financed homes throughout the country. For more information on the program or on credit repair, please visit: Reprinted by Permission. Copyright © 2004-2013 BiggerPockets Inc. All Rights Reserved. Volume 17 Issue 11 30 of 48 November 2014 DEALMAKING Opportunities Are Found; Deals Are Structured by Bill Cook January 28, 2010 Folks new to real estate investing think deal structuring is a pretty cut-and-dry, unimaginative process. You find a house, make an offer, apply for a mortgage and then buy the property. Simple, right? If it was so easy, why would an investor waste his/her time and money joining a local REIA (Real Estate Investors Association) or attending real-world, how-to-structure-it-creatively seminars? I think Pete Fortunato, one of my long-time teachers, says it best: Opportunities are found; deals are structured. Let’s look at how we took an opportunity a local bank recently brought us and structured it into a deal. The bank had foreclosed on a property in Calhoun, Georgia. It was a cedar-sided, three-bedroom, two-bath ranch that had been built in the early 1980’s. The house was in a good, solid neighborhood. It needed a $10,000 rehab. The bank said that a few years before, the property had appraised for $140,000. At the property, Kim and I discovered the house was vacant, the doors were locked and the key was nowhere to be found. The only way in was through the investor door. In other words, my 50-year-old butt had to shimmy through a teeny, tiny unlocked kitchen window, fall into the sink and then crash onto the floor. Kim howled as I slammed face first onto the tile with a loud thud! Shana of Bernie’s Mountain We determined the CARV (Conservative After-Repaired Value) of the property was $95,000. Now, stop for a second. How would YOU structure this deal? Here’s how we structured it: We began with our exit strategy: what we would do with the property after buying it. We would rehab the property and then either: 1) Sell it for $70,000, or 2) if we didn’t immediately find a buyer, lease/option the property to a tenant-buyer. If the tenant-buyer made on-time payments and took good care of the property for 13 months, we’d owner-finance the property to the tenant-buyer with a 30-month call built into the Note. Now, for our offer to the bank: we’d buy the property for $40,000. We also needed to borrow $10,000 to pay for the repairs. Because we were $50,000 light of having the $50,000 we needed to do this deal, we’d do a Deed-forNote deal with the bank. With a Deed-for-Note deal, the bank gives us the Warranty Deed (ownership of the property) and we give them a $50,000 Note secured by the property. Here are the Note terms we requested: A 20-year amortization with a 5-year balloon. Monthly payments (principal and interest) of $300/month at 6.01% interest. A built-in 2-year loan extension with pre-agreed-to terms and conditions. Also, we wanted the Due-on-Sale clause removed from the Security Deed. We asked the bank to pay all closing costs, as well as for an owner’s title insurance policy. Is this similar to your deal structure? Do you still think deal structuring is a cut-and-dry, unimaginative process? Bill and Kim Cook live in Adairsville, Georgia and have been successfully investing in real estate since1995. They’ve been writing their weekly real estate investing newspaper column since 2003. Reprinted by Permission. Copyright © 2004-2014 BiggerPockets Inc. All Rights Reserved. Volume 17 Issue 11 31 of 48 November 2014 PARTNERSHIPS Partnering On Real Estate Deals For The Right Reasons by Jay DeCima My personal investment strategy has constantly changed over the years as I've discovered what works, what don't and how to "tighten-up" my deals to maximize cash flow. I've always felt that investing alone is better than splitting the pie and sharing my profits! However, I have had several excellent partnership ventures over the years. And I must tell you this, when they work, you can achieve your financial goals many times faster than doing deals alone. But remember, I said when they work-that's the tricky part. Partnerships are like marriages - there are some good ones that last a lifetime and many that don't last till they're paid for! Like marriages, partnerships stand a much better chance of working and lasting if the partners are selected for the right reason. When I talk about partnership investing, I don't necessarily mean you should form a legal partnership. I'm talking co- ownership or two investors owning real estate together for the purpose of making money. Why Would Anyone Want a Partnership? There is only one good reason I know of to take on an investment partner. It's when you don't have enough financial horsepower to do the total deal by yourself. Most often, it's financial assistance you need. However, there might be other legitimate reasons. Equity sharing and timeshare contracts are two examples of partnership investing. Both arrangements are specifically designed for investors who can't purchase the whole "enchilada" themselves, or at least they don't think they can! Do not take on a partner because you want companionship! Always ask yourself these questions: Do I really need a partner or do I just think I need one? Is it wise for me to split my profits with someone else? The answers should be very clear before you look for a partner. Every so often I hear about a "lonely investor" who apparently doesn't have enough confidence to buy real estate by himself. Generally this type of person lacks courage. He wants a partner for moral support. That's not a good reason to form a partnership. It's like the guy who thinks he's better oft crashing in an airplane with 