“The President’s Notes“ Proudly Produced by the Babinda Taskforce Rachel Nicholas

Proudly Produced by the Babinda Taskforce
Rural Transaction Centre Opened July 2004
51 Munro Street Babinda 4861 07 4067 2900
Newsletter may be viewed in colour on website:
“The President’s Notes“
Rachel Nicholas
Hi everyone,
2014 Babinda District Telephone Books: Available from Taskforce, $3 per copy.
2014/2015 Membership: We invite all those interested to become a member by contacting the office.
Fee schedule on back of this Newsletter.
Cartridges 4 Planet Ark: Bring your used toners and cartridges to Taskforce for recycling.
Christmas in Babinda: 6 December, contact Kitty Anning on 4067 1202 for further details.
Christmas Stocking Raffle: Tickets $2 each available at the Taskforce. Drawn Monday 8 December.
Have Your Say on The Draft Cairns Region Planning Scheme: An open presentation will be held at the
Spirit of Babinda hall behind the Taskforce on Thursday 20 November from 5.45pm. To view a copy
of the draft Cairns Region Planning Scheme, online mapping and information guides or to make a
submission please visit www.cairns.qld.gov.au/new-planning-scheme. If you would like further
information please contact Council at planningscheme@cairns.qld.gov.au or telephone (07) 4044 3044.
Many Thanks: To John Mayfield who kindly volunteered his services to look after the Taskforce in my
absence whilst I holidayed in NZ for one week last month.
This month: We booked Greyhound Bus and Queensland Rail Train tickets & Ticket link concert tickets.
We photocopied, faxed, scanned and laminated. We facilitated over 130 Centrelink customers enquiries
by faxing forms, assisting with self service and offered advise when appropriate as per our contract.
New Business Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9am - 4pm.
Closed Fridays till further notice.
Please note: Next meeting Thursday 27 November 9.30am. All members welcome
We currently have 85 members.
Be kind to each other,
Year to date: 4,103.5 mm
Closing Dates:
Thursday 4 Dec
Top Station - 86.2 mm
(Distributed 16 Dec)
Year to date: 7939.6 mm
Thursday 1 Jan
BABINDA - 37 mm
Bottom Station - 44 mm
Year to date: 4,235.6 mm
(Distributed 13 Jan)
Disclaimer: All articles in this Newsletter are
printed in good faith for the Community and do
not necessarily represent the views of the
Babinda District Community Association Inc
(aka Babinda The Taskforce) and therefore
accept no responsibility for these articles.
Errors and Omissions:
While every care is taken in the publication of
advertisements and articles, Babinda News
cannot be held responsible for omissions or
errors or their subsequent effects.
Babinda Police Report
Firstly, let me apologise for not having the newsletter done last month. As some of you would know, we
had a long term missing person lost in bushland near to Golden Hole. The police commitment to find this
person was large and had an impact on your local police as we conducted initial inquiries, as well as
searching and follow up enquiries.
During this time we also executed a number of search warrants within the division, resulting in 9 people
being charged with 14 drug offences. This included the location and seizing of over 600 cannabis plants on
a large rural property. We want to rid our community of drugs but we cannot do it alone! If you know
something, let us know on 40671120 or Crime stoppers 1800333000. Your identity will be protected.
Beach access
Babinda police are working with council, other government agencies and residents to reduce the number of
people utilising quad bike and similar recreational vehicles on our beaches. Our beaches are not only
special places for us, but are nesting areas for turtles and birds. The use of recreational vehicles on beaches
is illegal. These vehicles are often unregistered and uninsured, and are used on the road to get to the
beaches, making their road use illegal as well. I encourage anyone to report the use of unregistered vehicles
on the road as well as beaches so we can help stamp it out.
Drink Driving
Drink driving continues to be a problem. Babinda police detected two drink drivers on the same night,
driving the same vehicle a few kilometres apart. We also find that a lot of people we test have had an
alcohol drink or two and are on or close to the limit. The practice of calculating alcohol levels is dangerous
at best as we all deal with alcohol differently, and there are a large number of factors which dictate how our
bodies deal with alcohol. My advice is: if you plan on driving, don’t drink alcohol.
Again we have had a spate of opportunist thieves entering unsecure area of local residence and stealing
alcohol, cigarettes and soft drink. Luckily we have been able to identify those responsible and they are
being dealt with through appropriate justice avenues. I have said it before and will say it again, if you take
away the opportunity then most of these offences will not happen, so please do your best to lock up what is
yours, or you might find that someone else makes it theirs.
