EBJC RECORDER TISHREI/CHESHVAN 5775 November, 2014, Vol 45 No. 3 Samantha Ginsberg p.10 Kira Dekhayser p.20 Sarah Herman p.11 Rebecca Rollman p. 11,14 Harvey Goldschmidt,p 20 Jack Rollman p. 11,14 Hold the date December 6th DUELING PIANOS 511 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 Tel: 732-257-7070 Fax: 732-257-9630 www.ebjc.org Shabbat Services LECH LECHA Friday, October 31 -5:40 pm Saturday, November 1 – 9:30 am & 5:40 pm VA-ERA Friday, November 7 – 4:25 pm Saturday, November 8 – 9:30 am & 4:25 pm CHAYE SARAH Friday, November 14 – 4:20 pm Saturday, November 15 – 9:30 am & 4:20 pm Mincha, Maariv, Havdallah Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Ginsberg TOLEDOT Friday, November 21 – 4:15 pm Saturday, November 22 – 9:30 am & 4:15 pm Your Help is Needed East Brunswick Jewish Center is more than just the home to the oldest and largest Jewish Center in East Brunswick. Although our roots are Conservative, we promote and encourage the religious, educational and social values of all Jewish organizations in our community and work closely with the Jewish Federation of Middlesex County. In order for us to accomplish so much, with so few resources, we rely upon volunteers to help us. We need you to volunteer for these positions and any other areas where you can help us. Our community relies upon your energy, expertise and hard work. Editor and/or Writer for the Recorder—Jay Lopatin (732) 784-3244 Create a Social Community to interact and promote our vendors, sponsors and donors. Jay Lopatin (732) 784-3244 Bikur Cholim contact Madeline Frances 732254-2783 Deena Oren 732-432-9130, Jordan Feldman 732-613-1925 Shiva Minyan contact- EBJC 732-257-7070 2 B’nai Mitzvah of Jack and Rebecca Rollman Sunday, November 23 – 10 am Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Herman VA-YETZAY Friday, November 28 – 4:10 pm Saturday, November 29 – 9:30 am & 4:10 pm Mincha, Maariv, Havdallah Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Fulds Friday Shabbat Times Nov 7-4:28 pm Nov 14-4:22pm Nov 21-4:16pm Nov 28-4:13pm Meals on Wheels delivery Bunny Kaplan 732254-4528 Social Marketing /PR person to help market EBJC (perfect position for a graduate trying to visibly impress future employers) Jay Lopatin (732) 784-3244 Volunteers to help run major events. Call Gale (732) 257-7070 Membership Chairman—Help attract and develop a great environment for our members. Contact Jay (732) 784-3244 Videographer— Improve our website by including videos of EBJC activities and help us show that EBJC and East Brunswick are great places. Contact Jay (732) 784-3244 RABBINIC REFLECTIONS Once you hear Yossi Klein Halevi, I hope you consider joining EBJC at the AIPAC Policy Conference in EBJC, AIPAC and Advocating for Israel Washington. This year it is Sunday March 1 through On Rosh Hashanah I spoke March 3, right before Purim. More than 14,000 pro about our responsibility as -Israel Americans will gather in Washington. The American Jews to become advo- Policy Conference will feature large inspiring gathercates for Israel. The Synagogue ings and intimate educational sessions. In those Initiative of AIPAC (The Amerithree days we will become pro-Israel activists and can Israel Public Affairs Comhelp secure Israel’s future. At the end of the Conmittee) has reached out to the ference, we will have the opportunity to lobby our East Brunswick Jewish Center members of Congress in support of Israel. I am into help us become advocates viting you to join me, members of EBJC and thoufor the State of Israel. The next sands of Jews from around the United States to step comes this month. stand with Israel. The foundation of the Jewish community and of EBJC is the State of Israel. This is our opportunity to answer the call, Israel’s call for Please join me on Sunday November 16th at 7:45 help. At the end of Yom Kippur we shouted, “next PM, at the Young Israel of East Brunswick, as EBJC year in Jerusalem.” Please join us in Washington to and YIEB are partnering with AIPAC to bring Yossi help ensure a safe, secure, next year in Jerusalem. Klein Halevi, renowned Israeli author and journalist, to our community. Mr. Klein Halevi is a contributing editor to The New Republic, a research fellow at the The war with Hamas this past summer was a diffiShalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, and also a cult period for the State of Israel, and the war with frequent contributor to the op-ed pages of leading ISIS and the threats of a nuclear Iran continue to newspapers, including