THE PROSPECTOR FREE Business/Sales (615)688-4151 Fax (615)688-4152 Quality Quality,, Service & Affordable Advertising TAKE ONE!! Volume XVI No. 44 SELLING ABSOLUTE RESIDENTIAL OR MINI FARM A Gold Mine Of Bargains, Stake Your Claim Today! E-Z TERMS 287 DOUGLAS LANE - LAFAYETTE, TN ALL DAY SALE 56.56 ACRES/ 3200 FT. ROAD FRONTAGE/ 14 TRACTS-FARM HOUSE-BARN-CITY WATER-EXCELLENT RESIDENTIAL OR MINI FARM PROPERTIES-PRIMITIVE JELLY CUPBOARD-LANTERN#6CROCK-IRON BED-CAST IRON PIECES-WOOD COOK STOVE-HORSE DRAWN PLOWS-DOUGH BOWL-MILK GLASS-IRIS GLASS-PINK DEPRESSION-WEXFORD GLASS-CEDAR CHEST-TIGER OAK TABLE-OLD DRESSER W/ MIRROR PLUS OTHER ANTIQUES, PRIMITIVES, GLASSWARE & FURNITURE MR. LEE & MS. LORETTA BROOKS ESTATE Saturday, Nov 15th@ 9:00 AM (C.S.T) DIRECTIONS FROM LAFAYETTE SUPER WAL-MART: Travel Hwy 52 By-Pass East to Browns Road near Webbrown, right onto Browns Road, left onto Union Camp Road, right onto Douglas Lane to property and sale site (signs posted). REAL ESTATE: 56.56 choice acres with over 3200 ft road frontage on both sides of Douglas Lane. This property is level to rolling with beautiful open fields and wooded acres. City water is available allowing this to be some nice residential tracts or nature lovers paradise. Other improvements include a farm house and barn. This property has been surveyed, platted, and staked to be sold in (14) tracts. TRACT #1: 11.08 acres fronting Douglas Lane 116.99 ft. TRACT #2: 8.76 acres fronting Douglas Lane 50ft. TRACT #3: 7.60 acres fronting Douglas Lane 50.13 ft. TRACT #4: 1.16 acres fronting Douglas Lane 131.70ft. TRACT #5: 1.74 acres fronting Douglas Lane 303.21 ft. TRACT #6: 1.17 acres fronting Douglas Lane 128.95ft. TRACT #7: 1.13 acres fronting Douglas Lane 125.26 ft. TRACT #8: 1.19 acres fronting Douglas Lane 125 ft. TRACT #9: 1.27 acres fronting Douglas Lane 127.33 ft. TRACT #10: 1.13 acres fronting Douglas Lane 149.44 ft. TRACT #11: 1.13 acres fronting Douglas Lane 96.93 ft. TRACT #12: 9.12 acres fronting Douglas Lane 50.23 ft. TRACT #13: 1.84 acres fronting Douglas Lane 289.78 ft. This tract is improved with a farm house. TRACT #14: 8.22 acres fronting Douglas Lane 1556.54 ft. ANTIQUESPRIMITIVES-FURNITURE: #6 crick, old lanterns, wash board, cast iron shoe last, quilts, old steam iron, bee smoker, vintage aaprons, vintage hats, old walking sticks, milk can, lard stand, oil lamp, miniature lamp, porcelain door hardware, milk strainer, old jars & bottles, cast iron (bean kettle, flat iron, muffin pan), zinc lids, dough bowl, old radio, chalk pieces, toy guns, primitive jelly cupboard, primitive table, tiger oak table, MUCH MUCH MORE!! PERSONAL PROPERTY: Hand tools (hammers, saws, etc) fishing rod & reel, concrete flower pots, concrete bird bath, wrough ironplant stand, quilt rack, gun rack, console stereo, bed linens, baskets, sewing supplies, MUCH MUCH MORE!! christmas decor. SELLER: Ms. Nancy Coulter, Ms. Kathy Keene, Ms. Chris Mahaney, Ms. Joyce Tucker & Ms. Debbie Wezet. TERMS: Real estate : 10% non refundable deposit down day of sale and balance with the deed. or Macon Bank & Trust is offering non-qualifying terms by paying a total of 20% down and financing the remaining 80% payable monthly @ 5&1/2 % locked for 36 months and amortized up to a 20 year repayment plan depending on the amount of your purchase. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Cash or good check(Positive ID required). Auction Agent: Ben Bray (615)666-2232 REAL ESTATE & AUCTION COMPANY 672 Hwy. 52 Bypass West, Lafayette,TN 615-666-2232 Auction Firm Lic. #194, Real Estate lic. #250140, KY. License #7189, KY RE License #24023 BEN BRAY, AUCTIONEER -LIC.#4817, BROKER LIC. #262922 Timothy Rush, Auctioneer, 666-4506-Joe Barber, Aff. Broker, 888-7099-Greg White, Aff. Broker/ App Auctioneer, 633-6624Jimmy Cox, Aff. Broker, 666-3645-Tim Mclendon, Aff. Broker, 270-457-4111--Jerry Shoulders, Aff. Broker, 655-3989-Freddie Fuqua, Aff. Broker, 633-3335-David Painter, Broker, 888-6786-Jerry McClard, Broker & Auctioneer, 633-8813-Paulette Colter, Aff. Broker, 388-7246-Michelle Woodard, Aff. Broker, 866-8472 visit our website @ ANTIQUES & PRIMITIVES ALL DAY SALE 672 HWY 52 BY-PASS WEST - LAFAYETTE, TN RARE & HARD TO FIND TENT & CONCESSIONS VINTAGE ADVERTISING SIGNS & MEMORABILIA - CAST IRON PIECES - ADVERTISING CROCK & STONEWARE (TN & KY) - INDIAN ARROWHEADS & ARTIFACTS - U-SAVE-IT JARS - DAZEY CHURN - SINCLAIR GAS PUMP PEDAL TRACTOR - 1986 TOYOTA TRUCK 4X4 - OLD BASKETS - KNIVES (CASE, BROWNING WINCHESTER, SHRADE, KISSING CRANE, FIGHTIN ROOSTER) - GUNS (BROWNING, COLT, REMINGTON, H&R, MOSSBERG, CRESCENT ARMS, FOX, J. STEVENS) PLUS LOTS OF OTHER PRIMITIVES, ADVERTISING MEMORABILIA, FURNITURE & PERSONAL PROPERTY Saturday, Nov 22nd 9:00 AM DIRECTIONS FROM LAFAYETTE SUPER WAL-MART: Travel Hwy 52 approx. 