Scents & Nonscents Pushy Pups and Parenthood

Scents & Nonscents
Nov/Dec. 2014
Pushy Pups and Parenthood
Yup, if you have a puppy, you are a parent!
You have a responsibility to raise the best pup
that you can manage, one that is happy,
healthy, and sociable.
Teaching People and their Dogs
for over 50 years.
Inside this issue:
Christmas Lists
News Notes
Happy Heeling
Oct. Minutes
The Pres Sez
SDOC Nomina-
Pix From Agility Trial
Double Q
Annual Forms
Meeting Schedules
Back Cover
Page 1
problem when you are grooming. Handling
that pup all over from the time it is born is the
best way, but include it that special attention to
gently rubbing the ears and feet and opening
the mouth. You, your handler, your groomer,
Sociability includes being friendly with people, and your vet will truly appreciate this when the
both known and unknown, and with dogs
pup is grown. Pushy pups may resist, but you
whether at a dog park, a show/trial ring, or just need to be gentle yet firm. Being too rough can
on the street. It’s a given that you want a pup
lead to problems of fear or aggression later in
that is friendly with folks who come to visit
you in your home, and that if one of you travels
a lot, that when that spouse/family member
When playing with pups, still keep a little conreturns, the dog lets him back into your famitrol. The pup should not run the playground. If
ly—and bed. So your responsibility starts at
you roughhouse with them and let them get
their way too often, you will set up a situation
when you will not have control when it is needMany pups are delightful with their cunning
ed. They won’t know when to stop; when
little ways, but give a thought to the fact that
enough is enough.
those cute little ways may not be nearly as cute
when that Great Dane, German Shepherd, or
No pup should ever be allowed to guard toys or
other large dog still wants to jump up on you at food bowls, etc. from other dogs or refuse to let
age 4. This does not mean that you need to
you pick a toy or food bowl whenever you
smack the pup every time it jumps up, but you choose. Practice picking up toys, bowls, etc.
do need to be able to control it. In fact, smack- from the time they just begin to encounter
ing the pup is apt to lead to yet other problems. them. A greyhound, gentle as they are, can be
At the beginning, all that should be necessary is a formidable opponent if they want to argue
the word, “Off”, and a gentle push back to the about such things. Any dog, any size can be a
floor. If the pup persists, try interlocking your serious problem if allowed to ‘guard’ anything
fingers to form a “table” and as the pup jumps from toy or bone to crate. Nothing is more
up, lower that ‘table’ so that their nose will
annoying at a show or trial than that dog in a
connect with it. This does not mean smashing crate that barks at every dog or person that
their noses it, but is more of a means of letting passes and soon has every dog in the area barkthem correct themselves. As they grow older, ing. It may seem cute at first, but have you
and if the problem has not corrected itself, you ever had a dog that was ‘guarding’ its crate or
may need to resort to a spray bottle. You really even its car lunge out at you? It’s a scary situawant to correct the pup without giving that spe- tion and is certainly not going to impress the
cial attention which it is seeking, and a spray in general public with our dogs’ temperaments.
the face is not what they want. I have used the
old-fashioned Listerine in a bottle if plain water There are many more aspects to puppy training,
and I may attack those at a later date. Just redid not work. Nasty tasting stuff, and something easily kept on hand. Teaching them a sit member that control of your pup doesn’t mean
command early on is also useful. We all know severity, just consistency. Also, remember that
how it can help when anyone comes to the door if you haven’t had a pup recently, they have
only two speeds, full steam ahead and asleep.
or when you are out in public.
Another behavior you will want to shape into
obedience is handling. By this I don’t mean
handling for the show ring, but handling of all
parts of the body, including toes, ears, and
mouth. These are the parts that can be the most
SDOC Class Schedules and Notes
How to Contribute:
For full information concerning up-coming classes whether obedience or
agility, please refer to the Sandia Dog Obedience Club website. It is found
Call Betty Pearson at 898-2706 to sign up for classes.
