VALAND ACADEMY Kursguide – Foto yr2 Masteruppsats 1 FOA136 Masterexamenskurs i fotografi I (Introducing contemporary foto research and cultural debates) Kurskod Kursnamn FOA136 – Del Kurs 2 Masteruppsats I (Master Essay Course I), 7,5 hp (contemporary foto research and cultural debates) Kursansvarig Telefon Niclas Östlind 073-507 50 71 E-mail Termin Fall 2015 / Höst 2015 Content • • • • • • • • • • Course description and course content Course objectives Course’s educational bases and learning activities Examination Assessment criteria (if any) Course literature Course development survey Student Handbook Equal opportunity, equal treatment Contact information and participating instructors Course Description and Course Content Kursen syftar till att utveckla kommande masteruppsats; förbereda ämne, söka relevanta källor, utveckla metod samt planera uppsatsens disposition. Kursen syftar till att ämnesspecifik fördjupning samt att utveckla och pröva relevanta perspektiv och metoder för analys samt kontextualisering av skilda källmaterial. Kursen innefattar även opponering på ett annat uppsatsarbete. Syftet med oppositionen är att utveckla den kritiska förmågan genom att på ett konstruktivt sätt granska ett annat upppsatsarbete samt att ge förslag och synpunkter till förbättringar The basic content of the course comprises three parrallel series of lectures & seminars (1) Alternate Mondays (even weeks) – workshop meetings with Mick Wilson on the basic tasks in developing an important essay (shared with MFA 2 Fine Art). (2) Thursday mornings – with Niclas Östlind – a survey of contemporary photography Valand Academy (3) Friday afternoons – with Mick Wilson and Kerstin Bergendal – a survey of contemporary themes and debates in art and cultural practice. In addition to this students will have one-to-one meetings with Niclas Östlind to support the initial development of the essay. Later in the semester after you have developed a full Masters Essay proposal you will be allocated an individual essay supervisor based on the content of the proposal. Week 36 Monday 31st August 13:00-14:00 Introduction to the essay writing task. (MW) Friday 4.September 14:30-16:30 ”The contemporary critical context for cultural practice and what might we understand by research? (MW & KB) Week 37 Thursday 10 September 13:00–16:00 Regarding Reading & Writing. Introduction (with MA1) Niclas Östlind Friday 11 September 14:30-16:30 ”What is modernism?” (KB) Week 38 Monday 14th September 13:00-15:00 Reading as a way of writing: Strategies for difficult texts Thursday 17 September 10:00-11:30 John Szarkowsky and the Essence of Photography I With Niclas Östlind Reading: John Szarkowsky, The Photographer’s Eye, MoMA New York 1966. Thursday 17 September one-to-one meetings with Niclas Östlind 13:00–13.45 Ylva Bengtsson 14:00–14.45 Maria Buyondo 15:00–15:45 Hannah Giles 16:00–16:45 Malin Griffiths Friday 18 September 14:30-16:30 ”What is the modern system of the arts?” (MW) Week 39 Thursday 24/9, 10:00–11:30 Photography and Surveillance I Teacher: Niclas Östlind Guest: Louise Wolthers, Hasselblad Center . Reading: Selected essays. List will be announced not later than 3/9. Friday 25.Sep. 14:30-16:30 ”What is feminism?” (KB) Week 40 Monday 28th September 10:00-15:00 Presenting the proposal. Bring to the class your first text describing your writing project. Thursday 1/10, 10:00–11:30 Photography and Surveillance II with Niclas Östlind Reading: Allan Sekula, “The Body and the Archive”, Richard Bolton (ed), The Contest of Meaning. Critical Histories of Photography, MIT Press, 1992 (1989) Thursday 1 October one-to-one meetings with Niclas Östlind 13:00–13.45 Anja Hellström 14:00–14.45 Klara Källström 15:00–15:45 David Arnar Runólofsson Friday 2 October 10:00-19:00 (All staff and students invited- must book a place though!) Jubileum Conference on Critical Art Education Saturday 3 October 10:00-14:00 Jubileum Conference on Critical Art Education. This is an international conference on the education of artists with special guests frpm London, New York, Berlin etc. Also, a chance to meet the Jubileum Special Guest Artist in Residence Pepon Osorio. You must book a place through the website: Participation is free but places are limited: Advance booking recommended. To reserve your place at the conference please sign-up on our website ( ) The booking option is at the bottom of this webpage. Week 41 Wednesday 7 October Symposium: Watched! – all day Thursday 8 October Symposium: Watched! – all day Friday 9 October 14:30-16:30 What is an exhibition for? (MW) Week 42 Monday 12th October 10:00-12:00 MFA 2 Presenting bibliography - literature review Monday 12th October 13:00-15:00 MFA 2 How to work with references / footnotes etc. Thursday 15 October 13:00–13.45 Ylva Bengtsson 14:00–14.45 Maria Buyondo 15:00–15:45 Hannah Giles 16:00–16:45 Malin Griffiths Friday 16 October 14:30-16:30 What was / is postmodernism? Guest: Dr. Michael Baers Week 43 Thursday 22/10 10:00-11:30 Burning with Desire: Early Photography I Guest teacher: Martin McCabe, Lecturer in Photography, Dublin Institute of Technology. Reading: Geoffrey Batchen, Burning with Desire, The Conception of Photography, MIT Press, 1999 (1997) Friday 23 October 14:30-16:30 What is aesthetics? Guest Presentation Week 44 Monday 26th October 10:00-12:00 What should I read? Principles of selection / How to read? Thursday 29 October 10:00-11:30 Burning with Desire: Early Photography II Guest teacher: Magnus Bremmer, PhD in Comparative Literature, Stockholm University Thursday 29 October – one-to-one meetings with Tyrone Martinsson 13:00–13.45 Anja Hellström 14:00–14.45 Klara Källström 15:00–15:45 David Arnar Runólofsson Friday 30 October 14:30-16:30 What is the contemporary? Why this fuss about ”time”? (MW) Week 45 PAUSE WEEK Thursday 5.November and Friday 6.November all day PARSE Conference. Keynote presentations are public events. Bruno Latour. Simon Critchley. Coco Fusco. Jalal Toufic. Week 46 Tuesday 10 November 12:00 noon Deadline for the first draft of the text. Thursday 12 November 10:00-11:30 John Szarkowsky and the Essence of Photography II. The Critique. Teacher: Niclas Östlind. Reading: Christopher Phillips, “The Judgment Seat of Photography” & Abigail Solomon-Godeau, “The Armed Vision Disarmed: Radical Formalism from Weapon to Style.”, Richard Bolton (ed), The Contest of Meaning. Critical Histories of Photography, MIT Press, 1992 (1989) Thursday 12 November one-to-one meetings with Niclas Östlind 13:00–13.45 Ylva Bengtsson 14:00–14.45 Maria Buyondo 15:00–15:45 Hannah Giles 16:00–16:45 Malin Griffiths Friday 13 November 14:30-16:30 What is Capital? Guest: Dr. Michael Baers Week 47 Thursday 19 November 10:00–11:30 Regarding the Pain of Others I Teacher: Niclas Östlind / Guest: Cecilia Parsberg Reading: Susan Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others, Picador 2003 Friday 20 November 14:00-onward ( afternoon and early evening) ”Performing Resistance” Research Seminar organised by Prof. Annika Lundgren. Week 48 Monday 23rd November 10:00-12:00 Reading & writing for argument: What makes a good text? Thursday 26 November 10:00–11:30 Theory & Practice: The Works by and Working with Wolfgang Tillmans. Teacher: Niclas Östlind. Guest: Jo Widoff, Curator, Moderna Museet. (to be confirmed) Thursday 26 November one-to-one meetings with Niclas Östlind 13:00–13.45 Anja Hellström 14:00–14.45 Klara Källström 15:00–15:45 David Arnar Runólofsson Friday 27 November 10:00-16:00 Open House. All academy participates in various events. Week 49 Wednesday 2 December – 12:00 noon - Deadline to send the text to the reader: Ylva Bengtsson send to Maria Buyondo Maria Buyondo send to Hannah Giles Hannah Giles send to Malin Griffiths Malin Griffiths send to Anja Hellström send to Klara Källström Anja Hellström send to Klara Källström Klara Källström send to David Arnar Runólofsson David Arnar Runólofsson send to Ylva Bengtsson Thursday 3 December 10:00-11:30 Regarding the Pain of Others 2. Focus on Martha Rosler Teacher: Niclas Östlind - Reading: Steve Edwards, Martha Rosler: The Bowery in Two Inadequate Descriptive Systems, MIT Press 2012 Friday 4 December 14:30-16:30 What is postcolonialism? Guest: Dr. Michael Baers Week 50 Monday 7 December - All Academy Research Day – a chance to see what work your teachers are doing and what work the doctorands and other researchers in Valand are working on. Thursday 10 December 10:00-11:30 Regarding the Pain of Others III: Focus: Conflict, Time and Photography, Niclas Östlind Guest: Kent Klich, photographer. Thursday 10 December 13:00–16:45 Group supervision with Niclas Östlind Friday 11 December 14:30-16:30 What is critique? What does it feel like? (MW) Week 51 Thursday 17 December 9.00–16.00 MFA (1 and 2) presentations of written work Course Objectives The Course’s Educational Bases and Learning Activities The course is based on: Reading widely Written work produced on a regular basis by the student Group meetings on some Mondays (workshops), every Thursday morning (foto theory) and every Friday afternoon (comtemporary cultural debates). Tutorials on some Thursday afternoons with Niclas / Tyrone. Examination The basis of the examination is the production of written work and the critical response to the written work of peers. SUBMISSION OF WORK: Wednesday 2 December – 12:00 noon - Deadline to send the text to the reader: Ylva Bengtsson send to Maria Buyondo Maria Buyondo send to Hannah Giles Hannah Giles send to Malin Griffiths Malin Griffiths send to Anja Hellström send to Klara Källström Anja Hellström send to Klara Källström Klara Källström send to David Arnar Runólofsson David Arnar Runólofsson send to Ylva Bengtsson Copy to the course teaching team via-GUL page EXAM: Thursday 17 December 9.00–16.00 Students will be informed of examination results within 15 days of the examination. Students will be informed of their course grade within 15 days of the end of the course. Students who did not sit the examination or who fail will be offered the following opportunities for re-examination: • • • Third Friday in March Third Friday in August Second Friday in December In addition to the above dates, the course director may offer more opportunities for reexamination. Assessment Criteria (if any) Degree of demonstrated active participation in seminar dialogue Demonstrated the ability to develop an idea from initial outline to a well-developed written text using images in a coherent way to elaborate the discussions developed in the text. Using a reference system with consistency. Course Literature Zoya Kocur and Simon Leung. (Eds.) Theory in Contemporary Art since 1985. 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell. 2012. Artspace Editors. ”Book Report: Chris Kraus on the Ambiguous Virtues of Art School”. March 2. 2015. General resources on contemporary art (links will be provided to you through the GUL page) Journals of interest FRIEZE Magazine ARTFORUM AFTERALL VARIANT e-flux Journal CABINET GREY ROOM OPEN Inaesthetics Radical Philosophy FLASH ART A Prior Magazine Art Monthly Art Newspaper Contemporary Manifesta Journal Journal of Curatorial Studies The Exhibitionist art and curatorial projects of interest (links will be provided to you through the GUL page) GIBCA Roda Sten Göteborgs Konsthall Former West If I Can’t Dance unitednationsplaza Be[com]ing Dutch Cork Caucus Headless dOCUMENTA(13) documenta 12 Documenta 11 Documenta X other sites interest[lang]=en Course Development Survey The course will be evaluated orally at its conclusion and also in writing and anonymously via a course development survey where you will have the opportunity to provide your views on the course. After this, the instructor will write a course report containing a summary of the various evaluations, including the key observations made by the students and the instructor’s summary, analysis and action plan for the course. The compiled course development survey and course report will be published in GUL no later than eight weeks after the course ends. Student Handbook We have collected all the information needed by students studying at Valand Academy in the Student Handbook. Equal Opportunity, Equal Treatment Equal treatment means that harassment and discrimination against students or employees on the basis of gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, or age may not occur at the university. It is also forbidden to commit reprisals against someone who has lodged a complaint, i.e. to get revenge on someone who files a report. Students and staff may contact the head of department as their first recourse. As a student, you may also contact any other representative of the university, such as your instructor, programme director, study counsellor, the student union, or the equality representative. Read more about GU’s equal opportunity/equal treatment work at: Contact Information and Participating Instructors Niclas Östliund Mick Wilson Guest Lecturers include Dr. Tyrone Martinsson Other This course is a survey course – the group sessions on Friday will be shared by MFA 1 and MFA 2 Fine Art, as well as with MFA 1 Photography. The group sessions on Thursday morning will be shared with the MFA1 Photography. The group sessions on Mondays will be shared with the MFA 2 Fine Art. We also to hope to create a small social event after each session on Friday whenever possible. (More information when we meet in start-up week.)
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