1 mile to sale site on the right (signs posted). GUNS-GUNS-GUNS: (9) BROWNING “Belgium Made” never fired w/boxes & cases, they include a 22 cal auto long rifle, 22 cal. auto pistol, (Medalist), 25 cal. Baby Browning, .380 cal. auto pistol, 22 cal auto pistol (Nomad), 22 cal auto pistol (Challenger), 22 cal. auto pistol (long rifle), 22 cal auto pistol (Nomad), 9mm Parabellum auto pistol, COLT “His & Her” No. 4 Derringer, double barrel pin fire pistol, H&R 9 shot “22 Special” revolver Pat. 1904, FIE 22 cal. Derringer, Browning (Belgium Made) 22 cal. auto (short rifle). RARE E. Remington & Sons Rolling Block 32 cal. rifle, O.F. Mossburg & Sons bolt action 410, Crescent Arms 410 Single Shot, RARE Fox Double Barrell Savage Arms (24” barrels) Grade B 12 ga., double barrell Springfield Arms 12 ga., J. Stevens double barrell 12 ga., J.H. Fall & Co. “Tiger” double barrell 12 ga., Central Arms Co. double barrell 12 ga. w/hammers, Remington Model 11-48 410 auto, 45 cal. gun holster, gun cases, Upland Winchester 10 & 12 ga. blank shotgun shells. INDIAN ARTIFACTS - KNIVES-KNIVES-KNIVES - VINTAGE ADVERTISING SIGNS - STONEWARE - ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES - RARE - PERSONAL PROPERTY TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST TERMS: Cash or good check (positive ID required). AGENT: Ben Bray (615) 666-2232. NOTE FROM AGENT: Ladies & gentlemen, we have some rare and hard to find items selling @ Absolute Auction. Many of those items have been collected for many, many years, some are even at pristine condition, but are now being SOLD. Don’t miss this auction. See you Saturday, November 22nd @ 672 Hwy 52 By-Pass West in Lafayette, TN. Questions? Give us a call (615)666-2232. REAL ESTATE & AUCTION COMPANY 672 Hwy. 52 Bypass West, Lafayette,TN 615-666-2232 Auction Firm Lic. #194, Real Estate lic. #250140, KY. License #7189, KY RE License #24023 BEN BRAY, AUCTIONEER -LIC.#4817, BROKER LIC. #262922 Timothy Rush, Auctioneer, 666-4506-Joe Barber, Aff. Broker, 888-7099-Greg White, Aff. Broker/ App Auctioneer, 633-6624Jimmy Cox, Aff. Broker, 666-3645-Tim Mclendon, Aff. Broker, 270-457-4111--Jerry Shoulders, Aff. Broker, 655-3989-Freddie Fuqua, Aff. Broker, 633-3335-David Painter, Broker, 888-6786-Jerry McClard, Broker & Auctioneer, 633-8813-Paulette Colter, Aff. Broker, 388-7246-Michelle Woodard, Aff. Broker, 866-8472 visit our website @ E-Mail Website: Family Owned & Operated Since 1998 November 14, 2014 Check out more Carman ads on page 5! SUMNER COUNTY - BUTLER MILL HOLLOW ROAD The Prospector November 14, 2014 - Page 2 Serving Northern Middle Tennessee and South Central Kentucky EE R F The Prospector Quality~Service~Affordable Advertising A Gold Mine Of Bargains, Stake Your Claim Today! Kentucky E-MAIL: Tennessee WEBSITE: 406 College Street, Lafayette, TN 37083 Stake Your Claim With: The Prospector! Mail Your Free Personal Ad To: The Prospector Or Come By Our Office: 406 College Street, Lafayette, TN Call: (615) 688-4151 Or Fax: (615) 688-4152 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00 - 4:00 Closed Thursday E-Mail: DEADLINE is Mon. 4:00 P.M. Limit 4 FREE personal ads in any issue. Item#1___________________________________ ___________________________________________ Item#2___________________________________ __________________________________________ For Ad Rates or Sales Person, Call our office at: (615) 688-4151 FREE PERSONAL ADS ARE: 15 words or less, personal items to be sold/traded that have not been purchased with the intent of re-sale/trade. PAID CLASSIFIED ADS ARE: Items which will bring income, such as hay for sale, rent, animals for sale, or any type of service provider Interpretation is at the discretion of: The Prospector -Legal StuffA) The Prospector will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to it’s readers. All advertisements are subject to approval by the publisher. B) We reserve the right to edit all advertisements for content. C) We reserve the right to classify all advertisements. D) The Prospector assumes no financial liability for typographical errors, copy errors or omissions by the publication other than the cost of the space occupied by the error. All claims of error must be reported by Monday at 4:00 prior to next weeks publication. Late claims can not be considered. No claim shall be considered for errors that does not affect the value of the advertisement. E) No cancellations after Monday at 4:00 P.M. It is illegal to discriminate in the sale, rental, advertisement and financing of housing based on a person’s race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, disability or familial status. If you feel that you have been a victim of discrimination, please contact the TN Human Rights Commission at (800)325-9664. Advertisements will be governed by the provisions of the federal and state fair housing laws, and this paper follows these laws. Folding fireplace screen in black finish w/ Broilers - Chickens, brass accents on top, some white, some black, nice –$50, call 615Earl Mazelin, 2218 883-4440 (11/21) Perrytown Rd, Scottsville, KY 42164 4 wheel wagon running gear, call 699-3654 or Wanted: bagged fall 388-3510 (11/14) leaves, call 615-6700550 (11/21) Grapple for Prentice log loader –%500, call 4 gas heaters –$125/all, 615-677-6182 call 615-666-3144 2 ladies black leather Lots of beads & jewelry dress coats, 1- Med, 1& thread & like craft Large –$30each, call items –$40, call 615- 615-498-6501 (11/14) 699-5270 (11/21) Low income person 3 stack heaters –$40; wanting to buy indoor heater –$35, call 931- nativity scene, call 615699-5270 (11/14) 678-4712 (11/21) MISCELLANEOUS Buying US coins! @ Parkland’s Flea Market, Hwy 231, Lebanon, Closed December 14th, -February 15th, otherwise open Sat & Sun, booth 16, Gerald 615519-7777 (rc) Dozer Work, Creek Gravel, Blue Crush Gravel, Pea Gravel, Sand, Top Soil with Smaller loads available in Lafayette area, see or call Barry Brawner 615-6664353 or 615-655-3828 You are invited: Sunday school/ Bible Study 9:45am, classes for everyone including people with special needs, worship service -11am, 6pm. First Baptist Church (A southern Baptist Church) 400 Church St., Lafayette 615-6663127, We welcome everyone!!! (RC) Calvary Baptist Church, 6851 Hwy 52 By-Pass East, Lafayette. Bible Study 9:30, Service 10:30, everyone welRemember to get your come (RC) ads in by Monday at 4:00 p.m. to get them CONTENTS printed in that week’s issue of The ProspecMisc. - pg. 2 Raw milk, clean & tor! Community News - pg. 2 Ladies new Old Navy fresh, animal consumpCOMMUNITY watch –$25, call 615- tion, call 615-388-5225 Church News - pg. 2-3 NEWS 989-1322 (11/21) Farm Equipment - pg 3 Macon County DemoLost Stihl weed eater on Lawn & Garden - pg. 3 Drill press, call 270- Maxi Bluff Rd, cratic Party meeting Animals - pg. 3 487-5944 (11/21) Gamaliel Rd, or Bethany Nov. 20th @ 6:00 P.M. Hay - pg. 3 Rd, if found, call 615- Place: 905 Sycamore Electric fireplace, use 699-3782 or 615-388- St., Central Elementary Furn & Appliances - pg 3 School (11/21) in corners or straight up 3599 (11/14) Antiques & Collectibles - pg.3 –$100, call 615-666Musical Instruments -pg. 3 Wet tile cutter & stand Are you pregnant? Don’t 5905 (11/21) Electronics - pg. 3 –$150, call 374-9921 know where to turn? Need support? HeartWanted: Deep well Help Wanted - pg. 3 beat Haven, PregWant to sit with elderly, pump & air regulator Services - pg. 3 tank, call 615-448-8925 no job too big or too nancy Resource CenAuctions &Yard sales - pg. 3-7 small, any age, call 688- ter. WE CARE. Contact us: heartbeathaven For Rent -pg. 7 15 ft deer ladder stand, 4388, 388-2470, or p r e g n a n c y c e n t e r 699-3086 (11/14) Land & Homes - pg. 7 safety strap –$75 cash, call or good shape, call 644Sporting Goods- pg. 7 Plastic barrels, 55 gal, text 3197 (11/21) RV’s & ATV’s - pg. 7 closed top, 2 bung holes 6 1 5 - 6 7 0 - 0 5 0 4 w/threaded caps, clean Boats - pg. - 7 Wanted: Pocket knives, & ready for use –$20, Auto parts & Acc.-pg.7 CHURCH can be worn or broken, call 615-481-4787 Trucks & Vans - pg 7 call 270-622-5658 NEWS Cars - pg. 7 Firewood, seasoned & Holy Family Catholic 23' Tandem axle camper, split –$45 a rick, pick Church, Sunday Mass The 20' box, no title –$600, up 1747 Oakdale Rd, 8:30 a.m., everyone welcall 615-561-0586 call 688-4949 (11/28)* come (RC) Prospector Use Propane... It Cooks, Heats & Saves!! Showroom Hours Monday - Friday 7:30 - 4:00 Webbtown Propane Company 4109 Red Boiling Springs Road - Lafayette TN 37083 Phone 615-666-2550 or 800-547-0467 In cases of EMERGENCIES (after hours only!) Call 615-666-3812 Serving Macon & Surrounding Counties in both TN & KY Friendly - Experienced - Full Service - Locally Owned & Operated By James R. Thomas Sho wr oom is locat ed Do wnt ebbt We’re R eady When Y ou Ar e!” Showr wroom located Downt wntoown W Webbt ebbtoown - ““W Ready You Are!” The Prospector FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Beautiful round oak dining table w/4 chairs – $125obo, 615-6660514 (11/21) November 14, 2014 - Page 3 Hours: Wed & Thurs 7am - 9pm Fri & Sat 7am - 10pm Sunday 7am - 8pm Closed Mon & Tues Harper’s Catfish Oak coffee table 7 end 3085 Gallatin Rd. Scottsville, KY 42164 tables, call 615-666CLOSED SATURDAY Phone # 270-622-7557 5905 (11/14) First Baptist Church, Bobcat Skid loader – 4 Free puppies, 1M, 3F, Oval coffee table w/ Want to buy Indian 400 Church St., $9000, call anytime lab, rottweiler mix, to Grandfather clock, call Queen Anne style legs, Arrowhead Artifacts, good home, call 615Lafayette, worship, Sun- 615-655-3189 (RC) 270-487-5944 beautiful design on table Paying Top Dollar, call 633-7688 (11/14) day at 11am & 6pm; 615-670-4491 lv msg LAWN & top, great cond –$85, bible study 9:45; prayer (RC) Used furniture & appli- call 615-883-4440 GARDEN meeting Wednesday at Free to good home, MUSICAL Good 2 wheel trailer, female half grown black ances & new Samsonite 6:30pm (RC) INSTRUMENTS good tires& floor – & white cat, call 615- table & chairs at Linville Bob’s Used Appliance, Supply behind Fred’s in FARM/HEAVY $270obo, call 931-243- 633-4503 (11/21) Washers, dryers, stoves, PIANO LESSONS! Hartsville 615-374EQUIPMENT 4498 (11/14) air conditioners, Ages 10+ adults wel2418 Mon. - Fri. 8-5, 4x4 Kabota front end Free kittens, 2 white, to weekends call 615-587- fridges, & some furni- come, call 615-388loader, like new – 8' trailer, call 677-6376 good home, call 388ture Bethpage, TN 615- 5225 (11/28)* 7160 (12/26) $8900, call 615-670210-7848 (11/28)* ANIMALS,PETS 6391 (11/14) ELECTRONICS 8830 (11/14) ANTIQUES & & SUPPLIES Oak rectangular dining Beautiful kittens - FREE table & 4 Windsor COLLECTIBLES RCA 52" TV on rollers – Dozer Work, Creek For Sale: To No Kill - 3 left call 615-774spindle back chairs by Home Pet Turkeys, 8 $250, call 615-559Gravel, Blue Crush Oak Express, great cond Antique farm/school 2332, ask for Larry mo. old, 2 male –$20, 1 3553 (11/21) Gravel, Pea Gravel, –$495, call 615-883- bell by Crystal Metal w/ female $30, call 615Sand, Top Soil with HELP ”2" marked on yoke, w/ 388-4141 (11/14)* 4440 (11/21) HAY & FEED smaller loads availWANTED cradle & extension able in Lafayette area, Several dogs & puppies Crushed Ear Corn –$5/ Speed clean dryer, call mounting bar –$250, Handy man wanted, see or call Barry to give away, pitbull 615-481-4787 774-3643 (11/14) Westmoreland are, Brawner 615-666- mix, 6 wk pups, 6mth bag, also ear corn for must have own tools, 4353 or 615-655-3828 pitbull, call 699-1106 sale, call 615-388-3510 Full bed & dresser, call Old cream bucket –$30; cell phone, vehicle, & (11/21)* 774-3643 (11/14) old milk bucket –$30, knowledge, call 617Front end loader for Young mini goats for 733-1928 (11/21) call 931-678-4712 3900 Ford tractor, call sale –$150 each, call Any Hay For Sale is considered a “Paid Sofa bed & love seat, 270-487-5944 699-2014, 699-3654, Full and part time unAd” and will cost $4 call 677-6376 (11/14) Pair antique lamps, or 388-6224 (11/14) armed security officers beautiful glaze globes – needed in the Portland for 15 words and 20 Buying & selling 3 pt. ½ metal bed, call 270- $60, call 615-989-1322 hitch farm equipment, Free puppies, mixed, cents a word after area. $9.00 an hour with 487-5944 (11/21) that. call 615-388-2988 performance increases call 270-943-4086 Vintage Corningware available, must have a See if you can find this object hidden somewhere Faux leather chase Blue Cornflower current state of Tennesin this weeks bargain filled issue of lounge, red, exc shape – stovetop 9 cup pecula- see guard officer li$100, call 615-655tor, great cond –$40, cense. Training pro3822 (11/14) vided. 1 week vacation call 615-481-4787 after the first year. Paid Table & 6 chairs, Sponsored By: Large copper kettle – Holidays. Apply online kinkade cherry –$450, at www.clarkBBQ call 615-666-2435 af- $200 firm, call 615- or call 666-6981 or 615-388- (800)542-2448. & Grill ter 7pm (11/14) 5454 (11/14) 270-586-5227 THE PROSPECTOR Wildfire 105 State St., Franklin, KY (Hwy 31 Behind Bowen Tire) Send us your name, address & phone number with the location of this weeks Hidden Object & you will be entered into a drawing for a Gift Certificate NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________ PHONE _____________________________________________________________________________ PAGE OBJECT FOUND _______________________________________________________________ AD FOUND IN _______________________________________________________________________ PLEASE SEND ENTRIES TO: THE PROSPECTOR 406 COLLEGE STREET, LAFAYETTE, TN 37083 Queen Anne style cherry finish end tables, drawer 2 Irish bowls –$30, call in each w/brass hard- 615-989-1322 ware, –$85, call 615Vintage wooden adult 883-4440 (11/21) rocking chair w/light Beautiful wrought iron finish, spindle back, glass top patio table – sturdy construction, $400 neg, call 615- great cond –$125, call 666-6981 or 615-388- 615-481-4787 5454 (11/14) WWII items for sale, Martin LP 40k BTU gas Guns etc., German, Japaheater gd cond –$50obo, nese, Russian, USA Call call 615-448-5737 615-758-2949 (11/14) Wanted Team Drivers, 53' vans, temp control, Sprinters, Straight Trucks, Will be out for several weeks at a time. Contact Eric Ostrander toll free at 866-5744546, tell him Bunny Anderson referred you! Help Wanted Ads are considered paid ads, the cost is $4 for 15 words and 20¢ for each additional word, per week. The Prospector November 14, 2014 - Page 4 SATURDAY, NOV. 22ND, 10:00 A.M. 2203 HWY 31E GALLATIN, TN DIRECTIONS: From Gallatin: Take Highway 31E approx. 4&1/2 miles. Sale site on left. SHOP TOOLS - POWER EQUIPMENT - GUNS ITEMS OFFERED: Dixie Chopper 27 HP 60” cut Mower, Campbell Hausfeld 100 Gallon Air Compressor, Kingsman Parts Washer, Dewalt Reciprocating Saw, Dewalt Hammer Drills, Makita Electric Impact Wrench, Air Impact Tools, Die Grinders, Delta Shopmaster Saw, Coleman 5HP High Output Blower, 5 HP Billy Goat Blower, 3&1/2 Ton Floor Jack, Ridgid Pipe Threader, Pipe Vise, Electric Sanders, Jig Saws, 5HP Pressure Washer, Chicago Metal Band Saw, Numerous Fiberglass Ladders, Marquette Arc Welder, (3) Large Machinists Tool Boxes, Table Saw, Marquette Arc Welder, Old Antique Corn Sheller, Antique Cross Cut Saws, Socket Sets Metric & Standard, Hand Tools & Power Tools... TOO MANY TO LIST!!! GUNS: Marksman 0035 Target Gun, Marlin 35 Cal. Model 336 w/ scope, CVA Hawken 50 Cal MuzzleLoader, Ted Williams Sears Brazil 410, Stevens 16GA, Melin 12 Ga Made in Spain, Remington Model 1100 12 Ga. Semi Auto, Nitro Hunter 12 Ga, Single Shot 22Cal Rifle, Winchester Model 37 16 Ga. , Stevens Model 311 Double Barrel 410, Remington Model 740 30-06 Cal W/ Scope, F.R. Amantino 20 Ga. Double Barrel, Remington Model 514 22 Cal Single Shot, Marlin 30-30 Cal w/ scope, Ruger 22 cal. Target Pistol, Marlin Model 336cs 30-30 Cal. w/ scope, RG Model RG23 22 Cal Pistol, Iver Johnsons Arms, 2 Smith & Wesson 38 Cal, I.J.A. & C. Works 22 Cal. 8 shot Pistol, Mossberg Model 835 12 Gauge NWTF Edition, Winchester Model 25 12 Gauge Pump, Winchester Model 74 22L Cal Semi Auto. NATIONAL SECURITY GUN SAFE (21 LONG GUN CAPACITY) SEE AUCTIONZIP.COM FOR MORE PICTURES. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Sale inside Building & Under Tent TERMS: Cash or I.D. Approved check on Local Bank. Martin Realty and Auction Co. 687 Nashville Pike - Gallatin, TN Mark D. Brown Listing Auction Agent TN Lic#2653 Rick Roark Auctioneer TN Lic #2810 451-0480 TN. Firm #2014 Tim Farmer Auctioneer TN Lic #6114 Auction *AUCTION* COLLECTOR CARS & TRUCKS - ADVERTISING ITEMS - LIFETIME COLLECTION ABSOLUTE SAT. ~NOVEMBER 22nd @10:00 AM Dale Hollow Lake Area 9684 Willow Grove Hwy - Allons, TN FRIDAY-NOVEMBER 14TH @6:00 PM 300+ TOY TRACTORS LIFETIME COLLECTION CUSTOMER APPRECIATION COOKOUT @5:00 PM Sellers: Larry & Sheryl Shell For More Info Contact: Russell Mills(270)237-7625 or Larry Heath (270)622-1354 FOR MORE INFO & PICTURES VISIT WWW.MILLSAUCTIONS.COM DIRECTIONS FROM LIVINGSTON, TN TAKE HWY 111 (BYRDSTOWN HWY) 3.6 MILES TURN LEFT ONTO WILLOW GROVE HWY (HWY 299) 15 Russell Mills - Auctioneer Sandy Mills - Broker MILES TO AUCTION SITE. / TN FIRM SIGNS POSTED. # 4698 TERMS & CONDITIONS: All Bidders Must Register With Photo I.D. PERSONAL PROPERTY-Payment In Full With Cash Or Check Day Of Auction. 5% Buyers Premium On Personal Property & Automobiles. All Automobiles & Personal Property Sold AS IS WHERE IS With No Warranty Expressed Or Implied. All Announcements Made Day Of A u c t i o n Ta k e Precedence Over All Advertisements. Sellers Nor Agent Responsible For Accidents. PLEASE HAVE CERTIFIED BANK LETTER FOR ALL PURCHASES OVER $5,000. We will be receiving equipment Monday NOV 10th thru Friday NOV 14th 85 daily. The Prospector November 14, 2014 - Page 5 108.58 CHOICE ACRES SELLING IN 7 SEPERATE TRACTS - BARNS - PONDS - CITY WATER AVAILABLE - SOILS TESTED FOR SEPTIC APPROVALS - TERMS - KNOWN AS THE WILSON TAYLOR AND PATSY TAYLOR PROPERTY - SELLING DUE TO DIVORCE SETTLEMENT Tract #1 has 5.00 acres with 254 ft. road frontage. Tract #4 has 41.62 acres with 65 ft road frontage. Tract #2 has 5.00 acres with 305 ft road frontage. Tract #5 has 43.20 acres with 83 ft. road frontage. Improved with a 80’x35’ barn and pond. Tract #3 has 7.70 acres with 114 ft. road frontage. Tract #6 has 3.01 acres with 185 ft road frontage Tract #7 has 3.05 acres with 298 ft. road frontage. Improved with 96’x36’ barn. FOR FREE BROCHURE WITH PLAT, CALL (615)452-5341 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CARMANREALESTATE.COM SMITH COUNTY CUMBERLAND RIVER FRONTAGE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 29th at 10AM CST. 8 Choice acres selling in one tract - No Restrictions Great recreational property for fisherman or those who just want to get away - Easy access to the Cumberland River or also the Caney Fork River. Lays level to rolling and is mostly open in grass with some trees along the border of the property. Directions; From Carthage take Upper Ferry Road toward Wal-Mart. Turn right onto Eatherly Landing Road. Go to the end and see auction signs on property. Note from Agent; Absolute Auction! You set the price as the Buyer! Great location! Minutes from I40 Carthage/ Gordonsville exit! Super Terms! Terms: 15% down day of Auction, balance with deed or Citizens Bank of Hartsville is offering terms at 20% down and interest at 5.5% for the first year and adjusted annually with bank’s rate. Payable monthly over 5 to 10 years at banks discretion. The Prospector November 14, 2014 - Page 6 Metal Roofing, Siding & Underpinning Trim and Accessories NOW AVAILABLE TRUSSES, LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES 3740 Old Franklin Rd (Hwy 585) Scottsville, KY 42164 See us for all your storage needs PORTABLE BUILDINGS #1 - 40 Year Warranty In Stock #2 Custom Cut to the Inch Free Estimates ~ Delivery Available 5402 Old Franklin Rd, Hwy 585 Scottsville, Ky 42164 270-618-8985 Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:00 - 4:30, Sat., 7:00-12:00 OAK GROVE WELDING & MINOR AUTO MAINTENANCE Owner - Dwayne Brown (615) 644-2202 1129 Harve Brown Rd. Bethpage, TN 37022 Sizes Available up to 14’x36’ Wood - Metal Vinyl Siding & Horse Barns We Build & Sell Here Limited time special! Basic Oil Change-$10 if you bring your own oil & filter 585 Metal Roofing & Supplies Tell Them You Saw It In The Prospector Saturday - November 22 - 10 a.m. NEW MIDDLETON - SMITH COUNTY LOCATION:116 BARNETTS CAMPGROUND LANE! JOHN DEERE TRACTOR - FARM EQUIPMENT - COINS - ANTIQUES - GLASSWARE - FURNITURE - COLLECTABLES Metal Kitchen Cabinet, 9’ Taylor Way Wheel Disc, 3 pt. 7’ Grader Blade, John Deere 4010 Diesel Turbo Tractor, Farm Wagon, Bog Disk, Signed Ethan Allen Cherry Wall Shelf, Crock Pot, Coffeemaker, Floral Couch, White Formal Couch & Chair, Blue, Brown, & Tweed Recliners, Antique