100 people aboard rather than crashing alone. Take my advice here, do not take on a partner because you want companionship. Partnerships are tough enough when you have a good reason. Partnerships Must Be Based on Mutual Needs. Consider the want-to-be investor who knows just enough about real estate to be dangerous. He has more guts than it takes to fight a mountain lion, but not enough cash to use the pay toilet at the bus depot! Nine out of ten times, this joker will attempt to convince someone with money that by simply joining together, they'll both end up millionaires. Nearly always they both end up broke instead! Stay away from people who have million-dollar ideas, but no money! My first thoughts when anyone approaches me with a partnership proposition are -What's in the deal for me? What's the risk to me and what assurances do I have that a partner will do what he says? One question you should always ask yourself is -What's the most I can lose if I do this deal? Naturally, I'd be very concerned that my partner and I shared equal risk! Partnerships Can Solve Your Money Problems. Developing partnerships to pool individual resources, knowledge and experience can provide an excellent vehicle for acquiring wealth at a much faster pace than would otherwise be possible. I've discovered that in most successful partnerships, the partners themselves will often have very little in common with each other except for their desire to make money together. Sometimes an accountant will team up with a carpenter or handyman. A doctor might select a contractor, or a school teacher with extra hours and mechanical skills might work very well with a real estate broker. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 32 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) Sometimes the best way to find investment partners with the particular qualifications you need is by advertising in the Help Wanted ads of a local newspaper. Many folks would like to create a profitable partnership, but don't have any idea where to start! The first thing you must determine is what can you provide to the partnership! Will it be investment capital, your time or the specialized skills you possess. Write it down on paper, then advertise for a partner. There are many people looking for what you have to offer, but if they don't know you exist you must speak up and let them know. The Courting Period Requires Honesty. The biggest mistake for no money partners to make in trying to entice a person with money is to oversell and overstate the benefits the money partner is supposed to receive. If I were to show you all the proposals offered to me and added up all the profits I've been promised over the years, I'd need to rent the Bank of America headquarters building to store all my money. Fortunately or unfortunately, whichever way you view it, I didn't invest my money, so I'll never really know for sure. I can tell you this much' however, a very high percentage of the deals went bust! Jay's Rules for Finding a Money Partner. My "no-compromise" business rule for finding an investor with money when I need financial help is the same rule I use for landlording. I call it my 60/40 rule. It means I'm willing to give more than I take! I've always felt that broke investors should be willing to give up at least 60% of the partnership benefits in order to attract the money. This means if I'm the broke partner, I'll be content with taking 40% of the deal for myself. Always ask yourself this question about the partnership. Who could most likely make it on their own-the partner with or without the money? I think it's clear-the party with the money will always have a much greater opportunity than the one who's broke. Reprinted by Permission. The author, known to many as “Fixer Jay,” is a seasoned real estate investor with more than forty five years of hands-on experience. Nearly half of the time has been devoted to his specialty: fixing up run down houses and adding value. Many years ago, Jay began teaching others about his moneymaking strategies at seminars and at his popular house fixer camps, in Redding, CA. Visit Volume 17 Issue 11 33 of 48 November 2014 LANDLORDING: EVICTION The Top Five Reasons Landlords Are Afraid To Evict by John Nuzzolese Many landlords are so afraid to evict a tenant that it costs them far more in the long run that it would to just bite the bullet and go through with a legal eviction. Let's face it. Evictions are not a pleasant part of the business. Collecting rent on time is. Having your rental property cared for by a tenant who pays the rent is essential to being a successful landlord. But what about when things don't go so well? When tenants don't abide by the agreements made in the lease? I always say, "It is better to have NO tenant, than it is to have a BAD tenant." I say this because I would rather have an empty rental property than one with a deadbeat loser who: a. doesn't have the integrity or responsibility to honor his agreement, b. is stealing from me and my family for every day he gets away with not paying the rent, c. is costing me time and aggravation in managing a hopeless tenancy. Most landlords can't afford to be good Samaritans who provide free housing. The rent needs to be paid or they will lose the property they worked so hard to acquire in the first place. So What Are The Top 5 Reasons Landlords are Afraid to Evict? 1. Fear of the Unknown I've noticed that landlords who have never experienced evicting a tenant in court before will do whatever it takes to avoid the eviction process, even at greater cost to themselves than an actual eviction would cost. I've also noticed that landlords who have evicted a tenant in the past are more willing to evict again when it needs to be done. Experienced landlords know that evictions should be started immediately, once the tenant cannot cure his default on the agreement. 