LearnBloodTransfusion.org.uk Pre-transfusion procedures Blood components and products – indications and specific requirements LearnMassive about the latest in transfusion practice via an exciting Collection procedure flexible e-learning modular course. AdministrationTopics procedure covered include: Managing the transfused patient Serious Hazards Of Transfusion (SHOT) Blood Group serology Requesting procedures Sampling procedures Administration procedures Managing the transfused patient You study at your own pace at a time that is convenient to you. Never before has learning been so easy ! The learning is suitable for all staff involved in any part of transfusion practice. To date some of the staff who have taken advantage of this revolutionary training have included: Medical Staff Nurses/Midwifes Operating Departments Practitioners Phlebotomists Support Workers Do you want to learn and keep up to date with the safest practices in Transfusion? For more information about the course and for details on how to start learning please contact: Diana Agacy Cowell Specialist Practitioner of Transfusion Ext.8910. Bleep 2463 Diana.agacy-cowell@suht.swest.nhs.uk www.learnbloodtransfusion.org.uk - 22 - NNBS/LBT/doc/007/V01/Dec05 Learnbloodtransfusion e-learning package The Learnbloodtransfusion E-learning package (www.learnbloodtransfusion.org.uk) has been developed by the Better Blood Transfusion Programme and been in operation since 2004. The National Blood Service purchased an access agreement from Scotland to make the E-learning package available to hospitals in England and North Wales. The package can be accessed at www.learnbloodtransfusion.org.uk The aim of the package is to assist all healthcare workers to provide consistently high standards of practice when participating in the transfusion process. The package has been developed at two levels: Level 1: Level 2: is the first unit in this series. It is aimed at all staff groups involved in the administration of blood components, including medical and nursing staff, Operating Department Practitioners (ODP’s), clinical support workers and porters. Safe Transfusion Practice 1 covers the constituents of blood components and summarises the indications for use, the therapeutic benefits and risks and the management of adverse events. The unit has been designed for clinicians, nurses and ODP’s who regularly use blood components in their day-to-day practice. Safe Transfusion Practice 2 The site gives direct links to the Handbook of Transfusion Medicine, the British Committee for Standards in Haematology guidelines, Serious Hazards of Transfusion reporting scheme and the National Blood Service Hospitals website. Learning activities, an e-mentor tool, and a glossary explaining all the terms and a knowledge assessment are included. On-line Recording and Assessment System (ORAS) The On-line Recording and Assessment System (ORAS Gold™) is a management system that records and reports any learning you undertake on the learnbloodtransfusion E-learning package accessed at www.learnbloodtransfusion.org.uk Once you are registered all your details will be kept securely. All your information is private and confidential and covered by the DATA Protection Act. Why register with ORAS Gold™? - Registering with ORAS Gold™ means that you will have an individual record of the modules and Assessments you have completed. You can provide evidence of the theoretical knowledge that you have gained by the production of a certificate. Formal accreditation of the package is currently being sought. Why is ORAS Gold™ being introduced? - - ORAS Gold™ has been developed to put you in control of your personal learning record. The Blood Safety and Quality Regulations 2005 states that your hospital is now required to show evidence that staff have received training in blood transfusion. The ORAS Gold™ system gives your hospital the ability to maintain training and education records. Learner Factsheets The Learnbloodtransfusion E-Learning Package & On-line Recording and Assessment system (ORAS) To obtain a unique learning record and evidence that you have passed the learnbloodtransfusion Elearning package assessment you need to register your details on the Online Recording and Assessment System (ORAS Gold™) even if you have accessed the E-learning site before. I have already registered with ORAS Gold™ No further details are required; proceed directly to log in where you can access your personal record. - How do I register? Access the E-learning site at www.learnbloodtransfusion.org.uk - From the home page of the site click “e-learning zone” at the top of the page to access the elearning package and ORAS Gold™. - Select England from the drop down menu. - You will be required to provide some personal and work related details. You will need an e- mail address and your National Insurance number. For a step-by-step user guide, please see below. - Tips before registration All boxes should be completed in the same order as they appear on your screen. - Mandatory boxes are identified by a red asterix. The registration process will not proceed until these details are provided. - There may be slight delays as you enter data (particularly your Trust and your Hospital). This allows ORAS Gold™ to refresh and provide only those details relevant to your place of work – so be patient. (If your hospital or work area are not available as an option during registration please contact your Trust Administrator) - on the right hand side of the page. These are designed to help There are several Help icons you through the registration process. - You are required to choose a password. Keep your password easy to remember, but also keep it secure. Your password should be a minimum of six characters and these can be letters and/or numbers. - Step by step guide 1. From the home page of the website at www.learnbloodtransfuson.org.uk, click "e-learning Zone” to access E-learning package and ORAS Gold™. 