Childs Rocking Chair, Lots of Plastic Ware, Zenith DVD Player, Bird Feeders, Wicker Rocker, Afghans, Blankets, Nelson Piano, Wheel Chair, Small Antique Walnut Table, Lefton China Teapot & Plate, Sewing Box W/ Supplies, Christmas Decorations, Several Glass Dinner Bells, Nippon pitcher & 4 Cups, 6 Red Fostoria Sherbet Glasses, Painted Cups and Saucers, 2 Small Fenton White Hobnail Bowls, Fenton White Butter Dish, Large Pink Fenton Hobnail Vase, Blue Fenton Hobnail Covered Dish, Purple Fenton Grape, Design Covered Dish, White & Clear Hobnail Covered Bowl, Heavy Pink Fluted Bowl, Blue Fenton Hobnail Fluted Vase, Pink Fluted Vase, Covered Glass Egg’s, Avon, MUCH MUCH MORE GLASSWARE, Large Antique Round Oak Pedestal Table, 2 - 1997 Kennedy Half Dollars, 7 - Cheerios- First Minted, Year 2000, 19 - 2000 Gold Dollars, 1993 Nickel, 1911 V Nickel, 1918 s Silver Half Dollar, 1920 VG Silver Half Dollar, 1935 Silver Half Dollar, 2003 Illinois Quarters (2 Pack), Several Pennies & Nickels, 1 - 2001 Dime, Wheat Pennies: 1-1927, 1-1929, 6-1930, 8-1934, 8-1935, 12-1936, 11-1937, 3-1938, 19-1939, 7-1940, 13-1942, 7-1944, 2-1945, 11-1946, 2-1947, 1-1948, 3-1949, 3-1950, 2-1951, 3-1952, 6-1953, 3-1954, 4-1955, 36-1956, 2-1957, 11958, Krone AM202 Disc Mower, Kuhn GF 22 NP Hay Teeter, 6’x15’ Rubber Tire Wagon, 6 ½ ‘x18’ Rubber Tire Wagon, 3 Pt. Hitch Hay Spear, Front End Hay Spear, 3 Steel Beam Turning Plows, G Whiz Plow, 2 Double Shovel Plows, Corn Planter, Bull Tongue Plow, Antique Reel Type Mower, Cider Mill, Metal Ice Tray, Blow Torch, Sensor 4000 Metal Detector, Hi-Back Antique Bed, many fence chargers, MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE!!! AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: There is a large variety of antiques to be sold, from vintage license plates, 1891-O Morgan Dollar, arrowheads, lamps, Fenton, and several furniture pieces, plus numerous farm implements including a 4010 John Deere Tractor. We have tents, heaters, chairs, and food, come join us for this estate sale. Be sure to set your calendar, make plans to attend and spend this day with the “Poindexter Team.” TERMS: Cash or Good Check day of sale -- DRIVER’S LICENSE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN BIDDER CARD. SELLER(S): Heirs of the late Coolidge and Inez Wilkerson Hay Rings $130 ea #1 & #2 40 Year Warranty *29 Gauge Metal *Trims & Accessories *Custom Cutting Visit Our website at: Firm #2547 Auctioneer #2629 * Contractors Available * Free Estimates Trusses Now Available Proven Lowest Prices In The Area!! We can now fill all your lumber needs! Call for pricing. 615-699-5879, 270-622-5879 & BUILDING SUPPLY INC. We offer professional installation Custom size Carports/ Patio Covers Available POLE BARN KITS 24x30x9 ------------------ $ 3440 00 30x30x10 ---------------- $ 4355 00 30x40x10 ---------------- $ 5230 00 Above Prices Include: #1 Metal 1 Entry Door, 1 Garage Door. Taxes and Delivery (25 miles). 615-452-9989 ALL LINES INSURANCE including SR-22 TOOLEY & CARVER INSURANCE Hwy. 52 By-Pass, Lafayette, Tenn Workmans Compensation Sale day announcement take precedence over all advertising. All information listed is believed to be correct but not warranted 505 NORTH MAIN STREET, CARTHAGE, TN 615-735-2244 “We Make Your Dream A Reality” Gates SUPERIOR METALS ESTATE OF LATE COOLIDGE & INEZ WILKERSON DIRECTIONS: From I-40 Exit 254: Take Hwy 53 South across interstate, turn left onto New Middleton Road, go approx 7/10 mile, turn left onto Mulherrin road, go approx 1.1 mile, continue straight on Barnetts Campground Road for approx 1.2 miles, sale on right. SEE SIGNS!! M ET AL 61 Spivey St., Next to Dollar Store, New 52,RBS, TN 615-666-3300 Toll Free: 1-800-275-2964 The Prospector 200 S. Broadway, Portland Tn. Staffing Service 615-325-5161 Now Hiring For : Press Techs-General Laborer & Light Assembly All Shifts, Good Work History, Must Pass Drug Test Sumner Employment Exchange is an equal opportunity employer. For Rent Ads are SERVICES considered paid ads, the cost is $4 for 15 Replace those old leaky words and 20¢ for windows & doors w/ each additional word, new vinyl TBA approved per week. windows. Frazier Door LAND & & Window Co. Call HOMES 615-452-2962 or 615587-1523 (1/23)* Wanted: Lot or small acreage in W. Sumner Wanted: Standing Tim- or Trousdale Co w/ ber! Call Eli Miller terms & monthly payLogging, 270-524- ments, call 502-9912967 If no answer we 2151 (11/21) will call back ASAP Property in Allen Service Ads are con- County, Kentucky, sidered paid ads, the New Roe area, 2 acres, cost is $4 for 15 words 2 BR, open air, 1000 sq. and 20¢ for each addi- ft., rustic cabin, built in tional word, per week 2013, trees, deck – $69,900, call 270-586AUCTIONS & 4021 or 776-2309 YARD SALES Huge Relocating Sale! 802 Butler Rd, Portland TN, Inside house Rain or Shine! Wed, Thurs, Fri - Nov. 12th, 13th, & 14th 8-5. Bargains Everything goes!!! Italian Carbine rifle 7- 4 Michellin tires, P22535 cal, good cond – 60x17 –$50, call 615$275, call 615-452- 699-3877 (11/14) 2680 (11/14) 8 Michelin XZE 275/ Stainless Ruger M77 80R 22.5 tires, 15/32 Mark II 7MM Mag, tread, all