THE Cornerstone “Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house...” 1 Peter 2.4 ROCK SPRING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Volume CXXXIX November 2014 A Note from the Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Happy Anniversary Rock Spring! Our 144th is just around the corner — November 9, 2014. We will have the Kirking at the 11:00 service and a catered luncheon — don’t forget to call or email the office and make reservations for lunch!! As we celebrate our history, we also look forward to the new things God is calling us to do. Our intent is to SHINE in our church, in our neighborhood, and into the whole world. This time of celebration and fellowship rejoices in God’s planting his mission in this field, and acknowledges God’s continuing plan to have us serve in this spot as agents of Christ’s love and reconciliation. When the New Year turns, we will be giving extra attention to just exactly what shape that will take as John Holloway leads us through the CAT scan (a Church Assessment Tool from Holy Cow Consulting), and your session begins their work with Mike Piazza, the consultant the Presbytery is GIFTING to us! (Mike is the author of, among other books, Liberating Hope: Daring to Renew the Mainline Church). Anniversaries are special. We celebrate lastingness; we renew covenant; we rejoice that God isn’t done with us yet. I look forward to celebrating with you! Blessings, Pastor Karen Page 2 THE CORNERSTONE Volume CXXXIX ROCK SPRING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH November 2014 Devotional for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost November 16, 2014 Risking the Talents—Matthew 25:14-30 The Parable of the Talents is a story Jesus tells while teaching about the end time. Immediately preceding this text is the admonition to be watchful, for no one knows the hour. The servants in the story had no idea when the master was coming back, just as we have no idea when Jesus will return. It's unfortunate the measure of wealth the master leaves with his servants translates into English as “talents.” We think of talents as abilities. Here it is a measurement of money, actually a weight. If the talents are gold, the master left a tremendous amount of wealth with his servants. A talent of gold would equal about 20 years of wages for the average worker. The master did not entrust the servants with ability, rather he gave to them according to the ability they already had. What he entrusted to them was wealth. This parable, while it tells us something about the end times, tells us more about Christian stewardship—how we manage the things that God has entrusted to us. Everything that we have, we have received from God. Whatever wealth we have, is an entrusted gift. Our abilities and talents are also gifts from God to be used wisely, as is the time allotted to each of us on earth. In the parable two of the servants invested and used wisely, which gave a return to the master. The third servant dug a hole and buried the talent for safe keeping. Apparently, the master was not looking for safe keeping; he was looking for the risk of investment and a return. What does this mean?? This parable deals with the most valuable thing that God has entrusted to us: the gospel message of God’s love for us in Christ. It is more valuable that all of the silver and gold in the world. It is more valuable than all of our abilities, talents, and time. If we risk ourselves by sharing the gospel message, there will be a return on that investment for our master: others will come to know Jesus. Some of us will be more successful in our evangelism than others, but we are all called to share the message. Some may want to play it safe and simply hold onto the message for themselves. But as with all our gifts, we will be held accountable when the master returns. We will all be called to account regarding how we managed the gifts that God entrusted to us. Our efforts will show how much we want to hear God’s voice say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” Adapted by E. Murphy from: Page 3 THE CORNERSTONE Volume CXXXIX ROCK SPRING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH November 2014 Gospel At the Rock Bluegrass, Bible, and Some Pretty Fine Coffee 9:00 am Sundays - Loudermilk Center (behind the church) “What we know about God and what we do for God have a way of getting broken apart in our lives. The moment the organic unity of belief and behavior is damaged in any way, we are incapable of living out the full humanity for which we were created. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians joins together what has been torn apart in our sin-wrecked world….Like a surgeon skillfully setting a compound fracture, Paul “sets this belief in God into our behavior before God so that the bones—belief and behavior—knit together and heal. Once our attention is called to it, we notice these fractures all over the place. There is hardly a bone in our bodies that has escaped injury, hardly a relationship in city or job, school or church, family or country, that isn’t out of joint or limping in pain. There is much work to be done.” Eugene Peterson, Introduction to Ephesians, The Message p. 1715 Join us as we walk through the book of Ephesians … and consider what it means for us at Rock Spring today. Are we really “saints”?! What does it mean to be “chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy”? When we say “Lord,” are we really putting Jesus in charge of our WHOLE life? Come and be challenged, come and be comforted, come and grow in your faith! Youth Group FUNraiser: Talent Show and Cake Auction The Question: What talent did God give you that you can use to increase God’s harvest? The Book: Matthew 25:13-30 The congregation is invited to come out and support our fantastic Youth Group at a their Talent Show and Cake Auction at 7:00pm on Sunday, November 23rd in the Fellowship Hall. Anyone who has a talent to share is welcome to perform — sing a song, read a poem, do Shakespeare, turn somersaults! Please call or email PK if you would like to be on the program. ALL youth will be sharing a talent, too! Between acts we will have an auction of desserts the youth have baked/decorated themselves. Please join us for this wonderful evening of fun and fellowship. Proceeds will be used to fund youth events and mission work. The youth are pulling together a special gift for Nicholas House (picture above), the family shelter that we visited in October. Page 4 THE CORNERSTONE Volume CXXXIX ROCK SPRING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH November 2014 Happy Fall Y’all! The air is brisk and we are feeling kind of frisky here at the preschool! Our garden is planted, and our classes are busy learning and talking about pumpkins, fall leaves, acorns, squirrels, and Halloween costumes. A BIG THANK YOU to Marianna Gebhardt and her family for helping us with our garden. We’re growing lettuce, spinach, cabbage, parsley, and rosemary. We will enjoy tasting our crops later this year, so be sure to stop by and check out our box gardens as they grow! Just as with our garden, it’s very exciting to watch our preschool students mature and grow. Most everyone is in a routine and knows what to expect each day. Our threes are journaling! Each day they have something to put in their journals that they write, color, or glue in. Our 4s are writing and learning sight words — truth be told, some of them are already READING! Our two-year-olds are learning to follow directions and are practicing with glue, tweezers, crayons and play-dough to increase their fine motor skill development. Our toddlers are learning to sit at the table and feed themselves at lunch and snack time, and they enjoy playground time very much! Our families are all enjoying drop off and pick up without tears! This is a great time of year at RSP. We will be gearing up soon for Thanksgiving and Christmas; it’s just around the corner. In the meantime, thank you to the RSPC congregation for keeping us in your prayers, for being supportive and encouraging when you see us in the hallway, and for all the volunteers who serve on our board and who handle our finances. We are very blessed to have such a great relationship between church and school! With joy and thanksgiving, Sally Page 5 THE CORNERSTONE Volume CXXXIX ROCK SPRING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH November 2014 Service Opportunities For Sunday Worship November 2 Greeters: Charlie Bogle, Tommy Eads, Willard Odenwelder, Ben Adair Nursery: Jennifer Del Bagno, Ben Adair Sound: Blake Wesson Counting: TBA Coffee Host: Grace Quinn November 9 Greeters: Mike & Maud Nugent, Andy & Jenny Rutledge Nursery: Susan Gilbreath, George Christy Sound: David Christopher Counting: TBA Church Luncheon November 16 Greeters: Keith & Diane Bumgarner, Grace Quinn, Wendy Christopher Nursery: Mike & Sally Swanger Sound: Sandra Snyder Counting: TBA Coffee Host: Dea Adams Presbyterian Women November 23 Greeters: Mike & Claudia Walton, Elaine Murphy, John Foy Nursery: Diane Bumgarner, Carey Miller Sound: Dea Adams Counting: TBA Coffee Host: Jenny & Andy Rutledge November 30 Greeters: Mike & Sally Swanger, Mark & Susan Gilbreath Nursery: Elaine Murphy, TBA Sound: Chas Gowing Counting: TBA Coffee Host: Jennifer Del Bagno Church Luncheon Sunday November 9— Don’t miss out on the wonderful fellowship and a delicious meal. Menu includes BBQ chicken and pork, cole slaw, macaroni and cheese, and dessert. The cost is $7 for adults and $3 for children under 12. Make your reservations with the church office no later than Friday, November 7. Call 404-8757483 or email All ladies in the congregation are invited to join one of our PW circles for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Below are the meeting times and contact information. Sunday Circle (3rd Sun) meets November 16 after church in Room 211. Kate Brunson, 404-402-0368. Monday Circle (3rd Mon) meets November 17, 1p.m. Ozmer Room. Sally Swanger, 404-233-3341. Thursday Circle (2nd Th) meets November 13 at 7:30 p.m. in a member’s home. Susan Gilbreath, 404-874-0742. Page 6 THE CORNERSTONE Volume CXXXIX ROCK SPRING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH November 2014 Preschool Fundraiser We would welcome the congregation joining us in our Uncle Maddio’s Pizza monthly fundraiser: It’s easy — place your order form and payment in Sally LeSage’s mail slot in the church mail room the week before delivery, and then cruise on through our carpool line on Friday and pick up your order. Many choices, gluten free, wheat crust, salads, and desserts. Every order gives 10% back to Rock Spring Preschool and you get a delicious ready to bake (it only takes 10-15 minutes) Friday night supper! Order forms are on the little table outside the Preschool office, or you can download one from the Parent section on our website The deadline for ordering in November is 19, with delivery/ pick up on November 21. Enjoy something different before you start in on the TURKEY. Church-wide Potluck Your Church Life ministry is having a church-wide potluck dinner, so all the members of Rock Spring can enjoy each other's friendship…and food!