2. No Attorney "I don't have an eviction attorney" and "an attorney is too expensive" are common excuses for not starting an eviction. In reality an average attorney's fee for an eviction is tiny compared to the huge rent losses many landlords take on because of the fear of eviction. The LPA's Attorney Directory can help find and qualify lawyers for eviction and the Landlord Association Directory can help refer a local attorney used by landlords near you. 3. Horror Stories We have all heard horror stories about evictions and bad tenants. It is part of the business. Most of the horror stories I hear are stories filled with foolish mistakes made by inexperienced or unprofessional landlords. Yes, an eviction can take many months or even years if the landlord is not willing to face the situation and handle it professionally. Some landlords I know have lost their rental home(s), or quit the business because of the fear of retaking control of their property through legal channels when they could have easily handled things more logically and professionally and saved their properties. Try not to take advice from people who have not learned from their failures in the rental business. Listen to those who have done or are doing it successfully. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 34 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) 4. Believe the Tenant Are you a good guy like I am? Do you like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt? Have you ever been promised rent money that just never seemed to come through? I have. Over and over. The stories were always so convincing. One time, back when caller ID was new, a tenant who had been stringing me along for months called to say he was going to be delayed again with the rent and that he was in New Jersey on a job. His rental was on Long Island. Normally, I'd have believed him without question and naively would have expected some money coming. The caller ID revealed he was really calling from his home on Long Island. I went to visit him just to confirm and sure enough, he was home! Is it hard to believe that your tenant (a churchgoing person) would lie to you? The eviction courts are FULL of them. The late Nick Koon, a landlord mentor of mine once said, “If you want to survive as a landlord, You cannot run your business from your heart. You have to run it from the head.” 5. Tenant Threats Some tenants are mean nasty people. Some are bullies. Some just get nasty when they feel threatened themselves. Whatever the reason, don't let tenant threats bother you. If you are threatened physically, report it to the police immediately. If they threaten to damage the property, they have just shown their true colors and given you even more reason to do a swift eviction. Whatever the tenant threatens to do, it is either a police matter or an eviction matter. I know one landlord who had a tenant live free for five years because the tenant threatened that he would report the "illegal" basement apartment to the town zoning board. This landlord was foreclosed on and the bank evicted both the owner and the tenant together. Wouldn't that landlord have been better off calling a lawyer the first month the tenant didn't pay? Copyright © 2000-2013 The Landlord Protection Agency, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted by Permission. Visit, email or call (516) 483-4785 LANDLORDING: APPLICANTS WITH INSUFFICENT INCOME About Co-Signers Author Unknown Some landlords require cosigners (sometimes known as guarantors) on rental agreements and leases, especially when renting to students who depend on parents for much of their income. The co-signer signs a separate agreement or the rental agreement or lease, under which she agrees to be jointly and severally liable with the tenant for the tenant's obligations — that is, to cover any rent or damage repair costs the tenant fails to pay. The co-signer retains responsibility regardless of whether the tenant sublets or assigns his agreement. In practice, a co-signer's promise to guarantee the tenant's rent obligation may have less value than at first you might think. This is because the threat of eviction is the primary factor that motives a tenant to pay the rent, and obviously you cannot evict a co-signer. Also, since the co-signer might be sued separately in either a regular civil lawsuit or in small claims court, actually doing so — for example, if a tenant stiffs you for a month's rent — may be more trouble than it's worth. Editor’s Note: I recommend that a co-signer own his/her house, in New Jersey, so that if necessary, a lien can be placed against the his/her house. Reprinted courtesy of the Shawnee County Landlords Association, Topeka, Kansas. From March 2012 Call 785-266-4818 Volume 17 Issue 11 35 of 48 November 2014 LANDLORDING: THOUGHTS FROM LANDLORDS Why Are You A Landlord? by "Why are you a landlord or why would you want to become one?" The following answers below are statements by landlords nationwide on the popular Q & A forum. Read on to be inspired and encouraged about your real estate business. I am currently in college. I became interested in real estate in high school and started doing research on how the whole landlord thing worked. I bought my first rental after my freshman year of college. After getting the first one rented and seeing that I really could do this and how much I enjoyed it, I moved away from thinking of real estate investing