Babinda has hosted some fantastic events recently. I would like to congratulate the organisers for the way
these events have turned out, with no policing issues. Changes to Liquor licensing and the introduction of
community liquor permits has put a lot of responsibility for management and controlling such events back
on the organisers. The local committees and groups have done a great job and taken ownership of their
events to ensure they are fun and safe for all; for that I say a big thank you. If any event, subject to a
community liquor permit, is allowed to get out of control, future events may be scrutinised more closely.
Disability access to the Police station
I am pleased to announce that we now have a disability access ramp for the police station. This will enable
everyone in our community to access both police and QGAP services at the police station.
Babinda Police Station: 07 4067 1120
In Case of Emergence: 000
Sunday 7th Dec. 7.00pm.
State School hall
If you would like to present an item (spots limited) contact
Russell Lauridsen
Hello all,
As we slide headlong into the festive season I wish everyone a safe and productive
Christmas period.
Council is currently finalising a Facility Management Plan for both the Babinda
Rotary Park and Boulders campgrounds. We are setting in place a Local Law backed by
State regulations so that we can enforce the 3 day stay and issue infringement
notices accordingly. This will enable a fair and regulated turn-over of campers at
the parks for the benefit of all. We intend to close Rotary park to all overnight
visitors (day use area will still be able to be used) from early January 2015. All
patrons will be advised once a firm date is known, notices will go up at the park and
our website. The main reason for this is for a number of infrastructure works is to
occur before the next drive season. Once Rotary park is closed we intend to:
Convert the cold showers to toilets in the old amenities block, thereby
increasing the overall number of available toilets
Do internal road works to widen certain areas, address boggy sections around
the new amenities block and reseal the main road entrance.
Install new bollards, and replace some existing bollards to more clearly
define the camping and day use area, and to deter illegal camping
Install signage with camp rules, designated camping areas etc
Install basic kitchen / external sink to the old amenities block
We anticipate these works to take approx. 4-6 weeks weather permitting. Once complete
the park will be reopened under the new rules and Local Laws officers will assist in
implementing these. There will be some minor works completed at Babinda Boulders as
well. We will be:
removing the old wood fire BBQ;s that have seen better days,
installing new signage, and
relocating some boulders at the back of the park thereby creating an additional 2
I hope this clears up the works to be complete and the reason behind the timing of
the closure. If you have any questions, please give me a call.
Don’t forget to get yourself, family and property CYCLONE READY.
Cr Steve Brain
P:07 4044 3071
M:0488 148 778
On the 11th October 2014, the Babinda S.E.S group manned the gates, erected and took down
the barricades for the safety of all during the Babinda Harvest Festival procession through Munro
For this help given to the Festival Committee the S.E.S received 80% of the gate takings which
represents their only fund raising for the year. Many thanks goes to all who willingly gave the
requested entry fee.
The group members voluntarily give of their own time to train every two weeks in order to
maintain their skills for when called on in emergencies.
New members are needed in order to continue to provide this much needed service to the
Meetings are held monthly on the first Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
The group welcome men and women as new members.
I thank you all.
Dulcie Schnitzerling
(Welfare Member)
Shane Wiles
Manager - QGAP
10 Munro St Babinda QLD
JP (Qual) Duties
Public Trust of QLD (wills)
Births, Deaths & Marriage Certificates
Queensland Transport, Fine Payments
(including SPER), Vehicle
And many more services
Using the computer can be fun!
Wednesday 9.30am – 4.15pm
Tuition fee $80.00 per course
Internet & Email
12th November
Microsoft Word
19th November
Microsoft Excel
26th November
Saturday morning 9.30am – 12.30pm
Tuition fee $40.00
Setting up a business in MYOB
15th November
Supportive & friendly learning environment
Qualified local trainer
Morning Tea provided
Make a start today!
Contact Tropic Training Solutions on 0498 519 444
Improving skills & knowledge
We realise that sometimes it’s not easy to tell a scam call from a real Telstra call. The following extract
from a Telstra brochure provides some advice to help you know whether it’s really Telstra calling.
What you might hear from callers
What we’d like you to know as a valued Telstra
“There’s a fault with your computer, and you need
We’ll notify you in writing about any technical
to pay for technical support or software…”
fault that requires your attention.
“I’m from Telstra and your internet will soon be
We’ll notify you in writing about any scheduled
service interruptions in your area.