…before the hectic holiday season kicks into gear. Bring a little food to share and a big appetite to Jeff and Gail Dore's house Saturday, November 8 at 6pm. It's an evening of fun, fellowship and…did we mention…food! 4985 Vallo Vista Ct., Sandy Springs 30342. RSVP New Homecoming Tradition—November 9 We are beginning a new Homecoming tradition at Rock Spring. Every year on the second Sunday of November, we will celebrate Rock Spring Presbyterian Church's anniversary with the Kirkin' of the Tartans in our 11:00 worship service, complete with bagpipes, banners, and a houseful of plaid. From now on, however, we will have the potluck dinner, to which we invite everyone who's ever been a member of RSPC, every fifth year, on years ending in 0 or 5. So THIS year…2014…we are having the Kirkin' on Sunday, November 9, followed by our regular monthly luncheon. NEXT year…2015…we will have the potluck Homecoming reunion. Reservations for the November 9 luncheon can be made through the church office: adult $7; child $3. Nativity set up—November 29 Calling all able-bodied members! On November 29 Chris Guest will be setting up the fencing and scaffolding in preparation of this year's Live Nativity. Anyone who would like to help is welcome. Let Chris know if you can help or if you have any questions: 770-906-8484 or Food Pantry Thank you for all your donations to the food pantry. Currently we are out of bottled water and almost out of tuna and chicken salad and crackers. We are also preparing for cooler temperatures and would welcome clean blankets to hand out to our homeless friends. If you could donate to the pantry or have a blanket to spare, it would be greatly appreciated. The people who receive these donations are always very appreciative of the generosity of the church. Page 7 THE CORNERSTONE Volume CXXXIX ROCK SPRING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH November 2014 PHCA Bridge Club Do you like to play bridge? Would you like to learn? Some neighbors are in the process of forming a weekly or monthly bridge club. If you're interested, please contact Jennifer Del Bagno or Jean Johnson so you can be sent an information survey. 2014 Public Policy Forum A Public Policy Forum will be held on Thursday November 6 from 8:00—10:00am at the First Presbyterian Church 1328 Peachtree Street Atlanta GA 30309. This is a free event, open to everyone and presented by Presbyterians for a Better Georgia. RSVP to Karen Turney For more information please click here or go to dfc_attachments/public/documents/3198793/2014_Public_Policy_Forum_Flyer3.pdf Brother Hawk in Concert Our Beloved Music Director Nick Johns and his band Brother Hawk will open for Blackberry Smoke at the Tabernacle on November 28. Come see some great live music and work off some of that pumpkin pie. Click here or go to for more information and to buy tickets. Not One More: Ending Gun Violence in Georgia A Multifaith Event of Advocacy and Action Featured Speakers for Friday and Saturday: Rev. Jim Atwood, Presbyterian minister and author Joshua Horwitz, Executive Director, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Friday, November 14th 6 p.m. Shabbat Service at The Temple, Atlanta followed by a presentation and Q&A with Rev. Jim Atwood and Josh Horowitz Saturday, November 15th 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta ● Presentations ● Workshops ● Networking ● A Service of Remembrance for victims of gun violence in Georgia For more information, contact: Laura Bordeaux 404-370-0945 Page 8 THE CORNERSTONE Volume CXXXIX ROCK SPRING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH November 2014 Sunday Schedule ALL God’s Children Are Welcome Here! Weekday Schedule Church Office Hours 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. 9:00 Gospel at the Rock Bluegrass Gospel & Bible Preaching In Loudermilk Center 9:45 Sunday School For All Ages 11:00 Big Church Traditional Worship Communion served the 1st Sunday of the month 1824 Piedmont Ave, NE Atlanta, GA 30324-5256 Phone: 404-875-7483 Email: Website: Preschool: 404-875-8270 The Cornerstone is published monthly by Rock Spring Presbyterian Church. All articles and other information submitted to the church office for publication are subject to editing for space, clarity, and consistency. Deadline for the December 2014 edition: 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 19. November 19 19 WEDNESDAY
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