as a side investment and started working on making it my profession. I have been acquiring rentals since then as fast as I can and still maintain appropriate reserves and when I graduate in December I anticipate being able to support my lifestyle from landlording alone. It is a great business to be in, make sure you do all the research ahead of time and know how the real estate market is in your target location, what all the real estate and landlord tenant laws are, how taxes work for real estate, etc. -- Kyle, IN Why? FREEDOM!!! Retired at 41. Should have been sooner but the job was paying very well. My dad started at age 55 when forced out on early retirement. In the next several years he became wealthy, traveled (and fished!) the world, and when he died 13 years ago, left a tiny empire which supported my mother beautifully for 10 years and now provides cash income for my generation. All from a handful of crummy little rental houses. -- Brad 20,000, IN It was the only thing we could think to do to provide for our retirement. The stock market wasn't working (for us). At least landlording is something we can wrap our heads around and (somewhat) control. I like that it keeps my mind active, my brain busy. I am sorry I am missing the convention this year. -- Wendy, NC Got into landlording in order to diversify investments. Back in 2000, stocks had had a long strong run, and I didn't feel comfortable putting more money in that direction at the time. Searched for and found the Q & A forum. Read, read and read some more. Bought a foreclosure. That worked out well, so we repeat over and over, and life is good. I thank all the contributors to this forum for an education that is unequaled. I have "dodged many a bullet" because of the wisdom and experience of contributors to the Q & A forum over the past twelve years. Lots of work, along with the regular job, but I think it is worthwhile. -- Bill, Texas I bought my first house when I was in my early 30's. I worked at General Motors and they were trying to retire out a bunch of guys in their 50's. Lots of them said they couldn't retire because they couldn't afford to (despite years of making an excellent income) because they had kids in college and weddings to pay for. I swore that wouldn't happen to me, so I bought the first house to be my oldest child's college education fund (even though I was single at the time and had no plans to have one in the immediate future!). Planned to buy a second house eventually for my second child's college education. Never imagined I'd like it and would end up making a living out of landlording. Life is a funny thing. Illini Fan, OH So Pookie and I can travel to Costa Rica when WE want to with the kids. To go to a Reds game anytime I want. To wear shorts, flip flops, and no shirt on Tuesday at 10:30 am every week. To play golf any time I want. Never miss a kids game or practice. To help people live in decent housing. To prove to my kids the truth of education. Freedom. -- Lee, IN (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 36 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) I kept thinking it would be great to have a rental property. The rent would buy a house for me, and eventually I'd own it after it paid for itself! Figured it make for a nice nest egg. So, one day I just did it. That house appraised two years after I bought it for more than double what I have in it. I added a few more over the next couple years. Now I am shifting my focus to cashflow and finding funding to purchase these houses. Don't get me wrong, the houses I have were great investments, but I don't make much on them. I hate my job, and I want out of it. You think the government is hard on landlords??? Try driving a truck for a living! I want a nice row of Monopoly houses to feed my family and send my kids to college. Hoping to learn more about my new focus at Landlord Convention. -- 574-Brad, IN I left my country very young and worked in countries where inflation got so out of hand that it made rich people very poor because they had all their money in cash. So when I got here in 1992 with no money but big dreams I started to buy real estate because I thought it was good against inflation. If you buy good properties with fixed, low interest rates, and inflation happens your rents will go up and you will be sitting pretty good in the future. -- Jose, CA In my very early 20's, I always wanted to do landlording as a side business. I figured a little work and a little money could build over time. A few years later I bought my first multi. A lot of work and a lot of money later, up to 24 now, and hope to add 18 more by the end of the year. Hope to quit the day job in five years or less. -- Alex, IL I'm a landlord because my plans for becoming a rock star didn't work out. OK, I'm a landlord because now is the time to buy, hold and rent, although the days of buy and flip are rapidly returning, I think, followed in about 3-4 years by buy and build new for retail sale. I follow the cycles. We may or may not hold rentals long term as I get older. -- LL, AZ It's this simple--There is no better investment now, after losing a million in the stock market I switched to real estate. Much better. Now is a unique time, in my area you can buy a single family rental with 20% down and cash flow on day one, and at age 59 this is the first time I have seen this. Buy as many single family rentals as possible now. -- Steve, CO I want to be rich. Rich people have options. Options = freedom to do what you want with your time. That may sound selfish, but think of it like this. Freedom allows me to serve God and my fellow man rather than slaving