SDOC’s newsletter
is published 11 times
per year.
Contributions are
welcome at any time,
provided they are in
an electronic format
(*.txt, *.doc, *.jpg,
*.tiff) and received by
All Len Stans two pups want are treats and toys. I think Pat Stans wants peace and quiet!
the deadline.
Send your items and
ideas to the Editor.
Laurel Drew
873-1729 or
Deadline for each
issue is the of
each month!
Information is
believed correct at
the time of printing,
however the Editor
and staff bear no
responsibility for
errors or omissions.
The Editor is deeply
indebted to Lisa
Frankland for CoEditing, and Allie
Wimber for copying
and mailing, and to
Clinton Wolf for
posting to the Club’s
Page 2
Amy’s Dobe, Rush wants lots of dogs to play with. Amy wants a bubble to put Rush in.
The other dogs want the bubble too, but they say, no oxygen! [Coal in your stockings
guys! -Santa] Amy also wants no more vet bills!
Laurel Drew’s hounds want lots of Bully Sticks and more runs on the mesa. Laurel wants a
Grad. Novice title for Cinder and to get Mercy into obedience training. Laurel personally
wants Santa to grant her more skill as a handler!
Maggie Gee’s kids want toys, toys, toys…. Maggie wants a UDX for Solar, some maturity for
Jimmy, and good health for all.
Dee Falk’s dogs want toys treats and a live cat! Dee wants an AKC CAT for them. And
maybe some barn rats.
Jo Ashburn’s Corgis want steak tartare! Jo wants a VST for Brodie and a Nosework 1 for
Jeff and Cathy Robb’s Kai wants a king-sized bed of his own, just like his owners. Django
wants HUGE toys and a girl of his own. Cathy wants Django neutered, and Jeff wants 2
titles for Django next year, one in conformation and one in obedience.
Donna Sloan’s crew want lots of squeaky toys and an automatic treat dispenser. Donna
wants titles for them.
Toi Tschohl’s dogs want bones, RAW bones, thank you. While Toi wants more night and
weekend classes for advanced dogs.
Hallie Ray reports that Sheltie Zia would like tennis balls, any color, worn or not, and as
many as possible! Sheltie Ghillie would like a filled never ending sugar bowl on the floor so
he doesn’t have to sneak up on the table to get it. Sheltie Jamie would like Zia and Ghillie
to go away. (There may be coal in your stocking, Jamie). Hallie would like a small dose of
confidence for Zia at the shows.
Sherry Rogers reports that she would like Zuni to get obedience and rally titles in the
spring, but Zuni says that SHE wants the new kitty to stop picking on her, it’s embarrassing!
Scents & Nonscents
Newsnotes From the Neighborhood
Your Editor
I apologize for the lateness of this newsletter. I originally took my printer in to have it repaired.
While there, I began looking at monitors. I ended up getting a new large monitor (easier on these
elderly eyes), a new laptop, and a new printer as mine could not be repaired. I had not had it installed BY the tech for 3 days when my email was hacked. I am not, never have been, nor ever
plan to be in the Ukraine. Ever since then I’ve been fighting with my email. Since everyone sends
me their brags, articles, reports, etc. by email, it has been very difficult. I AM getting the newsletter out, but I’m also tearing my hair out. I’m having major problems with Yahoo. I set up a password, and the next time I use it, it refuses me entry. Go figure! Anyway, this long-winded editor’s
note is to tell you all that I feel very sorry about not getting this one out in a truly timely fashion.
It may take another tech to get this all straightened out. Sigh!
DON’T FORGET THE CHRISTMAS PARTY! Bring an unwrapped gift for a dog (one for each dog of
yours for whom you want a present) and leave it in the pile at the east end of the room. After the meeting, the dogs will select their own presents. It’s LOTS of fun! This is also a good time for Christmas
cookies and such. Hint, hint.
There are LOTS AND LOTS of new puppies in the Club this fall. Also a couple new adults. Len Stans
has gotten a new puppy rescue Aussie named Rudy partially trained from the Women’s Prison in Grants.