the New York Times and Wall threaten the State of Israel. As Israel cannot allow Street Journal. He is speaking about the situation itself to lose, we cannot allow ourselves to watch in Israel and will be sharing with us the latest infor- from the sidelines. We must transform ourselves mation on the ever-changing reality in the Middle from supporters of Israel to advocates for Israel. East. It will be a special evening as EBJC and YIEB AIPAC is helping us and the American Jewish comjoin together in support of Israel. Please RSVP to munity become advocates. Please join us on NoAlexa Silverman at asilverman@aipac.org or 917vember 16 in East Brunswick and on March 1 in 210-6318. Washington DC and become an advocate for Israel. Israel needs US and WE need Israel. As Americans have a right and responsibility to have our voices heard. While as American Jews our num- Am Yisrael Hai! bers are small, the truth and passion of our support for Israel helps spur those in Congress, who have few or no Jewish constituents, to support Israel. Rabbi Joshua S. Finkelstein Synagogues among other things are places of connection for the Jewish community. AIPAC wants us, RabbiJSF@gmail.com the Jewish community, to mobilize for Israel and it is our sacred obligation to answer the call. AIPAC is also helping us educate our East Brunswick Jewish Community and helping us keep up to date. 3 4 President’s Report In the New Year there are many things we are looking to accomplish. Prior to the holidays your Executive Board met weekly to discuss the business of the Shul. Eighty percent of what discussed had to do with the day to day operations of running the EBJC. Examples of agenda items include fund raising, High Holy Days planning, education, maintenance, repairs, as well as membership retention and attraction. but to join a committee to support our long-term and short-term initiatives. We have several board positions open and we are always in need for volunteers to help by joining a committee or helping in an area of need. It easy to join. Just send me an email at ericr@nurturemarketing.com. At the congregational meeting I promised transparency letting our congregants know the specifics of our financial situation. Over the next few weeks, we will be scheduling open forums for members of the congregation to voice your opinions and to ask and answer any questions you might have. I just Now, we’ve entered a new phase where 80% of want to let everyone know that based upon the what we focus on is strategic long-term planning strength of our membership, our strong lay and and short term tactical expense reduction and rev- religious leadership, the willingness of members to enue improvements. We’ve already made signifi- join in our recovery, our Shabbat and Minyan rocant progress on our short term goals including a bust participation, and the passion of our commuresoundingly successful Yom Kippur appeal led by nity I am very optimistic in our future and our direcAnne and Adrian Kroll featuring the best appeal tion moving forward. speech I’ve ever heard delivered with passion and Have a happy and a healthy New Year! heart by Anne Kroll. We also have a fund raising event planned for December 6th Eric Rabinowitz, President of the Congregation I want to thank all of our members that contributed to our Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre appeal many of which increased their contributions this year. As Anne asked from the Bimah, many of you gave who never gave before, and many doubled or even tripled their prior year’s contributions. There seems to be a new excitement in the air. Corey Booker attracted over 300 people, with over 200 people staying for dinner including members of several area synagogues and Jewish organizations. We also invited Jeffrey Bell the Republican candidate for Senate who presented his vision for our country’s future. Having Senator Booker and Mr. Bell come and speak to our members’ reiterates the importance EBJC holds in our community and state. Our Board of Directors will be assigned committees to participate based upon need. Members will be asked not only to cover their areas of responsibility 5 PreSchool Press from Lynda Perel Hmm.. Who will be on our next town council in East Brunswick? While most of East Brunswick will be voting on that, our preschoolers will be voting on “What Is East Brunswick Jewish Center Nursery School’s favorite type of apple?” Will it be Granny Smith, MacIntosh, Yellow or Red Delicious? We will have a voting booth for our preschoolers to cast their vote. Stay tuned to find out. Thanksgiving will be here before you know it. Our youngsters will have their own feast. Each child will get to choose whether they want to dress like a Native American or a Pilgrim. The children will make their own costumes, bake corn bread and make beautiful decorations for their table. We will be singing songs, and have lots and lots of food! We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! 