What to do if you’re suspicious about a call you’ve received
End the conversation immediately. If you would like to report details of a call or for more information,
please contact Telstra’s Sales Watch Hotline 24/7 on 1800 260 270 or visit Telstra.com/verify
ERIC NORMAN - 0400 596 625
The Club Always Under The Cloud
Resident evacuation & recovery register:
for residents of the Cairns Region who are elderly,
infirmed and/or disabled and have no transport or
friends or family in the area.
If an evacuation is required, those listed on the
register will be assisted by emergency service
personnel to evacuate their residence. In this event,
evacuees will be taken to a safe designated area.
Unfortunately emergency services will not have the
resources to assist with moving large quantities of
personal belongings or pets (except seeing-eye
This register is updated annually. By placing your
name on the register, you are authorising Council to
give your details to any agencies that may be
involved in an evacuation.
If you answer yes to all of the following questions,
you may qualify for the register:
Are you elderly, infirmed and/or disabled?
Do you have no transport?
Do you have no friends or family in the area?
If you believe that your personal circumstances
qualify you to be placed on the register,
please contact:
Disaster Management Unit
(07) 4044 3044.
We are fast approaching Summer and the hot and dry weather is already making itself felt. One
thing that we all start thinking about at this time of year is how to grow and maintain our garden
plants without wasting a drop of water. Well, here’s where your library can help. If you want to
find out how to drought-proof your garden, or just grow healthy plants with less water, then there
are a number of books available to you through your library. Some titles we can recommend are
“Dry Gardening Australia’ by .J Garner and .S Baker, “The Water-Wise Garden” by J. Hodges,
“The Garden Guru’s Guide To Waterwise Gardening” by N. Passmore and T.Cochrane “Drip
Irrigation For Every Landscape And All Climates” by R. Kourik and “Waterwise Gardening For
There are also some great tips on Cairns Regional Council’s website at
www.cairns.qld.gov.au Just have a look at Sustainability And Climate Change section under the
Environment Water And Waste tab. Also, available from your Council, are free tap tags and
fridge magnets featuring the sprinkler watering times. You can pick these up from your library as
So why not call in to your local library and see what we have to offer to help your have a
blooming good garden this summer. See you in the library sometime soon.
Congratulations to the staff who worked
with Debbie’s brilliant idea to put
together the most humorous float of this
years Harvest Festival. Very obviously
as you can see it was enjoyed by
participants as well as spectators.
A reminder that the joys of summertime
activities are almost here, so now is an
appropriate time to remind everyone of
the dangers lurking behind our fantastic
sunshine. Be aware of sensible skin
protection and also make an
appointment at the Doctors clinic for a
skin check, get all those freckles and
moles checked, it is painless and any
abnormalities detected are acted on.
We have pleasure in welcoming Dr. Carl Rotkirch
and his wife Kerri Lawler to our hospital, we will
be seeing a lot of them over the next 12 months as
Dr. Carl will be relieving frequently. Kerri is
currently working as our clinical social worker and
is a qualified psychotherapist, providing much
needed community support.
Mr. Michael Preuss (pictured with
painting) painted and donated this
lovely serene piece of artwork, this
painting is now displayed on our
hospital wall. Mr. Preuss is one of a
very special group who volunteer at the
hospital to help entertain our residents.
Our volunteers give generously of their
time. It makes me proud to see the
enthusiasm generated by these people
to get our residents involved in various
Thankyou to all of you.
The MPHS Team continues to visit the elderly residents in their homes both in and around
Babinda. This team, consists of a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, clinical nurse,
social worker and podiatrist. This team effort is to support the elderly to remain safely in
their own residence as long as possible. Our contact number is 40678280.
Our Best Advice. Your Best Interests.
Residential Conveyancing
Estates & Wills
Family Law Enquiries
Commercial Business & Property
Partnership & Leasing Agreements
Open in the Babinda Taskforce Office
at 51 Munro Street
Brett Moller is available on appointment
Contact 4081 6700
Email: lawyers@marinomoller.com.au
Services offered at the
Taskforce include:
Department of Human Services
Agency Access Point
(Centrelink/Medicare/Child Support)
Free access for DHS customers: Phones,
Photocopier/Faxing and Computer
Computer Use….$3 per half hour
Computer Training Facility
Faxing…$3 for 1st page $1 per page after
Scanning, Photocopying - b/w + colour
Information Service
Internet Café….$3 per half hour
Laminating …. A4 & A3
Local Area Telephone Directory
Monthly Newsletter
Bus & Train Booking Agent
Local Councillor visits with appointment
Solicitors visiting with appointment
And much more…...just ask
Babinda Early Learning
We are offering:
Care for children ranging between the ages of 6 weeks and 5
years as well as Before and After School Care and Vacation care
from 6 to 12 year olds.