They have a great program going there, and the dogs they train are finding good homes. Check them
out if you are looking for a great companion. Hope I got that right, Len. He also got an adult mix breed
named Marie who I am told is a real sweetie. Dorothy Montano recently had 2 litters of Aussies, 12
pups total, and 0 have gone to Agility homes. Karen Provine got a little blue merle I believe while Laura
Echevarria now has a black tricolor. Peggy Chandler got one of these pups named Buzz, and Phyl Collier to black and white Brillo. Donna Faulkner is enjoying her new Papillon, Quik, a white and sable,
and Jennie Allen is already training her Aussie, Cash, for nosework. The Christmas Gift Exchange
should be fun to watch this year!!
Be Sure to Check
the Website for
complete class
information , class
applications and
special updates.
Training Year
(per the SDOC
Be sure to attend the SDOC Membership meeting on Nov. 21 (early
due to Thanksgiving). We need a quorum for the Elections.
For these
purposes, the
training year will
be from
December 1 to
November 30 of
the following
year. The total
hours of any
class which
begins on or
before December
Nemo and the Shark at the Halloween
Party. Note the Boston Prison in background!
1 will be credited
to the following
training year.
Page 3
Happy Heeling
By John Clendenin, OTD
To register for
any Agility
Kim and Marco Banales have stepped forward to run a Black Friday Conformation Show N Go Nov. 28
from noon to 2 p.m. Depending on turnout, this could become an annual event. The building will be offlimits for much of Nov. 28 to accommodate this very special Black Friday special.
class, contact:
Bill Chambers
Several of you have signed up for the 2015 Friday Night Run-Throughs. Thanks for that. We still need a
bunch more to take a month or two to fill out the coming year.
Or 281-5187
We’ve spotted mice at the club in recent weeks. If you find any food (dog or human) that’s only in bags
and not in plastic containers anywhere in the club, trash it or take it home, even if it’s not yours. Keep your
dogs out of the kitchen and the maid’s closet. Thanks to Maggie Gee, Stephanie Kouretsos and Barb Peterson for getting on the problem right away.
2014 was a great year, not quite as stupendous as last year, but we’ll take it. You taught 14 Basic Novice
classes, right on par. The Puppy classes were down to 9, a couple less than normal, but good enough.
I can’t emphasize enough the importance of Basic Novice and Puppy classes. Without them we literally
have no place to train.
Two Intermediate Novice classes were both welcome and much needed. One Canine Freestyle. Rally was
as strong as ever, with 3 classes already under our belts. And a CGC class.
Nosework continues to grow, with God-knows-how-many classes taught this year.
Drills cost $7
per dog per
The key bridges to the future for our handlers are the drills and skills classes. We held week after week of
Super Drill, Novice Drill, Rally Drill and the Obedience Skills class. Not to mention the Freestyle earlymorning drill.
This ends my tenure as Obedience Training Director. In these 3 years, we’ve made progress in all the programs under my umbrella: Obedience, Rally, Nosework, Canine Freestyle and Conformation. This is all
thanks to you, not me. Most of the improvements were at your instigation. My job was simply to grease
the wheels so you could make it all happen.
We continue to face some issues that will become really big deals in the long term. Most importantly, we
need to find ways to add to the list of Obedience Instructors, especially in Basic Novice.
I can’t list everyone in the world who helped me, but I’d be remiss not the thank Len Stans, who saves the
club a ton of money in maintenance and repair bills, Maggie Gee, who takes on lots of small projects plus
many a Puppy class, and Jacque Obermeyer (now of Oregon), who ran Rally so I could train my attention
on many other things.
To register for
Thanks as well to the various and sundry members of my Training Committee over the years: Jeff Robb,
Toi Tschohl, Julie Brozek, Catherine Waters and Michele Lommasson. Your advice proved invaluable.
any Obedience
And thanks most of all to the Phone Committee, the hub of the club: Registrar Betty Pearson as well as
Estelle Metz, Pat Lawson and Eva Modrich.
class, contact:
Betty Pearson
That is all. John.