6 Here are some pictures of our Simchat Torah Celebration with the Rabbi. DIRECTOR’S DRASH from Julie Schwarzwald As I walked through classrooms this past weekend, each class was talking about the story of Creation. It occurred to me that we focus on the six days in which God created the world and the seventh day on which he rested, Shabbat. This is, of course, completely appropriate for younger children. But there is so much more in parashat Bereishit! It begins with a detailed description of Creation, then tells the story of Adam and Eve and their eventual expulsion from Gan Eden after allowing the serpent to convince them to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The chapter continues with Adam and Eve raising their sons and the tragic story of Cain and Abel, followed by the lineage of their descendents and their descent into wickedness and disfavor in God's eyes, until the birth of Noah, a righteous man. However, even a few minutes a day can make a huge difference in our relationship with and in our appreciation for our children - and their appreciation for us. I encourage you to make the time to get all the stories of their day and their week. And for Hebrew School? Spend just five minutes a day having your child read Hebrew to you or practice a prayer. Sing together. Let them teach you the letters and sounds they have learned. Ask if they have any homework (they probably do - just a little!) Go through their Hebrew School backpack with them. Take out completed work and put it on your fridge. Restock kippot in the bag. Put in tzedakah money for the next class. Show your children that there is no punishment for learning - that you embrace their newfound knowledge! HEBREW SCHOOL HAPPENINGS On October 5, Sara Alter joined us for the first of her monthly Israeli dance lessons. Kita Gimel/3rd grade students and parents made beautiful siddur covers in preparation for their Kabbalat Siddur on November 21. Each class had the opportunity to visit the sukkah, say the blessings for sitting in the sukkah and shaking the lulav, do a project, and have a snack. The month of November/Heshvan offers us a chance after the holidays to settle into our learning and routines. We look forward to another Israeli dance day on November 16. School will be closed November 6-9 for NJEA Teachers Convention As I was thinking about this, I found myself comparand November 27-30 for Thanksgiving. ing it to childhood in the present time. I think parents (myself included) naturally find themselves YOUTH NEWS wishing this particular phase would end and our All three youth groups are off to a terrific start! USY children would grow up and be better able to man- (9th-12th grades) enjoyed a Chinese dinner in the age themselves. We tend to rush through these cur- sukkah and tie-dyed some shirts. Many members rent magical, busy times. We have all heard others attended the regional opening dance in Millburn (elders) tell us that these days go so fast; we should and are on their way to the Leadership Training Instop and slow down and enjoy them. And we know stitute in Toms River. Kadima and Chaverim joined that is impossible in our current hurried lives - and together for "Torah Wars," competing to make the really, this phase is not so much fun for us anyway! most beautiful edible Torah. Kadimaniks attended Wow - so much material crammed into this one parasha! It begins with God being pleased with his creations and ends with his disgust and eventual plan to destroy this world and start again. Along the way, we discover that Adam and Eve (and the rest of humankind) have to pay for gaining knowledge and not remaining innocent. Then one brother is murdered by another, and humankind degenerates. Any of these single stories are fodder for thousands of pages of rabbinic discussion and interpretation. the opening regional event in Cranford. 