tread match – Simmons Aetec scope, $1000 firm, call 6152 stocks –$650, call 906-3434 (11/21) 615-425-8457 Full size fiberglass cab, .270 Cal. New England green –$75, call 374Fire Arms Handi Rifle, 9921 (11/14) 3x9 scope, like new – TRUCKS,VANS $275, call 615-426& 4X4’S 8457 (11/21) 2004 Ford Conversion Single shot 12 ga, new Van, 1 owner – w/ sling –$175, call $3900obo, call 615270-487-5980 688-6699 even WWII Beretta 6.5 rifle, good cond, w/ original sling + box shells – $275obo, call 270-4875980 (11/21) CAMPERS,R.V.’S A.T.V.’S & MOTORCYCLES 2005 Suzuki Blvd 800cc, better than new, too many extras to list, 3400 miles –$4150obo, Owner financing homes 615-666-0514 in Allen Co, KY. 3BR, th 1BA starting at $2000 5 wheel camper 24', down, $450/ month. We 2001, Layton sleeps 6, also have new homes & good cond –$4500obo, mini farms, trades wel- call 615-670-0786 come, call 270-237Honda TRX w/ new 0738 (11/21)* front tires –$1500, call SPORTING 931-243-4498 (11/14) November 14, 2014 - Page 7 email: Phone: 615-670-4491 1998 Honda Accord, 280K mi, 2 owner car – Wanted to buy: Cars & $1400, call 615-774trucks, call 615-561- 3145 or 615-683-7080 0647 (11/21)* 2000 Chevy 4 dr metro 1986 Monte Carlo SS, LSI, gd tires – V8, auto, runs, drives, $1800obo, call 931potential –$3500obo, 243-4498 (11/14) 615-906-3434 CARS 2005 Dodge Caravan, 1995 Dodge Spirit, good V6, auto, runs good – cond –$2500, call 615$1200, call 931-704- 824-5285 2066 (11/21) 1997 Pontiac Firebird 1993 F-350 Diesel AT conv., new motor, 1500 new battery & tires miles, new fender, wheels & tires –$1500, clean inside –$4900, call 615-670-5912 call 615-670-8830 Volkswagen Jetta, silver, 2.0 –$600obo, call 615-926-6226 (11/14) Smart car, clean title, 2008, 60mpg, loaded – $12,700, like new, call 270-487-5980 2007 Toyota Solara, 1992 Mercury Capri 2007 Chevrolet pickup, conv., nice, good cond – sunroof, leather, loaded, beautiful, call anytime – $3800, call 615-388- 101K –$10,500, call $9000, call 615-655- 8710 (11/21) 615-670-4491 (RC) 3189 (RC) 2007 white Chevy 4x4 – $9000 obo, call 615655-3189 (RC) Get The Prospector mailed straight to your mailbox!! 1986 Toyota 2500, 5 spd. trans., new Klever Call the office for A/T tires 30x50x15, subscription rates!! chrome wheels, brush guard, fog light, 11" lift 615-688-4151 GOODS FOR kit – $2500 cash Call Dan Wesson 357 Mag- 1973 Dodge Diamond Darryl and Karen at RENT num w/ holster –$375, RV, call 270-943-4086 615-517-6778 (rc) Like New 2BR, 1BA call 812-631-5089 house in Lafayette, C/ BOATS THIS From H/A, appliances, w/d WEEKS RECIPE: hook-up, clean & quiet, “Cool” Target shoot, Macon County Gun 24 ft. pontoon boat, new references, $550 + Too Much Kitchen $400 dep., 818-359- Club, Sat. November trailer, 50HP Evinrude th 15 , 2pm 4067 Oak Aluminum top, runs good to Yours 1533 (11/21)* Chocolate Cake Grove Rd, RBS (11/21) –$3900, call 615-6701 C vegetable oil 1 package devil’s food cake mix 4 eggs 1 package instant chocolate pudding mix Nice modern 2BR 8830 (11/14) 1/2 C warm water 1 C sour cream house, C/H/A, appli- 22 Magnum Rifle. 2 C semisweet chocolate chips 1 C sour cream ances furnished, in Single shot, box ammo Bass boat –$2500, call Westmoreland –$550/ –$160, call 615-561- anytime 615-655-3189 Preheat oven to 350°F. In large bowl, mix together the cake and pudding mixes, sour mo + references & 0647 (11/14) (RC) cream, oil, beaten eggs and water. Stir in the chocolate chips and pour batter into a well deposit, call 615-633greased 12 C bundt pan. Bake for 50 to 55 minutes, or until top is springy to the touch and 7833 (11/21)* AUTO PARTS 44 magnum Lever Aca wooden toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool cake thoroughly in pan at least & ACCESSORIES an hour and a half before inverting onto a plate if desired, dust the cake with tion rifle, with original Duplex for Rent, powdered sugar. Gallatin, 2 Bdrm/ 1 box, never been shot, Wanted: junked 1995 MomaLean’s Kitchen Mail YOUR Recipe’s To: bath, $175/wk, includes will include 1 box ammo Ford Ranger truck, 4cyl, c/o The Prospector 406 College St., Lafayette, TN 37083 water, call 615-579- –$55 firm, call 615- will buy parts off of it, Fax: 615-688-4152 or E-Mail: 561-0647 (11/14) 2713 (11/14) call 615-584-3583 MomaLean ’s MomaLean’s The Prospector Estate Auction SATURDAY, November 15, 2014 @ 10:00 A.M. 3558 Hwy 76 Cottontown, TN. Guns-Farm Equipment-Tools Personal Property-Cars GUNS-12 ga. Stevens 3" chamber Model 94, 12 ga. Stevens 2 3/4" chamber Model 94C, Glenfield 22, 303 Brittish, 22 Stevens LR Model 87, Remington 22 cal. Model 514, Remington 22 cal. Model 510, 25 cal. auto pistol, Heritage Rough Rider 22 cal. revolver, Thompson Center Inline 50 cal. w/4x40 scope syn. Stock & nickel finish, Glenfield 22 cal. auto w/Tasco 4x20 scope, Thompson Center Renegade 50 cal., O. F. Mossberg & Sons Model 400 22 cal. lever-action w/scope (old), Mossberg Model 395 12 ga. bolt-action, C.V.A. 50 cal. muzzle loaders, Winchester Challenger 12 ga. single shot, SKS 7.62x39 w/bayonet & rear elevation sight, Sears Roebuck 2-T 22 cal. auto w/scope, Winchester Model 120 12 ga. pump w/rib, black