At 898-2706
Page 4
Scents & Nonscents
October General Meeting Minutes
By Amy Hendricks, Corresponding Secretary
The SDOC meeting was held October 31, 2014 at 7050 San Pedr o in Albuquer que. The meeting
was called to order at 7:01 by President Jeff Robb. Present were Karen Provine, Estelle Metz, Betty
Pearson, Terri Brown, Pam Sehmer, Obedience Training Director John Clendenin, and Agility CoDirectors Peggy Chandler and Barb Petersen. Absent were Michele Lommasson, Suzanne Ratchner,
and Leslie Swisher.
Terri Brown made a motion to accept the September minutes with the corrections of: the readings recorded were not the second, instead they were the first. Also, Hannah Agee is stepping down from her
agility commitments, not Melanie Mead. Laurel Drew seconded the motion, and it passed.
President’s Report Thanks go to the small ar my of people who helped with the Novice and Open
onsite agility trial. We got many good comments and thank you's. We had many competitors from out
of town. Big thanks to Hannah Agee for all her hard work and getting this trial started in the first place.
Linda Smith will take over Hannah’s duties next year for this trial. The AKC Obedience/Rally judge’s
seminar that has been requested to be held here is being scheduled 3 years from now. An agility seminar has also been requested. The annual trainer’s banquet to be held in Jan. will again be held at the
Tanoan Country Club. Donna Sloan and Allie Wimber are in charge of planning. The same menu will
be served as it was so popular. A golf cart service will be offered from the parking lot as the stairs and
walk were challenging for some last year. Past president Maggie Gee had foot surgery earlier this
week. She is doing well, but send her an email during her recovery. The forms for the banquet and also
ordering title bars are in the foyer and online.
Vice President’s Report Please r emember to sign in. The member ship r enewal for ms ar e also in
the foyer. Please complete and send in before December 31.
Recording Secretary’s Report Ther e was a Nosewor k ORT a couple of weeks ago. All SDOC
competitors passed everything they entered.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report Rober t A. Amen will be a delegate for the class of 2019. The
agility events of 9/19,20,21/2014 have been received and processed by AKC. Agility events for
3/13,14,15/2015 have been approved for the dates, location, and judges as requested. The Banales have
graciously offered to have a “Black Friday” conformation run-thru at SDOC. The board approved, and
cost will be the same as for drills for each dog. The building will be off limits except for participants
the day after Thanksgiving. Thanks to Marco and Kim for this opportunity for members. A letter has
been received regarding Conformation approval changes from AKC. A copy is on the AKC website,
and Estelle also has a copy.
Join SDOC’s
YAHOO! group:
Rosemary Burtch
rosybee@earthli with
Treasurer’s Report Given and on file.
Board members at large Ter r i Br own has been given the task of maintaining and updating an
official Facebook page for SDOC. She will start January 1. This will be the public face for SDOC, so
titles, new puppies, and pictures are welcomed. All discussions should still take place on the club’s
Yahoo page. She asks for your patience as she is still learning.
Tracking Director’s Report Absent.
Obedience Director’s Report The building is off limits on Black Fr iday for the Confor mation
Run Thru Drill. Super Drill will start on January 6, 2015. Nosework, Novice, Rally, and KPT are all
starting in January. The parking lot is restriped!
Agility Director’s Report Thanks to J ohn, Peggy, Maggie, and J eff for addr essing the mice pr oblem found during the on-sit agility trial. The first year the onsite agility trial was held, there were 45
runs. This year there were 200. It was a big success. The Gerry Brown seminar recently held was insightful and helpful. All classes for agility are off for the month of December. Drills are still offered.
Check the web
Continued on page 7
Continued from page 5
Page 5
The Prez Sez
By Jeff Robb
October was a busy month for our members. There were the Valencia Valley KC Obedience, Rally and Conformation shows in Los Lunas and the SDOC Novice/Open Agility Trial at our site.