7 Next events: Chaverim - November 25, 6:15-7:30 pm Kadima - November 11, 6:15-7:45 pm USY - November 11, 7:45-9:30 pm If you have a college student and have not yet signed up for College Connection, please email Trudi Teicher, tteicher@ebjc.org. BASKETBALL - Our fall basketball season is underway, with 1st-3rd graders playing on Tuesdays and 4th-6th graders on Wednesdays. Over a dozen kids in each group are practicing skills and playing games each week. For more information about any of these programs, contact Julie Schwarzwald, Education and Youth Director, jschwarzwald@ebjc.org. ORAL SURGERY GROUP, P.A. PRACTICE LIMITED TO ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, DENTAL IMPLANTS, ORAL MEDICINE, ORAL PATHOLOGY, AND TMJ DISORDER. Dr. David M. Rauch, DDS Dr. Philip S. Engel, DMD Dr. Richard K. Stern, DDS Dr. Constantine Simos, DMD Dr. Michael E. Stern, DMD 172 Summerhill Rd. St. 3 Brook Rd. E. Brunswick, NJ 08816 PUT your Company Name Here Support EBJC and PROMOTE your Company. East Brunswick Recorder is seen by all visitors to EBJC, distributed at Special Events and mailed to our members. Members, please support the businesses that advertise and support EBJC. We rely upon them to fund our distribution and help support our synagogue . For more information please call: Gale Dillman at (732) 257-7070 or Jay Lopatin (732) 784-3244. 8 109 Livingston Ave. N. Brunswick, NJ 08901 (732) 247-8083 1275 Bound Brook Rd. Middlesex, NJ 08846 (732) 271-0330 (732) 238-3700. www.oralsurgerygroup.com East Brunswick Jewish Center Hosts Senate Candidates Cory Booker and Jeff Bell On October 10th, Cory Booker started things off with a packed house as our Sukkah guest. He regaled us with his close times to the Jewish Community. Following up on Sunday October 26th, Jeff Bell came by for a morning presentation and brunch with us. His presentation was about the issues he felt were important to him and voters . East Brunswick Jewish Center appreciates both candidates for taking their time to come and see us and to discuss their visions and ideas. We do not suggest who you vote for. But, we do recommend you vote! A thriving democracy is the best tool for building the future we want to create. 9 East Brunswick Jewish Center 511 Ryders Lane, E Brunswick, NJ 08816 Tel: 732-257-7070 Fax: 732-257-9630 www.ebjc.org Joannie Weinfeld, Youth Commission 732-390-7794 Steven Albert, Religious chair 732238-7126 Primary Contacts Julie Schwarzwald, Education & Youth Director 732-257-7070 Lynda Perel, Nursery School Director 732-257-7070 Joshua Finkelstein, Rabbi 732-257-7070 Eric Rabinowitz, President 732-390-9781 Raymond Sasson, Financial Admin. 732-257-7070 David Blivaiss, Treasurer 732-238-6780 Cindy Rabinowitz, Sisterhood President 732-390-9781 Mark Foladare, Men’s Club President 732-238-4656 Mark Benson, Youth Commission 732-432-7693 RECORDER STAFF Gale Dillman, Administration Jay Lopatin & Carol Landa, Editors EBJC Youth Groups Bar/Bat Mitzvah Samantha Ginsberg November 15 4th-8th Hebrew School graders had a wonderful time creating and decorating edible Torahs (and their faces!). Toda raba to Michelle and Allie for running a fantastic program! My name is Samantha Ginsberg and I am a 7th grader at Hammarskjold Middle School. For my Mitzvah Project, I wanted a hands-on way to make a difference in people’s lives, so with the help of Rachel Weiner, a fellow congregant who is a social worker, I was able to get a volunteer position at the Summer Hill Nursing Home. At the nursing home I helped with entertaining activities, such as morning exercises, cooking club, trivia and much more. I feel I was doing something good for the residents by helping them throughout the day because they can’t do much on their own, and I hope that I made their day a lot brighter. I have enjoyed my time volunteering at the nursing home, so after my Bat Mitzvah I will continue to volunteer. Morah Sara Alter led each class in Israeli dancing on Sunday. Everyone had a great time, except Morah Julie who didn't get to dance with each class.... 10 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Rebecca Rollman Jack Rollman Sarah Herman November 22 November 22 November 23 My name is Rebecca Rollman and I am an 8th grader at Churchill Junior HS. I like to play softball and do gymnastics. In August, my family and I went to Israel. Although a war was going on, we felt very safe because of the brave soldiers that protect Israel each and every day. My name is Jack Rollman and I am an 8th grader at Churchill Junior High School. I play Fast Break Basketball and I play in the Churchill Junior High School band. In August, 2014, my family went to Israel. While we were there, I saw how wonderful Israel is, and I realized that