away at a desk just so there's bread on the table each month. Who is selfish? The man who works hard in his spare time and retires at age 40 and then can volunteer and/or take up charitable causes, or the man who watches TV every night and weekend and must stay at his desk job until 65 just to keep the lights on? Time is our most limited resource. We each only have so much. Like others here, I've talked to many 50something-year-olds who are counting the days until they can retire at 65, some at 67 due to Social Security changes. Times are changing. Soon Medicare will be bankrupt (or it already is...we just don't know it yet thanks to the FED printing money), and I don't trust the government or an employer to provide for my golden years. So in short, I want my golden years to start when I'm in my 40s, and I want them to be on as solid a footing as possible. Plus I love using a chop saw and Sawzall. And who doesn't enjoy nail guns? -- Sid, MO To quote my dad "Wanna make a million dollars? Borrow a million and let someone else pay it back." Looking for my first house at age 25, Dad pretty much "made me" buy the one with the upstairs mother-inlaw suite. I had a couple roommates but it really didn't work out. Then a friend of a friend wanted his own apt. and suddenly I had a real "tenant." He paid 75% of my mortgage. Suddenly, I "got" it! Then I used the equity and paid $24K cash for a mobile home around the corner. $500/month in rent: you do the math (I still own both, by the way). And away we go..... The mobile home is paid for (obviously); have a duplex that is 4 years away. Another 7 years and my own home is (I think) 9 years away. This is my retirement fund. I've been self-employed in another area for 17 years. -- Blue, IL (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 37 of 48 November 2014 I want freedom. To travel when I want, sleep in when I want, and go to the movies in the middle of the day. I don't want to wait until my sixties to get my days back. After doing a few flips, I lucked out and found an under thirties landlord and her husband that owned maybe about 15 rentals (and growing) that they had bought, rehabbed, and rented themselves. This was their only job. They worked very hard at it, but their goal was never to work a corporate job. She mentored me. I've built up several rentals and hope to "retire" in another 3 to 4 years. Twelve paid off rentals is my goal. -- Jules, MO I have been self-employed most of my adult life in other careers which were one hassle after another. If you think a deadbeat tenant is a pain, wait till you have a deadbeat 100 million dollar corporation that stiffs you. Try collecting from them in small claims court. Good luck!! Even with 12 single family homes on auto-pilot, I find that Landlording is virtually hassle free...Well not really. I do get a cramp in my right hand sometimes from endorsing 12 checks each month, but other than that I really love this business. -- Roy, AL I tried working once for a living and didn't like it. Once the mind expands it never goes back to its original size. -- Dan, FL My rentals are my retirement income. In the late '80's I started building new homes. Homebuilding worked out very well for me. It gave me the cash to do some other things. As I got older I noticed that the banks were only paying about 1-2% on my money. I found a townhouse that cost me $35K and rented for $450/mo. That was a whole lot more than the bank could pay, so I started investing my cash in townhomes. These townhomes are my retirement income. They will be cash flowing for my heirs long after I'm gone, but between now and then, they afford me a pretty nice lifestyle. It's all for the retirement! -- OKHMBLDR, OK I closed another business and needed a way to develop a new stream of cash flow. I went to many Real Estate Investment club meetings in my area and listened to those people. They were talking about buying low end properties, fixing them and renting them out. Many did it without any cash, and some even used credit cards to buy their first property. Once fixed and rented, many of these properties threw off $300 or so per month in income, and the mortgage was getting paid off by the tenant. I was a handyman and gave it a try. I now have 10, and I have to say that this is a GREAT semi-retirement. I used my cash from the other business, so I own all of them without a mortgage. This provides me with all of the cash I need to live on. I am on my own schedule, have no one to answer to, except the tenants, and I have found it very rewarding. I take a crummy property, fix it up as close to new as possible (new kitchens, new baths, new paint, refinished hardwood floors, etc. and I am proud of the product I produce. My tenants, so far, all seem to appreciate the condition of the properties, since many of them are the first tenants I have put in the property (7 years or more). When they call me with a problem, I usually go immediately to fix the problem. I have found that immediate customer service causes the tenant to want to stay in my properties, since so many landlords sadly ignore their customers. I have no problem fixing a clogged drain, etc., even though the lease states that it is the tenants’ problem. I figure that a happy customer is FAAAAR better than a vacancy. This business is not easy, but, as I said, it gives me freedom, and I really enjoy it! -- Jeff, PA After 41 years of marriage I got divorced and had some rentals dumped in my lap. Didn't have a clue what I was doing, but bought and read everything I could, joined Jeffrey Taylor's website, and am finally getting on my feet with it (it's been almost 4 years). Most of the