Hannah Agee served as Trial Chair for the Agility Trial—many thanks, Hannah. While I was at
the trial, I saw and heard folks from out of town, out of state and from other training facilities pay
SDOC many compliments. This will be Hannah’s last Trial as Chair, and we all owe her a great
deal for developing the idea of a Novice and Open trial only, held at SDOC. It has proven very
popular and entries have increased many fold since our first N/O trial.
To order SDOC
t-shirts and
contact Estelle
Stay warm or
be cool, in
We had a presentation on canine first aid at our September meeting that was much appreciated.
Thanks to Karen Provine for coming up with this idea and finding a veterinarian to speak to us.
The October meeting was our annual Halloween Party—dogs in costume and games! A good
time was had by all.
Don’t forget to get your Title bars/Plaque order forms turned in, as well as your reservations for
our annual Awards Banquet (January 3, at Tanoan Country Club). And most importantly, complete your membership renewal and get it (and our dues) in before the end of the year!
As we approach the holiday season, it is a time for thankfulness and celebration. I am finishing up
my first year as your president and have so many people to thank for making this a good year for
SDOC. Those of you who served on the Board or as Officers were patient and supportive, making
my job a lot easier. The Training Directors (John Clendenin—Obedience; Barb Peterson & Peggy
Chandler—Agility along with Leslie Swisher of Tracking and Amy Hendrickson of Nosework,
did a great job! There are those who took on our major events, making them all successful—
Obedience Trials (Spring—Terri Brown, Fall—Dora Cressy); Agility Trials (Spring—Barb Peterson, Fall—Melanie Mead, Novice/Open—Hannah Agee); Fun Matches (Agility—Phyllis Collier,
Obedience—Donna & Jerry Faulkner and Jeanne Gill) a great deal of effort was required and
much appreciated. All of you who served on phone committees, as registrars, and on the training
staff helped generate the funds that support all of our activities. We could not survive without
you. And there are those who agreed to accept the many and varied jobs we need to exist—from
Len Stans (Building and Grounds), to Laurel Drew and Lisa Frankland (Newsletter), to Clint Wolf
(our Web Master), Barb Mitchell (Hearts & Flowers), and Donna Sloan (Banquet & Librarian)
and all of you who pitched in whenever something was needed. We have a remarkable group of
folks in this Club, and it has made me proud to be able to say I have been your President this year.
Left: Terry Brown
and “The Coat of
Many Colors”
Right: Some of the
dogs in the Halloween Costume Parade; Note the
Skeleton Ballerina,
in background My
Little Pony & The
Chippendog. Fun!!!
Page 6
Scents & Nonscents
SDOC Election Nominations!
SDOC Fall elections will be held at the November meeting on Nov. 18. The following are the
official nominees. IF you want to be on the ballot or have someone else who wishes to run, be
sure to get your information and a signed letter saying you want to run to the SDOC Committee
Head, Betty Pearson right away! Nominations from the floor will be held at the October meeting. All nominees must, of course, be SDOC members in good standing.
Vice President:
Recording Secretary:
Corresponding Secretar:y
Jeff Robb
Karen Provine
Karen Naughton
Estelle Metz
Betty Pearson
Pam Sehmer
Terri Brown
site for availability. Amy Goldberg sends her thanks for the cake and gift celebrating
her recent marriage. A canine first aid kit is now available in the outside bathroom. If
anything is used, please let Amy Goldberg know so she can restock.
New Business Newsletter editor Laur el Dr ew was r ecently hacked (she never
went to the Ukraine). Please send all articles, submissions, and brags this month to
Lisa Frankland. If your dog has a Christmas list, or you have wishes for them, please
submit them also.
There were no nominations for the 2015 board submitted from the floor. The slate is
as follows: Jeff Robb, president, Karen Provine, Vice President, Treasurer, Betty Pearson, Corresponding Secretary, Estelle Metz, Recording Secretary, Karen Naughton, At
large board members, Terri Brown, Pam Sehmer, Michele Lommasson, and Suzanne
Ratchner. Terri Brown made a motion to close the nominations, Pam Sehmer seconded, and the motion passed.