powder pistol, Glock model 17 9mm pistol, black powder pocket pistol, gun case w/2 drawers for 12 guns, ammunition (12 ga., 303 cal., 25 cal., 22 cal.). TOOLS-Drill press, Eagle band saw, Porter Cable drill press (exc. Condition), Craftsman and delta table saw, Craftsman plainer, Ashley wood stove, hand power tools, Black & Decker sander, Porter Cable belt sander, Chicago angle grinder (new), dual-direction drill press vise, Skill jig saw, 1/2 inch electric drill, Craftsman router, chop saw, hand-held planer 3 1/2", Makita screw driver, bench-mounted belt sander, complete set mortising bits, pipe clamps, wood clamps, hand saws, nail guns, hand tools, 28 brass kerosene torches, pipe dies & threaders, long-shaft die grinder, torpedo heater, gardening tools, Ford gas can, Spartan equipment 9000 kw generator w/remote start [like new] and more. PERSONAL PROPERTY-Quilts, iron skillets (Griswald and Wagoner), kerosene lamps, Pyrex, 1983 giant coloring books-Marvel supersize, Christmas giant Coloring Book (1977), approx. 30 jacketed Elvis Presley 33 1/3 long-play albums spanning his entire career from 1956-1975, approx. 6 jacketed 45 RPM Elvis Presley records( 1956 Love Me Tender, 1957 Peace inthe Valley & Jailhouse Rock, 1958 King Creole, 1960 Tickle Me), approx. 6 unjacketed Elvis Presley records, Confederate money (Chattanooga, USA, Virginia, Texas, NC, Georgia, SC, & Arkansas), handmade boxes, velvet rocking chair & settee, sewing rocker, adjustable piano stool, brass lamps, cream can, milk can, kerosene lamps, framed Scottish print, Real-Frye gas logs, Martin blue flame natural gas logs, wooden bellows, rope bed, brass bed, oak dresser w/mirror, oak washstand w/mirror, oak washstand w/towel bar, oak chest-of-drawers, oak desk w/drop front, wooden foot locker, cedar chest, green trunk, ice cream parlor chairs, lead-glass window, floor lamp, Fire King, glassware, milk bottles, Occupied Japan, metal roller skates, cast iron roller and pan, & more. FARM EQUPIMENT-One-row cultivators, two-row cultivator, grader blade, single-bottom plow, boom pole, wood splitter, sawmill saw blade, and more. KNIVES-New C Plats & Son Case Family Case Mfg USA, 4 Cattle Rustler Soligen Hen & Rooster, Whittler Hen & Rooster, German bull, Case Boy Scout w/serial number, Case Orange County Chopper, 5 John Primble knives, 9 Kissing Crane, Remington green bone Whittler, KY Thoroughbred hen & rooster, Buck Creek Stag (new), Hen & Rooster Whittler, Browning Stag, King Cutter, 3 bladed Kissing Crane, American Boker 4 blade, 3 blade IXL, Keen Cutter 4 blade, Yellow Eye Brand, Buck Creek bear & bull, Case Stockman, Jack Knife red bone, Case 3 blade, Case Stockman bone handles, Remington new, Anvil USA, W. H. Murphy pearl handle, Case 154 in tin, Case Stockman (1 of 3,000), Case Molasses, Case green bone, WR Russell Case, Case Crandall, Case 10th Anniversary, Case Ranger, staghandle Case, bone-handle Case, herringbone Case, jade handle Case, orange handle Case (All of these Case knives have serial numbers), large collection of Shrade Scrimshaw knives w/display cases and boxes, and more. AUCTIONEER NOTES-We are very glad to be chosen to offer you part of Mr. Russell’s estate. This sale has a large collection of guns and knives with many of these being new and unsharpened. Several of the Case knives are no dots. There is a vast array of tools and collectibles. We believe this will be one sale you do not want to miss. Bring a bidding partner 2 auctioneers will be going for most of the day! TERMS-Cash, check, or credit card day of sale. Credit cards will be charged a 3% Buyer’s Premium. AUCTION AGENT- Larry Hinton DIRECTIONS-From I-65N Exit 112, right on Hwy 25, left on Hwy 76 to sale site. November 14, 2014 - Page 8 EXPRESS AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, LLC 5404 Austin Peay Hwy. - Westmoreland, TN 615-644-5594 Open: Tues - Sat 9:00am - 5:30pm We Now Have Our Own Website on Cars for Consists of Facebook, Craigslist & Twitter. Visit Us At: expressautomotivegroupllc SPECIAL 2003 Ford Mustang 5spd, Chrome wheels, Spoiler stk#R-2247 2002 GMC Envoy Great family car, Sharp ride stk#2326 2005 Chevy Malibu 4 dr, 4cyl, low miles stk#2328 4 COMMERCIAL WallyRealty Gilliam & Auction Private & Auction Sales 406 N. Broadway - PO Box 7926 Portland, TN 615-325-4597 TNFL #2621 KYFL #RP2749 Announcements made day of sale take precedent over all prior advertising. WE HAVE MORE AUCTIONS COMING! VISIT OUR WEBSITE Make Plans To Join Us ! 2003 Honda Accord 5spd, 4cyl, gas saver stk#2323 2001 Chevy Monte Carlo SS Coupe, V8, Auto, leather stk#2330 2007 Chevy Uplander 6cyl, Cold AC stk#2303 2001 Chevrolet Tracker 4cylm Auto, 4WD stk#2317 2004 Dodge Caravan 4cyl, 3rd row seat stk#2314-1 2006 Ford Focus SE 4 Door, 4 Cyl, Auto, Low Miles, stk#2244 All VVehicles ehicles 19% Plus TTax, ax, TTitle itle & License, Includes $44 processing Fee STOP IN AND REGISTER FOR THIS MONTH’S DRAWING wn Do t s w Lo y m e n Pa ell -S y Bu r a d e T BRING IN THIS AD & GET $100 OFF DOWN PAYMENT!! Car s, T & V rucks ans Lot Fi A v a nanci n ila ble g
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