2. Select England from the drop down menu 3. Select register 4. Enter your first and last names in the boxes provided. 5. Enter your e-mail address (see I don’t have an e-mail address, what can I do ?) 6. Re-enter your e-mail address to confirm, this allows the system to identify any typing errors. 7. NB your e-mail address becomes your username for future access. 8. Service/Organisation 9. Trust 10. Hospital 11. Ward – select your base ward from the drop down menu. select from the drop down menu Fact Sheet 1 Registration Discipline – select a discipline, which best describes the area where you work. Disciplines are listed in alphabetical order. 13. Role – select a role, which best describes your job title. 14. Grade – select your current grade (some roles have no applicable grades – therefore select “not applicable”). 15. National Insurance number – your NI number is essential for registration. It is used as a unique identifier within the database and is an established protocol within the NHS. Be assured that your NI number cannot be viewed by anyone else but you. (Your NI number can be found on your wage slip). 16. Work address 17. Town 18. Postcode 19. Choose password – choose a password with a minimum of six letter/numbers. Passwords are case sensitive. 20. Confirm password – re-enter your chosen password, this allows the system to identify and typing errors. 21. Click on the register box. (ORAS Gold™ will identify any incomplete mandatory data fields with a red asterix *). 22. ORAS Gold™ will now process your registration for approval and authorisation. This process may take only a few minutes or up to 24 hours. Enter details as appropriate. This information is useful if ORAS Gold™ needs to contact you by telephone in the future (N.B. If any details required for registration are not available when selecting from the drop down menus, please contact your Trust Administrator) I don’t have an e-mail address, what can I do? Ideally you need a live e-mail address (work or home), as this allows ORAS Gold™ to contact you. However, a “dummy” address can be created (for the purpose of ORAS Gold™ registration only) using a standard e-mail format e.g. 1stname.2ndname@ORAS.com - If you use a dummy address you will not receive notification that your registration has been accepted so please wait a short while before attempting to access the site again. - What happens after I register? Registration is automated and you will be able to access the e-learning package almost immediately. - If you have registered using a live e-mail address, ORAS Gold™ will automatically inform you of acceptance and authorisation by email. - You are then free to log in to the learning and assessment modules as often as you choose. - My details have changed, can I update ORAS Gold™ Personal details (including name, location, hospital) can be updated at any time. Look for “edit my details” on the welcome page and follow the prompts. - It is your responsibility to ensure ORAS Gold™ is updated with your details at all times. - Further Information - If you have any questions regarding privacy and site security, contact your local Trust Administrator. Fact Sheet 1 12. The learnbloodtransfusion E-learning site offers a flexible approach to learning. Included are two levels each divided into modules (level 1 has 7 and level 2 has 8 modules), which can be undertaken in any order and at any time. This means that you can complete your learning as and when it suits you. You can complete the whole programme to give you an understanding of the entire topic or only those modules relevant to your role. Your hospital may have specific modules that you are required to complete, so please check with your local Trust Administrator. When you feel you are ready, you can undertake the assessment, which accompanies the module relevant to your learning needs. The E-Learning website requires Flash 7 software, if you are unable to download Flash Player, please contact your IT department or Trust Administrator for assistance. Tips for Enhancing the Learning Experience - - - Use the help notes and other resources provided throughout the E-learning programme. This will help to enhance your knowledge and help to increase the value of your learning Experience. The modules are designed to be stimulating and enjoyable to use. Look out for the interactive features and animations! As a registered user you have access to the e-mentor information sheet facility (follow links throughout learning material). This facility is only available to you as a learner if you have registered using a ‘live’ e-mail