The December general meeting will be held the 12th of the month. It is early because
of the holidays.
Mark Brownstein is the Chair for the May Obedience Show. Volunteers are needed
for fun matches on Thursday and Friday. If interested, contact him.
Has your dog
new? E-mail all
the details to
the Editor.
AND—if there’s
a “CH” or “X”
anywhere in
that title, please
include a
picture of your
It is once again time for nominations for the Saul Rovinsky award (service to the club). Also the Good
Sportsmanship award needs noms. Check the website for how to nominate someone.
Second membership readings for Donna Jernigen and Laura Hund were held. Donna Sloan made a motion
they both be accepted into membership. Allie Wembler seconded and the motion passed. Welcome to
Thanks for all the contributions to hospitality this month, our annual Halloween party. Cathy Robb, Estelle
Metz and all the contributors are appreciated.
Meeting adjourned at 7:42.
Submitted by Amy Hendrickson
Page 7
Brags, Brags and More Brags
Any venue, any breed
Sherry Rogers Rottie boy, Zuni, earned his Carting Started and Carting Intermediate (off leash) at
the RCNM carting test last Sun. in Rio Rancho. He had a great time and earned two first places!
Maggie Gee’s Solar Golden earned his Novice Agility Preferred at our trials in Sept. and then finished his Novice FAST Preferred title at our trials (Novice/Open) in October.
Lisa Frankland’s Papillon, Blast, went 4 for 4, finishing both his Novice Standard and Jumpers titles, and getting his first Open Standard leg at SDOC’s Novice/Open agility trials. The following
weekend, he earned his first Open Jumpers Q and finished his Open Standard title at VVKC.
Lisa is also very proud to report that her Kerry Blue Terrier, Remington, received a Diamond level
Versatility Award from the USKBTC for earning titles in seven different areas—conformation, obedience, agility, rally, miscellaneous (coursing ability), barn hunt, and herding. He is the first, and so
far only Kerry to reach this level!
Kevin Dooley and Penni Adrian’s Cardigan Corgi, Elyan The Auburn Tigress finished her CD at the
Los Lunas shows!
At the SDOC Novice/Open Agility trials in October, Clint Wolf’s Golden Skyler took three firsts to
earn her Open Standard title.
Donna Sloan’s MinPin, GCH Reh-Pin’s Mask of Zorro RN earned his Beginner Novice title at the
Los Lunas trials with very nice scores.
At the same time, Donna’s Travis finished his Graduate Novice title. Nice going, Donna!
Evelyn Vinogradov’s Aussies, Tux and Doc, had a great time at the Oct.
Agility trials at the SDOC training site.
Janice Anthes and her Flat-Coated Retriever, Tempe, got Tempe’s Grand
Championship in Pueblo!!
Barb Peterson
and Peggy
Agility Directors
can be reached
Sherry Rogers
and Zuni carting.
Officers, Board of Directors & Others 2014
Members of the Board:
Ongoing Programs:
Obedience Director: John Clendenin
President: Jeff Robb
Vice President: Karen Provine
Agility Director: Peggy Chandler &
Barb Peterson
Treasurer: Betty Pearson
Tracking Director: Leslie Swisher
Corresponding Secretary: Estelle Metz
Recording Secretary: Amy Hendrickson
Board of Directors: Pam Sehmer,
Michele Lommasson, Gloria NapperOwen, Terri Brown
Page 8
Editor: Laurel Drew
Production Staff: Lisa Frankland, Allie
Wimber and Peggy Chandler
Web Wizard: Clint Wolf
Thank you one and all!