property was in bad shape, and I can't so much as change a doorknob, so it took some time and lots of money, but I've traded up and now have some really nice property. Was told by everyone to hire a property manager, which I did, until I realized they were two months behind in paying me my rent. I took it all back and am on my way to building the business! -- Suzy, NM (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 38 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) For retirement. My husband and I are in our mid-50s. He works at a very good job and I own a small company. We are in our high earning years and have a paid off house with lots of disposable income. Rather than buying fancy cars or a more expensive home with a mortgage, about three years ago my husband and I purchased our first small rental house for cash, then two more. Now we are using a self-directed IRA to purchase more. We already have one more and hope to purchase about 6 more for a total of 10 properties. The return on our rentals since we paid cash is only about 9%-10%, but with CDs we could barely make 1%. We buy 2-3 bedroom single-family homes and fix them up very nicely. Our residents really don't call us that often as things run pretty smoothly. We kind of look at fixing up these homes as our art. We really like making an old house look as shiny and new as possible. At first we looked for the total dogs, but we realized we may have spent too much to fix them up. Now we really try to find houses which just need cleaning up and some cosmetic changes. In our area there is not all that much difference in price between a money-pit and a pretty nice, slightly neglected home. In finding a value we look at the sales price plus the cost of the fix up before we make the purchase. This means we sometimes pay more initially, but we believe it is a better overall deal for us in the long run, plus less work. One more thing. We used to do everything ourselves. Now we have found some good handyman types to do most of the fix up work. We then go in in the last week or so to clean up the property and put on the finishing touches. We want to have a fun life, not just be slaves to our rentals. Life is short. -- Beth, KS Reprinted by Permission. The above tips are shared on the website and in the Mr. Landlording newsletter from landlord contributors, real estate advisors and authors. To receive a free sample of Mr. Landlord newsletter, call 1-800-950-2250 or visit their informative Q&A Forum at, where you can ask landlording questions and seek the advice of other rental owners 24 hours a day. LANDLORDING: PROPERTY MANAGERS It's Not My Job by Robert L. Cain Ron knows the law. He can quote it chapter and verse. Ask him about any individual piece of the code, and he can cite it for you. Ron knows his contracts. He can tell you every last clause that’s in them and what it means. Ron knows all that because he wants to make sure he doesn't have to do a lick more work than he has to. The trouble is, Ron is a property manager. Property owners have entrusted him to manage their properties. They expect he will collect rents, keep track of expenses, and send them a check every now and then. They also expect he will see that their properties are taken care of. That's what they thought a property manager was supposed to do. Ron knows differently. He knows the law and each clause in his contract. He's fine with collecting rents and keeping track of expenses because the law that he knows so well says he absolutely has to. He's also fine with sending a check to the owners every so often. The law says he's supposed to do that, too, along with an accounting. But Ron's favorite phrase is "It's not my job." He knows what his job is because he knows the law and his management contracts inside out. When his clients hired him on, Ron said he would inspect the properties every two or three months and see that things that needed fixing got fixed. He said he would keep them informed about anything they needed to know about their properties. Trouble is, nowhere in the law or the contract is there anything remotely close to that language. And Ron knows the law and his contracts like the "Cheers" reruns he watches all day on TV and the 17th level of World of Warcraft that he has reached because he plays it incessantly when "Cheers" reruns aren't on or he is trying to figure out the best way to avoid doing any kind of work. (Continued on Next Page) Volume 17 Issue 11 39 of 48 November 2014 (Continued from Previous Page) Here's a case in point. Ron had a management client who had to move to Los Angeles for work and couldn't sell his house. This client had spent thousands of dollars making his yard an Asian garden showcase. Buddha statues hid in strategic places around the yard. Asian plants decorated each corner of the property. And the Koi pond held fish worth thousands of dollars. When Ron took over management, he assured his LA-bound client that he would pay assiduous attention to the property. He also told his client that any new tenant he found would maintain the yard with the same care as the departing owner. You know where this is going. Six months later the yard is a disaster. All the Asian foliage is gone. The Buddhas are still there but hard to find midst the weeds. And the koi? They all died because the pond's pump broke so the filter couldn't filter, and the tenant never said anything about it. As if it would have done any good because it wasn't Ron's job. When the owner came back to town to inspect the property, he discovered the disaster and fired Ron on the spot. Ron's response was "It's not my job," when asked why he didn't deal