address. Module Assessment - - - - - There is an assessment for each module. On completion of a module, undertaking the assessment will reinforce your learning and provide you with evidence of your theoretical knowledge. The pass mark for all assessments is 80% All information is confidential. If you have been unsuccessful is passing a module on three occasions, your Trust Administrator will contact you, to offer further support. Certification of Achievement - - - You can print a certificate of achievement following successful completion of any module. You are encouraged to print the certificate following completion of all of the modules relevant for your role. The certificate will provide evidence of all modules you have passed, specifying date and time you passed them. What happens next? - - Your personal details will remain secure on the system. The assessment results will be archived after twelve months, after which time you will be required to update your learning to get a new certificate. Education is of key importance for safe and effective transfusion practice. You are required to regularly update your knowledge and provide evidence of your learning. Further Information If you have any questions regarding privacy and site security contact your local Trust Administrator. Fact Sheet 2 Using the learnbloodtransfusion E-Learning Website ORAS Gold™ is an Internet based system, which has been designed to be secure. System security and encrypted passwords ensure confidentiality of all user information. Your privacy and security is of utmost importance To register with the system you require either a work or home e-mail address, as your e-mail address is your user name. You also require your National Insurance number, which is a unique personal identifier. Why do I need to provide my National Insurance Number? - - - - Your National Insurance number is the only way to uniquely identify you as an individual. The National Insurance number is already used as a unique identifier. To ensure a single unique identifier is used. The National Insurance number is used rather than your professional registration number because certain staff groups undertaking the E-learning package and ORAS Gold™ system do not have professional registration numbers. Who has access to my details? - - As a registered user, you are the only person who has access to your full details. For reporting purposes, an authorised administrator within your hospital will be able to view learner profiles, which exclude the National Insurance number and grade information. What happens to my information? - - - Your personal details are stored on a secure central database. Administrators will be able to produce reports on site access, usage and assessment results. However this information is not traceable to you as an individual. Your assessment results are held on the system for one year and are then archived. After that time, you will be required to revisit the assessments to keep your accreditation current. Tips for keeping information safe - - Do not reveal your password to any other individual. Remember to exit the ORAS Gold™ site before leaving the computer. Further Information - If you have any questions regarding privacy and site security, contact your local Trust Administrator. Fact Sheet 3 Privacy and Security There are a number of support mechanisms in place to help you. Who can I contact for help? Fact sheets – there are currently 4 fact sheets available that cover a range of topics related to learnbloodtransfusion E-learning website and ORAS Gold™. These are available locally from your Trust Administrator. I have already attended face to face education session why do I have to register with ORAS Gold™ To provide evidence that you have gained theoretical knowledge for your role you should undertake the assessment and this can only be undertaken on the E-learning site. To obtain a certificate that provides evidence of your theoretical knowledge. Login and Registration I don’t have an e-mail address Whilst it is more beneficial to have a valid e-mail address so that you can receive information and updates relating to the learnbloodtransfusion E-learning package, a valid address is not required. Please refer to our Fact Sheet 1 – Registration for more details. My password doesn’t work The password is case sensitive, for example, ANYWORD is not the same as anyword (remember where you put the capital letters). Remember to wait for a short period after registration if you do not have a proper e-mail address as this allows time to set up your details. Forgotten your password? Don’t worry we can reset your password. Simply, type in your e-mail address in the box below on the login page and we will mail you a new one. What if the animation is not working? The course requires Flash 7 software if you are unable to download Flash Player please contact your IT department or Transfusion Practitioner if appropriate. What happens if I get interrupted while online? Make sure you log out before you leave your computer terminal. I have a pass mark of 80% can I re-sit the module to get a higher mark? Congratulations a pass is a pass – there is no need to increase your score. Fact Sheet 4 Troubleshooting
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