Scents & Nonscents
SDOC Members Having Fun At Oct. Trials
SDOC Board
Meetings are
held on the
Tuesday prior
to General
meetings at the
SDOC Training
Minutes are
available for
review by
contacting the
Secretary at
dobiedudes@m or at
any General
Want to become
a member? Get
an application in
the lobby at the
Club building, or
download from
the SDOC web
Page 9
Many thanks to all who made the SDOC Novice/Open trial such a success.
On Thursday we cleared the field and we would like to thank Stephanie Kouretsos, Barbara Peterson and two students
Susan Keller and John Allen. The field looked nice and weed-free thanks to Kalila Peterson. Clint Wolf dragged the field,
which was icing on the cake.
The field was watered on Friday morning and set-up started on Friday afternoon. The set-up ran smoothly thanks to Mike
Provine, Gayle and Ray Elliott, Peggy and Chuck Chandler and LeAnn Miller. With artistic touches, Stephanie Kouretsos
prepped the building.
Early Saturday morning the field was primed some more and we started at 8 AM. Brian Owen, our judge extraordinaire,
was efficient and kind to all exhibitors. Many thanks Brian! Brian is our judge next year too. Yay!
Our Chief Course builder LeAnn Miller, always punctual and ready, had great help from Carl Necker and Mike Provine.
Barbara Peterson was in charge of Hospitality. The goodies she provided earned her a lot of accolades from exhibitors.
Gayle Elliott kept, as Chief Ring Steward, the ring moving smoothly.
Our Trial Secretary Nancy Culley was her usual efficient self and the score sheets were up in a jiffy. Our Scribe for the
weekend was Linda Smith -- always a pleasure having her on board. We had great timers, Toi Tschohl, Lisa Frankland
to name a few. Susan Neal was always ready to yell out “Ribbons” and the toys were popular.
Many, many handlers helped out setting bars. Scribe and Leash runners were not hard to find. We were never short of
Our days started at 6 AM. Thanks to Maggie Gee and Stephanie Kouretsos (and the coffee!), we made it through the
early hours of preparation.
After the trial we cleared the field, loaded the trailer and moved equipment for classes onto the field from the shed.
LeAnn Miller, Mike Provine, Peggy and Chuck Chandler, Janice Anthes, Gayle and Suzanne were fabulous. Maggie,
Barbara, Toi took care of the building.
I hope I mentioned everyone because you all deserve to be recognized for your hard work.
It has been a true pleasure to start this event and to see it become a yearly tradition at SDOC. Linda Smith is taking over
next year. Talk to her if you would like to be a part of a very special trial.
Hannah Agee
Trial Chair
Tweedle-dum and Tweedledee from the Halloween Party
Page 12
SDOC Annual Luncheon Awards Banquet
Tanoan Country Club
10801 Academy Rd. NE
Saturday, January 3, 2015
11:00 AM — 2:00 PM
$21.50 per person
Reservations Due by Dec. 15, 2014!!!
Please select one entrée per person. Indicate how many persons are choosing each entrée.
_____________Rosemary Lemon Roasted Chicken/Smashed Yukon Gold Potatos, etc.
_____________Roasted Pork Loin with Fig & Port sauce/warm potato salad, etc.
_____________Fire Roasted Vegetable Ravioli in a Truffle-4 cheese sauce, etc.
Please complete this form and mail with payment to:
Donna Sloan
9700 Salem Rd. NE
Albuq., NM 87112
For any questions, please contact Donna (299-5906) or Jeff (345-0681)
Page 11
Prsrt Std
US Postage
Permit 759
Albuquerque NM
Sandia Dog Obedience Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 93053
Albuquerque, NM 87199
Teaching People and their Dogs
for over 50 years.
(505) 888-4221
Visit us on the web:
Upcoming Club Meetings
More details...
uture Board Meetings (in the Office at
the SDOC training building) - always
at 6:30 p.m.
Future General Membership Meetings (in
the SDOC training building) - always at
7:00 p.m.
November 18
November 21
December 9
December 12 (Christmas Party)
January 27
January 30
February 24
February 27
March 24
March 27
April 21
April 24
May 27
May 30
Remember: see for local events.
Page 12