*Trialling a Kindergarten & Preschool Curriculum
*Hours of operation = 7:00am—6:00pm
*For all inquiries and bookings please call our
friendly staff on 4067
Public meeting will be held Thursday 20 November 5.45pm in Spirit of Babinda Hall
(behind the Taskforce, 51 Munro Street, Babinda)
To view a copy of the draft Cairns Region Planning Scheme, online mapping and information guides or to make a
submission visit www.cairns.qld.gov.au/new-planning-scheme.
If you would like further information please contact Council at planningscheme@cairns.qld.gov.au or telephone
(07) 4044 3044.
Consultation ends on 10 December 2014.
The Scheme will manage the Region’s land use and development over the next 20 years.
General help lines – Australia-wide
Phone number
Hours of operation
Alcohol and Drug Information
1800 422 599
24 hours, 7 days
Services (ADIS)
(Sydney metro)
Child Care Access Hotline
1800 670 305
(02) 9361 8000
8 am-6 pm, Monday to Friday
133 677 (TTY service)
Family Relationship Advice
1800 050 321
8 am-8 pm, Monday to Friday
10 am-4 pm, Saturday
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800
24 hours, 7 days
131 114
24 hours, 7 days
1800 737 732
Confidential 24 Hour Help line
Babinda Community Bank® Branch Bendigo Bank
“Enhancing the community”
Greg presenting the $250 Babinda Community Bank® Art Prize
Judges Craig Crawford, Rob Pyne and Fran Lindsay with
Susannah Job’s winning art work chosen from the
works of 30 local artists. This RSL fund raiser is the first
art show for 25 years and was the brain child of Karen
Lacey. We thank her for her hard work.
Two hundred and fifty people viewed the art show and
the first stage of the War Mural which Enid Hoessinger
is creating on the wall of the RSL Hall.
(Photo courtesy Mark Richards)
The 2014 Harvest Festival Princesses
Babinda Community Bank ® provides $2000
annually towards the prizes for the Princesses, the
stage and the sugar bowl competition for this
wonderful community event.
(Photo courtesy Julie Ward)
Sorry I missed last month column as I was away. Firstly the Local Ambulance Committee
(LAC) will be holding our AGM on Tuesday November 26, 6 pm at the Babinda
Ambulance Station. Being a public organisation visitors are welcome to attend. Leave a
message on the station phone (40671261) if you would like to attend. Please do not ring
this number for calling an ambulance as we are away from the station a lot more than we
are at it. Ambulance contact numbers are 000 for an emergency or 13 1233 for a
non-emergency. All you really need to remember is 000.
The LAC will be holding a stall at the Christmas in Babinda night in December. We will
have a resus manikin at our stall for anyone who wants to try their hand at CPR – you may
have done a course years ago and would enjoy the quick refresher. The rates are 30
compressions to 2 breaths, 6 cycles in 2 minutes. At our centenary open day many people
tried their hand and found it beneficial. The more the merrier. Hope to see you there.
Until next time,
Keep safe.
Justin Cairns OIC Babinda Ambulance
As the cyclone season approaches please make a quick visit to any of our neighbours who are elderly or have a
Elderly people are less likely to read newspapers to find out what services are available and are also more likely to
wait in silence for help.
Info Centre Illuminations
On the morning of 31 October, St Rita’s School
set off on a special walk through Babinda
wearing red shirts and carrying red balloons. We
were participating in the annual event, Day for
Daniel, which was initiated by Bruce and Denise
Morecombe ten years ago. St Rita’s proudly
celebrates Day for Daniel each year, and our
walk aims to make a strong statement about the
importance of child safety, protection and harm
It’s a miracle! Babinda & so little rain, only 37mm in
October. Perfect weather for doing so many
activities, as mentioned last month, many people
have been climbing Mt Bartle Frere. The ranger
there has informed us that if you are doing a day
trip it is not necessary to register with National
Parks, however, there is a white board there where
you can leave a message that you are doing a day
trip and perhaps an estimated time of return.