with the problems with the property. Ron had not done an inspection since he had taken over management. After all, it wasn't his job. Are all property managers and property management companies like that? Fortunately, no. Many do take their jobs seriously and look out for the best interests of the people whose properties they manage. They know the law, too, but they also know their fiduciary responsibility. It doesn't matter what the law says; it doesn't matter what the contract says; when someone promises to take care of someone else's property, he or she takes on the responsibility to do it not just right but more than right. In every state where property managers must be licensed, they are required to exercise a fiduciary responsibility to their property owners. West's American Law Encyclopedia describes fiduciary responsibility like this: "A fiduciary relationship encompasses the idea of faith and confidence and is generally established only when the confidence given by one person is actually accepted by the other person. Mere respect for another individual's judgment or general trust in his or her character is ordinarily insufficient for the creation of a fiduciary relationship. The duties of a fiduciary include loyalty and reasonable care of the assets within custody. All of the fiduciary's actions are performed for the advantage of the beneficiary." Watching "Cheers" reruns and playing World of Warcraft all day might seem to interfere with carrying out fiduciary responsibility. Even more, repeating the phrase "it's not my job" when faced with a decision about when Ron should deal with a problem in one of the properties he manages, definitely doesn't meet the criteria for carrying out his fiduciary responsibility. Property managers, the good ones, the ones who owners stick with and swear by and recommend to their friends and families, think first about their responsibilities to the owners of the properties they manage. No one has to tell them about fiduciary responsibility because they automatically will do what is necessary to protect the interests of their owners. They believe everything having to do with the condition or circumstances of any of the properties they manage falls under the fiduciary responsibility banner. If you are in the market for a property manager, you certainly don't want Ron or one of his ilk who are competing with Ron for "Worst Property Manager of the Year." When you interview a property management company with the idea of managing your properties, you might ask what their view of fiduciary responsibility is. Their answer is important. If the first words out of the manager's mouth are "the law says," run for your life. If the manager begins explaining how he or she takes that responsibility seriously and tells a story or two about how he or she kept an owner's property from falling into disaster, pay attention. Reprinted by Permission. Copyright 2011 Cain Publications, Inc. Robert Cain is a nationally-recognized speaker and writer on property management and real estate issues. For a free of the Rental Property Reporter call 800-654-5456 or visit Volume 17 Issue 11 40 of 48 November 2014 LANDLORDING: FORMS APPLIANCE AGREEMENT Premises: _____________________________________________________________________ This Appliance Agreement addendum is made this __________ day of _____________________, 20____, and is added to and amends that certain agreement by and between ____________________________________________________________ as Tenant(s) and _____________________________________________________________as Landlord(s), which agreement is dated __________ day of _______________________, 20____. The dwelling may contain various appliances, such as: (Included = √ or New) Stove _________________ Washer ________________ Refrigerator ____________ Dryer _________________ Dishwasher ____________ Air Conditioner _________ Wall Oven _____________ Pool Filter ______________ Microwave _____________ Auto Garage Door Opener __________ Garbage disposal ________ Trash Compactor __________ Dehumidifier ___________ Ceiling Fan __________ Tenant shall assume responsibility for care, minor repairs and maintenance. If appliances are equipped with manuals and/or warranty papers, Tenant shall not lose or discard these documents, and will be responsible for their return. Repairs resulting less than $125.00 shall be deemed minor repairs. Should Tenant neglect maintenance responsibilities, Owner or agent may assume them on Tenant's behalf and any expenses incurred by Owner in connection therewith shall be additional rent (added rent), payable to Owner on demand. If Tenant does not agree to be responsible for the appliances, but rather use his own, he may request that Owner's appliances be removed from the premises. All washer/dryer installations must be approved and authorized by Owner in writing. Tenant agrees to replace all water supply hoses to washing machine that show any signs of wear every year. Tenant also agrees to turn off water supply to washing machine when it is not in use. The parties have entered into this Agreement on the date first above stated, and acknowledge receipt of a copy hereof. LANDLORD TENANT(S) ____________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________________ _______________________________________ Copyright © 2009 The Landlord Protection Agency, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted by Permission. Visit, email or call (516) 483-4785 Volume 17 Issue 11 41 of 48 November 2014 Vendor/Sponsor Table of Contents Accounting Services Samuel S. Fisher PG Construction & Renovations 44 911 Restoration – David Oknin Financing Services