it was because of the Israeli soldiers who risk their lives to protect the country. I am a seventh grader at Gold Och Academy in West Orange, New Jersey and enjoy playing on the tennis team. In the summer I attended Camp Monroe where I was on the swim team and in the play. For my Bat Mitzvah project, I am excited to participate in The Holocaust Stamps Project, which is a community service learning initiative, teaching history and tolerance one postage stamp at a time. For my Bat Mitzvah Project I am raising awareness and donating money to help wounded Israeli soldiers. I am doing that through the FIDF. (Friends of the IDF) who help these soldiers by providing rehabilitation to help them fully recover. We will never stop supporting the brave soldiers that risk their lives every day to keep the State of Israel safe. 11 For my Bar Mitzvah Project, I am spreading awareness and donating money for wounded soldiers, through the FIDF (Friends of the IDF). I am proud to help support the brave soldiers of Israel. My family and I have been saving cancelled stamps to help the project reach the goal of collecting 11 million postage stamps. Each stamp represents a life that was lost in the Holocaust. Congregants can help by saving their cancelled stamps (from their mail) and giving those stamps to Sarah. 12 at scrip@ebjc.org. Gift cards are from ACME, SHOPRITE, and LOX, STOCK, & DELI. Join Today’s Sisterhood!!! I do I have a dream!........I know people get incentives for using their credit cards,(cash back, points, SISTERHOOD- IT’S WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT! etc....) so how about 1⁄2 of your purchases go on your credit card and the other 1⁄2 go to the Gift EVERY WOMAN IN OUR SYNAGOGUE Cards! That is what I do!......................Just do it! Call SHOULD BE A SISTERHOOD MEMBER Carol today! She’ll come to you! It’s a totally no IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE! brainer fundraiser!!.......... Our Judaica Shop is here for YOU!!! Come in and NOT A MEMBER YET???....JOIN US!!! see what’s NEW!!! There are beautiful gift items for every occasion. Sisterhood along with Men’s Club and the Social Our Mitzvah Baskets are beautiful and our Mazel Action Committee sponsored a breakfast and had Tosses are fun and delicious! Get them for your Walgreens giving out flu shots. In addition, a very next Simcha! informative program was presented on Vitamins. A big thank you goes out to Walgreens, Holly Cerami, Your Sisterhood is a warm and nurturing organization. We’ve had and will continue to have various and Mark Foladare for a successful program! functions and programming that will be of interest Our paid up membership dinner was on Wednesto ladies of ALL ages. It is my hope that more womday, October 22nd filled evening with a belly dancer en will get involved. A strong Sisterhood is the backshowing us ladies how to “strut our stuff”! The Mo- bone of a strong Shul. roccan inspired meal was delicious thanks to Lox, Stock and Deli! Many thanks to Dori Saypol for the Be connected, take a friend and come to the programs. Volunteer to assist in the functions. Be a beautiful centerpieces, Sheila Behrman for keeppart of this extraordinary organization. ing track of the responses, Margot Julis for paying the bills, and the Committee for setting up. On behalf of Sisterhood I want to thank the following temple members for their donations for the tricky tray: Myra Feldman, Inge Gross, Barbara Pollack, and Jesse Reitner. Finally, I want to give a huge thank you to our anonymous donors for beautiful tote bag give away. A good time was had by all! SAVE THE DATES! Thursday, November 20th Scarf making with Carol Goldberg. No experience necessary!!! Flyers with a Cindy Rabinowitz tear off to sign up will be forthcoming! cindy.rabinowitz@comcast.net Saturday, December 13th—Sisterhood Shabbat! As always, Gift Cards are a win/win for everyone!!!.... Contact Carol 732-257-6752 or email her 13 Meet The Rollman Family he has offended as he always asks people if they want to join Mens Club! The Rollmans toured Israel for 12 days this past August and are very excited for Jack and Rebecca’s upcoming B’nai Mitzvah on November 22nd Their oldest daughter, Lauren, is a Speech Pathologist in Ridgewood, NJ. Jenny is a senior at the University of Maryland who is studying to be an Occupational Therapist. From time to time we would like to introduce members or families that exemplify the values we strive for at EBJC. Our first profile starts with the Rollman family —whom many