Visitors staying at Rotary Park reported that just
after dark, a couple of trees on Babinda Creek bank
On Day for Daniel our focus is on raising
are “illuminated”, presumably these are fire flies. It
awareness of child safety and protection in the
is not unusual to see these flying around at night. I
local community, teaching our students about
their personal safety and ways to empower them used to tell the children they were fairies.
to ‘Recognise, React and Report’, whilst
Visitor numbers are up by 6.5% over last year, the
honouring the memory of Daniel Morecombe.
vast majority of overseas visitors are from Europe.
We were proud to have been a ‘small part’ of the Our www.babindainfocentre.com.au continues to
ever-growing number of children and adults who get a large number of “hits” which is encouraging.
participated in Day for Daniel each year. Over
Surf Lifesaving Queensland has informed us that
one million Australians participated this year!
stinger nets are being erected at all beaches,
including Bramston Beach over the first working
week of November. Queensland Rail has informed
us that Kuranda scenic Railway will be closed for
maintenance 6 & 7 November, 4 & 5 December and
Christmas Day.
Until next time ------
Happy Trails
Just Joking...
Give them an inch they’ll take a foot and leave you
without a leg to stand on.
Not everything happens for the best but you can
make the best out of everything that happens.
St Rita’s especially thanks Sergeant Doug
Godden who once again led our students safely
around the streets of Babinda on our Day for
Q. Did you know that beekeepers have famously
Daniel Walk 2014.
attractive eyes?
(Pictured above with St Rita’s students)
A. Because beauty is in the eye of the bee holder. 
Judy Billiau
They Say…
It is amazing how much work is accomplished when no
one worries about who will get the credit,
St Rita's Primary School
7-14 Church Street
Babinda, 4861
Phone: 07 4067 1467
Email: secretary.babinda@cns.catholic.edu.au
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting
the other person to die
Life can get quite hectic at times with work, family, friends and the general pace.
Sometimes we take on so much that we become scattered, we feel out of balance.(In our
heads) Essential oils are especially good in these times they don’t just interact with your
energetic being, but really do work their way into the cells of your body. I have given a
small list of some of my favorites for you to experiment with at home that I personally
recommend to heal and to assist the body in restoring balance and releasing such feelings
as “fight or flight” response. In saying this you cannot get better than a blend especially
designed for your needs by a qualified therapist.
Lavender, rose, geranium, marjoram, orange, ylang ylang, vetivert, cypress, sandalwood,
cedarwood, patchouli and rosewood. (Choose 1-3 oils).
Spritz- Fill a glass spray bottle with spring or filtered water; add 1-3 drops of your chosen
oils. And then, mist! to your hearts content! Mist your rooms, clothes, bedding, curtains,
and most importantly, yourself. Bathing: Add 1-3 drops of chosen oils. On your body:
Essential oils you can’t add neat so dilute them in a cold pressed oil, face or body cream. I
would add 2-5 drops of your chosen blend to a 20ml glass bottle or jar. You can then apply
to your body (chakras face, feet) or by massage. Washing machine: Add 2 drops.
Taking names for 7 week Meditation course starting soon. Enjoy the following month stay
Email- sharonrogers2011@gmail.com
Holiday Program
Where Church St, Presbyterian Church, Babinda
Who You! As long as you are age 6 – 13 years!!
When Dec 16 & 17 (Tues & Wed) 9:30am – 12:30pm
Lots of fun, music, great games, group activities,
crafts and fabulous food!!
Contact: Rev. Emmanuvel Jhonly 40562470
When it comes to
resistance is futile.
Selling beef………naturally
Quality GRASS FED Local Beef
Home of Mrs Tootie’s Products
Large selection of PETFOODS
Quality PASTA Products
Extensive Range of KNIVES
Friendly staff – to meat your needs
66 Munro Street PH: 4067 1514
Check out our website at:
We specialise in:
School Wear, College Wear, Polo Tops
Also available:
Alterations, In-house embroidery
5-7 Lander Close
phone: 40675 197
mobile: 0419 776 201
What’s Happening In Babinda
BABINDA TASKFORCE - Next Meeting: Thursday 23 Oct 9.30am at the Taskforce. Ph 4067 2900 Members Welcome
ABBEYFIELD HOUSE - HOY / Mini Cent Sale 3rd Monday of the month 4067 1197
BABINDA ARTS & CRAFTS - Open 9am-4pm daily. Meetings 2nd Wed of month @ 6pm bring a chair
BABINDA BARGAIN CENTRE (COOTHARINGA NQ) - HOY 2nd Mon of the month. Ph 4067 1533
BABINDA BOXING CLUB Tuesday & Thursday 5.30—6.30pm, Warren Jensen Hall - Bill Wakeham Park . See advert.