Residential Home Funding 45 Home Staging Stage 2 Style Insurance/IRA 44 Metro Homes & Insurance Investment Services No Current Vendors Pest Control Services Pest Plus Pest Elimination Home Buyers No Current Vendors Legal Services Fein Such Law, Harry Fieland, Esq. 43 Telecommunications No Current Vendors PG n/a Real Estate Agencies No Current Vendors Energy Services No Current Vendors PG Home Inspections No Current Vendors 44 Internet/Computer Services No Current Vendors Member Discounts 44 Kiuken Brothers Ricciardi Brothers Paints & Supplies PC Richard & Sons Sherwin-Williams: Paints & Supplies 47 47 46 44 Residential Screening No Current Vendors Title Agencies No Current Vendors Our Vendors & Sponsors support us and help us maintain our low membership dues. Please contact them first when you need a product or service. OCTOBER 2014 NEW AND RENEWING MEMBERS Bjorkenson, Chris Dittman, Ron Gorman, Michael Grubr, Jared Hartman, Mark Jangtey, Tenziuy Janusz, John Volume 17 Issue 11 Lisoski, Ron Meyer, John Peckham, Jason Starcev, Tony Taylor, Jake Taylor, Yines 42 of 48 November 2014 Volume 17 Issue 11 43 of 48 November 2014 Do We Have Your Correct Email Address?? In order to ensure that you, as a MREIA Member are Receiving Our Emails. MREIA periodically Sends an Email with a Link to click on when you receive the email. Thank you so much, MREIA Board Members Harry Frieland, Esq. Fein Such Law Group Email Address: Samuel S. Fisher & Associates Certified Public Accountants, LLC 100 Bayard St, Ste 311 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Tel: (732) 846-1700 Fax: (732) 846-1788 Website: Volume 17 Issue 11 Mailing Address 7 Century Drive Parsippany, NJ 07054 Telephone Number: (973) 538-4700 ext. 3394 44 of 48 November 2014 For More Information please call Mark Kapsky at: (201) 602-9488 Residential Home Funding 100 Lanidex Plaza, 2nd Floor Parsippany, NJ 07054 Telephone Number: (201) 602-9488 Email Address: Volume 17 Issue 11 45 of 48 November 2014 Our 102 Years of New Store Location: Route 70, Brick, NJ PC Richard & Son offers discounts on appliances to MREIA members. Please contact Nick Zampetti at (201) 343-8629 for complete details, or e-mail and request additional information. At the MREIA General Meetings there is a Wealth of Information That is worth even more than The cost of Your Membership Volume 17 Issue 11 46 of 48 November 2014 Volume 17 Issue 11 47 of 48 November 2014 Your Board of Directors President Dan Schwartz (201) 791-4639 Vice President Murray Kane (973) 476-9528 Secretary/Past President Nick Zampetti (201) 343-8629 Treasurer Bob Mularz No Tel# Yet Editor Dan Schwartz (201) 791-4639 Past President Frank Barillari (732) 240-2050 Audio/Visual Chair David Leidy (201) 965-3288 Legislative Awareness Chair David Corsi. (732) 923-1410 Lending Library Chair Angela Fan (201) 889-9026 Meeting Site Chair Nick Zampetti (201) 343-8269 Membership Chair Peggy Martini (201) 410-5017 Registration Chair Chuck Martini (201) 410-5017 Vendor Chair Scott Linde (732) 777-6857 About MREIA We are a not-for-profit Real Estate Educational Organization and a member of The National Real Estate Investors Association. The elected and appointed officers are unpaid volunteers. DISCLAIMER We do not render legal, accounting, tax, investment or other professional services either through the Metro or at general meetings. We disclaim all liability for actions (or inactions) taken as a result of any communications between the Board of Directors, appointed officers and the membership. We do not officially endorse any product, project, person or organization. Before making any investment decision, you are urged to seek advice from qualified and competent professionals and to use due diligence before using any product, services or ideas presented in the Metro or at general meetings. At times the Board may take particular positions or points of view on matters regarding the real estate industry. Said positions do not represent solicitations. Our speakers are permitted to sell any products or services they may have to offer our members or guests.. The opinions expressed by the speak- M REIA LEN D IN G LIBRARY D o you enjoy spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars buying real estate books and CD s? Som e courses are valuable to have as a perm anent part of your personal reference library. H owever, not all inform ation available m ay m eet your individual goals. TH EREFO RE, last year we created a Lending Library for your convenience and FREE to all M REIA m em bers. O ur goal is to help educate and to guide you in m any areas of real estate, such as creative financing, negotiating techniques, landlording, renovations, asset protection, etc. To use our library, there are guidelines that you m ust agree to: 1. 2. 3. You m ust be a current M REIA m em ber. O nly one book or m aterials m ay be checked out at a tim e. An item borrowed m ust be returned within thirty days. N on-attendance at the next general m eeting is not an acceptable reason for failure to return the m aterials. If not returned, the book/m aterials loan is considered LATE. Your credit card will thereupon be charged a $15 late fee. 4. If you do not return the item borrowed after two m onths, your credit card will be charged the retail value to replace whatever was borrowed. You will then be the owner of whatever you have not returned. 5. See Angela Fan, Lending Library Chairperson, at a general m eeting. The above guidelines are necessary so that all m em bers will have access to all of the books/m aterial being offered. Volume 17 Issue 11 48 of 48 November 2014
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