of you already know. And, if you don’t know them don’t be shy. They will be glad to meet you. they grew up only about 5 miles apart they met on a singles mission to Israel sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Metrowest, NJ. True Beshert!! Cindy is a former elementary school teacher who taught in Elizabeth, NJ for 12 years. Rick is a dentist with a practice in East Brunswick. Cindy is a member of the Executive Board of EBJC, the past 2 years being the Recording Secre- . tary and currently the CorreCindy and Rick Rollman both be- sponding Secretary. She is also a lieve that actions speak louder mem ber of Sisterhood and than words. They and their twins, Hadassah. Jack and Rebecca, and their 2 Rick is a member of the Men’s older daughters, Lauren and Jen- Club Board and the Synagogues ny have been members of EBJC Board of Directors, serving as the since 2006. They are seen at programming representative for most Shabbat and religious ser- both Boards. He has been very vices, fundraising activities and involved with the 92nd Y Educaeducational programs. Rick and tional Simulcasts and movie Cindy both grew up locally, in nights, and bringing in speakers Cranford and Clark, respectfully, for various events. and were both members of families that were active in their Con- Rick and Cindy are both cheerservative Synagogues. Although leaders” for EBJC and its programs. Rick apologizes to anyone 14 Donations Sheila Arnel for yizkor Robyn and Michael Barnett in memory of Roberta Solomon’s mom, Erna Ein- horn Sheila and Joe Behrman Susan and Phil Ben-Zvi for yizkor in memory of their parents, Ray and Max Grossberg and Anna and Samuel Ben-Zvi Karen and David Blivaiss for yizkor GENERAL 15 Joan and Bob Bramson for Yom Kippur Yizkor Judy and Saul Brodman in honor of Zeena Kelberg’s 80th Judy and Saul Brodman for a meshuberach Diana Buren for yizkor Myra and Fred Feldman in memory of Sally Godfrey’s sister, Ellen Barath Myra and Fred Feldman in honor of Amy and Steven Schonfeld’s son, Evan’s Auf Ruf and his upcoming marriage to Sarah Rothenberg Marty Genee for his honor as Chatan Beresheit Israel Goldman for yizkor Gail and Ira Goldner for yizkor in memory of Ann Kramberg Gail and Ira Goldner for yizkor in memory of Hyman Kramberg Anne and Matt Kaufman Sherry Keller in honor of Maury and Steve Wohl becoming grandparents Sherry Keller in honor of Lila and Fred Wohl becoming grandparents Sydney and Larry Kramer in memory of Meri Pearl’s mother, Muriel Newman Alexandra and Henry Lurman for yizkor Gloria and Alan Nadler in memory of Gail Appelbaum’s mother, Velma Smith Vickie and Marty Nathanson for yizkor Gail and Stan Rubin in honor of Shirley and Bruce Sommers Ellen and Ed Seckler in honor of the birth of their grandson, Nathaniel Scott Seckler Fran and Joel Shafer for yizkor Terri and Jack Silverman for yizkor Randy and Steven Solomon for yizkor Phyllis Stern for yizkor Dianne and Allen Vogel for yizkor Lori and Arnie Wallis for yizkor Renee and Paul Weissman for yizkor Florence and Steven Winter in honor of Carol Landa’s excellent tot services Maury and Steve Wohl for yizkor Roz Zell in honor of Elaine and Bob Feldbaum’s 61st Roz Zell in honor of Gloria and Barry Jaslow’s son Michael Jaslow’s marriage to Arielle Goldman Roz Zell in memory of Jerry Pliskin’s mother, Roz Pliskin Roz Zell in memory of Meri Pearl’s mother, Muriel Newman Roz Zell in memory of Sara Ullman’s mother, Erika Uttner Roz Zell in memory of Sally Godfrey’s sister, Ellen Barath Hildy and Jeff Zonis in memory of Masha Moshkovsky, mother of Tova Courtney Hildy and Jeff Zonis in honor of Matan Omansky’s Bar Mitzvah ALIYAH Allen Bachenheimer Susan and Phil Ben-Zvi Ron Berger Melanie and Marc Blatteis Karen and David Blivaiss Isadora Gelb Marla and Marty Genee Anne and Matt Kaufman Sydney and Larry Kramer Alexandra and Henry Lurman Lory and Arnie Pelofsky Liz and Bob Salston Adela and Raymond Sasson Fran and Joel Shafer Terri and Jack Silverman Randy and Steven Solomon Linda Korman-Spiegel and Phil Spiegel Janice and Lewis Stolar Florence and Steven Winter Thelma and Harry Zalewitz THE CONGREGATION EXTENDS MAZEL TOV TO: Bobbie and Stephen Steinberg on the birth of twin granddaughters, Ashley and Mikayla Linda and Marty Jacobson on the birth of a granddaughter, Zoey Michelle Maury and Steve Wohl on the birth of a grandson THE CONGREGATION EXTENDS CONDOLENCES TO: Sara Ullman on the lossof her mother, Erika Ettner Meri Pearl on the loss of her mother, Muriel Newman Jerry Pliskin on the loss of