BABINDA BOWLS CLUB - Phone 4067 1148. Barbecue Buffet Meals available most Friday nights.
BABINDA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING - 5.30pm - 1st Tue of month at Roddo’s News: 4067 1222
BABINDA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MONTHLY MARKET DAY- 2nd Sat of month. $5. Contact Roddo: 4067 1222
BABINDA CHOI KWANG DO - CWA Hall Mon & Thu 5.30 - 6.30pm. All ages welcome. Enquiries to 0413 386 942
BABINDA DISTRICT FISHING CLUB first Tuesday of the month 7.30pm Club House
BABINDA GOLF CLUB-Social days Wed and Fri 3pm Saturday 12.30 in winter and 1pm in summer. Ph 4067 1510
BABINDA LIONS CLUB - 2nd & 4th Monday of the month at 7pm at the RSL Hall, School St
BABINDA PUBLIC SPEAKING GROUP - 2nd Mon of month 7pm contact 4067 1438 Loretta or 40674110 Rod
BABINDA RAINY DAYS BOOKCLUB - Meets every last Tue of month @ 10am @ Stag Tavern—Call Sue 4067 2640
BABINDA RSL - 1st Sunday of the month, 9:30 am at RSL. Contact 4067 6162
BARTLE FRERE STATE SCHOOL - Family Day Group Tuesday 9am—11am 4067 6240
BRAMSTON BEACH MOTEL: CRAFT/GET TOGETHER MORNINGS: Tuesdays 10am - 12 midday. Ph Debra 40674139
BUMBLEBEES PLAYGROUP - Tuesdays 9-11am, Community Hall, Church St, ph Honorei 0408 205 053 for details
CARER’S SUPPORT NETWORK - Last Friday of month, Innisfail Hospital, Transport available ph: 40678200
CHILD HEALTH CLINIC - 2nd Wednesday of the month 10am Hospital. Ph 4061 5388
CHRISTMAS IN BABINDA: Saturday 6 December. Contact Kitty Anning for further information 07 4067 1202
INFO CENTRE - Open 9 - 4 daily, 40671 008, www.babindainfocentre.com.au (view this Newsletter in colour)
KIDS CLUB - Grade 1 to Grade 7 - Wednesday 5pm to 7.30pm CWA Hall, Babinda
MENSHED’S - Wed & Fri’s 9am-2pm @ Babinda’s Showground contact Merv for further info: 40618494
QCWA BABINDA- 2nd Sat of the month meeting 9.30am .4th Mon of the month - Hoy/Mini Cent Sale 1.30pm
QCWA DEERAL-2nd Wednesday of the month– Meeting 9.30am Craft follows meeting. Deeral Hall
RELAXABOUT MASSAGE RETREAT - Phone Judi Van Dycke on 0400 726 245
SAMARITAN’S PURSE: Christmas Shoe Box Appeal October. Drop off to 123 Munro St. Phone: 4067 2541 or 4067 1651
SOCIAL TOUCH FOOTBALL - Every Thursday night 7pm Bill Wakeham Park
SUNDAY SCHOOL - Presbyterian Church Hall @ 8:45am. Contact Miss Shirley for further details on 4067 2261
SNAKE REMOVALIST - Brian James mobile 0400 752 977 or home phone 4067 1581
STORYTIME - Babinda Library 3rd Tuesday each month, 10.30 -11.30am, 4067 1112
TAI CHI - Wednesdays 9.30am -10.30am SOB Hall, 51 Munro St, Babinda
WILDLIFE CARERS (FNQ) 4067-6054 (after 4pm & W/ends) 0428 699 246 (7.30am to 4.00pm Mon to Fri)
WOMEN’S FREE CLINIC Babinda Hospital, Tuesday 25 November phone 4067 8200 for appointment
YOGA - Wednesdays 5.30am - 7.00pm, SOB Hall, 51 Munro St, Babinda, Ingrid: 4056 6909
Babinda News Newsletter Monthly Advertising Rates
and Annual Membership fees (GST inclusive)
Membership prices
Business card size........................$22.00
Business card size………….……..$25.00
Quarter page………………….…$35.00
Quarter page……….……………...$40.00
Half page……………………..…$50.00
Half page……………….…………$55.00
Whole page………………….....$100.00
Whole page……………….……..$110.00
1st July - 30th June
All enquiries to 51 Munro Street, Babinda P: (07) 4067 2900 F: (07) 4067 2911
E: babindataskforce@bigpond.com