his mother, Roz Pliskin Sally Godfrey on the loss of her sister, Ellen Barath YAHRZEITS Sheila and Joe Behrman Debra and Mordechai Bermann Joan and Bob Bramson in memory of her grandmother, Sarah Meyer Judy and Saul Brodman in memory of her mother, Clara Witt Janice Cohen Myra-Lee Cohen in memory of her great grandfather, Max Malachofsky Carl Cresci for yahrzeit in memory of Fay Berkowitz Carl Cresci for yahrzeit in memory of his son, Adam Cresci Gloria and Robert Feldman in memory of his father, Joseph Feldman Anita and Elliot Freidrnerich in memory of her mother, Dorothy Sherry Janet and Billy Fromkin in memory of her father, Jack Stein Isadora Gelb for yahrzeit in memory of her father, Sol Wachtell Marla and Marty Genee in memory of her aunt, Sarah Goldman 16 Marla and Marty Genee in memory of her great Aunt Jennie Landau Rosalyn Goldstein Inge Gross for yahrzeit in memory of her mother, Fanny Beer Sylvia Halpern in memory of her husband, Melvin Halpern Trudy Hankin in memory of her husband, Alfred Hankin Toby Kash Joyce and Mark Kass Sherry Keller Michael Kesler in memory of his parents and the Jews in the town of Dubno in Poland Bernice Schultz-Knobe in memory of her mother, Edythe Ribowsky Gail and Neil Kosher in memory of his father, Nathan Kosher Doris Leska in memory of her uncle Ben Thier Bobby Lesser in memory of her mother-in-law, Bertha Lesser Linda and Roy Levi in memory of his father, Henry Levi Beverly and Mark Levine Linda Lidor in memory of her husband, Gideon Lidor Suzanne Lustig in memory of her father, Melvin Halpern Trudy Myles-Hankin in memory of her husband, Emuel Myles Dian and Larry Perkel Ginger and David Ploshnick in memory of his mother, Arvice Ploshnick Myra and Paul Rose Jean Rossner in memory of her mother, Minnie Fuchs Gail and Stanley Rubin in memory of their son-in-law, Alan Kleinberg Rita and Alexander Ryslik in memory of his mother, Emma Ryslik Liz and Bob Salston Leslie and Paul Schoen Irving Scott Ellen and Ed Seckler in memory of her father, Milton Krell Fran and Joel Shafer in memory of her grandmother, Rose Monas Suzanne and Martin Silver in memory of his father, Nathan Silver Marion Slatnick in memory of her husband, Louis Slatnick Michael Sleppin Ethel Spitzer Sylvia Stone in memory of the town of White Shores in Poland Pearl and George Sultan Ida and Murray Turner in memory of her mother, Fela Jakubowicz Carol and David Weisfelner Helen and Jerry Wexler in memory of her mother, Rose Krawczyk Renee and Alvin Wittlin in memory of her mother, Mary Singer Renee and Alvin Wittlin in memory of her family friend, Ronald Wasser Roz Zell for memory of her son, Paul Zell Hildy and Jeff Zonis in memory of her mother, Lenore Gurewitz 17 November 2014 Calendar ing. contact Carol Weisfelner at (732) 257 6752 Bikur Cholim Dinner-Nov 4 Board of Directors Nov 19-8:30 pm Join Men's Club for only $36 contact Gale at (732) 257-7070 Board of Ed Nov 12 – 8:30 pm Egalitarian morning minyan-Nov 15 9:30 am Egalitarian Mincha minyan-Nov 29 4:15pm JNF Tree Certificates - $15.00 contact Diana Horowitz at (732) 390-9058 Genesis Science Nov 3, 10, 17, 24 8:30 pm Library Gimmel Class Dinner & Service-Nov 21 Hebrew Class-Nov 6, 13, 20 Israeli Dancing-Nov 3, 10, 17, 24 7:15 pm-Kroll Ballroom Lunch & Learn-Nov 5, 12, 19, 26 12-2pm Rabbi Joshua S. Finkelstein Dedication of the second pair of Amir Stained Glass Panels “Reaching for the Heavens”. $1800 $10,000. contact Gale at (732) 257-7070 Show your appreciation, honor or comments about someone in this Recorder for ony $18. contact Gale at(732) 257-7070 Mah Jongg- Nov 3, 10, 17, 24 Rabbi’s Class-Nov 4, 11, 18, 25 Talmud Class- Nov 5, 12, 19, 26 8:30 pm Ulpan Class- Nov 4, 11, 18 Youth Group- Nov 4, 11, 18, 25 ———————————————————————————————————-- EBJC Offerings and Fundraisings Beautiful basket of Food Items, matched to you Simcha with a letter and placement on the Bimah $150. contact Gale at (732) 257-7070 Mazel Tosses - Delicious wrapped Sunkist Fruit Gems to be gently tossed at a Bar/Bat Mitvah. $36/50 tosses contact Lory Pelofsky (732) 254-7851 Buy Script for Shop Rite, Acme & Lock Stock & Deli, Sisterhood keeps 4-5%. It costs you noth18 Sponsor or Co-Sponsor a Shabbat Morning Kiddish. (We all love to eat!) Contact Sylvia Halpern at (732) 9233 or Inge Gross at (732) 238-0664 EBJC has a wonderful Gift shop. Please visit us. Advertisers and Sponsors are needed for the Recorder. Please contact Gale at (732) 2577070 College Students—Receive Chanukah and Purim baskets from EBJC. Free—Undergraduates—$36 Post Graduates. Please contact Trudi Teicher at 732) 257-7070. 19 Youth of the Year, Kira Dekhayser October was a crazy month, with the holidays events, and breakfasts. We co sponsored Cory Booker for Sukkot dinner program at which 300 attended. We followed that with Scotch, beer, wine and steak in the Sukkah for 30 of us which was not in the Sukkah because of weather. Leftovers helped sponsor Simchat Torah luncheon. Then we co sponsored a a flu shot clinic and breakfast presentation on vitamin supplements given by Walgreens. Finally, we closed the month by inviting Jeffrey Bell, the Republican candidate for Senate, to speak at breakfast. At this writing, we expect that about 60 will have been with us for that breakfast. It's been a busy month. I want to thank everyone for the support given to Mens Club this past holiday season and look forward to many more great events Mark Foladare EBJC Mens Club President Man of the Year, Harvey Goldschmidt On November 12th, we will be honoring our Man of the Year, Harvey Goldschmidt and youth of the year, Kira Dekhayser at the annual MOY/YOY dinner. This year's dinner will be held at Temple Beth Am Israel in Springfield NJ. Harvey gets double congratulations as his son Scott is getting married the week before. 20 Kira Dekhayser is a senior at East Brunswick High School. She currently serves as the Social Action Vice President on the East Brunswick USY board, as well as the Art Director on the the East Brunswick High School National Honor Society Executive Board. For the past two years, Kira has worked with the Ronald McDonald House organization as Junior Art Director and has helped raise a total of $120,000 over the course of two events. Kira is known as a gifted artist, a volunteer, and an honor student. After high school, Kira hopes to study industrial design at a top art school. Harvey Goldschmidt has been a member of the East Brunswick Jewish Center and the Men’s Club for over twenty years. During the past few years, Harvey has taken lead roles in the Yom HaShoah program and as financial secretary for the club. In addition to his Men’s Club activities, Harvey serves as a friendly visitor to the elderly and delivers Meals on Wheels with his wife Donna. Harvey is very excited about the many religious, cultural and social activities the Men’s Club runs in the Shul, sometimes in conjunction with the Sisterhood and the New Era Club. Men’s Club activities span from sponsoring the repair of a Torah, providing ushers for services to sponsoring synagogue social events and speakers. Harvey has retired from his jobs as database administrator for Verizon Wireless and AT&T and as a teacher in NYC. Harvey and his wife Donna have two children, Scott and Jaime. He will soon be travelling to California to celebrate the marriage of his son Scott to Jennifer Pollack. 21 Jack ad in transit Pediatric and Adolescent Associates of Central New Jersey, L.L.C Proudly Caring for Our Community’s Children Dr. Robert Salston Dr. Jeffrey Herman Dr. Laura Silverstein Dr. George Brennan Dr, Henry Shih Hawaii Kosher Chinese We do Catering and Parties Under the Supervision of The Vaad Hakashrut of Raritan Valley 220 Raritan Avenue Highland Park, NJ 08904 www.hikosher.com 22 Phone: (732) 418-1881 Fax : (732) 247-4850 e-mail: peterlin66619@gmail.com 100 Perrine Road, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857 Tel: (732) 316-0900 Fax (732) 316-0499 www.paacnj.com Please Support Our Sponsors—They Support Us Promote Your Company Here EBJC Needs Your Support Contact: Gale Dillman (732) 7070 Jay Lopatin (732) 784-3244 23 Office Spaces For Rent Drs. Rollman and Shapiro Multiple sizes, flexible terms, Special program for Professionals who want to “expand” their local territory to include Old Bridge area. Call Jay Lopatin (732) 784-3244 Richard H. Rollman, DDS Joseph R. Shapiro, DDS Preventive, Cosmetic, Implant and The Perfect Small Business Marketing Site Rehabilitative Dentistry www.b-yy.com (it’s free) for the Entire Family Email blasts Lead Generation Coupons User Reviews Mailing Lists Newsletters Legal opt-in mgt Free Advertising Customer Forums Much, much more Social Postings 511 Ryders Lane East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816-2769 24 Medical Arts Center B–5 Cornwall Drive East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (732) 390-1911 Visit our new website at: www.RollmanAndShapiroDDS.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ PERMIT NO. 16020
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